FB-chat | 22/03/’23
( … ) Hans, it seems to us that the situation is worsening again. Another blackout/power cut and we heard the sounds of explosions. There were quite a few drone attacks tonight. I saw a rocket hit a residential building in Zaporizhzhia.
(and there should be my parallel project)
Shit Oleg. Hope you are all safe. Is your project cancelled?
I don't know, Hans, my friend. Decided not to bother people yet. Of course . . . Please take care!
Middelburg is a step Hans, together we go on.
“March 1 we had train tickets and a head full of fear and uncertainty. Our feet led us to walk to the Kiev train station. (…) Above the border near the village of Radekhiv, Lyuboml district, Volyn region, 16 kilometers from the Polish border and 40 kilometers from the border with Belarus, a security fighter jet flies in the sky.
I felt confused and I asked my son-inlaw to get some paper. They also found a ballpoint pen and some paint and I started drawing something. It was always easier to watch the sunset after hard work.”
opening | 01/04/’23
opening speech Anna Kokirilenko
photos Joan Krüse

I don't think it would be a great secret to say that the true artist has always been the voice of the present and the precursor of the future. Yes, today, in the age of advanced technology and high-speed internet, the world does not need field sketches of what is happening. But no photo can ever replace the precision of composition and the bitter satire of a good artist. I look at Oleg's work and feel Ukraine in it. And I also see how filigree Oleg has chosen the subjects, how masterfully he has put them together and how sparklingly he uses his wonderful humour. This is such a Ukrainian approach to life - to laugh through tears and go forward no matter what. And what is more important is the theme that Oleg has chosen to address the world as a true voice for the scary present that is happening right in front of our noses: evacuation.
In this case, I`d like to share a small story, written by Julia Hair Beck. Because, when I suddenly found and read it I felt every painful emotion that was forbid-den for me to feel, as I convinced myself - I am a strong woman, I won`t be crying. But this small story turned me back to my own evacuation with my mother and son, though I don`t remember it in colours, but just like a sick dream.
“The evacuation trains from Kyiv departs crowded, tense, and quiet. Confused, scared children, nervous animals, exhausted adults. Some are lucky enough to get a seat, the rest just fall to the floor in the passageway and vestibule. Things are minimal, but they take up all the space that is still left. The train leaves the station and almost immediately the lights go out in the cabin. Directions are whispered from the side of the door: no phones, no bright.
the door: no phones, no bright lights, no internet, or, God forbid, geo-location. Everyone obediently turns off the small screens. It`s dark and quiet. The train carefully sneaks between the same dark fields and villages. Somewhere it freezes, somewhere it makes a sharp jerk.
The children begin to be naughty – they want cartoons, to the toilet, a candy bar, a walk. There is nowhere to go; the only way to the toilet is through the air. But everybody understands everything, presses their legs, and tries to let the other people go. Parents try their best to calm their children, but as soon as one end of the carriage slows down, the other one wakes up.
An hour passes, then another. According to the usual schedule, they should have already arrived at Vinnytsia. They say that we won`t be in Vinnytsia earlier than in two hours, and, perhaps, there will be no stop. Someone tries to
stop. Someone tries to protest, but they are quickly calmed down. Tired children fall asleep. It gets hot and out of breath. And instead of oxygen, there is one fear for all. You want to drink, but you should remember that you can’t get into the toilet.
The lights of Vinnytsia slowly appear ahead. The train passes it without stopping. The next potential stop is Khmelnytskyi but when the arrival is unknown. The clock is ticking. Children wake up and everything starts in a circle. There are lights ahead. The train slows down; the lights are turned on in the cabin. Everyone squints and pulls out their phones trying to check the situation. We arrive at the station. There is an announcement in the salon: parking is 5 minutes minutes. Some people begin to randomly grab things, children, and cats and make their way to the exit.
They jump out onto the platform, but it doesn`t become freer in the cabin. Suddenly, a huge checkered bazaar bag is thrown into the vestibule with a running start, followed by two more, and then another one is pulled in by two women. People are starting to grumble, they say, there is no free space to get inside with so huge bags. Someone answers them that maybe there are animals in it, so we have to be patient.
Women don't pay attention. With stingy, apparently already perfected movements, they quickly open the bags and begin to throw some packages into the hands of those who are closer. Quick, pass on, 3 minutes left!
People obediently pass on. One bag is empty, followed by two more. People in the cabin wake up and try to understand what they are shoved into their hands here.
One of the women shouts loudly into the
here. One of the women shouts loudly into the salon: Do you have small children? Yes! How many? About 20. She opens the last bag, and shakes the packages out of it. Pass it on to moms! And through the cabin like a wave: Pass it on to moms, pass it on to moms . . . .
The train is jerking. One of the women quickly grabs the empty bags, the se-cond throws the rest of the bags right on the floor, and both jump out onto the platform.
- Luda, water!
A block of water is thrown into the vestibule on a grand scale, followed by another one. The train starts moving. People, as if dying, begin to open the packages that were put into their hands.
packages that were put into their hands. In each bag: three oatmeal cookies, a little cheese sandwich, a small sandwich with butter and sausage, an apple, two chocolates, and a few candies. The packages that were handed over to the mothers contained a couple of diapers and three packs of baby food. The light goes out again. The cabin is quiet, but candy wrappers rustle, and someone asks for water. They say that Ternopil is further, but there may not be a stop.
A dark train sneaks between dark fields and villages.
This is my translation of this text
https://vitruvianus9.livejournal.com/2810136.html?fbclid=Iw AR0Zxkg7FnvoN3z-

