Cake Masters Magazine January 2013

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Shades of Cakes Showcase SPECIAL: Afternoon Tea with Jen

Featuring your best cakes of 2012, Interviews, Edible images feature, “fifty” cakes, Competitions and much more! 1


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From the Editor



Cake Masters January Issue Happy New Year! What a year is has been! We wanted to do something a li8le different, and wanted this issue to be a visual delight-­‐ cakes of all colours from across the spectrum. There are several special cake features in this issue but the best one is the 50 Shades of Cake Feature. We searched high and low for cakes to feature in what is pages of coloured cakes -­‐ we have the whole spectrum of colours, from Purple to Blue and from Green to Gold. We hope you enjoy this feature, as it looks amazing in the magazine. I have to say a massive thanks to Jen from Jen’s Just Desserts who is for the first Rme wriRng about her amazing cakey experiences complimented with her awesome photography, personally these are the best pages in the magazine for me. One thing we try very hard to do is talk not only about cake, but about you -­‐ the creator. Interview features are a must in this magazine and are a great way of geUng to know you all. Many thanks to Molly and Richard who we have interviewed and have featured in this issue of our magazine. We have so much planned for Cake Masters this year and we hope to have our magazines in print soon too! I really hope this does happen, it would be a dream come true to see hard copies! Thanks to all our contributors who make the magazine simply awesome - we do have badges that you can use on your facebook page and also websites, so please do get in touch if you would like one. Looking forward to a fantastic 2013

Rosie x




From the Editor ~ Page 3 Your Best of 2012 Cakes ~ Page 5 Interview: Richard’s Cakes ~ Page 13 Feature: The Best 50 Shades of Grey Cakes ~ Page 16 Competition: Valentines: WIN VIP passes to Cake International ~ Page 20 Feature: Printed image cakes ~ 21 Feature: Afternoon tea with Jen ~ Page 27 Competition: Fairytale: WIN VIP passes to Cake International ~ Page 33 Feature: Winners Acceptance Speeches ~ Page 34 Tutorial: Cupcake Topper Tutorial ~ Page 39 Competition: Floral Cupcakes: Win a set of 3 topper moulds ~ Page 42 Interview: Molly’s Creative Cakes ~ Page 43 News: Snow Cakes ~ Page 49 Feature: 50 Shades of Cake 52

50 Shades of Cake

52 Printed Cake Feature


Award Acceptance Speeches 34



Highlights Best of 2012 2012 was a great year for cake design and innovation. We asked you to share your best cakes of 2012- here are a selection of some of our favourites!

By Cakes by No More Tiers (York)

By Cakey Creations Cakes

By Cakey Love



Highlights Best of 2012

The Yellow Bee Cake Company




Highlights Best of 2012

By the Hobby Baker By Cakes-n-Crafts

By Alicia’s Cakey Buns



Highlights Best of 2012

By Man Bakes Cake

Heavenly D’lights



Highlights Best of 2012




Highlights Best of 2012

By Magda’s Cakes

By Paul’s Creative Cakes



Highlights Best of 2012

By Elizabeth’s Cake Emporium



Highlights Best of 2012

By Cakes by Tony



Interview The theme of this issue is 50 shades of cake - lots of lovely different designed cakes in an array of colours...which is coming later! When most people hear the words 50 shades,they are of course referring to the best selling book of 2012. We think it is easy to say that the most shared fifty-cake was made by the fantastic Richards Cakes. It would only be fitting to have an interview with the man behind the cake.


RICHARD from Richard’s Cakes

The 50 cake >> 13 13


Interview My full name is Richard Day and I am 48 years of age. My first childhood memory was watching my mother bake and so I attempted a butterfly shaped cake at the age of 6. This was made using a chocolate flake as the centre and nestle smarties as the wings.

Above: Richard shaking hands with Prince Charles at a Princes Trust event

We have 7 people in my team. Myself, Emma the manager, Vicky (cake decorator) , Hannah (cake decorator), Hallam (Baker), Melissa (who is front of shop, and also runs our facebook and website) and Hayden (Baker and helps with orders). Since Melissa set up facebook less than a year ago, the power of the internet has helped us go from strength to strength with people traveling miles for cakes and classes! We have also started selling tutorials off our website which people have found via facebook.

Richard with one of his first cakes

IniRally I worked in an elderly care home and people started asking me to make them cakes. I started making them for friends and family as a hobby and people kept telling me to start a business. So in 1993 I was lucky enough to get a loan off the Princes Trust and opened a shop .

We have transformed our first floor into class workshops where people have travelled from as far as Athens to a8end.

About the cake...

The cake was iniRally made for the window display in the shop. It took just under an hour and a half to make and was just vanilla. The cake was made by Emma, a pastry chef and confecRoner, who came into the shop one weekend and asked for a Saturday job -­‐ the rest is history!

Emma enjoyed the last book the most as it started to have more of a story line and you got to know the majority of the characters in more depth. It was also interesRng to see ChrisRan's side in the last chapter and we are very much hoping that E L James (the author) writes the books again from his side. We had no idea the cake would go so viral and we were completely overwhelmed by the whole response we had. It got shared over 1500 Rmes on facebook with a total of around 13000 people liking the photo. It has been featured in magazines, broadcasted on the radio, published on Fiey Shades of Grey facebook page and we have also done numerous phone interviews with people in the States. Since then we have made numerous cakes for customers with the same design and with it proving that popular, also run and sold out classes on it. Emma has won a Gold at Hotel Olympia for works in marzipan. She has also received another Gold, 2 Silvers and 2 Bronzes for various categorys in work with marzipan, sugar paste modeling , novelty cakes and carving with lard.

