California Thoroughbred 2017 Stallion Directory

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O f f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f t h e Caa l i f o rn i a T h o r o u g h b re d B re e d e r s A s s o c i a t i o n


California thoroughbred breeders assoCiation

626.445.7800 or 1.800.573.CTBA (California residents only) The offcial magazine of California Thoroughbred Breeders Association, a non-proft corporation dedicated to the production of better Thoroughbred horses for better Thoroughbred racing, published by Blood-Horse, LLC. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily refect policies of the CTBA or this magazine. Publication of any material originating herein is expressly forbidden without frst obtaining written permission from California Thoroughbred. All advertising copy is submitted subject to approval. We reserve the right to reject any copy that is misleading or that does not meet with the standards set by the publication. Acknowledgment: Statistics in this publicaton relating to results of races in North America are compiled by the Daily Racing Form. Charts by special arrangement with Daily Racing Form Inc., the copyright owners of said charts. Reproduction forbidden. OFFICERS CHAIRPERSON DONALD J. VALPREDO




SECRETARY PEtE PARRELLA DIRECTORS John C. Harris, Leigh Ann Howard, John H. Barr, Kate Barton, Daniel Q. Schiffer, Gloria Haley, William H. de Burgh, Pete Parrella, Sue Greene, Donald J. Valpredo, terry C. Lovingier, Harris David Auerbach, tim Cohen, George F. Schmitt, Edward Freeman








California Thoroughbred (ISSN 1092-7328) is published monthly in Lexington, kY by Blood-Horse LLC, 3101 Beaumont Centre Circle, Lexington, kY 40513. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, kY and at additional mailing offces.


POSTMASTER: Send address change to the California Thoroughbred, P.O. Box 60018, Arcadia, CA 91066-6018 Subscriptions - $55.00 per year USA $85.00 per year Canada & Mexico







Donald J. Valpredo, Chairperson Doug Burge, President 201 Colorado Place ■ Box 60018 ■ Arcadia, CA 91066-6018 626.445.7800 ■ Fax: 626.574.0852

Copyright © 2016 by Blood-Horse LLC




DIRECTORY NOTES The statistical summary portion of each

5 Index to Directory Stallions (Alphabetical)

stallion page includes statistics from North America (U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico), Argentina, Australia, England, France,

6 Pedigree and Conformation pages of Directory Stallions

Germany, Ireland, Italy and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) only. All Statistical information on each Stallion

226 2016 California Stallion Roster

Directory page is complete for racing

229 Index to Directory Stallions by Sire

through November 6, 2016. Compiled by BloodHorse using information provided by The Jockey Club

230 Index to Directory Stallions by Stud Fee

Information Systems.

231 Farm Locations/Map – Northern California

Association (CTBA) and The Jockey Club

The California Thoroughbred Breeders Information Systems Inc. have provided information on the racing, pedigree and

232 Farm Locations/Map – North Central California

produce records of horses in the Stallion Directory. These records are subject to

233 Farm Locations/Map – South Central California 234 Farm Locations/Map – Southern California

constant change and revision, and as a result, the TJCIS cannot guarantee their complete and total accuracy. The pages have been produced using Black Type Rules.

235 Index to Directory Stallions by Location BREEDERS’ CUP ELIGIBILITY

236 Index to Directory Stallions by Region

Information as to a stallion’s Breeders’Cup eligibility for 2017 is provided on each Stallion Directory page. That

237 Pedigree Cross–Index

information is provided by the stallion owner, not Breeders’ Cup LTD.

242 Changes to the 2016 California Stallion Roster REGISTERED CALIFORNIA STALLIONS The Racing Law of California now requires stallion owners to annually register stallions standing in the state with the CTBA


to qualify them and their offspring in that breeding season for certain benefts of the

Leading Sire Lucky Pulpit PHOTO BY RON MESAROS

state’s breeding incentive program. Listing of the stallion in this Stallion Directory as being a registered California stallion is done under the assumption the stallion will be registered by the deadline of February 15, 2016. Annual stallion registration is the responsibility of the stallion owner. The CTBA assumes no liability if the stallion owner neglects to make the registration payment in timely fashion.




STALLIONS ARE WAITING FORÂ YOUR MARE! It's As Easy As 1, 2, Free... Visit Establish Your Budget, Location Preferences & General Stallion Criteria Submit Your Mare to 150+ Stallions and Multiple Farms Communicate with Seasons Managers & Receive Multiple Breeding Offers Source the Best Stallion, at The Best Terms, for Your Mare's Upcoming Season Utilize for Free


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Index to Directory Stallions






AcclAmAtion .........................................6 ........................7 AffirmAtive .............................................8 ........................9 AllAboutdreAms ...............................10 ......................11 Atticus ...................................................12 ......................13 Awesome GAmbler ............................14 ......................15 bAlAnce tHe booKs ..........................16 ......................17 biG surf ..................................................18 ......................19 blueGrAss cAt .....................................20 ......................21 bob blAcK JAcK ...................................22 ......................23 boisterous ...........................................24 ......................25 bold cHieftAin ....................................26 ......................27 brAve cAt...............................................28 ......................29 cAlimonco ...........................................30 ......................31 cApitAl Account ...............................32 ......................33 cHAmp peGAsus ...................................34 ......................35 circumference (ire) ..........................36 ......................37 clubHouse ride ..................................38 ......................39 coGito ...................................................40 ......................41 coil ..........................................................42 ......................43 comic strip ...........................................45 curlin to miscHief ............................46 ......................47 cyclotron ...........................................49 dAddy nose best ...............................50 ......................51 decArcHy ..............................................52 ......................53 desert code ........................................54 ......................55 dixie cHAtter .......................................56 ......................57 don’tsellmesHort ............................58 ......................59 eddinGton ...........................................60 ......................61 einstein (brz) ........................................62 ......................63 elusive wArninG.................................64 ......................65 empire wAy ............................................66 ......................67 fiGHtinG HussAr .................................68 ......................69 forest commAnd ..............................70 ......................71 fullbridled ..........................................72 ......................73 GAbriel cHArles .................................74 ......................75 GAllAnt son ........................................76 ......................77 GervinHo ...............................................78 ......................79 GiG HArbor ...........................................81 Golden bAlls (ire) ..............................82 ......................83 Govenor cHArlie ...............................84 ......................85 GrAce upon GrAce ............................86 ......................87 GrAzen ...................................................88 ......................89 HAimisH Hy .............................................90 HAynesfield..........................................92 ......................93 HeAtseeKer (ire) ...................................94 ......................95 He be fire n ice ....................................96 ......................97 Hidden blessinG .................................98 ......................99 HoorAyforHollywood ................100 ....................101 idiot proof ........................................102 ....................103 indiAn Gods .......................................107 informed ............................................108 ....................109 JAmes street ......................................110 ....................111 JerAnimo .............................................112 ....................113 KAfwAin ...............................................114 ....................115 KinG of JAzz (ArG) ............................116 ....................117 lAKerville............................................118 ....................119

lucKy pulpit........................................120 ....................121 mAKe music for me..........................123 mAny rivers ........................................124 ....................125 mArino mArini ...................................127 mAst trAcK .........................................128 ....................129 merit mAn ...........................................130 ....................131 mesA tHunder ...................................132 ....................133 ministers wild cAt ..........................134 ....................135 misremembered ................................136 ....................137 mr. biG ..................................................138 ....................139 mr. broAd blAde ..............................140 ....................141 niAGArA fAlls ....................................142 ....................143 nortHern cAusewAy ......................144 ....................145 nortHern indy .................................146 ....................147 old topper .........................................149 pApA clem ............................................150 ....................151 peppered cAt......................................152 ....................153 pHAntom wildcAt ...........................154 ....................155 ricHArd’s Kid ......................................156 ....................157 roi cHArmAnt ...................................158 ....................159 rousinG sermon ..............................160 ....................161 run brotHer ron .............................162 ....................163 run it ....................................................164 ....................165 sierrA sunset.....................................166 ....................167 slew’s tiznow ...................................168 ....................169 smArt bid.............................................170 ....................171 smilinG tiGer .....................................172 ....................173 soutHern imAGe ...............................175 squAre eddie .....................................176 ....................177 stimulus plAn ....................................178 ....................179 stormberG .........................................180 ....................181 stormy JAcK.......................................183 street life ...........................................184 ....................185 suAnces (Gb).......................................186 ....................187 sundArbAn .........................................188 ....................189 surf cAt ...............................................191 tAnnersmymAn.................................192 ....................193 tenGA cAt ...........................................194 ....................195 tHe pAmplemousse ..........................196 ....................197 tiGAH (Gb).............................................198 ....................199 time to Get even ..............................200 ....................201 tiz A minister .....................................202 ....................203 tizbud ...................................................204 ....................205 tom's tribute.....................................206 ....................207 truest leGend ..................................208 ....................209 twice tHe AppeAl..............................210 ....................211 typHoon slew ...................................213 ultimAte eAGle ..................................214 ....................215 unusuAl HeAtwAve ..........................216 ....................217 u s rAnGer ..........................................218 ....................219 vronsKy ...............................................220 ....................221 winninG cAuse..................................222 ....................223 world renowned ...........................225




Dosage (2-0-12-0-0); DI: 1.33; CD: 0.29 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2006


2 3 4 5 6 Totals






3 9 9 7 2 30

1 1 2(2) 5(5) 2(2) 11(9)

0 2(1) 0 0 0 2(1)

0 $30,000 4(3) $169,560 2(1) $302,488 0 $1,126,000 0 $330,000 6(4) $1,958,048

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($49,700, 8.5f, turf in 1:43.25, dftg. Hog’s Hollow, Dynamic Host, Meteore, Joking Sam, Hold Fast, Indian Love, etc.). Won At 3 A race at Dmr ($61,200, 8f, turf in 1:34.05, by 23, dftg. Adam Suances, Suit Yourself, Warren’s Tony R., Blackbriar, One Chin Again, Clarence Peak, One Vote). 2nd Ralph M. Hinds Invitational H (abt 9f, to Z Humor, dftg. Racketeer, Trevor’s Clever, Quarter Moon, Overbid, No Dream, Cigar Man). 3rd Hollywood Derby (G1T, 10f, to The Usual Q. T., Battle of Hastings, dftg. Al Khali, Rescue Squad, Meteore, Take the Points, Black Bear Island, Straight Story, Sal the Barber, Sir Al, Blazing Spirit). Del Mar Derby (G2T, 9f, to Rendezvous, Battle of Hastings, dftg. Meteore, Oil Man, Gretsky, Papa Clem, Midnight Mischief, Afleet Eagle). San Gabriel H (G2T, 9f, to Proudinsky, Loup Breton, dftg. Great Siege, Cherokee Artist, Sir Dave, Lava Man). Won At 4 Charles Whittingham Memorial H (G1T, $250,000, 10f in 1:59.45, dftg. Hyades, Brushburn, Loup Breton, Battle of Hastings, Unusual Suspect, Rendezvous, Scintillo, Porfido, Carry Gulch). Jim Murray H (G2T, $150,000, 12f in 2:26.59, by 71, dftg. Falcon Rock, Rendezvous, Scintillo, Unusual Suspect, Romp, Stalingrad, Histor y Boy, Skellytown, Alphie’s Bet). 3rd Strub S (G2A, 9f, to Jeranimo, Misremembered, dftg. Massone, Eagle Poise, Viscount, Rendezvous, Gallant Son, Heavenly Wind). At 5 Champion older male Won TVG Pacific Classic S (G1A, $1,000,000, 10f in 2:00.61, NTR, dftg. Twirling Candy, Stately Victor, Game On Dude, Quindici Man, Tres Borrachos, Don Cavallo, Jeranimo, Setsuko). Eddie Read S (G1T, $300,000, 9f in 1:46.99, by 31, dftg. Jeranimo, Caracortado, Smart Bid, Leroy’s Dynameaux, Goldwaki). Charles Whittingham Memorial H (G1T, $250,000, 10f in 2:00.18, by 31, dftg. Celtic New Year, Bourbon Bay, Red Alert Day, Haimish Hy, Falcon Rock). Jim Murray H (G2T, $150,000, 12f in 2:25.63, by 7, dftg. Falcon Rock, Haimish Hy, Buenos Dias, All Saint). Clement L. Hirsch Turf Championship S (G2T, $150,000, 10f in 1:59.45, dftg. Champ Pegasus, Imponente Purse, Ashtar, Dynamic Host, Make Music for Me, Buenos Dias). Won At 6 Eddie Read S (G1T, $300,000, 9f in 1:46.86, by 23, dftg. Interaction, Casino Host, Hog’s Hollow, Slim Shadey). Charles Whittingham Memorial H (G1T, $250,000, 10f in 2:01.50, dftg. Slim Shadey, Utopian, Juniper Pass, Barney Rebel).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere First Crop Year *2014

Named Foals 27

Runners 8 (30%)

Winners 2 (7%)

2yo Wnrs 2

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins *2016 2 0 0.65 AEI; 1.37 CI; 6.00 AWD In 2016: 8 rnrs, 2 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 1 win, $46,785 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $12,673 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $101,385

Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI Unusual Heat, dkb/br, 1990 16s, BTW, $142,605 752 f, 42 BTW, 1.98 AEI 7.22 AWD Rossard, 1980 24s, BTW, $202,858 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Silveyville, 1978 56s, BTW, $1,282,880 260 f, 4 BTW, 0.79 AEI Winning in Style, b, 1988 Unraced 11 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 8.47 AWD Lady With Style, 1974 Unraced 9 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

SIRE LINE ACCLAMATION is by UNUSUAL HEAT, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $142,605, Amethyst S, Platinum S, Glencairn S, 2nd Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Ragusa Stud Minstrel S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 16 crops, 752 foals, 558 rnrs (74%), 400 wnrs (53%), 54 2yo wnrs (7%), 42 BTW (6%), 1.98 AEI, 1.24 CI, 110 sale yrlgs, avg $38,449, 0.86 TNA. In 2016: 37 2yos, 10 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 11 sale yrlgs, avg $36,455. UNUSUAL HEAT has sired THE USUAL Q. T. (Eddie Read S, G1T, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, Sir Beaufort S, G3T, John C. Mabee California Cup Mile H, 2nd Woodbine Mile S, G1T, etc.), UNUSUAL SUSPECT (Hollywood Turf Cup S, G1T, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Cougar II Handicap, Bay Meadows Derby, California Cup Mile H, TAB Werribee Cup, etc.), GOLDEN DOC A (Las Virgenes S, G1A, Anoakia S, Generous Portion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A, Stonerside Beaumont S, G2A, Santa Ynez S, G2A, etc.), LETHAL HEAT (Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Santa Paula S, G3A, Real Good Deal S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Lady’s Secret S, G1A, Palomar H, G2T, etc.), TUCKED AWAY (Clement L. Hirsch H, G2, Solana Beach H, Fleet Treat S, 2nd A Gleam Invitational H, G2, Desert Stormer H, G3, Valkyr S, etc.), GERVINHO (Sir Beaufort S, G2T, Zuma Beach S, Oceanside S, 2nd Del Mar Derby, G2T, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd Twilight Derby, G2T), PRETTY UNUSUAL (El Encino S, G2A, Melair S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf S), CHEEKABOO (Honeymoon S, G2T, Campanile S, 2nd Sandy Blue H, 3rd Melair S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), BURNS (La Jolla H, G2T, 2nd Oceanside S), LIGHTMYFIREBABY (Las Cienegas H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Valentine Dancer H, Solana Beach H, Work the Crowd S, etc.), BETTYS BAMBINO (Daytona S, G3T, Sensational Star S), UNUSUAL WAY (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filly Sprint Preview S, Wine Country Debutante S, Zia Park Oaks, Campanile S, 2nd San Clemente H, G2T, etc.), BOOZER (Bertrando S, California Flag H, Sensational Star S, 2nd Eddie D Stakes, G3T, California Cup Turf Classic S, etc., to 6, 2016), MENSA HEAT (On Trust H, Pirate’s Bounty S, 2nd Pirate’s Bounty S, 3rd Ancient Title S, G1, Palos Verdes S, G2, Eddie D Stakes, G3T, etc.), BEL AIR SIZZLE (Melair S, Valentine Dancer H, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Santa Ana H, G2T, etc.), etc. UNUSUAL HEAT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CHEEKABOO (G2T), CENTRAL HEAT, BOOZER, MAJESTIC HEAT, PACIFIC HEAT. ACCLAMATION Has Sired: From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Acclamation has sired the winners Accountability, Highly Acclaimed.



Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Forli, by Aristophanes

Glacial, 1966 3s, BTW 23 f, 2 BTW, 16.63 AEI

Pardal, by Pharis II

Peas-Blossom, 1968 10s, pl, $670 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Midsummer Night, by Djeddah

Petrone, 1964 25s, BTW, $375,467 459 f, 29 BTW, 1.49 AEI

Prince Taj, by Prince Bio

Zurina, 1970 9s, wnr, $5,395 14 f, 9 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Successor, by Bold Ruler

Fleet Discovery, 1963 6s, BTW, $30,025 83 f, 3 BTW, 1.12 AEI

Fleet Nasrullah, by Nasrullah

Solidity, 1957 17s, wnr, $2,935 9 f, 5 r, 4 w, 3 BTW

Solidarity, by Alibhai

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Thong, by Nantallah

Glacis, by Epigram

Fan Light, by Wilwyn

Wild Miss, by Wild Risk

Paladrina, by Orsini II

Grass Roots, by Discovery

Datura, by Eight Thirty

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 7—$15,871 11—$34,655 18—$27,350

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 5—$8,140 4—$2,750 10—$5,920

FAMILY 1st dam WINNING IN STYLE. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— ACCLAMATION (Subject stallion). Strut Your Stuff (by Bold Badgett). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $233,137, 3rd Cat’s Cradle H. Producer. Always in Style (Lucayan Prince). 2 wins, 3 to 5, $153,252, 2nd California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, Las Madrinas H. DO IT IN STYLE (Bertrando). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $89,385. Producer. FLYING IN STYLE (Flying Sensation). Winner at 4. Dam of FLYING FIRST CLASS ($111,096, Derby Trial S, sire). LIKE HER STYLE (Obraztsovy). Unraced. Producer. Dam of Girlsfest ($63,131, 2nd San Jacinto S). PANACHE (Ruhlmann). Producer. Dam of Perfect Mode ($109,060, 2nd Quicken Tree S). Granddam of POSHSKY ($422,751, Berkeley H, G3A, Crystal Water S, 3rd California Dreamin’ S, to 6, 2016). 2nd dam LADY WITH STYLE. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— STYLISH WINNER. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $791,725, San Vicente S (G3), On Trust H, Santa Catalina S, 2nd Californian S (G1), San Antonio H (G2), Phil D. Shepherd S twice, California Breeders’ Champion S, On Trust H, 3rd Santa Anita H (G1), etc. STYLISH STUD. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $274,396, Royal Owl H, 2nd Tsunami Slew S, C.B. Afflerbaugh S, 3rd San Pasqual H (G2), Wells Fargo Bank California Cup Classic H, Khaled H, C.B. Afflerbaugh S. 3rd dam SOLIDITY. Winner at 3. Dam of 9 foals, including— IMPRESSIVE STYLE. 19 wins, 2 to 6, $335,118, Autumn Days H (G3T), Del Mar Debutante S, Senorita S, Belmont H, Railbird S, Rancho Bernardo H, Goose Girl S, Carmel H, Hillsborough H, Las Madrinas S, Bangles and Beads S twice, 2nd Monrovia H (G3T), Baldwin S, California Oaks, Ormondale H, 3rd Santa Monica H (G2), etc. Dam of FAR EAST SUN ($31,213, Swashbuckler H, 2nd Southern Illinois H.B.P.A. Handicap, sire), Fluid Style ($22,860, 3rd Royal Heroine Invitational H). Granddam of ARTHURLOOKSGOOD ($196,695, Alberta Breeders’ H, Wheat City S, 2nd Alberta Breeders’ H twice, R.J. Speers S, Harry Jeffrey S), FLUID GOLD ($108,022, Colorado Derby, Premier S, 2nd Who Doctor Who S, 3rd Lawton S).

ACCLAMATION Unusual Heat – Winning in Style, by Silveyville

2011 ECLIPSE AWARD CHAMPION OLDER MALE TWICE CALIFORNIA HORSE OF THE YEAR California Champion Older Horse (twice) & Champion Grass Horse (twice) Millionaire & Multiple G1 SW, including the Pacific Classic Stakes, Charles Whittingham Memorial H. (3 times) and the Eddie Read Stakes (twice). G2 wins include the Jim Murray H. (twice) and Clement L. Hirsch Turf Championship. Son and leading money earner of SIX-time California Champion sire UNUSUAL HEAT, ACCLAMATION has lifetime earnings of $1,958,048. Currently Ranks Among the Top 20 California Leading Juvenile Sires by Earnings in 2016 with first-crop runners including Accountability ($51,360), etc. First-Crop Yearlings Sold for Over Twice His Fee! Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $15,000-LIVE FOAL Property of Elwood Johnston Trust Standing at


Inquiries to Jonny Hilvers, 461 N. Piedra Rd., Sanger, California 93657 (559) 787-3020/FAX (559) 787-3030. E-mail: Website:




ch, 1999


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 3 4


— — $2,880 $9,400 $12,280

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI Unbridled, b, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI 7.83 AWD


Affirmative is by UNBRIDLED, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $4,489,475, champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby (G1), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Florida Derby (G1), What a Pleasure S, Deputy Minister H, 2nd Preakness S (G1), Super Derby (G1), Secretariat S (G1T), Fayette H (G2), Canterbury Juvenile S, Florida Stallion/In Reality S, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Blue Grass S (G2), Fountain of Youth S (G2), Pacific Classic S, Waukegan Breeders’ Cup S, Arch Ward S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 566 foals, 419 rnrs (74%), 281 wnrs (50%), 48 2yo wnrs (8%), 48 BTW (8%), 2.65 AEI, 2.41 CI, 239 sale yrlgs, avg $293,854, 6.55 TNA. UNBRIDLED has sired BANSHEE BREEZE (champion 3yo filly, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Three Chimneys Spinster S, G1, etc.), HALFBRIDLED (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, etc.), ANEES (champion 2yo colt, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, 3rd San Felipe S, G2, etc.), SMUGGLER (champion 3yo filly, Mother Goose S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, etc.), EMPIRE MAKER (Belmont S, G1, Florida Derby, G1, Wood Memorial S, G1, etc.), GRINDSTONE (Kentucky Derby, G1, Louisiana Derby, G3, 2nd Arkansas Derby, G2), RED BULLET (Preakness S, G1, Gotham S, G3, Foggy Road S, etc.), UNSHADED (Travers S, gr. I, Coolmore Lexington S, G2, 2nd Peter Pan S, G2, etc.), UNBRIDLED’S SONG (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Florida Derby, G1, Wood Memorial S, G2, etc.), MANISTIQUE (Vanity H, G1, Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1, Santa Maria H, G1, etc.), EDDINGTON (Pimlico Special H, G1, Gulfstream Park H, G2, Calder Derby, G3T, etc.), EXOGENOUS (Beldame S, G1, Gazelle H, G1, 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, etc.), BROKEN VOW (Philip H. Iselin H, G2, Ben Ali S, G3, R.R.M. Carpenter Jr. Memorial S, Sir Barton S, Skip Away S, 2nd Meadowlands Cup H, gr. II, etc.), SANTA CATARINA (Hollywood Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2, 2nd Kentucky Oaks, G1, Frizette S, G1, etc.), SAARLAND (Remsen S, G2, 2nd Metropolitan H, G1, Gotham S, G3, etc.), SURYA (Dahlia H, G2T, Royal

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (7 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2006 5 4 (80%) 2007 14 8 (57%) 2008 3 1 (33%) 2009 12 8 (67%) 2010 36 23 (64%) 2011 19 16 (84%) 2012 0 0 (0%) 2013 0 0 (0%) 2014 6 1 (17%) *Totals 95 61 (64%)

Winners 2 (40%) 6 (43%) 1 (33%) 6 (50%) 16 (44%) 8 (42%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 39 (41%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (2%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2008 0 0 0 2009 2 0 0 2010 12 1 0 2011 6 0 0 2012 9 1 0 2013 23 1 0 2014 22 0 0 2015 24 3 2 2016 22 0 0 *Totals 120 6 2 1.14 AEI; 0.78 CI; 7.15 AWD In 2016: 24 rnrs, 12 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 24 wins, $1,084,856 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $61,309 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $3,788 $121,228 $298,472 $198,878 $278,351 $807,234 $712,047 $972,492 $345,511 $3,738,001

Dosage (16-16-12-0-8); DI: 2.71; CD: 0.62 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 17.0

Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Alleged, 1974 10s, BTW, $636,775 949 f, 94 BTW, 2.24 AEI Tom's a La Mode, b, 1993 3s, pl, $3,675 6 f, 5 r, 1 w 8.50 AWD Quilesse, 1988 16s, BTW, $72,296 8 f, 8 r, 3 w

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Killaloe, 1970 32s, wnr, $67,065 10 f, 9 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

Dr. Fager, by Rough'n Tumble

Le Fabuleux, 1961 11s, BTW, $294,013 446 f, 41 BTW, 2.14 AEI

Wild Risk, by Rialto

Charedi, 1976 14s, wnr, $35,080 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

In Reality, by Intentionally

Hoist the Flag, 1968 6s, BTW, $78,145 246 f, 51 BTW, 3.90 AEI

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Princess Pout, 1966 31s, BTW, $260,265 5 f, 4 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Fulmar, 1980 8s, wnr, $32,193 150 f, 2 BTW, 0.60 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Soigneuse, 1980 12s, wnr, $47,764 7 f, 6 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Heroine S, G3T, Ballston Spa Breeders’ Cup H, etc.), HARLINGTON (Gulfstream Park H, G2), NAVESINK RIVER (Pan American H, G2T, Gallant Fox H, etc.), BELTERRA (Golden Rod S, G2, 3rd Ashland S, G1, Bonnie Miss S, G2, etc.), MUSTANFAR (Sycamore Breeders’ Cup S, G3T, Lexington S, G3T, 2nd Washington Park H, G2A, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H, G2T, etc.), MALABAR GOLD (San Simeon H, G3T, 2nd Jaipur H, G3T, etc.), CONNECTIONS (Kennedy Road S, G3A, etc.), etc. UNBRIDLED’S other sons as stallions include UNBRIDLED’S SONG (1,644 foals, 113 BTW, 2.04 AEI), NIIGON (180 foals, 6 BTW, 1.82 AEI), EMPIRE MAKER (984 foals, 51 BTW, 1.72 AEI), HARLINGTON (110 foals, 5 BTW, 1.68 AEI), RED BULLET (188 foals, 11 BTW, 1.56 AEI), BROKEN VOW, etc. AFFIRMATIVE Has Sired: WARREN’S VENEDA, 10, f (A+, dam by Flying Continental, 2nd dam by Nain Bleu): $932,112, Santa Margarita S (G1), Santa Maria S (G2), Paseana S, Cat’s Cradle H, 2nd Bayakoa S (G2), Adoration S (G3), Beverly J. Lewis S, Osunitas S, 3rd Clement L. Hirsch S (G1), Vanity S (G1), etc. WARREN’S JITTERBUG, 07, f (A++, Peaks and Valleys, Charlie Barley): $355,994, Sandy Blue H, B. Thoughtful S, 2nd California Breeders’ Champion S, Solana Beach H, 3rd CTT/TOC California Cup Matron S, Cat’s Cradle H. Affirmative also has sired the winners Warren’s Jen Fizz ($158,266, to 5, 2016), Warren’s Joe T. ($154,641, to 6, 2016), Warren’s Nicholas ($142,125, to 7, 2016), Warrensmysterydice ($126,712, to 10, 2016), Warren’s Tyler S. ($111,808, to 6, 2016), Warren’s Flasher ($105,610), Warren’s Rosebud ($102,854), Warrens Lil Margie ($98,635, to 5, 2016), Warren’s Cracker ($96,381, to 6, 2016), Warrensdollarsigns ($94,020, to 5, 2016), Warren’s Big Cat ($91,735), Warren’s Cliff S. ($80,250, to 6, 2016), Warren’s Dixi Bell ($75,345, to 6, 2016), Warren’s Assassin ($72,610), Warren’s Swap Fox ($63,650), Warrenscrystalized ($59,690, to 5, 2016), Warren’s Purrfect ($58,130, to 5, 2016), Warren’s Mo Money ($47,895), Warren’s Sugarbuzz ($47,070), Warrens Goldnugget ($46,875, to 5, 2016), Warren’s Warehouse ($46,720), Warren’s T. Baze ($41,686, to 6, 2016), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam TOM’S A LA MODE. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 foals, including— DESEO (by Private Terms). 4 wins at 3, $38,855. AFFIRMATIVE (Subject stallion). 2nd dam QUILESSE. 2 wins at 3 in Fr, $72,296, Prix de Lieurey, 2nd Prix Coronation. Dam of 8 foals, including—



Gold Digger, by Nashua

Grand Splendor, by Correlation

Anguar, by Verso II

Magic, by Buckpasser

Wavy Navy, by War Admiral

Determined Lady, by Determine

Bernie Bird, by Bolero

Trim and Tidy, by Sea-Bird

Holy Conflict. 11 wins, 3 to 10, $337,366, 2nd Mister Gus S, Golden Pheasant S. 3rd dam Soigneuse. Winner at 2 in Fr, placed in Italy, $47,764, 2nd Prix du Calvados (G3 in Fr), Prix Vanteaux (G3 in Fr), 3rd Premio Bagutta (G3 in Italy). Dam of 7 foals, including— WILDWOOD ROBIN. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $95,249. 4th dam TRIM AND TIDY. Dam of 17 foals, including— TRIM COLONY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $247,510, Santa Ysabel S, 2nd Hollywood Starlet S (G1), Oak Leaf S (G1), 3rd Sporting Lass S. Producer. Dam of Trim Account ($132,678, 2nd Japan Racing Association/Chrysanthemum S, Creme Fraiche S), Trim Cut ($130,603, 3rd Bayou H). BOLD NAVY. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $85,070, Sussex H, 2nd Donald P. Ross H, 3rd Ventnor S. Sire. Tidy Colony. 4 wins at 5 and 6, $186,153, 2nd TriState Breeders’ Cup H. FLEET CHEROKEE. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $101,935. Producer. Granddam of CENTRAL CITY ($340,417, Jim McKay Turf Sprint S, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint, G2T, Woodford S, G3T, 3rd Churchill Downs Turf Sprint S, G3T). TIDY TUNE. Unraced. Dam of FINAL REFRAIN ($273,840, Ellis Park Turf S, 2nd Blushing K. D. Handicap, 3rd Indian Maid H, Old Red S, etc.), Tigron ($579,614, 2nd Prix Jacques Laffitte, 3rd Grand Prix de la Riviera Cote d’Azur, etc., in Fr), Miesque’s Encore ($117,788, 2nd Remington Futurity, 3rd Prevue S), Fully Attuned ($50,859, 3rd Ambler S), Fejo ($27,642, 2nd Marquis Graduate H, 3rd Graduation S). Granddam of IRISH COLONY ($422,728, Charles H. Hadry S, Maryland Million Starter H, 2nd Jennings H, 3rd Jim McKay Breeders’ Cup H, Maryland Million Classic S, etc.), SKEET ($371,953, Hot Springs S, King Cotton S, Taylor’s Special S, 2nd Victoria S, etc., sire), DANCING RHYTHM ($103,189, Senorita S, G3T). WICKED SEA. Dam of TEMPERATE SEA ($78,372, Minneapolis H, 3rd La Primavera H). 5th dam WAVY NAVY. 2 wins at 3. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— HOIST THE FLAG. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $78,145, champion 2yo colt, Cowdin S, Bay Shore S. Sire, 3.90 AEI. DECK HAND. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $217,225, San Marcos H, Discovery H, Pomona H, 2nd Dixie H, etc. Sire. Navy Blue. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $22,902, 3rd Aqueduct Spring Steeplechase H, Hitchcock Steeplechase H, etc. OFF BOUNDS. Winner at 2. Producer. Granddam of BIRTHDAY SONG ($189,286, Phoenix Gold Cup, G3, Arizona Downs Sprint Championship H, 2nd F.F.A. Handicap, 3rd Hannibal H, sire), HAREM QUEEN ($32,890, Perfidia S).

AFFIRMATIVE Unbridled – Tom’s a La Mode, by Alleged

Top 20 Leading Sire in California by Median Earnings/Runner in 2016 24 Runners / 19 Races Won / $316,319 in Earnings

One Of Only Three Active California Sires With a North American Grade 1 SW In 2015 Sire of Stakes Horses including WARREN’S VENEDA ($931,862), in 2015 won 3 Stakes in a row:

Santa Margarita S. Grade 1, Santa Maria S. Grade 2, and Paseana S. Lifetime run 1-2-3 in 16 Stakes, 7 Graded, 3 Grade 1’s. Other leading money-earners include: WARREN’S JITTERBUG ($355,994), MSW won or placed in six stakes, on-the-board in the Grade 1 $250,000 Santa Anita Oaks; Warrensdollarsigns ($94,020), in 2016 had 5 starts, 2 wins including a 6 1/4-length victory at Santa Anita, once 2nd, once 3rd; Warrensmysterydice ($126,712, 3rd Sun City H.), Santa Anita allowance winner WARREN’S JEN FIZZ ($158,266), and WARREN’S JOE T. ($154,416) on-the-board in 9 of 12 starts to date in 2016 and 11 of 12 starts in 2015.

By Leading Sire & Sire of Sires UNBRIDLED • O/o a daughter of Leading Sire ALLEGED From the family of Champion & Leading Sire HOIST THE FLAG

2017 FEE: $1,000 STANDS AND NURSES, LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE (Special consideration for proven mares, multiple mare discount) MEMBER

BG THOROUGHBRED FARM Hemet, California Inquiries to Hector Palma, consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Avenue, Hemet, CA 92545 Phone (951) 654-9100 Fax (951) 654-9119 E-mail: Web Site:




Entered Stud in 2012

gr/ro, 2009













Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at GG ($36,920, 6f, AW in 1:11.26, dftg. Lucky Culprit, Blue Line Cat, Emerald Knight, Human Eraser, Classic Crusader, King Bill).

Unbridled's Song, 1993 12s, BTW, $1,311,800 1,642 f, 114 BTW, 2.05 AEI Rockport Harbor, gr/ro, 2002 8s, BTW, $324,800 470 f, 24 BTW, 1.33 AEI 6.79 AWD


Allaboutdreams is by ROCKPORT HARBOR, blacktype stakes winner of 5 races, $324,800, Remsen S (G2), Nashua S (G3), Essex H (G3), 2nd Rebel S (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 7 crops, 470 foals, 391 rnrs (83%), 305 wnrs (65%), 88 2yo wnrs (19%), 24 BTW (5%), 1.33 AEI, 1.42 CI, 267 sale yrlgs, avg $36,319, 0.81 TNA. In 2016: 27 2yos, 8 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr, 3 BTW. ROCKPORT HARBOR has sired RIA ANTONIA (champion 2yo filly in Can, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, 2nd Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Iowa Oaks, G3), MAJESTIC HARBOR (Gold Cup at Santa Anita S, G1, Alysheba S, G2, Mineshaft H, G3, Tokyo City Cup S, G3, 2nd Marathon S, G2, San Pasqual S, G2, etc., to 8, 2016), R FREE ROLL (Honorable Miss H, G2, Hollywood Beach S, Unbridled S, U Can Do It H, Bold World H, 2nd Sugar Swirl S, G3, etc.), RISE UP (Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, Jean Lafitte S, Wild and Wonderful S, Mountaineer Juvenile S, Robert Hilton Memorial S presented by Budweiser S, Woodchopper S, etc., to 5, 2016), BRYAN’S JEWEL (Obeah S, G3, John W. Rooney Memorial S, 2nd Lady Canterbury S twice, Forever Together S, Winter Melody S, etc.), MAY DAY ROSE (Railbird S, G3A, Santa Ysabel S, G3, Instant Racing S, Sharp Cat S, 2nd Chilukki S, G2, 3rd Remington Park Oaks, etc.), PATAKY KID (Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, Coach Jimi Lee S, 3rd Forego S), Z ROCKSTAR (TRAO Classic Sprint S twice, Cherokee Nation Classic Cup S, Jim Thorpe S, Silver Goblin S, 2nd Oklahoma Classics Cup S three times, etc., to 7, 2016), BANNER BILL (Colin S, Victoria S, to 7, 2016), WEAST HILL (Arkansas Breeders’ S, Nodouble Breeders’ S, to 4, 2016), BEAR’S FUTURE (Swynford S), HARBOR MIST (Anne M. Clare S, 3rd Bouwerie S, Summer Guest S, Touch of Love S, Shot Berry S, Sonia’s Scamp S), OVER THE OCEAN (Lanwades Stud Jagersro Sprint twice, 2nd Zawawi Cup, G3 in Swe, Lanwades Stud Jagersro Sprint, 3rd Zawawi Cup, G3 in Swe, etc., to 6, 2016), CAPELLA DANCER (Arctic Queen S, Susan B. Anthony H, 2nd Arctic Queen H, Jack Betta Be Rite S, Niagara S), HEIDI MARIA (City of Edmonton Distaff H, Madamoiselle H, 2nd Delta Colleen H), UNFETTERED (Bill Thomas Memorial S, 2nd Lea County Sprint S, 3rd KLAQ Handicap, to 6, 2016), ROCKIN THE BLEU’S (Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S, etc., to 5, 2016), HARBINGEROFTHINGS (Jamestown S), SUVA HARBOR (Island Fashion S, 2nd Washington Oaks, 3rd Irish Day H, Kent H, Seattle H, to 4, 2016), MEMPHISINMAY (Governor’s S, 2nd Snack S, to 4, 2016), GRIFF (City of Laurel S, to 5, 2016), HARBOR CAT (Ellen’s Lucky Star S, etc.), CLOUD HARBOR (Gold Rush Futurity, etc., to 5, 2016), My Great Fantasy (champion 2yo filly in Mex, to 4, 2016), etc. ROCKPORT HARBOR’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are MAJESTIC HARBOR (G2), RISE UP, WEAST HILL.

FAMILY 1st dam CASSIDY. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $440,774, Azalea Breeders’ Cup S (G3), Victoria Lass H, Barbs Dancer S, Voo Doo Dance H, Jasmine S, 2nd Honorable Miss H (G3), Shirley Jones H (G3), Copano H, 3rd Humana Distaff H (G2), Princess Rooney H (G3), First Lady H (G3), Endine S. Dam of 10 foals, including— CASSIDYS PRIDE (by Medaglia d’Oro). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $140,716, Harmony Lodge H, 3rd Snurb S. Producer. MORE APPLAUSE (More Than Ready). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2016, $105,122.

STUD ANALYSIS Allaboutdreams entered stud in 2012. His first foals are 4-year-olds of 2017. He is represented by two named foals.


Regal Miss Copelan, 1995 11s, BTW, $56,225 13 f, 12 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Jolie's Halo, 1987 20s, BTW, $1,218,120 698 f, 21 BTW, 1.05 AEI Cassidy, dkb/br, 1995 25s, BTW, $440,774 10 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 6.36 AWD Hop a Jet, 1980 2s, wnr, $7,950 7 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

SILVER SPELL (Silver Train). 3 wins at 4, $26,510. ALLABOUTDREAMS (Subject stallion). MY D’ORO (Medaglia d’Oro). Winner at 3. CASSIDYS JET (Proud Citizen). Winner at 3. 2nd dam HOP A JET. Winner at 3. Dam of 7 foals, including— Jetting Along. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $114,385, 3rd Preview S. Sire. LUCKY’N LOVED. Unraced. Dam of JUMP ON IN ($176,800, Santa Ynez S, G2, 2nd Moccasin S). 3rd dam PLEASANT FLIGHT. Winner at 2. Dam of 13 foals, including— FLITALONG. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $209,980, Pan American H (G2T), Long Island H (G3T), 3rd Queen Charlotte H. Dam of SOAR TO THE STARS ($199,598, Gallant Fox H, G2, 3rd Display H, G3), Jetskier ($136,395, 2nd Baron O’Dublin H, Ifrad H). ON A CLOUD. 4 wins, 3 to 5, in Italy and Eng, $33,382, Gran Premio Citta di Varese. RESERVATION AGENT. Winner at 3 and 4, $45,760. Sire. ILLUMINATING. Unraced. Dam of PRIVATE LIGHT ($133,168, Comely S, G2, 2nd Sensational S, 3rd Woodhaven H), LIGHT OF MINE ($100,316, Victoria Day S, Sun H, 3rd Hastings S, sire), Brighter Course ($132,472, 2nd Astarita S, G2). Granddam of CIELO GOLD ($480,001, Indiana Derby, G2, 2nd West Virginia Derby, G3, sire). DAWN’S METEOR. Unraced. Dam of COLCONDA ($63,429, Premio Novella, in Italy). SPRING IS SPRUNG. Producer. Dam of Primevere (3rd Prix Finlande, in Fr). Granddam of PRIOLO ($805,847, champion older male in Eur, champion 3yo colt and older male in Fr, Prix Jacques Le Marois, G1 in Fr, Emirates Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, Prix Matchem, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris Louis Vuitton, G1 in Fr, Prix d’Ispahan, G1 in Fr, Prix Lovelace, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, etc., sire). C E L E S T IAL GODDESS. Producer. Dam of Baroncourt ($108,006, 2nd Singapore Derby, 3rd Perak Derby, in Mal and Sin). 4th dam GREY FLIGHT. 12 wins at 2 and 3, $68,990, Autumn Day S, 2nd Astarita S, Frizette S, 3rd Astoria S, Fashion S, Rosedale S, Spinaway S. Dam of 15 foals, including— MISTY MORN. 11 wins at 2 and 3, $212,575, champion 3yo filly and older female, Diana H, Gallant Fox H, Molly Pitcher H, Monmouth Oaks, Providence S, 2nd Ladies H, Saranac H, 3rd Alabama S. Broodmare of the Year, 1963. Dam of SUCCESSOR ($532,254, champion 2yo colt, Garden State S, Champagne S, Lawrence



Dosage (5-6-7-0-0); DI: 4.14; CD: 0.89 See gray pages—Polynesian Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Trolley Song, 1983 7s, wnr, $25,914 12 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Caro, by Fortino II

Copelan, 1980 17s, BTW, $594,278 373 f, 35 BTW, 1.84 AEI

Tri Jet, by Jester

Regal Pennant, 1988 35s, BTW, $162,412 12 f, 11 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Banner Bob, by Herculean

Halo, 1969 31s, BTW, $259,553 724 f, 62 BTW, 2.91 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Jolie Jolie, 1980 Unraced 12 f, 10 r, 8 w, 4 BTW

Sir Ivor, by Sir Gaylord

Riva Ridge, 1969 30s, BTW, $1,111,497 359 f, 29 BTW, 1.88 AEI

First Landing, by Turn-to

Pleasant Flight, 1969 15s, wnr, $15,010 13 f, 8 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Gana Facil, by Le Fabuleux

Lucky Spell, by Lucky Mel

Susan's Girl, by Quadrangle

Regal Relation, by Kamaraan II

Cosmah, by Cosmic Bomb

Who's to Know, by Fleet Nasrullah

Iberia, by Heliopolis

Grey Flight, by Mahmoud

Realization S, Tremont S, 2nd Futurity S, etc., sire), BOLD LAD ($516,465, champion 2yo colt, Metropolitan H, Roseben H, Derby Trial, Champagne S, Futurity S, Hopeful S, etc., sire), SUNRISE FLIGHT ($380,995, Gallant Fox H, Orange Bowl H, Tropical Park H twice, 2nd Appleton H, Bougainvillea H, Dade Metropolitan H, Gallant Fox H twice, Manhattan H, Royal Palm H, Stuyvesant H, Stymie H, Widener H, 3rd Brooklyn H, Roamer H, Seminole H, Trenton H, sire), BEAUTIFUL DAY ($160,007, New Castle S, National Stallion Fillies S, Rosenna S, 2nd Molly Pitcher H, Astarita S, Alabama S, etc.), BOLD CONSORT ($38,147, Test S), The Heir (3rd Breeders’ Futurity S). Granddam of RESOLVER ($116,957, Paris Pike S, 2nd Open Fire S, G3T, 3rd Matron S, G1, Alcibiades S, G2), QUICK TURNOVER ($113,063, Cabrillo H, 2nd Del Mar Invitational H, G2, etc., sire), RODWELL ($77,318, Prix de Pontarme, 2nd Ascot H, in NA, and Fr, sire), BRIGHT SUN ($41,826, Schuylerville S, 3rd Spinaway S). FULL FLIGHT. 15 wins, 2 to 10, $182,732, Saranac H, A.B. Letellier Memorial H, Leonard Richards S, Ponce de Leon H, 2nd New Orleans H, Bahamas H, Kent S, Lawrence Realization, William Penn S, 3rd Ardsley S, Camden H, Christmas H, etc. WHAT A PLEASURE. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $164,935, Hopeful S, National Stallion S, 2nd Sapling S, 3rd Gotham S. Sire, 2.39 AEI. MISTY FLIGHT. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $133,508, Remsen S, 2nd Champagne S, Futurity S, etc. Sire, 1.90 AEI. GRAY PHANTOM. 16 wins, 2 to 7, $130,830, Christmas H, Coral Gables H, Ponce de Leon H, Robert E. Lee H, 2nd Tropical H, etc. Sire, 1.30 AEI. MISTY DAY. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $88,801, Sport Page H, 2nd Excelsior H, Vosburgh H, etc. Sire. BOLD QUEEN. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $55,739, Black-Eyed Susan S. Producer. BOLD PRINCESS. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $37,157, Schuylerville S, 2nd Polly Drummond S. Dam of INTREPID HERO ($405,305, Hollywood Derby, G1T, United Nations H, G1T, Secretariat S, G2T, Bernard Baruch H, G3T, Boardwalk S, G3T, 2nd Amory L. Haskell H, G1, etc., sire), PREDICTABLE ($191,937, Selima S, Jersey Belle H, Comely S, 2nd Gazelle H, 3rd Pucker Up H), PRIMED (Larkspur S, Probationers S, 2nd Railway S, G3 in Ire, sire), Sovereign Dancer ($50,487, 2nd Grand Prix de Vichy, G3 in Fr, sire), Brave Lady ($23,045, 2nd Jasmine S, Polly Drummond S). Granddam of WAITLIST ($549,355, Creme de la Fete Claiming S, Colonel Power S etc., sire), FORMAL DINNER ($454,125, Sanford S, G3, etc., sire), POPULAR HERO ($99,330, International Gold Cup Stp. etc.), DOUBLY ROYALE ($45,397). SIGNORE. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $20,635, Saratoga National Hurdle S.

ALLABOUTDREAMS Rockport Harbor – Cassidy, by Jolie’s Halo

BY MULTIPLE GRADED STAKES WINNER ROCKPORT HARBOR, SIRE OF BREEDERS’ CUP JUVENILE-G1 WINNER RIA ANTONIA ROCKPORT HARBOR is the sire of 26 Stakes Winners, including Champion 2YO and Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies SW RIA ANTONIA ($1,525,496), 2014 Grade 1 Gold Cup at Santa Anita SW MAJESTIC HARBOR ($799,754), Grade 1 NLCB Champagne SW ROCK MOVIESTAR, and Graded SWs R FREE ROLL (G2), MAR DE MARES (G2), MY GREAT FANTASY (G2), RISE UP (G3), BRYAN’S JEWEL (G3), MAY DAY ROSE (G3), PATAKY KID (G3), etc. Out of CASSIDY ($440,774, 103 Beyer), a Grade 3-winning daughter of JOLIE’S HALO from the family of twice leading sire WHAT A PLEASURE, multiple champion MISTY MORN, multiple Group 1 Champion PRIOLO & Grade 2 winners JUMP ON IN, FLITALONG, SOAR TO THE STARS, etc. ALLABOUTDREAMS is a half-brother to Stakes Winner CASSIDYS PRIDE.

2017 FEE: $1,000-LIVE FOAL Paradise Road Ranch & Lawnman II Inc. Standing at


Inquiries to Doreen Spinney, 3637 Stewart Road, Lathrop, California 95330 (916) 803-5851. E-mail:




ch, 1992

height 16.0


2 in Fr 3 in Eng, Fr 4 5 Totals


2 5 9 2 18


1 1(1) 3(1) 2(2) 7(4)



1 1(1) 1 0 3(1)


0 $22,639 0 $153,044 1(1) $482,850 0 $547,400 1(1) $1,205,933

Won At 2 in France An allowance race at Evr ($31,152, 6.5f in 1:29.80). Won At 3 in France Prix de Fontainebleau (G3 in Fr, $74,722, 8f in 1:43.10, dftg. Petit Poucet, Kirdoun, Pinfloron, Shockadelica). 2nd Dubai Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Fr, 8f, to Vettori, dftg. Petit Poucet, Lyphard’s Honor, Bene Erit, etc.). Won At 4 in North America Kentucky Cup Classic H (G3, $500,000, 9f in 1:47.43, dftg. Judge T C, Isitingood, Pyramid Peak, Wekiva Springs, Coup D’ Argent, Petionville, Strawberry Wine, etc.). An allowance race at Hol ($54,000, 8f, turf in 1:33.99). An allowance race at SA ($50,000, 8.5f in 1:43.21). 3rd Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S (G2T, 8f, to Fastness, Romarin, dftg. Tychonic, Debutant Trick, Unusual Heat, Joker). Won At 5 in North America Oaklawn H (G1, $750,000, 9f in 1:48.22, by 3, dftg. Isitingood, Tejano Run, No Spend No Glow, Victory Speech, El Amante, Shakka Con, Editor’s Note). Arcadia H (G2T, $157,400, 8f in 1:31.89, NWR, by 23, dftg. Pinfloron, Rainbow Blues, Via Lombardia, Inner City, Unfinished Symph).

SIRE LINE ATTICUS is by NUREYEV, black-type stakes winner of 2 races, $42,522, champion miler in Fr, Prix Thomas Bryon (G3 in Fr), etc., and sire of 135 black-type stakes

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (16 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 1999 61 50 (82%) 32 (52%) 2000 36 29 (81%) 20 (56%) 2001 56 45 (80%) 23 (41%) 2002 30 24 (80%) 18 (60%) 2003 16 15 (94%) 11 (69%) 2004 23 19 (83%) 13 (57%) 2005 20 15 (75%) 10 (50%) 2006 75 57 (76%) 28 (37%) 2007 66 40 (61%) 26 (39%) 2008 19 13 (68%) 6 (32%) 2009 21 12 (57%) 8 (38%) 2010 20 12 (60%) 11 (55%) 2011 10 5 (50%) 2 (20%) 2012 9 7 (78%) 4 (44%) 2013 2 1 (50%) 1 (50%) 2014 19 3 (16%) 1 (5%) *Totals 483 347 (72%) 214 (44%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 8 0 3 (5%) 7 0 0 (0%) 1 0 1 (2%) 2 0 1 (3%) 2 0 2 (13%) 2 0 0 (0%) 3 0 0 (0%) 6 1 4 (5%) 5 0 0 (0%) 1 0 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 1 0 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 1 0 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 1 0 0 (0%) 40 1 11 (2%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2001 8 0 0 2002 42 2 0 2003 50 1 0 2004 66 1 0 2005 71 4 2 2006 63 7 3 2007 43 0 0 2008 39 1 0 2009 57 3 0 2010 55 2 0 2011 50 2 0 2012 34 1 0 2013 47 0 0 2014 23 0 0 2015 14 0 0 2016 14 0 0 *Totals 676 24 5 1.00 AEI; 1.40 CI; 7.30 AWD In 2016: 23 rnrs, 12 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 224 wins, $6,750,185 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $42,627 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $183,597 $1,000,084 $1,135,441 $1,285,446 $2,301,388 $1,585,842 $751,484 $1,006,319 $1,221,891 $1,105,288 $1,044,066 $689,291 $821,698 $362,609 $192,468 $165,729 $14,852,641

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI Nureyev, b, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI 8.28 AWD Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI Athyka, ch, 1985 16s, BTW, $323,718 15 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW 11.61 AWD Princesse Kathy, 1978 12s, wnr, $49,978 12 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Dosage (9-8-34-1-0); DI: 1.89; CD: 0.48 See gray pages—Nearctic Nearctic, 1954 47s, BTW, $152,384 335 f, 49 BTW, 2.55 AEI

Nearco, by Pharos

Natalma, 1957 7s, wnr, $16,015 14 f, 12 r, 10 w, 4 BTW

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Forli, 1963 10s, BTW, $156,648 682 f, 59 BTW, 2.01 AEI

Aristophanes, by Hyperion

Thong, 1964 22s, wnr, $50,036 13 f, 13 r, 10 w, 4 BTW

Nantallah, by Nasrullah

Bold Ruler, 1954 33s, BTW, $764,204 356 f, 82 BTW, 7.86 AEI

Nasrullah, by Nearco

Somethingroyal, 1952 1s, unpl 18 f, 15 r, 11 w, 4 BTW

Princequillo, by Prince Rose

Luthier, 1965 10s, BTW, $194,469 397 f, 61 BTW, 2.32 AEI

Klairon, by Clarion

Princesse Kali, 1969 5s, wnr, $8,030 10 f, 9 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Mourne, by Vieux Manoir

Lady Angela, by Hyperion

Almahmoud, by Mahmoud

Trevisa, by Advocate

Rough Shod II, by Gold Bridge

Miss Disco, by Discovery

Imperatrice, by Caruso

Flute Enchantee, by Cranach

Kalila, by Beau Prince II

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Nearco; 5SX4D Nasrullah.

winners, including champions PEINTRE CELEBRE (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Fr), ZILZAL (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur), THEATRICAL (champion turf male), MIESQUE (champion turf female twice in USA, champion 2yo filly, 3yo filly, miler twice, and older female in Fr, champion 3yo filly and miler in Eng, champion older female in Eur), SPINNING WORLD (champion 3yo colt in Ire, champion older male in Eur and Fr), SOVIET STAR (champion 3yo colt in Fr, champion older male in Fr and Eur twice), SONIC LADY (in Fr), REAMS OF VERSE (in Eng), MEHTHAAF (in Ire), WOLFHOUND (in Eur and Eng), FLAGBIRD (in Eur, Eng, Ire, and Italy), STATELY DON (in Ire), etc. NUREYEV’S other sons as stallions include CAESOUR, SOVIET STAR, STRAVINSKY, THEATRICAL, UNUSUAL HEAT, PEINTRE CELEBRE, etc. ATTICUS Has Sired: HIGH FLY, 02, c (A, dam by Slewpy, 2nd dam by Verbatim): $927,300, Florida Derby (G1), Fountain of Youth S (G2), Aventura S, etc., sire. ATTICUS KRISTY, 01, g (A++, Unbridled, Hold Your Peace): $840,898, Shakertown S (G3T), Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S, Cherokee Run H, etc. CAN’T BEAT IT, 03, g (A++, Unbridled, Shimatoree): $387,960, Calder Derby (G3T), Pete Axthelm S, Hallandale Beach S, etc. PETITE SPECIALE, 99, f (A++, Persian Bold, So Blessed, 4X4 Bold Ruler): $258,541, Prix de Barbeville-Beachcomber Hotels Royal Palm 5 Luxe (G3 in Fr), Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest, etc. LUCKY PRIMO, 06, g (A+, Personal Flag, Tejano): $494,400, Lava Man California Cup Classic S, California Cup Juvenile S, Golden State Cup S, etc. BRUCE’S DREAM, 06, g (A+, Smokester, Equalize, 3X4 Secretariat): $315,024, California Dreamin’ H, John C. Mabee California Cup Mile S, 3rd Del Mar Mile H (G2T), etc. ATTICUS JACK, 06, g (A, Avenue of Flags, In Excess): $272,150, Ralph M. Hinds H, 3rd California Breeders’ Champion S. STRAWBERRY TART, 06, f (A, Strawberry Road, Caro): $187,625, Flawlessly S, Manhattan Beach S, 2nd San Clemente H (G2T). FIERY DANCER, 03, f (A++, Unbridled, Hold Your Peace): $179,241, Pago Hop S, 2nd Edgewood S. ATTICO, 99, f (A++, Capote, Secretariat, 3X3 Secretariat, 4X4 Bold Ruler): $161,865, Hatoof S, Nicole S, 2nd Office Wife S. POLITIES, 99, c (A++, Spectacular Bid, Proud Clarion, 4X4 Bold Ruler): $111,588, Prix de Suresnes, 2nd Derby de l’Ouest, in Fr.

