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Cal Desmond-Pearson
Irish Geek - looking to move into a spiritual community - archivist/zineist/activist/psychogeographer/anarchist - lover of girls in glasses and girlgeeks. Celt - LifeStreamer - BookbindingGeek - PaperMaking Geek - PoetryGeek - AnginaGeek - BiPolarGeek - AsthmaGeek - PsychogeographyGeek - GeocachingGeek - ScienceGeek - Archive/LibraryGeek - GenealogyGeek - PhilosophyGeek - TheologyGeek - HistoryGeek - PhotoGeek - ZineGeek - Maker/TinkererGeek - AnarchistGeek -Irish Geek - GeekGeek! - Photographer, archivist, gallery invigilator. Hoping to set up small press/Zine distro. Ouseburn habituee. Psychogeographer/Drifter - out-&-out misfit in a world of conformity! Dreamer, radical, occasional tilter at windmills. Did I mention I was a Geek? =============