<<< Emma made the 50 Shades cake

14 14



Meet the

Richard’s Cakes


Melissa who runs the Richard’s Cakes facebook page

Hannah with a cast member from Coronation Street

Emma the manager with her birthday cake

Hallam the baker with his birthday cake

Group photo - Hallam Emma, Richard and Vicky

Thank you Richard Cakes! 15 15



50 Shades of Grey We thought that as we have talked about one of the most recognised “fifty” cakes, it would only be fair to share a couple more - here are a selection of the best!

Cake made by Rosie Cake Diva




Cake made by OfF ThE CuFf CaKeS

Cake made by Arty Tarts

Cake made by Daisy Chain Celebration Cakes




Cake made by Mrs. Sunshine Cakes

Cake made by It’s a Cake Thing




Cakes made by Gill’s Cupcake Corner

Cake made by Eskbank Cakes

Cupcake made by Mon Cottage Cupcakes This cupcake even got a tweet from the author!


Valentines Competition

Cake Masters has teamed up with Cake International to run a fantastic Valentines Competition! The prizes for winners of the competition in both categories are as follows:

- Two VIP passes for the winner and a friend to Cake International MANCHESTER – Saturday 9th March 2013 - Fast Track Entry so you will be first through the door and avoid the queues - Free Show Guide - The chance to get a front row seat at the Bakery Theatre - VIP Lounge Access which includes light refreshments - The opportunity to mingle with the celebrities of the cake world in the VIP Lounge, including Marry Berry and Paul Hollywood!! - There will be two categories in which you can enter a cake, Hobby Baker and Professional Baker. - A hobby baker is defined as someone who has never sold a cake for money. The reason why we have this category is to ensure we include all abilities and not only those people who bake and decorate regularly. - You can enter a cake of any size (including a maximum of 12 decorated cupcakes or 12 cake pops) or 12 iced biscuits. - There is only one entry per person and judging will be done by a panel of judges. To enter please email us a good quality photo to with: - Your full name and Business name - Your category Hobby or Professional - Your facebook page name and website - Contact number - Optional – Tell us a bit about your entry and the inspiration behind the design

DEADLINE: 22nd February 2013 in association with




Printed Cakes

Printing images onto icing is a wonderful way of decorating cakes, especially when personalising cakes. Here are a few of best places to get your toppers printed which come recommended by you!

The Cupcake Company


TipTop - Edible Cake Toppers

Simply Topps

The Cake Decorating Company

Shells Edible Cake Toppers can print your own images!

Edible A4 Imaging Starter Printer Kit

A3 Edible Printer Imaging Starter Kit including Edible Ink




Printed Cakes

As well as asking you where you got your images printed, we asked the lovely community on Cake Masters, to share their best edible images cakes. Over the next few pages you will see a showcase of the best edible image cakes shared.

Starry Delights Adding small printed detail to this cake gives it the perfect finishing touch

Sugar Sweet Cakes We loved this comic cake with printed parts of comic strip across the cake- great idea!

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Fat Cakes Love the printed cut out heart placed on top of the wedding cake stunning wedding cake

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Heidi’s Cakes of Lechlade Loving the bright colours on this cake. The printed skyline going round the middle tier is great!

Cupcake Carousel Printed images have been used for the playing card on this superb poker cake

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Rosie Cake-Diva Printed images can be used to make personalised cakes. We love this cake that has all the favourite books of the recipient.

Cakes by No More Tiers (York) Printed images have been used here to recreate the play tiles from an actual Mahjong set beautifully made! 25


Starry Delights And last and by no means least...we have left our favourite for last. We love the use of the edible image on the camera screen, such a lovely idea!



Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts

Jennifer DeGuzman-­‐Rolfe, is an ex-­‐pat Californian foodie now based in the UK. Jennifer (known as "Jen" by her friends, and as "Jay-­‐Jay" by her family) is the owner of Jen’s Just Desserts. Having never taken any professional culinary or baking/ decoraRng courses, nor any photography courses, Jen has been mainly self-­‐taught, but also lucky enough to learn about the fine arts of caking and photography from talented family members and dear friends. With inspiraRon from her father: Chef "Uncle Jimmy Ain't No Joke!" Jimbo, and memories of her mother's wonderful home cooked meals, it was only a ma8er of Rme before she collided with the kitchen! Jen found comfort in the kitchen just a few years ago, aeer the death of her beloved mother, and has been encouraged by loved ones to share her talents. Jen loves being in the kitchen, baking and experimenRng with new flavours and techniques when she can. Jen has been so lucky to have traveled around the world, and is inspired by the different cultures and cuisines she has encountered, as well as by other bakers, arRsts and photographers. Jen loves that moment when simple (or someRmes not-­‐so-­‐simple) ingredients combine to create something magical, and she tries her darndest to capture that magic with her camera." Cake Masters is lucky to have Jen come on board to share her experiences from her travels, we eagerly look forward to her monthly installments in the magazine -­‐ Welcome Jen!



Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts

A"ernoon Tea wi# Jen

Ahh… aeernoon tea, the most wonderful of BriRsh tradiRons! Although aeernoon tea is so popular that it’s served all over the world, there is nothing quite like aeernoon tea in Britain. In my case, it’s go8a be London, baby! (and yes, ‘coz I’m a rubbish driver and it’s the next nearest big city to me that I can easily get to by train).

My love affair with aeernoon tea (I’ll shorten it to “AT” from here on in) started about a decade ago, when my mum-­‐&-­‐ dad-­‐in-­‐law gave my husband & me gie cerRficates for AT at Claridge’s. I mean, seriously laaa-­‐tea-­‐daaa… I was hooked! It’s then been a succession of ATs all around London and the world: from the Ritz, to the Mandarin Oriental, Browns, Fortnum & Mason and even AT on safari! I’ve been to fancy ones, casual ones; even some crappy ones and yes, some that were so unremarkable that I can’t even remember them. But hopefully you’ll indulge me in my selecRon of my favourite ATs in London, which are all places that I have been lucky enough to visit recently to enjoy some amazeballs aeernoon tea. OK, so I hate lists that start with the least-­‐best-­‐ first. So I’ll give you my favourite one now: for me, it has got to be: THE PALM COURT at the Langham Hotel.

