ruimteCAESUUR presents Jorieke Rottier & Hans Overvliet in Aarhus / Denmark Juxtapose Art Fair August 20 – 22, 2021
ruimteCAESUUR Since 1995, exhibitions of contemporary art and culture have been made in CAESUUR. Most of these exhibitions were in the realm of the visual arts, but there were also exhibitions about literature, social themes, and performative arts. All the shows have a relation with the contemporary art discourse, and also have an underlying historical and social perspective. ruimteCAESUUR stands for autonomy of the arts and puts the artist’s oeuvre and it's development at the core of its exhibitions. We offer young, novice and “arrived” artists a platform to present their work in a non-commercial environment. An active discourse with teamCAESUUR and its visitors play an important role in making an exhibition in ruimteCAESUUR. This discourse has a unique urgency because the art practices of our team and the invited artists have many similarities. We believe in this artistic based practice, which means that the process of making shows is creative, viable, and non-conformist. Our space has become an institute, but is absolutely not institutional. ruimteCAESUUR is a private initiative, without any commercial intent, with founders Willy van Houtum and visual artist Hans Overvliet as its core; they form the board of the CAESUUR foundation. teamCAESUUR is completed by the artists Jorieke Rottier, Giel Louws and Dani Ploeger. The unique composition of this team crosses borders of art practices, gender, and generations. At Juxtapose Art Fair, we will present the work of Jorieke Rottier and Hans Overvliet. While at first sight the work of these two artists might appear very different, their working processes have a lot in common: both are collectors and are searching for materials that facilitate reduction; for both of them, the process of creation is often more important than showing the finished work. Generating knowledge through labour and the journey of the creation process itself – often also intertwined with journeys in the literal sense – is their primary interest. For Jorieke, this knowledge oftentimes originates from intuition. Hans, instead, protects knowledge as a system to attempt finding truths. At Rå Hal, the work of Overvliet and Rottier will be presented in an open space without physical boundaries. An exact outline of the dimensions of ruimteCAESUUR will be marked on the floor of the exhibition hall, reminiscent of the set design of Lars von Trier’s film Dogville (2003). The walls are suggested by lines on the floor, but it is up to individual judgement of the artists - and visitors of the fair - whether or not they treat these as boundaries for their movement and activities.
Colophon Jorieke, Willy and I, also on behalf of teamCAESUUR, are deeply indebted to Juxtapose Art Fair: Sasha Rose Richter | Pamela Grombacher Jacob Juhl | Cecilie Bernts Financial support for Juxtapose Frits Lensvelt Stichting
Financial support ruimteCAESUUR the happy share holders & ditto friends of CAESUUR the municipality of Middelburg | Kattendijke / Drucker Foundation Family Fund Hurgronje
ruimteCAESUUR was in Aarhus / Denmark Juxtapose Art Fair August 20 – 22, 2021