about the project | W.F.T. van Houtum about this catalogue about the posters | editions 1 - 5 the photos of the posters in public spaces sequences of posters in public spaces part of exhibitions Goes | the Netherlands Milano | Italy Pakje Kunst Museum Tilburg | the Netherlands LUXFER OPEN SPACE | Czech Republic Slipvallen | Stockholm | Sweden event inspired by the project text | the panopticum inside out people on how people reacted . . . people&placesISO code artists' initiatives involved summary works in exhibitions
DISTANT SUFFERING | the project colophon
06 07 09 16 studio address | Dreesstraat 2, Vlissingen
about the project
Introduction of the project
In our globalized world, there are many political contradictions: rich poor, white black, north south, et cete ra. In recent years you have also seen this contradiction increasingly clearly expressed in mobility. Especially in the western world, travelling has taken extreme forms with the rise of tourism, and the globalization of internationally oriented companies, research centers, universities, et cetera.
The driving force behind this internationalization, neo liberalism, is expressed in the free movement of people, goods, services and information, in short of unrestrained mobility. When study that mobility, its dynamics are at least ambiguous. On the one hand, the flow of (labor) migrants is being held back, while a prosperous, highly 'white' elite is getting more and more freedoms.
As stated, this freedom is reflected, for example, in a global tourism industry used by this elite. This tourism destroys the social structures of places that enjoy the special attention of tourists. Tourism pollutes and destroys things. Tourism destroys exactly what attracts it, says the Dutch novelist Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer.
Globalization of multinationals also requires extreme mobility of people and goods. This also applies to the internationalization of universities that offer a student elite par-tial foreign education and work experience. In this way they take a lead on the international labor market.
elite partial foreign education and work experience. In this way they take a lead on the international labor market.
This mobility contrasts sharply with the necessary es cape from war and poverty of migrants. There is no warm welcome for them, as western people can expect everywhere. No infrastructure in which they feel safe, no tax benefits, but countless dangers and hardships and hopeless admission criteria. Their mobility is restricted as much as possible and sold to us in terms of 'reception in the region'. While reality expresses itself in de grading refugee camps.
In short, mobility is currently one of the clearest examples of privilege.
The poster shows one of the few similarities between these different travellers, namely their luggage. The poignant difference is in the contents of these suitcases, bags and backpacks.
May 2020 | W.F.T. van Houtum
about this catalog
The people participating in DISTANT SUFFERING XXII | i.d. of inequality each have chosen a place in their public space that is important to them to hang the poster. That importance can be described as the most beautiful spot, the most charged, the most activistic, the most inti mate, the most striking, the most historical, the most idyllic, the busiest, the most directly referring to travel, the place where (power)politics takes place, the daily environment, the most touristic that the city is known for, the most bland, the most dilapidated, etcetera.
During the project, a number of people chose to hang and photograph the poster in several places that repre sent them.
Some participants photographed themselves, alone or with a co-performer, which adds an extra dimension to the place.
For a clear overview, in the first part of this catalogue in most cases I have chosen and placed one photo from a city, a village or the country side. This selection is followed by collections of pictures of the contributor who have hung the poster in several places.
After the derivative projects in which I participated, you will find a number of photos with participants. At the very end, finally, a list of the participating people and their places.
DISTANT SUFFERING XXII | i.d. of inequality
full colour poster A1 [ 59,4 x 84 cm. ] on 135 gr. MC paper with paraphernalia on ‘mobility’ qr-code linking to the main text in Dutch, English and German about the posters
10 First edition | 1 - 50
11 Second edition | 51 - 100
12 Third edition | 101 - 150
13 Fourth edition | 150 - 175
Introduction of the fifth installment . . .
‘While the corona passport facilitates free travel in the global north, people in the global south see their access to large parts of the world only further blocked by QR scanners. “If you live in a poor country and want to travel for example to study or visit family, which should be every-one’s right – it is often very difficult to get a visa. The introduction of corona passports makes that even more difficult. Now you not only have to prove that you are financially self-reliant and have a reason to travel into the country, you also have to prove that you have been vaccinated with a vaccine that has been approved by that country.
Even vaccines that are chemically identical to vaccines from Western pharmaceutical companies are not approved. The problem revolves around political recog nition.” *
So also a global pandemic contributes to an inequality in mobility.
* Dr. L.Taylor in de Groene Amsterdammer, November 8, 2021
15 Fifth edition | 175 - 200
the photos of the posters in public spaces
17 MiddelburgNL | 16/05/’20
18 VlissingenNL | 20/05/’20
20 TilburgNL | 24/05/’20 EdinburghSCH | 26/05/’20
21 Den HelderNL | 27/05/’20 SkopjeMK | 01/06/’20
22 WarenburgNL | 31/05/’20 [ txt: Art that you remember ] SchottheideDE | 01/06/’20
23 SchottheideDE | 01/06/’20 SkopjeMK | 01/06/’20 BredaNL | WITTE ROOK | 01/06/’20 OostendeB | 03/06/’20
Den HaagNL [ The Hague ] | 04/06/’20 Sint KruisB | 08/06/’20
25 SkopjeMK | 24/05/’20 MiddelburgNL | 08/06/’20
26 AssebroekB | 09/06/’20 AntwerpenB | 10/06/’20
The HagueNL | Binnenhof Ridderzaal | ©Photo Rober Goddyn | 11/06/’20
AssebroekB | 12/06/’20
28 RotterdamNL | 18/06/’20 BruggeB | 19/06/’20
| 15/06/’20
30 LeuvenB | 20/06/’20 VlissingenNL | 20/06/’20
MadridESP | 26/06/’20
Larrés (Huesca)ESP | 18/06/’20
NL | de Roofprintpers | 26/06/’20 RotterdamNL | 27/06/’20
OuwerkerkNL | Watersnoodmuseum / Flood Museum | 28/06/’20
NL |
Česká Skalice | Luxfer Open Space / Luxfer Gallery | 01/07/’20
35 GazaPS | 03/07 & 04/07/’20
GazaPS | 03/07 & 04/07/’20 Millingen aan de RijnNL | 06/07/’20
37 BruggeB | artwork Jan Verhaeghe | 07/07/’20 ZwolleNL | 12/07/’20
38 BruggeB | 12/07/’20 LitomyšlCZ | 12/07/’20
39 TrenčínCZ | 12/07/’20 BrnoZC | 12/07/’20
40 BrnoCZ | 12/07/’20
41 PragueCZ | 13/07/’20
42 WemeldingeNL | 20/07/’20 West KappelleNL | zeedijk [ sea dike ] | 20/07/’20
43 | 22/07/’20
44 RotterdamNL | bibliotheek [ library ] | 24/07/’20 MenatFR | 26/07/’20
45 Viaduc des FadesFR | 26/07/’20 LiseuilFR | 26/07/’20
46 LiseuilFR | 26/07/’20 Sauret BesserveFR | 26/07/’20
FR | 22/07/’20 Agersø
| 27/07/’20
Klik hier voor de video van de performance van Jörn & Dorte Burmester Wium.
Click here for the video of the performance by Jörn & Dorte Burmester Wium.
