#2 | 16 ruimteCAESUUR | Johannson & Opoku | catalogue

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Oliver Opoku & Frederick Johannson Metaal / Industrie / het Leven | Metal / Industry / Life

16/01/’16 – 21/02/’16





Metaal / Industrie / het Leven | Metal / Industry / Life

Oliver Opoku & Frederick Johannson

uitgangspunt | starting point ruimteCAESUUR 2016

Metaal / Industrie / het Leven | Metal / Industry / Life tentoonstelling | exhibition catalogus van objecten | catalogue of objects finissage ondersteund door | supported by // colofon | colophon


ruimteCAESUUR open: elke vrijdag- en zaterdagmiddag 14 u. 00 – 17 u. 00 Lange Noordstraat 67 4331 CC Middelburg www.ruimtecaesuur.nu 3

p. 05 p. 06 p. 09 p. 15 p. 29 p. 37


uitgangspunt | starting point 2016

Part of our program 2017 we give shape in collaboration with some students ‘art & de-sign’ and ‘philosophy’ of the UCR, due to their initiative to be more connected with the inhabitants of the city of Middelburg and at the same time with processes in the art world.

Een gedeelte van het programma 2016 zal ruimteCAESUUR samen met studenten van de UCR- in de volksmond ‘de Roosevelt Academie’- gestalte geven. Dit op grond van een initiatief van een aantal studenten, dat graag meer verbinding wil met de stad en vanuit hun studierichtingen, zoals Art en Philosophy graag in contact komt met processen in de kunstwereld.

With their energy we can work out a long wished for content to include ‘learning’ to be one of the most important parts of the activeties of ruimteCAESUUR. We reserve two curatorial periods for students of UCR. On top of that we organize so called ‘tables’ for dialogues with the students and the artists of the program 2017.

Mede door die impuls geven we 2016 vorm vanuit een lang gewenste inhoud: het leren voorop stellen. Daartoe delen we het jaar in met een tweetal type tentoonstellingen: een aantal met door ons uitgenodigde kunstenaars en een tweetal curatortentoonstellingen waarbij de studenten van de UCR het voortouw nemen.

Therefore we ask ‘our’ artists to involve the students in their art production and in the proces of making their exhibition.

We vragen de door ons uitgenodigde kunstenaars de studenten nadrukkelijk te betrekken in hun proces om tot werk en hun tentoonstelling te komen. 55

Oliver Opoku & Frederick Johannson

Deze interactieve installatie in ruimteCAESUUR representeert de alomtegenwoordige groei van de industrialisatie. Middelburg, omringt door industrie langs zijn kustlijn, is en zal beĂŻnvloed worden door de indringende esthetiek van de zich snel ontwikkelende mensheid.

Representing the omnipotent expansion of industrialization, the installation in ruimteCAESUUR will bring an interactive experience to Middelburg. A city so near to industries along the coast has been and will be inevitably affected by the overwhelming aesthetics of the rapid progression of mankind.

Terwijl Frederick Johannson en Oliver Opoku hun uitdijende sculptuur opbouwen in ruimteCAESUUR, vormen zij hun gedachten over dit onderwerp gedurende de tentoonstellingsperiode.

While building an expanding installation in ruimteCAESUUR, Frederick Johannson and Oliver Opoku will actively form their thoughts on this subject during the exhibition period. During the process fellow students of UCR and the public will contribute to the project. The installation will be formed throughout the exhibition and came to a closing statement by the end of the period, during the finissage on Saturday April 9.

Tijdens dit proces zullen ook collegastudenten van de UCR en het publiek bijdragen leveren. De installatie groeit tijdens de expositie en werd aan het eind van deze periode vastgesteld tijdens de finissage op zaterdag 9 april j.l.


For Frederick Johannson & Oliver Opoku, as young academics with a passion for art free from evident motives, the topic of industryalization and its coinciding aesthetics is a promising ground to unite both our artistic interests and vocation as researchers. For 5 weeks a scaffold installation – designed and built by Oliver and Frederick – acted as a stage for the interaction between the spectator and the timeless theme of the exhibition.

industrialization. The role of Fredrick and Oliver was to function as curators; in dialogue with the contributors they decided on spot and status of the objects. They invited people personally to bring their object along from Saturday the 5th of March onwards, as the placing of objects in relation to other spectators has proven to be a delightful process; often bearing insightful commentary on the topic.

