Follow your heart to a path of purpose

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living with synergy


Path of Purpose Are Mondays coming too often and Fridays not often enough? Do you feel you’re not as good a ďŹ t for your current job as you once were, but are unsure about what other kinds of work you could do? Are you stuck spinning your wheels but getting nowhere, wondering if others know something you don’t? Perhaps you’ve dreamed of starting a business, but you’re too busy just getting through each day to see how you could turn your passion into reality.


f any of the above scenarios fits you, I invite you to stop going through the motions and answer a couple of tough questions: R5 , 53)/5 )#(!51" .53)/51 (.5.)5 )5),51" .53)/5 think you should do? R5 )53)/5&#% 5 ( 5, -* .51")53)/5 , 5#(53)/,51),%>5 Many of us may have chosen a career based on family expectations, advice from teachers, or areas of study in which we performed well. But for some people, none of these influences is necessarily the best basis upon which to build a life. In his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,� author Stephen Covey writes: “Most people spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to realize, when they get to the top, the ladder has been leaning against the wrong wall.�


healthQuest | Winter 2015

Sadly, we can be very successful at a given profession but never really satisfied by it. Who we are is much more than what we’re good at, and success without fulfillment can be toxic over time. The happiness we desire and deserve comes only when we live in alignment with our core values. Luckily, a radical career change isn’t always required for you to live more purposefully. The following tips can help you get to the heart of what really matters, find a deeper connection to the work you already do and add a fresh twist to what you think is possible.

1. Take 100 percent responsibility. YOU are in charge on this one. YOU get to define for yourself what will make you happy—not your friends, not your family, not the latest trends.

Listening to our Inner Wisdom

When you’re tempted to blame others or complain about your circumstances, state out loud: “I take full accountability for my own happiness and fulfillment.�

2. Be honest. Come clean on what you do— and don’t—feel passionate about.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your own heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.� —Steve Jobs

Does something you’re involved with now feel more like an obligation? Let go of any attachment to what you think your ideal life should look like; release the unnecessary roles and responsibilities that are draining you dry.

3. Get fresh perspective. Wake up! What are you waiting for? If you think you have forever to get around to that “thing� you want to do, think again. Take nothing for granted; live NOW. This moment is the only one you can do anything about. If today were your last day, what would you wish you had done with your life? Write it all out in a “bucket list� and share it with someone close to you. Ask that person to hold you accountable for crossing something off your list regularly, and celebrate like crazy each time you make one happen!

4. Reframe the idea of perfection. Unrealistic expectations often will sabotage our best efforts at change—so will guilt over past mistakes, regret about missed opportunities and the habit of comparing your “worstâ€? to everyone else’s “best.â€? Watch out for thoughts like these: R5 ^ 5 5 (].5 )5#.5* , .&3651"35.,35 .5 &&>_ R5 ^ 5'#-- 5'35 " ( 5.)5 0 &)*5'35. & (.8_ R5 ^ ." ,5* )*& 5 , 5 .. ,5),5'), 5-%#&& 5." (5 :5 I have nothing special to offer.â€? If you catch yourself thinking this way, STOP! BREATHE! Then FLIP the thought to one that’s more empowering, such as: R5 ^ .]-5( 0 ,5.))5& . 5.)5& ,(5( 15."#(!-8_ R5 ^ )5)( 5 (5 /&Ĺ€&&5'35'#--#)(5 .. ,5." (5 5 (8_

5. Use your struggles. There’s nothing in your past that you can’t use to help you move forward. Every experience you’ve had, especially the challenges and struggles, can help you get clear about why you’re here and how you’re meant to serve. With this resilient mindset, we don’t just survive in spite of setbacks; we intentionally thrive because of them. If there is a higher purpose for the tough times you’ve been through, what would it be? We teach best

what we need to learn ourselves. Sharing your story could have a powerful effect on others.

6. Listen to your “heart messages.â€? Learn to say YES to what your heart really wants. Is there any place in your life right now where you have that “gut instinctâ€? about what to do next? Moments of intuition are blessings about the directions we need to take in our lives, but we can miss the quiet whispers of spirit unless we make an intentional effort to be mindful and listen. Set your timer for five minutes. Go to a quiet place. Close your eyes and place your left hand over your heart. Take a few deep breaths and say the following out loud: “What do you really, really, really want me to know?â€? Give yourself space to just listen. Repeat the question if you get distracted. You’ll continue to receive answers, so pay attention to flashes of insight, creative ideas and inspirations, and things that you hear and see. Trust that these answers are authentic to you and a reflection of your true calling. The world can be happier and healthier because of the contribution you are here to make. Whether it’s taking up a creative hobby, volunteerboo ing for a cause you’re committed to, writingg a book or mastering a soul-centered project, my greatest wish is that you follow your heart and claim your true calling—with no excuses or apologies! â– â– Christina Kunkle, R.N., is a CTAcertiďŹ ed life and wellness coach. To learn more, visit her website at or call 540-746-5206.


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