Mossman to the Cassowar y Coast September 9, 2022 Cassowary LIFTOUTConnectCommunityCoastINSIDE EntertainmentCairnsGuidePAGE1720 CairnsMotoringFeaturePAGE21 CAIRNSMOTORINGGUIDE 1. Scan the QR Code 2. Enter your details To enter simply … Win FREE forChildcareayear! Childs World Early Learning Centres 2 Borrowdale close, Bentley Park. Ph: (07) 4045 4045 September is No More Butts, Cairns Regional Council and Clean Up Australia kick off Clean up Cairns Pictured: (L-R) AFL Cairns Jordan Gregurke, No More Butts FNQ founder Shannon Mead and CRC Logistics Officer Scott Lane, together with volunteers collected over 4,500 butts in less than one hour. Clean Up Cairns month FULL STORY > PAGE 3

QUEENSLANDERS with a disability will continue to have a strong voice with the appointment of 14 members to the Queensland Disability Advisory Council (QDAC) for a three-year term to June 2025. Disability Services Minister Craig Crawford welcomed the new Council, which pro vides independent advice on regional, state, and national disability-related matters. In welcoming the new members, Mr Crawford also acknowledged the work of the previous Council, particularly for their role during Queens land’s transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the COVID-19 pandemic. “QDAC members play a vital role in helping promote social inclusion in Queens land,’’ he said. “They also provide expert advice on matters that shape the state’s disability policy. “It is crucial the Palaszczuk Government has experienced representatives of the commu nity with lived experience to provide independent advice”. Mr Crawford said by working collaboratively with QDAC, the disability sector, people with disability, their families, and carers; the sec tor would continue to have a say on a range of disability policies, actions and issues to shape change for the broader community.“Todrive change in poli cies and programs, we need to champion opportunities for Queenslanders with disability in leadership roles,” he said. “A big part of this is ensur ing we have people with lived experience at the table, provid ing expert advice to shape the work that we do.” Dr Sharon Boyce, Chair, QDAC, was excited to chair the Advisory Council for the next three years. “It’s important we con tinue the great work already achieved by the previous advisory council, to represent the diverse interests of Queens land’s disability community and the disability sector,” Dr Boyce“Thesaid.Advisory Council will provide specialist advice to government on a wide range of disability initiatives and issues, including new national and state disability strategies and the National Disability Insur ance Scheme.” The Advisory Council members are: Dr Sharon Boyce (Chair) Dr Reza Borzou Ms Laura Rutherford Ms Laura Scurr Ms Pamela Spelling Mr Peter Tully Uncle Paul Calcott Ms Rachael Watson AOM Mr Nigel Webb Mr Peter Gurr Ms Paige Armstrong Ms Matilda Alexander Mr Darryl Steff Ms Pamela Macrossan For information about the Queensland Disability Advisory Council, visit:
THE 2022-23 State Budget delivers record funding for Queensland’s health and hospital system to ensure bet ter, quicker healthcare for all Queenslanders.Acrossthestate, the record $22.6 billion Health Budget includes investment in new infrastructure and more beds; a larger work force; a focus on mental health; and innovative re forms to Queensland’s health system.Forthe Cairns and the Hinterland, this includes the Cairns Hospital Expansion, a $250 million refurbishment and new surgical centre that will deliver 96 new beds by the first half of 2026; the Cairns Sub-acute expansion, delivering 45 new beds by the second half of 202; and $70 million toward the Cairns Hospital Mental Health Unit, delivering 53 beds by 2024.

PAGE 2 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 General Enquiries - 07 4031,CairnsQLD4870 CIRCULATION - 13,000 Cairns Local News is published by Cairns Local News Pty Ltd. 2/185 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns, QLD 4870 ACN: 643 194 932 Administration Lisa Harris 07 4031 7678 Managing Director Carl Portella Paper Manager Kath0436MacLean001115 Sales Manager David Galeano 0436 001 149 Journalist Isabella Guzman Gonzalez 07 4031 7678Printed by: Townsville Print Centre, 623-645 Flinders St Townsville, QLD 4810 Sales Executive Glenn Taylor 0436 101 599 For more information Visit our Website: 0481 247 330 FOR ALL YOUR PHONE AND TABLET REPAIRS All Brands, Covers, Screen Protectors and More! No time to get to us – Don’t worry we can come to you! Call in, Text or Phone TODAY. Port CarnivaleDouglas2023 THE 2023 dates for the big gest party in paradise have beenDouglasannounced.Shire Council is encouraging Port Douglas Carnivale revellers to put the weekend of May 19 to 21 in their calendars and start plan ning their holiday. More than 17,000 people participated in or attended one of the events in the Port Douglas Carnivale program thisDouglasyear. Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said most attendees (66%) were from interstate.“Thisyear we had popular new events such as the FNQ Gin Festival as well as fam ily favourites like the Family Beach Day which drew re cord crowds,” Cr Kerr said. “The whole event gener ated about $5.3M worth of economic activity in Douglas Shire, contributing to more than 20,000 visitor nights across 10 days.” “Now is the perfect time to save the date and get your travel plans locked in for 2023.”Port Douglas will also welcome back the Wonder land Spiegelent for another round of unique and exhila groups and businesses will again be invited in coming months to help make the event even better next Sponsorshipyear. packages including naming rights for Carnivale events are avail able to businesses who wish to be part of this growing event and enticing visitors to the Forregion.aCarnivale 2023 sponsorship information please contact: DSC Event Officer Paul Smyth (paul.
State Budget Delivers Record Funding

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Yvette D’Ath said the State Budget would support strong growth in the health workforce, com mitting to employ an extra 9,475 staff in this term of government.“Investment in our health care workforce is vital – they are our greatest asset, and the reason Queenslanders continue to receive first-class healthcare every day,” she said.Minister D’Ath said the budget included $1.1 billion for the Queensland Ambu lance Service, and a focus on improving mental health and wellbeing.“Theinvestment will help QAS prioritise regional and rural services to ensure acces sible healthcare no matter the location, as we recruit more frontline staff and open new facilities,” she said.
QDAC AnnouncedMembers

Senior lecturer of Environ mental Health at JCU David Sellars, who participated in the butt hunt as part of team JCU, said this was an opportunity to learn about the community’s habits regarding cigarette waste.“I’m particularly interested in what we’re doing,” Mr Sell ars “Isaid.want to look at people’s attitudes and practices around cigarette waste so we can edu cate and improve technology and practices around disposing of cigarette “Becausebutts.butts are full of toxins; there are about 7,000 toxins found in cigarettes, and there have been good studies to show that those toxins are dan gerous particularly to aquatic organisms and some terrestrial organisms.”CrEden said she wanted to encourage people to participate and help keep Cairns clean for everyone’s“Gettingwell-being.involvedin a clean-up in your area is a great way to get out, do good, meet your neighbours and help our environment.”“Lastyear, around 200 volunteers removed 162 bags of rubbish, around a tonne of litter.“This year, we’d love to see even more people get involved.”Findyour nearest event and details of Clean Up Cairns on Council’s website and Face book page
Child safety is everyone’s business

The discarded butts col lected during the Big Butt Hunt and the community cleanups will be repurposed in an Australia-first trial that uses mushrooms to turn cigarette butts into useable items like insulation bricks and ashtrays.
The Butt Hunt – hosted by No More Butts, Cairns Re gional Council and Clean Up Australia began in Cairns Cen tral and ended in the Esplanade with teams of volunteers racing to pick up the largest amount of butts.Volunteers from AFL Cairns, James Cook University, No More Butts and Councillor Amy Eden collected hundreds of butts.“The Big Butt Hunt was the first of 15 clean-ups hosted by Council and Clean Up Aus tralia throughout September for families and the community to get involved in removing litter from their neighbourhoods, parks and waterways,” Cr Eden said.“Clean Up Australia day is earlier in the year in most other locations, but September is best for us to intercept litter before the wet season rains wash it out to Cairns-basedsea.”No More Butts founder Shannon Mead said an estimated 800,000 cigarette butts were littered in Cairns weekly, and the butt hunt helped raise awareness of Cairns’ butt issue.
By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE Need a battery that won’t let you down? For better performance and a longer lifespan, speak to our expert team at Cairns Batteries about our range of Lion Batteries…this world-class brand is: • Totally maintenance free • Doesn’t need electrolyte refilling • Built with an internal rust-free calcium metal • Built to withstand heat and temperature change tolerances • Highly reliable and made from quality recyclable materials We also offer a 24/7 battery replacement service in Cairns and surrounding areas, quick and affordable! Phone 0428 665 READY TO GET STARTED? Give us a call today on (07) 4057 6477 for all your swimming pool needs. Our experienced pool technicians provide pool cleaning, servicing and equipment maintenance for homeowners and real estate clients throughout Cairns and surrounds. Got a green pool? We’ll turn it from green to clean in time for the pool party. The season is almost upon us and it’s time to get your pool into shape!

COMMUNITY members and volunteers picked up over 4,500 cigarette butts in less than an hour to launch Clean Up Cairns, a series of 15 com munity clean-up events.

“We’ve broken into teams, and we had a bit of a race to see which team could get the most amount of cigarette butts,” Mr Mead said. “Each bag we collected has around 300 to 400 butts; I used to be shocked by the amount, but unfortunately, because I’ve seen it so much, I expect that. “As we head into the wet season, we have to ensure that cigarette butts aren’t in places where they can get into the drains and wash out to the reef. “Cigarette butts are the most littered item in Cairns; people should be aware of the amount of cigarette litter, and we encourage them to par ticipate in the Clean Up Cairns events.”NoMore Butts, through an ongoing partnership with Melbourne-based mycologist Fungi Solutions, is introduc ing an Australian-first local remediation facility.
Cigarette butt hunt kicks off Clean Up Cairns

THESE are the faces of the people who are there when a child is in need. Child safety officers (CSO) Natalie Lynam and Isaac Freeman are just two of the officers who have taken on the challenging task of intervening when children are at risk, and they say it is the best decision of their Coincidinglives. with Child Protection Week, figures from the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs reveal that 8,000 calls regarding harm or risk of harm to a child were received from the Far North Queensland region during 2021. At least 1,914 of those reports were of legitimate con cern, with 72.9 per cent of the calls related to children who had been harmed, were at a sig nificant risk of future harm and did not have a parent willing and/or able to protect them. In these cases, Ms Lynam and Mr Freeman are there to help, with Ms Lynam working with children in-home while Mr Freeman focuses on chil dren in foster care. “Every day is different when you’re a CSO,” Ms Lynam said. “We do our best to plan and get things in our calendars, but we’re working with human be ings, so things change. “But our goal to keep these kids safe always remains the same.”Ms Lynam said her role working in the in-home space, although challenging, was very rewarding.“Children are at home with families, and we manage the risks in-home and address the child protection concerns with families,” she said. “A lot of what I do is inten sive work with families – we link them with appropriate ser vices and have lots of difficult conversations.“Butalsohaving these moments where parents realise “I achieved this” and enjoying those small wins with them. “It’s hard work but so rewarding, and the kids are worth it.” As the team leader of a group of CSOs, Mr Freeman ensures his staff are prepared to offer the best quality services to children and their families. “I see my role as supporting my staff to deliver great service to children in foster care,” Mr Freeman“We’resaid.not pursuing a ‘good enough’ life for them; we’re pursuing the best potential life they can have. “We talk to the children, we talk to the carers, because at in this moment we’re their guard ians, we get to advocate and speak up for these children.” When addressing some mis conceptions surrounding their role, the CSOs said the aim was to keep children with their families, not the opposite. “The purpose of your role is to support and build the parents’ capacities so that Child Safety can step away,” Mr Freeman said. “A large percentage of our work is done with families in-home, keeping children with families, just helping families get strong and equipped to keep their children safe and well.”Ms Lynam and Mr Freeman said Child Protection Week was a time for reflection and action within the child safety sector and the general community. “Child protection is eve ryone’s business,” Ms Lynam said.“Everyone has a responsi bility to ensure the safety of children as a community, from the parents, family members, friends, all the way up to sup port“Ourservices.”greatest hope is to partner with the community to enrich families’ lives and those of children,” Mr Freeman said. “We’re not separate to you; we’re not separate to the com munity; there’s a shared vision there for the safety and wellbe ing of “Thesechildren.areour children, our communities’ children, and we’re doing this together.” For more information on child safety services in FNQ, at:

CSO Natalie Lynam and team leader Isaac Freeman
By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez
No More Butts FNQ founder Shannon Mead with butts collected at the launch of Clean Up Cairns
IN honour of National Meals on Wheels Day this year and in keeping with the theme of ‘Better Together’, Marlin Coast Meals on Wheels hosted a very special Let’s Do Lunch event at Trinity Beach Sports Club.Both clients and volunteers enjoyed each other’s company, a two-course meal and musical entertainment by The Secret Men.Event organiser Karin Bo land said the purpose of having lunch together was to extend and enhance the social engage ment the MoW volunteers usu ally have with clients in order to reduce social isolation and increase the wellness of clients in the“Forcommunity.32years,our service has been delivering nourish ing meals to the home, but the benefits of Meals on Wheels go beyond the meal itself, helping older Australians remain socially engaged and connected to their commu nity,” Ms Boland said. A newly released report by Huber Social measured the social impact of Meals on Wheels and the importance of meaningful customer and volunteer connection, further highlighting the life-changing and irreplaceable role the over 45,000 volunteers make to the lives of vulnerable, older Australians every day. “We have several volunteer opportunities available and would welcome anyone who would like to come on board and reap the rewards of these vital community connections,” Ms Boland said. In the frame of Meals on Wheels day last week, Meals on Wheels is calling on Australians to ‘stand up and get connected’ by joining the volunteer ranks at their local Meals on Wheels service. For people interested in volunteering at the Marlin Coast Meals, should contact Karin Boland on 4055 6016.

A new computed tomogra phy (CT) scanner will be installed at Thursday Island Hospital early next year, giving Torres Strait residents access to vital medical imag ing services closer to home. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Yvette D’Ath an nounced the $2.14 million project when they visited the hospital on Monday. “This is an exciting ad dition to the region’s health services,” the Premier said. “We know how important it is for First Nations com munities to receive health care as close to home as possible.“Once this machine is installed, people living in the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area will no longer have to travel to Cairns for CT scans. “Families in this beautiful part of Queensland deserve the best services we can provide.”CTscans combine a series of X-ray images to create 3D images of bones, organs, and other body parts. They are used to diagnose and monitor medical condi tions ranging from cancers and tumours to infections and said the CT scanner would be installed in the medical imaging department, which was being enhanced as part of the hospital’s $36 million redevelopment.“Workisunderway to procure a CT scanner unit and also source a consulting team to operate it,” she said. “Design works to ac commodate space for the machine are underway. We expect that the medical imaging department will be able to receive the CT scan ner from March next year.”
Celebrating National Meals on Wheels Day at Trinity Beach Sports Club
Local CT scans soon to be a reality for Torres Strait

PAGE 4 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 Grant Woolcock - BMW Sales Manager | - 0488 794 030 Glen Farley - BMW Sales Executive | - 0408 728 341 Westco BMW | (07) 4044 4122 | 207/209 Newell Street, Cairns City 4870 LIFES A RIDE AT WESTCO BMW BMW F900R BMW G310GS BMW G310R BMW S1000RR BMW S1000R BMW R1250GS APPROVEDLEARNERRIDEAWAYFORUNDER$10,000 Marlin Coast MoW celebrates National Meals on Wheels Day

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The Thursday Island Hospital redevelopment is scheduled for completion in late 2023. It will also include: 31 inpatient beds, includ ing an extra negative pressure isolation room to manage tuberculosis and other infectious diseases Seven emergency depart ment spaces A new operating theatre with four recovery spaces birthing suite and birthing pool and extra space for emergency birthing Five outpatient rooms. Work is also underway on the $7 million Mer (Murray) Island Primary Healthcare Centre replacement.

Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said as part of this successful, long-term collaboration, the Palaszczuk Government will provide $2.13 million from RADF 2022–2023 to a total of 59 local councils, who will contribute a co-investment amount of almost $2 million. “For 31 years, RADF, es tablished by the Goss Labor Government, has provided a legacy of creating new art and cultural experiences for Queensland audiences and communities and a platform for professional develop ment and growth across the regional arts sector,” Minister EnochMinistersaid. Enoch praised the RADF outcomes for 2021 – 2022.“There have been hun dreds of successful RADF recipients over the past year, each benefitting their local communities,” the Minister said.“Project highlights include a theatre in the round experi ence by Goat Track Theatre Company on Tamborine Mountain, an aerial silk production on the Cassowary Coast, a SketchFest by the Cairns Urban Sketchers and a local history app, podcast series and inaugural arts, crafts and music festival in Gladstone.“Thecreative diversity of RADF projects span the state, from an exhibition at the Noosa Regional Gallery tell ing the confronting story and 150-year history of Budgeree Dolls, to dance development sessions and open-mic nights for musicians in the Logan region,” Ms Enoch said. “RADF 2022-2023 will support our 10-year roadmap, Creative Together 2020 –2030, to deliver on key pri orities to strengthen Queens land communities, activate local places, drive social change across the state, share our stories and celebrate our local storytellers. “RADF projects continue to bolster regional access to rich arts and cultural experi ences,” The Minister said. Local Government As sociation of Queensland chief executive Alison Smith said RADF was a vital program enabling councils to help celebrate their local com munities’ cultural and artistic fabric.“Every Queensland com munity deserves to be a live able one, and programs like RADF help local communi ties promote and enjoy what makes them unique, which helps create vibrant places to live, work and play,” Ms Smith“Thesaid.State Government is boosting our funding to the arts portfolio by $50 million over the next four years to support Grow 2022-2026, the second action plan support ing our 10-year roadmap for arts, culture and creativity in Queensland,” Minister Enoch said.For more information about RADF, applicants can visit their local council’s website
R U OK campaign free postcards for family an dfriends

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE SMARTPHONE & TABLET SOLUTIONS •Accessories•Sales•RepairsShop2/5FrontStreet, MOSSMAN Tel: 4010 8422 admin@smar Volunteers Sought - Interested persons please visit:

A PALASZCZUK Govern ment partnership with 59 re gional local councils will see an investment of more than $4 million in 2022 – 2023 through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). The partnership aims to strengthen community-led arts and cultural experiences while creating good, secure regional jobs in the industry.

AUSTRALIA Post’s popular free postcards have arrived in millions of letterboxes and at post offices around the country this week, helping Australians to check in and support one another ahead of R U OK? Day and in the lead-up to Mental Health Month. In partnership with Beyond Blue, Australia Post has once again delivered three million free postcards, which Austral ians can send free to show they are thinking of family and friends.Aswell as a blank, prepaid postcard to send to family or friends, there’s also a tear-off part that contains helpful infor mation about the importance of connection for our mental health.Australia Post Gen eral Manager Community and Stakeholder Engagement Nicky Tracey said the postcards were a popular way to stay in touch when first launched in 2021 during lockdowns, and she was proud to continue to partner with Beyond Blue to connect millions of Australians. “We were thrilled with the response to this initiative last year,” Ms Tracey said. “It was great to hear stories of people writing postcards for the first time in years and also the joy of finding a surprise message from a loved one in their“Thisletterbox.year, with many Australian households under cost-of-living and other pres sures, this is a really simple way people can reach out to check in on loved ones or send messages of love and support.” Beyond Blue Chief Execu tive Officer Georgie Harman said the partnership with Aus tralia Post played a significant role in sharing crucial mental health messages with the com munity.“Australia Post has deliv ered mental health information to more than 7 million house holds since our partnership began in 2020,” Mr Harman said.“This postcard campaign is another way to get people talking about mental health and supporting each other.” The postcards will be deliv ered to suburban and regional households and available at selected post offices around the country.
AusPost and Beyond Blue team up for mental health check-in

RADF funding provides jobs for regional arts community

Pauline Pattullo, winner of the Riccarton Park Racecourse Grand National Fashions on the Field held on August 13, 2022.

WITH the aim of providing an international focus that gener ates more visitors to Far North Queensland’s peak social event, Cairns Amateurs Carni val has formed a new, mutually beneficial partnership with Riccarton Park Racecourse in Christchurch, New Zealand. According to Cairns Amateurs Carnival fashion committee member Stacie Galeano, the partnership will leverage from Riccarton Park Racecourse’s prestigious and hotly contested Grand National Fashions on the Field competi tion.To commence the partner ship, Ms Galeano said Cairns Amateurs is looking forward to welcoming the 2022 Grand National Fashions on the Field winner, Pauline Pattullo as a special guest of next month’s Carnival.“Pauline is an experienced and multi-sashed winner of New Zealand’s Fashions on the Field competitions, and her appearance on the catwalk at Cairns Amateurs will provide a dash of international glamour,” Ms Galeano said In keeping with the partner ship arrangement, Ms Pattullo has been offered a secured place in the top 10 Fashions on the Field on Saturday, Septem ber 10, “This2022.isjust the beginning of what we intend to be a much bigger partnership, and we are excited to welcome Pauline to Cairns.“Cairns Amateurs Carni val’s Fashions on the Field is highly regarded in Australia’s racing fashion industry with many local winners claiming national awards at Flemington, Randwick and Eagle Farm race meetings,” she said. “I know Pauline will be im pressed, and likewise, we cannot wait to see her own interpreta tions of spring racewear that will undoubtedly add colour and interest to the competi tors’ lineup on Saturday, September 10.”
G’DAY Tropicairnsians, As I walk around this beau tiful city, seeing crowds smiling and milling together with extraordinarily little concern regarding social distancing, and with the sounds of laughter from people coming out of this bloody economy crippling “COVID bubble” that is well n’ trulyYouneeded/deserved.knowrightabout now some dingo could kick me in the gonads while force feeding me a Hawaiian pizza loaded with double pineapple and you would still not wipe the smile from my dial. To see what I mean take a stroll around Rusty’s Markets this weekend, the footpaths and walkways are full of locals and tourists buying up big. To see the happy, smiling faces of the stall holders has been a long time coming. Then take a wander along the Esplanade or boardwalks and look for an empty table, Cairns is once againButalive.with all the great things and events happening there always has to be a downside, so here comes the elephant in the room, it is our crime rate. Public drunkenness, the youth crime on our streets up to and including, car thefts from gaining the car keys from our bed side tables while we are sleeping, and then trash ing and crashing them, leaving us without a vehicle for what seems forever, because all the car repairers are booked out for the eight months or so. That is, if you have the adequate insurance.So,what I am saying iswhat the bloody hell are you, our elected law-making politi cians going to do about this, or are you just going to ignore the problem hoping someone else may grow a pair. Then there is another problem, not as bad as the above, but for some, probably worse especially if you are a COVID-19 quarantine comfort animal that now feels neglected or abandoned because our owners can now return to work and or back to their social life and they don’t fit in anymore. So it’s off to the animal pound to be dumped and forgotten. Come on people, show the compassion that you promised you would, and really adopt for life.But enough of the sad rant ing, let’s dance it up and talk about the Cairns Festival that brought the huge crowds to the city, and how about the parade? It was great to see people stand ing six deep with no concern about standing next to them with no face masks. I missed out on joining a float, but instead got out my unworn Papa Smurf outfit, painted the face, then gathered the adopted family and it was off to get smurfing. To say that we had a great time would be an understate ment. Great floats and brilliant fireworks brought so many cheers, smiles and laughter to many; that was so missed over the last couple of years. It was so much fun walking around getting photos with so many people and putting smurfsmiles on so many faces. To the Cairns City Council, big thumbs up on the fantastic lighting displays but a special mention for the laser light show in the lagoon that delighted everyone, every night of the festival. It will be interesting to see what you can top it with living. Wayne.
PAGE 6 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 LOCATED AT 38 ERNEST STREET, INNISFAIL Email!CATERING AND CHEMICAL SUPPLIES We are temporarily closed for renovations! We look forward to welcoming you to our new shop in the near future As our phone is off for the duration of our renovations, please email to CARDWELLDELIVERYTOCAIRNS facebook@collinscordials Email:
International fashion flavour Fashions on the Field

The Grand National Fash ions on the Field competition was held on August 13, 2022 All tickets and events can be booked and purchased online
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Pictured: Cairns Airport CEO, Richard Barker, welcomes Cheryl and Gordon Wellham from Exemplar Coaches

Airport shuttle
THE skatepark at Yorkeys Knob was something local skateboarder, Ross Willis, dreamt about and petitioned for over many years. Now that the facility is under construction an unin tended consequence has turned into a nightmare for one local mother.Sharon Whipp, mother of five-year-old Jaxon WhippRampling, was shocked to find the local BMX track has been demolished.Jaxon,akeen biker, regu larly used the track to perfect his stunts but now the young ster has nowhere to go. The BMX Track at Yorkeys Community Centre Park at 58-64 Wattle Street featured rollers, berms, small hills and jumps and is still listed on the Cairns Regional Council website.Jaxon’s mum immediately rang council to find out what was going on. She received an email from Council’s Project Officer for Community Spaces saying that the “the dirt BMX jumps have been removed and used as fill for the new youth space/skate facility that is currently being constructed at the park”. The officer also said the facility would not be replaced and that “dirt BMX jumps are difficult to maintain to a safe standard, often they are modi fied by community members and are costly to maintain. It is Council’s preference to build concrete or bitumen recrea tional facilities. Council will rehabilitate the area back to parkland space.” There nearest BMX tracks listed on the council website in the northern beaches are at Syd Granville Memorial Park at Holloways Beach; Allyson Street, Smithfield and Rainy Mountain Park, Smithfield. Two other tracks are located at Evergreen Park, Clifton Beach and Kamerunga Environment Park at Caravonica. All are listed as dirt BMX tracks with rollers, berms, small hills and jumps.They are not as convenient as having a track a few blocks away and there are fears they may too disappear in the future.Sharon Whipp was keen to see the Skate Park come to fruition but says “it a bitter sweet victory for local families if it is at the expense of other recreation facilities”.
By Maria Larkins
Jaxon Whipp-Rampling has to contend with the bitumen driveway of his apartment complex now that the local BMX track has gone

Chief Executive Officer Richard Barker said the eye-catching installation would be a popular addition to the terminal, both for locals and visitors.

Ghost net fish sculptures
Skatepark a bittersweet victory
TRAVELLERS from Cairns Airport will have more trans port options as of this week with the introduction of a new scheduled shuttle service. The “Cairns Airporter” will offer local residents and tourists a regular city transfer service from morning till night.Cairns Airport Chief Exec utive Officer, Richard Barker, said the service would pro vide faster, and more frequent trips into the Cairns CBD. There would also be more scheduled transfer services to Port Douglas and Cairns. Barker said travellers would appreciate shorter waiting times between aircraft arrival and transfer coach departures. He said the additional ser vices would provide passen gers with more options during peak arrival periods when taxis and rideshare services were in high demand. The service is being pro vided by Exemplar Coaches and Limousines which has been operating in Cairns sinceCompany1993. director, Gordon Wellham, said the company’s transfer desks would operate from first flight to last flight in both the Domestic and In ternational Arrivals terminals. The company hoped to have a 24-hour desk at the airport by the end of the year. “We are very excited to be expanding our business and look forward to offering even better service to our existing and new travellers,” Wellham said.For further information, or to book a service, visit or
The sculptures represent barramundi, coral trout, red lionfish, potato cod, surgeon fish and Moorish idol.

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE
By Maria Larkins
C’EST BON, Cairns City, has won the Restaurant Caterer category at the 2022 North Queensland & Northern Ter ritory Restaurant & Catering Hostplus Awards for Excel lence.Owner and Director of C’est Bon Nicolas Devic commented it was a privilege to receive the award.“What an honour to be awarded the ‘Restaurant Cater er of the Year’ at the Restaurant & Catering Association Awards Gala,” Mr Devic said. More than 60 local res taurants, cafes and catering businesses gathered to celebrate the achievements of their peers, judged in over 15 categories. The winners were announced at the Awards for Excellence ceremony held at Pullman Reef HotelTheCasino.Awards for Excellence is the only program in Australia where the judging criteria is determined by consumers who rank what is important to them in the dining experience. The Awards are judged by an independent team of trained judges who anonymously visit the venues to determine the restaurant/café winners. To view the complete list of winners visit the R&CA web site at
“Showcasing this amazing artwork in our terminal sets the tone for tourists visiting our region and recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture as one of the most unique and important el ements of living and holiday ing in Far North Queensland,” he said.“We are proud to continue our partnership with CIAF in a way that physically celebrates and promotes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and art,” he said.
CIAF Artistic Director Francoise Lane said CIAF val ues the support of Cairns Air port and the economic value the commissioning project has brought to artists in remote Indigenous communities. “In working together with Cairns Airport, we are well placed to achieve great things for our artists and indeed, eve ryone who converges in Cairns – not just for our annual event, but all year round,” Ms Lane said.According to Paul Jakubowski, the Manager of Pormpuraaw Art & Culture Centre Incorporated, the largescale ‘ghost net’ sculptures are made from retrieved, dis carded fishing nets and are key to highlighting the vital role Traditional Owners and artists play in addressing issues fac ing the endangered marine life of the Great Barrier Reef. “Pormpuraaw is honoured to share their art and culture in this way. For the community, who are a saltwater people, this artwork is very special be cause it celebrates their living oceans,” Mr Jakubowski said. Featured artists are Mavis Ngok Thaathunpum Benjamin, Mylene Holroyd, Christine Holroyd, Alma Norman, Kim Norman, Marlene Norman and Syd Bruce Shortjoe.
A STRIKING sculptural installation comprising seven ‘ghost net’ fish is destined to both surprise and delight visitors at Cairns Airport’s T2 domestic terminal. The artwork is the creation of seven artists from Porm puraaw Art & Culture Centre and is the first Public Art Com missioning Project realised in a collaboration between Cairns Airport and Cairns Indigenous Art Fair
By Maria Larkins
JAMES Cook University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have been recognised for their outstand ing academic and personal achievements at a major awards ceremony last night.
Inspiring leadership
• Miss
By Maria Larkins SCHOOL principal, Kathryn Todd, has been recog nised for her inclusive manage ment style by winning the Griffith University Jack Pizzey Award for Excellence in School Leadership.Todd’sapproach is instruc tional and also distributive. She believes a “sustainable” approach to leadership ensures there is never a leadership vacuum.Theleadership team at Woree State High School comprises deputy principals, heads of departments, guidance officer and aspiring leaders. These members in turn inspire leadership learning within their respective faculty groups. Earlier this year, Woree State High School staff were recog nised with six nominations and one award at the Australian Col lege of Educators 2022 Noreen Wilcox Awards. Todd received a nomination for the Excellence in Leadership Award. In 2020 Woree SHS was a State Finalist in the QTU Showcase Award for Excel lence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education for Woree State High School’s Junior Indigenous Marine and Environmental Cadets program (JIME).Todd, who grew up in In nisfail has been principal of Woree State High School since January 2020. Prior to that she was Principal of Djarragun College at Gordonvale (2017 –2019) after serving seven years at Bentley Park College. There she was Deputy Principal, (2010 – 2012), Head of School 7-12 (2013 - 2016) and Acting College Principal (Term 1). Pre viously, she taught at the Cairns SDE and St Mary’s Catholic College,WhiteWoree.RockState School was recognised with a com mendation in the Far North Queensland Regional Show case Awards. The school was commended in The RemServ Showcase Award for Excellence in Parent and Community En gagement for their ECE to Prep Transitions program. Western Cape College, Weipa, was also recognized with a Far North Queensland Regional Showcase Award. The College won the Bevan Brennan “Every Child Needs a Champion’ Award for their “Wis Wei” the WCC Way program. Despite their remote ness, Western Cape College Secondary has collaborated with key partners to provide every student targeted support in their learning, experience academic success and a sense of belonging and connection to their school community and classrooms.Western Cape College has been shortlisted as a State Final ist. State Award Winners will be announced at The Showcase Awards presentation on October 11, The2022.Showcase Awards highlight Queensland state schools that significantly enhance student outcomes and deliver effective evaluation and improvement of school perfor mance, through alignment with the department’s State School Improvement Strategy.
Papado poulos • Miss
QAS Ambassadors in training
Prince • Mr
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Indigenous Student Award Recipients • Miss
Burns • Miss
“From the support, they’ve received from family and friends to the high level of academic and pastoral care provided by the staff at JCU’s Indigenous Education and Re search Centre and from across the “TheUniversity.learning experience at JCU is only enriched by the achievements of our Indig enous students,” he said. Prof Nakata paid tribute to the families, wider community and industry supporters in at tendance at the awards.
• Mr
Principal, Kathryn Todd, believes in building the capabilities of the people around her.
2032 talent search reaches the Torres Strait

