University of Buenos Aires and National Council for Research Argentine Color Group
Linguistic and cognitive categorization in the domain of color
gwyrdd ————— green ————— blue glas ————— gray ————— ————— llwyd brown
Louis Hjelmslev: lack of coincidence in the domains covered by color names between English and Welsh.
Linguistic and cognitive categorization in the domain of color
[green] [light blue] [dark blue]
verde ————————— glaucus, caerulus golubej ————— azul sinij
Umberto Eco: differences between Russian, Spanish, and Latin.
Linguistic and cognitive categorization in the domain of color
golubej celeste ———————————— sinij azul
[light blue] [dark blue]
Similarities between Russian and the Spanish spoken in Argentina
basic color terms
instrument used to make the survey on color names: array of Munsell colors
Berlin & Kay – Mexican Spanish
Berlin & Kay – American English
Berlin & Kay – Mexican Spanish
Berlin & Kay – American English
BERLIN & KAY THESIS Basic Color Terms. Their Universality and Evolution
2 terms [I stage] white and black (lightness - darkness) 7 languages in New Guinea + ngombĂŠ of Zaire, paliyan of India 3 terms [II stage] + red (1st color) 21 languages, some in Zaire: kikongo, lingala, swahili 4 terms [III stage] + green or yellow arunta, in Australia 5 terms [IV stage] + green + yellow 18 american languages: hopi, navajo, apache, esquimo 6 terms [V stage]
+ blue
8 languages: mandarin (literary chinese), masai (Kenya), hausa (Niger)
7 terms [VI stage] javanese (Java)
+ brown
11 terms [VII stage] + violet, pink, orange and gray most present languages in industrial and urban societies: French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
other studies on color categorization: Taft and Sivik; comparison between Swedish and Croatian
Robert MacLaury’s Mesoamerican color survey
Association Internationale de la Couleur International Color Association Internationale Vereinigung f端r die Farbe