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PAGE 2 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au General Enquiries - 07 4031 LocatedNewsadmin@cairnslocalnews.com.au7678-editorial@cairnslocalnews.com.auat:2/185MulgraveRd,CairnsQLD4870CIRCULATION-13,000 Cairns Local News is published by Cairns Local News Pty Ltd. 2/185 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns, QLD 4870 ACN: 643 194 932 Administration Lisa Harris 07 4031 7678 Managing Director Carl Portella Paper Manager Kath0436MacLean001115 Sales Manager David Galeano 0436 001 149 Journalist Isabella Guzman Gonzalez 07 4031 7678Printed by: Townsville Print Centre, 623-645 Flinders St Townsville, QLD 4810 Sales Executive Glenn Taylor 0436 101 599 CAIRNS I ATHERTON I INNISFAIL I MAREEBA I TULLY I SMITHFIELD GRAFTON ST CAIRNS • COOK ST ATHERTON • STANTON RD SMITHFIELD ACT NOW CALL 4041 7860 EFFORTLESS HEARING New AI hearing technology, has opened a new world of possibilities. The ears and brain work together to help you hear and understand the most important sounds. AUDiOHEALTH are offering 25% discount on this new technology. But be quick... offer extended to end of August. with the SMALLEST hearing dev ice25% OFF* * Selected hearing technology. Conditions apply. OFFER EXTENDED... EXPIRIES AUGUST 31 No upfront costs to prepare your tax return with fee from refund option, your refund is paid directly into your bank account within 10 days. NOTE : Our Fees are deducted from your Refund.Conditions apply. 4222 1650 | rapidtaxrefunds.com.au SMARTPHONE & TABLET SOLUTIONS •Accessories•Sales•RepairsShop2/5FrontStreet, MOSSMAN Tel: 4010 8422 www.smartphonefix.com.au admin@smar tphonefix.com.au
FEATURING 300-metres of bends, jumps and bumps, Babinda’s newly completed pump track in Bill Wakeham Park is already proving a hit. Division 1 Councillor Brett Moller said, with a massive in crease in bike sales and cycling activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, the new pump track would be put to good use. “There has been a call from families in Babinda for a facil ity like this, which provides children with the chance to be active in a fun and comfortable environment,” Cr Moller said. “The new track provides a circuit with a range of jumps, slopes and curves that will challenge little kids and big kids who are young at heart. “You want a track that lets the smaller kids, who are just starting out, learn and explore the skills safely, but you also want a track for the more experienced riders to come back time and again and try new“Ittricks.isimportant to get the balance of safety, flow and fun right – I think we’ve achieved that with this track.” Cr Moller said that the $130,000 project adds to the facilities and appeal of Bill Wakeham Park. “Local families and visitors can make a day of it at the park,” Cr Moller said. “The new pump track is close to other facilities, includ ing a basketball court, skate park, amenities, and plenty of wide-open space for free play. “With a picnic and some wheels, there is plenty to do while away a day.”
On your bike!
JETSTAR’S first brand new, state-of-the-art Airbus A321LR (NEO) took to the skies for its first passenger flight on Friday, August 12, operating between Melbourne and Cairns. Taking off with over 210 passengers on board, this is the first of 38 new longer-range, fuel-efficient NEO aircraft to arrive in Australia from the Airbus production line in Ham burg,DuringGermany.August, the new aircraft will operate daily return flights between Melbourne and Cairns before expanding onto other domestic and interna tional routes in the coming months, such as the east coast of Australia to Bali. Jetstar’s Chief Executive Officer, Gareth Evans, said Cairns had always been one of Jetstar’s most popular domestic destinations, so it was a fitting first flight for the new NEO aircraft.“Today is an exciting day as our customers experience the brand-new NEO aircraft first-hand, as it takes off on one of our most popular domestic routes from Melbourne to Cairns,” Mr Evans said. “Our new fleet of NEOs will lift the bar on comfort for our customers, enable us to fly longer distances and important ly, deliver a more fuel-efficient way to fly. “Customers on today’s flight will no doubt notice the difference, with a range of inflight benefits including wider seats, 40 per cent larger over head storage lockers, in-seat USB power, mood lighting and engines which are 50% quieter. “In the coming months, we’ll also roll out a digital streaming technology on board, meaning customers can access Jetstar’s inflight entertainment on their own devices when they fly.” All 18 new A321 LRs are expected to be delivered by mid-2024, with the second NEO aircraft arriving in the coming months. A further 20 A321XLR air craft will arrive between 2024 and 2029, providing Jetstar with an even longer range of narrowbody flying.
There’s a new pump track in Babinda

LifeFlight Winch Training A fig tree at the heritage-listed Cairns City Library site will be retained under a long-term pro posal to rejuvenate the site. The large fig tree on Lake St, referred to as T5, faced possible removal after years of decline.This was despite extensive Council efforts over the past six years to minimise risks to the public and save the tree, including trimming, mainte nance, bracing, fencing and otherHowever,supports.following Council’s successful flying fox relocation program in 2020, the tree has shown marked signs of Deputyrecovery.Mayor Terry James said the community would be pleased to see the tree retained. “This is a significant tree, and Council was committed to exploring the feasibility of protecting and supporting the fig tree,” Cr James said. “However, Council needed to be mindful of the tree’s condition and the risk to public safety.“Like everyone else, I was pleased to see vibrant green shoots as the tree seemingly came back to life.
Council commits to retaining T5 tree on Cairns Library site
“This will include using props to help brace certain branches until the natural arboreal roots can sustain their weight.“Interpretive signage will be installed to tell the story of the tree, complemented by a First Nations narrative that respects and acknowledges cultural heritage to tell the story of place.”
A doctor with a degree in Neu roscience and Japanese is one of three highly skilled new RACQ LifeFlight Rescue Critical Care Doctors joining the ranks at the Cairns aeromedical base. Doctor Anna Bowen, who has been a doctor for 12 years and returned to work in Japan several times during her career, is especially thrilled to start treating patients in the sky across Far North“I’mQueensland.reallyexcited,” Dr Bowen said. “I live in Cairns at the moment and it’s a very beautiful part of the world with the rainforests and the reef. “So, a lot of our flying will be done over those locations, so I’m really“I’mexcited.looking forward to the challenge of working alongside paramedics and going to different environments, particularly going to primary jobs that we may not see as much of in a hospital.” Before their first day on a rescue helicopter, the retrieval reg istrars undergo rigorous training at the LifeFlight Training Academy. The intensive course requires doctors to learn specific pre-hospi tal and retrieval clinical skills and put them into practice at Simula tion Training, learn helicopter winching operation techniques and, for the first time, be taught via a new Augmented Reality (AR)Allexperience.thenewRACQ LifeFlight Rescue Critical Care Doctors must also complete Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET), so they’re prepared for the extremely unlikely event of a helicopter crash. The retrieval registrars are now also ready for any winch rescue they may come across in their dayto-day“Winchmissions.training becomes one of the biggest and most important skills the new doctors will learn,” said RACQ LifeFlight Rescue Chief Aircrew Officer Simon Gray.“This winch training is about how do we deliver those doctors to people who need them,” Mr Gray“Wesaid.can put someone down 250 feet, through the trees, to someone who’s had a motorbike accident or fallen off the side of a cliff. It’s one of the ways we deliver medical experts to where they need to Althoughbe.”not every call-out will be as high-pressure as a winch rescue, the new retrieval doctors must be ready to respond to any medical emergency from the first day on the job. Dr Bowen and her two newlytrained colleagues will work on board the Cairns-based AW139 Queensland Government Air (QGAir)QGAirhelicopter.ispartof the Avia tion Capability Group within the Queensland Police Service. It has a fleet of five AW139 helicopters operating from bases in Cairns, Townsville and Bris bane, performing life-saving tasks throughoutAviationQueensland.CapabilityGroup A/ Chief Superintendent, Marcus Hill, said QGAir was delighted to welcome the new doctors. “We are proud to team with LifeFlight to enable highlytrained critical care doctors to be transported across the State’s aeromedical network and respond to emergencies,” Mr Hill said.
Cr James said Council would need to consider the size and structure of the fence, as well as how the surround ing area can be landscaped to improve the amenity, its ambi ence and future use. Tree to be Saved - T5 Fig at Cairns City Library
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 3www.cairnslocalnews.com.au GOODYEAR TYRE SPECIALS NOBODY BEATS OUR 4 STORE BUYING POWER MAREEBA 4092 2290 • ATHERTON 4091 1122 MALANDA 4096 5300 • MOSSMAN 4098 1502 AT265/7R16GoodyearSilentTrac $275 EACH 185/R14Kumho LT KC53 $95 EACH Volunteers Sought - Interested persons please visit: crimestoppersqld.com.au/volunteer ready to take to FNQ skies
“It would seem that once the stress of having hundreds of flying foxes roosting in its branches was removed, the tree has been able to recover quite quickly.“The outcome is one that I am sure will please the com munity.”During its deliberations on the tree’s future, Council offic ers met with representatives of Cairns and Far North Environ ment Centre (CAFNEC) and committed to reviewing the cost implications and practical ity of all measures to protect and support the health of the tree.Division 5 Councillor Amy Eden said she was delighted that the much-loved tree could be retained.“Following an analysis of the tree’s improving health, we believe we have a solution that will allow the tree to be retained and honoured,” Cr Eden“Whilesaid. the canopy has recovered post flying fox relo cation, the internal structure of the tree is still compromised, and measures will need to be undertaken to minimise risks and support the tree to heal.”
A fence will need to be re tained to provide an exclusion zone beneath the tree’s canopy until such time the area is deemed safe for public use.

New procedure for blood clots
The second cardiac catheter laboratory built with funds from the Cardiac Challenge and Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation, and the new Hybrid Vascular lab has enabled vascular surgeons to work collaboratively with cardiologists to perform these risky procedures locally.
(L-R) Cairns Hospital’s Dr Tom Palesy and Dr Charith Galappaththy, Boston Scientific Field Sales Trainer Glenn Ellem, Cairns Hospital theatre Clinical Nurse Consultant Annie Varughese and Foundation CEO Gina Hogan.
PAGE 4 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au INFINITE AGED CARE 1800 INF IN8 · infin8care.com.au youcloserWellcurrentwithUnhappyyourcare?we’rethanthink!LET’SCHAT! LOCATED AT 38 ERNEST STREET, INNISFAIL Phone now! 07 4061 1800 COLLINS CATERING AND CHEMICAL SUPPLIES Clearing all floor stock at great prices. MULTISURFACE BROOMS 600mm with handle You will be swept away with these prices! MICROFIBRE CLOTHS in a range of colours GLASS CL WASHINGWINDOWOTHS/WALLTBAR $35$4 5 FOR $2 EACH $12 CARDWELLDELIVERYTOCAIRNS facebook@collinscordials Email: sales@collinsnq.com.au WILL SAVE LIVES AT CAIRNS HOSPITAL
Cairns Hospital vascular surgeon Dr Sherab Bhutia said a specialist team, the Pulmonary Embolism Response Team, has been put together to assess potential patients who may be suitable for the procedure.“Wehave vascular surgeons, cardiologists, respiratory physicians, Intensive Care physicians and the Emergency Department doctors in the team, all involved with the decision-making on a case-by-case basis,” Dr Bhutia said. “The Angiojet works like a vacuum through the Venturi effect. “A high-pressure saline jet through a catheter breaks up the clot, and the negative pressure created acts as suction and the clot is removed through the same catheter and collected in a bag. “Clot-busting medications can be directly sprayed onto the blood clots before they are sucked out,” he said. The Angiojet is also used to clear blocked arteries, veins, grafts, and dialysis conduits for patients on haemodialysis. It has replaced surgical thrombectomy, the physical cutting open of a blood vessel to remove blood clots causing the blockage. “We have already used the new device on about 20 patients so far with a variety of clot locations including pulmonary arteries, leg arteries, blocked fistulae in patients requiring dialysis and patients with massive DVT,” Dr Bhutia said. “It’s rewarding to see a patient come in with incredible pain and who can’t walk, potentially at risk of partial amputation or death. And then to see the result of your work, with the clot cleared, and they walk out of the hospital a few days later.” Foundation CEO Gina Hogan said she was grateful for the anonymous donor’s $50,000 sup port of the Angiojet equipment. “None of us wants to end up in this situation, and you never know when it could happen,” Ms Hogan“Butsaid.how comforting to know that if we do, the equipment is here, and the doctors are ready to do the job.“It’s also wonderful to know that the procedures this equipment helps clinicians perform, reduces the time a patient is in hospital and results in less stress and risk of infection.”
PEOPLE with life-threatening blood clots in the lungs can now be treated using a keyhole proce dure in Cairns Hospital, thanks to a generous donor and the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation (Foundation).VascularSurgeons at Cairns Hospital can now perform a keyhole procedure to actively remove blood clots from the lungs, known as Pulmonary Embolism, using a device called Angiojet. Cairns is believed to be the only hospital outside the southeast corner of Queensland to offer thisTheservice.traditional method of treating Pulmonary Embolism us ing blood thinners and clot-bust ing medication is not as effective in preventing death in cases with total or near total blockage of the lung circulation.

Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 5www.cairnslocalnews.com.au
For more information and to see the entire Cairns Festival program, www.cairns.qld.gov.au/festivalvisit:
ThisLightyears Fireworks spectacular will occur after the Grand Parade and will be an event not to be missed
Continued from
Cairns Festival will also present a series of ticketed performances and shows for all ages, including the “Catch Truth Machine” at The Court House, “Le Coup” at Cairns Performing Arts Centre, and “Aftermath” at Tanks Arts Centre.For Cr Vallely, the most important feature of Cairns Fes tival is the celebration of Cairns residents’ diversity and unique cultures.“What I love is sitting on the Esplanade and watching the floats of our different commu nities in Cairns,” she said. “I love seeing the multicul tural side of the city. “Quite often, we miss out on that opportunity to see people showcasing their com munity on parade. “I feel very proud to be living in our community and happy to get an insight into their culture and how they live.”As the Cairns Festival ap proaches, Cr Vallely said she wanted to encourage locals and visitors in joining into the cel ebration of what makes Cairns a tropical para dise. “For a festi val to run since 1962 and have over 80,000 residents attend is something to be proud of,” she said. “Our residents need to know that there are so many free events you can attend – you can still experience the festival without spending any money. “Take the time to look at the 10-day program, pick what your family or partner or what you would like to attend because there’s something for everyone.“Wehave had a tough time during COVID, so it’s really important for us to come to gether, celebrate our communi ty, support our local businesses, support our local artists and just get out there and have fun.”
EXCITEMENT is building throughout the community as the 60th anniversary of the annual Cairns Festival gets nearer.With a program full of favourites and a few new thrilling additions, the festival starts next Friday with Reef Light and the Grand Parade on Saturday, which will be live streamed this year, and finishes on September 4, with the popu lar Carnivale on Collins. Spanning across multiple venues, Cairns Festival is the biggest cultural event in the city, and this year’s celebration will commemorate the Festi val’s Diamond Jubilee. While the program kicks off with the iconic Grand Parade and the fireworks display, new ticketed and free events for the whole family like the Court House Gallery “Cairns Festival Turns 60 Exhibition,” an immersive light experience “Reef Light,” and many more will make this anniversary a memorable one. Cairns Mayor Bob Man ning said the festival aimed to engage locals and visitors with culture and entertainment. “This is a big year for Cairns Festival,” Cr Manning said.“Sixty years is an extraordi nary achievement for an event that had humble beginnings as the Cairns Tourist Festival in 1962 before being rebranded as Fun in the Sun the follow ing “Throughyear. the years, there have been a few name changes, but what has remained steadfast is the community’s support, which has grown the festival into a staple fixture on the regional Queensland events calendar, drawing thousands of people to our spectacular city.” Coucillor Kristy Vallely said she holds happy childhood memories from the early years of Cairns Festival. “As a child, my big memo ries were from Fun in the Sun,” Cr Vallely said. “It was such a fun event to attend when you were a kid. “And what I love about it is that it’s a time to celebrate, which hasn’t changed. “From 1962 to 2022, we’re still getting that fun festival –the name has changed, but the essence of the festival remains the Forsame.”CrVallely, Cairns Fes tival provides an opportunity for residents to enjoy the best Cairns has to offer. “This is our feature event of the city,” she said. “The community loves this event, and particularly when the cost of living is so high, there are so many events that you can go to for free. “We have our beautiful Cairns Festival Grand Parade that starts next Saturday, which is an excellent opener to our Festival.“It’sestimated that 3,000 people will be included in the parade, and it will be live streamed.“Andthis year at the Court House, we have an exhibi tion with all the memorabilia, photos and videos of Fun in the Sun and Cairns Festival which is open“We’venow.also got a re ally interesting event called Skywhales, and that’s on September 3, at the Cairns Showgrounds, so there’ll be these huge beautiful balloons, and it’s a cool thing to take kids to – this is free as well,” Cr Vallely said. Cr Vallely said one of this year’s Festival’s key events was Reef Light, a new addition that promises to deliver new excite ment for the whole community. “Reef Light – Illuminate the Tropics is a light and laser installation of the Great Barrier Reef, which wants to create an undersea experience,” she said. “And what’s really exciting about this is that we have eight First Nation artists that’ll be featured in that event. “Artists throughout our lo cal area will have their artwork featured in it throughout the 10 days of the festival, from 7pm to 10pm across the Esplanade.”
By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez >> 1 Above: One of this year’s Festival’s keyevents is Reef

OPPORTUNITIES continue to present themselves for CQUniver sity aviation students with a new partnership established in Cairns that will provide pilot pathways to aviationAnnouncedgraduates.inthe lead-up to the Cairns Aviation Careers Day on Sunday, August 14, the new agreement, signed between CQU niversity and Skytrans Airlines, will provide a direct pathway for aviation graduates to have an opportunity to apply directly to Skytrans for a CQUniversityjob.Head of Avia tion, Professor Doug Drury, said the partnership would connect students with job opportunities. “In principle, the graduate pilot pathways partnership with Skytrans Airlines will provide our Bachelor of Aviation (Flight Op erations) and Graduate Diploma of Aviation (Flight Operations) students with a chance to find possible employment after they have graduated - providing that they meet certain requirements,” Prof Drury said. “The pilots will start out flying a Cessna Caravan, and then after acquiring enough flight hours, they will transition as a First Officer onto a Skytrans Air line Dash 8 Regional trainingSkytransgraduates,”aofdeliverthrilledthealmostannuallyservicesCairns-basedQueensland-ownedTurboprop.”andSkytransAirlinesthousandsofpassengersandhavetransported300,000kilosoffreightinlastyearalone.CEOAlanMilnesaidhewastopartnerwithCQUtothepilotpathway.“SkytransisproudtobepartthisprogramthatwilldeliverrealcareerpathwayforCQUMrMilnesaid.“Asahigh-capacityoperator,willprovidethesepilotsthatisconsistentwiththe
Call for young Cairns artists to speak out against sexual violence
Career opportunities set to soar with new aviation partnership
Relation ship Educator Bonnie White said art submissions would highlight the underlying driv ers of sexual violence from youth“We’reperspectives.callingfor young people in Cairns to create a piece of art that speaks out against attitudes that excuse disrespect and sexual vio lence,” Ms White said. “The competition provides a space for young people to express themselves crea tively, bringing to light some of the emerging issues they face.”One of three prize incen tives are on offer, and all submissions will be on public display in October to mark Sexual Violence Awareness month.“Zonta Club of Cairns has kindly donated three prizes to the value of $350, and all artists will be recognised and celebrated throughout Octo ber and during the exhibition opening event,” Ms White said.Local youth representa tives are encouraged to get involved to maximise the art fair’s“Workingsuccess.alongside our team, we invite young people to support the coordination of the competition and art fair. “From event planning to promotion, this is a great opportunity for youth to learn new skills and gain profes sional experience to add to their resume, and of course, the best part will be making new friends and having fun along the way,” Ms White said.Art submissions close on September 16. For more information on the program, please www.respectme.org.au/speakoutvisit:
A respectful relationship education program delivered in schools across Cairns has launched an art competition urging young people 13-18 years of age to create a piece of art that speaks out against sexualBehindviolence.theinitiative is the local not-for-profit organisa tion Vocational Partnerships GroupVPG(VPG).Respectful
PAGE 6 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au
(Pictured: L-R) Steve Hall and Alan Milne
PROTECTING the Great Bar rier Reef and securing Reef jobs is the focus of the Australian Government’s initiative to ex pand the successful Crown-ofthorns Starfish (COTS) Control Program.TheAlbanese Labor Gov ernment will invest $162 mil lion over the next eight years in the COTS Control Program to suppress outbreaks of the coraleating predators that, when left unchecked, have a significant impact on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef, Senator Nita Green, said the COTS Control Program is a proven effective tool in building Reef resilience in the face of climate change. “Protecting key coral reefs and tourism sites by expanding the Crown-of-thorns Starfish Control Program not only ben efits the Great Barrier Reef as a whole,” Senator Green said. “It helps in securing the jobs of the many whose day-to-day livelihoods rely on a healthy and resilient Reef,” Senator Green“Thissaid.COTS Control Program is providing more than 145 Reef jobs directly in regional Queensland, including employment opportunities for Reef Traditional Owners. “But of course, protecting our Reef also protects the more than 60,000 jobs it supports and the billions it contributes to our national economy. “If we protect the Reef, we protect our future.” Senator Green said over the last decade, the COTS Control Program partners have pro tected more than 330 coral reefs - some 700,000 hectares - from the devastating impacts of the coral-eating starfish. More than 1.1 million COTS have been culled to date, stopping billions of potential offspring from infiltrating the Reef.The recent Report on Coral Reef Condition for 2021–22 by the Australia Institute of Marine Science identifies strong coral recovery in the northern and central Great Barrier Reef. These results are consist ent with the COTS program’s surveys showing that welltargeted control of these starfish supports coral recovery from climate-driven impacts. The COTS Control Program draws upon the best available science and field intelligence to strategically deploy vessels with experienced dive teams to cull COTS outbreaks. It builds upon existing management, such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zon ing Plan to support the Reef ecosystem and deliver benefits for Reef tourism and other Reef-dependent industries. Delivery of the program is in conjunction with exist ing partners, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Wider consultation includes Traditional Use of Marine Re source Agreements (TUMRA) groups, marine park tourism industry representatives and other research providers. Crown of Thorns Starfish
major airlines in Australia. “The network that Skytrans operates will see these pilots operating in some of the most pristine environments on the planet.“Servicing the communities of Cape York, the Torres Straits is lands and the Whitsunday Coast, Skytrans is part of the family in thisDeanregion.”ofthe School of Engi neering and Technology Professor Steve Hall said CQU had a longstanding relationship with Skytrans.“Weare also exploring excit ing opportunities in electric and hydrogen-fuelled aviation,” Prof Hall“Buildingsaid. upon a partnership in Townsville, our Cairns students now also have the opportunity to train with Skytrans.”

The Authority’s Executive Director Scott Buchanan said this discovery was crucial to prevent future“Thisdamage.infestation is a sig nificant size, and if it remained undetected, it had the potential to do a lot of damage to the World Heritage Area,” Mr Buchanan said.“This discovery is an impor tant reminder that while we have made great progress towards reaching our goal of eradication, ongoing surveillance is vital to protect not only the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area but also our local communities and industry.” The Authority is currently completing delimitation of the infestation and expects to begin treatment by the end of the year. The Authority’s Eradication Program Senior Technical Of ficer, Gareth Humphreys, said the infestation was linked to nearby infestations.“Survey results so far indicate the infestation size to be approxi mately 77ha, and based on the size and location of the infesta tion, it appears to be linked to the known infestations close by,” Mr Humphreys said. The first of five treatment rounds on this new site will begin in December 2022. The Authority is confident this infestation will respond to treatment, as have the other areas in similar terrain and vegetation.“Theinfestation is in some pretty rough country that has very limited access,” Mr Humphreys said.“We’ve been working with local residents to gain access via their properties, and we are grate ful for the support and assistance that residents have provided.” Treatment and ongoing sur veillance to ensure the ants have been completely eradicated take several years to complete. If you think you may have seen yellow crazy ants, contact the Authority on 4241 0525 or yca@wtma.qld.gov.au for a free property inspection.
THE Premier has announced her Cabinet will meet in the Torres Strait next month. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told Parliament today the Cabinet would meet on Thursday Island on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. “The Torres Strait is a unique and sacred part of our State”, the Premier“Enrichedsaid. by First Nations history and culture, there are 18 inhabited islands out of nearly 300 scattered over 48,000 square from the tip of Cape York up to the border of our nearest neighbour Papua New Guinea. “From justice, equality and opportunity, health care, housing, education, water security, tourism, roads - my government’s commit ment to this region is clear. “We are committed to delivering better services across Queensland, unlocking those good, secure jobs and protecting our great Queensland lifestyle. “The Torres Strait Island com munities and Cape communities and the people who live and work there are important to Queensland, and we want to hear directly from them.“While Cabinet will meet on Thursday Island, Ministers will also visit outer islands and the Cape too over a couple of days, making sure they speak to as many communities as possible. “This is a great opportunity for the community and local govern ment leaders to share ideas, priori ties, challenges and opportunities. “Whether it’s access to services, opportunities for job creation, Path to Treaty, native title, housing or environmental matters, my Cabinet wants to hear about those issues.”
Leading Aircraftwoman Nona spent most of her child hood in Cairns, but her mother is from Badu Island in the Torres“AllStrait.myfamily grew up and lived on Badu Island, and I still have connections there,” Lead ing Aircraftwoman Nona said. Her background was not lost on the local kids taking part in the community engagement. The whisper of “She’s a Badu girl” was heard being passed around as Leading Aircraft woman Nona talked with the enthusiastic kids. The Air Force is committed to the ‘closing the gap’ strategy through recruiting and retaining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women. Avionics technician Raba Nona
WHEN Raba Nona landed her dream job, she knew that it would involve travel, but she never expected it to take her back to her family’s ancestral home in the Torres Strait Islands.
YELLOW CRAZY ANT infestation detected near Gordonvale Member for Cook Cynthia Lui
Member for Cook Cynthia Lui welcomed the opportunity for locals to meet directly with members of the Cabinet about local“Importantly,issues. there will be an opportunity for locals and interested groups to register for deputations with Ministers,” Ms Lui said. “This is a terrific chance for locals to speak directly with the Government, and I’d encourage as many people as possible to take up the “I’mopportunity.lookingforward to the Premier and her cabinet being here and thank the Premier for bringing her Cabinet to the Cape and to the Torres Strait.”
Leading Aircraftwoman Nona is an avionics technician in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), posted to No. 35 Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley near Brisbane. The Squadron flies the C-27J Spartan transport aircraft – a shape that’s not unfamiliar in Torres Strait skies – and has close ties with the Torres Strait. The Spartans are regular vis itors to Horn Island, and the Air Force continues to strengthen the already developed connec tions between the Squadron and the local community. In early July, a C-27J Spartan visited Horn Island in partnership with the Australian Olympic Committee to take Indigenous Basketball Australia to the Torres Strait. Leading Aircraftwoman Nona was tasked to support the flight. “This is a dream come true for me. I would never have believed that my work would bring me up to the Torres Strait,” Leading Aircraftwoman Nona said. “I love my job: every day brings a new experience. I am always learning, and best of all, I get to work with my mates.”
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 7www.cairnslocalnews.com.au Wet wipes block pipes cairns.qld.gov.au Did you know that 500 tonnes of non-flushable items including wet wipes and other products are removed from Cairns sewer systems each year? AVIATOR BACK TO HER ROOTS IN THE TORRES STRAIT The inCabinetQueenslandtomeettheTorresStrait
THE Wet Tropics Manage ment Authority has detected a new infestation of yellow crazy ants near Gordonvale. Officers from the Authority detected the infestation in a rug ged country within the Wet Trop ics World Heritage Area while carrying out routine surveillance last month as part of the Yellow Crazy Ant Eradication Program. Yellow crazy ants are con sidered one of the world’s top 100 worst invasive species and have been present in Far North Queensland for over a decade, but the persistent efforts of the Authority’s Eradication Program have seen widespread infestation contained in recent years.

