Terry Closed / Frotteslipper / Chaussons en éponge
Non-wooven Closed / Vliesstoff Geschlossen / Non Tissés Fermé/ Non Tessuti Chiuso These non-woven hotel slippers have an affordable price, enabling you to provide this service to your guests without spending a lot more. Size
Non-woven Vliesstoff Non tissés Non tessuti
38 - #90011 43 - #90010
#90011 #90010 -
Terry slippers have the best price to quality ratio. Hotels that choose to offer this accessory has a lot to gain, making a lasting positive impression on their guests. Size
0.38 Eur 0.41 Eur
38 - #90031 43 - #90030
#90031 #90030 -
Closed Geschlossen Fermé Chiuso
0.79 Eur 0.83 Eur Closed Geschlossen Fermé Chiuso
Antislip Antirutsch Antidérapant Antiscivolo
Non-woven 50gr/mp
Terry Frotteslipper Éponge
Antislip Antirutsch Antidérapant Antiscivolo
Terry 180 gr/mp Nonwoofen 60 gr/mp
Non-woven 30gr/mp Sponge 2mm
Sponge 5 mm (+3mm heel)
EVA sole 4 mm
Cardboard EVA 5mm
Non-woven Waffel Nontissés Non tessuti
Nonwoofen Open / Vliesstoff Offen / Non Tissés Ouvert/ Non Tessuti Aperte
Terry Open / Frotteslipper / Chaussons en éponge Terry slippers have the best price to quality ratio. Hotels that choose to offer this accessory has a lot to gain, making a lasting positive impression on their guests.
Hotel slippers are one of the newer hotel amenities that the customers are pleasantly surprised to find in their hotel room. These cheap shoes have many advantages: hygiene, comfort, usefulness. Size
38 - #90001 43 - #90000
38 - #90021 43 - #90020
0.75 Eur #90020 - 0.78 Eur
0.37 Eur #90000 - 0.39 Eur
#90021 -
#90001 -
Open Öffnen Ouvrir Aperto
Antislip Antirutsch Antidérapant Antiscivolo
Open Öffnen Ouvrir Aperto
Terry 180 gr/mp Non-woven 50gr/mp
Nonwoofen 60 gr/mp
Non-woven 30gr/mp
Sponge 5 mm (+3mm heel)
Sponge 2mm
Cardboard EVA 5mm
EVA sole 4 mm
Terry Frotteslipper Éponge
Antislip Antirutsch Antidérapant Antiscivolo
High density terry Frotteslipper Éponge
Special Sole - Closed
Velour Velours Velluto
Luxury slippers - Velour Luxury slippers for hotel are one of the more inspired choices of hotel owners that want their guests to feel the pampering of a great hotel during their stay. The luxury velour slippers for hotel are of superior quality, very soft and comfortable to wear. Your guests will certainly notice and appreciate this amenity.
Luxury hotel slippers are an inspired choice that gives tourists the comfort and pampering they are looking for in a hotel room, while on vacation or business travel. Because of the specially designed sole, this luxury hotel slippers are ideal for hotel rooms. Size 44 - #90080
Size 44 - #90070
0.93 Eur
1.151Eur Closed Geschlossen Fermé Chiuso
Closed Geschlossen Fermé Chiuso
Special Sole Sohle 5 mm Seule 5 mm Suola 5mm
Antislip Antirutsch Antidérapant Antiscivolo
Terry 260 gr/mp
Velour & non-woven edge Sponge 3mm ( +5mm heel)
Seam non-woven 60 gr/mp Sponge 3 mm ( +5 mm heel) Cartboard 3mm EVA sole 3mm Non-woven embossed
High density terry Frotteslipper Éponge
Special Sole - Open
EVA sole
Spa - Pool We created this single use pair of slippers as an alternative to the many similar slippers available that were of poor quality, by using a thicker material for more durability and by deepening the threads on the sole.
Luxury hotel slippers are an inspired choice that gives tourists the comfort and pampering they are looking for in a hotel room, while on vacation or business travel. Because of the specially designed sole, this luxury hotel slippers are ideal for hotel rooms.
Size Marime 44 - #90085
0.31 Eur #90090 - 0.314 Eur
#90095 -
0.89 Eur Open Öffnen Ouvrir Aperto
Terry 260 gr/mp Seam non-woven 60 gr/mp Sponge 3 mm ( +5 mm heel) Cartboard 3mm EVA sole 3mm Non-woven embossed
40 - #90095 45 - #90090
Antislip Antirutsch Antidérapant Antiscivolo
Special Sole Sohle 5 mm Seule 5 mm Suola 5mm
EVA sole 5mm