Co-op News

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Co-op News Winter 2011

A publication for Calgary Co-op members


at Calgary Co-op


Get this Valentine’s Day



The 2011 Director Election is on Now

The Board of Directors welcomes member calls and comments by calling 403-219-6040 and leaving a message. The Board member you want to speak with will call you back.

From our Board

Back row L-R: Barry Ashton, Lisa Wise (Board Secretary), Roy Goodall, Randy Kott, Stuart Cantrill (Chair), Rick Smith. Front row L-R: Johanna Bates, Terry Geib (Vice Chair), Myra D’Souza Kormann.

On behalf of the Calgary Co-op Board of Directors, I would like to thank you, our member-owners, for your loyalty and patronage throughout 2010. This past year continued to present a number of challenges for Calgary Co-op as a result of the slowly recovering economy, decreased consumer spending and increasing competition with our food business. Thanks to the support of our memberowners, Calgary Co-op not only developed and implemented new strategies and programs to strengthen our business, we also achieved sales of $1.023 billion for 2010. This compares to $1.002 billion for the 2009 financial year. Based on the results for the 2010 financial year ending October 30, 2010, your board

has declared an overall patronage return rate for member-owners of 3.33 percent, which is comprised of 2.5 percent on grocery and other retail purchases, 1.0 percent on travel purchases and 5 cents per litre on petroleum purchases. This year, our member-owners will share $29.6 million in patronage returns. Of this amount, $20.3 million will be paid in cash and $9.3 million will be paid in share equity. Patronage return statements and cheques for our 2010 financial year are being mailed out to member-owners in late February of this year.

Co-op News Winter Contents

The voting process for the 2011 Director Election is now underway. We would like to encourage all member-owners to participate by casting your ballot during the month of February. The results of the election will be announced at our annual general meeting which will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, at the Carriage House Inn. All member-owners are invited to attend this meeting for the results of the director election, to hear important information and news about Calgary Co-op, and for an opportunity to ask questions and discuss other business brought before the meeting. On behalf of the Board of Directors

Regular Items

From our Board.......................... 2 From our CEO............................. 3 Editorial........................................ 3 In the Community.................. 13


The Price Check...................... 10 Fresh Ideas............................... 11 Get Fit Fast!.............................. 12 Developing News.................... 14


Notice of AGM and Director Elections................... 4 Financial Results........................ 9 Celebrating Employees......... 15

Stuart Cantrill, Board Chair

Our Vision To be the premier shopping destination in the communities we serve. Our Mission To provide outstanding service, quality products, superior facilities and exceptional value. Our Values Integrity, Respect, Commitment, Leadership, Community Production Teams Managing Editor Karen Allan Calgary Co-operative Association Limited #110, 151 - 86 Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2H 3A5 403-219-6025

Design Megaphone Communications Disclaimer: The presentation of information in this publication does not form or imply any legal or other obligations with readers. The information in this publication is public information. While we strive for accuracy, it is possible that the information in this publication may contain errors or omissions and we disclaim any liability for any such errors or omissions.

A Message from Our CEO After more than a year of working with Calgary Co-op, I am still amazed by the loyalty of our members. Throughout the past few years, Calgary Co-op has faced certain challenges, but through it all, our members have continued to shop and support our organization. To me this is a strong indication that Calgary Co-op continues to provide the services our members want – the freshest, best quality products, competitive prices and outstanding customer service. These are the values that Calgary Co-op was built on and these values are what we strive to provide for all of our members each and every day. As more and more businesses continue to sacrifice customer service to increase their bottom line, we would like you to know that Calgary Co-op is doing the exact opposite. We will continue to look for ways to make your shopping experience enjoyable and rewarding. And we will continue to provide the excellent customer service you expect while lowering our prices to be more competitive.

We are proud to offer you the Value Priced Every Day program which features 3,500 commonly used items that are priced competitively. We have also been conducting weekly price checks which show that Calgary Co-op regularly meets or beats the prices of our competitors. When you add in the fact that we share our profits with our members through a yearly patronage return, there really is no reason to shop anywhere else. This year will bring some exciting new developments to Calgary Co-op including new locations, new renovations, and even a new website. Be the first to find out about our latest developments by signing up for our e-mail newsletter. More information can be found on pages 10 - 11. Thank you for patronage throughout the past year and we look forward to serving you once again throughout 2011.

N. Deane Collinson, CEO

“Wh en i t c o m es t o ser v i c e , I k n o w w h o my f r i en d s a r e. ” Tim O.

Editorial Let me introduce myself – my name is Karen Allan and I am fairly new to the Calgary Co-op family. Although I grew up in southern Alberta, I spent the last decade of my life in Saskatchewan and was a proud member of my local Co-op there. Once I joined Calgary Co-op, it wasn’t long before I realized that it was different from others I had belonged to. Calgary Co-op takes customer service to a whole new level. My first indication was hearing about the Kiddies Korral. Supervised child care while you shop? Brilliant! Then I heard about the Bags to Riches program, Revved Up Rewards, the Charity Plus card and more. I couldn’t believe that all of Canada wasn’t doing the same thing! Calgary Co-op truly cares about its members and it shows. We are here to serve your best interests. We are here to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. And we are here to provide you with the freshest, best quality products, excellent customer service, and competitive prices each and every day. Each year we not only share our profits with our members, we also give you the chance to elect representatives to the Calgary Co-op Board of Directors. Throughout the year, these directors represent your best interests within Calgary Co-op. So this February, I would like to encourage all of you to exercise your right to vote in the 2011 Director Election. This is your opportunity to let us know what services are important to you and what direction you think Calgary Co-op should be taking in the future. For more information on this year’s election and candidates, please turn to page 4. It’s going to be another exciting year at Calgary Co-op and it all begins with you. Make sure you vote before February 28, 2011. Karen Allan, Managing Editor