PAGE 8 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au Things you should know: Applications are subject to credit approval. Eligibility criteria and other conditions may apply to some loans. Full terms and conditions will be included with our loan offer. Fees and charges may be payable. Extended trading hours available at selected branches only. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL and Australian credit licence 234945. ADV15403 270522 Achieve your home owner goals with our support. Whether you’re looking to buy, invest or switch loans, we’re here as your local CommBank Home Lending Specialists to help you through every step. Talk to us today. Appointments now available Saturdays at Earlville Branch. Dal Lea Jin Home Lending Specialist 0466 377 Speaksdal.jin@cba.com.au122Korean Lynda Van Mobile Home Lending Specialist 0428 102 lynda.van@cba.com.au216 Nathan Lemke Home Lending Specialist 0439 418 nathan.lemke@cba.com.au474 Jamey-Ray Musmarra Home Lending Specialist 0435 165 jameyray.musmarra@cba.com.au467 Jess Riley Home Lending Specialist 0427 876 jessica.riley@cba.com.au602 Breanna Arthurson Mobile Home Lending Specialist 0468 543 breanna.arthurson@cba.com.au977 Amy Ragusa Home Lending Specialist 0467 088 amy.ragusa@cba.com.au766 CommBank Atherton, 81a Main Street CommBank Cairns, 76 Lake Street CommBank Earlville, Stockland Cairns, 537 Mulgrave Road CommBank Innisfail, Cnr Owen & Edith Streets CommBank Mareeba, 161 Byrnes Street CommBank Port Douglas, Saltwater Building, Cnr Macrossan & Grant Streets CommBank Smithfield, Smithfield Shopping Centre, Cnr Kennedy & Cook Hwys

QUEENSLAND Police will soon be among the best-protect ed frontline officers in the world, with new state-of-the-art vests to be rolled out across the state. In good news for our frontline officers, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has signed a con tract to ensure the next generation of vests are on-line as soon as possible to enhance officer safety. Police Minister Mark Ryan said the new integrated loadbearing vests (ILBV) would see police better protected, with the combined ballistic and edged weapon safety features part of po lice officers’ operational uniform for the first time in Queensland’s 168-year policing history. “Our officers put their lives on the line whenever they respond to highly volatile and dangerous situations, and they should be protected with the latest technol ogy in officer safety equipment,” Minister Ryan said. “The ILBV will allow officers to safely carry their firearm, taser, baton, handcuffs, radio and bodyworn camera while performing their duties, and most importantly - provide added protection against offenders who may be armed with knives or firearms.” “The Palaszczuk Government is supporting our world-class Service and ensuring the safety of our police and CarrollCommissionercommunities.”Katarinasaidthe$20million-plus initiative would significantly boost officer safety. “We have undertaken extensive operational trials of the ILBV in differing climates and situations across the state to inform the final design,” Com missioner Carroll said. “I’m very pleased we will see each frontline officer issued with their individual integrated load-bearing vest to improve their safety as they continue protecting ourCommissionercommunities.”Carroll said currently, officers must wear an overt ballistic vest on top of a load-bearing vest to be protected from a firearm threat. “By combining these two important pieces of equipment, our officers can achieve that same protection in one vest, to be worn at all times while on duty,” Com missioner Carroll said. Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers congratu lated the Government for this significant investment that will benefit frontline police. “I’ve been a strong advocate for this equipment, insisting it’s a fit-for-purpose design with a high protection rating that provides every officer wearing it the best opportunity to go home safely at the end of their shift.”
www.cairnslocalnews.com.au for the Jack Cranstoun mediation scholarship
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 9
Officer in new state of the art vests currently being rolled out across QLD
• Regional QLD • General Scholarship recipients will be trained in two interactive courses: • Mediation level 1 – Introduc tion to mediation skills • Mediation level 2 – Develop ment of mediation skills and accreditation assessment. The scholarships are offered to young people between the ages of 21 and Interested30. people can apply or find further information about the 2022 Jack Cranstoun Scholarship online www.qld.gov.au/jcscholarship.at: Applications close 9am, Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
“The safety of our frontline police is an absolute priority, and I’m confident this ILBV with its full armour will become an es sential part of equipment for first response police.”
Frontline police to get latest protective vests
YOUNG Queenslanders inter ested in conflict resolution are en couraged to apply for one of four scholarships on offer for accred ited mediation training as part of the Jack Cranstoun Attorney-General,program.Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Fam ily Violence Shannon Fentimen, said the Jack Cranstoun scholar ship provided the opportunity for four young Queenslanders to be trained in mediation and attain National Mediation Accreditation status.“Mediators play a vital role in Queensland communities by pro viding much-needed assistance to members of the public to resolve conflict in a mutually beneficial manner without going to court,” Minister Fentiman said. “Scholarship recipients will discover how to facilitate discus sions and effectively resolve disputes while learning about the theory and practices of facilitative mediation and conflict management.“Thisscholarship pays tribute to a much-loved and talented me diator with the Department of Jus tice and Attorney-General (DJAG) who worked in family counselling and youth support programs in the Moreton Bay region and sadly lost his life in 2014.” The value of each of the four scholarships available is $3,500. Since the launch of the Jack Cran stoun program in 2015, the DJAG Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) has proudly provided training scholarships valued at $87,000 to 29 young Queenslanders as part of the “Theseprogram.recipients have been provided with an invalu able opportunity to work with experienced mediators and gain the skills and knowledge needed to start their career in mediation,” Minister Fentiman said. “You don’t have to be a lawyer to apply as the training will benefit those from various fields such as community organisations, public service, private sector, counsel ling, legal practice and real estate. “Mediation training benefits anyone wanting to develop their communication and negotia tion skills, and to learn about the theory and practices of facilitative mediation and conflict manage ment.”The 2022 scholarship is awarded to four recipients across the following categories: • First Nations Peoples • People from culturally and linguistically diverse back grounds

The Positive Ageing Expo will be held at the Cairns Performing Arts Centre on Friday 16 September from 9.30am to 1pm. The expo is a free, one-stop event where seniors can meet with relevant service providers, businesses and community groups. There will also be live entertainment and a sit-down lunch for local seniors. The event is free, but tickets must be reserved for the live entertainment and seniors’ lunch by calling Ticketlink on 1300 855 835 or visit www.ticketlink.com.au
close 31 August. Visit Council’s website for more details and to apply.
For times and locations visit Council’s website
Sustainability grants
Want to be heard? Send a text to the Editor 0438 195 408
Ginger Cl and Elkhorn Cl, Redlynch: Asphalt overlays. Expect temporary road closures from Thursday 25 August. Pittsburg St, White Rock: Asphalt overlays. Expect temporary road closure on Tuesday 23 August.
Editor: we had visitors from Sydney staying with us over the past week, and - as you do - we have been proudly showingoff our beautiful region. A day trip to Port Douglas, a drive to Kuranda, and, of course, we visited some of our fine eater ies. Our visitors thoroughly enjoyed their stay in our won derful city and region. While here though, they commented on how quiet the city seems, particularly during weekdays. The roads, they explained seemed empty of cars, and the streets devoid of people. I have noticed this to an extent myself. We all know how the pandemic impacted our city, with the tour ism industry arguably worse hit. However, while there seems to have been some improve ments in the number of visitors to our city, the revival has been painfully slow. Mick, Mooroobool Maybe the FBI took all of
Janelle, Woree
With a theme of ‘Inno vating in Medical Bionics to Transform the Lives of those impacted by Trauma/ Injury, Disability and Disease’, Bionics Challenge 2022 has a $200,000 prize pool. The winners of the Grand Challenge event in October are set to receive grants and pre-seed funds ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 plus customised mentoring. In ad dition, $40,000 in cash prizes will be distributed to EarlyStage Bionic Innovation Award winners.Thisyear’s Challenge will also feature a Student’s Bionic Innovation Challenge funded by MAIC with $15,000 in cash prizes (with $3,000-$5,000 prizes awarded). Talented student teams in TAFE courses, undergraduate degrees or Honours programs are invited to compete.Formore information and to apply, www.bionicsqueensland.com.auvisit
New round of funding rememberto veteransQueenslandour
The Palaszczuk Gov ernment has launched the second round of the $4 million Queensland Remembers Grants Program, helping ex-service and other not-forprofit organisations to honour Queensland veterans and their families.Thesecond round of the Queensland Remembers Grants Program is now open for submissions and will close at 5pm on October 4, 2022. Successful recipients under round two of the Queensland Remembers Grants Program will be announced in March 2023. For more information, please www.qld.gov.au/remembersgrants.visit:
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch announced $66,225 in funding available for community “Communityorganisations.organisations can only assist off the back bone of dedicated volunteers, and I am proud to be a part of an electorate who has many, many of these residents.” “I encourage groups to apply and contact my office if you have any questions.” Interested organisations can complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form 16,businesssubmittedonlinegrants-2022/com.au/grants/volunteer-https://www.warrenentsch.visitingorclickhttps://bit.ly/3c4ufoEinouredition.EOIformsmustbebeforecloseofonFriday,September2022.AllEOIswillthenbeconsideredbyalocalindependentcommunityconsultationpanel.Afterconsultationwiththeindependentpanel,MrEntschwillnotifythesuccessfulorganisationsviaemail.TheDepartmentofSocialServiceswillthensendan official application form to nominated organisations to apply for Successfulfunding.applicants will be announced in May 2023.
For a full list of works see our website. Improvement works Dale Cl, Bayview Heights: Asphalt overlays. Expect temporary road closure on Monday 22 August. Elford St, Clifton Beach: Kerb and channel works underway. Endeavour Rd, Clifton Beach: Pedestrian ramp renewal at the Capain Cook Highway intersection. Ferntree Cl, Brinsmead: Asphalt overlays. Expect temporary road closures. Wednesday 24 August.
PAGE 10 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au TOLETTERSTHEEDITOR editorial@cairnslocalnews.com.au
Council has issued the half-yearly rates notices with a due date of Wednesday 31 August. A variety of convenient online and phone payment options are available; visit Council’s website for more details. Anyone having difficulty paying their rates becuase of COVID-19 related financial hardship can complete the “rates hardship relief” form on the website. Rates notices issued
There are really messy hous ing units in Sondrio St - on the outside it looks disgusting so clean it up. Janelle, Woree
“The Bionics Challenge is our commitment to fund, men tor and support teams whose idea, however fledgling, has the potential to change the lives of millions,” she said. “Our prize winners receive valuable ‘pre-seed’ funds and the opportunity to talk to Australia’s best advisors on managing their IP, understand ing the real needs of end users and the likely cost of their idea, before honing their design and talking to manufacturers.”
Trump’s votes that he has been printing for the next election. He took the fifth, they took his secrets. Ross, Cairns I have always referred to our ex-PM, as ‘ScuMo ‘ but after hearing the ‘latest’ news of his behaviour, I’m wondering if that word may be too kind. And then we have the members of his party aiding him (including the G.G ) scandalous. Noel, Cairns I am sick of mental people throwing my recycle bin around on Sunday morning, pls leave my bin alone.
1300 69 22 47 cairns.qld.gov.auwCONTACT US:COUNCIL NEWS ...
There is still time to apply for two Council sustainability grants. Community Sustainability Grants of up to $5000 are open to community groups and not-for-profit organisations to raise awareness and take action for a more sustainable Cairns. Council’s Nature-based Learning Grant of up to $2000 is open to schools for excursions that connect children with nature to raise awareness and appreciation of sustainable living and the natural Applicationsworld.
IN a race to fast-track trans formational bionic healthcare solutions to market, Bionics Queensland is calling on region al Queensland’s clever minds to enter Bionics Challenge 2022, a Queensland-led competition with state and national prizes. The Challenge, delivered in partnership with the Motor Accident Insurance Com mission (MAIC), provides mentoring support and funds to those inventing bionic devices, treatments and implants to help people impacted by road ac cidentBionicstrauma.Queensland CEO Dr Robyn Stokes is excited to see more novel technolo gies emerging to restore or enhance function and fast-track rehabilitation of those whose lives have been disrupted by traumatic events. “We are calling on everyone from accident survivors to grassroots innovators and startups, clinicians, engineers, AI and robotics experts and allied health practitioners,” Dr Stokes said.“The Challenge is open to teams with early or late-stage ideas for bionic devices, implants, treatments and reha bilitation technologies. “The real purpose of this Challenge is to engage and connect everyday people with lived experience of accident trauma and disability with engi neers, clinicians and scientists who have the passion and skills to address their unmet needs. “We are putting end users ‘front and centre’ in designing new treatments for complex injuries, devices that make bionic limbs easier to wear, and research that takes people one step closer to an artificial or bio-robotic implant,” she said. Delivered in partnership with MAIC, Dr Stokes said this year’s Challenge will provide cash prizes plus mentoring and commercialisation training to help the winners to accelerate their ideas and discoveries.
Volunteer community grants expressions of interest now open VOLUNTEERS and their or ganisations across Leichhardt will receive part of the Austral ian Government’s $10 million Volunteer Grants to support their crucial role in our com munity.The 2022 Volunteer Grants provide organisations with grants of between $1,000 to $5,000 to help organisations buy small equipment for vol unteers or reimburse volunteer fuel, transport or training costs, or support promotional activities.Volunteering plays a vital role in Australia’s social landscape as a proven pathway to get people into jobs, reduce marginalisation and increase community participation.
Positive Ageing Expo

Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 11www.cairnslocalnews.com.au FAB FM 90.9 PORT DOUGLAS TO MOSSMAN 4:30PM - 6:30PM WEEKDAYSGazza’s Gossip
Taste Port Douglas event founder and culinary director Spencer Patrick said the event would not have been possible without the chefs and hospital ity “Itworkers.wasa great honour to have some of Australia’s most diverse and talented culinary elite join us in Port Douglas to collaborate and dish up a vast programme with more depth and flavour than any other year,” Mr Patrick said. “Their commitment has been the key ingredient in helping elevate the festival’s reputation as one of Australia’s most celebrated and dynamic gourmet weekends of the year, putting Far North Queens land’s produce, producers and suppliers in the national spotlight.”Thelineup featured festival favourites and new faces, including Manu Feildel (My Kitchen Rules), Adrian Rich ardson (Good Chef Bad Chef), Adam D’Sylva (Lollo, Coda, Tonka), Jerry Mai (Pho Nom, Bia Hoi), Ben Williamson (Anges, sAme sAme, Honto), Colin Fassnidge (Kitchen Nightmares), Jake Nicolson (Blackbird, Donna Chang) and manyPresentedmore. by Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort, the festival celebrated the greater Port Douglas community and local businesses across the event, solidifying the region’s reputation as a premier culi naryGeneraldestination.Manager at the Sheraton Grand Mirage Re sort, Steve Molnar, said it was an honour to be a part of Taste Port“WeDouglas.arethrilled to be a partner to Taste Port Douglas again this year,” Mr Molnar said.“With the best chefs arriv ing in Far North Queensland from around Australia, the festival elevates the region’s reputation as a premier culi nary destination even further. “There was a real sense of excitement in the community as we welcomed back inter state and international visitors to Port Douglas and this ex traordinary event this year.” For more information, www.tasteportdouglas.com.au.visit
VISITORS to the Douglas Shire come from all over Australia, including local towns and regions like Cairns, the Tablelands and the Cassowary Coast. Once again, happily, we are also seeing guests arrive from overseas. Tourists may easily think that a trip to Paradise is an expensive affair, but they will be pleasantly surprised to know that there are a number of free activities to be enjoyed by young and old. Sometimes it’s just nice to en joy a ‘good old’ day at the beach, not forgetting that as well as beautiful Four Mile Beach, there are also many other paradisiacal locations along the coastline, including Cooya and Wonga. Sea views and other nautical pleasures can be enjoyed from Rex Smeal Park, in Port Douglas, where there are also free BBQ facilities for a potentially cheaper lunchForoption.some, free exercise and great views, there’s a steady walk up the Flagstaff Hill Walking Trail, or even a trip to the beauti ful Mowbray National Park for a picturesque hike up the historic Bump Track. Train spotters will find several items of interest, including the year 1900 Port Douglas Tramway locomo tive ‘Faugh-a-Ballagh’ to be found in Grant Street. One particular free to view attraction that I’d like to focus on, is St. Mary’s By The Sea Church. This quaint building now enjoys one of the most idyllic settings in the Region. Back in 1986, however, it was a different story, being the only church left in Port Douglas and in danger of beingSaintdemolished.Mary’swouldn’t be where it is today had it not been for the initiative and determina tion of Virginia Donovan and Judi Piat to save one of the last his toric buildings in Port Douglas. The church building was given to Virginia and Judi by the Catholic Bishop of Cairns on the condition that it be put to use as a non-denominational place of worship and for the conduct of weddings, christenings, memorial services and funerals. They initially formed the “Save the Church” group with generous donationsfrom locals. The non-profit Port Douglas Restoration Society was then formed, to assist with fund-raising for relocation and restoration. The Douglas Shire Council provided the existing site on the undertaking that the relocation work, restoration and ongoing upkeep and maintenance would never become a burden to the StRatepayer.Mary’schurch was finally moved to the present site on November 11, 1988 and thus began a long and difficult year of restoration.Apartfrom being a great sight, it is now, as planned, a popular family venue, with dona tions received from events ensur ing that maintenance and ongoing restoration is not reliant on funds fromDouglasCouncil.Shire businesses obviously love visitors to send a few bucks, but rest assured there are, indeed, a few free options. I’m off for a quick walk down the aisle, so for now it’s Gazza signing out! gazza@cairnslocalnews.com.auto AUSTRALIA’S top chefs and hospitality talent drew huge crowds to Far North Queens land for the sixth Taste Port Douglas.Taste Port Douglas returned for its sixth edition on the weekend, attracting foodies from across the nation to see Australia’s top chefs and hos pitality talent cook up a storm next to local talent in tropical Far North Queensland. The four-day festival welcomed 10,000 visitors from across Australia and overseas, more than doubling its local population from August 11-14, in the idyllic Sheraton Grand MirageVisitorsResort.tothe festival en joyed an action-packed week end of culinary masterclasses, signature dinners and unique dining experiences hosted by an all-star lineup of Australian chefs, beverage experts, local producers and suppliers show casing the best of the region’s tropical produce and suppliers across Port Douglas.
Taste Port Douglas welcomed 10,000 visitors to FNQ
Join allthe action FOR TICKETS VISIT In The Douglas Shire!
Send your stories

2. General preparations
• Spare supply of fuel for use in your vehicle (ensure you store safely); • Wide masking tape for windows;
• Identify which room is the strongest part of the house, in case you need to shelter in your home during a severe storm or cyclone. Usually this would be the smallest room in the house, with the least windows;
• Identify where and how to turn off the mains supply for water, power and gas; Purchase emergency es sentials to have on hand, such as:
6. Don’t forget your pets
PAGE 12 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au Government subsidy $11,250 off a new reroof. Full cyclone roof upgrade. Conditions apply. Call Colin for more information. Get in quick before subsidy runs out. All work fully certified by building certifier. Do you need a new roof? cyclonemetalroofing@yahoo.com.au Excellence under pressure!!! Our Services • All aspects of pressure cleaning from driveways to tennis courts • Gutter cleaning from the ground with industrial vacuum • Industrial Internal Vacuuming • Service from Port Douglas to Gordonvale and west to Mareeba Call John for a free quote on 0418 818 401 Mention this ad for 20% off driveways Cairns PressureBeachesCleaning www.cairnsbeachespressurecleaning.com An extensive range of domestic and commercial pumps. For expert service call in, or phone. • Pump selection and installation • Servicing and repairs of all major brands • On site maintenance 1/2 Captain Cook Highway, Craiglie, Port Douglas E: sales@portirrigation.com.auP:40985863Callustoday! Your House and Garden IT’S NEVER TO EARLY TO PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR CYCLONE, FLOOD OR FIRE. Remember: Preparing your home is an important step towards your family being prepared for, surviving and coping with emergencies.Thebesttime to take action to prepare your home is before storm, cyclone and monsoon season.Completing the list of sug gested tasks on this fact sheet will assist you to prepare your home and property to minimise potential damage.
• Fit windows with shutters or metal screens for added protection during high winds; • Arrange a professional builder to check your build ing and identify measures to increase its structural security to withstand high winds. 5. When severe weather warnings are issued: • Disconnect electrical ap plicances and all external television and radio aerials; • Turn off electricity and gas main supplies if instructed by emergency authorities;
• Secure outdoor furniture and other garden items;
• Take your Emergency Kit; • Tune in and listen to your local radio station for updates on the event and further warnings and safety messages.
• Relocating electrical sock ets and power - points to well above floor level.
3. If you live in a flood-prone area: • Store all poisons well above ground level;
• Secure loose items that could cause damage if blown around in high winds (such as garden furniture and toys).
• Prepare food and water for pets, and it they are small, carriers for leaving if needed. Be Prepared in advance to protect everyone Glenn: 0436 101 part our
Bookings26thPublishing599:AugustDeadline:22ndAugust Fathers Day Feature Be
• Park vehicles under cover, away from trees, power lines and waterways;
• Fill buckets and bath with clean water in case of inter ruptions to main supply;
• Ensure your home, contents and car insurance is current and covers your assets adequately - check your policy includes debris clean up and disposal;
• Close windows with shut ters, or use strong tape in criss - crossing pattern and draw curtains;
4. If you live in an area prone to cyclone or severe storms:
• Identify which indoor items you will need to raise or empty if flooding threatens your home. Also consider:
• Hessian bags and sand for sandbagging indoor drains to prevent sewerage back wash from flooding.
• Containers to store drink ing water;
• If you cannot access undercover shelter for your vehicles, secure with firmly tied blankets to minimise hail damage; • Check all household members are safe and are in the strongest room in the house;
• Alternatives to carpet floor coverings,
1. General maintenance Check the condition of the roof and repair loose tiles, eaves and screws; • Clean gutters and down pipes so water can drain away as quickly as pos sible; • Trim trees and overhanging branches;

GIG Guide 1 3 4 5 6 7
GENERAL ADMISSION Join the Cairns Jockey Club for an action packed two days of racing, fashion and fun! Adult Price Per Day: $20.00 pp pre-purchased online (Online bookings close 9am the morning of the race day) / $25.00pp at the gate on race day Pensioner Price Per Day: $10pp at the gate on race day Under 18 Price Per Day: $10pp 6 – 17 years of age at the
SHUTTLE BUS FROM FESTIVAL (RETURN) Mareeba to Port Douglas toMareebaCairns toMareebaMalanda Festival Site to Mareeba
10.00am til 2.00am Fri, Sat & Sun 1.05pm Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas (Port Douglas Rd, Port Douglas) 1.10pm (317Dunwoody’sSheridan St, Cairns North) 1.20pm Atherton International Club (60 Kennedy Hwy, Atherton) 1.35pm Julatten School (1141 Euluma Creek Rd, Julatten) 1.15pm Smithfield (Bus stop at bottom of Kuranda Range, Kennedy Hwy) 1.25pm (3ServoWoolworthsAthertonMainSt,Atherton)
1.10am Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas (Port Douglas Rd, Port Douglas) 1.15am (317Dunwoody’sSheridan St, Cairns North) 1.10am Malanda State School (24 Mary St, Malanda)
1.15am Port Douglas Marina (44 Wharf St, Port Douglas) 1.20am Cairns Pier Car Park (Pier Point Rd, Cairns)
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 13www.cairnslocalnews.com.au ENTERTAINMENT
WWW.SAVANNAHINTHEROUND.COM.AUAT: mareeba, cairns hinterland 30 sep - 2 oct 2022
12.40am Julatten School (1141 Euluma Creek Rd, Julatten) 1.00am Smithfield (Bus stop at bottom of Kuranda Range, Kennedy Hwy) 12.50am Atherton International Club (60 Kennedy Hwy, Atherton)
Mike Price Quartet - The Jazz Sanctuary, 8:00pm Jason Singh & Dr Elephant - Bar36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 9:00pm Big Noise - PJ O’Briens, 9:30pm Anais Campbell - Cairns Jockey Club - President’s Tent, 11:00am The Love Handles - Cairns Races, 11:30am Tanya Murphy - Yorkeys Knob Boat Club, 3:00pm Cinnamon Sun - Elixir Music Bar, 3:00pm Wind and Wood - Ten06, 5:30pm Carrizma - Cazaly’s Cairns, 6:15pm Big Pups - The Carrington Hotel, Atherton, 8:00pm My Deaf Eyes - Red Beret Hotel, 8:00pm Sanchez - Bar36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 9:00pm DjGlennW - Dundees at the Cairns Aquarium, 11:30am Bad Boys of Uke - Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron, 1:00pm Dazz & the Boyzz - The Celt, 2:00pm Kaweyova - Beach House at Trinity, 2:00pm SAX MAN Troy Stevens - Chill at Portofino, Palm Cove, 2:00pm Big Pups - Garradunga Hotel, 2:00pm
Sun August 21, 2022 @ 9:00am - 1:00pm Bird Expo 2022 at Cairns Showgrounds Event by Far North Queensland Bird Breeders Club. The annual Bird Expo is on Sunday 21st August: • Many different varieties of birds • Various trade tables • Speak to local breeders • Sausage sizzle/cold drinks • Raffles Time: Sunday August 21, from 9:00am to 1:00pm Location: Fig Tree Undercover Area next to the Fulton Bar, Cairns Showgrounds Entry: Via Gate 2 Fred Moule Pavillion Cost: $2.00 entry fee / Children under 13 Free Thu 25 August 2022 @ 5:00pm - 8:00pm ACS Queensland Cairns Regional Roadshow – Exploring Local Digital Transformation Journeys Event by Australian Computer Society and NBN Australia. Join the local Cairns tech community for an insightful panel session, featuring leading tech industry perspectives on the future of Digital Transformation in Cairns and opportunities for tech employment, upskilling and investment. For further details and the registration of the event, please visit ACS website. All NEW for 2022 is the Innisfail Autofest! This event will be held on the August 26-28, 2022 at the Mundoo Airport, Innisfail QLD. This will be an event not to be missed so tell ya mates and get your rides ready to be part of this great event coming to FNQ. Get your tickets at tickets/innisfail-autofest/https://www.autofest.com.au/
Janna Mercedes - Rattle n Hum Palm Cove, 8:00pm Mississippi Shakedown - Anthill Hotel, Mareeba, 8:00pm
2.15pm Drop off Kerribee Park 2.15pm Drop off Kerribee Park
1.00pm Depart Port Douglas Marina (44 Wharf St, Port Douglas) 1.00pm Depart Cairns Pier Car Park (Bus Bays 16 & 17,Pier Point Rd, Cairns) 1.00pm Depart Malanda State School (24 Mary St, Malanda)
SHUTTLE BUS TIMETABLE SERVICES - RUN FRIDAY 30/9 TO SUNDAY 2/10 Are you a venue or an artist that wants to be listed in the Gig Guide? Complete the form on www.cairnslocalnews.com.au/gig-guide to submit your gig each week to be listed in Friday’s paper.
1.45pm Mount Molloy Hotel (17-19 Main St, Mount Molloy) 1.40pm Australian Butterfly Sanctuary (8 Rob Veivers Dr, Kuranda) 1.35pm Tolga State School (Main St, Tolga) 2.05pm Biboohra Roadhouse (28 Bilwon Rd, Biboohra) 1.45pm Kuranda Rainforest Retreat (3 Greenhills Rd, Kuranda) 2.05pm Drop off Kerribee Park
*Please check with the Venues regarding any cancellations or entry requirements due
around a sustainable future. INFORMATION AND BOOKINGS
12.30am Mount Molloy Hotel (17-19 Main St, Mount Molloy) 12.35am Australian Butterfly Sanctuary (8 Rob Veivers Dr, Kuranda) 12.45am (3ServoWoolworthsAthertonMainSt,Atherton)
12.10am Biboohra Roadhouse (28 Bilwon Rd, Biboohra) 12.30am Kuranda Rainforest Retreat (3 Greenhills Rd, Kuranda) 12.35am Tolga State School (Main St, Tolga)
TorresBradley Webb - Hemingway’s Brewery, Cairns Wharf, 2:00pm Fingerprint - Hidden@Yorkeys, 3:00pm Passport to Airlie Competition - The Jack, 3:00pm Lexi and Al - O’Donnells Café Bar, 5:00pm The Love Handles - Pirates Den, Mission Beach, 5:30pm Justin Wellington - Bar36 @ The Reef Hotel Casino, 7:30pm to COVID-19 Thu August 18, 2022 @ 8:00amFri August 19, 2022 @ 5:00pm International Science and Eco Festival Event by Illuminate FNQ. Illuminate-FNQ (Far North Queensland/First Nations Queensland) is an innovative Science, Environment and Arts Festival to take place in Cairns, 18-19 August 2022. Dialogue on ecological and cultural significance of the Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics. This is the first Science and Eco Festival in the country to be led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, during Science Week 2022. The Festival brings together students, families, elders, and citizen scientists to build knowledge VISIT ILLUMINATE FNQ WEB SITE. Sat August 20, 2022 @ 11:00am - 5:00pm 2022 Red Beret Hotel Cairns Cup Carnival – Ladies Day Event by Cairns Jockey Club. gate Sat August 20, 2022 @ 5:00pm - 8:00pm Exciting Colourful evening for Everyone! Saturday 20th of August 2022, we will be holding the Fun Run/Walk. What better way to have fun with the Family then adding lots of Glowing Colour and Laughter!! Starting at 5:00pm with fun walk / run starting at 6:00pm we have a fun Colour, Obstacles and Foam walk or run at Esplanade in Cairns. Book your tickets through Colour Frenzy. Come join in the colourful fun and enjoy the bubbles, laughter and fun with Colour Frenzy! Venue Coconut Grove, Cairns Esplanade Northern end of Cairns Esplanade
Kim Settle & John Comrie - Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron, 4:00pm Talitha Jae - Lunico Restaurant, Trinity Beach, 5:00pm Carinda Christie - Bingle Bay Café, 6:00pm SAX MAN Troy Stevens - O’Donnells Café Bar, 6:00pm Anais Campbell - The Benson Hotel, 6:30pm Hot Ice - Cazaly’s Cairns, 6:30pm Big Pups - Mt Molloy Hotel, 7:00pm The Love Handles - Brothers Leagues Club, Innisfail, 7:00pm Late Notice - Hambledon Hotel, 7:30pm Barbary Coasters - Centrals Trinity Sporting Club, 7:30pm
on race day Children under 5 free
RunningKerribeeDepartParkevery20mins 10.00am til 2.00am Fri, Sat & Sun
Port Douglas to Mareeba Cairns to Mareeba toMalandaMareeba Mareeba to Festival Site
12.00am Depart Kerribee Park 12.00am Depart Kerribee Park 12.00am Depart Kerribee Park FREEBUSSHUTTLELOOP

