Ginintuang Uhay 2011 2nd Issue

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Civics and Culture Department Leads the Celebration of UN Day

Student Soon to Use Lockers



Influenza: CCCians’ No. 1 Health Enemy

re Special Featu


Mighty Lion with a Humble Heart Interview with Rev. Fr. Leo Luanzon, MMHC




GININTUANG Cainta Catholic College October 2011-December 2011

Vol. 11 No. 2

Brothers and Sisters in Christ Solemnly Accept the First Communion Ms. Cat Cerna


ctober 1, 2011 marked another milestone in the Catholic life of the Cainta Catholic College Grade Three pupils for together with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, they received the First Holy Communion at the Our Lady of Light Parish Church in Cainta, Rizal. Rev. Msgr. Arnel Lagarejos led the Eucharistic Celebration and was concelebrated by Fr. Blaise Jose Ma. Garcia. Fr. Blaise shared in his homily how God deeply loves and honors the children. They are examples of humble faith in Him as

reflected by their meekness and simplicity in heart and spirit. Being humbled like a child makes one closer to His Kingdom. As stated from Matthew 18:2-6, Jesus said “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone

fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” He acknowledged the immense guidance and support given by the parents and teachers to prepare the pupils in receiving the sacrament for through their acceptance of the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion, children also become intimately closer to the Heavenly Father. In addition to what they have been prepared to do, Fr. Blaise told them that after receiving Christ, they have to kneel and say, “Jesus, make me a good boy/girl.” continued on page 3

The Eco-Song Fest 2011:

A Rhythm of Success

Pope Names Tagle as New Manila Archbishop

Ynna Marion Louise P. Basibas, III-St. Albert the Great

“THE SHOW MUST GO ON!” This line was enthusiastically uttered by the Handog Pag-ibig Chorale adviser, Mr. Armando de Leon, before the competition. As the words sink into our hearts, our spirits were suddenly in great motion that it seemed to sprightly lift us all up, putting the thought in our minds that the contest will end up with victory on our side. What was I pertaining at? Let me take you to a glimpse of our experience. As a member of the HPC, it was with honor and pride to write about how exquisite and relevant

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was the Eco-Song Fest encounter. It was held last September 23, 2011 at the Assumpta Theater of the Assumption School in Antipolo. We also want to share the gifts of joy and triumph that we earned after that day. Before that enormous event, we were all busy practicing the piece entitled “Inang Kalikasan” which was composed by Mr. de Leon, of course it has the theme of environmental awareness. It was not easy for us because it must be accompanied with different blending of the different classifications of voices- the

soprano, alto, tenor and bass. We also worked with the huge banner to be used a part of our props. It was exhausting but it was also worth t for we all had fun and we had the opportunity to exhibit the creativity that we all possess. At last, everything was in place and we’re ready for the big day. We felt excited and uneasy at the same time but we still had the need of being encouraged so we all gathered and solemnly recited a personal prayer which was led by our president, Jennifer Olavidez of IV-St. Aloysius Gonzaga. As students of a Catholic school, we should never forget to glorify God with the talent he has given to each one of us. A few hours later, we arrived at the Assumption School. Some of us were really in awe by how the theater looked. I can say that it’s more than what we expected. As the contest proper comes, we felt that there’s something that keeps on pounding inside and the beats went faster. But before that, we were given an amount of time we need to rehearse the song inside our designated dressing room. continued on page 3

MANILA, October 13, 2011— Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Imus Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle, a known theologian, as the new archbishop of Manila. At 54, Tagle will succeed Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales who served the influential post for eight years. Rosales, who just turned 79 years old last August 16, earlier said that the Vatican has already accepted his resignation early this year and was just waiting for his successor to be named. The cardinal submitted his resignation in 2007 when he turned 75, the mandatory retirement age for prelates, but the pontiff extended his term indefinitely. Archbishop-elect Tagle’s appointment was officially announced in Rome on October

13 at 12:00 noon (6:00 pm, Manila time). The information was officially received by the Media Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Thursday in a communiqué from the Apostolic Nunciature in Manila. CBCP President and Bishop of Tandag, Nereo Odchimar even described Tagle’s appointment as God’s gift to the people in the Archdiocese of Manila. “He is God’s gift to the people of Manila because he is not only a deeply religious man, he is also, despite of his youth a recognized figure not only nationally but also internationally as a theologian and as a speaker,” he said in an interview. “His face and voice are familiar in the Vatican. He is a blessing to us Filipinos because we Catholics in the Philippines look up to this prime archdiocese also for leadership.” **** Bishop Reyes appoints parochial vicar


Fr. Paul Merida has been fully incardinated to the Diocese of Antipolo and appointed by Bishop Gabriel Reyes as our Parochial Vicar. Msgr. Arnel F Lagarejos, Our Lady of Light parish priest and president of Cainta Catholic College, announced in November 15, 2011 the appointment of Fr. Merida to the parish of Our Lady of Light.

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Ginintuang Uhay


Vol. 11 No. 2

Civics and Culture Department Leads Feast of Christ the King Procession the Celebration of United Nations Day Sophia Catherine Reyes 6-St. Peter

Mrs. Loreta Cenina

Last November 20, 2011, a procession was held as part of the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King. The procession started at Sitio Victoria at 4:00 pm and was completed upon its arrival at the Our Lady of Light Parish Church at around 5:00 pm. The Grade 6 pupils, High School and College students together with the teachers and employees of Cainta Catholic College and some residents of Cainta participated in the said event. The procession was a bit exhausting but I’m sure that most of the participants solemnly enjoyed it.

Tertiary Department

In celebration of the United Nations Day, the Grade School Civics and Culture Department headed by the Hekasi Subject Coordinator, Mrs. Loreta Cenina launched several activities last October to hone the skills of the pupils with the theme, “FOR PEACE and UNITY, PRAY the ROSARY.” Its activities included the Flag Making, Hekasi Quiz Bee, Parade of the Nations and the Search for Little Mr. and Ms. United Nations 2011. Last October 7, 2011, the flag making activity was done inside the classrooms. It aimed to make everyone be aware of the symbolic meaning of our national flag and the pride of being a Filipino. The flags, also reflecting those from other countries, were displayed at the windows and along the corridors. After a week, the Parade of the Nations followed. As early as 8:00 am last October 18, 2011, the pupils from Preschool to Grade 6 assembled at the school grounds together with their advisers and brought their flags along with them. Together, they watched a short program before the parade started. The event started with a prayer led by Gabriel Miñas of Grade 6- St. Peter. A short Opening Remarks about the origin of the United Nations Organization was given by Famela Mortel, President of the Grade School Student Coordinating Council from Grade 6 St. Peter. To witness the beauty of the program, Mrs. Cenina led the presentation of muses and escorts from every grade level and section. They were all distinctly dressed in colorful, smart and elegant looking national costumes of different countries. The parade began at 8:30 in the morning at the grounds. Ahead of the parade were Mrs. Lerma Fernandez, Grade School Principal; Mrs. Lydia Gurango, Assistant Principal; Mrs. Charito Cruz and Ms. Rosalina Villones, both Grade School Coordinators with the Subject Coordinators and Preschool advisers. Mr. Ernesto Pidlaoan, adviser from Grade 5, assisted the said parade. The Student Coordinating Council officers occupied


Teachers Day

Jerome Samson

the frontline followed by the contestants of Little Mr. and Ms. United Nations from the Preschool, muses and escorts from Grades 1 to 6 and the Hekasi Club officers and members. After the parade, the program concluded with the Closing Remarks by Mrs. Cenina and Closing Prayer by Jessie Fabillon from Grade 6-St. Peter. The first ever search for the Little Mr. and Ms. United Nations also occurred that day. It started around 10:00 am with Mrs. Delia Cerda leading the Opening Prayer then with the Opening Remarks given by Mrs. Lerma S. Fernandez. The presentation of the 24 contestants followed. Mr. Andy Arcilla and Ms. Marichu Bautista, our dynamic teachers from the High School and Grade School who were also the hosts of the program, called them by section and began their ramps on stage. The crowd got even more excited when the contestants showcased their wonderful talents. The Question and Answer portion later ensued. The hosts read the questions while also guiding each of the contestants. People felt eager and nervous as the contestants gave their answers. The judges of the contest were Mrs. Marilou Valencia, VP for Administration, Mrs. Evangeline del Rosario, Socio Cultural and Instructional Support Coordinator and Mr. Reldino Aquino, VP for Finance. Daniella Angela Vicente, Romeo Pader, Hannah Michiko Pascasio and Antonio Marzan Jr., the likewise talented pupils from Grade 5 and 6 performed several song numbers while the panel of judges computed the results. After all the display of graceful talents and witty responses, the judges finally awarded the winners of the contest.

The common first Wednesday Mass of the Tertiary Department last October 5, 2011 at the Our Lady of Light Parish turned out to be a celebration of thanksgiving for the uncommon gift of teachers. Our school chaplain, Fr. Blaise Garcia, presided over the Holy Eucharist. Following the Mass, the Supreme Coordinating Council and the Education Council unveiled their wonders of surprise for the teachers and staff of the College. A short video presentation containing photos and messages for the teachers was shown. Thereafter, the SCC President, Ms. Claire Pioray (III-BSCS); Education Council President, Ms. Ma. Janice Garcia (III-BSED); and Computer Science Department President, Ron Celajes (III-BSCS) gave their messages of tribute to the teachers, respectively. The students then approached their

teachers to extend their presents, greetings and messages of thanks. Teaching is a very noble and humble profession. Undoubtedly, teachers share their knowledge and expertise to their students. Being second parents they train and mold them to become socially responsible individuals. They are the ones who help prepare us with a significant transition to the world of reality which we are about to trail when we already obtain our degrees or diplomas. They are our true heroes. Without them there are neither professionals nor specialists. Without them we may remain unaware or uninformed of many knowledge and issues. Without them we may not be able to achieve our dreams and goal in life. To our beloved teachers and professors, we all salute you! Thank you for the gift of your presence in the classroom of knowledge and enriching experience!


“MagHONDA na Tayo sa pag-papatuloy ng ating SIMBAYANIHAN”

Winners for the First Little Mr. and Ms. United Nations 2011:

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Rev. Msgr. Arnel F. Lagarejos, SThD hands the car key to the grand winner Mrs. Eleonor Mangan. Photo courtesy of Msgr. Lagarejos. 1st PRIZE - HONDA CITY ELEONOR MANGAN, Cainta, Rizal 01150


Hans Gabriel Pascual (Kinder 2- St. Raphael) – Little Mr. United Nations, Best in Costume Cassandra S. Bondoc (Kinder 2-St. Gabriel) – Little Ms. United Nations, Best in Talent, Best in Costume Juan Miguel R. Perez (Kinder 2-St. Barachiel) – 1st Runner-up, Best in Talent Mary Dane B. Calesa (Nursery-Our Lady of the Abandoned) – 1st Runner –up Jessica I. Abe (Kinder 2-St. Michael) – 2nd Runner-up Russell Andre G. Espaldon (Kinder 1-Our Lady of Manaoag) – 2nd Runner-up Danisse Mae R. Collera (Kinder 2-St. Raphael) – 3rd Runner-up Xej Ashton E. de Jesus (Kinder 2-St. Michael) – 3rd Runner-up

2nd PRIZE - Apple iPAD KENNETH DE GUZMAN, Cainta, Rizal 12990 LOTIS DEL PRADO, Cainta, Rizal 04376 3rd PRIZE - Nokia CP ESTER ALCANTARA, Cainta, Rizal 22833 NICK FELIX, Cainta, Rizal 28016 LINDA & ZENY DELA CRUZ, Cainta 10821


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Ginintuang Uhay




Students Soon to use Lockers Ma. Kristine Louly Pastor (III – St. Albert the Great) with E. Agcaoili This school year 2011-2012, our school has provided lockers for the students, and this is a project initiated by CCC President, Msgr. Arnel Lagarejos, and was made into a reality by Mr. Reldino Aquino, CCC Vice President for Finance. In an interview, Mr Aquino said that the high school seniors will be the first to take benefit of this lockers before they graduate here in CCC. Everyone is given an opportunity to avail a locker enough for to keep books, umbrellas and other personal necessities. Basically this project was implemented to ease the burden of bringing heavy loads of books everyday. By January 2012, students can already rent and use the lockers once the locker use policy is finalized. Students who wish to apply for locker will have to follow a three-step procedure. First, a student applying for a locker must sign a Student’s Locker Agreement. Upon accomplishing the agreement the student will pay to the cashier a monthly rental fee of one hundred pesos or one thousand pesos for a

ten-month rental. The student will then present the receipt and be given a key to the assigned locker number. It will be the student’s to use and take care of. One great thing about it is that, students are allowed to exercise their creativity by putting designs and pictures behind the locker door. Putting obscene pictures and materials or any prohibited material as defined in the student handbook shall be dealt with accordingly. Having lockers made available by the school is a great advantage to students. It has been a long dream by CCCians. Aside from providing them ease and accessibility, lockers give safe and secure storage for their belongings. Generally, lockers are safe however it is not advisable to store expensive and important things inside such as jewelries, gadgets and money to avoid unfortunate events. Having a locker is not a right. It is a privilege and must be exercised with utmost responsibility. It is our responsibility as students to ensure that lockers will be used in accordance to its intended purpose. The success of the program depends on how the students respond to it.

