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Editor’s Link
By: Mr. A.J. Jahanian, ESQ., Beaumont Tashjian
It’s hard to believe that we are already nearing the end of 2021, when it feels like we escaped a tumultuous 2020 just yesterday. In many ways, 2021 was a year of “recovery” from the pandemic, but that’s not to say community leaders didn’t continue to innovate and excel, as highlighted by the Board Member Spotlights in this issue of Connect magazine.
With this year’s final issue of Connect, we call attention to our notable CAI-GRIE Board members, who have dedicated themselves to serving the Greater Inland Empire community. We also bring you updates from the 2021 legislative session, which are certain to have an impact for the remainder of this year and beyond. Finally, and as always, this issue’s authors provide their unique insights into various community association topics, to help you navigate the ever-changing HOA world.
As we put a bow on 2021 with this year’s last issue of Connect, I am continuously humbled by our Chapter’s relentless engagement, volunteerism, and collaborative teamwork. It has been my pleasure to serve as your Editor of Connect for the year 2021 and to work alongside CAI-GRIE’s dedicated members. I look forward to wrapping up this year and forging ahead through 2022.
A.J. Jahanian, Esq. is an associate attorney with Beaumont Tashjian who devotes his career to serving common interest developments. He can be reached at ajahanian@HOAattorneys.com