As Yazmindi is living a full circle moment, returning to her roots, she hopes to become a representative of the music scene in FNQ.“Itfeels exceptional perform ing at festivals alongside other local artists I’ve grown up watch ing,” she said. “And I think we have such a unique music community in FNQ. “So I’m really proud to be from FNQ and be a part of the music scene and play at all of these amazing venues I’ve always dreamed of playing in.”
Yazmindi - Photo by Chloe Ireland
Yazmindi’s debut album Dream On is now out, and she will be touring FNQ in the com ing weeks with two free shows in Cairns, one on August 27 at the Cairns Festival and another one on September 9 at the Elixir MusicForBar.more information and all tour dates, https://yazmindimusic.com/visit:
PAGE 14 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au ENTERTAINMENT ART DECO FESTIVAL EVENTS INNISFAIL 2022 Self guided AvailableTHistoricalownWalkany time Download the FREE Innisfailapp & District Historical Museum Open Wed to Sat 10am 2pm 9 13 Edith SpeakeasyBYOInnisfail$56pmCemeteryStreetWalkfor6.30pmadults/$2chnCemeterytorchSpeakeasyPartyCruise5.00pmDresstoimpress!$40.00snappingtours.com Shire Hall Tour Shire10.30amHall Innisfail FREE 04Table$DressBYOShire1300BookingsChampagne0428Bookingsentry:228962MysteryMovie1.30pmfor2.00pmInnisfailLibraryDresstoimpress!FREEentryonlineor366616Gals&GangstersBasketCabaret7.30pmlateHallnibblestoimpress!50.00Bookings:09782327SATURDAY 17th Sept Lions withFREE7amInnisfailANZACMarketsPark12pmentryJustSingIt & The Decibelles Jazz on Edith 9.30 11.30am Shop to the sounds of the 1920s & 30s Edith FashionFashionInnisfailStreetParadeThru’theAges1.00pmfor2.00pmConservatoriumInnisfailDresstoimpress!Afternoonteaprovided$35.00ppBookings:Rhonda Mayocchi 0427 616 ‘VintageonMusicRefreshmentsvintageCAntiquesFREEShire9.00amVintageCruiseSpeakeasy990Party5.00pmDresstoimpress!$40.00Bookings:snappingtours.comMarket3.00pmHallInnisfailentry,ollectables&goodsavailable&entertainmenttheverandahValuations’with Nick Watling Register a Stall: 0439 817 100 WEDNESDAY 14th Sept THURSDAY 15th Sept FRIDAY 16th Sept SATURDAY 17th Sept SUNDAY 18th Sept Find d Tropiccal Art Deco on Facebook & Instagram or on our websitte www innisfailhistory com au/about 6 Proudly supported by Cassowary Coast Regional Council Art Deco Heritage & TourHistorical9am4.30pm$80.00 trybooking.com/CAYMN Paronella Park Open every day 9am 7.30 pm Adults $52.00 Conc $47.00 Chn paronellapark.com.au$29.00
Yazmindi launched the album in her hometown, Cooktown, and will be touring FNQ, throughout August and September, visit ing Cairns on August 27 and September 9. “I’m happy I launched my album before the Cairns shows because my listeners and fans will already be familiar with the songs I’ll be playing live,” she said. “Lots of the album and one specific song I wrote for the people of FNQ, so I think it’ll be really special to be back home doing“I’veit. never played with a band before, so I’ll have a band for some of these shows, which is also very exciting.”
FNQ emerging artist to visit Cairns with debut album
COOKTOWN emerging inde pendent musician Yazmindi, has released her debut album, Dream On, on Thursday and will tour FNQ with Yazmindiit. began writing music and performing at 13 years old and, after many years, has achieved her lifelong dream of releasing her debut album. The debut album, Dream On, is inspired by the music that raised her; americana and main stream pop and artists like Kasey Chambers, Missy Higgins, Julia Jacklin, Courtney Barnett and MileyDreamCyrus.On explores themes of female empowerment, love and growing up and was recorded in Atherton with local musicians and produced by renowned producer Mark Myers. Reflecting on the release of her first album, Yazmindi said it was a dream come true. “I always, always, always wanted to record an album,” she said.“There are 11 tracks on the al bum, and because I have so many original songs, I wanted to experi ment in the studio and record my songs in all different genres. “I wanted to create a really fun, uplifting album with hints of female empowerment in there, questioning society, and talking about important topics and love. “It’s a full FNQ, local project.” Yazmindi, who is currently based in Byron Bay, said it was an emotional experience to return home to record her debut album. “It’s special to come back home and record it in FNQ,” she said.“It grounded me a lot, and as I’ve been living in Melbourne for the past years, it didn’t feel right to record it in a big city; I wanted to come back home, in the bush and record it. “Also, choosing musicians I’ve grown up listening to and that I’ve personally known made it a lovely and wholesome experi ence.”Dream On was launched on August 18, but to produce it, Yaz mindi had to go on a long journey. The self-managed, fully inde pendent artist completed a crowd funding campaign that surpassed the goal of $13,000, with all the funds going to the production of the Afteralbum.all the challenges, the young artist said she is excited to share her music with the world. “I’m just really excited for people to finally hear all of my songs,” Yazmindi said. “People can play them all and sing along to them because I recorded these songs a year ago, so I can’t wait. “I can’t wait to hear every one’s feedback and for the physi cal CDs to arrive so people can buy them and play them loudly in their“It’scar.the next step in my music career, it’s something that I’ve dreamed of for years, and now it’s finally happening.”
By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez

“Over the last two years, I have worked amongst the CIAF team and closely with Janina to curate and deliver two culturally relevant and timely exhibitions,” Ms Lane “Duringsaid.this time, I have seen how well the CIAF team works together and I’m delighted to be leading such a professional crea tive“Itteam.isan honour to be part of an Indigenous led organisation with Board Chair Tom Mosby and General Manager Darrell Harris. “We are in times of great opportunity with Indigenous creatives highlighting the diversity of cross-disciplinary arts practice among their contemporary, fellow First Nation’s creatives,” she said. “The intersection of design and art is an exciting one and it will be wonderful to explore what this could add to CIAF.” Ms Lane has commenced in her role with CIAF and is working towards the delivery of CIAF’s 14th anniversary season that will take place at Cairns Convention Centre and cultural venues throughout the city from Wednesday, July 12 to Sunday, July 16, 2023.
CAIRNS Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) has announced artist and designer Francoise Lane as in coming Artistic Director following the departure of Janina Harding after last month’s Fair. Involved with CIAF since 2013, in both the role of artist ex hibitor and curator of exhibitions, Where’s Your Permit? (2021) and CIAF Fashion Story (2022), Ms Lane is prepared to build upon the remarkable achievements of her predecessor, Janina Harding. After a two-year COVID hiatus CIAF made a stellar come back in July 2022 with record art sales exceeding $1 million for the first time and attendance across the five-day program of more than 60,000CIAFvisitors.Chair Tom Mosby said the appointment opened an excit ing new chapter and represented a defining moment in the organisa tion’s 13-year history. “After undertaking a thorough nationwide search, the CIAF Board is pleased to announce one of Far North Queensland’s most talented artists and cultural leaders as its new Artistic Director,” Mr Mosby said.
“Artistically, Francoise is a formidable talent whose cultural sensibilities and experience from a commercial context, along with vision and ambition, make her ideally suited to the strategic demands of the role.” “We are excited for the future and extend a warm welcome to Francoise.”ATorres Strait Islander woman whose maternal family are from Hammond Island, Francoise Lane identifies as both Meriam andInspiredKaurareg.by her family, Kerriri (Hammond Island) and the natural reef and rainforest landscapes of her tropical North Queensland home, Francoise is a multi-dis ciplinary creative whose practise spans textile design, visual and surface pattern art, and sculpture. Added to this, Francoise, and her husband Andrew Lane established Indij Design in 2011, a 100 per cent Indigenous owned, award-winning architectural and design company. Reflecting upon her new role, Ms Lane said she is honoured to lead as Artistic Director.
Tickets are available from the Online Ticketing option on their facebook at: https://cairnsspeedway.com/2022/07/24/race-meeting-20-august/ or follow them on their YouTube Channel. Races are posted in the days following the meeting. There’s nothing like being there live, but then you get to see all the bits you missed as well.
CIAF General Manager Darrell Harris and Artistic Director Francoise Lane FOLLOWING on after the three highly successful meetings so far this year, they are at it again –providing more ground pounding action through as many classes as they can fit in, with the Feature Event for this meeting being the North Queensland Super Sedan Championship! There will be lots of action from these high-speed, futuristic-looking tin-tops! The racing this season has been fast and furious, so get along and they’ll show you what they’ve got!
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 15www.cairnslocalnews.com.au ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY 27 AUGUST 2022 GRAND PARADE GRANDPARADE - FROM 5.30PM FIREWORKSFROM7.30PM For more information and our full cairnsfest.com.auprogram
Cairns Indigenous Art Fair announces new Artistic Director

PAGE 16 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au The diverseculturallyvoice of the community since 1985 Keep “YOUR” radio “ON AIR” Become a subscriber, supporter, sponsor, business supporter, fund raiser, broadcaster, volunteer To find out how, contact 4053 6891 or email info@cairnsfm891.org.au Radio for the people by the peopleRadio for the people by the people NEW ALBU M RESIST AVA ILABLE NO WAT MIDNIGHTOIL.COM SPECIAL GUEST BUSBY MAROU NEW SHOW THURSDAY 25 AUGUST MUNRO MARTIN PARKLANDS CAIRNS MIDNIGHTOIL CAIRNS REGIONAL COUNCIL & FRONTIER TOURING PRESENT 25THURSDAYAUGUST GATES OPEN 5.00PM SHOW 7.00PM ENTERTAINMENT
CAIRNS Amateurs Carnival’s 2022 local ambassadors are a power couple and dynamic duo Kate George and David Mur phy. They are ready to share the excitement in the lead-up to Far North Queensland’s pinnacle so cial event next month (September 8-10, 2022). In what is a lovely and rather appropriate twist, the couple first met in the Aviary area of Cairns Amateurs and with that connec tion and special memory, they are thrilled to be named this year’s local“Weambassadors.havebothattended the carnival for many years and have loved every minute of this fabu lous event,” Ms George said. “We feel honoured to be this year’s ambassadors and cannot wait to see what the 2022 Carni val has in store for us.”
According to Cairns Ama teurs Carnival President David Goodman, local ambassadors are a committee appointment chosen annually to perform an integral marketing role that leverages from their high profile, influence and enthusiasm for the event. “There is much care and consideration that goes into choosing our local ambassadors,” Mr Goodman said. “Which, along with their abil ity to promote the Carnival, must also have a genuine association with Cairns Amateurs and pas sion for what it represents, from fashion and fun to horses and racing.“We are lucky to have Kate and David on board as this year’s local“Theirambassadors.youthful exuberance, positivity and glamour set them in good stead to promote the Amateurs’ trifecta of fun, fashion andAracing.”trained dancer, and gym nast, Kate George, at the helm of in-demand entertainment busi ness, KL Performance Industry, epitomises hard work and the valuable addition performing arts make to meaningful and memo rable events, including the Cairns Amateurs. From the gala ball to the trackside entertainment, the KL Performance Industry dancers have been a fabulous fixture on and off the track since 2019 and will be prominent again in 2022. Kate teaches grade three stu dents at St Joseph’s School when she is not working her magic on the Davidstage. Murphy is one of Cairns’ young leaders in business with a love of getting involved and giving back to the local com munity.Over the past 15 years, David has been closely associated with the Northern Pride Rugby League.Most recently, he has turned his focus to real estate and making his mark as the CoDirector of RE/MAX Real Estate Services, one of Cairns’ most successful real estate agencies. Tickets to all events are now on sale www.cairnsamateurs.org.auvia: Kate George and David Murphy on track

