Testing times

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Testing Times One hot morning, a.er a par0cularly disturbed nights sleep, Owl awoke with what he thought was a VERY good idea. He gathered all of the animals of the woodland and addressed them from on high “Ahem, I have decided that it would be a good idea if we tested everyone so as to see who is best at what so that we can all dooo what we are best at doing” The animals all looked at each other, never had such a thing been suggested. But it is the nature of groups to follow the voice of authority and when Owl spoke with his chest puffed out and in the convincing manner of one who knew what he was about, they all listened… and obeyed. “Line up” said Owl “That’s the way, in front of me, in a line, quickly now.” So they did. Badger and Fox, Deer and Squirrel, Weasel and Stoat, all of the animals of the woodland. “Now the first test will be climbing the tall oak tree to gather acorns. One, Two, Three, Go!” Cried Owl Off the animals went. Squirrel scampered fastest of all to the top of the tree and out onto the branches where the sweetest acorns were then back again while some animals were s0ll sizing up the best approach to the problem. Deer stretched up on hind legs and managed to get a few of the low down acorns. Badger rooted around for last years crop amongst the leaves. Weasel and Stoat fought over who was the best at collec0ng and Sly Old Fox stole acorns from everyone else un0l he was caught and disqualified. Owl hooted to signify the end of the test and got the animals to line up again. Plucking a long feather from his wing, he proceeded to write down the scores. “What are you doing?” asked the animals “Well you see, this is the See Hooo Is Top test and I declare that Squirrel is the best at collec0ng acorns and that this will be his job from now on” “Well, er, actually, some0mes I like hazel nuts too and I have always fancied having a go at fishing” said Squirrel. “Nonsense” said Owl “The results are clear, you will be an acorn collector and that is that. Next is the race to see who is fastest. On the count of three you will all run to the end of the woods and back. One, Two, Three, Go!” Owl cried and off they ran. Deer took the lead, sleek and fleet of foot she raced through the woods. Squirrel, determined to be seen as more than a harvester of acorns jumped through the trees in hot pursuit, bounding from branch to branch overhead. Badger ambled along gamely while Weasel and Stoat fought over who was the fastest runner. Sly Old Fox ran into the woods un0l he could not be seen then lay down to sleep for a while, planning to jump out in front when the animals were almost home. Be More Outdoors is a registered charity 1155946

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Testing times by Caitlin Sagan - Issuu