Mr. Aquino hopes that this project will become a success as students will enjoy optimum use of school facilities. He added that if the program succeeds, the school will add more lockers to benefit more students. A study conducted by Hong Kong Society for Child Health and Development shows a high probability for spinal problems in children who carry backpacks. The study found that 53.7 percent of students who carried their packs on one shoulder complained of back pain. Fortyfive percent of two shoulder pack wearers complained of back pain. Interestingly, the highest level of back pain, 68.6 percent, carried the bag in one hand. The study also concluded

CCCians Sing

Yes to Success!

E. Agcaoili Sundae and the Happy Meal, plus local favorites like Chicken McDo, Burger McDo and McSpaghetti. According to its official website, McDonald’s ensures high standards in all aspects of operations, promising their customers only the best meals in every restaurant at any time. Recently, McDonald’s pioneers 24/7 restaurants and 24/7delivery service to cater to Filipinos’ changing lifestyles. MCDO AND CCC: SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE Bernice Gonzales, a high school freshman, sings “paparapapa love ko to” upon hearing the news. A new branch of the world’s number one burger food chain will soon rise beside Our Lady of Light parish church along A. Bonifacio Avenue just a stone throw away from Cainta Catholic College. CCCians like Bernice will soon feast on well-loved McDonald’s products like the Big Mac, Cheeseburger, World Famous French Fries, Egg Muffin, Apple Pie,

McDonald’s shares same passion with Cainta Catholic College in taking care communities through outreach programs. Our school helps partner-communities to organize and empower themselves through CCC’s Community Extension Program headed by Ms. Marissa Bechayda while McDonalds gives back to the community through the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). RMHC supports children’s development and well-being through


Eco-Song Fest 2011...

win and to make everyone proud for the fact that we used our God-given talents in a productive way by also using our voices to promote concern and love for our mother earth. After all the other groups presented their songs, it was time to announce the winner. But before the announcement, we we’re given the chance to witness before us the chorale of Assumption who won first place several times in the Eco Song Fest and that’s the reason why it won’t be necessary for them to compete again. As they carried out their song on stage, they just proved that they really deserve what their group has achieved in this certain field.

Going back to the competition, it’s now time to present the group that obtained the title of being the first place and also for the third and second. We were amazed when they said that there was a tie for the position in the 3rd place and we’re very grateful that we’re one of it. Happiness and other emotions burst out as we heard the name of our group. We’re also happy for the Miriam College who won the 1st place. It was a terrific and at the same time an overwhelming experience that we can all be proud of not only as CCCians but also as efficient youth taking the initiative to preserve the beauty and life of nature.

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In the middle of our vocalization, we heard the strong voices of our competitors and we admit that they’re also great. Still, we continued practicing the piece because it was necessary to ignore all of them for us to be more focused or just to avoid distractions. Suddenly, a school staff entered our room and told us that the contest was about to begin. Our president also surprised us with the news that we’re the first to perform on stage. We just went nervously at the backstage, waited for us to be called. I can say that during our performance, we gave everything we can in order to

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Students are supposed to listen to their teachers in school, and read their textbooks at home. In the end, having students carry heavy load to school will be counterproductive, with many of them physically deformed as adults. Heavy load in school could be one reason why so many now suffer from spinal injuries, including slipped discs.


“Love ko ‘to!” Bahay Bulilit and Bright Minds Read (BMR). Every Happy Meal purchase gives 50 centavos to RMHC. Bahay Bulilit, a partnership between RMHC and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), builds day-care centers and provides primary education to children below 6 years old. Bright Minds Read (BMR), on the other hand, is a partnership program with the Department of Education that teaches beginners on reading in Grade 1 public school pupils. George T. Yang built the first McDonalds restaurant in the Philippines in 1981. As of 2005, McDonald’s Philippines is a 100% Filipino-owned company. From its first restaurant along Morayta, Manila in 1981, McDonald’s has grown to become one of the leading fast food chains with close to 300 restaurants nationwide! With Kenneth S. Yang at the helm, McDonald’s is now a multibillion peso company that continues to expand and serve Filipinos all over the country.

that females were more likely to experience backpack-related pains than boys.

Diane Orcena III - BSBA


he bright, radiant sun at 1 o’clock in the afternoon of August 12, 2011 signaled the start of the Boardwalk YES! Seminar at the CCC College Library. YES, which stands for Young Entrepreneurship Program, took off by way of this seminar which laid emphasis on the value of entrepreneurship. The event was presented by the Boardwalk Business Venture Inc., along with the representatives, Ms. Michelle Fuentabella and Ms. Kate. It was indeed a fun-filled, collaborative afternoon activity joined in by the Business Administration students from all year levels. Freebies were given away and cool prizes were handed to lucky winners of the exciting games. Thereafter, the much-awaited fashion show glared up the entire Library. Everyone at that

moment got delighted and thrilled. The sultry models from different year levels suddenly turned out into ‘pros’ of the runway after getting dressed with Boardwalks’ chic and fab outfits. The best catwalk and runway presence that wowed and wooed the crowd brought home the prize for the challenge. The program capped off through the giving and exchanging of certificates. Boardwalk through the guest-representatives awarded the school a certificate of affiliation. In return the guests were given certificates of appreciation through the coordination of Mr. Jose Danilo Jabon. The student-participants left the venue with hearty memories of fun and a lifelong desire to better their ways of living. In due course, it is a yes to success!

BrothersandSistersinChrist... He likewise shared a short story about God instructing an angel on a special assignment that will bring him in contact with mankind. The Lord also said, “I will send Jesus to save mankind. In the form of wine and bread given to them, will be the real body and blood of My Only Son.” Known as the Guardian Angel, he will be sent to especially guide the children. At the end of the sermon, the pupils followed Fr. Blaise in saying, “Jesus is my food, my life. I love you, Jesus. You’re my bestfriend, Jesus.” It proceeded with the Renewal of the Baptismal Vows then ensued with the continuous celebration of the mass. The pupils solemnly accepted Jesus Christ during the Holy Eucharist and afterwards, we were all blessed with holy water by Rev. Msgr. Arnel Lagarejos and Fr. Blaise Jose

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Ma. Garcia. Before the mass ended, Monsignor Lagarejos and everyone present and bore witness warmly applauded the pupils. In his words, he charged the parents to encourage their children to always attend the Holy Mass and to receive the Communion. He also expressed his gratitude to Mr. Joel Javiniar, VP for Academics, Mrs. Lerma Fernandez, Grade School Principal, Coordinators, Teachers and everyone who perseveringly guided the pupils. He likewise thanked Fr. Blaise for concelebrating with him. He then lightly shared that on this very day was also his 50th baptismal commemoration. After the Eucharistic Celebration, the First Communion certificates were distributed accordingly, together with some memorabilia and free snacks for the pupils.

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Ginintuang Uhay

Special News

Vol. 11 No. 2

Influenza: CCCians’ No. 1 Health Enemy Emerson Agcaoili

Cainta Catholic College’s health services headed by the school physician, Dr. Alexander Diaz, released the list of most common health-related cases treated by our clinic from June to September 2011:

requiring medical treatment. However, in the very young, the elderly, and those with other serious medical conditions, infection can lead to severe complications of the underlying condition, pneumonia and death. PREVENTION AND CONTROL Prevention will always be the best attitude towards diseases. However, CCC’s health services is recommending the following to avoid the spread of diseases. * Improve classroom ventilation; * Use of disinfectant spray such as Lysol to avoid the spread of virus; * Students are advised not to come to school anymore if they are suffering from fever or any communicable diseases such as sore eyes, chicken pox, mumps and the like; * Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated; and

* Observe proper hygiene and healthy lifestyle. In the developing world, schoolage children often face high levels of illness and malnutrition that decrease their ability to attend school regularly and learn to their full potential. This is contained in Save the Children (June 2008) - a draft report for the World Bank. Considering numerous studies on the effects of students’ health to their academic performance, the CCC Health Services aims to promote, protect and maintain the health status of school children and personnel through the provision of various health services in the campus. Acknowledgement:

Ms. Catalina Marcelo - Student Affairs Coordinator Mr. Alexander Diaz, MD - School Physician Mr. Virgilio Vasquez, DMD - School Dentist Mrs. Rosa Maria Andaya, RN - School Nurse Mrs. Yolanda Labao, RN - School Nurse Mrs. Emerita Encisa, RN - School Nurse

INFLUENZA Influenza tops the list. It is a viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi and, occasionally, lungs. Infection usually lasts for about a week, and is characterized by sudden onset of high fever, aching muscles, headache and severe malaise, non-productive cough, sore throat and rhinitis. The virus is transmitted easily from person to person via droplets and small particles produced when infected people cough or sneeze. Influenza tends to spread rapidly in seasonal epidemics. Most infected people recover within one to two weeks without

Pope Benedict: Do Not Waste Your

Parishioners Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Light

God-given Talents and Mission

The parishioners of Cainta celebrate every December 1 the feast of its patron, Our Lady of Light, after the feast of St. Andrew (November 30). In Cainta, the Virgin is recognized as the patroness of reconciliation and those seeking conversion. Let us pray to her for those who need to go back to God. The painting of her on the altar was done by Fernando Amorsolo in l950.

VATICAN, Nov. 13, 2011 (CNA/ EWTN News). Pope Benedict XVI used his Sunday Angelus address Nov. 13 to remind people that God has given everybody both talents and a mission in life. “God calls all men to life and bestows him with talents, while entrusting him with a mission to accomplish,” said the Pope from the window of his Apostolic Palace to the crowds gathered below in St. Peter’s Square. “It would be foolish to think that these gifts are due to us, just as our failing to use them would be a dereliction of the goal of our very existence.” The Pope drew his observations from Sunday’s Gospel passage from St. Matthew in which Jesus tells the parable of the master who goes on a long journey and gives talents to three servants. Upon his return, two have invested their talents and provide an enhanced return while

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the other does not and is condemned as “wicked and slothful.” Pope Benedict said the passage should remind everybody of the “transience of earthy existence,” given that “our final destiny” and “meaning of life” is “death followed by Final Judgment.” The Pope then quoted from his 6-7th century predecessor, Pope Gregory the Great, who said that the primary virtue that needs to be preserved and enhanced throughout life is love—both love of friends and enemies.“If one lacks this virtue, he loses all good that he possessed he is deprived of the talent he received and is thrown out, in darkness,” warned Pope Gregory.Pope Benedict said that “only by practicing charity, can we also take part the joy of our Lord,” adding that “the Virgin Mary is both an active and joyful teacher supervising our path to union with God.”

Historian Mike de los Reyes learned in his research that the devotion began in Palermo, Italy, when Fr. Giovanni Antonio Genoveci, S.J., took the painting of the Virgin and the Child Jesus to wherever mission he went. The painting was done after a woman was healed of an ailment and Mother Mary asked her in a vision to have her image painted. She was called Maria Madre Santissima de Lume (Mary Most Holy Mother of Light).

Panalangin Sa Ina Ng Kaliwanagan

O Maria, Ina ng Kaliwanagan, masdan mo kaming dumudulog sa iyong paanan, upang maghandog ng aming puso sa Diyos sa pamamagitan ng iyong mapagpalang mga kamay. Liwanagan mo ang aming landas tungo sa buhay na walang hanggan, dulot sa amin ng iyong Anak na nag-alay ng Kanyang buhay upang kami’y hanguin sa kadiliman ng kasalanan. Buksan mo sa liwanag ng katotohanan ang aming mga puso upang makita ang aming pagkukulang sa Diyos, sa aming kapwa, sa aming angkan, sa aming sarili at sa kalikasan. Puspusin mo sa liwanag ni Jesus ang aming puso upang lubusan naming talikdan ang pagkamakasarili at pagwawalang-bahala sa iba. Buksan mo ang aming palad upang ang lahat ng nangangailangan ng aming tulong ay mapaglingkuran sa ngalan ni Hesus. Ang lahat ng ito, Mahal na Ina ng Kaliwanagan, ay aming panalangin at panata sa Diyos sa pamamagitan ni Jesus na iyong Anak at aming Panginoon. Amen.

