Vision Magazine Summer 2021

Page 22


A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front-page ad. - Richard Branson you at an event or hearing of What is PR? Public Relations. your product or service over the PRSA (Public Relations Society Hype. airwaves. of America, Inc.) defines Spin. public relations as “a strategic ‘Relations’ Says It All communication process that Publicity. Isn’t it interesting that public Image Management. builds mutually beneficial ‘relations’, like the community relationships between Promotions. organizations and their publics.” management industry, focuses Marketing. Publicity tells your story in depth, on the relationship between the


increases your trustworthiness

hese are all words that

and visibility. The most exciting

we’ve heard used,

part about publicity is that it can

but how do you USE

be done at a very low cost if done

them in your day-to-

correctly. Furthermore, you can

day efforts to ensure your target

build brand ambassadors that

market knows you exist or better begin spreading your message yet, are the PERFECT SOLUTION long after reading an article, for their association or company? discovering a social post, seeing 22

Vision Summer 2021 |

company and the client? How

are relationships built? Through building trust, of course! Building trust is an essential part of a strong public relations strategy. Trust is essential to any quality relationship—it is especially important in your

professional world. Trust ensures that the public thinks of you before a competitor and engages with you. Morning Consult’s Most Trusted Brands™ latest report sets the benchmark for gauging brand trust. Their most recent report shares that 80% of those surveyed “stopped buying from a brand that lost their trust often switching to a competitor.”

The Relationship Stages A good publicist will share that understanding how to build and

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