Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program

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Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 - 2015

Contents INTRODUCTION The Cairns Region.......................................................................................................................................................................4 Strategy Purpose - Supporting the Economic Development of the Cairns Region................................................................5 Role of Cairns Regional Council.................................................................................................................................................5 Economic Development Vision for Cairns.................................................................................................................................6 Strategic and Policy Context.......................................................................................................................................................6

CURRENT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Economic Indicators....................................................................................................................................................................7 Key Industry Sectors.................................................................................................................................................................10

COMPETITIVENESS OF CAIRNS Competitiveness........................................................................................................................................................................13 Strengths....................................................................................................................................................................................13 Challenges.................................................................................................................................................................................14 Future Growth Opportunities...................................................................................................................................................14

OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES Principles and Priorities...........................................................................................................................................................15

ACTION PLAN – PRIORITY DELIVERY PROGRAM Delivery Priority 1: Innovation Agenda....................................................................................................................................18 Delivery Priority 2: Business Environment............................................................................................................................ 20 Delivery Priority 3: Investment Attraction...............................................................................................................................26 Delivery Priority 4: Industry Development............................................................................................................................. 28 Delivery Priority 5: Events Economy....................................................................................................................................... 34

MONITORING AND REVIEWING PROGRESS Key Economic and Performance Indicators........................................................................................................................... 36

APPENDIX 1 Strategic Policy Context........................................................................................................................................................... 38

Introduction Wujal Wujal

Cape Tribulation

Diwan Daintree

Cow Bay

The Cairns region encompasses 4135km2 of land on a narrow coastal strip between the Great Dividing Range and the Coral Sea. It extends approximately 190km in length from the Bloomfield River in the north to Mirriwinni in the south.

Wonga Beach


Newell Beach Cooya Beach Port Douglas

Palm Cove Clifton Beach Trinity Beach Yorkeys Knob Holloways Beach Smithfield Machans Beach



Cairns Edmonton




Bramston Beach Mirriwinni


The Cairns Region and business services, both domestically and to the rapidly expanding Asia Pacific market.

The Cairns region is characterised by a diverse environment, economy and community. The region is part of Australia’s Wet Tropics and is framed by the World Heritage listed Wet Tropics rainforest to the west and north and the Coral Sea and World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to the east. The region includes significant areas of national park,state forest and rural areas, together with the city of Cairns and a wide range of smaller towns and villages. The region is also an important gateway to the nearby Atherton Tablelands and the outback Savannah Region beyond the Great Dividing Range. The region is a world renowned destination.

The Cairns region offers a high quality of life; brief commute to work, palm tree fringed beaches, secluded natural swimming holes, metropolitan shopping and restaurants and world class recreational facilities. It is this quality of life which continues to attract people to the region.

A relatively flat and rich coastal plain interspersed with small rounded hills characterises the land between the forested mountains and the Coral Sea. The Russell, Mulgrave, Barron, Mowbray and Daintree Rivers are the main river systems within the region with the Bloomfield River forming the region’s northern boundary. The region also includes a number of offshore islands: Snapper, Fitzroy, Green and the Frankland Islands. Cairns city is Far North Queensland’s major commercial, industrial, educational, retail and entertainment centre. It has a sophisticated business centre which incorporates a modern commercial environment and an enriched cosmopolitan lifestyle. It provides a diverse range of high quality professional

The Cairns region is home to people of many cultures and nationalities which enhances the cosmopolitan and multicultural feel of the region. The diverse culture and history of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is integral to the sense of place and community spirit of the region.

International flight times Cairns to Hong Kong

7:00 hours

Cairns to Singapore

7:55 hours

Cairns to Japan

7:40 hours

Cairns to Guam

4:30 hours

Domestic flight times Cairns to Auckland 4:30 hours

Cairns to Port Moresby 1:25 hours

Domestic flight times Cairns to Brisbane

2.05 hours

Cairns to Melbourne

3:20 hours

Cairns to Gold Coast

2:15 hours

Cairns to Uluru

2:30 hours

Cairns to Sydney

3:10 hours

Cairns to Darwin

2:35 hours

Cairns to Adelaide

3:10 hours

Cairns to Perth

6:00 hours

Flight paths to and from Cairns


London Frankfurt Munich Paris Rome





Tokyo Osaka

Los Angeles

Hong Kong





Port Moresby



Cairns N W


New York


Santiago Auckland

Buenos Aires

S International Routes Major Domestic Routes


Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Strategy Purpose - Supporting the Economic Development of the Cairns Region The Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program presents Cairns Regional Council’s plan of action to help build prosperity and sustainable growth in the Cairns region. The Strategy provides Council with a framework to guide the region’s business and industry focused activities towards building a vibrant and diverse economy. The Strategy and its Delivery Program are based on partnerships and regional collaboration. The Cairns region faces a multitude of challenges in an increasingly knowledge-intensive and ‘globalised’ economic environment. This Strategy is focused on building Cairns’ existing attributes, developing competitiveness and capacity to innovate, and attracting and retaining business investment and employment. While the Strategy presents a three-year framework and action plan, it remains a live document. It is flexible to arising challenges and opportunities, and will be measured against key performance indicators and an annual review.

Role of the Cairns Regional Council Cairns Regional Council has a key role to play in economic development, with the ability to lead, influence, promote and coordinate the preconditions and drivers of economic growth. This role includes the broader function of Council as a local government, as well as the delivery of targeted economic development programs: Nurturing a responsive and supportive economic development culture. Supporting a skilled and flexible workforce. Supporting lifestyle, culture and social cohesion - a quality living environment. D riving innovation and connectivity – creating strong links between business, government, research and learning institutions to support innovation. A supportive governance structure including ready access to business support services. Delivering streamlined planning processes that support economic growth. A ssisting existing businesses and new enterprises, through the provision of information, referral and support. As a catalyst (or advocate) for new business development. Ensuring appropriate infrastructure to facilitate the development of business and industry. E stablishing forums and/or business networks, aimed at improving communication links, sharing ideas and promoting wealth creation, export growth and employment creation. W orking in partnership with government and non-government organisations to progress economic development opportunities, or to respond to threats or negative impacts on the Cairns economy. Encouraging improved performance of local commercial and industrial precincts. Attracting investment to help broaden the economic base, provide new job opportunities and increase the region’s international competitiveness. Supporting and promoting regionally significant events. Acting as an effective partner in the early stages of project development. Facilitating investment in the City’s planned and emerging growth areas such as the Mount Peter master planned community in the Cairns southern corridor. In undertaking these activities and in designing responsive strategies for advancing economic prosperity, Council promotes balanced consideration of community and economic development, while acknowledging the Cairns region’s challenges and opportunities.



