DISTANT SUFFERING selection of images
‘So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighbourhood’ De Vleeshal | 26/02/2017 www.hansovervliet.com curiositas@zeelandnet.nl
I think the kids are in trouble Do not know what all the troubles are for The National | Conversation 16 | High Violet | 2010
studio Vlissingen | 16 /09/2016
Artists In The World
Photo © André Smits
Photo ©Koos Overvliet | 1956
We often saw dead people from our school windows. After a while we got used to it. Aleppo | 05-10-’13 | 'Anan, 6 years old
Justification The artwork of distant suffering is about art, violence, war & destruction as presented in media production, media consumption, fading remembrance, the politics of aesthetics, my role as a media consumer, pity versus empathy, ownership of the event and its documentation. The title of distant suffering derives from the book Distant Suffering, Morality, Media and Politics by Luc Boltanski – indeed the brother of. The exhibitions of distant suffering are also about questioning the safety of the art space and the role of the art producer& the art consumer. The poetry in distant suffering is inspired by Kahlil Gibran, especially his poem from The Garden of The Prophet : Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation. The transition into art is inspired by the Dutch Artist Armando: “It is the beauty of evil, ‘die Schönheit des Bösen’, located in the belly of the evil, looking for a place in the wake of evil in order to show himself to me, although it doesn’t amuse me at all. This beauty calls me to transfer the ‘evil’ into the innocent, because amoral domain the art.”
distant suffering I | syrian skies - 1,000 days Daraya, January 16 2013 Damascus, February 21 2013 Damascus, April 302013 Yabroud, May 17 2013 Damascus, July 30 2013 Daraa, August 27 2013 Province of Idlib, August 30 2013 Saraqeb, September 4 2013 Binnish, Idlib, September 5 2013 Ariha, September 7 2013 Daraya, October 15 2013 Ma’arrat al-Numan, November 15 2013 Aleppo, December 9 2013 Damascus, December 22 2013 Aleppo. December 21 2013
15 prints A4, Canon MP-101 matt photopaper 170 grams, Canon Pixma MG6150 printer
distant suffering II | anatomy of a cloud [ gaza ]
5 x [ 82,2 x 12,8 cm.] Colourprint on HahnemĂźle German Etching 310 grs. on 10 mm. Dibond .
distant suffering III may 18 2012 | july 31 2014 | april 5 2015
5 Platters Ă˜ 45 cm. | 18 may 2012 | kley: Creaton 480, 1100 0C | glazing: Botz Weiss Video & video still | 31 July 2014 Print: German Etching 240 grs. on 10 mm. Dibond | 65 x 65 cm. .
distant suffering IV | documentation of a cloud
Prints on Dibond, ranging from 5 x 10 cm to 5 x 5 cm.
the Syrian town Kobane / Ain al-Arab, observed from the south-east side of the Turkish village Mursitpinar / Mürşitpınar [ 36° 54' 14" North, 38° 20' 52" East ] in the Sanliurfa region Monday 20 October, 2014
photo | Gokhan Sahin | Getty Images
photo | Bulent Kilic | AFP Photo
the Syrian town Kobane / Ain al-Arab, observed from the south-east side of the Turkish village Mursitpinar / Mürşitpınar [ 36° 54' 14" North, 38° 20' 52" East ] in the Sanliurfa region Monday 20 October, 2014
photo | Lefteris Pitarakis | AP Photo
photo | Gokhan Sahin | Getty Images
the Syrian town Kobane / Ain al-Arab, observed from the south-east side of the Turkish village Mursitpinar / Mürşitpınar [ 36° 54' 14" North, 38° 20' 52" East ] in the Sanliurfa region Monday 20 October, 2014