I mean you walk in it’s like WOW! The food was even more fab and ooh, they had gin and tonic tea, along with many other tea choices and the service was great. Firstly, they didn’t do just plain ol’ rectangle finger sandwiches; there was a decent selecRon of different kinds of savouries. (I dunno ‘bout you, but I must have savoury before sweet – is that weird?) If you’re not afflicted by this savoury-­‐before-­‐ sweet thing, not to worry, ‘coz the cake stand is served with both your sweet and savoury selecRons. Scones are provided in a separate basket when you’re ready, so they’re kept nice & warm. Not that I even needed the scones aeer sampling everything on the cake stand -­‐ get this: YOU CAN HAVE MORE! Yes, this it the bonus of aeernoon tea at most fancy-­‐ schmancy places: it is ALL-­‐YOU-­‐ CAN-­‐EAT sandwiches and scones! Some places even offer you addiRonal pieces of the mini-­‐desserts/tarts/cakes, etc! Speaking of the desserts at the Palm Court…definitely a case of tasted as good as they looked. They provided a great mix of tradiRonal types of mini-­‐cakes, fancy religieuse, jelly-­‐mousse things and of course, a macaron. When people ask me to recommend where they should go for AT in London, the Palm Court is always first on my list!



Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts

Next on my list of faves has got to be a Re between BEA’S OF BLOOMSBURY & the ‘PRET-­‐A-­‐ PORTEA’ at the Berkeley Hotel. If you know both of these places, you might think I’m a lil’ nutso to say they’re as ‘good’ as each other. But that’s just it; they are very different establishments, but, when considering the food, service and ambiance, well, they are both just as fabulous as each other, but in different ways. So I went to Bea’s with friends visiRng from out of town (well, Prague, to be exact) and I knew they’d likely be in casual aUre aeer doing the tourist-­‐y things ‘round town, so there was no way we were going anywhere with a dress code. A few people had raved about

Bea’s, so I tried to book a table at their Holborn locaRon. Li8le did I know that even this most casual of tea establishments had NO AVAILABILITY!?! (Oh yes, please note that some London AT places will require at least a few weeks, if not months, of advanced-­‐booking). But the lovely woman who answered the phone said: “Just walk in, I’m sure we’ll be able to seat you, but you may have to wait.” No kidding – we arrived at around 4:30 PM, and it was PACKED! Then, aeer us, the queue just grew and grew, certainly a testament to its popularity, well, and the fact that there were literally only maybe a dozen tables. At least we got to ogle the goodies before we were sat, which was only like a 15-­‐20 minute wait. There’s

nothing too fancy on the menu and I did love the homemade appeal of all the goodies on offer. The tea selecRon isn’t 10 pages long, but what you do get for ‘only’ around 20 GBP per person (which is about half the price of the fancy ATs) is your choice of cupcakes, scones, mini-­‐dessert bites, and anything else you may wish to order a la carte. The staff were super-­‐sweet and you can really enjoy a relaxing AT experience in your jeans and tennis shoes. Ooh almost forgot to menRon ‘coz I only recently found this out – that Bea is none other than Bea Vo of Asia de Cuba and Nobu, both of which I LOOOVE, but that aside, her cupcakes are yumm-­‐ azeballs and my friends and I who tea’d there all agreed that Bea’s scones were the best/lightest/



Travel ~ Taste ~ Try

PRET-­‐A-­‐PORTEA’ at the Berkeley Hotel 30 30


Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts

As for the ‘PRET-­‐A-­‐PORTEA’ at the Berkeley Hotel, well, wowza, what a very unique, fashion-­‐y and delicious experience! I had seen a friend's snaps of her birthday AT held there and whilst all the pix of ‘Pret-­‐a-­‐Portea’ look incredible, a part of me did wonder if it would taste as good as it looked. I was not disappointed! This is one of the most fabulous AT establishments where it’s “all you can eat sandwiches and all you can drink tea.” I was not limited to just one tea choice and the lovely waiter who served me kept asking if I wanted more sandwiches, or if I wanted to try another type of tea. Whilst the sandwiches and tea were yummy and filling, it wasn’t unRl the cake stand arrived with the three Rers of addiRonal savoury bites, plus two Rers of the “fabulous darling!” creaRons that I was truly wowed. The menu described every scrumpRous morsel and explained the designer associated to each item. The cool thing is that as the seasons/ collecRons change, so does the assortment of sweets. But you don’t need to be into fashion to enjoy this experience. There were families there, couples, and most notably, a number of mothers with their daughters sharing AT together. It’s definitely somewhere I would have loved to take my own mom. Unlike some of the other hotels offering AT, there was no rush to leave so they could make room for the next booking, and you do get to take home some of the non-­‐perishable goodies you aren’t able to finish in a gorgeous hot pink “to go” box.