Economic Development Vision for Cairns ‘Economic development’ is typically measured in terms of employment and income. Importantly, it also includes improvements in business and industry development, education, health, social wellbeing and environmental sustainability. Cairns Regional Council supports a holistic approach to economic development and values each of these important elements. Council places particular emphasis on the imperative to diversify and balance the economy of the Cairns Region, to achieve sustainable economic development and community prosperity. The Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy delivers against the vision and the Economy Theme of the Cairns Community Plan: “...Cairns will have a robust economy in which opportunities for enterprise are plentiful and innovation rewarded. Tourism will remain a significant driver and substantial employer, but the rise of other industries resulting from strategic economic development initiatives will see a more diverse environment for investment. Networks or clusters of entrepreneurial interest will result from a nexus between business, education and research. We will be a connected region in every sense. It will be home to many people who utilise opportunities in cyberspace and to businesses that operate with little dependence on geographic location. The region will be the global centre of wet tropics living and industry. It will be a magnet that draws thinkers, entrepreneurs, businesses, environmentalists, humanitarians and others, where opinions can be expressed, innovative ideas explored, products developed and people celebrated.”

Cairns Community Plan 2031 Imagine Tomorrow (Extract)

Strategy and Policy Context Acknowledging the statutory and geographic roles of the Regional Development Australia Committee for Far North Queensland & Torres Strait, the Queensland and Federal Governments and Advance Cairns, the Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy is focussed on a delivery program which is particular to the Cairns Regional Council area. This Strategy has been developed within the context of, and complementary to, the Tropical North Queensland Regional Economic Plan 2011 – 2031 (TNQREP). The Strategy has been developed on the basis of policy, strategic context and evidence-based data. Consultation and research which supports the Strategy is both qualitative and quantitative. This includes: the Cairns Community Plan and TNQREP consultations; statistical profiling of current economic trends and conditions; and local area business research. The following policy documents directly inform this strategy: Cairns Regional Council’s Corporate Plan Cairns Regional Council’s Community Plan – Imagine Tomorrow – Your Community Plan 2011-2031 Tropical North Queensland Regional Economic Plan Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 Regional Development Australia Far North Queensland & Torres Strait (RDAFNQ&TS) Road Map Cairns Economic Future Plan 2011-2015 Queensland Regionalisation Strategy Major themes common across these policy documents include economic diversification, innovation, new investment, improved regional collaboration, natural environment and a skilled workforce. Appendix 1 presents an overview of each policy document in relation to this Strategy.


Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Current Economic Environment

Cairns is Far North Queensland’s key economic centre and is the home of major industrial, commercial, retail and recreational, leisure and entertainment facilities. Established and emerging industries characterising the Cairns economy include: agriculture




clean energy

mining services

c onstruction

t ourism

creative industries


e ducation

p ostal and warehousing


tropical expertise

finance and insurance

wholesale and retail trade

Some of these sectors are at varying levels of growth, while others present emerging opportunities for development. These opportunities stem from the region’s existing competitive strengths and specialisations, as well as new opportunities for growth in knowledge-based industries. Indeed, some of the region’s industry strengths, in education and business services for example, are foundations of the global knowledge economy. Industries such as marine and aviation reflect Cairns’ natural and location-based strategic competitive advantages. Other new industries emerging in the region, such as the creative industries reflect in part the lifestyle attributes on offer in Cairns. The region has been affected by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and other factors including the appreciation of the $AUD, with impacts on all parts of the community, particularly the tourism and construction industries. A significant factor in the region’s vulnerability to the GFC and other recent events is its reliance on only a few major industry sectors. This has left the region vulnerable to both domestic and international boom and bust cycles. Emerging signs of recovery and optimism in the Cairns economy, providing business and employment opportunities for the region, include a reduction in the unemployment rate, increased visitor numbers, new flight connections, new infrastructure projects and expanded mining activity.

The Current Economic Environment


ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT Gross Regional Product June 2011

$7,296 Million

Source: National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) ©2011

Population Cairns LGA (June 2010)


Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Demographic Statistics, catalogue number 3101.0, and Regional Population Growth, catalogue number 3218.0

Population of other urban centres (June 2010) Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Regional Population Growth, 2009-10, (cat no. 3218.0) and unpublished data

Population Growth (Medium Series 2006-2031)

Gordonvale Smithfield Craiglie Mossman Babinda Port Douglas

5,739 3,653 3,234 2,110 1,317 1,038

241,494 by 2031

Source: Queensland Government Population Projections, 2011 edition

Educational Qualifications – Post School (2006 persons aged 15 years) Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, 2006, Basic Community Profile - B05 and B39

Median Age (June 2010)

58,752 - with a qualification including: 12,482 - bachelor degree or higher 7,483 - persons with an advanced diploma or diploma 21,797 - persons with a certificate 35.1 years

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia 2010, unpublished data

Labour Force (Sept Q 2011)


Source: DEEWR, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Small Area Labour Markets Australia, various editions

Unemployment (Sept Q 2011)

7.8% or 7,308 persons

Source: DEEWR, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Small Area Labour Markets Australia, various editions

Average annual personal income (2008-09)


Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas, 2003-04 to 2008-09, cat. no.6524.0.55.002

Total Employment by Industry* June 2011 (Estimated) Top Five Source: National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) ©2011


1. Accommodation and Food Services: 12.638 persons or 14.5% 2. Retail Trade: 12,559 persons or 14.4% 3. Health Care and Social Assistance: 9,114 persons or 10.5% 4. Construction: 6,540 persons or 7.5% 5. Transport, Postal and Warehousing: 5,903 persons or 6.8%

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

ECONOMIC SNAPSHOT Economic Value Add by Industry* June 2011 Top Five Source: National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) ©2011

1. Transport, Postal and Warehousing - $845 million or 12.6% 2. Accommodation and Food Services - $596 million or 8.9% 3. Health Care and Social Assistance - $587 million or 8.7%% 4. Retail Trade - $503 million or 7.5% 5. Construction - $493 million or 7.3%

Number of Businesses (2009)


Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, June 2007 to June 2009,cat no. 8165.0

Size of Businesses Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Business Register 2009. Cat. No. 8165.0

Total Building Approvals Value - Residential and nonresidential (12 months ending 30 September 2011)

Small Businesses - 13,939 Medium Businesses – 666 Large Businesses - 96 $554.9 million

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Building Approvals, Queensland, September 2011, cat. no. 8731.0

Protected Areas – Park and Forest Estates 2010

2,495.4 square kilometres or 60% of total area

Source: Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, (Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service) * Retail Trade, Accommodation and Food Services, Transport, Postal and Warehousing, and Administration and Support services industries are listed by the Tourism Satellite Accounts (ABS) as the top four Industries which are directly affected by Tourism. However, the extent of the direct impact from tourism varies between each industry with over half of all industries having a direct impact. When indirect impacts are considered, the number of industries impacted by tourism may increase.

