Branding & Style Guidelines
Table of Contents 2
Introduction About Us & Mission.. ........................... 5 History........................................................6
Logo Logo Options......................................... 7 Star Mark.. ................................................8 Clearance Area.. ...................................9 Incorrect Usage.. .................................9 Typography.. ......................................... 10 Color Palette..........................................11 Secondary Logo.. ............................... 12
Stationery Business Card....................................... 13 Letterhead. . .......................................... 14 Envelope.. ................................................ 15
Home Page. . .......................................... 17 Drop Down.. ............................................ 18 BeForever Homepage.. ................... 19 BeForever Secondary Level.......20
Packaging Shopping Bag .. ..................................... 21 Doll Box . . .................................................. 22 Clothing Box . . ....................................... 23
Marketing BeForever Poster.............................. 25 Postcard. . ............................................... 26 Brochure................................................. 27
About Us & Mission Around 1984, a woman named Pleasant Rowland visited Colonial Williamsburg where she came up with the brilliant idea of developing a doll company for young girls. She wanted to make history come alive through doll play while also boosting confidence and promoting healthy and happy lifestyles. In 1986 her dream became reality and American Girl, at first known as the Pleasant Company, was formed. The first three dolls created were Kirsten Larson (Pioneer Era), Samantha Parkington (Edwardian Era), and Molly McIntire (WWII Era). The company has exploded in wild success since the thirty years it has been around with over 27 million dolls being sold to girls.
American Girl is aimed towards young girls during their formative years, between ages 8 and 12. The company not only sells dolls, clothing, and books, but also strives to foster well-rounded, motivated girls by focusing on mind, body, and spirit. There are over 2,000 men and women employed both full and part-time during the year, and over 5,000 during the pre-holiday season. American Girl is well known around the country, especially amongst young girls and their moms, serving as great gifts throughout the year.
History Once the first catalogue debuted in 1986, American Girl has provided inspiring products for each stage of a young girl’s development—from her preschool days of baby dolls and fantasy play through her tween years of self-expression and individuality. Through an array of premium-quality books, dolls, clothes, toys, and accessories, American Girl has earned the loyalty of millions of girls and the praise and trust of parents and educators. BeForever™, American Girl’s signature line of historical dolls, books, and related accessories, connects girls ages 8 and up with inspiring characters and timeless stories from America’s past. First introduced in 1986, BeForever, which currently includes Kaya™, Josefina™, Addy™, Samantha™, Rebecca™, Kit™, Maryellen™, and Julie™, gives girls today the opportunity to explore the past and think about the possibilities the future can bring. In 1992, the company launched American Girl® magazine, an age-appropriate publication designed to affirm selfesteem, celebrate achievements, and foster creativity in today’s girls. With a circulation of over 400,000, the awardwinning magazine ranks among the topten children’s magazines in the nation and is the largest magazine dedicated exclusively to girls. In 1995, the company debuted a contemporary doll line that has since evolved into Truly Me™. The line, featuring 18-inch dolls, accessories, and exclusive play-based print and digital
content for girls ages 8 and up, is designed to encourage selfexpression and creativity. Also, in 1995, American Girl introduced Bitty Baby™ for younger girls ages 3 to 6. The soft, huggable baby dolls and related toys encourage nurturing behavior. The line expanded in 2002 to include Bitty Twins™. Introduced in 2001, the Girl of the Year™ line gives voice to a diverse range of personalities and backgrounds through inspiring, relatable characters that instill a sense of pride in girls and show them there is no limit to what they can accomplish. American Girl products are marketed and distributed through the company’s awardwinning catalogue; on its website,; at all American Girl® retail stores nationwide, and at American Girl® specialty boutiques in select Indigo™ and Chapters™ locations in Canada, and El Palacio de Hierro locations in Mexico. The American Girl® books are also available through retail and online booksellers and a wide selection are also downloadable as e-books. Since 1998, American Girl has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Mattel.
Logo Options Creation
1986 Logo
Originally owned by Pleasant Company, this product line focused on the 18" historical dolls that educated girls by portraying characters during various time periods. Each doll came with a sixbook series told through the various doll’s perspectives during specific decades in American history.
In 1995 Pleasant Company released a line of contemporary dolls, known as American Girl Today and was bought by Mattel, thus changing their logo. The purpose of the change to American Girl was to allow girls to choose dolls that best represented their individuality and personality. 1995 Logo
AMER CAN 2016 Logo
The rebranded logo, created in 2016, was designed with the purpose of drawing attention to the fact that this company is based on empowering, educating, and exciting young girls and preteens about all there is to learn, explore, and become in the world today. At American Girl, we strive to promote healthy, active, and engaged lifestyles in girls of all ages. When not using color, it is acceptable to sue the black and white version of the logo.