Feature Travel ~ Taste ~ Try by Jennifer DeGuzman-Rolfe Jen’s Just Desserts

Last on this list, but definitely not ‘least’ is AT at THE ATHENAEUM HOTEL. What’s their claim to fame? As it says on their site: “Our sumptuous aeernoon tea scooped the Tea Guild's presRgious award for "Top London Aeernoon Tea 2012". Considered the 'Oscars' of the tea world, we competed against world-­‐famous London hotels and tea rooms and gained the Rtle having impressed the judges.” OK, their tea was awesome! It really did feel like an exclusive seUng for AT as there are far fewer tables at the Athenaeum, but each space really felt quite private. The AT is not convenRonally served; there is no cake stand with various layers of different, dainty savoury and sweet items. You are hand-­‐served a selecRon of sandwiches (again, all you can eat!), then scones are served next. Then, if you can even eat any more, a humongous dessert cart is wheeled towards you so you can select your own sweets and cakes. I somehow staggered through to this course and did manage to cram in a good selecRon of some yummy treats. I have this on my list because I do hold stock in the Tea Guild’s awards; they did award Best Aeernoon Tea in London to The Palm Court at the Langham Hotel in 2011, aeer all. I, for one, hope the tradiRon of aeernoon tea never ends. In this fast-­‐paced world, where it’s all “go! go! go!” it’s such an indulgence to sit, relax and enjoy a leisurely, delicious, someRmes decadent experience. Whilst some may be put off by the prices of some of the higher-­‐end ATs in London, just know that there are less expensive alternaRves and great offers to be had from various websites. You will also be given enough to eat to feed you for lunch AND dinner. Eventually, all this aeernoon tea-­‐ing inspired me to host my own aeernoon teas at home!


in association with

Cake Masters has teamed up with Cake International to run a fantastic Fairytale Competition! The prizes for winners of the competition in both categories are as follows: - Two VIP passes for the winner and a friend to Cake International LONDON – Saturday 13th April 2013 - Fast Track Entry so you will be first through the door and avoid the queues - Free Show Guide - Chance to get a front row seat at the Bakery Theatre - VIP Lounge Access which includes light refreshments - The opportunity to mingle with the celebrities of the cake world in the VIP Lounge, including Marry Berry and Paul Hollywood!! - There will be two categories in which you can enter a cake, Hobby Baker and Professional Baker. - A hobby baker is defined as someone who has never sold a cake for money. The reason why we have this category is to ensure we include all abilities and not only those people who bake and decorate regularly. - You can enter a cake of any size (including a maximum of 12 decorated cupcakes or 12 cake pops) or 12 iced biscuits. - There is only one entry per person and judging will be done by a panel of judges. The cake must have a fairytale theme. To enter please email us a good quality photo to with: - Your full name - Your category Hobby or Professional - Your facebook page name and website - Contact number - Optional – Tell us a bit about your entry and the inspiration behind the design

DEADLINE: 31st March 2013 33


Winners Acceptance Speeches

We at Cake Masters have been amazed by some of baking and caking talent out there and awarded some super talented ladies our Cake Masters 2012 Awards. We announced the winners in our December magazine and thought it would be a lovely idea to have some acceptance speeches from our winners.

Lesley Wright @ The Royal Bakery - Personality Award 2012 I started The Royal Bakery Facebook page after I made my husband a Father's Day cake. A few of my friends asked me how I'd made it, so I wrote a very quick, and not very good, tutorial and published it on my Page. Now I create free tutorials as often as I can, and occasionally write up something longer and more specialized for my online shop. The cakes I make are only for friends at the moment, but the California state cottage food law was passed last last year, so I am hoping to start a licensed home bakery very soon! I am utterly thrilled to be the recipient of the Personality of the Year Award! I'm lucky that I don't have a 'proper' job and can devote lots of time to my Facebook Page and the people that hang out with me there. It is very humbling to know that people went out of their way to nominate me for the award, I can't quite believe they see me as a personality! My Page has a theme every day, where we have fun, share our work, pause for thought and stir up some drama.

Nicola Tomkinson Sweet Creation - Special Mention Award 2012 Thank you for my award , What a truly amazing achievement My very first award since becoming a cake baker and decorator 5 years ago , I’d like to say a huge thanks to Allison Henry from Let’s Eat Cupcakes for spreading the word about what I had done. She really got me this award and I am truly grateful. Secondly I'd like to say a massive thank you to my staff Sarah and Luke, some of the wedding cakes achieved wouldn't have happened with out them. I was just personally honoured we managed to help so many brides with their cakes on their special day no thanks to the wedding company brides of Portsmouth going bust. I'd also like to say a huge thank you to my husband Stuart Tomkinson because with out him I wouldn't have been able to work the long hours to make the wonderful designs for my special brides and lastly Cake Masters for my award :)

I couldn't do what I do without the support of my husband Neil, and my son Will, who have learnt that saying, 'what's for dinner?' isn't always the best idea on a Friday night at 6pm. My mummy is my biggest fan and goes to any lengths to send me cake goodies from the UK that I can't buy here. I must mention my fave cake girls, Peggy, Yahaira, Isabelle and Joanne, who I've never met, but can rely on for top cake talk at any time of the day or night! Thank you so much, Cake Masters, for rounding of 2012 in such a fabulous way for The Royal Bakery! 34


Winners Acceptance


Lou Lou P’s Delights - Cake Pop Award 2012 I am a baker going by the name of Miss Insomnia Tulip AKA Lou Lou P’s Delights. Like many of us my Grandparents were my baking Inspiration, both village bakers during the Second World War. Learning all the traditional techniques from them as I grew up this has given me a firm grounding on which to base the creative pieces I now create. In fact I still use my Grandmothers Mason Cash ceramic bowl that has to be well over seventy years old. Indeed it is only recently that I have relented and brought myself a mixer, for years I worked exclusively by hand and still do a lot of the time. Whilst I have been baking all my life it was only a few years ago my amazing friend Nicolette Wells suggested I shared some of my work on Facebook. The reception was incredible and I became part of an online baking community that helped me build my confidence and portfolio of work. I have now been baking for little under a year and can’t imagine doing anything else for a living. I enjoy applying the techniques and disciplines I learned from my fine arts background to my treats, especially my trademark cake pops. I see each of my pops as their own individual tiny sculpture, each with its very own individual personality. In fact my portraits of key players in the Leveson Inquiry featured in the Guardian and on Have I Got News For You. I am so thrilled that others seem like them too, and to win an award for them is both humbling and exhilarating at the same time. For me it was never about winning awards, so for something to happen so organically makes it even more special to me. There are too many people who deserve a massive thank you and hope they know who they are? All my Facebook ‘fans’ and customers are of course very important to me and played the pivotal role in driving my business forward. Valeri & Christina from Queen of Hearts, they were the first girls I ‘bumped’ into online – although we have yet to meet in person they continue to offer support and are always there to offer advice and give me a shove. ‘Love Laura Lane’ ,‘Emily Made a Wish’ and ‘Jen’s Just Desserts’ raised my profile by sharing my work in the early days, and continue to do so, so massive hugs to them. Not forgetting ‘CakeMasters’ of course who expose my offerings to thousands who continue to give me the confidence to try new ideas. I have to reserve a special Thank You to PR goddess Miss Cakehead and all my ‘Eat Your Heart Out’ colleagues, there are too many to name check so I hope they don’t mind me referring to them en masse? Life wasn’t brilliant until I bumped into this crowd, then things changed dramatically. Working with them offers boundless opportunity and is both inspirational and fun. Often challenging our work certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste, but it definitely gets people talking. 35