Satisfied Calgary Co-op Customer

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 3

AGN and Director Election

Notice of CALGARY CO-OP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, March 9, 2011 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Carriage House Inn 9030 Macleod Trail SE Calgary, Alberta

If you did not receive a T4A and ballot by mail, or if you require a replacement ballot, contact our election firm, Grant Thornton LLP at 403-260-2528 and leave a message providing all of the information requested on the phone line. Be sure to allow enough time for the ballot to be mailed to you by the February 28 voting deadline.

C a l l t o 5 4 t h A n n u a l G en er a l M e eting The 54th annual general meeting (AGM) of the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, at the Carriage House Inn, 9030 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary. Registration starts at 1:00pm, with the AGM beginning at 2:00pm and ending at approximately 4:00pm. Coffee service will be available at the venue.

B o a r d C a n d i d a t es This year, seven candidates are running for the Calgary Co-op Board of Directors. Get to know the candidates by reading their biographies and platforms on pages 5 to 8 of this issue. You can also view their information on (click Membership, then AGM).

Cast Your Ballot in the Director E l ec t i o n Eligible Calgary Co-op members can cast a confidential ballot for up to three board member positions. Members who receive a T4A from Calgary Co-op will also receive a director election ballot to make voting in the director election as convenient as possible. As a member, you can complete and submit one ballot (only) to cast your vote in the director election. You can drop off your completed ballot at any Calgary Co-op food centre in the designated ballot box (only) or mail your ballot to the election firm. Voting takes place starting February 1, 2011, and ends at the close of business on February 28, 2011. Mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before February 28, 2011, in order to be included in the vote count. Ballots dropped off at our food centres must be deposited into the ballot box by the food centre closing time on February 28, 2011. Late ballots will not be accepted or included in the vote count.

AG M B u s i n es s The AGM will consider business normally brought before the meeting, as permitted by the bylaws. One proposal was received for consideration at the AGM and is summarized as follows: Proposal from the Board of Directors “seeking membership approval to increase the total purchases a person must make in order to qualify as a candidate for the Board of Directors from $2,400 per year to $3,600.” A copy of this proposal is available online at You can also call 403-219-6041 to request a copy by mail, or visit customer service in our food centres to ask for a copy.

Parking and Transportation Parking is available at no cost at the Carriage House Inn. Because public transportation is available to the AGM venue, no additional bussing service will be offered by Calgary Co-op.

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Board of Directors Candidates The order of the candidate photos and biographies was determined by random draw. Information provided by each candidate is published as submitted by the candidate, based on a 300-word maximum.

Alexander Ingram

Peggy LeSueur

Stuart Cantrill

Disclaimer: The platforms and opinions expressed by the candidates for election to the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited Board of Directors are their own and are not endorsed by or reflective of the views of the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited.

James Atkinson

Terry Geib

Clinton Roberston

David Usherwood

Call Your Candidates Members can contact individual candidates by calling the numbers below and leaving a voice message for the candidate to whom they wish to speak. Candidates are solely responsible for responding to their messages. Alexander Ingram: 403-219-6041, ext. 6346

Peggy LeSueur: 403-219-6041, ext. 6344

Stuart Cantrill: 403-219-6041, ext. 6342

James Atkinson: 403-219-6041, ext. 6341

Terry Geib: 403-219-6041, ext. 6343

Clinton Roberston: 403-219-6041, ext. 6347

David Usherwood: 403-219-6041, ext. 6345

Alexander I n g r a m Education and professional designations: Certificate in Management, University of Manitoba. CIM & P Mgr. Canadian Institute of Management. Real Estate Brokers course UBC, Real Estate Institute of Canada – FRI & ARM; Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers.; Alberta Engineering Technologist; CET and graduate of the Canadian Leadership Institute. Occupation and work experience: Currently working as a Real Estate Broker licensed in Alberta and BC. Have gained combined business experience working for several national companies including: Standard Life, Credit Foncier, Transforce and Canadian National. Further experience gained as an indentured apprentice in Scotland and as a marine engineer in the British Merchant Navy.

Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: Served on the Board of Calgary Co-Op for 6 years where I participated on all major committees and served as Vice Chair and Board Chair. Platform and other comments: My platform, “Pricing, Produce & Charity” has a 3 fold approach: Lower Prices – This will be done via a value / space audit. The second aspect of my platform is about Cultural Choice – Carrying other foods from other cultures as our competitors do. Based on research / cost analysis my platform will reduce costs, increase revenue and progress in service. We will continue our superior customer service that the Co-Op employees provided. Charity – The more revenue we bring in the more we can give back to the community.

Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: None. Affiliation with employees, contractors or anyone associated with Calgary Co-op or its subsidiaries: None. Community or volunteer involvement: Active member in the Independent Living Resource Centre of Calgary, the Royal Canadian Legion and former Council member of the Progressive Group for independent Business (PGIB).

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 5

Board of Directors Candidates The order of the candidate photos and biographies was determined by random draw. Information provided by each candidate is published as submitted by the candidate, based on a 300-word maximum.

Disclaimer: The platforms and opinions expressed by the candidates for election to the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited Board of Directors are their own and are not endorsed by or reflective of the views of the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited.

Peggy LeS u eu r

Stuart Cantrill

Education and professional designations: Bachelor of Science, Agriculture; Masters of Science, Agriculture; Professional Agrologist (P.Ag.)

Education and professional designations: Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm)

Occupation and work experience: I have 25 years of diversified experience in the food and agriculture industries. I have held senior positions in marketing and operations within the grain, beef and food sectors in Alberta and have consulted on food product development and consumer acceptance of food products. Over my career, I have been responsible for on-time, on-budget delivery of business projects and have had bottom line financial responsibility. I served as a Board member on Alberta’s Agriculture and Food Council for 6 years. I was born and raised in Alberta. Currently I work as a Senior Investment Manager for AVAC Ltd., within the food business investment team. Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: • Dedicated Calgary Co-op shopper and member since 1985. • Member of the Calgary Co-op Member Relations Committee since 2009. • Employee at Alberta Wheat Pool (a co-op) for 18 years. Affiliation with employees, contractors or Calgary Co-op or its subsidiaries: None Community or volunteer involvement: • Board member of the Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre (DDRC). • Vice President and Board member for the Grain Academy and Museum Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: With over 10 years of direct Board experience I have practical experience in board governance, strategic leadership and teamwork. With over 25 years of related work experience in the food industry, I have an appreciation of the importance of Calgary Co-op as well as the challenges it faces. I would bring to the Board my experience in financial management, marketing, communications and project management. Platform and other comments: Calgary Co-op serves its members as a strong competitive business. My love for the food industry gives me a passion and determination to ensure the continued success of Calgary Co-op and its ability to serve its members via competitive pricing, excellent customer service, listening to member input and continuing to be a strong corporate citizen. I would be privileged to work hard as a Calgary Co-op Board member. I need your vote and would be pleased to speak…

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Occupation and work experience: Current Calgary Co-op Board Chair, Financial Planner with Investors Group Financial Services. Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: Current Calgary Co-op Board Chair, former employee of the Association. Affiliations with employees, contractors, or anyone associated with Calgary Co-op: Business relations regarding Board activities. Community or volunteer involvement: Exile Island for the Children’s Make A Wish Foundation. Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: 9 years on the Calgary Co-op Board, Bachelor of Commerce Business Education from the University of Calgary, and Certified Financial Planning courses through the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning Platform and other comments: Re-elect Stuart Cantrill! Fellow members it has been an honour and a privilege serving you for the past 9 years on your Board of Directors, and, for the past 4 years, as your Board Chair. With the recent recession, our association has had its fair share of challenges. I am proud to say that we were fiscally prudent during the boom and paid down a large portion of our long term debt, so that when we entered these tough economic times, our association was financially solid. In these tough economic times, the future is also full of challenges. We must continue to work on our pricing, with a goal to be less expensive than our main competitors Safeway and Sobeys, and be in a reasonable price point to the discount offerings of Superstore and Walmart. All the while maintain the best service in Calgary, including offering carry-out service to every member, and full service gas at self serve prices. We must ensure that our fresh offering is simply the best in Calgary, and reward our employees for their hard work to ensure Calgary Co-op is an employer of choice in the Calgary Community. I am excited about the future of Calgary Co-op, and would like to continue to be a part of that future. I kindly ask for your vote so that I may continue to serve your best interests on your Board of Directors.

Board of Directors Candidates The order of the candidate photos and biographies was determined by random draw. Information provided by each candidate is published as submitted by the candidate, based on a 300-word maximum.

Disclaimer: The platforms and opinions expressed by the candidates for election to the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited Board of Directors are their own and are not endorsed by or reflective of the views of the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited.

James P. G. Atkinson (Jim)

T er r y G ei b

Education and professional designations: One year of Engineering at Royal Roads, Bachelor of Commerce (U.of Sask.) . Accredited Condominium Manager (A.C.M).

Education and professional designations: Bachelor of Human Ecology, U. of Manitoba; Director’s Certification – Level 1 & 2; Community Relations, U. of Calgary; Foundation Certificate in Information Technology Service Management from Loyalist College of Applied Arts & Technology. Professional Home Economist.