Atticus also has sired the winners Starticus ($241,792), Girl Bar ($211,898), Star Rocker



($183,878), No More Chads ($171,952), Full of Run ($157,158), Miss Atticus ($137,692), Touch of Mida ($134,281, in Italy), Palaestra ($127,965), Star of Atticus ($123,971), Trezene ($123,643, in Fr), Atta’ Boy Woody ($91,271, to 4, 2016), Eximius ($49,516, in Fr), Glory Bea Trix ($26,290), Atti Girl Fergie ($20,485), Element of Truth (in Eng), Proximos ($222,517), Born to Cus ($188,354), Grendel ($176,099), Attic ($166,217), There Goes Gee Gee ($159,382), Outer Bounds ($158,606), Margarite Gautier ($156,453 in Italy), U Turn Me Crazy ($141,925), Atta Girl Alma ($139,570), Pieria ($136,043), etc., and 2016 2-yearold winner Buy Me a Drink.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — 2—$1,500 2015 — 7—$8,071 Lifetime 24—$58,459 136—$32,471 *to November 6, 2016

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$2,200 51—$49,465

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE ATTICUS is the sire of 90 dams of 346 foals, 245 rnrs(71%), 159 wnrs(46%), 51 2yo wnrs(15%), 1.24 AEI, 1.37 CI; 11 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam ATHYKA. 7 wins, 2 to 4, in Fr, $323,718, CIGA Prix de l’Opera (G2 in Fr) twice, La Coupe (G3 in Fr), Prix Corrida (G3 in Fr), Prix Chloe (G3 in Fr), Prix des Tuileries, 3rd Prix Jean de Chaudenay (G2 in Fr), Prix du Prince d’Orange (G3 in Fr), Prix Vanteaux (G3 in Fr), etc. Dam of 15 foals, including— ATTICUS (Subject stallion). Miss Lago (by Encosta de Lago). Winner at 3 in Fr, $234,458, 2nd Prix Royal-Oak-French St. Leger (G1 in Fr), Qatar Prix Chaudenay (G2 in Fr), Prix de Lutece (G3 in Fr), Qatar Prix Gladiateur (G3 in Fr), Prix Michel Houyvet. KATYKA (Storm Cat). 16 wins, 4 to 9, in Fr, $90,896. SADLER’S SECRET (Sadler’s Wells). 5 wins, 3 to 9, in Eng, placed in Fr, $59,441. SECRET WELLS (Sadler’s Wells). Winner at 3 in Fr, $30,955. Producer. Dam of Rock On Ciara ($87,576, 3rd Arthur Guinness E.B.F. Corrib Fillies’ S, in Ire). MISS LONELY HEART (Oratorio). Winner at 4 in Ger, placed in Fr. 2nd dam Princesse Kathy. 2 wins at 3 in Fr, $49,978, 2nd Prix Belle de Nuit, 3rd Prix Joubert. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— IRIKA. Winner at 3 in Fr. Dam of ALLYBAR ($1,404,825, Shadwell Estate Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 2, G3 in UAE, Prix Francois Mathet, 2nd Prix Daphnis, G3 in Fr, 3rd Dubai World Cup Sponsored by Emirates Airline, G1 in UAE, etc., in Fr, Eng and UAE).

ATTICUS Nureyev – Athyka, by Secretariat

SET WORLD RECORD OF 1:31.89 AT ONE MILE ON THE TURF AT SANTA ANITA PARK & 115 BEYER With Progeny Earnings in excess of $14.8 million & Average Earnings per Starter $42,663+, over 12 times his stud fee Sire of 33 stakes horses including GI Champion FANTASTIC STORY, G1 Florida Derby SW HIGH FLY ($927,300, 102 Beyer), and G3 winners ATTICUS KRISTY ($840,898, 102 Beyer) and CAN’T BEAT IT ($387,960), California Cup Classic S. winner LUCKY PRIMO ($494,400), California Cup Mile S. winner BRUCE’S DREAM ($315,024), French GIII SW PETITE SPECIALE ($258,541), G2 San Clemente H.-pl SW STRAWBERRY TART, etc. Daughters of ATTICUS are proving very valuable with numerous Graded SWs, including GI winners ZAIDAN ($1,553,403) and TIMEO ($331,044), plus 2015 G1 Eddie Read SW GABRIEL CHARLES ($584,400), G2 Honeymoon SW SARACH ($248,562), etc. 2014 Full brother to ZAIDAN sold for $550,000 to John Ferguson at FTSAUG2015. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,500-LIVE FOAL (due when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Tom Hudson, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, California 93460 (805) 693-1777 FAX (805) 693-1644. E-mail: or website:



Awesome GAmbler

ch, 2004


2 3 Totals





0 2(1) 2(1)

1(1) 0 1(1)

0 0 0

2 4 6


$12,100 $86,479 $98,579

2nd At 2 Gateway to Glory S (8.5f, to Spark of Dubai, dftg. Hurry Up Austin, Scoonerwharfbardog, Preferred Yield, Longhorn, Larry by the Lake, Congo Louie). Won At 3 Alydar S ($99,250, 9f, AW in 1:50.25, dftg. Cobalt Blue, Freesgood, Leesider, Level Red, Mostacolli Mort, Tap It Light, Pirates Deputy). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($63,600, 8.5f, AW in 1:44.42, dftg. Evaluate, For ward Commitment, Cryptomite, Moteado, Street Number, Wanted, Surfer Kris).

SIRE LINE AWESOME GAMBLER is by CORONADO’S QUEST, black-type stakes winner of 10 races, $2,046,190, Buick Haskell Invitational H (G1), Travers S (G1), Wood Memorial S (G2), Remsen S (G2), Dwyer S (G2), Riva Ridge S (G2), Cowdin S (G2), Nashua S (G3), 2nd Fountain of Youth S (G2), Hutcheson S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 8 crops, 440 foals, 369 rnrs (84%), 262 wnrs (60%), 72 2yo wnrs (16%), 16 BTW (4%), 1.29 AEI, 1.69 CI, 122 sale yrlgs, avg $111,412, 2.48 TNA. CORONADO’S QUEST has sired SOCIETY SELECTION (Alabama S, G1, Frizette S, G1, Test S, G1, Shuvee H, G2, Comely S, G3, 2nd Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Distaff, G1, etc.), MISS CORONADO (Davona Dale S, G2), AL JADEED (Hackney Empire Royal Lodge S, G2 in Eng), GOTTCHA GOLD (Philip H. Iselin Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Salvator Mile H, G3, Skip Away H, G3, Choice S, Coronado’s Quest S, 2nd Maryland Lottery Pimlico Special H, G1, etc.), ALLSPICE (Sixty Sails H, G3, Eliza S, 2nd Tiffany Lass S, 3rd Thelma S), HUNTING (Stuyvesant H, G3, 3rd Queens County H, G3, Skip Away H, G3), CERES HUNT (Tokyo Sprint, Perseus S twice, Hokkaido Sprint Cup twice, Summer Champion, KBC Hai, etc.), EISHIN TIGER (Yodo Tankyori S, Aoi S, 2nd CBC Sho H, G3 in Japan, 3rd Keio Hai Nisai S, Marguerite S), PEPTIDE RUBY (Subaru S), BATTLE CHANT (John D. Schapiro Memorial Breeders’ Cup H, Tote Bookmakers Silver Tankard S, 2nd Select Racing UK On Sky 432 S, G3 in Eng, 3rd Merbury Catering Consultants Foundation S), SPANISH MISSION (Memorial Day H, Go for Gin S, 3rd Three Coins Up S), MARY MURPHY (Manatee S, Goldarama S, Sugar N Spice S), CORONADO ROSE (Princess H, Delta Belle S, River Oaks S, 2nd Gowell S), PERILOUS NIGHT (Squan Song S, 2nd Beautiful Day S), GOLDEN LIFE (Prix Isola Bella), Watching You (2nd Santa Ynez S, G2, Moccasin S, Santa Paula S, 3rd Las Virgenes S, G1), Character

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (6 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2009 36 26 (72%) 2010 42 27 (64%) 2011 16 12 (75%) 2012 26 20 (77%) 2013 46 34 (74%) 2014 29 8 (28%) *Totals 195 127 (65%)

Winners 18 (50%) 11 (26%) 8 (50%) 6 (23%) 18 (39%) 2 (7%) 63 (32%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 5 1 5 0 2 0 2 0 5 0 2 0 21 1

BT Winners 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2011 6 1 0 2012 20 3 2 2013 22 0 0 2014 19 0 0 2015 28 0 0 2016 37 0 0 *Totals 132 4 2 0.77 AEI; 0.76 CI; 6.01 AWD In 2016: 54 rnrs, 27 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 9 wins, $258,941 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $29,427 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $287,862 $1,225,138 $647,778 $461,909 $480,279 $612,974 $3,715,940

Dosage (9-4-10-0-1); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.83 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.3

Forty Niner, 1985 19s, BTW, $2,726,000 920 f, 56 BTW, 1.97 AEI Coronado's Quest, ch, 1995 17s, BTW, $2,046,190 440 f, 16 BTW, 1.29 AEI 6.96 AWD Laughing Look, 1986 Unraced 10 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI Wedding March, ch, 1995 Unraced 6 f, 4 r, 2 w, 1 BTW 8.16 AWD Bless You, 1985 22s, wnr, $115,640 4 f, 2 r, 1 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

File, 1976 22s, BTW, $73,774 11 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Damascus, 1964 32s, BTW, $1,176,781 738 f, 72 BTW, 2.76 AEI

Sword Dancer, by Sunglow

Laughter, 1970 12s, wnr, $19,020 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 5 BTW

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Mint Copy, 1970 76s, wnr, $53,945 7 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Bunty's Flight, by Bunty Lawless

Halo, 1969 31s, BTW, $259,553 724 f, 62 BTW, 2.91 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Wedding Party, 1979 21s, BTW, $174,306 8 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Hoist the Flag, by Tom Rolfe

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Continue, by Double Jay

Kerala, by My Babu

Shenanigans, by Native Dancer

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Shakney, by Jabneh

Cosmah, by Cosmic Bomb

Betrothed, by Bold Ruler

Inbreeding: 4sX5D Tom Rolfe; 4sX5d Bold Ruler.

Builder (3rd Fleur de Lis H, G2), Feisty Step (3rd Demoiselle S, G2), Coronado’s Vision (2nd Bourbonette Breeders’ Cup S, G3A), Maximus C (3rd Bashford Manor S, G3), Eishin Panther (3rd KBS Kyoto Sho Fantasy S), Baron Karanotegami (3rd Tokyo Sports Hai Nisai S), Change Course (3rd Leader of the Band S), Pleasant Laughter (2nd Garland of Roses H, 3rd Ride Sally S), Little Bonnet (3rd Sands Point S), Charity Quest (3rd Tattling S), Wonderful Quest (3rd Hokkaido Nisai Yushun), My Golden Quest (2nd Eatontown Staybridge Suites S), etc. CORONADO’S QUEST’S other sons as stallions include AL JADEED (62 foals, 1 BTW, 1.21 AEI), Winged Foot Willie (11 foals, 1 BTW, 1.02 AEI), etc. AWESOME GAMBLER Has Sired: WILLA B AWESOME, 09, f (dam by Nineeleven, 2nd dam by Saros): $648,896, Santa Anita Oaks (G1), Santa Ysabel S (G3), Melair S, Barretts Debutante S, 2nd California Breeders Champion S, California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, Robert H. Walter California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, 3rd La Canada S (G2), Sharp Cat S, Fleet Treat S, etc.

Awesome Gambler also has sired the winners River Kiss ($154,524, 2nd Sorrento S, G3A, 3rd Evening Jewel S, California Wine S), Awe’ Some Kitten ($133,100, 2nd Generous Portion S), Awesome Annie ($105,840, 2nd Cinderella S), Awe Golly Molly ($103,490, 3rd Soviet Problem S), Willie B Awesome ($82,662, 2nd Willard L. Proctor Memorial S, 3rd Hollywood Juvenile Championship S), L J’s Awesome Girl ($72,971, 2nd El Paso Times S, 3rd Island Fashion Overnight S, to 3, 2016), Awe C’mon Sweetie (3rd Manitoba Oaks, to 3, 2016), She’s Flush ($244,145, to 5, 2016), Pay the Debt ($129,725), One More Roll ($122,155, to 4, 2016), This Cat’s Awesome ($103,503, to 5, 2016), Player’s Charm ($88,376, to 4, 2016), Hidden Quest ($75,947), Pop the Cork ($75,825, to 7, 2016), Alydidit ($68,675), Daylight Magic ($64,950), Trinitys Turn ($59,710, to 3, 2016), Ella Bea Awesome ($56,890), Awe Gee ($54,505, to 4, 2016), A Thousand Aces ($52,115), Awesome Time ($52,016, to 5, 2016), Dream Caught ($46,396), Nancypeggy ($45,680), Freckles Galore ($45,115), River Hoss ($44,350, at 3, 2016), Got Tobe Awesome ($41,530, to 3, 2016), Heartbreak Honey ($35,295, to 3, 2016), Big Time Gambler ($32,945, to 7, 2016), Hey Paulie ($32,866), Jilly Juice ($30,297, to 4, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-yearold winners Coco Smooches, Justice Due.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 8—$4,563 10—$9,090 47—$11,834


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$1,500 3—$3,333

FAMILY 1st dam WEDDING MARCH. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, incl.— AWESOME GAMBLER (Subject stallion). BOUTONNIERE (by Our Emblem). Winner at 2. Producer. 2nd dam Bless You. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $115,640, 3rd Geisha H. Dam of 4 foals, including— CONQUISTADORESS. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $275,660, Opa Locka S, 2nd Ashland S (G1), Black-Eyed Susan S (G2), Reeve Schley Jr. S (G2), 3rd Beaumont S (G2). Producer. Dam of Tamamo Create ($1,526,369, 2nd Brilliant S, 3rd Shimotsuki S, in Japan). MINER’S BLESSING. Unraced. Dam of SABERCAT ($898,662, Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, Garden State S, 3rd Arkansas Derby, G1, Oaklawn H, G2, Evangeline Mile H, Golden Bear S), OLIVINE ($95,534, Busher S, 3rd Sugar Plum Time S). 3rd dam WEDDING PARTY. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $174,306, Gallorette H (G3T), Chrysanthemum H (G3T), Northernette S, 2nd Anne Arundel H, 3rd Chrysanthemum H (G3T). Dam of 8 foals, incl.— DEPUTATION. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $508,873, Tempted S (G3), Pimlico Distaff H, Maryland Million Oaks, 2nd Hempstead H (G1), Turfway Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S (G2), 3rd Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G2), etc. Producer. Dam of Manoa ($262,952, 2nd Ladies H, G3, Turnback the Alarm H, 3rd Anne Arundel S, G3, The Very One H), Search Party ($258,254, 3rd Affectionately H, G3, Personal Ensign S), Proxy Statement ($105,700, 3rd Demoiselle S, G2). Granddam of CARRIAGE TRAIL ($746,628, Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Doubledogdare S, G3A, De La Rose S, 2nd Ballston Spa H, G2T, 3rd Humana Distaff S, G1, etc.), CRIMINOLOGIST ($554,313, Cardinal H, G3T, Noble Damsel H, G3T, Athenia H, G3T, Beaugay H, G3T, Perfect Sting S, 3rd Athenia H, G3T). Private Rite. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $181,073, 2nd Holy Bull S. CERTAINLY. Dam of GRAN FORTALEZA ($155,186, champion 3yo filly in Ven, Gran Premio Unicria, Clasico General Joaquin Crespo, Clasico Prensa Hipica Nacional, etc.), Que Bonita (3rd Premio Hipodromo La Rinconada, etc., in Ven). 4th dam BETROTHED. 2 wins at 2. Dam of 6 foals, including— Best Man. 15 wins, 4 to 8, $148,975, 3rd Goss L. Stryker H. BRIDAL PARTY. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Naval Engagement ($116,068, 3rd Deputed Testamony S), Assault Party ($100,012, 2nd Maryland Nursery S, 3rd Dancing Count S), Western Party ($27,717, 3rd TTBA Sale Futurity).


AWESOME GAMBLER Coronado’s Quest – Wedding March, by Deputy Minister

Sire of G1 Winner WILLA B AWESOME (sold in foal for $875,000 at FT Nov) Top 15 Active California Sire of 2-Year-Olds in 2015 Leading CA Sire of His Crop Year Three Consecutive Years Progeny Earnings Over $3.7 MILLION, from seven crops to race, including Grade 1 Santa Anita Oaks SW WILLA B AWESOME ($648,896), Grade 3-placed River Kiss ($154,524), SW A THOUSAND ACES, Stakes-Placed Winners Awe’ Some Kitten ($133,100, 2nd Generous Portion S.), Awesome Annie ($105,840, 2nd $100,000 Cinderella S.), Awe Golly Molly ($103,490, 3rd $200,000 Soviet Problem S.), Willie B Awesome (2nd $100,000 Willard L. Proctor Memorial S. & 3rd $150,000 Hollywood Juvenile Championship), plus Stakes-placed Lakeside Gambler and Macho N Awesome. First foal of G3-placed River Kiss brought $60,000 at OBS MAR 2016. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000-LIVE FOAL STANDS & NURSES Standing at


Inquiries to Terry Lovingier, 35490 Hwy. 79, Warner Springs, California 92086 (562) 547-9848/FAX (562) 988-0094 E-mail: or website:



Balance the Books

Entered Stud in 2016


2 3 Totals


4 5 9




2(2) 1(1) 3(3)

1 0 1

1(1) 1(1) 2(2)


$326,000 $78,596 $404,596

Won At 2 With Anticipation S (G2T, $200,000, 8.5f in 1:42.30, dftg. Joha, Charming Kitten, Notacatbutallama, He’s So Fine, Hightail, Almost an Angel, Craving Carats, Bernie the Jet). Bourbon S (G3T, $150,000, 8.5f in 1:45.15, dftg. Brown Almighty, Sonofasamurai, Summit County, Strike the Note, Really Sharp, Fredericksburg, Roman’s Avenue, Ruler of Love, Slamarama, Army Hero, Road Agent). 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (G1T, 8f, to George Vancouver, Noble Tune, dftg. Dundonnell, Gervinho, Artigiano, Lines of Battle, Joha, Brown Almighty, Fantastic Moon, Dry Summer, Summit County, Know More, I’m Boundtoscore). Won At 3 Stroll S ($100,000, 9f, turf in 1:50.86, dftg. Hardest Core, Mills, Channel Isle, Fear the Kitten, Readyshakego, I’ll Call). 3rd Solar Splendor S (8.5f, turf, to Notacatbutallama, Joha, dftg. Noble Tune, North Slope, Chamois, Front).

SIRE LINE BALANCE THE BOOKS is by LEMON DROP KID, black-type stakes winner of 10 races, $3,245,370, champion older male, Belmont S (G1), Whitney H (G1), Travers S (G1), Woodward S (G1), Futurity S (G1), Suburban H (G2), Brooklyn H (G2), 2nd Champagne S (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), 3rd Pimlico Special H (G1), Peter Pan S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 1,147 foals, 881 rnrs (77%), 624 wnrs (54%), 141 2yo wnrs (12%), 86 BTW (7%), 1.74 AEI, 1.84 CI, 644 sale yrlgs, avg $104,668, 2.33 TNA. In 2016: 90 2yos, 29 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 9 BTW, 45 sale yrlgs, avg $101,817. LEMON DROP KID has sired RICHARD’S KID (Pacific Classic S presented by TVG, G1A twice, Goodwood S, G1A, San Antonio H, G2A, etc.), SOMALI LEMONADE (TVG Diana S, G1T, Dr. James Penny Memorial H, G3T, Gallorette H, G3T, JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S, G3T, etc.), CITRONNADE (Gamely S, G1T, Beverly Hills H, G2T, Dahlia H, G2T, etc.), CANNOCK CHASE (Pattison Canadian International S, G1T, Tercentenary S, G3 in Eng, Betway Huxley S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Unibet Winter Hill S, G3 in Eng, etc., to 5, 2016), LEMONS FOREVER (Kentucky Oaks, G1, 3rd Alabama S, G1, Bourbonette Breeders’ Cup S, G3A), BEACH PATROL (Secretariat S, G1T, 2nd American Turf S, G2T, Hill Prince S, G3T, 3rd Belmont Derby Invitational S, G1T, to 3, 2016), CHRISTMAS KID (Ashland S, G1A, Davona Dale S, G2, Tropical Park Oaks, 2nd Bonnie Miss S, G2, 3rd Acorn S, G1, Virginia Oaks, etc.), SANTA TERESITA (Santa Maria H, G1A, Santa Lucia H, 2nd Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1A, etc.), DA BIG HOSS (Dixiana Elkhorn S, G2T, Calumet Farm Kentucky Turf Cup S, G3T twice, American St. Leger S, G3T, John B. Connally Turf Cup S, G3T, etc., to 5, 2016), HANGOVER KID (Bowling Green H, G2T, West Point S, 2nd Monmouth S, G2T, Red Smith H, G3T, etc.), BRONZE CANNON (Hardwicke S, G2 in Eng, Jockey Club S, G2 in Eng, 2nd Betfred September S, G3 in Eng, etc.), CHARITABLE MAN (Futurity S, G2, Peter Pan S, G2, 3rd Jim Dandy S, G2), WILKINSON (American H, G2T, LeComte S, G3, 2nd Arcadia S, G2T, Commonwealth Turf S, G3T, Harry F. Brubaker S, etc.), PISCO SOUR (Prix Eugene Adam-Grand Prix de Maisons-Laffitte, G2 in Fr, Tercentenary S, G3 in Eng, etc.), ITSAKNOCKOUT (Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth S, G2, to 4, 2016), JUNIPER PASS (San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, G2T, San Luis Rey S, G2, etc.), SPARKLING REVIEW (Mrs. Revere S, G2T, Pin

STUD ANALYSIS Balance the Books entered stud in 2016. His first foals arrive in 2017.


Dosage (10-0-16-4-0); DI: 1.50; CD: 0.53 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 2010

Kingmambo, 1990 13s, BTW, $734,804 894 f, 85 BTW, 2.43 AEI Lemon Drop Kid, b, 1996 24s, BTW, $3,245,370 1,147 f, 86 BTW, 1.74 AEI 8.07 AWD Charming Lassie, 1987 1s, wnr, $16,500 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Seeking the Gold, 1985 15s, BTW, $2,307,000 935 f, 91 BTW, 2.21 AEI Kreisleriana, dkb/br, 1999 16s, wnr, $166,874 8 f, 8 r, 2 w, 1 BTW 8.34 AWD Kooyonga, 1988 18s, BTW, $1,476,193 7 f, 6 r, 4 w

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Miesque, 1984 16s, BTW, $2,096,517 14 f, 10 r, 6 w, 5 BTW

Nureyev, by Northern Dancer

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Lassie Dear, 1974 26s, BTW, $80,549 13 f, 12 r, 12 w, 4 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Con Game, 1974 12s, wnr, $24,080 10 f, 10 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Persian Bold, 1975 16s, BTW 894 f, 62 BTW, 1.58 AEI

Bold Lad, by Bold Ruler

Anjuli, 1978 Unraced 14 f, 11 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Northfelds, by Northern Dancer

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Pasadoble, by Prove Out

My Charmer, by Poker

Gay Missile, by Sir Gaylord

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Broadway, by Hasty Road

Relkarunner, by Relko

Katricia, by Skymaster

Inbreeding: 3SX3D Mr. Prospector; 5SX5D Northern Dancer; 4sX4d Buckpasser.

Oak Valley View S, G3T), BEAR’S KID (Summer S, G2T, 3rd Labeeb S), DREAMY KID (Swaps S, G2A, to 8, 2016), COSMONAUT (Arlington H, G3T twice, Golden Gate Fields H, G3, Fort Marcy S, G3T, Tampa Bay S, etc.), KISS THE KID (Cliff Hanger S, G3T, Appleton S, G3T, Ft. Lauderdale S, Cozzene S, etc.), KID CRUZ (Excelsior S, G3, Dwyer S, G3, Easy Goer S, Federico Tesio S, etc., to 5, 2016), CODE WEST (Matt Winn S, G3, Governor’s Cup S, Jim Rasmussen Memorial S, etc., to 6, 2016), UNSPURNED (Whimsical S, G3A, Bison City S, 2nd Mazarine S, G3A, etc.), MIDDLEBURG (Cliff Hanger S, G3T, Red Bank S, G3T, 2nd Monmouth S, G2T, etc., to 6, 2016), etc. LEMON DROP KID’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BEACH PATROL (G1T), DA BIG HOSS (G2T), INSPECTOR LYNLEY (G3T), KID CRUZ (G3), MIDDLEBURG (G3T), CANNOCK CHASE (G3 in Eng), CODE WEST, CANDIDA H., TOUGH IT UP. LEMON DROP KID’S other sons as stallions include BEAR’S KID (11 foals, 1 BTW, 1.89 AEI), COSMONAUT (80 foals, 2 BTW, 1.13 AEI), CHARITABLE MAN (116 foals, 2 BTW, 1.12 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam KREISLERIANA. Winner at 2 in Japan, $166,874. Dam of 8 foals, including— BALANCE THE BOOKS (Subject stallion). Photo Shoot (by Giant’s Causeway). 6 wins, 4 to 7, $218,034, 3rd Presque Isle Mile S. 2nd dam KOOYONGA. 9 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng, Ire, and Ger, $1,476,193, champion 3yo filly twice and older female in Eur, champion 3yo filly, miler, and older female in Ire, champion older female in Ger, Goffs Irish One Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), CoralEclipse S (G1 in Eng), Coronation S (G1 in Eng), Grosser Mercedes-Benz Preis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen (G1 in Ger), Matron S (G3 in Ire), E.B.F. Leopardstown S (G3 in Ire), E.B.F. Silver Flash S, Leopardstown One Thousand Guineas Trial S, 2nd General Accident One Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Queen Elizabeth II S (G1 in Eng), Cartier Million S, 3rd Prince of Wales’s S (G2 in Eng). Broodmare of the Year in Ire, 1991. Dam of 7 foals, including— FEMININE HEART. Placed at 2. Dam of REYINA ($196,160, John Franks Memorial Sales S, Louisiana Champions Day Lassie S, 2nd D.S. Shine Young Memorial Futurity, Louisiana Stallion S). PRINCESS ATOOSA. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Princess Sinead ($104,910, 2nd Coolmore Stud E.B.F. Naas Juvenile Fillies Sprint S, 3rd Etihad Airways Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Lodge Park Stud E.B.F. Park Express S, G3 in Ire, C.L. Weld Park S, G3 in Ire).



3rd dam ANJULI. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, including— HATTON GARDENS. 3 wins at 3 in Ire, placed in Italy, $30,764, Carna S, 2nd C.L. Weld Park S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Premio Umbria (G2 in Italy). Dam of KUNDALINI ($139,051, champion 3yo filly in SAf, Bloodline Classic, G1 in SAf, Jensen Electronics Dingaans, G2 in SAf, 2nd Bloodline Fillies Guineas, G2 in SAf), PIXIE SPIRIT ($102,431, Boardwalk S, 3rd William Thompson S, Passaic County S), LIME GARDENS ($52,913, Prix Minerve, G3 in Fr, 2nd Blue Wind S, in Fr and Ire), Ludgate ($72,128, 2nd Prix Isola Bella, Prix Casimir Delamarre, in Fr). Jaljuli. 2 wins at 2 in Eng, $48,627, 2nd BHS Rockfel S (G3 in Eng), 3rd Cheveley Park S (G1 in Eng). Producer. PERSIAN JULI. Winner at 3 in Japan, $159,905. Producer. GHASSAK. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of VERSAKI ($106,736, Poonawalla Breeders’ Multi-Million, Nanoli Stud Pune Derby, in India). FIDA. Producer. Dam of Mudawin ($349,663, 2nd Digibet Sports Betting Floodlit S, in Eng). Granddam of FRATELLINO ($136,656, Get Your Bet On at Blue Square Hever Sprint S, 2nd Windsor Castle S, Cleves S, 3rd Cleves S, in Eng). 4th dam KATRICIA. 3 wins at 3 in Eng. Dam of 11 foals, including— NONNO. 9 wins, 3 to 8, in NA and Ire, $183,346, a qualified black-type stakes race, 3rd Hennessy H, McDonogh H. ROLAND GARDENS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng, $142,543, Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Ladbroke Blue Riband Trial S (G3 in Eng), 3rd Horris Hill S (G3 in Eng), Kiveton Park Steel S. Sire. CARAJO. Winner at 2 in Eng. Dam of GENTLEMAN JONES ($24,544, Administrators H, G3 in SAf, 3rd Thoroughbred Breeders Challenge), NORFOLK REALM (South African Derby Trial H, G3 in SAf, London News H, 2nd Vaal Bookmakers’ H, 3rd Daily News 2,000, G1 in SAf, etc.), Peer of the Realm (2nd Gilbeys Trial, G2 in SAf, etc.). Granddam of JET EXPLORER ($108,437, Greyville Betting World 1900, G2 in SAf, 2nd The Sledgehammer S, Cape Premier Sales Jet Master S, 3rd L’Ormarins Queen’s Plate, G1 in SAf, to 8, 2016), SHINE LIKE A STAR (in SAf, to 5, 2016). PRINCESS KATRICIA. Winner at 3 in SAf. Dam of Shadari (2nd Java H, 3rd Christmas H, Gosforth Park Sprint, New Year H, in SAf). Granddam of CALDOONE (Freedom Day Challenge twice, Nomads Charity H, 2nd Anniversary Cup, Jubilee H, Nomads Winter H, Owners Day Challenge, 3rd Natal Breeder’s Challenge, TVL Racecourse Bookmakers H, in SAf).

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BALANCE THE BOOKS Lemon Drop Kid – Kreisleriana, by Seeking the Gold

GRADE 2 SARATOGA STAKES WINNER OF $400,000+ Ranked Among the Top 16 Two-Year-Old Colts of his Crop on the Experimental Free Handicap Broke his maiden second time out in Saratoga’s $200,000 Grade 2 With Anticipation S. defeating Grade 1 SW JOHA, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint SW HIGHTAIL, Grade 1-pl SW CHARMING KITTEN, etc. Next he won Keeneland’s $150,000 Grade 3 Bourbon S. on his way to placing in the $1,000,000 Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf over Group 1 multi-millionaire and Champion LINES OF BATTLE, etc. BALANCE THE BOOKS returned at three to win Saratoga’s $100,000 Stroll S. chasing down Grade 1 Arlington Million SW HARDEST CORE.

LINE-BRED TO LEADING SIRE MR. PROSPECTOR Second dam is many-time European Champion KOOYONGA Nominated to:

2017 Fee: $6,000 LIVE FOAL, STANDS AND NURSES (special consideration for multiple mares, stakes winners, and stakes producers) Owner: EAS Equine Alliance, LLC

RANCHO HILLS FARMS San Diego, California Breeding Inquiries to: Phone (760) 239-0004



Big Surf

ch, 2006

Dosage (8-3-9-0-0); DI: 3.44; CD: 0.95 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.2













Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at CD ($42,200, 8f in 1:37.45, dftg. Buzzin and Dreamin, Smart Tomcat, Inclusive Faith, J T Rocker, Galloping Gulch, Rocamadour, Presidente d’Oro).

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

SIRE LINE Big Surf is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), B L A C K MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Eng, Aga Khan Studs Blenheim S, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Frizette S, G1, Personal Ensign H, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr, Anheuser Busch Railway S, G3 in Ire, 2nd Woodward S, G1, etc.), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Juddmonte Lockinge S, G1 in Eng, Prix de la Salamandre, G1 in Fr, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire, T.P. Waters E.B.F. Marble Hill S, 2nd Leopardstown One Thousand Guineas Trial S, G3 in Ire, Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, Prix de Cabourg, G3 in Fr, 2nd Prix de la Foret, G1 in Fr, etc.), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc.), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire, Balanchine Saoire S, 2nd Moyglare Stud S, G1 in Ire), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, 2nd Nassau S, G2T twice, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Ity, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in Italy, Prix du Palais-Royal, G3 in Fr, Crawley Warren Heron S, etc.), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger, 124 Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, G2 in Ger, 104 Grosser Preis von Berlin-Thole WohnparkHoppegarten-Rennen, G3 in Ger, etc.), SILKEN CAT (champion 2yo filly in Can, Mazarine S), TABASCO CAT

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 3 4 2 10 19

Runners 2 (67%) 4 (100%) 1 (50%) 7 (70%) 14 (74%)

Winners 1 (33%) 1 (25%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (11%)

2yo Wnrs 0 0 0 0 0

By Racing Year BT Wins 0 0 0 0 0

Year Wins Earned 2013 0 $206 2014 2 $41,391 2015 2 $38,238 2016 2 $41,316 *Totals 6 $121,151 0.30 AEI; 0.92 CI; 5.00 AWD In 2016: 10 rnrs, 1 wnr Avg Earnings Per Starter: $8,654 *to November 6, 2016 Big Surf entered stud in Azerbaijan in 2010. He stood his first year in NA in 2013. His first North American foals will be 3-year-olds in 2017. Statistics shown are for foals in Azerbaijan.


Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI Surfside, b, 1997 15s, BTW, $1,852,987 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 8.05 AWD Flanders, 1992 5s, BTW, $805,000 12 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Bold Reasoning, 1968 12s, BTW, $189,564 61 f, 10 BTW, 3.81 AEI

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Seeking the Gold, 1985 15s, BTW, $2,307,000 935 f, 91 BTW, 2.21 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Starlet Storm, 1987 2s, wnr, $35,200 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Reason to Earn, by Hail to Reason

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Con Game, by Buckpasser

Cinegita, by Secretariat

Inbreeding: 2SX4d Storm Bird; 3sX5d Secretariat; 4SX5D Bold Ruler.

(Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1, San Rafael S, G2, El Camino Real Derby, G3, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, gr. I, Beldame S, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Ruffian H, G1, etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, Matron S, G1, Gallant Bloom H, G2, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, NetJets Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, Prix Melisande, 3rd Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot S, G1 in Eng, etc.), CAT THIEF (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Swaps S, G1, Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G2, etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1A, etc.), BLUEGRASS CAT (Haskell Invitational S, G1, Remsen S, G2, Nashua S, G3, etc.), RAGING FEVER (Frizette S, G1, Ogden Phipps H, G1, Matron S, G1, Distaff Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), HIGH YIELD (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, etc.), COURAGEOUS CAT (Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc.), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire, 2nd Bold Ruler H, G3, etc.), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, Easing Along, Freud, HENNESSY, BERNSTEIN, PURE PRIZE, STORMY ATLANTIC, FORESTRY, TALE OF THE CAT, City Place, FOREST WILDCAT, etc. BIG SURF Has Sired: Big Surf has sired the winners Jeyran ($69,034, to 4, 2016), Black Fighter.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — 1—$1,000 1—$1,000

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam SURFSIDE. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $1,852,987, champion 3yo filly, Frizette S (G1), Hollywood Starlet S (G1), Santa Anita Oaks (G1), Las Virgenes S (G1), Clark H (G2), Santa Ysabel S (G3), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Distaff (G1), Spinaway S (G1), Raven Run S, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Santa Monica H (G1). Dam of 7 foals, including— IRISH SURF (by Giant’s Causeway). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $277,910, Cougar II Handicap (G3A), 2nd Las Vegas Marathon S (G2). Shark (Danzig). 3 wins, 3 to 6, $183,076, 2nd Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S, Delta Express S. HIGH SURF (Storm Cat). Winner at 2 and 3, $91,914. Dam of HIGH CELEBRITY ($134,330, Prix d’Arenberg, G3 in Fr, 2nd QIPCO Duchess of Cambridge S, G2 in Eng, 3rd Connollys Red Mills Cheveley Park S, G1 in Eng). GIANT SURF (Giant’s Causeway). Winner at 3 in Rus. BIG SURF (Subject stallion).



2nd dam FLANDERS. 4 wins at 2, $805,000, champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Frizette S (G1), Spinaway S (G1). Dam of 12 foals, including— BATTLE PLAN. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $373,143, New Orleans H (G2), 2nd Stephen Foster H (G1). Sire. Flanders Fields. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $135,631, 2nd Woodchopper H. Sire. BISCAYNE BAY. Dam of OPEN WATER ($310,366, Marjorie L. Everett H, G2A, 2nd Bayakoa H, G2A, San Clemente H, G2T, 3rd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Las Virgenes S, G1). FIGARIE. Producer. Dam of Burger and Fries ($49,229, 3rd Prix Francois Mathet, in Fr, to 3, 2016). SANIBEL ISLAND. Dam of HOLY REINA ($37,874, Princess Margaret S), Island Warrior ($378,950, 2nd Kentucky Cup Sprint S, G3A, etc.). 3rd dam STARLET STORM. 2 wins at 3, $35,200. Dam of 14 foals, including— Late Edition. 3 wins, 2 to 6, $102,029, 2nd San Vicente S (G2), 3rd Gotham S (G3). Sire. Cobb’s Creek. 2 wins at 2, $49,377, 3rd Tyro S, Gilded Time S. Sire. IMAGINARY GOLD. 2 wins at 4, $99,450. Dam of TIZ IMAGINARY ($281,877, Duchess S, Fury S, Fanfreluche S, 2nd Jammed Lovely S, 3rd Star Shoot S, to 3, 2016). ENGAGING. Unraced. Dam of FIERY PURSUIT ($336,322, Louisville Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), STAGE TRICK ($198,817, Rosenna S, 3rd Obeah S, G3), Space Cruise ($184,605, 2nd Matron H, etc.). CIRCLE OF GOLD. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Chatham ($156,431, 2nd Esplanade S, etc.). Granddam of AIR FORCE BLUE ($844,919, champion 2yo colt in Eur and Ire, Dubai Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, Goffs Vincent O’Brien National S, G1 in Ire, Keeneland Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc., to 3, 2016), MISS DOUBLE D’ORO ($209,990, Arboretum II Stakes, Wine Country S, 2nd Senator Ken Maddy S, G3T, etc., to 4, 2016), SURFSIDE TIARA ($105,300, Anoakia S, to 3, 2016). 4th dam CINEGITA. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $54,050, Railbird S (G3), 3rd Senorita S. Dam of 13 foals, including— SYOURINOMEGAMI. 7 wins, 3 to 6, in Japan, $2,292,723, Kyoto Himba Tokubetsu, Laurel Racecourse Sho Nakayama Himba S, etc. Producer. STORM STAR. 2 wins at 2 in Eng, $47,931, Pritchard Services Cherry Hinton S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S (G2 in Eng). Dam of CAPTAIN STARBUCK ($162,254, Hawthorne Juvenile S, Royal Glint S), DODGE ($93,768, Best Turn S, G3, 3rd Riva Ridge S, G3, sire). Granddam of COAST LINE ($191,957, John B. Campbell Breeders’ Cup H, 3rd Wheat City S).

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BIG SURF Storm Cat – Surfside, by Seattle Slew

METICULOUSLY SELECTED PEDIGREE WITH MAJESTIC SIRE & DAM LINES. LARGE HEARTED X-FACTOR CARRIER Proven Sire: First U.S. starter won in allowance company by 7 1/4 lengths after setting all the pace! Three-Quarter brother to Grade 3 Cougar II H. winner IRISH SURF ($277,910, 106 Beyer, NTR, 1 1/2 Miles in 2:29.01, 2nd $200,000 Grade 2 Las Vegas Marathon S. on Breeders’ Cup day) and full brother to the dam of Group 1-pl, Group 3-winning 2YO HIGH CELEBRITY By Sire of Sires STORM CAT. Out of Eclipse Champion 3-Year-old Filly SURFSIDE, 4-Time Grade 1 Winner $1,852,987 by SEATTLE SLEW. Second Dam Eclipse Champion 2-Year-Old Filly FLANDERS, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1 Winner of $805,000 by SEEKING THE GOLD. Nominated to:

2017 Fee: $5,000 LIVE FOAL, STANDS AND NURSES (special consideration for multiple mares, stakes winners, and stakes producers) Owner: EAS Equine Alliance, LLC

RANCHO HILLS FARMS San Diego, California Breeding Inquiries to: Phone (760) 239-0004



Bluegrass Cat

b, 2003

Dosage (10-8-14-0-0); DI: 3.57; CD: 0.88 See gray pages—Nearctic



2 3 Totals

4 7 11


3(2) 2(2) 5(4)



0 4(4) 4(4)

0 0 0


$213,780 $1,547,500 $1,761,280

Won At 2 Remsen S (G2, $200,000, 9f in 1:52.20, dftg. Flashy Bull, Parkhimonbroadway, Park Avenue Prince, etc.). Nashua S (G3, $113,300, 8f in 1:36.02, dftg. Political Force, Diabolical, Congo King, etc.). A maiden special weight race at Bel ($43,000, 7f). Won At 3 Haskell Invitational S (G1, $1,030,000, 9f in 1:48.85, by 7, dftg. Praying for Cash, Strong Contender, Victory Lake, etc.). Sam F. Davis S ($125,000, 8.5f in 1:44.17, dftg. Deputy Glitters, R Loyal Man, Little Cliff, etc.). 2nd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (G1, 10f, to Barbaro, dftg. Steppenwolfer, Jazil, Brother Derek, etc.). Belmont S (G1, 12f, to Jazil, dftg. Sunriver, Steppenwolfer, Oh So Awesome, etc.). Travers S (G1, 10f, to Bernardini, dftg. Dr. Pleasure, Hesanoldsalt, High Cotton, etc.). Tampa Bay Derby (G3, 8.5f, to Deputy Glitters, dftg. Winnies Tigger Too, Little Cliff, Irish Majesty, etc.).

SIRE LINE BLUEGRASS CAT is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of $570,610, Young America S (G1), etc., and sire of 177 black-type stakes winners, including champions GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (in Eur, Eng, Ire, and Fr), BLACK MINNALOUSHE (in Ire), STORM FLAG FLYING, SWEET CATOMINE, AMBITIOUS CAT (in Can), HOLD THAT TIGER

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (7 crops) Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named RunWinFoals ners ners 115 95 (83%) 65 (57%) 87 77 (89%) 63 (72%) 89 74 (83%) 63 (71%) 99 75 (76%) 51 (52%) 107 92 (86%) 74 (69%) 66 53 (80%) 32 (48%) 43 17 (40%) 3 (7%) 606 483 (80%) 351 (58%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 21 2 4 (3%) 17 2 7 (8%) 20 1 6 (7%) 18 2 2 (2%) 21 3 6 (6%) 9 1 3 (5%) 3 1 1 (2%) 109 12 29 (5%)

By Racing Year Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 *Totals

Wins 27 96 181 208 220 265 213 1,210

BT Wins 3 7 7 10 7 9 8 51

GS Wins 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 8

Earned $1,403,974 $3,753,493 $4,705,446 $5,886,707 $5,532,058 $5,963,476 $4,993,251 $32,238,405

Southern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Year 2008-09 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 *Totals

Named RunWin2yo 2yo BT Foals ners ners Wnrs BTW Winners 2 2 (100%) 2 (100%) 0 0 0 (0%) 3 1 (33%) 1 (33%) 0 0 0 (0%) 62 60 (97%) 48 (77%) 10 1 3 (5%) 71 62 (87%) 35 (49%) 18 0 0 (0%) 138 125 (91%) 86 (62%) 28 1 3 (2%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2010-11 0 0 0 2011-12 6 0 0 2012-13 7 0 0 2013-14 13 0 0 2014-15 24 2 1 2015-16 111 2 1 2016-17 55 0 0 *Totals 216 4 2 1.20 AEI; 1.81 CI; 7.03 AWD In 2016: 338 rnrs, 199 wnrs, 6 sw Lifetime On Turf: 236 wins, $6,738,806 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $54,576 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $2,057 $28,151 $40,268 $44,619 $214,336 $778,197 $309,873 $1,417,501

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

A.P. Indy, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI She's a Winner, dkb/br, 1996 Unraced 12 f, 9 r, 8 w, 4 BTW 8.09 AWD Get Lucky, 1988 11s, BTW, $157,760 14 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Dance Number, 1979 23s, BTW, $415,418 6 f, 6 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

My Charmer, by Poker

Lassie Dear, by Buckpasser

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Numbered Account, by Buckpasser

Inbreeding: 3SX4d Northern Dancer; 5sX5D Native Dancer; 3sX4d Secretariat.

(in Eur), ALJABR (in Eur), HEART SHAPED (in Ire), ONE COOL CAT (in Eur, Eng, and Ire), DENEBOLA (in Fr), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, Freud, HENNESSY, BERNSTEIN, PURE PRIZE, STORMY ATLANTIC, etc. BLUEGRASS CAT Has Sired: KATHMANBLU, 08, f (A++, dam by Devil’s Bag, 2nd dam by Buckley Boy): $584,327, Golden Rod S (G2), Rachel Alexandra S (G3), JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S, etc. GO BLUE OR GO HOME, 09, g (Lion Cavern, Sharpen Up, 4X3 Mr. Prospector, 4X4 Secretariat): $480,092, Highlander S (G2T), Highlander S presented by Pizzaville (G3A), Karl Boyes Memorial S, etc. TEETH OF THE DOG, 09, c (A+, Deputy Minister, Prospector’s Halo, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $414,950, Dwyer S (G2), Easy Goer S, 3rd Resorts World Casino New York City Wood Memorial S (G1), etc. SABERCAT, 09, c (A++, Forty Niner, Halo, 4X3 Mr. Prospector): $898,662, Delta Downs Jackpot S (G3), Garden State S, 3rd Arkansas Derby (G1), etc. FLEXIBILITY, 13, c (A, Vindication, Cure the Blues, 4X3 Seattle Slew): $288,500, Jerome S (G3), 2nd Remsen S (G2), Nashua S (G2), to 3, 2016. BLUE LASER, 08, g (With Approval, Royal and Regal): $225,857, Grey S (G3A). LINDA LINDA, 12, f (Crafty Prospector, Deputy Minister, 4X3 Mr. Prospector): $87,429, Alberto Solari Magnasco (G1 in Chile), 2nd Mil Guineas (G1 in Chile), etc., to 4, 2016. HOLA Y CHAO, 12, c (Stagecraft, Manos de Piedra, 4X4 Northern Dancer): Ignacio Urrutia de La Sotta e Ignacio Urrutia Del Rio (G3 in Chile), etc., to 4, 2016. PERCUSSION, 08, g (Pine Bluff, A.P. Indy, 3X3 A.P. Indy, 4X4 Northern Dancer, 4X4 Seattle Slew): $640,540, Albert the Great S, 2nd Brooklyn H (G2), Evening Attire S, etc., to 8, 2016. LAURIE’S ROCKET, 09, c (A+, American Chance, At the Threshold, 4X4 Seattle Slew): $515,858, Hot Springs S, Bachelor S, 2nd Chick Lang S, etc. E B RYDER, 10, f (Theatrical, Corridor Key, 4X4 Northern Dancer, 4X4 Seattle Slew): $404,874, Anka Germania S, Frances A. Genter S, etc., to 6, 2016. PRETENSION, 09, g (Street Cry, Topsider, 4X4 Northern Dancer, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $333,609, Sweet Envoy S, Canonero II S, etc., to 7, 2016. BLUE DANCER, 12, g (A++, Saint Ballado, Afleet, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $285,811, Ascot Graduation S, Winnipeg Futurity, Edmonton Juvenile S, etc., to 4, 2016. BLUEGRASS SINGER, 12, g (A++, Unbridled’s Song, Deputy Minister): $243,075, Mucho Macho Man S, Parx Derby, 3rd Lambholm South Holy Bull S (G2), etc., to 4, 2016. STORY TO TELL, 12, c (A+, Silver Deputy, You and I, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $232,015, W.L. Proctor Memorial S, 2nd Santa Anita Juvenile S, etc., to 4, 2016.



MICHAEL WITH US, 10, c (A++, Unbridled’s Song, Sky Classic): $198,118, OBS Championship S, 2nd Kent S (G3T), Restoration S. PLUS ONE, 09, f (A, Miswaki, Deputy Minister, 4X3 Mr. Prospector): $168,847, Alison McClay S, etc. FREE N CLEAR, 13, f (A, Wheaton, Far North, 4X4 Northern Dancer, 4X4 Secretariat): $146,930, New York Stallion Series S, at 3, 2016. BLUEGRASS ANGUS, 12, g (Richter Scale, Northern Jove, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $143,053, River Rock Casino H, Richmond Derby Trial H, etc., to 4, 2016. TELL A GREAT STORY, 10, f (Not For Love, Lord Gaylord, 4X3 Mr. Prospector, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $139,070, Go for Wand S, 3rd Delaware Oaks (G2). REDGRASS CAT, 11, f (A++, Red Ransom, Regal Classic): $126,224, Donnie Wilhite Memorial S, 2nd M2 Technology La Senorita S. BLUEGRASS PRIDE, 10, g (A, Distorted Humor, Manila, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $121,381, Richmond Derby Trial H, 2nd Chris Loseth H, to 6, 2016. MOON RIVER, 12, c (A, Capote, Fappiano, 4X3 Seattle Slew, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $119,230, Punch Line S, Jamestown S, 2nd Texas Glitter S, to 4, 2016. ELUSIVE BLUEBOY, 11, g (Elusive Quality, Drone, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $118,424, Excellent Luck S, to 5, 2016. MOUNTAIN MUSIC MAN, 13, g (A+, Unbridled’s Song, Sky Classic): $109,825, Awad S, 3rd Pulpit S, to 3, 2016. Bluegrass Cat also has sired the winners ZAYDA ($86,690), ZOW ($85,488), DIVINO GENIO ($81,719, in Chile, to 4, 2016), CAYLLANO ($80,901), CAPOMORANO (in Pan), BLUE MONKEY (in Ven, to 4, 2016), Big Blue Nation ($229,629, to 7, 2016), Santome (in Chile, to 4, 2016), Arigatou (in Chile, at 3, 2016), Rprettyboyfloyd ($165,072, to 5, 2016), Declan’s Fast Cat ($134,530), Another Silver Oak ($123,050), Kathballu ($251,864, to 4, 2016), Manando ($230,353, to 6, 2016), Big Bazinga ($222,556, to 5, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners ARDMORE BAY, Ali Blue, Bookew Bucks.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings Cover Sire # sold—Avg # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — 8—$14,250 — 2015 1—$18,000 15—$14,749 2—$4,500 Lifetime 65—$56,226 321—$40,163 115—$111,238 *to November 6, 2016

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE BLUEGRASS CAT is the sire of 48 dams of 67 foals, 41 rnrs(61%), 22 wnrs(33%), 5 2yo wnrs(7%), 1.03 AEI, 1.57 CI; 3 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam SHE’S A WINNER. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— BLUEGRASS CAT (Subject stallion).

check daily updates on

BLUEGRASS CAT Storm Cat – She’s a Winner, by A.P. Indy

NO. 1 STORM CAT OUTSIDE OF KENTUCKY Leading Sire in California for Number of Winners, Repeat Winners, and Stakes Winners. Co-Leader for Number of Graded Stakes Winners & Stakes Horses. Sire of Six Stakes Winners in 2016, including the Aqueduct Grade 3 Jerome Stakes Winner, FLEXIBILITY ($288,500), Monmouth Park Stakes Winning Two-year-old, ARDMORE BAY ($71,734) and $100,000 Saratoga Stakes Winner, FREE N CLEAR ($146,930). Seven-Crop Progeny Earnings: $33,736,062, including Worldwide 2016 Progeny Earnings of $5,383,280. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $7,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owner: Ballena Vista Farm

BALLENA VISTA FARM Ramona, California Inquiries to Jeanne Davis, Sales and Marketing, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA 92065. Phone: (760) 789-3900. Fax (760) 789-7751. E-mail: Web Site:



BoB Black Jack

Entered Stud in 2013

dkb/br, 2005


2 3 4 5 6 Totals


4 6 0 1 2 13




2(1) 2(2) 0 1(1) 0 5(4)

1 1(1) 0 0 1(1) 3(2)

0 1(1) 0 0 0 1(1)


$131,425 $463,500 — $90,000 $20,000 $704,925

Won At 2 California Breeders’ Champion S ($138,375, 7f, AW in 1:20.37, NTR, by 61, dftg. Dirty Dish Mitch, Red Hot Flame, Dee Dee’s Legacy, Liberian Freighter, Fantasy Free, High Intellect, Byjohn, Baby Gotham). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($55,800, 6f, AW in 1:11.67, by 23, dftg. Nikki’sgoldensteed, Harlene, Fantasy Free, Easter Born, If It Stays Fair, Dr Zaentz, Uncle Don, Cavanaugh, Warrens Flyin High, De Car Guy, Flight Leader). Won At 3 Malibu S (G1A, $250,000, 7f in 1:20.20, by 21, dftg. Into Mischief, Georgie Boy, Colonel John, Guns On the Table, Nownownow, Golden Spikes). Sunshine Millions Dash S ($250,000, 6f, AW in 1:06.53, NWR, by 31, dftg. Winsome Charm, Afleet Ruler, Nevada Worrier, Dee Dee’s Legacy, Little Nick, Italian Rules, Johns Grooms). 2nd Santa Anita Derby (G1A, 9f, to Colonel John, dftg. Coast Guard, Yankee Bravo, El Gato Malo, On the Virg, Shore Do, Meetingwithdestiny, Polonius, Rosso Corsa, Signature Move). 3rd San Felipe S (G2A, 8.5f, to Georgie Boy, Gayego, dftg. Indian Sun, Chop House George, High Stakes Silver, Southwest, Shediak, Go for Cover). Won At 5 San Carlos H (G2A, $150,000, 7f in 1:21.05, by 21, dftg. Ventana, Supreme Summit, Bestdressed, Dancing in Silks, Quietly Mine). 2nd At 6 Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S (6f, to Courtside, dftg. M One Rifle, Legal Separation, Chiloquin, Frumious, Mensa Heat).

SIRE LINE BOB BLACK JACK is by STORMY JACK, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $596,673, Real Good Deal S, I’m Smokin S, On Trust H, Oceanside S, 2nd Los Angeles H (G3), California Breeders’ Champion S, California Cup Sprint H, California Sire S, California Sires S, 3rd California Cup Juvenile S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 209 foals, 127 rnrs (61%), 78 wnrs (37%), 19 2yo wnrs (9%), 1 BTW (0%), 0.56 AEI, 0.73 CI, 33 sale yrlgs, avg $5,991, 0.13 TNA. In 2016: 16 2yos. STORMY JACK has sired Daylight Storm (2nd I’m Smokin S, 3rd Graduation S), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$2,700 — 2—$2,700

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam MOLLY’S PROSPECTOR. Winner at 2. Dam of 9 foals, including— BOB BLACK JACK (Subject stallion). DORUS DAYMAKER (by Political Ambition). 5 wins, 3 to 5. Producer. Dam of Desert Gulch ($121,472, 3rd Red Hedeman Mile S). ALL NATIONS (Best Minister). Winner at 4. VICTORY CITY (Tahoe City). 2 wins at 4. 2nd dam SPELL VICTORY. Winner at 4, $27,155. Dam of 10 foals, including—

STUD ANALYSIS Bob Black Jack entered stud in 2013. From his second crop of racing age, 3-year-olds of 2017, he is represented by four named foals, none of which have started.


