Cairns Local News September 02 2022

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Mossman to the Cassowar y Coast September 2, 2022 • Full Weekly or Daily Care • Catering for 12 months to School Age • Vacation, Before and after School Care • Great, Safe Central Location • All meals supplied • Qualified chef and nutritionist • CCS Approved • JET Payment Approved • Swim and Survival Classes • Sports World PE Program • Isand Box Learning Technology • Theatrical Adventure Classes • Environmental and Safety Education • Dance and Music Classes • Kindy Gym • Qualified teachers • Kindergarten curriculum • Natural gardens • Natural playgrounds usCallon: 10 Hardy Road, Mount From little things big things grow! MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6.00AM - 6.00PM Offering 4 sessionsper day. 8,9,10 and12 hr sessions Local family owned and operated Scott Prince (centre) and local coaches at the Respect Coaching Clinic FULL STORY > PAGE RESPECT5 IS KEY FOR YOUTH SPORT Port INSIDENewsYourDouglasDouglasLiftout CairnsMotoringFeaturePAGE14 CAIRNSMOTORINGGUIDE TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLANDPalm Cove

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“I got immense satisfac tion of getting the barra project going,” Mr Ryall said. “We had a pile of Hatch eries on Number 2 Wharf in Cairns and where it was decided that we’d have a try to crack the breeding technology for barra because the Queens land Government at the time had decided it was too hard. “They wanted to introduce the Nile Perch into Queens land, and we were so anxious about“Wethat.could see the dramas and difficulties with it. It virtu ally wiped out native species in South Africa, and it would have ended up a disaster here.

AQUACULTURE pioneer and prawn and fish farm architect Jim Ryall has been presented with a Good Australian Award by Cairns Regional Council Mayor, Bob Manning. The Good Australian Award, instituted by Kennedy MP, Bob Katter, recognises hardworking and honest North Queenslanders, and award recipients can use the postnominal letters G.A. after their name.Cairns Mayor Bob Katter said Jim Ryall received his award for creating Australia’s prawn and fish farming indus try, particularly his work in “cracking the barra” breeding code.“Jimmy Ryall gave Queensland and Australia its first commercial fish and prawn farm, and Jimmy, like all pioneers, made houses for others to live in, he’d be a classic example of that,” Mr Katter said. “He produced magnificent outcomes for Australia in so far as he had learned from his mistakes and was able to provide advice, direction and consultancy to other people who stepped forward after him.

“The director of fisheries of New South Wales ap proached us, and we were not going to go quietly.

“I’d love to see a statue built for families that got this industry, which now earns Australia $2 billion a year. “We have the industry today because of Jim Ryall. “And today we get a great deal of satisfaction from seeing a man honoured by becoming a Good Australian; because the people that have the award, I hope, will be forever in the history of Australia, most cer tainly in my beloved northern Australia.”MrRyall said he consid ered his work on barramundi farming, particularly his role in developing the science to breed the species from hatch lings, a highlight of his career. He recalled it was during the 1980s when the Queens land Government planned to introduce the Nile Perch into Australia, which fueled his fire to solve the barra breeding riddle.

CHILDREN and families can interact with virtual unicorns, kittens, dino saurs, robots and fairies at the Smithfield Library Lawn, Goomboora Park and Ravizza Park, which are transformed into a virtual digital fantasyland through the use of geo spatial augmented reality. Mayor Bob Manning said Council was trailing the new technology to encourage children to get out and enjoy the great outdoors.

“I’d like to name these families; the Sciacca’s, the Wah Days, Ervin Vidor, the Cocos, the Piccolos, Ken Chapman.

“We knew that we wouldn’t have the Nile Perch brought in if we could crack the barra code, so we ap proached the Queensland Government, who knocked our applications initially but eventually came on board,” he said. “A few weeks after we had the Government approvals, we were successful in breeding barramundi and kept the Nile Perch out of Australia, which would have had a massive impact on the local fisheries.”

Digital playground experience to get kids outside

Jim Ryall and Cairns Mayor Bob Manning

Jim Ryall receives Good Australian Award

“This time of the year the weather is perfect for children to be outside, yet so often parents face the battle of getting the kids out of the house – all they want to do is spend the day lying on the couch playing computer games,” Cr Manning said. “Magical Park brings the fun of computer games outside. “It is about creating a healthy relationship with technology by using the screen to get kids outside and moving around in a fun and engaging setting. “An added bonus is the games are both fun and“Whileeducational.exploring the virtual worlds, children will learn about Austral ian wildlife, the environ ment and the importance of recycling and animal management. The mobile app is free to download from your mobile device app store. There is no sign-up or subscription to access the eight virtual games. Magical Park is avail able to play in three loca tions in the Cairns Region and gamers must be at the location to play.

PAGE 2 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 General Enquiries - 07 4031,CairnsQLD4870 CIRCULATION - 13,000 Cairns Local News is published by Cairns Local News Pty Ltd. 2/185 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns, QLD 4870 ACN: 643 194 932 Administration Lisa Harris 07 4031 7678 Managing Director Carl Portella Paper Manager Kath0436MacLean001115 Sales Manager David Galeano 0436 001 149 Journalist Isabella Guzman Gonzalez 07 4031 7678Printed by: Townsville Print Centre, 623-645 Flinders St Townsville, QLD 4810 Sales Executive Glenn Taylor 0436 101 599

Council to table key visitor tax at LGAQ

“We need a sustainable long-term funding source to benefit the region into the future.”

Cr Manning said that recent visitor numbers and spending in Tropical North Queensland showed increased investment in destination marketing had a positive result.“Through targeted cam paigns and increased govern ment investment, domestic travellers spent a record $3 billion in the year ending March 2022, up 18.8% from 2019.“That is clear evidence that increased investment and resources yield positive results.”Thisshort-term accommo dation tax has been met with mixed opinions; however, Cr Manning said a 2.5 per cent levy is less than the cost of a cup of coffee and would sig nificantly boost the tourism industry.“InCairns, a visitor levy of just 2.5% on short-term accommodation equates to less than the cost of a cup of coffee,” he said. “This would raise more than $16 million per annum for destination marketing and tourism industry develop ment, delivering an estimated $176 million incremental impact to TourismGRP.”Tropical North Queensland Chief Execu tive Officer Mark Olsen said TTNQ backs Council in its decision and supports an increased investment in desti nation getdestination“Whenmarketing.youincreasemarketing,youresultsaswesawwiththe Federal Government’s $10 million investment over the past two years,” Mr Olsen said.“That $10 million allowed TTNQ to achieve $300 mil lion in campaign-generated direct visitor expenditure by investing in targeted cam paigns and working with our tourism and aviation partners. “On the back of this in vestment, we achieved record domestic visitor expenditure of $3 billion in the year end ing March 2022. Mr Olsen said this in creased funding had resulted in a record recovery surpass ing pre-COVID figures. “Tropical North Queens land increased its market share in visitor nights, and visitor spend within the State and was the only region to exceed our pre-COVID do mestic visitor spend by more than $700 million.

“During the first half of the decade to 2019, Queens land lost significant market share to overseas beach com petitors, while domestically, Victoria overtook Queensland for total overnight visitor ex penditure for the first time.”

Next week, Cassowary Coast Regional Council will release draft concept plans for the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation project, inviting community members and stake holders to view the designs for the upgrade of the Porter Prom enade and Village Green area. The revitalisation project, part of the Mission Beach Mas terplan, will renew the look and feel of the Mission Beach Town Centre, and create a thriving space for the local community and visitors to enjoy. Division Three Councillor, Trudy Tschui, said the draft con cept designs amplify the beauty of the region, weaving in ele ments of the natural environment through seamless design.

Next week, Council will appoint a Community and Stakeholder Reference Group (CSRG), following an open Ex pression of Interest process, with representatives from key stake holder groups including business traders and operators, property owners and residents, Traditional Owners, community groups and the wider community. The CSRG will provide a representative voice to Council throughout the design and con struction phases of the project. As part of the engagement process, Council’s team will be visiting all businesses in the town centre, providing an oppor tunity to view the draft concept plans and speak directly to the project team. A community drop-in information session will be held on Friday, September 16, with community members invited to visit any time between 11am and 2pm to view the draft concept designs and hear more about the project.Aspart of this, Council’s project engagement team will deliver a presentation on the project at 12pm. The draft concept plans will also be made available for viewing online from Monday, September 12, 2022 at projects, or click in our digital copy on

“We’re really excited to share these draft concepts with the community and stakeholders,” Cr Tschui said. “The design encapsulates the Mission Beach experience – where the rainforest meets the beach, and provides greater connection between Porter Promenade, the Village Green and Mission Beach foreshore.”

“I believe all income from the levy should be reinvested into the tourism industry eq uitably to support its growth and“Localsustainability.operators would be more supportive of a levy if the levy collected in Palm Cove is reinvested into Tourism Palm Cove and the destination for ongoing marketing of the iconic des tination along with product development, visitor services, infrastructure upgrades and industry development.

By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE CAIRNS I ATHERTON I INNISFAIL I MAREEBA I SMITHFIELD I TULLY BOOK A HEARING TEST CALL 4041 7860 HOW TO ENTER Simply tell us about Dad’s poor hearing and how he could benefit from a free set of digital hearing devices. (150 words max) Email entries to: * BE QUICK! Entries close 30 SEPT 2022. Conditions apply. WIN $3000 DIGITAL HEARING DEVICES FOR DAD!*

“I believe the local tour ism industry will resist the motion and would not support it if the money collected from the levy is not fully invested back into the location in which it was collected,” he said.Besides the visitor levy, Council also hopes to garner support from the LGAQ to lobby the State Government to implement additional measures to address the hous ing crisis for vulnerable residents across Queensland.


The project engagement team has established a dedicated email address, which is the direct line of communication between com munity members and stakehold ers and the project team. Feedback and enquiries on the draft concept plans can be submitted to this email For more information on the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation project, visit currentprojects ,click on this link or you can contact the project engage ment team at

“Key questions that also need to be clarified are how the levy will be applied to Airbnb properties and how it’ll be collected.

Four motions tabled by Council for the LGAQ conference addressed waste management and resource recovery issues, with the need for further State Government support identified to curb costs and meet future targets.

However, not all tourism organisations are entirely on board with the levy; Tourism Palm Cove President Gary Kerr said there needs to be a detailed plan on how the levy would work. “If Council is proposing a 2.5% levy on Kerrtheneedaccommodation,short-termtheywouldtobeveryclearonwhatlevywillbespenton,”Mrsaid.


A 2.5 per cent tax on shortterm accommodation for visitors is one of the main motions Council will bring forward at the Local Govern ment Association of Queens land annual conference in October.TheLGAQ brings to gether Councils from across the state to debate essential problems within their com munities. Council will seek support for the visitor levy at this year’s conference, held at Cairns Convention Centre on OctoberCairns17-19.Mayor Bob Man ning first suggested the tour ism levy before the pandem ic’s beginning as a strategy to help promote the region. The proposal is in the spotlight again following the release of the state-appointed independent Tourism Industry Reference Panel report, ‘To wards 2032 – Action Plan for Tourism Recovery’. The panel included a recommendation for legisla tive change to allow local governments to implement a visitor tourism levy under an opt-in“Visitormodel.levies are well established and accepted throughout other parts of the world,” Cr Manning said.

Dr Sutcliffe intends to ride this year’s challenge just weeks after participating in a triathlon in New York. He will be accompanied on his milestone ride by the “Cardiac Maniacs”, a team of doctors, nurses, and allied health staff from the cardiology department at Cairns Hospital.

for cardiac care

“As one of Australia’s larg est superannuation funds, it’s incredibly rewarding for us to support the QSuper Cardiac Challenge and help raise funds for such an important cause for Queenslanders,” Mr Reilly said. Foundation CEO Gina Ho gan said the event was inspiring not only in the funds raised but the clinical and personal achievements it creates. “Over the 16 years of the challenge, almost $5 mil lion has been contributed to cardiology, which has made a huge difference to thousands of patients through the equipment purchased,” Ms Hogan said. “From items like the Lucas Chest Compression device to ultrasounds and the big one – the second cardiac catheter laboratory – we’re keeping more patients in Far North Queensland for their treatment, and that’s what the cycling and fundraising in this event are all about.

“I am always proud to participate in this ride. Not only for my department and patients but for the inspiring individuals I meet every year,” Dr Sutcliffe said.“Every dollar raised comes directly to the hospital to ben efit our patients through a new electrophysiology service, or cath lab, or echo machine.

“Thank you to Dr Sutcliffe, the Cardiac Maniacs and every one else who is riding, fundrais ing and donating to this cause. It’s close to all our hearts.” The QSuper Cardiac Chal lenge is coming on September 17-19. To find out more about the challenge and how to do nate, Main: Q Super Cardian Challenge 2021 Insert: Dr Steve Sutcliffe


“It is an event close to my heart because hundreds of people are riding for our department, for their families or themselves,” Dr Sutcliffe said.

“Without the support of Australian Retirement Trust and their partnership with the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation, our equipment and our patients’ health outcomes simply would not be possible.

“I’m looking forward to meeting with leading import ers, distributors and investors to discuss what initiatives we can support that will benefit both Queensland and Vietnam.”MrFurner said Queens land was in a strong position to meet the needs of Viet namese consumers who want high-quality, safe, healthy and delicious“Queenslandfood. farmers are renowned for their clean, green produce that tastes great, so it’s no wonder our reputation is growing around the world,” Mr Furner said. “Our proximity to Asia, robust food safety systems and producers who embrace sustainable and ethical farm ing practices are fundamental to our state’s reputation for premium food. “We have an opportunity to export even more meat, seafood, fruit and vegetables and value-added food and drinks to the region, which means increased jobs across our agricultural supply chains from farm to consumer.” Mr Furner said he would take hand-woven baskets featuring unique Queensland designs to present to key stakeholders.

PAGE 4 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 tradegrowmissionAgriculturetojobsandboostwithVietnamSMARTPHONE&TABLET SOLUTIONS •Accessories•Sales•RepairsShop2/5FrontStreet, MOSSMAN Tel: 4010 8422 admin@smar For more information Visit our Website: Private! Perfect Views 6 Pearce Close, Gordonvale OPEN HOME SAT 3rd Sept 2.00 pm Freshly painted! Elevated with Unrivaled Views! Situated in the elevated platform of Gadaloff close in Wyreema Terrace estate is this open plan home consisting of four bedrooms, office, two bathrooms plus a granny flat/teenagers retreat and one hell of a view stretching from Cairns City to Walshes Pyramid and further south. 250+google reviews 4.6 stars Jade Kilpatick | 0409 772 882 | www. | Offers Over $745,000 ! Perfec

DR STEVE SUTCLIFFE will join the QSuper Cardiac Chal lenge pack this September, rid ing 333 kilometres from Cairns to Cooktown for the 12th time to raise valuable funds for cardiac in Far North Queensland.Aconsultant cardiologist at the Cairns Hospital, Dr Sut cliffe, will join the hundreds of riders already registered to par ticipate in this year’s challenge, which supports the purchase of state-of-the-art medical equip ment in the region.