Occupation and work experience: President and Managing Associate of Montgomery Ross & Associates since 1981. Company acts as business agent for sixty Calgary condominium corporations. Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: Calgary Co-op member since 1974. Two years on the Member Relations Committee plus three years as a Director. Affiliation with employees, contractors or Calgary Co-op or its subsidiaries: None Community or volunteer involvement: Current member of the Committee of Management for the Ranchmen’s Club and chair of the Membership sub-committee. Charter President of the Association of Condominium Managers of Alberta. Past President of the Canadian Condominium Institute, South.Alberta Chapter. Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: Calgary Co-op Director – President/Principal – Strata Realty Corp. 1981 – To Current – 20 Employees. Platform and other comments: It is always a pleasure to shop at a Co-op store, mainly because the employees are so helpful and friendly to the customer. We are obviously attracting and retaining the right people. Similarly, we have a strong, effective management group. What we don’t have this year is a strong patronage-saving bottom line. Our Co-op is operating in a viciously competitive market place against huge integrated chains which have greater buying power and lower distribution costs. We must encourage our friends at Federated Cooperatives to examine more closely these chain advantages, and also look closely at our own distribution costs, etc. Thank you so much for trusting me with your vote – I won’t disappoint you. For more information about Jim Atkinson please visit (will be available in January):

Occupation and work experience: Calgary Co-op Director, Issue strategist, Calgary Fire Department; 15+ years marketing, communications, strategic planning and IT project management for City of Calgary. Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: Vice Chairman, Board Secretary, Governance Committee Chair, PACC, Audit and Member Relations Committees; Co-op Trustee, director: Alberta Community Co-operatives Association and Calgary Co-operative Memorial Society (volunteer); starting Calgary funeral co-op (volunteer). Affiliation with employees, contractors or Calgary Co-op or its subsidiaries: see above Community or volunteer involvement: see above Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: Board director certification; Board Governance, Parliamentary Procedures; lead process to hire new Calgary Co-op CEO; skilled in food science, consumer behaviour and education; 9-yrs on Calgary Co-op board, 6-yrs ACCA board, 2-yrs CCMS board; strong network with Canadian and UK co-op businesses. Platform and other comments: The most important job of any board is to hire the CEO. I’m proud to have chaired the committee to hire our current CEO, who has the grocery experience and strategic planning skills to manage the challenges and changing retail dynamics in Calgary. I say with confidence, we are fast becoming the Co-op our members want – with everyday lower prices, fresher produce and continued excellent customer services. To be an effective board, we need skilled individuals who understand the co-operative retail sector and who have a genuine interest in understanding and meeting the needs of our members. Our board has struggled with this in the past; however with good board leadership we are now stronger than ever. With the knowledge gained on this board, I’ve recently undertaken a volunteer project to start a funeral co-operative. Although unrelated to Calgary Co-op, the networking and ability to keep in touch with the cooperative sector enhances my current role as director. I have the skills, motivation and desire to serve Calgary Co-op for another term. For more information about me and my co-op work, or to send me an email, please visit Thank you again for your continued support. Yours co-operatively, Terry

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 7

Board of Directors Candidates The order of the candidate photos and biographies was determined by random draw. Information provided by each candidate is published as submitted by the candidate, based on a 300-word maximum.

Disclaimer: The platforms and opinions expressed by the candidates for election to the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited Board of Directors are their own and are not endorsed by or reflective of the views of the Calgary Co-operative Association Limited.

Clinton Robertson

David Usherwood

Education and professional designations: Graduate Diploma – Urban Studies, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver; Graduate Degree – School of Business and Public Management, George Washington University, Washington, DC

Education and professional designations: • Diploma in Business Administration. • Certificate in Personnel & Industrial Relations. • Certificate in Public Administration. • Certificate in Real Estate Administration. • Level IV Training – Canadian Income Tax

Occupation and work experience: Urban Planner (Heritage), City of Calgary, 2007 – present; previous employment as a heritage conservation consultant, small-business manager (antiques store), farmer (grain, cattle) Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: Calgary Co-op Member Relations Committee Affiliation with employees, contractors or Calgary Co-op or its subsidiaries: None Community or volunteer involvement: Director, Heritage Vancouver Society (2004-06); Member, Advocacy Committee, Heritage Vancouver Society (2004-06) Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: Currently provide Administration support to a City of Calgary volunteer board; Director, Heritage Vancouver Society Platform and other comments: As a Director, I will defend Co-operative principles and values. Growing up in rural Saskatchewan, where co-ops are vital parts of the community, I understand the importance that co-ops have in strengthening communities – I want to support this tradition in Calgary as a Director for Calgary Co-op. Calgary Co-op must be price-competitive and accountable to members, supplying affordable and high-quality products. At the same time, Calgary Co-op has a broader social responsibility for the sustainable development – economic and environmental –of the community and region. As a Director, a priority for me will be that Calgary Co-op provides more locally produced, organic and humanely raised foods. In effect, this will strengthen the local / regional economy and will help to support sustainable, regional agriculture. This will also help to support family farms, food security, and will result in more nutritious, healthy food. I see other ways that Calgary Co-op can also better serve customers – such as providing a wider variety of foods for the area’s growing ethnic population. As well, Calgary Co-op must ensure that stores and facilities are attractive, sustainably designed and assets to their communities. Additionally, I look forward to working with employees to ensure that Calgary Coop is an excellent place to work. As a Director I will work towards strengthening Calgary Co-op’s position as an affordable place to shop, and as a competitive, community-minded, and socially responsible organization. A co-op should be different!