Bertrando, 1989 24s, BTW, $3,185,610 1,072 f, 53 BTW, 1.32 AEI Stormy Jack, dkb/br, 1997 21s, BTW, $596,673 209 f, 1 BTW, 0.56 AEI 5.95 AWD Tiny Kristin, 1988 16s, wnr, $89,110 12 f, 11 r, 11 w, 1 BTW

Native Prospector, 1977 21s, wnr, $58,657 457 f, 15 BTW, 1.23 AEI Molly's Prospector, dkb/br, 1994 4s, wnr, $19,375 9 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 6.80 AWD Spell Victory, 1980 21s, wnr, $27,155 10 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

WHAT A SPELL. 10 wins, 2 to 7, $387,243, Baldwin S, Remington Park Sprint Championship H, Foothill S, 2nd Hoist the Flag S (G3T), Racing Room H, Aprisa H, 3rd Lazaro S Barrera H (G3), Pirate Cove S. Sire. MAITLIN. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $135,463, Chamisa H, 2nd Coquette Breeders’ Cup H. Producer. SPEED DIAL. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $86,970, Inaugural S, 3rd Bob Feller S, Rattlesnake S. Sire. SUSAN POWTER. Dam of JOEY FRANCO ($635,091, Triple Bend Breeders’ Cup Invitational H, G1, Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Ack Ack H, Tiznow S, El Cajon S, 2nd Potrero Grande Breeders’ Cup H, G2, 3rd California Breeders’ Champion S, sire), MISS LAWLESS ($212,694, Bay Meadows Matron H, 2nd Melair S, 3rd Hayward H), Born to Be ($175,855, 2nd La Lorgnette S, 3rd Mazarine Breeders’ Cup S, G3A, Maple Leaf S). 3rd dam MISS NANITH. Dam of 8 foals, including— MIMI BAKER. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $158,629, a qualified black-type race, 2nd Silver Belles H (G3), Pink Pigeon S, a qualified black-type race, 3rd A Gleam H, Rancho Bernardo H, Manta H, etc. Producer. Dam of El Ale (3rd Clasico Antinoo, in Peru). Granddam of FATALE ATTRACTION ($132,650, Louisiana Futurity, Elge Rasberry Memorial S, 2nd Mesquite Mile S, 3rd Tiffany Lass S, Battler Star H, Louisiana Champions Day Lassie S). LOOSE WIRE. Dam of SCOTTISH MONK ($688,701, Poker S, G3T, Hudson H, 2nd Joe Palmer S, Alex M Robb S, 3rd Fort Marcy H, G3T, Paumonok H, Ashley T. Cole S), WIRE ME COLLECT ($626,452, Lafayette S, G3, Chesapeake S, Northern Wolf S, Lite the Fuse S, Hoover S twice, Hudson H, Fire Plug S, 2nd Philadelphia Park Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Suffolk Downs Breeders’ Cup H, Wilmington H, Toboggan H, Bowie S, Damitrius S, 3rd General George H, G2, James B. Moseley Breeders’ Cup H, Damascus H, Longfellow H, Keystone State Sprint H, sire), CLEVER ELECTRICIAN ($470,640, General Douglas MacArthur H twice, John Morrissey S, 2nd Hudson H, John Morrissey S, 3rd Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S, G1, Tom Fool H, G2), ELECTRIC SHOCK ($134,100, Maid of the Mist S, 2nd Marie P. DeBartolo Oaks, 3rd New York Stallion Fifth Avenue S), Fear the Cape ($131,373, 2nd Delaware Certified S, sire), Silver Wire ($86,753, 3rd Lady Dean S). Granddam of TASTE OF PARADISE ($1,019,455, Vosburgh S, G1, San Diego H, G2, Vernon O. Underwood S, G3, Ack Ack H, 2nd TVG Breeders’ Cup Sprint, G1, El Cajon S, 3rd Bing Crosby H, G1, Pat O’Brien Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Berkeley Breeders’ Cup H, G3, sire), FISH TRAPPE ROAD ($572,185, Dwyer S, G3, 2nd Woody Stephens S, G2, Sleepy Hollow S, 3rd



Dosage (5-0-3-0-0); DI: 4.33; CD: 1.25 See gray pages—Matchem Skywalker, 1982 20s, BTW, $2,226,750 533 f, 43 BTW, 1.62 AEI

Relaunch, by In Reality

Gentle Hands, 1979 12s, wnr, $40,275 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Buffalo Lark, by T. V. Lark

Steelinctive, 1978 40s, wnr, $240,247 45 f, 1 BTW, 0.74 AEI

Steel Heart, by Habitat

Pirate's Serenade, 1982 21s, wnr, $50,630 11 f, 9 r, 6 w

Pirate's Bounty, by Hoist the Flag

Bold Captive, by Boldnesian

Three Red Bells, by Third Martini

Distinctiveness, by Distinctive

Lyrical Approach, by Gummo

Mr. Prospector, 1970 Raise a Native, by Native Dancer 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Gold Digger, by Nashua French Blossom, 1969 14s, pl, $2,515 6 f, 5 r, 4 w

Carlemont, by Charlottesville

Dance Spell, 1973 25s, BTW, $326,090 67 f, 6 BTW, 1.98 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Miss Nanith, 1971 2s, unpl 8 f, 7 r, 6 w

Victoria Park, by Chop Chop

Nalo, by Nadir

Obeah, by Cyane

Nangela, by Nearctic

Oklahoma Derby, G3, to 3, 2016), SCOTT THE GREAT ($362,824, Poker S, G3T, 2nd Poker S, G3T, Ashley T. Cole H, 3rd Daryl’s Joy S, G3T), TASTE’S SIS ($147,801, Kachina H), CRAFTY TEARS ($44,092, Gasparilla S, 2nd Sandpiper S). 4th dam NANGELA. 4 wins at 2, Carleton S, 2nd Mazarine S, Natalma S. Dam of 8 foals, including— SQUARE ANGEL. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $106,446, champion 3yo filly in Can, Canadian Oaks, Nettie H, Fury S, Shady Well S, 2nd Wonder Where S, Bison City S, Natalma S, Tattling H, Selene S, Star Shoot S, Yearling Sales S. Dam of KAMAR ($140,747, champion 3yo filly in Can, Duchess S, Canadian Oaks, Yearling Sales S, 2nd Princess Elizabeth S, 3rd Ontario Colleen H, Shady Well S. Broodmare of the Year, 1990), LOVE SMITTEN ($450,505, Apple Blossom H, G1, Santa Maria H, G2, Silver Belles H, G3, It’s in the Air S, Autumn Days H, 2nd Santa Barbara H, G1T), DANCING ON A CLOUD ($208,542, Beverly D. Stakes, 2nd Modesty S, G3T, Nassau S, Canadian Maturity S, Wonder Where S, etc.), STELLARETTE ($187,257, Barbara Fritchie H, G3, Hendrie H, 2nd Interborough H, Miss Prosperity H), Square Letters ($124,431, 3rd Seagram Cup H). Granddam of SWAIN ($3,797,566, champion older male three times in Eur, twice in Eng, and Ire, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond S, G1 in Eng twice, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, Vodafone Coronation Cup, G1 in Eng, Grand Prix de Deauville Lancel, G2 in Fr, Prix du Lys, G3 in Fr, Prix Foy, G3 in Fr, Prix de Reux, etc., sire), KEY TO THE MOON ($714,536, champion 3yo colt in Can, Discovery H, G3, Dominion Day H, G3, Queen’s Plate, Gulfstream Sprint Championship H, Durham Cup H, Marine S, Display S, 2nd Gulfstream Park H, G1, Jersey Derby, G3, Christmas Day H, G3, Jacques Cartier S, etc., sire), GORGEOUS ($1,171,370, Vanity Invitational H, G1, Ashland S, G1, Hollywood Oaks, G1, Apple Blossom H, G2, La Canada S, G2, Santa Ysabel S, Bourbonette S, 2nd Santa Margarita H, G1, Spinster S, G1, Breeders’ Cup Distaff, G1, Mother Goose S, G1), CUDDLES ($582,996, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Oaklawn Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Junior Miss S, G3, Manta H, Santa Lucia H, etc.), SEASIDE ATTRACTION ($272,541, Kentucky Oaks, G1, 2nd Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 3rd Acorn S, G1, etc.), THIEF OF HEARTS ($57,723, Prix de Conde, G3 in Fr, sire), HIAAM ($48,081, Princess Margaret S, G3 in Eng, etc.), ANTITRUST ($189,780, Meadowlands Endurance S, 3rd Laurel Turf Cup S, G3T, etc.), WATER POET ($95,725, Prix de Reux, Prix Nimbus, in Fr, sire).

bOb bLACk jACk Stormy jack – Molly’s Prospector, by Native Prospector

Grade 1 Stakes Winner of $704,925 Precocious two-year-old, won California Breeders’ Champion S. by 6 ¼ lengths Classic contender at 3, won Malibu S. Grade 1 over Into Mischief, 2nd Santa Anita Derby Grade 1 by ½ length to Colonel John, 3rd San Felipe S. Grade 2 Won San Carlos H. Grade 2 in 1:21 by 2 ¼ lengths, 2nd Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S. Set NEW WORLD RECORD 6 furlongs in 1:06.53 in Sunshine Millions Dash S. earning $704,925 By a Graded stakes son of champion bERTRANDO, winner of over $3 Million – Out of a winning full sister to the dam of Grade 1 SW jOEY FRANCO, MISS LAWLESS and born to be, half-sister to sires WHAT A SPELL and SPEED DIAL and producer MAITLIN 2015 colt Cedar Extra Bold, first foal out of Miss Cedar Key, a half-sister to MGSW bIRDATTHEWIRE: “He’s the epitome of a good horse.” – trainer james kasparoff Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000-LIVE FOAL Standing at


Inquiries to Doreen Spinney, 3637 Stewart Rd., Lathrop, California 95330 (916) 803-5851 E-mail:




Entered Stud in 2015

Dosage (6-4-11-0-1); DI: 2.38; CD: 0.64 See gray pages—Polynesian

dkb/br, 2007


2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals






0 7 7 8 6 7 35

0 2 4(3) 3(3) 2(2) 1 12(8)

0 0 0 2(2) 1(1) 0 3(3)

0 — 0 $68,784 1(1) $296,273 1(1) $422,853 1(1) $538,049 1(1) $132,833 4(4) $1,458,792

Won At 3 A race at Bel ($54,000, 11f, turf in 2:16.89, dftg. Cheyenne Nation, Mr.Universo, Too Big to Fail, Slambino, Peahi, Quick to Charm, Thabazimbi, R J Hope, Round About). A maiden special weight race at Sar ($51,000, 9.5f, turf in 1:57.12, dftg. Jadal, Ryvit, Zhivago, Antrim Shield, Call You in Ten, El Primero, Macedonian, Yankee Scholar, Grand Gift, Grand Pride). Won At 4 Red Smith H (G2T, $150,000, 11f in 2:20.26, dftg. Bold Hawk, Harrods Creek, Grassy, Radical Sabbatical, Exclusive Strike, Perfect Footprint). Knickerbocker S (G3T, $100,000, 9f in 1:51.42, dftg. Sleepless Knight, Mr. Ryder, Mata Keranjang, Boots Ahead, Followmyfootsteps, Yummy With Butter). Three Coins Up S ($60,000, 10f, turf in 2:06.99, dftg. Grassy, Kindergarden Kid, Grand Rapport, Bold Hawk, Wishful Tomcat). An allowance race at Kee ($58,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:42.70, dftg. Merkabah, Kindergarden Kid, Lighthouse Sound, Kaddish, Strong Commitment, Getta Rhythm). 3rd Man o’ War S (G1T, 11f, to Cape Blanco, Gio Ponti, dftg. Mission Approved, Al Khali, Bearpath). Won At 5 Red Smith H (G2T, $200,000, 11f in 2:19.38, by 3, dftg. Lake Drop, Philly Ace, Westside Corral, Game Ball, Bombaguia). Fort Marcy S (G3T, $150,000, 8.5f in 1:44.89, dftg. Desert Blanc, Top Surprize, Boots Ahead, Upgrade, Sal the Barber). Knickerbocker S (G3T, $150,000, 9f in 1:50.26, dftg. See Tobe, Tune Me In, Stormy Lord, Bombaguia, Sky Blazer, Barocci). 2nd Arlington H (G3T, 10f, to Rahystrada, dftg. Mister Marti Gras, Vertiformer, Cherokee Lord, Sky Blazer, Nikki’s Sandcastle, Proceed Bee, Mavericking). River City H (G3T, 9f, to Keep Up, dftg. Skyring, Swift Warrior, Optimizer, Miami Deco, Middie, Guys Reward, Global Power, Depeche Chat, Temeraine, Stormy Lord). 3rd Woodford Reserve Manhattan H (G1T, 10f, to Desert Blanc, Papaw Bodie, dftg. Hudson Steele, Brilliant Speed, Al Khali, Omayad). Won At 6 Man o’ War S (G1T, $600,000, 11f in 2:14.11, by 21, dftg. Twilight Eclipse, Exclusive Strike, Finnegans Wake, Optimizer, Al Khali, Speaking of Which, Folk Singer). Monmouth S (G2T, $202,500, 9f in 1:48.84, dftg. Big Blue Kitten, Two Notch Road, Rahystrada, Hobbs, Star Channel, Tune Me In, Wrote). 2nd Ben Ali S (G3A, 9f, to Successful Dan, dftg. Richard’s Kid, Son of a General, Hattaash, Stephanoatsee). 3rd Bowling Green H (G2T, 10f, to Hyper, Finnegans Wake, dftg. Quick Casablanca, London Lane, Farhaan). Won At 7 An allowance race at Kee ($68,000, 9f, turf in 1:50.86, dftg. Tricky Hat, Unbridled Ocean, Sky Blazer, Forte Dei Marmi, Up With the Birds). 3rd Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S (G1T, 9f, to Wise Dan, Seek Again, dftg. Kaigun, Admiral Kitten, Guys Reward, Moro Tap, Finnegans Wake, Bright Thought, Skyring).

STUD ANALYSIS Boisterous entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Forty Niner, 1985 19s, BTW, $2,726,000 920 f, 56 BTW, 1.97 AEI Distorted Humor, ch, 1993 23s, BTW, $769,964 1,403 f, 134 BTW, 2.07 AEI 7.15 AWD Danzig's Beauty, 1987 8s, BTW, $205,806 14 f, 8 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Cox's Ridge, 1974 28s, BTW, $667,172 774 f, 49 BTW, 2.47 AEI Emanating, dkb/br, 1996 18s, BTW, $273,030 7 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 9.35 AWD Lead Kindly Light, 1983 23s, BTW, $216,037 9 f, 7 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

File, 1976 22s, BTW, $73,774 11 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Sweetest Chant, 1978 40s, BTW, $414,410 11 f, 10 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Leader, by Hail to Reason

Best Turn, 1966 28s, BTW, $270,339 335 f, 35 BTW, 2.81 AEI

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Our Martha, 1961 25s, wnr, $6,045 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Ballydonnell, by Ballyogan

Majestic Light, 1973 31s, BTW, $650,158 854 f, 70 BTW, 2.08 AEI

Majestic Prince, by Raise a Native

Arabian Dancer, 1979 3s, wnr, $51,377 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Continue, by Double Jay

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Gay Sonnet, by Sailor

Sweet Clementine, by Swaps

Corday, by Carrier Pigeon

Irradiate, by Ribot

Ten Cents a Dance, by Buckpasser

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Raise a Native; 5SX5d Ribot.

SIRE LINE BOISTEROUS is by DISTORTED HUMOR, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $769,964, Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S (G2), Churchill Downs H (G2), Ack Ack H (G3), Salvator Mile H (G3), Screen King S, 2nd Fayette S (G2), Jerome H (G2), Kentucky Cup Classic H (G3), 3rd Cigar Mile H (G1), Philip H. Iselin H (G2), King’s Bishop S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 1,403 foals, 1,154 rnrs (82%), 892 wnrs (64%), 187 2yo wnrs (13%), 134 BTW (10%), 2.07 AEI, 2.20 CI, 594 sale yrlgs, avg $243,993, 5.44 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 31 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 29 sale yrlgs, avg $155,448. DISTORTED HUMOR has sired FUNNY CIDE (champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby, G1, Preakness S, G1, etc.), REGAL RANSOM (champion 3yo colt in UAE, Saeed & Mohammed Al Naboodah Group U.A.E. Derby, G2 in UAE, Super Derby, G2, etc.), DON DANDY (champion older male in PR, Clasico Dia de Reyes, twice, Clasico Battle Morn, etc.), HILLABY (champion female sprinter in Can, Bessarabian S, G2A, 2nd Sweet Briar Too S), PATHFORK (champion 2yo colt in Ire, Vincent O’Brien National S, G1 in Ire, Galileo E.B.F. Futurity S, G2 in Ire), DROSSELMEYER (Belmont S, G1, Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, etc.), FLOWER ALLEY (Travers S, G1, Jim Dandy S, G2, Lane’s End S, G2, etc.), HYSTERICALADY (Humana Distaff S, G1, Delaware H, G2, Fleur de Lis H, G2, etc.), COMMENTATOR (Whitney H, G1 twice, Richter Scale Sprint H, G2, etc.), ANY GIVEN SATURDAY (Haskell Invitational S, G1, Brooklyn H, G2, Dwyer S, G2, etc.), AWESOME HUMOR (Spinaway S, G1, Adirondack S, G2, Indiana Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G3, etc.), JOKING (Vosburgh S, G1, True North S, G2, etc., to 7, 2016), FOURTY NINERS SON (Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, San Luis Rey H, G2T, 2nd Eddie Read H, G1T, etc.), BIT OF WHIMSY (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Mrs. Revere S, G2T, Sands Point S, G3T, etc.), AESOP’S FABLES (Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, 2nd Prix Guillaume d’Ornano-Haras du Logis Saint-Germain, G2 in Fr, etc.), RINKY DINK (Schweppes Oaks, G1 in Aust, etc.), JIMMY CREED (Malibu S, G1, Potrero Grande S, G2, 2nd El Cajon S, etc.), CURSORY GLANCE (Moyglare Stud S, G1 in Ire, Albany S, G3 in Eng, etc.), ALTERNATION (Oaklawn H, G2, Peter Pan S, G2, Pimlico Special S, G3, etc.), IRONICUS (Longines Dixie S, G2T, Bernard Baruch H, G2T, Fort Marcy S, G3T, 2nd Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T, etc., to 5, 2016), IT’S NO JOKE (Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, Emirates Airline Ack Ack H, G3, etc.), FIRE WITH FIRE (Charles Whittingham S, G2T, San Luis Rey S, G2T, etc.), COWTOWN CAT (Illinois Derby, G1, Gotham S, G3, etc.), JUSTENUFFHUMOR (Bernard Baruch H, G2T, Fourstardave H, G2T, 3rd TVG Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T), LIKE IT IS (Assessing & Training Services



Sunline S, G2 in Aust, Matron S, G3 in Aust, etc.), Some Are Bent (champion steeplechaser twice in Aust, Grand National Hurdle, etc.), etc. DISTORTED HUMOR’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are JOKING (G1), IRONICUS (G3T), NO DISTORTION, SLOW PACE (in Aust), TALES OF GRIMM (in Aust). DISTORTED HUMOR’S other sons as stallions include FLOWER ALLEY (442 foals, 17 BTW, 1.47 AEI), SHARP HUMOR (448 foals, 22 BTW, 1.32 AEI), ANY GIVEN SATURDAY (598 foals, 17 BTW, 1.22 AEI), IT’S NO JOKE, Maclean’s Music, COWTOWN CAT, etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — —

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$1,000 — 1—$1,000

FAMILY 1st dam EMANATING. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $273,030, Polly Drummond S, 2nd All Along S (G3T), 3rd Test S (G1), Lake Placid H (G2T). Dam of 7 foals, incl.— BOISTEROUS (Subject stallion). Peyton (by Tale of the Cat). 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 7, 2016, $514,975, 2nd Valedictory S (G3A), 3rd Valedictory S (G3A), Seagram Cup S (G3A). Lulu Le’ Mon (Lemon Drop Kid). Winner at 2 and 3, $63,918, 3rd Nick Shuk Memorial S. 2nd dam LEAD KINDLY LIGHT. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $216,037, Athenia H (G3T), 3rd New York H (G2T). Dam of 9 foals, including— GOLD FEVER. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $480,712, NYRA Mile H (G1), Riva Ridge S (G3), Discovery H (G3), Perpetuate S, 2nd Dwyer S (G2), Bay Shore S (G3), Screen King S, 3rd Hutcheson S (G2). Sire, 1.22 AEI. MOOD MUSIC. Placed at 4. Dam of ALLEGRE ($87,960, Wildcat H, 3rd Walter R. Cluer Memorial H). 3rd dam Arabian Dancer. 2 wins at 2, $51,377, 2nd Matron S (G1). Dam of 10 foals, including— OUT OF PLACE. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $733,450, Clark H (G3), 2nd Philip H. Iselin H (G1), Donn H (G1), Whitney H (G1), Westchester H (G3), 3rd Woodward S (G1), Baltimore Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Ben Ali S (G3), Discovery H (G3). Sire, 1.25 AEI. Frolic. 4 wins at 4, $146,216, 3rd John A. Morris H (G1), Go for Wand S (G1). Dam of JACKPOT ($288,915, Gulfstream Park H, G2, sire). KASIMOVA. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Forever Dancing (3rd Wilkinson Insurance Brokers Mile S, G3 in NZ). Granddam of THOUSAND VEILS ($30,753, Carlton Draught St. Leger, in Aust).

check daily updates on

BOISTEROUS Distorted Humor – Emanating, by Cox’s Ridge

THE ONLY GRADE 1-WINNING MILLIONAIRE SON OF DISTORTED HUMOR STANDING IN CALIFORNIA BOISTEROUS won or placed in 15 Stakes – 14 Graded, earning $1,458,792 Won $600,000 Grade 1 Man o’ War S. by 21⁄4 lengths under co-highweight Won $200,000 Grade 2 Monmouth S. beating G1SW BIG BLUE KITTEN Won Grade 2 Red Smith H. – twice, by a combined margin of 5 lengths Won Grade 3 Fort Marcy S. yielding 4 pounds to G1SW DESERT BLANC Won Grade 3 Knickerbocker S. – twice, once under highweight by 2 lengths Incredible Phipps family: 1st dam is G1pl SW EMANATING, a COX’S RIDGE half-sister to G1SW & Sire GOLD FEVER (like DISTORTED HUMOR is by FORTY NINER), 2nd dam G3SW LEAD KINDLY LIGHT, 3rd dam G1pl Arabian Dancer. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE Owner: Tommy Town Thoroughbreds and Gary Barber

TOMMY TOWN THOROUGHBREDS Santa Ynez, California Inquiries to Mike Allen, Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Rd., Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 686-4337 (office). Fax (805) 686-4280. E-mail: Web Site:




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals


3 5 6 9 9 6 8 1 47


2 2(1) 3(3) 4(4) 3(3) 3(2) 1(1) 0 18(14)



0 1(1) 1 2(2) 2(2) 1(1) 6(4) 1 14(10)


0 $47,255 2(2) $134,570 0 $283,950 0 $362,552 2(1) $294,084 0 $419,740 0 $131,020 0 $10,010 4(3) $1,683,181

Won At 2 A race at BM ($41,900, 8f in 1:37.52, by 21, dftg. M. J. Pkay, Wild Truce, Passive Income, etc.). A maiden special weight race at GG ($39,300, 6f in 1:09.19, by 51, dftg. Wilmore, Burning Blur, etc.). Won At 3 Hayes Valley S ($65,000, 8.5f in 1:42.92, by 5, dftg. Passive Income, Where’s My Halo, Courting Seattle). An allowance race at GG ($52,000, 8f, turf in 1:36.01, dftg. Bedlam Bertie, Two Trails, A Firm Storm). 2nd Bay Meadows Derby (G3T, abt 9f, to Proudinsky, dftg. Bedlam Bertie, Illuminise, Raise the Bluff, Sharper Edge). 3rd El Camino Real Derby (G3, 8.5f, to Cause to Believe, Objective, dftg. A. P. Warrior, Wanna Runner, Acolyte). Real Good Deal S (7f, to Seven Nation Army, Da Stoops, dftg. Red State, Buddyandrowdy). Won At 4 California Cup Classic H ($250,000, 9f, AW in 1:47.23, dftg. Celtic Dreamin, Seminole Native, A Gallant Discover, Add Heat, Lava Man, Cheroot, Tiz Afire, Rush With Thunder, Valiant Effort). California Dreamin’ H ($136,200, 8.5f, turf in 1:39.98, dftg. Epic Power, Lucky J. H., Jack’s Wild, Seminole Native, Cigar Pal, Dadsalittleunusual, Direct Connect). Alamedan H ($50,520, 8.5f in 1:42.63, by 4, dftg. Desert Boom, He’s the Rage, Me My Mine). Won At 5 Bay Meadows H ($125,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:42.36, dftg. Our Partner, Boboman, Cooperation, Vega’s Lord). California Dreamin’ H ($131,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:40.23, dftg. Comoros, Epic Power, Mr. Wolverine). March Madness H ($71,500, 8f, turf in 1:34.71, CER, dftg. Now Victory, Pass the Heat, Putmeinyourwill, Macduff). President’s Day Mile S ($71,500, 8f in 1:35.56, dftg. McCann’s Mojave, Plug Me In, Putmeinyourwill, It’s a Bird, Amazin Blue). 2nd Del Mar Mile H (G2T, 8f, to Whatsthescript, dftg. Global Hunter, Daytona, Monzante, Stoneside, Porto Santo, Storm Military, One Union). California Cup Mile H (8f, turf, to Swift Winds, dftg. Liberian Freighter, Pass the Heat, Unusual Suspect, Comoros, Epic Power). Won At 6 Governor’s H ($80,000, 9f in 1:49.43, by 5, dftg. Autism Awareness, Captain Roy, Our Partner, Dance Chief).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Year 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 18 18 36

Runners 13 (72%) 4 (22%) 17 (47%)

Winners 4 (22%) 1 (6%) 5 (14%)

2yo Wnrs 2 1 3

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI Chief Seattle, dkb/br, 1997 4s, wnr, $327,000 445 f, 9 BTW, 1.11 AEI 6.79 AWD Skatingonthinice, 1986 46s, BTW, $171,757 7 f, 4 r, 4 w

Seattle Dancer, 1984 5s, BTW, $152,413 857 f, 35 BTW, 1.16 AEI Hooked On Music, b, 1991 25s, wnr, $87,068 10 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 7.98 AWD Venetian Dancer, 1980 Unraced 11 f, 10 r, 10 w


Bold Reasoning, 1968 12s, BTW, $189,564 61 f, 10 BTW, 3.81 AEI

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Icecapade, 1969 32s, BTW, $256,468 565 f, 69 BTW, 2.40 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Rain Shower, 1980 23s, wnr, $53,646 9 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Bold Forbes, by Irish Castle

Nijinsky II, 1967 13s, BTW, $677,117 851 f, 156 BTW, 4.49 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Norcliffe, 1973 33s, BTW, $433,978 257 f, 17 BTW, 1.88 AEI

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Lancaster Sound, 1967 1s, unpl 8 f, 4 r, 4 w

Nearctic, by Nearco

California Cup Classic H ($200,000, 9f, AW in 1:50.32, dftg. Lethal Heat, Star Nicholas, One Chin Again, Grazen, Blackbriar). San Quentin S ($65,300, 8.5f, AW in 1:43.81, by 3, dftg. Cigar Man, Pearl Fisher, Cover Magic, Run It, Yacht Spotter). 2nd Berkeley S (G3A, 8.5f, to Autism Awareness, by a head, dftg. Awesome Gem, Medzendeekron, Silent Soul, Unusual Suspect, Captain Roy, Unusual Smoke, Our Partner). Alamedan H (8.5f, to Sierra Sunset, dftg. Meetingwithdestiny, Eager Pharisien, Shore Do, Niner Genius, Our Partner). 3rd San Francisco Mile S (G2T, 8f, to Mr Napper Tandy, Yacht Spotter, dftg. Our Partner, Siren Lure, Ferneley, Sky Cape, Mr. Wolverine, Autism Awareness). Won At 7 San Francisco Mile S (G2T, $150,000, 8f in 1:35.21, dftg. Monterey Jazz, Red Sun, Massone, Run It, Golden Balls, Kelly Leak, Sir Al). Sunshine Millions Classic S ($500,000, 9f, AW in 1:48.33, dftg. Palladio, Unusual Smoke, Jeranimo, Acclamation, Enriched, Wicked Style, Unusual Suspect, The Usual Q. T.). An allowance race at GG ($42,900, 8f, AW in 1:36.21, dftg. Monterey Jazz, Sir Al, Run It, Prairie City Road). 2nd Berkeley S (G3A, 8.5f, to Run It, by a head, dftg. Dakota Phone, Quindici Man, Delightful Kiss, Dance Chief). Won At 8 Bull Dog S ($65,500, 9f in 1:50.19, dftg. Uh Oh Bango, Dos Eqkeys, Big Sky Posse, Pelican Hill). 2nd Berkeley S (G3A, 8.5f, to Uh Oh Bango, by a head, dftg. Mobilized, Autism Awareness, Our Nautique, Hudson Landing, Delightful Kiss, Knockout Artist). All American S (G3A, 9f, to Our Nautique, dftg. Dunmore East, Uh Oh Bango, Highway Bandit, Skipshot). Alamedan H (8.5f, to Slew the Man, dftg. El Gato Malo, Honour the Deputy, Pode Ir, Delightful Kiss, Autism Awareness). Joseph T. Grace H (8.5f, turf, to Our Nautique, dftg. Whatsthescript, Dunmore East, Deacon Speakin’, Rooster City, Lama Chant).

SIRE LINE Earned $34,419 $248,063 $282,482

Reason to Earn, by Hail to Reason

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Shenanigans, by Native Dancer

Right as Rain, by Rasper II

Flaming Page, by Bull Page

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Drama School, by Northern Dancer

Tudorette, by Tudor Minstrel

Inbreeding: 3SX3D My Charmer; 4SX5DX4d Nearctic.

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2015 2 0 2016 7 0 *Totals 9 0 0.61 AEI; 0.98 CI; 6.46 AWD In 2016: 17 rnrs, 4 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $16,617 *to November 6, 2016

Dosage (7-0-11-2-0); DI: 1.67; CD: 0.60 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

dkb/br, 2003

BOLD CHIEFTAIN is by Chief Seattle, winner of 1 race, $327,000, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Champagne S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 445 foals, 354 rnrs (80%), 261 wnrs (59%), 57 2yo wnrs (13%), 9 BTW (2%), 1.11 AEI, 1.28 CI, 169 sale yrlgs, avg $27,445, 0.61 TNA. Chief Seattle has sired SHILLELAGH SLEW (champion 3yo colt in Can, Canadian Derby, G3, Ontario Derby,



G3A, Prince of Wales S, 3rd Breeders’ S, Coronation Futurity), SEAFREE (La Canada S, G2, 3rd Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1, Pine Tree Lane S), SUNDAE ON SUNDAY (Ontario County S, 2nd George W. Barker H, Leon Reed Memorial H twice, 3rd George W. Barker S, Leon Reed Memorial S, to 7, 2016), CHIEF’S MAGIC (Hoofprint on My Heart H, President’s H, etc.), CHIEF THIEF (Come Summer S, 3rd Ocala Breeders’ Sales Sophomore S), ATLANTA HIGHWAY (Stonerside S), JUDGE JOAN (Barretts Debutante S), DONKEY ENGINE (Ontario County S), Sophia Slew (champion older female in Pan), Dozen Dancer (2nd Vigil S, G3A), Free Race (champion older male in Mex), etc. BOLD CHIEFTAIN Has Sired: Bold Chieftain has sired the winners I Came to Party ($148,255, 3rd Wild and Wonderful S, Federico Tesio S, to 3, 2016), Awe (to 3, 2016), Mischief Pearl (to 3, 2016), Miss Veeto (to 3, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winner Dresscode Violator.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$5,000 2—$7,000 5—$8,100

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam Hooked On Music. Winner at 3 and 4, $87,068, 3rd Mother Lode Breeders’ Cup H. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— BOLD CHIEFTAIN (Subject stallion). Hooked On Niners (by Mr. Greeley). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $184,500, 2nd Brown Bess H (G3T), 3rd Yerba Buena Breeders’ Cup H (G3T), Brown Bess H. Producer. Capt. Fly Hook (Fly Till Dawn). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $168,650, 3rd Governor’s H. ROMAN LADY (Roman Ruler). 3 wins at 3, $70,760. THEFOUROFUS (Dixie Dot Com). 2 wins, 3 to 5, $34,298. 2nd dam VENETIAN DANCER. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— BABY TAKE THE GOLD. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $112,534. Producer. 3rd dam LANCASTER SOUND. Dam of 8 foals, including— NIGHT MISSION. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $49,567. 4th dam TUDORETTE. 2 wins at 2 in Eng. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— BROCKTON BOY. 18 wins, 2 to 6, $67,548, Clarendon S, 2nd Fort Erie H, Jacques Cartier S, Plate Trial S, Victoria S, etc. Sire, 1.01 AEI. SEA SERVICE. 21 wins, 2 to 7, $61,094, Colin S, Queenston S, Vandal S. Sire.

BOLD CHIEFTAIN Chief Seattle – Hooked On Music, by Seattle Dancer

RANKED AMONG THE TOP THREE CALIFORNIA SECOND-CROP SIRES BOLD CHIEFTAIN’s first two crops include 2016 East Coast Listed Stakes-placed allowance winner I Came to Party ($148,255), on-the-board in 14 of 18 starts including $100,000 Federico Tesio S., $100,000 Wild and Wonderful S., and $100,000 Robert Hilton Memorial S.; 2016 first start Golden Gate maiden special winner DRESSCODE VIOLATOR (by 5 length); 2016 Golden Gate maiden special winner AWE (by 13⁄4 length); 2016 Golden Gate maiden winner MISCHIEF PEARL (by 4 lengths); etc.

Only Two-Time Cal Cup Classic Winner and 50th Cal-Bred Millionaire A versatile racehorse who won black-type races on all-weather, grass & dirt surfaces. Graded stakes winner of 18 races, 14 stakes, with earnings of $1,683,181. Posted Triple Digit Beyers on Dirt and Turf. Won Grade 2, $150,000 San Francisco Mile, defeating multiple Grade 2 winner MONTEREY JAZZ. G.S.M. 64.4 G.S.M. = Genetic Stallion Marker; Go to to learn more about how genetics can be used to help with your breeding decisions Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000-LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE (payable when foal stands and nurses) Property of a Partnership, Standing at



Inquiries to Ellen Jackson, 5144 Allendale Road, Vacaville, California 95688 (707) 678-6580/FAX (707) 678-6580 E-mail: or website:




ch, 2006

Dosage (5-0-7-0-0); DI: 2.43; CD: 0.83 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 15.3

RACE RECORD Brave Cat did not race.

Tale of the Cat, 1994 9s, BTW, $360,900 2,279 f, 104 BTW, 1.41 AEI


Brave Cat is by LION HEART, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $1,390,800, Haskell Invitational H (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), Jack Daniel’s Hollywood Prevue S (G3), Long Branch Breeders’ Cup S (G3), 2nd Kentucky Derby (G1), Toyota Blue Grass S (G1), San Rafael S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 1,111 foals, 854 rnrs (77%), 592 wnrs (53%), 120 2yo wnrs (11%), 38 BTW (3%), 1.22 AEI, 1.24 CI, 497 sale yrlgs, avg $55,998, 1.25 TNA. In 2016: 3 2yos, 2 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr, 4 BTW. LION HEART has sired UNCAPTURED (Horse of the Year and champion 2yo colt in Can, Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, Iroquois S, G3, Swynford S, Vandal S, etc.), DANGEROUS MIDGE (Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial, G3 in Eng), BRADESTER (Stephen Foster H, G1, Monmouth Cup S, G2 twice, Mineshaft H, G3, Salvator Mile S, G3, Ack Ack H, G3, etc., to 6, 2016), LINE OF DAVID (Arkansas Derby, G1), TOM’S TRIBUTE (Eddie Read S, G1T, Del Mar Mile H, G2T, Thunder Road S, Uniformity S, 2nd Arcadia S, G2T, 3rd Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc.), BOURBON COURAGE (Super Derby, G2, 2nd Donn H, G1, West Virginia Derby, G2, Indiana Derby, G2, Hockessin S, 3rd Cigar Mile H, G1, etc.), SOUL WARRIOR (West Virginia Derby, G2, 2nd Iowa Derby), KNOW MORE (Best Pal S, G2A, 2nd Del Mar Futurity, G1A, FrontRunner S, G1), AZUL LEON (Best Pal S, G2A, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A, 2nd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A), KANTHAROS (Saratoga Special S, G2, Bashford Manor S, G3), FALLING SKY (Sam F. Davis S, G3, Gulfstream Park Sprint S, G3, Donald LeVine Memorial H, Lafayette S, Trinniberg S, 2nd Groomstick S, etc.), HEART ASHLEY (Cicada S, G3, Adena Stallions’ Miss Preakness S, G3, My Juliet S), AGAVE KISS (Cicada S, G3, Miss Preakness S, Ruthless S, Trevose S, 2nd Valor Lady S, 3rd Prioress S, G1), PRETTY PROLIFIC (Sugar Swirl S, G3, 2nd Humana Distaff S, G1, Test S, G1, Dearly Precious S, 3rd Adirondack S, G2), SILENT VALOR (Sapling S, G3), BIANCA JEWEL (Winning Edge Promotional Gear Princess S, 2nd Hotel Urban St. Kilda Gold Edition Plate), LION D N A (Skipat S, Correction S, Interborough S), GOOD MORNING DIVA (Calder Derby, Bet On Sunshine S, 2nd Don Bernhardt S, 3rd Ack Ack H, G3, Pegasus S, G3, Fabulous Strike H), GRAN LIONESS (My Trusty Cat S, Prima Donna S, 3rd Rachel Alexandra S, G3, Dogwood S, G3, Donnie Wilhite Memorial H), HEART OF A KING (Tall Ships S, 3rd Woodstock S), TOUCH MAGIC (Silverbulletday S, 2nd Delta Downs Princess S, G3, Cassidy S, 3rd Panthers S), PURPLE EGG (Barbaro S, 3rd Trippi S, to 6, 2016), LION WIND (Tay Deneme S, Siay Ve Sah Der, Sakarya S), LION DOWN BY ME (Oakley S, 2nd Oakley S, 3rd Smart and Fancy S), MAYHAW (Lookout S, 2nd Treasure Chest S, 3rd Sam Houston Distaff S), TREE

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 5 15 3 5 28

Runners 2 (40%) 6 (40%) 2 (67%) 0 (0%) 10 (36%)

Winners 2 (40%) 5 (33%) 1 (33%) 0 (0%) 8 (29%)


Satin Sunrise, 1990 78s, BTW, $263,493 9 f, 8 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI Clever Squaw, b, 1997 Unraced 9 f, 7 r, 3 w 5.12 AWD Tricky Squaw, 1983 46s, BTW, $462,147 13 f, 11 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Yarn, 1987 6s, wnr, $19,108 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Mr. Leader, 1966 25s, BTW, $219,803 955 f, 80 BTW, 1.90 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Logic, 1979 23s, BTW, $173,341 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Naskra, by Nasram

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Glorious Song, 1976 34s, BTW, $1,004,534 13 f, 11 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Halo, by Hail to Reason

Clever Trick, 1976 29s, BTW, $419,787 1,070 f, 62 BTW, 1.52 AEI

Icecapade, by Nearctic

Black Apache, 1964 77s, BTW, $64,909 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Gainsworth, by Hyperion

2yo Wnrs 1 1 1 0 3

Earned $21,060 $56,205 $63,690 $28,620 $169,575

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Narrate, by Honest Pleasure

Jolie Deja, by Djeddah

Bactu Reason, by Bold Reason

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Ballade, by Herbager

Kankakee Miss, by Better Bee

Apache Nell, by Apache

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Hail to Reason.

OF LIFE (Barretts Juvenile S, 2nd Pomona Derby, 3rd California Derby), PUMPKIN SHELL (Busanda S, 2nd Affectionately S, 3rd Busher S, Rare Treat S), DAYIM BENIM (Orhan Doga Ozsoy, 3rd International Topkapi Trophy, G2 in Tur, Kocatepe S, at 3, 2016), LYIN’ HEART (TTA Sales Futurity, 2nd Bashford Manor S, G3, 3rd Mountain Valley S), CARPHONIC (Joe O’Farrell Juvenile Fillies S), KING AND CRUSADER (Jimmy Winkfield S), BELLACOURT (Joseph A. Gimma S, 3rd Adirondack S, G2), THATS WHATSHESAID (Showtime Deb S, 3rd Purple Violet S), DENIZCANIM (Siay Ve Sah Der, 2nd Inonu I, at 2, 2016), FOREVER SNOW (Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopning, 2nd Lanwades Stud S, etc.), DOUBLE HEART (Norths Devils Leagues Club J.F. Meynink S), YES OF AFRIKA (Orhan Doga Ozsoy, 3rd Kocatepe S), FOREVER HERE (Toroslar Kosusu, at 3, 2016), Brother Francis (2nd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A, Macau Kam Pek Paradise Cup, Macau Star of the Sand S, 3rd CashCall Futurity, G1A, Del Mar Derby, G2T, Damascus S, etc.), Self Preservation (2nd Del Mar Debutante S, G1A), Ronron (champion 3yo filly, sprinter, and turf female twice in Jam), etc. LION HEART’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRADESTER (G1), DAYIM BENIM (in Tur), DENIZCANIM (in Tur), FOREVER HERE (in Tur). LION HEART’S other sons as stallions include KANTHAROS (140 foals, 9 BTW, 1.84 AEI), LINE OF DAVID (117 foals, 3 BTW, 1.21 AEI), etc. BRAVE CAT Has Sired: Brave Cat has sired the winners Line Leader ($52,614), Lady Lionheart (to 5, 2016), Marquee Cat (to 3, 2016), La Tonga, Shesa Ranegade (to 4, 2016), Cyoulateralligator (to 4, 2016), Brave Life, Shoshoneforever (at 4, 2016).

Sales Analysis*

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 1 0 2014 2 0 2015 4 0 2016 3 0 *Totals 10 0 0.45 AEI; 0.59 CI; 4.95 AWD In 2016: 7 rnrs, 3 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $16,958 *to November 6, 2016

Lion Heart, ch, 2001 10s, BTW, $1,390,800 1,111 f, 38 BTW, 1.22 AEI 6.69 AWD

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$1,000 2—$5,500 6—$4,067

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam CLEVER SQUAW. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— CLEVER GRETEL (by Bluegrass Cat). 2 wins at 3, $32,406. SEDUCTIVELY SMOOTH (Cape Canaveral). Winner at 3, $23,033. Producer. CLEVER FOREST CAT (Forestry). Winner at 5. WHITE DOVE (Grand Slam). Unraced. Producer. Dam of Grand Forest ($63,454, 3rd Brian Barenscheer Juvenile S). BRAVE CAT (Subject stallion).



2nd dam TRICKY SQUAW. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $462,147, Next Move H (G3), Affectionately H (G3), Super Bowl Invitational H, 2nd Ladies H (G1), Honorable Miss S, Freshmen S, Good Life S, Mid-Peninsula S Fillies, 3rd Bed o’ Roses H (G3), Lady Sponsors’ S, Susan’s Girl S. Dam of 13 foals, including— TRICKY SIX. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $93,660, Juvenile Breeders’ Cup S, Airline S, Prevue S. Sire. SOUL SCREAM. 6 wins, 2 to 7, in Japan, $130,439. CHASSEUR’S TRESOR. 7 wins, 3 to 8, $125,676. CRAFTY MAVERICK. 10 wins, 2 to 8, $76,560. OFFICIATE. Placed at 3. Dam of MO CUISHLE ($217,475, Monmouth Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G3, 3rd Perfect Sting S). DENALI RED. Producer. Dam of Holiday’s Jewel ($393,052, 2nd Cat Cay S). TRICKY BIRD. Dam of STANLEY PARK ($273,220, San Luis Rey H, G2T, Bay Meadows Derby, G3T, 3rd Oceanside S, sire), TURF MELODY ($241,760, Springboard Mile S, 2nd Saranac S, G3T, 3rd Swynford S, etc.), Shriek ($74,150, 2nd Safely Kept S), All Aces ($61,004, 2nd Ta Wee S, to 3, 2016). Granddam of PAID UP SUBSCRIBER ($558,300, Fleur de Lis H, G2, 2nd Delaware H, G1, Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, to 4, 2016), TOP KISSER ($407,100, L.A. Woman S, G3, California Governor’s Cup H, Spring Fever S, 2nd C.E.R.F. Stakes, etc.). 3rd dam BLACK APACHE. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $64,909, Ak-SarBen Juvenile S, Rocky Mountain News Silver Heels S, 2nd Raton Futurity, Colorado Silver S, Colorado Springs H, Dinner S. Dam of 13 foals, including— Indian Wind. 8 wins, 3 to 9, $166,924, 3rd British Columbia Premier’s H. Brave Actress. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $56,077, 3rd Robert J. Dienst Memorial H, Cleveland Cotillion S. Dam of DREAMY MIMI ($585,637, Top Flight H, G1, Busanda S, Busher H, Cape May County S, 2nd Tempted S, G2, Rare Treat H, G3, Pimlico Oaks, 3rd Hempstead H, G1, Shuvee H, G1, Matron S, G1, Affectionately H, G3, Honey Bee H, G3, Ak-SarBen Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Dogwood S), ACTING BRAVE ($65,734, Valdale S, 2nd Canterbury Oaks, Golden Gopher H), ECEE DAY ($53,870, Grey Moon Runner S, 2nd Anoka County H). Granddam of ROYAL DIGNITARY ($231,685, Sky Bet Thirsk Classic Trial S, 3rd Premio ParioliItalian Two Thousand Guineas, G2 in Italy, in Italy and Eng), VICTORY CHANT ($168,409, Klondike S, 2nd City of Vancouver S, Jack Diamond Futurity, George Royal S, 3rd British Columbia Cup Redekop Classic S, CTHS Sales S, Crown Royal Hopeful S, etc.), DOUBLEDIPPINDEBBIE ($142,436, Maggies Pistol H, 3rd Silvery Honey S, Voo Doo Dance H, Thirty Zip H twice).

BRAVE CAT Lion Heart—Clever Squaw, by Rahy

Top 12 Active CA 3rd Crop Sire in 2015, 80% Winners/Starters in 2016 Including: CYOULATERALLIGATOR, winner by 5 ½ lengths; LINE LEADER, winner of $52,614, more than 50 times his 2016 stud fee!; Shoshone Forever, winner by 1 ½ lengths at frst asking; Red Rose Lady, had a bullet work on 10/23/16, working 3F in 35.6 and in 2015: record-setter LA TONGA, a 2YO MSW 2nd time out setting a NTR at Golden Gate; 2YO MSWs in their 2nd starts, MARQUEE CAT, wire-to-wire by 2 ½ and LINE LEADER, 2nd to multiple SW MY FIONA 1st time out and returned to set all the fractions at Santa Anita, etc. BRAVE CAT carries on the sire lines of Grade 1/Group 1-winning 2YOs and breed progenitors STORM CAT and BLUSHING GROOM. He is by Grade 1 Hollywood Futurity SW LION HEART, sire of 84 Stakes performers including American Grade 1 SWs DANGEROUS MIDGE (Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Turf), LINE OF DAVID (Grade 1 Arkansas Derby), TOM’S TRIBUTE (Grade 1 Eddie Read S.), etc. BRAVE CAT is out of a daughter of Leading Sire RAHY (broodmare sire of three-time leading sire GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, DECLARATION OF WAR, etc.) and the outstanding racemare TRICKY SQUAW, a Grade 1-pl multiple Grade 3 SW of $462,147.

Brave Cat sold for $200,000 at Saratoga Selected Yearling Sale and $320,000 at Barretts Selected Two-Year-Olds In Training Sale. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,000 LIVE FOAL Special consideration for A and better Nicked mares and multiple mares Property of George and Mary Clare Schmitt, et al Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:




dkb/br, 2006

Dosage (3-4-10-1-0); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.50 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.1


2 3 4 5 6 Totals


3 8 9 7 8 35




0 2 1 1(1) 1(1) 5(2)

0 4 1 2 2(1) 9(1)

1 0 4 2(2) 0 7(2)


$7,258 $79,592 $77,302 $130,314 $97,020 $391,486

Won At 3 An allowance race at Kee ($52,000, 8.5f, AW in 1:42.95, dftg. Spectacular Kid, Rainbows Arch, Whitley, Myroslaw, Just Right, Ninth Client, Glittermans Cartel, Electric Alphabet, Kenny’s Lad). A maiden special weight race at ElP ($25,050, 8f, turf in 1:36.02, by 23, dftg. Ducane, Polished, Trooper D , Tu f a o , W a r B a l l a d , S t a r C h a m b e r, Mephistopheles, Lor Renzio, Brave Motya). Won At 4 A race at WO ($72,245, 7f, turf in 1:20.55, dftg. Woodbourne, The Great McGee, Auteur, Red Leader, Reservoir, Blizzard Buddy Ben). Won At 5 Wickerr S ($117,540, 8f, turf in 1:34.07, dftg. John Johny Jak, Victory Pete, Blue Chagall, Buenos Dias, Ace of Aces, Quindici Man, Gallant Son, Unbridled’s Heart, American Lion). 3rd Citation H (G2T, 8.5f, to Jeranimo, War Element, dftg. John Johny Jak, Leroy’s Dynameaux, Bob Black Jack, Make Music for Me, Buenos Dias, Assessment). Del Mar Mile H (G2T, 8f, to Caracortado, Mr. Commons, dftg. Victory Pete, Champ Pegasus, Our Nautique). Won At 6 Sidd Finch S ($99,300, 8f, turf in 1:34.16, dftg. Make Music for Me, Dewey’s Special, Haimish Hy, Dancing in Silks, Donato). 2nd Wickerr S (8f, turf, to Suggestive Boy, dftg. Key Decision, Midnight Interlude, Venomous, Victory Pete, El Gato Malo).


CALIMONCO is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Frizette S, G1, Personal Ensign H, G1, Matron S, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, etc.), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, 2nd Nassau S, G2T twice, Bell Canadian H, G2T, 3rd E.P. Taylor S, G1T), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr, Anheuser Busch Railway S, G3 in Ire, 2nd Woodward S, G1, 3rd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Juddmonte Lockinge S, G1 in Eng, Prix de la Salamandre, G1 in Fr,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere First Crop Year *2014

Named Foals 28

Runners 6 (21%)

Winners 2 (7%)

2yo Wnrs 2

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Kris S., 1977 5s, BTW, $53,350 839 f, 88 BTW, 2.48 AEI Sweet Life, dkb/br, 1996 13s, BTW, $223,486 10 f, 5 r, 5 w, 3 BTW 8.28 AWD Symbolically, 1983 36s, wnr, $163,300 10 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW


Earned $72,109

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Roberto, 1969 14s, BTW, $339,902 500 f, 85 BTW, 3.12 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Sharp Queen, 1965 14s, wnr, $11,775 8 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Princequillo, by Prince Rose

Flying Paster, 1976 27s, BTW, $1,127,460 428 f, 44 BTW, 2.27 AEI

Gummo, by Fleet Nasrullah

Hail to the Queen, 1977 18s, BTW, $104,775 10 f, 9 r, 7 w

Native Royalty, by Raise a Native

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Bramalea, by Nashua

Bridgework, by Occupy

Procne, by Acroterion

Instinctively, by Francis S.

Inbreeding: 5sX4d Princequillo.

etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, Dunnes Stores National S, G1 in Ire, etc.), BLACK MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Ire, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Italy, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in It, Prix du Palais-Royal, G3 in Fr, Crawley Warren Heron S, 2nd Tripleprint Celebration Mile S, G2 in Eng, etc.), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire), SILKEN CAT (champion 2yo filly in Can), TABASCO CAT (Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, G1, Beldame S, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Ruffian H, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1 etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, Matron S, G, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, NetJets Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, Prix Melisande, 3rd Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot S, G1 in Eng, etc.), CAT THIEF (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1 , Swaps S, G1 , etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, etc.), BLUEGRASS CAT (Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire, 2nd Bold Ruler H, G3, Red Wing Dream S, etc.), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (2,259 foals, 168 BTW, 1.80 AEI), Freud (1,060 foals, 50 BTW, 1.59 AEI), HENNESSY (1,347 foals, 72 BTW, 1.55 AEI), BERNSTEIN (1,341 foals, 85 BTW, 1.55 AEI), PURE PRIZE, STORMY ATLANTIC, FORESTRY, TALE OF THE CAT, etc. CALIMONCO Has Sired:

From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Calimonco has sired the winners My California, Mar de Fondo (in Mex).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 10—$8,600 6—$22,852 16—$13,944

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 4—$9,050 — 14—$4,950


By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins *2016 2 0 0.72 AEI; 1.05 CI; 5.00 AWD In 2016: 6 rnrs, 2 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $12,018 *to November 6, 2016

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

1st dam SWEET LIFE. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $223,486, Providencia S, 2nd Beverly Hills H (G1T), 3rd San Clemente H (G2T). Broodmare of the Year, 2009. Dam of 10 foals, including— SWEET CATOMINE (by Storm Cat). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $1,059,600, champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup



Juvenile Fillies (G1), Santa Anita Oaks (G1), Del Mar Debutante S (G1), Oak Leaf S (G2), Santa Ysabel S (G3). LIFE IS SWEET (Storm Cat). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $1,820,810, Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic (G1A), Santa Margarita Invitational H (G1A), La Canada S (G2A), El Encino S (G2A), 2nd Santa Maria H (G2A), Milady H (G2A), Sands Point S (G2T), Calder Oaks, 3rd TVG/BETFAIR Hollywood Gold Cup H (G1A). CALIMONCO (Subject stallion). SWEET WAY (Giant’s Causeway). Winner at 3, $42,795. Producer. Dam of Saint Vigeur ($203,890, 2nd Dwyer S, G2, Peter Pan S, G2, etc.), Sweet Bliss ($81,930, 2nd Honeymoon S, G2T). 2nd dam Symbolically. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $163,300, 2nd Amanda S Stakes, C.T.B.A. Marian S, 3rd Fleet Treat S. Dam of 10 foals, including— PIRATE’S REVENGE. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $521,025, Milady H (G1), Bayakoa H (G2), Miss Hollywood Park S, Winter Solstice S, Shywing H, Boo La Boo S, Twilight Ridge S, 2nd Hawthorne H (G2), Railbird S (G2), Las Cienegas Breeders’ Cup H (G3T), Canvas Specialty California Cup Matron H, Market Basket S, 3rd Princess S (G2). Producer. Granddam of TIDAL POOL ($394,820, Red Bud S, 2nd Fantasy S, G2, 3rd Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.). ECHO OF YESTERDAY. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $437,750, On Trust H twice, Double Discount S, Crystal Water H. CARIBBEAN PIRATE. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $171,450, Oceanside S, 3rd La Jolla H (G3T). Strive. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $287,910, 3rd New Orleans H (G2). Sire. 3rd dam HAIL TO THE QUEEN. 6 wins at 3, $104,775, Manta H. Dam of 10 foals, including— RADIANTLY. 3 wins at 3, $28,370. Dam of MR. VIC ($121,942, San Juan County Commissioner’s H). EXQUISITIVELY. Unraced. Dam of SOUL PROVIDER ($91,860, Clasico Jose Antonio Paez-Venezuelan Two Thousand Guineas, etc., in NA and Ven). 4th dam INSTINCTIVELY. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $50,650. Dam of 8 foals, including— ENVISIONED. Winner at 2. Producer. Dam of Bestowed ($93,144, 3rd Herecomesthebride S). Granddam of STEDES WONDER ($40,405, Audubon Oaks, 3rd Fairmount Matchmaker H, Satin & Lace S). PRUDENTLY PATIENT. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Devious Dame ($48,246, 3rd Chandler H). MY APPRECIATION. Dam of FOREST FEALTY ($439,520, A Gleam H, G2, Las Flores Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Railbird S, G3, etc.).

check daily updates on

CALIMONCO Storm Cat – Sweet Life, by Kris S.

PEDIGREE l PERFORMANCE l LEGACY By Sire-of-Sires STORM CAT, out of Broodmare of the Year SWEET LIFE Full Brother to Grade I Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Champion SWEET CATOMINE and Grade I Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic Champion LIFE IS SWEET Stakes-Winning Miler at Santa Anita and Del Mar Only Californian First-Crop Sire with Stakes Performers, including MY CALIFORNIA ($58,800). Leading Californian First-Crop Sire from Percentage of Winners to Runners - 43% Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owners: Ballena Vista Farm, Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Wygod

BALLENA VISTA FARM Ramona, California Inquiries to Jeanne Davis, Sales and Marketing, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA 92065. Phone: (760) 789-3900. Fax (760) 789-7751. E-mail: Web Site:



Capital aCCount

Entered Stud in 2015


2 3 4 5 6 Totals


0 2 2 9 1 14




0 2 0 3(1) 0 5(1)

0 0 1 2(1) 1(1) 4(2)

0 0 1 2(2) 0 3(2)


— $57,000 $19,080 $339,000 $40,000 $455,080

Won At 3 An allowance race at Dmr ($70,600, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.26, by 23, dftg. Spaniard, Stacy’s Hope, Equiparado, Patriotic Soldier, Conato). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($54,100, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.33, by 73, dftg. Distorted Economy, Sky Fox, Global Domination, Lone Justice, Dave’s Ruler, Obsess). Won At 5 Pat O’Brien S (G2A, $250,000, 7f in 1:21.56, dftg. Coil, Camp Victory, Bruce’s Dream, Mobilized, Don Tito). An allowance race at BHP ($78,700, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.36, by 33, dftg. Chiloquin, Sahara Sky, Supreme Summit, Bench Points, Indian Firewater, Gato Go Win). A race at SA ($78,000, 6.5f in 1:13.45, by 31, dftg. Luckarack, Details R Sketchy, Light Up the Score, Commander). 2nd Santa Anita Sprint Championship S (G1, 6f, to Coil, by a head, dftg. Jimmy Creed, Amazombie, Castletown, Camp Victory, Reneesgotzip). 3rd Bing Crosby S (G1A, 6f, to Amazombie, The Factor, dftg. Comma to the Top, Don Tito). Vernon O. Underwood S (G3A, 6f, to Smiling Tiger, Private Zone, dftg. Comma to the Top, Smash, Bank the Eight). 2nd At 6 San Carlos S (G2, 7f, to Sahara Sky, dftg. Comma to the Top, Drill, Justin Phillip, Midnight Transfer, The Lumber Guy, Canonize).