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Ginintuang Uhay




Answers to Common Questions on RH Bill Q & A on the Reproductive Health Bill 4244 c) Abuse of Power by elected leaders– i) Election fraud; ii) Political killings; iii) Political dynasties; iv) Graft and corruption; v) Legislative agenda through the RH Bill and other anti- family life bills

1. Will the RH bill adversely affect my family? The bill provides: “SEC. 16. Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education. - … shall be taught by adequately trained teachers in formal and non-formal education system starting from Grade Five up to Fourth Year High School…to both public and private schools…and shall include, but not limited to, the following topics: … i. Family planning methods; and j. Proscription and hazards of abortion.” In other words, our elemntary and HS children will be taught contraceptives, condoms and abortion! If these topics should be taught, let the parents take the responsibilty because they know the temperament and maturity of their children, which a classroom setting does not consider. Moreover, these should be taught in the context of Christian values. Therefore, the government should educate the parents instead of bypassing them and going directly to their children. Section Art. XV, Sec. 3 (1) provides: “The State shall defend: The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood…” This right and duty of parents is usurped by government by teaching the use of contraceptives and Safe Sex to our children inspite of many Catholic parents’ objection since these are against the teachings of the Catholic Church. 2. Does the RH bill force people to use contraceptives and/or legalize abortion? No, it does not penalize people for not using contraceptives. However, it forces some sectors of society to submit to provisions that may be against their faith and parental rights. This is answered in nos. 1, 9a, 9c, 9d, and 10. In addition, the bill does not legalize abortion, but it is silent on the abortifacient effect of contraceptives and IUDs. 3. The proponents of the RH Bill claim that 11 women a day die of pregnancy. Will the RH Bill reduce this number? According to the Philippine Health Statistics, there were 9,000 deaths from vehicular accidents. Should we then discourage or ban vehicular travel? In the same light, the government should look into the causes of women dying from childbirth, which can vary from lack of pregnancy health care service, including competent service providers, to insuficient medical supplies. The government should focus its resources to improving these, instead of preventing pregnancy. 4. Fifty (51%) of women want access to contraceptives which the RH Bill guarantees. Contraceptives are readily available and the DOH has been distributing contraceptives and condoms costing government is billions of pesos through the years. Inspite of this, they want to legislate the compulsory purchase of these items by gov’t hospitals. It is really big business (see no. 10). Also, surveys cannot be the only basis for giving services and/or products to Filipinos. For example, if majority of Filipinos want to have guns for self-defense due to increasing crime rate, should the government then issue them guns? 5. Does the Catholic Church impose her beliefs on its congregation and even to non-Catholics who believe otherwise? Sex by God’s design must always be open to life. This is not mere Catholic teaching but a natural law that applies to all men of whatever race or religious conviction. It is for this reason that Pope Paul VI in his encyclical Humanae Vitae said: “Of such laws the Church was not the author, nor consequently can she be their arbiter; she is only their depositary and their interpreter, without ever being able to declare to be licit that which is not so by reason of its intimate and unchangeable opposition to the true good of man.” In other words, she merely proclaims the truth regarding the openness to life of the marital act and the immorality of violating this natural law. Whether a couple (Catholic or not) listens to her and abides by this principle is not for the Church to interfere. That is why priests do not ask couples if they are using contraceptives or condoms before giving them communion. Neither does she prevent government from implementing its population program nor does she excommunicate the manufacturers and distributors of contraceptives and condoms. It is between them and God. And God who knows what is in their hearts is the only One who can judge them with compassion. However, if the Church should stop from speaking out these basic truths because times are changing, she would renege on her pastoral responsibility to her flock.

d) Unlimited Dominion over his own body i) Abortion became legal in the US in 1973; ii) Abortion is legal in many countries, including staunchly Catholic countries like Mexico, Spain and Portugal; iii) Same sex marriage iv) Suicide; v) Euthanasia Other consequences that the pope did not mention are: a) The spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV-AIDS. In 1960, there were only 5 known STDs. Today, there are more than 20 STDs, and 8 kinds of the HIV-AIDS. Since its discovery in 1981, 28M people have already died of AIDS and 5 people/min. continue to die. Over 40M people are now infected with the HIV/AIDS virus. b) 100 countries, mostly rich countries, are on the brink of a demographic collapse. Their women have an average of less than the replacement fertility rate of 2 babies/woman. In spite of the financial incentives they offer to women to have more babies, they continue to avoid pregnancy. The contraceptive mentality has set into their culture. Consequently, their population is aging and they depend of foreign workers to prop up their economies. One great source for these skilled and talented workers is the Phils., yet the RH bill wants to reduce our population instead of giving education to our people and preparing them for this unprecendented demand for human resources. 7. Should every sex act, then, end in pregnancy? Of course not, because bringing a child to life demands responsibility. For this reason, a woman is only fertile one day throughout her cycle. Signs and symptoms that tell her she is fertile accompany this day. With this knowledge, she and her husband may decide to have sex in order to conceive. If they are postponing pregnancy for some grave reason, this is the time to abstain. All other days outside this window of fertility are available to them to enjoy their conjugal act. This is the essence of responsible parenthood, which the Church teaches to engaged couples. Contraceptives and condoms make a woman available for sex anytime. Consequently, any good thing that is enjoyed without restraint loses its value. 8. Do contraceptives and condoms give women the right to choose whether to become pregnant or not? Women never lose that right since they are the ones who get pregnant. That is why she can and should say no to her husband when the time is not right. This is real woman empowerment. And if he respects her, he will wait a few days. This is good in making a couple matured and responsible because they learn to discipline themselves instead of simply giving in to their natural desires. 9. What other constitutional rights does the bill violate?

a) The RH bill will require: i) All schools (including Catholic schools) to teach artificial family planning methods to HS students; ii) Employers to give their employees reproductive health services; iii) Health care service providers to give contraceptives and perform vasecotomy or ligation. This is a violation of Art. III, Sec. 5 of our Constitution that states: “…

The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed.”

b) No contraceptive is 100% effective. There is a 7% failure rate. This means there is a slim chance that fertilization may occur. However, the pill renders the uterus inhospitable to the fertilized egg, which is unable to attach itself to the uterine lining. It is therefore ejected out of the body. This is the meaning of ‘abortifacient’ effect, or chemical abortion. It is a gross violation of Art. II, Sec. 12 of our Constitution, which states: “The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception…” c) The RH Bill will allow a person to undergo vasectomy or ligation without the consent of the spouse. This is a violation of Art. XV, Sec. 2 of our Constitution that states: “Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State.” d) The bill will also allow abused and/or pregnant minors to seek reproductive health service without parental consent. This violates our parental right provided in Art. II, Sec. 12 of our constitution: “…The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive the support of the Government.” e) The bill will penalize any person who questions information about the intent or provisions of the bill. It violates Art. III, Sec. 4 of our Constitution, which provides that “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press...” 10. How much money will the bill spend if implemented? The proponents of the RH Bill are asking an initial funding of P3B! Part of this is for the purchase contraceptive drugs and devices to be given to the poor. The bill will also require in Sec. 10 that “products and supplies for modern family planning methods shall be included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of all national and local hospitals and other government health units.” This is big business for pharmaceutical companies whose purchase of its products will be required by law! It is clearly a misappropriation of taxpayer’s money when the billions of pesos they intend to spend could be used for other priorities like education, MRT or NFA subsidy.

11. Is it true that the bill carries penalties of fines and imprisonment for any violation? Yes. Sec. 29 of the bill provides: “Any violation of this Act or commission of the foregoing prohibited acts shall be penalized by imprisonment ranging from one (1) month to six (6) months or a fine of Ten Thousand (P 10,000.00) to Fifty Thousand Pesos (P 50,000.00)…”. This bill brings us back to the martial law years by the use of force or threats to make people do things against their will or faith. Pro-Life Philippines

6. How certain are we that openness to life of sex is a natural law that applies to all men? Violation of natural laws brings inevitable consequences. When contraceptives became legal in the US in 1960, this facilitated the Sexual Revolution of the 60s and 70s. Sexual promiscuity became prevalent. In 1968, Pope Paul VI in his encyclical Humanae Vitae warned of the devastating effects of this kind of behavior. Today, we are witnessing these consequences in society. a) Infidelity and Moral Decline i) Prevalence of single parents; ii) Only two countries in world remain without divorce (the Philippines and Malta); iii) 50% of civil marriages and 33% of Church marriages in the U.S. end in divorce; iv) In the Philippines., 3 out of 10 marriages end in separation. b) Loss of respect for women i) Physical violence against women; ii) Rape; iii) Pornography

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Ginintuang Uhay

Vol. 11 No. 2

Invest in People, Empower them! Richard Anthony Miranda, 4th year St. Alysious Gonzaga Investments here, investments there and investments everywhere. Investment in banks, in establishments and in estates. But why not invest in our own people? Why not invest on their abilities and characteristics? Why are we choosing sure investments when we can make more and do better if we invest in our own fellowmen? In fact, if we invest in our own people we could somehow alleviate poverty and increase the employment rate. If we could just simply trust our people, we could be perhaps one of the most prosperous countries because of all the job opportunities and the skills we can acquire and duties we can accomplish.

So let us empower them! Encourage them to participate in programs, operations and trainings that can do them good. Equip them with enough knowledge and skills that they can use to turn each of their dreams to reality. Give words of empowerment, encouragement and inspiration that they can use whenever they meet problems and difficulties. See, there are tons of things that our people can do. So why not invest in them? Besides, investment in our people has the power to endure a lifetime. Now, INVEST IN OUR PEOPLE, LET US EMPOWER THEM!


We are God’s Family The holidays are a mixture of good times and hard times. Watch the evening news and you’ll realize we’re surrounded with events that makes us tremble, yet in the midst of these, there are really good news to be celebrated. God gave the world His Son, Jesus, who grew up to die for our sins and rise again. Christmas is a season when families gather together to celebrate togetherness. We will sit down at various meals and partake of God’s blessings. We’ll exchange gifts of love and words of encouragement and we’ll arrange our plans so that we can be with people who are very important to us because family matters. The great truth of God’s Word is that even if we don’t have family with whom we’ll gather this holiday season, God wants each of us to be part of a local church family where we can receive encouragement and accountability and where we can share our humble blessings especially with our less fortunate brothers and sisters. In this very difficult times where few rich people control our nation’s resources and the minds of many public and private leaders are contaminated with greed and hypocrisy, Filipinos are becoming hopeless and desperate. They need to feel the presence of God’s love. Let us make them feel the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ by being instruments of peace. As the prayer of Saint Francis goes:

Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.

Most likely than not, many will send countless text messages and spend long hours in social networking sites to convey their (…ehem) “sincerest” Christmas greetings to as many people as they can. Celebrating Christmas without minding the needs of the poor is sheer hypocrisy. No one cannot truly say he loves God while playing deaf and blind to the sufferings of others. Faith without action is a dead faith. This Christmas season, God reminds us that He loves us. He reminds us that He wants us to be holy families, living by the example of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. He blesses those who obey Him and live their faith in Christ. May the Word of God be sealed in our hearts so we may never forget our spiritual responsibility towards others, our loved ones, our relatives, our neighbors, our co-workers, and even the strangers, so we may all share in the joy of being holy families in Christ.

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We Are The Past, The Present And The Future Jade Anne Princess Abesamis, III - St. Albert

With the fast-changing needs of our time, alterations are very much present. Alterations especially with the youth. So, what’s with them before? What’s up with them now? And what’s in with them in the future? Before the “techie” world emerged, life is simpler; less complicated and less demanding. The youth then lived a very plain life. Curfews are obeyed, rules are never broken and family? they always came first. True as it is, that when life introduces you to “shortcuts” you end up wanting to fast-forward everything. That is how the youth of today was aroused. Today, admit it or not, everything is extraordinary. Necessities are instant. So now,

even life is instant. In short, with the extreme acceleration of the wheels of life now, where will it lead us to? The future is yet to be seen. The stories are left to be told. What awaits the youth are still left to be spoken. What happened in the past was done, can never be brought back and can never be repeated. What will happen in the future is in the hands of today. Indeed, the youth then was far different from now, but why don’t we make the youth of today different to that of the future in a good way? We still have the power and control of the future. We can look back, act now and change the future. The youth: Born yesterday, molded today and activated tomorrow.


rial oAgcaoili it Mr. Emerson d Publications Coordinator

l ditoria

Ms. Catherine Cerna [Grade School] Ms. Marina Jacinto [High School] Mr. Jerome Samson [College] Advisers

GRADE SCHOOL EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief: Jessie Anne Fabillon Associate Editor: Ivy Geraldine Ferrer Managing Editor: Miryam Kalyxta Tolentino News Editors: Micah Unajan Ma. Conception Camton Lheila Marteena Basco Literary Editors: Merelace Panliboton Edcel San Buenaventura Sports Editors: Lilac Evangelista Daniella Vicente Features Editors: Sheila Andrea Fajardo Pamela Tumbali Head Photojournalist: Gabriel Ian Miňas Head Cartoonist: Carla Jane Taguibulos Staff Writers: Manley Salazar Jr. Mira Joy Javiniar Chelsea Duran Veronica Alyssandra Baluyut Famela Mortel Jian Mahinay Sophia Catherine Reyes Bonjello Figueroa Cartoonists: Neicelle Pauline Cruz Andreana Valderama Leila Marie Pauli Maria Raiza Dadia Photojournalists: Al Dominic Gatlabayan Chrissa Mariestella Zafranco Antonio Marzan Jr. Circulation: Bryan Gerard Guillermo Dwight Lorenz Fernandez

