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From The Roundtable: A Message From The Board
This issue of Vision Magazine is focused on work/life balance. Some say that work/life balance is an oxymoron since in our industry most of us are working at all hours and days of the week fulfilling the needs of our communities, creating a challenge for having a sense of balance.
Our industry is changing and there are things that companies can do as well as individuals themselves. For example, the flexibility to work remotely even if only for a couple of days a week has created the ability to add to the balance if done correctly. Companies have adapted through improved technology where the remote working ability is almost flawless to the client so the need to be sitting in a brick-and-mortar office is becoming less and less important. In fact, some companies have taken the opportunity to reduce their actual hardscape footprint and save resources that can be reallocated to other areas of the operation.
As an individual, you can better plan your time ensuring that you are calendaring your appointments, but also your personal commitments to maximize your days and productivity.
Investment in your team member’s education is a valuable way to improve work/life balance whether it be in time management, budgeting or project management. These are steps that will help them grow in their careers and create additional opportunities to have a better work/life balance.
One of the main things that an individual can do is find a company, job or position where they like going to work every day. When a team member is not happy, they spend more time finding things that they don’t like about their position, company or team members than doing their actual jobs. This creates an environment where the leaders spend more time concerned about these individuals and less time on the business and creating successful growth at the company, which will in turn attract other successful team members.
When you like what you do it shows, not only to the client and in your work product, but also to your fellow team members. High performing team members want to work with other high performers and not with those who they must cover for as they underperform and create a toxic environment.
We see it all the time where a leader is not going to assign additional work to someone who is underperforming and thus the burden falls upon those who are high performers. This may cause those team members to look for a different company to be successful in.
Take the time to find the right place to be successful. Own your work/life balance and be a positive impact on the others on your team.
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Joe Price, CAMEx, CCAM CACM Board Chair Powerstone Property Management, ACMC