Star Mark Star Mark The American Girl star, based off of the 1995 star, is created with the intention of being a hand drawn star by a little girl. Because the company focuses on celebrating girls of all ages, the star best represents their mission as a business. The blue outline of the American Girl star is created for the American Girl logo. When used in the logo, it is required to be turned on its side at a 30 degree angle. Any other rotation of the star when being used for the logo is unacceptable. When the star mark is used by itself (not within the full logo), it may be used at any rotation degree. The star by itself may be shown as the outline or filled versions.
Clearance Area & Incorrect Usage Clearance Area
When using the American Girl logo, make sure to maintain a safety space area around the text at least a star’s width on all sides. The purpose of a clearance space is so that it gives clarity amongst other elements.
Improper Usage When using the American Girl logo, the logo should be always placed on an horizontal, straight 180 degree line and not turned slightly to any which way. This keeps our identity coonsistent and identifable. New typefaces may not be substituted for the current Morningtype font which is being used. Don’t alter the text of the original logo. Don’t alter the color scheme of the original logo. When necessary, you may use the black and white version. Do not move around the star or the spacing of the text. Do not re-write the word “girl”. Do not distort any aspect of the logo, including the rotation of the star.
Typography Anke Calligraphic FG ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Proper Type Usage In order to maintain a consistent brand identity, it is important to use the following four typefaces when creating American Girl material.
KG summer sunshIne shadow abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Arcon ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890[{}],.<>;:’”/|\=+!@#$%^&*( KG summer sunshIne blackout abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Morningtype Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890[{}],.<>;:’”/|\=+!@#$%^&*()_
Color Palette Meaning of Colors
Pantone 542 C: 78 M: 47 Y: 32 K: 6
Pantone 2725 C: 79 M: 69 Y: 0 K: 0
Main Logo Palette
R: 122 G: 174 B: 213
Purple and blue were chosen to represent femininity as well as the celebration of girls. Purple symbolizes power, nobility, and ambition and represents the minds of young girls. The blue symbolizes depth and stability as well as intelligence, faith, and confidence. All of these attributes are what American Girl has been promoting since their creation in 1986.
R: 102 G: 92 B: 99
Color Palette
R: 145 G: 108 B: 150
Pantone 2945 C: 100 M: 74 Y: 20 K: 5 R: 0 G: 74 B: 151
Secondary Logo Palette
Pantone 7661 C: 48 M: 64 Y: 20 K: 1
The main logo color palette consists of two colors: a purple, which uses Pantone 2725 and a blue, which uses Pantone 542. The secondary logo consists of another purple, which is Pantone 7661 and a blue, which uses Pantone 2945.
Secondary Logo
forever be be forever be be
Secondary Logo The secondary logo is used for all BeForever products, which is the historical doll line that celebrates girls from the beginning of the United States of America in the 18th century to the present day 21st century. The BeForever logo is not to be manipulated in any way. The same rules and guidelines from the primary logo apply to this logo. The only changes that may occur are scaling up and down proportionally and changing to a black and white color scheme.
Business Card Front of Card
AMER CAN 1.52"
Back of Card
Sales Associate
.743" 403 Bev Ct, Middleton, WI 53562 Cell: (773) 234 2455
Logo • Placement: .32" margin on either side of the American Girl logo. 1.3" margin on the top of the logo. 1.52" margin from the tail of the ‘g’ to the bottom of the logo • Size: The logo gets placed in the center spanning 1.52" across • Typeface: Morningtype Light and handwritten lettering • The blue background is Pantone 542 at a 32% opacity Stars • Six different stars used, five filled in, one outlined in blue. Four stars located above the logo in the 1.3" margin. The other two are placed below the logo in the 1.52" margin. Do not place the stars past 1.3" on the left side of the card.
• Font: Name of employee uses the handwritten font from the original logo. The position, location, and contact information is all Morningtype Light font, 12pt. • Colors: Position of employee is Pantone 542; the contact information is C=27 M=26 Y=1 K=0 • Placement: The box is located 1.325" from the top and is .743" high. The position of the employee is located 1.14" from the top of the card, and is at 10pt font. Place the contact information .17" from the start of the box on the bottom. • The blue box is Pantone 542 at 28% opacity • Stars: There are ten stars on the back of the card, varying in size and color fill. Do not place any stars below the name of employer.
Size: 8.5" x 11" The American Girl logo gets placed in the upper left hand corner of the page, with a left margin of .66", a right margin of 4.75", and a top margin of .483". When sized down, it spans 3.13".
