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CAI-CLAC Legislative Update: October 2021
CAI-CLAC Legislative Update
October 2021
By: Mr. Jeffrey A. Beaumont, ESQ., CCAL, CAI-CLAC Delegate
The 2021 Legislative Session officially ended on Sunday, October 10, 2021. The Governor has acted on a number of CAI-CLAC’s priority bills. Here is a summary below. You can also visit our Legislative Session Hot Bills for more information.
Our CAI-CLAC legislative priorities continue to move. Here’s an update on where we stand:
AB 1101 (Irwin)
CAI-CLAC sponsored bill to clean up issues with the financial security law adopted in 2019. This bill was signed by the Governor.
AB 1584 (Assembly Housing Committee)
This bill includes language to clean up the rental restriction bill from 2020. Specifically, this bill allows a board to amend governing documents to be in compliance with the new rental restriction law without a membership vote and extends the deadline for compliance to July 1, 2022. The bill has been signed by the Governor.
SB 9 (Atkins)
This bill makes a lot split of single residential property a ministerial act of local government and prevents certain restrictions on these actions. Late in the Session, CAI-CLAC and other organizations was able to secure a Letter to the Senate Journal from the author stating the bill does not amend the Davis Stirling Act and therefore does not impact existing governing documents. While not a perfect outcome, the Letter to the Journal is a clear expression of legislative intent which could be used in the future.
SB 60 (Glazer)
This bill allows local governments to impose higher penalties for short term rental violations that create health and human safety issues within a community. CAI-CLAC supported this bill this session and last. It was signed by the Governor.
SB 391 (Min)
This bill clarifies the open meeting rules to allow for virtual meetings, with no physical presence, during a State of Emergency that makes it impossible to meet in person. This bill was signed by the Governor.
SB 392 (Archuleta)
This bill makes minor changes to existing law adding emails to the list of information that members can opt of sharing with others. The bill was signed by the Governor.
AB 502 (Davies)
This bill will allow election by acclamation for all associations when the number of candidates is equal to or less than the number of open board seats. The bill was signed by the Governor.
SB 432 (Wieckowski)
This bill will provide election clean up and clarifications. The bill was signed by the Governor.
Thank you for all your help this Legislative Session! If you have any questions, you can contact CAI-CLAC at office@caiclac.com
Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq. is a senior partner with Beaumont Tashjian and has over 20 years of experience representing common interest developments. His extensive experience and devotion to the community association industry have set Mr. Beaumont apart as a distinguished attorney. He also serves on the faculty for CACM and CAI (National), is a member of the Legal Steering Committee for CACM, and a delegate for the California Legislative Action Committee for CAI.