The Current Economic Environment


Key Industry Sectors Construction The construction and building industry is a vital component of the ongoing economic development of the Cairns region. The industry supports long-term employment and has flow-on effects in many areas of the economy. The Cairns region has a diverse and highly capable building and construction sector. The sector covers the full spectrum of residential and commercial building capabilities, plus professional services that support the building industry (engineers, architects, building designers, interior designers, quantity surveyors, financial providers, legal and accounting professionals, and so on). There are approximately 3,000 businesses in the Cairns region involved in the construction industry including the majority of national construction companies that undertake significant projects. Environmental sustainability, tropical design and livability are driving building solutions and innovations in the region. Agriculture Water resources and good climate conditions support the region’s agriculture. The major agricultural product grown in the Cairns region is sugar cane. Sugar and sugar mills play a significant role in the regions economy. In the broader Far North Queensland (FNQ) region there is a more diverse mix including fruit and vegetables (eg bananas, mangoes, papaya, potatoes and avocados), dairy, beef, sugar, seafood, poultry, pork, tea, coffee, nurseries and forestry products. Aviation Cairns is the major air transport hub in north eastern Australia, with direct links across Australia and into Asia Pacific countries. Significant investment and expansion by international, national and regional companies in the Cairns region shows ongoing confidence in the growth potential of the aviation industry. The region provides a wide range of aviation services, including avionics, heavy engineering and training, for both international and domestic clients. Cairns aviation sector includes 86 businesses employing 2,300 people. (Source: Regional Aviation Capability Profile 2008, Economic Associates). Clean Energy Cairns and the FNQ region is particularly suited to the production of renewable energy and already produces up to 40% of its power from existing renewable energy projects including wind, hydro, solar, and the waste product (bagasse) from sugar production. (Source: Renewable Energy for Far North Queensland; A Discussion Paper, CAFNEC 2011). 10

Creative Industries The creative industries is a significant contributor to the regional economy and is a growing economic driver. The field includes visual arts and crafts, architecture and design, photography, film and TV, the performing arts, writing, publishing, media and journalism. Surveys carried out by Cummings Economics in 2006 identified about 2,300 creative entities in Cairns with 6,000 people involved in earning some income and an equivalent full-time employment approaching 3,000. Turnover of the sector at outlet level is estimated to be $300 million. Education Education and research and development are key drivers of the region’s future economic prosperity. Educational facilities in the region include: 1. James Cook University (JCU) 2. Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE 3. Cairns Aviation Skills Centre 4. Great Barrier Reef International Marine College The growth of this sector is reflected by recent major investments which include: the JCU School of Dentistry; the JCU Queensland Tropical Health Alliance Laboratory; the Tropical Medicine Mosquito Research Facility; the Cairns Institute; and the Great Barrier Reef International Marine College. As the number one study tourism destination in Queensland, Cairns offers some of the world’s highest quality study programs, with over 20,000 students per year from a range of nationalities currently studying in the region.

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

EVENTS Events (business, sports and cultural) are an important and growing driver for the Cairns regional economy. The business events sector in particular is recognised as the highest yield component of the event tourism industry, with direct connections and representation in key business growth areas for the region such as innovation, trade, education, science and training. Manufacturing The manufacturing industry is a major sector in the Cairns region and has strong links with the mining, agriculture, food and construction sectors. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the Far North Region contains around 960 manufacturing establishments generating an industry-combined $3.6 billion in income. The region’s largest manufacturing sectors include metal products, machinery & equipment manufacturing and food, beverages & tobacco manufacturing. Marine Cairns dominates northern Australia in terms of marine activity. Locally based shipping includes Australia’s largest tourism fleet and a range of trading and work vessels. Cairns is home to Australia’s north eastern operational naval base – HMAS Cairns. The region’s maritime services sector is the largest and most sophisticated in northern Australia and of substantial importance in the wider Oceania/South West Pacific area. Regular visits to Cairns by super yachts and cruise ships are another important growing contributor to the region, with a flow-on effect to other industries. In 2008 the Cairns marine industry employed approximately 4,500 people and was worth approximately $670 million a year to the economy. (Source: Cummings Economics).

Mining & Mining Services A recent report prepared by Cummings Economics indicated that Cairns currently delivers mining operation related services to 18 different centres (Papua New Guinea and Papua Indonesia 7, Northern Territory 3, Far North Queensland 4, and North West Queensland and Central Queensland 5). With an estimated seat capacity of 4,000 per week (about 200,000 per annum), making it the leading centre in northern Australia for air services to mining operations. Workforce in mining in Far North Queensland and flying into mining operations ex Cairns is estimated at about 3,300. With the lifestyle advantages Cairns offers, Fly-In-FlyOut mining and mining services employment presents significant growth opportunities to the region’s workforce. Given the enormity of the PNG LNG project which includes an initial investment estimated at US$15 billion, the Cairns region has much to offer resource and industrial companies looking for suppliers of goods, services and personnel.

Key Industry Sectors


Retail Cairns is a significant retail hub for the broader FNQ region. It services not only its direct population of approximately 170,000 people, but another 110,000 people in the broader regional retailing catchment as well as 1.3 million domestic visitors and 686,000 international visitors. Estimated retail sales in the Cairns region in 2011 are $1,034 million.

Tourism Tourism underpins the region’s economy. Over the last 10 years tourism income has grown from $400 million per year in the 1980s, to its current value of approximately $2.2 billion. In the last five years tourism is estimated to have contributed $12.4 billion to the Cairns economy. For the year ended June 2011 there were 1,269,000 domestic visitors and 650,000 international visitors to the Tropical North Queensland region. The region’s largest source of visitors originated from Japan, North America, Europe and the United Kingdom while the number of Chinese visitors increased significantly from the previous year. Tourism has been the fastest growing industry in Tropical North Queensland over the past three decades, and provides significant employment both directly and in a wide range of support industries. The Cairns region is Australia’s third most popular destination for international holiday visitors and the number one destination for Japanese holiday visitors. Transport, postal and warehousing Transport and storage is vital to the Cairns economy given the region’s geographic location and the sector underpins a diverse range of industries such as tourism and activities involving exporting. The transport, postal and warehousing industry includes businesses mainly engaged in providing transportation of passengers (including tour bus and taxis), livestock and/or goods by road, rail, water or air, services to transport (for example, terminal facilities for road and freight, freight forwarding services, customs agency service, warehousing and storage of goods). Tropical Expertise The global tropical economy is projected to reach US$40 trillion in 2025. Cairns-based tropical expertise exports amounted to more than $6.4 million in 2008/09. Businesses and research organisations in Cairns have developed specialist skills and knowledge to adapt to the tropical environment and the challenges it presents. This critical mass of knowledge and skills is known as Tropical Expertise, and its base of more than 230 businesses specialise in the production of goods and services that cater for tropical, health, environment, agribusiness, design and construction.