An array of stars sweep from the upper left hand corner to the bottom left hand of the page, gradually getting larger in size and varying in color and outline. The contact information bar is located on the bottom of the page, with a bottom margin of .5â&#x20AC;? and a side margin of 1.87". The font used for the contact information is Morningtype Light, 12 pt. that uses Panton 542. P . O . B o x 6 2 0 4 97 , M i d d l e t o n , W I 5 3 5 6 2 - 0 4 97 8 0 0 - 8 4 5 - 0 0 0 5
Envelope Measurements Size: 9.5" x 4.125" Flap Size: 9.5" x 1.9927" Logo: The logo gets placed in the upper left hand corner with a margin of .6155" to the left and a top margin of .1458". The address of American Girl is lockated on the back flap of the envelope, at .35" below the top and a margin of 3.2" on either side. There are eight stars on the front side of the envelop, passing no further than the letter â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in American. There are eight stars on the back flap.
P . O . B o x 6 2 0 4 97 , M i d d l e t o n , W I 5 3 5 6 2 - 0 4 97
Home Page shop
sunny days call for play shop new summer outfits
creativity is the main ingredient: plan the perfect summer picnic
letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cook!
meet our newest girl of the year: Lea Clark
plan a magical birthday party
request a catalogue
matching jammies for every girly sleepover
connect with us
check out these new American Girl book series
terms & conditions
sign up for emails
The main homepage for American Girl displays a seasonal photo with accompanying text. The images and text will change based on the season and time of year, yet, the color scheme will remain similar if not identical. The bottom three images all advertise certain products or eventa that American Girl is currently pushing for. By keeping the pictures colorful, energetic, and feminine, young girls will be attracted to the website and interested in looking further into American Girl products.
Drop Down shop
BeForever Look-a-Like Bitty Twins Bitty Baby
sunny days call for play shop new summer outfits
creativity is the main ingredient: plan the perfect summer picnic
letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cook!
meet our newest girl of the year: Lea Clark
plan a magical birthday party
sign up for emails
request a catalogue
matching jammies for every girly sleepover
connect with us
check out these new American Girl book series
terms & conditions
sign up for emails
This page shows what the drop down menu will look like when users click on one of the options in the header. The dropdown color stays consistent with the header color, which is Pantone 542.
BeForever Homepage shop
S h i n i n g To g e t h e r
through storied times
D i s c o v e r the BeForever characters’ hopes & dreams throughout history
sign up for emails
request a catalogue
connect with us
terms & conditions
sign up for emails
Once viewers click on “Shop” and then “BeForever” in the top header, viewers will be led to this secondary homepage. This page displays all of the illustrated historical dolls in chronological order, starting from 1764 to 1974. A secondary header appears as well, with options for the viewers to view historical facts about the different time periods, as well as shopping the products and playing various BeForever historical games online.
BeForever Secondary Level shop
outfits sign up for emails
request a catalogue
Kit Kittredge
A creative girl who knows she can make any day brighter I'm Kit Kittredge. I love putting my creativity to work. Of course, not all my big ideas turn out perfect. Like that time with the chickens. It sure is fun to solve problems, though. Whether it's a fussy old typewriter, a school project, or a list of choresâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;I can figure out how to turn anything into a good time.
matching careers
connect with us
doll & books terms & conditions
sign up for emails
From that secondary page, viewers can select which doll they want to research more thoroughly about. After clicking on the illustration of their choosing, viewers will be led to this page, which displays a vintage image from that time period in the background along with a brief description, quote, and oval image of the doll. The bottom three images are links for viewers to follow when interested in purchasing outfits, matching clothing, and the doll and books from that historical time period.
Shopping Bag Shopping Bag Front For those shopping at the American Girl store (located in varous cities around the country), customers will receive their purchases in this simple, yet durable bag with recognizable color schemes and their iconic American Girll doll star.
Shopping Bag Back By keeping the shopping bag design consistent on both the front and the back of the bag, customers will be able to easily recognize the company.
Purple Background: Pantone 2725 C: 79 M: 69 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 102 G: 92 B: 99 Blue Star: Pantone 542 C: 78 M: 47 Y: 32 K: 6 R: 122 G: 174 B: 213
Doll Box 1904
Doll Box Packaging
1774 1812
Size and Color
1864 1974
Option #1 Pantone 7661
When ordering an 18â&#x20AC;? American Girl doll, purchasers will receive their new doll in a large box that displays the BeForever historical dolls. The timeline on either side of the box (front and back) documets the time period of each doll, from 1764 to 1974.