“I first saw these baskets created by Thargomindah art ist Jackie Dare went I visited there in 2019, and they make great gifts,” Mr Furner said. “We have given them to clients on previous trade missions to Indone sia and Singapore, and they were very well-received.”


A three-day trade mission aims to put more Queensland produce on Vietnamese con sumers’ plates and generate employment in the agricul tural industry here at home. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Ru ral Communities Mark Furner said the state enjoyed a fa vourable trade and investment relationship with Vietnam. “Vietnam is Queensland’s fifth-largest agricultural export market valued at more than $500 million, and our exports grew by 21 per cent in 2020-21,” Mr Furner said. “Total exports to Vietnam were valued at more than $2.4 billion, and our imports were valued at $750 million, so it is an essential two-way relationship.

Cardiologist his cyclist’s dozen

“Access to this equipment is life-changing and is the dif ference between being able to adequately treat patients near to their homes or having to fly them the two hours to Brisbane or drive to AustralianTownsville.”Retirement Trust’s CEO Bernard Reilly said the super fund was proud to partner with the Far North Queensland Hospital Founda tion to deliver this event.

For Prince, the Respect Coaching Clinic is only the first step, and a lot needs to be done from the coaches to every community member not to ignore disrespectful behaviour and call it out at an early“Communityage. has a mas sive role in teaching our young people about respect,” he said.“Whatever is accepted when they are young will flow on into their teenage and adult lives, so it’s so important that we get them at the start.

“For me, not only as a for mer Rugby League player and role model but also as a father of two daughters, I want them to learn about respecting themselves and others and to identify what respect looks like and not to settle for any less,” he said. “And I think that the stats are alarming; I believe 1 in 3 women in their first 15 years have experienced sexual or domestic“Everyoneviolence.hasa mother, daughter, sister, and this could impact their lives, so the whole purpose of the initia tive is to reduce that number in ourDuringsociety.”theClinic, Prince advised FNQ coaches work ing with children and teenag ers and also introduced them to a playbook that would help them address respect for women and others in sport. “As a young coach, I don’t have all the answers; that’s why we have these work shops, to break down what works, what doesn’t work and mostly to raise awareness,” he said.“Having these conversa tions right here and identify ing disrespectful behaviours will hopefully go a long way in reducing these statistics in our country. “And we’re putting this playbook in their toolkit for coaches, across all clubs and sports to raise aware ness about respect and what respect looks like with the younger generation.”

By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez

CAIRNS CENTRAL tops carnival style NRL legend aims to put respect at the core of youth sport

As a coach and a father of two girls, Prince said he feels passionate about bringing re spect into the sporting sphere, especially in the early years.

“For coaches to embed an initiative at their club, a pledge to say, we’ll be respectful while playing on this team, and this is what this team stands for.”

Setting the fashion pace across both days will be Car nival Ambassador and racing style icon Emma Scodellaro and petitorFashionsmulti-award-winningontheFieldcomHamishLardi.

CAIRNS CENTRAL tops the style stakes once again as naming partner and sponsor of Cairns Amateurs Carni val’s hotly contested Fashions on the Field, comprising eight categories run across two days on September 9 and 10, 2022.As partner and sponsor, Cairns Central will honour its Cairns Amateurs Fashions on the Field tradition, promising a $30,000 plus prize haul to be won by the region’s bestdressed men and women.

Ex-NQ Cowboy Scott Prince en courages Coaches to address the importance of respect for women, teammates and the community

“Annabel is admired Australia-wide for her classic, signature style and paredback simplicity, and she is destined to be a hit among the city’s fashion lovers both on and off the track,” Ms Struber said.According to Cairns Amateurs Carnival Event Manager Victoria Jennings, Emma, Annabel, Hamish, and Cathryn have to ensure the event continues its tradition at the top of the tropical style stakes with winners repre senting a true reflection of contemporary trends, style, and elegance.Competition criteria are based on style and originality, interpretation of latest trends, appropriateness of race wear for a spring carnival in Cairns, attention to detail, style, design, and quality of artistry of millinery, groom ing and Cairnsdeportment.Amateurs Carnival Ambassador Emma Scodel laro, will be looking for something unique and ‘wow’, that hasn’t been seen before.

“And raising the standards of sporting bodies, particu larly junior and senior clubs. We want coaches to take this message back, start a conversation on respect and put something in place at their club.”

“I look for originality, colour and an outfit that suits the wearer’s individual style,” Ms Scodellaro said. “Block colour, think the Royal family, in particular Duchess Catherine for classic monochrome dressing, and more substantial quality mil linery that stands out. “Royal Ascot is still fresh in our fashion imagery with millinery featuring heavily. The brim is back and in a big way.”In 2022 Cairns Central has sponsored goody bags for all finalists valued at more than $7,000 with seven judging categories across the two-day Carnival with prizes from La serclinics Australia, Grill’d, Black Ivy, iPlay, Collette, OPSM, Terry White, Silk Laser, The Eye Boutique, and Myer Cairns.

One of Australia’s lead ing fashion journalists and stylists, Annabel Falco, will judge on Ladies Day, Friday, September 9, as a special guest of Cairns Central, while Ladies in Racing publisher Cathryn Meredith will join the panel on Saturday, Sep tember 10. Ms Struber said she was thrilled to announce guest Fashions on the Field judge, Annabel Falco, as Cairns Central’s 2022 Spring Sum mer Fashion Ambassador.

“Cairns Central enjoys a proud, long term and mutu ally beneficial partnership with Cairns Amateurs and as Tropical North Queensland’s largest and leading shopping destination, continues to expand its fashion and beauty offer,” Cairns Central Market ing Manager, Louise Struber, said.“The city is already buzz ing with excitement in antici pation of this year’s spring racing season. Our retailers are primed with fashion and accessory options to suit every style and budget. Cairns Amateurs’ FOTF committee and Cairns Central went to the top of the style podium to assemble its judg ing panel with impeccable qualifications both on and off the track.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE

NRL legend Scott Prince visited Cairns as part of the Australian Government’s Stop it at the Start initiative to run a Respect Coaching Clinic to encourage local coaches to start conversations with young athletes about respect. The former North Queens land Cowboys and Brisbane Broncos player wants to use his platform to help coaches address their young athletes in an open discussion about the importance of respect for women, their teammates, and their“Thecommunity.clinicis an oppor tunity to catch up with the coaches,” Prince said. “We understand that sport in Australia plays a massive role, and many people engage with it, particularly the younger generation. “We’re running a clinic with the coaches around a workshop and playbook on how to bring up respect and what respect looks like. “We want to raise aware ness on the important role they play in children’s lives and what they say, how they react and how they set an example which can have a long term effect and reduce the stats around domestic violence.”

SCIENTISTS have been studying a shark that can walk on land in an effort to under stand how the animal will cope with climate change.

“The epaulette shark easily transitions from submerged walking in an aquatic environ ment to walking on land,” Dr Rummer said. “This means that, in the wild, when it experiences temperature fluctuations and oxygen limitations, among other environmental challeng es, it may just move to more favourable conditions.” She said this makes the epaulette shark ideal for studying the range of physi ological, morphological, and biomechanical adaptations experienced by species that occupy the shallow coral reef flats. These traits may be neces sary for them to survive future ocean conditions, which is why she and her team have been studying this little walk ing shark since 2012.

ON AUGUST 26, Queens land’s national advocacy on climate change and building accessibility resulted in a cross-government agree ment for more accessible and energy-efficient build ing design standards in new Australian homes. Minister for Energy and Public Works Mick de Brenni said the changes to the National Construction Code 2022 aimed to make homes more accessible for people with mobility challenges and increase the energy efficiency and electric vehicle readiness of new “Thishomes.isamajor win be cause it will ensure new home builds are safe, secure and liveable for generations to come,” said Mr de Brenni. “From an energy efficiency perspective, it means cheaper power bills for new homes, and as we age, the ability to live with dignity in our own homes.“This is especially impor tant for our growing popula tion of seniors, families with young children, and people who suffer temporary injury or a permanent disability.

Professor Jodie Rummer from James Cook Univer sity’s College of Science and Engineering and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies co-authored a study on the epaulette shark that— using its paired fins— can walk, both in and out of water. She said few studies have investigated the sharks’ walk ing and swimming mechan ics, and not in newly hatched neonates, as in this study.

“Elevated tempera tures, in particular, result in early hatching, smaller sizes, increased metabolic costs, al tered colouration, and mortal ity over the span of months,” Dr Rummer said. “The ability of the epau lette shark to move efficiently among microhabitats under these challenging environ mental conditions may give them a distinct advantage.

“The reforms mean that all new apartment buildings will be built EV ready, futureproofing the nation towards a low carbon economy.” If not already factored into a building design, the com bined cost for these changes may be between just one and two per cent of the build cost.

“Studying epaulette shark locomotion allows us to understand this, and perhaps related-species’ abilities to move within their habitats, for example, by crawling into the tiny crevices of the coral reef matrix to hide, as well as moving away from challeng ing conditions that they might experience,” said Dr Rummer. She said the study showed the mechanics of neonate and juvenile epaulette shark movement remained the same even as their body shape and feeding strategy changed.

Right: Measuring epaulette shark, Photo: Grumpy Turtle Films

PAGE 6 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 LOCATED AT 38 ERNEST STREET, INNISFAIL Email!CATERING AND CHEMICAL SUPPLIES We are temporarily closed for renovations! We look forward to welcoming you to our new shop in the near future As our phone is off for the duration of our renovations, please email to CARDWELLDELIVERYTOCAIRNS facebook@collinscordials Email: We’ve got you covered with CONTACT OUR LOCAL TEAM IN CAIRNS Matt Owen • 0478 570 256 • Managed IT Voice & Data Cyber ManagedSecurityPrint & more NEED A SIMPLE TECH SOLUTION FOR YOUR BUSINESS? New homes to be fit for all Sharks walk away from climate change

“The aged care and health system are congested with too many Australians who could otherwise be in their own homes if there were suitable, so these changes will help ease the substantial pressure on those systems,” he said. The accessibility changes include crucial features such as at least one step-free entry into a home, wider internal doors and corridors and a toilet on the ground (or entry) level.There will be exemptions for homes on steep slopes and small lots, and tradi tional designs like the iconic Queenslander.Long-term building ac cessibility campaigner, Dr Margaret Ward, congratulated the Government on its leader ship.“Older people living in unsuitable housing face greater risk of falls, injury and immobility, and early entry into residential aged care,” Dr Ward said. “These reforms will help thousands of ordinary Aus tralian households for many years.”Along with building acces sibility changes, it was agreed that new buildings would increase from six to sevenstarTherating.changes include more rooftop solar, better home insulation, better air move ment, lighter coloured roofs and walls, improved ceiling fan requirements and more climate-appropriate glazing of windows.

The new construction code will commence on May 1, 2023, with the Modern Homes Package, including building accessibility and energy efficiency, to begin on October 1, 2023.

“These energy efficiency measures will reduce emis sions by 1.64 million tonnes from new homes in Queens land – another turning point in the journey toward net zero emissions,” Mr de Brenni said.“The changes also mean more downward pressure on electricity bills and will de liver an average yearly saving for new Queensland houses of $185 per year.

“We feel that the epau lette shark is an important bio-indicator species here on the Great Barrier Reef and a flagship for conservation and climate change education.”

“To retrofit a house to make it more accessible costs tens of thousands of dollars,” Mr de Brenni “Detractorssaid.will say this will keep people out of the housing market, which is simply not true and is akin to saying cars should be built without seatbelts or airbags because of the cost.”

Ms Williamson’s fourmonth-old grandson Parker Leigh was referred to Hum mingbird House after having a seizure at home.

Starting this Wednesday and until Tuesday, September 27, customers can purchase $2 donation cards at Coles stores across the state, featuring four unique designs created by Hum mingbird House families.

“This year, we hope Cairns residents can help us raise more money than ever by buying $2 donation cards at the checkout.” All funds raised will go to wards helping Hummingbird House to continue providing family support services, physi cal and creative therapies, and care for children with life-limit ing conditions and their families.

With more than 5,700 ba bies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions across Queensland, Humming bird House is a home away from home, providing special ised paediatric palliative care services and supporting families like the Williamson’s.

LOCAL workers, tourism groups, union representa tives and local and state government representatives are among the participants in the Cairns regional round table on Monday – includ ing Mayor Bob Manning, Mayor Michael Kerr, and the Honourable Warren Entsch MP. Cairns is the second of three in the region chaired by Queensland Senator Nita Green and the first cochaired by Professor Allan Dale. Workforce shortages, liv ability and the skills crisis, were just some of the topics discussed in amongst the participants in Cairns. August 30 also marked Equal Pay Day in Australia, which led to some more spe cific conversations around the jobs and pay of women in Australia, and issues around returning to work after having children. Senator Green said this is the price Australians are now paying for the severe underinvestment in skills and training over the last decade.Theregional roundtables


“On the worst day, Hum mingbird House made us feel very welcome — they supplied meals, looked after Luke and Chelsea, and let us stay for as long as we Hummingbirdneeded.”House Gen eral Manager Dr Fiona Haw thorne said Coles’ fundraising this year would be vital for families who require support to care for a child with a lifelimiting condition.

“The support from Queens landers will help Hummingbird House provide much-needed services and support for fami lies both in their homes and at our hospice in Brisbane,” Dr Hawthorne“Hummingbirdsaid. House sup ports families through their entire journey caring for a sick child. “Our specialised staff and support services are tailored to support every family mem ber, whether through clinical or peer support, respite care or end-of-life and after-death care.”Coles Queensland State General Manager Jerry Farrell said Coles was proud to enter its ninth year as a fundraising partner with Hummingbird House.“Our customers and team members have been passionate about supporting Humming bird House since 2014 when the hospice was just in the planning stages, and over the past eight years, we’ve raised $3.5 million together,” he said. “We started fundrais ing for Hummingbird House at 60 Coles supermarkets across Queensland before it was built, and we’ve now tre bled our support by fundrais ing at more than 180 stores.

Lynn Williamson, who works for Coles Smithfield, said she never thought her family would have to use the hospice she helped fundraise for over the last few years.

Cairns customers to help Hummingbird House take flight COLES customers in Cairns can help support families and children living with lifelimiting conditions as part of Coles’ ongoing partnership with Queensland’s only children’s hospice, Hummingbird House.

We're expanding Townsville Hospital, and creating a new Mental Health Unit for Cairns Hospitalmeaning better healthcare for North Queensland.

