Managing Expec
As community managers, how do we deal with boards that are unreasonable and expect an immediate response to any communication, demand or question they may have?
Managing our time and delivering quality service to our boards is all part of the package we provide. However, as we all know, the boards’ expectations might not be totally reasonable – or more importantly, even covered in their contract. Walking the fine line between providing great service and being expected to perform miracles at no extra charge is difficult. As a group of professional community managers, we all need to work together to properly manage our boards’ expectations so that we all are treated with respect and adequately compensated for the work we perform. Take the example of a board member’s recent email to me. Board Member: Please call me at 222-333-3333 when you have a moment (after 11 a.m.). Will only be available till 1 p.m. Discussion topics: 1. Your email 2. Budget 3. Budget Letter 4. Newsletter components 5. Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner’s issue 6. Ms. Homeowner’s email re #5 7. Our Bank Loan 8. Legal/Adjustors, etc. 9. Insurance
Receiving a request like this can put a real crimp in your day! I will be honest and say it didn’t bode well with me. Things escalated from there as you can see from the exchange of emails below. This shows how board expectations and our responses to the same can get a little out of control. Board Member: I would like to have copies of all the invoices received from blank that were charged against blank. Can I obtain the PDFs from your website? If so … direct me. If not I especially want to see the invoices submitted when the attorney was commissioned to start the lawsuit (see my attachment … the yellow shaded period). Thanks.
Vision Summer 2015 |