SIRE LINE CAPITAL ACCOUNT is by CLOSING ARGUMENT, black-type stakes winner of 3 races, $986,984, Holy Bull S (G3), NATC Futurity, 2nd Kentucky Derby (G1), Boyd Gaming’s Delta Jackpot S, Jack Price Juvenile S, 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S (G1), Florida Stallion In Reality S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 8 crops, 431 foals, 342 rnrs (79%), 258 wnrs (60%), 85 2yo wnrs (20%), 17 BTW (4%), 1.23 AEI, 1.17 CI, 156 sale yrlgs, avg $25,444, 0.57 TNA. In 2016: 23 2yos, 9 2yo rnrs, 4 2yo wnrs, 2 BTW, 2 sale yrlgs, avg $17,000. CLOSING ARGUMENT has sired LITTLE GERDA (Centaur S, G2 in Japan, TV Nishi Nippon Corp. Sho Kitakyushu Kinen, G3 in Japan, 3rd Ibis Summer Dash, G3 in Japan, Silk Road S, G3 in Japan, to 7, 2016), SMACK SMACK (Prairie Meadows Cornhusker H, G3, Governor’s Cup S, Zia Park Championship H, Clever Trevor S, Prairie Gold Juvenile S, Downs At Albuquerque H, etc., to 5, 2016), CLOSE IT OUT (Jack Dudley Sprint H, Champali S, 2nd Housebuster S, Ponche H, Kenny Noe Jr. H, Whippleton S, etc.), DETERMINATO (Spectacular Bid S, Kaiser H, 2nd Birdonthewire S, Champali S, 3rd Bob Umphrey Turf Sprint S twice, etc., to 8, 2016), CAGE FIGHTER (PTHA President’s Cup S, 2nd Longines Dixie S, G2T, Knickerbocker S, G3T, 3rd Oceanport S, G3T, to 6, 2016), JONATHAN’S GIRL (Ligature S), MY IRISH GIRL (Miss Woodford S, 2nd Minaret S), CLOSING REPORT (LA Bred Premier Night Starlet S, Azalea S, TTA Sales Futurity, 3rd Louisiana Legends Soiree S), FUZZY MUZZLE (Charles Hesse III H, Dan Horn H, 2nd Charles Hesse III H, 3rd John J. Reilly H, to 7, 2016), TIZ THE ARGUMENT (Jameela S, Let Me Linger S, 3rd Endear S), APPEALING STELLA (Minaret S, 2nd My Juliet S, Musical Romance S, 3rd Manatee S), MISS GOODTHING (Louisiana Cup Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd Louisiana Cup Oaks, Acadiana S, 3rd TTA Sales Futurity, to 6, 2016), MIDST (My Dear S),

STUD ANALYSIS Capital Account entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Dosage (3-3-11-1-0); DI: 1.77; CD: 0.44 See gray pages—Matchem

b, 2007

Successful Appeal, 1996 22s, BTW, $654,681 690 f, 52 BTW, 1.72 AEI Closing Argument, b, 2002 9s, BTW, $986,984 431 f, 17 BTW, 1.23 AEI 6.31 AWD Mrs. Greeley, 1997 Unraced 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Private Account, 1976 13s, BTW, $339,396 589 f, 58 BTW, 3.23 AEI Accountess, ch, 1993 7s, pl, $11,740 9 f, 8 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 7.10 AWD Count Pennies, 1982 12s, BTW, $112,162 9 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Valid Appeal, 1972 36s, BTW, $201,733 791 f, 85 BTW, 2.20 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Successful Dancer, 1989 42s, wnr, $96,817 7 f, 5 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Fortunate Prospect, by Northern Prospect

Rare Review, 1991 12s, wnr, $61,440 8 f, 4 r, 2 w

Groovy, by Norcliffe

Damascus, 1964 32s, BTW, $1,176,781 738 f, 72 BTW, 2.76 AEI

Sword Dancer, by Sunglow

Royal Tantrum, by Cornish Prince

Kerala, by My Babu

Numbered Account, 1969 Buckpasser, by Tom Fool 22s, BTW, $607,048 Intriguing, by Swaps 10 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW Key to the Mint, 1969 29s, BTW, $576,015 626 f, 49 BTW, 2.24 AEI

Graustark, by Ribot

Budget Cut, 1973 7s, wnr, $13,420 5 f, 3 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

FAMILY 1st dam ACCOUNTESS. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— ACCOUNTFORTHEGOLD (by Successful Appeal). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $538,467, Stuyvesant H (G3), New York Derby, Kings Point H, Gander S, 2nd Grey Breeders’ Cup S (G2), Woodstock S, Evan Shipman H, 3rd Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Display S, Frisk Me Now S, Alex M. Robb H. CAPITAL ACCOUNT (Subject stallion). BACK PACK SHACK (Rizzi). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $85,172. BOX OF CHARMS (Outofthebox). Winner at 3. PRESIDENT NICO (Closing Argument). 2 wins at 3. 2nd dam COUNT PENNIES. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $112,162, Busanda S, Colleen S, 2nd Aella S. Dam of 9 foals, including— NEW DEAL. 6 wins at 3, $184,800, Discovery H (G3). QUANT. Winner at 3 in Japan, $169,247. Producer. SAVINGS ACCOUNT. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $158,617. Sire, 1.17 AEI. AMERICAN EPIC. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $37,387.


Debonair Dancer, by Staff Writer

Mr. Greeley, 1992 Gone West, by Mr. Prospector 16s, BTW, $474,452 1,407 f, 64 BTW, 1.31 AEI Long Legend, by Reviewer

FOREIGN ARGUMENT (Danzig S), EFFIE (Louisiana Futurity, 2nd Louisiana Jewel S), CAJUN CONOSEIR (D.S. Shine Young Futurity, Louisiana Cup Juvenile Fillies S, to 3, 2016), Putthebabiesdown (2nd Tippett S, 3rd Darley Alcibiades S, G1A), Crider (2nd Lone Star Derby, G3), Fiftyfour Forever (2nd Bouwerie S, 3rd Dream Supreme S, Monmouth Park NATC Futurity), Silver Summation (2nd Cool Frenchy S), Pleasant Closing (2nd Gold Cup S, 3rd Manitoba Lotteries Derby), Brazyn Appeal (2nd Pretty Jenny S, 3rd Purple Violet S, to 5, 2016), Emperor Hall (champion stayer in Jam), etc. CLOSING ARGUMENT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are SMACK SMACK (G3), FUZZY MUZZLE. SUCCESSFUL APPEAL, grandsire of CLOSING ARGUMENT, has sired SOLID APPEAL (champion turf female in Can, Nassau S, G2T twice, Dance Smartly S, G2T, 3rd Dance Smartly S, G2T, Cardinal H, G3T, etc.), J P’S GUSTO (Del Mar Futurity, G1A, Best Pal S, G2A, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A, Red Legend S, Willard L. Proctor Memorial S, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc.), HER EMMYNENCY (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Surfer Girl S, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S, G1A, Del Mar Oaks, G1T, to 4, 2016), APPEALING ZOPHIE (Spinaway S, G1, Silverbulletday S, G3, 2nd Boyd Gaming’s Delta Princess S, Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies S, 3rd Victory Ride S, G3), SUCCESFUL AFFAIR (General San Martin, G1 in Arg, Coronel Miguel F. Martinez, G2 in Arg, 3rd Estrellas Mile, G1 in Arg), SUCCESSFUL DAN (Alysheba S, G2, Greenbrier Fayette S, G2A, Ben Ali S, G3A, Northern Dancer S, G3, 2nd Whitney Invitational H, G1, etc.), DAWN AFTER DAWN (La Canada S, G2A, etc.).


Desert Trial, by Moslem Chief

Key Bridge, by Princequillo

Cut It Up, by Tudor Minstrel

MISERLY. Winner at 2, $33,810. Producer. Dam of Tappin’ Ginger ($76,680, 2nd Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, Hilltop S). GALLANT EMBLEM. Winner at 3 and 4, $29,598. 3rd dam BUDGET CUT. 2 wins at 3. Dam of 5 foals, incl.— SANDRA’S BOY. 5 wins at 3 and 4. LEGENDARY SPENDER. Placed at 5 and 6. Producer. Dam of Chance Spender ($36,720, 3rd Collegian S, Faneuil Hall S). SINGLE SET. Unraced. Dam of IRISH ACTOR ($559,845, Young America S, G1, Minstrel S, 2nd Flamingo S, G1, Peter Pan S, G2, 3rd Champagne S, G1, Super Derby Juvenile S), Sockitaway ($104,937, 3rd TTA Sales Futurity). Granddam of LEGS TASSO ($61,867, Bob Bryant S). 4th dam Cut It Up. 3 wins at 3, 2nd Railbird S. Dam of 7 foals, including— Cut the Comedy. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $75,143, 2nd Carter H, 3rd Toboggan H. STREET MUSICIAN. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $45,472. SHREDDER. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $34,560. Sire. 5th dam GLAIVE. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, including— CLEAVE. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $55,140, Desert Derby, Escondido H, 3rd Peninsula H. Bruces Vision. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $59,881, 3rd Land of Lincoln H. BALTIMORE CHOP. 21 wins, 2 to 8, $68,359. TALARIK. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $21,625. SINGLE STROKE. 3 wins at 2 and 3. Dam of GOLDEN JOEY ($110,402, Florida Breeders’ S, Cherry Hill S, Florida Breeders Futurity, Juvenile S, Youthful S, 3rd Governor’s Gold Cup, Tyro S). Granddam of GOLDEN DEVIN (Beth Canning Memorial H, 2nd Courtship S, 3rd Miss Yakima S). SING A SONG. 2 wins at 3. Dam of UNCLE JEFF ($171,490, Fort Lauderdale H, 2nd Pennsylvania Governor’s Cup, G3T, Laurel Turf Cup H, 3rd Hollywood Derby, G1T, sire), SOUNDS SHARP ($102,128, Ruidoso Thoroughbred Derby, 2nd Land of Enchantment Futurity), Grazie ($78,136, 2nd Robert F. Carey H). SNICKERSNEE. Winner at 2. Producer. Dam of Very Funny ($85,440, 3rd Golden Grass S), Strike Or Spare ($53,427, 2nd Granite State S), Greg the Great (2nd Youthful S, sire). BLADE OF DAMASCUS. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Friluck ($39,944, 2nd Prix de l’Elevage, in Fr). Granddam of MISERABLE ME ($93,174, Violet H, 2nd Peach Queen S), RONAN (Premio Cria Nacional, G1 in Ven, 2nd Premio Asociacion Hipica de Propietarios, G2 in Ven, Premio Jockey Club de Venezuela, G2 in Ven).

check daily updates on

CAPITAL ACCOUNT Closing Argument – Accountess, by Private Account

GRADE 2 WINNER & MULTIPLE GRADE 1 PERFORMER Ran 1-2-3 in 12 of 14 Career Starts – FIVE Graded Stakes – Earnings Over $445,000 Posted a 90 or Better Beyer in 86% of his Starts Eight Triple Digit Beyers – Up to 108 Beyer 104 Beyer winning his first start, a Hollywood Maiden Special by 73⁄4 lengths; Triple Digit Beyer winning $250,000 Grade 2 Pat O’Brien Stakes over Grade 1 SW COIL; 102 Beyer, second by only a head in the $250,000 Grade 1 Santa Anita Sprint Championship over Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Sprint SW and Eclipse Champion AMAZOMBIE. “The race turned into a sprint... that’s an advantage for Capital Account.” – bob baffert after the g2 pat o’brien s.

First Crop are Yearlings in 2017. First Book includes mares by such sires as: CANDY RIDE, SMARTY JONES, STREET CRY, etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE Stands and nurses. Special consideration given to proven mares. Multiple mare discount available. Owned by Capital Account Syndicate Standing at



Inquiries to Hector Palma, Consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92546 (951) 654-9100 FAX: (951) 654-9119 Website:



Champ pegasus

Entered Stud in 2014


2 3 4 5 Totals


0 1 8 5 14




0 0 4(2) 1(1) 5(3)

0 0 3(2) 2(2) 5(4)

0 0 1 0 1


— $720 $897,800 $154,000 $1,052,520

Won At 4 Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S (G1T, $250,000, 10f in 2:01.21, dftg. Where’s the Remote, Bourbon Bay, Marlang, Falcon Rock, Unusual Suspect, Worth Repeating, Buenos Dias). Del Mar H (G2T, $200,000, 11f in 2:11.93, dftg. Buenos Dias, Worth Repeating, Falcon Rock, Soul Candy, Dynamic Range, Red Eye Express, Megastar, Sporting Art). A maiden special weight race at SA ($58,900, 9f, turf in 1:47.62, dftg. Megastar, Royal F J, Hog’s Hollow, Milyone, No Stadium). A race at Hol ($57,600, 10f, turf in 2:01.21, dftg. Yodelen Dan, Tripitaka, Tamarack Smarty, El Indy, Rumba Along). 2nd Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Turf (G1T, 12f, to Dangerous Midge, dftg. Behkabad, Winchester, Debussy, Telling, Al Khali). Sunset H (G3T, 12f, to Marlang, dftg. Unusual Suspect, Dynamic Range, Buenos Dias, Great Siege). Won At 5 San Luis Obispo S (G2T, $150,000, abt 12f in 2:31.55, dftg. Bourbon Bay, Haimish Hy, Imponente Purse, Juniper Pass, Buenos Dias, Riviera Cocktail, Interpatation, Unbridle’s Dream). 2nd San Marcos S (G2T, 10f, to Bourbon Bay, dftg. Sebastian Flyte, Imponente Purse, Unusual Suspect, Riviera Cocktail, Where’s the Remote, Philatelist, Marlang, Expansion, Buenos Dias). Clement L. Hirsch Turf Championship S (G2T, 10f, to Acclamation, dftg. Imponente Purse, Ashtar, Dynamic Host, Make Music for Me, Buenos Dias).

SIRE LINE CHAMP PEGASUS is by FUSAICHI PEGASUS, blacktype stakes winner of 6 races, $1,994,400, Kentucky Derby (G1), Wood Memorial S (G2), San Felipe S (G2), Jerome H (G2), 2nd Preakness S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 1,870 foals, 1,559 rnrs (83%), 1,085 wnrs (58%), 161 2yo wnrs (9%), 75 BTW (4%), 1.28 AEI, 2.10 CI, 761 sale yrlgs, avg $140,922, 3.14 TNA. In 2016: 27 2yos, 11 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 4 BTW, 3 sale yrlgs, avg $13,067. FUSAICHI PEGASUS has sired HARADASUN (champion 3yo colt in Aust, champion older male in Eng and Ire, Emirates Doncaster H, G1 in Aust, Queen Anne S, G1 in Eng, Cathay Pacific George Ryder S, G1 in Aust, etc.), BRONZO (champion older male in Chile, Gran Premio Hipodromo Chile, G1 in Chile, Copa de Oro Breeder’s Cup, G2 in Chile, Gran Handicap de Chile, G3 in Chile, 3rd Fernando Moller Bordeu, G2 in Chile, Tokyo City Cup S, G3, etc.), FUSAICHISWONDERFUL (champion 2yo filly in PR, Primal Force S, Clasico Dia de la Raza, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal S, etc.), OLE PEGASUS (champion sprinter and female sprinter in Peru, Clasico Velocidad, G3 in Peru, Clasico Gustavo Luna Vertiz, 2nd Clasico America, G2 in Peru), ROMAN RULER (Haskell Invitational H, G1, Norfolk S, G2, Best Pal S, G2, Dwyer S, G2, 2nd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Del Mar Futurity, G2, etc.), BANDINI (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Skip Away H, G3, 2nd Fountain of Youth S, G2), INTERNATIONAL STAR (Louisiana Derby, G2, Risen Star S, G2, LeComte S, G3, Grey S, G3A, Louisiana S, 2nd New Orleans H, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), CATS WHISKER (Blazer Rose of Kingston Jayco S, G2 in Aust, Let’s Elope Milady S, G2 in Aust, Back to Caulfield W.W. Cockram S, G3 in Aust, 2nd Schweppes The Thousand Guineas, G1 in Aust, Edward Manifold S, G2 in Aust, Cleanevent Stocks S, G2 in Aust), DISTINCTIVE DIXIE (Chilukki S, G2, 2nd Fleur de Lis H,

STUD ANALYSIS Champ Pegasus entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Dosage (10-4-10-0-0); DI: 3.80; CD: 1.00 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 2006

Fusaichi Pegasus, b, 1997 9s, BTW, $1,994,400 1,870 f, 75 BTW, 1.28 AEI 7.07 AWD

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 Mr. Prospector, 1970 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Angel Fever, 1990 2s, wnr, $25,665 7 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Salt Lake, 1989 21s, BTW, $536,218 1,229 f, 69 BTW, 1.39 AEI Salt Champ, dkb/br, 2000 8s, BTW, $217,541 9 f, 7 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 9.18 AWD Wandel, 1993 22s, wnr, $50,037 10 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Native Dancer, by Polynesian Raise You, by Case Ace Nashua, by Nasrullah Sequence, by Count Fleet

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Rowdy Angel, 1979 13s, pl, $16,395 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Halo, by Hail to Reason

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Take Lady Anne, 1979 15s, wnr, $41,822 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Queen City Lad, by Olden Times

Fitzcarraldo, 1981 4s, BTW 726 f, 69 BTW, 1.65 AEI

Cipayo, by Lacydon

La Brujula, 1979 Unraced 14 f, 7 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Cipol, by El Centauro

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Ramhyde, by Rambunctious

Mint Copy, by Bunty's Flight

Lovita H., by Take Away

Stall Only, by Stallwood

North Star, by Cambremont

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Northern Dancer.

G2, Bayakoa S twice, 3rd Shelby County Arts H), PREMIER PEGASUS (San Felipe S, G2, Hollywood Prevue S, G3A, Jack Goodman S, 3rd San Vicente S, G2), FLYING PEGASUS (Royal Sovereign S, G2 in Aust, Cabravale Diggers Kindergarten S, G3 in Aust, 2nd Thrifty Royal Randwick Guineas, G1 in Aust, Silver Slipper S, G2 in Aust, 3rd Grease the Arena Spectacular Todman S, G2 in Aust, etc.), MY JEN (Gallant Bloom H, G2, Letellier Memorial S, 2nd Victory Ride S, G3), TIPUNGWUTI (Tulloch S, G2 in Aust, Southern Recycling Classic Adelaide Guineas, 2nd Talindert S, 3rd Memsie S, G2 in Aust), JUST DANCING (Furious S, G2 in Aust, 3rd Arrowfield Stud Storm Queen S, G1 in Aust, Sydney UD Trucks Surround S, G2 in Aust), TELAMON (Fernando Moller Bordeu, G2 in Chile, Comparacion, Carabineros de Chile, Fuerza Aerea de Chile, 2nd General Jose Miguel Carrera Verdugo, G3 in Chile, 3rd Carlos Bello Silva), FLACO SIMPATICO (Premio Criadores Machos, G2 in Chile, 2nd Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, Raimundo Valdes C., G3 in Chile, etc.), ANDROMEDA’S HERO (Fred W. Hooper H, G3, Sam F. Davis S, 2nd Belmont S, G1, William Donald Schaefer H, G3, 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), FALINO (Triple M Fred Best Classic, G3 in Aust, etc., in Aust, to 9, 2016), ENGAGINGLEE (Locust Grove S, G3, 2nd La Troienne S, G1, 3rd Fleur de Lis H, G2, Inside Information S, G2, to 5, 2016), YURO (Sir Ernest Lee Steere Classic, G3 in Aust, Melvista S, 2nd Schweppes WATC Derby, G1 in Aust, etc.), RACE FOR THE STARS (Denny Cordell E.B.F. Fillies S, G3 in Ire, etc.), RAVEL (Sham S, G3), PURE JOY (Vanity S, G3 in Aust), VIA LOS ANDES (Chile, G3 in Arg, 2nd Seleccion de Potrancas, G1 in Arg, Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, G2 in Arg, etc.), FLORAL PEGASUS (Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Classic Mile, Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Derby Trial, etc.), FUSAICHI SEVEN (Diolite Kinen, 3rd Sirius S, G3 in Japan, Antares S, G3 in Japan), OFFICER (Galaxy S, 2nd Shimotsuki S, etc.), FIFTY ONER (Antares S, Nigawa S, 2nd Mercury Cup, 3rd Tokai TV Hai Tokai S, G2 in Japan, March H, G3 in Japan), HEITAI (Duncan F. Kenner S, Evangeline Downs Turf Sprint S, Frontier Utilities Turf Sprint S, Need For Speed S, etc., to 6, 2016), ZIZOU (Maribyrnong Trial S, 2nd AAMI Golden Slipper S, G1 in Aust, Arrowfield Stud Blue Diamond S, G1 in Aust, etc.), MORANT (Challenge S, 2nd Variety The Childrens’ Charity Sandown S, G3 in Aust, etc.), BUDGE MAN (Bosselman/Gus Fonner S, 3rd Central Bank Transylvania S, G3A, etc.), EXCUSEZ MOI ( Cleves S, 2nd Dubai International Airport World Trophy, G3 in Eng, etc.), AL DHAFRA (Jim Beam Carbine Club S, 2nd Westfield Parramatta Phar Lap S, G2 in Aust), SUMO (Pleasant Colony S, 2nd Sam F. Davis S, G3), LOUISIANA FLYBOY (A.L. ‘Red’ Erwin S, Lafayette S, etc., to 5, 2016), CANTEEN (El Segundo S, 2nd San Fernando Breeders’



Cup S, G2), HOUR OF PERIL (Tattersalls Mile, 2nd Mitty’s Rough Habit Plate, G3 in Aust, to 9, 2016), IT’S CRUNCH TIME (Country Club Tasmania Newmarket H), SOUTH BAY COVE (Ontario Debutante S, etc.), Vistoso (champion older male twice in Mex), Ketal (champion 3yo colt in Mex, to 7, 2016), etc. FUSAICHI PEGASUS’ 2016 black-type stakes winners are ENGAGINGLEE (G3), INTERNATIONAL STAR, BLACK MISSION FIG, HEITAI. FUSAICHI PEGASUS’ other sons as stallions include ROMAN RULER (944 foals, 46 BTW, 1.64 AEI), Fusaichi Ruler (22 foals, 1 BTW, 1.14 AEI), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 22—$8,144 — 22—$8,144

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 9—$2,633 9—$2,633

FAMILY 1st dam SALT CHAMP. 5 wins, 2 to 5, in Arg and NA, $217,541, champion 3yo filly in Arg, Polla de Potrancas-Argentine One Thousand Guineas (G1 in Arg), Santa Monica H (G1), Mil Guineas (G1 in Arg), Gilberto Lerena (G1 in Arg), Juan Salvador Boucau, 2nd Estrellas Juvenile Fillies (G1 in Arg), 3rd Seleccion-Argentine Oaks (G1 in Arg). Dam of 9 foals, including— CHAMP PEGASUS (Subject stallion). GIVIMAWAY (by Mr. Greeley). 2 wins at 4, $59,024. DYNAMO (Dynaformer). Winner at 3, $39,900. 2nd dam Wandel. 5 wins, 3 to 5, in Arg, $50,037, 2nd Carlos Menditeguy (G3 in Arg), 3rd Omega (G3 in Arg). Dam of 10 foals, including— Lucky Wish. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Arg, $24,066, 2nd Manuel J. Guiraldes (G3 in Arg), Bolivia. Producer. WUNDERBAR. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $84,467. RIO HONDO. 9 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2016, $72,125. 3rd dam LA BRUJULA. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, including— MOUNT WILSON. Winner at 5 in Arg, $28,908, Premio Cocles, 2nd Premio Miguel A. Martinez de Hoz (G2 in Arg). Sire. EL COMPAS. Winner at 2 in Arg, Premio Patria. LINDA BRUJULA. Winner at 4 in Arg. Dam of GOOGLE EARTH (Buenos Aires, G3 in Arg). 4th dam NORTH STAR. Winner at 2 in Arg. Dam of 5 foals, including— SORA. Unraced. Dam of NORDSTERN (Premio Republica de Venezuela, G3 in Arg, 2nd Premio Clemente Benavides, G3 in Arg).

CHAMP PEGASUS Fusaichi Pegasus – Salt Champ (Arg), by Salt Lake

GRADE 1-WINNING MILLIONAIRE Grade 1 Stakes Winner at the Classic 1¼ Miles By Sire of Sires & Classic Winner FUSAICHI PEGASUS, Out of Classic Winner SALT CHAMP 1-2-3 in 11 of 14 Career Starts, Earning $1,052,520 1st G1 Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S. defeating UNUSUAL SUSPECT (G1), etc.; 1st G2 San Luis Obispo S. defeating HAIMISH HY (G1), INTERPATATION (G1), etc. 1st G2 Del Mar Handicap 2nd G1 Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Turf (102 Beyer), besting BEHKABAD (G1), WINCHESTER (G1), DEBUSSY (G1), TELLING (G1), etc.; G2 Clement L. Hirsch Turf Championship to Champion ACCLAMATION (G1) in his last start (102 Beyer); G2 San Marcos S., & G3 Sunset H.

“If I had mares in California, I would breed them to CHAMP PEGASUS” – richard mandella His $75,000 (15X his Fee!) Barretts 2016 Select Yearling Colt is a half-brother to MGSW BROADWAY EMPIRE 1st Crop Yearlings (59 Foals in 2015) – 2nd Crop Weanlings (36 Foals in 2016) Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at:

LEGACY RANCH Clements, California Inquiries to Shaun Hadley, Legacy Ranch Manager, (209) 712-8943. Ranch physical address: 21455 N. Clements Rd., Clements, CA 95227 Ranch mailing address: P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA 95227 Phone: (209) 759-3315 Fax: (209) 759-3428 Email: Website:



CirCumferenCe (ire)

Entered Stud in 2016


2 3 in Fr Totals


0 3 3




0 0 0

0 1 1

0 1 1


— $12,557 $12,557


Circumference is by GALILEO, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $2,245,373, champion 3yo colt in Eur, Eng, and Ire, Vodafone Epsom Derby (G1 in Eng), Budweiser Irish Derby (G1 in Ire), King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Diamond S (G1 in Eng), Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S (G3 in Ire), Ballysax S, 2nd Food Island Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire). To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 2,250 foals, 1,779 rnrs (79%), 1,195 wnrs (53%), 249 2yo wnrs (11%), 233 BTW (10%), 3.03 AEI, 2.37 CI, 922 sale yrlgs, avg $348,265, 7.76 TNA. In 2016: 146 2yos, 67 2yo rnrs, 24 2yo wnrs, 39 BTW, 32 sale yrlgs, avg $615,562. GALILEO has sired FRANKEL (Horse of the Year, champion 2yo colt, 3yo colt, and older male in Eur, champion 2yo colt, 3yo colt, and older male twice in Eng), IGUGU (Horse of the Year, champion 3yo filly, and older female in SAf), FOUND (champion 2yo filly in Eur, Fr, and Ire, Qatar Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, G1 in Fr, Longines Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, etc., to 4, 2016), NEW APPROACH (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, Eur, and Ire), CAPE BLANCO (champion turf male in USA, champion 3yo colt twice in Ire, Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby, G1 in Ire, Arlington Million S, G1T, etc.), AUSTRALIA (champion 3yo colt in Eur and Ire, Investec Derby, G1 in Eng, Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby, G1 in Ire, etc.), MINDING (champion 2yo filly in Eur and Ire, QIPCO One Thousand Guineas S, G1 in Eng, Investec Oaks, G1 in Eng, etc., to 3, 2016), SOLDIER OF FORTUNE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Budweiser Irish Derby, G1 in Ire, Juddmonte Coronation Cup, G1 in Eng, etc.), MAGICIAN (champion 3yo colt and older male in Ire, Tattersalls Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, High Chaparral E.B.F. etc.), TREASURE BEACH (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby, G1 in Ire, Secretariat S, G1T, etc.), LUSH LASHES (champion 3yo filly in Ire, Coronation S, G1 in Eng, Coolmore Fusaichi Pegasus Matron S, G1 in Ire, Darley Yorkshire Oaks, G1 in Eng, etc.), NATHANIEL (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, champion older male in Ire, Betfair King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, G1 in Eng, Coral Eclipse S, G1 in Eng, etc.), INTELLO (champion 3yo colt in Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), RIP VAN WINKLE (champion 3yo colt and older male twice in Eng and Ire), RULER OF THE WORLD (champion 3yo colt in Eng and Eur, champion 3yo colt and older male in Ire, Investec Epsom Derby, G1 in Eng, etc.), ORDER OF ST GEORGE (champion 3yo colt in Eur and Ire, Palmerstown House Estate Irish St. Leger, G1 in Ire, etc., to 4, 2016), GLENEAGLES (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Ire, champion 3yo colt in Eur, QIPCO Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Tattersalls Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc.), TELESCOPE (champion older male in Eng), MISTY FOR ME (champion 2yo filly in Fr, champion 2yo and 3yo filly in Ire), CIMA DE TRIOMPHE (champion 3yo colt in Italy), SIXTIES ICON (champion 3yo colt in Eng), ALLEGRETTO (champion older female three times in Eng), MAHBOOBA (champion 2yo filly in SAf), TOGETHER (champion 3yo filly in Ire), ORDER OF ST GEORGE (champion 3yo colt in Eur and Ire, to 4, 2016), MIDAS TOUCH (champion 3yo colt in Ire), TEOFILO (champion 2yo colt in Eng, Eur, and Ire), ALTANO (champion older male in Ger twice and Italy), ALANDI (champion older male in Fr), BALLYDOYLE (champion 2yo filly in Fr, to 3, 2016), IMPERIAL MONARCH (champion 3yo colt in Fr), LILY OF THE VALLEY (champion 3yo filly in Eur), MAYBE (champion 2yo filly in Eur and Ire), GREAT HEAVENS (champion 3yo filly in Eng), SANS FRONTIERES (champion older male in Eng and Ire), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Circumference entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (4-2-15-5-0); DI: 1.08; CD: 0.19 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2012

Sadler's Wells, 1981 11s, BTW, $713,690 2,194 f, 294 BTW, 2.97 AEI Galileo, b, 1998 8s, BTW, $2,245,373 2,250 f, 233 BTW, 3.03 AEI 10.67 AWD Urban Sea, 1989 23s, BTW, $1,704,553 11 f, 9 r, 8 w, 8 BTW

Belong to Me, 1989 16s, BTW, $261,166 1,425 f, 70 BTW, 1.56 AEI Circle of Life, ch, 1997 10s, BTW, $268,925 7 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 7.30 AWD Concentric, 1991 10s, pl, $13,330 11 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Fairy Bridge, 1975 2s, wnr, $4,948 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Bold Reason, by Hail to Reason

Miswaki, 1978 13s, BTW, $232,320 1,154 f, 94 BTW, 1.94 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Allegretta, 1978 9s, wnr, $22,088 12 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Lombard, by Agio

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Belonging, 1979 37s, BTW, $148,490 14 f, 13 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Exclusive Native, by Raise a Native

Shadeed, 1982 7s, BTW, $278,652 479 f, 15 BTW, 1.20 AEI

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Magic Circle, 1981 28s, BTW, $131,314 10 f, 7 r, 4 w

Alydar, by Raise a Native

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Special, by Forli

Hopespringseternal, by Buckpasser

Anatevka, by Espresso

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Straight Deal, by Hail to Reason

Continual, by Damascus

Golden Circlet, by Round Table

Inbreeding: 3SX4DX5D Northern Dancer; 5SX5d Hail to Reason; 5SX5DX5D Raise a Native.

GALILEO’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are DEAUVILLE (G1T), HIGHLAND REEL (G1 in Eng), MONDIALISTE (G1T), PHOTO CALL (G1T), ALICE SPRINGS (G1 in Ire), CHURCHILL (G1 in Ire), FOUND (G1 in Fr), MINDING (G1 in Eng), ORDER OF ST GEORGE (G1 in Eng), RHODODENDRON (G1 in Eng), SEVENTH HEAVEN (G1 in Ire), THE GURKHA (G1 in Fr), WALDGEIST (G1 in Fr), THE UNITED STATES (G1 in Aust), CAPRI (G2 in Ire), IDAHO (G2 in Eng), SWORD FIGHTER (G2 in Ire), FAUFILER (G3T), BEACON ROCK (G3 in Ire), BEST IN THE WORLD (G3 in Ire), BONDI BEACH (G3 in Ire), DECORATED KNIGHT (G3 in Ire), HOUSESOFPARLIAMENT (G3 in Eng), MIDTERM (G3 in Eng), MIZZOU (G3 in Eng), PRETTY PERFECT (G3 in Ire), PROMISE TO BE TRUE (G3 in Ire), SIR ISAAC NEWTON (G3 in Ire), ULYSSES (G3 in Eng), US ARMY RANGER (G3 in Eng), APPLE BETTY (in Fr), BLACK SEA (in Ire), CUFF (in Ire), KHALEESY (in Fr), LAUNCHED (in Fr), MANIACO (in Fr), SANDRO BOTTICELLI (in Eng), SAYANA (in Fr), THE MAJOR GENERAL (in Ire). GALILEO’S other sons as stallions include TEOFILO (877 foals, 60 BTW, 1.88 AEI), FRANKEL (105 foals, 4 BTW, 1.53 AEI), NEW APPROACH (674 foals, 29 BTW, 1.47 AEI), CIMA DE TRIOMPHE (281 foals, 4 BTW, 1.20 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam CIRCLE OF LIFE. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $268,925, Spinaway S (G1), 2nd Schuylerville S (G2), 3rd Ashland S (G1), Matron S (G1). Dam of 7 foals, including— CIRCULAR QUAY (by Thunder Gulch). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $1,505,434, Hopeful S (G1), Louisiana Derby (G2), New Orleans H (G2), Bashford Manor S (G3), 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G1A). Sire, 1.07 AEI. The Roundhouse (Fusaichi Pegasus). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $323,105, 2nd Saratoga Special S (G2), 3rd Churchill Downs S (G2), Sanford S (G2), Presque Isle Mile S. CIRCLE THE WORLD (Fusaichi Pegasus). 2 wins at 3, $84,860. REVOLVING (A.P. Indy). Winner at 3, $25,341. CIRCUMFERENCE (Subject stallion). 2nd dam CONCENTRIC. Placed at 2. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— GOLD SHADEED. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $127,628. ZENNA THE RULER. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $62,463. Producer. 3rd dam MAGIC CIRCLE. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $131,314, a black-type qualified race at Aqu, 3rd North South Gal S, etc. Dam of 10 foals, including— Magic Squall. 9 wins, 4 to 7, $129,159, 3rd Puss n Boots S. CIRCLING. Winner at 3. Dam of OFFICER ($1,556,939, Galaxy S, 2nd Shimotsuki S, Summer Champion H, 3rd Coral S, Keyaki S, in Japan).



MAGIC REALM. Producer. Dam of Miss Adventure ($57,467, 3rd Iowa Legacy Stallion S). Granddam of RAGGED EDGE ($131,068, Blair’s Cove S), ICE ROCKET ($70,513, Northern Lights Futurity). 4th dam GOLDEN CIRCLET. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $29,783, Handy Mandy H, 3rd Falls City H. Dam of 5 foals, incl.— MAGNETIZER. 18 wins, 2 to 10, $315,544, Aqueduct H, 2nd Charlevoix H, 3rd Henry P. Russell H, San Joaquin H. GOLDEN RESERVE. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $175,774, Tidal H (G2T), 3rd Knickerbocker H (G3T), Spy Song H. Sire. 5th dam TIR AN OIR. Placed at 3. Dam of 11 foals, including— SEANEEN. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $309,800, Californian S, San Carlos H, Christopher J. Fitzgerald H, Peninsula H, Sacramento H, 2nd Santa Anita Maturity, Malibu Sequet S, American H, Los Angeles H, Palos Verdes H, San Bernardino H, San Vicente H, 3rd Hollywood Gold Cup H, Argonaut H, Cinema H, San Bernardino H, San Fernando S, Del Mar Derby H, etc. Sire, 1.86 AEI. ENDYMION. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $189,420, Bernard Baruch H, New Orleans H, Stymie H, 2nd Brighton Beach H, World’s Playground S, 3rd A.B. Letellier Memorial H, Bernard Baruch H, Camden H, etc. Pal an Oir. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ire, 2nd Madrid Free H, 3rd Howth H. Dam of POLAR GOLD (Greenlands Plate, 2nd Anglesey S, Curragh S, Phoenix S, 3rd Tetrarch S, in Ire), Mayhaw (2nd Blue Seal S, in Eng), Shot Gold (2nd Railway S, in Ire). Granddam of LADY SINGER ($102,244, Pretty Polly S, G2 in Ire, Violet H, Cornelscourt S, 2nd New York H, G3T, Mulcahy S, G3 in Ire, 3rd Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Ulster Champion S), YANKEE GOLD ($27,494, Ballymoss S, G2 in Ire twice, Royal Whip S, G3 in Ire, 2nd Gladness S, G3 in Ire, sire). PASHAMIN. Winner at 2 and 3. Dam of PROPERANTES ($260,629, San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, G1T, San Marino H, 2nd Century H, G1T, Charles H. Strub S, G1, San Luis Rey S, G1T, San Fernando S, G2, 3rd San Antonio S, G1, Prix Le Roi Soleil, sire), BRADLEY U. ($59,970, Clasico Mariano Abril, 2nd Clasico Dr. Jose Celso Barbosa), ESTATE CARLTON (Woodford Stud S, in Ire). Granddam of LOCH BERING ($274,935, Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Nickes Minneslopning, SFK Jubileumslopning, Skanska Faltrittklubben Jubileumslopning, etc., in Den, Nor, and Swe), DOULAB ($114,088, Gimcrack S, G2 in Eng, Cornwallis S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Middle Park S, G1 in Eng, Flying Childers S, G2 in Eng, Premio Melton, G2 in Italy, etc., in Eng and Italy, sire), METHOD MAN ($107,270, Floyd Duncan Memorial S, 2nd Topsider S, 3rd Rudy Baez S).

CIRCUMFERENCE (IRE) Galileo (Ire) – Circle of Life, by Belong to Me

CALIFORNIA’S FIRST AND ONLY SON OF THE WORLD’S LEADING SIRE GALILEO GALILEO ranks #1 in the World by 2016 Black-Type Winners (39) & Black-Type Horses (42) GALILEO is the #1 Sire in Europe & North America by 2016 earnings ($30,000,000+) Lifetime GALILEO has sired 233 Black-Type Winners (10% from foals), 150 Graded/Group Winners, 399 Black-Type Horses around the world with progeny earnings over $187 Million. GALILEO is represented by sons on leading sires lists around the world. First dam CIRCLE OF LIFE won the GRADE 1 SPINAWAY STAKES at SARATOGA after selling for $700,000 at the Fasig-Tipton Feb. Sale of Two-Year-Olds in Training. Half-brother to GRADE 1 STAKES WINNING MILLIONAIRE CIRCULAR QUAY (107 Beyer, 1st Grade 1 Hopeful S., 2nd Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, etc.), the champion FL Freshman Sire of 2012 & multiple GRADE 2 STAKES-Placed THE ROUNDHOUSE. CIRCUMFERENCE (Ire) raced in France for Magnier, Tabor, Smith and trained by Andre Fabre placing 2nd in Prix de l’Hermiage (Chantilly) and 3rd in Prix de Bougival (Longchamp) before injury in his third start ended racing career. First Foals Arrive in 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000-LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Linda Madsen, 34174 De Portola Road, Temecula, California 92592 (909) 241-6600 Email:




Entered Stud in 2015


2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals


10 1 12 9 9 2 43



2(1) 0 1 1(1) 1(1) 0 5(3)

1 1(1) 2(1) 4(3) 1(1) 0 9(6)



4(3) $297,550 0 $20,000 4(1) $99,070 0 $581,374 2(2) $322,888 0 $20,250 10(6) $1,341,132

Won At 2 Barretts Juvenile S ($101,000, 6.5f in 1:20.03, by 21, dftg. Road Ready, Wealthy Aviator, Phantom Lover, Cash Michael, Hollywood Heist, War Pilot, Including Gold, Blingboy). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($67,000, 6f, AW in 1:10.81, dftg. Riveting Reason, Nijinsky’s Song, Just Imagine, Jakesam, Benergy, Lagoon of Diamonds, Palio Prince, Shrug, Tak Gamo). 3rd CashCall Futurity (G1A, 8.5f, to Comma to the Top, J P’s Gusto, dftg. Gourmet Dinner, Riveting Reason, Rustler Hustler, Slammer Time, Ronin Dax, Industry Leader, High Level Jeff). Delta Downs Jackpot S (G3, 8.5f, to Gourmet Dinner, Decisive Moment, dftg. Sweet Ducky, Classic Legacy, Bug Juice, Rush Now, Dreamsrunwild, Blue Laser, Aces N Kings). Jack Goodman S (6f, AW, to Premier Pegasus, McKenzies Way, dftg. Celestic Night, Awesome Patriot, Road Ready, Winning Desire). 2nd At 3 Sham S (G3, 8.5f, to Tapizar, dftg. Anthony’s Cross, Uncle Sam, Pride of Silver). Won At 4 A race at SA ($69,950, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:11.53, dftg. Truest Legend, Sweet Swap, Royal F J, Smokey Lonesome, Streamside, St Liams Halo, Red Defense). 2nd Daytona S (G3, 6.5f, to Comma to the Top, dftg. Ain’t No Other, Capital Account, Wilkinson). 3rd Governor’s Cup H (6.5f, to Close to the Edge, Ain’t No Other, dftg. Candy’s Sunrise, Legal Separation, Tweebster, Indian Firewater, L. A. Weekend). Won At 5 Californian S (G2A, $150,500, 9f in 1:51.02, by 21, dftg. Liaison, Oilisblackgold, Kettle Corn, Batti Man, Holladay Road, Blueskiesnrainbows). 2nd Santa Anita H (G1, 10f, to Game On Dude, dftg. Called to Serve, Ron the Greek, Guilt Trip, Richard’s Kid, Handsome Mike, Deacon Speakin’, Stephanoatsee). Charles Town Classic S (G2, 9f, to Game On Dude, dftg. Ron the Greek, Percussion, Caixa Eletronica, Isn’t He Perfect). San Antonio S (G2, 9f, to Game On Dude, dftg. Make Music for Me, Basmati). Won At 6 Californian S (G2, $200,500, 9f in 1:48.74, dftg. Fury Kapcori, Majestic Harbor, Majestic City, Storm Fighter, Handsome Mike, Fly Lexis Fly). 2nd Gold Cup at Santa Anita S (G1, 10f, to Majestic Harbor, dftg. Imperative, Game On Dude, Lideris, Fury Kapcori, Salto Del Indio). 3rd San Carlos S (G2, 7f, to Sahara Sky, Big Macher, dftg. Wild Dude, Shakin It Up, Midnight Transfer, Let’s Get Crackin, Ready for More, Cyclometer, Zeewat). Santana Mile S (8f, to Fury Kapcori, Appealing Tale, dftg. Get Happy Mister, Spud Spivens, For Cash).

SIRE LINE CLUBHOUSE RIDE is by CANDY RIDE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $749,149, champion miler in Arg, Pacific Classic S (G1), Joaquin S de Anchorena (G1 in Arg), San Isidro (G1 in Arg), American H (G2T). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 997 foals, 721 rnrs (72%), 531 wnrs (53%), 128 2yo wnrs (13%), 56 BTW (6%), 1.89 AEI, 1.70 CI, 486 sale yrlgs, avg $101,051, 2.25 TNA. In 2016: 97 2yos, 31 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 14 BTW, 48 sale yrlgs, avg $153,823.

STUD ANALYSIS Clubhouse Ride entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Dosage (6-2-8-2-0); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.67 See gray pages—Polynesian

ch, 2008

Ride the Rails, 1991 14s, BTW, $255,096 756 f, 22 BTW, 1.27 AEI Candy Ride, b, 1999 6s, BTW, $749,149 997 f, 56 BTW, 1.89 AEI 6.98 AWD Candy Girl, 1990 Unraced 12 f, 11 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Seeking the Gold, 1985 15s, BTW, $2,307,000 935 f, 91 BTW, 2.21 AEI Seeking Results, ch, 2001 10s, pl, $28,140 6 f, 5 r, 2 w, 1 BTW 6.16 AWD Immediate Impact, 1985 6s, wnr, $2,839 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Cryptoclearance, 1984 44s, BTW, $3,376,327 1,196 f, 40 BTW, 1.13 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Herbalesian, 1969 Unraced 12 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Herbager, by Vandale

Candy Stripes, 1982 6s, wnr, $47,357 1,001 f, 58 BTW, 1.81 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

City Girl, 1982 Unraced 12 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Farnesio, by Good Manners

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Con Game, 1974 12s, wnr, $24,080 10 f, 10 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Caerleon, 1980 8s, BTW, $379,327 993 f, 120 BTW, 2.63 AEI

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Match Bend, 1972 2s, unpl 12 f, 11 r, 10 w, 4 BTW

Never Bend, by Nasrullah

Naval Orange, by Hoist the Flag

Alanesian, by Polynesian

Bubble Company, by Lyphard

Cithara, by Utopico

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Broadway, by Hasty Road

Foreseer, by Round Table

Match Game, by My Babu

Inbreeding: 5SX3D Mr. Prospector.

CANDY RIDE has sired SHARED BELIEF (champion 2yo colt, Santa Anita H, G1, TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, CashCall Futurity, G1A, Awesome Again S, G1, Malibu S, G1, etc.), LOLO FOREVER (champion miler twice in Peru, Clasico O.S.A.F., G2 in Peru, etc., to 6, 2016), MISREMEMBERED (Santa Anita H, G1A, Indiana Derby, G2, Swaps S, G2A, Santana Mile S, 2nd Malibu S, G1A, Clark H, G2, etc.), SIDNEY’S CANDY (Santa Anita Derby, G1A, Fourstardave H, G2T, La Jolla H, G2T, San Felipe S, G2A, San Vicente S, G2A, Sir Beaufort S, G3, etc.), TWIRLING CANDY (Malibu S, G1, Del Mar Derby, G2T, Strub S, G2, Californian S, G2A, Oceanside S, 2nd TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, etc.), CAPT. CANDYMAN CAN (NetJets King’s Bishop S, G1, Hutcheson S, G2, Bay Shore S, G3, Iroquois S, G3, etc.), EL BRUJO (Pat O’Brien S, G1A, Perryville S, G3A, Kentucky Cup Sprint S, G3A, etc.), EVITA ARGENTINA (La Brea S, G1A, A Gleam H, G2A, San Vicente S, G2A, Sorrento S, G3A, Moccasin S, 2nd Santa Ynez S, G2A), HOME SWEET ASPEN (Santa Monica S, G1, Louis R. Rowan S, 2nd Eight Belles S, G3), GUN RUNNER ( Louisiana Derby, G2, Veterans Ford Risen Star S, G2, Matt Winn S, G3, 2nd Las Vegas Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, Pennsylvania Derby, G2, 3rd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, Travers S, G1, to 3, 2016), CANDY BOY (Robert B. Lewis S, G2, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, West Virginia Derby, G2, Los Alamitos Derby, G2, 3rd Santa Anita Derby, G1, etc., to 5, 2016), KETTLE CORN (San Diego H, G2A, Native Diver H, G3A, 2nd TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, Hollywood Gold Cup H, G1A, etc.), GRAND TITO (Mac Diarmida S, G2T, Miami Mile H, G3, Miesque’s Approval S, Showing Up S, 2nd Bernard Baruch H, G2T, Bowling Green S, G2T, etc., to 6, 2016), PAID UP SUBSCRIBER (Fleur de Lis H, G2, 2nd Delaware H, G1, etc., to 4, 2016), CHOCOLATE RIDE (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. H, G2T, Colonel E.R. Bradley H, G3T, Fair Grounds H, G3T twice, to 6, 2016), AHH CHOCOLATE (Falls City H, G2, Allaire duPont Distaff S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), UNIFIED (Peter Pan S, G2, Bay Shore S, G3, at 3, 2016), CELESTIAL CANDY (Carlos Tomkinson, G2 in Arg, etc., to 5, 2016), CHOCOLATE CANDY (El Camino Real Derby, G3A, etc.), EAGLE (Ben Ali S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), CANDYMAN E (Toboggan S, G3, etc.), TIGER RIDE (Pin Oak Valley View S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), SUGAR SHOCK (Fantasy S, G3, etc.), DUBAI SKY (Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati Spiral S, G3A, etc., to 4, 2016), LOOKING COOL (Iowa Derby, G3, etc., to 6, 2016), SWEET SWAP (San Simeon S, G3T, etc., to 7, 2016), New York Blue (champion 3yo filly in Korea), etc. CANDY RIDE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are GRAND TITO (G2T), GUN RUNNER (G2), PAID UP SUBSCRIBER (G2), UNIFIED (G2), AHH CHOCOLATE (G3), CHOCOLATE RIDE (G3T), EAGLE (G3), CELESTIAL CANDY (G3 in Arg), CANDIP, CHOCOPOLOGIE, DIG DEEP, DINGDINGDINGDING, LOLO FOREVER (in Peru), OKIE RIDE.



CANDY RIDE’S other sons as stallions include TWIRLING CANDY (133 foals, 6 BTW, 1.66 AEI), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — —

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$5,000 — 1—$5,000

FAMILY 1st dam SEEKING RESULTS. Placed at 3 and 4, $28,140. Dam of 6 foals, including— CLUBHOUSE RIDE (Subject stallion). LOOKING FOR CANDY (by Candy Ride). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $80,129. 2nd dam IMMEDIATE IMPACT. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of 11 foals, including— RIVER KEEN. 11 wins, 3 to 7, in NA and Eng, $1,642,385, Jockey Club Gold Cup (G1), Woodward S (G1), Californian S (G2), Bel Air H (G2), 2nd Pacific Classic S (G1), San Diego H (G3), Skywalker H, 3rd Bel Air H (G2), Native Diver H (G3). Sire. TAIKI IMPULSE. 5 wins, 3 to 7, in Japan, $669,170. DEVIOUS IMPACT. 3 wins at 3, $134,180. Producer. MAGICAL COLOURS. Producer. Dam of James Ready Magic ($104,455, 2nd Chick Lang Jr. Memorial S), Magic Chapel ($29,434, 3rd Gold Digger S). 3rd dam MATCH BEND. Dam of 12 foals, including— STRONG DOLLAR. 7 wins, 2 to 5, in NA and Ire, $284,453, a qualified black-type race at Aqu, 2nd Sierra Nevada H (G3T), Turf Paradise H, etc. Sire. ADDITIONAL RISK. 6 wins at 3 in Ire and HK, $198,444, Hong Kong Invitational Bowl, Belgrave S, Ballycorus S, 3rd Waterford Testimonial S, etc. MY FRANKY. 5 wins, 2 to 4, in Italy, $105,417, Premio Emanuele Filiberto (G2 in Italy), Premio Alzaia, 2nd Derby Italiano (G1 in Italy). COMFORT AND STYLE. 2 wins at 2 in Ire, $36,927, Salora Round Tower S. Producer. INDIAN MATCH. 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Italy, $27,980, Criterium d’Inverno Hurdle. Guillaume’s Blend. 10 wins, 2 to 6, in Ire and NA, $55,905, 2nd Curragh S (G3 in Ire). BREAK FOR TEE. Placed at 3. Producer. Granddam of WHITE SNOW ($311,463, champion older female in Italy, Premio Chiusura, G3 in Italy, etc.). 4th dam MATCH GAME. Dam of 4 foals, including— HAVADATE. 3 wins at 3, $28,625. Dam of HAVAGREATDATE ($409,188, Bold Bidder H, Motor City H, Ak-Sar-Ben Speed H, Nebraska Derby, etc., sire), POLLY WATER (G3 in Arg).

check daily updates on

CLUBHOUSE RIDE Candy Ride (Arg) – Seeking Results, by Seeking the Gold

Top Earning Son of CANDY RIDE at stud Multiple Graded Winner of $1,341,132 Won or placed in 15 stakes and 11 graded races from 6 to 10 furlongs in five racing seasons, including the Santa Anita Handicap-G1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita-G1 and CashCall Futurity-G1

Earned Triple Digit Speed Figures 15 Times Seven in G1 and G2 stakes including the back-to-back wins in Californian Stakes-G2 on dirt (104 Beyer) and synthetic (106 Beyer) Entered stud in 2015. First foals are yearlings in 2017.

Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 Live Foal (payable when foal stands andnurses) Standing at

HARRIS FARMS Inquiries to David McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-mail: Website:




Entered Stud in 2016

Dosage (7-9-28-0-0); DI: 2.14; CD: 0.52 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2009



2 0 3 in NA, Eng, Fr 6 4 2 5 2 Totals 10




0 2(1) 0 0 2(1)

0 1(1) 0 0 1(1)

0 0 0 0 0


— $90,949 $500 $500 $91,949

2nd At 3 in France Prix Eugene Adam-Grand Prix de Maisons-Laffitte (G2 in Fr, 10f, to Bayrir, dftg. Fractional, Starboard, Loi). Won At 3 in England Betfair Heron S ($51,081, 8f in 1:42.70, dftg. Stipulate, Tales of Grimm, Kahruman, Ocean Tempest, Saigon, Irish History, Top Offer, Eastern Sun, Redact). A maiden weight for age race at New ($11,147, 7f in 1:29.00, by 23, dftg. Nine Realms, Periphery, Mutafaakir, Poole Harbour, Courage, Qannaas, Hometown Glory, Flaxen Flare, Malingering, Paddyfrommenlo, Moss Hill, Seventeen Seventy).

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Giant's Causeway, ch, 1997 13s, BTW, $3,078,989 2,258 f, 168 BTW, 1.81 AEI 8.50 AWD Mariah's Storm, 1991 16s, BTW, $724,895 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI Ladies Cruise, b, 1991 19s, BTW, $122,591 9 f, 8 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 9.28 AWD Youthful Lady, 1978 1s, unpl 15 f, 15 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

SIRE LINE COGITO is by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,078,989, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte International S (G1 in Eng), Coral-Eclipse S (G1 in Eng), Champagne Lanson Sussex S (G1 in Eng), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Salamandre (G1 in Fr), King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S (G3 in Ire), Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Queen Elizabeth II S (G1 in Eng). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 2,258 foals, 1,801 rnrs (80%), 1,176 wnrs (52%), 211 2yo wnrs (9%), 168 BTW (7%), 1.81 AEI, 2.45 CI, 956 sale yrlgs, avg $213,953, 4.77 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 35 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 31 sale yrlgs, avg $165,618. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired SHAMARDAL (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, champion 2yo colt in Eur, Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), TAKE CHARGE BRANDI (champion 2yo filly, 14 Hands Winery Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Starlet S, G1, etc.), IRISH MISSION (champion 3yo filly and turf female in Can, The Very One S, G3T, Glens Falls S, G3T, etc.), DALKALA (champion older female in Fr, Prix de l’Opera Longines, G1 in Fr, Qatar Prix de Royallieu, G2 in Fr, etc.), SHOWCAUSE (champion stayer in NZ, Waiwera Water City of Auckland Cup, G2 in NZ, etc.), GIANT’S STEPS (champion 3yo colt in Chile, Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, etc.), MAN OF IRON (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Marathon, 3rd Betfair Fred Archer S), PRIMARY (champion 3yo colt in Italy, Betfred Classic Trial S, G3 in Eng, Gran Premio d’Italia, 3rd Secretariat S, G1T), KUNG FU MAMBO (champion 3yo colt in Peru, G1 in Peru), GHANAATI ( One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND ( Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), EISHIN APOLLON (Mile Championship, G1 in Japan, etc.), ARAGORN (Eddie Read H, G1T, Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S, G1T, etc.), CARPE DIEM (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, Tampa Bay Derby, G2, 2nd Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), GIANT OAK (Clark H, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), MY TYPHOON (Diana S, G1T, Just a Game S, G2T, etc.), SWIFT TEMPER (Ruffian H, G1, Delaware H, G2, etc.), HEATSEEKER (Santa Anita H, G1A, etc.), IMAGINING (Man o’ War S, G1T, etc.), BRODY’S CAUSE (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, etc., to 3, 2016), RED GIANT (Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, Virginia Derby, G2T, etc.), CREATIVE CAUSE (Norfolk S, G1, San Felipe

STUD ANALYSIS Cogito entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Immense, 1979 28s, BTW, $123,324 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Killaloe, 1970 32s, wnr, $67,065 10 f, 9 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

Dr. Fager, by Rough'n Tumble

Youth, 1973 11s, BTW, $716,146 498 f, 18 BTW, 1.25 AEI

Ack Ack, by Battle Joined

Slew, 1972 6s, unpl, $540 10 f, 6 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Glorious Song, by Halo

Imsodear, by Chieftain

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Grand Splendor, by Correlation

Gazala II, by Dark Star

Bayou, by Hill Prince

Inbreeding: 5SX4d Bold Ruler.