Muel legger • Miss
Another upgrade improving access to the school’s amenities block was completed last year, worth more than $100,000.
Player • Miss
• Mr Dylan Maxwell Spencer Miss Tanika Marlu Willcocks Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health • Lauren Ah One CSIRO STEM Award • Robyn Pearce • Rebekah McCann • Dr Sam Burrell Nguma-bada Spirit Award • Diane Cook Bebegu Yumba Spirit Award • Jamie Yule
• Mr
• Ms
• Mr Jake
Sam • Mr
Owen • Mr
The Premier said students of Tagai State College were be ing supported both on and off the oval, with her government investing almost $31 million in modern and upgraded school infrastructure and facilities over five years. “More than 1,500 students attend Tagai State College, spread across 17 sites through out the Torres Strait islands,” the Premier “Remotenesssaid. should not be an obstacle to success and that’s why our government is investing in school infra structure, creating learning environments and recreational facilities that support all stu dents to excel.”
• Miss
Thirty-one students were honoured at the sixth annual Indigenous Student Awards ceremony in Townsville as they continue to excel in their tertiaryEducation,studies.Arts, Social Work, Law, Business, Engi neering, Planning, Science, Al lied Health, Nursing and Mid wifery, Medicine, Veterinary and Medical Sciences were among the award categories. They were, in addition to students, recognised by the Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health, CSIRO STEM and “Spirit” awards for the Nguma-bada (Smithfield) and Bebegu Yumba (Douglas) campuses.JCUDeputy Vice-Chan cellor, Indigenous Education and Strategy, Professor Martin Nakata, said the awards reflect the students’ hard work over the course of a busy year.
Merchant • Miss
Education Minister Grace Grace said other recent infra structure projects at the various College campuses include refurbishments of existing facilities, oval upgrades and enhancement of outdoor play spaces.“The school community is benefiting from a $330,000 new outdoor play space for the kindergarten at the Masig Is land/Yorke campus,” Minister Grace“Alongsaid.with another out door play space at the Warraber Island campus worth $250,000, these innovative projects sup port early childhood learning, providing a great foundation for our youngest students. “The Tagai State College campuses will also benefit from the Department of Education’s $187 million agreement with Telstra to upgrade bandwidth across the state schools net work with a direct and positive impact for the 21 schools and associated departmental loca tions within the Torres Strait. “Four sites have already received their full upgrades, and another four have had an interim upgrade – all of them more than doubling their band width – and we’ve delivered 250 IT devices for students with another 530 on the way”. The Queensland Academy of Sport will return to the Torres Strait for further Youfor2032 testing sessions in mid-2023.Formore information on Youfor2032, please
“Through their academic endeavours, they have the pow er to inspire the next generation of students to reach for the stars,” he said.
Premier Palaszczuk,Annastaciawhowillhold the Community Cabinet meeting at the school, said it is great to see the state-wide talent search reach Queensland’s northernmost“Youfor2032region. is about unlocking potential no matter where you live in our great state, putting young athletes on the green and gold runway to sporting success,” the Premier said.“Tagai State College students join the 2,450 young Queenslanders aged 13 to 23 who have participated in the program to-date, across 25 locations including regions like Cherbourg, St George, Bun daberg, Yarrabah and Charters Towers.“The team will be testing a further 20,000 young Queens landers over the next couple of years, and don’t worry if you weren’t tested this time, the team will be back in the Torres Strait in the future to test even moreSportkids.”Minister and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympic and Paralympic Sport and Engagement Stirling Hinchliffe said Youfor2032 was Australia’s biggest ever athlete talent search. “The Torres Strait is known for producing exceptional sporting talent and we’re keen to harness that ability for the 2032 Games,” Mr Hinchliffe said.“Queensland’s Academy of Sport will be offering special ist training to up to 400 of the State’s best young athletes to become podium ready for our home Games in 2032. “We want to see First Na tions athletes from Torres Strait on Queensland’s green and gold runway to 2032 putting in medal-winning performances.
The Thursday Island Sec ondary Campus library is being refurbished into four learn ing spaces for $1.83 million.
“We’ve designed You for2032 to be Australia’s biggest talent search so we can uncover young Queenslanders with elite potential, regardless of where they live.”
• Miss
THE Queensland Academy of Sport’s Youfor2032 team has reached the Torres Strait for the first time, putting Tagai State College Thursday Island secondary students through their paces in an athlete talent search for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Indigenous students shine at awards

• Miss
Wood • Mr
PAGE 8 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022
“The calibre of students who receive these awards continues to impress us every year,” Prof Nakata said. “These awards recognise the journey each student has been on in order to reach such a high level of success.
2022 Charlie Alice Milsom Brodie Joel Kuhn Moara Grace Tupoa James Guligo Lilly-Lee Vonda Peter Ashley Cooper James Wilkins Cassie Eloise Tregea Zane Darryl Myles Alexander Mc Kenzie Isabelle Dale Rikisha Kristan Phineasa Matthew James Bonato Sarah Jane Barton Ironbark Wallace Venner Thaine Hamilton Thomas Lachlan Tara-Lee Fenella Kate Hartley Antonie Courtney May Ashleigh Jordan Hazle Leigh Rickard
• Mr Jesse
Court • Mr
Jordan • Mr
Member for Cairns and Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development Michael Healy MP said APT10 Kids on Tour would delight families with its variety of interactive arts activities, available just in time for school holidays.

NorthSite Contemporary Arts Artistic Director/CEO Ashleigh Campbell said the gallery was thrilled to be the Cairns host for APT10 Kids on Tour.“We partner with QAGO MA in a number of ways; this year, we are pleased to present both their APT Kids on Tour and, for the first time outside of Brisbane, their Design Tracks program for our Gimuy/Cairns community within the North Site galleries at Bulmba-ja,” Ms Campbell “Engagingsaid.emerging First Nations creatives from across the State, the Design Tracks program connects with local culture and ties into the great work our IndigeDesign Labs students have done over the past two “Theseyears.programs are de signed to engage young people in contemporary arts experi ences that can easily tour to regional locations and are vital for the artistic enrichment of our state as a whole.”
“The free event is devel oped especially for children and families by selected artists from the Gallery’s APT10 exhi bition, which was presented in Brisbane from December 2021 through to April 2022,” Mr Healy“APT10said.

APT Kids on Tour activities include digital interactivity, colour design, drawing, puppet-making and much more.

Finding cane toads and other animals in the museum.
QUEENSLAND Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art (QAG OMA) is touring APT10 Kids, part of ‘The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’ (APT10) to NorthSite Contem porary Arts at Bulmba-ja in Cairns until October 29, 2022.

“APT10 Kids on Tour is a fun and dynamic program filled with hands-on and multimedia art-making activities created by APT10 artists,” Mr Healy said.
Created in collaboration with artists Shannon Novak (Aotearoa, New Zealand), Phuong Ngo (Australia), Syagini Ratna Wulan (Indone sia), Jamilah Haji (Thailand), Gidree Bawlee Foundation of Arts (Bangladesh) and Vipoo Srivilasa (Thailand / Australia), APT10 Kids on Tour includes activities focused on pattern making, digital interactivity, colour design, drawing, puppet building, portraiture and related creativeMinisterconcepts.forthe Arts Leeanne Enoch said the Asia Pacific Triennial’s artworks and interactives program devel oped for children and families by exhibiting artists was first staged in 1999 and is supported by The Tim Fairfax Family Foundation.“Established in 1993, the APT has helped to put Brisbane on the global art map, drawing visitors from around the world every three years,” Minister Enoch“Thesaid.APT is consistently surprising, challenging and beautiful, helping to explore the diverse stories and cultures of our region through contem porary art,” the Minister said.
Cairns kids to enjoy art workshops from Asia Pacific Triennial
& 9AM-11AM Holiday fun
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE
With What’SUP Cairns • Sponsored by Surfing Australia To book, scan the QR code or jump onto our Facebook page CAREERBOARDINGPADDLEISNOWAPATH,WORLDSPORT! HOLIDAY PROGRAM For Kids Aged 8-16 Years Of Age COME AND TRY SESSION$10BUCHANS POINTCAIRNSBEACH 23RD & 30TH SEPTEMBER

A NEW activity trail and two creative workshops are sure to engage curious minds over the school holidays at Cairns Museum.Described as a mix of painting by numbers and cross stitch embroidery, dia mond painting, is a relaxed and soothing way to get creative. The diamond-inspired art workshop is suitable for children aged from 4 to 10 years and will be conducted from 10.30 to 11.30 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the first week of the schoolCraftholidays.YourOwn Museum workshop will run in the second week of the holi days. Participants will have the opportuni ty to create their own miniature exhibition styled along the lines of the current 1 x 4 Exhibition. The feature object could be a Lego man, Oooshie or other prized treasure. The workshop is suitable for older children aged from 7 to 12 years and will be conducted from 10.30 to 11.30 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the second week of the holidays. There is a new Activity Trail for super sleuths. The challenge is to find all the animals in the museum, tally them up and create a graph. Children over the age of 9 can also go on their own audio tour. BYO device and Bookingsearphones.areessential for the work shops. Cost is $10 members, $15 nonmembers. For further information visit the Cairns Museum,

By Maria Larkins
Kids invites young visitors to explore and experience a range of diverse contemporary art styles and ap proaches from Australia, Asia and the Pacific. “The program highlights key themes from the APT10 exhibition, including the importance of community and storytelling,” he said.
Clean Up Cairns continues this weekend with three registered Allsites.clean ups are on Saturday from 9am to 11am at: n Smiths Creek in Portsmith, from Spence St to the Fearnley St boat ramp. Meet at the Fearnley St boat ramp. n Clarkes Creek in Earlville, from Mulgrave Rd to Ishmael Rd. Meet at Lions Park, corner of Mulgrave Rd and Henley St. n Rainy Mountain Park Cumberland Ave, Smithfield. Visit Council’s website for more details.
Gran Fondo road closures
More than 40 stallholders will be part of the Positive Ageing Expo to provide information focused on seniors from 9.30am to 1pm. Live entertainment will be provided from 10.30am to midday, by Chris Lloyds and The Carruthers & Others Quartet.
Visit Council’s website for more details.

Clean Up Cairns weekend sites

The Port Douglas Gran Fondo Festival will be on this weekend. There will be a number of road closures in place on Sunday 11 September including the Captain Cook Highway between Port Douglas and Palm Cove, and Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove. Visit festival-information/road-closures/
Annual testing of Council’s outdoor warning stations (sirens) in Redlynch will take place this Saturday, between 10am and 1pm. All sirens, which sound throughout the Redlynch Valley, and can also be heard in parts of Freshwater and Brinsmead, will be tested multiple times, simultaneously and individually.
WELL done Government! You couldn’t have destroyed our country more thor oughly if you were working directly for the Communist Party of China! What was once the ‘Lucky Country’ is now a shambles. At least for the work ing poor who struggle to make ends meet and now struggle to get a hospital bed when they need one or a house to rent. So many young men and women couch surf ing, living in cars or still living at home because housing is in such short supply. Their answer: Bring 100s of thousands more immigrants here despite not having the facilities to house them or the hospi tals to provide service when they need it. First you have divided us by race! Then you have silenced us by your radical identity politics and control of the press to silence any debate on the ‘Climate change’ mantra that we hear constantly.Ourschools are indoctrinating our kids from as young as kindergarten. No wonder the radical left who have infil trated our schools and universities and now large corporations are interfering in every aspect of our lives. They are also profiting from the largely inefficient windmills and solar panels that China produce from our coal and other minerals. The minerals that we aren’t allowed to use despite the fact that we produce less than 2% of the planets emissions. Do China live on a different planet? Since they are exempt from such destruc tiveNowregulations.youare destroying manufac turing and farms, the life blood of our economy and causing huge spikes in cost of living and energy prices while excluding the obvious solution of nuclear options.Itis unbelievable that a country rich in minerals can be held to ransom by the woke activists to the extent that we are suffering more poverty and homelessness than ever before. While they fly around in private jets and live in beachside Mansions, (despite the rising sea level propaganda they spout daily). What happened to de bate? Now it is drowned out by ‘Cancel Culture and ‘Group think,’ Wow! No individual thought allowed. We are ruled by woke extremists intent on destroying our Society and way of life. If only there were more people like Matt Canavan and Jacinta Price in positions of power. We need to step up, speak up and stop this destruction from within of what was once a great and tolerant nation. If our politicians really cared about the working poor who pay for their lavish life styles, they would at least have the decency to step off the ‘Gravy Train’ when they leave politics instead of continuing to suck money out of the long suffering taxpayer. Suzy, Cairns MY latest ERGON bill shows that domestic electricity costs have just increased. So, I checked my past bills and found that these increased tariffs are still 12% below what they were in 2018. E.G. General Domestic Tariff 11 was 25 cents/KWh in 2018 now 22 cents/KWh. What do other readers’ bills show? It looks like we are going in the right direction with increased use of renewables. And, optimisti cally, maybe, petrol prices have peaked.
Over 55s are invited to enjoy live entertainment and learn about services available to them at Council’s Seniors Week Event. To be held at the Cairns Performing Arts Centre on Friday 16 September, the free event incorporates the popular Positive Ageing Expo and provides seniors and carers with the chance to meet relevant service providers, businesses and community groups.
Expo celebrates seniors
Sean, Clifton Beach
THANKS to the staff for the free pizza at the Woree Tavern on Saturday arvo so it’s cus tomer service with a smile, Janelle, Woree WE need more homes & hous ing units for people living in cars cause the rent is too high so pleases help the homeless people, Janelle, Woree OVER 55s are invited to enjoy live entertainment and learn about services that available to them at Council’s Seniors Week Event.Tobe held at the Cairns Per forming Arts Centre on Friday, September 16, the free event incorporates the popular Posi tive Ageing Expo and provides seniors and carers with the chance to meet relevant service providers, businesses and com munityMoregroups.than40 stallholders will be part of the Positive Age ing Expo to provide informa tion focused on seniors from 9.30am to 1pm. Chris Lloyds with The Car ruthers & Others Quartet will provide live entertainment from 10.30am to,tickets must be reserved for the live enter tainment (call Ticketlink on 1300 855 835 or book online at’lunchalreadybeenbookedout.
Event celebrates seniors and positive ageing
The Benevolent Society’s Post Adoption Support QLD (PASQ) program will coordi nate The AdopTEA event for Queensland Mental Health Week (October 8-16). AdopTEA aims to increase awareness and understanding of the impacts of adoption on adopted people and reduce the stigma associated with reaching out and seeking Supportedsupport.byPASQ, the inaugural AdopTEA event was held in 2021, with eight morning teas held across Queensland. The events brought together adoptees, their families and friends, and post-adoption support professionals. Now it’s back again in 2022! PASQ staff are invit ing people in the community to host their morning tea with friends or colleagues during Queensland Mental Health Week (October 8-16). Everyone is encouraged to highlight adoptee mental health their way. Those who register for their AdopTEA event with PASQ will receive a digital resource pack with support resources and tips for hold ing their own event. To find out more or to become a host, contact Post Adoption Support Queens land (07) 3170 4600 by Friday, September 30. Mayoress Claire Manning said the Senior Week Event was making a welcome return after being cancelled due to COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021. “This is an immensely popular event, which provides a very important service to local seniors,” Mrs Manning said. “I am very happy to see it back on the calendar and can’t wait to attend myself. “It is a social and fun set ting for people to interact, and the Expo provides the perfect chance for seniors to talk to services providers for more information on how to stay healthy and active as they get older.“It is also a chance to celebrate and acknowledge the role that older people play in the Therecommunity.”willbe free parking available on site, complement ed by a variety of on-street and off-street parking, both paid and unpaid, available close to the venue.See Council’s website for
AdopTEA returns in 2022 during Queensland Mental Health Week
Local entertainer Chris Lloyds


The event is free, but tickets must be reserved for the live entertainment. Contact Ticketlink on 1300 855 835 or book online.