Option #2 Pantone 542
Size: 5 x 7 x 20"
Blue Background: Pantone 542 C: 78 M: 47 Y: 32 K: 6 R: 122 G: 174 B: 213 Purple Background: Pantone 2725 C: 79 M: 69 Y: 0 K: 0
Box Bottom
R: 102 G: 92 B: 99
Clothing Box Doll Clothing Box
Option #1 Pantone 2725
When customers purchase an outfit for either the doll or a matching outfit for the girl and doll, their purchase will come in one of the three boxes listed to the left. The three colors make up the American Girl company color scheme. Receiving one of the three box colors is entirely random, which makes receiving their purchase even more exciting. Because the clothing size varies from doll to girl, the box size will change sizes as well, yet, the overall star pattern and color scheme will remain consistent.
Option #2 Pantone 542
Option #3 Pantone 7661
Poster BeForever Poster
meet the newest
maryellen larkin
I have a heart full of highflying hopes and a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideas, even though they don’t all get off the ground. But I know that if I stay true to who I am and what I believe, the sky’s the limit.
When advertising for the latest BeForever doll, American Girl will create an 11 x 17 inch poster that presents the girl, the name, and a brief bio on her story and/or time period in America. It is important to include the full image of the doll along with a quote that represents the girl and her era.
signature studio Girls! You can become an instant in-store designer! Customize a doll outfit or a girl-sized backpack by adding your own fun designs and flair, have it created, and take it home the same day! 3 s imple steps: 1. Pick a cute doll outfit or fun girlsized backpack 2. Create your own imaginatvie design 3. Have your unique piece printed that day for you to share with your family and friends!
AMER CAN AMER CAN Hello Caroline, We are beyond excited to invite you to participate in our newly launched BeForever Signature Studio, with varying locations across the United States. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a fashion designer? Do you have some sort of unique doll outfit you wish we sold? Wish no longer! Come, bring your friends, and experience Signature Studio; a fun, hands-on, and interactive studio where you can create your own outfits and design, see it come to life, and take it home with you that day to play. Register today at 877-247-5223!
Your Friends at,
see what fun awaits at the BeForever Signature Studio available at the American Girl Place in Chicago, LA, & NY
Event Postcard When promoting an upcoming event for American Girl, postcards will be sent to the homes of catologue and magazine subscribers as well as to previous buyers.
Brochure Summer Brochure Each season, American Girl sends out brochures to magazine and catalogue subscribers as a way to advertise their latest doll and to also promote healthy habits that get girls out and about during each season throughout the year. Images of the doll and the country/era she is representing are always included.
dive into summer 2016 with
Lea Clark
Meet Lea, the 2016 Girl of the Year™! She dives in to new adventures and explores what’s in her heart. The 18" Lea doll has warm hazel eyes that open and close, and long, light-brown wavy hair with sun-kissed highlights. She has a huggable cloth body, and her movable head and limbs are made of smooth vinyl. She comes with the Lea Dives In paperback book, plus her Brazilian festival outfit.
She’s an animal lover, adventure seeking, ocean and outdoor enthusiast who takes a trip to Brazil that ends up changing her life forever. By overcoming her deepest fears, she becomes more confident and courageous and falls in love with the wonders of Brazil.
give me my camera, my compass, & all my courage. I’m excited to go exploring - come along and let’s have the adventure of a life time!
” beyond every
‘what if’ is a new adventure Growing up means new experiences and changes to everyday routines. For naturally adventurous and brave spirits, this can be very exciting. However, it’s common for girls to be fearful of the what-ifs, too. While approaching the unfamiliar with caution is a good idea for safety, there’s a great big world out there that you shouldn’t miss out on exploring.
“I want to go everywhere & see everything”
AMER CAN So many things to explore here in BRAZIL
Rio de Janerio
Iguazo Falls
Maracanã Stadium
Pantanal Park
Sugarloaf Mountain
Braz razil Br
Brazil is the largest country in South America and the 5th largest county in the world by both land area and population. Brasilia is the capital, while the largest city is Sao Paolo. Brazil is also the only country in South America to speak Portuguese. There are around 194 million people inhabiting this country, helping contribute to it having one of the largest economies in the world. Brazil’s climate is typically tropical and is home to a wide variety of animals, including armadillo, jaguars, and pumas. The Summer 2016 Olympics will be held in Rio de Janerio, marking the first Olympics to ever be held on the South American continent.
AMER CAN Bringing Girls Together, One Imagination At A Time
your ultimate summer guide
Explore the world with your American Girl doll and friends, there’s so much to see!
featuring the beautiful country of