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Occupation and work experience: • Self-employed for more than twenty five years • Currently a Chair of Board of Referees • Currently Alternative Chair and Member of AB Citizens Appeal Panel. • Managing Partner U2 Enterprises Involvement with Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries or other co-operatives: • Calgary CO-OP members since 1993. • Member of the Cochrane Lake Gas CO-OP • Member of UFA CO-OP. • Former member of Calgary Co-op Member Relations Committee (2009) Affiliation with employees, contractors or Calgary Co-op or its subsidiaries: No Business Affiliation with anyone associated with Calgary Co-op. Community or volunteer involvement: • Executive Member of the Sam Steele’s Scouts Commemorative Cavalry. • Member of Calgary Chamber of Commerce. • Member of the Honourary Guard. • Member of the Military Museum Society of Calgary. • Member of the Cochrane Legion Men of Vision. Board related experience, skills and/or qualifications: • Financial Administration inclusive of budgeting, auditing, tax & reporting. • Human Resources, Employee Relations and Collective Agreement • Policy Consultant & Presenter. • Customer Relations & Media Relation Savvy • Commercial Real Estate – Leasing & Sales. • New Construction & Renovation Project Management Experience Platform and other comments: • As a director I will be a team player and pledge that I will make a significant contribution to the benefit of the organization. • Personal goal is to ensure Calgary Coop remains competitive. • Support and Remember to vote for Dave Usherwood.



2010 Financial Results

(All amounts in thousand of dollars)

The table on the right summarizes the financial position of Calgary Co-operative Association Limited for the year ended October 30, 2010. For a more detailed look at the operations and financial position of Calgary Co-op, the 2010 Annual Report will be available in mid February from customer service in all Calgary Co-op food centres or by calling 403-219-6025. You can also view the annual report online under About Us at

It pays to be a member-owner of Calgary Co-op. Based on our financial results for 2010, the Board of Directors has declared an overall average patronage return of 3.33% allocated on actual purchase categories, as follows: 2.5%

A 2.5% patronage return paid in cash and shares to members based on retail purchases other than petroleum and travel. Travel


A 1.0% patronage return paid in cash and shares to members based on travel purchases. Petroleum


Consolidated Statement of Earnings Information Sales 1,022,702 Expenses (1,023,811) Patronage Refund 33,328 Other Income 5,665 Earnings before patronage returns and income taxes 37,884 Patronage Returns 29,620 Income Tax 1,882 Net Earnings 6,382

2010 Patr o n a g e R et u r n




A 5.0¢ per litre patronage return paid in cash and shares to members based on petroleum purchases.

Changed Y o u r Ad dr es s ? Let Us Kno w Patronage return cheques are being mailed to members in late February. If your address changed during the year and you have not yet notified our Membership Department, please call 403-219-6025 (select option 2) to ensure that your patronage return cheque can be re-mailed to the correct address.

1,002,239 (989,320) 33,928 5,761


1,058,606 (1,049,678) 50,965 4,444

52,608 44,360 2,060 6,188

64,337 50,530 3,627 10,180

Patronage Returns Paid in cash 20,270 Paid in shares 9,350 Total Patronage Returns 29,620

29,910 14,450 44,360

32,780 17,750 50,530

Patronage Return % - Total 3.33% Patronage Return % - Retail 2.5% Patronage Return ¢/litre - Petroleum 5.0¢ Patronage Return % - Travel 1.0%

5.07% 3.25% 9.0¢ 1.0%

5.41% 3.50% 10.5¢ 1.0%

Balance Sheet Information Current assets Non-current assets

108,621 304,775

102,448 290,381

112,393 261,808

Total Assets




Liabilities 125,030 Members’ shares 162,193 Retained earnings 126,173 Total Liabilities, Members’ Shares and Retained Earnings 413,396

118,079 156,677 118,073

117,994 145,671 110,536



Cash provided by operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital 24,520



Expenditures on capital assets




Return on Equity* before patronage returns and after income taxes




Return on Equity* after patronage returns and income taxes




*Based on opening equity.

Patronage Return Five Year Comparison 2006 - 2010

2010 3.33% 2009 5.07% 2008 5.41% 2007 5.81%



2006 4.06% $0












($ millions)

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 9

Price Check The

2010 Year End Total

Calgary Co-op

Competitor 1

Competitor 2






What you SAVE by shopping at Calgary Co-op

When was the last time you took a really good look at Calgary Co-op’s prices? If it was recently, then you’ve probably noticed a big change both on our shelves and in your pocketbook. At Calgary Co-op, you really can have it all – top quality products, excellent customer service and competitive prices. And we’re proving it each and every day by continually lowering the prices you pay for groceries. You don’t have to sacrifice quality for price. At Calgary Co-op we continue to give you more value for your dollar, while continuing to support Canadian growers and producers along with local community organizations and charities. Each week Calgary Co-op conducts our own price check where we randomly select 40-50 products and compare our prices to those of our two main competitors. We now have the results of these price checks from last year and they are staggering. When factoring in a patronage return (based on the 2009 results), you would have saved more than $150 just by shopping at Calgary Co-op. You may have seen or heard of other price checks that are being conducted throughout the city. Please remember that these price checks do not include the patronage return that our members enjoy each and every year.

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Our prices are already competitive, but when you factor in our yearly patronage return, you save even more by shopping at Calgary Co-op. Add in the money saving coupons you receive through our Revved Up Rewards program and your savings increase. You don’t have to pay extra to receive the service you want. Calgary Co-op is pleased to provide it for you each and every day, at no extra charge!

“I have not been a Calgary Co-op shopper in quite a number of years. Mainly because of the prices. However in the last month I have been to Co-op every week, because I am blown away by your prices. I can see that Co-op is making an effort to bring them down and I am very happy.” Tracey M.