HIGH SCHOOL EDITORIAL BOARD Editor In-chief: Rhea Grace Camton Associate Editors: Jade Anne Princess Abesamis Caryl Joyce Gatapia Feature Editors: Ma. Cherrie Amor Ong & Celine Tubianosa News Editors: Danica Paullyne Perez & Althea Arnecilla Literary Editors: Louie Navarro & Ma. Kristine Louly Pastor Entertainment Editors: Miguel Lucero & Mary Joyce Garcilla Sports Editors: Shara Mae Andres & Eleanore Flordeliz Stonner Managing Editor: Ynna Marion Basibas Head Art Director: Angelo Encisa Cartoonist: Katherine Kit Mirador Circulation Managers: Marie Francine Ciasico & Emmanuelle Nazareno

COLLEGE EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: Jerah Almira Pega Associate Editor: Andrea Paola Javier Managing Editor: Jobelle de Leon, Jeslyn Macalisang News Editor: Daisy Espeso, Diane Orcena Feature Editor: Jarimae Lacambra Sports Editor: Allan Salazar

Literary Editors: Rosemarie Napay Ma. Janice Garcia Cartoonist: Beatrice Lourdes Basada Photojournalist: Ellysa Jean Cabarles Circulation Manager: Ma. Charina San Miguel Circulation Staff: Mark Joseph Delos Reyes

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Ginintuang Uhay


One’s self-actualization is perhaps the primary key to engage with the opposite sex. But what if you’ve extended beyond your boundaries? What if you can’t seem to have enough? Moreoverly, what if you’ve abused others and unfortunately, yourself? As the new generation emerges, changes have been abundant. Some things became more simple, some became more complex. As these things come across us, we admit that we become less aware of the root of all the truth within us – our life is a gift from God. Therefore, we must not do anything to ruin it or those of others. But honestly, it’s inevitable to see the abundance of foul actions now. How is that? Let’s take for example a very cliché scenario. You fall in love with someone; he

falls for you as well. You enjoy the so – called “Young Love”. But what if both of you seem to be guided in the wrong pathways of life? What if you indulge too early to mature decisions? You may be tempted to have sex without marriage and at a very young age, and that is very much unacceptable. Even with the uplifted and developed activities of the now “fast-forwarded” life, one thing should never be erased or taken for granted – in everything you have in life;

God has a plan for it. Entering marriage should always be in God’s time. You don’t need to rush things. One must learn to value his body and those of others. ‘Cause if you value yourself, you’re valuing God. The RH Bill above all contradicts the Catholic faith. Even if it’s not said directly, it’s like a pest hidden in the beauty of a blooming flower. You may not see it by now, but when it’s inner and outer part have fallen apart, it will

Media on RH Bill:

A Friend or A Foe? Ma. Cherrie Amor Ong, IV Aloysious Gonzaga


e cannot deny that the influence of media to us is strong, We get almost all the information that we know about our surroundings from the media such as the television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet. With the great influence of the media on us we don’t realize that the media’s already holding us in our necks. It’s slowly changing, altering our culture, lifestyle as well as our morals. If you’re going to ask a child how many children he would want in the future, the child would answer, doubtlessly, one or two. The reason for the answer? Good life, just like those seen in the commercial. This is the proof of how strong media is. Its influence reaches all, even children. Without our knowing, the media is slowly implanting the message of the Reproductive Health Bill on us. The message of RH Bill is seen in all aspects of media. In commercials - showing a happy family with only one or two children, couples using

contraceptives such as condoms to avoid pregnancy and a lot more; these are only a few evidences of RH Bill in the media. If we’re going to think about it, media has helped us in a lot of ways but it seems now that it’s corrupting our minds. RH Bill is an immoral proposal to make abortion legal and it plans to allocate a huge amount of money to buy contraceptives which they say is helpful in family planning but in reality this contraceptives have side effects that can harm the health of the user. This is not a well thought proposal. If you’ll look carefully in the content of RH Bill you can clearly see a lot of negativities in it. It corrupts the foundation of our nation, the family, as well as our morals and our identity as Filipinos. It contradicts the teachings of the Church which is our basis for our morals and faith. To pass this is the same as allowing people to kill one another and for Filipinos to practice immorality by having sex freely even as young as the adolescents.

This bill tends to decrease our population thus dividing and weakening the strength of our country. Other countries that made this bill a law are already experiencing crisis in their nation. Facts about the negative outcomes of RH Bill are being spread to help stop the bill from becoming a law, yet the media and other factors in our society still encourage us to agree with RH Bill. Our government, in spite of the knowledge of RH Bill’s hideous side, still takes it into consideration to make this bill a law. They pay great amount of money to the media for it to advertise and promote this bill. As a Filipino it is for us to realize that even if the media has done us good it is now brainwashing us giving confusions on the right thing to do because of its adverse influence in the life of many.

Billboards such as this are strategically placed at LRT line 2 stations leading to University Belt area teasing college students to do what it suggests.

Daang Matuwid:

The Road’s Twists and Turns Rhea Grace L. Camton, IV – Aloysius Gonzaga

“Ang pagtahak sa Daang Matuwid para sa Bagong Pilipinas” says our Nation’s President in one of his public speeches. What is this road he is pertaining to? For most, it is of just sovereign and leadership. As for others, it is living morally. For some, it is doing things the right way. With this statement uttered, I can’t help but wonder what lies behind this road that should be trekked. The road of life is definitely filled with twists and turns. One cannot be able to determine how many times he goes right or left. Everything is uncertain and unpredictable. There even comes a point we are left clueless of what is

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 7

happening around. Obviously, we are in a struggle to surpass everything that might come our way. But what is this path being referred to? Are we going to take the straight path, the path that is said to be upright? Or should we go after the emaciated one, with fewer travelers journeying upon it? With the signs posted around, we are guided. These landmarks have been of help to us, travelers. In the similar way, the rules and laws established by the government are created to develop a peaceful and harmonious state. It is not only in our government we are given sets of rules to be followed but in the Church as well. As baptized Catholics, we are all

aware of the commandments that should be kept. In whatever way you put it, the message to us is clear. We are called to be better persons. Each of us is subjected to trials, pain, and challenges that would make us stronger. We have been given minds to think. We have the capability to choose. We’re all given free will to decide what’s best for us. In the end, it’s us who will make our choices. In the same way, we have to be ready with the consequences of our course of actions. As they say, “Great power comes with great responsibility.” It is not enough that we are entitled with power; we have to prove that we’re worthy of it.



show it’s true color – danger. As a Filipino citizen, I know that I should partake in the nation’s views. But as a Catholic, I have my stand to fight for what I feel is right, to fight for the way of life. I am Pro – Life, I am against RH. You don’t have to ruin yourself or destroy others just to have pleasure and satisfaction. Think of this, why plant weeds together with an abundant bunch of roses? Why place a vulture together in a nightingale’s nest? Why plant a “killer pill” in a mother’s fertilized womb? Again, let’s not kill the lights of life, let’s pass it on, let’s live with it, and let us be NO TO RH. Nurture the wonders of a human life, nurture our God’s wonderland.

Every Moment

GOD is Speaking Ms. Yssa H. Amalia

Every moment has meaning, for in every moment GOD is speaking. Totoo ba ito? In every moment God is speaking. Siguro nga! Kasi naririnig ko na yan mga biruan na yan, na kapag ang isang tao ay medyo natahimik at nakangiti, may magsasabing, nag mo-moment yan! Habang ako ay nasa retreat, wala akong sinayang na oras, basa lang ako ng basa ng books. Nagpapasalamat ako kay Sis. Cecil sa tatlong klase ng libro ni Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD na ipinahiram nya sa akin. Tuwang tuwa ako sa marami kong nasaba tungkol sa MOMENTS.

magsisilbing alaala ng tapat at wagas na pagmamahal ng Diyos sa inyo. Narito ang ilang nabasa ko sa kanyang libro na gustong ibahagi sa inyo. At sana makapagbigay sa atin ng paalala, gaya ng mensahe sa itaas na, God is speaking: This is Clear and Simple: Life need not to be complicated. Life can be clear and simple.

How? Let us go back to basics and remember Kakaiba ang moments the lessons we learned in ni Fr. Jerry Orbos, kasi kindergarten which were: madaling siyang maunawaan, * Share simple lang ang mga salitang * Play fair ginamit, karaniwan ay mga * Don’t hit people sarili niyang karanasan, * Put things back where pero malalim ang mensahe you found them sa iyo. Parang may sayang * Clean up your own hatid sa iyo ang mga mess kwento nya. Nakakatuwa, * Say “sorry“ when you nakakapagbigay ng hurt somebody kakaibang galak at paalala sa puso mo. Sigurado ako A moment with the Lord marami ng moments sa Lord, help me to be clear buhay nyo ang nakapaghatid and simple, transparent and ng masayang pakiramdam. available. Amen. Masaya ang naging retreat ng mga bata sa lahat ng 4th A moment with Word year ngayon taon. Makikita “Accept one another, mo sa kanilang mga pictures then just as Christ accepted at mga palitan ng messages you , in order to bring praise sa FB. Masaya talaga ang to God.” Romans 15:7 retreat mga anak, kasi doon kayo kinakausap ng ating Salamat sa mga Panginoon. Moment nga di paalala ni Fr. Jerry Orbos ba? Kaya naman daming luha, sa atin, salamat sa mga saya,at tawanan. Patuloy pagkakataon na marinig natin kayong magpasalamat at ang gustong ibigay ng ating makinig sa Kanya. Dahil bago Panginoon na mensahe sa kayo aalis sa CCC, maraming atin. Sana gaya ko nakarating moments ang nangyari sa din sa inyo ang sayang hatid inyo na inyong babaunin at nito. Clear and simple. Amen.

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Special Feature

Ginintuang Uhay

Vol. 11 No. 2

Mighty Lion with a Humble Heart Interview with Rev. Fr. Leo Luanzon, MMHC Ynna Louie Marion Basibas (III-St. Albert the Great) and Rhea Grace Camton (IV-St. Aloysious Gonzaga)


t was with great felicity and obeisance to be given the chance to interview a very knowledgeable and down to earth priest, Rev. Fr. Leo Ricardo Ma. Luanzon, an alumnus of our school, Cainta Catholic College. As our conversation went by, we were really taken aback by his dedication to his duty, treating it not as an obligation but as service and a means of answering his calling for the spiritual growth of people. The vocation ministry of Fr. Leo started at Cainta Catholic College where he graduated salutatorian in 1998. Upon graduating, he immediately entered the Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross (MMHC). He went to Mater Dei College earning his degree in Bachelor in Secondary Education major in Philosophy minor in English for which he graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2004. Fr. Leo earned his degree in Theology at University of Santo Tomas and again, graduated Summa Cum Laude. He then studied Canon Law in the same university and graduated Magna Cum Laude on March 2011. We were grateful for the time and lessons he imparted us during this personal encounter with him. His words might be concise but every single statement he uttered was embedded into our minds and hearts. The interview was as follows:

know it? (Laughing) Really? Honestly, I wasn’t aware of that. I seldom went out of our classroom before. I’m a shy type of person so I never thought that some people would admire me in that aspect.

Q: Who is Father Leo? Well, emphasizing on my profession, I have been a priest for three years. I was ordained on June 26, 2008. I studied Theology for three years in the University of Santo Tomas, and graduated by 2007. After that, I was asked by my superior to take Canon Law by 2008. Just this March, I graduated. Q: One of our teachers told us that you were a campus heart throb in high school. Did you even

Q: We heard that you always graduate with honors. How does it feel? I’m overwhelmed and thankful, of course. After all the struggles and hardships I have endured, in the end, the Lord had allowed me to reap the fruits of my perseverance.

Fraternity. A secret society, a brotherhood or a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest or pleasure. Today at our time, hearing this word “fraternity” quickly gives us a negative reaction towards it. But of course, let’s take a look to the positive side. Here goes a fraternity growing inside our school, the Youth for Mary and Christ or YMC. According to the website of MMHC (Marian Missionaries of the Holy Cross), it first bloomed in Palermo, Sicily then it started in Philippines in 1976 as a Catholic Youth Group in Public High schools, first known as Youth Marian Crusade. This Youth group had spread not only in Manila, but it also reached the nearby provinces, like Rizal, Laguna and Negros Occidental in southern island group of the Visayas. Then, it is also applied to private high schools to expand this ministry and call the hearts of the young boys studying in private schools. YMC became one of the largest campus ministries in the Philippines. So, what is YMC really? Besides from being an Apostolate of MMHC, we can say that it is all about life, prayer, penance and imitating the lifestyle not only of our Blessed Virgin Mary but also Christ. This youth group also serves as first step to be the next deacons and priests of our generation, and it is their mission to reawaken the consciences and

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Q: Have you ever been in love? If so, have you had girlfriends before? Yes, I have been in love. Actually, we all do. But it’s not to the certain extent that we were engaged into a relationship. It was with my classmate back in my junior year in high school. We both had feelings for each other. There was a particular point that I courted her. It ended when I finally decided that I will enter the seminary. Q: Tell us about your family. I am the 4th children among 5 siblings. My father worked in San Miguel as a manager. My mother is a housewife. We lived a simple life, in contentment. What we have is just enough to sustain our daily needs. We had a strong bond. Our love for one an other helped in building up a firm foundation. When trials come, we’re able to overcome them victoriously.

