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The exhibition and printing of this catalog were funded in part by the Friends of the Museum of Art. The project could not have been realized without the support of the College of Liberal Arts and the University administration.
An exhibition successfully integrated into the curriculum requires the effort, goodwill, and commitment of many lenders, faculty, students, and staff of the Museum of Art. I am indebted to the Rosemarie Beck Foundation for their support for this project, particularly Doria Hughes who graciously shared her intimate knowledge of Rosemarie Beck’s career and provided access to rich archival materials.
I am grateful to my colleagues at the University of New Hampshire, Professor R. Scott Smith and Senior Lecturer Paul Robertson for their enthusiasm and willingness to have students take up the challenge of researching and writing about contemporary retellings of ancient stories. The exhibition and catalog would not have been possible without the contributions of the students enrolled in CLAS 601: Power of Myth whose interpretations shed new light on these paintings. Special thanks to Professor Brian Chu and artist Shiao-Ping Wang for sharing their experiences as Beck’s former students.
I also wish to thank the staff of the Museum of Art who work daily to further the teaching mission of the Museum of Art, Molly Bolick, Education and Outreach Manager, Andrew Goldstein, Exhibitions and Collections Manager, Kathleen McKenna, Administrative Assistant, and museum fellows, Erin McKeen, Ember Nevins, and Nikki Tredwell.
Kristina L. Durocher Director