i.d. of inequality The extent of your right to mobility depends mainly on which passport you happened to have obtained, namely through birth. Holders of a Dutch passport can travel to almost one hundred and seventy countries without a visa. Those who have to travel with a Pakistani passport can travel visa-free to less than ten countries, including Haiti and The Gambia. The bottom line is that the world can be divided into two: those who hold passports for superhumans (say, an American, English, Australian, Canadian, or EU passport) and those who hold passports for the damned – with the stateless beings doomed even more. Arnold Grunberg | NRC 19/11/’21 The poster shows one of the few similarities between these different travellers, namely their luggage. The poignant difference is in the contents of these suitcases, bags and backpacks. The people participating in DISTANT SUFFERING XXII | i.d. of inequality each have chosen a place in their public space that is important to them to hang the poster. That importance can be described as the most beautiful spot, the most charged, the most activistic, the most intimate, the most striking, the most historical, the most idyllic, the busiest, the least remarkable, the most directly referring to travel, the place where (power)politics takes place, the daily environment, the most touristic that the city is marketed for, the most bland, the most dilapidated, etcetera. During the project, a number of people chose to hang and photograph the poster in several places that represent them. Some participants photographed themselves, alone or with a co-performer, which adds an extra dimension to the place. www.hansovervliet.com
link to the catalogue
MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy VlissingenNL | Dani&Lieke TilburgNL | Riet&Jan-Willem EdinburghSCH | Frederick Den HelderNL | Margo&Abe SkopjeMK | Arta&Jana WarenburgNL | Hans&Willy SchottheideDE | Hans&Willy BredaNL | Witte Rook | Kyki OostendeB | Ginette Den HaagNL | Stef Sint KruisB | Yves MiddelburgNL | Hans AssebroekB | Jean AntwerpenB | Jen&Frie Den HaagNL | Ingrid&Robert AssebroekB | Hans&Birgitte EindhovenNL | Stef RotterdamNL | Hans&Willy BruggeB | Mieke&Frank&Do VlissingenNL | leon LeuvenB | Alina&Ruben Larrés (Huesca)ESP|Lola&Paco M’burgNL | roofprint pers | Leni MadridESP | Mária GoesNL | Ingrid RotterdamNL | Reinier OuwerkerkNL | Ingrid GoesNL | #Loods32 | Iris Česká SkaliceCZ | Roman Galerie Luxfer NL Middelburg [Abbey] | Johan GazaPS | Mahmoud Millingen aan de RijnNL | Niki BruggeB | Jan BruggeB | Amber BruggeB | Dominique ZwolleNL | Peter&Anne BruggeB | Nicky, Liliane&Chris Brnocz | Marek Artist-group Rafani zc Praha | Artist-group Rafani Litomyšlzc | Artist-group Rafani Trenčíncz | Artist-group Rafani WemeldingeNL | Lily West KappelleNL | Hans&Willy FrankfurtDE | Nojan&Anita RotterdamNL | Tonio MenatFR | Jan&Arthur LisseuilFR | Jan&Arth Viaduc des FadesFR | Jan&Arthur Saurret BeserveFR | Jan&Arthur ClamecyFR | Jan&Arthur AgersøDK | Jörn&Dorte&Sille Nor AmsterdamNL | Giel