Photograph courtesy of James Cook University 12

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Competitiveness of Cairns Competitiveness The Cairns region’s economic competitive advantages are founded on its location, natural assets and industry specialisations. Cairns has a tropical climate, abundant water, rich biodiversity and a strong lifestyle advantages. As a developed economy in the tropics, Cairns has the technology, health, education and social structures within a politically stable environment to capitalise upon our natural environment and our tropical location. The region’s competitive industry specialisations extend beyond the core of tourism and agriculture to industries such as marine and aviation, the provision of tropical expertise and the supply of support services to businesses, industry and the community. Leveraging the competitive strengths of the area and addressing the competitive challenges is the central focus of this strategy.

Strengths Population growth Cairns has experienced strong population growth over recent decades. TOURISM Having an established market and brand is important advantage for the region. LIFESTYLE ADVANTAGES Good weather and the overall quality of life are seen as driving factors for business growth and investment. C ULTURE Cairns is multicultural and cosmopolitan with many different ethnic groups contributing to the lifestyle and economy. INNOVATION Cairns businesses are actively involved in innovation. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Proximity to the Asia/Pacific region with the associated development in these areas means Cairns is well positioned to capitalise on these opportunities.

TROPICAL ECONOMY Cairns has developed a critical mass of knowledge and capacity in tropical expertise. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Cairns’ natural environment is a core economic and lifestyle asset. WORLD CLASS EDUCATION, TRAINING AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Existing facilities include JCU, TAFE, CASC, GBRIMC with established research and development capacity. RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY INPUTS Water and agricultural by-products means Cairns is particularly suited to the production of renewable energy. ACCESS TO WORKFORCE Cairns has a ready supply of labour. Approximately 135,000 people live within a 30 minute drive of Cairns. Y OUNG POPULATION I n comparison to other lifestyle regions, Cairns has a young population. SPORT AND CULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE Cairns offers strong sporting and cultural infrastructure including an international standard, convention centre and sporting facilities and, a major regional cultural and entertainment precinct under development. INDUSTRY CLUSTERS

D iverse and productive industry clusters exist, including tourism, aviation, marine, tropical expertise, education and food. MINING ACTIVITY An increase in mining activity in the surrounding regions and in PNG has the potential to provide significant supply and employment opportunities. REGIONAL EVENTS Diverse national and international events generate significant economic activity and regional vibrancy.

INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND SEAPORt Cairns has direct international flights and sea connections.

Competitiveness of Cairns


Challenges Reliance on tourism sector Vulnerability to external market forces. Transportation costs Higher costs associated with distance from major market. LIMITATIONS of existing broadband connection The provision of quality telecommunications and internet service levels is of high importance to the region and is key enabling infrastructure. Skills shortages

Identified across a range of sectors in the economy.

AGRICULTURE Retaining good quality agricultural land for production. BARRIERS TO INNOVATION

Access to funding for innovation. Capturing and marketing regional innovation expertise TOURISM PROFILE

Cairns’ image as a tourist location can lead to an impression that the location will prove difficult for businesses, particularly in accessing workforce and suppliers. ECONOMIC ENVIrONMENT

ACCESS TO CAPITAL Lenders’ scrutiny based on perception of the region as a tourism destination. R EMOTENESS The relative remoteness of Cairns and distance from other Australian markets can be seen as unattractive to potential investors.

Poor recent economic conditions in Cairns have supported perceptions that Cairns is not a preferred place to do business. COST OF DEVELOPMENT The location of Cairns increases costs to transport some construction materials.

Future Growth Opportunities Future growth opportunities for Cairns are identified through consideration of existing competitive advantages and broader industry growth trends. INDUSTRY SECTOR



Sugar Cane (including bio fuels and other products); Value Adding Local Fruits; Value Adding Local Seafood


Maintenance/Repair/Overhaul; Avionics; General Aviation; Aviation Training

Creative Industries

Indigenous Arts; Design; Fashion; Visual arts; Film and Television; Software; Information Technology

Digital Economy

E-commerce Hub; Corporate Relocation; Regional Revitalisation


James Cook University; TAFE; International Education


Maintenance/Repair; Super Yachts; Cruise Ships; Defence – Navy, Marine Training


Support/Supply Services, FI-FO

Tourism and Events

Conference; Incentives; Sports Tourism; Nature Based Tourism; Cultural Events; Growth Markets (Greater China, Japan & New Zealand)

Tropical Expertise


Health; Security; Environmental Management; Tropical Architecture; Design and Construction; Renewable/Clean Energy

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Objectives and Principles Key Principles and Priorities Through this Economic Development & Innovation Strategy, Council is committed to the following objectives for sustainable and successful economic development: A diversified, resilient and robust economy

Investment attraction into the region

A positive business environment

Strong local business and industry development

Innovation as a key driver of economic development

Export competitiveness

In delivering on these objectives, Council is committed to the following principles of approach: Respect for the region’s natural environment

High value economic activity

iveability and lifestyle as fundamental to L economic wellbeing

A well informed business community

Collaboration and regional partnerships

Evidence-based strategies

As an active document, these principles will continue to be applied by Council’s Economic Development & Innovation department in the future to determine the appropriateness of potential projects and initiatives as they arise.

Economic Development Principles


Action Plan Priority Delivery Program Delivery Priority 1: Innovation Agenda Delivery Priority 2: Business Environment Delivery Priority 3: Investment Attraction Delivery Priority 4: Business and Industry Development Delivery Priority 5: Event Economy


Priority Delivery Program

Priority Delivery Program The Action Plan of the Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy is structured according to five delivery priorities which reflect the strategy objectives to develop a balanced, robust and resilient economy: Innovation Agenda B usiness Environment Investment Attraction Business and Industry Development Events Economy Each of these delivery priorities are implemented through a targeted, performance-based action program and are geared toward addressing existing issues and improving the competitiveness of the area. Council’s targeted economic development and innovation strategies are delivered through a dedicated Economic Development & Innovation unit, with the delivery of specific programs and priorities outsourced by Council to Advance Cairns, Tourism Tropical North Queensland and Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree. The Action Plan acknowledges the lead responsibility and resourcing from State and Federal Government agencies in key areas including export, industry development and employment/ skills development and Council will continue to support and partner in the development of these areas.