“When Parker’s parents Luke and Chelsea made the hard decision to turn off Park er’s life support, they requested that Parker wouldn’t die in the hospital, so they were referred to Hummingbird House,” Lynn said.

Advertisement Queensland Health Plan

Senator Green has held aim to ensure that the voices and perspectives of FNQ are pre sent in the National Jobs and Skills Summit in Canberra on September 1 and 2. The Jobs and Skills Sum mit brings together Aus tralians, including unions, employers, civil society, and government, to discuss our shared economic challenges and propose both immediate and long-term solutions. The Albanese Labor Government welcomes con tributions from all sides in the lead-up to the Summit, at the Summit itself, and afterwards as well. Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef, Senator Nita Green, said that these roundtables, like the one in Cairns, will be vital in en suring that FNQ is not only a part of the conversation but a key player in the jobs of the future.

“These roundtables will ensure Far North Queens land - and the unique chal lenges faced in FNQ - is represented at the Albanese Government’s Jobs and Skills SenatorSummit,”Greensaid.

(L-R) Staff at Coles Cairns Central Deb McAliece, Jackie Murray and Sharlene Rudkin

Authorised by the Queensland Government, William Street, Brisbane.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE

The tranquil tropical beach front village offers a stunning backdrop of rainforest clad mountains on one side and the beauti ful coral sea on the other. Palm Cove is the most beautiful and relaxed wedding and events location in Australia. There are a variety of stunning wed ding and conference locations all supported by local suppliers and services. If you want a serene and sophisticated wedding or event, look no further than Palm Cove. Palm Cove in Tropical North Queensland, also known as Australia’s sexiest beach, has over 400 couples a year coming to say “ I do” and save money in the process. This relaxed village by the sea is the perfect wedding destination. With its beauti ful beach, perfect winter weather and a multitude of destination wedding locations including many secluded tropical gardens and decks; Palm Cove has everything to give lovers their dream wed ding ceremony and possesses a plethora of professionals to assist including local celebrants, photographers and wedding planners.

Going small, you can have a table on the grass beside the beach. For larger groups, there are several 5-star resorts with dazzling reception areas. Forget boring function rooms and think tropical settings with ocean views. They can even have a classy holiday house to bring their own gourmet chef and drinks along. There are honeymoon options from opulent 5 star resorts to small romantic self catering apartments. With a lifetime of things to do and see and it’s all safe within Aussie shores.

Alamanda Chapel main image by Posh Photography

PAGE 8 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 Palm CoveTROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND oceansedge | health club Coral Coast Drive, Palm Cove P: 07 4059 1117 E: W: As either a Member or a Casual Visitor, you will enjoy access to a range of facilities: • Fully equipped gymnasium • Cardio gallery • Group fitness incl. Les Mills & freestyle classes • Personal training • 25m lap pool & sauna • Functional training zones both indoor & outdoor • Clean, spacious change rooms, showers & lockers • Senior fitness • Creche & café OPEN 7 DAYS Casual visitors Welcome Find Beach Catwalk Boutique opposite Nunu Restaurant, 2-22 Veivers Road, Palm Cove 0497 888 Find Annie’s at the Beach Boutique at Peppers Beach Club, 123 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove 0475 888 Try GetawayTropicalOurPamperPackageView on line 41 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove Q.4879 Your Perfect Wedding Venue for: • Pre-Wedding Drinks • Pre-Wedding Dining • Premium Private Dining Room for Elopements Contact Rachel on 0435 348 255 Romance is what Palm Cove does bestWHO does not like a destination wedding? What makes the perfect wedding? Many would say it’s one that is relaxed, fun and perhaps not too expensive. With its unspoilt beach, perfect winter weather and a multitude of wedding options Palm Cove has it all. You can start your planning here

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE SHOP 12 | 111-117 WILLIAMS ESPLANADE PALM COVE Located in the heart of beautiful Palm Cove, Bare Hair Studio provides a space for stunning hair transformations, relaxation and rejuvenation. 0403 662 ••••GlobalcolourCreativecolour•Glosstoning•Conditioningtreatments•Men’sandChildren’shaircuts OPEN APPOINTMENTBYMONDAYTOSATURDAY TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLANDPalm Cove Nothing beats the authentic taste of Il Forno. Traditional family recipes with genuine Italian flavours in the heart of Palm Cove. Dine - in with family and friends or take-away and enjoy an authentic Italian experience by the beach or in your own back yard. Ph 4059 1666 | 7/111-117 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove Open: Thursday through Monday 5pm-9pm Destination Weddings are fun and stress free

PICTURE yourself marrying by palm fringed beaches without a care in the world. Palm Cove is the most pictur esque and romantic sea-side village in Australia. The feel and beauty of Palm Cove is perfect for romance and beach weddings.PalmCove Weddings are the premier wedding plan ners and specialists for destination weddings in Palm Cove. With over 20 years of local experience, leave it to them and planning your wedding will be exciting, fun and stress-free. They want your day to be perfect, so you can relax and enjoy your moment in paradise. To make it easy, they have designed wedding packages to suit small elopements and ceremonies up to large weddings and receptions. Everything is included and everything is planned to perfection. Their ceremony packages include your own wedding planner, celebrant, photographer and even your bouquet. Everything you need for a gorgeous ceremony beside the beach or perhaps a private rainforest setting. Their all inclusive packages include your ceremony plus your complete reception at the Sea Temple resort, under the Palm Trees at NuNu, the relaxed deck of Chill@Porto fino or the picturesque and absolute beach front of Kewarra Beach Resort. See more at

Creating the most beautiful destination weddings in www.PalmCoveWeddings.comAustralia|0404 763 422


“On offer is great training, delivered by great training providers ready to pre pare you for a great job in industries with the greatest demand – you just need to take the first step.”

Cr James also urged resi dents to familiarise themselves with the Cairns Disaster Dashboard.TheCairns Disaster Dash board is a single point of reference for information and advice during a disaster. It brings information from Council, the Bureau of Mete orology, emergency services, utilities such as Ergon and Telstra, road status updates, and traffic and flood cams, together in one place. “The user-friendly online dashboard allows residents to keep themselves informed during a natural disaster,” Cr James“Duringsaid, an emergency the dashboard is updated in real time with things like road closures, power outages and notifications of any shelters that may be opened,” Cr James said.

EVEN more young Queens landers will be able to take advantage of Free TAFE and Free apprenticeships for underPremier25s.

Free classes for adults Council advises of the following road closures on Sunday from 5am to 6pm to allow for the staging of Carnival on Collins at the Botanic Gardens and Tanks Arts Centre in Edge Hill: n Collins Ave, from McLean St to Mayers St n McCormack St from Collins Ave to Walsh St n Goodwin St from McCormack St to Macdonnell St n Walsh St from McCormack St to Macdonnell St n Friend St from Collins Ave to Walsh St. Community clean ups will be held from the northern beaches to the southern suburbs every weekend in September. Residents are being encouraged to volunteer for a couple of hours on a weekend to help Clean Up Cairns – a series of 15 community clean ups – being hosted by Cairns Regional Council and Clean Up Australia.

young Queenslanders is find out about these free courses and change your life by training for a career they are passionate about.

Janelle, Woree

Council received funding support from the State Gov ernment’s Get Ready Queens land initiative for this project.

PAGE 10 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 Want to be heard? Send a text to the Editor 0438 195 408 TOLETTERSTHEEDITOR

Cr James said that com munity complacency was a significant concern.

are: • Certificate

“Everyprograms.dollar we invest in skills and training for Queenslanders pays dual dividends – it enriches the lives and employment pros pects of students, and it fuels the state’s economy through a highly trained workforce,” Minister Farmer said. “Our significant invest ment is already delivering, including our free TAFE initiative, with an increase of 85.5% in new apprentice ships and trainee com mencement over the last two financial years, which is criti cal with the current labour shortages.”

Annastacia Palaszczuk said the initiative, which has already helped 56,000 Queenslanders get the skills and training employers value, was due to end in Sep tember but will be extended until 2023.

“Our Free TAFE and Free apprenticeships for under 25s initiative is an additional $21 million investment to provide young people with access to free certificate III TAFE courses across a wide range of areas,” Minister Farmer said.“This training has enabled young Queenslanders to learn skills to get a great job, further study or succeed in their workers,employers“Atapprenticeship.atimewhenourneedmoreskilledmymessageto

“Queensland’s unemploy ment rate is at 3.8 per cent, and we know that means employers need workers to fill the good jobs that are still there,” the Premier said. “For many people, that may mean upgrading skills and training, which is why free TAFE is so important. “We want to ensure employers have access to the skilled workforce they need.

Minister Farmer said the Palaszczuk Government had delivered record invest ment in skills and training in this year’s State Budget, investing $1.2 billion for Queenslanders to access free training, subsidised training or dedicated work prepara tion

courses are: • Certificate III in Electro technology Electrician • Certificate III in Carpentry • Certificate III in Light Vehi cle Mechanical Technology • Certificate III in Engineer ing - Fabrication Trade • Certificate III in Hairdress ing For more information about Free TAFE and Free apprenticeships for under 25s,visit 1300 69 22 47 US:COUNCIL NEWS ... For a full list of works see our website. Improvement works Moller Rd, Aloomba: Geotechnical investigations at the Behana Creek causeway from Monday 5 September. Expect temporary road closures.

Free TAFE and apprenticeships extended for under 25s

There are two sites this weekend: n Smiths Creek in Manunda, from Anderson St to Gatton St, on Saturday from 9am to 11am. Meet at the corner of Anderson St and Farnley St. n Smiths Creek in Paramatta Park, from Gatton St to Spence St, on Sunday from 9am to 11am. Meet at Minnie St behind Parramatta Park State VisitSchool.Council’s website for more details.

The top free TAFE courses III in Early Childhood Education top free apprenticeship

and Care • Certificate III in Individual Support • Certificate III in Education Support • Certificate III in Health Services Assistance Certificate III in Commu nity Services The

“We also want to ensure Queenslanders have the skills they need to take up the opportunities for those good jobs.”Minister for Training and Skills Development Di Farmer said Queenslanders under 25 could continue enrolling in 26 Free TAFE programs and 139 Free ap prenticeships programs up to June 30, 2023, and pay no course fees.

Carnival road closures Upskill in self-publishing, resume writing or small business basics during Adult Learners Week at Cairns Libraries between 1-8 September. Free Adult Learners Week sessions will be held at Stratford, Manunda and City Libraries. More details at

IT’S big, bold and driving a message that could save your life. A newly commissioned Disaster Education Vehicle will add to Council’s ability to spread disaster preparedness messaging.

drives home life-saving messages

Council’s Local Disaster Coordinator Justin Smith and Councillors Rhonda Coghlan and Terry James in front of the new Disaster Education Vehicle.

Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, Coun cillor Terry James, said the timing of the vehicle’s launch was fitting with the annual disaster/cyclone season fast approaching.“Thevehicle makes an obvious visual impact and complements Council disaster messaging found on other platforms, including Council’s website and the Cairns Disas ter Dashboard,” Cr James said. “The Bureau of Meteorol ogy has reported a 70 per cent chance of La Nina forming again this wet season. “If that prediction is cor rect, we can expect quite a wet summer and a higher likelihood of tropical cyclones forming.”

So, the ‘Finnish P.M.’ likes a party, big deal. She’s young, attractive, and not ‘dead’. All you (Fins.) are hypocrites, do you not like to party? Or are you jealous that you don’t get invites to ‘fun topless parties).. Give the lady a break: and go get a life. Noel, Cairns I cash in my cans at Newell st on Friday morning. I got $40 for pocket money, highly rec ommended for everyone.

Help to Clean Up Cairns

Annual testing of Council’s outdoor warning stations (sirens) in Redlynch will take place on Saturday 10 September between 10am and All1pm.sirens, which sound throughout the Redlynch Valley, and can also be heard in parts of Freshwater and Brinsmead, will be tested multiple times, simultaneously and individually. Residents are not required to take any action during the live testing. Visit Council’s website for more details. Redlynch siren testing

“It has been quite a long time since Cairns had been se riously impacted by a tropical cyclone, so many people may be new to the city and have never experienced a disaster of this type, while others may have grown complacent,” Cr James“Thesaid.Disaster Education Vehicle will be a useful tool to inform and remind people that just because we haven’t had a cyclone or major flooding event in years, we are still at risk and being prepared is vital for their safety and the safety of their friends and family. “This vehicle is basically a mobile advertising device that can also be used to visit large community events and schools, and drive the importance of being disaster prepared home to a broader audience.”

Mossman Mens Shed participants Inset above: Images of their amazing works SOME weeks ago, I popped in to the recently established ‘SheShed’ in Mossman. To keep it fair, I also promised to visit the Men’s Shed and this week seemed like a perfectly good time to do that. On first inspection, the Men’s Shed appears to be a very well organised and equipped location for DIY projects of all types. This is certainly the case, but on further investigation it becomes apparent that the building, equipment and members represent so much more. Almost 1000 Men Sheds are supported by The Austral ian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) which is recognised as one of Australia’s largest male based community development organisations. AMSA was established in 2007 by Australian in dependent community-based Men’s Sheds to represent, support and promote the Men’s Shed movement. It was founded on the principle of sharing knowledge, by acting as a central hub for information exchange.

In fact, supporting the Douglas Shire with their skills, the Shedders undertake community projects such as building Santa’s Sleigh for the Christmas Events, ANZAC crosses to be laid during the Dawn Service and regular repairs and refurbish ment of furniture and toys for community programs. The men also make native bee boxes to house our little local pollinators, myna bird traps to stop the bad birds and bird feeders to feed the nice ones. Further to all of the above, this valuable asset is an excellent opportunity to mentor local youth and is simply a great place for the guys to sit down, have a cuppa and a yarn. If all of this has whetted your handyman appetite, then don’t hesitate to pop along and get involved.

