iCrane : Computer Planning and Simulation of Construction Erection Processes Using Single or Multiple Cranes
iCrane : Computer Planning and Simulation of Construction Erection Processes Using Single or Multiple Cranes
Related references
1. S. C. Kang and E. Miranda, "Numerical Methods to Simulate and Visualize Detailed Crane Activities," Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 169-185, 2009. 2. S. C. Kang and E. Miranda, "Computational Methods for Coordinating Multiple Construction Cranes," Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 252-263, 2008. 3. S. C. Kang and E. Miranda, "Planning and Visualization for Automated Robotic Crane Erection Processes in Construction," Automation in Construction, vol. 15, pp. 398-414, 2006.
iCrane 智慧型工程吊車規劃與模擬程式 本研究目的在於發展能改良現有吊裝規劃方式的工具及知識,其中包含能輔助吊裝規劃人員順利作業 的程式工具,以及在未來達到自動化吊裝所需的相應規劃方法,本研究最大之貢獻在於利用數值方式 建立吊車模型,並研發出吊裝路徑規劃的演算法與之配合,達成在虛擬環境中的吊裝作業即時模擬與 呈現。吊車模型的建立依循機器人學中的Denavit-Hartenberg 標記法,如此可將吊車機構與可動關節 間的關係描述出來,並透過運動方程式模擬吊車的物理行為,以利在虛擬環境中利用電腦圖學技術加 以呈現並控制;而研究中研發的吊裝路徑自動規劃技術,則可利用電腦自行運算出無碰撞、縮短吊裝 距離的最佳路徑,此外,該吊裝路徑規劃演算法亦包含有複數吊車協同作業的考量,可在多台吊車情 況下,找出同時進行吊裝作業的解決方案。 本研究所研發之相關技術及程式功能,皆可於同一系統平台上使用,系統的名稱為iCrane,意即智慧 型吊車系統,該系統的使用時機可於實際吊裝作業進行前或進行中,方便規劃人員參考並進行吊裝作 業的模擬,利用各種可能的情境進行測試,找出適合的吊裝計畫來。
Motion planning for erection path
Tgoal Tgoal
Tinit QuickLink Method
Tinit QuickGuess Method
Tinit Modified Random Method
iCrane: Computer Planning and Simulation of Construction Erection Processes Using Single or Multiple Cranes The purpose of this research is to develop knowledge and tools required to improve erection processes in construction. Goals of this research include the development of computational tools to facilitate the work of erection planners and crane operators as well as the development of computational methods that in the future could allow fully automated erection processes to take place in construction projects. A major effort in this research is devoted to modeling construction cranes and their activities by mathematical models and to the development of computational methods to simulate and visualize erection processes in a virtual world created on computers. This research utilized information technologies to improve erection planning and erection operations. Construction cranes are treated as robots and analyzed by using Denavit-Hartenberg notation, a general method to describe robots mathematically. Using computer graphics techniques, cranes activities are visualized in a computer virtual environment. Motion planning methods are used to allow robotic cranes to search collision free paths that minimize erection times and synchronize their activities between the nearby cranes. A computer system was implemented to integrate all the computational methods developed in the research. This system referred to as iCrane, which stands for “intelligent crane,” is aimed to be used both before and during erection. In particular, the computer system allows users to simulate and virtually visualize the erection processes before they are conducted in the field.
Collision detection r2 r1
Fine r3
iCrane Workflow of iCrane system 98 81
Engineering model
Interactive animation
32 25
le du he c s ize im t Op
Precise schedule
Construction model
De sig nfo rm an uf ac tu rin g
99 82
Erection path
virtual construction (iteratively) iCrane iCrane
Computer-aided fine motion
Path generator
Inverse kinematics
computer-aided operation Construction expertise
Coordinates of the paths
Fine motion of the crane
Multiple cranes coordination Crane2
If success, plan next time period until entire project is ďŹ nished. Otherwise, change and try again. Crane1
Motion planning for Crane1
(a) DeďŹ ne the planning goal: Try planning Crane1 and Crane2 to erect ElementsList1 and ElementsList2 during time period
Crane2 (d) Coordinate Crane1 and Crane2 by tuning their relative velocity to avoid collisions. ElemenstList1 and ElementsList2 are ignored at this time.
(b) Motion planning for Crane1 by considering ElmenemtsList2 as exist obstacles during the planning processes. Crane2 is ignored at this time.
Coordination between Cranes
Motion planning for Crane2 (c) Motion planning for Crane2 by considering ElmenemtsList1 as exist obstacles during the planning processes. Crane1 is ignored at this time.
Erection plan simulation
Shih-Chung Jessy Kang sckang@ntu.edu.tw sckang.caece.net