PAGE 10 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 Want to be heard? Send a text to the Editor 0438 195 408 TOLETTERSTHEEDITOR 1300 69 22 47
Redlynch siren testing
Residents are not required to take any action during the live testing.
Send your stories High Five! CAIRNS I ATHERTON I INNISFAIL I MAREEBA I SMITHFIELD I TULLY BOOK A HEARING TEST CALL 4041 7860 HOW TO ENTER Simply tell us about Dad’s poor hearing and how he could benefit from a free set of digital hearing devices. (150 words max) Email entries to: * BE QUICK! Entries close 30 SEPT 2022. Conditions apply. WIN $3000 DIGITAL HEARING DEVICES FOR DAD!* Fun activities at the Mossman Youth Centre

Specific help includes Case Management, Life Skills Pro grams, a School Holiday Program, plus washing machines and dryers available for use. In addition, there is a Music Program with free lessons, plus art and craft and for the sports minded there’s table tennis, a pool table, football and gym equipment. If this sounds like something you could get involved in,
The Mossman Youth Centre is open Monday to Thursday from 10am to 6pm at 8 Mill Street, Mossman… so why not pop in soon!In the mean-time get along to George Davis Park, this Arvo, from 3.30pm for a heap of fun. Guess I’d better get my skates on, so for now it’s Gazza signing out!

Douglas Youngsters Looking For A

The Mossman Youth Centre believe that whilst protective behaviours should be promoted towards children and young people, it is also important to help embed a sense of safety in a child’s community, in order to promote healthy self-esteem, confidence and trust as they venture forth in the world and face challenges. A connection in their community also helps build contributing community members now and in the future. Many community services and local businesses will also be attending today, offering activities and opportunities to make connections with the local children and young people.

RARELY does a week go by without some form of occasion in the Douglas Shire. State wide, from the 4th to 10th of September, Child Pro tection Week is being observed across Queensland and to mark this locally, The Mossman Youth Centre is running a commu nity event today, Friday 9th of September, from 3.30-6.30pm at George Davis Park in Mossman. This special afternoon, by the beautiful Rain Trees, will be open to families with children of all ages and has the theme ‘Douglas Shire Safety Networks – Who’s Your Five?’ Although there will be, as the name suggests, an important element to the day, it will also be a fun afternoon in the park with various rides, games and activities for the children and youth to take part in, free of charge, as well as enjoying a sausage sizzle and fairy floss. The fun filled occasion will, however, be promoting safety in our community and encourage children and youth to engage with other community services and business owners and ask them to consider who they can turn to if they need to talk to someone or seek help.
The Mossman Youth Centre itself is a great asset to the area, offering a drop-in service for children and youngsters aged from 8 to 21. The Centre provides daily cooked food and other food packages available each day.
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE FAB FM 90.9 PORT DOUGLAS TO MOSSMAN 4:30PM - 6:30PM WEEKDAYSGazza’s Gossip
PAGE 12 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 Beauty & Well Being... You can catch us at Port Douglas Sunday Markets For more information phone Richie Hodgson on 0419 616 844 or see our website - Contains Magnesium for healthy, vital function of the body. Provides almost instant relief from most pain, muscle aches, inflammation & stress. Curtis started his Tattoo Career over 13 Years ago and has developed his craft in many different Styles to where he is a well-recommended Tattooist • Custom Designs Available • Hygienic • Customer Friendly • Relaxed Atmosphere 5/21 Faculty Close, Smithfield | 0408 376 239 | SHOP 12 | 111-117 WILLIAMS ESPLANADE PALM COVE Located in the heart of beautiful Palm Cove, Bare Hair Studio provides a space for stunning hair transformations, relaxation and rejuvenation. 0403 662 273 • Ladies style cuts Blow-drys and styling • Highlights and foils • Global colour • Creative colour • Gloss toning • Conditioning treatments • Men’s and Children’s hair cuts OPEN APPOINTMENTBYMONDAYTOSATURDAY Relax, unwind and invest some time in yourself Shop 13, 123 Williams Esplanade, Peppers Beach Club Palm Cove, Qld | LOCALS DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE CONDITIONS APPLY Choose from our range of tailored Spa Packages to relax, hydrate and restore your body. Beauty, Massage, Waxing and Spa Packages to suit all budgets Call us today – 0412 016 121 Ask us about our Tropical Pamper Package CURTIS started his tattoo career over 13 years ago and has developed his craft in many different styles to become an ac complished and recommended tattooist amongst clients and his peers. Located at 5-21 Faculty Cl, Smithfield, Curtis and his team offer a relaxed and family feel studio that is proud to say that hygiene is of the utmost importance, and it can be seen in all the activities and successful body art produced for his clientele. House Family Tattoo custom design tattoos and are happy to help insure all clients leave the studio satisfied with the result of their work. So, drop in and meet the team at House Family Tat too and let them help you design the body artwork you require. Phone the team on 0408 376 239 or find them on facebook at Curtis and his team can help you design the art you desire House Family Tattoo


A community drop-in information session will be held on Friday 16 September, with community members invited to visit any time between 11am and 2pm to view the draft concept designs and hear more about the project. Council’s project engage ment team will deliver a presentation on the project at 12pm as part of this. The draft concept plans will also be made avail able for viewing online from Monday 12 September 2022 a dedicated email address, which is the direct line of communication between community members and stakeholders and the project team. Feedback and enquiries on the draft concept plans can be submit ted to this email Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation project, or you can contact the project engagement team at
The CSRG will provide a representative voice to Council throughout the design and construction phases of the project.
Mission Beach Town Centre Concept Image
A free movie night featuring family-friendly films will be held at Silkwood Soccer Fields from 7:00pm. Food and drink will be available for pur chase at each location. Movie and locations as follows: • Friday 16 September - Encanto – Silkwood Soccer Fields All children must be supervised by an adult for the duration of the movie to attend.
This boutique festival showcases Australia’s most concentrated area of Art Deco Buildings in a region rich in tropical natural as sets. With five days of jam-packed fun, fashion, music and most importantly Art Deco appreciation, there is something for everyone. Bookings are essential for some events. To see the full schedule of events and booking contacts, visit: 1- 2 OCTOBER – CARDWELL SEAFEST Cardwell Seafest will be held on Saturday 1 October and Sunday 2 October for the Queen’s Birthday Long weekend. The festival by the sea will present a NQ LURE Expo Hot Rods Classic Car and Bike Show and then markets of local arts and crafts on the Sunday Amazing food, entertainment, and fun for the whole family. For more information visit Cardwell Seafest’s Facebook Page.
WHAT’S ON Visit Coucils website for more information.
October’s Morning Melodies presents Ella, Etta Eartha. It’s the year 1954. Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and Eartha Kitt are all at the dizzy heights of their careers. With swinging jazz, powerful soul and cheeky kitsch these three women broke new ground for all who fol lowed after. Melissa Western and her world class band will perform Tuesday 11 October at 10:30am, tickets available online at:
Award-winning entertainer/piano man Bradley McCaw is coming to In nisfail! Classic Motown, soul and a whole truck load of good ol’ fashioned joyful music. Renowned for his incredible live shows, featuring his original music and piano man favourites by Billy Joel, Elton John, Ray Charles and more! Performing at the Innisfail Shire Hall on Tuesday 27 Septem ber, starting 10:00am. Tickets available online
As part of the engagement process, Council’s project engagement team will be visiting all busi nesses in the town centre, providing an opportunity to view the draft concept plans and speak directly to the project team.
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE COMMUNITY CONNECT One Coast - Cassowary Coast

CASSOWARY COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL will release draft concept plans for the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation project next week, invit ing community members and stakeholders to view the designs for the upgrade of the Porter Prom enade and Village Green area. The revitalisation project, part of the Mission Beach Masterplan, will renew the look and feel of the Mission Beach Town Centre, and create a thriving space for the local community and visitors to enjoy.Division Three Councillor, Trudy Tschui, said the draft concept designs amplify the beauty of the region, weaving in elements of the natural environ ment through seamless design. “We’re really excited to share these draft con cepts with the community and stakeholders. “The design encapsulates the Mission Beach experience – where the rainforest meets the beach, and provides greater connection between Porter Promenade, the Village Green and Mission Beach foreshore.”Council will next week appoint a Community and Stakeholder Reference Group (CSRG), following an open Expression of Interest process, with repre sentatives from key stakeholder groups including business traders and operators, property owners and residents, Traditional Owners, community groups and the wider community.
Get inspired by your junk and create a piece of art for the Cassowary Coast Family Day Care JUNK Art Competition. The competition encour ages the community to showcase how they can turn their junk into in novative art pieces. Entries must be no bigger than 1m2 and be suitable for a Public Display on Saturday 24 September by 9am at the final day of the Tilapia Tournament. Categories include Preschool age, Junior School Age, High School Age and Community groups must nominate by 17 September by emailing with name and category.
PAGE 14 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 One Coast - Cassowary Coast SEP 09, 2022 ART DECO FESTIVAL EVENTS 2022 Self guided AvailableTHistoricalownWalkany time Download the FREE Innisfailapp & District Historical Museum Open Wed to Sat 10am 2pm 9 13 Edith SpeakeasyBYOInnisfail$56pmCemeteryStreetWalkfor6.30pmadults/$2chnCemeterytorchSpeakeasyPartyCruise5.00pmDresstoimpress!$ Shire Hall Tour Shire10.30amHall Innisfail FREE 04Table$DressBYOInnisfailShire1300BookingsChampagne0428Bookingsentry:228962MysteryMovie1.30pmfor2.00pmInnisfailLibraryDresstoimpress!FREEentryonlineor366616Gals&GangstersBasketCabaret7.30pmlateHallnibblestoimpress!50.00Bookings:09782327SATURDAY 17th Sept Lions withFREE7amInnisfailANZACMarketsPark12pmentryJustSingIt & The Decibelles Jazz on Edith 9.30 11.30am Shop to the sounds of the 1920s & 30s Edith MusicRefreshmentsvintageCAntiquesFREEShire9.00amVintageSpeakeasyFashionFashionInnisfailStreetParadeThru’theAges1.00pmfor2.00pmConservatoriumInnisfailDresstoimpress!Afternoonteaprovided$35.00ppBookings:0427616990PartyCruise5.00pmDresstoimpress!$40.00Bookings:snappingtours.comMarket3.00pmHallInnisfailentryollectables&goodsavailable&entertainmenton the verandah Register a Stall: 0439 817 100 WEDNESDAY 14th Sept THURSDAY 15th Sept FRIDAY 16th Sept SATURDAY 17th Sept SUNDAY 18th Sept Find Tropical Art Deco on Facebook & Instagram or on our websites 6 community/tropical art deco Proudly supported by Cassowary Coast Regional Council Art Deco Heritage & TourHistorical9am4.30pm$80.00 Paronella Park Open every day 9am 7.30 pm Adults $52.00 Conc $47.00 Chn$29.00 NATURAL CONNECTION FOR BINGIL BAY BINGIL BAY residents and visitors will soon benefit from a new shared pathway that will connect the popular Bingil Bay foreshore to the Bingil Bay café area. Cassowary Coast Regional Council Division Three Councillor Trudy Tschui said this project is a key example of how community and Council can work together for col lective impact. “We’ve heard from the wider Cassowary Coast Com munity through the recent community scorecard, with results demonstrating the community consider local roads, pathways, and cycleways the number one priority for our region. “I would like to thank the members of the Bingil Bay Pathway Community Group for their advocacy to deliver thisThroughoutproject.” the planning process, Council conducted extensive consultation with the Bingil Bay community, including one on one meetings, community meetings, an online survey, and walk-through of the area.

In response to community feedback, the plan has evolved and gone through several changes before being finalised. This included the sentiment that the pathway design fit in with the natural beauty of the area.

The final design includes: • Installation of 1.6 metre wide deco (gravel) shared pathway.

• Erosion prevention measures in two locations to support pathway construction and ensure longevity of the path during wet weather events.
• Recycled plastic edging of a similar height to the path way to protect the pathway integrity and allow for future maintenance. This material has been chosen as it is sustainable, durable and requires low maintenance.
Community Group Meeting

• Change to Bingil Bay and Alexander Drive intersection from give way to stop movement, and pathway realign ment to allow for safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
Installation of a steel handrail will be provided where the pathway crosses a major culvert structure for safety. Cr Tschui said the project would make the area safer for road users and pedestrians. This project is funded as part of the Australian Govern ment’s $3 billion Local Roads and Community Infrastruc ture (LRCI) Program. You can find a copy of the design by,
Bingil Bay Pathway

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE One Coast - Cassowary CoastSEP 09, 2022

COUNCIL is commenc ing important works to upgrade Murray Street, between Richardson Street and Curtis Street intersections. Division Two Councillor Te resa Millwood said site establishment activities have commenced with construction work start ing from 6 September. Variable message boards have been in place to advise the com munity of the upcoming works.“Maintaining access to businesses has been an important factor to consider during planning of this project and Coun cil officers have engaged impacted andthroughoutpropertiestheprojecttheirfeedbackhas been incorporated into the final design and delivery ofindustrywaryandsaidCouncillorprogram.”MillwoodthatcreatingjobssupportingCassoCoastconstructionisakeyfocustheproject,witha number of local contrac tors engaged and where available, materials be ing sourced locally. For the safety of workers and road users, changed traffic condi tions will be in place while the works are carried out. This includes the temporary closure of Murray Street at the in tersection of Richardson Street, from Monday 12 September, weather and site conditions permit ting. A short detour will be in place via Hort and Curtis Streets. Busi nesses will remain open during construction and can be accessed via the Murray Street and Curtis StreetWorksintersection.areexpected to be completed by midDecember 2022 subject to weather and site con ditions. Councillor and Major Projects portfolio holder Nick Pervan said the project will upgrade stormwater infrastruc ture to improve heavy rainfall performance, install kerb and channel, renew pavement; which is currently at end of life and requires regular maintenance, intersec tion upgrades to ensure sufficient width for B-Doubles and replace ment of existing water main. Access to businesses during peak business hours is important to maintain. Some works may be undertaken out side of business hours to minimise impacts to businesses and the public. Works will primarily be undertaken between 6am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. The $1.87 million project is funded by the Australian Government and the Cassowary Coast Regional Coun cil as part of Council’s 2022/2023 budget, the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Com munity Infrastructure (LRCI) Program and Roads to Recovery funding. Throughout the project, project updates and noticed of proposed traffic conditions will be distributed via email. If you wish to receive email updates about the project, please contact Council by au with the project name. Alternatively, please call 1300 763 903 for more information or visit the project webpage
Murray Street Detour
AS the Cassowary Coast continues to grow and expand, local and visitor aspirations for the esplanade are becoming more diverse. Council is undertaking a community consultation process to understand the community’s perspective for their needs of the area. Feedback on the proposed upgrades are live and you can HAVE YOUR SAY by

Customer Service Centres across the region. Specially trained staff can provide information and advice on topics including: ● local laws and compliance ● rates enquiries ● account (EFTPOSpaymentsfacilities available) ● animal registration. Cassowary Coast Regional Council Contact 1300 763 903 Visit our website Write: Please address all correspondence to: Andrew Graffen, Chief Executive Officer PO Box Innisfail,887QLD 4860 Email:
Cassowary Coast Regional Council is a proud partner of Innisfail Autofest 2022.
KEY CONTACTS Visit Council Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Rain Hail and Shine - Innisfail Autofest was all systems go!
The weather didn’t dampen the spirits of those who attended with tyres spinning, engines revving and a variety of cars on to the dedicated organisers for bringing this event to our region and to all those who attended.

