Play n plate

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Play N Plate 智慧餐盤

Play N Plate


Play N Plate 智慧餐盤 Original Concept / Original Idea (概念緣起) 美國於2010年發佈新版均衡飲食標準「My Plate」,以餐盤圖像劃分各類食物的每日建議攝取 量,將「吃什麼」與「吃多少」轉化成直觀的視覺呈現。Play N Plate引用其概念,將衛生署建 議之均衡飲食標準「飲食指南」改良為華人適用的均衡餐盤,按照主食、肉食、蔬食及肉蔬混 合四類,將餐盤分格,使「健康選食、均衡飲食」成為舉手之勞。 Achievement (成果) Play N Plate利用摺紙的方式,將餐盤依照食物類別區分數格,每一分格內標示食物類別與容量 ,提供挑選食物之指引,方便使用者直覺化地調配質與量兼顧的均衡一餐。Play N Plate為便利 、簡易的「個人化均衡飲食管理工具」,並無使用年齡限制,尤其適用於校園與機構中的團體 膳食與自助餐飲。鑒於兒童與青少年成長期的飲食將奠定日後數十年之健康基礎,且與國家健 康醫療成本息息相關,Play N Plate的設計可培養使用者健康選食的概念。


Play N Plate

The design concept of Play N Plate stems from the dietary guidelines of the “My Plate” initiative introduced in America in 2010, where icons representing various types of food are placed on a plate, and their recommended daily intake are indicated. Play N Plate employs this concept and presents, for the first time in Taiwan, the dietary instructions proposed by Taiwan’s Department of Health. It can be viewed as a personalized dietary management tool tailored to suit Chinese eating habits. Play N Plate is divided by folding lines into four regions: staple foods, meat, vegetables, and a mixture of meat and vegetables. The volume for each type is also indicated. By following the instructions on the plate to prepare meals, you can have a delicious and balanced diet. The plate is made of heatresistant P-soft board with a special coating on the surface. Unfold the board after use and every corner can be easily cleaned. It is light, easy to use, and also environmentally friendly. ȘPlay N Plate is a product suitable for people of all age groups. Schoolers, teenagers, workers, and the elderly can all experience healthy meals with great taste while being kind to the environment

Play N Plate 使用示意圖



Shih-Chung Jessy Kang

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