The Mossman Men’s Shed can be found at the Mossman Community Services site at 20 Mill Street Mossman. The boys meet Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9.30am to 1pm with just a $10 yearly membership fee required. Further infor mation can also be found by calling 4098 2836 (Option 1). I’m off to grind some angles, so for now it’s Gazza signing out! Send your stories to:

Mossmen Who Know The

The Mossman Men’s Shed, which was developed at Moss man Support Services in 2012, attracts a diverse range of men of all abilities and ages and offers a similarly diverse range of projectsSome of the key objectives is to help men in the local community remain socially active and enjoy the company of like-minded people. By coming together, the guys can share and develop skills, particularly in manual labour, such as wood work, metalwork, furniture building, restoration projects and in order for the Shed to run, some fun raising activities.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE FAB FM 90.9 PORT DOUGLAS TO MOSSMAN 4:30PM - 6:30PM WEEKDAYSGazza’s Gossip Join allthe action FOR TICKETS VISIT CAIRNSAMATEURS.ORG.AU


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PAGE 12 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 No matter your needs, our team of professionals can do it all! Our range of mechanical service and repairs includes, but is not limited to: • Vehicle log book maintenance and servicing • Air conditioning service and repairs • Mechanical repairs • Auto electrical work • Diagnostic repairs & servicing • Tyres Don’t be disappointed... BOOK NOW and avoid the pre-Christmas rush! Phone: 4032 5700 | 3/176 English Street, Manunda Mon-Fri 8am-5pm | Great Customer Service the Good Old Fashioned Way!  All General Mechanical Repairs  Engine, Transmission & Differential Replacements  Brakes Log Book Servicing 07 4035 4022 | 111 Hartley St, Cairns Need a battery that won’t let you down? For better performance and a longer lifespan, speak to our expert team at Cairns Batteries about our range of Lion Batteries…this world-class brand is: • Totally maintenance free • Doesn’t need electrolyte refilling • Built with an internal rust-free calcium metal • Built to withstand heat and temperature change tolerances • Highly reliable and made from quality recyclable materials We also offer a 24/7 battery replacement service in Cairns and surrounding areas, quick and affordable! Phone 0428 665 CAIRNSMOTORINGGUIDE We put our FirstCustomers DOMENIC and his team at Danny West Auto Service and Repair Centre always put customers first.As a family-owned and operated business, we aim for a quick turnaround on your mechani cal servicing and repairs jobs, while offering competitive and affordable rates. We pride ourselves on excellent communica tion, efficiency and 100% customer satisfaction and, as specialists in our field, and service and repairs on all makes and models, we can com plete any car servicing and repair project. Our expert team of mechanics have years of knowledge and experience, giving you the peace of mind that your car will be well taken care of. As your local and most trusted mechanics of choice, we take pride in the work that we do as well as our exceptionally high standard of customer service. Located in Cairns and open Monday to Friday, we are happy to assist you with any questions you may have. • Vehicle log book maintenance and servicing • Air conditioning service and repairs • Mechanical repairs • Auto electrical work • Diagnostic repairs & servicing • ContactTyres us today to book. Phone 4032 5700 GOODYEAR TYRE SPECIALS NOBODY BEATS OUR 4 STORE BUYING POWER MAREEBA 4092 2290 • ATHERTON 4091 1122 MALANDA 4096 5300 • MOSSMAN 4098 1502 AT265/7R16GoodyearSilentTrac $275 EACH 185/R14Kumho LT KC53 $95 EACH Prepare Your Car For Summer IT’S time for a driving vacation. You mapped a route, booked hotels, and made a checklist of things to do before you go. Ensure you make it a priority to make car maintenance part of your summer road trip preparation. Your Local Experts are the trusted partners you need to ensure your vacation is safe and your trip memorable, with Christmas on the horizon ensure you have booked in with your local experts as these times are extremely busy and your local automotive repairers are now taking bookings in preparation for the rush. Car servicing, battery testing , tyre and brake inspection are a must to Ensure you and the family are safe on the roads before the summer period so call your local expert now, book ahead and plan your trip to be a success ful adventure. Ensure you are insured and have roadside assistance, this could save you thousands. Plan your trip with regular breaks, sleep well the night before and notify family of your trip and your planned route. All this will help go a long way to a great holiday and give you and your family peace of mind. Christmas is only around the corner, and the rush has already started, so don’t wait too long to book your car in for a service.

It comes just weeks after Taste Port Douglas Food and Drink Festival, and the Reef-to-Reef Mountain bike event, which returned to the region for the first time since 2019 due to COVID-19 cancellations.

EVENTS DRAW CROWDS TO DOUGLAS THE CALL TO DO IT IN DOUGLAS IMAGE: CocoNutZ Australia Managing Director Lucas Van Der Walt says the company has an opportunity to play a part in disrupting the food industry. SEP 02 | 2022 YOUR DOUGLAS NEWS

• North Break Port Douglas – a tropical surf park set ting the tone for adven ture tourism

As production scales up on the value-add offer ing, which uses juice from sugar cane, CocoNutZ will introduce renewable energy through sustainable waste management to create a circular economy within the precinct.Douglas Shire was the first Eco Certified Des tination in Australia and recorded the best tourism sentiment score in the top 100 most popular destina tions for holiday makers on the planet in 2019 (Destina tionTheThink).Investment Prospec tus celebrates the Shire’s dream-big projects and highlights opportunities for new businesses and inves tors to contribute to the Shire’s vision.

Other dream-big projects showcased in the Investment Prospectus include:

INVESTORS will see Douglas Shire as the land of opportunity and prosper ity under a new economic development initiative. Douglas Shire Coun cil has released the first Douglas Shire Investment Prospectus to help take the region’s unique liveability, innovation, and sustainabil ity credentials to the world. The 28-page docu ment and webpage help Council pitch the region to forward-thinking investors, businesses, and high-skilled entrepreneurs.DouglasShire Mayor Mi chael Kerr said beyond the world’s best natural beauty, Douglas Shire is home to an exciting portfolio of innova tive and game-changing projects.“There’s no better time to be a part of the dynamic business scene in the Doug las Shire,” he said. “As a region we are uniquely positioned be tween the world’s oldest liv ing rainforest and the Great Barrier“WithReef.adedicated and talented pool of people as the driving force, Douglas Shire is poised to become a leader in regenerationinnovativeprojects on one hand, and the world’s leading sustainable tourism destination on the other.”

“For example, in an Australian first, and with a dream-big vision, local cane growers bought back the Mossman Mill in 2019, and the Daintree Bio Precinct was“Theborn.precinct brings a unique opportunity for innovators to work closely with farmers to access an abundant supply of sugar cane to create sustainable food products and energy.”’stomentlookingirresistibleProspectusDouglaslocalremotesolutiontiveMicrogridRenewable–atransformarenewableenergyforpoweringtheDaintreeregion.Withcontributionsfrombusinessleaders,theShireInvestmentprovidesanpitchforanyonetoinvest.TheDouglasShireInvestProspectusisavailableviewanddownloadonwebsiteandDoItDouglas.www.doitindouglas|An

The spotlight will again be on Douglas Shire when hun dreds of cyclists arrive for the inaugural Port Douglas Gran Fondo Cycle Festival on September 10 to 11. This event will showcase some of the incredible scenery in the region as riders travel on the Great Barrier Reef Drive between Port Douglas and Palm Cove. READ MORE INSIDE.

CocoNutZ Australia has set up a food processing facility next to the Mossman Mill to produce Kecap Ma nis, a sweet soy sauce com monly used in Asian dishes, from local CocoNutZsugarcane.Australia Man aging Director Lucas Van Der Walt said the company has an opportunity to play a part in disrupting the food industry.“Our breakthrough was developing a product based on an abundantly available regenerative crop, sugar cane,” he said. “We have worked collab oratively with Douglas Shire Council – the team helped guide us through aspects of our planning application and provided important local insights, allowing us to better understand the region and environment.”

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE

About 500 competitors will race in the Cairns to Port Douglas Ultra Marathon this weekend, running through World Heritage rainforest down the Bump Track and along Four Mile Beach on Saturday and Sunday.

• Great Barrier Reef Lega cy’s Living Coral Biobank – the world’s first coral conservation facility.

• Daintree exciting period of events in Douglas Shire continues when the Ultra Marathon and Gran Fondo Cycling Festival come to Port Douglas this month.

• Mossman Botanic Garden – a game-changer in rainforest conservation,

Mayor Kerr said the first step is to prepare a design scope for the new vessel to confirm what Council wants to achieve, such as number of vehicles and increased loading and unloading capability.Astoroad infrastruc ture, preliminary concept plans for the approach road improvements have been prepared but would need to be updated to accommo date increased loading and unloading of vehicles.

“We expect concept plans showing the new road alignments will be released for public comment in the new year,” he said.

PAGE 14 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022


Funds have been allocat ed in the 2022/23 budget for approach roads on the northern and southern side which will need to be ap proved by various Govern ment agencies. All going to plan, the aim is to complete the road improvements in time for the 2025 tourism season. Council cannot at this point, provide a timeframe for a new vessel. It can take at least 12 months before the detailed design is final ised by a naval architect. This then needs to be checked and potentially amended before being approved by the relevant authorities.Allthisneeds to oc cur before tenders can be sought from ship builders and the first steel plate welded into place.


Traditional dancers


A NEW ferry and up grades to approach roads will address the long-stand ing issue of lengthy waiting times at the Daintree Ferry in the peak tourism season. These measures will also improve the level of service for regular ferry users.

Douglas Shire Council Mayor Michael Kerr con firmed Council had resolved to replace the existing Daintree Ferry with a new ferry with increased loading capability.“Overthe past 12 months, we have conducted extensive research to re-evaluate all reasonable initiatives to improve ferry services,” he said. “This will deliver an increase in the number of vehicles carried across the river every hour, so much so, that when it comes into service, we can offer a bet ter tourism experience for visitors and reduced travel time for Movinglocals.”forward, Coun cil staff will also provide quarterly updates about the Daintree Ferry replacement project to Councillors and the public at future Ordinary Council Meetings.

Centre. Smoking Ceremony at the

Upcoming Daintree Ferry Temporary Closures


Member for Cairns Michael Healy, Douglas Shire Council Cr Peter McKeown, Mayor Michael Kerr, Member for Cook Cynthia Lui, Deputy Mayor Lisa Scomazzon and Cr Abigail Noli at the Mossman Gorge Cultural Mossman Gorge Cultural

The works will be carried out as a combination of day and night works to minimise the impact on nearby busi nesses, residents and road users. Crews will be onsite between 6 am and 6 pm for day works and between 6 pm and 6 am for night works.For the safety of road us ers and maintenance crews, changed traffic conditions will be in place, including reduced speed limits and single lane operation under coordination of traffic con trollers at times during the works. Road users should expect minor delays and plan their journeys accord ingly.Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be in place on the approaches to the work site to ensure motorists are aware of the changed traf fic conditions. Changes in dates due to poor weather will be posted on the VMS. The project is expected to be completed in early 2023, weather and construc tion conditions permitting. If you require further in formation on these works, please contact the Depart ment of Transport and Main Roads on 07 30667060. 10pm, Friday 18th 5am, Tuesday 22nd


*There will be changed traffic conditions on Wednesday 16 November to Friday 18 November at the northern side of the river while contractors set up the work site. These will remain until the work site is cleared on the northern side of the river after works are complete. Daytime passenger ferry will be available*

CONSTRUCTION of a new crossing at the south ern entrance to the Moss man CBD is underway by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. The culvert upgrade at Parker Creek Crossing in cludes a new footpath to im prove pedestrian safety and connectivity to the Moss manThisCBD.$1.7 million project forms part of the $400 mil lion Queensland Govern ment’s COVID-19 stimulus package. The project will also involve replacing the culvert under the road and carrying out resurfacing works.


March 2023 - Mandatory inspection Dates: For more information, please visit Council's or call 9444

November 2022 Maintenance Stops:


The iconic Great Barrier Reef Drive between two World Heritage areas will open exclusively to cyclists participat ing in the inaugural Port Douglas Gran Fondo Festival next weekend.Thecycling festival features timed 136km and 100km re turn Gran Fondo rides from Port Douglas to Palm Cove and a 48km one-way leisurely Medio Fondo ride from Palm Cove to Port Douglas. It will deliver close to $5M into the local economy and bring new tourists to the region.

Connect Sport Australia Managing Director Bade Staple ton said the opportunity to safely ride the spectacular Great Barrier Reef Drive while it was closed would be a highlight of the three-day event.

SHOWCASES ICONIC PORT DOUGLAS RIDE NEW CYCLING EVENT STREET FROM TO CLOSED OPEN NOTES Wharf St Port St Grant St 10:30 20 00 Access to Port Douglas Yacht Club under direction from Traffic Management Grant St Wharf St Mowbray St 10:30 18 00 Mowbray St Grant St Mudlow St 10:30 18 00 Mudlow St Mowbray St Port St 10:30 18 00 Resident access maintained via Mowbray Street STREET FROM TO CLOSED OPEN NOTES Wharf St Sp nnaker Cl Inlet St 5 00 14:30 Wharf St Inlet St Macrosson St 6:15 6:45 Old Port Rd Port Douglas Rd Capt Cook Hwy 6:15 7:15 Southbound lanes only Capt Cook Hwy Port Douglas Rd Palm Cove Blvd 6:00 13:30 Local access from Downing St Craiglie to Port Douglas via Old Port Rd from 8:00AM Capt Cook Hwy Palm Cove Blvd Wangetti Beach Rd 5 30 11:30 Access to Palm Cove v a Palm Cove Boulevard & Triton St (Expect delays) Access to Foley Rd under direction from Traffic Management Capt Cook Hwy Wangett Beach Rd Port Doug as Rd 6 00 13:30 Mowbray River Rd Capt Cook Hwy Spring Creek Rd 6 00 13:30 Trezise Rd Capt Cook Hwy Spring Creek Rd 6 00 13:30 Wil iams Esp Cedar Rd Veivers Rd 6 00 10:30 Resident access maintained via Veivers Rd C H A N G E D T R A F F I C C O N D I T I O N S Great Barrier Reef Drive (Captain Cook Highway) will be closed in both directions from Port Douglas Rd to Veivers Rd, Palm Cove for the duration of the Gran Fondo event on Sunday 11 September. The details of which streets and roads and their closure times are listed below. Emergency services vehicles maintain full access on all roads, including Great Barrier Reef Drive throughout the event . SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2022 PORT DOUGLAS ONLY SUNDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2022 PORT DOUGLAS & PALM COVE Maps are available on our website www portdouglasgranfondo com au Thank you for your patience, understanding and support of this new locally owned event REEF TO REEF MOUNTAIN BIKE STAGE RACE RETURNS TO DOUGLAS COUNCIL GRANTS PROGRAM CLOSES SEPTEMBER 2022 Eligible organisations, groups and individuals in the Douglas Shire have until Friday 30 September 2022 to apply for funding under the 2022 Council GrantsCouncil’sProgram.grants pro gram consists of micro grants worth up to $1000 and major grants of up to $10,000. For more information about the Council Grants Program or to discuss your application, please contact 07 4099 9444 or YOUR DOUGLAS NEWSSep 02, 2022 Douglas Shire Councillor Peter McKeown pre senting awards for Reef to Reef at the Four Mile Beach finish line on Sunday 21 August 2022.

Changed traffic conditions will be in place on Saturday 10 September and Sunday 11 September 2022.

For more detail about road closure and event informa tion, visit

“The Festival kicks off on Saturday with The Cairns Post Criterium, a 2.2km lap circuit starting and finishing outside the Crystalbrook Superyacht Marina, which will be followed by the Choo Choos Free Family Ride before the road reo pens,” he “Sunrisesaid.sports presenter Mark Beretta will MC the Hem ingway’s Brewery sprint race under lights along the 250m Wharf Street straight while local bands play on Saturday night. A sponsors’ expo and official launch also will be among the festivities.”