Cassowary Coast Libraries comprises of four branches located at Cardwell, Innisfail, Tully and Mission Beach. For locations, opening times or general enquiries, please call 1300 366 616 or visit can found by visiting: has three
Tully Tully Civic Centre, 38-40 Bryant St. Tully Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30amWednesday4:30pm9:30am - 4:30pm Cardwell Cardwell Library, 4 Balliol St. Cardwell Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Community Connect is a publication of the Cassowary Coast Regional Council. Supplied by Council and published within the Cairns Local News newspaper. All enquiries regarding content contained within this publication should be directed to Council.
PAGE 16 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 One Coast - Cassowary Coast SEP 09, 2022
Customer Service Centres and Opening Hours Innisfail Shire Hall 70 Rankin St. Innisfail Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30amWednesday4:30pm9:30am - 4:30pm

WORK is now complete on the new Flying Fish Point viewing platform. Constructed to take advantage of the panoramic views on offer, the platform sits about 300 millimetres above the surrounding area. The viewing platform is six by three metres and complements the current environment. No trees were removed during construction with only minor trimming undertaken to improve the panoramic view. The platform is made from a compositewooden/plasticdecking,which is 95% recycled- making this an environmentally friendly and low maintenance option. Parties who are interested in holding an event at this location can contact Council on 1300 763 903 or for more Alternatively,information.youcan visit our website under Community Venues For Hire at’s$3billionLocalRoadsandCommunityInfrastructure(LRCI)Program. Flying Fish Point viewing platform.
Waste Transfer Stations locations and opening hours
*Please check with the Venues regarding any cancellations or entry requirements due to COVID-19
The artists interact with an array of fruit, knives, and aerial apparatus while
Far North Air Cats are the not-for-profit arm of the highly-successful Cairns aerial arts school Aerial Dynamics, which holds free classes for disadvantaged youths in the CairnsThroughcommunity.theshow, the Far North Air Cats aim to gain recognition as a professional aerial group that creates and delivers exception entertain ment, while inspiring and lifting up the next generation of local performing artists. Funding for the show was obtained through the Regional Arts Development Fund and Cairns Regional Council.
1 2 73654

September 9-10, 2022 @ 11:00am - 6:00pm Cairns Amateurs Carnival 2022 Can you feel your heart beating with the excitement of the Cairns Amateurs ThreeCarnival?days of fashion, fun, festivities, friends – and of course the chance for a flutter. With live screenings of the race, fashions of the field and an atmosphere that will carry on well after the last race. Amateurs Carnival: The ANZ Cairns Showman Gala Ball – Friday September 9th Day – Friday September 9th Day – Saturday September 10th For more information and booking links visit Fri September 9 2022 @ 4:30pm - 6:30pm


Epic aerial performance to take over the Tanks
Fromage Fridays - Pullman Cairns International With this boutique cheese buffet offering for you and your colleagues to connect over, Fridays have never looked better at Pullman Cairns International. In the Lobby Bar at Pullman Cairns International enjoy an exclusive Cheese & Antipasto Buffet. When: Fridays Time: 4:30pm to 6:30pm Cost: $20pp Book through Pullman Cairns International : 07 4050 2101 Sat September 10, 2022 @ 1:00pm - 9:30pm Moon over Machans Festival Moon Over Machans is back! Don’t miss out on a day full of fun, markets, kids activities, workshops, art displays and live music. The purpose of the event is to give locals of the Cairns region an exciting afternoon and evening out with their families where they can browse local craft stores all types, eat fresh local food, participate in yoga/Latin dancing/ African drumming workshop, activities for the kids (or willing adults), gaze upon local artist’s works, and enjoy some of the best live music Cairns has to offer. We are putting special emphasis on local, natural, recycled and biosustainable products. All enquiries to

GIG Guide
We would like to welcome you to an afternoon of Connections, Mindset with Ice Baths and Breathwork for you and ONLY YOU. Awaken your Vibe (Breathwork Master) and Wicked Wellbeing (Mindset Master) present an afternoon for YOU. This opportunity will allow you to reconnect to self, lean into your fears and learn to listen to your strengths and discover the beauty and value of breathwork in this process. Cost: $117.00 Book your tickets through eventbrite Sun September 11, 2022 @ 10:00am - 2:00pm High Tea and Fashion Parade - Fundraiser for YAPS at Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre Come and support YAPS with a fantastic and fun day, there will be: Live BBQ,MusicHigh Tea with Cakes and Scones with Jam and Cream Silent Auction with some wonderful donations from our local tourist attractions up for grabs, Money boards and Raffle Basket, Market Stalls and Artists A Funky Fashion Parade by local peeps Please bring cash as a preferred payment option. NO DOGS ALLOWED ON THE DAY PLEASE! – VENUE RULE Sun September 11, 2022 @ 11:30am - 4:30pm Sunday Sesh - Dundee’s at the Aquarium

showcasing the best Far North Queensland has to offer the global arts Forbiddenscene.Fruit is a fully original production developed by a team of seven Cairns creatives including Director, Louise“TheKiiver.artscene in Cairns is begging for more epic perfor mances like this,” Ms Kiiver said.“It’s created an excellent opportunity for our artists to show what they are worth,” sheThesaid.newly incorporated Far North Air Cats produced Forbidden Fruit.
Hylidae - Cairns Amateurs Carnival, 10:30am Barbary Coasters - Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron, 3:00pm Robert Cini - L’Unico, Trinity Beach, 5:00pm Silver Fox Jazz Band - Chill @ Portofino, 6:00pm 4 in a Groove - Cazalys Cairns, 6:30pm Talitha Jae - The Secret Jungle, 7:00pm Cairns Cabaret Dinner Show - Red Beret Hotel, 7:00pm Yazmindi with Zaynab Wilson - Elixir Music House, 7:00pm Janna Mercedes - Trinity Beach Sports Club, 7:30pm Hoodoo Gurus - Tanks Arts Centre, 7:30pm A Night at the Opera - Clink Theatre, 7:30pm The Love Handles - Ant Hill Hotel, 8:00pm Big Noise - Bar36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 9:00pm Hylidae - Cairns Amateurs Carnival, 10:30am Janna Mercedes - The Beach House Trinity Beach, 4:00pm Open Mic - Tablelands Music Lovers, 5:00pm Cairns Amateurs After Party - The Benson Hotel, 5:30pm Bobby Maguire - Hemingways Brewery Port Douglas, 6:00pm Sea Change - Cazalys Cairns, 6:15pm Wind and Wood - Esplanade, Cairns, 6:30pm Infinity Duo - Brothers Leagues Club, Innisfail, 7:00pm Hoodoo Gurus - Tanks Arts Centre, 7:30pm A Night at the Opera - Clink Theatre, 7:30pm Sanchez - Bar36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 9:00pm DjGlennW - Dundees at the Cairns Aquarium, 11:30am Dazz & the Boyzz - Neptunes, Palm Cove, 2:00pm Blue Reed - Barrier Reef Hotel, 2:00pm The Dannies - Hemingways Brewery, Cairns, 2:00pm Kaweyova - Hidden@Yorkeys, 3:00pm SAX MAN Troy Stevens - Pullman Palm Cove, 3:00pm Marty Bell - Palm Cove SLSC, 3:00pm Talitha Jae - Yorkeys Knob Boating Club, 3:00pm Tanya Murphy - Kewarra Beach Shack, 4:30pm A Night at the Opera - Clink Theatre, 7:30pm The Dannies - Bar36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 7:30pm
LOCAL aerial performers set the stage for an exciting per formance of epic proportions; ‘Forbidden Fruit’ debuts at the Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns on Friday, September 23 at 7pm. The show features a dy namic display of epic aerial ac robatic skills on silks, trapeze, lyra, and corde lisse. Forbidden Fruit invites the cast of six artists apprise their unique and creative interpreta tion of the story of the serpent, Eve, and the apple, through physical theatre.

Forbidden Fruit aerial show
• Cairns Amateurs Cup
Sun September 11, 2022 @ 1:30pm - 4:30pm Be.Do.You at Cominos House - Presented by Awaken Your Vibe & Wicked Wellbeing

Treat yourself this Sunday to a fun lunch experience at our Sunday Sesh. From 1.30pm you can enjoy fab tunes by DJ Glenn plus delicious cocktails and tasty treats served by your favorite staff. Our special Sunday Seafood & Wine deal is not to be missed (available from 11.30am – 4.30pm) Our Seafood Platter (bugs, prawns, chili calamari, fish, oysters and fresh tropical fruits) PLUS a bottle of wine – all for only $130! Bookings Via TryBooking Fri September 9, 2022 @ 9:00am - 4:30pm Energy Exhibition 2022 - Tanks Arts Centre ENERGY is a presentation of visual art produced by school students across the region. Featuring works submitted to the 2022 Creative Generations Awards, ENERGY presents the best young and emerging artists of our region, and a level of professionalism and maturity well beyond their years. A must-see exhibition, ENERGY opens a window into the astonishing talent of this region’s up-and-coming artists. The launch event includes awards presentations and entertainment by selected high school musicians.

Cairns Amateurs Ladies
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE ENTERTAINMENT
Amateurs The Greatest
LAUNCH: 6PM FRI 9 SEPTEMBER Image: Revolution, lino block prints reprinted on paper by Jenna Danford Are you a venue or an artist that wants to be listed in the Gig Guide? Complete the form on to submit your gig each week to be listed in Friday’s paper.
PAGE 18 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022
The In Our Own Sweet Time tour also marks the return of Joy’s original band mates, which he said felt like a full-circle moment in his career.

“Sometimes, if you have a bit of dis tance between things, you can look back at your experiences, and they can form the basis of songs, and I think that happened with a few songs on this album.
AUSTRALIAN singer-songwriter Vance Joy will visit Cairns as part of the In Our Own Sweet Time Australian tour on November 5 at Munro Martin Parklands. In Our Own Sweet Time, released in 2022, is Joy’s third album and his most personal so far. The album, which was written mainly during the pandemic, is an intimate and honest narration of love and life, and Joy cannot wait to share this experience at home with his fans. “There’s something about playing in Australia that just feels very comfortable,” Joy“Manysaid. of my best touring memories are playing in Australia to Australian crowds; everything feels so local and familiar. “And it’s been quite a while since I was in Cairns playing music. “I want to make a good show for those who haven’t seen me play live and make a goodWhatimpression.”distinguishes In Our Own Sweet Time from previous Joy albums is the almost testimonial aspect of it. “I think for this album, I pulled a bit more directly from my experiences and memories,” he said. “I opened the door to that type of song writing in my second album, and I wrote a song called Little Boy, which is still the most memory-based song I’ve ever written.
Vance Joy returns to Cairns with In Our Own Sweet Time

“When I started, it was me, my drum mer Ed, bass player Jono, and my mate Chris on the keys,” he said. “And we did all those early days touring when you’re in a crappy little van travel ling around, sharing hotel rooms.

“I want people to have fun, relax and let their hair down; that’s the goal.”
“It’s exciting to get the original crew together, and I hope it’s as good as all our nostalgia will be.”
“We toured for a couple more years after that, and Jono and Chris got jobs in Melbourne, and they’re doing their own thing, but they decided to join this tour.
By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez
For more information and tickets for the Australia tour, visit https://www.vancejoy. com/ Vance Joy

“The song’s about when I was a little kid and fell off my bike and chipped my tooth, and it’s funny how the words started coming to me for that song.
“That’s why this album is more per sonal,” Joy said.

In Our Own Sweet Time marked a com plete turn in Joy’s album creating process, with zoom writing sessions and completely remote production, but from all the chal lenges, a very intimate album was born.

Photo by: Claudia Grosche

And although all the songs from his third album have a special place in his heart, there is one that he cannot wait to perform“There’slive.a couple of songs that I really like, and they all have their own special flavour,” Joy said. “I have a soft spot for many of them, but Don’t Fade is probably one of my favourites. “That was the first song that I wrote, it started the process of writing new music for an album that felt really exciting, and I was like – oh, it feels good, we’re on the right track. “I want to play Don’t Fade live, and there are a few songs that I want to play that get the people pumped and feeling re ally good like Catalonia.” Cairns fans can expect big hits from the latest album like Missing Piece and Clarity, some fan favourites, some of Joy’s favour ites and the overall uplifting experience that In Our Own Sweet Time offers. “We have a good vibe on stage,” said Joy.“We love playing together, and we’ll be happy to be in Cairns.

Carni val Event Manager Victoria Jennings said she was pleased to welcome Captain Morgan Tropical as naming spon sor while returning fashion partner Myer Cairns featured key pieces from its Spring/ Summer ‘22 collections along with millinery from Mel Fer rero and Sonlia in an excit ing fashion parade showcase curated by leading stylist, Pip Addison.“Itwas great to have Cap tain Morgan Tropical present at this very popular event that each year draws a big turnout of ladies and gents for high tea and merriment in advance of the two-day racing carnival,” Ms Jennings said. “Guests could see plenty of tropical and spring-inspired theming in keeping with Captain Morgan Tropical branding, along with high tea goodies from Ochre catering.” Along with the opportunity to see some incredible fashion, event and experienced media personality emcee Juanita Soper guided guests through out proceedings, like how to win valuable prizes, including a beautifully crafted pair of bezel set high-grade diamond studs from The Diamond Hunter valued at $3000. Adding to the event’s hotly contested ‘Lady of the Day’ and ‘Best Millinery’ competi tions, judged by Myer Cairns Manager, Wayne Cosgrove, is ‘Ambassador’s Choice’ chosen by special guest and Carnival Ambassador 2022, Emma Scodellaro.Theevent’s entertainment line-up also included music by guitarist and vocalist Connor Reid and the opportunity to se cure a hand-drawn illustration by resident fashion illustrator and local artist Luisa Manea. Cairns Amateurs Car nival’s fundraising partner for 2022, Far North Queens land Hospital Foundation (FNQHF), also had a strong presence with team mem bers selling tickets in a giant raffle, including a two-night luxury getaway at Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort in Port Douglas.
Radio for the people by the peopleRadio for the people by the people

Australian dance music trio Art vs Science have filled dancefloors all over the world with their rough and ready dance-pop tracks, and now they’re set to return with brand new songs, new energy, and a Tanks Arts Centre show! FRI 9 & SAT 10 SEP FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 1 OCTOBER ART VS SCIENCE

Tropical carnival feel for biggest ever Fashion High Tea
CAIRNS Amateurs upped the glamour stakes for its Captain Morgan Tropical Fashion High Tea kicking off the 64th spring carnival on Thursday with a sparkling celebration, fashion parade and highest ever sellout attendance of 500 guests on theCairnswaterfront.Amateurs

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE ENTERTAINMENT The diverseculturallyvoice of the community since 1985 Keep “YOUR” radio “ON AIR” Become a subscriber, supporter, sponsor, business supporter, fund raiser, broadcaster, volunteer To find out how, contact 4053 6891 or email
Following his top-10 collaboration with Josh Teskey, 2020’s Push The Blues Away, Ash Grunwald delivers his most personal album yet with Shout Into The Noise.

The busiest duo in Cairns during spring racing season are Sonlia’s tropically attired Liana Hastie, and Sonlia Store Manager Angela Moriconi in racewear from Sonlia. Photo by Blueclick Photography
The legendary Hoodoo Gurus - by any measure, one of Australia’s greatest, best loved, most enduring rock bands of all time. And they’re coming to the Tanks Arts Centre in September!

