Are we inside or outside ?

Are we inside or outside ?
Under our wings rises a dust which does not reach us: a dust of the road, or of carpets being beaten. We are moving in a clean and empty azure;we purr along, all alone,in a blue which is alien to the earth—a blue of the open sea.
Through a fissure in the dirty mass below us, as I look out through my porthole,I occasionally catch sight of the muddylooking bend of a wadi:steep slopes streaked with the mire of a dry river that goes nowhere,the lazy winding course of a stream that has disappeared. Under my eyes there is hardly any movement; the usual sense of the landscape slipping by beneath is absent here.There is a head wind, and we are making no progress. The mass of woolly fluff that had been torn apart piles up solid once more. A drift of smoke passes, then a red cloud blots out the wadi before we have even got beyond it.
Half rising in my seat,I catch a glimpse through the pilot's windows of the landscape toward which we are making our way. Our sky has been abruptly dirtied over. We are flying into a yellow light.It is not swirling clouds or spirals of mist that we are about to pass through.
Sahara Adventure. Pg.34
À travers nous s'envolent Les oiseaux en silence.
O, moi qui veux grandir Je regarde au dehors, et l'arbre en moi grandit.
Silently the birds Fly through us.
O,I,who long to grow, I look outside myself, and the tree inside me grows.
Rainer Maria Rilke"Nostalgia" directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, illustrating the intertwining feelings of a poet based on a series of dreams
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Reference: National Library of Scotland, Geology One Inch, 1860s- 1940s
Vivid blue of a space
In which each tree rises to foliation of palms
In search of its soul