Cassowary Coast Community Connect #15 25 Feb 2022

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One Coast - Cassowary Coast

FEB 25 2022




International Women’s Day is celebrated globally on Tuesday 8 March and celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Locally the Cassowary Coast community has a strong presence of female leaders, collaborators, supporters and many who contribute to achieving change and forming a brighter future in our region. Cassowary Coast Regional Council in conjunction with Queensland Women’s Week will be hosting an International Women’s Day Breakfast on Tuesday 8 March, with guest speaker comedians Tania Lacy and Amelia Jane Hunter. The theme for Queensland Women’s Week, ‘Keep Making Noise’ is perfectly fitting for these two comedians who have both been labelled ‘loose cannons’ by network bosses. Portfolio holder for Community and Culture Trudy Tschui encourages the community’s attendance with past International Women’s Day Breakfast’s offering insightful

and inspiring stories from guest speakers. “International Women’s Day is a time to acknowledge that everyone in the community has a part to play in making noise on gender inequalities. Collectively we need to embrace strengths of both genders, call out bias and uplift independence for women and girls professionally and privately. “Comedic duo, Tania Lacy and Amelia Jane Hunter are sure to inspire many in the audience with their stories of challenging the stereotypes of a male dominated industry and moving from strength to strength throughout their careers. “I encourage the community to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements throughout this week, whether it be through attendance of community events, acknowledging a friend, family member or peer. “Together as a community we can create a nurtured and inclusive environment for all and show future gen-

erations that gender plays no part in achieving goals or inciting change,” said Councillor Tschui. Cassowary Coast Regional Council in conjunction with International Women’s Day will host the breakfast with doors to the Innisfail Shire Hall opening at 7:15am for a 7:30am start. Tickets can be purchased online via Ticket prices are $20pp for adults and $10pp for students. Comedy Duo Tania Lacey and Amelia Jane Hunter will also be performing the night of Tuesday 8 March with a 90-minute stand-up comedy show at the Innisfail Conservatorium. Doors for this show open 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Tickets for the evening show can be purchased online via To view future upcoming events in the Cassowary Coast, please visit

Cairns Local News, Friday, February 25, 2022 PAGE 15

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