48 AgersøDK | 27/07/’20
49 AmsterdamNL | 29/07/’20
50 BremenDE | 29/07/’20
51 VeniceÏT | 29/07/’20
52 AachenDE | 29/07/’20
53 BeirutLB | 02/08/’20 | 22/07/’20 NorrköpingSE | 02/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
54 Saint Éloy les MinesFR | 06/08/’20 | 22/07/’20 NijmegenNL | 05/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
55 BreskensNL | ferry | 06/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
56 GroningenNL | 07/08/’20 | 22/07/’20 OosterscheldeNL / Goese Sas | 12/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
57 KralendijkBES | 16/08/’20 2/07/’20
58 RotterdamNL | 20/08/’20 | 22/07/’20 KarachiPK | 21/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
59 RotterdamNL | 23/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
60 DublinIE | 23/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
Huachang bus station, Huli Avenue, Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian ProvinceCH | 23/08/’20
62 ChongqingCN | 28/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
63 RotterdamNL | 30/08/’20
64 VlissingenNL | 31/08/’20 | 22/07/’20 MiddelburgNL | 01/09/’20 | 28/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
65 ÅfarnesNO | 13/09/’20 | 22/07/’20
Schöneberg | 14/09/’20 | 22/07/’20
off Kurfürstendamm | 14/09/’20 |
| Rathaus
BerlinDE | just
67 WarsawPL | 16/09/’20 LuxembourgLU | 24/09/’20
68 MetzFR | 25/09/’20 StrasbourgFR | 26/09/’20
69 SélestadFR | 27/09/’20 ColmarFR | 27/09/’20
70 ZürichCH | 28/09/’20 BaselCH | 29/09/’20
71 BaselCH | 30/09/’20 LuzernCH | 01/10/’20
Busto Garolfo / MilanoIT | 02/10/’20
Boat KielDE KopenhagenDK | came in on 03/10/’20
KopenhagenDK | came in on 03/10/’20
RingebuNO | came in on 03/10/’20
74 MilanoIT | 03/10/’20 Trollstigen near AndalsnesNO | 03/10/’20
75 Busto ArsizioIT | 04/10/’20 GenoaIT | 05/10/’20 03/10/’20
76 BeauneFR | 06/10/’20 SantenayFR | 07/10/’20
77 ÅfarnesNO | 09/10/’20 Dakar | Île de GoréeSN | 24/10/’20
78 NairobiKE [ Ngomongo ] | 02/11/’20
SP | Espai St. Marc | 11/11/’20 WienAT | hinterland | 23/11’20
WienAT | Kulturdrogerie | 26/11/’20
81 KasselDE | no institute | 29/11/’20
VilniusLT | VITRINA&Bench | 29/11/’20
83 MwanzaTZ | 03/12/’20 HelsinkiFI | Forum Box | 02/12/’20
GeelongAU | Geelong Fine Art Gallery | 26/12/’20
85 Veliko TurnovoBG | Heerz Tooya | 27/12/’20 Quebec CA | Circulaire132 | 09/01/’21
86 AntwerpBE | linkeroever | 24/01/’21 OdzaciRS | Multimedial Art Studio | 24/01/’21
NL [ my place of birth ] 25/01/’21 BergenNO | 27/01/’21
88 LisbonPT | 27/01/’21 BergenNO | 04/02/’21
VlissingenNL | studio complex Kipvis / my studio | 04/02/’21
TallinnEE | Galerii Metropol | 12/02
90 GothenborgSE | Galleri 54 | 14/02/’21 MiddelburgNL | 14/02/’21
AarhusDK | Juxtapose Art Fair | 18/02/’21
LeidenNL | museum of ethnology | 14/02/’21
92 BruggeBE | 18/02/’21 TokyoJP | Masako Ito Design | 23/02/’21
93 BarcelonaCAT | 25/02/’21
94 VlissingenNL | decreet / concreet | 27/02/’21 OdenseDK | M100 | 06/03/’21
95 OdenseDK | M100 | 06/03/’21 MiddelburgNL | verkiezingen / elections | 14/03/’21
PT | Gallery Emerenciano Rodrigues | 15/03/’21 KyivUA | HLEBZAWOD | 20/03/’21
AndrosGR | Artisan Art Is A Need / Andros Artisans | 11/04/’21
KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio
| 11/04/’20
KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio | 11/04/’20
TokyoJP | Tokyo Tower | 15/04/’21
TokyoJP | Sakura [ cherry ] blossom trees / Toyama Park | 15/04/’21
100 MoptiML | 26/04/’21
101 MoptiML | 28/04/’21
102 MoptiML | 03/05/’21
AthensGR | 19/05/’21
Al HasakahSY [Syrian Kurdistan / Rojava ] 19/05/’21
] 19/05/’21 Nürnberg
| 30/05/’21
Al HasakahSY [Syrian Kurdistan / Rojava
105 (Wat) Na Chom ThianTH | 04/06/’21 (Wat) Na Chom ThianTH | 04/06/’21
106 Česká Skalice CZ | 11/06/’21 ŠonovCZ | 13/06/’21
107 PilzenCZ | 16/06/’21 WürzburgDE | 17/06/’21
bookstore Museum of Modern Art (MAMM) | Medellín CO | 06/07/’21 non-institutionalized art space, beside MAMM | MedellínCO | 06/07/’21
109 Tsumago ( Gifu )JP | 09/08/’21 | 17/06/’21 Tsumago ( Gifu )JP | 09/08/’21
110 HamburgDE | 15/08/’21
NZ | 19/08/’21 RM Artists Space
Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland)
Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland) NZ | 19/08/’21
artwork by Daniel Quasar AschaffenburgDE | 01/09/’21
TilburgNL | Sea Foundation | 31/08/’21 StockholmSE | Studio44 | 22/09/’21
113 StockholmSE - city hall | Studio44 | 22/09/’21 RemersdaalBE (Limburgish: Rimmezjdel | French: Rémersdael Walloon: Rèbiévå [Rembierval]) | 02/10/’21
114 Deinze | plavvorm | 18/04/’22 LübeckDE | Hans&Willy | 19/05/’22
DE | Hans&Willy | 19/05/’22
BelgradeSR | Katarina | Remont Gallery
| 01/06/’22
| 09/06/’22
StockholmSE / Längholmen | Hans&Willy
06/06/’22 QuakenbrückDE | Hans&Willy
| 21
| 04/07/’22
Skanderbeg Square | Lauresha / Gallery70
/06/’22 Los AngelesUSA | Carlos and Hagop
Durden & Ray
Los AngelesUSA | Carlos and Hagop / Durden & Ray | 04/07/’22
LondonGB (Chiswick) | Doris / ArtCan
| 22/07/’22
CZ |
| 26/07/’22
Raststaette Kreuz Oberpfalzer WaldDE
120 8 Albany Road |
| 11/11/’22
Brentford Hounslow
West LondonUK
| 13/11/’22
CapetownZA | Johan | Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa
CapetownZA | Johan | Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa | 13/11/’22
CapetownZA | Johan | Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa | 13/11/’22
CapetownZA | Johan | Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa | 13/11/’22
CapetownZA | Johan | Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa | 13/11/’22
sequenties in de openbare ruimten
Sommige mensen maakten meerdere foto’s van hun openbare ruimten. Dat leverde intieme fotoseries op van plekken die voor die mensen zèlf van waarde zijn: plekken die deel uit maken van hun dagelijkse leven.
sequences in public spaces
Some people took multiple photos of their public spaces. This resulted in intimate photo series of places that are of value to those people themselves: places that are part of their daily life.