1 March, we had tickets on and a head full or anxiety and uncertainty. Our feet prompted us to hike to the Kyiv in railway station. Subway took us to the nearest station. And moved quickly until we heard the siren sounding about air alarm. Single cars were driving nearly as well. We also saw military medical car. They drove confidently and somewhere near Kyiv there were battles with the Russian occupiers. Two artist and family Oleg Kharch and Olga Shuvalova.
Radekhiv village, Lyuboml district, Volyn region. 16 Kilometers from the Polish border and 40 kilometers to the border with Belarus.
Here the artists tried to find shelter for their relatives. And so as not to sit at the laptop in search of an influx of terrible news from Kyiv, it is better to extract firewood for heating the house. Such exercises for the body, so as not to oppress the human soul. It all looks extreme, but no more. After hard work, it was always easier to watch the sunset. Because a security fighter-plane was flying in the sky above the border. Leaving a remarkable white protective litter on a deep blue background. But I felt confused. I asked my son-in-law to get paper, they found a ballpoint pen and I started to do something. So it happened...

The threat of the encirclement of Kyiv, and most importantly, the high risk of falling into the enemy's torture chambers, in the event of its fall, forced me to drill my brain with a personal question: ‘Will there be an Evacuation, for us or not?’
In fact, we realized that this was a question for many millions of Ukrainians for many days, nights and months in 2022.

Where? The most direct and convenient option was Poland. And this is what happened. But one picture cannot depict what happened there on the border and in the border areas. But people were fleeing from the fear of aerial bombardment, as in Syria, from war zones and occupation with torture and simply killing - a safari from Russian inhumans.

Of course, we all used the Internet to get information and at the same time we heard these mad calls to bomb our cities and kill those who disagree with Moscow's occupation policy. Some of them, quite seriously, would like to further return the entire Baltic region and Chisinau and reach Warsaw and Berlin. This is their eternal idea of fixing, firing everyone. From life, from truth, from people's rights and from humanity itself.
As proof, they simply freed us from our Glorious "Mriya". The world's largest plane was destroyed.
That first week we heard the sounds of war in the windows. Machine-gun bursts, explosions of artillery cannonades, mortar attacks and the flight of a real cruise missile overhead. We were drinking coffee at nine in the morning, and thought that it was a plane because Zhulyany airport is nearby. They decided that it was an enemy landing party. We made a mistake, then an enemy rocket that hit a house on Lobanovskyi Avenue brought death.

And here we hear these creepy and pestilential names of these army units or divisions. They say their horde numbered 200,000. This is the Advanced Command Post of the 49th General Army of the Russian Federation, completely destroyed on the approach to Kyiv. And this means that our valiant Ukrainian Army is not broken and did not run away. There were such prophecies, but they did not come true. She dug into these long columns of the occupier in exterminating that locust.

In the Black Sea there is an island of the Zmiiny rock (there is not even water there, but there is a village of Bile). Our border troops go into battle, but the leader of the Russian military box appeals to them on the radio - Surrender! To them (and in fact there was a whole armada of two ships and several boats) our soldier-radio operator answered: Russian Warship go to Hell! They were shot at from all sides, and when there was no longer anything to answer for, they were captured. This became an example for all our soldiers.