Q: What served as your inspiration and motivation to strive hard in your studies? People who give their love and support to me, particularly, my family. I wanted to share with them the triumphs that I earned as a student. It’s my way of giving back all the efforts my parents exerted to give me better education.

Q: As a former student of CCC, what was the most memorable experience that you had in years of studying there? Probably the strike that happened when I was still in the sixth grade. I can’t remember the exact details for it took place a long time ago. Another experience was with my barkada. In our senior year, we went to the garden to plant pechay. After the day of our exam, we went towards the grown plants and enthusiastically jumped upon them as a way of celebrating the end of exams.We were even reported to Mrs. Valencia. I don’t even know what came into our minds that compelled us to do such thing. Having the courage to join theYMC is also memorable to me. The leadership seminar I attended in the third year made me interested enough to enter the seminary. Q: What are your interests and hobbies? I am fond of reading. Q: What else do you do? I just kept on studying. Minsan, nakakasawa na. (Laughing) I also love to listen to music. I play the guitar and piano. My other siblings planned to form a band. I insisted to be their vocalist, but they refused! It’s a total rejection. (Laughing) Q: How do you deal with the enormous problems you encounter? I am the type of person who keeps everything to himself. I depend on prayer. I know that God is in control of everything. Q: How do you start your day? Usually I rise up 4:15 in the morning. I see to it that I rise up earlier to have a peaceful time and use it to meditate, think of nothing except the Lord. A prayer of course, it’s a part of our spiritual life. Q: What was the greatest gift you’ve ever received? My vocation. I was called into priesthood, the reason why I had the bigger opportunity to share my blessings to the community, and in my ministry. It is through service, I’m able to impart everything I have, most especially to glorify the Lord. Q: What gives you contentment and satisfaction? I am just simple. I’m satisfied with what

I have. For me, that’s more than enough. I am not longing for such worldly and material things. Q: What traits of a person do you admire most? People who are fun to be with, those who are easy to please, the jolly and generous ones. Q: What are the traits that you abhor? Someone who is plastic. I hate those types of people. You’ll never know who they are, and what they think of you. Q: Excellence is? Excellence is being yourself, using your talents, and knowing yourself fully. Q: What urged you to accept your calling as a priest? The YMC built up my inclination to priesthood. After the leadership seminar I had attended, I was inspired by the lives of people who were involved there. The community there gave me fulfilling happiness. I wanted to be just like them. Q: What pieces of advice can you give to our readers, especially to the students of your Alma Matter? First, you have to set a goal. Once you have set a goal, you have to reach for it. Second, you should have the thought of perseverance. If you want to excel, you should have it. Lastly, God has a reason for everything. You may not realize the reasons why things happen, but in a certain point in time, He will reveal it to you. He has a reason for everything that only your faith could fathom.

Y MC: A Fraternity Louie Navarro

souls of men and bring the youth closer to God. How did it started in CCC? YMC advisers, Ms. Myra Peligaria and Ms. Cen Moreno, shared to us how YMC flourished in our campus. And according to them, it all started when Fr. Emilio Santos and Fr. Alexis, who were former YMC members and now priests, recruited them to be the “Animator” of the said ministry. And according to them too, most of the priests who held Mass in our church first started here, like our School Chaplain, Fr. Blaise Jose Ma. Garcia, Jr., MMHC, who is now one of Perpetual Professed member of MMHC, started his vocation in this ministry. Their so called brotherhood has never been far from any other organizations

as they always conduct activities based on the year itself. Some of them are Mariology, Sports Fest, Christmas Party and many more. Plus every month, several members were able to join the vigil, an overnight devotion for Mary and Christ but they claim that it’s kind of boring at some point, yet if you’re really serious and dedicated to it, you might as well find it interesting. This is all exclusive for boys only. Why? One reason is they find boys more easily distracted than girls. YMC is just another great alternative for them to spend time at more valuable things. Rather than loitering on streets or overstaying at computer shops, it could be better to devote themselves to Mary and Christ. Despite of this, they find time to enjoy other things, just like what they have said “Hindi porket YMC, KJ na”, “Di pinagbabawalan ang pagsasaya dahil part na ito ng buhay natin”.

We asked a trainer and a member and here are their responses to our questions: What made you join YMC? Hatak lang ako nung una. Pero dahil sa activites, naging devoted ako sa ministry ko ngayon. Dahil dito, mas na-feel ko yung presence ni God, changes sa sarili… naging mas productive dahil sa bawat pagkakataon na makakapagrecruit ako, pakiramdam ko may buhay akong nababago. - Rey John Evangelista Naisip namin na kaysa spend naming= yung time sa computer at paggala, inilaan namin yung time na yun para kay Mary at Jesus. At para magkaroon ng iba pang mga kaibigan. - Cyrus Eligarco

What surrounds us are actually great things to try out, some of them could be clubs/organizations which might get our interest or anything that could be productive. With our everyday life, we just need to find changes and it starts when we decide.

12/13/2011 9:39:58 AM


Ginintuang Uhay

Advent Advent Advent

Christmas in Our Hearts

Danica Perez and Jade Abesamis III – St. Albert the Great Christmas is just around the corner! Christmas season, a time for reliving Jesus Christ’s birth, a time to remember that our savior is born, and a time for giving and sharing. that is why we have gathered some of the most popular guys in our campus ask them two very important questions about Christmas. First question being: “What your most memorable Christmas, the time that you want to relive and reminisce each year?” and secondly, “What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas?”, or in other words, “What is the true essence of Christmas?” SHARWIN ANDRES – 1st year St. John (Student Coordinating Council Business Manager) What is your most memorable Christmas? Nung 2008, kasama naming yung tatay namin. Nag – Mall of Asia kami, kumain at naggala. Kasi ngayon nasa ibang bansa na siya.

What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas? Pagmamahalan, at pag buo ung pamilya.

KENNETH MERCOLITA – 2nd year St. Ignatius of Antioch (Student Coordinating Council Business Manager) What is your most memorable Christmas? Nung biglang dumating yung father ko from abroad.

What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas? Love one another.

JM DELFIN – 3rd year St. Bonaventure (Student Coordinating Council Escort) What is your most memorable Christmas? Tuwing magkakasama kaming buong pamilya. What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas? Pag nagka-chance ako na mag-outreach program as a celebration of Christmas. JANXELL DENINA – 3rd year St. Therese of Avila What is your most memorable Christmas? Nung nag-reunion kaming pamilya last year. What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas? Pag kasama yung family. JUSTIN LEDESMA – 4th year St. John Bosco (Volleyball Varsity Player) What is your most memorable Christmas? Every Christmas naman memorable eh, basta kasama yung buong family. What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas? Siguro yung best way is pag na-share ko ung talents ko lalo na yung pag-vovolleyball ko. Parang outreach program, kung saan pwede kong turuan yung mga bata maglaro ng volleyball. JAYCEE ARELLANO – 4th year St. Camillus de Lellis What is your most memorable Christmas? Sama-sama kami ng mga tita ko, nag-outing kami. Kasi ngayon, di na kami nagkakasama-sama. What is the best way to have a meaningful Christmas? Dapat magkakasama yung pamilya. ALEXANDRA NICOLE “NIKKI” LLONOR – Ramp Model (CCC High School Alumna Batch 2010) What is your most memorable Christmas? Para po sakin di ko malilimutan na Christmas ay nung 2009 kasi yun po yung last time na nag Christmas kami na kasama ko lola ko bago siya pumunta ng ibang bansa. Memorable po para sakin yun kasi ayun yun unang beses na nagsimbang gabi ako kasi sinama po ako nun lola ko. As what most of these guys said, Christmas is about so much more than presents and parties, and yet, each year, that is the focus that we as a society place on it. Christmas has become a stress for some, and financial hardship for others. Before it was used to be a holiday to celebrate with family but now we have somehow lost touch with our roots - a meaningful and soulful Christmas.

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 9



Pauline Saberola, III-St. Robert Bellarmine

Advent is the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”) is a season observed in many Western Christian churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday, called Levavi. Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used in reference to the Second Coming of Christ. For Christians, the season of Advent serves as a reminder both of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah as well as the waiting of Christians for Christ’s return. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating the truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is a process in which we now participate, and the consummation of which we anticipate. Advent is marked by a spirit of expectation, of anticipation, of preparation and of longing

LIGHTING JESUS’ WAY TO OUR HEARTS Every catholic church lights a candle on the advent wreath. it begins on the fourth sunday before Christmas day. The Advent wreath is a popular Advent custom that originated in Germany. It consists of four candles (three purple and one rose), surrounded by evergreen branches. One purple candle is lit the first week, two the second, two purple and one rose the third, and finally all four in the last week of Advent. The light of the candles signifies the light of Christ, Who will come into the world at Christmas.

But here’s a question: How do we light His way to our hearts? One way of preparation for his coming is through confession . It is one way of cleansing our hearts just like remodeling our own homes. Thus it will be a perfect place to dwell. It is also a place where a blessing of peace would desire to abide. Let’s clean our hearts for him, let Jesus spread love inside our hearts and share it to others and that’s the true spirit of Christmas. Advent ends on the 24th of December, when the waiting and preparation end.

Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas? Marie Francine L. Ciasico III-St. Albert the Great


or many generations, Santa Claus had been a wonderful character for the children. Some believe he is real, some don’t. It is a question that cannot be answered by many. How about you, do you believe in him? Santa Claus, or Santa, is a figure in North American culture who reflects an amalgamation of the Dutch Sinterklaas, the English Father Christmas, and Christmas gift-bringers in other traditions. Santa Claus is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24. Santa Claus is generally depicted as a plump, jolly, whitebearded man wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, whitecuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots (images of him rarely have a beard with no moustache). This image became popular in the United States and Canada in the 19th century due to the significant influence of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, children’s books and films. The North American depiction of Santa Claus as it developed in the 19th and 20th century in turn influenced the modern perceptions of Father Christmas, Sinterklaas and Saint Nicholas in European culture. According to a tradition which can be traced to the 1820s, Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, with a large number of magical elves, and nine (originally eight) flying reindeer. Since the 20th century, in an idea popularized

by the 1934 song “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”, Santa Claus has been believed to make a list of children throughout the world, categorizing them according to their behavior (“naughty” or “nice”) and to deliver presents, including toys, and candy to all of the good boys and girls in the world, and sometimes coal to the naughty children, on the single night of Christmas Eve. He accomplishes this feat with the aid of the elves who make the toys in the workshop and the reindeer who pull his sleigh. Santa Claus in this contemporary understanding echoes aspects of geographical tales concerning the historical figure of gift-giver Saint Nicholas, the man from whom the name of Santa Claus was derived and in whose honor Santa Claus may be referred to as Saint Nicholas or Saint Nick. Saint Nicholas (270–6 December 343), also called Nikolaos of Myra, was a historic 4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker; while in the Russian Orthodox Church the name is translated “St. Nikolai the Miracle Creator”. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus, whose modern name comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints. In 1087, his relics were furtively translated to Bari, in

southeastern Italy; for this reason, he is also known as Nikolaos of Bari. His feast day is 6 December. The historical Saint Nicholas is remembered and revered among Catholic and Orthodox Christians. He is also honored by various Anglican and Lutheran churches. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, thieves, children, and students in Greece, Belgium, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Albania, Russia, the Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Serbia, and Montenegro. He is also the patron saint of Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Barranquilla, Bari, Beit Jala, Fribourg, Huguenots, Kozani, Liverpool, Paternopoli, Sassari, Siggiewi, and Lorraine. He was also a patron of the Varangian Guard of the Byzantine emperors, who protected his relics in Bari. Now, our eyes were opened to the truth. May we all be Santa Claus ourselves, prioritizing giftgiving whole-heartedly without hesitation for the benefit of others, and let us make everyday… a Christmas Day!!!


12/13/2011 9:40:01 AM

10 Features

Ginintuang Uhay

Vol. 11 No. 2


College Intramurals

College Integration Day

Eco-Song Fest Drug Abuse Awareness Seminar

First Communion

Employees retreat 2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 10

IRR Seminar 12/13/2011 9:40:03 AM

Ginintuang Uhay


Plant Trees and Save Lives

Features 11

The Purpose Driven Life

Mrs. Susan Calma

We cannot deny that we are faced with a worst condition as far as economy is concerned. The recent devastating typhoons have destroyed most of our food resources in Central Luzon and other parts of the Philippines. As a natural consequence, the prices of food and other prime commodities have gone up to astronomical heights. In the midst of the deplorable condition we find ourselves in, it has become pretty clear that the Filipino is faced with a big challenge. A challenge he must meet and accept without any second thought. There is an urgent need to cooperate with one another if we expect to overcome this very difficult situation. The times we live in have no place for selfish interests and motives. The farmers, the youth, and just about everybody who feels an amount of concern for the future of our country, should double their efforts in an attempt to save

our sagging economy. We must all band together and help. We should help clean up the fields and plant many crops. Those who are lucky enough to have spacious backyard should make full use of it. Instead of decorating their yards with artificial plants ad flowers, perhaps it is time that they realize that they should start planting kangkong, camote, cabbages, tomatoes, etc. In recent years, the youth have managed to assert themselves as probably the most concerned and the most aware citizens of the country. There is a need today for volunteer students from the various universities and colleges to help and do their share and go planting trees and utilize idle soil. This is but one way to prevent floods and save lives. The effects of the recent calamity that hit our shores should prove to be more than enough motivation to wake up and move forward.

