A Road to Imagination:
�The IDEAL training model and its application in college teaching
通往想像力之路: IDEAL想像力訓練模型及其在大學教育的應用
A Road to Imagination:
�The IDEAL training model and its application in college teaching
通往想像力之路: IDEAL想像力訓練模型及其在大學教育的應用
A Road to Imagination 通往想像力之路: IDEAL想像力訓練模型及其在大學教育的應用 愛因斯坦認為:“ 想像力比知識更重要,因為知識是有限的,而想像力概括著世界的 一切,推動著進步,是知識進化的源泉。” 想像力是人類的一個重要能力,而且是需 要培育的。 想像力主要有三個面向:多樣性,連結性和超越性。本研究團隊基於這幾個面向, 發展出了一套想像力培育模型-IDEAL。這個模型包括四個步驟,包括:發想(I), 聯想(DE),轉想(A)和串想(L),這是一個具體的模型、而且容易操作。 在本文中,我們將首先將以想像力的特點做為基礎所開發的IDEAL model做一概述, 接著描述該模型的運作程序。隨後對於運用在大學教育中的可能方式,包括一般教 育和職涯規劃,也進行了介紹。
Features of Imagination
Possibility 多樣性 Imagination is the connecting and unifying force of the mind relating perceptions with emotions and memories.
Imagination is the capacity for opening up the mind and imagine possible alternatives.
Connectivity 連結性
Boundary-crossing 超越性
Imagination is the capacity to transcend and cross the boundaries of the reality into new horizons not yet in existence.
A Road to Imagination: The IDEAL training model and its application in college teaching
Albert Einstein had stated that “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Consequently, imagination is an important ability for humans and it needs to be cultivated. There are three aspects of imagination: possibility, connectivity, and boundary-crossing. Based on these aspects, an imagination training model called IDEAL was developed by the research team. Consisting of four steps including: initiation (I), development (DE), alternative (A) and links (L), this model is concrete and easy to operate. In this paper, we will first give an overview of the characteristics of imagination as the basis for developing the IDEAL model, and then describe the operational procedures of the model. Possible applications of the model on college instruction, including general education and career planning are introduced.
IDEAL Model Step1:Find the beginning
(Initiation) Step2: Develop more ideas
Possibility 多樣性
(Development) Step3: Alter perspective
(Alternative) Step4: Integrate all ideas
Connectivity 連結性
Boundary-crossing 超越性
A Road to Imagination IDEAL Model -Initiation
IDEAL Model -Development Idea
Starting point
Starting point
IDEAL Model -Alternative
IDEAL Model -Links
Idea Idea
Starting point
Goal Idea
Starting point
Idea Idea
New starting Point Starting point
Evaluation of IDEAL - From the course of introduction to civil engineering The goal of IDEAL : To facilitate individuals’ ideas with possibility, connectivity, and boundary-crossing Methods : 1. Input : 學生自評想像力量表 2. Process : 課堂內使用IDEAL方法討論過程 3. Output : 學生作品想像力量表
The Work Finished With IDEAL Model
Shih-Chung Jessy Kang sckang@ntu.edu.tw sckang.caece.net