Delivery Priority 1: Innovation Agenda

Key Delivery Programs Innovation drives economic development and cuts across both traditional and emerging sectors of economic strength. The Cairns Innovation Agenda is focussed on growing the capacity and profile of the Cairns region, supporting business innovation, commercialisation, networking, showcasing and profiling. This program includes ongoing review and identification of gaps and opportunities in the region’s business innovation support chain. The program also focuses on increasing access and facilitating investment into innovation in the region. Tropical Innovation Awards Business Innovation Support C airns Innovation Profiling

Delivery Program:

Tropical Innovation Awards Growing and expanding the Tropical Innovation Awards (TIA) as a sustainable, established awards program. The awards program spearheads the region’s innovation agenda, showcasing, profiling and stimulating innovation at a regional, national and international level. ACTION


Management, delivery and development of the TIA as an annual regional event and key focus of the region’s innovation agenda

• Delivery of event program within budget • Customer satisfaction to be demonstrated through applicant survey • Five year TIA plan to be developed • Number of applications approximately 50 per year • International exposure through new and improved partnerships • Increase sponsorship to achieve sustainable, cost neutral business model Sponsorship target of at least $50,000 per annum • Building and promoting the Global Tropical Challenge


Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Delivery PROGRAM:

Business Innovation Support Building the strength, profile and uptake by business of innovation-focussed business support in the region through growth of the Cairns Innovation Hub, business innovation networks and targeted support programs. ACTION


Scope the potential for Cairns Innovation Hub

• Complete initial Innovation Hub Scoping Study (as carried out for Council by JCU/Cairns Institute). Review initial study and extend scoping work as necessary to ensure an innovative solutions approach to achieve an Innovation Hub appropriate to the region’s strengths and potential

Grow business innovation networking and investment opportunities

• A ctively support the establishment and ongoing operation of the Tropical Innovators Forum, including support for guest speakers and executive support • Support hosting of annual QWIN meetings

Fast Tracking Tropical Expertise and QWIN (Queensland Government)

• Number of events supported

Delivery PROGRAM:

Cairns Innovation Profiling Marketing, promotion and representation of Cairns as a region for innovation. ACTION


Grow the profile and awareness of Cairns as an innovation-focussed region

• C airns Tropical Innovation and Expertise profile updated annually • Distribute profile to at least 200 potential investment interests • Promote Cairns’ innovation capabilities at a minimum of one national forum per year • Host in-bound trade delegations in consultation/collaboration with Invest Queensland

Establish, maintain and promote case studies of TIA applicants

• Profile six TIA per year

Delivery Priority 1: Innovation Agenda


Delivery Priority 2: Business Environment Key Delivery Programs This Delivery Priority focuses on building the core components of the business operating environment to support and facilitate economic growth. Informed Economy Regional Collaboration Planning and Governance Environment Digital Economy

Delivery PROGRAM:

Informed Economy Economic profiling, information provision and assessments. Maintaining dialogue with and gathering information from the regional business community on economic development issues, needs, priorities and confidence. Contributing to relevant and evidence-based delivery programs. ACTION


Profile and distribute information on the Cairns economy and key economic development initiatives

• Maintain and promote Economy ID • Development and management of the Invest Cairns website • Prepare and maintain “Moving to Cairns’ information pack for prospective new companies • Produce and distribute six monthly updates of the Cairns Economic Snapshot per year • Produce and distribute quarterly Cairns Economic Development & Innovation e-newsletter • Support requests for economic data from internal CRC staff and external clients


Maintain up to date information on skills needs and employment priorities in partnership with key regional agencies and address priority needs

• Active participation on Regional Advisory Committee

Apply Economic Impact and Assessment model to inform CRC resource allocation submissions

• Number of CRC projects supported and assessed using the Economic Impact and Assessment model

Develop and maintain independent commercial property profile of available property

• Commercial property profile developed and updated monthly

Maintain dialogue with and current information from the Cairns business community on economic issues, needs, priorities and confidence

• Cairns Business Survey conducted every 18 months

• Annual information update on workforce needs

• 10 Mayoral business breakfast held per year • 10 Councillor business visits held per year • Investors’ confidence research conducted every 18 months

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012


Regional Collaboration Recognising and building regional collaboration as fundamental to the economic prosperity of the Cairns region. ACTION


Support the promotion and development of the TNQ economy through financial support and performance agreement with Advance Cairns

• Level of financial support provided and delivery and reporting against agreement requirements

Support the delivery of the Tropical North Queensland Regional Economic Development Plan to achieve collaboration and ongoing commitment by all stakeholders to deliver and promote sustainable economic development across the TNQ region

• Formal monitoring process established and reported to CRC annually

Ongoing development of key regional relationships and partnerships including the Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils, Regional Development Australia FNQ & TS, James Cook University, Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE, State and Federal Governments

• Quarterly meetings with all key regional stakeholders targeted at building partnerships, information exchange and identification of opportunities for cooperation.

• Annual regional economic stakeholders forum held.

Delivery PROGRAM:

Planning and Governance Environment Ensuring planning processes and tools encourage investment and contribute to a positive business climate ACTION


Promote and profile Cairns as having a supportive planning and operational environment for investment

• Number and range of initiatives captured and profiled

Advocate on behalf of business and industry to support improved governance processes for businesses at a local, state and federal level

• Number of issues addressed and advocated on behalf of business and industry

Plan for economic development recovery initiatives

• Establish economic disaster recovery plan to support resilience of local business in coordination with broader Council and regional planning

Delivery Priority 2: Business Environment


Digital Economy Facilitating and supporting the provision, uptake and application of high-speed, business grade broadband infrastructure and support services by businesses across the Cairns region. The strategy is based on recognition of the digital economy as key to the future economic diversification, resilience and competitive advantage of the Cairns region, strengthening the existing business base and supporting new areas of economic activity in the region. Digital Economy Infrastructure Digital Economy Adoption Digital Economy Business Applications and Competitiveness Information Communication Technology Sector Growth

Delivery PROGRAM:

Digital Economy Infrastructure Strategy to ensure full provision of high speed, business-grade broadband infrastructure and support services across the Cairns region.




