Green Space Our Place - Our Volunteers Voice - Issue 30 March 2021

Page 9

The Green Space uPdate

The Green Space, at Jess Mitchell Park, Greenslopes St, is coming along and will be ready for planting for the winter vegie growing season. Down ‘n’ Dirty volunteers have been assisting us to develop this area with plenty of digging and removal of weeds, adding new soil and mulch and creating trial plots using various methods. With the slogan ‘Connecting people with people, and people with nature’, we will be offering a variety of ways to connect with our volunteers and eventually the public. Last year we held ‘How to build a Wicking Bed’ workshops (see left). We aim to continue these in the near future.

Tracks ‘n’ Trails

Tracks ‘n’ Trails resumed this year and we were pleased to see our regular faces return together with a couple of new ones. They have spent their time clearing vegetation from the Red and Blue Arrows, and cleaning diversions and drains and track surfaces. Pictured: Right: Hiromi, Volunteers Officer Sarah and Phil making the Blue Arrow accessible by clearing fallen vegetation. Above: Kelsey, Russell and Hiromi spent a morning pruning back the Red Arrow bamboo after it had been damaged by wild weather associated with Tropical Cyclone Niran. 9

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