Various new enemy drones began to fly in the sky over Kyiv and other cities. Some saw them from the balcony, and few knew if it was an attack or reconnaissance drone? We all began to learn to understand the types of weapons of the army, both our own and those of others. Question - Will they hit for sure?

The only friend who stayed there and with whom I can communicate is Konstantin Eremenko. He is an outspoken anti-Putinist and an artist criticizing his regime. He wrote to me that he knows his guilt because he is also responsible for the war against Ukraine. We began to fantasize about the topic, and why did the Russian troops enter and capture the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (CHAES)? He said, well, probablyPutin's light bulb at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. I answered - Let them dig out their eyes in the Red Forest... This is one of the most polluted places in the Chernobyl Zone. We laughed together, but later it turned out that the occupiers really did that.

So, how will a Russian soldier treat himself for radiation damage? The answer is simple - he will drink vodka, and when there is no more money for it, he will use "Boyara" hawthorn tincture. Of course, under the well-known slogan - For our Victory “PABEDA”.

And then the fame spread about their "victories" at Chornobayevka Airport. Where the Russian occupiers stationed their helicopters and planes, and the Ukrainian artillery systematically destroyed them. This was a TV series.

Of course, everyone already knew about the war in Ukraine. Europe welcomed and sheltered refugees. Which of the countries is more, which is less. But it would be strange not to admit that Germany helped everyone indiscriminately even before. It sheltered a considerable Russian fifth column. And she began her mission at the command of the Kremlin. They began to hold anti-Ukrainian rallies, decorating them with slogans for peace, adding a German flag and an innumerable number of their Vlasov tricolors for entourage. Emphasis that they should remember who defeated them in the Second World War (the so-called Russian people) and with whom exactly they should be friends. Songs about "Batanya Kombat" and other schizophrenia crawled out with "Berlin Run".

In Ukraine, there were different musical tastes. For example: - "Vova Putin is a sick guy, there is a frog in his ass. The frog, playing Vova in the ass, thinks he is playing...» This joke was sung in bars in Lviv even before the war, the active phase of 2022.

"And we will break those Moscow shackles, and we will pick that spring wheat, and we will preserve that shooting glory" - a few phrases from an old and forgotten song of the “Sichovy Stryltsy”. Khvylnyuk, the leader of the "Boombox" group, sang. Then they did a cover with South African music Kiffness and in the final apogee they recorded a track with David Gilmour ex Pink Floyd. A bunch of millions of views, and money to help the Ukrainian people. Khvylniuk and his friends go to the front to defend the land of their ancestors.

The losses of the Russian occupiers are higher than when the USSR attacked and occupied Afghanistan for ten years. I was in the Soviet army at that time for two years, and I thank fate that I did not become the cursed occupier myself, because Ukraine was itself under communist occupation at the time. But their mantra is "Russians do not abandon their own." The truth is different; they always threw in Afghanistan and the same here in Ukraine. And anywhere.

Since 2014, they have seized Crimea without a fight and dared to bite off a piece of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Then it was the Hybrid method, through separatist proxy forces. And now they are boldly legitimizing a full-scale invasion under the slogan "This is not a war, but a special operation." Well, of course, the list of combat equipment is very modest: all that are armed with missiles, all types of artillery, all that are tanks, BMPs, armored personnel carriers, command vehicles, the entire Black Sea surface and underwater fleet plus several units from the Caspian Sea. The entire arsenal of tactical aviation. Conventional, Motorized, Assault Divisions.

In addition to attacking Kyiv from the north, in the south, in the East, they invade the regions where partisanship is quite easy. These are Sumyshchyna and Chernihivshchyna, and there they are not greeted with flowers. In the first days, they mercilessly bombarded the small town of Trostyanets, because they did not like the "Korona" chocolate factory. The very first major foreign investment in the confectionery industry in Ukraine. The city was captured, the chocolate factory was completely looted and destroyed. I love Trostyanets = complete demilitarization.

Lysychansk lived peacefully in the still unoccupied part. There is always a difficult situation with drinking water. The first bombs to arrive hit and destroyed the city's water supply system. The aqueduct is defeated.