124 MiddelburgNL | 16/05/’20
125 VlissingenNL | 20/05/’20
126 SkopjeMK | 01/06/’20
The HagueNL | 11/06/’20 | ©Photo Rober Goddyn
The HagueNL | 11/06/’20 | ©Photo Rober Goddyn
The HagueNL | 11/06/’20 | ©Photo Rober Goddyn
130 RotterdamNL | 18/06/’20
131 LeuvenB | 20/06/’20
Larrés (Huesca)ESP | 18/06/’20 MadridESP | 26/06/’20
133 GazaPS | 03/07 & 04/07/’20
BruggeB [ artworks Jan Verhaeghe ] 07/07/’20
135 AmsterdamNL | 29/07/’20
136 VeniceÏT | 29/07/’20
137 GroningenNL | 07/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
138 | 22/07/’20
NL | 31/08/’20 | 22/07/’20
140 BerlinDE | just off Kurfürstendamm | 14/09/’20 | 22/07/’20
| 28
Dakar | Île de GoréeSN
Dakar | Île de GoréeSN | 28/10/’20
TokyoJP | Masako Ito Design |
TokyoJP | Masako Ito Design | 23/02/’21
TokyoJP | Masako Ito Design | 23/02/’21
145 KyivUA | HLEBZAWOD | 20/03/’21
146 KyivUA | HLEBZAWOD | 20/03/’21
KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio | 11/04/’20
KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio | 11/04/’20
ΘΡΙΛΕΡ means thriller or horror movie [due to the Corona economical failures]
KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio | 11/04/’20
150 MoptiML | 26 29/04/’20
151 MoptiML | 26 29/04/’20
Al HasakahSY [Syrian Kurdistan / Rojava ] 16/05/’21 (Wat) Na Chom ThianTH | 04/06/’21
Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland) NZ | RM Artists Space | 07/09/’21 [ after the storm ]
CapetownZA | Johan | Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa | 13/11/’22
DISTANT SUFFERING XXII3 | i.d. of inequality werk #3 - vlag in Goes | work #3 - flag in Goes
Werkloze vlaggenmasten vullen zich met vlaggen van kunstenaars. Plaats: Mosselbank 4 aan het Goese Meer, Goes. Een project van Iris v’t Bos / #Loods32.
Vlag van 90 grs. polyester dundoek, 150 x 225 cm, met print van een zg. turkentas, print van qr code en titel werk. Geïnstalleerd op 1 juli 2020. .
vlag / flag I.D. OF INEQUALITY | Mosselbank 4 Goes
Unemployed flagpoles fill with flags of artists. Spot: Mosselbank 4 at the Goese Lake, Goes. A project by Iris v’t Bos / #Loods32
Polyester flag flag 90 gsm, 150 x 225 cm, with a print of a so-called turkey bag, print of qr code and title of the work. Installed on July 1, 2020
July 1st | Fam. Virginie&Jan Gmelich Meijlingt van Dooren | GoesNL
158 presentatie Wandelkerk / Abdijcomplex | MiddelburgNL – 76 A4 prints presentation Wandelkerk / Abby Complex | MiddelburgNL – 76 A4 prints 02/07/2020 – 02/09/2020 August 4 2020
159 presentatie catalogus in wording | presentation catalog in the making zomerboekwinkel - summer bookstore | de roofprint pers Leni van den Berge | MiddelburgNL 5/07/2020 – 31/08/2020 01/09/’20 04/07/’20
Zomerzondagen bij de roofprint pers in Middelburg.
De muziek achter de boeken. | 23/08/’20
In what language? (the dwelling plane of the noises)
Welke taal moet ik spreken als ik al gehoord ben voor ik zelfs maar gesproken heb? Het project van Hans Overvliet ‘i.d. van ongelijkheid’ gaat over (on)mogelijkheid & (on)recht in mobiliteit. Hij vond daarbij muziek van Vijay Iyer en Mike Ladd: In what language?, misschien wel de ‘music for airports’ van nu. Pianiste Tomoko Mukaiyama heeft een ‘plane dwelling’ tussen Amsterdam en Tokyo. Met geluid van Nederlandse en Japanse componisten. En wie weet wat er verder langs komt. leni van den berge
Summer Sundays at the roofprint pers in Middelburg.
The music behind the books. | 23/08/’20
In what language? (the dwelling plane of the noises)
What language should I speak if I have been heard before I have even spoken? The Hans Overvliet project "i.d. of inequality "is about (im)possibility & (in)justice in mobility. He found music by Vijay Iyer and Mike Ladd: In what language? Perhaps the contemporary "music for airports". Pianist Tomoko Mukaiyama has a "plane dwelling" between Amsterdam and Tokyo. With the sound from Dutch and Japanese composers. And who knows what will come along. leni van den berge
Dr. Valerio Villoresi President of Mellone Foundation Museo Dario Mellone
Dr. Manuel Zoia President of Independent Artists, Art Project Manager
Dr. Martina Buttiglieri - Art Historian and Curator Assistant
163 Opening on 04/10/’2020
164 Opening 04/10/’20
photo’s Manuel Zoia Martina Buttiglieri
1 – 20 + 2 A.P.
| i.d. of inequality
werk # 4 bijdrage aan / work #4 contribution to Pakje Kunst | Vlissingen / Terneuzen / Goes
2 delen 83 x 55 x 5 mm; in een hoek te plakken.
Fotoprint op foam 5 mm met beelden van de parafernalia van 'mobiliteit', de A-1 poster i.d. of inequality, titel / website, QR code met link naar de catalogus in wording.
2 parts 83 x 55 x 5 mm; glue into an angle.
Photo print on foam 5 mm with images of the paraphernalia of 'mobility', the A-1 poster i.d. or inequality, title / website, QR code with link to the catalog in the making.
distant suffering XXI5 i.d. of inequality
ware grootte | true size voor & achter / front & back
DISTANT SUFFERING XXII5 | i.d. of inequality
werk # 5 | work #5 opgenomen in included in Pakje Kunst Museum / Tilburg Klik hier voor een fijne video [ Dutch ]. Dank aan / thanks to Ro Nalt Schrauwen.
50 x 50 x 5 mm; fotoprint met beeld van hetUNICEF-rugzakje van één van de slachtoffers van de aanslag door de door Saudi-Arabië geleide coalitie op een bus in Dahyan, Provincie Sa’dah, Yemen; QR code met link naar de catalogus in wording.
50 x 50 x 5 mm; photo print with an image of the small UNICEF backpack of one of the victims of the attack by the Saudi led coalition on a bus in Dahyan, Sa’dah Province, Yemen; QR code with link to the catalog in the making.
the center of each poster
het midden van elke poster
exhibition June 11 – July 30, 2021 artist talk on June 11, 2021
Riegrova 347, Česká Skalice Czech Republic
p hoto courtesy of © 2021 Lukáš Jasanský
Slipvillan on Långholmen | Stockholm de aningslösa / the clueless
Vernissage Saturday June 4, 2022
The exhibition is open until Sunday June 19, 2022
Next page: artist talk on June 5, 2022
evenement geïnspireerd door | event inspired by
Galerii METROPOL & TRiinu Jürves | Estonia 19 juni 2021 12 augustus, Podiumkunstenfestival / June 19 August 12, 2021, Performing Arts Festival GLOBAL HAPPINESS / ÜLEILMNE ÕNN
Hello Hans, today is the day when GLOBAL HAPPINESS finally arrives. Your poster is up in the exhibition, which is inspired by itself. We have an opening and a small performance art festival in the evening. So, you can take a wine and celebrate with us at home
On FB I wrote: "The form of the exhibition is pushed by the project of the Dutch artist Hans Overvliet “i.d. of inequality ” and the poster as the main character will also take part in the exhibition."