Seeing that this is an acceptance speech, I cannot help myself...I have to pepper (or ice) it with Academy Award acceptance speeches...for these are the Oscars of the cake world! Firstly, you asked about a brief introduction about me and my business. I quote Hillary Swank from the 2005 Academy Awards; "I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream. I never thought this would ever happen." Okay, I never lived in a trailer park...well, I did once, after my house washed away in a flood during 1996, but I have always had more than one dream. This one I have been pursuing for the past 5 years. I started off a business making 'picture cakes' (the ones with edible printed paper), and this evolved into experimental baking, lots of flops, batter on the ceiling and an absolute hate of baking...which turned out to be a false hate. I started making cupcake wrappers using exquisite imported paper...but I missed baking. I didn't miss 'ordinary baking', I missed the freedom of making a hundred mistakes to come up with a gem. So it started...why should anyone have to endure what I had to go through when I could write them the tutorial? How do I feel about winning this award? Well...I quote Sally Field from her 1985 Academy Award acceptance speech; "I haven't had an orthodox career and I wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it and I can't deny the fact that you like me - right now, you like me!" It is is more than is very special to me!! It reminds me that I am not just a girl in a South African outpost messing around with colours and textures and cakes and stuff! It means that people all over the world who may be stuck in a position where they cannot express themselves or be creative now have an opportunity to do so without going to the expense I had to. I love that...from Belgrade to Moscow to London to Los Angeles...everyone can have a Giraffe in their lounge or a garden in their cake...even if they cannot have a real one.


Cakes and Cookies Cupcake Wrappers - Creative Award 2012

Winners Acceptance


Any people I would like to thank? There are plenty of those...Mr. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg for inventing Facebook (the platform enabling me to share my ideas with you), Mr. Defy for making my oven, Mr. Bosch for my mixer, Mr. Golden Cloud for the flour, Ms. Chicken for the eggs, Mr. Royal for the baking mom (Milly) and dad for liking each other enough to have Producer, (Karel du Toit), My Scientist (Karel du Toit), My Agent, (myself), My 25 year old daughter Sarah who started my love of baking, Mr. Sunshine for my garden (which serves as great inspiration), and my three cats for running away when the mixer explodes...and then licking up the residue without complaining. To quote Gwyneth Paltrow; "I don't feel very deserving of this in your presence." is nice!



Rosie Cake Diva - Wedding Cake Award 2012 Gosh…. It’s hard to know where to start in thanking people for my AMAZING award. Having only made cakes for my 4 children it was a huge leap for me to set up a business making cakes for others. Baking cakes for strangers is daunting enough, but to be responsible for someone’s 6 tier wedding cake, as one of my first proper commissions? Well I have to admit that I nearly turned it down! I am so very glad that I didn’t. I have to tip my hat to Peggy Porschen, because it was definitely her floral style that inspired the design process for me and the bride. But in all honesty, I couldn’t have had such a successful result without the help and patience of my family. There were so many flowers to make and I had so little time. I hardly slept and I don’t think my kids had a proper meal for a month. That said, they have become well versed at fending for themselves and Charlie (age 10) now makes a mean cheesy pasta! There’s always an up-side! This has all been extremely new to me. My first ‘paid for’ cake was only in May 2012 and the ‘award winning’ wedding cake was only a couple of months later…so my learning curve has been ridiculously steep. I’ve always been artistic …..and I definitely have a love for the dramatic and extreme….so that has all driven me to make cakes that have a bit more ‘Wow’ factor!

Carina’s Cupcakes - Cupcake Award 2012 Carina's Cupcakes was launched in June 2010 and I started my business having never even cut a butterfly or bought a pack of sugarpaste!! I am completely self taught and now teach the techniques and methods I have taught myself all over the country. This year we will also be teaching internationally in Spain and the Netherlands. Our online shop provides tutorials, equipment and inspiration for hobby and business bakers alike with new and exciting products always being sought. When I won the Cupcake award from Cake Masters I was extremely flattered! There are some awesome cupcakers out there and its a real honour to have such recognition within the Facebook baking community. It really topped my year nicely following our Cake International Gold and best in class!! Plus the award is totally awesome and has pride of place in my kitchen!

Thank you so so much Cake Masters

There are lots of people who have helped me along the way but there is one group of ladies in particular who have seen me through my darkest AND brightest days!! My Cakey Godmothers!! This group of 30 odd ladies have provided undying support and in particular id like to thanks Liah of Custom Cupcakes, Lisa my Glamorous Assistant at Cupcake Boutique, Susan Title and Vicki Murray of Vicki Murray cakes and Pastry's without these ladies i would be nowhere!!