“Major events like this can ensure the long-term sustain ability of our local tourism industry and bring a festival at mosphere to the village for locals to enjoy,” he said.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the Port Douglas Gran Fondo Festival has the potential to become the town’s annual showpiece sports event injecting more than $21 mil lion into the region’s economy within the first three years.

Tuesday 20 September – Tai Chi For Health, Port Douglas Community Hall, 9am

Whyanbeel contractor to complete landfill capping

– Citizenship Ceremony • Thursday

– Port Douglas Sunday Markets, 8am – 1.30pm • Tuesday 13

A LOCAL contractor was awarded a tender to complete the final layer of capping of the landfill site at Killaloe Waste Transfer Station.Douglas Shire Council voted to $601,344.73 con tract to business,Whyanbeel-basedMarrinPtyLtd. Landfill capping requires strict environmental controls and involves placing a cover over landfill waste. The project requires experience to handle cart age logistics and earthworks activities.Thesubmission was detailed and provides an opportunity for a local contractor to expand their project experience with the Douglas Shire Council.

Be prepared, stay connected at Douglas September September 15 September 15 September Pool, 9am


PAGE 16 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 WET OUTLOOK FOR DOUGLAS SHIRE Net Rates & Utilities$38.8M Fees Charge&s$7.3M$1.1RevenuOperatinOthe$3.3&GrantsSubsidiesMrgeMInterestRevenue$389K Revenue FinanceCosts$171K 07 4099 9444 | PO Box 723, Mossman Q 4873 | HOW COUNCIL SPENDS EVERY $100: Water & Wastewater $17.90 Roads Maintenance $16.80 Gardens, Parks & Sports $14.20 Infrastructure, Machinery & Facilities $12.70 GovernanceAdministrationand $12.00 Waste Management & Recycling $9.60 IN BRIEF PEOPLE living in Doug las Shire are urged to think about their emergency plan now due to an increased risk of flooding for the next threeThemonths.Bureau of Meteorol ogy has moved to ‘La Niña ALERT’ with the likelihood of La Niña returning this spring increasing to around three times the normal risk. This means above medi an rainfall from September to November in Douglas Shire is very likely. There is also an increased risk of flooding after above aver age rainfall for the past few months and above average soil moisture levels. Now is the time to pre pare your home for the wet season.Plan for rain and local ised flooding by clean ing out roof gutters and downpipes, trimming tree branches close to your roof and inspecting your roof for potential leaks To help people moni tor road conditions during periods of heavy rainfall, flood cameras are available at the Douglas Dashboard to provide near real time images of key crossings in the region.

– Tai Chi For Health, Port Douglas Community Hall, 9am • Thursday

Saturday 17 September – Mossman Markets, 7am – 1pm Sunday 18 September – Port Douglas Sunday Markets, 8am – 1.30pm

Douglas Shire Mayor Mi chael Kerr said once built, the development would be a much-needed boost for local workers in years to come.“More developments like this will help our tourism and hospitality sector find a place for staff to stay in fu ture peak tourist seasons,” he “Councilsaid. is aware, that like most of regional Aus tralia, housing availability and staff shortages are an issue right now for our com munity.“Fortunately, we are seeing some movement through further progress on housing estates such as Daintree Horizons in Moss man, Ocean Breeze Estate in Cooya Beach and New port Estate at Craiglie.”

HOSPITALITY and tour ism workers will have a new place to stay in Port Douglas when a local hostel is upgraded.DouglasShire Council approved a development application to replace a hostel with a new double storey building featuring more individual rooms and privacy to guests. The land is located on Port Street and is within an easy walking and cycling distance to the town centre.

Contract to re-use sewage on FNQ agricultural properties

Saturday 24 September – Mossman Markets, 7am – 1pm Sunday 25 September – Port Douglas Sunday Markets, 8am – 1.30pm


A NEW three-year contract will help Douglas Shire Council re-use organic sludge to fertilize farms across Far North Queens land.Councillors resolved to enter into a contract with Arkwood (Gloucester) Pty Ltd for the removal and reuse of Councilbiosolids.employs a range of wastewater treatment processes to remove solid waste from the wastewater so it can be safely reused or returned to the environ ment.The biosolids are re-used at several farms across the region including in Cairns, Mareeba, Warrami and In not Hot Springs. In the 2021/22 financial year, 1753 wet tonnes of de watered sludge were taken by contractors to be used as organic fertiliser and soil conditioner across farms.


Councillors also ap proved two other develop ments on Murphy Street, including a new high-end unit

Tuesday 27 September – Ordinary Council Meeting, Mossman Administration Building 10am Tuesday 27 September – Tai Chi For Health, Port Douglas Community Hall, 9am Thursday 29 September – Tai Chi For Health, Mossman Pool, 9am RESORT

– Tai Chi For Health, Mossman

Thursday 22 September – Tai Chi For Health, Mossman Pool, 9am

Save Money, Save Water Sign up mMiWatertotoday!iwaterdouglasqldgovau WHAT’S ON • Thursday 1 September – Tai Chi For Health, Mossman Pool, 9am • Friday 2 September – Behind the Mask – DAB Gallery – 10am to 2pm • Saturday 3 September - Behind the Mask – DAB Gallery – 10am to 2pm • Saturday 3 September to Sunday 4 September - Race from Cairns to Port Douglas via the Bump Track. Finish at the Iconic Port Douglas Four Mile Beach • Saturday 3 September – Mossman Markets • Sunday 4 September – Port Douglas Sunday Markets • Tuesday 6 September – Tai Chi For Health, Port Douglas Community Hall, 9am • Wednesday 7 September – Dickson Inlet Clean Up. 2:00pm To 4pm. Meet At The Corner Of Port Street And Wharf Street • Thursday 8 September – Tai Chi For Health, Mossman Pool, 9am • Friday 9 to Sunday 11 September – Port Douglas Gran Fondo Cycling Festival • Saturday 10 September – Mossman Markets, 7am – 1pm • Sunday 11



Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE Coffee, Food & Fun! Shop 6, 2-8 Trinity Beach Road Trinity Beach P: (07) 4057 9029 Bringing AuthenticyouThai food from the heart of Asia directly to the Northern Beaches. Dine in TUKorTakeawayTUKBYTHESEA With an amazing selection of award-winning pizzas, antipasto share plates, freshly prepared pasta, seafood, salads, and desserts. Home delivery 6 days a week Tuesday to Sunday from 5.30 pm Yorkeys Knob to Ellis Beach. Dine-in or Take away See our website for our tempting menu: PH: 4059 2727 Clifton Village Shopping Centre Captain Cook Hwy | Clifton Beach Shop 1 ,2-8 Trinity Beach Road Trinity Beach P: 07 4055 6684 Bringing excitement back to the beaches with great dining and entertainment. Harry, Nung, and their team are ready to welcome you to the … Beach House@Trinity SeeyouattheBeachHouse Nothing beats the authentic taste of Il Forno. Traditional family recipes with genuine Italian flavours in the heart of Palm Cove. Dine - in with family and friends or take-away and enjoy an authentic Italian experience by the beach or in your own back yard. Ph 4059 1666 | 7/111-117 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove Open: Thursday through Monday 5pm-9pm 41 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove Q.4879 Open Daily for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Extensive Menu to Tempt any Tastebuds Excellent Service and Devine Views TO BOOK PHONE: 0439 361 122 WE invite you to join us for an authentic trattoria Italiano experience!Withanamazing selec tion of award-winning pizzas, anti-pasto share plates, freshly prepared pastas, seafood, salads and desserts, our familyfocused restaurant extends its hospitality to you, your chil dren, extended family and your guests to sit, eat, talk and enjoy. And, in true Italian style, we complement our meals with a great range of imported and Australian beers, wines, soft drinks and spirits to really create a long lunch with friends andWe’refamily!proud to have a great team of locals serving locals, and to have employed a number of young people from Clifton Beach and the Cairns area. Every day we provide service with a smile to all our regulars and visitors, who enjoy an authentic Italian taste experience with high quality food that’s prepared by hand using the recipes and techniques handed down over generations.In2016,we were delighted to be voted as the best pizza by our locals, for which we say grazie mille! Since then, we’ve been doing what we do best; hand making our doughs and pasta, while ensuring the fresh est and tastiest ingredients are used in every single dish. We invite you to view our menu and order pick-up or arrange delivery for you and all your friends, or to come in and let our friendly team recom mend a selection of specials and favourites that will satisfy every appetite! An Authentic Taste of Italy

Fri September 2, 2022 @ 7:30pm - 10:00pm Alex the Astronaut - Tanks Arts Centre

Sat September 3, 2022 @ 5:30pm - 9:00pm Jazz Under The Stars - Cairns Botanic Gardens Jazz and her many cousins, from roots to groove to world music, comprise the program of the well-loved Jazz Under the Stars, with quality music being the unifying element. Organised by the Friends of the Botanic Gardens, the concert – one of the final events in Cairns Festival – features a terrific line-up of artists, including, Captain Jazz, Mike Price Band, Nikki Doll Band, Carruthers Brothers, FNQ Big Band Gates open: 4:30pm / Show starts: 5:30pm / Show finishes: 9:00pm. Bring along a picnic and a blanket or chair and sit back and enjoy a night of great jazz. Cost: $15.00 Children 14 and under Free Book your tickets through trybooking.

The Love Handles - Currajah Hotel, Wangan, 6:00pm Flood Squad - The Court House Lawn, 6:00pm Andrea & Louie - Cazalys Cairns, 6:15pm Kaweyova - Cruise Liner Terminal, 7:30pm Dizzy Doolan - The Court House Lawn, 7:30pm Le Coup - CPAC Theatre, 8:00pm Big Noise - Bar 36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 9:00pm Phat Earth Theory - The Court House Lawn, 9:00pm DjGlennW - Dundees at the Cairns Aquarium, 11:30am Kaweyova - Boardwalk Social, 12:00pm Cairns Blues Explosion - Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron, 1:00pm Dazz & the Boyzz - The Celt, 2:00pm Fingerprint - Hidden@Yorkeys, 3:00pm SAX MAN Troy Stevens - The Beach Shack, Kewarra Beach Resort, 4:30pm Elijah Leafa - The Court House Lawn, 5:00pm Le Coup - CPAC Theatre, 6:00pm Hylidae - The Court House Lawn, 6:00pm Victoria Ley - Bar 36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 7:30pm Al Boulton Band - The Court House Lawn, 7:30pm Super Massive - The Court House Lawn, 9:00pm


Launch Schedule (TBC): 5.00am: Gates Open / 5.30am: Skywhale inflation commences / 5.45am: Welcome to Country / 6.15am: Patricia Piccinini speaksSkywhales launch at sunrise **Flights are weather permitting - Launch schedule subject to change up to the date of the event based on weather conditions** Book your FREE tickets through Cairns Art Gallery.

SAX MAN Troy Stevens - The Benson Hotel, 6:30pm Kaweyova - Central Hotel Port Douglas, 7:30pm Alex the Astronaut - Tanks Arts Centre, 7:30pm Joker Pokers - The Court House Lawn, 7:30pm Fingerprint - Bar 36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 9:00pm Lady Valiant - The Court House Lawn, 9:00pm Ivy Amara - The Court House Lawn, 5:00pm Jazz Under the Stars - Cairns Botanical Gardens, 5:30pm

Tue September 6, 2022 @ 9:00am - 4:30pm Energy Exhibition 2022 - Tanks Arts Centre Young artists share their creative energy and insights in this annual student exhibition, bursting with innovative, high-quality works that will engage and inspire you.

Fri September 2, 2022 @ 5:45pm - 9:45pm Truthmachine - The Court House Would you take a lie detector test with a room full of strangers? TRUTHMACHINE is the multi-award winning new social experiment from techno-trouble makers, Counterpilot. Using real biometric sensors and live voting systems, TRUTHMACHINE seeks out truth in a world of fake news and alternative facts. Blurring the line between cutting edge technology and live performance, TRUTHMACHINE is an intimate, playful and intriguing theatre experience for adventurous audiences. Cost: $19.00 – 30 Minute Sessions, Online purchase only, no tickets at door! Book your ticket through Ticketlink.

*Please check with the Venues regarding any cancellations or entry requirements due to COVID-19 Guide

PAGE 18 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 ENTERTAINMENT 1 2 73654


Cost: $97.60 (Early bird tickets on sale till 25th August) $112.96 (From 26th August) Book your tickets through eventbrite.

Sun September 4, 2022 @ 2:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday Live Music – Hemingway’s Cairns Wharf

Are you a venue or an artist that wants to be listed in the Gig Guide? Complete the form on to submit your gig each week to be listed in Friday’s paper.

Enjoy live music every Sunday afternoon at Hemingway’s Brewery at the Cairns Wharf from 2:00pm to 5:00pm! Sept 4th – @DannyBani Sept 11th – @thedannies Sept 18th – @KatieRichards Reserve your table through Hemingway’s Cairns

An unforgettably original lyricist, the music of Australian singer/songwriter Alex the Astronaut cycles through a series of radiantly detailed slices of life. She’s set to tour her latest LP, ‘How to Grow a Sunflower Underwater,’ around the country – including as a headliner at this year’s Cairns Festival. The 26-year-old artist imbues her songs with equal parts self-awareness and sensitivity, imagination and idiosyncratic humour. In its intimate exploration of post-traumatic growth, the result is a body of work affirming Alex as a truly essential songwriter, capable of transforming the way we view ourselves and the world around us. Book your tickets through Ticketlink.

Sat September 3, 2022 @ 5:00am - 9:00am Skywhales: Every Heart Sings Set an early morning alarm and get ready to gather at Cairns Showgrounds to witness Patricia Piccinini’s majestic Skywhale family – Skywhale and Skywhalepapa – as they make their inaugural flight across the Cairns skies. What to bring: Come armed with a picnic blanket (or camp chair) and torches. Our marshalls will help guide you to the best viewing position.

ENERGY is a presentation of visual art produced by school students across the region. Featuring works submitted to the 2022 Creative Generations Awards, ENERGY presents the best young and emerging artists of our region, and a level of professionalism and maturity well beyond their years. A must-see exhibition, ENERGY opens a window into the astonishing talent of this region’s up-and-coming artists. The launch event includes awards presentations and entertainment by selected high school musicians.

Kim Settle - Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron, 4:00pm Ally Row - The Court House Lawn, 5:00pm Silver Fox Jazz Band - Chill at Portifino, 6:00pm Azizah - The Court House Lawn, 6:00pm The Love Handles - The Pirates Den, Mission Beach, 6:00pm Hot Ice - Cazalys Cairns, 6:30pm Russell Harris - Edge Hill Memorial Bowls Club, 6:30pm

Thu September 8, 2022 @ 12:00pm - 2:00pm Stress Less Day Lunch 2022 - Pullman Cairns International Cairns’ favourite feel-good business lunch is back! Join us for a two-course lunch at the Pullman Cairns International, with guest speaker rugby league super-coach Wayne Bennett. Stress Less Day is an opportunity for you to be entertained and to network with your colleagues and community over a lunch that is relaxing and overwhelmingly positive. Each year we come together to open up a discussion about mental health.