Many guests mentioned that they had looked at the catalog. During opening I introduced you and what happened with the letter and also read your message (and also your prosits ;-) out loud to everyone.
All the best, and once more, thank you for sending us the poster and inspiration together with it.
Kaarel Kütas
Photos ©2021 | Annika Tonts, Triinu Jürrves, Kaarel Kutas
Photos ©2021 | Annika Tonts, Triinu Jürrves, Kaarel Kutas
het panopticum binnenstebuiten | the panopticon inside out
Het panopticum binnenstebuiten
Ik ben uit de tijd van het paspoort. Een tijd met fysieke landsgrenzen. Gemarkeerd door beweegbare rood-witte slagbomen. Met mannen, inderdaad alleen mannen in uniform. De pet bijna tot over de ogen. In de rij wachten tot je aan de beurt bent. Ik herinner me vrij scherp hoe het was. Achterin de auto, razend benieuwd naar het gebouw waar die paar geüniformeerde man nen voor staan. Ze kijken streng, nukkig. Korte gebaren. De taal bestaat uit vreemde klanken. Een beetje blaffend bijna. De douaniers kijken in de blauw grijze boekjes die mijn vader doorheen het raampje aan hen geeft. Ze lopen vorsend rond de auto. Blik vanuit het boekje naar mij, vanuit het boekje naar mijn broer, naar mijn moeder. Mijn vader kijkt een beetje ongerust. Dan komen de boekjes terug in de auto. Kort knikje. Kennelijk bedoeld om door te rijden. En opeens ben je ‘in een ander land’. Wat dat inhield zag of beter, voelde je eigenlijk meteen, ook al kon je er de woorden niet voor vinden. Later zag je het aan de vreemdsoortige biljetten en muntjes bijvoorbeeld. En je hoorde en las het.
Jaren daarna werden die paar meter grens een honderdtal spannende kilometers in ‘verboden te stoppen’ gebied; de weg door Oost Duitsland naar West Berlijn. Nog later werd op een enkel land na de hele wereld door mijn paspoort een volledig open gebied.
Zoals Arnon Grunberg in Migratie is geen crisis – wél collectief geweld opmerkt: ‘Hoe groot je recht op mobiliteit is, hangt vooral af van de vraag welk paspoort je toevallig, namelijk door middel van geboorte, hebt verkregen. Houders van een Nederlands paspoort kunnen zonder visum naar
af van de vraag welk paspoort je toevallig, namelijk door middel van geboorte, hebt verkregen. Houders van een Nederlands paspoort kunnen zonder visum naar een kleine honderdzeventig landen reizen. Wie met een Pakistaans paspoort op weg moet, kan naar minder dan tien landen visumvrij reizen, waar onder Haïti en Gambia.’ 1
De Duitse socioloog Steffen Mau analyseert hoe en met welke middelen de wat hij noemt nieuwe sorteermachines tegelijker tijd mobiliteit en immobiliteit creëren: ‘Grenzen moeten opengaan als warenhuisdeuren voor gewenste reizigers, voor anderen moeten ze strakker dan ooit gesloten blijven. Nergens is het Janus-gezicht van globalisering duidelijker zichtbaar dan aan de landsgrenzen van de 21e eeuw.’ ( … ) ‘Grenzen zijn steeds selectiever geworden en ondersteund door digitalisering op gewaardeerd tot slimme grenzen. En grenscontrole is enorm uitgebreid qua ruimte, is zelfs een wereldwijde onderneming geworden die zich losmaakt van het territorium.’ 2
In 1791 presenteerde de Engelse filosoof Jeremy Bentham zijn oplossing voor de ideale gevangenis. Hij ontwierp een rond ge bouw dat bestaat uit een centrale hal met daaromheen ringen van cellen op verschillende verdiepingen geconstrueerd. Elke cel heeft twee ramen: één naar buiten en één op de cen trale hal gericht. Eén opzichter in de hal volstaat om alle bewoners [ m/v/x/ ] te bewaken, te kennen en te beheersen. Bentham noemde dit principe het panopticum; afgeleid van het Griekse ‘alziende’. De uitgangspunten van het panopticum: individualisering één cel, één bewoner, iedereen is altijd overal vol volledig zichtbaar, de bewaker kan de celbewoners zien, maar
ledig zichtbaar, de bewaker kan de celbewoners zien, maar zij hem niet, zij weten zijn aanwezigheid alleen maar. Kostbare, permanente bewaking verandert in goedkope disciplinering en repressie maakt plaats voor ‘vrijwillige’ onderwerping. Het panopticum kan voor veel instituties worden ingezet: als gevangenis, als school, werkplaats of hospitaal. Bentham bena drukt dat in het panopticum, het alziende gebouw, macht en kennis samengaan. Doelen: controleren, disciplineren, bewaken, bestuderen, vergelijken, verbeteren enz.
Dit was een nieuw type bewaking / inspectie dat de verbeelding meer beïnvloedde dan de zintuigen. Het alwetende oog van de bewaker betekende dat gevangenen, in plaats van fysiek gestraft te worden (de zintuigen aantastend), alleen gecontro leerd werden door zichtbaar te zijn (de verbeelding beïnvloe dend). Michel Foucault 3 omschreef dit ontwerp als een dispositief*, de architectonische uitdrukking van een meer algemeen machtsmechanisme waarin de 'abnormalen' of het nu melaat sen, gekken, criminelen of daklozen zijn - het onderwerp van controle worden. In deze tijden zou je daar ‘vluchtelingen’, ‘terroristen’, enz. aan toe kunnen voegen.
Ook al constateert de Koreaans-Duitse socioloog Byung-Chul Han in 2012 in De transparante samenleving 4 ‘Het geheel nieuwe van het digitale panopticum is vooral dat de celbewoners nu zelf actief meewerken aan bouw en onderhoud, namelijk door zich-zelf in alle openbaarheid tentoon te stellen’, Bethams’ panop-ticum geldt helaas nog steeds en heeft extra kracht door hulp van een nieuw medium en haar taal: big data en algoritmen.
hulp van een nieuw medium en haar taal: big data en algorit men.
In onze huidige geglobaliseerde informatiemaatschappij wordt door middel van een zeer uitgebreide database van welhaast iedereen op de wijze van het panopticum naar ons ‘gekeken’.5 Niets dat op een deel van de planeet gebeurt, kan daardoor in een ‘buitenwereld’ blijven. Geen terra nulla, geen blanco plekken op de mentale kaart, geen onbekende, laat staan onkenbare landen en volkeren. De wereld heeft niet langer een buiten kant waar problemen kunnen worden weggelaten of achtergelaten. Wat er op één plek in de wereld gebeurt, heeft elders invloed op hoe andere mensen leven, hopen of verwachten te le ven. Geen enkel welzijn is onschuldig aan de ellende van de ander.
Elke dag worden er nieuwe beveiligingsmethoden ontwikkeld en ingevoerd. Het belang van paspoorten en identiteitspapieren, reisvergunningen (uitnodigingen) en visa neemt toe. De monitoring van individuen verschuift van gelokaliseerde, persoonlijke ontmoetingen met b.v. douaneambtenaren aan de grens naar een identificatietechnologie die op afstand kan plaatsvinden en in een elektronische database wordt vergaard en bewaard.