P.S. Mr Cake-Diva (who is actually called Jamie BTW) has just said…’have you explained to Cake Masters that the ‘Wedding Cake’ was the second most time consuming thing you’ve ever done in your life? The first being you writing your acceptance speech for your Cake Masters Award! (Cheeky sod).

Thank you Cake Masters for being totally fab and giving a little added recognition to the Facebook cake community our environment has its pro's and cons but you guys definitely add a little gratitude and happiness to the Cakey World!!

For me 2012 was the most AMAZING year - The Queen’s Jubilee-The London Olympics - but my Cake Master’s Award was without a doubt the big fat cherry on the icing on the (6 tier)cake!

Winners Acceptance Speeches



The Cake Decorating Company - Best Retailer Award 2012 The Cake Decorating Company are innovators in cake decorating and chocolate making supplies. We source unique and contemporary products from all around the world and are UK Distributors of many, such as Dinkydoodle Airbrush and paints, The Mat, SugarVeil and Silicone Plastique. We are also one of the leading providers of bespoke edible imagery. On our website you can browse over 6,000 items, keep up to date with all the latest products and buy from our online shop. We also run a wide range of affordable courses that are suitable for all skill levels in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere with award winning teachers. North Star Cakes - Novelty Cake Award 2012 I trained as a painter and sculptor and studied fine art and art history at university before working for a private collector and then two of the largest fine art auctioneers in the world based in London. Leaving the art world in 2006 to start a family I was a stay at home mum until October 2011 when North Star Cakes began trading. I am based in Maidstone, Kent and I make bespoke cakes, I am often asked to make cakes based on the natural world but I also like to make pretty cakes, and I adore making sugar flowers. Having been trading for only 9 months when the snake cake created as much interest as it did I was completely overwhelmed and surprised by the reaction it got, I could never have anticipated that anyone outside of my local town would ever hear my name and it was a bit of a roller coaster ride, however the interest in the cake has presented so many opportunities that never would have materialised otherwise, and for that I will always be very grateful. When I won the Cake Masters Novelty Cake Award in December 2012 it was a complete surprise, I was obviously delighted to have won and I'm very thankfull for all the support I've had from Rosie and the Cake Masters team in my first year. I would like to thank my husband and children for being chief tasters at North Star Cakes, and for putting up with my cake obsessed nature, questionable taste in music and long working hours. I would like thank all the cake community for their support, for visiting my page and for leaving comments, I have admired so many of you. I would also like to say an extra big thank you to Lesley Wright at the Royal Bakery, Jacqueline Butler of PetalSweet and Peggy at Peggy Does Cake for kindly sharing their knowledge and supporting me early on; thank you to Anabelle, Joanna & Rob at Confection Perfection in Maidstone, Kent, for their brilliant sugar flower course and well stocked shop not to mention great advice. Thank you to Lara at the Kent Family Magazine who believed in me and gave me my first editorial; and thank you to my friends and design team Ramona & Eugen Hanusch who were prepared to work in exchange for cake when I first started; and lastly a special thank you to my cake idols Peggy Porschen and Duff Goldman for inspiring

We will also be at the Cake International shows at Manchester, London and Birmingham as well as the Cake and Bake shows in Manchester and London, please feel free to pop by our stands and say hello. We were all over the moon at winning the award for Best Retailer from Cake Masters. It was an honour to be considered and an even greater honour to win. We feel very proud of our achievement as it means that we are fulfilling our goal in striving to be the best. We would like to thank all of our loyal customers, without their support we wouldn't be where we are now. Their feedback is always welcomed, be it good or bad. Constructive criticism allows us to improve our service and give the customers what they want. We would also like to thank Cake Masters for their support and having the faith in our company to nominate us. Lastly, we would like to all of our staff for all of their continued hard work and dedication. (Below - Gemma with our fantastic award!)



Cupcake Topper Tutorial




Cupcake Topper Tutorial eed: n l l i w u Yo

Step 1

cake Using a brush dust your p u C e u S -­‐Katy cupcake topper mould ould M r e p p lightly with corn flour To r u -­‐Corn Flo -­‐Brush Pin -­‐Rolling ste -­‐Sugarpa knife e t t e l a P -­‐ stres, u l , s n e p -­‐Food aint p o t s g n colouri with Step 2 Place sugar paste into the mould and press firmly to fill



Cupcake Topper Tutorial

Step 3 Roll over the sugarpaste will a rolling pin to flatten

Step 4 Trim off any excess sugarpaste with a palette knife

Step 5 Release from mould and decorate with pens, lustres and colouring




The lovely people at the award winning Katy Sue Designs are giving away a set of 3 “Victorian Garden� Cupcake topper moulds as a prize for the winner of this competition. All you need to do is send us a picture of your best floral cupcakes. One entry per person. Please send only one photo, with your full name, business name (if you have one); contact number and address to GOOD LUCK!



Interview Molly is a talented young baker and artist who impressed the cake community with her impressive white bengal tiger last year. We caught up with Molly to find out more about her and her passion for baking and decorating.



from Molly’s creative cakes

Q: Tell us a bit about you and your family I live at home with my parents and older brother, in the small village of Crawshawbooth in Lancashire. I recently graduated from Manchester University where I studied Special Effects Makeup. I have always been somewhat arRsRc and studied art at A Level. Art and Design is my main passion in life, and I believe cake decoraRng allows me to channel my creaRvity in a more accessible way. I come from a 'showbiz' family; my dad Ted Robbins is an actor and comedian and presents the main show on BBC Radio Lancashire every day and has shows on Channel 4 and CBBC, it’s fair to say our house is a mad one, and my cake decoraRng only adds to the chaos -­‐ and mess! 43 43



