Putting the Pieces Together: Data Accountability
College and Career Readiness
New Vision of Teaching
Period of Tremendous Change Stabilization Funds Race to the Top Grants to States (and soon--districts) College and Career Ready Standards New Assessments Education Workforce Changes ESEA Waivers College and Career Readiness Accountability Teacher and Leader Evaluation and Support
and Career Readiness Standards (a.k.a. Common Core)
Adopted by 46 states and the District of Columbia Used by the Department of Defense schools Include standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics Science Standards now out for review
College and Career Readiness Standards Shifts in ELA Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts in addition to literature Reading and writing grounded in evidence from the text Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary These apply to content area (social studies, science, and technical subject) teachers as well as to English teachers.
College and Career Readiness Standards Shifts in Mathematics Focus: 2-3 topics focused on deeply in each grade Coherence: Concepts logically connected from one grade to the next and linked to other major topics within the grade Rigor: Fluency with arithmetic, application of knowledge to real world situations, and deep understanding of mathematical concepts
Math Sample Item 4th Grade Assessment Item from PARCC Invitation to Negotiate (ITN)
Math College and Career Ready Standards State Standards
A Plate of Cookies There were 28 cookies on a plate. Five children each ate one cookie. Two children ate 3 cookies. One child ate 5 cookies. The rest of the children each ate two cookies. Then the plate was empty.
Grade 4 Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Domain
How many children ate two cookies? Show your work.
4.OA Clusters: • Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. • Gain familiarity with factors and multiples. • Generate and analyze patterns. Mathematical Practices: 4. Model with mathematics.
ELA Sample Unit Grade and 11-12, Economics Course Course: Teaching What combination of market and command systems do you believe task: creates an ideal mixed economy? After reading informational and opinion texts, write an essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. Reading texts:
John Edwards and Edward Tanner, “Should the U.S. have a National Healthcare System?” (Article) David Kestenbaum, “Denmark Thrives Despite High Taxes” (Transcript of Broadcast) William Booth “As Cuba gives Capitalism a try, Experts Ponder Future” (Article) Paul Krugman and John Tierney, “Wal-Mart: Good or Evil” (Article) “The World’s Best Countries” (interactive infographic)
Lesson author: Kathy Thiebes, Social Studies Teacher, Gresham, Oregon Source: Literacy Design Collaborative http://www.mygroupgenius.org/literacy
ELA Sample Unit Corresponding College and Career Ready Standards State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies Integration of Knowledge and Ideas •RH.11-12.7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem. •RH.11-12.8. Evaluate an author’s premises, claims, and evidence by corroborating or challenging them with other information. •RH.11-12.9. Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity •RH.11-12.10. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently.
College and Career Ready Standards
Professional Development LEARNING
Professional Development
Preparation, Licensure/ Certification, and Career Pathways
Educator Evaluation
Teacher Preparation Systemic change: Revamp coursework, clinical experience, graduation requirements, and licensure to ensure preparedness for teaching the College and Career Ready Standards and a new vision of teaching. Use the InTASC standards to ensure that preparation programs have a “target.” Implement performance assessments that measure candidates readiness to enter the classroom (“classroom readiness”).
2011 InTASC Standards: A New Vision of Teaching Revised in May 2011 Developed through the lens of the student – what students need to know and be able to do Apply to teachers across the continuum, not just beginning teachers as did the 1992 Standards Focus on HOW teachers teach the skills as well as the content that students need to graduate from high school college and career ready
Learning Progressions for Teachers Working on a first attempt to take the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards to a finer grain size By collapsing the indicators under each standard, and Carefully describing the increasing complexity and sophistication of teaching practice
The intent is to support development toward increasingly effective practice by First , describing what it looks like to a degree that is not found in most rubrics today, and Second, suggesting how teacher might develop more effective practice.
Learning Progressions for Teachers The developmental approach inherent in these progressions rests on several assumptions Learning and teaching are complex. Teaching expertise can be learned, develops over time, and is not linear. Growth can occur through experience, reflection, feedback or outside intervention such as individually-focused development. Development depends on context, particularly levels of support.
Support Help teachers scaffold to a higher level of performance.
Evaluation Serve as a foundation for developing an observation or other assessment tool.
Teacher Preparation ď şImmediate steps:  Revamp curriculum and expectations of teacher preparation candidates to have assessment literacy, know how to engage students in learning, prepare students to innovate, problem solve, and think at high levels.  Teachers will need to be prepared to be facilitators and not just the deliverer of content.
Career Pathways for Teachers Systemic change: Differentiated roles based on educator skill The College and Career Ready Standards will require more content expertise and greater pedagogical skill, since when we demand more of students we’ll be demanding more of teachers. This will create even greater urgency for differentiated roles and responsibilities of teachers since those who are more successful in teaching the College and Career Ready Standards should have greater responsibility to support other teachers.
Leader Preparation Preparation for leaders should ensure candidate is “leadership ready” Leaders should be prepared to share responsibility with others in differentiated roles Leaders should serve as coaches for teachers and provide feedback on effective practice Leaders should be able to collect evidence, make judgments about a teacher’s performance, and provide feedback for continuous improvement
2008 ISLLC Standards ď ş Developed before changes in education occurred ď ş Not enough focus on instructional leadership or supporting and evaluating teachers
Assessments of Candidates Aligned with Educator Evaluation - Leaders Systemic change: Evaluations that lead to continuous professional growth for each educator Districts evaluate all principals’ performance, with the principal’s success as an instructional leader for College and Career Ready Standards as a key evaluation criterion. Leaders need to be prepared to be an instructional leader, to coach teachers on their practice, to serve as evaluators, and to support teachers in their efforts to improve student learning.
Immediate steps: Principals receive training on how to conduct teacher evaluations that includes how to identify key elements of the College and Career Ready Standards and effective instructional practice.
Assessments of Candidates Aligned with Educator Evaluation - Teachers Systemic change: Evaluations that lead to continuous professional growth for each educator Teacher observations include focus on the instructional shifts in College and Career Ready Standards and effective instructional practices Teachers have access to individualized professional development based on evaluation and linked with College and Career Ready Standards and InTASC Standards.
Immediate steps: Teacher observation instruments include evidence of College and Career Ready Standards and effective instructional practice.
Task Force on Educator Preparation Led by Idaho State Superintendent Tom Luna 2012 President of CCSSO
Membership includes 7 current chiefs and 3 former chiefs Two former college presidents One former and one current education dean
By November 2012: Define classroom readiness and leadership readiness Identify principles that apply to entry into the profession Create sample policies on • Program approval • Initial licensure/certification • Data reporting
Common Goal ď ş Let’s work together to improve P-12 student learning through the preparation, support, and continuous improvement of teachers and leaders.