Zo verandert bijvoorbeeld het systeem van het controleren van groepen (arbeids)migranten door de snel ‘verbeterende’ digitale technieken gestaag in een proactieve selectie en uiteindelijk in uitsluiting. Globalisering verdeelt zoveel als het verenigt; het
in uitsluiting. Globalisering verdeelt zoveel als het verenigt; het verdeelt terwijl het zich verenigt, merkt Zygmunt Bauman in het voorwoord van zijn boek Globalisation: The Human Consequences op. 6
Voor een welvarende, overwegend ‘witte’ elite maakt het reizen naar verre oorden eenvoudigweg deel uit van hun ‘goede leven’. Zij zien het als een primair recht. Bucket lists van must see bestemmingen, liefst voorzien van zoveel mogelijk selfies als visueel bewijs. Een totaal ander gebruik van de d-base dus.
De historicus Mark Poster noemde de elektronische database een bijgewerkte cyberversie van het Panopticum.7 Maar in te genstelling tot het panopticum, dat ervoor zorgt dat niemand uit de bewaakte ruimte kan ontsnappen, is de primaire functie van de d base ervoor te zorgen dat niemand er onder twijfelach tige argumenten binnenkomt. Zo wordt de d base een instru ment van selectie, scheiding en uitsluiting. Het houdt de globale elite ‘onderweg’ en houdt de lokale bevolking letterlijk op hun plaats.
Het Ban opticum heeft tot doel om van een bepaalde, maar zeer grote groep mensen, een elite uitgezonderd, het actief ontnemen van hun mobiliteit; één van de regels in de machtsonge lijkheid in de neoliberale ideologie van globalisering.
In 2021 ontwikkelde het Westen nog een andere technologie binnen het Ban opticum: de Corona app. Taylor 8 merkt hierover op: ‘Terwijl het coronapaspoort vrij reizen in het mondiale noorden vergemakkelijkt, zien mensen in het mondiale zuiden hun toegang tot grote delen van de wereld alleen maar verder ver sperd worden door QR-scanners. ‘Als je in een arm land woont en wil reizen – bijvoorbeeld om te studeren of familie te bezoeken, wat ieders recht zou moeten zijn dan is het vaak al ont zettend moeilijk om aan een visum te komen. De invoering van coronapaspoorten maakt dat nog veel moeilijker.’ ‘Nu moet je namelijk niet alleen aantonen dat je financieel zelf redzaam bent en een reden hebt om het land in te reizen, je moet ook bewijzen dat je gevaccineerd bent met een vaccin dat is goedgekeurd door dat land.’
Vanwege dié strategie - selectie, scheiding en uitsluiting - kan de d base echter niet worden omschreven als een panopticum. In de woorden van Didier Bigo in zijn Globalised (in)Security, is dit dus geen panopticum dat is getransponeerd naar een we reldwijd niveau, maar een Ban opticum. De term 'ban' verwijst zowel naar uitsluiting als naar de bevoegdheid van professionele politici om de wet op te schorten. om aan een
Dat rijke landen vaccins uit lage-inkomenslanden niet erkennen, heeft volgens Taylor niets te maken met de kwaliteit van de vaccins. ‘Zelfs vaccins die chemisch identiek zijn aan de vaccins van westerse farmaceuten worden niet goedgekeurd. Het probleem draait om politieke erkenning.’
‘Coronapaspoorten kunnen de wereld niet veiliger maken,’ zegt Taylor. ‘Ongelijker, dat wel. Ze weerspiegelen bestaande ongelijkheden en zullen die waarschijnlijk verergeren.’
Dus ook een wereldwijde pandemie draagt bij aan een (biopo litieke 9) ongelijkheid in mobiliteit.
* (sociaal apparaat) dat manieren van kijken, spreken, macht uitoefenen en subjectiviteiten genereert, verzamelt en voort brengt.
1. Arnon Grunberg, Migratie is geen crisis wél collectief geweld. NRC 19/11/’2021
2. Steffen Mau, Sortiermaschinen: Die Neuerfindung der Grenze im 21. Jahrhundert, C.H.Beck Verlag, 2021
3. Michel Foucault, Discipline, Toezicht en Straf. De geboorte van de gevangenis, Historische uitgeverij, Groningen, 1997.
4. Byung-Chul Han, De transparante samenleving, Uitgeverij van Gennep B.V., 2012
5. Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Public Affairs, Hachette Book Group, 2019
6. Zygmunt Bauman, Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007
7. M. Poster, ‘Database As Discourse, Or Electronic Interpellations’, in: Bauman, Globalization: The Human Consequences, Columbia University Press, 1998
8. Dr. Linnet Taylor, de Groene Amsterdammer – 08/11/’21
9. Michel Foucault, De geboorte van de biopolitiek, 2013, col legereeks uit 1978-1979, postuum gepubliceerd in 2004
The panopticon inside out
I am from the era of the passport. The time with real physical borders. Marked by movable red and white barriers over the road. With men indeed, only men in uniform. Their cap torn almost over the eyes. And you waiting in line.
I remember quite clearly what it was like. In the back of the car, very curious about the building in front of those uniformed men. They look stern, grumpy. Gesticulating in short gestures. Their language is made up of strange sounds. Sounds almost a little like barking.
The customs officers look ino the blue-grey booklets that my father gives them through the window. They walk around the car searchingly. Look from the book to me, from the book to my brother, to my mother. My father looks a little worried. Then the booklets come back in the car. Short nod. Apparently inten ded a sign for driving. And, than, suddenly you are 'in another country'. You actually immediately felt what that meant, even if you couldn't find the words for it. Also the strange notes and the coins, for example, were indications. And you could heard and read it.
Years later, those few meters became some hundred exciting miles in 'no stopping' territory; the road through East Germany to West Berlin.
Later still, except for a single country, for me the whole planet became a completely open area because of my passport.
As Arnon Grunberg points out in “Migration is not a crisis it is collective violence” writes: 'The extent of your right to
collective violence” writes: 'The extent of your right to mobility depends mainly on which passport you happened to have obtained, namely through birth. Holders of a Dutch pass port can travel to almost one hundred and seventy countries without a visa. Anyone who has to travel with a Pakistani passport can travel visa free to less than ten countries, including Haiti and The Gambia.' 1
The German sociologist Steffen Mau analyses how and by what means what he calls ‘new sorting machines’ simultaneously cre ate mobility and immobility: 'Borders must open like department store doors for desired travellers, for others they must re main closed tighter than ever. Nowhere is the Janus face of globalization more visible than at the national borders of the 21st century.’ (…) ‘Borders have become increasingly selective and supported by digitization upgraded to smart borders. And border control has expanded enormously in terms of space, has even become a global enterprise, breaking away from the terri tory as such.’ 2
In 1791, Jeremy Bentham presented his solution to the ideal pri son. He designed a round shaped building that consists of a cen tral hall surrounded by rings of cells, constructed on different floors. Each cell has two windows: one facing the outside and one facing the central hall. One supervisor in the hall is sufficient to monitor, know and control all residents.
Bentham called this principle the panopticon; derived from the Greek all-seeing. The basic principles of the panopticon: individualisation one cell, one resident, everyone is always every
dualisation - one cell, one resident, everyone is always everywhere fully visible, the guard can see the cell occupants, but they do not see him, they only know his presence. Costly permanent surveillance turns into cheap disciplining and repression gives way to "voluntary" submission.