Get FRESH this Valentine’s Day!

Fresh Gift Ideas

Fresh Dessert

Plush toys, helium balloons and boxed chocolates.

Heart-shaped cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and more!

Fresh Savings Fresh Flowers Roses, potted roses and valentine bouquets in all colours. Enjoy FREE flower wrapping everyday at Calgary Co-op!

Purchase one dozen roses and a steak and lobster combo and receive a heartshaped ganache cake


Fresh Food Canadian Steak and Lobster Combos which include 2 steaks and 2 lobster tails, Anco Camembert and Brie, and the Discovery Cheese Box featuring a selection of 6 cheeses!

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 11

Get Fit Fast! The Calgary Co-op Whole Health Challenge is back for another year and the response has been incredible! Our latest challengers are taking their first steps to a new and healthier body with our 12 week challenge which includes goal-setting, mini challenges, motivational talks, information sessions and more. Even if you are not participating in the challenge, you can still get your sweat on with the Kananaskis Get Fit Weekend April 1 – 3 and our Charity Run April 9. And, watch for Calgary Co-op Whole Health Challenge stickers the next time you shop at Calgary Co-op. These stickers have been placed on products recommended by dieticians as good, healthy choices. Let’s make 2011 the year of a brand new you!

Ho m em a d e G r a n o l a Recipe by Julie Van Rosendaal

The whole grains, nuts, seeds and dried fruit make granola a completely customizable balance of complex carbohydrates, protein and heart-healthy fats. Fill zip-lock bags to toss in your car, desk, gym bag, or anywhere you might find yourself needing to recharge your batteries. 6 cups Co-op slow cooking (large flake) oats 2 cups chopped nuts and seeds (such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, green pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, ground flax seeds) 1/4 tsp. salt Pinch cinnamon (optional) 1/4-1/3 cup Co-op honey 1/4-1/3 cup Co-op Gold Organic flax oil (optional) 1 tsp. Co-op vanilla or almond extract 1 cup dried fruit, such as raisins, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, or chopped dried dates, apricots, apples and pears. Preheat the oven to 300°F. In a large bowl, combine the oats, nuts and seeds, salt and cinnamon. In a small bowl, stir together honey, maple syrup, flax oil and vanilla. Pour over the oats and toss to coat them well. Spread the mixture on a large rimmed baking sheet and bake for 30-45 minutes, stirring a few times, until the mixture is golden. Remove from the oven and let it cool completely on the pan before you stir in the dried fruit. Makes about 8 cups

12 | Co-op News Winter 2011

In the Communit y Calgary Co - o p Welcomes Laurie Sch i l d Calgary Co-op is pleased to introduce you to our new Vice President of Marketing, Laurie Schild. Laurie has extensive experience in marketing and communications and has worked for a few organizations you may know - The Calgary Stampede, Bell Canada and Telus Corporation, to name a few. We are very excited to have Laurie join our team and would like to encourage everyone to give her a warm welcome.

Get in the Game!

$ 5 0 0 W i n n er Congratulations to Audrey Hazard who won a $500 Calgary Co-op gift card just for participating in our online survey. When asked what she would spend it on, she told us she was sure she would find something... (Left to right: Susan Buckley, Crowfoot Centre Manager; Audrey Hazard; Lawrence Wright, Crowfoot Assistant Centre Manager)

M a y o r N en s h i Supports Stuff a Bus!

Calgary Co-op was honoured to discover that we were the winner in 6 different categories in the Calgary Herald 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards: Best Grocery Store – Gold Winner (for the 10th year!) Best Deli – Gold Winner Best Liquor Store – Gold Winner Best Car Wash – Gold Winner Best Wine Store – Secondary Winner Best Travel Agency – Secondary Winner Calgary Co-op wants to thank you for making us your first choice!

B a g s t o R i c hes C h a r i t i es An n o u n c ed

Catch all the action when the Calgary Hitmen take on the Regina Pats for the Calgary 2011 WHL Outdoor Game at McMahon Stadium on Family Day, Monday, February 21, 2011. Get your family pack exclusively at Calgary Co-op for only $49.99. Family packs include 4 tickets and 4 toques!

Calgary Co-op W i n s Ag a i n

Calgary Co-op was proud to once again partner with Calgary Transit, XL103 FM and the Calgary Food Bank in November for our 18th annual Stuff a Bus campaign. We kicked off the week with a special visit from Mayor Nenshi (pictured here with Norm Bennie of our Beddington Centre). Thanks to your support, we managed to raise almost $150,000 in cash and food donations for the Calgary Food Bank!

Calgary Co-op is pleased to announce the recipients for this year’s Bags to Riches Program. For every bag you re-use in one of our stores, you will receive 3 cents off your grocery purchase or you can choose to donate the money to our designated charity. This year’s recipients include the Calgary Humane Society, STARS, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Airdrie Humane Society, Airdrie Food Bank and Wheatland County Food Bank.

“When I locked my keys/purse/cell phone etc. in my car at Airdrie Co-op a few weeks ago, Alice and other Co-op staff were beyond kind – she even lent me money to go over and get a coffee. I was stuck there for 3 hours and they let me e-mail my husband and then took a phone message from him to let me know he was on his way. I have been there a few times just to get groceries – and if there is an award for best, most helpful and friendly staff it should go to the folks at Airdrie Co-op.” Susan S.

