Let’s talk about seasonal allergies
Seasonal Allergies ★
Itchy, red watery eyes, nasal congestion and sneezing often happens suddenly
Usually triggered by pollen, also referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis
Appear when trees, grasses and weeds release pollen during fertilization
Look for the light green dust-like particles that cover cars and outdoor surfaces
In order to effectively treat seasonal allergies, It is important to recognize if they are the cause of your symptoms.
During this quarantine, it is important to be able to identify signs of a serious medical concern vs seasonal allergies...
If you go outside in the afternoon or at dusk, showering before bedtime is especially helpful so that pollen from your hair does not remain on your pillow while you sleep. Washing hands as soon as you return home will help to keep pollen from getting into your eyes if you rub them. Leaving shoes at the front door helps from tracking pollen into other rooms. If it is not too warm, keeping windows closed at dawn and dusk will limit the amount of pollen that enters the room. When able, an air conditioner is very helpful. Pets can track pollen into the house, so be sure to brush off their fur and bathe them as often as you can
Working with your healthcare provider or consulting with the local pharmacist is the first step in alleviating symptoms.
It often takes a few days or more for treatment to begin to help with bothersome symptoms, so best to seek guidance as soon as you notice itchy eyes or sneezing if you suspect that allergies are the cause.
For up-to-date pollen forecast, I rely on www.pollen.com to keep me informed
The Calhoun School area pollen count