22-23 | ruimteCAESUUR | long stories, short films

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1 long stories, short films december 20, 2022 | january 15, 2023

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Long stories, short films.

Jarenlang toonde CAESUUR in de donkere maanden tijdens de jaarovergang videoprojecties ‘dichters op de ruit’. Gecurateerd door de dichter F. van Dixhoorn toonden we werk van onder andere Tonnus Oosterhof, Astrid Lampe, Tsead Bruinja, Rosali Hirsch en Mustafa Stitu.

In 2021 namen we de traditie weer op. Vanuit min of meer dezelfde gedachte: via licht hedendaagse kunst de straat in brengen. We nodigden dié kunstenaars uit van wie we het fijn vonden hun filmpje op de ruit te tonen. Onder meer onze collega’s van Studio44 uit Stockholm in Zweden sloten zich aan.

De kunstenaars in 2022 / 2023: Nicola Ivanov uit Tsjechië, Jean Godecharle uit België, Hester van Tongerlo, Noortje Haegens, Ying Liu uit China, Marinus van Dijke, Harriët Rademakers, Just Quist, Annelies Jahn uit Australië.


Jorieke Rottier, Willy van Houtum, Giel Louws & Hans Overvliet


teamCAESUUR Jorieke Rottier, Willy van Houtum, Giel Louws & Hans Overvliet


Nicola IvanovCzech Republic

authors Americká noc Watou_v1 108,883

Jean GodecharleBelgium Ying LiuChina Hester van Tongerlo Noortje Haegens Marinus van Dijke Harriët Rademakers Annelies JahnAustralia Just Quist

The Great Underwater Show




Americká noc

Nicola Ivanov
10 Jean
| Watou_v1
11 Ying Liu | 108,883

Tongerlo |

12 Hester van

Noortje Haegens | voor even

14Just Quist |

Marinus van Dijke | The Great Underwater Show


Harriët Rademakers

17 Annelies Jahn |

18Menno de Nooijer |


20 Locatie 1
21 Locatie 2
22 Locatie 3
23 Locatie 4
24 Locatie 5
25 colophon

108,883 | Ying Liu | March 2022

During her residency at Witte Rook last year, Ying Liu’s way of devoting herself to her intuïtive ideas made a lasting impression, which led Jorieke and thereby us as a team to invite her for ‘long stories, short films.

Ying Liu about this work: “Since one of my housemates moved out, I started to use the room he left as a meditation space before the next tenant comes. During the three weeks occupation in that empty room, I counted grains of approximately 3 kilos of jasmine rice. By sitting on the floor each day for hours and putting the grains one by one into separate piles in which each consisted of 1000 grains of rice, after in total 11 days of counting, I got to know that there were about 108.883 grains of rice in the plastic tray.”


Marinus van Dijke | Changes | 2021

In the summer of 2019 I was a beach breeder keeper on a stretch of coastal growth near the ‘Verklikkerstrand’ in Schouwen-Duiveland. This has changed my view of nature there. I always thought the changes in nature were cycles repeating themselves over and over. In the dunes, the plants die and come back after a few years after a leaching process has taken place. These are visible processes. But I have discovered that those processes are subject to much larger cycles, which are incalculable. We are at the beginning and do not know where it is going. All those small movements in nature are swallowed up by these larger cycles. Today's sightings are quickly outdated and before you know it history. How we currently look at the now, knowing that it will be completely different in the future. This thought has a major influence on my work. The film The Great Underwater Show shows a world that takes place under/in water. The water that, due to the consequences of climate change, confuses our habitat due to possible flooding (sea and rivers).”


Jean Godecharle | Watou_v1 | 2019

Watou_v1 is a static recording made in September 2019 at 2:02 pm of an artwork installed in the garden of Gallery Hilde Vandaele in Watou for the exhibition Frozen in Time. An excerpt from the introduction to this exhibition written by Mieke Dumon: “When I look at Jean's photos, a kind of unheimlichkeit overtakes me. How he makes time stand still, fan out almost like a drop that falls into a pool of water and expands in silence. My good friend Jean, because he is dear people, is an omnipresent man. The way he stands, the way he looks at people. The way he the way he laughs. Loud, penetrating, present, sharp. That sharp look is reflected in his photos. The eye, the insight into a place, but above all: what time does to that particular place. No people, but vast landscapes, spacious places hidden between dunes, in forests. From the darkness he looks for the light, his photos are representations of places you didn't even know existed. Inside and outside are intertwined, which is why his work also comes into its own outside between the trees in this garden. As monumental as nature itself. Very near, but just out of reach.”


Nicola Ivanov | Americká noc

In the Euro-American tradition, the opposite of wakefulness is the sleep of reason. The space that irrationally unfolds like an infinite gap between the moments of the waking state, is a place of investigation of the modern psychology and science, and at the same time, since ancient times, an area of mysterious narratives, superstitions and the unknown potential.

Film is a relatively good medium of irrational sublimation. It can serve as a border medium between the personal and the public and between the believable and the unbelievable.

Nikola Ivanov works with everything: present film and video as with matter, material for our presence as natural as malleable clay was for prehistoric cultures.


Nicola Ivanov | Americká noc


Nicola Ivanov | Americká noc


Nicola Ivanov | Americká noc


Nicola Ivanov | Americká noc


Authors Nicola Ivanov |

Jean Godecharle | www.jeangodecharle.com

Ying Liu | www.strangerying.com

Hester van Tongerlo | Noortje Haegens | www.noortjehaegens.com Marinus van Dijke | www.marinusvandijke.nl Harriët Rademakers | Annelies Jahn | Just Quist | www.justquist.nl


Lange Noordstraat 67, 4331 CC Middelburg | caesuur@zeelandnet.nl www.caesuur.nu | www.caesuur-posethequestion.nl K.v.K. Middelburg 411 143 92 | IBAN NL65 RBRB 0787 6747 53

thanks to the happy shareholders & ditto friends of CAESUUR the province of Zeeland | the municipality of Middelburg Mondrian Fund | Kattendijke / Drucker Foundation | Family Fund Hurgronje Frits Lensvelt Foundation | Region Stockholm

38 long stories, short films december 20, 2022 | january 15, 2023

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