Voice Care 聲聲呼喚
Voice Care
Voice Care 智慧餐盤 清華大學電機系與台大智活中心合作,開發出能在吵雜環境中辨識出呼救聲的產品「VoiceCare聲聲呼喚 」,一旦感測「救命啊…」呼救聲時,系統會自動進入警戒狀態,馬上撥電話給設定的緊急連絡人,讓 獨居長輩的意外在第一時間被察覺、搶救。台灣邁入高齡社會,遠距看護成為銀髮族智慧居家的趨勢。 為偵測行動不便長者的求救訊號,清大電機系助理教授劉奕汶與台大智活老人福祉研究群主席康仕仲合 作,設計出全國第一套具有聲紋與語音辨識功能,且能記憶求救詞彙的聲音救護系統,放在室內任何角 落,偵測到符合詞彙的語音與聲紋,立即撥出電話,通知設定的醫院、家人、看護或保全,增加搶救黃 金時間。 採聲音遠距照護,相較於視訊監控,更能兼顧隱私保障與尊重;且聲音的接收與傳遞沒死角,約60分貝 、距離2公尺都接收得到。「Voice Care」為子母機,主機具有聲音記錄儲存與撥打功能,可設定一組緊 急連絡電話。分機則有聲音偵測功能,可放置在寢室、廚房、浴室等不同空間,當偵測到腳步聲或一般 聲響,會閃現溫和的LED綠燈;若偵測到呼救聲,則變成紅色燈光並傳遞至母機中,立即撥出緊急電話。
Voice Care
"VoiceCare", a call-for-help assistant system for the elderly to use at home, was developed under the collaboration between INSIGHT center and the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Tsing Hua University. The aim is to provide an extra communication channel for the elderly to be promptly taken care of during emergency conditions. The way VoiceCare works is to monitor vocal commands such as "Help!" constantly, and place a phone call to emergency contacts whenever such commands are detected. This function is enabled by a sound ďŹ ngerprint recognition technique, so that VoiceCare can be installed anywhere in the house. The emergency contacts may include, and is not limited to, a nearly hospital or clinics, family members, care-givers, and security personnels. One unique feature of VoiceCare is that it is completely based upon acoustic monitoring. Compared to a visual monitoring system, an acoustic monitoring system has two advantages: First, privacy is preserved; secondly, sounds have no "blind spots" -- any sound (including human voices) can in principle be recorded anywhere in the house. Initial testing suggest that the current VoiceCare prototype can receive and recognize vocal calls that are 60 dB or louder within a distance of approximately 2 meters.
Voice Care 燈號
Shih-Chung Jessy Kang sckang@ntu.edu.tw sckang.caece.net