Look into attending seminars that can expand your perception. Alienation may be the result of a misunderstanding. Be careful when dealing with investments. You need time to think things through.
Virgo Aug 23 to
FlowerbedFenceEdgerDeckCarportBushBenchAwning Front LawnLandHoseHoeGrassGateGardenporch SlideShrubShedRocksRakePondPatioPath pool pool YardWeeds
ACROSS 7. a drink made from lemon juice and water sweetened with sugar (8) 9. an unmarried girl or young woman (6) 10. an insulting or mocking remark; a taunt (4) 11. a restaurant meal offered at a fixed price and with few if any choices (5,5) 12. a look or reconnoitre, especially a quick one (6) 14. a person who regularly travels by sea; a sailor (8) 15. dishonest, unreliable, or illegal, especially in a devious way (6) 16. to trim or clean the rough edges of some thing (6) 19. the state or condition you’re in, especially if it’s positive (8) 21. in a very skilled manner; excellently (6) 23. something that sets a par ticular activity in motion (6,4) 24. the branch of the armed ser vices of a state which conducts military operations at sea (4) 25. a person who goes from place to place selling small items (6) 26. performed or written with great care and completeness (8) DOWN 1. to die, especially in a violent or sudden way (6) 2. a tiny piece of a substance; a speck (4) 3. a block of salt provided for animals to lick (4,4) 4. a single-celled animal (6) 5. to cause someone to lose determination or confidence (10) 6. a person who is appreciative of and sensi tive to art and beauty (8) 8. to carve, mould, or stamp a design on a surface or object (6) 13. the most common unit of measure used by lighting professionals to calculate light levels 15.(10)water in or taken from the sea (8) 17. an instance of giving off something such as a liquid or gas (8) 18. easily bent or influenced (6) 20. to stick fast to a surface or substance (6) 22. a large edible white-flowered plant of the parsley family (6) 24. twelve o’clock in the day; midday (4)
Keep tabs on your spending. Put aside any decisions concerning your position at work. Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur. You may find yourself in an opportune position if you are willing to take a bit of a risk. Be sure to get involved in selfimprovement programs that will bring you in contact with interesting people. Be diplomatic but stern when it comes to giving of yourself. Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach. Deception in your home is evident.
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 17www.cairnslocalnews.com.au SUDOKU Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Puzzle Solutions
Plans to make physical improvements may lead to psychological changes, too. This is not the best time to take a risk or spend money you really can’t afford to part with. Pamper yourself for a change. You can get some good advice about personal problems. Sep 22
Leo Jul 23 to Aug 22MarJunCancer22toJul22Aries21toApr20 MayGemini21toJun 21AprTaurus21toMay OctScorpio2023toNov21 SagittariusNov22toDec20Libra Sep 23 to Oct DecCapricorn2221toJan19 JanAquarius20toFeb18 FebPisces19toMar 20 Weekly Horoscopes Tide Times 0357 1.78 1031 1.14 1749 2.27 Friday 19th Saturday 20th Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Max 27o Min 17o Max 27o Min17o Max 27o Min 18o Max 27o Min 18o Max 29o Min 19o Max 27o Min 18o Max 26o Min 19o Tide Times 0101 1.48 0519 1.78 1123 1.03 1830 2.44 Tide Times 0112 1.34 0605 1.82 1204 0.93 1903 2.57 Tide Times 0123 1.23 0641 1.88 1241 0.83 1932 2.66 Tide Times 0142 1.16 0711 1.94 1314 0.75 2000 2.72 Tide Times 0204 1.12 0735 2.00 1343 0.69 2026 2.76 Tide Times 0226 1.10 0802 2.06 1410 0.65 2049 2.78
Don’t be afraid to make a move if you aren’t happy with your emotional situation. Your need to be in a leadership position will help you surpass any rivals you might encounter. Changes in your domestic situation will prove to be favourable in the long run. Property investments will pay off. Children may pose a problem if they don’t like suggestions. You can enhance your cash flow if you pick up additional skills. Don’t let the erratic behaviour of someone you live with interfere with your professional performance. Changes could be overwhelming. Your personal life will be disrupted if you have been too busy with business. Make sure you concentrate if operating machinery or vehicles. Make sure any presentation you have is ready. Your charm will attract members of the opposite sex. Avoid lending money or belongings to friends. You can’t live your life for others. Use your obvious talent to work with detail and you can come up with something great. You could meet an interesting individual you’ll want to get to know better. You are best to be accommodating for the time being. You could be misinterpreted if you’re not careful. Be prepared to make compensations and adjustments. Someone you least expect could be trying to make you look bad. Get involved in activities that will be fun for the whole family. They may cost you dearly. One of your female friends may try to disrupt your day. Stand up for your rights.
Try to stay calm, and whatever you do, don’t nag. Don’t neglect these problems; deal with them once and for all, then move on to more pleasurable tasks. A new image can be the result if you change your look. Social events will be favourable.
Don’t lend to people who have given you negative vibes. You may want to look into the personal papers of elders in your family, especially investment opportunities. You can anger others quickly this week. Avoid overspending on items for your home.
CROSSWORD EASY #098 MEDIUM #098 HARD #098 Get puzzled by . .

Sources: TROVE, State Library of Queensland.ChineseFamily History Family history buffs with Chinese ancestry have the opportunity to pick up some tips and information on useful resources at an upcoming online seminar. The National Library of Australia is hosting the learning webinar: Chinese Australian Family History on Wednesday, August 31 from 1pm to 2pm. It will be delivered live, via Zoom. Participants can register online via: edition.https://bit.ly/3dAPvThchinese-australian-family-historytrove.nla.gov.au/event/learning-webinar-https://orclickinouronline
Fruitful business
By Maria Larkins
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The Joss House at Cairns c. 1896 wherebanana growers paid their 1 shilling fine for any infected fruit. Courtesy State Library ofQueensland.
Locally made junks at Trinity Bay, Cairns c. 1907, courtesy State Library of Queensland.
Bananas being loaded from the Tully River c. 1907, courtesy State Library of Queensland.
PAGE 18 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au
BANANAS were big business in the early 1900s and any threat to exports was taken very seriously by the growers, exporters and councilors of Cairns. Cairns council had calculated that each acre under bananas was worth £3 per year in revenue and in 1904 it was looking forward to a bonus of £1500 with five hundred acres of new land devoted to the Bananascrop. rivalled sugar in FNQ as a report in the Northern Miner in July 1905 revealed. Based on annual tons shipped: bananas (68,629) exceeded sugar (63,000) by 5,629 Althoughtons.Geraldton (Innisfail) was the main banana growing district with 1,324,948 bunches per annum, Liverpool Creek, Ella Bay and Cairns contributed more than 100,000 bunches each. The growers, who were predominantly Chinese nationals, often transported the crops from their gardens or plantations by locally constructed junks or other small boats if there were nearby waterways such as the Barron, Tully or Johnstone Rivers. On Monday, October 29, 1906, there was a notice in the Morning Post which reported that “a large number of Chinese junks are coming down the inlet every day laden with case bananas, to be shipped to Southern ports.” The “green” case bananas would be shipped to the southern states via the A.U.S.N. and Adelaide Steamship Company vessels such as the “Aramac”, “Wodonga” and “Paroo”. In early 1900 this thriving business came under threat when the southern colonies such as New South Wales wanted protection from fruit fly and rust infected produce. They proposed rigorous inspec tions of imported fruit from Queensland with whole consignments scrapped if one bunch was found defective. Banana growers and associated busi nesses from the Cairns district signed a petition seeking a more measured ap proach to mitigating the threat of disease. On February 6, 1900, The Brisbane Courier applauded the banana growers of the Cairns district for leading the way in preventing diseased fruit from leaving the Departmentcolony.ofAgriculture representa tive, Mr. H. Newport, had urged growers to engage their own inspector to examine the produce before it was exported south. Mr. Newport said: “The growers, mostly Chinese, have been advised of the seriousness of exporting affected fruit, and they have bound themselves to pay a fine to their joss-house of 1s. per bunch for all fruit found infected by the inspector, and should this occur frequently they accept the refusal of the inspector to pass any fruit from that garden.” A report from November 1900 under the Diseases in Plants Act seemed to indicate the scheme was largely success ful. It recorded that of 103,497 bunches of bananas inspected at Cairns, 64 were condemned and 103,433 were released for export.
Banana garden near Cairns c. 1894, courtesy State Library of Queensland.

Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 19www.cairnslocalnews.com.au REAL ESTATE ULYSSES REAL ESTATE CAIRNS EXPERIENCE | KNOWLEDGE | TRUST Donna Waldman 0408 788 221 donna@ulyssesre.com.au www.ulyssesrealestatecairns.com.au 2 2 1 This delightful apartment is extremely well appointed, furnished and immaculate in every way! Lovely pool and mountain views from the front balcony and it”s less than 10 minutes drive to Yorkeys Knob Beach! Investors will be impressed with the rental return of $435 per week. This Beaches Luxury Apartment complex is very popular and located close to JCU and the Northern Beaches. Just one third of the tenants here are students which offers a great balance. The onsite managers have a list of at least a dozen tenants waiting in line to rent here Take your pick from the three swimming pools, exercise in the lap pool, gymnasium or tennis court! Entertaining is easy with two bbq areas to choose from. The complex is extremely safe and secure and the addition of solar power to look after the pools, gym and common lighting has reduced the body corporate signi icantly. This one is going to sell fast! Move quickly! Body Corporate of $4346 annually - includes building insurance Contact the agent for a copy of the disclosure statement or to arrange a private inspection. Offers Over $320,000 138 /58-62 ARDISIA STREE T, SMITHFIELD MOUNTAIN AND POOL VIEWS IN PARADISE! Call today to arrange an inspection 07 4061 1466 List#:1414 THIS one is for the animal lover / gardener with approximately 4,072 sqm to enjoy your freedom. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, internal laundry, large lounge/dining area, front porch and a double carport, all in a beautiful location.Currently Tenanted with vacant possession available in 60 days. Approximately 1.5kms to a primary school, convenience store/ post office and the Mena Creek Hotel for tasty meals. 4 22 Land area 4,072 sqm A Place to spread your wings FOR $440,000SALE GREAT FAMILY HOME 36 RILEY ST, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • Solid 4 Bedroom block home • Solar Power • Garden Shed and rear patio • Large 1,212 sqm yard with vehicle access to backyard. • Great family home with loads of space Call to arrange an inspection today. $299,000 List #1524 https://aarealty.net/property/1524/ 4 1 2 Land Area 1,212 sqm LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74 HA – CAMP CREEK Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house • Machinery Shed with power • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team to arrange an inspection . $480,000 List #1522 https://aarealty.net/property/1522/ DUPLEX - INNISFAIL ESTATE Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • 2x2 bedroom lowset duplex Airconditioned living area • Masonry block construction Long term tenants Don’t miss out on this one ! Call to arrange an inspection today. $325,000 List #1544 https://aarealty.net/property/1544/4222 1 4 Land Area 3.74 ha OUTSTANDING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 • Polished timber floors 2 Blocks from Innisfail CBD Living/bedrooms air conditioned Fantastic Investment potential This is a rare property that retains many of its beautiful original features. Located only 2 blocks from the CBD this current high yielding rental property is very well priced to sell. Arrange an inspection today. $265,000 List #1465 https://aarealty.net/property/1465/43 VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details. Call to arrange an inspection today. $175,000 List #1506 https://aarealty.net/property/1506/ Land Area 1,113 sqm TROPICAL LUXURY 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home.Call our team to arrange an inspection $465,000 List #1545 https://aarealty.net/property/1545/LandArea800sqm Land Area 1,012 sqm 3 2 2 70 Edith Street, Innisfail | Phone: 4061 1466 Email: www.aarealty.netaarealty@aarealty.net GREAT FAMILY HOME 36 RILEY ST, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 • Solid 4 Bedroom block home • Solar Power • Garden Shed and rear patio • Large 1,212 sqm yard with vehicle access to backyard. • Great family home with loads of space Call to arrange an inspection today. $299,000 List #1524 https://aarealty.net/property/1524/ 4 1 2 Land Area 1,212 sqm LIFESTYLE BLOCK 3.74 HA – CAMP CREEK Contact Kylie on 0428 944 563 Perfect for Horses or Small Crops • 2 bedroom house • Machinery Shed with power • Bore and Rainwater Tanks Call our team to arrange an inspection . $480,000 List #1522 https://aarealty.net/property/1522/ ContactDUPLEX2x2 bedroom • CallDon’tLongMasonryAirconditionedblocktermtenantsmissoutonthistoarrangeaninspection $325,000 List #1544 2 1 4 Land Area 3.74 ha OUTSTANDINGContact Polished timber floors 2 Blocks from FantasticLiving/bedroomsInnisfailInvestment This is a rare property Located only 2 blocks property is very well priced $265,000 List #1465 VACANT LAND - PRIME LOCATION Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 Large blocks like this are becoming rare. Located only 1.7 kms from the Innisfail CBD and close to local and statewide transport, this vacant land presents endless opportunities for the forward thinking buyer. Call our agent for more details. Call to arrange an inspection today. $175,000 List #1506 https://aarealty.net/property/1506/ Land Area 1,113 sqm TROPICAL LUXURY 9 CHURCH STREET, EAST INNISFAIL Contact Louise on 0448 751 963 This luxuriously appointed residence has all the features of a tropical resort. Its spacious practical design and great location also makes this property the perfect family home.Call our team to arrange an inspection $465,000 List #1545 https://aarealty.net/property/1545/LandArea800sqm3 2 2 RAINFOREST LAND WITH CREEK List #1550 https://aarealty.net/property/1550/ • Lush rainforest 4,053sqm block • Crystal clear creek running through block • Town Water connected • Perfect for your new home or weekender. Perfect opportunity to secure your own piece of rainforest for your dream home or for a weekend getaway. Only 5km to Innisfail and 4.5km to the beach and boat ramp. For inspection call Kylie on 0428 944 563$130,000 UNIQUE FAMILY HOME OR RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY List #1533 https://aarealty.net/property/1533/ Perched on one of the highest points in Innisfail, only 1 km from the CBD, this historic home with its mountain views and tropical breezes is perfect for either the larger family, or as a rental property. With two completely separate living spaces, there is potential to have your own home and an income under the same roof. Arrange to inspect this unique property today. For inspection call Louise on 0448 751 963$399,00023HERBERT ST, INNISFAIL ESTATE List #1501 https://aarealty.net/property/1501/ A lovely neat 3 bedroom solid home on a corner block. • 3 bedrooms all with built ins and air conditioning • 1 Bathroom and Ensuite • Large enclosed entertainment area • Garden shed Land Area 801 sqm For inspection call Kylie on 0428 944 563$450,000 We don’t just sell properties, we make it easy for you to find your best affordable home 3 22Land Area 4,053 sqm List #1476 https://aarealty.net/property/1476/ Once you arrive at this idyllic secluded property, you won’t want to leave. On 7,759 sqm, this very spacious 3 bedroom, air conditioned home has a large living area, formal and casual dining, 2 outdoor entertaining areas, all with superb views of the surrounding manicured gardens. Add to that, 2 large farm equipment sheds, bore, 10,000ltr water tank, solar hot water and your own little creek, and you have a retreat from the world. Arrange an inspection of this rare property today. You will not be disappointed. For inspection call Louise on 0448 751 963$495,000 Land Area 7,759 sqm BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME WITH YOUR OWN CREEK 3 22 3 22