The panopticon, the all-seeing building, can be used for many institutions: as a prison, a school, a workplace or a hospital. Bentham emphasizes that power and knowledge go hand in hand in the panopticon. Goals: checking, disciplining, monitoring, studying, comparing, improving, etc.
This was a totally new type of surveillance / inspection that affected the imagination more than the senses. The guard’s omniscient eye meant that instead of being physically punished (affecting the senses), prisoners were controlled only by being visible (influencing the imagination). Michel Foucault described this design as a dispositive*, the architectural expression of a more general mechanism of power in which the 'abnormal' - be it lepers, madmen, criminals or homeless - becomes the subject of control. 3
In these times one could add ‘fugitives’, ‘terrorists’, etc.
Even though the Korean German sociologist Byung Chul Han observes in 2012 in “The transparent society” 4 that 'The whole new thing about the digital panopticon is above all that the cell occupants now actively participate in construction and main tenance, namely by exhibiting themselves in all openness', Unfortunately, Bentham’s panopticon still applies and has extra po wer with the help of a new medium and its language: big data and algorithms.
power with the help of a new medium and its language: big data and algorithms.
In our current globalized information society, a very extensive database of almost everyone looks at us in the panopticon way. Nothing that happens on any part of the planet can there-fore remain in an outside world. No terra nulla, no blank spots on the mental map, no unknown, let alone unknowable countries and peoples. “The world no longer has an exterior where problems can be left out or left behind. What happens in one place in the world affects how elsewhere other people live, hope or expect to live. No well-being is innocent of the other's misery” . 5
New security methods are developed and introduced every day. The importance of passports and identity papers, travel permits (invitations) and visas is increasing. The monitoring of indi viduals shifts from localized, personal encounters with e.g. customs officials at the border to a remote identification technology that is collected and stored in an electronic data-base.
The system of controlling groups of (labor)migrants for example, is steadily changing into proactive selection and ultimo excl usion due to the rapidly ‘improving’ digital techniques.
Globalization divides as much as it unites; it divides as it unites, Zygmunt Bauman notes in the preface to his book Globalization: The Human Consequences. 6
For an affluent highly 'white' elite, traveling to faraway places is simply part of their "good life." They see it as a primary right. Bucket lists of must-see destinations, preferably illustrated with
Bucket lists of must see destinations, preferably illustrated with as many selfies as possible as visual evidence. A completely different use of the d base.
Historian Mark Poster called the electronic database an updated cyber version of the panopticon. 7 But unlike the panopti con, which ensures that no one can escape from the monitored area, the primary function of the d-base is to ensure that no one enters under questionable pretences. In that way the d base be comes an instrument of selection, separation and exclusion. It keeps the global elite "on the move" and literally keeps the locals in place.
However, because of that strategy - selection, separation and exclusion the d base cannot be described as a panopticon. In the words of Didier Bigo in his “Globalized (in) Security”, this is therefore not a panopticon that has been transposed to a global level, but a Ban opticon. The term 'ban' refers to both exclu sion and the power of professional politicians to suspend the law.
The Ban-opticon aims to actively deprive their mobility of a certain, but very large group of people, excluding an elite; one of the rules of power inequality in the neoliberal ideology of globalization.
In 2021 the West developed yet another technology within the Ban opticon: the Corona app. ‘While the corona passport facili tates free travel in the global north, people in the global south see their access to large parts of the world only further blocked by QR scanners. AsTaylor 8 observes: “If you live in a poor
see their access to large parts of the world only further blocked by QR scanners. As Taylor 8 observes: ‘If you live in a poor coun try and want to travel – for example to study or visit family, which should be every one’s right it is often very difficult to get a visa. The introduction of corona passports makes that even more difficult. Now you not only have to prove that you are financially self reliant and have a reason to travel into the country, you also have to prove that you have been vaccinated with a vaccine that has been approved by that country.’
‘Even vaccines that are chemically identical to vaccines from Western pharmaceutical companies are not approved. The problem revolves around political recognition.’
So also a global pandemic contributes to a (biopolitical 9) inequ ality in mobility.
* (social apparatus) that generates, collects and produces ways of looking, speaking, exercising power and subjectivities.
1. Arnon Grunberg, Migratie is geen crisis wél collectief geweld. NRC 19/11/’2021
2. Steffen Mau, Sortiermaschinen: Die Neuerfindung der Grenze im 21. Jahrhundert, C.H.Beck, 2021
3. Michel Foucault, Discipline, Toezicht en Straf. De geboorte van de gevangenis, Historische uitgeverij, Groningen, 1997.
4. Byung Chul Han, De transparante samenleving, Uitgeverij van Gennep B.V., 2012
5. Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Public Affairs, Hachette Book Group, 2019
6. Zygmunt Bauman, Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007
7. M. Poster, ‘Database As Discourse, Or Electronic Interpellations’, in: Bauman, Globalization: The Human Consequences, Columbia University Press, 1998
8. Dr. Linnet Taylor, de Groene Amsterdammer 08/11/’21
9. Michel Foucault, The birth of biopolitics, lecture series from 1978-1979, published posthumously in 2004. The Dutch translation dates from 2013
‘work’music: vijay iyer & mike ladd: in what language? [ thanks g. ]
DISTANT SUFFERING XXII | i.d. of inequality / mensen | people
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DISTANT SUFFERING XXII | i.d. of inequality / mensen&plaatsen | people& placesISO-code
On how people reacted
Kia ora Hans!
I am reaching out to deliver images of the placement of the 'i.d. of inequality' poster in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland, New Zealand).
I thought this was appropriate timing to install the poster as after 169 days of freedom, covid-19 has gotten past the border of Aotearoa and the need for travel has sent us back into a complete lack of mobility. After one case we are in a severe lockdown where we cannot leave home except for essential services (food, medical attention), and to exercise within our local area. I was able to get out and install your art work by riding my cargo bike.
The location your poster found, after a lot of consideration from my end, was one of the first we considered as a relevant place for RM (Gallery and Project Space ho ). I placed it on Karangahape Road, which is a place of gathering for many diverse communities in Tāmaki Makaurau, and part of RM's local area. The crossing has been painted with the pro gress pride flag designed by artist Daniel Quasar symbolising a more inclusive pride, with colours representing communities of colour and people who are transgender or non bina ry, and it's very recognisable as Karangahape.
Karangahape is one of the oldest roads in Aotearoa and existed several centuries before European settlers arrived. In the previous century it became the main shopping centre in the city, then later from the 1970's businesses started to move out of the area and the street became a red light district, and now it is a mix of clubs, arts communities, ethnicities, LGTBQI+ friendly spaces, and some gentrifica tion.
I hope this choice of place is of interest to you, I will try to get more photos of the work as I pass by and send them along if it isn't removed.
