23 | caesuur-durden&ray | ADAPTATION

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ADAPTATION August 12 –September 24, 2023 & Los AngelesU.S.A.

Thanks to Carlos Beltran Arechiga for making the first contact at Supermarket in Stockholm and the inspirational follow up to link the six artists involved to each other.

CONTENT Durden and Ray Adaptation – statement Art works Exhibition ruimteCAESUUR Colophon page 03 page 04 Page 05 page 20 page 36 page 38

Founded in 2009, Durden and Ray is comprised of artist/curators who work together to create exhibition opportunities at their downtown Los Angeles gallery as well as in concert with artist groups and gallery spaces around the world.

Durden and Ray concentrates on small, tightly curated group shows at the gallery, organized by the members, and hosts international artists as part of a commitment to global exchange and alternative networks. The Durden and Ray model expressly overlaps multiple strategies, including the commercial potential and visual identity of a gallery, the democratic structure of an artist group, the potential to create collaborative works of art in the manner of a collective, and the shared fiscal support of its programs by group members and project partners similar to a nonprofit organization.

Durden and Ray is committed both to individual praxis and to shared aims of curatorial experimentation, visual research, and artistic exchange with international partners.

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Adaptation | Adapting to physical and psychological barriers or obstacles

How we adapt to obstacles or challenges in our lives, be that our physical or psychological situation will be explored through different techniques and media in this exhibition, Adaptation.

This exhibition features three American artists and three Dutch artists showing work together that delves into the concept of adaptation and how we adjust to a new circumstance or condition. Be it the rapidly changing environment, global migration, a continent coming to terms with a new war or dealing with our own psychological adjustments to personal or art related challenges, the diverse perspectives of these artists coalesce into a visual expression of our current time and place.

From September 16 till October 8 the same artists will present their works in Los Angeles.

Artists from Durden and Ray

Valerie Wilcox, Arezoo Bharthania, Ben Jackel

Artists from ruimteCAESUUR

Jorieke Rottier, Giel Louws, Hans Overvliet

P. 4
art works P. 5

Arezoo Bharthania


Arezoo Bharthania The Yelloow Knob

A Momentary Happening

Valerie Wilcox Ben Jackel Fortress Wesel

Jorieke Rottier

to make smooth or glossy by friciton or coating to decorate

to see to one’s appearance

Jorieke Rottier to gnaw away to consume/ to become worn away

Giel Louws Gravity

Hans Overvliet other than joyful peace, no news from the Western Front

P. 20
statement | colophon P. 36


Since 1995, exhibitions of contemporary art have been made in CAESUUR, from 1999 on at Lange Noordstraat 67 in Middelburg. Visual arts, in relation with contemporary art discourse, are always the guiding principle for an exhibition, but a historical and social perspective also determine our choices.

ruimteCAESUUR stands for the autonomy of art and puts the artist’s oeuvre at the center of organizing its (solo) exhibitions. Young, novice and “arrived” artists are offered a platform to present their work in a non-commercial environment.

Meeting and learning from each other play an important role within the annual planning of ruimteCAESUUR.

We form a private initiative, without any profit motive, with Willy van Houtum and visual artist Hans Overvliet as its core; they form the board of the CAESUUR foundation.

teamCAESUUR is more than completed by the visual artists Jorieke Rottier and Giel Louws.

The unique composition of our team crosses borders of art practices, gender, and generations.

Lange Noordstraat 67, 4331 CC Middelburg | caesuur@zeelandnet.nl www.caesuur.nu | www.caesuur-posethequestion.nl K.v.K. Middelburg 411 143 92 | IBAN NL65 RBRB 0787 6747 53 Support in 2023 the happy shareholders & ditto friends of CAESUUR the municipality of Middelburg P. 38
ADAPTATION August 12 –September 24, 2023 & Los AngelesU.S.A.

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