Related references
1. S. C. Kang, Z. T. Yeh and P. L. Liu, "Game Design in the Aging Society: A case study of Tao-Gei," Proceedings of The 2011 International Design Alliance Congress Education Conference (IDA), Taipei, Taiwan, 2011. 2. S. C. Kang, Z. T. Yeh, Y. N. Tsai, and Y.T. Li, “Tao-Gei: Designing a memory training game for the elderly�
Tao-Gei 記憶力訓練軟體-今天吃什麼 「今天吃什麼」是一款記憶力訓練軟體,結合懷舊治療概念,以台灣傳統小吃攤主題設計來引 導高齡玩家回憶過去的生活,同時高齡者玩家需扮演小吃攤老闆進而達到記憶能力及聯想回憶 的大腦運動訓練。「今天吃什麼」透過遊戲的方式,間接引導高齡者多動腦進而減緩其認知退 化速率,此外也讓高齡者從遊戲進步的情況得到自信與喜悅。 以50年代的臺灣為故事背景,透過接近長者日常生活的場景及熟悉的動作(點菜及上菜),獲得 長者認同感及提升理解力。在此軟體中,使用者成為小吃店老闆,面對不同顧客點選不同菜色 ,使用者必須選擇正確的菜色及送菜至點菜的顧客桌上。小吃店菜色皆為台灣傳統特色小吃, 藉以提升長者對遊戲的親近感。
"TaoGei" aims to two main purposes: (1) aims to train the memory and nervous system of the elderly and (2) aims to trigger the episodic memories of the elderly through displaying some familiar local delicacies in their eyes. "TaoGei" is based on many nostalgic elements and behaviors. We use the local delicacies in Taiwan as the game topic; in the game, users are the boss in the roadside stands. Since the elderly seem to remember more in their past life and familiar with this consumption patterns, we hope it could make them memorizing easily and more receptive to this mode of training. In Taiwan, back in the 1960s, there used to be many roadside stands selling fast food, a common feature of developing societies and representative of people's strong work ethic. Eating at neighborhood roadside stands is therefore an evocative memory for those who grew up around this era in Taiwan, and it is something with which they identify.
Tao-Gei 遊戲介面-台灣小吃為主體
Shih-Chung Jessy Kang sckang@ntu.edu.tw sckang.caece.net