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Engelse Kerk | Simpelhuisstraat

PROGRAM MARCH 14, 2024 8:00 P.M.




On Thursday evening, March 14, starting at 8 o'clock, in loving cooperation with the people of the English Church on the Simpelhuisstraat in Middelburg, we are organizing a benefit evening to help traumatized children in Gaza to cope with their misery.

For sale on the evening will be several A-4 quality prints of drawings made by children from Gaza. You can subscribe to the children’s drawings; you’ll find them further on in this publication.

You can order a children's drawing of your choice in two ways: transfer € 50,- to HOPE, NL37 RABO03 5983 1559 in the name of HOPE FOUNDATION, or directly via the Ideal-link on this page of the website of HOPE. Mail the number of your drawing to Hans, curiositas@zeelandnet.nl and he will give you your drawing during the benefit evening. You can also transfer € 55,- to HOPE, NL37 RABO03 5983 1559 t.n.v. HOPE FOUNDATION, or directly via the Ideal link on this page of HOPE’s website.

Mail the number of your drawing with your postal address to Hans Overvliet, curiositas@zeelandnet.nl and he will send you your drawing by snail mail.

Finally: when you feel like it, please share the message about the benefit evening with as many people as possible with (the url) of this catalogue.

February 2024, teamHOPE


The Holland Office for Personal Encouragement ( HOPE ) was established in 1996. In the years before, visits were made to the Khan Younis refugee camp in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

HOPE organizes and supports - in short, makes it possible for traumatized children - and some times their parents - to begin processing their trauma through creative expressions.

To this end, HOPE works closely with creatives experienced in trauma therapy.

HOPE started with the Red Crescent and established an Open Studio. Now,over30 years later, ithasadded an Academy of Visual Arts for young talent, a Breakdance Academy, a Multimedia Lab and collaborations with local artist initiatives and the Edward Said Conservatory of Music.

HOPE works in a demand-driven way. It is the people of Gaza who have ideas and execute them.

HOPE makes things possible.

'This modest catalogue opens with photos that were made before October 2024, that is, before the Israeli army's horrifying revenge on the Oct. 7 terror attacks by Hamas.

We have had to say forced goodbyes to many people in recent weeks. The grief is of course indescribable; also to

to see all that talent destroyed with the death of all those wonderful people.

We have also seen that just about all our locations from which we did our work have been destroyed. In that sense, we have to start all over again from scratch: we also have to give 'our' people there the time and space to come to terms with what has been done to them, and we have to find sources to work again - literallyon our existence in Gaza.

You can support us in this. With a donation during the benefit concert in the English Church. But also by buying one of the prints of the children's drawings in this publication. They cost € 50,- each. You can order them now by transferring the amount payable to to the HOPE FOUNDATION (NL37 RABO03 5983 1559) or directly via the Ideal link on this page of the website of HOPE. Provide your amount with the desired number of the drawing, and you will be given that drawing on the evening.

You can also transfer € 55,- to HOPE, NL37 RABO03 5983 1559 payable to HOPE FOUNDATION, or directly via the Ideal link on this page of HOPE’s website.

Mail the number of your drawing with your postal address to Hans Overvliet, curiositas@zeelandnet.nl and he will send you your drawing by snail mail.

Finally, we are very aware that all these small gestures - performance


these small gestures - performance by a few musicians and a poet in a modest English Church in a small rural town like Middelburg, flanked by the sale of a single drawing - are the proverbial drop in the bucket of the billions needed to rebuild the Gaza Strip; should that ever happen.

For the people there in Gaza, these are all great gestures because they see that at least in Middelburg there are some people who sympathize with them. Who allow the extremely urgent work of HOPE to move forward.

As an aside, regular long-term visits by the Dutch HOPE team to Gaza and regular photo reports from the Gaza staff assure us that all funds sent by HOPE directly benefit the local children.

HOPE has no offices or another substantialnon-humancosts.Apartfrom a reasonable salary for a parttime freelancer in Belgium and some promotional costs, all of HOPE’s income is used to support local artists and teachers in their work with the children.

All donations are used 100% for emergency relief in Gaza and not for other things. These funds are transferred directly, via bank transfer, to known and trusted local artists and teachers in Gaza for the sole purpose of carrying out their proposed projects that support the needs of the children of Gaza.

Over the past more than 30 years, HOPE has thus established a large

HOPE has thus established a large number of trusted contacts with local artists and teachers inGaza who not only work with children, but are also known as builders of the commons.

So, let us support those brave people. Because as Primo Levitaught us: If not me, who? And If not now, when?

Thank you for your presence and gift.

P.S.Togiveyousomeideaofhowour people at HOPE were working in Gaza before October 7, and especially with and for whom they were working - children who have such a right to a safe and playful existencewe open with a few hopeful images before showing the children's drawings . . .

the drawings the prints go on A4 - 350 grs. plano superior mat the landscape drawings are printed full page












HOPE Foundation

Email | info@hope-foundation.nl

Website | www.hope-foundation.nl

Postal address

Sir W. Churchilllaan 289F45

NL-2288 DB Rijswijk

The Netherlands

+31 (0)15 7440 212

Project management

Ingrid Rollema | ingrid.rollema@rollema.nl

+ 31 (0)6 5050 2346

Bank details

IBAN NL37RABO0359831559


teamHOPE for this occasion

Fadi Abou Mahdi | SamBerhitu| MachteldDucrot| LouisFilius

Sam Gideonse | Chris Gors | Rezan Habas | GeertdeHeer

JacquelineHeijmans | Sjef Hermans | Johan de Koning

Hans Overvliet | Ingrid Rollema | Robbert Jan Swiers | WissemZiadi

Thanks to the diaconate of the Nieuwe Kerk congregation and to all the wonderful people of the Engelse Kerk | Simpelhuisstraat | Middelburg.

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