Maging Alerto Tayo! Chelsea Duran 5-St. Leo the Great

Ano ang Dengue Fever? Ang Dengue ay isang sakit na galing sa mikrobyo na naihahawa sa tao sa pamamagitan ng kagat ng Aedes na lamok. Mga Sintomas o Nararamdaman: • Mataas na lagnat. • Matinding pananakit ng ulo. • Pagsusuka. • Mapupulang butlig sa balat. • Pananakit ng mata. Protektahan ang Sarili: • Magsuot ng mahabang pantalon at damit na may mahabang manggas, medyas at sapatos lalung lalo na sa madaling araw at kung palubog na ang araw na kung saan ang mga lamok ay mabagsik na kumagat. • Panatilihing nakasara ang mga bintana at pintuan na walang iskrin. • Magpakunsulta sa iyong doctor kung mayroong kayong nararamdaman na ganitong sintomas. Sugpuin ang Pagdami ng Lamok sa Pamamaraan ng: • Alisin, itapon o ayusin ang anumang bagay na pinagiiponan ng tubig gaya ng lata, bote, timba, lumang gulong, paso at mga iba pang bagay na maaaring taguan ng mga lamok. • Linisin ang sisidlan ng bulaklak minsan sa isang linggo.

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 11

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment. • If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God.You were born for his purpose. • Without God life makes no sense. God made you for a reason. God never does anything accidentally and He never makes mistakes. THE BENEFITS OF A PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. • It defines what you do and what you don’t do. • Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate your life’s activities. • People who don’t know their purpose try to do too much. Knowing your purpose focuses your life. • It concentrates your efforts on what’s important. • If you want your life to have impact, focus it! Knowing your purpose motivates your life. • Purpose always produces passion. • Nothing energize like a clear purpose. Life on earth is a test and a trust • Character is both developed and revealed by tests. You will be tested by changes, delayed promises, senseless tragedies and unanswered prayers. • We are stewards of whatever God gives us. At the end of your life you will be rewarded according to how well you handled what God entrusted to you. Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal. • Measured against eternity, our time on earth is just a blink of an eye, but the consequences last forever. • In God’s eyes, the greatest heroes of the faith are those who treat life as a temporary assignment, expecting their promised reward in eternity HOW REAL LEADERS ACT 1. They make themselves available to serve, even when it’s inconvenient. 2. They do every task with equal dedication, they do it with all their heart. 3. They are faithful to their ministry. They keep their commitments. 4. They maintain a low profile and don’t promote attention to themselves • Real servants don’t serve for the approval or applause of others • They live for an audience of One. • The most significant service is often the service that is unseen. 5. They think more about others than about themselves. 6. They think like stewards, not owners. God owns it all including your money. • God uses money to test your faithfulness as a servant. • Money has the greatest potential to replace God in your life.

Trending Now:

! S R E L L A B BALLERS! Pamela Anne Tumbali and Merelace Panliboton 5-St. Pius

Ilan na ba ballers mo? Aabot na ba ‘yan sa kili-kili mo? Pero, syempre joke lang yun. Trending nga ng tunay ang ballers sa kabataan. Tunay? May fake? Hindi ka mapakali ‘pag may nakitang tinitindang ballers sa Facebook, Twitter at mall. Oh, ‘di ba?! Kalat! Ang ilan nga nang-aarbor na lang. Tipid pa! Dito na nga nakatuon ang pansin ng mga kabataan, eh. Dati sa High School lang ‘to. Pero syempre, ‘di magpapahuli ang Grade School! Meron nga, eh. Preschool naka-baller, “I’m so cute <3”. Oh, ‘di ba! Ilan na kaya ginastos nila, ‘no? Hay, Mahal kaya nun! Pero, dito nauso ang salitang “please” at “Sige na!”. Nauso lang naman ‘to dahil kasali ‘to sa proseso ng pangaarbor. Dito rin nauso ang pag-

uugaling MAPAGBIGAY, di ba?! May magandang nangyayari! Pero, ito masama. Pinagyayabang nila ung ballers nila unlimited! Wagas, eh. Eto naman, mga example ng mga ballers, “I’m too hot to handle”, “Never say Never”, “Certified Belieber”, “Angry birds”, “Domo Kun is <3”, “plus pogi points” at syempre, hindi magpapahuli ang, “Like/Dislike.” Ito kasi

ang nagiging design ng kamay natin kaysa drawingan mo, may kemikal pa. Hanep, ano?! Pero, naisip lang namin, kung dati pa nauso ‘to at pinauso ulit ito, paano kung si Gat Jose Rizal mismo magsuot ng ballers na nakasulat, “Plus pogi points” at “Certified Beliebers”. Parang ang sagwa, di ba? Tapos, tapos. Yun na yun. Salamat sa pagbasa, mga adik sa ballers! :D

12/13/2011 9:40:04 AM

12 Feature News

Ginintuang Uhay


Celebrates Family Day Althea R. Arnecilla & Maria Cecilia S. Rances

Last October 15, 2011, sophomore students of Cainta Catholic College (CCC) together with their family and friends celebrated their Family Day with the theme: “Evangelizing the Youth, Inflaming Hearts for Truth”

held at CCC gymnasium which started around 7:00 o’clock in the morning. A Community Mass was offered at Our Lady of Light Parish as a thanksgiving and to ask for God’s guidance for the said event. After the mass, all participants went directly to the gymnasium to start the program properly. Mr. Abraham Dalit and Ms. Liza San Juan were the Masters of Ceremony. During the program a talk about youth was conducted which enabled parents to understand the changes in their children as they mature and become responsible teenagers. The celebration ended very successfully with the closing remarks and closing prayer. The objectives which were evangelizing the youth and to strengthen each family relationship were clearly attained. Each of them went home with a big and happy heart.

The Image of

Our Lady of Light


Carl Justin Javier, IV-St. Aloysius Gonzaga

r. Giovanni Antonio Genovese desired to have a painting of the Virgin Mary that can be shown and brought to the people he preach. He went to a pious woman and asked her to describe her vision to a painter. The first painting failed to capture the real figure of Our Lady of Light because the woman refused to go to the studio of the artist; she became occupied with so much works in a place which is far from Palermo, Sicily (the residence of the painter). She rejected the request of the priest to describe the appearance of Mary once again. One day, she lost her voice and according to a medical specialist, she must travel to Palermo to treat her difficulty in speaking. The work of art was repeated for the second time with full guidance of the Virgin Mary and it became successful. The painting of Our Lady of Light was brought to Cainta from Sicily, Italy. They decided to choose the Virgin Mary in the said image as the patroness of the Church. The church of Cainta was built as a parish in 1760. The original icon of the patroness was burned during the war. The national artist Fernando Amorsolo made a replica of the image of Our Lady of Light. The town fiesta is celebrated every 1st day of December. Various activities are done in preparation of the feast of St.Andrew (November 30) and Our Lady of Light. Banderitas are hanged up in the streets. There are essay-writing contest, poster making contest and other competitions before the fiesta. The smoke and aroma of special cuisines were scattered and there are groups of people going from places to places. The famous mark of Cainta, the kakanin, lechon, and other specialties are also are served in our meals. Games are played to make most of the day, full of enjoyment. We also join the procession led by the church and attend the mass as a thanksgiving for another fruitful year that was given to our community. At the end of the day, we must not forget the significance of the feast of our patroness. It was being held for venerating the mother of our savior Jesus Christ and encouraging us to take part with Christ’s mission. It’s time to show the world that the parish of Our Lady of Light is unique in its little way and is a community with one spirit, one mission and one God forever.

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 12

Vol. 11 No. 2

October: Month of the Holy Rosary Bring the Rosary to Life of Students! Miryam Tolentino 6-St. Peter

Month of the Holy Rosary is a great opportunity to introduce young people to the devotion of praying the Rosary. Pupils, teachers and employees all gathered together to praise, thank and ask forgiveness for the sins committed to God during the celebration of the Month of the Most Holy Rosary last October. First Monday of the month after the flag ceremony, pupils, together with their homeroom advisers recited the rosary at the school grounds. On ordinary school days, every pupil prayed in their own classrooms after having the morning praises. The CCC faculty also prepared rosary-related activities for students for the celebration of the month. One of these prepared activities is the decoration of the bulletin boards. It may be mostly designed with UN interiors, but some minded to add Rosary cut-outs. Some teachers in different classes gave projects like creating Rosary-filled posters, Rosary cut-outs and other related artworks. Another activity was the special Rosary praying at the grotto located in front of the Parish Formation Center. The grotto was filled with the Elementary and High School students and the faculty. Chosen Grade School pupils were in their costumes and represented each mystery of the rosary while some High School students offered flowers. Together, these students formed a rosary-like circle.

Volunteer pupils from Grade 6-St. Peter even performed a remarkable dance for our dear Mama Mary after the praying of the Rosary. It was a great way to show our care and support for the Rosary. Celebrating the Rosary Month in our school is one of a kind. We have our own activities made by the faculty. We make it special by supporting it and showing that we really care for the Rosary. Now, another month left its footprints on our life’s sand.

Freshmen Celebrates Family Day Bernice N. Gonzales, I-St. Andrew

Family Day! An event held every year wherein teenagers of today have fun with their friends.Nowadays, parents don’t have time to bond with their children anymore. That’s the reason why we celebrate family days. This event was organized to give quality time to families to bond with the family members . Last September 24, 2011, first year students celebrated their family day with the theme, ”Evangelizing the Youth Inflaming Hearts for the Truth”. At exactly 6:30 am, registration began. After the registration a community mass was held at Our Lady Of Light Parish. After the celebration of the Holy Mass, attendees went to the CCC Gymnasium. The program proper started with a Doxology by the Light Bearers choir followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. Mr. Henry P. Santiago, the HS principal gave the welcome remarks. After that, Rev. Fr. Blaise Ma. Garcia gave an inspirational message. He reiterated the importance of a family, especially in the life of teenagers.

Afterwards, Alexandrea Falcutila of first year St. John introduced Br. Angelo Ahumada, the guest speaker. Bro. Angelo shared his experiences as teenager and his knowledge on the importance of family bonding. Ms. Ednalyn Galang, the Mapeh coordinator hosted the games. The games were full of fun. Selected pupils also performed intermission numbers. Then, Ms. Catalina Marcelo gave her closing remarks. She gave parents some salient points on how to discipline their children. The program ended with a closing prayer led by all first year class presidents. Mr. Marvin Oquendo and Mrs. Jane Palma hosted this meaningful event. This was made possible by the first year organizing committee together with the first year teachers and students together with their families.

12/13/2011 9:40:04 AM

Entertainment 13

Ginintuang Uhay


SUPER JUNIOR Mary Joyce Gacilla, III-St. Albert the Great

These 15 guys. These 15 angelic voices. These 15 people who changed my life. These 15 talented guys that became my inspiration in life. Because of them, I was able to know how awesome music can be. I was able to know talented people that I never met before in my whole life. I was able to have friends who love these boys so much. I was able to learn the language that I thought I would never have interest before. Their songs may be in Korean, a language that I’m not familiar with. But who cares? I can always find the translation on the internet. As long as I can hear the voices that I’m always longing for. When I first saw you in the “Happiness” music video, I was so impressed that I eagerly became an ELF. How can all of you be handsome and talented at the same time? You’re all making my heart go wild. Some says you’re 13. But for me, Super Junior is 15. How could they forget Zhou Mi’s awesome voice, And Henry’s cuteness and overflowing talent. Right now, I am an ELF that can never stop thinking about these boys. Although I haven’t completed their albums yet, Although I haven’t been to any of their concerts YET I know that I can support them using my heart and faith for them. I may be biased for always publishing Super Junior stuffs here But who should be the one to blame? I am proud to be an EverLasting Friend and will always be. And I love Super Junior with ALL MY HEART. Even though one by one, the members are leaving for army Even though only 8 members are active We, ELFs, believe that we will see you performing together again. Because you are Super Junior and EverLasting Friends believe in your promises.