Q: What is your earliest memory of baking? My earliest memory of baking was with my gran, using a Cadbury's baking book from the 80s which was AMAZING! I have actually been looking for it for the past two years. Q: What is your baking story? I enjoy sculpture and painRng and watching various cake shows on food channels which inspired me to have a go at cake making. I made my first cake 18 months ago for my cousin's 18th, and people seemed impressed with the likeness of the caricature model on the cake. Since that very first cake I have tried to improve with every cake I make and like to think I am bringing something new to the cake decoraRng world with each one. I am self taught, and I love individual-­‐lising designs for each of my clients, so they feel like each cake is personalised for them. As well as cake, I have also branched out into fimo topper modeling, and have learnt and developed techniques such as hand painRng onto sugarpaste, and working with chocolate too. My speciality is making animals, and one day I would love to only specialise in animal cakes! Q: What have you learned about yourself? I have learnt that I cope well under pressure, oeen coping with up to 20 orders a week, as well as never turning anything down. Even if what the customer is asking for seems daunRng and I don’t have a clue about how to go about it, I will always say yes, even if it means teaching myself an enRrely new skill. This means I learn the techniques as and when I require them, giving me confidence in my own skills with each cake I create. Q: Where do you get your baking inspiraRons from: I was iniRally inspired by cake decorators such as Duff Goldman and the bakers at Charm City Cakes, as well as Ashley Vicos, Buddy Valastro, Bronwen Webber, Norman Davies and the rest of the 'food network' decorators, but as I develop as an arRst in my own right I find inspiraRon all around me I am greatly inspired by nature and animals.

<<<<<<<< Cakes made by Molly Molly Robbins >>>>>>>> 44 44


Interview Q: Who is your role model: There are so many incredible cake decorators out there, and I am inspired daily by individuals' work, as well as fine arRsts, painters and sculptors. American decorators such as Ashley Vicos, Duff Goldman and Norman Davis will always inspire me with their innovaRve creaRons, but I like to say I am inspired by people from all walks of life. Cake Masters also gives decorators a playorm to share their work with likeminded people, and I think we all have Rosie to thank for that! Q: What has been your biggest challenge? I created a top table wedding cake for a wedding last summer, which included 40 wedding guests as well as the bridal party. The Bride and Groom found out what each guest was wearing, and provided me with a photo of them, I then created each individual character out of sugarpaste in true likeness. The cake took over 2 weeks in total to create and was nearly 5 feet long! I have a wonderful supporRve boyfriend Martyn, who is always around when I need support, he helps me especially with structural issues and problem solving too.




This is the cake the Molly entered into Cake International There was just so much detail on each animal that the we decided to have a whole page dedicated to our favourite parts of the cake.



Interview The animals up close and personal...



Interview Q: Who is your role model: There are so many incredible cake decorators out there, and I am inspired daily by individuals' work, as well as fine arRsts, painters and sculptors. American decorators such as Ashley Vicos, Duff Goldman and Norman Davis will always inspire me with their innovaRve creaRons, but I like to say I am inspired by people from all walks of life. Cake Masters also gives decorators a playorm to share their work with likeminded people, and I think we all have Rosie to thank for that! Q: What has been your biggest challenge? I created a top table wedding cake for a wedding last summer, which included 40 wedding guests as well as the bridal party. The Bride and Groom found out what each guest was wearing, and provided me with a photo of them, I then created each individual character out of sugarpaste in true likeness. The cake took over 2 weeks in total to create and was nearly 5 feet long! I have a wonderful supporRve boyfriend Martyn, who is always around when I need support, he helps me especially with structural issues and problem solving too. Q: What has been your proudest moment? Definitely winning silver at Cake InternaRonal in the Wedding Cake category! I made a three foot high wedding cake which was decorated in a rainforest theme. It featured bamboo, tree bark, orchids, lilies, tropical frogs, a sloth, bengal Rger, parrot, chameleon and giant tortoise!! This was the first cake I entered into Cake InternaRonal and my first ever cake compeRRon, I really wasn't expecRng to win anything -­‐ so silver was absolutely incredible, especially when I got such great feedback from the judges who gave me great construcRve criRcism as well as praising my creaRvity.

Give us 3 top baking Rps: 1. Using vodka instead of water to sRck sugarpaste decoraRons together and also to using vodka to 'clean' cakes of icing sugar means it evaporates quicker and prevents the cake from becoming water logged and sRcky. 2. Adding tylo powder to regular fondant icing creates a medium strength paste to make models from, it is a much cheaper alternaRve to mexican modelling paste or flower paste. 3. Madeira sponge (with the addiRon of plain as well as self raising flour) creates a more stable base for carved cakes, and has a longer shelf life!



Cake News Snow Cakes... yes...cake made from snow So we all got snowed in this month and boy did the UK look pretty! It was nice for a few days... but then the snow didn’t go away! I hope you all managed to stay safe and that the snow wasn’t too disruptive to your daily routines. On our travels online during the snowy season, we came across these awesome snow cakes and had to share them with you.

Gorgeous snow cake from Lynda-Jane Sharp. We at Cake Masters, wondered if a smoother was usedlook at those flat sides! Great 5 tier cake finished with ribbon!

We loved this three tier cake from Levi’s Cakes. This cake was made by Levi and her 4 year old daughter Fraya (pictured) how pretty!

Fabulously deep three tier cake made by Sugar Mummy Cupcakes. Love the fancy ice heart in the background and the little snowball decorations down the sides of the tiers! Share your news with us!