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Kuranda Heritage Markets: Rob Vievers Dr, 10:00-15:00
Clifton Beach: Clifton Beach Shopping Centre, 09:00-14:00 Innisfail Lioness: ANZAC Park, 07:00-13:00
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Old school medium rigid truck driver looking for work. No resume as self employed for the last 20 years. Can’t do physical work but can drive long distances. Very reliable, loyal, Can fix smaller problems, Prefer older vehicles Available after 8 September, have own tent. WORK WANTED - TRUCK DRIVER Gimme the job, then get out of the way Email: ootos@live.com.au Lady 74 years seeks buddypal. Write to: PO Box 290, Earlville, 4870Place a fundraising box in your staff room, or front counter, funds raised will go to Rotary To have a fundraising food tray in your business contact Jeff on MOB 0417 756 849FOR ASLITTLE AS $2YOU CAN MAKE ADIFFERENCE. Can Judy Barr/Cameron ring old friend Richard 0418 443 006 visiting next week Pretty, spiritual, caring lady seeks soulmate to live out bush. Prefer knowledgable, caring strong, sober gent (35-60), any No-text,race please phone 0447 178 329 Wish your bestie a Happy Birthday in Prices start from $25 Ph: 07 4031 7678 | E: admin@cairnslocalnews.com.au
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Wondecla: Wondecla Sports Ground, 07:00-12:00
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Sunday August 21st Cairns Night Markets: 54-60 Abbott St, 16:30-23:00
FNQ Markets
Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00
Kuranda Rainforest Markets: 7 Therwine St, 09:30-15:00 Malanda: Showgrounds, 07:30-12:30 Mossman: St David’s Church, 07:00-13:00 Rusty’s Markets: Grafton St, Cairns, 05:00-18:00
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Winners: Eileen Hamman, Justin Walker, John Fossey and Maize Smith; R.ups: Gordon Goes, Sam Pagano, Graham Kirkman and Jan Dunn. Sunday Club Triples: the scores were level at 15 all after 18 ends after playing an extra end: Win ners: Graham Anderson, Steve Howe and John Kremastos; R/ up: Gordon Goes, Ian Revie and Greg McDonald. Check the notice board for games to be played in Triples, Mixed Pairs and Consistency Singles. A reminder the Men’s AGM is on August 25th at 12:15pm.
A record number of twentysix bowlers including visitors from Kiama NSW and Adelaide played a game of non-compet itive lawn bowls on the carpet green at West Cairns Bowls Club last Monday afternoon. The winning team drawn at the end of play was led by John Frisch, supported by Gwen Cory and Belle Gillan. Every Monday our group of mainly matured bowlers come together at 1:30pm to enjoy 3 hours of social bowls broken by a break for afternoon tea which is included in the green fee charged. Visitors can join us by contacting our selector Rosemary on 0409 624 623 by early Monday to register their interest. Cards are called at 1:15pm at which time a raffle is drawn offering a cash prize. At the end of play another random playing card is drawn to select the winning team whose names will appear in this paper during the week. The green can be electrically lit if playing condi tions require it. Another option available is to register names on a playing sheet located at the West Cairns Bowls Club inside the clubhouse, but any visitors should also include their name, parent club, mobile contact phone number and usual posi tion played to help with the selection. We can assure visi tors that they will be made very welcome playing bowls with our group and look forward to meeting you. INNISFAIL MENS BOWLS Thursday Afternoon Social Bowls
SPORT MOSSMAN LADIES’ BOWLS August 11th: This being a Meeting Day, the winners were “Drawn out of the Hat” by a Bar Staff. This time it was the team with the least score: Win ners: Margaret Cooper, Honey C, and Denise Highland; R/ups: Christine Rowbury, Margaret Heffernan and Raelene Rigoir. The Consistency Competition final will be played between Honey C and Christy Colley on the 18th August. This months’ birthday cake was for Christy Colley. We also farewelled a loved bar staff member, Lisa, who went through the Covid restrictions with us, sharing a smile or laugh, you’ll be missed. For Thursday ladies’ bowls, names onto list by noon and we play at 1pm. Bowls at tire. Any ladies wanting to learn bowls, there is free coaching available. For more informa tion contact Carole isSugaractionMixedorcaroles44bb@dodo.com.auMaxted:0400954537.TheSundayBowlswillbebackinafterthe3daysoftheFestival,August19-21stover.
PAGE 22 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au
MAREEBA BOWLS CLUB Tuesdays: Barefoot bowls names in by 6:00pm - come and try bowls, club bowls available and bar open every Tuesday night. Wednesday August 10th: Club selected triples Winners: Joy Dennis, Kathy Mowart, Camila Brown. Thursdays: 4 bowl Jackpot pairs self-select ed: Winners: Mario Battistin’s team; R/up: Brian Fitzpatrick’s team; 3rd: Peter Soda’s team. Jackpot remains. Sunday August 14th: Club selected fours/triples: Winners: Norma Gray, Shane, Santina Tirra boschi, Ken Vivian; R/up: Sue Steffensen, D Harding, Laurie Steffensen. Mareeba teams trav elled to Malanda on Saturday & Sunday for the Malanda Dairy Festival. Malanda turned on the weather for a great bowling weekend with Atherton winning on Saturday and Ravenshoe winning on Sunday. Play under the shade on our carpet green for perfect bowling conditions. For information and nomina tions ph 4092 5288. Good bowling everyone. GORDONVALE BOWLS Wednesday Social Bowls at 1:00pm: names by 12:30pm. Thursday Club Selected 3 Bowl Pairs at 1:00pm. Friday 5pm Barefoot Bowls & BBQ. Ph 40561050.Results from last week: Wednesday: Ladies Pyramid Fours: Winners: C Populin, K Hullmouth, L Ceeley, D Quinn; R/up: J Baird, F Oshea, I Crampton, M Bruni; 3rd: M Santello, K Hooper, E White head, J Alexander-Saches. 10 random draws were made, thank you to N Corkill & L Owens for sponsoring the event. Toucher Prizes were also given donated by F Gunn. Skips Toucher Terry 3rd Toucher Lois 2nd Toucher Annette Leads Toucher Joy. Money Boards were run on the day: Winners: Roz & Kathrina. Thanks to all bowlers for your support. Thursday Winners: Alan & Vince; R/up: Trevor & Andrew. Raffle Winner: B Pro theroe. Saturday Open Pyramid Fours: Winner: M Buckler, R Wilson, A Nakata & J Rilley; R/ up:M Greenwood, C Flanagan, E Blythe, B O’Connor; 3rd: Bruce, Barry, Pete & Brian; 4th: A Parahana, P Buntain, M Heth erton & N Hall. A Big Thank to the Sponsors MSF Sugar & Gordonvale Bowls Club. To all our reliable volunteers with the green bar & kitchen & to the bowlers for your support. Raffles on the day were won by F Gunn & B Adair. Reminder Saturday August 27th: Gilboy Open Triples - Nominations to Mucka 0477 838 442, there are a few spaces left.
WEST CAIRNS LADIES’ Wednesday August 10thanother fun day was had by the ladies. Wednesday August 17th social mixed bowls as usual. If you wish a game, give Liz a call on 0400 626 765 or Marg on 0411 503 882 names in by 10:30/11:00am, game starts around 11:30am finish about 3:00pm. To all our ladies that have been unwell we hope that you are starting to feel better. Don’t forget our ladies AGM on Wednesday August 24th at 11:00am - there will be social bowls after the meeting.
MOSSMAN MEN’S BOWLS Saturday 13 August: 36 Bowlers for Jackpot Bowls: Pe ter Busch, Peter Gorsuch, Jim Geddes draw vs Gordon Hen derson, Martin Adams, John Cochrane 16-16; Bernie Wol land, Gary Gove, Keith Bunge def Frank Rigoir, Ted Holmes, Bernie Savage 21-18; Malachy McTaggart, Dick Pitt def Eric Smith, Gary Watts 30-22; David White, Terry Richards, Eddie Sarton def Col Widdows, Peter Worley, Bill Allison 2210; Steve Cue, Geoff Williams, Col Maxted def Charlie Toohey, Daryl Hoskins, Nev Tesch 2815; and the winners for the day, Bill Smith, Bob Laurie, Steve Hudson def SAS, Ray Prain, Derek Franklin 39-10. In the Club Championship Handicap Singles, Bruce Lester (-5) def Peter Fairchild (-2) 25-21. The next Social Bowls will be held this Thursday August 18th from 5:30pm with names in by 5:00pm at a cost of $10 per person. Cost includes a sausage sizzle after the game (8:00pm) and the chance to win a $50.00 meat tray from Moss man Butchers. To register ring the Club on 4098 1434. Social Bowls now held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month and open to all members, non-members and beginners wishing to try bowls for the first time. A reminder, no Jackpot Bowls this Saturday due to Mossman hosting the Sugar Festival Mixed Fours. For those members playing in the Sugar Festival Men’s Fours on Sunday, roll up at 8:30am for an 8:50am start. Jackpot Bowls will resume on Saturday August 28th.Anyone interested in play ing bowls, either for the first time or returning to the game, contact David White on 0407 630 759. Follow Mossman Bowls Club Men’s Section on Facebook. MARLIN COAST BOWLS CLUB Tuesday Afternoon Men’s Triples: Winners: Les, Peter, Ross L; R/up: Rick, Dave, Ross F. Tuesday Night Bowls: Spider: Rob, Aurill, Jeff, Ken, Ian, Zoe, Sisca. Wednesday Mixed Bowls: Winner: V Rheu ben, L Hamilton, G Andersen, Second M Jarrad, A Ashton, P Sorensen. Thursday Men’s Triples: Winners: D Phillips, G Reynolds, N Robson; R/up: D Spicer, D White, J Spicer. Sat urday Afternoon Walking Pairs: Winners of Winners: O Morley, C Scott; Winners of Losers: M & L Jackson. All bowlers, nonbowlers and tourists welcome. Bowls available-free. ph. 4057 6931. Note: All social games played, cards are called 15 min utes before start. Club cham pionships to be played: Check boards for play by dates for Championship games.Like us on Facebook. Special Events: Raffles Friday night also trivia. EDGE HILL MEMORIAL BOWLS CLUB Ladies Social Bowls: Thursday August 11th: Social Bowls Winners: Joyce Ault and Jeannie Wild. Please put your name down for Social Bowls by 1:00pm to ensure a 1:30pm start for Thursday August 18th. Ladies check the notice board for Consistency Singles draw. Contact and Ian Stafford; R/ups: Olga Morley and Cornelia Smith. Tuesday Night Social Bowls Winners: John Kavanagh and Geoff Rowley. Wednesday August 10th Winners: Al, Peter; R/ups: Chris and Steve Henson. Saturday August 13th Social Bowls Winners: Tony Plant and John Kerr; R/ups: Barry Bolton and Gai ComingBarrett.Events: Edge Hill Lightning Triples: This event will be played this year on Sunday August 21st starting at 9:00am with 5 games of 12 ends 2 bowl triples. Sponsored by Future Computers. Come and watch some great teams compete. Men’s Pennant: Edge Hills’ Division 1 team will now play Mt Isa and Townsville for Zone 8 winners. Club Cham pionships: Nominations for the Men’s Consistency Singles and Mixed Pairs events have been called. Check the notice board and put your names in to take part. Social Bowls will continue with Tuesday (Day at 1:00pm and Night at 7:00pm), Wednesday night Self Selected Triples. Saturday Social Bowls for August 20th will continue. You can contact Ray Webster 0402 182 230 for social bowls assistance if the club is closed or ring the Club 07 4053 1036.
Winners: Mal Clif ford, Jamie Patterson and John O’Brien. Names in by 12:30pm for a 1:15pm start. Visitors and new members most welcome. 32 bowlers attended the mixed afternoon of bowls on Saturday sponsored by Rothnies Pharma cy.
BROTHERS EDMONTON Ladies ConsistencySection:Singles: T McAlary def A Evans. B Grade Club Champion: Round 1: S Bates def R Fraser; C Mc Donald def C Morris. Games called to be played on or before Thursday August 18th. Wednes day August 24th: T McAlary vs G Buttigieg, Marker: A Evans. B Grade Club Champion: Round 3: S Bates vs C Morris, Marker: J Rick. Nominations2023 Singles, Pairs and Fours are open, sheets are on the la dies notice board closing Thurs day August 25th: President/ Patrons Day, 12:30pm start. Men’s Results:Section:Wednesday August 10th: Winners: Ron Taggart, David Daffy, Greg Ceely; R/ up: Mick Bucklar, Alan Quinn, John Populin; 3rd: Jeff Mason, Athol Smith, Garry Moule. Saturday August 12th: Win ners: Sam Finocchiaro, Roz Fraser, David Daffy; R/ups: David Cairns, Maree Daffy, Allen Begg. Coming Events: Saturday August 20th: Mixed Mufti 3 Bowl triples, club select skips pick a card, visitors welcome, cash prizes plus jack pot. Nominations close on day at 11:30am for play at 12:30pm contact office on 4055 5344 and leave a message. Wednesday August 24th: Men’s Self Select 3 Bowl Triples: cash prizes plus jackpot, visitors welcome. Nominations close 11:30am for play at 12:30pm, contact Don Stewart 0427 816 894. ATHERTON GOLF CLUB Wednesday’s Carrington Hotel Medley Stableford won by Pup Hilder with 38 points from Jerry Jierasak with 36 points. Wednesday Sporters August 10th: A field of 31 play ers played Stableford: Winner on 25 pts was Luke Parnell; R/up: Denis Thelan 24 pts on countback from Irish. NTPs 3 Hollywood, 2nd shot 14 Jenko, 2nd shot 7 Disco. Least putts Stevo 16. Thursday August 11th: Ladies Comp: Ameri can Foursomes sponsored by Michelle Pearsall and Amber Barker was won by Elizabeth Stoward and Melissa Webber with a great score of 63 1/2; R/ up went to Marea Mead and Annette Seawright with 73. Pin shots went to 9 Annette Seawright, 11 Melissa Weber and 2nd shot on 18 Lois Cross. Friday August 12th: 5 Hole Chook run: Winner on 14 pts was Swifty Finlen. R/up: Jeff Bochow 13 pts; 3rd Marea Mead 13 pts on countback from 4 others. Saturday Monthly Medal August 13th was spon sored by Curtain Fig Motel – thanks to Jane and Mark for your ongoing support. Ladies Winner: Lorraine Doolan with 73 nett; R/up: Marea Mead 76 nett on a countback. Pin Shots 3 Sam Duck, 11 Lorraine Doolan, 13 Abby McEwan and 2nd shot on 18 Gaye Steventon. Men’s Overall Medal winner: Mark Broadley with 67 nett on count back; A-grade Winner: Kevin Morris 67 nett; R/up: Dan Shaw 69 nett; B-grade Winner: Rod O’Neill 67 nett; R/up: Warren Phillips 69 nett; C-grade Win ner: Shane Dodds 67 nett; R/ up: Peter Fraser 68 nett. NTPs 3 G Lee, 9 T Brown, 11 J Dunne, 18 P Henricks. Best gross: P Henricks 70.
Sunday August 8th: Win ners: Fordy’s team; R/up: Alby’s team. Tuesday August 9th: Winner: Richo’s team; R/ up: Phil Buntain’s team. Thirsty Thursday best players: Pat Bar ry, Robyn Cole (visitor), Jeff Smith, Les McAndrew. Friday scroungers Winner: Kevin; R/ up: Ken Vivian. Sunday August 14th: Winner: T Hamilton, S Williams, M Lynch; R/up: George, Mike Ireland, Larry K, S Smith. Free game: Mal Tay lor. Jackpot not won. A Grade Singles Final: Alan Paraha def Bill Berger 25-22 - well done. WEST CAIRNS TPI MEMORIAL BOWLS
SILKWOOD BOWLS CLUB Sunday August 21st - there will be no social bowls played due to the club holding its 70th Anniversary Celebra tion Games. Our social day consisted of 3 games of triples and 1 game of pairs. Triples: Sergio, Jim Daiar & Tim Wallis def Barry Green, Dennis & Rob, 50- 5; Greg Matfin, Neil Lawrence & Don def Terry Corocrah, John Shepherd & Jenny Daiar, 23-12;Mick de Vries, Anna Della Bella & Alan Hudson def Team Ron Giveen, Peter & Cyril Large 39-10. Pairs: Delmo Tarditi & Ann Hollingsworth def Graeme Wallace & Chris 23 to 18. Our social days are Wednesday & Sundays with sign in at 1:00pm for a 1:30pm start. We encour age you to contact the club on the number below for all en quires. NO Friday Night Bare foot bowls or BBQ. Why not come along to one of our social days - it’s friendly, it’s fun, and if you are new to the area then this is a great way to meet new friends. For all enquires contact the club on 0475 759 808 or follow our facebook page.
MILLAA MILLAA GOLF Sunday August 14th: spon sored by McMahon Betta Home Living, with five groups of four and one of three were away on time. Winner: Mark Peters with 25 points; R/up: Kelvin Brooks 24pts; 3rd: Geoff Errey 23 points. NTP: David Welch 1/10; Ross Ellen’s second shot on 6/15. Five draws of the raffle: Geoff Errey, Ross Ellen, Gary Sinclair, Graham Murray, and the day’s winner Mark Peters. Members draw was #51, who wasn’tNextpresent.Sunday: Bisque Bogey, sponsored by Gadgarra Sawmill. Just News: Next week there is a committee meeting so 8:00am everyone.