No one in the world knew what such a dynamic but small satellite town near Kyiv was. Bucha, now it is a symbol of the Russian occupation. They released him. How they could, because they can't do otherwise.

Odesa, the city attracts. The Russian naval flotilla has approached the city predatorily and it seems to them that they can take it. It is not clear by what miracle, but several anti-sea missiles remained in Ukraine. And at one point it brought a result, the 2016built supply ship "Vsevolod Bobrov" fell in love with our Neptune rocket. They managed to tow it (the boat) to Sevastopol.

But the adventures of the Russians in the Black Sea have only just begun. The variety of boats of the Black Sea Russian Federation, their dignified behavior, helps to impress the "Raptor". Their (for two at the same time) walk near the captured island Zmiiny ended in death together with the "crew and passengers". Raptor, Raptor, why are you silent? They asked for a long time on the walkie-talkie, but the Black Sea bulls did not have a chance to answer.

The Russian X-29 missile, according to its purpose, can hit enemy submarines in a surface position. The Russian occupiers took this into account and aimed at the target. There are many private buildings in the small town of Gulyai Pole in Zaporozhye. And there they use the toilet right in their garden. There is such a practice. Here's one of thos

62nd day of the denazification of Mariupol. How did it happen? Actually, just like all the previous and following days. Russian national-chauvinism, which is not hidden at all, covers its crimes against humanity with a fig leaf. There is only an assumption that only two-thirds of the 400,000 citizens managed to survive. How many were destroyed and how many remained there? Traditionally, Mariupol was considered a pro-Russian city, like all others in the Donetsk region. Its peculiarity is that it was able to refrain from occupation since 2014, therefore it had the status of a cultural mecca in the East of Ukraine.

What about the international community? Well, for example, it seemed like an influential UN institution. She was preparing and preparing all the time. Because no matter what solution they come up with there, there is a right of veto in this organization from the Russian Federation. That is, They let a goat into the garden to look and guard at the green fresh cabbage.

The 80-thousandth city of Kramatorsk, where my relatives on my mother's side lived, was hit by a lot of rockets. Station, city center, enterprises or private sector. Therefore it is written: Kramatorsk, Rocket X22. Although it was "Iskanders", "Tochka U" and many others. They are interested in the terror of the civilian population, and what exactly to destroy does not matter.

Raisin, Kish-Mish, M785. A large part of the Kharkiv region was temporarily surrounded by the Russian terrorist forces. It was extremely important for them to get the Kupyansk and Izyum railway hubs. The first one was obtained without a fight, but with the second one, from the very beginning, there were difficulties for the ocuants. And the first 155-mm M777 howitzers from the Allies were tested right there. And M785 shells, with their accuracy, simply destroyed important military warehouses. Before that, the Russian Army was suffocating our troops in a ratio of 1:10. This made it possible to use a new point counter-tactica, which later only developed.

Konotop city. Air alarm. The city under which the Russians were defeated in the very distant battles of 1659. Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi mobilized the Ukrainian army (16,000) and enlisted the help of foreign mercenaries (several thousand mercenaries from Poland, Moldavia, Wallachia, and Transylvania) and the 30,000-strong army of the Crimean Khan Muhammed-Girey IV. The Moscow army was surrounded and almost everything was destroyed during the day.
It is believed that up to 30,000 Muscovites died in the Battle of Konotop, and another 15,000 were captured (including Pozharsky himself and dozens of noble voivodes). The shame of this crushing defeat is forever in the ages. This time they also besieged and meanly shelled with artillery. Cossacks and Tatars chased the fugitives all the way to the Moscow border, Trubetskoi miraculously escaped capture, although he was wounded twice. Artillery, a treasury, a train, and battle flags were lost. This time they also besieged and viciously shelled Konotop with artillery.

Help has come to Ukraine. STARLINK communication became widely used. The heart of the resistance of the surrounded Mariupol was on Azovstal! Every day, our heroic commanders informed us about the state of affairs. It was difficult to hear and perceive, but it is important to know. A whole predatory tribe of ten or even twelve thousand orcs besieged and surrounded our brave warriors. And from the side of the sea, sea scum beat in the back. Bombardment by planes from above. Then came the order to lay down arms and surrender. It was a long-lasting encirclement of Ukrainian combat units: soldiers from of the "AZOV" regiment, border guards, marines and many other soldiers and officers of the Mariupol garrison. Because it was no longer possible to deliver ammunition, medicines, water and provisions, as before by helicopters.