LAUNCH: 6PM FRI 9 SEPTEMBER Image: Revolution, lino block prints reprinted on paper by Jenna Danford



for the people by the people

for the people by the people

Radio Radio

Gulf country ceramic artist is exhibition

Artist Shenane Jago with inseta piece from My Country of the Norgin

The legendary Hoodoo Gurus - by any measure, one of Australia’s greatest, best loved, most enduring rock bands of all time. And they’re coming to the Tanks Arts Centre in September!

Australian dance music trio Art vs Science have filled dancefloors all over the world with their rough and ready dance-pop tracks, and now they’re set to return with brand new songs, new energy, and a Tanks Arts Centre show!


Following his top-10 collaboration with Josh Teskey, 2020’s Push The Blues Away, Ash Grunwald delivers his most personal album yet with Shout Into The Noise.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE ENTERTAINMENT The diverseculturallyvoice of the community since 1985 Keep “YOUR” radio “ON AIR” Become a subscriber, supporter, sponsor, business supporter, fund raiser, broadcaster, volunteer To find out how, contact 4053 6891 or email

KURTIJAR artist Shenane Jago from Far North Queens land’s Gulf country will show case her talent with ceramics in a solo exhibition at UMI Arts Gallery in Cairns, opening Friday, September 9, 2022. Despite being an artist for many years, My Country of the Norgin* (Norgin means crocodile in Ms Jago’s Kurtijar language) is Ms Jago’s first solo exhibition and the culmination of completing UMI Arts’ 2022 Exhibition Ready program. The program provides skillsdevelopment training for Far North Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists wanting to show and sell their artwork.Having participated in UMI Arts’ Exhibition Ready pro gram, Shenane received men toring from experienced artists and was guided through each step of a gallery exhibition, from preparation to promotion. In addition to undertaking the UMI Arts’ Exhibition Ready program, Ms Jago worked closely with Deb Eldermire of The Pottery Place in Cairns to develop her body of work. UMI Arts’ Exhibitions Officer Robyne Pacey said, ‘Shenane Jago: My Country of the Norgin’ encompasses a large collection of 45 newly created Raku-fired ceramic works. Raku firing is an ancient Japanese ceramics technique dating back to the 16th century. “We are very excited to pre sent Shenane’s talent and art work in a dedicated exhibition that features so many wonderful and colourful ceramic interpre tations of crocodile heads and turtle shells,” Ms Pacey said. Ms Jago, whose home is in Normanton in the Gulf of Carpentaria, said the exhibition would provide people with a story about the Country where she lives and what she is con nected to. “I wish to give people a taste of the Country in the Gulf where I am from and grew up. “My art is largely inspired by the environment, colours, and animals that make up my Country. “My Country is beautiful and wild. Food sources are re spected and treated with pride, and as a part of Country.”

A FLAMBOYANT cast of sword-swallowing, tap dancing acrobats performing showy aerial feats will transform Cairns Per forming Art Centre’s Studio into a boxing tent for Chelsea McGuffin & Co’s new circus duel, Le Coup (from the French word, to hit) on Saturday, September 3, and Sunday, September 4, 2022. Set to dazzle audiences as part of Cairns Festival, Le Coup will deliver a neovaudevillian, speak easy vibe for fight night between a ragtag troupe of travelling misfits and burlesque performers includ ing a special guest (hint; character is an acrobat and dab hand with bowling balls). But what is Le Coup about? Within the boxing tent, a celebrated staple of the Austral ian carnival touring circuit, an enterprising promoter takes a port able ring and a band of outlandish prize fighters into a village. Amid the smoke and holler, a challenge is called to throw down the best local scrappers while the crowd bays and bets their last penny. Tickets for Le Coup are on sale now, from $40 (adult conces sion). Show times are at 8pm on Saturday, September 3 and 6pm on Sunday, September 4, 2022.


1.15am Port Douglas Marina (44 Wharf St, Port Douglas) 1.20am Cairns Pier Car Park (Pier Point Rd, Cairns) ***SHUTTLE SEATS CAN ONLY BE RESERVED ON OUR SHUTTLE SEATS mareeba, cairns 30 sep - 2 oct 2022

2.15pm Drop off Kerribee Park 2.15pm Drop off Kerribee Park

12.00am Depart Kerribee Park 12.00am Depart Kerribee Park 12.00am Depart Kerribee Park FREE

1.05pm Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas (Port Douglas Rd, Port Douglas) 1.10pm (317Dunwoody’sSheridan St, Cairns North) 1.20pm Atherton International Club (60 Kennedy Hwy, Atherton)


Port Douglas to Mareeba Cairns to Mareeba toMalandaMareeba Mareeba to Festival Site


Mareeba to Port Douglas toMareebaCairns toMareebaMalanda Festival Site to Mareeba

EIGHT regional businesses will be pitching to investors and customers at the upcoming Launch FNQ Accelerate demo pitch day at a Shark Tank- style event on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at the Pullman Interna tional Hotel from 9am. The businesses have been undertaking an intensive program including workshops, coaching, and mentoring from some of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs and investors including Vu Tran (Go1), Glenn Richards (Shark Tank), Kelvin Ross (KJR), Ru pert Bryce, and Bob Cobavie. Members of the public are also invited to hear pitches from the Accelerate cohort and learn about the thriving innova tion community in Cairns and FNQToregion.inspire the audience and participants, the 2021 QLD Australian of the Year, Dinesh Palipana OAM will share his inspirational story on becoming Stronger – also the title of his recently released book. Dinesh was the first quadriplegic medical intern in Queensland and the second person to graduate medical school with quadriplegia in Australia. Dinesh is a doctor, lawyer, disability advocate, and researcher.TheAccelerate Demo Pitch will come to the Pull man International Hotel on Thursday, September 8 from 9am to 10.30am. To register for free, contact Y(E)P Cairns at, phone at 0488 0487 111 or, fnq-accelerate-pitch-morning or click this link in our digital copy.

Accelerate cohort and mentors Festival punches above its weight with Le Coup crowd-pleaser

1.10am Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas (Port Douglas Rd, Port Douglas) 1.15am (317Dunwoody’sSheridan St, Cairns North) 1.10am Malanda State School (24 Mary St, Malanda)



12.40am Julatten School (1141 Euluma Creek Rd, Julatten) 1.00am Smithfield (Bus stop at bottom of Kuranda Range, Kennedy Hwy) 12.50am Atherton International Club (60 Kennedy Hwy, Atherton)

1.45pm Mount Molloy Hotel (17-19 Main St, Mount Molloy) 1.40pm Australian Butterfly Sanctuary (8 Rob Veivers Dr, Kuranda) 1.35pm Tolga State School (Main St, Tolga)


2.05pm Biboohra Roadhouse (28 Bilwon Rd, Biboohra) 1.45pm Kuranda Rainforest Retreat (3 Greenhills Rd, Kuranda) 2.05pm Drop off Kerribee Park

12.10am Biboohra Roadhouse (28 Bilwon Rd, Biboohra) 12.30am Kuranda Rainforest Retreat (3 Greenhills Rd, Kuranda) 12.35am Tolga State School (Main St, Tolga)



10.00am til 2.00am Fri, Sat & Sun

PAGE 20 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 ENTERTAINMENT ART DECO FESTIVAL EVENTS INNISFAIL 2022 Self guided AvailableTHistoricalownWalkany time Download the FREE Innisfailapp & District Historical Museum Open Wed to Sat 10am 2pm 9 13 Edith SpeakeasyBYOInnisfail$56pmCemeteryStreetWalkfor6.30pmadults/$2chnCemeterytorchSpeakeasyPartyCruise5.00pmDresstoimpress!$ Shire Hall Tour Shire10.30amHall Innisfail FREE 04Table$DressBYOShire1300BookingsChampagne0428Bookingsentry:228962MysteryMovie1.30pmfor2.00pmInnisfailLibraryDresstoimpress!FREEentryonlineor366616Gals&GangstersBasketCabaret7.30pmlateHallnibblestoimpress!50.00Bookings:09782327SATURDAY 17th Sept Lions withFREE7amInnisfailANZACMarketsPark12pmentryJustSingIt & The Decibelles Jazz on Edith 9.30 11.30am Shop to the sounds of the 1920s & 30s Edith FashionFashionInnisfailStreetParadeThru’theAges1.00pmfor2.00pmConservatoriumInnisfailDresstoimpress!Afternoonteaprovided$35.00ppBookings:Rhonda Mayocchi 0427 616 ‘VintageonMusicRefreshmentsvintageCAntiquesFREEShire9.00amVintageCruiseSpeakeasy990Party5.00pmDresstoimpress!$40.00Bookings:snappingtours.comMarket3.00pmHallInnisfailentryollectables&goodsavailable&entertainmenttheverandahValuations’with Nick Watling Register a Stall: 0439 817 100 WEDNESDAY 14th Sept THURSDAY 15th Sept FRIDAY 16th Sept SATURDAY 17th Sept SUNDAY 18th Sept Find d Tropical Art Deco on Facebook & Instagram or on our website www innisfailhistory com au/about 6 Prouddly supported by Cassowary Coast Regional Council Art Deco Heritage & TourHistorical9am4.30pm$80.00 Paronella Park Open every day 9am 7.30 pm Adults $52.00 Conc $47.00 Chn$29.00


1.00pm Depart Port Douglas Marina (44 Wharf St, Port Douglas) 1.00pm Depart Cairns Pier Car Park (Bus Bays 16 & 17,Pier Point Rd, Cairns) 1.00pm Depart Malanda State School (24 Mary St, Malanda) BUSSHUTTLELOOP






Local businesses prepare Accelerate Demo Pitch

12.30am Mount Molloy Hotel (17-19 Main St, Mount Molloy) 12.35am Australian Butterfly Sanctuary (8 Rob Veivers Dr, Kuranda) 12.45am (3ServoWoolworthsAthertonMainSt,Atherton)

1.35pm Julatten School (1141 Euluma Creek Rd, Julatten) 1.15pm Smithfield (Bus stop at bottom of Kuranda Range, Kennedy Hwy) 1.25pm (3ServoWoolworthsAthertonMainSt,Atherton)

10.00am til 2.00am Fri, Sat & Sun

Quarrels will erupt if you get into philosophical debates with friends. Travel could include delays and other minor problems. You will find your vitality is lowered. The only thing you’ll accomplish is a bad reputation. Curb or cut out that bad habit you’ve been meaning to do something about. You may find out that someone is trying to undermine you. You may have difficulties with in-laws or family members. Not the best day for business trips.

Air FuelDoorDieselCarBumperBrakesAxleventengine MatKeyHornHoodHigh-beamGPSGasFusegauge Mirror Muffler ShiftSeatRoofRimsPistonOil

Make arrangements to spend quality time together. Keep the promises you’ve made, or you can expect to be in the doghouse. Don’t allow important matters go unattended to. It’s a good time for investments and moneymaking opportunities to be successful.

ACROSS 6. a common small bird that usually has brown or gray feathers (7) 7. spoken or performed without previous preparation (2-3) 9. a prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger (4) 10. impossible to ignore or avoid (2-4-4) 11. a workplace that does not enforce trade union membership (4,4) 13. a public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled (6) 15. a reflected radio or radar beam (4) 17. sturdy footwear covering the foot and ankle 18.(5) a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory (4) 19. precede in place or time (6) 20. to a small degree; not considerably (8)

You may be uncertain about some of your co-workers and your boss. You may have more to do with children this week; keep an open mind. Your ability to charm others will put you in the limelight at social functions. You can ferret out information by listening to others. Not everyone will be pleased with your plans. You are likely to reveal information unintentionally. You will profit from home improvement projects and real estate deals. You will find that you are able to clear up several small but important details. Opportunities for romance will flourish through travel. Think twice before you pursue an unrealistic Endeavor. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities that exist. Romantic relationships should stabilize.

Virgo Aug 23 to Sep 22 Leo Jul 23 to Aug 22MarJunCancer22toJul22Aries21toApr20 MayGemini21toJun 21AprTaurus21toMay OctScorpio2023toNov21 SagittariusNov22toDec20Libra Sep 23 to Oct DecCapricorn2221toJan19 JanAquarius20toFeb18 FebPisces19toMar 20 Weekly Horoscopes Tide Times 0627 1.13 1337 1.95 1906 1.70 Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Max 27o Min 20o Max 29o Min18o Max 27o Min 17o Max 27o Min 18o Max 28o Min 20o Max 27o Min 19o Max 28o Min 20o Tide Times 0015 1.82 0747 1.18 1636 2.17 2301 1.55 Tide Times 0355 1.72 1010 1.04 1729 2.46 2357 1.31 Tide Times 0509 1.86 1110 0.81 1816 2.75 Tide Times 0032 1.08 0603 2.04 1201 0.57 1902 3.01 Tide Times 0108 0.87 0652 2.24 1249 0.36 1945 3.20 Tide Times 0144 0.70 0736 2.42 1333 0.20 2024 3.32

Passion will be your only answer. Home improvement projects will run smoothly. Avoid friction with your mate. Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach. You must follow your desires and dreams. You may want to look at the personal papers of elders in your family. Take the time to close deals that have been up in the air. You may have the day off but your thoughts will be on your work and your cash situation.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE SUDOKU Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Puzzle Solutions WORD SEARCH

You can convince anyone of anything. Try to be considerate in your personal obligations. Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable if you take them with that special person in your life. Opportunities to get ahead will be evident.

You can change your living arrangements. Read some books on self-awareness. A long, quiet walk alone may help you sort out your thoughts. Be honest with yourself before getting involved with someone who is likely to lead you on.

Shock WheelVentsTrunkTrimTireStarterSpeakerabsorber

Friends will appreciate your attention and playful nature. You should get out and enjoy social events where you are likely to meet new potential mates; however, don’t overspend. You will need to work diligently to accomplish even the smallest amount. Your creative talent will prove to be lucrative if put to proper use. Think about taking the time to complete domestic chores. You will be full of good ideas, and your choice of activities may bring you enrichment far beyond your expectations.

Get puzzled by . .


