“In a world where things increasingly become commodities (especially services) the real differentiator becomes the personal experience you are able to create in the lives of your customers.” – John Bessant
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In our fast-paced world, it’s difficult to take a personal approach with each client. But in our service-based industry, and handling homeowner’s most valued possession, the human touch is critical. By Sarah Touchi
We have been called many things in the homeowner’s association industry. No, I don’t mean those spiteful words from a disgruntled homeowner. What I do mean is we are a service industry that takes pride in wearing many hats to help our homeowners thrive in their communities. Managers and industry partners have to take on different roles to help homeowners and board members alike. While this may not be in our job descriptions, it is important to stand out and provide a personal approach to community management.
Vision Summer 2021 | cacm.org