S, G2, Best Pal S, G2A, etc.), FIRST SAMURAI (Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G2, 2nd Hutcheson S, G2, etc.), BOOK REVIEW (La Brea S, G1, A Gleam H, G2A, Charles Town Oaks, Imperial Gesture S, etc.), CARRIAGE TRAIL (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Doubledogdare S, G3A, De La Rose S, etc.), ESKENDEREYA (Wood Memorial S, G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S, G2, Pilgrim S), INTENSE FOCUS (Darley Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, 2nd Coventry S, G2 in Eng, Leopardstown Two Thousand Guineas Trial S, G3 in Ire, etc.), MAIDS CAUSEWAY (Coronation S, G1 in Eng, Owen Brown Rockfel S, G2 in Eng, etc.), RITE OF PASSAGE (Gold Cup, G1 in Eng, QIPCO British Champions Long Distance Cup, G3 in Eng, etc.), JUSTE MOMENTE (Robert Sangster S, G1 in Aust, Liberty Financial S, etc.), OUR GIANT (H.F. Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut S, G1 in SAf, Mercury Sprint, G1 in SAf, etc.), FROST GIANT (Suburban H, G1, Bruce Betting Kilternan S, G3 in Ire, Killavullan S, G3 in Ire), PENELOPA (HenkelPreis der Diana-Deutsches Stuten-Derby-German Oaks, G1 in Ger, etc.), INTERNALLYFLAWLESS (Del Mar Oaks, G1T, 2nd Miesque S, G3T), BLUERIDGE MOUNTAIN (Klawervlei Stud Majorca S, G1 in SAf), SUZUKA CAUSEWAY (Keio Hai Spring Cup, G2 in Japan), COWBOY CAL (Strub S, G2A, etc.), Bambina Mia (champion 3yo filly in Peru), Step In Time (Horse of the Year, champion miler, and older male in KSA), Giant Love (champion older male twice in Serbia), etc. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRODY’S CAUSE (G1), DESTIN (G2), ITSONLYACTINGDAD (G3T), NOT THIS TIME (G3), POINT PIPER (G3), GALE FORCE (G3A), GIANT RUN, LIRA, MISSISSIPPI DELTA, AQUAPHOBIA, GIGANTE DE OURO (in Brz), BROTHER O’CONNELL, CAMMACK. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S other sons as stallions include GIANT GIZMO (108 foals, 6 BTW, 2.04 AEI), SHAMARDAL (1,173 foals, 104 BTW, 1.96 AEI), FIRST SAMURAI (389 foals, 20 BTW, 1.60 AEI), FROST GIANT (265 foals, 7 BTW, 1.38 AEI), ESKENDEREYA (249 foals, 8 BTW, 1.29 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam LADIES CRUISE. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $122,591, Ladyhawke Ranch H, 2nd Lady Morvich H, North Sider H, Petite Ile H. Dam of 9 foals, including— ADMIRAL’S CRUISE (by A.P. Indy). 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Eng, placed in NA, $239,113, Sportsman Newspaper Geoffrey Freer S (G3 in Eng), Fred Archer S, 2nd Jockey Club S (G2 in Eng), 3rd Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial S (G3 in Eng), Harrison E. Johnson Memorial H, etc. Sire. COGITO (Subject stallion). Transcendental (Mt. Livermore). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $381,976, 2nd Personal Ensign H (G1), Ogden Phipps H (G1), Go for Wand H (G1). Dam of DON



CAVALLO ($317,872, Dominion Day S, G3A, 2nd Eclipse S, G3A, Nick Shuk Memorial S), AKHEEL ($51,696, champion 3yo colt twice in KSA). Moonlight Cruise (Silver Deputy). 2 wins at 3, $121,366, 3rd Queen of the Green H. Producer. Dam of Strong Stipulation ($125,876, 2nd Richard W. Small S, to 5, 2016), Leda’s Swan ($90,315, 2nd Brookmeade S). SCARLETT CRUISE (Pulpit). Dam of FASCINANTE ($153,285, Sparkler S, to 6, 2016). 2nd dam YOUTHFUL LADY. Dam of 15 foals, including— YOUNG FLYER. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $215,000, California Breeders’ Champion Filly S, Turkish Trousers S, 3rd Santa Ynez S (G3), Valkyr H, Dancing Femme S, Terlingua S. Dam of RIVER FLYER ($573,276, Hollywood Derby, G1T, San Marcos H, G2T, Tanforan H, G3T, Noor H, 2nd El Rincon H, G2T, sire), VICTORY RIDE ($390,391, Test S, G1, Madison S, Omnibus S, 2nd Acorn S, G1, 3rd Churchill Downs Distaff H, G2, Shuvee H, G2), Lovely Pet ($122,577, 2nd Moment to Buy H), First Flyer ($109,124, 2nd Sonoma H). Granddam of SEVEN NATION ARMY ($213,043, Real Good Deal S, 3rd Barretts Juvenile S). YOUNG AND DARING. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $154,940, Pleasanton Senorita S, Wear’n of the Green H, Applebite Farms H, etc. Producer. Dam of Daring Ransom ($44,612, 2nd Prix de l’Avre, McKeever St. Lawrence Newmarket S, 3rd Bet365 Feilden S, in Eng and Fr). YOUNG BEAU. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $90,156, a black-type qualified race at Santa Anita. LADY PASTOR. Winner at 2, $62,685, C.T.B.A. Stakes, 2nd Impressive Style S. Dam of WORLDLY MANNER ($251,857, Del Mar Futurity, G2, Best Pal S, G3, 3rd Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3, sire), LIVELY MUSIC ($117,550, Amanda S Stakes). GOLDMINING. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $94,025. NICK OF TIME. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $53,061. BRIGHT FLOWER. 2 wins at 2 in Eng. Producer. Dam of Reflecting Colors ($120,503, 2nd Downs at Albuquerque H, 3rd KLAQ H, Bill Thomas Memorial H). 3rd dam SLEW. Dam of 10 foals, including— SLEW O’DYNA. 8 wins, 2 to 6, in Japan, $1,926,156, Diamond S twice, Stayers S twice, 2nd Copa Republica Argentina, 3rd Tenno Sho-Spring Emperor’s Cup. Sire. SLEW’S EXCELLER. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $456,425, Flower Bowl H (G1), Calder Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Leixable S, Wistful H, 2nd Calder Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Drumtop H, The Very One S. Producer. Dam of Defleet ($156,705, 2nd Relaunch H, 3rd San Pedro S, Pass the Glass S, sire).


Giant’s Causeway – Ladies Cruise, by Fappiano

GROUP 2-PLACED & LISTED STAKES WINNER AT 3 ON-THE-BOARD IN GRADE 1 JAMAICA HANDICAP AT 4 By Three-Time Leading Sire of Sires GIANT’S CAUSEWAY One of Only Two Sons of GIANT’S CAUSEWAY at Stud in California Half-brother to Graded Stakes Winning Sire ADMIRAL’S CRUISE, Multiple Grade 1 Stakes-Placed & $800,000 broodmare sale Transcendental, Stakes-Placed multiple Stakes producer Moonlight Cruise, $450,000 yearling MARITIME MISSION, and the dam of SW FASCINATE. Out of half-sister to: California Breeders’ Champion S. Filly winner YOUNG FLYER (dam of RIVER FLYER-G1, VICTORY RIDE-G1, Lovely Pet, First Flyer-NCR); YOUNG AND DARING (dam of Daring Ransom); YOUNG BEAU; LADY PASTOR (dam of WORLDLY MANNER-G2, LIVELY MUSIC), etc. A 2012 Breeders’ Cup Turf participant, bred by Lazy Lane Farms, Inc. “He’s an American bred and he’s got dirt in his family.” – trainer brian meehan First Foals Arrive in 2017

2017 FEE: $1,000-LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Kevin Dickson, Farm Manager, or Kasey Bennett, Breeding Manager, 5820 W. Lilac Road, Bonsall, California 92003 (760) 414-3300/FAX (760) 414-3304. E-mail: or website:




Dosage (2-0-9-1-0); DI: 1.18; CD: 0.25 See gray pages—Polynesian

ch, 2008


2 3 4 5 Totals


2 6 5 1 14





1 3(2) 2(1) 1(1) 7(4)

0 1(1) 1(1) 0 2(2)

1 $27,360 1(1) $755,200 1(1) $281,800 0 $90,000 3(2) $1,154,360

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($51,800, 6f, AW in 1:10.22, by 31, dftg. Switzers Da Man, Arousal, Eric the Ram, Robie the Cat, Schuylkill Punch, Stonewall Jackson, Hollywood Heist, Quail Hill, Gifted Prince, Cookie’s From Tony). Won At 3 Haskell Invitational S (G1, $1,020,000, 9f in 1:48.20, dftg. Shackleford, Ruler On Ice, J J’s Lucky Train, Pants On Fire, Joe Vann, Astrology, Concealed Identity). Affirmed H (G3A, $100,000, 8.5f in 1:42.88, dftg. Runflatout, Spud Spivens, Akkadian, Awesome Patriot, Northern Indy). A race at Hol ($68,000, 6f, AW in 1:09.16, dftg. Smash, Runaway Wildcat, Star Dance M D, Metropolitan Man, Lime Rock Revenge). 2nd Swaps S (G2A, 9f, to Dreamy Kid, by a head, dftg. Uncle Sam, Runflatout, Spud Spivens). 3rd Goodwood S (G1, 9f, to Game On Dude, Awesome Gem, dftg. Miss Match, Tres Borrachos, Preamble, Golden Itiz, Nijinsky’s Song). Won At 4 Santa Anita Sprint Championship S (G1, $250,000, 6f in 1:09.89, dftg. Capital Account, Jimmy Creed, A m a z o m b i e , C a s t l e t o w n , C a m p V i c t o r y, Reneesgotzip). A race at Dmr ($102,450, 7f, AW in 1:22.39, dftg. Mensa Heat, Great Warrior, Private Zone, Honour the Deputy, Shrug, Bank the Eight, Positive Response). 2nd Pat O’Brien S (G2A, 7f, to Capital Account, dftg. Camp Victory, Bruce’s Dream, Mobilized, Don Tito). 3rd Cigar Mile H (G1, 8f, to Stay Thirsty, Groupie Doll, dftg. Buffum, Hymn Book). Won At 5 San Pasqual S (G2, $150,250, 8.5f in 1:42.52, dftg. Ultimate Eagle, John Scott, Tres Borrachos, Bank the Eight, Jaycito).

SIRE LINE COIL is by POINT GIVEN, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,968,500, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Preakness S (G1), Belmont S (G1), Haskell Invitational H (G1), Travers S (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), San Felipe S (G2), Kentucky Cup Juvenile S (G3), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Champagne S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 651 foals, 541 rnrs (83%), 374 wnrs (57%), 47 2yo wnrs (7%), 32 BTW (5%), 1.32 AEI, 1.58 CI, 243 sale yrlgs, avg $50,056, 1.12 TNA. In 2016: 11 2yos, 5 2yo rnrs, 7 sale yrlgs, avg $5,886. POINT GIVEN has sired SEALY HILL (Horse of the Year, champion 3yo filly, and turf female in Can, Bourbonette Oaks, G3A, Glorious Song S, Labatt Woodbine Oaks, etc.), POINTS OF GRACE (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, River Memories S, 3rd Dance Smartly S, G2T), GO BETWEEN (Pacific Classic S, G1A, Virginia Derby, G2T, Fayette S, G3A, Palm Beach S, G3T, Unbridled Breeders’ Cup H,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere First Crop Year *2014

Named Foals 56

Runners 13 (23%)

Winners 5 (9%)

2yo Wnrs 5

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins *2016 6 0 0.49 AEI; 1.46 CI; 5.33 AWD In 2016: 13 rnrs, 5 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $9,639 *to November 6, 2016


Thunder Gulch, 1992 16s, BTW, $2,915,086 2,401 f, 86 BTW, 1.22 AEI Point Given, ch, 1998 13s, BTW, $3,968,500 651 f, 32 BTW, 1.32 AEI 7.30 AWD Turko's Turn, 1992 17s, BTW, $117,850 13 f, 12 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Theatrical, 1982 22s, BTW, $2,940,036 1,021 f, 81 BTW, 2.19 AEI Eversmile, ch, 2001 10s, wnr, $14,125 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 7.53 AWD Avasand, 1985 7s, wnr, $60,875 10 f, 9 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Line of Thunder, 1987 11s, wnr, $124,300 14 f, 14 r, 13 w, 2 BTW

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Turkoman, 1982 22s, BTW, $2,146,924 686 f, 25 BTW, 1.21 AEI

Alydar, by Raise a Native

Turbo Launch, 1985 8s, BTW, $126,325 13 f, 10 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Relaunch, by In Reality

Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Tree of Knowledge, 1977 7s, wnr, $5,318 9 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Sassafras, by Sheshoon

Avatar, 1972 33s, BTW, $464,609 469 f, 19 BTW, 1.45 AEI

Graustark, by Ribot

Sandy Blue, 1970 16s, BTW, $174,795 13 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Windy Sands, by Your Host

Jameela, by Rambunctious

Shoot a Line, by High Line

Taba, by Table Play

David's Tobin, by Tobin Bronze

Special, by Forli

Sensibility, by Hail to Reason

Brown Berry, by Mount Marcy

Blue Nola, by Limelight

Inbreeding: 5SX4D Northern Dancer.

Sunshine Millions Classic S, etc.), POINT ASHLEY (Del Mar Debutante S, G1, 2nd Oak Leaf Breeders’ Cup S, G1), CALL ME GEORGE (New Orleans H, G2, 3rd Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, Homecoming Classic S), AIR COMMANDER (San Fernando S, G2A, 2nd San Felipe S, G2), AGE BEAUTIFUL (Salgado Filho, G2 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Francisco Eduardo de Paula Machado-Stud TNT, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Mario de Azevedo Ribeiro, G3 in Brz, 3rd Grande Premio Cruzeiro do Sul-Stud TNT, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Estado do Rio de Janeiro-Stud TNT, G1 in Brz), LETRA DE SAMBA (Presidente Antonio Grisi Filho, G2 in Brz, Presidente Roberto Alves de Almeida, G3 in Brz, Presidente Luiz Nazareno T. de Assumpcao, Antonio Carlos Amorim), AVVEDUTO (Gervasio Seabra, G2 in Brz), POINT DETERMINED (Affirmed H, G3, 2nd Santa Anita Derby, G1, Swaps Breeders’ Cup S, G2, San Felipe S, G2), ENERGIA EROS (Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, G3 in Brz, 2nd Gran Premio Latinoamericano Indumotora Falabella, G1 in Chile, Grande Premio Sao Paulo, G1 in Brz), ARKANSAS SAND (Grande Premio Presidente Vargas, G3 in Brz, Grande Premio Joao Jose e Jose Carlos de Figueiredo, G3 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Presidente da Republica, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Estado do Rio de JaneiroStud TNT, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Jockey Club Brasileiro, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Conde de Herzberg, G2 in Brz), BEAUTIFUL POINT (Professor Nova Monteiro, G3 in Brz, Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, G3 in Brz, 3rd Bento Goncalves, G1 in Brz), EPISODIO FINAL (Grande Premio Jose Paulino Nogueira, G3 in Brz, 3rd Grande Premio Conde de Herzberg, G2 in Brz), FIFTEEN LOVE (Maxxam Gold Cup H, 3rd Texas Mile S, G3, War Chant S), WINNING POINT (Am Capable S, 2nd Delaware Oaks, G2, BlackEyed Susan S, G2, Comely S, G2, Next Move S, G3, Susan’s Girl Breeders’ Cup S, etc.), POINT FINISH (Forego S), TAKEDOWN (Borderland Derby, Northern Spur Breeders’ Cup S, 2nd Alysheba Breeders’ Cup S), ENERGIA EL GIGANTE (Songline Classic, Skanska Faltrittklubbens Jubileumslopning, 2nd Stockholm Cup International, G3 in Swe, Waba Gruppen Oslo Cup, G3 in Nor, Songline Classic), SHE’S SENSATIONAL (Alameda County H, Glendale H, Sun City H, etc.), WILLSBORO POINT (French Colonial S), etc. COIL Has Sired: From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Coil has sired the winners Upstaging the Cast, Spring Heat, Recoiling, Maven Harry, Maurice Code.

Sales Analysis* Earned $125,307

Gulch, 1984 32s, BTW, $3,095,521 1,077 f, 73 BTW, 1.76 AEI

Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 5—$10,080 20—$23,479 25—$20,799


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$1,300 2—$8,000 3—$5,767

FAMILY 1st dam EVERSMILE. Winner at 4. Dam of 6 foals, including— COIL (Subject stallion). CHIROPRACTOR (by Kitten’s Joy). 3 wins at 3, $273,695, Hollywood Derby (G1T). LEVEL HEADED (Eddington). Winner at 3, $65,810. WHAT A SPOT (Arch). Winner at 3, $44,330. FAMILIAR SHINE (Orientate). Winner at 3. 2nd dam AVASAND. 2 wins at 3, $60,875. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— POSSIBLY PERFECT. 11 wins, 3 to 5, placed in Fr, $1,377,634, champion turf female, Beverly D. Stakes (G1T), Yellow Ribbon Invitational S (G1T), Ramona H (G1T), Santa Barbara H (G1T), Gamely H (G1T), Santa Ana H (G1T), Wilshire H (G2T), Marie P. DeBartolo Memorial Oaks, 2nd Beverly Hills H (G1T), Del Mar Invitational Oaks (G2T), 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S (G1T), Buena Vista H (G3T). Dam of PROMONTORY GOLD ($139,721, Hill Prince S, G3T, 2nd Hill Rise H, sire). Granddam of DONEGAL MOON ($199,252, Pegasus S, G3, to 3, 2016). MAKHLAB. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, $95,956, Vodafone Horris Hill S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Bank of Scotland Corporate S, 3rd Stardom S. 3rd dam SANDY BLUE. 10 wins at 2 and 3, $174,795, Hollywood Oaks (G2), Las Flores H (G3), Del Mar Oaks (G3T), Railbird S (G3), Goose Girl S, Palo Alto S, 2nd Linda Vista H (G3), 3rd Princess S (G3T). Dam of 13 foals, including— WINDOW SEAT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $147,000, Landaluce S (G3), Drama Critic S, 2nd Railbird S (G3), 3rd Love You Dear S. Dam of C. C.’S RETURN ($160,655, Azalea H, Miami Beach S, 2nd Monmouth Oaks, G2, Post-Deb S, G2, Chris Evert H, 3rd Miss Woodford Breeders’ Cup H). MISS IVOR. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $52,427. Dam of MISERDEN ($373,849, Criterium de Saint-Cloud, G1 in Fr, Cabrillo H, G3, 2nd Goodwood H, G2, Prix Noailles, G2 in Fr, 3rd Prix Isonomy), TEN THOUSAND STARS ($119,170, Miami Beach S, 2nd Ellis Park Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, Dahlia H, etc.), Fashion Star ($214,759, 2nd Nijana S, G3T, Noble Damsel H, G3T, 3rd Athenia H, G3T), Eon ($103,639, 3rd Tremont S, G3). Granddam of EDDINGTON ($1,216,760, Pimlico Special H, G1, Gulfstream Park H, G2, Calder Derby, G3T, 2nd Pegasus S, G3, 3rd Preakness S, G1, Travers S, G1, Wood Memorial S, G1, Donn H, G1, Oaklawn H, G2, Gotham S, G3, sire), BLUE PROSPECT ($285,974, Briartic H), WOOD BE WILLING ($207,728, Eight Thirty S, Scottish Monk S, sire).

check daily updates on


Point Given – Eversmile, by Theatrical (Ire)

LEadInG CaLIfOrnIa frEshman sIrE Of 2016 wInnErs First-crop winners include first-start Maiden Special winners UPSTAGING THE CAST (by 3 1/4 lengths) and RECOILING (by 1 3/4 lengths).

OUTsTandInG fIrsT-CrOP YEarLInG sIrE First Crop yearlings averaged FIVE times his fee.

Third leading sire at Barretts 2015 Select Yearling Sale (2 or more sold), with prices up to $90,000 and fourth leading at the Washington 2015 yearling sale with prices up to $65,000

Versatile Grade 1 Winner at 11⁄8 Miles on the East Coast and Grade 1 Winner at 6 Furlongs on the West Coast Winner of the Haskell Invitational S.-G1 Winner of the Santa Anita Sprint Championship S.-G1 Top level Stakes performer – 1-2-3 in 12 of 14 starts earning $1,154,360, including Cigar Mile H.-G1, Goodwood S.-G1, San Pasqual S.-G2, Pat O’Brien S.-G2, Swaps S.-G2 etc nominated to:

2017 fEE: $3,500 LIVE fOaL (stand & nurse) Owners: m. Pegram, K. watson, P. weitman

maGaLI farms santa Ynez, California

Inquiries to Tom hudson, magali farms, 4050 Casey avenue, santa Ynez, Ca 93460. Phone (805) 693-1777 fax: (805) 693-1644 E-mail: web site:




Stable Management | Billing | Communication | Retail Products | Automated Data

ComiC Strip

dkb/br, 1995

height 16.2



2 3 4 Totals





5 9 9 23

2 4(2) 4(3) 10(5)

1 2(1) 3(2) 6(3)

0 2(2) 1(1) 3(3)


$68,300 $526,161 $371,013 $965,474

Won Louisiana Derby (G3, 8.5f), River City H (G3T, 9f), Fourstardave H (G3T, 8.5f), Risen Star S (8.5f), Grey Beret S (abt 8.5f, turf), 2nd Belmont Breeders’ Cup H (G2T, 9f), Knickerbocker H (G2T, 9f), Holy Bull S (G3, 8.5f), 3rd Bernard Baruch H G2T, 9f), Buick Pegasus H (G2, 9f), Flamingo S (G3, 9f).

Roberto, 1969 14s, BTW, $339,902 500 f, 85 BTW, 3.12 AEI Red Ransom, b, 1987 3s, wnr, $34,400 1,953 f, 109 BTW, 1.56 AEI 8.04 AWD Arabia, 1977 13s, wnr, $54,880 14 f, 13 r, 5 w

SIRE LINE COMIC STRIP is by Red Ransom, winner of 2 races, $34,400, sire of 109 black-type stakes winners, including TYPHOON TRACY (Horse of the Year in Aust, Rokk Ebony Futurity S, G1 in Aust, etc.), ELECTROCUTIONIST (champion older male twice in Italy and UAE), PERFECT STING (champion turf female, Breeders’ Cup Filly & Mare Turf, G1T, etc.), RED CLUBS (champion sprinter in Eur), CHINA VISIT (champion 3yo colt in UAE), INTIKHAB (champion older male in Eur and Eng), RANSOM O’WAR (champion 3yo colt in Ger), CASUAL LOOK (G1 in Eng), ALL AMERICAN (G1 in Aust), EKRAAR (G1 in Italy), DUPORTH (G1 in Aust), CHARGE FORWARD (G1 in Aust), REGGANE (G1T), BAIL OUT BECKY (G1T), RED DAZZLER (G1 in Aust), ONEMORENOMORE (G1 in Aust), Titian Time (champion in Eng), etc. Red Ransom’s 2016 black-type stakes winner is RED BOMBER (G3 in Aust).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (14 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2001 37 30 (81%) 22 (59%) 2002 35 30 (86%) 20 (57%) 2003 38 29 (76%) 23 (61%) 2004 70 54 (77%) 40 (57%) 2005 28 21 (75%) 15 (54%) 2006 24 18 (75%) 13 (54%) 2007 28 18 (64%) 12 (43%) 2008 16 9 (56%) 7 (44%) 2009 10 8 (80%) 6 (60%) 2010 8 6 (75%) 5 (63%) 2011 8 4 (50%) 4 (50%) 2012 16 13 (81%) 9 (56%) 2013 8 7 (88%) 6 (75%) 2014 6 2 (33%) 0 (0%) *Totals 332 249 (75%) 182 (55%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 3 0 0 (0%) 5 1 2 (6%) 5 1 3 (8%) 10 0 0 (0%) 4 0 2 (7%) 1 0 0 (0%) 2 1 1 (4%) 2 0 0 (0%) 1 0 1 (10%) 2 1 1 (13%) 2 0 0 (0%) 4 0 1 (6%) 2 0 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 43 4 11 (3%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2003 4 0 2004 26 1 2005 52 1 2006 70 5 2007 72 0 2008 96 1 2009 67 1 2010 55 2 2011 32 0 2012 28 1 2013 19 0 2014 19 1 2015 33 3 2016 19 0 *Totals 592 16 0.82 AEI; 1.11 CI; 6.37 AWD In 2016: 25 rnrs, 13 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 79 wins, $2,401,837 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $39,300 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $101,137 $518,490 $930,603 $1,167,092 $1,071,032 $1,343,036 $754,505 $737,943 $455,333 $545,348 $339,025 $514,308 $866,000 $415,204 $9,759,056

Saratoga Six, 1982 4s, BTW, $304,940 663 f, 37 BTW, 1.41 AEI Now That's Funny, dkb/br, 1986 9s, wnr, $29,912 10 f, 9 r, 4 w, 4 BTW 7.80 AWD Tropical Cream, 1971 17s, BTW, $81,944 13 f, 12 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Dosage (5-4-21-2-0); DI: 1.56; CD: 0.38 See gray pages—Royal Charger Hail to Reason, 1958 18s, BTW, $328,434 308 f, 43 BTW, 4.39 AEI

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Bramalea, 1959 38s, BTW, $192,396 9 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Damascus, 1964 32s, BTW, $1,176,781 738 f, 72 BTW, 2.76 AEI

Sword Dancer, by Sunglow

Christmas Wind, 1967 5s, wnr, $10,020 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Nearctic, by Nearco

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Priceless Fame, 1975 6s, wnr, $9,700 11 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Irish Castle, by Bold Ruler

Creme dela Creme, 1963 13s, BTW, $164,240 220 f, 21 BTW, 2.25 AEI

Olympia, by Heliopolis

Tropic Star II, 1959 20s, BTW, $11,052 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Tropique, by Fontenay

Nothirdchance, by Blue Swords

Rarelea, by Bull Lea

Kerala, by My Babu

Bally Free, by Ballymoss

Sweet Tooth, by On-and-On

Comely Nell, by Commodore M.

Judy Rullah, by Nasrullah

Patricia's Star, by Prince Chevalier

Inbreeding: 5SX5d Nasrullah.

Red Ransom’s other sons as stallions include ROC DE CAMBES (75 foals, 1 BTW, 3.24 AEI), INTIKHAB (708 foals, 25 BTW, 1.30 AEI), etc. COMIC STRIP Has Sired: WEEWINNIN, 10, g (dam by Roman Dancer, 2nd dam by Patton): $397,430, King Glorious S, California Cup Turf Classic S, California Dreamin’ S, etc. HANDFULL, 09, f (Roman Dancer, Patton): $329,070, California Governor’s Cup H, to 7, 2016. TORNADO BETTY, 07, f (A, Half Term, Taylor Road): $230,015, Goldfinch S, Arizona Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd El Diario S, etc. TABLE MESA, 05, f (A++, Royal Academy, Top Ville): $180,334, Ann Owens Distaff H, 2nd Glendale H, Kachina H, etc. G G’S DOLLY, 02, f (A, Kingmambo, Silent Screen): $176,460, Prairie Rose S, 3rd Dean Kutz S. KOOL COMIC, 05, g (A, Ice Age, Run of Luck): $171,859, Forrest White S. CORAZONDELCAMPEON, 03, g (A+, Deputy Minister, Laramie Trail): $141,870, Harry Henson S, Palo Verde H. PRESS CAMP, 03, f (A++, Moscow Ballet, Gallant Man): $130,300, Tiburon H, San Ramon S, 2nd Adena Stallions’ Miss Preakness S (G3), etc. COUGAR MTN LODGE, 03, c (A+, Fabulous Champ, Slewpy): $116,508, Graduation S. TURK’S RANSOM, 02, g (A++, Turkoman, Devil’s Bag, 4X3 Alydar): $112,756, Arthur I. Appleton Juvenile Turf S. LA FIERA, 12, f (A, Roar, Cahill Road): $88,834, Campanile S. Comic Strip also has sired the winners Iced Out ($193,468), Comoros ($173,380), Comedy Girl ($158,302), Light One ($150,323, to 4, 2016), Cartoonist ($147,760, to 4, 2016), Katispsublue ($70,613), Comic Queen ($59,536), Comical Vacation ($48,240), Monstrip ($242,470), Rollerskates ($190,610), North Fork ($148,170), Silver Strip ($141,958), Mood Winner ($122,847), Good Bad N Ugly ($120,405), Kukaluka ($116,906), Private Joke ($113,941, to 4, 2016), Kahok ($110,895), Lady Shazzam ($101,701, to 8, 2016), Tony the Pony ($95,135), Lady Deputy ($94,392), Barbarosso ($94,324), Sophisticated ($93,135), Commanding

2017 FEE: $5,000

Farm Gray's Cottonwood, CA

General ($86,525), Sunday Comic ($84,066), Sectaurs ($83,754), Clever Comique ($82,280), Held Fast ($74,297), Comic Ack ($73,659), Comic Kitty ($72,612, to 6, 2016), Hurricaine Callie ($72,391, to 3, 2016), Comics Dream ($71,295), Kendra Rae ($66,339), Uxmal ($64,481), Cartoonist ($64,160), J’s Lil Diva ($64,032), Date With Fate ($63,573), Comic Review ($62,597), A Controlled Crash ($62,283), Call Saul ($61,076, to 3, 2016), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 26—$12,227 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — 80—$14,699

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 47—$10,494

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE COMIC STRIP is the sire of 40 dams of 102 foals, 61 rnrs(60%), 37 wnrs(36%), 9 2yo wnrs(9%), 1.50 AEI, 1.45 CI; 3 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam NOW THAT’S FUNNY. 2 wins at 4, $29,912. Dam of 10 foals, including— LUCAYAN PRINCE (by Fast Play). 6 wins, 2 to 6, in Eng and NA, placed in Ire, $400,457, champion 3yo colt in Eur and Eng, champion older male in Ire, Jersey S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Darley July Cup S (G1 in Eng), Cigar Mile H (G1), etc. Sire. COMIC STRIP (Subject stallion). SILVER COMIC (Silver Hawk). 4 wins at 3, $216,935, Mrs. Revere S (G2T), 2nd Mint Julep H. Dam of SILVER REUNION ($254,403, Endeavour S, G3T, Riskaverse S, 2nd Ballston Spa S, G2T), Her Star ($45,463, 3rd Prix de Bagatelle, in Fr). AKIBA (Tejano). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $75,905, Sam F. Davis Breeders’ Cup S. COSTUME PARTY (Storm Cat). Placed at 4. Producer. Dam of Veiled Prophet ($288,755, 2nd Cliff Guilliams Memorial S), Equestrio ($158,576, 3rd Alysheba S, G3). SHE’S A BEAUTY (Storm Cat). Placed at 2. Producer. Dam of Beautiful Song ($60,622, 3rd P.G. Johnson S). PONDERING (Storm Cat). Unraced. Dam of ANDREW’S GIRL ($70,200, OBS Championship S).

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion

Inquiries to William T. Gray, DVM., Gray's Farm, 21639 Black Lane, P.O. Box 1941, Cottonwood, CA 96022. Phone (530) 347-3711. E-mail: Web Site:



Curlin to MisChief

Entered Stud in 2016

RACE RECORD Curlin to Mischief did not race.

Smart Strike, 1992 8s, BTW, $337,376 1,474 f, 117 BTW, 2.18 AEI

SIRE LINE Curlin to Mischief is by CURLIN, black-type stakes winner of 11 races, $10,501,800, Horse of the Year twice, champion 3yo colt, and older male in USA, champion older male in UAE, Preakness S (G1), Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup (G1 in UAE), Breeders’ Cup Classic Powered by Dodge (G1), Stephen Foster H (G1), Jockey Club Gold Cup S (G1) twice, Woodward S (G1), Arkansas Derby (G2), Rebel S (G3), 2nd Belmont S (G1), Man o’ War S (G1T), 3rd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (G1), Haskell Invitational S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 5 crops, 427 foals, 309 rnrs (72%), 229 wnrs (54%), 55 2yo wnrs (13%), 29 BTW (7%), 2.43 AEI, 2.21 CI, 254 sale yrlgs, avg $134,853, 3.01 TNA. In 2016: 36 2yos, 14 2yo rnrs, 5 2yo wnrs, 12 BTW, 53 sale yrlgs, avg $225,000. CURLIN has sired STELLAR WIND (champion 3yo filly, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Clement L. Hirsch S, G1, Zenyatta S, G1, Summertime Oaks, G2, Santa Ysabel S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), EXAGGERATOR (Preakness S, G1, Haskell Invitational S, G1, Santa Anita Derby, G1, Saratoga Special S, G2, $1,000,000 Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, 2nd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, etc., to 3, 2016), PALACE MALICE (Belmont S, G1, Metropolitan H, G1, Jim Dandy S, G2, New Orleans H, G2, Gulfstream Park H, G2, Westchester S, G3, etc.), KEEN ICE (Travers S, G1, 2nd William Hill Haskell Invitational S, G1, 3rd Belmont S presented by DraftKings, G1, Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Remsen S, G2, Risen Star S, G2, to 4, 2016), CURALINA (Acorn S, G1, La Troienne S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Shuvee H, G3, 2nd Personal Ensign S, G1, Beldame S, G1, etc., to 4, 2016), OFF THE TRACKS (Mother Goose S, G1, Schuylerville S, G3, 2nd Acorn S, G1, 3rd Test S, G1, Gulfstream Park Oaks, G2, to 3, 2016), CONNECT (Pennsylvania Derby, G2, Curlin S, to 3, 2016), DIVERSY HARBOR (Buena Vista S, G2T, China Doll S, 2nd American Oaks, G1T, Providencia S, G3T, Autumn Miss S, G3T, Robert J. Frankel S, G3T, etc.), MOULIN DE MOUGIN (John C. Mabee S, G2T, 3rd Royal Heroine S, G2T), TERRA PROMESSA (Fantasy S, G3, Honeybee S, G3, to 3, 2016), OCEAN KNIGHT (Sam F. Davis S, G3, 3rd Kelso H, G2, Discovery H, G3, to 4, 2016), THEOGONY (Rags to Riches Invitational S, Belle Mahone S, 2nd Falls City H, G2, Allaire duPont Distaff S, G3, Pippin S, to 6, 2016), TEXAS RYANO (King Pellinore S, 2nd John Henry Turf Championship S, G2T, 3rd Del Mar H Presented by the Japan Racing Association, G2T, to 5, 2016), FLASH FORWARD (My Flag S, 2nd Ladies H, Zaftig S, Broom Dance S, Open Mind S, 3rd Top Flight H, G2, etc.), STOPSHOPPINGDEBBIE (Emerald Distaff H, Washington Oaks, Boeing H, Kent H, Hastings H, Irish Day H, etc.), MISS FROST (Riskaverse S, Tenski S, 3rd P.G. Johnson S), BLUE VIOLET (Lady’s Secret S, 2nd Winter Melody S, 3rd Rachel Alexandra S, G3, Hilliard Lyons Doubledogdare S, G3, Lighthouse S, She’s All In H), CURLIN’S FOX (Sandy Blue H, Swingtime S, 2nd China Doll S, 3rd Unzip Me S, to 4, 2016), STAGEPLAY (Silverbulletday S, Rags to Riches S, 2nd Golden Rod S, G2, to 3, 2016), OL DONYO (Zaftig S, Musical Romance S, 2nd Just Smashing S, 3rd Sugar Swirl S, G3, Sky Beauty S), BONITA BIANCA (Maid of the Mist S, at 2, 2016), BOLD CURLIN (Native Dancer S, to 6, 2016), PLEASE EXPLAIN (Suncoast S, 3rd Tiffany Lass S, to 5, 2016), GOLDEN ACTOR (Jean Lafitte S), WHISPER TO CURLIN (Iowa Breeders’ Derby, to 5, 2016), LA GRANGE (Cinderella S, 2nd Sorrento S, G2A), EUPRHATES (Anafartalar S, 2nd Beyoglu S, at 3, 2016), CURLIN’S APPROVAL (Added Elegance S, at 3, 2016), COUNTESS CURLIN (Island Fashion S, 3rd Sunland Park Oaks), Ride On Curlin (2nd Preakness S, G1, Arkansas Derby, G1, Essex H, 3rd Foxwoods Champagne S, G1, Rebel S, G2, Southwest S, G3, etc., to 5, 2016), Bold Conquest (2nd Iroquois S, G3, Sir

STUD ANALYSIS Curlin to Mischief entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (5-4-11-0-0); DI: 2.64; CD: 0.70 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 2011

Curlin, ch, 2004 16s, BTW, $10,501,800 427 f, 29 BTW, 2.43 AEI 7.66 AWD Sherriff's Deputy, 1994 Unraced 8 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Tricky Creek, 1986 37s, BTW, $873,288 408 f, 16 BTW, 0.95 AEI Leslie's Lady, b, 1996 28s, BTW, $187,014 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 7.60 AWD Crystal Lady, 1990 6s, wnr, $13,491 12 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Classy 'n Smart, 1981 9s, BTW, $303,222 9 f, 5 r, 5 w, 4 BTW

Smarten, by Cyane

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Barbarika, 1985 16s, BTW, $347,253 13 f, 10 r, 5 w

Bates Motel, by Sir Ivor

Clever Trick, 1976 29s, BTW, $419,787 1,070 f, 62 BTW, 1.52 AEI

Icecapade, by Nearctic

Battle Creek Girl, 1977 20s, wnr, $40,240 19 f, 18 r, 15 w, 6 BTW

His Majesty, by Ribot

Stop the Music, 1970 30s, BTW, $448,922 667 f, 44 BTW, 1.84 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

One Last Bird, 1980 21s, wnr, $26,824 15 f, 14 r, 11 w, 2 BTW

One for All, by Northern Dancer

Gold Digger, by Nashua

No Class, by Nodouble

Mint Copy, by Bunty's Flight

War Exchange, by Wise Exchange

Kankakee Miss, by Better Bee

Far Beyond, by Nijinsky II

Bebopper, by Tom Fool

Last Bird, by Sea-Bird

Inbreeding: 5SX5D Northern Dancer.

Barton S, 3rd Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, Rebel S, G2, Governor’s Cup S, Zia Park Derby, to 4, 2016), Valadorna (2nd 14 Hands Winery Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, at 2, 2016), Danette (3rd Chandelier S, G1), Cabecinho (2nd Sao Paulo, G1 in Brz, to 4, 2016), Conquest Curlinate (2nd Peter Pan S, G2, Illinois Derby, G3, Plate Trial S), Top of Mind (2nd Commonwealth Turf Cup S, G2T, to 4, 2016), Top Billing (3rd Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth S, G2, to 5, 2016), Conquest Curlgirl (3rd Summertime Oaks, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), Liberated (3rd Golden Rod S, G2), Cerro Blanco (2nd Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico, G2 in Peru, Clasico Baldomero Aspillaga, G3 in Peru, etc., in Peru, to 6, 2016), etc. CURLIN’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CURALINA (G1), EXAGGERATOR (G1), OFF THE TRACKS (G1), STELLAR WIND (G1), CONNECT (G2), TERRA PROMESSA (G3), STAGEPLAY, CURLIN’S APPROVAL, THEOGONY, EUPRHATES (in Tur), BONITA BIANCA, CURLIN’S FOX.

FAMILY 1st dam LESLIE’S LADY. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $187,014, Hoosier Debutante S, 2nd Martha Washington S. Dam of 10 foals, including— BEHOLDER (by Henny Hughes). 17 wins, 2 to 6, 2016, $6,156,600, champion 2yo filly, 3yo filly, and older female, Breeders’ Cup Distaff (G1) twice, Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), $1 Million TVG Pacific Classic S (G1), Vanity Mile S (G1), Clement L. Hirsch S (G1), Santa Anita Oaks (G1), Zenyatta S (G1) three times, Las Virgenes S (G1), Adoration S (G3) twice, Torrey Pines S, Santa Lucia S twice, 2nd $1 Million TVG Pacific Classic S (G1), Longines Kentucky Oaks (G1), Clement L. Hirsch S (G1), Del Mar Debutante S (G1A), Zenyatta S (G1), Santa Ynez S (G2). INTO MISCHIEF (Harlan’s Holiday). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $597,080, CashCall Futurity (G1A), Damascus S, 2nd Malibu S (G1A), San Vicente S (G2A), Hollywood Prevue S (G3A). Sire, 2.21 AEI. LOUIS THE BOLD (Orientate). 2 wins at 2, $58,265. ONE WORLD (Rockport Harbor). Winner at 4 and 5, $47,115. JUDY B (Marquetry). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $44,960. Producer. Dam of Sarah Her Highness ($184,883, 3rd Muskoka S, Fanfreluche S, Trillium S). DAISY MASON (Orientate). Unraced. Dam of HARRY’S HOLIDAY ($197,657, 96ROCK S, 2nd Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati Spiral S, G3A, 3rd John Battaglia Memorial S). CURLIN TO MISCHIEF (Subject stallion). 2nd dam CRYSTAL LADY. 2 wins at 3. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— A Steel Trap. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $106,098, 2nd Prairie



Meadows Freshman S, Minnesota Sprint Championship S, 3rd Minnesota Derby. COLEE BEAR. 2 wins at 3, $43,140. Dam of FAST RESOURCE ($171,603, Oklahoma Classics Distaff Turf S). SWEET CAPER. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Full of Gut ($315,145, 2nd Just Smashing S, 3rd Crank It Up S). 3rd dam One Last Bird. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $26,824, 3rd Colonia H, Fresh Look S. Dam of 15 foals, incl.— MALCOHA. 24 wins, 3 to 11, $414,211, Parnitha S, Benburb S, 2nd Peninsula S, Benburb S. MELANYHASTHEPAPERS. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $311,152, Phil D. Shepherd S, 2nd All-American H (G3), Forty-Niner H, 3rd Tokyo City H (G3), etc. Bucking Bird. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $406,572, 2nd De Anza S, 3rd Ack Ack H, Windy Sands H. One Last Colony. 3 wins at 3, $67,932, 3rd Miss Liberty S. Dam of ONE COLONY ($178,482, Pilgrim S), Ghost Colony ($153,012, 2nd Singing Beauty S). MONARCH’S LADY. 4 wins, 3 to 7, $29,225. Producer. Granddam of CALL THE LORD ($100,295, Hansel S). 4th dam LAST BIRD. 2 wins at 3, $24,250. Dam of 15 foals, including— ROANOKE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $535,160, Californian S (G1), Young America S (G2), Rushing Man S, 2nd Remsen S (G2), San Diego H (G3), Passaic County S, Richard Stockton S, etc. Sire, 1.02 AEI. Last Cause. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $59,506, 3rd Miss Grillo S (G3T). Producer. Dam of Knight’s Cause ($185,061, 3rd Bunty Lawless S), Ultimate Strike ($183,986, 2nd A.P. Indy S, 3rd Doubledogdare S, Dr. A.B. Leggio Memorial H), Noble Cause ($123,042, 2nd Bewitch S, G3T), Force Five Gal ($103,365, 2nd Border Cup S). Granddam of U BELONG TO ME ($250,147, Louisiana Legends Ladies Sprint S, 2nd Louisiana Showcase Ladies Sprint S, 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint S, Louisiana Legends Ladies Sprint S, etc.). TURK’S FLIRT. Placed at 3. Producer. Granddam of YES HE’S THE MAN ($210,807, Spend a Buck H, G3, Select S, Naked Greed S, 3rd Gilded Time S, etc.). BRAVO ALL. Unraced. Dam of BRAVE PANCHO ($189,344, Waller County H, 2nd Shakertown S), Bold Pilot ($202,105, 2nd Taylor’s Special S, 3rd Taylor’s Special S), Salute The Sunrise ($93,040). Granddam of BRAVO PROSPECT (in Pan). BYRE BIRD. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Ronnie Gaucho ($62,293, 3rd Prix de Suresnes, in Fr), Bylaw ($24,265, 3rd Prix Michel Houyvet, in Fr). Granddam of HAPPY VICTORY ($291,323, in Mal). HISHI TAEKO. Producer. Dam of Hishikatsu Leader ($1,377,668, 2nd Negishi S, G3 in Japan, etc.).

check daily updates on

CURLIN TO MISCHIEF Curlin – Leslie’s Lady, by Tricky Creek

BY LEADING SIRE CURLIN HALF-BROTHER TO GRADE 1 WINNERS BEHOLDER & INTO MISCHIEF Half-brother to three-time Eclipse Champion and three-time Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup SW BEHOLDER ($5,056,600, 114 Beyer), ten-time Grade 1 SW, incl. Grade 1 Pacific Classic, Grade 1 Zenyatta S. (three times), etc. Half-brother to Grade 1 SW INTO MISCHIEF (103 Beyer), standing for $75,000 in 2017, sire of 19 SWs, incl. two-time Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup SW GOLDENCENTS,undefeated 2YO Grade 1 SW PRACTICAL JOKE, etc. By two-time Horse of the Year/Leading Sire CURLIN, standing for $150,000 in 2017, sire of 29 SWs, incl. EXAGGERATOR (G1), PALACE MALICE (G1), KEEN ICE (G1), CURALINA (G1), STELLAR WIND (G1), etc. Half-brother to the 2016 $3,000,000 Record Yearling! Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,500 STANDS AND NURSES (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owner: Climax Stallions, LLC

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site: or Sean Feld (859) 519-9665



STALLIONS ARE WAITING FORÂ YOUR MARE! It's As Easy As 1, 2, Free... Visit Establish Your Budget, Location Preferences & General Stallion Criteria Submit Your Mare to 150+ Stallions and Multiple Farms Communicate with Seasons Managers & Receive Multiple Breeding Offers Source the Best Stallion, at The Best Terms, for Your Mare's Upcoming Season Utilize for Free


Dosage (10-5-11-0-0); DI: 3.73; CD: 0.96 See gray pages—Polynesian

ch, 2000


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0

0 2 1 1 4


— $12,740 $2,940 $30,600 $46,280

Gone West, 1984 17s, BTW, $682,251 1,263 f, 94 BTW, 1.79 AEI Grand Slam, dkb/br, 1995 15s, BTW, $971,292 1,523 f, 75 BTW, 1.28 AEI 6.59 AWD Bright Candles, 1987 34s, BTW, $405,091 12 f, 12 r, 11 w, 2 BTW

Won At 5 A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($67,500, 6f in 1:08.81, dftg. Big City Hit, Apalachee Tiger, Cocha Bamba, Blue Corner, Connections, Dixie Glow, Prop Five).


Cyclotron is by GRAND SLAM, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $971,292, Moet Champagne S (G1), Futurity S (G1), Peter Pan S (G2), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Swaps S (G2), Jerome H (G2), Seattle Slew S, 3rd Buick Haskell Invitational H (G1), Coolmore Lexington S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 1,523 foals, 1,288 rnrs (85%), 997 wnrs (65%), 232 2yo wnrs (15%), 75 BTW (5%), 1.28 AEI, 1.56 CI, 785 sale yrlgs, avg $104,437, 2.33 TNA. In 2016: 2 BTW. GRAND SLAM has sired LEIGH COURT (champion 3yo filly in Can, Thoroughbred Club of America S, G2, Ontario Colleen S, G3T, etc., to 6, 2016), GRAND ADVENTURE (champion turf male in Can, King Edward S, G2T, Summer S, G3T, etc.), CURIOSO SLAM (champion miler in Arg, San Isidro, G1 in Arg, Hipodromo de Palermo, G1 in Arg, etc.), CAJUN BEAT (Breeders’ Cup Sprint, G1, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Kentucky Cup Sprint S, G3, etc.), THE LUMBER GUY (Vosburgh Invitational S, G1, Jerome S, G2, Miracle Wood S, etc.), VISIONAIRE (NetJets King’s Bishop S, G1, Gotham S, G3, 3rd Risen Star S, G3, etc.), PURA CLASSE (Grande Premio Margarida Polak Lara-Taca de Prata, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Presidente Fabio da Silva Prado, G3 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Barao de Piracicaba-Brazilian One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Brz, etc.), LIMEHOUSE (Brooklyn H, G2, Hutcheson S, G2, Tampa Bay Derby, G3, etc.), STRONG HOPE (Jim Dandy S, G2, Dwyer S,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (7 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2008 11 7 (64%) 2009 11 9 (82%) 2010 11 6 (55%) 2011 8 3 (38%) 2012 18 13 (72%) 2013 20 8 (40%) 2014 16 0 (0%) *Totals 95 46 (48%)

Winners 7 (64%) 9 (82%) 4 (36%) 3 (38%) 9 (50%) 3 (15%) 0 (0%) 35 (37%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BT Winners 1 (9%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2011 1 0 0 2012 14 0 0 2013 17 0 0 2014 17 2 1 2015 13 0 0 2016 27 0 0 *Totals 89 2 1 1.29 AEI; 1.22 CI; 6.21 AWD In 2016: 33 rnrs, 19 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 12 wins, $795,849 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $56,698 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $103,200 $545,768 $411,009 $551,086 $334,172 $647,790 $2,593,025

Clever Trick, 1976 29s, BTW, $419,787 1,070 f, 62 BTW, 1.52 AEI Eliot Chacer, dkb/br, 1992 26s, BTW, $107,950 11 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 6.26 AWD Bright Tribute, 1983 9s, wnr, $15,780 10 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Secrettame, 1978 10s, BTW, $101,598 15 f, 12 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

El Gran Senor, 1981 8s, BTW, $520,969 399 f, 53 BTW, 2.69 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Christmas Bonus, 1978 28s, BTW, $140,557 15 f, 12 r, 11 w, 5 BTW

Key to the Mint, by Graustark

Icecapade, 1969 32s, BTW, $256,468 565 f, 69 BTW, 2.40 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Kankakee Miss, 1967 35s, wnr, $34,475 14 f, 12 r, 11 w, 3 BTW

Better Bee, by Triplicate

Barrera, 1973 16s, BTW, $150,239 462 f, 8 BTW, 0.97 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Dance Hall Girl, 1967 9s, wnr, $6,415 13 f, 13 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Guerrero, by Fighting Don

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Tamerett, by Tim Tam

Sex Appeal, by Buckpasser

Sugar Plum Time, by Bold Ruler

Shenanigans, by Native Dancer

Golden Beach, by Djeddah

Minnetonka, by Chieftain

Hindu Dancer, by Hindu Star

Inbreeding: 4SX4D Raise a Native; 5SX5dX5D Native Dancer; 5SX4D Nearctic.

G2, 2nd Carter H, G1, etc.), BALL FOUR (Kentucky Cup Classic S, G2A, Mervyn LeRoy H, G2A, Fayette S, G3A, etc.), FIRE SLAM (Riva Ridge Breeders’ Cup S, G2, Lecomte S, G3, Matt Winn S, etc.), MILLIONREASONSWHY (Matron S, G2, Wide Country S, 2nd Adirondack S, G2, etc.), TRADIZIONE SLAM (Ramon Biaus, G2 in Arg, Chile, G3 in Arg, Apertura, G3 in Arg, etc.), GRAND HOMBRE (Pennsylvania Derby, G3, 2nd Indiana Derby, G3, 3rd Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 3, G2 in UAE), ALKE (Deputy Minister H, G3, 2nd Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen, G1 in UAE, Iroquois S, G3, etc.), APRIORITY (Mr. Prospector S, G3, 2nd Carter H, G1, Churchill Downs S, G2, etc.), MOURO (Snowhite Maintenance Eclipse S, G3 in Aust, Tab Rewards Festival of Racing S, G3 in Aust, Gold Hawkesbury Rowley Mile, etc.), AMAZING RESULTS (Robert F. Carey Memorial H, G3T, Springfield S, Black Gold S, etc.), DILEMMA (Daytona S, G3T, Sunny Slope S, 2nd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A, etc.), LADY DIGBY (All Along S, G3T, Dahlia S, 2nd Hillsborough S, G3T, etc.), SPRUNG (Natalma S, G3T, 2nd Dance Smartly S, G2T, Ontario Colleen S), JUST LITTLE (Prix Vanteaux, G3 in Fr, Prix La Camargo, Criterium de l’Ouest-Prix Geny Course, etc.), Trottier (Horse of the Year, champion sprinter, and older male twice in Ecu), Dynamic Destiny (champion 2yo colt in Mex), Carina Nebula (champion 3yo filly in Serbia), etc. GRAND SLAM’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are LEIGH COURT (G3A), SO SWEETITIZ. GRAND SLAM’S other sons as stallions include LIMEHOUSE (390 foals, 21 BTW, 1.22 AEI), etc. CYCLOTRON Has Sired: CYCLOMETER, 08, c (dam by Eastern Echo, 2nd dam by Spectacular Bid): $477,004, Los Angeles S (G3), Midnight Lute S, 2nd Triple Bend S (G1), On Trust H, 3rd Potrero Grande S (G2). Cyclotron also has sired the winners Mangita ($239,549, 3rd Solana Beach H, to 6, 2016), Circle the Moon ($197,259, to 8, 2016), Valentine Boy ($164,942, to 7, 2016), Kill Shot ($148,749, to 6, 2016), He Will ($143,615, to 4, 2016), Neversaynever ($103,853, to 5, 2016), Night Badger ($101,763, to 7, 2016), Elana Mar ($96,972), Rocket Fuel ($96,878, at 4, 2016), Angel’s Moon ($64,950), Pretty Darn Quick

($64,060), Bosque Angel ($60,647, to 7, 2016), Tuscany Beauty ($55,565, at 3, 2016), At Ease ($49,345, to 6, 2016), Sarah M. ($47,311), Synchrotron ($44,005, to 7, 2016), Keep Movin’ ($40,280), Our Love Affair ($38,870, to 6, 2016), Gold Locket ($37,690, to 4, 2016), Tee Em Eye ($35,795, at 3, 2016), Sarangani ($33,152), Aparri (to 5, 2016), Designated Royalty (to 4, 2016), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 5—$16,280 1—$1,000 6—$13,733

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$1,000 2—$1,200

FAMILY 1st dam ELIOT CHACER. 5 wins at 3, $107,950, Dixie Miss S, 3rd Pippin S, Paseana S. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— CONCHACER (by Congaree). 14 wins, 3 to 8, $374,857, Prairie Express S, Forward Pass S, 2nd Pelican S, Prairie Mile S, 3rd Perryville S (G3A), Matt Winn S, Holiday Cheer S. ACE’S CAPPELLA (Victory Gallop). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $155,072. Producer. KIKI CHACER (Stormello). 3 wins, 2 to 4, $56,675. G T FORTY (Maria’s Mon). Winner at 3 and 4, $38,635. EDIKIT (Distorted Humor). Winner at 5, $21,898. ROYAL SONIC (Stephen Got Even). Winner at 2 in Korea. CYCLOTRON (Subject stallion). 2nd dam BRIGHT TRIBUTE. Winner at 4. Dam of 10 foals, including— LORD BEER. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $195,923, Seattle Slew S. BLUES BEGONE. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $194,693. DANCE FOR CHARITY. 3 wins at 3, $106,690. Producer. JAILMATE. 2 wins at 2, $58,241. SASSY SYL. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $36,684. TO THE GOOD TIMES. Producer. Dam of Ogermeister ($257,354, 2nd New York Breeders’ Futurity, Law Enforcement S, to 5, 2016).

2017 FEE: PrivatE LivE FoaL Owned by: Cyclotron Syndicate

oLd EngLish rancho Sanger, CA Inquiries to Old English Rancho, 461 N. Piedra Rd., Sanger, CA 93657. Ranch: (559) 787-3020. Fax (559) 787-3030. E-mail: Web Site:



DaDDy Nose Best

Entered Stud in 2015


2 3 4 5 Totals


8 7 8 2 25




2 2(2) 4(3) 1(1) 9(6)

2 0 1(1) 0 3(1)

1(1) 1(1) 0 1(1) 3(3)


$113,623 $551,640 $202,040 $90,000 $957,303

Won At 2 An allowance race at CD ($48,215, 8f, turf in 1:38.42, by 31, dftg. Saturday Launch, Pacific Nights, Salvatore G, Southern Parkway, Leatherwood, Magical Season, Purely Determined, Suprise Ending, D’ Wildcat Road). A maiden special weight race at Sar ($67,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:42.90, dftg. Coach Royal, Shkspeare Shaliyah, State Flag, Chalybeate Springs, Seve, School Spirit, Affirmed Warrior, Politicallycorrect, Tiger Walk, Anonymous Donor). 3rd Summer S Presented by TVG (G3T, 8f, to Finale, Excaper, dftg. Maritimer, Burn the Mortgage, Making Amends, Jomelo, Secret Consultant). Won At 3 Sunland Derby (G3, $800,000, 9f in 1:48.59, dftg. Isn’t He Clever, Stirred Up, No Spin, Ender Knievel, Tequila Factor, Castaway, Justanoldsong). El Camino Real Derby (G3A, $200,000, 9f in 1:50.46, dftg. Lucky Chappy, Handsome Mike, Unveiled Heat, Russian Greek, Lady of Fifty, All Squared Away, Rockinarz Recruit, Senor Rain, Cahill Chrome). 3rd National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S (G2, 9f, to Quick Wit, Csaba, dftg. Shkspeare Shaliyah, Optimizer, Skyring, Raconteur). Won At 4 Remington Green S ($110,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:41.39, by 31, dftg. Caberneigh, No Spin, Tiz Tee Time, Unbridled Giant, Keg Party, Ol Winedrinker Who, Cherokee Lord). Edward J. DeBartolo Memorial H ($82,500, 9f, turf in 1:48.45, dftg. Dakota Gypsy, Ol Winedrinker Who, She’s All In, Formaggio, Ocean Seven, Bluegrass Bull). Buddy Diliberto Memorial H ($75,000, abt 8.5f, turf in 1:44.53, by 31, dftg. Adios Nardo, Compliance Officer, Pure Tactics, Mr. Vegas, King David, Street Serenade, Welloiledmachine, Skyring, Marchman, Derby Kitten, Hammers Terror). An allowance race at InD ($45,001, 8f, turf in 1:34.34, dftg. Ol Army, Joinem, Forever Sure, Depeche Chat, Stormy Going, Allie’s Event, Forty Nine Watts). 2nd Opening Verse S (8.5f, to Silver Max, dftg. Cease, Middie). Won At 5 Colonel E.R. Bradley H (G3T, $125,000, abt 8.5f in 1:46.54, dftg. Adios Nardo, Speaking of Which, String King, Pure Tactics, Slip and Drive, Zenji, Potomac River). 3rd Fair Grounds H (G3T, abt 9f, to Potomac River, Skyring, dftg. Gentleman’s Kitten, Slip and Drive, Hard Aces, Unitarian).