photo | Gokhan Sahin | GettyImages
photo | Kai Oliver Pfaffenbach | Reuters
the Syrian town Kobane / Ain al-Arab, observed from the south-east side of the Turkish village Mursitpinar / Mürşitpınar [ 36° 54' 14" North, 38° 20' 52" East ] in the Sanliurfa region Monday 20 October, 2014
photo | Kai Oliver Pfaffenbach | Reuters
distant suffering VII | i.d. of a shared cloud
Part of
3 ‘out-lines’ of filing cabinets, each 134 cm. x 49,5 cm. x 71 cm. [ h x w x d ]
Corten steel 2x [ 10 x 10 mm.] 1x [ 12 x 12 mm.], wooden bars 1 x 1 cm., Nobo OHP Transparency Film, sided acid-free tape
Filled with
1,000 images of explosions and ‘holiday clouds’ on 50 sheets codes super imposed on the images: unique location positioning from a military open source website; 1,000 images of waves | statistics Global Warming on 50 sheets; 1,000 images of destroyed houses | ground plans in the images: send to me [ 1996 ] on my request – from and of 72 national libraries The World Library Art Project on 50 sheets
VII | i.d. of a shared cloud VIII | i.d. of a shared wave IX | i.d. of a shared home -2545506 | -3502710 | 37SFA5764372293
juni/juli 2015 | augustus 2016
distant suffering XII | i.d. of a shared key #4
12 scoured biscuit tins with keyprint in plaster, mounted on a black painted plate 137,5 x 58,5 x 32,5 cm. [ h x d x d ]
exhibitions | acknowledgment
Willem3 | Vlissingen | 05/04’14 – 06/04/’14
Bianca Runge
W45 kunstruimte | Goes | 06/09/’14 – 27/09/’14 George Schade | Tom van den Berge Mon Capitaine | Middelburg | 05/04/’15 – 26/04/’15 Harry Vandevliet | Kees de Valk | Marischka Duinkerken AFFAF | Café Spoorzicht – Arnemuiden | 9-10/10/’15 Ko de Jonge | Giel Louws | Roos Gortzak, de Vleeshal (WOOT) | Antwerp | 10/10 ’15 – 28/11/’15 Frie & Jen Gossé Mon Capitaine | Middelburg | 01/11/’15 – 24/01/’16 Harry Vandevliet | Kees de Valk | Marischka Duinkerken | S.B.K.M. Middelburg platters: Frank Åsnes | Yvette Lardinois – video & stills Ramon de Nennie Exhibition in the public space of Middelburg | 21/04/16 Willy van Houtum | Ria de Feijter | Rinus Roepman studio seven | Vlissingen | 01/05/’16 – 12/05/’16
Dani Ploeger
Art Gouda | het Weeshuis – Gouda | 02/06/’16 – 05/06/’16 Trude Linde | Rolf van der Mije | Wendy Speksnijder | Kris van der Hart | Jean Lamaison Katinka Lampe | Ralf Westerhof | Daphne Bergman, City of Gouda Gerard Kleijn, director Museum Gouda | Frank Taal, Galerie Frank Taal, Rotterdam S.B.K.M. | Middelburg Biënnale Amersfoort | Vreemde Gasten | 1 & 2 oktober 2016 Dhr J. [Jan ] Louws | construction out-linekasten
Vreemde Gasten: Aad van der Werf | Alie van de Wolfshaar | Andrea Scharroo Annemiek van den Bedem Jacques Vink | Joep Houben | Judith Nijskens Lia Everhardus | Trudi Willenborg. Stichting Kunst In Amersfoort Herman Dummers | Joep Huben
Theater De Fransche School | Culemborg | 23/10/’16 My country - Israël I Palestine – film, debate and dialogue Peter Steutel | Jan Goed [ organisation ] N8vdN8 | Middelburg | 31/10/2016
Huibert-Jan Vader
Warm thanks to
Giel Louws | Willy van Houtum | Jen Gossé | Robbert Jan Swiers & Dani Ploeger, people with whom reciprocity always is in the heart of our discours.
It's not a case of telling the truth Some lines just fit the situation Call me a liar You would anyway The Cure | Play For Today | 1980
www.hansovervliet.com curiositas@zeelandnet.nl