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 13

WE GOT K-POPPED! Mary Joyce S.A. Gacilla, III-St. Albert the Great

When you’re using Facebook, have you ever wondered why is it that some of your friends have surnames like Lee, Kim or Park or they have characters in their names like , or ? Have you ever watched TV and saw a ran dom music video with boys and girls singing and dancing to a language that you’re very unfamiliar with? How about the time when you’re using twitter then you saw that the trending topics were names like Choi Siwon, Kim Heechul, Lee Donghae or some other weird guy name. What’s your reaction? One thing’s for sure, lots and lots of people love Korean pop or K-POP. I, myself, is a Kpop fan. Well, you can’t blame me because there are so many cute and talented Korean guys out there. Not to mention the Korean girls that will surely captivate the hearts of fanboys with their pretty faces, charming personalities and excellent talent. Korean boy groups and girl groups also have those colorful fashion styles that’s really an eye-candy for everyone especially people at our age. Their dance moves are really cool! They seem so natural when performing live on-stage. They do a very good job on popping, break dancing, b-boying, hip hop and freestyle. Kpop groups are awesomely amazing! Even though I’m a fan of Kpop for just almost two years now, I know that Kpop fans are the most dedicated fans ever! Attending lots of concerts, Kpop fest and album launchings, stalking their idols online or for lucky Korean fans, stalking them in real life! They sacrifice so much for their idols. So, I salute my co-Kpop fans! I’ve seen this from a blog of sujudork602 from and this is what a psychologist says about Kpop fangirls: “Don’t underestimate those children who chase after Korean celebrities, their hearts are purer than anyone else, they love courageously, they will want to try their best to tackle difficult obstacles, the language and cultural barriers. They symbolise peace, they don’t discriminate based on race, they befriend people with the same interest from different countries, they’re more passionate and warm than anyone else. They don’t betray the ones they like easily, they are persistent and don’t give up easily. They are stronger than anyone else on the inside, because when they are loving these Korean stars, they experience the setbacks they’ve never experienced in life. They are all sensitive children, easily touched to tears for a long time because of one incident. Through investigation, most of them understand gratitude. Their way of thinking is different from others, they don’t easily get carried away by love, they don’t harbour thoughts of doing bad things, and their criteria when looking for a partner is very high, other than looks, personality is more important, so the rate of marriage isn’t high, but neither is the rate of divorce. Their memory is very good, they can easily remember the korean lyrics they don’t understand, and their coordination skills are also very strong. Most of them are cheerful children, not the kind who keep to themselves. Their will of determination is also very strong, they are able to persevere all the way just to buy something related to the celebrity they like. In short, the way these children think is vastly different from others, and their thoughts are not easy to understand. Generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world. I’ve listed 10 of the most famous Kpop groups here in the Philippines and give them some short description. Katherine Kit Mirador described Big bang, 2PM and KARA. 1. SUPER JUNIOR Who in the Kpop world doesn’t know about the phenomenal Super Show 2 and 3 that happened in Manila for the past 2 years? If you don’t, then bad for you. You’re missing the best concert ever! Super Junior is the largest boyband in the world consisting of 13 members plus two from it’s sub-group Super Junior M. Are you fond of fast-beat songs or ballad songs? Well, Super Junior’s the whole package. They can sing, dance, rap, act, host or DJ. Name it. Super Junior can do it! Most of us know them because of their hit song, “Sorry sorry”. If you don’t know the song, you at least know the dance. Recommended songs? Try listening to “Mr.Simple”, “Bonamana”, “A-CHA”, “Marry U” and “No other”. 2. SNSD It’s the Girls’ Generation! They are Super Junior’s labelmate and currently one of the most famous Kpop girl group worldwide. Sweet, pretty and talented girls that capture our hearts from their famous songs like “Oh!”, “Run devil run, “Mr.Taxi” and “The Boys”. You’ll surely love leader Taeyeon’s strong vocals, Ice princess Jessica’s sweet vocals, dancing queen Hyoyeon’s amazing dance moves and all the members’ charms, aegyo and unique talents. 3. 2NE1 Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh 2NE1! Oh yes people, make way for the fiercest and the coolest girl group from YG Entertainment. CL, Dara, Bom and Minzy already proved their popularity here in the

Philippines through their concert last June(The Party!). We must be proud because our Krungkrung Sandara Park is part of this group. From “Lollipop” to “Ugly”, 2NE1 is dominating the Kpop world with their cool music. 4. DBSK The tongue twisting lyrics of “Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattandarou”, Xiah Junsu’s dolphin voice, Hero Jaejoong’s manliness, U-know Yunho’s handsomeness, Mickey Yoochun’s amazing rap. They’re one of the most famous Kpop group in the whole world! Cassiopeia, the largest fanclub in the world with 800,000 members, already proved their love for these boys. Sadly, because of some company issues, DBSK split into 2 groups. JYJ (Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu) and DBSK with only two members (Yunho and Changmin). But for the hearts of Cassies like me, DBSK will always be 5 and we will always keep the faith! 5. SHINee Say hello to five young, handsome, talented and charismatic guys from SM entertainment! Leader dubu Onew, Bling bling Jonghyun, Almighty Key, Flaming charisma Minho and Baby Maknae Taemin are here to bring you hippy and awesomely amazing music that will surely melt your hearts. They’ve been conquering Korean and Japanese music charts with their songs like “Replay”, “Juliette” and now, it’s time for “Lucifer: Japanese version”. Surely, ShaWols (SHINee’s fans) out there will be very proud and happy for these boys again. 6. BEAST (B2ST) 6 beautiful boys from Cube entertainment who already proved their popularity in the Philippines through their concert and mall tours last year. Doojoon, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Yoseob, Gikwang and Dongwoon will always tell how beautiful their Beauties (BEAUTY- Beast’s fans) are. We’ve known them for their popular songs like “Soom(Breath)”, “Beautiful”, “Fiction” and “I like you the best”. Who doesn’t know Yoseob’s strong vocals in ‘Soom’ with his high note saying, “I don’t knoooooooow!” And Junhyung’s rapping style when they perform live. You know, by the end of his rap he will breath and chuckle in the microphone which for me, is SO COOL. And did you know that maknae Dongwoon lived in the Philippines (Specifically Sta.Rosa, Laguna) when he was younger to study english? How awesome was that? 7. U-Kiss Ubiquitous Korean International Idol Super Star or simply, U-Kiss. These 7 guys are really talented. Their charismatic yet cute looks could really make a fangirl squeal at the top of her lungs. They’ve been here in our country to have a concert and KissMe Pinays(U-Kiss fans) didn’t miss it! All of them are so adorable (especially Kevin! *biased*) From their “Bingeul bingeul” days to “0330” and “Neverland”, these boys really know how to make their fans proud. But sadly, two of the original members, Alexander Eusebio and Kim Kibum left the group because of company issues. But they have been replaced by 2 new members, AJ and Hoon. 8. BIG BANG Familiar with the songs like “Wedding Dress”, “Heartbreaker” and “Tonight”? Well, these are some songs of BIGBANG and its members. BIGBANG is one of the groups under YG Entertainment, the same company that made 2NE1. Known as one of K-Pop’s Legends, BIGBANG became instantly well-known in the industry because of their awesome hip-hop songs. Led by the infamous fashionista G-Dragon, together with the team’s crooners Taeyang and Daesung, the funky rapper TOP and the handsome maknae Seungri, this group will never leave you unsatisfied with their different genre of songs. 9. 2PM Are you ready for these, hottest? Well, 2PM is here. Composed of Junsu, Junho, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, Chansung and Nichkhun, these boys surely grab the attention of the crowd by their beastly image. Some of the popular songs they’ve released are “Again and Again”, “Without You” and “High High”. 10. KARA “Lalalalalala, lalalalalala, lalalalalala, 1-23-4-5-6 Boom It!” Do you know this cutesy song of KARA? The group’s name derived from the Greek word “chara”, meaning joy. Since their “first blooming” in 2007, KARA gained interest for their talented members, namely Gyuri, Sunghee, Seungyeon and Nicole. But after the departure of Sunghee, two members came to replace her- Hara and Jiyoung. The group really became popular in Japan since their debut there in 2010, topping every music chart in the said country. With the girls’ charisma and skills dominating the stage, no one can truly resist them! Some recommended songs of KARA are “Wanna”, “Mister” ,“Jumping” and “Step”. So that’s it CCCian Kpoppers! I hope you enjoyed reading it. Sorry to disappoint you if your favorite Kpop group is not listed here but, there’s always next time, ne? ‘Til the next Kpop article~ Joyce is out!

12/13/2011 9:40:05 AM

14 Literary

Ginintuang Uhay

Life’s Bitter Truth Caryl Joyce G. Gatapia. IV-St. Dominic

Fantasy. The world is filled with people who are filled with shit. It isn’t like the perfect little world I used to live in when I was younger. Those days when my smiles weren’t faked, tears were for happiness and broken hearts were just in movies, are now over. What’s left of it are broken memories and the overwhelming pain inside. Even my dreams aren’t as colorful as they used to be. The only thing I could still dream of, is a picture of my future, with strange faces surrounding me, criticizing my every move and mocking my decisions. My own demons haunt me through the depths of my despair, forcing me to hurt myself on the outside, to destroy the monsters silently killing me inside. Sleeping. It’s hard to believe that years after, the thing I’ve always hated when I was younger, will be my only escape from this bitter reality. Waking up? I’ve never found this hard, till I started waking up, only to be slapped with a cold dose of reality, that everything’s not going to be okay. And whatever I do, won’t be enough to please everybody. And pleasing them is the only thing that I’m good at ... As I was sitting on one corner, contemplating, I had a sudden realization about so many things. Things I never gave much importance to. One thing is that, there’s always something more than what meets the eye. People never give importance to things that they can’t milk anything from. If it won’t give them any profit, it is simply nothing. Imagine, when one sees a newborn infant from the outside,

Forever and Always

Jade Anne Princess E. Abesamis, III-St. Albert the Great

I never thought it would be like this You gave my life a sweet and enticing twist With you every second feels like paradise All I want is to be lost in your eyes When I met you, every dream came into life In your arms, I find everlasting light Oh, how I wish it would be like this forever The eternal gifts of love, we’ll spend together Challenges? They’re epic and natural. Our love? Something real and special. Nothing could ever come between us Just give me your precious trust A single glimpse of you makes me shiver But in the most heavenly way ever God knows how important you are to me Forever and always, you and me, until eternity.

all that they could describe it is, “Oh my God! It’s covered with blood and guts” or something like, “It’s nothing but a screaming, crying, pooping machine. What can you do with it? Sheesh” But if we look into that child’s eye, it’s like staring into an innocent soul. In the process, it feels like opening our own soul, bare and vulnerable. And during that, we finally realize, How can something so little, be so wonderful at the same time? It’s just perfect. It’s heart, not yet bruised. It’s smile, still so lovely for you know that it’s genuine. The tears, you know that it isn’t because some stupid jerk lied to her, but because she’s sleepy/hungry/sick. It’s hard to accept the truth that in a few years, she’ll hurt herself in ways one can never imagine. Someday, someone will break her heart. If only life isn’t as cruel. If only the innocence can be forever. How great it is to be a child. The child who sees everything perfectly, the child who isn’t scared of expressing herself because no critic is trying to tear her up, but God, how fast can time be? The once innocent is now forced to open her eyes wide. Wide enough to realize that not all people will love her. Wide enough to see that there are liars who’d promise to stand by your side, but leave at a moment’s notice. Life has forced her to live with her own demons instead of battle them. For fighting them seems to hurt much more. She realized that fighting them would be way too risky than just letting them silently kill her inside. It’s hard. But it’s the truth. Innocence isn’t coming back. I realized, there are no monsters under my bed, for they are here inside me, destroying my very being, tearing my very soul, building walls around me, letting no one in to help ease the pain and revive the fragile little girl, crying for help.

I’m in Love NOT AGAIN

Jade Anne Princess E. Abesamis, III-St. Albert the Great

Do you know how it feels? When you see him, it gives you chills You love his smile that kills You’ll die for his hug and kiss A heart that is in love is paranoid When he teases you, you’re never annoyed But if he talks to you seriously You can’t help but to stammer continuously At first, you’re curious But then you’ll be nervous Cause you figure out what it’s called Again, it’s love that you have unfold Oh, I enjoy how this tickles me It’s like all my dreams came into reality We’re the perfect two – you and me I’m in love, not again but ENDLESSLY.

Not Just Another Love Story Jade Anne Princess E. Abesamis, III-St. Albert the Great

“If ever you’re in my arms again, this time I’ll hold you forever…” Are you familiar with that line from a song? Probably yes. So, why don’t you let me take you deeper into the heart of a loving heart? Everyone falls in love, right? And eventually, everyone gets hurt along the way. Whether you like it or not, it’s a package. You can never learn how to love if you don’t know the feeling of being hurt. It’s like; you can only feel unloved if you’ve been loved. So, be thankful if you’ve encountered both. This means that you’re qualified to fight for love. In a relationship, the wheel is not always driven only by the two of you. Along you’re journey, people or even events, will try to block your way. It’s only up to you, if you’ll go on or stop. Sometimes, you’ll lose fuel. Again, it’s up to you; whether you’ll push through or just go on foot. By going on foot, you walk hand in hand with pain and suffering. But if you know where you’re going, you won’t give up, you won’t be lost. And when you reach your destination, HAPPINESS will be right in front of you, happiness with your love one. You might get the feeling of when you’re with him, you feel like time stops. But, that is not always

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 14

a good thing. Sometimes, you need to reconsider time, because time can make a great impact on you. With it, you might have to pause and continue in the future. Do you know what I mean? Let’s take for example, two high school students who became truly and deeply in love with each other. They became friends and soon had a relationship. But because of time, they have to part ways. Too early, they say. Too young to make their own decision. Too rigid, to prioritize some other thing than education. So what’s the result? They have to wait, wait for the time they could be together again. Not knowing when would that be or would it ever come. All they have is the faith and love in each other. That though they’re apart, their body, mind, heart and soul is with each other. But after all, it’s not pain the whole time. Just like what I told you, it’s a package. With love, there is pain. And with pain, of course, there is love. So, let me just leave this to you, now or today may not be the right time. But soon, it will come pouring all over you. If not with the same person, with the same magical feeling – Love. So, don’t lose hope. Be patient. Just hold on and never let go. “If ever you’re in my arms again, this time will never end.”

