acer japonicum spring 2022 | in contrast to
Middelburg | March 25 – May 17, 2022
In grieving memory of Shireen Abu Aqleh, Palestinian / American journalist, armed with her camera and her pen, murdered on May 11, 2022 by the Israelian Occupation Forces of the apartheid regime of Israel. “They cut her voice off, they shut her up.” She will never witness another spring again. May her soul rest in peace . . .
Foto’s in tegenstelling tot 05 Photos in contrast to Synchroon met 59 In sync with Epiloog 61 Epilogue
in contrast to | in tegenstelling tot 5
Op weg naar de Supermarket Art Fair & Studio44 | Stockholm | Zweden On our way to the Supermarket Art Fair & Studio44 | Stockholm | Sweden
in sync with | synchroon met 59
De Volkskrant; NRC; de Groene Amsterdammer; FD; de Correspondent; de Witte Raaf; Ter Zake; RTL; Frankfurter Allgemeine; ZDF; ARD; Canvas; Zwijgen is geen; MSNBC; Jimmy Dore; Politico; Buzzfeed; The Coice-Mehdi Hasan; the library of Hans&Willy; Arab News; ABC News; AFRICOM; Al Jazeera;; American Chamber of Commerce; Army Times; Asharq Al-Awsat; BBC; KurdistanPress; De Nieuwe Wereld; The Bureau of Investigative Journalism; CNN; NOS journal; Op1; RTL-Z; Achter het Nieuws; The Diplomat; Defense News; Caravanserai; The Daily Beast; Country Reports on Terrorism, U.S. Department of State; Daily News Egypt; The Economic Times; MintPress; Human Right Watch; The Syrian Observer;; SANA; Amnesty International; Emirates News 24/7; Eurasianet; Haaretz;; The Jakarta Post; The Guardian; Gulf Times; IRFAD; Kyiv Post; Marine Corps Times; Meanstream;;; Yahoo News; ANP; Adam Moore; The Kyiv Independent; The Moscow Times; Wikipedia; The Nation;; Military Times; The National Herald: Greek News; Reuters; The National Interest; Associated Press;; the New Republic; The New York Times; North Africa Post; NPR; Politico; RAND Corpor Telesur; Oleg Kharchenko; The Rwandan; David Vine; Law for Palestine (L4P); Nick Turse; Stars and Stripes; U.S. Army; The Washington Post; Palestine News Network; The Star (Kenya); Democracy At Work; Army Human Resources Command; Straits Times; the Times of Israel; Institute for Palestinian Studies;; U.S. The Wall Street Journal; U.S. Central Command; U.S. Department of Defense; U
nal; U.S. Central Command;; Embassies of Various Countries; Al Ahram; de Knack; E-flux; Die Tageszeitung;; Die Zeit; Al-Aqsa;; South America Press Release; China Military; The Jerusalem Post; Bella Cardonia, Forbes; Angola Press News Agency; Hong Kong Free Press; U.S. Department of Defense; AIHR; CAfricanews; MercoPress; K24; Zyri; The Drive;; VRT; The Public Interest Journalism Lab; B'Tselem;; World Temperatures; HRFT–HHRI; Association for Civil Rights Israel; IMEMC News; Junge Welt; Bisann; Al-Haq;; Statistica; Medialandscape; Reporters Without Borders; Ain Media Agency; Vox;; Reuters;; IPImedia; Middle East Monitor; euronews; Trouw; Fuentes Fidedignas; Committee to Protect Journalists; Voice of Palestine; Continue Production Films; Middle East Eye; El Veraz; Democracy Now!; The Listening Post; etc.
epiloog | epilogue 61
Op 25 maart 2021 vond acer japinicum in onze stadstuin dat de winter voorbij was. In het voorzichtige lentelicht ontsproten de eerste knoppen. Elke dag wat water en om de zes maanden een beetje voedsel. Meer vraagt ‘onze’ acer niet.
On March 25, 2021, the acer japinicum in our small city garden, decided that winter had come to an end. In the fragile spring light its first buds sprouted. A few gallons of water a day and a little food every six months. “Our” acer does not ask for more.
Poetin ging die dag cynisch door met het totaal vernietigen van Oekraïne. De komst van de lente was ‘daar’ natuurlijk absoluut geen onderwerp. Ik realiseer me dat dit in heel veel andere landen ter zelfder tijd gebeurt in wat we in onze new speak vergeten oorlogen noemen. De mensen die met die oorlogen worden geconfronteerd, herinneren zich die voor altijd. Want het gaat altijd over een vrouw, een broer, een zus, een moeder, een opa, een neef. Altijd over mensen zoals jij en ik. Ze leven in Jemen, Somalië, Irak, Libië, Oekraïne, Syrië, de Westbank (Palestina), Abchazië, Koerdistan, Tanzania, Gaza (Palestina), Noord-Tsjaad, Ethiopië, Koerdistan (Syrië ), Soedan, Armenië, Kameroen, Algerije, Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek, Azerbeidzjan, Myanmar, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Sinkiang, Tsjaad, Congo, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Nieuw-Guinea, Tunesië, Catalonië, Turkije, Sinjar, Leópolis, Masafir Yatta; Jarkov; Jacobabad, Novgorod-Siversky Kramatorsk, Chernihiv, Hongkong, Silwan, Kharkiv en al die andere plekken waar we zelden via de media iets van vernemen . . .
Putin cynically continued to completely destroy Ukraine that day. The arriving of spring of course was absolutely no subject ‘over there’. I realize that this is happening in a lot of other countries at the same time in what we call so new speak: forgotten wars. The people who are confronted with those wars, remember them the rest of their lives. Because it is always about a wife, a brother, a sister, a mother, a husband, a grandfather, a nephew. It’s always about people like you and me. Living in Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, the Westbank (Palestine), Libya, Abkhazia, Kurdistan, Tanzania, Gaza (Palestine), Northern Chad, Ethiopia, Sudan, Armenia, The Central African Republic, Azerbaijan, Kurdistan (Syria), Algeria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Sinkiang, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, New Guinea, Tunisia, Catalonia, Turkey, and towns like Sinjar, Leópolis, Masafir Yatta, Jarkov, Kramatorsk, Chernihiv, Hongkong, Novgorod-Siversky, Jacobabad, Silwan, Kharkiv and all those other places of which we hardly hear enough about in the media . . .
Ik kon het niet laten elke dag een foto van de uit haar winterslaap ontwakende acer te maken en die op Facebook te delen. Nu dus de serie in een handzame vorm vervat: dit boekje.
So, I couldn't resist to take a photo every day of acer awakening from hibernation and shared these photos on Facebook. So now the series comes in a handy form. Being this booklet.
P.S. ik eindigde de serie omdat we naar Stockholm vertrokken om deel te nemen aan de Supermarket Independent Art Fair.
P.S. I ended the series because we left for Stockholm to participate in the Supermarket Independent Art Fair.
Middelburg | May 2022
acer japonicum lente 2022 | in tegenstelling tot