SIRE LINE DADDY NOSE BEST is by SCAT DADDY, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $1,334,300, Florida Derby (G1), Champagne S (G1), Fountain of Youth S (G2), Sanford S (G2), 2nd Hopeful S (G1), 3rd Holy Bull S (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 6 crops, 735 foals, 605 rnrs (82%), 450 wnrs (61%), 126 2yo wnrs (17%), 76 BTW (10%), 1.85 AEI, 1.60 CI, 422 sale yrlgs, avg $126,873, 2.83 TNA. In 2016: 88 2yos, 42 2yo rnrs, 10 2yo wnrs, 19 BTW, 82 sale yrlgs, avg $236,891. SCAT DADDY has sired NO NAY NEVER (champion 2yo colt in Fr, Darley Prix Morny, G1 in Fr, Norfolk S, G2 in Eng, Woodford S Presented by Keeneland Select, G3T, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint, G1T, Swale S, G2), SOLARIA (Horse of the Year, champion 2 and 3yo filly in Chile, Polla de Potrancas-Chilean One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, El Derby, G1 in Chile, etc.), IL CAMPIONE (Horse of the Year, champion 2 and 3yo

STUD ANALYSIS Daddy Nose Best entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Dosage (5-1-5-1-0); DI: 2.43; CD: 0.83 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2009

Johannesburg, 1999 10s, BTW, $1,014,585 1,573 f, 64 BTW, 1.20 AEI Scat Daddy, dkb/br, 2004 9s, BTW, $1,334,300 735 f, 76 BTW, 1.85 AEI 6.91 AWD Love Style, 1999 Unraced 8 f, 6 r, 4 w, 3 BTW

Thunder Gulch, 1992 16s, BTW, $2,915,086 2,401 f, 86 BTW, 1.22 AEI Follow Your Bliss, b, 2002 12s, pl, $22,597 6 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 6.64 AWD Follow the Money, 1996 14s, BTW, $339,446 8 f, 4 r

Hennessy, 1993 9s, BTW, $580,400 1,347 f, 73 BTW, 1.56 AEI

Storm Cat, by Storm Bird

Myth, 1993 16s, wnr, $25,110 10 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Ogygian, by Damascus

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Likeable Style, 1990 11s, BTW, $322,326 6 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Gulch, 1984 32s, BTW, $3,095,521 1,077 f, 73 BTW, 1.76 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Line of Thunder, 1987 11s, wnr, $124,300 14 f, 14 r, 13 w, 2 BTW

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Pine Bluff, 1989 13s, BTW, $2,255,884 581 f, 32 BTW, 1.50 AEI

Danzig, by Northern Dancer

Money Player, 1984 5s, pl, $4,700 9 f, 8 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Marshua's Dancer, by Raise a Native

Island Kitty, by Hawaii

Yarn, by Mr. Prospector

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Personable Lady, by No Robbery

Jameela, by Rambunctious

Shoot a Line, by High Line

Rowdy Angel, by Halo

Troubles Trouble, by Advocator

Inbreeding: 5SX4d Storm Bird; 5sX3sX4D Mr. Prospector; 4SX5DX5D Raise a Native; 5SX5DX5D Northern Dancer.

colt in Chile, El Ensayo MEGA Chilean Derby, G1 in Chile, El Derby, G1 in Chile, etc.), DACITA (champion 2 and 3yo filly in Chile, Las Oaks Carlos Hirmas A., G1 in Chile, Diana S, G1T, etc., to 5, 2016), EL BROMISTA (champion 2yo colt in Chile, Club Hipico de Santiago Falabella, G1 in Chile, etc., to 6, 2016), THE DREAM (champion 2yo filly in Chile, Mil Guineas, G1 in Chile, etc., to 4, 2016), GRATINADA (champion miler in Chile, Mil Guineas, G1 in Chile, etc.), CIMALTA (champion 2yo filly in Chile, Arturo Lyon P., G1 in Chile, etc.), NORMANDIA (champion 2yo filly in Pan, to 3, 2016), LADY OF SHAMROCK (American Oaks S, G1T, Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Santa Barbara H, G2T, Providencia S, G3T, etc.), CELESTINE (Longines Just a Game S, G1T, Honey Fox S, G2T, Wait a While S, Wild Applause S, etc., to 4, 2016), NICKNAME (Frizette S, G1, 2nd Honeybee S, G3, Adena Springs Beaumont S, G3, etc., to 3, 2016), HARMONIZE (Del Mar Oaks Presented by the Jockey Club, G1T, JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S, G3T, P.G. Johnson S, Sanibel Island H, etc., to 3, 2016), LADY AURELIA (Darley Prix Morny, G1 in Fr, Queen Mary S, G2 in Eng, at 2, 2016), CARAVAGGIO (Keeneland Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, Coventry S, G2 in Eng, Cold Move E.B.F. Marble Hill S, at 2, 2016), SOUTHERN CAT (St. Leger, G1 in Chile, Tanteo de Potrillos, G1 in Chile, etc., to 5, 2016), WAPI (El Ensayo MEGA, G1 in Chile, Las Oaks, G1 in Chile, etc., to 4, 2016), KITCAT (Club Hipico De Santiago Falabella Breeder’s Cup, G1 in Chile, Polla de Potrancas, G1 in Chile, etc., to 4, 2016), FLYER (Polla de Potrillos, G1 in Chile, etc., to 4, 2016), FANTASMAGORICO (Alberto Vial Infante, G1 in Chile, Gran Clasico Coronacion, G2 in Chile, 2nd El Derby, G1 in Chile, etc., to 5, 2016), KNOCKOUT (Nacional Ricardo Lyon, G1 in Chile, 2nd Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, El Ensayo Mega, G1 in Chile, etc.), DADDY LONG LEGS (U.A.E. Derby Sponsored by the Saeed & Mohammed Al Naboodah Group, G2 in UAE, Juddmonte Royal Lodge S, G2 in Eng), HANDSOME MIKE (Pennsylvania Derby, G2, Commonwealth S, G3A, 2nd Generous S, G3T, Precisionist S, G3, etc.), EL KABEIR (Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, Gotham S, G3, Jerome S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), FRAC DADDY (Eclipse S, G2A, Ben Ali S, G3A, 2nd Arkansas Derby, G1, Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, etc.), PRETTY N COOL (Matron S, G2, Sorrento S, G2, etc., to 3, 2016), AZAR (With Anticipation S, G2T, etc., to 3, 2016), CONQUEST DADDYO (Summer S, G2T, Toronto Cup S, etc., to 3, 2016), DICE FLAVOR (La Jolla H, G2T, El Camino Real Derby, G3A, etc.), ACAPULCO (Queen Mary S, G2 in Eng, Unbridled Sidney S, 2nd Coolmore Nunthorpe S, G1 in Eng, to 3, 2016), DADDYS LIL DARLING (Pocahontas S, G2, at 2, 2016), PAQUITA COQUETA (Velocidad, G2 in Chile, etc., to 5, 2016), MI COQUETA (Criadores Dorama, G2 in Chile, etc.), SCATMAN (Aristides S, G3, etc.), FINALE (Summer S Presented by TVG, G3T, etc.), ALMASTY (Commonwealth Turf S,



G3T, etc., to 4, 2016), SHARED PROPERTY (ArlingtonWashington Futurity, G3A, etc.), etc. SCAT DADDY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CELESTINE (G1T), DACITA (G1T), HARMONIZE (G1T), CARAVAGGIO (G1 in Ire), LADY AURELIA (G1 in Fr), KITCAT (G1 in Chile), DADDYS LIL DARLING (G2), EL BROMISTA (G2 in Chile), IL REY IVAN (G3 in Chile), CONQUEST DADDYO, ACAPULCO, CON TE PARTIRO, KISS N SCAT, MISTER NOFTY, MR. ROARY, BAUXITA (in Chile), DON LUCAS (in Ven), PANZER BARCELONA (in Ven), PRETTY N COOL.

FAMILY 1st dam FOLLOW YOUR BLISS. Placed at 3 and 4, $22,597. Dam of 6 foals, including— DADDY NOSE BEST (Subject stallion). DENALI THUNDER (by Forest Danger). 11 wins, 3 to 6, 2016, $155,495. THE GREEK BOP (Bop). 3 wins, 2 to 5, 2016, $49,984. MONEY INCLUDED (Include). Winner at 3, $42,636. 2nd dam FOLLOW THE MONEY. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $339,446, Dahlia H (G2T), Violet H (G3T). Dam of 8 foals, incl.— MONEY PLAYS. Placed at 4 and 5. MULA MULA. Placed at 3. Producer. Dam of Pagan ($56,310, 3rd Awad S, to 3, 2016). 3rd dam MONEY PLAYER. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— WEALTHY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $202,494, Opening Bid S, 2nd Miesque S (G3T), La Habra S, etc. Producer. HEARTTHROB. 3 wins at 3, $118,475, Carmel H, 2nd Torrey Pines S, 3rd Sandy Blue H. 4th dam TROUBLES TROUBLE. Winner at 3. Dam of 18 foals, including— Regal Dynasty. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $239,321, 3rd Red Smith H (G2T), Sycamore Breeders’ Cup S, etc. Trubulare. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $197,575, 2nd Jaipur S (G3T), Appleton H (G3T), Envoy S, etc. INCUBUS. Placed at 2 and 3. Producer. Dam of Demon Jove ($61,369, 2nd Royal Glint S). 5th dam GRINAND BEARIT. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $48,362. Dam of 15 foals, including— ORDINATION. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $265,306, Visitation S, 2nd Correction H (G3) twice. Producer. Dam of Valid Ordinate ($166,372, 2nd Lexington S, G2T, etc.), Polar Opposites, Diablos Ordination. Granddam of NATIONAL SAINT ($363,245, sire). PLAIN SPEAKING. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $71,759, Miss Mommy H, etc. Dam of FRANKS ROCKET GIRL ($121,046), ELOQUENT SILVER ($118,073), Choice Comment. Granddam of KATHY’S ROCKET ($183,988), RIDEOUTS PATTON ($183,988).


check daily updates on

DADDY NOSE BEST Scat Daddy – Follow Your Bliss, by Thunder Gulch

MGSW Son of the Late SCAT DADDY #11 Leading Sire of 2016: SIRE OF 8 CHAMPIONS, 51 GSWs, 78 SWs, 57 SPs MULTIPLE GRADED DERBY WINNER OF $957,303

A $35,000 SALES YEARLING, EARNED OVER 27X HIS PRICE A STAKES PERFORMER FROM AGE TWO THROUGH FIVE Graded Winner on Dirt AND Turf. Winner every year 2011-2014 including: $800,000 Grade 3 Sunland Derby with a Triple Digit Beyer; $200,000 Grade 3 El Camino Real Derby; $125,000 Grade 3 Colonel E. R. Bradley H.; Fair Grounds’ Buddy Diliberto Memorial H. with a 102 Beyer, $100,000 Remington Green S. by 3½ lengths, and Edward J. Debartolo Memorial H.-L. Half Brother CONQUEST DADDYO (ON) ($350,000 SAR Select Yearling) won Woodbine’s Grade 2 Summer S. and was on the board in the Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf in 2015. 2013 full sister Ananda brought $130,000 at SARAug2014 Yearling Sale.

First Foals Are Yearlings in 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000 Stands and nurses, live foal guarantee. Special consideration given to proven mares. Multiple mare discount available. Owned by Daddy Nose Best Syndicate Standing at



Inquiries to Hector Palma, Consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92546 (951) 654-9100 FAX: (951) 654-9119 Website:




Enters Stud in 2017

Dosage (2-7-5-0-0); DI: 4.60; CD: 0.79 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2010


Starts 1st

2 3 4 5 6 Totals

2nd 3rd


0 0 0 0 — 6 3 1(1) 1(1) $142,150 9 1(1) 4(4) 1(1) $526,500 4 1(1) 2(2) 1(1) $340,000 7 0 1(1) 2(1) $101,817 26 5(2) 8(8) 5(4) $1,110,467

Won At 3 A race at Aqu ($74,000, 6f in 1:09.10, by 21/4, dftg. Bet the Power, Hannibal Lecter, Isthmus, Hackleton, Park City, Ravalo, Readytodefer). A race at Aqu ($62,000, 6f in 1:11.47, dftg. Tenango, Go Canes Go, Killin Me Smalls, Bye Bye Bernie). A race at Aqu ($43,000, 6f in 1:10.05, by 83/4, dftg. Political Farce, Concorde’s Peace, Yo Blue, Freight). 3rd Aljamin S (6.5f, to Shanghai Bobby, Slan Abhaile, dftg. Tenango, Purple Egg). Won At 4 Carter H (G1, $500,000, 7f in 1:22.02, dftg. Sahara Sky, Clearly Now, Golden Ticket, Strapping Groom, Central Banker, Saturday’s Charm). 2nd Vosburgh S (G1, 6f, to Private Zone, dftg. Palace, Salutos Amigos, Coup de Grace, Happy My Way, Ribo Bobo, Zee Bros). Tom Fool H (G3, 6f, to Strapping Groom, dftg. Saturday’s Charm, Jake N Elwood, Non Stop, Candyman E, Sensational Slam). Toboggan S (G3, 6f, to Candyman E, dftg. Non Stop, Sensational Slam, Praetereo, Bet the Power). Troy S (5.5f, to Spring to the Sky, dftg. Sandy’z Slew, Choctaw Chuck, Unseen). 3rd Gravesend S (6f, to Salutos Amigos, Mewannarose, dftg. Green Gratto, Crafty Dreamer). At 5 Won Carter H (G1, $400,000, 7f in 1:23.64, dftg. Green Gratto, Dream Saturday, The Big Beast, Palace, Wild Dude, Clearly Now, Street Shark). 2nd Tom Fool H (G3, 6f, to Salutos Amigos, dftg. Green Gratto, Maleeh, West Hills Giant, Sonny Inspired, Elevated). Toboggan S (G3, 6f, to Salutos Amigos, dftg. Crafty Dreamer, Doubledown Again, Mewannarose). 3rd True North S (G2, 6f, to Rock Fall, Stallwalkin’ Dude, dftg. Eastwood, Favorite Tale, Clearly Now, Tenango). At 6 2nd True North S (G2, 6f, to Joking, dftg. Holy Boss, Catalina Red, Always Sunshine). 3rd Carter H (G1, 7f, to Salutos Amigos, Calculator, dftg. Anchor Down, Stallwalkin’ Dude, Sassicaia, Majestic Affair, Green Gratto).


DADS CAPS is by DISCREET CAT, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $1,694,180, Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H (G1), S & M Al Naboodah Group U.A.E. Derby (G2 in UAE), Jerome Breeders’ Cup H (G2), 3rd Vosburgh S (G1), Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile. To December 31, 2016: Sired 6 crops, 500 foals, 392 rnrs (78%), 279 wnrs (56%), 85 2yo wnrs (17%), 23 BTW (5%), 1.27 AEI, 1.40 CI, 305 sale yrlgs, avg $34,130, 0.76 TNA. In 2016: 53 2yos, 25 2yo rnrs, 10 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 41 sale yrlgs, avg $26,437. DISCREET CAT has sired DISCREET MARQ (Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Sands Point S, G2T, Beaugay S, G3T, Pebbles S, Lie Low S, Ticonderoga S, etc.), SECRET

Forestry, 1996 11s, BTW, $591,225 1,174 f, 60 BTW, 1.42 AEI Discreet Cat, b, 2003 9s, BTW, $1,694,180 500 f, 23 BTW, 1.27 AEI 6.51 AWD Pretty Discreet, 1992 14s, BTW, $230,423 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Seeking the Silver, dkb/ br, 2000 17s, wnr, $90,758 8 f, 7 r, 6 w, 2 BTW 6.35 AWD

Grindstone, 1993 6s, BTW, $1,224,510 622 f, 18 BTW, 1.01 AEI

Apache Pines, 1991 1s, pl, $3,240 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Shared Interest, 1988 23s, BTW, $667,610 7 f, 4 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Pleasant Colony, by His Majesty

Private Account, 1976 13s, BTW, $339,396 589 f, 58 BTW, 3.23 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Pretty Persuasive, 1988 1s, unpl, $0 2 f, 2 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Believe It, by In Reality

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Buzz My Bell, 1981 13s, BTW, $223,295 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Drone, by Sir Gaylord

Pancho Villa, 1982 18s, BTW, $596,734 619 f, 19 BTW, 0.92 AEI

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Alyanna, 1982 14s, BTW, $59,650 7 f, 6 r, 4 w

Alydar, by Raise a Native

COMPASS (Chandelier S, G1), DISCREET DANCER (Gulfstream Park H, G2, 3rd Carter H, G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S, G2), MAMMA KIMBO (Fantasy S, G2), AIR KHALIFA (Negishi S, G3 in Japan, Oasis S, Coral S, 2nd Tokyo Chunichi Sports Hai Musashino S, G3 in Japan), SAGE VALLEY (Maryland Sprint H, G3, James Marvin S, G3, Mr. Nasty S), DEBT CEILING (Bashford Manor S, G3, Rollicking S, 3rd Oh Say S, to 5, 2016), OUT OF BOUNDS (Sham S, G3, 2nd Longines Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 1, G2 in UAE), STORMDRIVER (John Henry S, LA Bred Premier Night Championship S, Louisiana Legends Classic S, 2nd Riley Allison Futurity, Evangeline Mile S, 3rd ATBA Fall Sales S, etc., to 6, 2016), SWEET N DISCREET (Florida Sunshine Millions Distaff S, 2nd Sabin S, G2, Ocala S), DISCREET SENORITA (Dr. Teresa Garofalo Memorial S), DISCREETNESS (Remington Springboard Mile S, Smarty Jones S, to 3, 2016), INCREDICAT (Wando S, 2nd Achievement S, Plate Trial S), TOO DISCREET (Paradise Creek S, Schenectady S, 2nd Allied Forces S, 3rd Quick Call S, to 3, 2016), PRIVATE PROSPECT (Prairie Meadows Juvenile Mile S, Prairie Gold Juvenile S, 2nd Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, 3rd Iowa Derby, G3, Matt Winn S, G3, to 4, 2016), DO THE DANCE (Kathryn Crosby S, to 3, 2016), BLUE MOUNTAIN CAT (Penn Dash S, to 7, 2016), NOTYOURAVERAGEJOE (Showing Up S, Juvenile Turf S, 2nd Pulpit S), TOPIC (CTT and Thoroughbred Owners of California H, 3rd American Oaks, G1T, etc.), CAT SUP (Pelican S, 2nd LA Bred Premier Night Prince S, to 4, 2016), SECRET KITTEN (Cassidy S, etc.), DISCREET ANGEL (champion 2yo colt in PR, Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron S, etc., to 3, 2016), etc. DISCREET CAT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are DISCREETNESS, TOO DISCREET, DISCREET ANGEL (in PR), DO THE DANCE, STORMDRIVER.


Dads Caps enters stud in 2017. His first foals will arrive in 2018.

Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIVE FOAL


Surgery, by Dr. Fager

Numbered Account, by Buckpasser

Bury the Hatchet, by Tom Rolfe

Gana Facil, by Le Fabuleux

Chateaupavia, by Chateaugay

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Oh Susanna, by Olden Times

Inbreeding: 5sX4D Secretariat; 5sX4D Crimson Saint.

1st dam SEEKING THE SILVER. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $90,758. Dam of 8 foals, including— DADS CAPS (Subject stallion). PAULASSILVERLINING (by Ghostzapper). 8 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, $1,008,950, Gallant Bloom H (G2), Matron S (G2), Distaff H (G3), Vagrancy H (G3), Ruthless S, Garland of Roses S, 2nd Honorable


Terlingua, by Secretariat


Miss H (G2), Tempted S (G3), Correction S, Busher S, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Sprint (G1), Safely Kept S, Thirty Eight Go Go S. Liza Too (Olmodavor). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $116,448, 3rd Dearly Precious S. CONGA BELLA (Congaree). 15 wins, 3 to 7, $457,032. VINCENTO (Include). Winner at 2 and 3, 2016, $104,197. ALL METTLE (Touch Gold). Winner at 3, $27,010. 2nd dam APACHE PINES. Placed at 2. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— CHOCTAW RIDGE. 14 wins, 3 to 8, $320,609, HBPA City of Charles Town H, 2nd Decathlon S. TANASI. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $117,103. 3rd dam ALYANNA. 2 wins at 2, $59,650, Coronado S, etc. Dam of 7 foals, including— Alsadena. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in India, 3rd Pratap Stud Million. RAPTURES. 4 wins, 3 to 5, in India. Producer. Dam of Rapture of Victory (2nd Deccan Bookmakers Colts’ Trial, Kr Rajendra Singh Memorial Golconda Juvenile Million, Pratap Stud Darley Arabian Million, 3rd Golconda Textiles Deccan Derby, in India). SHY MISS. Unraced. Dam of BOONE’S MILL ($400,214, Sapling S, G2, Aristides Breeders’ Cup H, Holiday Cheer S, 2nd Sanford S, G3, Bashford Manor S, G3, sire), Corporate Debut ($94,370, 2nd Blessing Angelica S, 3rd Revidere S). Granddam of RULE BY NIGHT ($249,400, Duck Dance S, Groovy S, 2nd Gallant Bob S, 3rd Waldoboro S), CAPE HOPE ($212,038, Herecomesthebride S, G3T, Gaily Gaily S, 2nd Locust Grove H, G3T, Fairway Fun S), SHY LIL ($76,180, Lilac H, Northlands Oaks, etc.). 4th dam OH SUSANNA. Placed at 2. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— FOYT’S ACK. 17 wins, 2 to 10, $271,417, Berkeley H, Lieutenant Governor’s H, Warren G. Magnuson S, Johnny Longden 6000 S, 2nd Longacres Invitational Marathon, Independence Day H, Renton H twice, 3rd Lieutenant Governor’s H, Duke City H, P.N.E. Presidents S. Sire. BANJO PICKER. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Banjo Music ($37,973, 2nd Dogwood H).

Inquiries to Shaun Hadley, Legacy Ranch Manager, (209) 712-8943. Ranch physical address, 21455 N. Clements Rd., Clements, CA 95227. Ranch mailing address: P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA 95227. Phone (209) 759-3315. Fax (209) 759-3428. E-mail: Web Site:


b, 1997


2 in Eng 3 in Eng 4 5 6 Totals


1 2 4 5 7 19




1 0 3 2(2) 0 6(2)

0 0 1(1) 1(1) 2(1) 4(3)

0 1 0 1(1) 1(1) 3(2)


$6,058 $2,595 $196,000 $333,000 $166,209 $703,862

Won At 2 in England A maiden weight for age race at Yar ($9,444, 7f in 1:32.00, by 7). Won At 4 in North America An allowance race at SA ($70,200, 8f, turf in 1:33.99, by 21). A race at Dmr ($74,100, 8f, turf in 1:34.31). A race at SA ($63,700, 8f, turf in 1:34.12). 2nd Citation H (G2T, 8.5f, to Good Journey, dftg. Irish Prize, I’ve Decided, El Cielo, Quake, Native Desert, Sarafan). Won At 5 in North America Frank E. Kilroe Mile H (G2T, $300,000, 8f in 1:34.04, dftg. Sarafan, Designed for Luck, Val Royal, Malabar Gold, Thady Quill, Irish Prize, Night Patrol, No Slip, Spinelessjellyfish, Stratton). Tanforan H (G3T, $100,000, 8.5f in 1:44.25, dftg. Ninebanks, Sea to See, Big Board, Diggit, Sirpa, Takin It Deep, I’madrifter, Poker Brad). 2nd San Francisco Breeders’ Cup Mile H (G2T, 8f, to Suances, dftg. The Tin Man, Sarafan). 3rd San Gabriel H (G2T, 9f, to Grammarian, David Copperfield, dftg. Blue Steller, White Heart, etc.). 2nd At 6 in North America Eddie Read H (G1T, 9f, to Special Ring, dftg. Irish Warrior, Fateful Dream, Mister Acpen, Redattore). 3rd Frank E. Kilroe Mile H (G2T, 8f, to Redattore, Good Journey, dftg. Century City, Cayoke, Night Life, Seinne, Music’s Storm, Smirk, Kachamandi, Alyzig).

SIRE LINE DECARCHY is by DISTANT VIEW, black-type stakes winner of 2 races, $238,374, champion 3yo colt in Eur and Eng, Sussex S (G1 in Eng), etc., and sire of stakes winners DISTANT WAY (champion older male in Italy, Premio Presidente della Repubblica Attheraces, G1 in Italy, etc.), OBSERVATORY (champion 3yo colt in Eng, Queen Elizabeth II S, G1 in Eng, Prix d’Ispahan, G1 in Fr, etc.), SIGHTSEEK (Beldame S, G1 twice, Ogden Phipps H, G1 twice, etc.), DISTANT MUSIC (Dewhurst

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (10 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2005 56 37 (66%) 30 (54%) 2006 42 35 (83%) 23 (55%) 2007 39 29 (74%) 21 (54%) 2008 45 32 (71%) 23 (51%) 2009 66 45 (68%) 29 (44%) 2010 30 26 (87%) 15 (50%) 2011 30 24 (80%) 20 (67%) 2012 24 19 (79%) 15 (63%) 2013 16 9 (56%) 6 (38%) 2014 16 2 (13%) 0 (0%) *Totals 364 258 (71%) 182 (50%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 7 1 3 (5%) 5 0 0 (0%) 7 1 2 (5%) 5 0 0 (0%) 7 1 2 (3%) 1 0 0 (0%) 6 0 3 (10%) 2 0 2 (8%) 2 0 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 42 3 12 (3%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2007 11 1 0 2008 35 1 0 2009 67 1 0 2010 82 3 0 2011 74 3 1 2012 71 1 0 2013 62 0 0 2014 84 4 0 2015 80 4 0 2016 49 0 0 *Totals 615 18 1 1.03 AEI; 0.98 CI; 6.71 AWD In 2016: 60 rnrs, 31 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 97 wins, $4,414,164 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $55,107 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $289,243 $876,975 $1,251,128 $1,494,734 $1,425,281 $1,371,776 $1,723,239 $2,365,780 $2,402,410 $998,635 $14,199,201

Dosage (13-4-15-0-0); DI: 3.27; CD: 0.94 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 15.3

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Distant View, ch, 1991 7s, BTW, $238,374 482 f, 19 BTW, 1.45 AEI 7.46 AWD Seven Springs, 1982 7s, BTW, $81,455 15 f, 10 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

El Gran Senor, 1981 8s, BTW, $520,969 399 f, 53 BTW, 2.69 AEI Toussaud, dkb/br, 1989 15s, BTW, $551,536 10 f, 7 r, 6 w, 5 BTW 8.46 AWD Image of Reality, 1976 26s, BTW, $211,290 9 f, 8 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Irish River, 1976 12s, BTW, $623,257 943 f, 82 BTW, 1.99 AEI

Riverman, by Never Bend

La Trinite, 1976 12s, wnr, $59,920 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Lyphard, by Northern Dancer

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Sex Appeal, 1970 Unraced 16 f, 10 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

In Reality, 1964 27s, BTW, $795,824 555 f, 83 BTW, 3.16 AEI

Intentionally, by Intent

Edee's Image, 1969 12s, wnr, $23,398 10 f, 8 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Cornish Prince, by Bold Ruler

Raise You, by Case Ace

Sequence, by Count Fleet

Irish Star, by Klairon

Promessa, by Darius II

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Best in Show, by Traffc Judge

My Dear Girl, by Rough'n Tumble

Ortalan, by Swaps

Inbreeding: 4SX5d Native Dancer; 5SX3D Northern Dancer.

S, G1 in Eng, Frigidaire Champagne S, G2 in Eng, Goffs International S, G2 in Ire, etc.), J’RAY (Canadian S, G2T, etc.), EXPLICIT (True North Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), DR. BRENDLER (CITGO Dixie S, G2T, etc.), etc. DISTANT VIEW’S other sons as stallions include OBSERVATORY (363 foals, 10 BTW, 1.17 AEI), etc. DECARCHY Has Sired: STONEY FLEECE, 09, g (dam by Deputed Testamony, 2nd dam by Riverman): $600,028, Generous S (G3T), Alcatraz S, 2nd Snow Chief S, etc., to 7, 2016. MOTOWN MEN, 09, g (A++, Gilded Time, Storm Bird, 3X4 Mr. Prospector, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $470,495, Tiznow S, 2nd Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S, 3rd Precisionist S (G3), etc., to 7, 2016. ANTARES WORLD, 07, f (A, Spinning World, Alysheba, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $438,328, California Oaks, Pacific Heights S, Golden Poppy S, etc. AWESOME RETURN, 11, g (Mr. Broad Blade, Little Missouri): $415,928, Snow Chief S, Let It Ride S, Silky Sullivan S, etc., to 5, 2016. MY MONET, 11, f (A++, Lord Avie, Mr. Redoy): $335,838, Betty Grable S, 2nd Tranquility Lake S, Osunitas S, etc. QUISISANA, 05, f (A++, Distinctive Cat, Batonnier): $334,158, Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Sprint S, 3rd Kalookan Queen H, Fleet Treat S, etc. KISS AT MIDNIGHT, 12, f (A++, Distinctive Cat, Batonnier): $314,113, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Kalookan Queen S, California Distaff H, etc., to 4, 2016. HARLENE, 05, g (Chief’s Crown, Hawaii, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $252,907, Cal National Snow Chief S, 3rd California Cup Juvenile S, Jim Kostoff S. SOURDOUGH SAM, 07, g (General Meeting, Judger): $216,691, Oakland S, Gold Rush S, 2nd Golden Nugget S, to 9, 2016. NEVERADOUBT, 12, g (A+, Southern Halo, Pleasant Colony, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $213,830, Snow Chief S, to 4, 2016. SUSANS EXPRESS, 11, f (A+, In Excess, Bel Bolide): $143,390, California Cup Oaks. TIMEHASCOMETODAY, 05, g (A++, Gilded Time, Bolger): $84,324, ATBA Fall Sales S. Decarchy also has sired the winners Heavens Stairway ($203,810, to 6, 2016), Ashley’s Sassy ($181,743, to 4, 2016), Distant Image ($167,765), Stroppy ($133,441), Alasharchy ($72,491), Panettone ($60,538), De Sica ($31,161), Husband’s Folly ($360,517, to 8, 2016), Onefunsonofagun ($210,920), Blame the Wine ($200,696), Chimi Dee ($188,463, to 7, 2016), Broadway Nika ($187,890, to 7, 2016), De Car Guy ($179,482), Lunch Money ($178,809), Stole a Kiss ($176,375, to 5, 2016), Oscillator ($172,598), D’ Obsession ($139,805), French Tart ($137,650, to 5, 2016), A Clever Ten ($136,430), Keiai Daikoku



($135,763 in Japan), Wild Bella ($131,380, to 7, 2016), New Karma ($128,310, to 4, 2016), Silvanus ($125,881, to 7, 2016), Kevin’s Kool Kat ($121,372, to 6, 2016), West Coast Storm ($120,104, to 5, 2016), Watch It Buster ($119,254, to 5, 2016), Te a p a r t y s u c c e s s ( $ 1 1 9 , 0 7 4 , t o 8 , 2 0 1 6 ) , Michailasheartlite ($118,082), Prospector’s Trick ($117,496), Love de Car ($116,940, to 7, 2016), Glow Girl Go ($114,279), Metaxa ($112,293, to 8, 2016), Star Field ($109,350), Deckacards ($108,584, to 7, 2016), Ilikechocolatemilk ($107,596), Crazy Good ($97,600), Troubletimesthree ($93,767), Kiss My Crown ($90,931), Saint Chocolate ($90,202, to 10, 2016), Lil Swiss Echo ($89,880), Miss Maisy ($87,510), Zoom Bag ($86,356, to 6, 2016), Mahogany Ridge ($84,530), El Tovar ($80,000, to 7, 2016), Onedewoman ($78,665, to 5, 2016), Scent of Chrism ($75,987), Anga ($75,618), Rev Her Up ($68,802), All de Victors ($68,254), Captain Carchy ($67,500, to 4, 2016), Decarchy Fever ($65,830), Atascaderan ($64,455, to 6, 2016), Gallant Charm ($63,128), Scuti de Patuti ($61,685, to 4, 2016), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 1—$1,500 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$13,500 6—$12,417 56—$12,127

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 2—$2,750 30—$6,363

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE DECARCHY is the sire of 20 dams of 41 foals, 25 rnrs(61%), 18 wnrs(44%), 3 2yo wnrs(7%), 1.78 AEI, 1.34 CI; 1 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam TOUSSAUD. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in NA and Eng, $551,536, Gamely H (G1T), American H (G2T), Wilshire H (G2T), etc., in NA and Eng. Broodmare of the Year, 2002. Dam of 10 foals, including— EMPIRE MAKER (by Unbridled). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $1,985,800, Belmont S (G1), Florida Derby (G1), Wood Memorial S (G1), 2nd Kentucky Derby (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), 3rd Remsen S (G2). Sire, 1.73 AEI. CHESTER HOUSE (Mr. Prospector). 6 wins, 2 to 5, in NA and Eng, $1,944,545, Arlington Million S (G1T), Brigadier Gerard S (G3 in Eng), etc. Sire, 2.12 AEI. HONEST LADY (Seattle Slew). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $894,168, Santa Monica H (G1), A Gleam H (G2), Distaff Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Santa Ynez S (G2), etc. Dam of FIRST DEFENCE ($580,534, Forego H, G1, Jaipur S, G3T, etc., sire), PHANTOM ROSE (in Fr), HONEST QUALITY (in Eng). CHISELLING (Woodman). 3 wins at 3, $410,000, Secretariat S (G1T), Lexington S (G3T), etc. DECARCHY (Subject stallion).

check daily updates on

DECARCHY Distant View – Toussaud, by El Gran Senor


California’s Leading Sire with his first three crops of Cal-breds in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Half-brother to Proven Sires EMPIRE MAKER and CHESTER HOUSE. 2014 Progeny Earnings Over $2.3 Million. More Than $14.2 million in Progeny Earnings and Fifteen Stakes Winners, including Grade 3 2yo SW STONEY FLEECE ($600,028), winner of the $100,000 Generous S.-G3, 2nd in 2014 $250,000 California Cup Turf Classic, etc.; MOTOWN MEN ($470,495, 103 Beyer), won $150,000 Tiznow S. and 3rd in $100,000 Precisionist S.-G3; G1-pl SW ANTARES WORLD ($438,328), California Oaks and Golden Poppy S. winner, 2nd American Oaks S.-G1, 3rd Harold C. Ramser Sr. H.-G3; SW AWESOME RETURN ($415,928), back-to-back 2014 winner of $250,000 Snow Chief S. and $100,000 Silky Sullivan S.; SW MY MONET ($335,838), won $100,000 Betty Grable S., 3rd in $100,000 Adoration S.-G3; SW QUISISANA ($334,158), winner of the $200,000 Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Sprint S.; etc. 2016 Stakes Horse include KISS AT MIDNIGHT ($314,113), 1-2-3 in 13 of 16 starts incl. $200,000 Fleet Treat S.; Heavens Stairway ($203,810), 3rd Sunshine Million Filly & Mare Turf Sprint S.; etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL (stand & nurse) Owner: Magali Farms, LLC

MAGALI FARMS Santa Ynez, California

Inquiries to Tom Hudson, Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 693-1777 Fax: (805) 693-1644 E-mail: Web Site:




ch, 2004

height 16.0


2 3 4 5 Totals





1 3(2) 2(2) 1(1) 7(5)

1 1(1) 2(2) 0 4(3)

0 $33,890 2(2) $237,639 0 $757,410 0 $60,000 2(2) $1,088,939

3 9 7 5 24


Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($53,200, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.17, by 53, dftg. Hurry Home Warren, Manhasset Indian, Cryptomite, Albertus Maximus, etc.). Won At 3 Affirmed H (G3A, $106,600, 8.5f in 1:44.21, dftg. Albertus Maximus, Cobalt Blue, Awesome Gambler, etc.). Baldwin S (G3T, $106,600, abt 6.5f in 1:11.96, dftg. Bitter Bill, Vaunt, Newsworthy, Spanish Influence). An allowance race at SA ($67,000, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:13.10). 2nd La Puente S (8f, turf, to Golden Balls, by a nose, dftg. Vauquelin, Vaunt, Shem, Star Inside, etc.). 3rd Hollywood Turf Express H (G3T, 6f, to Unusual Suspect, Bonfante, by a head, dftg. Quietly Mine, El Manuel, Night Chapter, Moth Ball, T. D. Vance, etc.). Lazaro Barrera Memorial S (G3A, 7f, to Time to Get Even, Principle Secret, dftg. Try to Fly, Abalanche, Euroglide, Taxi Fleet, Another Kris). Won At 4 Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint ($1,195,000, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:11.60, dftg. Diabolical, Storm Treasure, Fleeting Spirit, Heros Reward, Salute the Count, True to Tradition, One Union, Get Funky, California Flag, Mr. Nightlinger, Rouse the Cat, Idiot Proof, Only Answer). Joe Hernandez S ($99,350, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.36, dftg. Tenga Cat, Night Chapter, Towzee, Marvel Wood, etc.). 2nd Mervyn LeRoy H (G2A, 8.5f, to Surf Cat, dftg. Global Hunter, Neko Bay, Buzzards Bay, Monzante, Zappa, Fly Dorcego). Berkeley S (G3A, 8.5f, to McCann’s Mojave, dftg. Pass the Heat, Magnum, Our Partner, Marsh Side). Won At 5 Daytona H (G3T, $100,000, abt 6.5f in 1:12.58, by 21, dftg. Euroglide, Guns On the Table, Dark Islander, Big Bad Leroybrown, Sky Cape, Majestic Diamond, Z Humor).

SIRE LINE DESERT CODE is by E DUBAI, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $920,800, Suburban H (G2), Dwyer S (G2), 2nd Travers S (G1), Super Derby (G1), Peter Pan S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 1,058 foals, 742 rnrs (70%), 535 wnrs (51%), 117 2yo wnrs (11%), 35 BTW (3%), 1.30 AEI, 1.20 CI, 343 sale yrlgs, avg $31,924, 0.71 TNA. In 2016: 26 2yos, 6 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr, 5 BTW, 6 sale yrlgs, avg $3,500. E DUBAI has sired FORT LARNED (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Whitney Invitational H, G1, Stephen Foster H Presented by Abu Dhabi, G1, etc.), ONCE MORE

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2011 31 23 (74%) 2012 32 24 (75%) 2013 16 10 (63%) 2014 17 5 (29%) *Totals 96 62 (65%)

Winners 18 (58%) 15 (47%) 7 (44%) 0 (0%) 40 (42%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 5 0 4 0 3 1 0 0 12 1

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (3%) 1 (6%) 0 (0%) 2 (2%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 5 0 2014 18 0 2015 50 2 2016 29 0 *Totals 102 2 0.98 AEI; 1.17 CI; 6.02 AWD In 2016: 45 rnrs, 19 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 6 wins, $488,276 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $43,620 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $259,446 $487,422 $1,170,128 $812,674 $2,729,670

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI E Dubai, dkb/br, 1998 11s, BTW, $920,800 1,058 f, 35 BTW, 1.30 AEI 6.86 AWD Words of War, 1989 44s, BTW, $683,832 13 f, 10 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Lost Code, 1984 27s, BTW, $2,085,396 608 f, 45 BTW, 1.46 AEI Chatta Code, ch, 1991 44s, BTW, $170,133 8 f, 7 r, 6 w, 3 BTW 6.26 AWD Chattahoochee, 1982 27s, wnr, $106,178 10 f, 9 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

DUBAI (champion 3yo colt in Italy), EDUBAI DEL OCHO (champion sprinter in Pan), SALTARIN DUBAI (Estrellas Classic, G1 in Arg, Malvinas Argentinas, to 4, 2016), SKYSURFERS (Godolphin Mile Sponsored by Etisalat, G2 in UAE, Firebreak S Sponsored by Dubal, 2nd Sky Bet City of York S, etc.), ACCREDIT (Churchill Downs S, G2, Parlay Me S, etc.), HIGH HEELS (Fantasy S, G2, 2nd Falls City H, G2, Chilukki S, G2, Gardenia H, G3, etc.), AGGIE ENGINEER (San Pasqual S, G2, Native Diver H, G3A, 2nd Wickerr S, 3rd Californian S, G2A, San Antonio S, G2), BUY THE BARREL (Allaire duPont Distaff S, G2, Bayakoa S, etc.), MY GI GI (Honeymoon H, G2T, 2nd American Oaks S, G1T, Senorita S, G3T, etc.), EGO (New Zealand Bloodstock Concorde H, G2 in NZ), MISSING DUBAI (Gran Premio Criterium Potrancas, G2 in Uru, etc., at 3, 2016), DUBIOUS MISS (Ben Ali S, G3A, 2nd Kentucky Cup Classic S, G2A, Washington Park H, G3A, etc.), MR. FANTASY (Withers S, G3, 2nd Decathlon S, Bily Redcoat S, 3rd Gotham S, G3), DUBAI BELLE (Merial Ancare Metric Mile, G3 in NZ, etc.), PEPPER’S PIE (Diego White, G3 in Arg, Manuel F. y Emilio Gnecco, G3 in Arg, to 4, 2016), WILLY DUBAI (Pedro Chapar, G3 in Arg, to 4, 2016), DON’TGETSUSPICIOUS (Pink Ribbon S, etc.), FORDUBAI (Louisiana H, Straight Line S, 2nd Illinois Derby, G3, Louisiana H, 3rd Mineshaft H, G3, etc.), STREAMSIDE (Oak Tree Sprint S, etc., to 7, 2016), DUBACIOUS (Best of Ohio Endurance S, etc., to 5, 2016), BARILKO (Swynford S, Colin S, etc.), Shamal Sally (champion 3yo filly, turf female, and older female in Svk), etc. E DUBAI’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are SALTARIN DUBAI (G1 in Arg), MISSING DUBAI (G2 in Uru), PEPPER’S PIE (G3 in Arg), WILLY DUBAI (G3 in Arg), DUBACIOUS. DESERT CODE Has Sired: DEB’S WILDCARD, 12, f (A, dam by Demons Begone, 2nd dam by Knights Choice): $126,665, Seattle H, 3rd Pleasanton Oaks. OBEY, 13, f (Wekiva Springs, Tri Jet): $96,600, California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S. Desert Code also has sired the winners Desert Steel ($245,779, 2nd California Distaff H, to 4, 2016), Bad Ju Ju ($201,091, 3rd Wishing Well S, to 4, 2016), Moving Desert ($182,020, 2nd Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, Graduation S, 3rd Generous Portion S, to 5, 2016), Family Code ($171,395, 3rd Golden State Juvenile S, to 3, 2016), Codacious ($168,256, 3rd Spring Fever H, to 4, 2016), Arctic Code ($66,761, 3rd E.B. Johnston S, to 5, 2016), Desert Madam ($250,766, to 5, 2016), Desert Thief ($185,504, to 4, 2016), Moscato Girl ($143,252, to 5, 2016), Almost Reality ($115,425, to 4, 2016), Pop Fizz Clink ($95,002, to 5, 2016), Too Obvious ($70,682, to 5, 2016), Charisma Code ($57,700), Code of Pleasure ($40,896, to 5, 2016), etc.



Dosage (12-10-10-0-0); DI: 5.40; CD: 1.06 See gray pages—Polynesian Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Lord At War, 1980 17s, BTW, $789,439 382 f, 44 BTW, 2.58 AEI

General, by Brigadier Gerard

Right Word, 1982 6s, pl, $3,335 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Verbatim, by Speak John

Codex, 1977 15s, BTW, $534,576 106 f, 10 BTW, 3.29 AEI

Arts and Letters, by Ribot

Loss Or Gain, 1975 9s, BTW, $34,359 11 f, 8 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Ack Ack, by Battle Joined

Mount Hagen, 1971 11s, BTW, $145,090 632 f, 22 BTW, 1.14 AEI

Bold Bidder, by Bold Ruler

Georgia More, 1976 8s, wnr, $5,226 8 f, 8 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

George Lewis, by Envoy

Raise You, by Case Ace

Sequence, by Count Fleet

Luna de Miel, by Con Brio II

Oratorio, by Fleet Nasrullah

Roundup Rose, by Minnesota Mac

Gain Or Loss, by Restless Native

Moonmadness, by Tom Fool

Rushmore Miss, by Federal Hill

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 7—$5,229 5—$8,300 31—$9,071

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$1,500 7—$2,757

FAMILY 1st dam CHATTA CODE. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $170,133, Sham Say S, 3rd Very Subtle Breeders’ Cup H, WHAS-TV Stakes, Nauvoo S. Dam of 8 foals, including— DESERT CODE (Subject stallion). SOUL ONARAZORSEDGE (by Carson City). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $229,940, Pollyanna Pixie S, 2nd Wishing Well S, 3rd Meafara S, Cincinnati Trophy S, etc. Producer. FOREST CODE (Forestry). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $200,550, Giant’s Causeway S, 2nd Flower Girl H. Wasted Wisdom (Gold Fever). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $65,600, 3rd Prairie Rose S. Producer. Dam of Wasted At Midnight ($213,718, 2nd Desert Stormer S), Divergent View ($85,947, 2nd Prairie Gold Lassie S). DISCREET CHAT (Discreet Cat). Unraced. Producer. Dam of Discreet Lover ($227,400, 2nd Parx Derby, 3rd Ohio Derby, Hall of Fame S, to 3, 2016). 2nd dam Chattahoochee. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $106,178, 3rd Falls City H (G3), etc. Dam of 10 foals, including— VANDEVENTER. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $151,329. WINDSOR LODGE. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $104,257. CHANNA. Dam of JESSICA ($57,173, Best of Ohio Juvenile Fillies S, etc.), Elegant Lass ($80,530). 3rd dam Georgia More. Winner at 4, 3rd Florida Breeders Futurity. Dam of 8 foals, including— MOUNT GEORGE. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $60,988, Blues Alley S, Alydar H, 2nd Affirmed S, etc. Truly My Style. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $69,665, 2nd Union County S, 3rd Pocahontas S. Producer. 4th dam RUSHMORE MISS. 2 wins at 2. Dam of 16 foals, incl.— HOLME ON TOP. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $225,772, Primer S, 2nd Arlington-Washington Futurity (G1), Joliet S, 3rd Eagle S, Nodouble H, Don Leon S. Sire. MORE GLOVES. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $21,107, Clipsetta S, etc. Dam of SAVERTON ($263,932, Sam F. Davis H, etc.), Bear Creek Dam ($82,016), Over the Dam. Granddam of FANCY FRIEND. Mt. Rushmore. 28 wins, 2 to 9, $112,660, 2nd Kentucky Special. More Hilarious. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $44,234, 3rd Pollyanna S. Producer. Granddam of TOURNADOES ($147,782, Little Lion S, 3rd Morven S). Mon Vitesse. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $38,153, 2nd Don Leon S. Sire.

DESERT CODE E Dubai - Chatta Code, by Lost Code

Top 10 Active Sire by 2016 Cal-bred Earnings Four-Crop Average Earnings per Starter: $44,027 Ten $100,000+ Earners from his First Two Crops includes: 2016 stakes-pl. Desert Steel ($245,779, NTR), Bad Ju Ju ($243,991), Codacious ($168,256); also SW DEB’S WILD CARD ($126,665), Moving Desert ($182,020), Family Code ($171,395), Desert Thief ($185,504, NTR), multiple allowance winner Desert Madam ($265,066 - $170,210 in 2016)

Multiple Graded Stakes-Winning Millionaire with no inbreeding through five generations and a complete outcross for Northern Dancer and Seattle Slew-line mares Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000 Live Foal (payable when foal stands andnurses) property of Desert Code Syndicate Standing at

HARRIS FARMS Inquiries to David McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-mail: Website:



Dixie Chatter

b, 2005


2 3 4 Totals





2(1) 1(1) 1(1) 4(3)

0 0 0 0

0 3(3) 1(1) 4(4)

4 5 4 13


$191,400 $125,796 $147,410 $464,606

Won At 2 Norfolk S (G1A, $250,000, 8.5f in 1:42.64, dftg. Salute the Sarge, Shore Do, Beresford, Dodgen Bullets, Drewthegentleman, Guts, Yes It’s a Cat, Rivergrade Boy). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($79,200, 5.5f, AW in 1:04.65, dftg. Georgie Boy, Numismatist, Yes It’s a Cat, In the Forecast, Beresford, etc.). Won At 3 Oceanside S ($86,800, 8f, turf in 1:35.81, dftg. Mr Keppel, Tangled Tango, Liberian Freighter, Afleet Ruler, Raingear, Crimson Star, Cannonball, Devils Afleet, Cee Bargara). 3rd Oak Tree Derby (G2T, 9f, to Muny, Madeo, dftg. Ghetto, Gallon, Deal Making, Tres Borrachos, Nownownow, Woodland Flood, Moral Compass, Pearl Fisher, Rumba Along, Blue Exit, Trevor’s Clever). Lazaro Barrera Memorial S (G3A, 7f, to Two Step Salsa, Afleet Ruler, dftg. Wind’s Legacy, Salute the Sarge, Rapidity). Affirmed H (G3A, 8.5f, to Two Step Salsa, Tres Borrachos, dftg. Bingham, Wind’s Legacy, Exuma). Won At 4 Arcadia H (G2T, $150,000, 8f in 1:34.12, dftg. Mr Napper Tandy, Madeo, Sky Cape, Global Hunter, Holy Thunder, Booyah, Desert Code). 3rd Frank E. Kilroe Mile H (G1T, 8f, to Gio Ponti, Ventura, dftg. Global Hunter, Artiste Royal, Mr Napper Tandy, Becrux, Victory Pete, Wise River, Hewitts).


DIXIE CHATTER is by DIXIE UNION, black-type stakes winner of 7 races, $1,233,190, Haskell Invitational H (G1), Malibu S (G1), Norfolk S (G2), Best Pal S (G3), Hollywood Juvenile Championship S (G3), 2nd Del Mar Futurity (G2), Affirmed H (G3), Lazaro Barrera Memorial S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 805 foals, 683 rnrs (85%), 504 wnrs (63%), 141 2yo wnrs (18%), 48 BTW (6%), 1.41 AEI, 1.71 CI, 451 sale yrlgs, avg $113,297, 2.52 TNA. DIXIE UNION has sired UNION RAGS (Belmont S, G1, Champagne S, G1, Three Chimneys Saratoga Special S, G2, etc.), OVERANALYZE (Arkansas Derby, G1, Remsen S, G2, Futurity S, G2, etc.), HOT DIXIE CHICK (Spinaway S, G1, Schuylerville S, G3, Prima Donna S, etc.), GONE ASTRAY (Pennsylvania Derby, G2, Ohio Derby, G2, Salvator Mile S, G3, etc.), NOTHING BUT FUN (Cotillion H, G2, Victory Ride S, Mil Kilates S, etc.), JUSTWHISTLEDIXIE (Bonnie Miss S, G2, Davona Dale S, G2, Ruthless S, etc.), MOST DISTINGUISHED (Amsterdam S, G2, 2nd Woody

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2011 43 36 (84%) 2012 37 24 (65%) 2013 43 24 (56%) 2014 58 12 (21%) *Totals 181 96 (53%)

Winners 28 (65%) 11 (30%) 8 (19%) 2 (3%) 49 (27%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 10 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 15 1

BT Winners 2 (5%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (1%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 15 3 2014 29 0 2015 46 1 2016 26 0 *Totals 116 4 0.65 AEI; 0.98 CI; 6.60 AWD In 2016: 58 rnrs, 19 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 18 wins, $556,640 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $26,526 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $397,949 $678,957 $922,333 $537,210 $2,536,449

Dosage (5-0-5-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 1.00 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.2

Dixieland Band, 1980 24s, BTW, $441,320 1,306 f, 111 BTW, 1.89 AEI Dixie Union, dkb/br, 1997 12s, BTW, $1,233,190 805 f, 48 BTW, 1.41 AEI 6.89 AWD She's Tops, 1989 18s, BTW, $200,880 4 f, 3 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI Mini Chat, ch, 1999 Unraced 7 f, 6 r, 3 w, 2 BTW 6.75 AWD Phone Chatter, 1991 15s, BTW, $838,742 9 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Mississippi Mud, 1973 34s, BTW, $277,285 12 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Delta Judge, by Traffc Judge

Capote, 1984 10s, BTW, $714,470 824 f, 62 BTW, 1.59 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

She's a Talent, 1983 4s, wnr, $11,650 16 f, 14 r, 11 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Mint Copy, 1970 76s, wnr, $53,945 7 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Bunty's Flight, by Bunty Lawless

Phone Trick, 1982 10s, BTW, $395,112 1,113 f, 51 BTW, 1.49 AEI

Clever Trick, by Icecapade

Passing My Way, 1979 Unraced 12 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Pass the Glass, by Buckpasser

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Sand Buggy, by Warfare

Too Bald, by Bald Eagle

Paintbrush, by Bold Hour

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Shakney, by Jabneh

Over the Phone, by Finnegan

Hooplah, by Hillary

Inbreeding: 3SX4D Northern Dancer.