MarJunCancer22toJul22Aries21toApr20 MayGemini21toJun 21AprTaurus21toMay OctScorpio2023toNov21 SagittariusNov22toDec20Libra Sep 23 to Oct DecCapricorn2221toJan19 JanAquarius20toFeb18 FebPisces19toMar 20 Weekly Horoscopes Tide Times 0219 0.59 0817 2.55 1415 0.15 2100 3.32 Friday 9th Saturday 10th Sunday 11th Monday 12th Tuesday 12th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Max 30o Min 20o Max 30o Min 20o Max 30o Min 21o Max 30o Min 21o Max 29o Min 21o Max 27o Min 19o Max 27o Min 20o Tide Times 0255 0.54 0856 2.62 1454 0.21 2131 3.21 Tide Times 0330 0.57 0934 2.60 1533 0.40 2201 3.00 Tide Times 0405 0.65 1013 2.51 1612 0.69 2230 2.71 Tide Times 0441 0.79 1054 2.36 1651 1.05 2256 2.37 Tide Times 0515 0.96 1140 2.17 1732 1.41 2315 2.03 Tide Times 0550 1.15 1245 2.00 1828 1.73 2035 1.77

by . .
Leo Jul

Positive changes regarding your personal status are evident. You will find good buys will lift your spirits.
You could tend to spend too much on your home or entertainment. Family outings should include visiting friends or relatives. Concentrate on yourself or your work. You will be overly sensitive this week. You can meet potential new mates if you socialize with friends. Don’t try to hide your true feelings from your mate. You may be able to impart knowledge that’s innovative to those searching for a new angle. Do not let in-laws upset you. Problems with health may mess up your schedule. Disputes on the home front may be hard to avoid. Do not give your heart to someone who may not live up to your standards. Be aware of deception when it comes to your position and be sure not to jump to conclusions.
The key to feeling good about yourself will be to do something about it. You will have to put those you live with in their place if they try to interfere with your work. Don’t hold back. Try to enlist the help of those you trust to fulfill the demands being made of you. You can make prosperous career moves by making valuable connections. You can continue to make gains if you call on people to close an important deal. You will be able to talk tp family about future goals and make plans for a vacation. Use your ingenuity to manipulate things to get what you want. Someone you live with will, be impossible. Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope. Think about your budget before booking a trip. You will be in the mood to socialize.
Don’t agree to make any of those cosmetic alterations you’ve been considering. You can get a great deal accomplished if you bring work home. This is a great day to mingle with people you would like to impress. Get involved in groups that can offer intellectual stimulation.
You might find group functions tiring. You can get phenomenal returns if you present your ideas to those who can back your interests. Put your energy into self-improvement programs. You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than rant and rave.
Hassles with in-laws could put a damper on your day. You have a lot to offer. Your home environment may be hectic, which could result in emotional upset if you aren’t well organized. Relatives will be cordial.
A romantic infatuation from your past may surface if you frequent places that you both used to go. Don’t make any drastic changes or begin new projects this week.
PAGE 20 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 SUDOKU Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Puzzle Solutions WORD SEARCH ChervilCapersBurdockBayBasilBaneberryBalmAnise GalangalEyebrightEndiveDillCuminCressChiveChilli MedicinalMaceLovageHenbaneGrassGinger herb OreganoNutmeg WoadVanillaThoroughwortTansySennaSageRueOrpine

You can buy or sell if you’re so inclined. Exhaustion combined with overindulgence could result in minor health problems. Be sure to sidestep those who are eccentric or unpredictable. You can have a great time if you go out with the one you love.
ACROSS 7. a pistol with revolving chambers enabling several shots to be fired without reloading (8) 9. a prefabricated building (6) 10. the flesh of an animal, typically a mammal or bird, as food (4) 11. a story or statement of doubtful authentic ity, although widely circulated as being true 12.(10)a type of highly seasoned sausage, usually eaten cold in slices (6) 14. the outer surface or structure of something 15.(8) a cruel and oppressive ruler (6) 16. an independent state in Eeastern Africa (6) 19. of a brownish colour, esp a reddish-brown 21.(8) a device for opening something, especially a container (6) 23. the body of principles and rules of law laid down in stat utes (7,3) 24. a short, explosive burst of breath or wind (4) 25. a tissue of the body consisting of long cells that can contract and produce motion (6) 26. a system of money in gen eral use in a particular country (8) DOWN 1. the plural of genus (6) 2. unable to find one’s way; not knowing one’s whereabouts (4) 3. the flying or operating of aircraft (8) 4. the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul (6) 5. abstinence from alcoholic drink (10) 6. unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people (8) 8. to open again (6) 13. spectacular gymnastic feats (10) 15. having or marked by a total belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone (8) 17. a favourable comment , or commendation 18.(4,4)all together or all at the same time (2,4) 20. a point from which goods are sold or distributed (6) 22. the extent to which something succeeds or is operative (6) 24. to remove the outer covering or skin from a fruit or vegetable (4) puzzled
Extravagance will be a problem. You will be erratic and quite likely to make personal mistakes. Be careful that you aren’t saddled with the responsibilities of others. You could do extremely well in competitive sports events. Aug 23 to Sep 2223 to 22

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE CAIRNSMOTORINGGUIDE Great Customer Service the Good Old Fashioned Way! All General Mechanical Repairs Engine, Transmission & Differential Replacements Brakes Log Book Servicing 07 4035 4022 | 111 Hartley St, Cairns GOODYEAR TYRE SPECIALS NOBODY BEATS OUR 4 STORE BUYING POWER MAREEBA 4092 2290 • ATHERTON 4091 1122 MALANDA 4096 5300 • MOSSMAN 4098 1502 AT265/7R16GoodyearSilentTrac $275 EACH 185/R14Kumho LT KC53 $95 EACH No matter your needs, our team of professionals can do it all! Our range of mechanical service and repairs includes, but is not limited to: • Vehicle log book maintenance and servicing • Air conditioning service and repairs • Mechanical repairs • Auto electrical work • Diagnostic repairs & servicing • Tyres Don’t be disappointed... BOOK NOW and avoid the pre-Christmas rush! Phone: 4032 5700 | 3/176 English Street, Manunda Mon-Fri 8am-5pm | (07) 4041 1909 190 | Scott St, Cairns Q.4870 The right battery at a great price! Amaron batteries last long, really long, and you can rely on them to get the job done with zero maintenance. You’ll find the right battery for any application, we stock batteries of different voltages, capacity and weight, and can fit the right battery for you FAST! Grant Woolcock - BMW Sales Manager | - 0488 794 030 Glen Farley - BMW Sales Executive | - 0408 728 341 Westco BMW | (07) 4044 4122 | 207/209 Newell Street, Cairns City 4870 LIFES A RIDE AT WESTCO BMW BMW F900R BMW G310GS BMW G310R BMW S1000RR BMW S1000R BMW R1250GS APPROVEDLEARNERRIDEAWAYFORUNDER$10,000 Let’s get your driving holiday started IT’S time for a driving vaca tion. You mapped a route, booked hotels, and made a checklist of things to do before you go. Ensure you make it a priority to make car mainte nance part of your summer road trip preparation.
WHAT STARTS YOUR CAR Get your battery inspected and Philliptested. Giles, otherwise known as Rocky, has been servicing and powering up the Cairns community’s automo tive and marine vehicles for over 22 years. Fastfit Batteries offer a comprehensive battery replace ment service for all automotive and commercial vehicles with a same-day delivery and emer gency to supply and fit for commercial equip ment, boating, camping, deep cycle and leisure vehicles.
Get your battery regularly checked or call us in an emergency - 60 Minute Call Out Garantee Phone 4041 1909

NO COMPROMISE ON QUALITY You can expect FastFit Batteries to use only the best batteries in the industry. They carefully select bat teries of high quality, that you can rely on to last. They choose their battery products from reputable brands that will be there for you when you need them most - after the purchase.
FastFit Batteries friendly service technicians are com mitted to offering the best possible advice to get you back to the more important things in life sooner. Customers are important to them, and the team won’t hesitate to go out of their way to get you sorted. You’ll find the right battery for any application at great prices. They stock a range of quality batteries for both standby and cyclic use. So, drop by and have your battery tested before you travel and have a chat with the friendly team at Fastfit Batteries to ensure your trip away is a smooth one. Fastfit Batteries are ALWAYS SOMETHING.STARTING

By Maria Larkins Aside from his role at the school, Slade was also recognised for his work as conductor of the Cairns Liedertafel which had been formed in No vember 1889. In July 1890 Slade was presented with a golden lyre for his outstanding contribu tion to the musical society. It was announced on December 5, 1891, that popular head teacher, John C. Slade, was leav ing for Rockhampton. The new head teacher at Cairns State School would be Mr Kemp from Maryborough.Sources:TROVE, State Library of Queens land (SLQ). Photographs from Owen Living stone Amos Photograph Albums, courtesy SLQ. Programme from the John Henry Paul Berthon

PAGE 22 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 certified Google Partners Online success made simple. Our slogan & vision since 2003. To discuss how to get started call David on 0425 851 231 from $4950 +$95 monthly subscription *No lock in contracts designedwebsites to grow your business WE GREATAGEDMAKECAREWeworkinagedcarebecausewelovetheelderly.It’swhywe’rehereandwhyWEMAKEAGEDCAREGREAT! Ask HOW!us Infinite Aged Care · 1800 463 468

Left: Cairns State School with children and head teacher on the verandah, 1886. Top Right: Pupils and teachers at the Cairns State School, 1886. Bottom Right: There were 58 pupils in the 1st Class with their teacher (top right) and pupil-teacher (far right) at Cairns State School, 1886. Inset: Programme from the Liedertafel’s sixth concert on October 7, 1891.

The Schoolmaster
SOME parents may have been apprehensive about the head teacher when Cairns State School opened on August 19, 1878. Only months earlier it had been reported in the “Brisbane Courier” that John Abercrombie, master at Milora School, Ipswich Reserve had been fined for flogging a boy. It was alleged the boy, James Gordon, had been tasked with doing a sum on the black board which he had done incorrectly. The schoolmaster then allegedly struck the boy with a cane on the back, shoulders, face, and hands.The bench commented that “Mr Abercrom bie may be in some respects a very competent teacher, but he should be removed, we think, to a school in which he would act a subor dinate part, and in which some cooler man would do the caning”. He was transferred to the Central State School for Boys at Brisbane as an assistant teacher but only for two of months. Abercrom bie stayed at Cairns until December 31, 1881. He was followed by a succession of teachers until the arrival of Edward Henry Vivian Dun bar for the opening of the new State School at Cairns on January 29, 1885. The school was officially opened by mem bers of the School Committee headed by Mr. R. T. Hartley. Also in attendance were E. H. V. Dunbar, misses Deacon and Reid (assistants), and more than 80 pupils. Dunbar did not stay long. On April 27, 1886, his 10-month-old daughter died, and the family decided to leave Cairns. By May 28, 1886, a young principal by the name of John Coleman Slade arrived to take the reins. John C. Slade brought a fresh approach to the role. He awarded annual prizes donated by local businesses for good attendance and performance in class. There were 176 pupils on the roll on October 22, 1887: 95 boys and 81 girls. Staff were: Mr J. C. Slade, head teacher; Mr W. D. Wilson, assistant-teacher, Miss Harriet Reid, assistant-teacher; and Miss Margaret Duffin and Miss H. Loeven, pupil-teachers. During the distribution the annual prizes on December 17, Slade urged his students to make every effort to attend class, even in the wet season. Annie Leon from McLeod Street won the attendance prize of beautifully bound copy of Longfellow’s poems. She had attended school 206 ½ days out of a possible 208.

• Changes in insurance costs will have a knock-on effect to the home loan market and mortgage availability in higher risk areas, further compounding declines in housing values. Insurance affordability is crucial to supporting communities and national economic recovery after natural disasters. Australian homeowners and buyers are now able to assess and take action on the likeli hood and impact of extreme weather and climate change on the future value and afford ability of home insurance, with a new Property Risk Portal released today by Climate Valuation, including indi vidual property-specific details previously unavailable to the everyday home buyer. As Australia experiences some of the most significant extreme weather events seen in years, leading climate risk analysts Climate Valua tion shows 1 in 8 Australian homes may be at moderate or high risk from climate related hazards by 2030. Nearly half a million properties in Australia are already considered at high risk from climate change and extreme weather, and up to 30 per cent of Australian homes are likely to be at moderate or high-risk by 2100 under the current emissions trajectory.
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE
Climate risk expert and Climate Valuation CEO Dr Karl Mallon said the portal - which can produce tailored individual reports for specific properties –is an essential tool for potential property buyers and current homeowners to consider the possibility of climate-related impacts to the future value of their asset. He believes understanding climate risk in comprehensive detail should be prioritised just as building and pest reports are part of typical checks done by buyers ahead of purchasing a property. “It’s the type of due dili gence check we expect home owners, lenders and possibly even regulators will consider a norm in the coming years,” Mallon said. “As Australia enters the springtime property season, potential buyers need to look beyond the immediate concerns of inflation and rising inter est rates and consider both the immediate to long term impacts of climate risk when buying a property. It’s important that people consider the availabil ity and cost of insurance and the possible effect of climate hazards on market value by the end of their mortgage term. These factors will affect the future saleability and appeal of a home.” Mallon added. The Climate Valuation portal provides open access to insights on the maximum value of risk and the cost of potential damages for every suburb in Australia, identifying areas where people should be particularly careful. Compre hensive, asset-specific insights can be obtained by purchasing a separateHistorically,report.this kind of data has been used by com panies and banks, but is now available to everyday home buyers at an affordable price. I hope councils, banks and realestate agents start to provide this type of information; I think that it’s critical for people to know the potential for climate risk to guide their decision.”
• Climate change directly impacts the affordability of home insurance with techni cal insurance premiums modelled to rise by an aver age of 70 percent in high risk locations and even further in the worst affected areas.

CLIMATE-related impacts are having a new and considerable growing effect on residential property value and insurance costs, with new findings from a new ‘Climate Valuation Prop erty Risk Portal’ confirming: • Home values across the country can expect to take a hit in many areas in the future, adding to the risk of mortgage stress, particularly in high risk areas.
The new tool Australians need when buying property in a warming world

• The number of properties at moderate or high risk is expected to increase from 1.6 Mil (current year) to 2.6 Mil by 2050. The total value of the correction is likely to ex ceed $700bn by 2100 (based on today’s housing stock and current values). In some extreme cases, coastal areas may see complete loss of value by 2100 due to rising sea levels and storm surge.
Prospective homebuyer Skye who is considering purchasing a property in the coming months said, “I have so many friends and family on the Gold Coast which is one of the most high-risk areas in the country and so climate-risk is definitely at the front of my mind as I start to inspect prop erties. This is a major decision but I feel more confident now that I have the ability to un derstand the current and future implications of climate change on the properties I look at and proactively take steps to protect my future investment.” The Property Risk Portal is available
REAL ESTATE What’s the climate risk?