Throughout 5 weeks people were invited to share an object that relates to the subject matter and to place it into the construction (it is intended to stay there for the entire exhibition period). The contributions will fill out the purposeful blanks, making the installation a work-in-progress. By the end of the exhibition period – on Saturday, April 9 – people were are yet again cordially invited to a finissage that presented a complex yet all-embracing understanding of

An explanation of the relevance of the contribution was hoped for.




tentoonstelling | exhibition







catalogus van objecten | catalogue of objects

Albert Heijn Korting Cards | Rose & Maria

Myth behind the object: discount, consumerism Audience response: prisoner of marketing. Digital Watch | Sergio Contributor’s myth behind the object: digitalism, time.

No response. 16

Calculator | Eva Myth behind the object: corporatism, algorithms.

Audience response: The system of rule that we project on everything, shadowing the real order of things. Unbeatable mind – embrace the super-ratio: numbers. Mercedes Star | Frederick Myth behind the object: car industry, automation, luxury.

No response. 17

Charger and Cable | Endi Myth behind the object: energy, Intuition. Audience response: < > Reality Extraction of energy of life systems. Apple Industries – symbolizing extreme mystification & concealing. The veil that enables us to not see what we take: the abstraction of natural resources. Wheel Hub | Willy Contributor’s myth behind the object: Foundation, Movement, Cycle.

Audience response: Myth of unlimited progress. 18

Analogue Camera | Martin Myth behind the object: scientific revolution, landmark.

Audience response: Time – hold on to an instantaneous accumulation of coincidences. See through a lense – skewed vision of past /… Tape | Hans Myth behind the object: adhesive, co-operation.

Audience response: I would be interested in the context in relation to other objects – co-operation between factors of industrialisation? What breaks industrialization? 19

Bottle in the Shape of Skull | David & Margaret Myth behind the object: artisanship, fetishism.

Audience response: Spoilt. Inner death – through the gradual transformation of men into machines. Can | Lola Myth behind the object: conservation, efficiency, consumerism.

Audience response: Distanciation; relating to the past. 20

Ashtray and Bottle Opener | Frederick Myth behind the object: pollution, intoxication.

Audience response: Fumes: smoke  industrialization; Pleasure  pollution (body & earth); Ready to take away. Model of Dam Mechanism | Willy Myth behind the object: ratio, symbolism.

Audience response: “Komm, wir bauen uns ein Atomkraftwerk”  Industrialization as an ideal future, hence, even as toys for kids. … of what we can do, and tame nature. 21

Lightbulb | Aira Myth behind the object: efficiency, electricity.

Audience response: Enlightenment. Lightbulb B | Lola Myth behind the object: enlightenment, precision.

Audience response: Human progression? Electricity, Power, Pollution. 22

Tool Box | Lasse Myth behind the object: key, craftsmanship, progression.

Audience response “With you the uncountable doors open!” THE KEY FOR FUTURE ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED” Sickle | Toon Myth behind the object: means of production, pre-industrial, exploitation. Audience response “I was afraid it would fall” Scythe – death – tool in round shape framed by and presented in a triangle corner of scaffold Process of demystification while observing: Reality: enabling tool put in the context of industrialization presented as an historical artefact Symbol of Communism – Marx’s analysis of the consequences - /side effects of industrialization, (exploitation, mechanization, alienation) 23

Painted Paper | Giel Myth behind the object: error.

Audience response: „The only work of art, brought, doesn’t have a space in the art work??” Print, Gewerkschaften. Nintendo Game | Malkom Myth behind the object: digitalism, virtual, artificial.

No response. 24

Water Bottle | Arina Contributor’s myth behind the object: agent, transportation.

No response.




finissage s






ondersteund door | supported by

U.C.R. Familiefonds Hurgronje

Art/Design & Philosophy

concept Metaal / Industrie / het Leven Metal / Industry / Life Frederick Johannson | Oliver Opoku catalogus | catalogue photos: Frederick Johannson | Oliver Opoku Hans Overvliet logo: Niek Hendrix lay-out: Hans Overvliet | Frederick Johannson

colofon | colophon

teamCAESUUR 2016 Willy van Houtum | Hans Overvliet Giel Louws | Dani Ploeger


Voordat je teksten en/of foto’s deelt, neem eerst even contact op met caesuur@zeelandnet.nl Before you share texts and/or pictures, please contact caesuur@zeelandnet.nl

de Kattendijke/Drucker Stichting 3733

Oliver Opoku & Frederick Johannson Metaal / Industrie / het Leven | Metal / Industry / Life

16/01/’16 – 21/02/’16



Lange Noordstraat 67 4331 CC Middelburg www.ruimtecaesuur.nu

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