Volodymyr Sudets, Marshal of the Soviet Air Force, an ethnic Ukrainian. This is a phrase, and now every Ukrainian man and woman should shudder, including Nizhny Dniprovsk, where he was born. A strategic bomber has risen and how can it attack Ukrainian cities and towns?

I lived in Kremenchuk, Poltava Oblast, for more than 10 years. I know very well where the territory of the Plant of Road Vehicles (DorMash) is located. Since that time, a lot of water has flowed into the Dnipro, and the Amstor Shopping Center was built there on a part of the former factory. In the middle of the day, a rocket flew there and destroyed him and many people. For two days, the wounded were dug out from under the rubble, because they simply did not have time to escape at the Alarm signal. There was a strike on a ballistic trajectory - exactly at the "Amstor" Shopping Center.

Tu22M3. Or, I came to you with greetings". "Shaykovka" airport. Ukrainian attack drones reached and most importantly hit two dangerous enemy planes for the first time. Overcome enemy anti-aircraft forces and inflict damage as far as the Kaluga region. This is already a very annoying blow to Muscovites in the rear.

August 24. 24 hours. Independence Day of Ukraine. For a long time, we were proud that we had no war in our recent history. Politicians ruled us, they themselves corrupted the consciousness of fellow citizens with tales about our unique multivector nature. Wise people prepare for war and therefore have peace at home, but fools will do the opposite. We knew that the neighbor was mad and big. Now, at the cost of losses and many thousands of victims, we are fighting for the ninth year. And this battle is even more fierce. Such is the price of safety and infantilism.

"And I hit him with my stick (shot from a hunting rifle)... And it fell (a Russian plane), Boom! Oh, yes, it fell.". It looked like folk humor. And the fiery spring was remembered again. Because sometimes memories and wounds on the soul heal.

Since the looting of civilian homes has already acquired a complete grotesqueness, the appearance of the Internet meme #полоскалка #poloskalka is not surprising. Interested in its exoticism. And it turns out that the occupiers flaunt this strange ritual. They really drive their wives out to wash their clothes in the river even today. Those savages built fancy squares and thus organized evening women's parties. So that they do not prevent them from drinking vodka. And when women come back, they can get drunken cunt for prevention.

A good Russian is bad. Variants of the invader varieties are being discussed in Ukraine. Opinions are very different. It turns out that they even have such a vulgar film. Here is an illustration from it.

Second Army in the World. This is the Army of the Russian Federation. The missiles of which can fall on the head of those of them and who launched it. The soldiers of which do not care about their own safety, but more about stealing toilets in Ukraine, or washing machines (which they do not know how to use) or whatever. And also, it is very important to drink alcohol, preferably around the clock. And as a result (like a flower on a cake), people of Roma nationality simply steal their mobile equipment instead of horses from under their noses.

Belogorivka. Left bank, right bank. A small settlement in the Luhansk region had a significant strategic effect. And now he is humiliated but under the control of the Ukrainian army. Especially epic "assaults" of the Russian invaders are connected with him. After all, there is a more suitable possibility of forcing the river Siverskyi Donets. Our soldiers took this opportunity into account and lured the enemy into a trap. About 100 units of armored vehicles and vehicles were destroyed in one battle in May. And the occupiers themselves are about four hundred.

Davydov Brid, wants to vote for Elon Musk. Most of Kherson Oblast came under Russian occupation in the spring. This is a small village, an important point of further autumn de-occupation of the right-bank Kherson region together with Kherson itself. At times the figure of the American businessman is controversial, "Starlink" helped us here too.

"We steal for the Motherland." We know that this is already humor, but historically the three scum of the world, what can they give to Ukraine? War for theft, theft for war.

Proclamation of a great "Mobilization" will only give rise to even more "burial" of Russian cannon fodder.

It is hard to believe, but it was so. Our soldiers counterattacked enemy positions. The successful offensive of the Ukrainian soldiers led to the emergency escape of the orcs. But the commander of their unit was wounded and bleeding - and instead of being saved, he heard: "Commander, you can blow yourself up with a grenade." And they did not forget to remove the check from the grenade. He was not so stupid, his life was saved, which made it possible to replenish the exchange fund as an officer.

