work in progress ( 2013 - ) exhibition in LUXFER OPEN SPACE Česká Skalice | Czech Republic
friday june 11 – august 29, 2021 www.hansovervliet.com
Maloskalická 40, Česká Skalice website photography ©2021 Lukáš Jasanský hans overvliet curiositas@zeelandnet.nl www.hansovervliet.com
Handing out of the multiple ‘ice bullet’ on June 11, 2021 photo ©2021 Willy van Houtum. See also the video of the melting bullet
The multiple ‘ice bullet’ on June 11, 2021 photo ©2021 Roman Rejhold
Colophon In my diary, which I kept during the residency I wrote: “I am living the privilege to be invited by Roman Rejhold and Kate Štroblová of LUXFER OPEN SPACE in the town of Česká Skalice in the Czech Republic for a residency, an artist talk and an exhibittion.” Today, July 10, 2021, I still can hardly comprehend what paradise time all the people of LUXFER have given to my beloved wife Willy and me. So, within the given wretchedness of our language: from deep in our hearts wereally thank you so much. Fortunately, we will see each other during the finissage on August 28, 2021. The wonderful photos are from Lukáš Jasanský. The artistic duo of Lukáš Jasanský and Martin Polák has played a central role in Czech art of the past twenty years, contributing fundamentally to redefining the position of photography within contemporary Czech art. Since the late 1980s, their work has been characterized by an intuitive intelligence and stubborn determination. ( … ) They have created some of the most lucid and artful commentaries on various phenomena of Czech life. The exhibition maker Willy van Houtum contributed greatly to the form and content of the exhibition.
work in progress ( 2013 - ) exhibition in LUXFER OPEN SPACE Česká Skalice | Czech Republic