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OUR EXPERTISE EXPERIENCE SINCE THE BEGINNING Since the introduction of the Grant for Developer Funding NAHP (National Affordable Housing Programme) in 2006, and the HCA’s decision to allow RICS Surveyors to carry out the procedural compliance audit function in 2008, calfordseaden have been involved in providing consultancy advice to several large house builders, developers and registered social landlords relating to their NAHP funded developments.
OUR TEAM Our PPA Auditors are located in all of our offices, allowing a swift service near to individual schemes. Our previous involvement and experience of acting in this and the Independent Certifiers role for developing agent on nationally awarded programmes has proved that the geography of our offices ensures our ability to deliver an efficient timely cost effective service.
WHAT IS AN PPA AUDITOR? PPA Auditor is the appointment of an independent auditor as part of a Preferred Partner (Registered Social Landlord)’s self regulation under the partnering programme for NAHP with the HCA (Homes and Communities Agency). The role as an auditor to certify that the Preferred Partner has met the conditions of grant and has a robust system for development project management. The audit is conducted both during construction and post completion.
Whilst the scheme is on site The role of PPA Auditor is predominantly one of checking standards have been met by the collection of verifications from other parties carried out in two stages. Therefore a substantial level of documentation needs to be forwarded to the PPA Auditor and then cross-checked for compliance with Bid details.
At Stage 1, we seek information in three tranches: Start on site Mid point of construction phase Four weeks prior to practical completion Obviously the more information received at or before the requested stage permits any non-compliance to be rectified at an earlier time. For ease of internal storage of your audit files and to reduce Registered Social Landlords costs we recommend that information is collated into categories and sent as scanned electronic copies saved onto CD. If this is not possible, calfordseaden will of course accept hard copies of data. Although the major workload and responsibility of the PPA Auditor is office based, progress on site and the critical path is useful information. This is achieved through close liaison with the Employers Agent’s and by requesting inclusion on the distribution list of site meeting minutes. Our PPA Auditors produce monthly reports that show the current status of documentation signed off and those that are still awaited. As the role is essentially designed to report on audit trail compliance, site visits are less frequent than the monthly reports. We generally propose the following: 1. Start on site for familiarisation of the scheme 2. Certification Inspection - Pre handover to Managing Agent. Stage 2 occurs two months post completion when calfordseaden review the information at the Clients offices. Length of visit is dependant upon size and tenure of the scheme to be audited and the Clients organisational arrangements.
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Certification takes place in two stages.
calfordseaden have a standard fee policy across the Practice that we believe enables a high quality service. Clients are invoiced at four set stages.
Stage 1 - is the receipt of all the information relating to grant condition precedents and the site inspection.
Appointing calfordseaden At the site inspection the units should be habitable and in accordance with the Bid criteria, i.e. having all standards and enhancements met. It is not, however, a requirement that the ongoing end Client has accepted the dwellings as having met their own contractual or quality requirements.
Appointment will be formalised through the use of a scheme specific letter based on the recommendations contained in RICS Guidance Note ‘Independent Compliance Auditing for Registered Social Landlords’.
Units can be signed off individually or on a block Certificate. It is preferable that units are certified and signed off on block to match grant phases.
For further information contact:
Snagging items recorded under this Certificate are items of non-compliance of grant terms and not Employers Agent contractual standards/requirements. To that end we would ask that all paperwork is received by calfordseaden four weeks before the date requested for a site visit to inspect an agreed number of units.
T 01689 888222 E alemon@calfordseaden.co.uk
Stage 2 - is a post completion audit of the Preferred Partner (Registered Social Landlord)’s internal files to show compliance with the HCA’s development project management practics and regulations. calfordseaden will attend the Client offices to review their files in accordance with the relevant tenure’s HCA checklist. For expediency to and reduced costs to our Client we would expect that the information be presented in an organised and collated manner to facilitate examination research required.
Angela Lemon MRICS Orpington office
Terry Bartholomew Dip Surv MRICS MAPM London office T 020 7940 3200 E tbartholomew@calfordseaden.co.uk
Ross Sheridan BSc (Hons) MRICS ICIOB Birmingham office T 0121 454 1688 E rsheridan@calfordseaden.co.uk
Neil Callum Dip Surv MRICS Winchester office T 01962 718300 E ncallum@calfordseaden.co.uk
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HEAD OFFICE St John’s House, 1a Knoll Rise Orpington Kent BR6 0JX T 01689 888222 F 01689 888299 E orpington@calfordseaden.co.uk King's Head House King's Head Yard Borough High Street London SE1 1NA T 020 7940 3200 F 020 7940 3299 E london@calfordseaden.co.uk Stewart Court 214a Hagley Road, Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9PH T 0121 454 1688 F 0121 454 1700 E birmingham@calfordseaden.co.uk Calford House Wessex Business Park Wessex Way Colden Common Winchester S021 1WP T 01962 718300 F 01962 718350 E winchester@calfordseaden.co.uk
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