When the "cotton" began in Crimea, the Russian idiots who came across them ran as far away as they could (with snot and screams). One video has gone viral. Therefore, all the vacant places from the occupiers are quite suitable: "It's so soulful in Balaklea."
I don't want to run away, but you have to, Russian occupier. The counteroffensive operation of the Ukrainian army suddenly began here.

"Illegitimate counteroffensive on Yzum". The front of the Russian army collapsed so much. It is not possible to track all events.

In Crimea, everything is also under control and there is no panic. It's just that the Crimean bridge is on fire, because the railway connection has been blown up and one part of the road connection has collapsed. "Cotton", apparently, happened because of a carelessly thrown butt.

But the enemy is treacherous and vindictive. A rocket hit the Chaplyne railway station. Dnipropetrovsk region is under constant missile sight.

There was Givi Tolstykh. Became Vasya Tonkih. The first media pseudo-hero of "Novorossiya" could not get on the elevator to another separatist lover Manka'sObligatsiya(bonds). And the second also wrote a video about what a cool fighter he is with "Ukrainian fascism". She did not marry him, the dream Ukrainian beauty - because she was - Katya Liquidation. Only in the steppes of Ukraine did the wind blow it away from an armored personnel carrier.

Admiral Makarov flees from pursuit. There is no place for Russian floating troughs in the Black Sea. They forgot to mention that the newest frigate of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia, which repeatedly bombarded peaceful Ukrainian cities with "Caliber" missiles, suddenly got hit in the eye and had to run away.

In Kherson, a sharp flight of various collaborative waste suddenly began. In addition to looting the city's museums, they captured two bronze admirals/generalissimos
Ushakov & Suvorov in one night. Both of them had their legs fastened and they left.

The world-famous German composer is of no use here. It's just that there was a kind of private army "CVK Wagner"- Private Military Company, for the lazy workers of the bald Führer from the Kremlin. These trained professional mercenaries worked where official troops could not shine. And now their time has come in this war. For a good entourage in the Luhansk region, where will our troops stay. Because almost the entire Kharkiv region was liberated. Russian strategists began to bridge the "Wagner Line" concrete barriers with white pyramids.

And another interesting moment - Lyman (Krasny) left the Russian Federation. It was declared Russian, but in a couple of days it (a small town) changed its mind, because the Armed Forces entered there. And everything was presented so pathetically, and here is the confusion.

In general, we do not want to leave Kherson! With such a slogan, all the occupiers suddenly left this heroic city of Ukraine in three days - the only regional center that they managed to capture in the Spring offensive company. Since all bridges and crossings were under fire control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, many crossed the Dnieper by swimming. A how successful, then surely you should ask the Tovstolobikis? Those fish must have gotten something/someone.

Willy van Houtum | Jorieke Rottier | Giel Louws | Hans Overvliet
DTP prints | Giel Louws
prints / scaling | de Witte Print&Design
lay-out - installation | teamCAESUUR
0pening | Anna Kokirilenko
art work / photos work / texts
Kharch Oleg
introduction | Anna Kokirilenko
photos | Joan Krüse
layout | Hans Overvliet
In 2023 ruimteCAESUUR was supported by the happy shareholders & ditto friends of CAESUUR
the municipality of Middelburg | Family Fund Hurgronje | Frits Lensvelt Foundation
Kattendijke / Drucker Foundation | Mondrian Fund
We thank the Middelburgse / Veerse Bode deerly for their efforts to help us dearly in our communication with the local people . . .
Since 1995, some hundred plus exhibitions of contemporary art have been made in ruimteCAESUUR (spaceCAESUUR). From 1999 on at the Lange Noordstraat 67 in Middelburg. Visual arts, in relation with the contemporary art discourse, are always the guiding principle for an exhibition, but a historical and social perspective also determine our choices.
ruimteCAESUUR stands for the autonomy of art embedded in larger systems, and puts the artist’s oeuvre at the center of organizing its (solo) exhibitions.
Young, novice as well as "arrived" artists are offered a platform in order to present their work in a non-commercial environment.
Real meeting and learning from each other play important roles within the annual planning of ruimteCAESUUR.
We form a private initiative, without any profit motive, with Willy van Houtum and visual artist Hans Overvliet at its core; they form the board of the CAESUUR foundation.
teamCAESUUR is more than completed by the artists Jorieke Rottier and Giel Louws. The unique composition of this team crosses borders of art practices, gender, and generations.