GREAT FAMILY HOME 36 RILEY ST, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • Solid 4 Bedroom block home • Solar Power • Garden Shed and rear patio • Large 1,212 sqm yard with vehicle access to backyard. • Great family home with loads of space Call to arrange an inspection today. $299,000 List #1524 4 1 2 Land Area 1,212 sqm LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74 HA – CAMP CREEK Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house • Machinery Shed with power • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team to arrange an inspection . $480,000 List #1522 DUPLEX - INNISFAIL ESTATE Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • 2x2 bedroom lowset duplex Airconditioned living area • Masonry block construction Long term tenants Don’t miss out on this one ! Call to arrange an inspection today. $325,000 List #1544 1 4 Land Area 3.74 ha OUTSTANDING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 • Polished timber floors 2 Blocks from Innisfail CBD Living/bedrooms air conditioned Fantastic Investment potential This is a rare property that retains many of its beautiful original features. Located only 2 blocks from the CBD this current high yielding rental property is very well priced to sell. Arrange an inspection today. $265,000 List #1465 VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details. Call to arrange an inspection today. $175,000 List #1506 Land Area 1,113 sqm TROPICAL LUXURY 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home.Call our team to arrange an inspection $465,000 List #1545 Land Area 1,012 sqm 3 2 2 70 Edith Street, Innisfail | Phone: 4061 1466 Email: GREAT FAMILY HOME 36 RILEY ST, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • Solid 4 Bedroom block home • Solar Power • Garden Shed and rear patio • Large 1,212 sqm yard with vehicle access to backyard. • Great family home with loads of space Call to arrange an inspection today. $299,000 List #1524 4 1 2 Land Area 1,212 sqm LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74 HA – CAMP CREEK Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house • Machinery Shed with power • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team to arrange an inspection . $480,000 List #1522 ContactDUPLEX2x2 bedroom • CallDon’tLongMasonryAirconditionedblocktermtenantsmissoutonthistoarrangeaninspection $325,000 List #1544 2 1 4 Land Area 3.74 ha OUTSTANDINGContact Polished timber floors 2 Blocks from FantasticLiving/bedroomsInnisfailInvestment This is a rare property Located only 2 blocks property is very well priced $265,000 List #1465 VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details. Call to arrange an inspection today. $175,000 List #1506 Land Area 1,113 sqm TROPICAL LUXURY 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home.Call our team to arrange an inspection $465,000 List #1545 2 2 LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74HA - CAMP CREEK List #1522 • Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house with rear patio • Machinery Shed with power and water • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team for an inspection For inspection call Kylie on 0428 944 563$480,000 HOME ON HUGE BLOCK List #1344 Spacious low set 4 b/r home • 4 Bedroom home • 2,360 sqm block • security screens, fans • Short 100m walk to local primary school • 10km to Innisfail Land Area 2,360 sqm For inspection call Kylie on 0428 944 563$280,000 We don’t just sell properties, we make it easy for you to find your best affordable home 4 11Land Area 3.74 HA2 41 TROPICAL LUXURY - 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL List #1545 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home. Call our team to arrange an inspection For inspection call Louise on 0448 751 963$465,000 3 22Land Area 800 sqm VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION For inspection call Louise on 0448 751 963$175,000 Land Area 1,113 sqm List #1506 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details

PAGE 24 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES tax & business advisors from tax compliance to business advisory services, we’re your active accountants Bookkeeping BAS & Compliance Online Cloud Accounting Tax Planning, Cashflow Forecasting Business Advisory Active Accountants Cairns | | 4222 1650 CAIRNSOPERALOCALLYOWNED&TEDBUSINESSEST1983 CUS TO M MADE SPIL LK IT S SAFETY STORAGE SHOWERS & EYEWASHES WORKSHOP CLEANING PRODUCTS CLEANING MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE WE PROVIDE A FREE DELIVERY SERVICE SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS AND DOWNLOAD ONE OF OUR CATALOGUES AT WWW.COXEN.COM.AU email 07 4051 9355 | Our showroom is situated on Jubilee Street, Cairns City, 50 Metres from Cairns Central “GOTTA CALL COXENCOXENS”CLEANING SUPPLIES WE PROVIDE A FREE DELIVERY SERVICE SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS AND DOWNLOAD ONE OF OUR CATALOGUES AT WWW.COXEN.COM.AU Phone 07 4051 9355 email | Our showroom is situated on Jubilee St, Cairns City, 50 Metres from Cairns Central 38 Years, we must be doing it right!38 Years, we must be doing it right! 1 TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: 11 DONALDSON STREET, MANUNDA - 4031 3600 COASTWATCHERS, TRINITY BEACH - 4038 3866 Service, Repairs, Equipment, Accessories and Chemicals 30 years in Cairns... FREE water testing, friendly service #1for all your PoolNeeds TRADES RETAIL You will see the difference that I make! MOSSMANBEACHMISSIONTO HIGH ACCESS WINDOW CLEANING SPECIALISTS Call Darren now: 0423 793 558 SERVICING 0434 192 • Logo Design • Brochure design • Packaging • Illustrations • Signage Design • Flyers • Menus • Shirt Design • Merchandising design and more! pexels Concrete Work License supplier no. QBCC 76192 Sheds, Driveways, Patios, Pathways and more We dig out, form up, place and finish concrete Servicing all Cairns suburbs Phone Dave on 0408 982 830 Prompt free quotes Need your documentsconfidentialdestroyed? • Documents and archive boxes • Tailored recycling solutions • AAA accreditation • 240lt bins to your business - weekly, fortnightly or monthly pick-up 1800 112 First Aid Courses Smithfield, Port Douglas, Malanda CPR, First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation, Child care first aid, Pool lifeguard, Pain management & LVR. Bookings can be made through our website Call 0412 046 588 RTO 45723 Great Barrier Roof So local, they are right on your doorstep. No one lays a roof like us! DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL | Phone Scott 0418 843 096 The re-roofing experts designedwebsites to grow businessyour Google Search Google Reviews Google Ads By Google Partners com auDavid 0425 851 231 NORTHERN GLAZING GLASS & ALUMINIUM • Aluminium Windows • Doors • Mirrors • Shop Fronts • Shower Screens • Built in Robes • Security Screens Invisigard • 24 hour emergency glass replacement P: 4038 2198 MOB: 0418 631 288 Cairns Kowanyama Port Douglas Coen abindannisfailCapeTribulationCooktown WE CAPECOVERYORK&TORRESSTRAITISLANDS QSBA: 1150719 5/3-5 SALVADO DR SMITHFIELD Collins Catering and Chemical Supplies P 0 7 406 1 180 0 DifferentlyDrinkShop Local and enjoy your own Home Brewed Beverages without the costly travel time! Call us today for ALL your Home Brew Supplies face boo k@c ollin sc or di als Now at 38 Ernest St, Innisfail Get your yard under control with our Green Waste & Rubbish collections... with our easy-as walk-in skips! TYPEBUSINESSTYPEBUSINESSTYPEBUSINESS

FNQ Markets
Changed Traffic Conditions
Kurrimine Beach: Progress Hall, 08:00-12:00
your package can be

Remuneration includes salary and a

Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00 Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00
Mareeba: Centenary Park, 07:30-12:30
Sunday September 11th
If you feel
Cardwell Jetty: Foreshore, 08:00-13:00 Holloways Beach: Beach Foreshore, 08:00-13:00
The Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation advises that it has obtained a one-lane road closure of the Kennedy Highway (Kuranda Range) on Saturday, September 25, 2021. To enable cyclists in the QSuper Cardiac Challenge to safely traverse the range, the up-lane will be closed from 6am –8.45am on that date. As per the permit the closure will affect the uphill lane of the Kennedy Highway (Kuranda Range) from Canopy's Edge, Smithfield to RainForestStation, Kuranda. Any cyclist who has not been able to reach the top of Range by 8am will be uploaded into a vehicle. All emergency vehicles will be able to traverse the Range in either direction if required during the closure.
Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00 4031 7678
The Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation advises it has obtained a one-lane road closure of the Kennedy Highway (Kuranda Range) on Saturday, September 17, 2022 To enable cyclists in the QSuper Cardiac Challenge to safely traverse the range, the up-lane will be closed from 6am-8.45am on that date. As per the permit, the closure will affect the uphill lane of the Kennedy Highway (Kuranda Range) from Canopy’s Edge, Smithfield to RainForestStation, Kuranda. Any cyclist who has not been able to reach the top of the Range by 8am, will be uploaded into a vehicle. All emergency vehicles will be able to traverse the Range in either direction if required during the closure. more information call: 4226 6327
Pretty, spiritual, caring lady seeks soulmate to live out bush. Prefer knowledgable, caring strong, sober gent (42-60), any No-text,race please phone 0447 178 329 CAREERS PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICES Lady 74 years seeks buddypal. Write to: PO Box 290, Earlville, 4870 Innisfail christian man looking for an Asian lady 55-70 yrs for outings. Leave a message: 0403123456 2020 Jeep Compass Night Eagle SUV-Automatic 5 door-5 seater leather upholstery, Colour - Grey Magnesium Meter reading: 44900 kms Registered, Road Worthy Certificate, 5 Year Roadside Assistance One owner, Excellent condition (detailed). Current market value approx. $35300 Fair and reasonable price expected. FOR SALE Contact: Rod on Mobile: 0450393398 FOR SALE works.ADVERTISING Call us on 4031 7678 NOTICES SELL IT TODAY This space can be yours for as little as $34 Call Lisa at 07 4031 7678 Find us Facebookon did you know..? you can book your Classifieds Wish your bestie a Happy Birthday in Prices start from $25 Ph: 07 4031 7678 | E: ADVERTISE today! Call Lisa on 07 4031 7678.
Changed Traffic Conditions
Friday September 9th

Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00 Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00

Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00
/ Deadlines 4pm Wednesdayevery week of publication SalesFullExecutivetime

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Babinda: Main St, 07:30-12:00 Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00

Port Douglas: by St Mary’s Church, 07:30-14:00
Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00,000+readerseveryweek.Bookyourclassifiedtoday! Call Lisa today to place your Ad! 07

Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE CLASSIFIEDS
commission structure,
The Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation advises that it has obtained a one-lane road closure of the Kennedy Highway (Kuranda Range) on Saturday, September 25, 2021. To enable cyclists in the QSuper Cardiac Challenge to safely traverse the range, the up-lane will be closed from 6am –8.45am on that date. As per the permit the closure will affect the uphill lane of the Kennedy Highway (Kuranda Range) from Canopy's Edge, Smithfield to RainForestStation, Kuranda. Any cyclist who has not been able to reach the top of the Range by 8am will be uploaded into a vehicle. All emergency vehicles will be able to traverse the Range in either direction if required during the closure. For more information call: 4226 6327

Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00
This is a great opportunity to be part of an expanding sales team with a great culture in the Cairns region. We require an enthusiastic salesperson who can service existing clients and build a client base. This person must be results driven, capable of working alone, dynamic, selfdriven, and willing to get out of the office and build relationships. product range is across digital and Newspaper advertising, selling to a wide range of businesses across the region. Full training is provided along with mobile phone, tablet and laptop, you will be required to have a reliable vehicle. fair which means as big as it. that
you make
Mossman: St David’s Church, 07:00-13:00 Mt Garnet: Bill Brotherton Park, 08:00-13:00 Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00 Tully: Main St, 07:00-12:00
this is you, forward your resume to We’re looking for the Right Person Is it You? y y

Archer Creek: Rest Area, Kennedy Highway, 07:30-12:00 Atherton Lions Club: Merrilands Hall, 07:00-12:00 Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00
Saturday September 10th
EDGE HILL BOWLS CLUB Ladies Social Bowls: Thursday September 1st, Social bowls: Winners: Mary SantAngelo, Karina Homer and Jillian Alexander-Sachse; R/up: Joyce Ault and Jeannie Wild. Ladies check the notice board for Consistency Singles games. Next Thursday September 8th, social bowls will be played so get your names in by 1:00pm for 1:30pm start. LJ Hooker sponsored Edge Hill Ladies Classic: This event was played last weekend and was a very successful weekend. Westco Motor sponsored Edge Hill Men’s Classic: 16 teams have been nominated for this event to be played from Satur day September 17-18. Men’s Mixed Social Bowls: Tuesday August 30th: Social Bowls: Winners: Lou Pomroy and Mike Lynn; R/up: Peter Shears and Brian Pattison. Tuesday night social bowls were washed out. Wednesday September 1st: Winners: Jen nie and Mal; R/up: Steve and Frank. Saturday September 3rd: Social Bowls: Winners: Ray Webster and Bruce Moseley; R/ up: Lou Pomroy and Tricia De Ron. Nominations still open for the Men’s Consistency Singles and Mixed Pairs events. Check notice board and put your names in to take part. Social Bowls will continue with Tuesday (1:00pm and 7:00pm), Wednesday night Self Selected Triples. Saturday Social Bowls will be played September 10th. Contact Ray Webster 0402 182 230 for social bowls assistance if the club is closed or ring the Club 07 4053 1036.
Hotel Medley Stableford Win ner: Des Riggs, 33 points; R/ up: John Dunne, 32 points. NTP 9 Paul Posselt, 11 Hank Matoe. Wednesday Sporters August 31st - we had 26 play ers playing a 2 Ball Multiplier. Winners on 39 pts were Roger and Irish on countback from Brownie and Jenko; 3rd: Aaron Smith and Shaun Baty 34 pts on countback from 2 others. NTPs 3 Ray F; 2nd shot 14 M Grumley; 2nd shot 7 Big Rod. Least putts Jenko 15. Wednes day, 12 ladies played the 2nd last interclub in Gordonvale. Unofficially, we drew with Gordonvale, just waiting for confirmation as there was a hic cup with golflink and handicap ping. Thanks to Gordonvale for hosting a lovely day and putting on BEAUTIFUL WEATHER. Thursday September 1st: Stableford ford sponsored by Laila Cashmore: Winner: Lor raine Doolan with 37 pts; R/up: Mel Pensini with 36 pts on a c/ back to Lois Cross. Pin shots went to 9 Debbie Peressini, 11 Gail Gard and 2nd on 18 Lois Cross. Friday Chook run: 8 Holes now for the rest of the year: Winner: Seppe Barletta 20 pts; R/up: Aaron Smith 19 pts. A small field so only 1st & 2nd this week. Saturday September 3rd: Monthly medal, sponsored by Golden Triangle Avocados, and The Poggioli Family. Ladies Winner: (on a countback) Rhonda Carey from Debbie Peressini with 73 nett. Pin shots went to 9 Shelley Broadley, 11 Dee Jierasak and 2nd on 18 Wendy Pelich. Men’s Winner: Matt Livermore with a handicap reducing 63 nett. A grade nett Winner: John Carey, 69 nett (John also had the best gross score of 74); R/up: Jim Jenkins, 70 nett. B grade nett Winner: Chris McClarty, 69 nett; R/up: Ernie Bingham, 70 nett. C grade nett Winner: Peter Aitken, 68 nett; R/up: Karl Riber, 69 nett. NTP’s: 3 An thony Barletta, 9 Ian Towie, 11 Karl Riber, 18 Gavin Comino. Next week is the Cops n Rob bers charity day. Should be a great day.

MOSSMAN MEN’S BOWLS Saturday September 3rd: 30 Bowlers for Jackpot Bowls. Malachy McTaggart, Ray Prain, Jim Geddes d Ranald Edwards, Martin Adams, Mick Plummer (sub for Joe Girgenti) 17-15; Chris Payne, Steve Cue, Bill Allison d Col Widdows, Terry Richards, Nev Fletcher 24-21; Dave Blain, SAS, Dick Pitt d John Cochrane, Richard Anderson, Bernie Savage 1815; in the Club Championship Triples Semi Final, Gerrard Beech, Kel Cunningham, David White d Bernie Wolland, Peter Fairchild, Nev Tesch 23-16; and the winners for the day, Charlie Toohey, Bob Laurie, Peter Worley d Steve Heffer nan, Gordon Henderson, Tony BrlyackSunday32-14.September 4th: Ger rard Beech, Kel Cunningham, Mick Plummer, David White
ATHERTON GOLF CLUB Andersons Flooring & Win dow Coverings Saturday player of the year update. Dan Ardley with a top 10 finish has reached 332 pts; Chris McClarty 296 pts; and Morro 3rd on 294 pts. 16 others are 200+ pts. The recent form of John Dunne and Bulla sees them not far off the pace.
Denise Charman (left) from Silkwood Irene Wilson (right) from Ayr
Sunday September 4th: triples: Winners: Terry Corocorah, Jim Dalmer & Alan Hudson; R/ up: Delmo Tarditi, Anna Della Bella & Cyril Large, 41 to 8. A game of scroungers: Winner: Lee-ann Mayell, 104; R/up: Rob on 98; 3rd: Jenny Dalmer, on 82. NO Friday Night Bare foot bowls or BBQ. All locals & visitors welcome. For all enquires contact the club on 0475759808 or follow on our facebook page.
SILKWOOD BOWLS CLUB Saturday September 3rd: the Annual Silkwood Classic Open Fours competition, proudly sponsored by Weipa Bowls Club. This event has ladies & men bowlers participating from Cairns, Tablelands and Cassowary Coast bowls clubs who are all vying for a chance to win part of $1600 prize from our sponsor. Some wonderful bowls were played on the day and enjoyed by all.
Winners: E Tiraboschi, Donny, Wally & Chad with 3 wins + 73; R/up: A Silliato, P Smith, M Roots & S Ceark with 3 wins + 58; 3rd: T Burns, J Obrien, J Burns & M Hooker with 2 Draws & 1 win + 55; 4th: T Corocorah, R Giveen, D Thomas & B Green with 2 wins +51. Congratula tions to all the winners and thank you to all the bowlers who participated. Sunday Sep tember 4th: Denise Charman travelled to Mareeba to play in the Zone 8 Champion of Cham pion Singles final against Irene Wilson from Ayr: Winer: Den ise on 25; R/up: Irene on 21. Congratulations goes to Denise Charman who now progresses through to the Champion of Champion State Finals which are to be held at Mackay in October. We wish Denise well.