BremenDE | Anne&Rezan VeniceIT | Annechien&Mattia AkenDE | Dani NorrköpingSE | Ruben&Saleh BeirutLB | Alina&Nicola NijmegenNL | Jac. Saint Éloy-les-MinesFR | Jan BreskensNL | Hans&Willy GroningenNL | Ingeborg Oosterschelde / Goese SasNL | Iris KralendijkBES | Anne-Marie RotterdamNL | Niki KarachiPK | Mehreen RotterdamNL | Ruben DublinIE | Néstor FujianCN | Zhuona ChongqingCN | Shan RotterdamNL | Zoë VlissingenNL | Ko MiddelburgNL | Leni ÅfarnesNO | Liselotte BerlinDE | Rachele&Frederick WarsawPL | Dani LuxembourgLU | Willy&Hans MetzFR | Willy&Hans StrasbourgFR | Willy&Hans ColmarFR | Willy&Hans SélestadFR | Willy&Hans ZürichCH | Willy&Hans BaselCH | Willy&Hans BaselCH | Willy&Hans LuzernCH | Willy&Hans Busto Garolfo / MilanoIT Martina&Manuel INDEPENDENT ARTISTS Boat KielDE - KopenhagenDK Yolanda&Harrie KopenhagenDK | Yolanda&Harrie NO Oslo | Yolanda&Harrie RingebuNO | Yolanda&Harrie MilanoIT | Willy&Hans Trollstigen near AndalsnesNO Yolanda&Harrie Busto ArsizioIT | Willy&Hans GenoaIT | Willy BeauneFR | Willy&Hans SantenayFR | Willy&Hans ÅfarnesNO | Yolanda&Harrie Dakar/ Île de GoréeSN | Hamath NairobiKE | Jochem MallorcaSP | Marcos / Espai St.Marc WienAT | Gudrun / hinterland WienAT | Markus / Kulturdrogerie KasselDE | Jürgen O. / no institute VilniusLT | Dainius / VITRINA&Bench
HelsinkiFI | Kamilla&Mirva Forum Box TZ Mwanza | Alma&Kiran GeelongAU | David / Fluxux Study Veliko TurnovoBG Lars&Denitsa / Heerz Tooya Quebec CA | Rejean Field Study International AntwerpBE | Pierre / Linkeroever OdzaciRS | Nenad / M.A.S. LeidenNL | Karl BergenNO | Charlotte LisbonPT | Katie BergenNO | Charlotte VlissingenNL | Jorieke / Kipvis TallinnEE | Kaarel / Galerii Metropol MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy GothenborgSE | Anders / Galleri 54 LeidenNL | Romee AarhusDK | Sasha Juxtapose Art Fair BruggeBE | Sylvia VlissingenNL | Ramon decreet/concreet TokyoJP | Masako Masako Ito Design BarcelonaCAT | Arnau OdenseDK | Mikkel / M100 MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy PortoPT | Emerenciano KyivUA | Oleg&Olga / HLEBZAWOD AndrosGR | Artisan Art Is A Need Aristea Gravou GR Kozani | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio JP Tokyo | Michiyo Nishikubo MoptiML | Ibrahim AthensGR | Aemilia Al-HasakahSY | Rosh VlissingenNL | Jorieke / Kipvis TallinnEE | Kaarel / Galerii Metropol MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy GothenborgSE | Anders / Galleri 54 LeidenNL | Romee AarhusDK | Sasha Juxtapose Art Fair BruggeBE | Sylvia VlissingenNL | Ramon decreet/concreet TokyoJP | Masako Masako Ito Design BarcelonaCAT | Arnau OdenseDK | Mikkel / M100 Aristea Gravou PortoPT | Emerenciano
MiddelburgNL | Hans&Willy KyivUA | Oleg&Olga / HLEBZAWOD AndrosGR | Artisan Art Is A Need KozaniGR | Annita Koutsonanou Architecture Studio JP Tokyo | Michiyo Nishikubo MoptiML | Ibrahim AthensGR | Aemilia Al-HasakahSY | Rosh NürnbergDE | Willy&Hans Na Chom ThianTH | Yvonne&Mia&Rien Česká SkaliceCZ | Willy&Hans ŠonovCZ | Willy&Hans PilzenCZ | Willy&Hans WütrzburgDE | Willy&Hans MedellínCO | Tulio Tsumago (Gifu )JP | Ryusoke HamburgDE | Willy&Hans Aotearoa / AucklandNZ | Ena&Sarah RM Artists Space AschaffenburgDE | Willy&Hans TilburgNL | Riet&Jan-Willem Sea Foundation StockholmSE | Rikard Fåhraeus Studio44 RemersdaalBE | Rémersdael Rèbiévå [Rembierval] LondonGB | Klio | Watermans BeogradRS | Katarina AnkaraTR | team Kova Art Space IstanbulTR | Emre / Tasarım Bakkalı CopenhagenDK | Niels Buenos AiresAR | Fernando García ColumbusUSA | John M. TochigiJP | Keiichi JolietteCA & MontréalCA | Elaine KobeJP | Reiko BarcelonaCAT | Bernat / Nüria AthensGR | Faidra SichuanCN | Huang CairoEG | Sophie HamburgDE | Nadine