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 13

DevelopingNews Crowfoot Centre Tasting Room Oakridge Wines & Spirits

Beddington Wines & Spirits Okotoks Wines & Spirits

Shawnessy Centre Gas Bar

It’s an exciting time for Calgary Co-op as we celebrate the opening of our latest locations and look forward to our upcoming projects for 2011.

Wines & S p i r i t s Calgary Co-op is pleased to now offer you two new Wines & Spirits locations. Head south of the city to check out our new 4,200 square foot store in Okotoks featuring a large selection of cold beer and wine. This location has already been well-received by the public and we look forward to serving our members within the community. In the north, Calgary Co-op is very excited about the opening of our 10,000 square foot Wines & Spirits Tasting Centre in Crowfoot.

14 | Co-op News Winter 2011

This store will take your breath away with its incredible selection of collector wines and spirits, over 400 varieties of beer from around the world, private lockers, a copper-walled cooler room and an incredible tasting room which can be booked for private functions and tastings. You have to see it to believe it! Our Wines & Spirits location in Oakridge is now open and construction is still underway at our Beddington location as we expand the store from 6,228 square feet to 10,519 square feet.

P et r o l eu m Calgary Co-op is very excited about two new projects that will begin this spring. The first is the construction of a new gas bar, convenience store and car wash in the northwest community

of Panorama Hills. The second project is the upgrade of our Hamptons gas bar which will include an expansion to the convenience store, a new twin touchless car wash and the addition of 2 extra pumps. Calgary Co-op is also planning an upgrade to our Village Square gas bar. The building permits are underway and we are hoping to begin this summer.

H i g h R i v er The development permit for our new food centre, gas bar, convenience store and car wash in High River was approved by town council in December. The building permit drawings are now underway and planning continues to begin construction later this year. Calgary Co-op is looking forward to serving our members in High River.



Congratulations to all of our Calgary Co-op employees celebrating service anniversaries with us! Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Calgary Co-op.

5 years

10 years

Back, left to right: Ellen Atwood, Erika Kretschmer, Robert Mock, Barbara Stevens, John Marshall, Joe Oliveira, Daniel Bushell, Alexander Pavlovic

Back Row, left to right: Brian Nicoll, Ron Avery, Christopher Hampton, Michael Leboldus, Katie Hampton

Middle, left to right: Colleen Pederson, Wannetta Kadatz, Gordona Newton, Tammy Davey, Laurel Tallosi, Dianne Shantz, Roxanne Lockhart, Leanne Symes, Lisa Mathiasen, Lisa Cathcart, Shelly Keller, Joachim Wlodarczak

Middle Row, left to right: Ijenna Osakwe, Patricia Scotten, Rita Thumann, Rae Defrancesco, Dianne Lazorko Gamache, Kara Landherr, Susan Iannuzzi, Alison Harder, Rae Ellis, Colleen Metzger, Trevor Moore

Front row, left to right: Sherry Elliott, Erlina Panal, Wendy Bulbuck, Jennifer Clarke, William Hamilton, Monika Goyal, Joanne Zhen, Gerald Carlson, Roberta Simpson

Front Row, left to right: Ida Vervena, Anna Meza, Ronnette Fichten, Ana Polintan, Kirstie Davies, Jackie Williams, Wayne Droboth, Rosendo Hipolito

Not in Attendance: Kevin Anderson, Diane Arvanitakis, Orlando Barduagni, Chris Berry, Jenny Brown, Norm Chaykoski, Mike Chesniak, Max Cuncannon, Raeleen Desmond, Debbie Divall, Stefani Doucette, Ralph Douglas, Grace Duong, Leanne Grosky, Bethany Hildenbrand, Elizabeth Klein, Timothy Kraft, Carly Makinson, Florence Martin, Carol May, Dennis Millis, Milagros Mills, Rob Morphew, Brad Nielsen, Rosemarie Redman, Glynis Robak, Bryan Roemer, Steven Serridge, Karl Shen, Gail Sherwood, Jaimie Skeet, Gordon Slater, Stephanie Snell, Cheryl Stifter, May Sum, Ashley Sutherland, Alex Tuff, Michael Vandenbergh, Ryan Widmer, Harry Williams, John Willis, April Zatylny

Not in Attendance: Kristyn Adams, Chrisene Addley, Paul Anson, David Arend, Sanel Busuladzic, Efrain Claros, Linda Gerzic, Dawn Grey, Melanie Guilmette, Maureen Korec, Wayne Kroetsch, Angela Lane, Cuong Lu, Heather McCracken, Margaret Ovens, Mark Petersen, Anna Maria Rosi, Benjamin Sachro, Patricia Shaw, Tasneem Shivji, Carolyn Stratychuk, Brenda Tait, Carie Thomas