23. Russian political leader: premier of the USSR 1958–64 26.(10)a person who tells lies (4) 27. a set of hard, bony enamelcoated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates (5) 28. a person who is very inter ested in and enthusiastic about something (7) DOWN 1. develop a deep liking for something (4,2,4) 2. used in reference to a pale, thin, or insubstantial person (6) 3. away from the usual or expected course; amiss (4) 4. extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large (8) 5. musical symbols indicating the pitch of the notes written on it 6.(4)aperson who is mischievous in a likeable or amusing way (5) 8. to withdraw from a commitment (4,3) 12. making or constituting a hypocritical display of virtue (5) 14. destroy utterly; obliterate (10) 16. a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle 17.(7) a noisy and overexcited reaction or re sponse to something (8) 21. a process performed or taking place in a living organism (2,4) 22. a contract by which one party conveys property to another for a time, usually for pay ment (5) 24. a compound occurring in urine as a prod uct of protein metabolism (4) 25. to prevent someone or something from being seen (4)

PAGE 22 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 certified Google PartnersOnline success made simple. Our slogan & vision since 2003. To discuss how to get started call David on 0425 851 231 from $4950 +$95 monthly subscription *No lock in contracts websites designed to grow your business THE GOOD DOCTOR

Sources: TROVE, Queensland State Archives, State Library of Queensland (SLQ).

IN 1885 there was a call for more hospital beds to treat the growing number of sick and injured in the burgeoning district of Cairns. At the urging of the Hospital Committee plans were drawn up for a new facility complete with wards, dispensary, day room, committee room and dining room with ablution blocks off the wrap-around verandah. H. A. Leisner of Townsville won the contract for the con struction of the new hospital with his tender of £2218. The Cairns District Hospital Committee formerly took over the new building on December 1, 1885. Dr Edward Albert Koch was surgeon in charge. The kindly doctor also had a successful private practice, was health officer of the Hambledon Plantation and various local organisations. He was widely acclaimed for having identified a causal link between mosquitos and malaria and had even developed a tonic and pills for the disease. Koch was also known for his surgical and medical skills –sometimes under trying conditions. In the absence of a dedicated operating theatre Dr Koch would perform surgical procedures on a desk in the committee office. He was also known to chloroform and operate on his patients single-handedly in an emergency. The busy doctor was not known for taking particularly good care of himself though. One June 11, 1901, it was reported that he had to be driven home by Mr. L. Whiteman’s dairy-cart when during his rounds visiting patients, Dr Koch had himself, become quite ill. When he was still unwell many days later, a locum was engaged to take over the practice while Koch convalesced. However, Dr Koch did not recover and died on June 28, 1901. He was 57 years of age and was survived by a widow and two children. Koch was well regarded by the citizens of Cairns and was known for his charity towards poorer patients. He was accorded a Naval and Military funeral which was attended by more than 800 people. The cortege left Dr Koch’s residence on The Esplanade headed by the Naval Brigade firing party, followed by the Naval Cadets and Kennedy Regiment. Behind them were about 200 townsfolk on foot, 45 in vehicles, 31 on horseback and 15 cy clists. Workers on the wharfs also left their posts and joined the procession for a short while to Abbott Street. A public meeting was held a week later to plan a memorial. Supporters wanted a practical monument, and it was decided a drinking fountain would be a most fitting tribute.

Main: View of the Cairns Hospital c. 1886. From Owen Livingston Amos Photograph Albums, courtesy SLQ. Inset: Architectural drawing of the proposed Hospital at Cairns dated September 30, 1884. Courtesy Queensland State Archives. The memorial in Cairns in its original location on the corner of Abbott and Spence Streets, 1903. John Oxley Library, SLQ.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE REAL ESTATE GREAT FAMILY HOME 36 RILEY ST, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • Solid 4 Bedroom block home • Solar Power • Garden Shed and rear patio • Large 1,212 sqm yard with vehicle access to backyard. • Great family home with loads of space Call to arrange an inspection today. $299,000 List #1524 4 1 2 Land Area 1,212 sqm LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74 HA – CAMP CREEK Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house • Machinery Shed with power • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team to arrange an inspection . $480,000 List #1522 DUPLEX - INNISFAIL ESTATE Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • 2x2 bedroom lowset duplex Airconditioned living area • Masonry block construction Long term tenants Don’t miss out on this one ! Call to arrange an inspection today. $325,000 List #1544 1 4 Land Area 3.74 ha OUTSTANDING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 • Polished timber floors 2 Blocks from Innisfail CBD Living/bedrooms air conditioned Fantastic Investment potential This is a rare property that retains many of its beautiful original features. Located only 2 blocks from the CBD this current high yielding rental property is very well priced to sell. Arrange an inspection today. $265,000 List #1465 VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details. Call to arrange an inspection today. $175,000 List #1506 Land Area 1,113 sqm TROPICAL LUXURY 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home.Call our team to arrange an inspection $465,000 List #1545 Land Area 1,012 sqm 3 2 2 70 Edith Street, Innisfail | Phone: 4061 1466 Email: GREAT FAMILY HOME 36 RILEY ST, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • Solid 4 Bedroom block home • Solar Power • Garden Shed and rear patio • Large 1,212 sqm yard with vehicle access to backyard. • Great family home with loads of space Call to arrange an inspection today. $299,000 List #1524 4 1 2 Land Area 1,212 sqm LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74 HA – CAMP CREEK Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house • Machinery Shed with power • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team to arrange an inspection . $480,000 List #1522 ContactDUPLEX2x2 bedroom • CallDon’tLongMasonryAirconditionedblocktermtenantsmissoutonthistoarrangeaninspection $325,000 List #1544 2 1 4 Land Area 3.74 ha OUTSTANDINGContact Polished timber floors 2 Blocks from FantasticLiving/bedroomsInnisfailInvestment This is a rare property Located only 2 blocks property is very well priced $265,000 List #1465 VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details. Call to arrange an inspection today. $175,000 List #1506 Land Area 1,113 sqm TROPICAL LUXURY 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home.Call our team to arrange an inspection $465,000 List #1545 2 2 64 MILL STREET, MOURILYAN List #1553 • 2 Bedrooms with room for a third. • Airconditioned bedrooms and living area. • Powered colorbond shed with lean-to. • Fenced yard for pets. • Entertainment/BBQ area. For inspection call Kylie on 0428 944 563$240,000 SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME List #1554 Spacious low set 3 b/r home • Airconditioned bedrooms & living area • 775sqm block • Flat corner block • 1.5km to CBD Land Area 775 sqm For inspection call Kylie on 0428 944 563$450,000 We don’t just sell properties, we make it easy for you to find your best affordable home 3 22Land Area 506 sqm2 21 TROPICAL LUXURY - 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL List #1545 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home. Call our team to arrange an inspection For inspection call Louise on 0448 751 963$465,000 3 22Land Area 800 sqm VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION For inspection call Louise on 0448 751 963$175,000 Land Area 1,113 sqm List #1506 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details DOUBLE STOREY HOME TWO entry doors and one garage door. Internal steps. Upstairs laundry with catwalk to hills hoist. Patio out the front, fully enclosed downstairs. Block construction external walls, rendered upstairs. Fully fenced. Conveniently located approximately 350 metres from Coles Supermarket. Property Features • Double Storey • 3 Bed • 1 LandBathIs 1,012 Sqm • Toilet • Garage • Fans Verandah Three bedroom good condition double storey home 1,012 sqm. $430,000 Phone for an inspection today. 70 Edith Street, Innisfail, QLD 4860 Phone: (07) 4061 1466 THE ULITMATE WATERFRONT ADDRESS TO fully appreciate the magni tude of 203 Esplanade I would require writing several pages to highlight all the features decorated throughout this beautiful home. I would highly recommend an inspection to fully appreci ate what is on offer. You are spoilt with an array of dining and café options just minutes from your doorstep and the vast open parklands that is maintained by the local council.203 Esplanade is a unique and rare stunning family retreat. What an amazing opportu nity to secure a truly prestige property in the vibrant city of Cairns waterfront. Designed for a lifetime of memories. Council rates: $4,600pa Aprox Insurance $4793.00 491sqm Asking Price $3,500,000 Register your interest now for your private exclusive viewing. Call Steve Cordenos 0418774994 Email:

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FNQ Markets,000+readerseveryweek.Bookyourclassifiedtoday! Classifieds Deadlines 4pm Wednesday every week of publication Find us on Facebook Cairns Local HOW DO I CANCEL ADVERTISEMENT?AN Should you need to cancel an existing advertisement please call the office on (07) 4031 7678 before the deadline: Display Ads: 3.00pm Tuesdays Classifieds: 3.00pm Wednesdays Cancellations will only be accepted by the person who booked the ad, and will need to be confirmed in writing. did you know..? we have an online Business Directory SalesFullExecutivetime This is a great opportunity to be part of an expanding sales team with a great culture in the Cairns region. We require an enthusiastic salesperson who can service existing clients and build a client base. This person must be results driven, capable of working alone, dynamic, selfdriven, and willing to get out of the office and build relationships. The product range is across digital and Newspaper advertising, selling to a wide range of businesses across the region. Full training is provided along with mobile phone, tablet and laptop, you will be required to have a reliable vehicle. Remuneration includes salary and a fair commission structure, which means your package can be as big as you make it. If you feel that this is you, forward your resume to We’re looking for the Right Person Is it You? y y Lady 74 years seeks buddypal. Write to: PO Box 290, Earlville, 4870 HAVE an AGM coming up? Email or call Lisa on 07 4031 7678 Wish your bestie a Happy Birthday in Prices start from $25 Ph: 07 4031 7678 | E: IN loving memory of those who are forever in our hearts. Email or call Lisa on 07 4031 7678 to place an ad.SELL it today! Call Lisa on 07 4031 7678. CAREERS NOTICES PERSONALS Wish your partnerHappy Anniversaryin Prices start from $80 Ph: 07 4031 7678 E: NOTICES

Kuranda Rainforest Markets:7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00 Mossman: St David’s Church, 07:00-13:00 Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00

Friday September 2nd

Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00

Saturday September 3rd Atherton: Platypus Park, Herberton Rd, 07:00-13:00

Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00

Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00 Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE CLASSIFIEDS HIRING?AREYOU Call Lisa today to place your Ad! 07 4031 7678 / PRIVACY POLICY Cairns Local News collects personal infor mation to assist us in providing goods and services which you have requested to process competition entries, giveaways and to improve our products and services to you. We may be in touch by phone, mail, fax or internet to inform you of any services and promotions which may be of interest. If you would prefer us not to do so, please write to us at: Cairns Local News, 2/185 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns, Qld 4870 Access to your personal information can be obtained by calling (07) 4031 7678.

Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00

Gordonvale Cottage Markets: Norman Park, 07:00-12:00 Koah: Koah Hall, Koah Rd, 09:00-13:00

Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00

Sunday September 4th Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00

Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00 Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00 Mission Beach Markets: Opposite Hideaways, 07:00-12:00 Port Douglas: by St Mary’s Church, 07:30-14:00 Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00 Tolga: Morrow Park Racecourse, 07:00-12.00

TFNQDBA It was a busy four days for the Zone finals on August 25 to 27 between TFNQ, North Queensland and North West Queensland with the winners moving on to the State Finals. Thursday at Edge Hill, South Johnstone played in the newly formed 8 a Side section (Men & Women’s Pairs and Mixed Fours) against South Towns ville. A hard-fought game with a win by one point. Friday 26 was at West Cairns for Cham pion of Club Champion Fours and Mixed Pairs. TFNQ had a win in the Mixed pairs against NW Queensland. In the Fours NW Queensland defeated TFNQ. Saturday again at West Cairns, Edge Hill TFNQ def Thuringowa Nth Qld. 70 to 48. TFNQ Pairs T & T McA lary were winners over NW Queensland. Sunday Singles Champion of Club Cham pion was shifted to Marlin Coast due to rain where Alex Murtagh came from behind to win over Steve Henson 25 - 22.


August 20 was the Sugar Festival Mixed four’s. The winners were Tony Whykes, Robyn Williams, Lorraine Lewis and Jeff Lewis. 2nd: Fiona, Julie, Norm and Jim. Incognito but they know who they are. 3rd: Steve Madsen, Dell Milton, Jan Madsen, and Stephen Rixon. The Encour agement award: Nick, Lyn, Joanne Dickson and Peter. I’d like to say to everyone who helped on the day, Thank you. Your support helps make this Sugar Festival what it is. August 25 Raffle was won by Robin Petrus. Winners were Margaret Cooper, Christine Rowbury and Robin Petrus. R. Ups: Joanne Dickson, Margaret Smith and Christy Colley. For Thursday ladies, please put your name on the list by noon. Bowls attire. For more infor mation contact Carole Casual attire. Come and enjoy a light lunch before play at the Bistro. Then exercise it off.

GORDONVALE BOWLS CLUB LADIES Wednesday Social Bowls at 1pm, new player’s welcome. Thursday Club Selected 3 Bowl Pairs, names in by 12:30. Winners from last week. A Peterson & V Black R/up Rob & Graeme Raffle Winner JeanetteSaturdayTownsonThe Open Triples. A Big Thank You To Tonya & Greg of Gilboy Hydraulic Solution for your continued Sponsorship of this popular event Congratulations & thanks to the volunteers for all your hard work We had 56 players instead of 64 players nominated, but the games got away on time even with the slight hiccup. On the day we had 3 teams with 3 wins so aggregate counted. 1st Place F Rich A Peterson & G Spicer 2nd Place B Green T Cocoran -Given 3rd place P Ryan Sergio J Marty 4th Place with 2 Wins & a DrawLMayell D Charman P Morris 5th Place 2 Wins & a loss Bruce M Greenwood & Dazza Thank you to all bowl ers for your support. Raffle Winner F Rich. Check the board for future club games

SILKWOOD BOWLS CLUB Wednesday August 24 was 3 games of triples. Team Terry Corocorah, Anna Della Bella & Tim Wallis being defeated by Sergio, Jim Dalmer & Cyril Large 21 to 19. Team Ron Giveen, Pete & Ann Hollingsworth were de feated by team Brian Brooks, Alan Hudson & Mirella 31 to 8. Team Mick de Vries, Neil Lawrence & Jenny Dalmer defeated team Delmo Tarditi, Barry Green & Rob 28 to 19. Social days are Wednesday & Sundays with sign in at 1pm. We encourage you to contact the club on the number below for all enquires. NO Friday Night Barefoot bowls or BBQ.Why not come along to one of our social days. It’s friendly, it’s fun, and if you are new to the area then this is a great way to meet new friends. For all enquires contact the club on 0475759808

EDGE HILL MEMORIAL BOWLS CLUB Ladies Social Bowls: Thursday Aug 25, No social bowls played this week as the Zone 8 Final for the 8 a side pennant between Townsville and South Johnstone was played at Edge Hill. South Johnstone won by one shot and will now travel to Brisbane for StateLadiesFinals.check the notice board for Consistency Singles games. Next Thursday Sep tember 1 social bowls will be played so get your names in by 1pm for 1:30pm start. LJ Hooker sponsored Edge Hill Ladies Classic: This event was played Saturday and Sunday August 27 and 28 and winners were L Plowman, J Dennis, D Max well, and C DeZen. 2nd place A Wake, E Williams, J Aitken and A Vanbergang (Torquay), 3rd place J Wild, G Barrett, Y Bolton, and L Pomroy. 4th place L Mikic, E Rowbottom, A Lim and M Swanson. 5th place L Riches, A Windsor, L McClintock, and D DallAlba (Townsville). A successful weekend and a first for this format for Edge Hill Ladies. Men’s Mixed Social Bowls: Tuesday August 23, Social Bowls winners were Wendy Lynn and Mark Kors. R/U: Tony Plant and Ian Stafford. Tuesday night social bowls winners were Ron and Geoff. R/U: Ash and Terry. Wednes day August 24, winners were George, Lou and Brenton. R/U: Ray and SaturdayTerry.August 27, No Social Bowls as Ladies Classic was played. Zone Championship Men’s Pennant:Edge Hills Division 1 team played Mt Isa and Townsville for FNQ Zone 8 winners at West Cairns on Saturday Au gust 27, commencing at 8:30 am. Edge Hill defeated both teams and will now travel to Tweed Heads for State Pennant playoff in November. Congrat ulations on winning the Zone 8 Pennant and good luck for the State Titles. Zone Championship Sin gles: Zone 8 Singles played at Marlin Coast on Sunday August 28, saw Steve Henson TFNQ defeated Craig Camp bell NQ 25-18 and lost to Alex Murtagh 22-25. Great effort and well done Steve. Nominations still open for the Men’s Consistency Singles and Mixed Pairs events. Check notice board and put your names in to take part. Social Bowls will continue with Tuesday (1pm and 7pm), Wednesday night Self Selected Triples. Saturday Social Bowls will return for September 3. Contact Ray Webster 0402 182 230 for social bowls assistance or ring the Club 07 4053 1036.