Stephens S, G2), DIXIE CITY (Demoiselle S, G2, 3rd Honeybee S, G3, Tempted S, G3, etc.), HOMEBOUND (Prix de Sandringham, G2 in Fr, Prix du Haras de la Huderie), SANDER CAMILLO (Chippenham Lodge Stud Cherry Hinton S, G2 in Eng, Albany S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Shadwell Nell Gwyn S, G3 in Eng), DIXIE STRIKE (Selene S, G3A, Florida Oaks, Prince of Wales S, etc.), GRASSHOPPER (Mineshaft H, G3, 2nd Travers S, G1, etc.), TURF WAR (Boyd Gaming’s Delta Jackpot S, G3, Swynford S), HIGH COTTON (Northern Dancer Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Rushaway S, Sir Barton S, etc.), BOLD UNION (Endine S, G3, etc.), REUNITED (Thoroughbred Club of America S, G3, etc.), DEVIOUS INTENT (Gardenia S, G3, Genesis S, etc.), DIXIE BAND (Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, Spectacular Bid S, etc.), UNIFICATION (Grey Breeders’ Cup S, G3), SENSATION (Astarita S, G3, etc.), CLEBURNE (Iroquois S, G3, etc.), GARDEN DISTRICT (Debutante S, G3, 2nd Kentucky S, G3), etc. DIXIE UNION’S other sons as stallions include UNION RAGS (97 foals, 2 BTW, 1.41 AEI), GONE ASTRAY (139 foals, 4 BTW, 1.06 AEI), etc. DIXIE CHATTER Has Sired: FOREST CHATTER, 11, g (A++, dam by Forest Wildcat, 2nd dam by Zilzal): $268,855, California Flag H, 2nd Lennyfromalibu S, 3rd Sensational Star S, to 5, 2016. ARCHITECTURE, 11, f (A++, Yankee Gentleman, Bertrando): $149,935, Fantasy S, British Columbia Cup Debutante S, CTHS Sales S, 2nd Boulevard C asi n o S, Sadie Diamond Futurity, 3rd Supernaturel H, Emerald Downs H. Dixie Chatter also has sired the winners Global Hottie ($168,490, 3rd Las Flores S, G3), Kris Furillo ($52,020, 2nd California Oaks), Chattering Nikita ($36,887, 3rd Princess Margaret S), Preacher Roe ($134,465, to 5, 2016), Marla Hooch ($115,576), Public Policy ($113,371, to 5, 2016), The Mad Hungarian ($107,005), Dynamo Dixie ($91,177, to 5, 2016), Next Book ($74,435, to 5, 2016), Chat With Me ($69,015, to 5, 2016), Southern Digs ($66,350, to 5, 2016), Son of Eleanor ($63,526, to 4, 2016), Beth’s My Babe ($56,670), Esmeralda Belle ($49,415, to 3, 2016), Chattering Gambler ($46,170), Browsing ($44,860), Blow the Whistle ($38,175, to 4, 2016), Southern Chatter ($33,426), Stay Positive ($31,217, to 5, 2016), Feeling Talkative (to 3, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners Yo Y Me, Dixie Chick Rocks

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$5,250 17—$7,865 51—$15,336


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 2—$13,000 4—$13,375 37—$8,476

FAMILY 1st dam MINI CHAT. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, including— DIXIE CHATTER (Subject stallion). RUMOR (by Indian Charlie). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $418,391, Las Flores S (G3), L.A. Woman S, Kalookan Queen H, C.E.R.F. Stakes, 2nd Time To Leave S, 3rd Rancho Bernardo H (G3A), Playa Del Rey S. 2nd dam PHONE CHATTER. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $838,742, champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Oak Leaf S (G1), Sorrento S (G3), C.E.R.F. Stakes, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S (G2), Melvin Durslag S, Vieille Vigne H. Dam of 9 foals, including— CAT CHAT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $154,040, Nassau County S (G2). Dam of IN LINGERIE ($712,265, Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, Bourbonette Oaks, G3A, 2nd Alabama S, G1, 3rd TVG Coaching Club American Oaks, G1). DOULA. Winner at 3, $33,420. Producer. Dam of Humungous ($160,615, 3rd Totepool Midsummer S, in Eng), Amazing Beauty ($47,178, 3rd Kerry Group Noblesse S, G3 in Ire, etc.). Granddam of MONGOLIAN FALCON ($91,128, Sacred Falls Hawkes Bay Guineas, G2 in NZ, etc., to 3, 2016). 3rd dam PASSING MY WAY. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— GOING HER WAY. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $25,163. Producer. Dam of Big Red Irishman ($150,657, 2nd West 12 Ranch H), Bonneville ($76,165, 2nd Broadway H). HOLY WAY. Placed at 4. Producer. Dam of Huachano (2nd Clasico Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, G2 in Peru, 3rd Clasico Batalla de Tarapaca). HEART OF THE BULL. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Yes It’s Bull ($123,532, 3rd Victoria S). MISS PHONE CHATTER. Producer. Granddam of DIVINE WISDOM ($94,890, J.W. Sifton S, etc.). 4th dam HOOPLAH. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $85,958, Hollywood Oaks, 2nd Princess S, Oneonta H. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— ALIAS SMITH. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $286,337, Donald P. Ross H (G2T), Sussex H, Silky Sullivan H, Oceanport H, 2nd Niagara H (G3T), Bernard Baruch H (G3T), Seneca H (G3T). Sire. AFIFA. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $194,875, Vanity H (G1), Linita H, 2nd Palomar H, CTBA Marian S. Producer. Dam of Moscow Society (2nd Queen’s Vase, in Eng, sire). Granddam of FOUFA’S WARRIOR ($555,920, Kent Breeders’ Cup S, G3T, Maryland Juvenile Championship S, Find H, etc.), MARYLAND MOON ($420,174, Chieftain H, Governor’s Cup S, etc.), FULL BRUSH ($412,082, Taking Risks S twice, 2nd Charles Staats S, etc.), CERTANTEE ($278,760, John D. Schapiro Memorial Breeders’ Cup H, etc.), MEDIA ACCESS ($211,372, Miss Liberty S, etc.).

check daily updates on

DIXIE CHATTER Dixie Union – Mini Chat, by Deputy Minister

GRADE I WINNER FROM CLASSIC SIRE LINE Sire of Three Stakes Performers in 2016, including FOREST CHATTER ($268,855), Twice Placed in Stakes at Santa Anita in 2016 Sire of 2016 Two-year-old Stakes Winner YO Y ME ($86,858) and Del Mar MSW Winning Two-year-old DIXIE CHICK ROCKS ($41,145) Second Highest Weight Colt or Gelding on the Experimental Free Handicap as a Two-year-old Versatility – Progeny in 2016 have Won on Dirt and Turf, over Distances from 5 to 8 Furlongs Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owners: Ballena Vista Farm, River Edge Operating LLC, and H S Stable LLC

BALLENA VISTA FARM Ramona, California Inquiries to Jeanne Davis, Sales and Marketing, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA 92065. Phone: (760) 789-3900. Fax (760) 789-7751. E-mail: Web Site:




gr/ro, 2001

height 15.3


2 3 4 Totals





4(3) 0 0 4(3)

2(1) 2(1) 0 4(2)

1(1) 1(1) 0 2(2)

8 9 1 18


$294,395 $107,970 $0 $402,365

Won At 2 Graduation S ($125,000, 5.5f in 1:04.31, by 3, dftg. Stalking Tiger, Military Mandate, Badgett’s Mandate, Devil’s Money, Lil’ Bro Eddie, Dad’s Lessons, Alpenfest). California Breeders’ Champion S ($125,000, 7f in 1:25.09, dftg. Badgett’s Mandate, Watch Over Me, Gilded Bertrando, P Town John, Black Horse Money, Raw General, He’s the Rage, Race for Glory, Agro). Barretts Juvenile S ($124,170, 6.5f in 1:18.70, dftg. Fountain Grove, I’m Awesome Again, Up a Creek, Prince Quiet, Rush Into Heaven, Devoted Lover, Presumption). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($44,000, 5f in 57.77, by 21, dftg. Cleartalker, Levee Town, Iza Big Star, One Smart Cat, Rubiano’s Wish, Bay Street Boy). 2nd I’m Smokin S (6f, to Dave the Dude, by a nose, dftg. Winter Squall, Pioneerman, Bewitching Bartok). 3rd California Cup Juvenile S (8.5f, to He’s the Rage, Black Horse Money, dftg. P Town John, Tricky Flash Flood, Pleasure Honor, Devoted Lover, Charbonnier, Pioneerman). 2nd At 3 Snow Chief S (9f, to Cheiron, dftg. Southern Outlaw, He’s the Rage, Score High, O. K. Mikie, Cee Mister B, Lava Man). 3rd Lazaro Barrera Memorial S (G2, 7f, to Twice as Bad, Wimplestiltskin, dftg. Cape Flyaway, Number Juan, Skipaslew, Courtnall, Evolution).

SIRE LINE DON’TSELLMESHORT is by BENCHMARK, black-type stakes winner of 7 races, $636,707, Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Bernardino H (G2), 2nd San Diego H (G3), 3rd Triple Bend Invitational Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Californian S (G2), San Diego H (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 726 foals, 556 rnrs (77%), 433 wnrs (60%), 106 2yo wnrs (15%), 30 BTW (4%), 1.20 AEI, 1.10 CI, 223 sale yrlgs, avg $16,268, 0.36 TNA. In 2016: 4 2yos, 1 BTW. BENCHMARK has sired POINTS OFFTHEBENCH (champion sprinter, Bing Crosby S, G1A, Santa Anita Sprint Championship S, G1), BROTHER DEREK (Santa Anita Derby, G1, Hollywood Futurity, G1, Norfolk S, G2, Santa Catalina S, G2, San Rafael S, G2, 2nd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), IDIOT PROOF (Ancient Title S, G1A, Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S, G3, 2nd Gulf

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (6 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2009 18 10 (56%) 2010 28 24 (86%) 2011 29 17 (59%) 2012 21 15 (71%) 2013 17 15 (88%) 2014 9 2 (22%) *Totals 122 83 (68%)

Winners 7 (39%) 19 (68%) 14 (48%) 11 (52%) 8 (47%) 0 (0%) 59 (48%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 2 0 4 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 13 1

BT Winners 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2011 2 0 2012 6 0 2013 29 1 2014 39 0 2015 33 0 2016 34 0 *Totals 143 1 0.51 AEI; 0.72 CI; 5.82 AWD In 2016: 49 rnrs, 23 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 4 wins, $113,562 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $24,728 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $70,520 $119,696 $433,122 $419,784 $467,681 $522,341 $2,033,144

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI Benchmark, b, 1991 16s, BTW, $636,707 726 f, 30 BTW, 1.20 AEI 6.40 AWD Winters' Love, 1982 10s, wnr, $48,911 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Siyah Kalem, 1982 22s, wnr, $99,502 288 f, 6 BTW, 0.71 AEI Miss Soft Sell, gr/ro, 1993 Unraced 12 f, 10 r, 9 w, 3 BTW 6.24 AWD Solamente Un Vez, 1983 17s, BTW, $126,470 10 f, 7 r, 4 w

Dosage (10-3-16-1-0); DI: 2.33; CD: 0.73 See gray pages—Polynesian

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Sweet Tooth, 1965 41s, wnr, $86,004 13 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

On-and-On, by Nasrullah

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Cold Hearted, 1974 20s, BTW, $59,353 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Lady Graustark, 1969 23s, wnr, $15,895 15 f, 14 r, 12 w, 4 BTW

Graustark, by Ribot

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Gavel Gertie, 1971 24s, wnr, $20,704 10 f, 10 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Flit-to, by Turn-to

Raise You, by Case Ace

Plum Cake, by Ponder

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Turn to North, by Turn-to

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Inyala, by My Babu

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Marisa, by Poo Bah

Inbreeding: 3SX4D Raise a Native; 4sX5d The Axe II; 5sX5D Turn-to.

News Dubai Golden Shaheen, G1 in UAE, TVG Breeders’ Cup Sprint, G1, etc.), SILENT SIGHS (Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Ocala Stud Oaks, California Breeders’ Champion S, 2nd California Cup Juvenile Fillies S), A TO THE Z (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H, G2T, Sunland Park H, California Cup Mile H, 2nd Citation H, G1T, 3rd Dallas Turf Cup H), PROPOSED (Milady Breeders’ Cup H, G2, El Encino S, G2, B. Thoughtful S, 2nd Santa Maria H, G1, 3rd California Cup Matron H, California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S), COMPROMETIDO (Clasico America, G2 in Peru, 3rd Clasico Velocidad, G3 in Peru), BENCH POINTS (Lazaro Barrera Memorial S, G3A, Graduation S, I’m Smokin S, 3rd San Felipe S, G2, Real Good Deal S), GRAZEN (Affirmed H, G3A, El Cajon S, 2nd Swaps S, G2A), STANDARD SETTER (Golden Gate Derby, G3, 2nd Malcolm Anderson S, etc.), DUCKY DRAKE (Iowa Sprint H, Zia Park Express S, Lea County Sprint S twice, etc.), MARKS MINE (California State Fair Sprint H, Harvest S, Camilla Urso S, Golden Gate Debutante S, 2nd California Wine S, California Oaks, etc.), RED WARRIOR (Padua Stables Sprint S, 2nd Sensational Star H, 3rd Sensational Star H twice, etc.), MAGIC MARK (Harry F. Brubaker S, Bertrando S, 2nd E.B. Johnston S, etc., to 6, 2016), POINT OF REFERENCE (California State Fair Sprint H, Harvest S, 2nd California Oaks, Washington Oaks, etc.), STELLA MARK (Tiznow S, 3rd Lone Star Park H, G3), Sierra Nights (champion older female in Pol), etc. BENCHMARK’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is MAGIC MARK. BENCHMARK’S other sons as stallions include GRAZEN (55 foals, 3 BTW, 1.64 AEI), IDIOT PROOF (38 foals, 1 BTW, 1.28 AEI), BROTHER DEREK (132 foals, 6 BTW, 1.17 AEI). DON’TSELLMESHORT Has Sired: JEDI MIND TRICK, 11, g (dam by Ice Age, 2nd dam by Drone): $210,423, I’m Smokin S. Don’tsellmeshort also has sired the winners The Spiral Jetter ($110,413, 3rd Campanile S, to 3, 2016), Sold Short ($93,853, 2nd Lost in the Fog S, to 7, 2016), Elmonte Cristo ($118,587, to 5, 2016), Surprise Sale ($103,029), No Ez Money ($76,395, to 7, 2016), Glorious Memories ($62,025), Tukame Tina ($54,403, to 7, 2016), Maggie’s Gold ($52,897), Ladies Man ($51,735, to 4, 2016), Autumn Twilight ($51,058), Don’tsellhimshort ($48,830, to 5, 2016), Watch Me Now ($44,030, at 3, 2016), Here Comes Bobbie ($42,175, to 5, 2016), Don’t Keep Time ($40,190, to 5, 2016), Los Tres Bohemios ($39,156, to 6, 2016), Valid Sale ($36,115), Silver n’Ice ($34,989), Short Odds ($34,915, to 6, 2016), How Now ($33,772), Mrs. Corcoran ($33,224, to 6, 2016), Saleofthecentury ($31,082, to 4, 2016), Silver Champ ($30,790, to 5, 2016), Racetrackrummy ($30,315, to 4, 2016), etc.



Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$1,000 2—$1,100 31—$2,213

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 1—$1,000

FAMILY 1st dam MISS SOFT SELL. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— BROTHER DEREK (by Benchmark). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $1,611,138, Santa Anita Derby (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), Norfolk S (G2), Santa Catalina S (G2), San Rafael S (G2), 2nd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), 3rd Strub S (G2), San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2), I’m Smokin S. Sire, 1.17 AEI. DON’TSELLMESHORT (Subject stallion). SISTER KATE (Benchmark). 6 wins at 4 and 5, $282,186, California Governor’s Cup H, Santa Lucia S, 3rd B. Thoughtful S, L.A. Woman S, Cat’s Cradle H. Swissle Stick (Swiss Yodeler). 7 wins, 3 to 7, $129,964, 3rd Charles Town Dash Invitational H, Anderson Fowler S. Sire. MIKE AND LEO (Flying Continental). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $202,489. SERENE SOPHIA (Giant’s Causeway). Winner at 3 and 4, $80,400. Producer. MISS CONTINENTAL (Flying Continental). 5 wins at 3, $67,900. Dam of COMPROMETIDO (Clasico America, G2 in Peru, 3rd Clasico Velocidad, G3 in Peru). SOFT BOUNTY (Pirate’s Bounty). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $57,955. Producer. INDICATOR (Bernardini). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $47,555. 2nd dam SOLAMENTE UN VEZ. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $126,470, Bay Meadows Lassie S, Burlingame S, Senorita H, 3rd British Columbia Oaks. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— REGINA GRIGIA. 12 wins, 2 to 7, in Italy, $217,633. Producer. 3rd dam Gavel Gertie. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $20,704, 2nd Bangles and Beads S, etc. Dam of 10 foals, including— CUCHILLO. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $149,944, Allegheny S, Sentinel S, 2nd Philmont S, etc. Sire. TENEDORA. 2 wins at 3. Dam of CINEFILA ($47,224, champion 2yo filly in Mex, Clasico Anahuac, Clasico Cuauhtemoc), LOOKIN LIKE A LADY ($51,128, Alki Breeders’ Cup H), Takeagiantstep ($30,744, 3rd Evergreen H). Granddam of GASTON ($164,041, Stardust S, 3rd D.S. (Shine) Young Memorial Futurity), SHAY ($122,694, Arches of Gold H, King County H, 3rd Boeing H). SOLA CEAR. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Sky Watch ($164,908, 3rd Snow King S).

DON’TSELLMESHORT Benchmark – Miss Soft Sell, by Siyah Kalem

SIRE OF A STAKES HORSE IN EACH OF HIS FIRST FOUR CROPS! Sire of 58% Winners/Starters Lifetime to date, including SW JEDI MIND TRICK ($210,423), 6 wins in 15 starts by a combined margin over 14 lengths, won 2nd time out by 7¼ lengths going 5½F in 1:03.32 and won the $150,000 I’m Smokin S. going 6F in 1:09.76 over Grade 3-pl SW AOTEAROA; Stakes-placed The Spiral Jetter ($110,413), 3rd in the Campanile S.; Stakes-placed Sold Short ($93,853), 26 times on-the-board incl. $63,000 Lost In The Fog S. and $55,000 Cavonnier Juvenile S.; and Mrs. Corcoran, 3rd in the Catalina Harbor Invitational S.

A MULTIPLE STAKES-WINNING CALIFORNIA CHAMPION AT TWO & GRADE 2-PLACED AT THREE EARNING OVER $400,000 Full brother to Grade 1 Millionaire and California Champion 2YO & 3YO BROTHER DEREK, sire of Grade 1 SW SAM’S SISTER, who sold for $1.15 Million at KeeNov2015. By Leading California Sire BENCHMARK, sire of 44 Stakes Winners including G1 SW IDIOT PROOF. Out of California Broodmare of the Year MISS SOFT SELL

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (payable October 1st of year bred) Standing at


Inquiries to Josette or Kathy. 14962 E. Fantz Ave., Parlier, California 93648 (559) 875-8579/FAX (559) 875-8575. E-mail:




ch, 2001


2 3 4 Totals


1 11 5 17


0 3(1) 3(2) 6(3)



1 2(1) 0 3(1)


0 $9,200 4(4) $605,360 2(2) $602,200 6(6) $1,216,760

Won At 3 Calder Derby (G3T, $200,000, 9f in 1:51.25, dftg. Bob’s Proud Moment, Caballero Negro, Wire Bound, Silversandsoftime, Icy Atlantic, Soverign Honor, Uncivil, Halo Goodbye, Frolic for Joy, Cervelo, Capias). An allowance race at GP ($34,000, 8.5f in 1:43.03). A maiden special weight race at GP ($32,000, 8.5f). 2nd Pegasus S (G3, 9f, to Pies Prospect, dftg. Zakocity, Navesink River, Golden Look, Swingforthefences, Tales of Glory, Rat Like Cunning). 3rd Preakness S (G1, 9.5f, to Smarty Jones, Rock Hard Ten, dftg. Lion Heart, Imperialism, Sir Shackleton, Borrego, Little Matth Man, Song of the Sword, Water Cannon). Travers S (G1, 10f, to Birdstone, The Cliff’s Edge, dftg. Purge, Sir Shackleton, Suave, Lion Heart). Wood Memorial S (G1, 9f, to Tapit, Master David, dftg. Swingforthefences, Royal Assault, Value Plus, Little Matth Man, Cuba, Consecrate, Sinister G, Hornshope). Gotham S (G3, 8f, to Saratoga County, Pomeroy, dftg. Deputy Storm, Redskin Warrior, Rockhewn, Quick Action, War’s Prospect). Won At 4 Pimlico Special H (G1, $500,000, 9.5f in 1:58.05, by 51, dftg. Pollard’s Vision, Presidentialaffair, Funny Cide, Eurosilver, Offlee Wild, Grand Reward). Gulfstream Park H (G2, $300,000, 9.5f in 1:54.74, NTR, by 31, dftg. Pies Prospect, Zakocity, Collateral Damage, Contante, Kennel Up, Seek Gold, Classic Endeavor). A race at GP ($37,000, 9f in 1:49.93, by 83). 3rd Donn H (G1, 9f, to Saint Liam, Roses in May, dftg. Seek Gold, Pies Prospect, Wishingitwas). Oaklawn H (G2, 9f, to Grand Reward, Second of June, dftg. Crowned King, Limehouse).

SIRE LINE. EDDINGTON is by UNBRIDLED, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $4,489,475, champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby (G1), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), etc., and sire of 48 black-type stakes winners, including BANSHEE BREEZE (champion 3yo filly, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Three Chimneys Spinster S, G1, Apple Blossom H, G1, Alabama S, G1, etc.), STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (8 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2007 83 71 (86%) 49 (59%) 2008 101 76 (75%) 64 (63%) 2009 39 30 (77%) 20 (51%) 2010 67 55 (82%) 42 (63%) 2011 41 29 (71%) 22 (54%) 2012 14 12 (86%) 11 (79%) 2013 28 20 (71%) 11 (39%) 2014 13 6 (46%) 0 (0%) *Totals 386 299 (77%) 219 (57%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 16 0 0 (0%) 12 0 3 (3%) 5 1 2 (5%) 8 2 3 (4%) 9 0 2 (5%) 2 0 0 (0%) 3 0 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 55 3 10 (3%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2009 22 0 0 2010 86 0 0 2011 150 2 0 2012 136 9 5 2013 139 1 1 2014 117 3 0 2015 76 3 1 2016 59 2 0 *Totals 785 20 7 1.26 AEI; 1.49 CI; 6.85 AWD In 2016: 74 rnrs, 38 wnrs, 2 sw Lifetime On Turf: 112 wins, $2,731,189 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $64,029 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $406,209 $1,354,010 $3,102,163 $3,823,307 $3,742,484 $3,251,778 $3,041,134 $1,186,822 $19,907,907

Dosage (14-24-14-4-6); DI: 2.65; CD: 0.58 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.3

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI Unbridled, b, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI 7.83 AWD Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Chief's Crown, 1982 21s, BTW, $2,191,168 593 f, 47 BTW, 2.16 AEI Fashion Star, ch, 1992 19s, wnr, $214,759 12 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 7.29 AWD Miss Ivor, 1975 19s, wnr, $52,427 14 f, 11 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Killaloe, 1970 32s, wnr, $67,065 10 f, 9 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

Dr. Fager, by Rough'n Tumble

Le Fabuleux, 1961 11s, BTW, $294,013 446 f, 41 BTW, 2.14 AEI

Wild Risk, by Rialto

Charedi, 1976 14s, wnr, $35,080 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

In Reality, by Intentionally

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Six Crowns, 1976 15s, BTW, $136,274 14 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Sir Ivor, 1965 13s, BTW, $561,323 804 f, 91 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Sir Gaylord, by Turn-to

Sandy Blue, 1970 16s, BTW, $174,795 13 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Windy Sands, by Your Host

HALFBRIDLED (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, etc.), ANEES (champion 2yo colt, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, etc.), SMUGGLER (champion 3yo filly, Mother Goose S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, etc.), EMPIRE MAKER (Belmont S, G1, Florida Derby, G1, Wood Memorial S, G1, 2nd Kentucky Derby, G1, etc.), GRINDSTONE (Kentucky Derby, G1, etc.), RED BULLET (Preakness S, G1, etc.), UNSHADED (Travers S, G1, etc.), UNBRIDLED’S SONG (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Florida Derby, G1, Wood Memorial S, G2, etc.), MANISTIQUE (Vanity H, G1, Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1, Santa Maria H, G1, etc.), EXOGENOUS (Beldame S, G1, Gazelle H, G1, etc.), BROKEN VOW (Philip H. Iselin H, G2, etc.), etc. UNBRIDLED’S other sons as stallions include UNBRIDLED’S SONG (1,644 foals, 113 BTW, 2.04 AEI), NIIGON (180 foals, 6 BTW, 1.82 AEI), EMPIRE MAKER (984 foals, 51 BTW, 1.72 AEI), BROKEN VOW, etc. EDDINGTON Has Sired: SECRET CIRCLE, 09, c (A++, dam by Dixieland Band, 2nd dam by Smarten): $3,670,790, Dubai Golden Shaheen Sponsored by Gulf News (G1 in UAE), Xpressbet Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Rebel S (G2), Southwest S (G3), Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint, Jack Goodman S, 2nd Xpressbet Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Arkansas Derby (G1), Cigar Mile H (G1), Palos Verdes S (G2) twice, etc. BRUSHED BY A STAR, 08, f (A, Broad Brush, Two Punch, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $644,031, Molly Pitcher S (G2), Chilukki S (G2), Iowa Distaff S, 2nd Falls City H (G2), Sixty Sails H (G3), Mari Hulman George S, Houston Ladies Classic S, 3rd Santa Margarita S (G1), Allaire duPont Distaff S (G3). GOLD EDGE, 10, f (A++, Pioneering, Danzig Connection, 4X3 Mr. Prospector, 4X4 Danzig): $162,430, Arlington-Washington Lassie S (G3A), etc. BIG BUSINESS, 08, g (A, Birdonthewire, Nepal): $790,947, Alex M. Robb S, 2nd Forego S (G1), Commentator H, Hudson H, Evan Shipman S, John Morrissey S, to 8, 2016. JOYA REAL, 09, f (A++, Regal Classic, Secretariat): $450,999, Blue Sparkler S twice, Fort Monmouth S, 2nd Turf Amazon H twice, The Very One S twice, 3rd Klassy Briefcase S, to 7, 2016. EDDY GOURMET, 10, f (A++, Citidancer, Donut King): $265,651, Conniver S, 3rd Jameela S, to 6, 2016. JERSEY BLUES, 11, g (A++, Caller I. D., Well Decorated): $138,134, Charles Hesse III H, to 5, 2016. MY THREE GIRLS, 08, f (A++, Hadif, Black Tie Affair): $111,439, Tellike S. LET HER DANCE, 11, f (Tabasco Cat, Timeless Native): $96,428, Goldfinch S, 2nd El Paso Times H. GADSDEN PURCHASE, 10, g (Forest Wildcat, Valid Appeal): $82,066, ATBA Spring Sales S, 2nd ATBA Fall Sales S, to 6, 2016.



Gold Digger, by Nashua

Grand Splendor, by Correlation

Anguar, by Verso II

Magic, by Buckpasser

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Chris Evert, by Swoon's Son

Attica, by Mr. Trouble

Blue Nola, by Limelight

Eddington also has sired the winners Eden Star ($99,731, 2nd Pocahontas S, G2), Let’s Get Crackin ($298,934, 2nd Prairie Gold Juvenile S, Prairie Meadows Juvenile Mile S, 3rd San Pedro S, to 7, 2016), Platinum Steel ($171,013, 2nd Malvern Rose S), Valiant Flame ($153,805, 2nd Phoenix Gold Cup H, Emerald Downs Derby, 3rd Phoenix Gold Cup H, to 6, 2016), Eddington’s Note ($150,729, 3rd Presque Isle Debutante S, to 6, 2016), Brokered ($96,760, 2nd Turf Paradise Derby), Belle Evangeline ($65,390, 3rd Boulevard Casino S, Supernaturel H), Brighton Star ($60,453, 3rd C.B. Afflerbaugh S, to 5, 2016), Prince Eddington ($57,397, 2nd Sunny’s Halo S, 3rd Skyy El Joven S), Desingnjet ($41,862, 3rd Clasico Reina Isabel II, in Peru), Alvazar ($31,230, 3rd Clasico Wiso G.), Ivetta (champion sprinter in Peru, 3rd Clasico Frau Astrid, in Peru, to 5, 2016), Native Rhythm (3rd Clasico George Washington), Mr. Trumpet Man (2nd Clasico Independencia Cerveza Panama, in Pan), Unbeatable (2nd President’s Cup, in Korea, to 6, 2016), Eddie Set Go ($311,046, to 9, 2016), Edie ($262,979), Buddy Be Good ($227,932, to 7, 2016), Dr. Skip ($212,331, to 8, 2016), Gracie Ragazza ($207,450, to 5, 2016), Unbridledexplosion ($206,229, to 5, 2016), Vicky Ticky Tavie ($205,800, to 6, 2016), Northern Label ($198,688), London Town ($176,893), Miso Good ($172,581), Rossi Reserve ($172,050), Dead Easy ($170,305, to 6, 2016), Azeg ($167,300, to 6, 2016), Chef Eric ($166,321), M’Lady Penny ($165,070, to 5, 2016), Linsanity ($155,656, to 6, 2016), Dilly’s Dancer ($150,420), Mark of a Warrior ($147,977), Little Frances ($145,251), Understanding ($142,182, to 6, 2016), Champagne Rhythm ($141,275), Variable Rate ($136,540), Jazzington ($136,007, to 6, 2016), Fast Eydie ($135,993), Poco Man ($135,646), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — 10—$15,857 2015 — 6—$16,073 Lifetime 41—$33,395 203—$31,842 *to November 6, 2016

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 3—$5,067 64—$59,727

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE EDDINGTON is the sire of 35 dams of 53 foals, 31 rnrs(58%), 16 wnrs(30%), 7 2yo wnrs(13%), 1.14 AEI, 1.49 CI; 1 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam Fashion Star. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $214,759, 2nd Nijana S (G3T), Noble Damsel H (G3T), 3rd Athenia H (G3T). Dam of 12 foals, including— EDDINGTON (Subject stallion). Star Crowned (by Kingmambo). 5 wins, 3 to 7, in UAE and Eng, $615,598, 2nd Al Shindagha Sprint (G3 in UAE), Green Desert Mahab Al Shimaal (G3 in UAE), etc.

check daily updates on

EDDINGTON Unbridled – Fashion Star, by Chief’s Crown

GRADE I MILLIONAIRE AND GRADE I SIRE Sire of Multiple Grade I Winner SECRET CIRCLE, an undefeated Two-year-old, a Two-time Breeders’ Cup Champion and 2015 Golden Shaheen victor who finished among the Top Three in 15 of 16 Starts, earning $3,670,790. Sire of Six Stakes Performers in 2016, including Stakes Winners JOYA REAL (on turf) and JERSEY BLUES (on dirt) both at Monmouth Park. Progeny have Lifetime Earnings of $19,921,521. Yearlings from his frst California Crop sold at 2016 Barretts Sales for $25,000, $30,000 and $50,000. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owner: Ballena Vista Farm

BALLENA VISTA FARM Ramona, California Inquiries to Jeanne Davis, Sales and Marketing, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA 92065. Phone: (760) 789-3900. Fax (760) 789-7751. E-mail: Web Site:



EinstEin (Brz)

Dosage (9-7-12-0-2); DI: 2.75; CD: 0.70 See gray pages—Stockwell (GB)

dkb/br, 2002


2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals






0 3 5 5 9 8 30

0 1 3(1) 1(1) 4(3) 2(2) 11(7)

0 0 0 0 3(3) 1(1) 4(4)

0 — 0 $27,840 0 $161,407 1(1) $329,835 0 $1,114,938 3(3) $1,311,218 4(4) $2,945,238

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at CD ($48,200, 8f). Won At 4 Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup S (G1T, $250,000, 11.5f in 2:23.91, CRE, dftg. Go Deputy, Gun Salute, Mustanfar, Broadway View, Honor in War, Request for Parole, Continuously). An allowance race at GP ($35,000, 9f in 1:49.36, by 7). An allowance race at GP ($33,000, 9f, turf in 1:45.84). Won At 5 Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H (G2T, $500,000, abt 9f in 1:49.57, dftg. Cloudy’s Knight, Naissance Royale, Transduction Gold, Sweet Return, Heat of the Night, Hendrix, Macduff, Desert Wheat, The Carbon Unit, King’s Drama). 3rd Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup Turf S (G1T, 11f, to Jambalaya, Honey Ryder, dftg. Go Between, Revved Up, Embossed, Dynantonia, Mustanfar, Interpatation, Fri Guy, Ramazutti). Won At 6 Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S (G1T, $548,300, 9f in 1:50.50, dftg. Out of Control, Artiste Royal, Yate’s Black Cat, Duveen, Thorn Song, Golden Balls). Gulfstream Park Turf S (G1T, $350,000, 11f in 2:12.87, dftg. Dancing Forever, Stream of Gold, Cougar Bay, Zann, Dave, Palace Episode, Thorn Song, Shamdinan, Notable Guest). Clark H (G2, $440,400, 9f in 1:49.79, dftg. Delightful Kiss, Commentator, Magna Graduate, Wayzata Bay, Dominican, Anak Nakal). A race at GP ($64,500, 8f, turf in 1:33.26, dftg. Salinja, Palace Episode, Gimme Credit, Elusive Fort, Minister’s Joy, Touched by Madness, Drums of Thunder, Hotstufanthensome). 2nd Stephen Foster H (G1, 9f, to Curlin, dftg. Barcola, Grasshopper, Brass Hat, Jonesboro, Delightful Kiss, Sam P., High Blues, Red Rock Creek). Maker’s Mark Mile S (G1T, 8f, to Kip Deville, dftg. Thorn Song, Cosmonaut, Out of Control, Shakis, Parading, Ruff and Ready, Zann, War Monger). Firecracker H (G2T, 8f, to Thorn Song, dftg. Steve’s Double, Faith’s Magic, Portuga). Won At 7 Santa Anita H (G1A, $1,000,000, 10f in 2:01.93, dftg. Champs Elysees, Matto Mondo, Monba, Magnum, Dansant, Court Vision, Cowboy Cal, Zambezi Sun, Stream Cat, Cause, Heroi Do Bafra, Blue Exit). Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S (G1T, $557,600, 9f

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 41 48 35 14 138

Runners 27 (66%) 32 (67%) 27 (77%) 5 (36%) 91 (66%)

Winners 19 (46%) 18 (38%) 14 (40%) 1 (7%) 52 (38%)

2yo Wnrs 5 2 6 1 14

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 7 0 2014 15 0 2015 51 0 2016 46 0 *Totals 119 0 0.71 AEI; 0.96 CI; 6.77 AWD In 2016: 64 rnrs, 28 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 16 wins, $576,682 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $25,625 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $310,958 $368,278 $754,350 $949,372 $2,382,958

Buckaroo, 1975 18s, BTW, $138,604 523 f, 29 BTW, 2.06 AEI Spend a Buck, b, 1982 15s, BTW, $4,220,689 750 f, 38 BTW, 1.41 AEI 7.14 AWD Belle de Jour, 1973 10s, wnr, $3,163 14 f, 13 r, 12 w, 1 BTW

Ghadeer, 1978 17s, BTW, $68,935 1,086 f, 85 BTW, 1.14 AEI Gay Charm, b, 1985 13s, BTW 13 f, 9 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 9.29 AWD Virga, 1977 7s, BTW 3 f, 3 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

in 1:49.62, dftg. Cowboy Cal, Court Vision, Zambezi Sun, Thorn Song, Proudinsky, El Caballo, Furthest Land, Yate’s Black Cat). 2nd Pacific Classic S (G1A, 10f, to Richard’s Kid, dftg. Rail Trip, Parading, Colonel John, Song of Navarone, Awesome Gem, Global Hunter, Informed, Misremembered, Tres Borrachos, Mast Track). 3rd Stephen Foster H (G1, 9f, to Macho Again, Asiatic Boy, dftg. Bullsbay, Arson Squad, Researcher, Finallymadeit, Alphabet Magic). Donn H (G1, 9f, to Albertus Maximus, Finallymadeit, dftg. Arson Squad, Sir Whimsey, Great Hunter, Anak Nakal, A. P. Arrow, Bullsbay, On Board Again). Clark H (G2, 9f, to Blame, Misremembered, dftg. Giant Oak, Anak Nakal, Dubious Miss, Bullsbay, Demarcation, Macho Again, Kiss the Kid, You and I Forever, Anarko, Etched, Timber Reserve).

SIRE LINE EINSTEIN is by SPEND A BUCK, black-type stakes winner of 10 races, $4,220,689, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby (G1), ArlingtonWashington Futurity (G1), Monmouth H (G1), Jersey Derby (G3), Garden State S, Cherry Hill Mile, Cradle S, 2nd Young America S (G1), Haskell Invitational H (G1), Criterium S, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Bay Shore S (G2), and sire of 38 black-type stakes winners, including PICO CENTRAL (Horse of the Year and champion sprinter in Brz, Metropolitan H, G1, Vosburgh S, G1, Carter H, G1, Grande Premio Major Suckow, G1, in Brz, etc.), BLACK COFFEY (Horse of the Year twice and champion older male three times in Peru, Clasico Jockey Club del Peru, G1, in Peru, etc.), L’AMICO STEVE (champion older male and stayer in Brz, Grande Premio Brasil, G1, in Brz, etc.), INVESTOR’S DREAM (champion 2yo colt in Brz, Juliano Martins, G1, in Brz, Antenor Lara Campos, G3, in Brz, etc.), IRISH LOVER (champion 3yo filly in Brz, Grande Premio Henrique Possollo, G1, in Brz, etc.), HARD BUCK (Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup H, G1T, Grande Premio Linneo de Paula Machado, G1, in Brz, etc.), ANTESPEND (Del Mar Invitational Oaks, G1T, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, etc.), etc. SPEND A BUCK’S other sons as stallions include ADHOCRACY (43 foals, 5 BTW, 1.93 AEI), SPEND ONE DOLAR (211 foals, 13 BTW, 1.35 AEI), PICO CENTRAL (266 foals, 2 BTW, 1.10 AEI), etc. EINSTEIN Has Sired: Einstein has sired the winners Rankhasprivileges ($218,405, 3rd Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, to 5, 2016), Born to Be Winner (3rd Sweetest Chant S, G3T, to 3, 2016), Scholar Athlete ($167,730, 3rd Coronation Futurity, to 3, 2016), E Equalsmcsquared ($77,603, 2nd Landaluce S, Anoakia S), Pensador ($118,180, to 3, 2016), Passing the Grade ($89,336, to 5, 2016), Jazzy Genius ($85,219, to 5, 2016), Another Genius ($81,000, at 3, 2016), Over Achiever ($73,440, to 5,



Buckpasser, 1963 31s, BTW, $1,462,014 313 f, 35 BTW, 4.04 AEI

Tom Fool, by Menow

Stepping High, 1969 18s, wnr, $60,345 17 f, 17 r, 15 w, 2 BTW

No Robbery, by Swaps

Speak John, 1958 12s, BTW, $36,460 350 f, 24 BTW, 1.95 AEI

Prince John, by Princequillo

Battle Dress, 1966 14s, wnr, $1,640 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Jaipur, by Nasrullah

Lyphard, 1969 12s, BTW, $202,332 830 f, 112 BTW, 3.07 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Swanilda, 1971 Unraced 11 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Habitat, by Sir Gaylord

Waldmeister, 1961 13s, BTW 219 f, 31 BTW, n/a AEI

Wild Risk, by Rialto

Merry Sunshine, 1968 Unraced 9 f, 3 r, 2 w, 2 BTW

Santa Claus, by Chamossaire

Busanda, by War Admiral

Bebop II, by Prince Bio

Nuit de Folies, by Tornado

Armorial, by Battlefeld

Goofed, by Court Martial

Sweet and Lovely, by Tanerko

Santa Isabel, by Dante

Los Angeles, by Supreme Court

2016), Swan Deer ($72,951, to 4, 2016), Cup of Soup ($60,843, to 4, 2016), Cashie’s Way ($60,543, to 4, 2016), Miss Sentry ($60,074, to 5, 2016), Academic Probation ($56,951, to 5, 2016), Strumming ($51,958, to 4, 2016), Einstein’s Theory ($51,476, to 5, 2016), Mule Theory (to 4, 2016), So Smart, Holy Charm (to 5, 2016), etc., black-type stakes placed Brainchild (at 2, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winner Cohen’s Kat.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 4—$12,550 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 13—$5,915 3—$10,833 55—$10,562

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 2—$3,000 86—$6,857

FAMILY 1st dam GAY CHARM. 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Brz, Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira (G1 in Brz), Grande Premio Henrique Possolo (G1 in Brz), Grande Premio Oswaldo Aranha (G2 in Brz), Grande Premio Mariano Procopio (G2 in Brz), etc. Dam of 13 foals, including— EINSTEIN (Subject stallion). Veracite (by Roy). Placed at 2 and 3, 2nd Grande Premio Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima (G3 in Brz). Producer. Dam of Eternidade (3rd Duque de Caxias, G2 in Brz, Grande Premio Presidente Antonio T. de Assumpcao Netto, G2 in Brz). Granddam of FLOATING RATE (Presidente Joao Sampaio, in Brz). TUTTO CHARM (Roi Normand). Winner at 3 in Brz. Producer. Dam of Tahoe Lake ($294,342, 2nd Elkhorn S, G2T, Sycamore S, G3A, John’s Call S, 3rd Man o’ War S, G1T, Louisville H, G3T). FEITICEIRA REGINA (Roi Normand). Dam of THUNDERDOME LUIZ (Grande Premio Jose Buarque de Macedo, G3 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Ipiranga-Brazilian Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Brz, etc.), MARIA MOLE (Grande Premio Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, G3 in Brz), Chicao (3rd Joao Borges Filho, G2 in Brz, to 4, 2016). CHARM US (Clackson). Dam of ISTBESTAND (Grande Premio ABCPCC-Matias Machline, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Joao Borges Filho, G2 in Brz, Grande Premio Presidente Vargas, G2 in Brz, etc.), NEW REGINA (Grande Premio Joao Cecilio Ferraz, G2 in Brz), VALIENTE Y GUAPO (Grande Premio Antenor Lara Campos, G2 in Brz, etc.), Beautifull Black (2nd Grande Premio Presidente Arthur da Costa E. Silva, G3 in Brz). Granddam of ANA LUISA (champion 2yo filly in Brz, Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, G2 in Brz, etc.), OLYMPIC BULLET (Grande Premio Nestor Jost, G3 in Brz, Ano Novo, Presidente Jose Antonio Pamplona de Andrade, etc., in Brz).

EINSTEIN (Brz) Spend a Buck – Gay Charm (BRZ), by Ghadeer (FR)

Top 20 California Sire in 2016 Runners are led by Graded Stakes-Placed RANKHASPRIVILEGES ($218,405) 2016 leading runners are Graded Stakes-Placed SCHOLAR ATHLETE, Stakes Winner THEWONDERYIDRINK and Minnesota Derby winner PENSADOR. Sire of 2YOs Cohen’s Ka, stakes-placed colt with a record of 5-2-1-2, $97,820 and Brainchild, stakes-placed filly (bullet work on 11/3/16 5F in 1:01.0 at Fair Hill).

Multiple Grade 1 Stakes Winner of $2,945,238 Grade 1 Winner Three Years Straight Won on Both Dirt & Turf / Raced through Age 7 By SPEND A BUCK, Stakes Winner of 10 races and $4,220,689, Horse of the Year and Champion 3YO Colt, Grade 1 Kentucky Derby, Grade 1 Arlington-Washington Futurity, Grade 1 Monmouth H., Grade 3 Jersey Derby, etc.

2017 FEE: $3,000-LIVE FOAL Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:



ElusivE Warning

ch, 2004


2 3 4 in Eng, UAE 5 6 Totals





0 2 1(1) 0 2(1) 5(2)

0 0 1(1) 0 0 1(1)

0 0 1 0 0 1

0 2 4 0 7 13


— $52,800 $334,682 — $99,850 $487,332

Won At 3 in North America A race at Aqu ($45,000, 6f in 1:09.82, by 5, dftg. Brush On By, Smash ’Em Sammy, Klassy Tripp, Tillman’s Legacy). A maiden special weight race at Aqu ($43,000, 6f in 1:11.85, by 71, dftg. Black Jack Blues, Boxer Rebellion, Blue Dragon, Last Train Babe, etc.). Won At 4 in United Arab Emirates Muhtathir Burj Nahaar (G3 in UAE, $200,000, 8f in 1:35.43, dftg. Blackat Blackitten, Asiatic Boy, Halkin, Jet Express, Brave Tin Soldier, Green Coast, Beckermet, Roman’s Run, Watch What Happens, Etihaad, Marbush, Drift Ice, Boston Lodge). 2nd Etisalat Godolphin Mile (G2 in UAE, 8f, to Diamond Stripes, dftg. Don Renato, Zakocity, Rosberg, Blackat Blackitten, Jet Express, Brave Tin Soldier, Green Coast, Halkin, Watch What Happens, etc.). Won At 6 in North America Vincent A. Moscarelli Memorial S ($75,700, 6f in 1:09.14, dftg. Toulouse Lautrec, Great Love, Elusive Gift, Silver Edition, Knight in Armour, Toby the Coal Man). A race at GP ($53,000, 7f in 1:22.26, dftg. Mannington, Big Push, Make Me Zach, Starforaday, Brave Victory, Our Edge).

SIRE LINE ELUSIVE WARNING is by ELUSIVE QUALITY, blacktype stakes winner of 9 races, $413,284, Jaipur H (G3T), Poker H (G3T), 2nd King’s Bishop S (G2), 3rd Tom Fool H (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 2,022 foals, 1,662 rnrs (82%), 1,228 wnrs (61%), 214 2yo wnrs (11%), 123 BTW (6%), 1.58 AEI, 1.90 CI, 918 sale yrlgs, avg $125,051, 2.79 TNA. In 2016: 78 2yos, 33 2yo rnrs, 10 2yo wnrs, 2 BTW, 24 sale yrlgs, avg $69,821. ELUSIVE QUALITY has sired SMARTY JONES (champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby, G1, Preakness S, G1, Arkansas Derby, G2, Rebel S, etc.), RAVEN’S PASS (champion 3yo colt in Eng, Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1A, Queen Elizabeth II S, G1 in Eng, Celebration Mile, G2 in Eng, etc.), ELUSIVE KATE (champion 2yo filly in Eur, Eng, and Fr, champion 3yo filly and older female in Eng, Total Prix Marcel Boussac-Criterium des Pouliches, G1 in Fr, etc.), CERTIFY (champion 2yo filly in Eur and Eng, Shadwell Fillies’ Mile, G1 in Eng, Cape Verdi Sponsored By Dubal, G2 in UAE, Barrett Steel May Hill S, G2 in Eng, Sweet Solera S, G3 in Eng), ELUSIVE CITY (champion 2yo colt in Fr, Prix Morny Casinos Barriere, G1 in Fr, 3rd Shadwell Stud

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2012 15 11 (73%) 2013 11 4 (36%) 2014 18 4 (22%) *Totals 44 19 (43%)

Winners 8 (53%) 3 (27%) 1 (6%) 12 (27%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 3 1 0 0 1 0 4 1

BT Winners 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 4 2 2015 3 0 2016 13 0 *Totals 20 2 0.68 AEI; 1.00 CI; 6.08 AWD In 2016: 15 rnrs, 9 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 1 win, $40,555 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $22,317 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $55,825 $102,586 $265,605 $424,016

Gone West, 1984 17s, BTW, $682,251 1,263 f, 94 BTW, 1.79 AEI Elusive Quality, b, 1993 20s, BTW, $413,284 2,022 f, 123 BTW, 1.58 AEI 6.81 AWD Touch of Greatness, 1986 Unraced 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Valid Appeal, 1972 36s, BTW, $201,733 791 f, 85 BTW, 2.20 AEI Valid Warning, b, 1993 19s, BTW, $131,369 10 f, 10 r, 9 w, 1 BTW 6.87 AWD Gilded Moment, 1984 7s, wnr, $21,725 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Dosage (10-8-12-0-0); DI: 4.00; CD: 0.93 See gray pages—Polynesian Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Secrettame, 1978 10s, BTW, $101,598 15 f, 12 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Hero's Honor, 1980 18s, BTW, $499,025 369 f, 32 BTW, 1.83 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Ivory Wand, 1973 12s, BTW, $97,452 7 f, 5 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Sir Ivor, by Sir Gaylord

In Reality, 1964 27s, BTW, $795,824 555 f, 83 BTW, 3.16 AEI

Intentionally, by Intent

Desert Trial, 1963 31s, BTW, $106,385 13 f, 11 r, 8 w, 4 BTW

Moslem Chief, by Alibhai

Timeless Moment, 1970 27s, BTW, $188,852 501 f, 33 BTW, 1.82 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Gilded Lilly, 1979 25s, wnr, $50,235 17 f, 17 r, 14 w, 1 BTW

What a Pleasure, by Bold Ruler

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Tamerett, by Tim Tam

Glowing Tribute, by Graustark

Natashka, by Dedicate

My Dear Girl, by Rough'n Tumble

Scotch Verdict, by Alsab

Hour of Parting, by Native Dancer

Luquillo, by Princequillo

Inbreeding: 5SX5d Native Dancer; 5SX5D Bold Ruler.

Middle Park S, G1 in Eng), MARYFIELD (champion female sprinter, Ballerina S, G1, Distaff Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Sprint, etc.), SEPOY (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Aust, AAMI Golden Slipper, G1 in Aust, Patinack Farm Blue Diamond S, G1 in Aust, Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale S, G1 in Aust, Sportingbet Manikato S, G1 in Aust, etc.), SHIFTY (champion 3yo colt in Sin, Malaysia Magic Millions Classic, etc.), SHURUQ (champion older female in UAE, Al Maktoum Challenge Round 1 Sponsored by Longines, G2 in UAE, U.A.E. Oaks Sponsored by Al Dana Wealth Management, G3 in UAE, Burj Nahaar Sponsored by Emirates Holidays, G3 in UAE, International Istanbul Trophy, G3 in Tur, etc.), SAI DE BAIXO (champion sprinter in Brz, Proclamacao da Republica, G2 in Brz, Independencia, G3 in Brz, etc.), ANA LUISA (champion 2yo filly in Brz, Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, G2 in Brz, Grande Premio Emerald Hill, G3 in Brz, etc.), BONAPARTE (Derby Paulista, G1 in Brz, etc.), QUALITY ROAD (Florida Derby, G1, Woodward S, G1, Donn H, G1, Metropolitan H, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G2, etc.), CAMARILLA (Inglis Sires’ Produce S, G1 in Aust, Arrowfield Stud Blue Diamond Prelude S, G3 in Aust, etc.), COLORADO GIRL (Roberto e Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, G1 in Brz, etc.), AVENGER OF LIGHT (Linneo de Paula Machado-Grande Criterium, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Antenor De Lara Campos, G2 in Brz, etc.), LAST KISS (Henrique de Toledo Lara, G1 in Brz, 2nd Diana, G1 in Brz, 3rd Copa de Plata, G1 in Arg), BIRKIN BAG (Diana, G1 in Brz, etc.), TRUE QUALITY (General George H, G2, etc.), Alamanni (champion older female in Italy, 2nd Premio Chiusura, G3 in Italy, Premio del Piazzale Memorial Enrico Camici, etc.), Demonstrative (champion steeplechaser, to 9, 2016), El Capitan (champion 3yo colt in Mex, to 5, 2016), etc. ELUSIVE QUALITY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are DESEJADO MAGEE (G2 in Brz), AMBASSADORIAL (in Ire). ELUSIVE QUALITY’S other sons as stallions include QUALITY ROAD (255 foals, 7 BTW, 1.65 AEI), SMARTY JONES (686 foals, 25 BTW, 1.56 AEI), GREAT NOTION (244 foals, 13 BTW, 1.52 AEI), ELUSIVE BLUFF, ELUSIVE CITY, RAVEN’S PASS, etc. ELUSIVE WARNING Has Sired: ATAVISMO, 12, c (A, dam by Prized, 2nd dam by Flying Paster): champion 2yo colt in Pan, Clasico Familia Fernandez, Clasico Jorge I. Ameglio, in Pan. Elusive Warning also has sired the winners Ain’t Misbehavin ($179,758, to 4, 2016), Uncle Chato ($41,700, at 4, 2016), Upbeat Tempo ($34,687, to 4, 2016), Flaming Vixen ($32,670, to 3, 2016), Elusive Mistress ($31,428, to 4, 2016), Elusive Riches (at 4, 2016), Mark Ye Well (at 3, 2016), Swiss Cocoa, Soul Power, Sincere Warning (at 3, 2016), and 2016 2-yearold winner Sweet Swindler.



Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — 3—$2,400 16—$5,275

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 3—$1,400

FAMILY 1st dam VALID WARNING. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $131,369, Scarlet Carnation H, Birmingham H, 2nd Sham Say S. Dam of 10 foals, including— ELUSIVE WARNING (Subject stallion). Electric Gold (by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $98,620, 3rd Sky Beauty S. Producer. COURANTE (Elusive Quality). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $84,310. ASATIR (Elusive Quality). 5 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 7, 2016, in Eng and UAE, $74,270. ALBERT G (Devil’s Bag). Winner at 3, $62,480. 2nd dam GILDED MOMENT. 2 wins at 4, $21,725. Dam of 6 foals, including— GILDED DIABLO. 2 wins at 2, $97,659, Fashion S, 3rd Astoria S, Stormy But Valid S. Producer. Dam of Ten Devils ($94,050, 2nd Eddie Logan S). VALID MOTIVE. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $71,972. 3rd dam GILDED LILLY. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $50,235. Dam of 17 foals, including— GILDED TIME. 4 wins at 2, $975,980, champion 2yo colt, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), ArlingtonWashington Futurity (G2), Sapling S (G2), 3rd Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1). Sire, 1.31 AEI. Valid Advantage. 5 wins, 2 to 10, $64,950, 3rd Rebel S (G3). LILL’S CUTLASS. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $54,110. Dam of DAVEY’S CUTLASS ($410,291, White Oak H, Zip Pocket S, 2nd Land of Lincoln S, 3rd Demetri’s Boy S), MILE ($262,859, Leader of the Band S). LILLYBUSTER. 2 wins, 2 to 4, $53,290. Dam of HARDEST CORE ($874,237, Arlington Million XXXII S, G1T, Cape Henlopen S, 2nd Singspiel S, G3T, Stroll S, to 6, 2016), Calla Lily ($174,119, 2nd Chelsey Flower S, 3rd Pebbles S, etc.). Granddam of CRITTENDEN ($188,902, P.D.J.F. Stakes, Let It Ride S, 2nd American Derby, G3T, etc., to 4, 2016). LITTELFUSE. Winner at 3, $42,790. Producer. Dam of Tiz to Dream ($168,381, 3rd La Troienne S, G3). SILVER LILLY. Producer. Dam of Social Request ($61,083, 3rd OBS Sprint S, to 4, 2016). 4th dam LUQUILLO. 2 wins at 3. Dam of 10 foals, including— HIGH ECHELON. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $383,895, Belmont S, Pimlico-Laurel Futurity, Futurity S, 2nd Sanford S, 3rd Kentucky Derby, etc. Sire, 1.24 AEI.

ELUSIVE WARNING Elusive Quality – Valid Warning, by Valid Appeal

Top Three Active 3rd Crop California Sire of 2016 Winners & Earnings Top Five 2nd Crop California Sire of 2015 by Earnings Leading 1st Crop California Sire of 2014 by Winners Sire of Champion ATAVISMO from his frst crop! Winner of Grade 3 Clasico Famila Fernandez and Grade 3 Clasico Jorge I. Ameglio. Also from 1st crop: AIN’T MISBEHAVIN ($179,758), winner at 2, 3 & 4 at Santa Anita – on the board in 18 of 25 career starts; Maiden Winners UNCLE CHATO, ELUSIVE MISTRESS, SOUL POWER, and SWISS COCOA (5f in :59 fat!).

The Only Son of Leading Sire ELUSIVE QUALITY to Stand in California. Group 3 winner and 2nd in the Group 2 $1-million Etisalat Godolphin Mile. North American Stakes Winner in 1:09 by two lengths and on the board in Grade 3 Toboggan Stakes (6f in 1:09) and Grade 1 Carter H. against WARRIORS REWARD, MUSKET MAN and MUNNINGS (7f in 1:21).

By the sire of Classic Winning Champion 3YO SMARTY JONES ($7,613,155, sire), etc. SW dam is out of a FULL sister to Champion 2YO and leading sire GILDED TIME.

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (Payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Cal Fischer, 28799 Hwy. 145, Madera, California 93638 (559) 674-5090/FAX (559) 674-7329. E-mail: or website:



EmpirE Way

Dosage (10-11-17-0-2); DI: 2.81; CD: 0.68 See gray pages—Polynesian

dkb/br, 2009


2 3 Totals





3 9 12

1 0 1

0 1(1) 1(1)

0 0 0


$72,000 $47,170 $119,170

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($58,500, 6.5f, AW in 1:17.93, dftg. Holy Candy, Unmarked Bills, Take No Prisoners, Swiss Guard). 2nd At 3 Robert B. Lewis S (G2, 8.5f, to I’ll Have Another, dftg. Rousing Sermon, Isn’t He Clever, Sky Kingdom, Chips All In, Groovin’ Solo, Liaison).

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI Empire Maker, dkb/br, 2000 8s, BTW, $1,985,800 984 f, 51 BTW, 1.73 AEI 7.69 AWD Toussaud, 1989 15s, BTW, $551,536 10 f, 7 r, 6 w, 5 BTW

A.P. Indy, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI

SIRE LINE Empire Way is by EMPIRE MAKER, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $1,985,800, Belmont S (G1), Florida Derby (G1), Wood Memorial S (G1), 2nd Kentucky Derby (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), 3rd Remsen S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 984 foals, 846 rnrs (86%), 522 wnrs (53%), 94 2yo wnrs (10%), 51 BTW (5%), 1.73 AEI, 2.20 CI, 233 sale yrlgs, avg $227,429, 5.07 TNA. In 2016: 49 2yos, 45 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 2 BTW, 4 sale yrlgs, avg $215,513. EMPIRE MAKER has sired ROYAL DELTA (champion 3yo filly and champion older female twice, TVG Alabama S, G1, Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1 twice, etc.), PIONEEROF THE NILE (Santa Anita Derby, G1A, CashCall Futurity, G1A, Robert B. Lewis S, G2A, San Felipe S, G2A, 2nd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, 3rd Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G1A), GRACE HALL (Spinaway S, G1, Delaware Oaks, G2, Gulfstream Oaks, G2, Indiana Oaks, G2, Blue Hen S, 2nd Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), EMOLLIENT (Central Bank Ashland S, G1A, Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, American Oaks, G1T, Rodeo Drive S, G1T, 2nd Gamely S, G1T, Demoiselle S, G2, etc.), BODEMEISTER (Arkansas Derby, G1, 2nd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, Preakness S, G1, San Felipe S, G2), MUSHKA (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Demoiselle S, G2, Glens Falls H, G3T, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, etc.), ACOMA (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Mrs. Revere S, G2T, Pin Oak Valley View S, G3T, Azeri S, G3, Eetc.), IN LINGERIE (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, Bourbonette Oaks, G3A, 2nd Alabama S, G1, etc.), COUNTRY STAR (Darley Alcibiades S, G1A, Hollywood Starlet S, G1A, etc.), ICON PROJECT (Personal Ensign S, G1, New York S, G3, 2nd Delaware H, G2, 3rd La Prevoyante H, G2T, etc.), LAST FULL MEASURE (Madison S, G1A, 3rd Endeavour S, G3T, Cardinal H, G3T), FEDERALIST (Nakayama Kinen, G2 in Japan, Nikkan Sports Sho Nakayama Kimpai, G3 in Japan, etc.), FRIVOLOUS (Falls City H, G2, Fleur de Lis H, G2, etc.), MAGICAL FEELING (Barbara Fritchie H, G2, Sugar Maple S, Regret S, 3rd Humana Distaff S, G1), BATTLE PLAN (New Orleans H, G2, 2nd Stephen Foster H, G1), NEFERTINI (Go for Wand H, G2, Monmouth Beach S, 2nd Heatherten S, 3rd Turnback the Alarm H, G3), ACTING HAPPY (Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, 3rd BetFair TVG Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, BetFair TVG Alabama S, G1), DARING DANCER (Lake George S, G2T, Appalachian S Presented by Japan Racing Association, G3T), BROOCH (Lanwades Stud Ridgewood Pearl S, G2 in Ire, Denny Cordell Lavarack & Lanwades Stud S, G3 in Ire, Vincent O’Brien Ruby S,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere First Crop Year *2014

Named Foals 19

Runners 11 (58%)

Winners 3 (16%)

2yo Wnrs 3

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins *2016 3 0 0.94 AEI; 0.95 CI; 4.66 AWD In 2016: 11 rnrs, 3 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $18,402 *to November 6, 2016


Delta Princess, dkb/br, 1999 30s, BTW, $740,918 7 f, 7 r, 6 w, 2 BTW 8.09 AWD Lyphard's Delta, 1990 12s, BTW, $151,642 12 f, 11 r, 11 w, 3 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Le Fabuleux, by Wild Risk

El Gran Senor, 1981 8s, BTW, $520,969 399 f, 53 BTW, 2.69 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Image of Reality, 1976 26s, BTW, $211,290 9 f, 8 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

In Reality, by Intentionally

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Lyphard, 1969 12s, BTW, $202,332 830 f, 112 BTW, 3.07 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Proud Delta, 1972 31s, BTW, $387,761 8 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Delta Judge, by Traffc Judge

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Charedi, by In Reality

Sex Appeal, by Buckpasser

Edee's Image, by Cornish Prince

My Charmer, by Poker

Lassie Dear, by Buckpasser

Goofed, by Court Martial

Loving Sister, by Olympia

Inbreeding: 4SX4D Northern Dancer; 5sX5d Buckpasser.