Ngā mihi Sarah Mohawk RM
People&PlacesISO code
MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy
VlissingenNL | Dani&Lieke
TilburgNL | Riet&Jan-Willem
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Den HelderNL | Margo&Abe
SkopjeMK | Arta&Jana
WarenburgNL | Hans&Willy
SchottheideDE | Hans&Willy
BredaNL | Witte Rook | Kyki
OostendeB | Ginette
Den HaagNL | Stef
Sint KruisB | Yves
MiddelburgNL | Hans
AssebroekB | Jean
AntwerpenB | Jen&Frie
Den HaagNL | Ingrid&Robert
AssebroekB | Hans&Birgitte
EindhovenNL | Stef
RotterdamNL | Hans&Willy
BruggeB | Mieke&Frank&Do
VlissingenNL | leon
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Larrés (Huesca)ESP|Lola&Paco
M’burgNL | roofprint pers | Leni
MadridESP | Mária
GoesNL |
RotterdamNL | Reinier
OuwerkerkNL | Ingrid
GoesNL | #Loods32 | Iris
Česká SkaliceCZ | Roman
Galerie Luxfer
Middelburg NL [Abbey] | Johan
GazaPS | Mahmoud Millingen aan de RijnNL | Niki
BruggeB | Jan
BruggeB | Amber BruggeB | Dominique
ZwolleNL | Peter&Anne BruggeB | Nicky, Liliane&Chris Brnocz | Marek
Artist group Rafani
Prahazc | Artist group Rafani
Litomyšlzc | Artist-group Rafani
Trenčíncz | Artist group Rafani
WemeldingeNL | Lily
West KappelleNL | Hans&Willy
FrankfurtDE | Nojan&Anita
RotterdamNL | Tonio
MenatFR | Jan&Arthur
LisseuilFR | Jan&Arthur
| gearriveerd
Viaduc des FadesFR | Jan&Arthur
Saurret BeserveFR | Jan&Arthur
ClamecyFR | Jan&Arthur
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VeniceIT | Annechien&Mattia
AkenDE | Dani
NorrköpingSE | Ruben&Saleh
BeirutLB | Alina&Nicola NijmegenNL | Jac.
Saint Éloy-les-MinesFR | Jan
BreskensNL | Hans&Willy GroningenNL | Ingeborg
Oosterschelde / Goese SasNL | Iris
KralendijkBES | Anne Marie RotterdamNL | Niki
KarachiPK | Mehreen RotterdamNL | Ruben
DublinIE | Néstor
FujianCN | Zhuona
ChongqingCN | Shan RotterdamNL | Zoë
VlissingenNL | Ko MiddelburgNL | Leni
ÅfarnesNO | Liselotte
BerlinDE | Rachele&Frederick
WarsawPL | Dani
LuxembourgLU | Willy&Hans
MetzFR | Willy&Hans
StrasbourgFR | Willy&Hans
ColmarFR | Willy&Hans SélestadFR | Willy&Hans
ZürichCH | Willy&Hans
BaselCH | Willy&Hans
BaselCH | Willy&Hans
LuzernCH | Willy&Hans
Busto Garolfo / MilanoIT Martina&Manuel
Boat KielDE - KopenhagenDK Yolanda&Harrie
KopenhagenDK | Yolanda&Harrie
OsloNO | Yolanda&Harrie
RingebuNO | Yolanda&Harrie
MilanoIT | Willy&Hans
Trollstigen near AndalsnesNO Yolanda&Harrie
Busto ArsizioIT | Willy&Hans
GenoaIT | Willy
BeauneFR | Willy&Hans
SantenayFR | Willy&Hans
ÅfarnesNO | Yolanda&Harrie
Dakar/ Île de GoréeSN | Hamath
NairobiKE | Jochem
MallorcaSP | Marcos / Espai St.Marc
WienAT | Gudrun / hinterland
WienAT | Markus / Kulturdrogerie
KasselDE | Jürgen O. / no institute
VilniusLT | Dainius / VITRINA&Bench
HelsinkiFI | Kamilla&Mirva
Forum Box
MwanzaTZ | Alma&Kiran
GeelongAU | David / Fluxux Study
Veliko TurnovoBG
Lars&Denitsa / Heerz Tooya
Quebec CA | Rejean
Field Study International
AntwerpBE | Pierre / Linkeroever
OdzaciRS | Nenad / M.A.S.
LeidenNL | Karl
BergenNO | Charlotte
LisbonPT | Katie
BergenNO | Charlotte
People&PlacesISO code
arrived | gearriveerd
VlissingenNL | Jorieke / Kipvis
TallinnEE | Kaarel / Galerii Metropol
MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy GothenborgSE | Anders / Galleri 54
LeidenNL | Romee
AarhusDK | Sasha Juxtapose Art Fair
BruggeBE | Sylvia
VlissingenNL | Ramon decreet/concreet
TokyoJP | Masako Masako Ito Design BarcelonaCAT | Arnau
OdenseDK | Mikkel / M100
MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy
PortoPT | Emerenciano
KyivUA | Oleg&Olga / HLEBZAWOD
AndrosGR | Artisan Art Is A Need Aristea Gravou
KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou
Architecture Studio
TokyoJP | Michiyo Nishikubo
MoptiML | Ibrahim
AthensGR | Aemilia
Al-HasakahSY | Rosh
NürnbergDE | Willy&Hans Na Chom ThianTH | Yvonne&Mia&Rien Česká SkaliceCZ | Willy&Hans ŠonovCZ | Willy&Hans PilzenCZ | Willy&Hans WütrzburgDE | Willy&Hans MedellínCO | Tulio Tsumago (Gifu )JP | Ryusoke HamburgDE | Willy&Hans Aotearoa / AucklandNZ | Ena&Sarah
RM Artists Space
AschaffenburgDE | Willy&Hans TilburgNL | Riet&Jan Willem Sea Foundation StockholmSE | Rikard Fåhraeus Studio44 RemersdaalBE | Rémersdael Rèbiévå [Rembierval] Deinze BE/ GentBE |
Katelijne De Corte Jonas Lescrauwaet | plavvorm LübeckDE | Willy&Hans BelgradeSR | Katarina
Remont Gallery
StockholmSE | Willy&Hans
QuakenbrückDE | Hans&Willy TiranaAL | Lauresha Gallery70
Los AngelesUSA | Durden and Ray
Carlos Beltran Arechiga
LondonGB | ArtCan | Doris Ernst
Raststaette Kreuz Oberpfalzer
WaldDE | Hans&Willy PísečnáCZ | Willy&Hans LondonGB | Watermans
Klio Krajewska
CapetownZA | Zeitz MOCAA Johan de Koning
People&PlacesISO code
onderweg met de post | on the way by post
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Buenos AiresAR | Fernando García
ColumbusUSA | John M.
TochigiJP | Keiichi
JolietteCA & MontréalCA | Elaine
KobeJP | Reiko
BarcelonaCAT | Bernat / Nüria
AthensGR | Faidra
SichuanCN | Huang
CairoEG | Sophie
HamburgDE | Nadine Verein Gängeviertel e.V.
