Katelijne de Corte – unwrapping on a ferry - platvvorm Back page
Willy at Supermarket, closing the cabinet of Giel Louws ruimteCAESUUR | Lange Noordstraat 67 NL-4331 CC Middelburg www.caesuur.nu | caesuur@zeelandnet.nl K.v.K. 4111439 | NL65 RBRB 0787 6747 53
p. 04 p. 09 p. 14 p. 20 p. 26 p. 34 p. 38 p. 44 p. 52 p. 56
Roel van der Linden | Lípa Art Collection
Luděk Rathouský | The Mirror of Eternal Abandonment
Supermarket Independent Art Fair | Stockholm | Sweden
Entre act I
The making of possible the longest painting in the world
Katelijne de Corte | artist initiative platvvorm | DeinzeBE
Entre act II Giel Louws | reprise CONFLUX artist group Slipvillan | Stockholm | Sweden
teamCAESUUR | Long stories, short movies
Colophon / links
Prague, Czech Republic
click here for the catalogue

The Lípa Art Collection is the art collection of Roel van der Linden. Lípa is the Czech translation of the word ‘linden’, the tree to which the Dutch name of Roel refers. He exchanges his own work with the work of artist friends and in this way he created a collection of over 80 works of art.

‘The ultimate goal is to have our own museum and this exhibition is a step in that direction. We showed a selection of art from the collection and during the opening there was music by artist Legs Boelen and we introduced and we experimentted with the Lípa metaverse gallery.’

Luděk RathouskýCZ | The Mirror of Eternal Abandonment Workingperiod in coperation with Luxfer Open Space, Ceska Skaliçe, Czech Republic stop-motion of the creation of the work click here for the catalogue

Luděk Rathouský | The mirror of eternal abandonment
The ideological essence of the installation, created on the site during the fortnightly residence, is the situation that may have taken place during 1665 in Amsterdam. Here the emigrant Jan Amos Comenius met the old and abandoned, impoverished Rembrandt van Rijn. The idea of such a situation is the driving emotion, with which Rathouský created a monumental painting and a subsequent installation lit by candles. As part of the local collaboration, he turned to friends around the Caesur gallery with a request: to send him their first supposed memory.
From these sources, the author created a series of dra-wings on handmade paper, where fragments of respon-dents' memories are ephemerally present. Please see next page. Aging, disillusionment, hopelessness, abandonment, home loss. The emigration of intellectuals from Central and Eastern Europe is a phenomenon that has lasted for over three centuries and the possibility that it will recur is still rele-vant. "My sense of a possible conflict in eastern Ukraine is linked to the anxiety of a possible invasion by Putin's Russia, which may try to disrupt Europe and launch a re-satelliteization of (not only) my country,“ the author wrote in his annotation to the future residence in Middelburg at the end of February. His fears soon came true.
Luděk Rathouský (* 1975) is a Czech artist based in Prague and Brno. In addition to his author’s artwork, he is also a founding member of the significant art group Rafani, which intervenes in many artistic genres. They won an award at the Jihlava Documentary Film Festival for their film debut 31
Ends 31 Beginnings. In Brno, he works mainly as a professor and head of the painting studio at the Faculty of Fine Arts. He is also a curator, a husband and a happy father, as he likes to add.
Jihlava Documentary Film Festival for their film debut 31 Ends 31 Beginnings. In Brno, he works mainly as a professor and head of the painting studio at the Faculty of Fine Arts. He is also a curator, a husband and a happy father, as he likes to add.
Since 2010, Rathouský has been focusing on finding of a specific painting language, based on panel painting of the 13th and 14th centuries. He developed the technique of false punching, where the metal layer is applied using ordi-nary room rollers and sheet metal. Controlled coincidence, metallized structures and careful filling of gaps with pastel or high-layer paint create an expressive impression. However, it is a very time-consuming process referring to the meditative aspects of the medieval approach to matter. It is the roller pattern that has been present in Rathouse's painting for two decades that has become, so to speak, his distinguishing feature. However, it does not use wall decorative ornaments as a sign but mainly as a narrative element, where the decorative motif functions not only as a visual filling of the surface, but also as a structural expres-sion of hidden content, an ornamental narrative abbrevi-ation that seems to replace the absence of a living element. Simple motifs, transferred from their interior role, acquire aesthetic independence and distinctive meanings.
Rathouský plays a sneaky Blind man’s buff with a viewer, where meaning becomes ornament and ornament becomes meaning.

teamCAESUUR on Supermarket Independent Art Stockholm | Sweden presented teamCAESUUR and works of Giel Louws and Hans Overvliet

The fir st 100 meters b troel van der linden in Ceska Skaliçe
ruimteCAESUUR committed itself to an idea of roel van der linden from Prague: create the longest painting in the world in togetherness. roel himself painted the first 100 meters in the Czech Republic.
Here in Zeeland, the addition is made by children of different origin – from Zeeland, Syria, Ukrain, Yemen, Irak, Iran, Libanon, etc. - at a number of primary schools.
The children were supervised by the artist and art teacher Bo de Jong. A dozen artists made their painted contributions at those schools – while assisting Bo.
Hans travelled to Ceska Skaliçe in the Czech Republic where they, together with Jorieke Rottier – who had a residency there – handed over the more than 150 meters of painting to Roman Reijholt of Luxfer Open Space, one of the organisers in the Czech Republic for his project.