Social bowls this week with names in by 12:00pm, paid up by 12:30pm and games to start by 1:00pm.Men’sSection:Results:Wednesday August 31st: Winners: Mick Catalano, Alan Quinn, Rick Pamphilon; R/up: Greg Ceely, David Daffy, Graham Cann; 3rd: Matty Paris, Jeff Mason, Steve Paris. Saturday September 3rd: Win ners: David Cairns, Maureen Girardi, Bill Power; R/up: Daphne Gough, Athol Smith, RozComingFraser.
September 1st: Raffle won by Pam Widdows; Winners: Zena, Greta, Barbara Watts, Christy Colley and Carole Maxted; R/up: Jude Prain, Nor mie Sarton, Denise Highland and Pam Widdows. The ladies held a minute’s silence prior to play to remember Doug Pitt, our stalwart player. Doug was a well-respected bowler, and our thoughts go out to Jackie and the family. Ladies, please remember to have your name in by 12:00pm and we play at 1:00pm. Bowls attire. Any ladies wishing to learn or brush up on their technique, there is free coaching available. For more information contact Carole Maxted: caroles44bb@ or 0400 954 537. The Mixed Social plays on Sunday and Wednesday. Names in by 12:00pm and play at 1:00pm, Casual dress. Phone: Mossman Bowls Club 4098 1434.
PAGE 26 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022
Wednesday’s Carrington
ber 3rd: Mareeba hosted the NQDLBA zone 8 pennant final. Congratulations to Edmonton on winning after a very close game to start with against Suburban Townsville. 3 rinks of 21 games were played with Edmonton winning all 3 rinks in the end. The TFNQLBA Champion of champions games between Marlin Coast and Sub urban Townsville in the fours on Saturday afternoon and the pairs and single finals on Sunday. Top class bowls played on the carpet under the shade at Mareeba’s fantastic bowling venue. Sunday August 4th: Pad dle pop triples/fours: Winners: Peter Soda, Carmel Dezen, Sue Soda, and Graham Burrows; R/ up: Bob Pitson, Norma Gray, Coral Milloy. For information and nominations ph 4092 5288. Tuesdays: Barefoot bowls names in by 6:00pm. Come and try bowls, club bowls available and bar open every Tuesday night. Good bowling everyone.
Wednesday August 31st: Club selected triples/fours: Winners: Sue Steffensen, Ethel Thompson, Yvonne Vogler, John; R/up: Noel Morris, Rob Brown, Bronwyn. Thursday September 1st: Self-selected pairs: Winner: Ettore Ti raboschi’s team; R/up: Mario Parise’s team. Best 2nd game: Brian Fitzpatrick’s team. Jack pot remains. Saturday Septem
1st place winners E. Tiraboschi, Donny, Wally & Chad & Silkwood Bowls Club President Lee-Ann Mayell (right)

WEST CAIRNS TPI MEMORIAL BOWLS CLUB Monday August 29th: We had 12 players for mixed social bowls on the West Cairns carpet green from 1:30pm. Before play commenced a raffle involving playing cards was drawn giving one of our bowlers a cash prize. At the end of play another game card was drawn randomly to determine the winning team which was led last Monday by Ken Broughton supported by Val Fallon and Ev Herwig. As usual the game was played in a very friendly manner, so no one was concerned as to those who were drawn as winners. Rosemary is available to record your name on mobile 0409 624 623 with names being accepted until 12:00pm on every Mon day. Of course, all visitors are welcome regardless of where they normally play to boost our numbers and also allow them to experience purely social bowls they may not play at their home club. If visiting please also provide details of your home club name, position normally played and a mobile phone contact number in the unlikely situation when unusual weather stops play. If needed the club can also provide bowls for visitors. Afternoon tea is also included as part of the green fee charged. We look forward to meeting many new bowlers in the coming weeks.
INNISFAIL BOWLS CLUB Thursday’s social bowls: Winners: Bob Chaplain, Jamie Patterson and Dennis McAl lister by a very narrow margin on a count back. New members and visitors are most welcome. Names in by 12:30pm for a 1:15pmCheckstart.the notice board and organise your games for the Consistency Singles, Mixed Pairs and Triples. This Sunday the September 11th is our club AGM starting at 10:30am fol lowed by a provided lunch and finishing with a game of bowls. Hope to see good numbers in attendance. A big thank you to Graham and Pam Anderson for all the work they have done over the years. It was very much appreciated and hope you enjoy the next chapter of your lives. Also hope to catch up with you on the green one day. You both will be missed.
BROTHERS EDMONTON LADIES & MEN’S BOWLS Ladies CongratulationsSection: to our La dies Pennant team for winning the Zone playoff in Mareeba against Suburban Townsville club last Saturday with a con vincing win of 19 shots. Our ladies are now eligible to play in the State playoffs at Tweed Heads early November. Con gratulations to Denise Char man from Silkwood winning the Singles playoff and Marlin Coast 4s for their win against Townsville.Coming events: Sunday September 11th: Edmonton Cane Train 4s: This is always a popular event on the calendar, and we look forward to a won derful day of bowls and friend ship with our visitors. Thursday September 15th: Graded Fours same format as the triples. If you haven’t nominated, please do so this Thursday to Lois Ceely. Nominations for 2023 club singles, pairs and fours have closed, the draw will be on the notice board. Please check and if you can arrange your games then please do so.
Events: Saturday September 10th: Mixed Mufti 3 Bowl triples, club select skips pick a card, visitors welcome, cash prizes plus jackpot. Nomi nations close on day at 11:30am for play at 12:30pm contact office on 4055 5344 and leave a message. Wednesday Septem ber 14th: Men’s Self Select 3 Bowl Triples, cash prizes plus jackpot, visitors welcome. Nominations close 11:30am for play at 12:30pm, contact Don Stewart 0427 816 894.
Sunday September 4th: Sun day September 4th: Monthly Medal, sponsored by Mungalli Dairy Products and the Millaa Millaa Hotel for a perfect day for golf. Winner: Ross Ellen, nett 67, R/up: Graham Murray nett 68; 3rd: David Welch on countback from Bruce Hunter and Alan Hapgood, all nett 71. NTP: Alan Hapgood was very close to an Eagles Nest on 1/10; Kelvin Brooks 5/14; Graham Murray second shot nearest on 9/18. Special mention to Les Taylor with five putts on number 7 hole. Six raffle draws: Winners: the club, courtesy of Bruce Hunter, winning twice; Trevor Warrener, Geoff Errey, Ash Healy and Gary Sinclair, the members draw was number one which now belongs to Grant Miller who put $60 in his pocket. Next week is a modified Stableford sponsored by Rose Gums Wilderness Retreat, stay tuned for details of the modifications that David will make. Club News: If you don’t have your name down for the Open please do so ASAP, next week we have a committee meeting so don’t forget those involved. Also, the veterans are at Millaa Millaa this Tuesday and while I think of our old mate Tony Latimore has headed south again, have a safe journey mate see you next year.
MARLIN COAST BOWLS CLUB Tuesday afternoon men’s tri ples: Winner: Les, Doug, Paul C; R/up: Peter, Steve, Ross. Tuesday night bowls: Spider: Keith, Brian, Dot, Tom, Barry, Sisca. Wednesday mixed bowls: Winner: D Gibson, Lesley, A Clarkson; R/up: M Kennon, L Roberts, A Jacobs. Thursday men’s triples: Winner: D Phil lips, G Reynolds, N Robson; R/ up: R Gillman, P Standidge, B Morris, P Hamilton. Saturday afternoon Walking Pairs: Win ners of Winners: L Idiens, Paul Cavanagh; Winners of Losers: Y Best, M Kennon. All bowl ers, non-bowlers and tourists welcome, bowls available for free, ph 4057 6931. Note: All social games played, cards are called 15 minutes before start. Club championships to be played: Check boards for play by dates for Championship games. Like us on Facebook. Special Events: Raffles Friday night also trivia.

GORDONVALE BOWLS CLUB Wednesday 1pm Social Bowls; Thursday Club Se lected 3 Bowls Pairs; Names by 12:30pm for 1:00pm start. Results from last week: Winners: Kevin & Graeme Spicer; R/up: A Peterson, N Butler & Mucka. Final Cham pionship Pairs: R Moody & A Quinn def M Greenwood & F Rich. Well done. Congratula tions to Edmonton as Zone Winners in the Ladies Pennant & to the other players who have made it to the Zone Playoffs.
travelled to Atherton for the annual Maize Festival. The day comprised 14 teams each play ing 4 games of 10 ends (or 1hr 30mins). The Mossman team secured 4 wins and finished in 3rd place with 8 points and margin of E Tiraboschi with 8 points and a margin of 42; R/up: R Bidewell’s team with 8 points and margin of 34. Thank you to Atherton Bowls Club for organising a great day of bowls. This Saturday, we have 12 players travelling to Cooktown for the weekend for the Orchard Festival. Jackpot Bowls this Saturday, names in by 12:00pm with card call at 12:45pm for a 1:00pm start. No Club Championship games scheduled for this weekend. The next Social Bowls will be Thursday September 15 from 5:30pm with names in by 5:00pm at a cost of $10 per person. Cost includes a sausage sizzle after the game (8:00pm) and the chance to win a $50.00 meat tray from Mossman Butchers. To register ring the Club on 4098 1434. Social Bowls now held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month and open to all members, non-members and beginners wishing to try bowls for the first time. Anyone interested in playing bowls, either for the first time or returning to the game, contact David White on 0407 630 759. Follow Moss man Bowls Club Men’s Section on Facebook.
WEST CAIRNS LADIES Wednesday August 31st social bowls: Winners: Laura, Marg, Fran. If you wish a game of mixed social bowls on Wednesday’s starting at 11:30am finish about 3:00pm, give Liz a call on 0400 626 765 names in by 10:45am. Club also has bowls to lend at no extra cost. Don’t forget that the kitchen isn’t open for lunch at the moment so you can bring your own. Our players that went up to Atherton Bowls Club on Sunday for their Maize Festival - thank you all for a great day well done. Good Bowling to All.

Cairns to host week of international cricket & Amateurs spring racing
FNQ jockey Shane Pawsey will saddle up this weekend for Cairns Amateurs Carnival while Australian all-rounder, Cameron Green will join teammates for three one day games against NZ this week.
Photo by Adllins Media
Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 PAGE SPORT 6-8 Johnston Road, Mossman Club Phone: 4098 1434 You will be bowled over by our Bistro Affordable dining with a mouth watering menu! OPEN 7 DAYS FOR LUNCH AND DINNER Air Conditioned Visitors Welcome Function Hall available for all functions at reasonable rates Winner of Best Club Far North Queensland 2019 Mouth Watering Menu Affordable dining notBetRESPONSIBLYGAMBLEwithyourhead,overit.
WEST CAIRNS MEN Tuesday August 30th: Win ner: Phil Buntain’s team; R/ up: B Milkota’s team. Thurs day September 1st Thirsty Thursday: best players Gary Clarke, Steve Martin, Joyce Alex. Friday night scroungers: Winner: Terry Ingledew; R/ up: Irene Crampton. Sunday September 4th: Winner: W Vella’s team; R/up: S Smith’s team. Hope that all you dads had a great Father’s Day. Please arrange ASAP for any triples games that you are in by end of September.

I N a significant win for Far North Queensland, Cairns celebrates the first weeks of spring with two major sporting fixtures, delivering three days of international cricket at Ca zaly’s Stadium alongside two days of horse racing at Cannon Park for the Cairns Amateurs Carnival.Cricket Australia will turn on world-class cricket between Australia and New Zealand, with Cazaly’s Stadium hosting three men’s Dettol One Day International games on Tues day, September 6, Thursday, September 8 and Sunday, September 11, 2022. The tour forms part of a big summer of cricket for Queens land that will see the state open its arms to the most days of international cricket in recent times with a 2022-23 schedule featuring a record six touring teams.Cairns Amateurs Carnival President David Goodman said the serendipitous timing of the Australia versus New Zealand One Day International cricket games makes for a mutually beneficial, world-class week of sport.“The timing of each event aligns perfectly, providing ample opportunity for cricket spectators and racegoers to enjoy the best of both sporting events,” Mr Goodman said. “From touring and accom modation to restaurants and retail, each year, the Cairns Amateurs Carnival makes a significant contribution to the local community with an eco nomic impact in the vicinity of $13“Addingmillion. Cricket Australia’s international matches is icing on the cake and makes for an unrivalled and exciting week ahead after what has been a few very challenging years,” he said. To find out more about attending Cricket Australia’s
Men’s ODI Series versus New Zealand at Cazalys, To find out about Cairns Amateurs Carnival entry times, ticket prices and general admission, is supported by the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland and features on the It’s Live! in Queensland events calendar.

Official event ambassador, Liesel Jones OAM, will be attending all the events and urged swimming enthusiasts that this is an opportunity to tick off a trip to the Great Barrier Reef on their bucket list. “I’m really excited to be supporting this swim series – there are truly no other swims like these anywhere in the world,” Ms Jones said. “To take part in an event swimming directly over the Great Barrier Reef is something you’ll never forget!” Gareth Sykes, Founder of GBROSS, and Director of the swim’s major spon sor, Team Elite Merchandise, said the reef swims have been a bucket list item of his “Afterown. a successful trial event in 2021, and the return to normalcy post-pan demic, the reef swims are exciting events for us to plan, and even more so for those with the opportunity to attend,” Mr Sykes said. “There are two event days on this year’s calendar, the ‘Classics’ which is a three-kilometre or five-kilometre swim took place on September 4, or the ‘Chal lenge’ which is either a three-kilometre race or one kilometre swim the reef on October“With22.”huge interest from swimmers in the Northern Hemisphere, this year is perfect for Australians and New Zealanders to get into the swims with some ease,” said Mr Sykes. This year, GBROSS has ensured a fully inclusive experience out on the reef - transfers on the Quicksilver Reef Ferry, merchandise pack, event participation medal, photography, food, snorkelling opportunities, and chats with Olympic gold medalist, Liesel Jones OAM.

GREAT Barrier Reef Ocean Swim Series (GBROSS) is excited to be hosting its first official ocean swim event on top of one of the world’s seven natural won ders, starting on September 4, with the final event on October 22.

PAGE 28 Cairns Local News, Friday, September 9, 2022 J612YZ-1 Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Products and discounts will vary from store to store. While stocks last. At participating stores. Valid until 11/09/2022. BLACKOUT SALE DRAMATIC REDUCTIONS STOREWIDE SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY Cairns 206 Mulgrave Road Ph: 07 4054 7000 18THSEPT2022 REGISTER NOW: Great Barrier Reef swim makes post-pandemic debut
GBR Swim Event Challenge 1 kilometre swim takes place on October 22.