Working with public and private sector providers to address identified gaps, needs and opportunities in the broadband infrastructure available in Cairns region

• Review completed and actions delivered

Advocate for and support an early roll-out of the National Broadband Network in the Cairns region

• Prepare NBN co. submission in conjunction with FNQROC

Establish and maintain partnership with NBN Co. including coordination point within CRC

• Number of partnership initiatives

Council policy/ procedures established to ensure consistent and streamlined installation of NBN infrastructure

• Policies and procedures established

Working with Registered Training Organisations to establish regional capability in NBN skills training

• NBN skills training capability profile

Deliver and support a broadband business and community engagement program including information bulletins, profiling of case studies and focussed business events

• Community engagement plan developed

To facilitate a CRC working group around issues and opportunities relating to the rollout of NBN

• Working Group established and to meet 10 times per year

Maintain business capability profile to support NBN rollout

• Business capability profile completed and updated six monthly

Deliver single point of contact to NBN Co to provide streamlined services for NBN

• Single point of contact identified and facilitating requirements of NBN Co

• Deliver support at a regional level in line with FNQROC submission

• Monthly engagement delivered

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Delivery PrOGRAM:

Digital Economy Adoption Strategy to ensure adoption of the digital economy by a wide cross-section of the business and residential community. ACTION


Promote awareness of the benefits of the digital economy across the community

• Number of seminars and events attended

Promote improved digital literacy through training and seminars

• Number of people trainined

Establish Council as a leader in the adoption of online services

• Number of services provided online

Encourage business to develop digitial applications through competitions and promotional events

• Number of digital applications developed

Delivery PROGRAM:

Business Applications and Competitiveness Maximising economic development outcomes from business uptake and applications of high speed broadband infrastructure and services. ACTION


Undertake Digital Economy Broadband Users Survey in partnership with Queensland Government

• Digital Economy Broadband Users Survey completed

Identify and deliver targeted business broadband support programs

• Deliver business support programs in partnership with Queensland Government/BEC

Regular information collected from the business community on needs and barriers to uptake through the Cairns Business Survey.

• Cairns Business Survey conducted every 18 months

Establish and actively support regional, state and national networks and information base including active participation within a Cairns/ FNQ Broadband Today Reference Group, the Broadband for the Tropics working group and through membership with national Broadband Today network.

• Number of networks established and supported

Delivery Priority 2: Business Environment


Delivery PrOGRAM:

Information Communication Technology Sector Growth Supporting growth of the size, productivity and profile of the Cairns ICT industry sector, as a key emerging industry strategy for diversification and as a key component of the region’s future knowledge economy




Support the development of an ICT industry group and industry profile with the ability to advocate for the industry's needs. Identify opportunities for worker attraction and development of business/industry growth and to support investment attraction

• Establish and facilitate ICT industry group (Advance Cairns/Queensland Government)

Identify the scope and potential of establishing NBN/Digital pilot and showcase projects including the Babinda economy initiative and Port Douglas local area initiative

• Pilot projects established if feasible

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Current Document Section


Delivery Priority 3: Investment Attraction Key Delivery Programs Encouraging and attracting investment opportunities to the region to help broaden the economic base, provide new job opportunities and increase the region’s international competitiveness. Profiling and marketing the Cairns region as a good place to invest and supporting investment confidence. Marketing for Investment Investment Facilitation and Stimulus

Delivery PrOGRAM:

Marketing for Investment Marketing the Cairns region as a good place to invest and supporting investment confidence. ACTION


Development of investment collateral and information base supporting streamlined response to enquiries and targeted investment attraction bids

• Base bid presentations and collateral prepared and the number tailored to investment enquiries / opportunities

General profile and awareness raising of Cairns as a place to invest:

• A nnual showcase program. Quarterly visitation program. Six monthly presentation to Trade and Invest Qld.

1. Hosting annual two day investment showcase 2. Presenting Cairns to major centres, partners and forums 3. Major publication features and collateral distribution


Delivery of targeted programs to attract and retain investment in Cairns targeting inward investment in Cairns and new employment creation. Advance Cairns to deliver specific programs to target commercial investment in headquarter operations and regional offices, government regionalisation, FIFO and Defence

• Delivery of investment attraction programs to include reaching at least 200 prospective companies and at least 50 multiplier agencies (e.g. investment advisors) and to be reported monthly

Advance the 'Promoting Regional Living' partnership program for North Queensland

• Promoting Regional Living funding application developed in partnership with NQ regions. If funding approved, advance program as a NQ regional partnership

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Delivery PROGRAM:

Investment Facilitation and Stimulus Facilitating investment in the Cairns region, including projects across key industry sectors and emerging opportunities and identifying and addressing impediments to investment. ACTION


Develop and promote an investment attraction policy, incentives package and financial model

• C airns investment incentives policy, program and promotion strategy to be reviewed and reported annually. Investment Support Panel to meet monthly

Increased investment in film opportunities

• Actively partner with industry and Screen QLD to grow film activity in the region, attract new investment and deliver a streamlined film support process

Increased investment in climate change opportunities and technology in the region and partner with industry and State Government to support initiatives that attract low carbon investment

• Number of projects supported/investment facilitated

Support and facilitate investor business connections including direct referrals and angel investors initiative

• Number of enquiries, referrals, connections made and programs supported

Cairns to host 2012/2013 Investment Attraction Forum

• 2 012/2013 Investment Attraction Forum to be developed and hosted in partnership with Trade and Invest Queensland, EDA and LGQ

Supporting research and feasibility into new investment opportunities

• Number of new opportunities supported

Undertake investor research to inform strategy on issues for investment

• Investors’ confidence research conducted every 18 months

Develop and maintain independent commercial property profile of available property

• Commercial property profile developed and updated monthly

Establish and maintain database of investment opportunities

• Database prepared and actively engaged

Support Cairns regional branding initiative in partnership with industry and government stakeholders

• Develop and deliver the regional branding as a regional partnership initiative through coordination by Advance Cairns

Delivery Priority 3: Investment Attraction


Delivery Priority 4: Industry Development

Key Delivery Program Supporting industry and business growth, diversification and skills development in the Cairns region, enhancing capability and building competitive advantage. Support Established and Emerging Industries Local Area Business and Economy Growth Programs I nternational oppportunities

Delivery PrOGRAM:

Support Established and Emerging Industries ACTION


Economic Diversification Fund

• Level of financial support provided and delivery and reporting against agreement requirements

Economic Diversification Fund administration, management and development MARINE

• Level of support provided

Support future growth opportunities arising in this key sector AVIATION

• Level of support provided

Support future growth opportunities arising in this key sector Tropical Expertise Support initiatives to grow and profile tropical expertise industries including health, environmental management, tropical design, and renewable energy

• Active participation on regional working group as coordinated by the RDA and Queesnland Government

Encourage and investigate options for alternative fuel and renewable energy production

• Number of projects scoped


• Level of support provided

Support future growth opportunities arising in this key sector


Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Delivery Priority 4: Industry Development





• Support and partnership reported

Support future growth opportunities arising in this key sector Film Support the growth of the film industry in the Cairns region

Fashion design Support the growth of the creative industries in the Cairns region targeting fashion design industries in the Cairns region and partership with Queensland Government, TAFE and industry Cairns Entertainment Precinct

• Industry support initiatives developed in partnership with industry, Queensland Government/Screen Queensland, to include: streamlined application process, facilitating collaboration across Council, filming case management, industry needs analysis, regional business/ support service capability, profiling of the region for filming, and growing film industry skills base • Industry support initiatives developed in partnership with Queensland Government

• Promotion of CEP as a economic opportunity

Establish economic role and identify industry opportunity through the Cairns Entertainment Precinct Research & Development & Industry

• Outcomes and initiatives demonstrated

Identify and develop strategies in collaboration with JCU, the Cairns Institute and research organisations to build research and development linkages with industry, directly targeting increasing innovation within Cairns based companies Attracting Skilled Workers

• Application submitted in partnership with Queensland cities

Support the preparation of an application for funding through the Evo-cities program to attract skilled workers to Cairns


Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012




• Engagement with the retail sector and initiatives developed.

