6 minute read

Refresher on the Architectural Approval Process

By Lindsay J. Anderson, Esq. and Karyn A. Larko, Esq.

Most CC&Rs require owners of the separate interests to obtain association approval prior to making structural alterations or alterations to the exterior of their separate interests or common area.

In some instances, the language is vague, imposing the obligation on owners, but providing few details. In other instances, the CC&Rs set forth in detail the process owners (and the association) must follow.

Directors should be encouraged to review their association’s CC&Rs so they are well-versed on the architectural approval process (“Process”) they must follow. Likewise, if the CC&Rs provide for an architectural review committee (“ARC”), ARC members should be encouraged to review the Process.

Having said this, “knowing” the Process is not enough. The board and ARC, if any, must also comply with the Process. Failure to do so can lead to the inadvertent approval of alterations that are not acceptable to the board or ARC.

Many CC&Rs state that if an application is not approved or denied within a specified time period, the application is automatically approved or association approval is no longer required.

The inadvertent approval of alterations can result in alterations that are detrimental to the appearance of the community and property values, or that undermine the structural integrity of a building. Inadvertent approval of alterations can also lead to potential liability for the association and, in some instances, individual board or ARC members.

On a related note, be sure your boards and ARCs know the time periods imposed by California law for reviewing solar energy systems and electric vehicle charging station applications. California Civil Code (“CC”) §714(e) (2)(B) provides that unless a solar energy system application is denied in writing within 45 days of submission, it is deemed approved.

CC §4745(e) provides that if an electric vehicle charging station is not denied in writing within 60 days of submission, it is deemed approved. The Civil Code controls in the event the governing documents grant a longer review period.

Federal law also imposes a deadline for reviewing applications for qualifying satellite dishes and antennas. If your clients require approval for the installation of these devices, encourage your boards to consult with their association’s legal counsel on this matter


The CC&Rs generally identify the factors the board or ARC is to consider when evaluating applications, such as conformity of the alterations with the governing documents, the quality of the proposed workmanship, the design and harmony of the alterations with existing structures, the location of the alterations in relation to surrounding structures, topography, and finish grade elevation.

It is important that boards and ARCs understand the scope of their authority and duty when evaluating applications, and perform their evaluation in keeping with this scope.

If an application contains a disability related request for a reasonable accommodation, the board or ARC should consult with the association’s legal counsel on how best to evaluate the application.


Boards and ARCs must act reasonably and not in a capricious or arbitrary manner when deciding applications. This does not mean that if they have previously approved an alteration, they must approve all future applications for the same or similar alterations.

Nor does it mean that if they have previously denied an alteration, they must do so in the future. However, they should have objective reasons for treating the applications differently and these reasons should be noted in the meeting minutes.

For example, the location of a proposed alteration in relation to other structures might be a basis for denying a request that was previously approved elsewhere in the community.

CC §4765(a)(4) mandates that applications be approved or denied in writing, and that if an application is denied, the notice of denial must include the reason(s) for the denial and a description of any procedure the owner must follow to appeal the denial.

Your boards and ARCs may impose reasonable conditions when approving applications, subject to any limitations imposed by the governing documents. If any conditions are imposed, these conditions should be clearly set forth in the notice of approval.


If applications are denied by an ARC, other committee, or subcommittee of less than the whole board, CC §4765(a)(5) grants owners the right to appeal the denial of their application to the board. Section 4765(a)(5) does not extend this same right of appeal to other owners who may object to the approval of a neighbor’s application.

Some governing documents provide an appeal process regardless of the composition of the body reviewing applications. In such instances, this process must be followed even if the right to appeal is not imposed by the CC.

If owners are entitled to appeal, the board must promptly consider their appeal at a duly noticed open session board meeting, subject to any additional requirements imposed by the governing documents.


CC §4765(a)(1) requires associations to have a fair, reasonable, and expeditious procedure for deciding applications, including the maximum time for responding to applications and appeal requests. This procedure must be set forth in the governing documents, which include CC&Rs and rules or guidelines.

Therefore, if any of your clients have CC&Rs that do not include a detailed description of the architectural review process or have concerns about the current process, they should consult with legal counsel.

If authorized by the governing documents, your boards should adopt architectural guidelines that set forth any standard restrictions on commonly requested alterations. By doing so, they reduce the potential for inconsistent application decisions and claims of wrongdoing.


CC §4765(c) requires associations to notify their members annually of any requirements for association approval of physical changes to property. This notice must describe the types of changes that require association approval and include a copy of the association’s process.

Lindsay J. Anderson, Esq.

Karyn A. Larko, Esq.

Lindsay J. Anderson, Esq., and Karyn A. Larko, Esq., of Epsten, APC specialize in community association counsel and have 2 and 14 years of experience in the industry, respectively.

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