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G’DAY Tropicairnsians,
Most people are of the opinion that I am a six-pack short of a carton or as another vertically walking oxygen thief (sorry Bazza ... nah, I’m not) put it, I have a coupla Boomers loose in the top paddock.
Now I really resemble these remarks (whoops, I meant resent) as I had the highest grades ever recorded after my initial 10 years of year 1 at school. I bet not many Aussies can better that.
What brings on this rant is that for the first best part of 2023 celebrations is to be sure, to be sure, is March 17 being Saint Patrick’s Day for the 29 hour day of Guinness swilling, potato eating, and, for sure to be sure, with plenty of singing and jigging, and looking under all the four leaf clovers for that elusive pot of gold coins hidden by them wee little leprechauns.
Last year I had grand time getting a piggyback on a leprechaun who I trapped, but he would not reveal where the pot was, although we did end up being on Channel 7 news getting found at P J O’Brien’s swigging a Guinness early in the morning.
Now a 29-hour Saint Patrick’s Day may seem ordinary to your everyday Irishman, but to this 10th generation Aussie born from a convict Irish descendant it was tough.
Apparently a relative did a search on how we came to this great country and discovered how Irish we really are. This ancestor, upon hearing about the great adventure to be had, decided to steal a loaf of bread to guarantee his free passage to the new lands. The Irish humour in this was that he was gluten intolerant so he could not even eat the bread he stole. All ends well though as he does his seven years and ends up with a large parcel of land in Victoria, met an Irish woman and they then bred like rabbits.
Sadly, this year I will have to refrain from drinking bucket loads of Guinness, but I will hopefully make up for it next year.
But the next great event second to that is the great celebration for the little ones known as Easter.
Now this year, one of my imaginary friends has made a grand suggestion, and I agree that this year the Easter Bunny should this year only, share the week and we should call it the