QPL LADIES ROUND UP: The Edge Hill Tigers and Leichhardt Lions continue to set the pace for the premiership, with the Tigers coming away with all three points in their trip up the Hill to the Bulls, with a 3-0 win, while the Lions ground out a 2-0 win over the Stratford Dolphins. THE CQUniversity Cairns Taipans an nounced they have recently finalised their deal with American point guard Shannon Scott, signing him to a oneyear contract and completing the club’s 2022-23Bringingroster.international experience from playing in Germany, Greece, Lithuania and Venezuela, Scott has regularly played for the Long Island Nets throughout his career. The Georgia native has suited up for Brooklyn’s G League affiliate on three different occasions, in 2017-18 (alongside Taipan Tahjere McCall), 2018-19 and 2020-21. Scott went to Ohio State University after being named “Mr Georgia Basket ball” in high school. He went on to be called a McDonald’s All-American and was named to Big Ten All-Defensive and Honourable Mention All-Big teams in his collegiate career. He began his pro career when he was selected to the Raptors 905 for their inaugural season and became the first player in their franchise to score a triple-double (24 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists) in March 2016 against the Westchester Knicks. Taipans Head Coach Adam Forde said the 29-year-old guard was the last tick on his wish list. “I feel very relaxed and confident with Shannon joining our team,” Forde said. “He becomes the final piece to the puzzle as he presents the ideal comple ment to balance our current roster. “We’ve gone younger and faster. “But our youthful exuberance may also experience some teachable bumps in the journey. This is where Shannon comes into “Shannonplay.has built a reputation for himself as a defensive-minded, passfirst leader that operates on a high level of thinking.“Thesequalities were important to us, as well as already experiencing life and basketball playing internationally,” he said.Forde admitted that the very last Taipans signing took the most time, ensuring that all due diligence was done before finalising the roster, with the loyal fans front of mind. “Like most clubs, we’ve had a robust off-season, and this has been the most aggressive recruitment drive I’ve ever been part of,” he said. “We welcome six new faces, which has been motivated by the poor per formance we presented to our fan base last“Theseason.result, however, is we have been successful with the players we wanted to target, and now the prereq uisites for the point guard become ever moreShannonimportant.”Scott joins Tahjere Mc Call, DJ Hogg, Keanu Pinder, Bul Kuol, Jonah Antonio, Sam Waarden burg, Lat Mayen, Mirko Djeric, Majok Deng and Ben Ayre. The Taipans will host their first home game on Monday, October 10, 2022.
Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 PAGE 23www.cairnslocalnews.com.au SPORT 6-8 Johnston Road, Mossman Club Phone: 4098 1434 You will be bowled over by our Bistro Affordable dining with a mouth watering menu! OPEN 7 DAYS FOR LUNCH AND DINNER Air Conditioned Visitors Welcome Function Hall available for all functions at reasonable rates Winner of Best Club Far North Queensland 2019 Mouth Watering Menu Affordable dining notBetRESPONSIBLYGAMBLEwithyourhead,overit. The FNQ Premier League keeps heating up ROUND 12 RESULTS: W 6 LEICHHARDTFC SOUTHSIDECOMETS L 2 FQPL&NORTHFARGULFMEN’S 13/08/22 LEICHHARDTFCSENIORS W 2 MAREEBAUNITED EDGEUNITEDHILL L 1 FQPL&NORTHFARGULFMEN’S 13/08/22 AUSTRALIALINDSAYSTADIUM W 4 RANGERSMARLINCOAST STRATFORDDOLPHINS L 3 &NORTHFQPLDFARGULFMEN’S 13/08/22 PENNELLFIELD W 5 INNISFAILUNITED REDLYNCHSTRIKERSUNITEDFC L 1 FQPL&NORTHFARGULFMEN’S 13/08/22 CORIVASTEVEOVALINNISFAIL L 0 STRATFORDDOLPHINS LEICHHARDTFC W 2 FQPL WOMEN’S&NORTHFARGULF 11/08/22 NICKFIELDBRKO L 0 MAREEBAUNITED EDGEUNITEDHILL W 3 FQPL WOMEN’S&NORTHFARGULF 12/08/22 AUSTRALIALINDSAYSTADIUM QPL MENS ROUND UP: The Mareeba Bulls have continued to turn the table on their more fancied opponents and in turn kept the premiership table alive with a 2-1 win over the Edge Hill Tigers at home on SaturdayMeanwhilenight.the Leichhardt Lions roared back into form bringing the Southside Comets back to earth with a comprehensive 6-2 win. Also on Saturday night, the 3rd placed Mar lin Coast rangers survived a potential banana peel, scrapping away with a 4-3 win over the Stratford Dolphins, while the Sunday game for the weekend saw the Innisfail Cutters come away with a 5-1 win over the Redlynch Strikers at Innisfail.

PAGE 24 Cairns Local News, Friday, August 19, 2022 www.cairnslocalnews.com.au SLEEPEVENTOFTHEYEAR PLUS FREE LOCAL DELIVERY * 50% OFFUP TO MATTRESSES 30% OFFUP TO FURNITURE J606JG-1 fortywinks.com.au Terms, conditions & exclusions apply. Products and savings will vary from store to store. While stocks last. At participating stores only. Free local delivery within 20km of store for purchases over $1500. Valid Until 28/08/2022. Every body wins. StAumuller Holden Mulgrave Rd City Cairns 206 Mulgrave Road Ph: 07 4054 7000 Grant Woolcock - BMW Sales Manager grant.woolcock@westco.net.au - 0488 794 030 Glen Farley - BMW Sales Executive glen.farley@westco.net.au - 0408 728 341 Westco BMW | (07) 4044 4122 | 207/209 Newell Street, Cairns City 4870 UNDERAPPROVEDLEARNERRIDEAWAYFOR$10,000 BMW R1250GS BMW G310GS BMW G310RBMW S1000R RIDERS from across Australia and around the world will head to Tropical North Queensland this week for the return of the Reef to Reef mountain bike stage race. The four-day mountain bike stage race is returning for the first time since 2019, with the event to be held between Thursday, August 18 and Sunday, August 21. Reef to Reef riders will take on some of the best mountain biking trails in the country, with 170kms of racing over the four days, culmi nating in the 30th anniversary of the famous Triple-R on ManagingSunday.Director of The IRONMAN Group Oceania, Geoff Meyer, said the team was looking forward to welcoming riders back to the event this week. “We’re thrilled to be bringing Reef to Reef back to the region for the first time since 2019 and can’t wait to see riders on the start line from Thursday,” Mr Meyer said. “Reef to Reef has quickly become a firm favourite for local and abroad riders, and it’s great to see it back after a three-year hiatus. “Reef to Reef is a great riding and social event, with it providing a chance for riders to relax at the end of the stage and enjoy the com pany of those joining them on the trails. “We’re also looking forward to celebrat ing the 30th running of the Triple-R, with the famous dash along Four Mile Beach to the finish line at Port Douglas a great way to end the event,” he said. Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development and Member for Cairns Michael Healy said the Cairns and Great Barrier Reef region provides the perfect backdrop for the physical challenge of the Reef to Reef 2022. “The tropical north’s diverse natural land scape is the picture-perfect destination for the Reef to Reef making its triumphant return for the first time in three years,” Mr Healy said. “We know competitors and spectators will travel from around the country to compete in this spectacular event. “We encourage visitors to the region to stay longer to experience all that the Cairns and Great Barrier Reef region has to offer. “From the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Daintree Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef to the coastal towns of Port Douglas and Palm Cove, there is no shortage of experiences to explore.“This event will generate a welcomed boost of an estimated $1.3 million for the local economy during this time of COVID-19 recovery,” he said. “That’s why the Reef to Reef is backed by the Queensland Government’s It’s Live! in Queensland events calendar. “Queensland is fast becoming the sporting capital of Australia with several major sporting events like this being staged in Queensland in the lead up to the ultimate sporting event, the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.”Reefto Reef provides a number of ways for riders to be involved, with both four-day and single-day Triple-R options. A highlight of Reef to Reef is pairs racing, where teams of two take on the event together, with the option of entering the event as a solo Forrider.more on Reef to Reef, visit: https://reeftoreefmtb.com/