Saturday August 27: 34 Bowlers for Jackpot Bowls. Col Widdows/Jim Geddes/ Nev Tesch draw against David Blain/Steve Cue/Martin Adams 15-15; Gerrard Beech/SAS/Pe ter Fairchild draw against Bill Smith/Terry Richards/Tony Br lyack 24-24; David White/Bill Allison d Charlie Toohey/Nev Fletcher 23-20; Steve Heffer nan/Eddie Sarton/Gary Watts d Col Johnson/Graeme Hutchin son/Peter Worley 18-15; Eric Smith/Bob Lawrie/Joe Girgenti d Chris Payne/Ray Prain/Dick Pitt 24-15; and the winners for the day, Malachy McTaggart/ Robbie Proctor/Daryl Hoskins d John Cochrane/Kel Cunning ham/Peter Gorsuch 26-13. Sunday August 28: In the Club Championship Handicap Singles, Bruce Lester (-5) d Steve Cue (-3) 25-16. No Social Bowls this Thurs day. The next Social Bowls will be Thursday September 15 from 5:30pm with names in by 5:00pm at a cost of $10 per person. Cost includes a sausage sizzle after the game (8.00pm) and the chance to win a $50.00 meat tray from Mossman Butchers. To register ring the Club on 4098 1434. Social Bowls now held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month and open to all members, non members and beginners wish ing to try bowls for the first time.Club Championship Triples game this Saturday (1pm start) - Bernie Wolland/Peter Fairchild/Nev Tesch vs Gerrard Beech/Kel Cunningham/David White.Jackpot Bowls this Satur day, names in by 12 noon . No Club Championship games scheduled for this weekend. For more information contact David White on 0407 630 759.

Tuesday afternoon men’s triples: First-A Tymms, G Mid son, B O’Connor, Second- L Idiens, D Phillips, P Cavanagh Tuesday night bowls: Spider: Jennifer, Will, Tim, McRia, Chris, Barry, Keith, Jen, Deb, Rick, Milli Wednesday mixed bowls: First- G Andersen, N Hooker, J Young, Second D Gibson, L Hamilton, Wendy Thursday men’s triples: First: Nola, S Pitt, Gary B, Second: D Grummitt, M Sell wood, C Twigger Saturday afternoon Walking Pairs: Winners of Winners: Des, Paul C, Winners of Los ers: Peter, Anthony All bowlers, non-bowlers and tourists welcome. Bowls available-free. ph. 40576931. All social games played, cards are called 15 minutes beforeCheckstart.boards for play by dates for Championship games.

WEST CAIRNS MEN Thursday 25, Best player Denis Williams—Friday 26th Scroungers-winner Geoff Row ley-r/up Simon Varay. Sunday 28, 1st Larry/M.Taylor/J. Bent 2nd Stan Weston/Stan Williams/Ted Hamilton—free game Norm Kerher. If any man would like a game of mixed social bowls on Wednesday’s starting at 11:30am give Liz a call on 0400626765 names in by 10:45am Mike Phillips won the $1,000.00 draw on ticket number 225. If you wish to play in the mixed club champi onship games please put your name down on forms over on the ladies board.

WEST CAIRNS LADIES If you wish a game of mixed social bowls undercover on Wednesday’s starting at 11:30am finish about 3.00pm Give Liz a call on 0400626765 names in by 10.45am. BYO. Congratulations to Mike Phil lips who won the $1000.00 draw on ticket number 225. Players for Club Champion ship’s mixed pairs and mixed fours, please put your name down on the forms on the ladies board.


A smaller group of twelve players enjoyed their after noon of mixed social bowls at West Cairns Bowls Club last Monday. At the end of play the winning team was led by John Frisch supported this week by Dave Nicholls and Val Fallon. For their efforts a small trophy was awarded. Next week the gentlemen bowlers can have a drink on the club for Father’s Day. If you wish to join us, please contact Rosemary on 0409624623 as soon as pos sible to enjoy social mixed bowls played under cover at West Cairns Bowls Club. Visitors, are always welcome. Cards called at 1:15pm. Be fore the start of the afternoon bowls, a raffle is drawn with a substantial prize. Play contin ues until 4:30pm. Should you require further information, the selector can provide it.

PAGE 26 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 SPORT 18TH SEPT 2022 REGISTER NOW:

INNISFAIL MENS The team of John Morroson, Greg McDonald, Dave Irwin and Peter Ryan were Thursday social bowls winners. New members and visitors most welcome. Names in by 12:30pm.Saturdays mixed sponsored afternoon was cancelled due to rain. It will be rescheduled. Bad luck to our Club Fours Champions after a narrow loss in the Zone play-offs. Peter Smith defeated Diana


Contact Mossman Bowls Club 40981434 MOSSMAN MEN’S BOWLS

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 2, 2022 PAGE SPORT 6-8 Johnston Road, Mossman Club Ph: 4098 1434 OPEN 7 DAYS FOR LUNCH AND DINNER  Air Conditioned  Visitors Welcome  Function Hall available for all functions at reasonable rates  Winner of Best Club Far North Queensland 2019  Mouth Watering Menu  Affordable dining You will be bowled over by our Bistro Affordable dining with a mouth watering menu! notBetRESPONSIBLYGAMBLEwithyourhead,overit. O’Brien in the Consistency Singles.Check the notice board and organise your games in the Consistency Singles, Triples and Mixed Pairs. After our men’s AGM our office bearers for the year are, Alf Strano – President, Gordon Goes – Treasurer, Bob Chaplain – Games Director with Sam Micale as assistant. John Phillips, Mal Clifford and Snow Clark as selectors. Our Club AGM will be held on the 11th September at 10:30am.

FQ Far North QLD Premier League head into finals!

THE major semi-finals on Sat urday are replays of the last two seasons, with Edge Hill hosting the Leichhardt Lions on Saturday in both grades, while on Sunday, the finals head up the range to Lindsay Australia Stadium with the Mareeba Bulls hosting the Southside Comets and Innisfail Cutters in men’s and women’s respectively. Last year’s men’s semi-final between the Tigers and the Lions was one to remember, being decided on penalties; after 120 minutes of football ended at 4-4. The Lions will be out to upset the Tigers on their home turf, while the rest of the league will be watching to see if the Tiger juggernaut continues to roll on in both the men’s and women’s.

Major Semi Final (1st v 2nd) Sept 03, 5pm EdgeWomens:Hill United vs Leichhardt FC Tiger Park Sept 7.30pm03, EdgeMens:Hill United vs Leichhardt FC Tiger Park Elimination Semi Final (3rd v 4th) Sept 04, 3pm MareebaWomens: United vs Innisfail United StadiumAustraliaLindsay Sept 5.30pm04, MareebaMens: United vs Southside Comets StadiumAustraliaLindsay

“We have solo and team entries and two course distances, to cater for a wide range of people because this event has always been as much about getting out there and giving it a go as competi tive racing,’’ he said. “Every year we’re seeing more locals and we’re expect ing record numbers this year with the new Paradise Runs group in Mission Beach on Saturdays and the growth of the Mission Beach Outrigger Canoe Club. We also have a strong following in Towns ville and Cairns, and entrants from southern Queensland and interstate. We’re hop ing that increases this year with the surge in domestic holidays.”OnaMission begins with a paddle to Dunk Island and a run through world-heritage rainforest up to the island lookout. After paddling back to the mainland, competitors hit the beach and rainforest trails on their mountain bikes before a final run on the sand. To find out more, and to register,



Wednesday August 24: Club selected triples/fours winners –Trevor Gray, Deryck Harrigan,Neil Vogler, Marge Goulding. Thursdays: self-selected pairs. Jackpot remains. Sunday August 28: Club selected 3 bowl pairs, Win ners Gary, Santina. R/up Rose, Norma.Play under the shade on our carpet green for perfect bowling conditions. For information and nominations ph 40925288 Tuesdays: Barefoot bowls names in by 6:00pm. Come and try bowls, club bowls available every Tuesday night.

ATHERTON GOLF CLUB Wednesday’s Carrington Ho tel Medley Stableford was won by Paul Posselt with a great 41 points off his 8 handicap. Run ner up was Brian Brown (last week’s winner) with 38 points. Brian won the pin shot on 11, whilst Mark Twomey won the pin shot on Wednesday9. Sporters played a Stableford with 22 players. Winner Mick Grumley, ru-up Robbo, 3rd Marea Mead. NTPs 3 Morey, 11 Steve H.,18 Bulla Thursday Ladies Aug 25 we played a s/ford sponsored by Mel Pensini. Winning with 38 pts was Lyn Morrison and r/up was Marea Mead with 37 pts. Pin shots went to 3 Patsy McMahon, 9 Robin Beck, 11 Gaye Steventon and 2nd on 18 LynFridayMorrison.August 19, 6-hole chook run - Winner on 11 points was Swifty Finlen on a c/back to Sam Duck. Saturday August 27 – Har old Nasser Memorial Shield Stroke (80 players) Men’s Overall and Div. 2 winner Mick Fleming with an impressive 66 nett Div.2 Ru-up Swifty 68 nett, who could have had a brilliant score but had an 11 on the 12th to put the brakes on. Div.1 winner Aaron Smith 68 nett, ru-up Dan Ardley 70 nettNTPs 3 &11 Justin Ci fuentes, 9 Mike Van,18 Tony CromeCongratulations to Nick Smith starting his round with an Eagle on the 1st. Ladies was won by Lisa Lowres with a great 67 nett, and Dee Jierasak ru-up with 71 nett. Pin shots went to 9 M Mead, 11 D Jierasak and 2nd on 18 P McMahon. Least putts went to Kerry Williamson with 29 putts.Wednesday ladies travel to Gordonvale for the second last interclub, so good luck ladies. Also, good luck to the ladies flying the club flag on the FNQ Meg Nunn Salver team next week at Middle Ridge, Toowoomba. Team members are Amber Barker, Alicia Eng lish, Sam Duck, Robin Beck, Shelley Broadley from AGC and Marion Wright from Half Moon Bay. Images from previous ONA MISSION events - supplied by Cassowary Coast Multisport Club ARE you ready for an ad venture in tropical paradise? Registrations have opened for the longest-running multisport event in North Queensland – the Ona Mis sion Multisport Adventure Race in Mission Beach and on DunkCassowaryIsland.Coast Multi sport Club president Richard Blanchette said locals were preparing for an influx of run ners, bike riders and paddlers in town leading up to Sunday, September 18, and many locals were also in training for the adventure race.


“The most challenging part was the wetness on the bike; it was muddy and really hard but equally rewarding to experience such an incredible event in the stunning Mission Beach.” Robbie Hunt and Hamish Elliot Red Bull Courtney Atkinson and Lindsey Lawry Harry Wiles and Tommy Goodall Women’s X2

Red Bull Defiance pushed athletes to their limits

“We had different dark patches and balanced each other out at different stages of the two days,” Elliot said. “There’s no point where you can drop your focus at all; the race requires a lot of concentration all day. “The rafting was epic; we had a great time, the crew in our raft were so entertaining and really helped to make the experi ence.” Mary Gray and Deb Lynch dominated the women’s complet ing the course in a total of 12:21:27 over the two days and taking out the win for the Female category.


“This year, it was soft, cool conditions which is good com pared to the heat, but it was tough going and really zapped the legs out of everyone.

2nd Ben and Jacqui Allen 3rd Chris and Sarah White

THE Hunt Brothers, Robbie Hunt and Hamish Elliot from New Zealand, have taken the Men’s Elite/overall First Place title in the 2022 Australian edition of Red Bull Defiance in Mission Beach. A total of 142 athletes raced across the stunning depths of the Cassowary Coast rainforests back to its iconic reef.

Mixed X2 Results

“We definitely got our money’s worth. The event and sur rounds were outstanding; I am so happy we finally made it over to Australia,” Simone said. The highlight over the three days was the spectacular course, especially on the second-day rafting 10km down the sensational Tully River with the mist over the mountains. Red Bull Athlete Courtney Atkinson also competed and said it was great to see different conditions.

2022 Red Bull Defiance Mission Beach results: Men’s X2 Results 1st

“We loved it! We had a great weekend,” winner Robbie Hunt said.

“The course needed a lot of respect, and there were a lot of rough terrains. It was one of the toughest events we have done.” Teammate Hamish Elliot said the race required complete concentration.

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1st Mary Gray and Deborah Lynch

2nd Shelley Bambrookand Shelly Akester Kathryn Bunckenburgand Lizzy Bunckenburg

Images supplied by Red Bull Content Pool

1st Dougal Allen and Simone Maier

The course delivered a raw, remote and rewarding event, mentally and physically challenging – a two-person adventure race taking in all the elements. Seventy-one teams of two completed 143km across six stages, including rafting, running, mountain biking, and kayak ing, in what was described as one of the toughest events ever participated in over the three days. The event, known for physically challenging even the most elite athletes, lived up to its reputation.

“The toughest part was the downhills on the mountain bike on day one and punching into the headwind on the paddle on day two,” Deb Lynch said. In the mixed teams, the dynamic duo Dougal Allen and Simone Maier proudly took out the win at 10:39:32.

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