This part of the program was supported by the Hurgronje Family Fund and the Frits Lensvelt Foundation.
Entre act I
Possibly the longest painting in the world in cooperation with roel van der linden and Luxfer Open Space
Catalogue ( Dutch)
Video drone

Handing over to Roman Reijholt of Luxfer Open Sace in Česká Skalice

Katelijne de Corte | artist initiative Platvvorm | DeinzeBE
katelijne de corte (°1977, Gent, België)

katelijne de corte is a visual artist, ethicist and organiser. she organizes her artistic practice as a collection of exer-cises (essays), collaborations and encounters in which the personal enters into a relationship with the (inter)human, existence and continuous meaning-giving. it deconstructs and reconstructs, finds and rearranges.
since october first 2017, in addition to her personal artistic practice, she has also developed the platvvorm artists initiative. this work, developed for and with ruimteCAESUUR, shows the traces of, among other things, a collaboration. a collaboration designed in deinze by jonas lescrauwaet. the objects that shaped the exhibition were brought to the space of CAESUUR during and by means of four boat trips across the western scheldt, from flushing to breskens and from breskens to flushing with/by various people. click here for the catalogue in the making . . . supported by

Giel Louws | wormhole

click here for the catalogue
artist group Slipvillan | Stockholm | Sweden Madeleine Aleman, Jannike Brantås, Rikard Fåhraeus, Laetitia Deschamps Fåhraeus, Masoud Shahsavari

is where two or more streams float together to make a river.
We are five artists from the artist run organisation Slipvillan in Sweden that let our art join. Both in our minds and here in Middelburg. How things are joined is what matters. When five smaller rivers merge into one big one, it roars forward with mighty power.

video opening word by Annika | video closing ceremony
Performative ceremony at ruimteCAESUUR Conflux opening, 2022.
In accordance with the art works of the Conflux exhibition presented in Middelburg in November in 2022, the artist group wanted to give attention to the great magic of waters, without which we cannot survive but seldom praise.
Through a short ceremony at the opening the group connected water personally, addressing a glass of water pouring it into a glass pot saying: To Me Water Represents The Unconscious, The Childhood, The Meeting of ideas and The Life.

By both acting and saying; the water was somehow activated; turning it into its various magical meanings.
After the gallery closing time the pot with collected water was brought by the artist group to a canal of Middelburg; both somewhat bringing water back to both its source and its ending in the sea, aggregating personal and different aspects of the magic of waters.
Also this part when water was brought into the canal water was documented in a short video.

long stories, short films
For years, during the dark months of the year in December and January ruimteCAESUUR by means of video projections, showed ‘poets on the window’, curated by F. van Dixhoorn, Last year we started to resume the tradition. From more or less the same idea: bringing contemporary art into the public space of the street by means of light.
In 2022-2003 we ‘uesed’one window. This year we showed the videos on four different locations.
Participating artists are:
Nikola Ivanov | www.instagram.com/nikolaivanov Jean Godecharle | www.jeangodecharle.com Ying Liu | www.strangerying.com
Hester van Tongerlo | www.hestervantongerlo.com Noortje Haegens | www.noortjehaegens.com Marinus van Dijke | www.marinusvandijke.nl Annelies Jahn | www.instagram.com/anneliesjahn Françoise and Paul&Menno de Nooijer | www.denooijer.org Hans Eneman Harriet Rademakers
Neighbours Berbel Esmé & Bert Gertrude & Jan click here for the catalogue
Nicola IvanovCZ | Jean GodecharleBE | Ying LiuCH Hester van Tongerlo | Noortje Haegens | Marinus van Dijke Harriët Rademakers | Annelies JahnAU | Hans EnemanBE Just Quist | Menno en Paul de Nooijer
teamCAESUUR | LONG STORIES, SHORT FILMS videos on the windows in public space