Vol. 11 No. 2

Thunder in the Morning Light Jade Anne Princess E. Abesamis, III-St. Albert the Great

When my eyes first caught a glimpse of you My world spun without a cue To be your beau, would be a dream come true Oh, how I wish I could say what I feel for you You’re the one who fills my fantasy In your arms, I want to see me I can feel that you’re heaven sent Your voice, like an angel with words of endearment I found out that you’re in love with someone And it hurts cause you’re my only one Now I’m left standing in the rain And my tears won’t hide the pain You told me I’m your friend In the future, could I be your girlfriend? So now I’m waiting in vain While you’re driving me insane Cause you’re my Romeo in black jeans My prince and savior in all means You’re my thunder in the morning light The happiness in a rainy lonesome night

The Porcelain Doll Caryl Joyce G. Gatapia, IV-St. Dominic

What do you do when you feel so broken? Nothing feels right and you’ve just been awakened You’ll never be perfect, oh, believe me, you’ll see They’ll always find flaws and make you feel ugly What has happened to being simple is beautiful? Now to get his attention you gotta be lustful Surely some might like a small dose of innocence But then a little later he’ll leave you with no defense Now you’re nothing but a zombie A mere shadow of what you used to be What happened to the face admired by many? Oh silly you, it faded so quickly You did everything, just to fit the mould But now your face, it just looks so old Is that the price for wanting to be happy? A jaded heart and forgotten vivacity? I wish I could say that this is not needed You don’t have to be special to be appreciated Open your eyes to what the world has become See for yourself the fragile girl they’ve left gruesome

Little Me Caryl Joyce G. Gatapia

Little me, I’m so sorry I became someone you said I should never be I disappointed you, I disappointed me I gave in, so quickly, so easily I never thought about the consequences I never cared of what you would say about this All I wanted was to be pleasing I should’ve listened to your warning You are young and you are bold But you were right about growing old I didn’t make the right choices I should’ve stopped when I heard those voices They were whispering in my ear They sounded trembling with fear I didn’t recognize it was your voice I thought it was just some irritating noise I went on with all my plans I forgot all about you as if in a trance I was happy with all the glory I thought, “This is the happy ending of my story.” Then one day, I glanced at the mirror I was shocked and I felt terror I looked twice and hoped it isn’t real The reflection that I see, it wasn’t me, it felt surreal Little me, I was wrong about everything I was only good at doing nothing I should’ve remembered all that you said I should’ve kept them in my head Now all I can do is feel ashamed I forced myself to be different, to change I didn’t know what I was doing Now I know what I should be doing I betrayed you, I didn’t keep my promise I lied to you and I blamed you for my demise I know you’ll never be proud of me But please, I beg of you, accept my apology

12/13/2011 9:40:06 AM

Literary 15

Ginintuang Uhay


Stained Red Caryl Joyce G. Gatapia IV-St. Dominic

A fragile girl she once was Now a bitter old maiden, a hard-headed lass Following her dreams, she started off just fine But after some time, forgot to draw the line She used all her sources Changed herself in the process Now the innocent child is nowhere to be found All I can see is a bitch with her feet off the ground Just to be famous she uses the rumor mill She doesn’t care if that’s evil As long as she fits the bill Is that the girl I once saw with courage and will?

REBOUND Andrea Paola C. Javier (Pao-Chan) II- BSED

Para bang walang nangyari. Di mo man lang sinabi... Sana’y hindi nalang pinilit. Wala din naman mararating… Kahit sabihin ko pang Mahal kita... Nalulungkot, nayayamot, nagmumukmok Di ko pa kayang labanan… damdamin kong ito... ni REBOUND mo lang pala ako..

Siya ba? o ako? Eh kung bato bato pik nalang? Para Yes she’s alive, yes she’s breathing matapos na rin itong magulong But is that really the same with living? usapang pinasukan ko? Teka, She wakes up to no one, she’s just lonely Time-out muna! Pumito na When will she ever be back to being happy? ang referee, pahinga muna Now I know, now I agree ako, unti-unti na rin kasing No one dies a virgin, though you planned it to be Sooner or later life will fuck you up sumusuko ang utak ko. Sana Till the red blood mixes with the bruise of blue and black nga, ganoon nalang kadali… sana nga’y basketball nalang itong larong ‘to, baka sakali pang maka score ako! Pero malabo eh. Kahit anong gawin Caryl Joyce G. Gatapia, IV-St. Dominic ko tila yata’y puro sablay ang There are times when you just can’t help it mga tira ko. Pero...kinuha mo It’s like the fire of passion inside has just been lit ang bola at muling ipinasa It’s hard to hide, it’s hard to control sa’kin, sabay ngiti. Nakailang You just have to let go and let the tiny pieces fall tira na ba ako? Mukang ayaw talagang pumasok ang bola When you close your eyes and hear him breathing sa ring, “ayoko na!” sigaw ng You gasp for air and it leaves you dreaming napapagod kong isipan. Pero The way he feels and the way he moves his fingers bigla mong hinawakan, aking The moment when he’s gone but the touch still lingers mga kamay at hinikayat na aking muling subukan. He has the perfect scent and it drives you crazy Hindi na ginamit ang The moment it fills the air it can make you hazy utak at puro damdamin nalang If only you could just graze his thigh ang pinairal. Just imagining the moment makes you high Ang utak, hindi ko Oh how great it would be to just forget about time na kailanman ginamit. Ang To forget about everything and just cross the line To finally quench this thirst and satisfy the hunger Hoping that next time, the longing won’t grow stronger

The Temptation

Life at its Best Rhea Grace L. Camton, IV-St. Aloysius

Life, the gift we all received It’s more than just a four-lettered word. Exquisite, valuable, having a high worth, It’s something that should never be taken for granted. In this realm of life, everything is unpredictable, For a minute we’re torn apart Then laughter suddenly gets audible. Too difficult, yet triumphant quest. Time could never be brought back Choose carefully, think before you act. Life doesn’t come with an undo button, Nor a reset menu to start all over again. Cherish every fleeting moment. Put away all the grief and sorrow. Make every second count. Live like there’s no tomorrow. In the end, it’s us who’ll make every decision. Put all visions into action. Chase dreams and bring them to reality. It’s only a little while before we can live this fantasy.

Goodbye Cherrie Ong

A lot of promises were told

damdamin, pinairal ko nang lagi. “Matalo man… manalo man… bahala na,” sambit ng puso kong umaasa. Sa palagay ko’y ito na, ito na nga at wala nang iba! Pag-ibig na matagal ko nang hinahanap, sa’yo ko lang pala matatagpuan. Datapwat utak ko’y gulong gulo pa, marahil ay naaapektuhan narin ng sinasabi ng iba. Lahat ay binangga ko na, mga rason at suhestion nila, puso ko talaga ayaw patinag! Ayun at patuloy nang lumalaban. Ikaw ang nagbigay ng pag-asa sa puso kong puno ng kaba. Muli ay natuto akong umasa, sa mga salita mo ako’y tuluyang naniwala. Ngunit ikaw ay biglang nagbago, hindi inaasahan ng puso ang biglaang gulo. Ang lahat ay nabale-wala… at parang bula na naglaho. Bakit ang bilis mong nagsawa? Ngayong buong puso ko

sayo’y nagtiwala. At ngayon ay narinig sa’yo mga katagang hindi inaasahan. Unti unti nang nanghihina ang pusong nalulumbay. “Hindi mo naman hiniling na ikaw ay aking mahalin,” ang iyong sinabi. Tulala, walang magawa, ako’y umiyak at tuluyan nang mawala. Tsk! akala ko pa naman ay ayos na! Ngunit siya pala ay mahal mo pa! Sa bandang huli ako din ang nagsisi at umasa hanggang sa huli. Ngayon, isang tanong ang patuloy na bumabagabag sa puso ko. Kasalanan ko ba kung nagmahal ako ng tapat? Siguro nga’y kailangan ko nang tanggapin ano mang kaugnayan na meron kami. Ngayon, ang bola ay akin nang ipapasa. Tama na! Pwede sub muna? Kailangan ko na talaga ng pahinga at isang malalim na buntong hininga.

Words to Ponder Ralph Waldo Emerson

I gave you my heart to hold Exchange of words and vow I still remember it up to now

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of

For you I did more than my best

intelligent people and the affection of children;

Yet my eyes didn’t rest

to earn the appreciation of honest critics and

Tears continued to flow

to endure the betrayal of false friends. To

Still I held you ‘cause I love you so I didn’t expect for everything But you treated me like I’m

appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed


social condition; to know that even one life has

I risked my all for love of you

breathed easier because you have lived. This is

Why didn’t you love me too?

to have succeeded.”

Now I chose to leave your side Cast all my love for you aside Still at times tears fall from my eyes Wishing you stopped me when I said goodbye

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 15

12/13/2011 9:40:07 AM

16 Sports

Ginintuang Uhay

Vol. 11 No. 2


Marco Anthony Chico Justin Ralph Ledesma Patrick Palattao Romeo Ramones Michael De Guzman


St St St St St

Martin John Camillus Martin Camillus


pick pick pick pick

Lawn Tennis

Coach: Mr. Romeo Lozano Rodelito Cruz

II St Anthony


IV St John Bosco


Chess Girls

Volleyball Girls

Coach: Mrs. Purificacion Bernados Patricia Junio IV St Ignatius Aimee Balajadia IV St Camillus

Table Tennis

Coach: Ms. Jenina Bher Canaria Kate Luna Jhastine Elmira Francisco

III St Robert III St Francis

STCAA pick STCAA pick

Basketball - SILVER MEDALIST Dominic Dela Rosa IV St Francis of Assisi Ernest Tenorio IV St Francis of Assisi SILVER MEDALIST III St John of the Cross BRONZE MEDALIST Patrick Veridiano


Coach: Mr Jordan Jay Sison Mikhaela Fabay Abbiegaile Canonigo

Coach: Mr. Armando De Leon Khate Lyn Abasolo


II St Ireneous III St Bonaventure

Coach: Ms. Ednalyn Galang SILVER MEDALIST Ghiara Arceo IV St Rose BRONZE MEDALIST

Why Pacquiao is so


2 BRONZE MEDALS (100 & 200 W IM Medley)

High School Intramurals

Opening Ceremony Photos by E. Agcaoili

Ellie Stohner, IV-St. Aloysious Gonzaga kneel down, make the sign of the cross and pray. How many boxers or athletes does this example of showing appreciation? Manny Pacquiao is just one of the few athletes who lives his faith in and out of anything he does.

There they go again. The WBO Welterweight Champion, Manny Pacquiao and the WBA Super, Juan Manuel Marquez met in the ring for the third time at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. History really repeats itself. He defeated Juan Manuel Marquez to an extremely close fight again. The two first faced each other seven years ago and decided to have their rematch four years later. Manny Pacquiao retained his WBO Welterweight title as the judges give out their decision. Just like their first two fights in 2004 and 2008, Pacquiao runs off as a winner because of the judges’ verdict but left doubts to a greater part. Juan Manuel Marquez calls it a robbery and says that he has been robbed for the third time. There may be boo’s for Pacquiao but at the end of the game, win or lose, there is always one thing that his team does. Before leaving, his team goes to a corner and there they’ll all

Because of his amazing expression of faith, Manny Pacquiao has been named as one of 10 amazing young Catholics in a feature article posted on the website of UK-based Catholic Herald. In the article, Mary O’Regan profiles ten young people from different walks of life who are living out their Catholic faith in extraordinary ways. She said Pacquiao, an eight-division world champion who has won 10 world titles, is leading many boxing fans to the Catholic faith by his example. He is a committed Catholic who frequently acknowledges that his sporting achievements are blessings from God. Pacquiao grew up in poverty and even worked as a construction worker at a very young age. His pious mother thought he would become a priest. He chose to get married and have a family. Now that Manny has achieved no one has ever claimed, he devotes himself to helping the poor in his home country. In his numerous interviews, the eightdivision world champion said that “every fight is a blessing from God”. Indeed, Manny Pacquiao is a very good example of how can a person succeed in life by putting God at the center of one’s victories. Source:

Pledge of Sportsmanship

Let the games begin!

Light of solidarity and hope

“Every fight is a blessing from God” said Pacquiao who grew up in poverty.

2011 12-02 CCC Uhay 2nd Issue-edited.indd 16

12/13/2011 9:40:09 AM

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