News Guest Coloumnist ~ Kirs0e Phillipson Hi I'm KirsRe Phillipson, 35 years old I'm a full Rme mum to 4 wonderful kids andI live with my long term fiancé Nic. Ok so I'm not your cake internaRonal winner "I wish", but I'm a keen baking fan and love new designs and a challenge. I normally get an idea in my head then have to see it through to compleRon -­‐ yes there's a lot of research and pracRces before I get it right I think cake bakers are there own worse criRcs I know I am. I love trying new ideas out and tesRng new equipment-­‐ cake supply shops are like toys r us to me and I'm sure you have a few good sites that are like bible shops for finding what you need. The tools I am finding most useful and a must at the moment are my Cricut machine, digital scales that can measure liquid too, piping nozzle set, cocktail sRcks a handy tool for everything, disposable piping bags which are so easy to use, "the mat" this is fab for pre rolling icing for a beginner like me worth every pound, a hi wa8 hand mixer nothing flash yet but hopefully in Rme and lastly a small sugar paste rolling pin a lot easier to work with than a huge heavy rolling pin. As it’s all new to me, the more cakes I bake

I planned to add a filigree design around the cake so ordered the extra Damask cartridge, li8le did I know that the basic one had the template I would use in the end. It was trial an error at first trying to get the best results which turned out to be rolling the icing very thin and chilling before and aeer I had cut before removing with the most useful tool in cake making "a cocktail sRck". Since then, I've been researching lots and have discovered hundreds of sites and groups on the Internet and Facebook. They are a blessing if you have a problem or quesRon you can ask and within no Rme you have all the advise help you require. I'm coming across a lot of places that run courses, I wish I could a8end but the prices are very steep I find Google or YouTube to be a cheaper alternaRve for teaching myself although I'd love to have the money to do all the courses. I hope you follow me with my cakey adventure from start to finish and I will keep you posted on how I progress, its the council health and safety and sugar glass next spiderman and an 18th cake Rme so wish me luck. I can be found on Facebook KirsRe's Cakes and my blog kirsRescakes

the be8er. My mo8o is "let the cakey adventure begin" My recent creaRon was a cake for my daughter 19th birthday which I had planned in my head and went well. I managed to use my new cricut mini for the first Rme which I found simple to use and gave brilliant results.











Shades of Cakes Showcase




Netty’s Cakes



Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black

Fat Cakes

Rock Cakes



Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black

Hilary Rose Cupcakes

Sweetlake Cakes



Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black

Gifted Heart Cakes



Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black

Black Cherry Cake Company




Wedding Cakes Liverpool

Cakes by Suzanne

Fat Cakes

Cake Pop Parlour

Cake Land by Nivia 58


Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B

Jen’s Just Desserts Rachel Green Sweetie’s Cakery and Catering

Cake by Kim



Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B

The Clever Little Cupcake Company



Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue B

Couture Cakes by Rose

Bakey Bakey

Flourpower By Nina & Pisha

Bake Me A Cake Heavenly Cupcakes



METALS Hilary Rose Cupcakes

Truly Madly Sweetly Cupcakes

Vicki’s Cuppa Cupcakes Cakey Bake



Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta

Way Beyond Cakes by Mayen



Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Metallic Meta

Fat Cakes

Consumed by Cake

The Clever Little Cupcake Company




Hey there, Cupcake!

Amazing Floral Sugar

Fat Cakes

Delicia Designs



Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green

Cake Mamma

Cakes by Helen

Osedo L Cakes

Bake Me a Cake



Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green

Tea Party Cakes

The Chocolate Strawberry

Shani’s Sweet Creations

Truly Madly Sweetly Cupcakes





Man Bakes Cake

Dolly Bird Bakes



Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange

Elegant Cake Art

The Chain Lane Cake Co

Cake by Kim

Cakes by TD Bakers




Osedo L Cakes



White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi

Cupcake Creations Inverness It’s a Cake Thing



White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi

Cupcake Creations Inverness



White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi

Toni Grainger

Lorraine’s Cakes Doncaster

Cake - n - Crafts



White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whi

Cupcake Creations Inverness

The Pukka Cake Parlour



Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow Fat Cakes




Rosie Cake-Diva

Nikki’s Cakes

Asma Anjum




Shereen’s Cakes & Bakes




Alicia’s Cakey Buns




Tea Party Cakes




Cake by Kim




Tea Party Cakes

Cupcake Creations Inverness

LoveZee Cakes



Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

Wendy’s Character Cakes

Alico Crafts

Mon Cottage Cupcakes



Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

Cupcakes by Louise

Sheryl Chapman

Caroline’s Cakes Middlesex



Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

Baking Passion

Cakes by No More Tiers



Purple Type to enter text

Bake Me a Cake Cakes by Raewyn Cheryll’s Cupcakes

Vicki’s Cuppa Cupcakes

Cakes by No More Tiers The Cake Ace

The Pink Cake Box

Deliciously Edible Art



Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp

Sweet Jeelees

Sugar Mummy Cupcakes

Raghad Bake House

Sugar Pocket



Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purp

The Little Cherry Cupcake Company




Cake by Kim Tea Party Cakes

Cake Land by Nivia

Alison Lawson Cakes

Cakes by Raewyn



Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink

Wedding Cakes Liverpool

Cake by Kim

It’s a Cake Thing



Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink

Caroline Hogg

Eat Me Cupcakes

Couture Cakes by Rose



Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink

Truly Madly Sweetly Cupcakes

Cakes by Minel

Let’s Eat Cake by Charlotte



In our next issue: -Valentines Showcase -More from Jen -Interviews -Charity Bake Off event -Key dates for your diary -Product wish list -Tutorials -Interviews and more! We would love to hear from writers who are passionate about baking to get content included in our magazine; or if you have a crazy story behind the making of a cake; if you are baking your way through a recipe book; baking or cake events or even tutorials to be featured in our magazine - we want to hear from you! Issues coming later this year: -All About Cookies - if you have made some awesome cookies and would like them featured, please get in touch -Fashion, Shoes and Handbags -Macarons -Floral issue -Business Issue- setting up, highs and lows, trolls, how to get started, costing


If you think you may have suitable content for our magazine please contact

Register now for London Cake Crawl 2013



are you following our boards?

Cake Masters Boards 93

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