South DartmouthMA / USA | Katrina
BeijingCN | Liu
Torteval QuesnayFR | Philippe
LondonGB | Gemma
HaarlemNL | Marco
RamallahPS | Tina StellenboschZA | Neeltje back to sender
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∙West Bank / Palestine
Israel Egypt Romania Albania U.K. Serbia South Africa
betrokken kunstenaarsinitiatieven | artists' initiatives involved
aangekomen / arrived
WITTE ROOK | BredaNL | Kyki Vermaire
Galerie Luxfer | Česká SkalicaTN | Roman&Kate
Art collective RAFANI | PragueTN / BrnoSK | Marek Meduna
INDEPENDENT ARTISTS GALLERY | Busto GarolfoIT | Martina&Manuel
Espai St.Marc | MallorcaSP | Marcos Vidal Font hinterland | WienAT | Gudrun Wallenböck
Kulturdrogerie | WienAT | Markus Hiesleitner no institute | KasselDE | Jürgen O. Olbrich
VITRINA&Bench | VilniusLT | Dainius Liškevičiu Forum Box | HelsinkiFI | Kamilla Billiers & Mirva Tarvainen Field Study International | GeelongAU | David Dellafiora
Heerz Tooya | Veliko TurnovoBG | Lars Nordby Circulaire132 | QuebecCA | Rejean F. Côté linkeroever | AntwerpBE | Pierre Coric
Multimedial Art Studio | OdzaciRS | Nenad Bogdanovic Galerii Metropol | TallinnEE | Kaarel Kütas
Galleri 54 | GothenborgSE | Anders Göransson
Juxtapose Art Fair | AarhusDK | Sasha Rose Richter kunstwerkplaats Kipvis | VlissingenNL | Jorieke Rottier
Masako Ito Design | TokyoJP | Masako Ito decreet/concreet | VlissingenNL | Ramon de Nennie
M100 | OdenseDK | Mikkel Larris Gallery Emerenciano Rodrigues | PortoPT
HLEBZAWOD | KyivUA | Oleg Kharchenko & Olga Shuvalova
Artisan Art Is A Need | AndrosGR | Aristea Gravou
Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio | KozaniGR RM Artists Space | Aotearoa / AucklandNZ | Ena & Sarah Sea Foundation | TilburgNL | Riet&Jan-Willem Studio44 | StockholmSE | Rikard Fåhraeus plavvorm | Deinze BE/ GentBE Katelijne De Corte & Jonas Lescrauwaet Remont Gallery | BelgradeSR | Katarina Katarina Petrović Gallery70 | TiranaAL | Lauresha Basha Durden and Ray | Los AngelesUSA | Carlos Beltran Arechiga ArtCan | LondonGB | Doris Ernst Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa | CapetownZA Johan de Koning onderweg / on their way Kova Art Space | team | AnkaraTR Tasarım Bakkalı | Emre Akçora | IstanbulTR Nunagawa Campus / Gallery Yuyama | Tokamachi CityJP
Verein Gängeviertel e.V. | Nadine Schwalb | HamburgDE Visual Art Forum Ramallah | Palestine E.T.A.J. | BucharestRO ÖSKG Tsjörnedala Konsthal | SimrishamnSE Commons | Selman Trtovac | BelgradeRS
Werk in tentoonstellingen
Selectie foto’s
Abdijcomplex MiddelburgNL | 01/07/’20 29/09/2020
De catalogus in wording de roofprint pers
MiddelburgNL | 05/07/’20 31/08/’20
MEN OF (STREET ART) | Independent Artists Gallery
MilaanIT | 04/10/’20 31/10/’20
Pakje Kunst Museum | TilburgNL
Gallery Emerenciano Rodrigues | PortoPT
Luxfer Open Space | Česká SkaliceCZ
Galerie METROPOL | TallinnEE
Slipvillan op Långholmen | StockholmZW
Work in exhibitions
Selection pictures
Abby Complex MiddelburgNL | July 1st September 29, 2020
The catalog in the making de roofprint pers
MiddelburgNL | July 5, 2020 August 31, 2020
MEN OF (STREET ART) | Independent Artists Gallry
MilanIT | October 4 October 31, 2020
Pakje Kunst [ Small Package ] Art Museum | TilburgNL
Gallery Emerenciano Rodrigues | PortoPT
Luxfer Open Space | Česká SkaliceCZ
Galerii METROPOL | TallinnEE
Slipvillan on Långholmen | StockholmSE
Hans Overvliet onderzoekt sinds 2013 de rol van de massa media met betrekking tot berichtgeving over (militair) geweld en de vervagende herinneringen aan geweld door middel van dit work in progress: DISTANT SUFFERING.
Overvliet was als verslaggever ooggetuige van de gebeurtenissen in het Midden Oosten in de jaren tachtig. Deze erva ringen komen tot uiting in het lijden op afstand.
De titel van het project is ontleend aan het boek Distant Suffering, Morality, Media and Politics van Luc Boltanski. Overvliet hanteert een ogenschijnlijk controversiële strategie: die van poëtische beelden, geïnspireerd door de woorden van Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 1822): Dichters zijn de niet-erkende wetgevers van de wereld. Met DISTANT SUFFERING onderzoekt Hans Overvliet ook het ‘eigendom’ van het incident versus het ‘eigendom’ van de documentatie ervan.
De gekozen thema's hebben een sterke band met de beeldcultuur in het algemeen, met name de informatieover load en het onnadenkend gebruik ervan. In de kunstreeks DISTANT SUFFERING stelt Overvliet ook de rol van de toeschouwer en zijn eigen rol als kunstenaar in vraag, evenals de neutraliteit en veiligheid van de kunstruimte.
Hans Overvliet, since 2013, investigates the role of the mass media with regard to reporting on (military) violence and the fading memories of violence by means of an ongoing artseries: DISTANT SUFFERING.
As a reporter, Overvliet was an eyewitness to the events in the Middle East during the 1980s. These experiences resonate in distant suffering.
The title of the project is taken from Luc Boltanski’s book Distant Suffering, Morality, Media and Politics.
Overvliet employs an apparently controversial strategy: that of poetic images, inspired by the words of Percy Bysshe Shel ley (1792 – 1822): Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
With DISTANT SUFFERING Hans Overvliet also investigates the ‘ownership’ of the incident, versus the ‘ownership’ of its documentation.
The chosen themes have a strong connection to visual culture in general, particularly the information overload and its thoughtless consumption.
In the art-series DISTANT SUFFERING, Overvliet questions also the role of the viewer and his own role as an artist, as well as the neutrality and security of the art space.
Thanks to all the people on the previous page &
A1 | edition 1-4
DTP | Rinus Roepman for Snowball
Print | de Witte print&design Texts
W.F.T. van Houtum
Deutsche Übersetzung | Alina Achenbach
Hans Overvliet
Alina&RubenDE/NL/B | MargoNL | Witte RookNL
IngridPS/TN/SY/JO | HansB | NéstorES/IE
Luxfer GalleryCZ | JohanZA | TakakoJP | JuneCH | LoekBES
ManuelIT | Artist-group RafaniTN/SK | VassilisNL/GR
JanGA/TZ | RinusSN/ML | JanID | NúriaCAT | ElenaGR | EllenEG/TH
SuzanneIL/PS | mail art network / Verlag Lutz WohlrabDE
KaarelEE | NO-INSTITUTE / Jürgen Olbrich KasselDE
Exhibition Places
Abbey Complex | MiddelburgNL
Roofprintpers | MiddelburgNL
Loods#32 | GoesNL
MEN OF (STREET ART) | Independent Artists | MilanIT
Photo editing | Hans Bommeljé
Luxfer Open Space | Česká SkaliceCZ
Galerii METROPOL | TalinnEE | Performing Arts Festival
Willy van Houtum | Giel Louws | Thijs Breel Press
Dutch | PZC English | PZC Music
vijay iyer & mike ladd: in what language? Financial support
Vleeshal/Stichting Beeldende Kunst Middelburg (SBKM) co sponsoring
204 E.C.B. | FrankfurtDE
DISTANT SUFFERING XXII2 | i.d. of inequality