Advertisement essay

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Advertisement Essay In the THINK! Child road safety advert, they use fear to try and get their point across to the public. The advert shoes a ‘worst case scenario’ situation which will hopefully scare people, mostly children, into following road safety. This advert is obviously aimed at children due to the use of animation, something that we know children are interested in. One of the adverts, called ‘The boy who didn’t stop, look and listen’, shows how because a boy didn’t choose a safe place to cross, he can no longer join in with ball games. What they have done is picked up on what children enjoy doing, then showing them how not listening can stop them from being able to do this for a long time or even forever. This strikes fear into children’s heads, making them remember that if they don’t cross the road safely then they might be like the little boy in the advert who can’t play like all the other children. This advert uses a non-linear structure, since we see the outcome of the situation first, then watch the story behind it unravel. The impact of this technique is that it grabs the children’s attention at first, since it starts off with a bruised little boy. Once they have seen the bruised child they want to know why he is like that, which they then see afterwards. This also keeps the image of the child in their heads since it is the first thing they see. That also means that it will help them remember what could happen to them if they don’t follow road safety rules. This technique is also mixed with animation, since that style of advertisement is appealing to the younger viewers since it is aimed at children, who just so happen to watch animation. This means that there is a higher chance of it sticking in their heads longer, meaning that the advert has done its job of informing children. In the old spice adverts they use a combination of celebrity endorsement and sexualisation to sell their product. In the advert we’re met with man with huge muscles and chiseled features. This advert creates the ‘perfect man’ that woman wish they could have. This advert promises riches and dreams that women are believed to have, so by suggesting this body product they could achieve this. By doing this, it pushes women to buy the product for their husband or boyfriend so they can have the ‘perfect man’. This advert also questions men’s masculinity, saying that more women like smells strip them of masculinity, so unless they use this product then they’re not a man. It also puts men down, when they say ‘sadly your man can’t be me’, suggesting there’ something wrong with men, also knocking their confidence and encouraging them to buy the product to regain their confidence. Also, by using terry crews as one of their spokes model they have a bigger chance of not only selling their product, but also helps emphasize on their ‘perfect man’ image due to his muscly build. It’s almost as if they’re doing this so you can’t get away from the product, since they’ve used so many different techniques to draw you in. Old spice also uses series to help promote its product, since their adverts are popular with the public. By creating liked adverts, its giving the public what they want, like supply and demand. This also helps get their product across the world, since it’s a global sensation. This means that more people will likely buy it, especially since the series ads are popular on the internet, meaning there’s an even bigger target audience and also more people buying the products.

The skittles adverts are memorable due to their surreal aspects. Each one is different in the way of their story line, but each has a surreal vibe to them. One example of this is when a man is shown to have skittle powers, that turns everything he touches into skittles. It’s a simple idea, that has managed to be simple enough to remember, but also surreal enough to have been a conversation starter; which is good for the product because word of mouth is good product placement for them. Their surreal approach is also child-like, which appeals more to the adolescent target audience, since their product is more associated with the younger generation. However, they also appeal to their older target audience by including mature situations, where the man with skittles powers is seen working at a desk. This aspect almost suggests an ideal life, since the idea of having that excitement in their lives seems more appealing than a boring desk job. We get this idea from the way his workers react to the discovery of this new power he has, like their jobs are so boring this is possibly the most exciting thing to have happen to them in a long while.

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