15 years Back Row, left to right: Angela Mock, Chris Klassen, Jana Vaskor, Judy Royal, Lisa Robichaud, Karen Pirri, Mary Ann Lenz, Deb Goertz, Janet Catterall, Deborah Simkesh, Denka Milic, Milica Krpan, Brenda Scott Front Row, left to right: Tamblyn Yaschyshyn, Shauna Filatoff, Nigel Small, Wendy Akkermans, Arlette Barbari, Lynette Moen, Badrudin Juma, Randy Dobko Not In Attendance: Hee Joo Beh, Linda Binksma, Zdenka Dumencic, Heather Ellis, Debbie Farand, Stephen Fung, Brandy Greschuk, Joanne Hopkins, Richard Horan, Phat Luu, Hanson Mau, Trent McKay, Dean Perkins, Kim Racine, April Roy, Kelly Sawitsky, Cindy Schroeder, Julie Smith, Simone Waltbauer, Shirley Wasut, Rosaria Winsor

20 years Back Row, left to right: Rosana Sisson, Julia Dobson, Karen Wills, Maria Nori Front Row, left to right: Jim Wilson, Linda Keeley, Izabella Picken, Anna Spafford, Darryl Craig Not in Attendance: Gavin Chisholm, Roxanne Doenz, Marilyn Gannon, Patricia Gordon, Salvatore Granato, Angela Lepard, Mike Monro, Kim Morden, Ward Olson, Tove Pugh, Flora Sung, Laszlo Szakony, Pat Walling

Co-op News Winter 2011 | 15


Quarry Park Centre, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. S.E.........................................403-203-4825

Beddington Centre, 8220 Centre Street N.E.............................................403-299-4445


Monterey Centre, 2220 - 68 Street N.E......................................................403-299-2600

Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

Gas Bar Pharmacy Pharmacy

403-299-4380 403-299-4418 403-299-2606

North Hill Centre, 540 - 16 Avenue N.E......................................................403-299-4276 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4277 403-299-4273

Taradale Centre, 6520 Falconridge Boulevard N.E................................... 403-299-4012 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4013 403-299-4016

Village Square Centre, 2520 - 52 Street N.E..............................................403-299-5332 Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

403-299-4377 403-299-5334 403-299-4401

NORTHWEST Brentwood Centre, 4122 Brentwood Road N.W.......................................403-299-4311 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4312 403-299-4308

Creekside Centre, 12000 Symons Valley Road N.W................................ 403-299-4491 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4424 403-299-4474

Crowfoot Centre, 35 Crowfoot Way N.W..................................................403-299-5353 Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

403-299-5355 403-299-5350 403-216-4500

Dalhousie Centre, 5505 Shaganappi Trail N.W......................................... 403-299-4331 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4332 403-299-4329

Hamptons Centre, 1000 Hamptons Drive N.W.........................................403-299-6711 Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

403-299-6716 403-299-6713 403-299-5414

Montgomery Gas Bar, 4608 - 16 Avenue N.W..........................................403-299-2602 Rocky Ridge Centre, 11595 Rockyvalley Drive N.W.................................403-299-5450 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-5497 403-299-5454

SOUTHEAST Copperfield Gas Bar, 15566 McIvor Blvd. S.E..............................................403-299-4113 Deer Valley Centre, 1221 Canyon Meadows Drive S.E. ..........................403-299-4350 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4351 403-299-4347

Downtown Gas Bar, 1111 - 1 Street S.E....................................................... 403-299-4261 Eastfield Gas Bar, 5250 - 50 Avenue S.E.....................................................403-299-4443 Forest Lawn Centre, 3330 - 17 Avenue S.E................................................403-299-4470 Gas Bar Pharmacy


South Trail Crossing Centre, 4307 - 130 Avenue S.E............................... 403-257-7272 403-257-7260 403-257-7243 403-257-7247

SOUTHWEST Kingsland Gas Bar, 6905 Macleod Trail South............................................403-299-4110 Midtown Market, 1130 - 11 Avenue S.W....................................................403-299-4257 Pharmacy


Oakridge Centre, 2580 Southland Drive S.W............................................403-299-4355 Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

403-299-4280 403-299-5374 403-299-5316

Richmond Road Centre, 4940 Richmond Road S.W................................403-299-4490 Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

403-299-4374 403-299-4487 403-299-4370

Shawnessy Centre, 250 Shawville Boulevard S.W....................................403-299-4426 Gas Bar Pharmacy Travel

403-299-4422 403-299-4439 403-299-4130

West Springs Centre, 917 - 85 Street S.W..................................................403-299-4151 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4407 403-299-4420

AIRDRIE CENTRE 2700 Main Street.............................................................................................. 403-912-3700 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-912-3711 403-912-3703

OKOTOKS Gas Bar, 111 - 31 Southridge Drive...............................................................403-995-4573

STRATHMORE CENTRE 320 Second Street.............................................................................................403-934-3121 Pharmacy


Gas Bar, 715 Wheatland Trail.........................................................................403-934-3044

OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL CUSTOMERS Toll free.......................................................................................... ..................1-800-360-3572 Travel Call Centre................................................................... ...........................403-299-4144

HOME HEALTH CARE 9309 Macleod Trail South...............................................................................403-252-2266 Richmond Road, 4938 Richmond Road S.W..............................................403-299-4488 Calgary Co-op Wines & Spirits locations can be found by visiting

403-299-4371 403-299-4467

Heritage Towne Centre Gas Bar , 6 Heritage Gate S.E............................ 403-299-4341 Macleod Trail Centre, 8818 Macleod Trail S.E............................................403-299-4292 Gas Bar Pharmacy

403-299-4293 403-299-4289

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