2 minute read
president’s message
The best way I can describe the coming end of this chaotic year is cautious optimism. Explained this way: Cautious optimism is a feeling of general confidence regarding a situation and/or its outcome coupled with a readiness for possible difficulties or failure.
We couldn’t plan for 2020, but what I have learned from this year is to be better prepared for possible difficulties, even the difficulties we can’t really foresee.
So let’s put on a smile, put 2020 behind us--almost--and look toward 2021. While CACM has responded to the challenges of 2020 quickly, we expect virtual events will be around through the first quarter of 2021. The Northern California and Southern California Law Seminars will be held virtually in CMworld. We’re going to have an amazing couple of days and you will earn your CEUs!
In terms of holding in-person Law Seminars, some of the challenges we have is that neither the Santa Clara Convention Center nor Disney Convention Center is open to have discussions on these events. That said, the optimism part is that we are planning on in-person spring forums. The caution part is that while we are planning on in-person events, we are also planning to pivot if necessary should the pandemic still be impacting our lives.
This thought process is especially true for the Executive Leadership Summit in mid-May. This event is being planned to be held in-person at the Loews Resort on Coronado Island in San Diego. We are planning on events and education for executive leaders and managers on the path to executive leadership. This resort is on the water, every room has water views, and if necessary, we can hold meetings outdoors!
Legislatively, we are actively working on cleaning up AB 3182 and we are in discussions with other legislators on bills that could have a positive impact on managers and management companies, which is our primary focus. What a concept! Legislators actually supporting us! It’s a marathon, not a sprint, but we’re running it and working together with our industry colleagues. Watch for more details.
Look, I know you’re struggling at times. Nine months ago we were asking “what’s Zoom?” Many of you now prefer board meetings be held in Zoom! Hang in there folks. Juggling home schooling and work, strange climate changes, civil unrest and election tensions is not easy but this year is almost behind us. It’s almost 2021! Please join me in having some optimism, even if it is cautious.
Until we get to see each other in person again, I hope you and your family, both personal and professional, stay safe, healthy and have a very happy holiday season! See you in the New Year!