Support priority retail business development initiatives in partnership with industry Tourism Support the promotion and development of the Cairns region’s tourism industry through financial support and performance agreement with TTNQ and TPDD

• Level of financial support provided and delivery and reporting against agreement requirements

Tourism Development Fund administration, management and development

• Level of financial support provided and delivery and reporting against agreement requirements

Regional Tourism Infrastructure Regional Visitor Information Centre Strategy

• Feasibility study completed and outcomes implemented

Develop Regional Recreational Vehicle Strategy

• C airns and FNQ RV Strategy developed and outcomes implemented

Mining and Mine Services

• Regional representation and partnership of the FNQ FIFO Group

Support profiling of Cairns as a location of choice for business development and workforce in the mining sector

Delivery Priority 4: Industry Development


Delivery PrOGRAM:

Local Area Business and Economy Growth Programs Supporting and/or facilitating local economic programs targeting specific issues, circumstances, events and opportunities at a local level.




Support and identify local area business and growth programs as opportunities and issues arise

• Programs supported

Future Babinda and Mill Site Redevelopment Program delivery in partnership with local community and private sector

• Successful completion and reporting of both programs in partnership with CRC Strategic Planning Unit

Provide relevant and responsive business support programs tailored to local areas addressing small business challenges and opportunities in partnership with small business and Chambers of Commerce

• Number of programs supported and/or delivered

Identify strategies to support the provision of jobs in Edmonton Town Centre

• Delivery of strategies that support jobs

Support industry and employment generation through the implementation of the Mount Peter Master Plan

• Delivery of strategies that support jobs and industry

Review Council’s role in supporting economic development through the construction of infrastructure.

• E stablish CRC position in relation to supporting economic development through the construction of infrastructure and reported against major infrastructure projects

Review Council’s role in stimulating economic activity through its own policies and operations.

• A ssess and establish CRC's role and opportunities as an organisation as a whole

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Delivery PrOGRAM:

International Opportunities Cairns supports a significant export focused economy, largely as a result of the region’s geographic location and international airport and seaport facilities. This program supports the lead role of the Australian and Queensland Government (through their TradeStart Advisor) in building the export capacity of the region. ACTION


Supporting and fostering export opportunities in partnership with government and key stakeholders

• Support for initiatives that foster export market opportunities including trade mission, inbound delegates and industry capability building

Review and identify export opportunities through existing Sister Cities relationships

• Complete review and identify export opportunties and action

Developing Cairns’ profile and strength as an economic delegation friendly region

• Economic delegation friendly procedures developed and in place as a regional collaboration program

Deliivery Priority 4: Industry Development


Delivery Priority 5: Events Economy Key Delivery Program Building strategic events as a vehicle to assist the region move toward sustainable growth and increased economic prosperity (given the impact on the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of the region). Events Strategy Business Events Leveraging Events-based Economic Development Outcomes

Delivery PROGRAM:

Events Strategy This delivery priority is founded on the implementation of the Cairns Regional Council Events Strategy (2012 – 2015). ACTION


Refine Council’s event infrastructure to support and facilitate increased economic impact and sustainable growth

• Establishment of an Events Advisory Committee • Establishment of Events Operations Team • Refinement of event funding framework and policies • Facilitation of event facilities

Support and facilitate increased economic impact and sustainable growth via destination promotion, key event identification / acquisition and portfolio optimisation

• Implementation of a balanced event portfolio

Support an increased responsiveness to event opportunities

• Increased scope of event grant guidelines

• Increased economic impact and sustainable growth via destinational marketing • Proactive acquisition of events

• Evaluation matrix • Perception management • Increase of grant revenue into the region

Facilitate fully leveraged event opportunities, positive stakeholder interaction and maximised event outcomes


• Maximised leverage and outcomes across funding agreements, media interest and event revenue

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

Delivery PROGRAM:

Business Events Supporting the growth and profile of business events in the region. ACTION


Support the growth of business events within the Cairns region

• Facilitate the growth of business events

Increase the profile of business events as an economic driver

• Increased media coverage of business events and Cairns as a business event destination (including economic benefits and outcomes)

• Increased number of business events held within the region

Delivery PROGRAM:

Leveraging Events-based Economic Development Outcomes Increased leverage of business growth and economic development outcomes from events. ACTION


Increase economic benefits (flow-on effect) of Cairns-based business events

Delivery of targeted program with major events to profile Cairns for business investment and skilled workforce relocation

Delivery Priority 5: Events Economy


Monitoring and Reviewing Progress Strategic Economic and Performance Indicators Key Economic Indicators Key Performance Measures


Monitoring and Reviewing Progress

Strategic Economic and Performance Indicators The key outcome of this strategy will be an increased depth and diversity within the Cairns economy, which can include an increase in employment and income, improvements in business and industry development, education, and environmental sustainability. A key outcome will also be the external perceptions of Cairns. A more investment and business friendly profile will serve to further the capacity within the market to successfully attract new businesses and skilled labour. To monitor progress towards Council’s economic development goals, a set of overarching key indicators and performance measures have been developed to complement Council’s broader Sustainability Scorecard Report. These measures allow Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Unit to track key economic trends as well as identify areas which require more support from Council, State and Federal Governments or local /regional stakeholders. In some instances, examination of the key economic indicators and performance measures alone will not fully determine the effectiveness of the Economic Development & Innovation Strategy. Over time, however, the direction or pace of change in the key indicators will assist Council in determining whether the proposed actions and strategies are broadly headed in the right direction.

KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Gross Regional Product Population Population growth Educational Qualifications Labour force Unemployment rate Average annual personal income Employment by Industry Economic Value Add by Industry Total Value of Building Approvals Protected Areas

Key Performance Measures Those indicators which could be directly linked to the activities of the Economic Development & Innovation Unit, and which will be considered further as strategy implementation progresses, include: Number of investment enquiries directly fielded by Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Unit (monitored annually) Dollar value of facilitated business investments in Cairns N umber of jobs generated as a result of facilitated investments in Cairns Customer satisfaction with Council’s economic development services and achievements – from Council’s customer satisfaction survey N umber of business networking events and awards forums organised and/or facilitated by Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Unit Performance of other economic development organisations directly funded by Council (e.g. Advance Cairns, TTNQ, TPDD) subject to each organisation’s endorsed strategy, its business/ operational plan and activity-based budget Delivery Plans performance will be assessed against specific targets identified against each action

Monitoring and Reviewing Progress


Appendix 1 - Strategic Policy Content OVERVIEW



Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

The FNQ Regional Plan is the pre-eminent plan for the FNQ region and, therefore, takes precedence over all other planning instruments. The Queensland Government intends the FNQ Regional Plan to guide and manage the region’s development over the next 20 years to realise its 2020 vision for Queensland (Department of Premier and Cabinet, 2008) and address key regional environmental, social, economic and urban objectives.

Cairns Regional Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Strategy will complement, support and deliver against the wider FNQ Regional Plan objectives and intended outcomes.

Regional Development Australia (RDA) Road Map

The RDA Far North Queensland and Torres Strait Committee (RDA FNQ&TS) complements existing regional development structures, creating synergies between the high level strategic, macro and micro social, environmental and economic development perspectives of the region through an inclusive, collaborative model. The principal role of RDA FNQ&TS is to provide a conduit between all three levels of government and the community to promote a better understanding of regional requirements.

Cairns Regional Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Strategy complements the vision for the wider FNQ & TS region.

Queensland Regionalisation Strategy (Queensland Government)

The Queensland Regionalisation Strategy sets out strategies for driving investment and development in regions (including Cairns and Far North Queensland), to take growth pressures off South East Queensland, and ensure all regions prosper from growth and are great places to live, work and visit. The strategy details proposed actions to sustain long-term growth, encourage workers to the regions, support new business investment and improve partnerships between governments.

Cairns Regional Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Strategy will work in partnership with other agencies to implement actions under the Queensland Regionalisation Strategy relating to Cairns

Cairns Economic Future Plan 2011-2015 (Queensland Government)

The Plan sets the stage for Queensland Government’s proposed approach to building on achievements and strengthening the Cairns regional economy over the next four years. The strategies in this plan focus on economic development in the Cairns region. They build on the outcomes delivered through the Cairns Economic Future Plan 2009-2011 and clearly set out proposed Queensland Government strategies for this dynamic tropical economy. The Queensland Government will work in partnership with regional organisations to get the best results for the Cairns region. The new plan will complement other initiatives such as the Queensland Regionalisation Strategy, the Queensland Infrastructure Plan, the Far North Queensland Regional Plan, the Regional Development Australia Far North Queensland and Torres Strait Regional Road Map, and Tropical North Queensland Regional Economic Plan.

Building on strong industries – Continued industry development in tourism, agriculture and food, aviation services, and marine maintenance. Diversifying the regional economy – Innovation, investment attraction and industry development for new sectors that capitalise on what is special about the Cairns region – tropical expertise, defence, mining services, renewable energy and education. Getting the business environment right – Support for regional infrastructure, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), skills and jobs.

Cairns Economic Development & Innovation Strategy and Delivery Program 2012 – 2015 | Cairns Regional Council 2012

OVERVIEW Cairns Regional Council’s Corporate Plan

The Corporate Plan is the major direction-setting plan for Cairns Regional Council for the period 2009-2014. It spells out the goals and objectives that will help Council achieve its vision. It indicates how Council will respond to the many challenges facing the region including: environmental issues, projected population growth, the economy and creating prosperity, growing vibrant communities whilst doing this within a framework of excellent governance and genuine engagement with the wider community. The document is based on six strategic goals: 1. Caring for the environment 2. Building vibrant communities 3. Delivering integrated planning 4. Delivering services and infrastructure 5. Creating a prosperous region 6. Striving for organisational excellence

Cairns Regional Council’s Community PlanImagine Tomorrow - Your Community Plan 2011-2031

Cairns Regional Council has prepared a Community Plan to gain a clear appreciation of the needs and priorities of its residents; to provide a framework for future development and growth of the region; and to comply with its statutory obligations. The Community Plan creates a vision for the Cairns community which is critical considering population growth and the need to plan for strong, sustainable growth. The Community Plan is Cairns Regional Council’s key planning document. It sits above all other planning processes of Council, including strategic land use planning and corporate planning. It will inform priority infrastructure plans and planning scheme development, while helping to better manage the competing pressures of, for example, economic development and environmental protection. It will also ensure that the lifestyle needs and aspirations of the community are met. These directions are consolidated under six themes which are: Community; Culture, Lifestyle, People; Economy; Natural Environment; Urban Environment and Built Form; and Governance.

Tropical North Queensland Regional Economic Plan

The Tropical North Queensland Regional Economic Plan (TNQ REP) presents a 20 year vision and five year action plan to guide economic development across the TNQ region. Together with the five year action plan, the TNQREP provides a means of co-ordinating our economic efforts for our mutual, long-term benefit. The vision is for the TNQ Region to become ‘The World’s Leading Tropical Region’. To this end, three fundamental goals have been identified to drive the TNQ REP: A strong and confident economy; an enriched lifestyle in liveable communities; and a natural and built environment that is enjoyed protected and enhanced.

RELEVANCE The strategic goals relevant to this strategy include: 2. Building vibrant communities – To build more creative, innovative and self reliant communities where participation in community life is enabled and encouraged 3. Delivering integrated planning – To take an integrated planning approach to development that creates a sustainable region reflective of our uniqueness and tropical lifestyle 5. Creating a prosperous region – to increase the region’s capacity for long-term economic growth by supporting opportunities for local businesses and local employment 6. Striving for organisational excellence – to ensure that Council is open, accountable, ethical and financially responsible. Recognise that Council plays a leadership role for our immediate communities and for the wider region and will strive to represent our community’s needs and expectations The Economy theme identifies three focus areas relevant to this strategy: Economic Diversification - The region will have a sustainable, low-carbon economy that is diverse and resilient. Innovation - We will cultivate an investment culture within our region by fostering and encouraging innovation and creative design. Tourism - The regions tourism market will build upon its solid foundation of nature based tourism to include sustainable best practice in nature conservation, and diversification into a range of sport, adventure, cultural and business tourism opportunities.

This Strategy will complement, support and deliver against the wider TNQ REP’s objectives and intended outcomes.

Appendix 1 - Strategy Policy Content


Contact Economic Development & Innovation Unit Cairns Regional Council PO Box 359, Cairns QLD 4870 Phone: +61 7 4044 3347 Email:

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