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City Of Costa Mesa Grand Opening
The grand opening was on July 17th, 2021 and is a great addition to the current infrastructure for all residents within Costa Mesa and surrounding areas. The City of Costa Mesa wanted to renovate their existing park and playground south of their new Donald Dungan Library. The directive for Lions Park was to remove and replace the restroom building and preserve the mature trees as well as install a new playground and retain a vintage fighter jet play structure in place. The program for users would be for ages 2 to 5 years and 5- to 12-year-old children including universal access. The aircraft carrier rubberized surfacing pattern in between the structure and jet lent the deck of the aircraft carrier to be utilized as a runway for a zipline feature that allows the users to imagine flying over the deck. Additional program elements are swings and accessible seesaw and round-a-bout for all completing the playground. The mature tree canopies allowed families to have instant shade provided while their children engaged the site.