Noortje Haegens | for a while Noortje Haegens | eye

Locations in the Lange Noordstraat Middelburg

Lipa Art Collection
Exhibition roel van der Linden for Lípa & teamCAESUUR
Overall design Dominika Kramerova for studio kumi
Text roel van der linden
Groundplan Jeroen van der linden
Performer Legs Boelen
Cook Bram Meulenbeld Lípa virtual/NFT Dennis Jilst
Photos Sanne van der Linden Catalogue Hans Overvliet
Luděk Rathouský | The Mirror of Eternal Abandonment
Exhibition Luděk Rathouský | Prague | Czeck Republic
Production teamCAESUUR in cooperation with Luxfer Open Space, Ceska Skaliçe, Czech Republic Roman Rejholt and Kate Štroblová
Text Luděk Rathouský
Stop-motion Luděk Rathouský
Photos Willy van Houtum | Hans Overvliet | Roman Rejholt Catalogue Hans Overvliet
Supermarket Independent Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden
Exhibition presenting ruimteCAESUUR, Giel Louws and Hans Overvliet
Production teamCAESUUR
Photos Willy van Houtum, Kenneth Pils ( for Supermarket )
Funding Mondrian Fund
Entre act I | Longest Painting
Concept roel van der linden
Art teacher Bo de Jong
Involved artists Giel Louws | Wim Hofman | Mohamad Abo Zarraa
leon riekwell | Bert Dorrestijn | Liesbeth Labeur | Michiel Paalvast
Menno de Nooijer | Kianoosh Gerami | Hans Overvliet | Ko de Jonge
Production Hans Overvliet for teamCAESUUR Jacomien Kodde voor stichting Cultuurkwadraat
Drone video Thierry langeveld
Editing video Menno de Nooijer
Funding Frints Lensvelt Foundation, Hurgronje Family Fund
Catalogue Hans Overvliet
Katelijne de Corte | platvvorm
Guests on the ferry Harriët Rademakers | Sylvia Hubrouck
Photos Katelijne de Corte | Willy van Houtum | Hans Overvliet Harriët Rademakers | Giel Louws | Sylvia Hubrouck
Production / organisation Jorieke Rottier voor ruimteCAESUUR
Special support Marcel Bregonje | Michiel de Wit | Jody Strie
Entre act II | Giel Louws | wormhole
Concept and production Giel Louws

group Slipvallen | Stockholm | Sweden | CONFLUX
Concept and production Madeleine Aleman, Jannike Brantås, Rikard Fåhraeus, Laetitia Deschamps Fåhraeus, Masoud Shahsavari
Photos Rikard Fåhraeus, Masoud Shahsavari, Willy van Houtum
Special funding Region Stockholm Catalogue hans overvliet
Long stories, short movies
Artists Nikola Ivanov, Jean Godecharle, Ying Liu Hester van Tongerlo, Noortje Haegens Marinus van Dijke, Annelies Jahn Françoise and Paul&Menno de Nooijer Hans Eneman, Harriet Rademakers
Production teamCAESUUR | Jorieke Rottier and Willy van Houtum
Photos Joan Kruse
Video editing Jochem Weststrate Neighbours Berbel Esmé & Bert Gertruida & Jan
Special funding Province of Zeeland / pilot | special thanks to B. Lippe Catalogue hans overvliet
Willy van Houtum | Jorieke Rottier
Giel Louws | Hans Overvliet annual report 2022 Hans Overvliet
in 2022 ruimteCAESUUR was supported by the happy share holders & ditto friends of CAESUUR the municipality of Middelburg | the Province of Zeeland Family Fund Hurgronje | Frits Lensvelt Foundation
Kattendijke / Drucker Foundation | Mondrian Fund Region Stockholm | Westerschelde Ferry
We thank the Middelburgse / Veerse Bode for their efforts to help us dearly in our communication with the local people . . .
Since 1995, some hundred plus exhibitions of contempo-rary art have been made in ruimteCAESUUR (spaceCAESUUR). From 1999 on at the Lange Noordstraat 67 in Middelburg.
Visual arts, in relation with the contemporary art discourse, are always the guiding principle for an exhibition, but a historical and social perspective also determine our choices. ruimteCAESUUR stands for the autonomy of art embedded in larger systems, and puts the artist’s oeuvre at the center of organizing its (solo) exhibitions.
Young, novice as well as "arrived" artists are offered a platform in order to present their work in a non-commer-cial environment.
Real meeting and learning from each other play important roles within the annual planning of ruimteCAESUUR.
We form a private initiative, without any profit motive, with Willy van Houtum and visual artist Hans Overvliet at its core; they form the board of the CAESUUR foundation.
teamCAESUUR is more than completed by the artists Jorieke Rottier and Giel Louws. The unique composition of this team crosses borders of art practices, gender, and gene-rations.
Willy at Supermarket, independent Art Fait, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2022 closing the cabinet of Giel Louws fort he last time ruimteCAESUUR | Lange Noordstraat 67 NL-4331 CC Middelburg www.caesuur.nu | caesuur@zeelandnet.nl K.v.K. 4111439 | NL65 RBRB 0787 6747 53