2nd Kilboy Estate S, G2 in Ire, etc.), IJIGEN (Tokyo Chunichi Sports Hai Musashino S, G3 in Japan, 3rd Leopard S, G3 in Japan), SKY KINGDOM (Tokyo City Cup S, G3 twice, American Flag S, 2nd Cougar II H, G3A twice, 3rd Hollywood Gold Cup H, G1A, etc.), BROADWAY EMPIRE (Oklahoma Derby, G3, Canadian Derby, G3, Ky Alta H, etc., to 6, 2016), EAGLE POISE (Valedictory S, G3A, 2nd San Juan Capistrano H, G2T, Valedictory S, G3A twice, Ontario Derby, etc.), STANWYCK (Turnback the Alarm H, G3, 2nd Shuvee H, G3, Paseana S, 3rd Apple Blossom H, G1, Personal Ensign S, G1, Santa Margarita S, G1, etc.), SOARING EMPIRE (Hal’s Hope S, G3, Majestic Light S, Rutgers S, 2nd Gulfstream Park H, G2, Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship S, G2, Salvator Mile S, G3, etc.), IMPOSING GRACE (Arlington Matron S, G3A, etc.), KERI BELLE (Megahertz S, G3T, 3rd Buena Vista S, G2T, to 6, 2016), COUNTRY FLAVOR (Hanshin Cup H, G3A, Tenacious H, 2nd Golden Bear S, 3rd Louisiana H, to 10, 2016), CHARITY BELLE (Darley Prix de la Nonette, G3 in Fr), EMPIRE KING (Clasico Asociacion de Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera del Peru, G3 in Peru, Clasico Mariano Ignacio Prado, G3 in Peru, 2nd Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico, G2 in Peru), MEI LING (Lighthouse S, Heavenly Prize Invitational S, 2nd Go for Wand H, G3, Top Flight Invitational H, G3, Ladies H, Rags to Riches Invitational S, etc., to 5, 2016), BARYSHNIKOV (Tejano Run S, 2nd Dixie S, G2T, Firecracker H, G2T, 3rd Bernard Baruch H, G2T, Oceanport S, G3T, Dust Commander S), CHARM THE MAKER (Sharp Cat S, Adoration S, 2nd Hollywood Starlet S, G1A, Unzip Me S, 3rd Oak Leaf S, G1, Autumn Miss S, G3T, etc.), MAVERICKING (Buck’s Boy H, 3rd Grindstone S, Tex’s Zing H), KALAMOS (Old Friends S, 2nd Prix de Tourgeville), PRINCIPAL ROLE (Swettenham Stud Fillies’ Trial, E.B.F. Kheleyf Hoppings S, Irish E.B.F. At the Races John Musker Fillies’ S, etc.), DEAL MAKING (Robellino S, Stanton S, 3rd National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S, G2T, etc.), It’s So You (champion older female in KSA), etc. EMPIRE MAKER’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are KERI BELLE (G3T), MEI LING. EMPIRE MAKER’S other sons as stallions include PIONEEROF THE NILE (303 foals, 16 BTW, 2.93 AEI), etc. EMPIRE WAY Has Sired: From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Empire Way has sired the winners Dutt Bart, Alpenhorn, Mr Ability.

Sales Analysis* Earned $202,422

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 11—$22,600 3—$30,000 14—$24,186


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 2—$6,000 1—$3,000 3—$5,000

FAMILY 1st dam DELTA PRINCESS. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $740,918, Locust Grove H (G3T), Early Times Mint Julep H (G3T), Beaugay H (G3T), Dr. James Penny Memorial H, Endeavour S, Navajo Princess S, 2nd Jenny Wiley S (G3T), Cardinal H (G3T), Violet S (G3T), Marshua’s River S, Fort Monmouth S, 3rd Ballston Spa Breeders’ Cup H (G3T), Pebbles H. Dam of 7 foals, including— ROYAL DELTA (by Empire Maker). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $4,811,126, champion 3yo filly and older female twice, TVG Alabama S (G1), Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic (G1) twice, Delaware H (G1) twice, Personal Ensign H (G1), Beldame Invitational S (G1), Black-Eyed Susan S (G2), Fleur de Lis H (G2), Sabin S (G3), 2nd Personal Ensign H (G1), Beldame Invitational S (G1) twice, Fleur de Lis H (G2), Sabin S (G3), etc. CROWN QUEEN (Smart Strike). 4 wins at 3, $593,000, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S (G1T), Knob Creek Lake Placid S (G2T). Carnival Court (Street Sense). 2 wins at 3, $161,662, 3rd Alabama S (G1). Empire Way (Subject stallion). KHOZAN (Distorted Humor). 2 wins at 3, $49,200. LOVE DELTA (Seeking the Gold). 5 wins at 3 in Eng, $48,577. 2nd dam LYPHARD’S DELTA. 4 wins at 3 in Eng, placed in NA, $151,642, Vodafone Nassau S (G2 in Eng). Dam of 12 foals, including— BIONDETTI. 3 wins at 2 in Italy and Eng, placed in Fr, $359,583, Gran Criterium (G1 in Italy), 2nd Prix Messidor (G3 in Fr). Sire. INDY FIVE HUNDRED. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $244,510, Garden City Breeders’ Cup H (G1T), 2nd Lake Placid H (G2T). Producer. Dam of Ecliptic (in Eng). 3rd dam PROUD DELTA. 12 wins at 3 and 4, $387,761, champion older female, Beldame S (G1), Top Flight H (G1), Hempstead H (G2), Affectionately H, Shuvee H, Suffolk County H, Rare Treat H, 2nd Ladies H (G1), Top Flight H (G1), etc. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— PROUD DEBONAIR. 7 wins, 4 to 6, $303,836, Grey Lag H (G3), 2nd John B. Campbell H (G3), Aqueduct H (G3), Stymie H (G3), etc. Sire, 1.17 AEI. Fatal Charm. 2 wins at 3 in Eng, placed in NA, $37,020, 3rd Galtres S. Dam of FAIRY CHARM ($226,159, in Italy), Alabastro (in Italy). Granddam of IL FENOMENO ($291,294, champion 3yo colt in Italy, Premio Carlo d’Alessio, G3 in Italy, etc., to 10, 2016). LOVAGE. Winner at 5, $50,280. Producer. Dam of Sovereign M. D. ($356,031, 2nd Phil D. Shepherd S, 3rd Ralph M. Hinds Pomona Invitational H).



Fighting hussar RACE AND (BLACK TYPE) RECORD Age

2 3 Totals





6 5 11

2 0 2

1(1) 2(2) 3(3)

2 0 2


$126,200 $109,928 $236,128

Won At 2 An allowance race at BHP ($48,000, 6.5f, AW in 1:17.54, dftg. Ballard Ruler, Lovmeister, Stretch). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($71,050, 5.5f, AW in 1:05.04, dftg. The Humancomplaint, Torreys K T M, Winninrulz, Stretch, Gentlemen Pete, All Star Bell, Mark’s Cat). 2nd King Glorious S (7f, AW, to Weewinnin, dftg. Monument, Tiz a Minister, Lovmeister, Surfcup, Back to Bako, Strong Wind, Awesome Annie, Havoc, Hazardous). 2nd At 3 Snow Chief S (9f, AW, to Surfcup, dftg. Tiz a Minister, Bobo, Omega Star, Nina’s Dragon, Alydidit, Heat Streaker). Echo Eddie S (6.5f, to Omega Star, by a nose, dftg. Lovmeister, Surfcup, Raised a Secret, Alydidit, Could Be Trouble, Follini, I’m Denny Crane, Indian Classic).


Fighting Hussar is by ROCKPORT HARBOR, blacktype stakes winner of 5 races, $324,800, Remsen S (G2), Nashua S (G3), Essex H (G3), 2nd Rebel S (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 7 crops, 470 foals, 391 rnrs (83%), 305 wnrs (65%), 88 2yo wnrs (19%), 24 BTW (5%), 1.33 AEI, 1.42 CI, 267 sale yrlgs, avg $36,319, 0.81 TNA. In 2016: 27 2yos, 8 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr, 3 BTW. ROCKPORT HARBOR has sired RIA ANTONIA (champion 2yo filly in Can, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, 2nd Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Iowa Oaks, G3), MAJESTIC HARBOR (Gold Cup at Santa Anita S, G1, Alysheba S, G2, Mineshaft H, G3, Tokyo City Cup S, G3, 2nd Marathon S, G2, San Pasqual S, G2, etc., to 8, 2016), R FREE ROLL (Honorable Miss H, G2, Hollywood Beach S, Unbridled S, U Can Do It H, Bold World H, 2nd Sugar Swirl S, G3, etc.), RISE UP (Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, Jean Lafitte S, Wild and Wonderful S, Mountaineer Juvenile S, Robert Hilton Memorial S Presented by Budweiser S, Woodchopper S, etc., to 5, 2016), BRYAN’S JEWEL (Obeah S, G3, John W. Rooney Memorial S, 2nd Lady Canterbury S twice, Forever Together S, Winter Melody S, etc.), MAY DAY ROSE (Railbird S, G3A, Santa Ysabel S, G3, Instant Racing S, Sharp Cat S, 2nd Chilukki S, G2, 3rd Remington Park Oaks, etc.), PATAKY KID (Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, Coach Jimi Lee S, 3rd Forego S), Z ROCKSTAR (TRAO Classic Sprint S twice, Cherokee Nation Classic Cup S, Jim Thorpe S, Silver Goblin S, 2nd Oklahoma Classics Cup S three times, etc., to 7, 2016), BANNER BILL (Colin S, Victoria S, to 7, 2016), WEAST HILL (Arkansas Breeders’ S, Nodouble Breeders’ S, to 4, 2016), BEAR’S FUTURE (Swynford S), HARBOR MIST (Anne M. Clare S, 3rd Bouwerie S, Summer Guest S, Touch of Love S, Shot Berry S, Sonia’s Scamp S), OVER THE OCEAN (Lanwades Stud Jagersro Sprint twice, 2nd Zawawi Cup, G3 in Swe, Lanwades Stud Jagersro Sprint, 3rd Zawawi Cup, G3 in Swe, Taby Varsprint, etc., to 6, 2016), CAPELLA DANCER (Arctic Queen S, Susan B. Anthony H, 2nd Arctic Queen H, Jack Betta Be Rite S, Niagara S), HEIDI MARIA (City of Edmonton Distaff H, Madamoiselle H, 2nd Delta Colleen H), UNFETTERED (Bill Thomas Memorial S, 2nd Lea County Sprint S, 3rd KLAQ Handicap, to 6, 2016), ROCKIN THE BLEU’S (Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S, 2nd Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S, Lady Slipper S, to 5, 2016), HARBINGEROFTHINGS (Jamestown S), SUVA HARBOR (Island Fashion S, 2nd Washington Oaks, 3rd Irish Day H, Kent H, Seattle H, to 4, 2016), MEMPHISINMAY (Governor’s S, 2nd Snack S, to 4, 2016), GRIFF (City of Laurel S, to 5, 2016), HARBOR CAT (Ellen’s Lucky Star S, 2nd Miss Indiana

STUD ANALYSIS Fighting Hussar entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Entered Stud in 2015

Dosage (5-4-4-0-1); DI: 3.67; CD: 0.86 See gray pages—Polynesian

gr/ro, 2010

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 Unbridled's Song, 1993 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI 12s, BTW, $1,311,800 1,644 f, 114 BTW, 2.05 AEI Trolley Song, 1983 7s, wnr, $25,914 Rockport Harbor, gr/ro, 2002 12 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 8s, BTW, $324,800

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

470 f, 24 BTW, 1.33 AEI 6.79 AWD

Copelan, 1980 17s, BTW, $594,278 373 f, 35 BTW, 1.84 AEI

Tri Jet, by Jester

Regal Pennant, 1988 35s, BTW, $162,412 12 f, 11 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Banner Bob, by Herculean

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

No Class, 1974 29s, wnr, $37,543 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 6 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

Marshua's Dancer, 1968 18s, BTW, $78,464 699 f, 40 BTW, 1.41 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Bobisque, 1975 22s, wnr, $25,447 8 f, 6 r, 5 w

Ole Bob Bowers, by Prince Blessed

Regal Miss Copelan, 1995 11s, BTW, $56,225 13 f, 12 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Regal Classic, 1985 27s, BTW, $1,456,584 967 f, 47 BTW, 1.40 AEI Lightning Pace, ch, 1998 25s, wnr, $285,384 6 f, 5 r, 4 w 5.69 AWD Sawmill Lady, 1983 Unraced 12 f, 11 r, 8 w

S), CLOUD HARBOR (Gold Rush Futurity, 2nd Governor’s Cup S, to 5, 2016), STEEL KING (Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz, Ramon y Ernesto Navarro Diez, 2nd Clasico German Ruiz B.), My Great Fantasy (champion 2yo filly in Mex, to 4, 2016), etc. ROCKPORT HARBOR’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are MAJESTIC HARBOR (G2), RISE UP, WEAST HILL.

FAMILY 1st dam Lightning Pace. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $285,384, 3rd Bessarabian H (G3), Sweet Briar Too S. Dam of 6 foals, including— Fighting Hussar (Subject stallion). KATZ REIGN (by Wildcat Heir). 4 wins at 3, $104,180. MORE HUMOR (Distorted Humor). 11 wins, 4 to 7, $104,101. TEAL GREEN (Scat Daddy). Winner at 3, 2016 in Japan, $52,740. 2nd dam SAWMILL LADY. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— Stalled Engine. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $92,232, 3rd Summer S. Malbay. Winner at 2, $82,871, 2nd Natalma S, Princess Elizabeth S. Dam of MULRAINY ($516,093, Duchess S, G3, La Lorgnette S, 2nd Princess Elizabeth S, Algoma S, 3rd Selene S, G1, Mazarine Breeders’ Cup S, G1, Wilderness Song S, Jammed Lovely S, Muskoka S), Silvery Bay ($46,935, 3rd Candy Eclair S). Granddam of SOLDAT ($622,760, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S, G2, With Anticipation S, G3T, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf, G2T, Pilgrim S, G3T), WINE THIEF ($173,113, Zia Park Distaff S, 3rd Bold Ego H, El Diario H). PAPOOSE. 5 wins at 3, $65,548. Dam of SHILLA ($350,704, La Voyageuse H, Fanfreluche S, Fury S, 3rd Glorious Song S), TAHNEE ($258,679, Rainbow Connection S, to 6, 2016). 3rd dam Bobisque. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $25,447, 3rd Princess Elizabeth S. Dam of 8 foals, including— DANCING AFFAIR. Unraced. Dam of PINE DANCE ($450,892, American Derby, G2T, Pennsylvania Derby, G3, Brandywine S, 2nd Fort Marcy H, G3T, 3rd Pegasus H, G2, sire), VILLAGE DANCER ($193,401, Juvenile S, 2nd Victoriana S, Ontario Lassie S, Lady Angela S). Granddam of THE HAPPY HOPPER ($801,017, Pocahontas S, Indian Summer S, Safely Kept S, Wilma C. Kennedy S, Carousel H, Martha Washington S, Dixie Belle S, 2nd Fantasy S, G2, Chicago Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Valley View S, G3T, Debutante S, G3, Honeybee S, G3, Indiana Breeders’ Cup Oaks, Saylorville S twice, Pago Hop S, Spring Fever S), HE’S ROYAL DEE ($171,515, Oak Hall S).



Gana Facil, by Le Fabuleux Caro, by Fortino II Lucky Spell, by Lucky Mel

Susan's Girl, by Quadrangle

Regal Relation, by Kamaraan II

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Classy Quillo, by Outing Class

Marshua, by Nashua

Nadisque, by Nadir

4th dam NADISQUE. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, including— AM-A-CUTIE. 2 wins at 2, Clipsetta S. Producer. Granddam of WALT WEST ($60,765, Wiley Post Thoroughbred Derby, sire). Mystical Dust. 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2nd Athena H. Producer. Dam of Clarity ($53,750, 3rd Patricia S). Granddam of WILD GOOSE ($135,023, John D. Marsh S). 5th dam RISQUE BLUE. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, including— BLUE BANNER. 15 wins, 2 to 4, $121,175, Distaff H, Firenze H, Test S, 2nd Vagrancy H, Gallorette S, Alabama S, Matron S, 3rd Diana H, Champlain H. Dam of BRANFORD COURT ($212,345, Eddie Read H, Tanforan H, Cabrillo H, Berkeley H, 2nd Portland Meadows Mile H, Harvest S, sire), Yale Fence ($29,447, 2nd Saratoga National Hurdle S, Tom Roby Stp S). Granddam of FORT MARCY ($1,109,791, Horse of the Year, champion turf male twice, and older male, Washington D.C. International twice, Man o’ War S, United Nations H, Sunset H, Hollywood Park Invitational Turf H, Bougainvillea H, Tidal H twice, Dixie H, Bowling Green H, Nashua H, Stars & Stripes H, KellyOlympic H, Bernard Baruch H, Long Branch S, 2nd San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, Ford Pinto Invitational Turf H, Man o’ War S twice, Hollywood Park Invitational Turf H, Grey Lag H, Century H, Bowling Green H, Bougainvillea H, Kelly-Olympic H twice, Nassau County S, 3rd San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, United Nations H three times, Hialeah Turf Cup H, Man o’ War S, Washington D.C. International S, Kelly-Olympic H, Edgemere H), KEY TO THE MINT ($576,015, champion 3yo colt, Suburban H, G1, Excelsior H, G2, Brooklyn H, Woodward S, Travers S, Withers S, Whitney S, Remsen S, Derby Trial, 2nd Metropolitan H, G1, Jockey Club Gold Cup, Cowdin S, 3rd Preakness S, Garden State S, sire), KEY TO CONTENT ($354,772, United Nations H, G1T, Saranac S, G2T, Fort Marcy H, G3T, Choice H, 2nd Bowling Green H, G2T, Japan Racing Association H, sire), KEY TO THE KINGDOM ($109,590, Stymie H, G3, sire). RISQUE ROUGE. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $93,725, Audacious S, Buckeye H, Jockey Club Cup H, 2nd Butler H, Autumn H, Canadian Championship S, Dominion Day H, King Edward Gold Cup H, etc. Sire. SIGYN. Winner at 2. Producer. Dam of Ribollire (3rd Harristown S, Rathangan S, in Ire, sire). FLEETS OUT. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Navy King ($40,415, 3rd California Breeders’ Champion S, Yerba Buena H), Gallant Mast (2nd Juvenile H). Granddam of RIGATONI KING ($60,355, Paso Robles H, El Otono S, 2nd San Francisco H, etc.).


FIGHTING HUSSAR Rockport Harbor – Lightning Pace, by Regal Classic

MULTIPLE STAKES-PLACED WINNER OF OVER $230,000 Stakes Performer at 2 & 3; On-the-Board in 9 of 11 Starts Including: $300,000 Snow Chief S. (2nd by less than a length, defeating Grade 3 SW TIZ A MINISTER and SW OMEGA STAR), $200,000 King Glorious S. (defeating California Cup Juvenile SW and Champion 2YO MONUMENT), $200,000 Echo Eddie S. (2nd by only a nose to CANDY RIDE’s SW OMEGA STAR, besting multiple SW SURFCUP). By ill-fated Leading Sire ROCKPORT HARBOR, a Grade 2 2YO SW and ranked among North America’s Leading Sires, $26.9-Million in progeny earnings, Champion RIA ANTONIA, 23 Stakes Winners, 7 Graded. A grandson UNBRIDLED’S SONG, sire of 2015 Grade 1 Las Vegas Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile Winner, LIAM’S MAP ($1,359,940). From a Sires Family: FORT MARCY (Horse of the Year, sire), KEY TO THE MINT (G1 Champion, sire), KEY TO CONTENT, (G1 SW, sire) and KEY TO THE KINGDOM (GSW, sire), etc.

2017 FEE: $1,000 MEMBER

Stands and nurses, live foal guarantee. Special consideration given to proven mares. Multiple mare discount.

BG THOROUGHBRED FARM Hemet, California Inquiries to Hector Palma, Consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Avenue, Hemet, CA 92545. Phone (951) 654-9100. Fax (951) 654-9119. E-mail: info@ Web Site:



Forest Command

Dosage (1-2-6-0-1); DI: 1.50; CD: 0.20 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 2005



2 3 4 Totals

0 5 1 6




0 2 1 3

0 1 0 1

0 2(2) 0 2(2)


— $135,156 $23,400 $158,556

Won At 3 A race at Sar ($67,000, 7f in 1:21.89, by 6, dftg. Tend, Golden Age, Love Abroad, Mr. Universe, Smart Hit, Bucky Came Home, Blackfoot Trail, Del Castillo Diaz). A maiden special weight race at CD ($41,400, 7f in 1:23.32, dftg. A Diehl, Glenwood Canyon, Grand Turk, Luvandgo, Forest Wildfire, Big Divot, Dance With Roses, Bark). 3rd Super Derby (G2, 9f, to My Pal Charlie, Macho Again, dftg. Golden Yank, Stungbythestorm, Real Appeal, Mambo Meister, King Darius, Numismatist, Star Production). Ack Ack H (G3, 8f, to Magna Graduate, Greeley’s Conquest, dftg. Cowtown Cat, Coragil Cat, Forefathers). Won At 4 A race at GP ($44,000, 8f in 1:36.93, by 61, dftg. Dream Maestro, Izanagi, Z Humor, Golden Age, Cosmic, Bernulli, Inti).

SIRE LINE Forest Command is by MONARCHOS, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $1,720,830, Kentucky Derby (G1), Florida Derby (G1), 2nd Wood Memorial S (G2), 3rd Belmont S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 457 foals, 338 rnrs (74%), 237 wnrs (52%), 52 2yo wnrs (11%), 16 BTW (4%), 1.25 AEI, 1.51 CI, 229 sale yrlgs, avg $43,898, 0.98 TNA. In 2016: 16 2yos, 5 2yo rnrs, 3 sale yrlgs, avg $2,567. MONARCHOS has sired INFORMED DECISION (champion sprinter, Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Sprint, G1A, Humana Distaff S, G1, Vinery Madison S, G1A, Lexus Raven Run S, G2A, Thoroughbred Club of America S, G2A, etc.), ESTRELA MONARCHOS (champion older female in Brz, Roberto e Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, G1 in Brz, Adayr Eiras de Araujo-Taca Onze de Julho, G2 in Brz, Oswaldo Aranha -Terceira Etapa da Copa de Prata, G2 in Brz, Escorial, 2nd Duque de Caxias, G2 in Brz, etc.), WIN WILLY (Oaklawn H, G2, Rebel S, G2, Brandywine S, Fifth Season S, Cape Henlopen S, Joseph French Memorial S, etc.), STORMIN MONARCHO (Swatara S, Richard W. Small S, 2nd Manitoba Lotteries Derby, Alydar S, 3rd Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, Meadowlake S, to 6, 2016), A P IS LOOSE (Blair’s Cove S, 3rd Shakopee Juvenile S, Northern Lights Futurity, to 5, 2016), BINGHAM (Pomona Derby, Cotton Fitzsimmons Mile H, Jack Coady Sr. S, Turf Paradise H, 2nd Hank Mills Sr. H), RAPPER S S (Riley Allison Futurity, Budweiser H, 2nd Harvest S, 3rd Eddy County S), PLUTONIUM (Dust Commander S), STONES RIVER (Nick Shuk Memorial S), RILEYS MONARCH (Lookout S, 3rd La. Bred Premier Night Distaff S, Red Camelia S), ROUND TRIP

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 9 9 8 26

Runners 6 (67%) 8 (89%) 1 (13%) 15 (58%)

Winners 3 (33%) 4 (44%) 0 (0%) 7 (27%)

2yo Wnrs 0 1 0 1

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 0 0 2015 5 0 2016 8 0 *Totals 13 0 0.54 AEI; 0.75 CI; 6.25 AWD In 2016: 13 rnrs, 5 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 3 wins, $72,995 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $17,136 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $1,416 $103,482 $149,443 $254,341

Maria's Mon, 1993 7s, BTW, $507,140 945 f, 55 BTW, 1.62 AEI Monarchos, gr/ro, 1998 10s, BTW, $1,720,830 457 f, 16 BTW, 1.25 AEI 7.31 AWD Regal Band, 1987 18s, wnr, $86,865 10 f, 9 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Forest Wildcat, 1991 20s, BTW, $478,862 882 f, 67 BTW, 1.39 AEI Forest Secrets, b, 1998 17s, BTW, $604,453 5 f, 5 r, 4 w 7.00 AWD Garden Secrets, 1992 14s, wnr, $40,740 11 f, 7 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Wavering Monarch, 1979 13s, BTW, $466,773 673 f, 34 BTW, 1.22 AEI

Majestic Light, by Majestic Prince

Carlotta Maria, 1984 2s, pl, $9,680 12 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Caro, by Fortino II

Dixieland Band, 1980 24s, BTW, $441,320 1,306 f, 111 BTW, 1.89 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Regal Roberta, 1980 10s, pl, $4,800 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Victoria Beauty, 1972 Unraced 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Bold Native, by Raise a Native

Time for a Change, 1981 9s, BTW, $313,896 414 f, 41 BTW, 1.97 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Rokeby Rose, 1977 19s, BTW, $250,480 14 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Uncommitted, by Buckpasser

Water Malone, by Naskra

Mississippi Mud, by Delta Judge

Regal Road, by Graustark

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Abifaith, by Seaneen

Resolver, by Reviewer

Rokeby Venus, by Quadrangle

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Northern Dancer.

FLIGHT (Bay Meadows Breeders’ Cup Oaks, 2nd Miss America S, 3rd Golden Poppy S, Autumn Leaves H, Luther Burbank H), HARBORAGE (Victoria Park S, 3rd OBS Championship S), FIFTH AVENUE (Fashion S, 2nd Adirondack S, G2), SUGAR MOM (Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S), ROYAL HUDSON (Ascot Graduation S, 3rd Chris Loseth H), FAGAN’S LEGACY (Pilgrim S), Moyer’s Pond (2nd Ohio Derby, G2, Lone Star Derby, G3, 3rd West Virginia Derby, G3), Medjool (2nd Sir Beaufort S, G3A, 3rd Lane’s End S, G2A, Sky Classic S, G2T, Tokyo City Cup H, G3A, Gallant Man H), Texas Wildcatter (2nd Canadian Derby, G3, Gotham S, G3, Lieutenant Governors’ H, Redekop British Columbia Cup Classic H, 3rd British Columbia Derby, G3, Whirlaway S, etc.), Aces Star (champion 2yo colt in Sca, 2nd Casino Cosmopol Svenskt Derby, Songline Classic, 3rd Skanska Faltrittklubbens Jubileumslopning), etc. FOREST COMMAND Has Sired: Forest Command has sired the winners Elkhorn Crown ($51,145, to 3, 2016), Forbidden Command (to 4, 2016), Valdoura’s Command (to 4, 2016), Forest Wildflower (to 3, 2016), Gemmabeto (to 4, 2016), Tumbleweedprincess, Stately Command (to 3, 2016).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — 2—$11,500

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam FOREST SECRETS. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $604,453, Acorn S (G1), Rampart H (G2), Falls City H (G3), 2nd Churchill Downs Distaff H (G2), Sabin H (G3), 3rd Madison S, Raven Run S. Dam of 5 foals, including— Forest Command (Subject stallion). PATRIOT’S VOYAGE (by Awesome Again). 5 wins, 4 to 7, $169,670. PULPIT’S SECRET (Pulpit). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $113,208. BLACK FOREST (Monarchos). 2 wins, 3 to 6, 2016, $84,400. 2nd dam GARDEN SECRETS. Winner at 3, $40,740. Dam of 11 foals, including— RUMOR HAS IT. 6 wins, 4 to 8, $303,316, Kentucky Cup Turf S (G3T), John Henry S, Rossi Gold S, Polar Expedition S, 2nd Rossi Gold S. Bajan Tryst. 13 wins, 3 to 10, 2016, in Eng, Fr, and Ire, $343,140, 3rd Get Your Bet On at Blue Square Hever Sprint S.



SECRET WILDCAT. Placed at 3. Dam of BIG WILDCAT (Presidente Vargas, G3 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Joao Jose e Jose Carlos de Figueiredo, G3 in Brz, 3rd Presidente da Republica, G1 in Brz, Gervasio Seabra, G2 in Brz, Escorial), Out Post ($203,690, 2nd Jenny Wade H, Candy Eclair S). 3rd dam ROKEBY ROSE. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $250,480, Flower Bowl H (G2T), Susan’s Girl H, 2nd Sheepshead Bay H (G2T), Diana H (G2T), Athenia H (G3T), Shrewsbury H. Dam of 14 foals, including— SILVERBULLETDAY. 15 wins, 2 to 4, $3,093,207, champion 2yo and 3yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Kentucky Oaks (G1), Ashland S (G1), Alabama S (G1), Gazelle H (G1), Walmac International Alcibiades S (G2), Monmouth Breeders’ Cup Oaks (G2), Black-Eyed Susan S (G2), Sorrento S (G2), Fair Grounds Oaks (G3), Golden Rod S (G3), Davona Dale S (G3), Debutante S (G3), Doubledogdare S, 2nd Beldame S (G1), Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Fleur de Lis H (G3), 3rd Delaware H (G3). Producer. Dam of Tice ($177,405, 2nd Phil D. Shepherd S). Granddam of SHAKIN IT UP ($664,982, Malibu S, G1, Strub S, G2, San Vicente S, G2, 2nd Churchill Downs S, G2, 3rd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A), GOVENOR CHARLIE ($506,650, Sunland Derby, G3, 2nd Strub S, G2), CRISIS OF SPIRIT ($132,611, Anoakia S, 3rd Le Cle S), PACHANGERA ($48,136, champion 2yo filly in Mex, to 5, 2016). KERFOOT CORNER. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $231,088. ROKEBY ROSIE. Producer. Granddam of JOHAN SONG (Clasico Blend, in Arg). 4th dam ROKEBY VENUS. 3 wins at 3, $27,720. Dam of 11 foals, including— SPLIT ROCK. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $187,426, Chaucer Cup H, Canterbury Turf Classic H, Hennepin County H, 3rd Edina H, Savage H twice, Bloomington S. I MEAN IT. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $186,332, Dahlia S, 2nd Carousel H, Poquessing H, Sisterhood S. Dam of PROMINENT FEATHER ($270,446, Bayou H, 2nd Woodbine Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Ontario Colleen H, Sixty Sails S, 3rd Mazarine S, G3). Dallas Express. 4 wins, 3 to 5, in NA and Fr, $80,056, 2nd Memorial Day H, 3rd Prix de la Cote Normande (G3 in Fr), Prix Henri Greffulhe. GONE TO VENUS. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $65,591. Dam of SAUDI POETRY ($596,972, Louisville Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Fleur de Lis H, G3, Torrey Pines S, 2nd Princess S, G2, Santa Lucia H, 3rd Hollywood Oaks, G2), Aeneas ($434,485, 2nd Washington Park H, G2, Gulfstream Park H, G2, Philip H. Iselin Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 3rd Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, Clark H, G2, Best of the Rest S, sire).

FOREST COMMAND Monarchos – Forest Secrets, by Forest Wildcat

Gorgeous Individual, Excellent Balance, Excellent Conformation, and Very Fast – 104 Beyer at a Mile •

Multiple GSP winner from seven furlongs to one-mile, including third-place finish in the $500,000 Super Derby (G2) and the Ack Ack H. (G3). In 6 starts defeated 10 graded stakes horses.

By the late MONARCHOS (Classic Winner of $1,720,830), progeny earnings of more than $19 Million to date. Sire of Champion Sprinter INFORMED DECISION (14 wins/22 starts $2,214,426, G1 Breeders’ Cup Filly & Mare Sprint, etc.)

Out of Multiple GSW FOREST SECRETS ($804,453), including Acorn Stakes (G1), Rampart Handicap (G2), Fall City Handicap (G3), 2nd Distaff Handicap (G2), Sabin Handicap (G3).

From the family of champion two and three-year-old filly SILVERBULLETDAY ($3,093,207).

47% Winners/Starters with Average Earnings of $16,956, including Santa Anita Maiden Allowance winner Elkhorn Crown 10/15/16

2017 FEE: $1,750 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Larry Konecne, 1880 Wellsona Road, Paso Robles, California 93446 OFFICE (805) 467-9250 CELL (805) 423-4872 FAX (805) 467-2830 Email: or website:




Dosage (10-11-8-0-3); DI: 3.57; CD: 0.78 See gray pages—Polynesian

gr/ro, 2001



2 3 4 Totals

0 2 5 7




0 0 2 2

0 1 1(1) 2(1)

0 0 1 1


— $10,040 $105,200 $115,240

Won At 4 An allowance race at Hol ($69,100, 8.5f, turf in 1:41.04, dftg. Richebourg, Star Pupil, Overkill, Lineout, Budget Surplus, Drake’s Victory, Saint Chrisjon, Neozelandes, He’s the Rage, That’s an Outrage, Top of the Bill). A maiden special weight race at SA ($61,800, 9f, turf in 1:45.92, by 3, dftg. Callfire, Photon Torpedo, Free Clearance, Richochet, Bourmana, Republican Hawk, Sea Kris, Casual Thunder, Typhonic). 2nd Dallas Turf Cup H (9f, turf, to Sea Dub, by a head, dftg. Major Rhythm, Waupaca, Oncearoundtwice, Erroneous I D, Dynareign, Crowned King, Alpha Capo, Gulf News, Absent Friend).

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI Unbridled's Song, gr/ro, 1993 12s, BTW, $1,311,800 1,644 f, 114 BTW, 2.05 AEI 7.18 AWD Trolley Song, 1983 7s, wnr, $25,914 12 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI Constantia, gr/ro, 1994 2s, unpl, $1,350 5 f, 2 r, 2 w 7.37 AWD Stopped Cold, 1981 1s, unpl, $100 7 f, 6 r, 4 w

SIRE LINE Fullbridled is by UNBRIDLED’S SONG, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $1,311,800, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Florida Derby (G1), Wood Memorial S (G2), Olympic H, 2nd Fountain of Youth S (G2), Peter Pan S (G2), Hutcheson S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 1,644 foals, 1,275 rnrs (78%), 868 wnrs (53%), 159 2yo wnrs (10%), 114 BTW (7%), 2.05 AEI, 2.20 CI, 810 sale yrlgs, avg $285,169, 6.36 TNA. In 2016: 66 2yos, 22 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr, 7 BTW. UNBRIDLED’S SONG has sired WILL TAKE CHARGE (champion 3yo colt, Travers S, G1, Clark H, G1, etc.), EMBUR’S SONG (champion older female in Can, Ontario Matron S, G3A, Hendrie S, G3A, etc.), OCTAVE (Mother Goose S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Adirondack Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), ARROGATE (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Travers S, G1, at 3, 2016), UNRIVALED BELLE (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1, La Troienne S, G2, etc.), UNBRIDLED ELAINE (Breeders’ Cup Distaff, G1, Monmouth Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2, etc.), LIAM’S MAP (Las Vegas Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, Woodward S, G1, etc.), FOREVER UNBRIDLED (Apple Blossom H, G1, Houston Ladies Classic S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), THORN SONG (Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T, Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, Firecracker H, G2T, etc.), GRAYDAR (Donn H, G1, Kelso H, G2, etc.), UNBRIDLED FOREVER (Ballerina S, G1, etc.), ARROGATE (Travers S, G1, at 3, 2016), SPLENDID BLENDED (Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Vanity Invitational H, G1, etc.), TARA’S TANGO (Santa Margarita S, G1,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (7 crops) Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 10 10 13 2 8 3 5 51

Runners 8 (80%) 3 (30%) 8 (62%) 2 (100%) 3 (38%) 2 (67%) 0 (0%) 26 (51%)

Winners 6 (60%) 3 (30%) 7 (54%) 2 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 18 (35%)

2yo Wnrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Year Wins 2010 0 2011 5 2012 5 2013 11 2014 15 2015 4 2016 2 *Totals 42 0.78 AEI; 0.82 CI; 6.99 AWD In 2016: 6 rnrs, 1 wnr Lifetime On Turf: 5 wins, $190,621 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $35,180 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $4,560 $170,170 $60,174 $170,233 $340,983 $131,626 $34,474 $912,220

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Le Fabuleux, by Wild Risk

Caro, 1967 19s, BTW, $373,040 599 f, 77 BTW, 3.37 AEI

Fortino II, by Grey Sovereign

Lucky Spell, 1971 69s, BTW, $253,655 14 f, 12 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Lucky Mel, by Olympia

In Reality, 1964 27s, BTW, $795,824 555 f, 83 BTW, 3.16 AEI

Intentionally, by Intent

Foggy Note, 1965 34s, BTW, $111,820 7 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Hoist the Flag, 1968 6s, BTW, $78,145 246 f, 51 BTW, 3.90 AEI

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Chilly, 1966 9s, wnr, $2,480 15 f, 13 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Nearctic, by Nearco

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Charedi, by In Reality

Chambord, by Chamossaire

Incantation, by Prince Blessed

My Dear Girl, by Rough'n Tumble

Silver Song, by Royal Note

Wavy Navy, by War Admiral

Cut Flower, by Chop Chop

Inbreeding: 5sX3D In Reality.

Santa Maria S, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), CROSS TRAFFIC (Whitney Invitational H, G1, 2nd Metropolitan H, G1, etc.), ZENSATIONAL (Bing Crosby S, G1A, Pat O’Brien S, G1A, Triple Bend H, G1A), POLITICAL FORCE (Suburban H, G1, 2nd Metropolitan H, G1, etc.), BUDDHA (Wood Memorial S, G1), EMCEE (Forego S, G1, etc.), MAGNIFICENT SONG (Garden City Breeders’ Cup S, G1T, etc.), SONGANDAPRAYER (Fountain of Youth S, G1, etc.), MARYLEBONE (Matron S, G1), GREY SONG (Chairman’s H, G2 in Aust, etc.), MISSION IMPAZIBLE (Louisiana Derby, G2, New Orleans H, G2, 2nd Stephen Foster H, G1, etc.), EVEN THE SCORE (Californian S, G2, etc.), EIGHT BELLES (Fantasy S, G2, etc.), DOMESTIC DISPUTE (Strub S, G2, Santa Catalina S, G2, 2nd Hollywood Futurity, G1, etc.), EUROSILVER (Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G2, Skip Away H, G3, 2nd Stephen Foster H, G1, etc.), MY MISS SOPHIA (Gazelle S, G2, 2nd Longines Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc., to 5, 2016), etc. UNBRIDLED’S SONG’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are ARROGATE (G1), FOREVER UNBRIDLED (G1), TARA’S TANGO (G1), MARKET RALLY (G3 in UAE), CAT BURGLAR, GORGEOUS BIRD, MOONLIGHT SONG. UNBRIDLED’S SONG’S other sons as stallions include Unbridled Express (19 foals, 3 BTW, 1.76 AEI), FIRST DEFENCE (240 foals, 8 BTW, 1.57 AEI), MIDSHIPMAN (171 foals, 12 BTW, 1.56 AEI), ROCKPORT HARBOR (470 foals, 24 BTW, 1.33 AEI), Fiber Sonde (122 foals, 7 BTW, 1.32 AEI), MISSION IMPAZIBLE (42 foals, 1 BTW, 1.29 AEI), etc. FULLBRIDLED Has Sired: Fullbridled has sired the winners Full Dancer ($256,165), No Time Limit ($106,772, to 6, 2016), Glitter of Silver ($75,361, to 6, 2016), Full Instinct ($75,175), Awesome Prospect ($75,130), Klassy Saint ($63,985, to 8, 2016), Full’s Figurehead, Full Fashioned, Full Deputy, Princess Ofst.jude, Spirit of Joy (to 5, 2016), Ry Cheer, Windy Starlite, Full’s Kris S., Wonforgus, Full’s Dress Code, Zambra Mora, Deputy Secretary.


By Racing Year BT Wins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

1st dam CONSTANTIA. Dam of 5 foals, including— Fullbridled (Subject stallion). FULLBRIDLED’S SIS (by Buddha). Winner at 3 and 4, $70,230. Producer. 2nd dam STOPPED COLD. Dam of 7 foals, including— Cold Hoist. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $183,176, 3rd Daryl’s Joy S (G3). Sire. COLD BAY DAY. 14 wins, 3 to 6, $115,595. 3rd dam CHILLY. Winner at 2. Dam of 15 foals, including— RIGHT CHILLY. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $203,140, B. C.



Oaks, Juvenile S, Vanity H, etc. Dam of DARCIA ($150,459, Cinderella S, etc.). Granddam of R J’S GAME ($250,426, Parnitha S), SHELBY MADISON ($238,526), ALWAYS A DIXIE ($153,408, Emerald Breeders’ Cup Distaff H, etc.). IMPRESSIVE LADY. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $66,315, Selene S, Mazarine S, Star Shoot S, etc. Dam of IMPERIAL COLONY ($546,850, Eclipse H, G3, Durham Cup H, etc.), IMPRESSIVE PRINCE ($105,655, Bold Venture H, 3rd Jacques Cartier S), SUPERTAM ($61,355, Pepsi Challenge S, etc.), Impressive Image ($94,322, 3rd Lucky Draw S). Granddam of WESTERN WINTER ($312,310, Joseph M. O’Farrell S, 2nd Metropolitan H, G1, etc., sire), ADORNED ($203,695, Maple Leaf S, 2nd Belle Mahone S, etc.), UNBRIDLED LADY ($196,400, Geisha H, 2nd Carousel S, Geisha H, Moonlight Jig S, etc.). COOL TED. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $55,646, Fairbank H, 2nd Yearling Sales S, 3rd Horometer S. Stage Queen. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $21,120, 3rd Kingarvie S. Dam of BOLD RURITANA ($1,140,163, champion turf female and older female in Can, King Edward Gold Cup H, G3T, etc.), STAGE FLITE ($189,257, champion 2yo filly in Can, Mazarine S, etc.), STAGE KING ($128,716, President’s Cup S, etc.). Granddam of DUKE OF FLITE ($179,499, champion 3yo colt in Italy, Premio Roma Vecchia), HIGH SPEED TRAVEL ($402,653, Vice Regent S), DECEW FALLS ($278,085, Vice Regent S, 2nd Bunty Lawless S), SNAKE PIT ($172,612, Frost King S, 2nd Vandal S), COZZENE’S FLITE ($94,807, Omnibus S, Mademoiselle S, etc.). Cool Combo. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $20,102, 2nd Star Shoot S. Dam of SEVEN STONES ($63,504, Clarendon S, 2nd My Dear S). Granddam of STORMRIDER ($60,880, Horse of the Year three times, champion sprinter four times, turf male twice, and older male in Aut twice, champion sprinter in Svk), TYUS ($442,976, Fifth Season Breeders’ Cup S, etc.), IRON POST ($310,257, Heartland Sprint H, etc.). 4th dam CUT FLOWER. Winner at 2 and 3. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— INTERSTATE CHAMP. 18 wins, 3 to 7, $33,181. 5th dam Nandina. 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2nd Maple Leaf S, 3rd Belle Mahone S. Dam of 9 foals, including— Fils Du Nord. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $41,495, 3rd Canadian Maturity S. Sire. Milton Man. 20 wins, 2 to 11, $27,319, 2nd Achievement H. EX OFFICIO. Winner at 3. Producer. Granddam of ICANSEETHERAIN ($145,210, Spectacular Bid S, G3), NEVER WAS ($53,378, champion 2yo filly in Dom), .

FULLBRIDLED Unbridled’s Song – Constantia, by Relaunch

Half-brother of Longines World’s Best Racehorse #1 Ranked ARROGATE By the late UNBRIDLED’S SONG, #8 Leading General Sire of 56 GSWs, including the winners of 2016 Breeders’ Cup Classic-G1, ARROGATE, and 2015 Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile-G1, LIAM’S MAP, plus G1-winning champions MIDSHIPMAN and WILL TAKE CHARGE, and G1-winning sires GRAYDAR, CROSS TRAFFIC, ZENSATIONAL, etc. His dam Constantia is by RELAUNCH, leading Broodmare sire of 127 SWs, including Horse of the Year GHOSTZAPPER. Second dam is by Champion 2YO HOIST THE FLAG. On-the-board in 6 of 7 career starts winning $115,240, Fullbridled broke his maiden by three lengths over the turf course at Santa Anita in 1:45 4/5 for the 1 1/8-mile in the third fastest at Santa Anita since 1991. Returned to win a 1 1/16-mile turf allowance at Hollywood Park in a blistering 1:41 flat posting a 101 Best Beyer. He posted a Triple Digit Beyer when placing second by a head in the $200,000 Dallas Turf Cup H. at Lone Star. Sire of over 69% Winners/Runners, including SP Wonforgus; 7-length Churchill Downs allowance winner FULL DANCER (97 Beyer, $256,165), winner of 13 races by a combined margin of 61 lengths and 1-2-3 in 24 of 37 starts; multiple winner NO TIME LIMIT ($106,772), on-the-board in the Ralph Hayes S.; Multiple winners (each $75,000+ in earnings): GLITTER OF SILVER, FULL INSTINCT, AWESOME PROSPECT; Santa Anita Track Record Setter KLASSY SAINT, broke his maiden by 4 1/4 lengths at Santa Anita going 5f in :56.73-NTR; etc. Average Earnings/Starter Over $35,000

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Property of a Partnership Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:



Gabriel Charles

Enters Stud in 2017


2 3 4 5 6 Totals


5 3 0 3 1 12




2(1) 1(1) 0 1(1) 0 4(3)

1(1) 2(2) 0 1 1(1) 5(4)

0 0 0 1(1) 0 1(1)


$117,500 $202,300 — $264,600 $20,000 $604,400

Won At 2 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf Sprint Preview S ($100,000, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.22, by 31, dftg. Den’s Legacy, Mico Margarita, Kafister, Moulin de Mougin, One Firm Cat, Upward Spiral, Snow King, Scherer Magic, No Rachmones). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($92,050, 5.5f, AW in 1:04.48, dftg. Den’s Legacy, Outside Nashville, A Red Tie Day, The Whole Deal, Irish Surf, Ukraine James, Joelito). 2nd Eddie Logan S (8f, to Avare, dftg. Will True Up, Under Review, One Firm Cat). Won At 3 Del Mar Derby (G2T, $251,250, 9f in 1:46.94, dftg. Gervinho, Redwood Kitten, Procurement, Outside Nashville, Pure Loyalty, Chief Havoc, Say Ow, Rising Legend, Si Sage). 2nd Twilight Derby (G2T, 9f, to Rookie Sensation, dftg. Gervinho, Dry Summer, Procurement, Charming Kitten, Irish Surf, Dice Flavor, Avare, Kid Dreams, Den’s Legacy, Outside Nashville, Rising Legend). Oceanside S (8f, turf, to Rising Legend, by a head, dftg. Olympic Blue, Rosengold, Si Sage, Den’s Legacy, Joelito, Show Some Magic, Saint Prado). Won At 5 Eddie Read S (G1T, $400,500, 9f in 1:48.13, by 33, dftg. Twentytwentyvision, Finnegans Wake, Power Ped, Midnight Storm, Big Cazanova, Maltes). 3rd American S (G3T, 8f, to Bal a Bali, Talco, dftg. Winning Prize, Enterprising, Little Jerry, War Academy, Home Run Kitten). 2nd At 6 San Francisco Mile S (G3T, 8f, to Alert Bay, dftg. Bal a Bali, Kenjisstorm, G. G. Ryder, Montego Bay, Docs Legacy, Tamarando, Royal F J, Perfectly Majestic, Terrys Tom Cat, P Club, Unusually Green).

SIRE LINE GABRIEL CHARLES is by STREET HERO, black-type stakes winner of 1 race, $419,360, Norfolk S (G1A), 3rd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1A), Del Mar Futurity (G1A). To November 6, 2016: Sired 5 crops, 201 foals, 143 rnrs (71%), 91 wnrs (45%), 19 2yo wnrs (9%), 5 BTW (2%), 1.10 AEI, 0.99 CI, 72 sale yrlgs, avg $23,204, 0.52 TNA. In 2016: 29 2yos, 7 2yo rnrs, 3 2yo wnrs, 2 BTW, 2 sale yrlgs, avg $15,850. STREET HERO has sired AZARENKA (Horse of the Year and champion stayer in Peru, Clasico Jockey Club del Peru, G1 in Peru, Clasico Enrique Meiggs, G3 in Peru, Clasico Felipe Pardo y Barreda, 2nd Clasico Cesar del Rio Suito, G3 in Peru, etc., to 6, 2016), STREET GIRL (Calder Oaks, 2nd Humana Distaff S, G1, Chilukki S, G2, 3rd Cotillion S, G1, Leave Me Alone S), HERO’S AMOR (British Columbia Oaks, City of Edmonton Distaff H, to 4, 2016), VIEJA LUNA (OBS Championship S, to 3, 2016), The Player (2nd Indiana Derby, G2, to 3, 2016), Threefiveindia (3rd Gallant Bob S, G3, to 3, 2016), Crime Fighter (2nd Adapt Australia Torney Night Cup, to 6, 2016), Dirty Swagg (3rd Real Quiet S, to 6, 2016), Anyriderill Do (3rd Arlington Sprint S), Irish Heroine (3rd Lady Finger S, to 4, 2016), Backstreet Hero (2nd Clever Trevor S), etc. STREET HERO’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are HERO’S AMOR, VIEJA LUNA.

FAMILY 1st dam Star of Atticus. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $123,971, 2nd Pocahontas S. Dam of 6 foals, including—

STUD ANALYSIS Gabriel Charles enters stud in 2017. His first foals will arrive in 2018.


Dosage (5-1-12-0-0); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.61 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 2010

Street Cry, 1998 12s, BTW, $5,150,837 1,739 f, 108 BTW, 2.16 AEI Street Hero, b, 2006 6s, BTW, $419,360 201 f, 5 BTW, 1.10 AEI 7.41 AWD Squall Linda, 1996 17s, wnr, $154,727 10 f, 9 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Atticus, 1992 18s, BTW, $1,205,933 483 f, 11 BTW, 1.00 AEI Star of Atticus, dkb/br, 2000 16s, wnr, $123,971 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.34 AWD Trip Around Heaven, 1989 7s, wnr, $14,269 14 f, 14 r, 13 w

Machiavellian, 1987 7s, BTW, $357,023 736 f, 71 BTW, 1.93 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Helen Street, 1982 10s, BTW, $177,894 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Troy, by Petingo

Summer Squall, 1987 20s, BTW, $1,844,282 335 f, 35 BTW, 2.11 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Glimmer Glass, 1979 21s, BTW, $72,160 13 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Athyka, 1985 16s, BTW, $323,718 15 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Halo, 1969 31s, BTW, $259,553 724 f, 62 BTW, 2.91 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Key to Flight, 1980 Unraced 5 f, 3 r, 3 w

Key to the Mint, by Graustark

Coup de Folie, by Halo

Waterway, by Riverman

Weekend Surprise, by Secretariat

Glass of Fashion, by Ambiorix

Special, by Forli

Princesse Kathy, by Luthier

Cosmah, by Cosmic Bomb

Flight Dancer, by Misty Flight

Inbreeding: 5sX3d Halo; 5SX4D Northern Dancer; 5sX4d Secretariat.

GABRIEL CHARLES (Subject stallion). SUDDENLY PERFECT (by Pleasant Tap). 8 wins, 3 to 8, $57,273. PALMETTO STAR (Kipling). 3 wins at 5, $34,501. CELESTIAL CITIZEN (Proud Citizen). 2 wins at 4, $26,195. OREN’S STAR (Smoke Glacken). 2 wins, 2 to 4, $21,353. 2nd dam TRIP AROUND HEAVEN. Winner at 2. Dam of 14 foals, including— Nan. Winner at 2, $221,974, 2nd Del Mar Oaks (G1T), 3rd Santa Ynez S (G2A). Limoncella. Winner at 2 and 3, $82,292, 3rd Eatontown Staybridge Suites S, Salem County S. Producer. Dam of Lemon Liqueur ($68,315, 3rd Seeking the Ante S). HEAVENLY ANNA. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $148,863. Producer. MINING HEAVEN. 2 wins at 3, $40,450. Producer. Dam of Heavens Passage ($145,472, 2nd D.S. “Shine” Young Memorial Futurity). 3rd dam KEY TO FLIGHT. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, including— Levitation. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $178,188, 3rd Genuine Risk S (G2). Producer. Dam of Leverage ($32,530, 3rd Riley Allison Futurity). Granddam of TAO MINA (Independencia, G2 in Chile, 2nd Mil Guineas, G1 in Chile, Alberto Solari Magnasco, G1 in Chile, Los Criadores, G2 in Arg, Gran Premio Criadores Salvador Hess Riveros, G2 in Chile, Haras de Chile, G2 in Chile, Jockey Club de Rosario). KEY FLIGHT. Winner at 3. Dam of HATFIELD ($171,529, Gulfstream Park Turf Sprint S, 3rd Fall Highweight H, G3), KEY HUNTER ($168,092, Russian Tango H, 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Honey Bee Breeders’ Cup H, G3). Granddam of PANTS ON FIRE ($1,641,375, Louisiana Derby, G2, Monmouth Cup S, G2, Pegasus S, G3, Ack Ack H, G3, Wild and Wonderful S twice, Skip Away S, Sir Shackleton S, 2nd Philip H. Iselin S, G3, LeComte S, G3, Left Bank S, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, Churchill Downs S, G2, Monmouth Cup S, G2, Hal’s Hope S, G3, Skip Away S, G3, Mountainview H, Harlan’s Holiday S, Count Fleet S), LIQUOR CABINET ($234,968, Aqueduct H, G3, 2nd Stymie H, sire). 4th dam Flight Dancer. 4 wins at 2 in Eng, 3rd Queen Mary S. Dam of 11 foals, including— MINSTRELLA. 4 wins at 2 in Eng and Ire, $317,280, champion 2yo filly in Ire, Heinz 57 Phoenix S (G1 in Ire), Moyglare Stud S (G1 in Ire), Tattersalls Cheveley Park S (G1 in Eng), Chesham S, 2nd Pritchard Services Cherry Hinton S (G3 in Eng).



Dam of COLONIAL MINSTREL ($556,586, Shuvee H, G2, Humana Distaff H, G3, Poinciana Breeders’ Cup H twice, Straight Deal Breeders’ Cup H, Oakley S, 3rd Hempstead H, G1, Princess Rooney H, Pebbles H), MINIDAR ($350,900, Chicago Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Jersey Lilly H, Camilla Urso H, 3rd A Gleam H, G2), UNRESTRAINED ($281,513, Open Fire S, Summit S, Prismatical S, 2nd Monmouth Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2, Monmouth Beach S). Granddam of A LITTLE WARM ($752,280, Jim Dandy S, G2, Spectacular Bid S, 2nd Louisiana Derby, G2, Hutcheson S, G2, 3rd Pennsylvania Derby, G2, sire), PLEASANT STRIKE ($455,203, Arlington Classic S, G3T, 2nd Red Bank S, G3T, Cliff Hanger S, G3T, Rutgers University S, Battlefield S, Daniel Van Clief S, 3rd River City H, G3T, Miami Mile H, G3T, Oceanport S, Elkwood S, sire), STORM MINSTREL ($299,339, Fickle Fanny S, 2nd Light Hearted H, My Juliet S, Flip’s Pleasure S, Just Smashing S, Classy Mirage S, 3rd Sweet and Sassy H), ALMASTY ($237,781, Commonwealth Turf S, G3T, 3rd Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint S, to 4, 2016), GRAND MINSTREL ($123,546, Capote S, sire). MISTY GALLORE. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $479,711, Hempstead H (G2), Long Look H (G3), Barbara Fritchie H (G3), Bed o’ Roses H (G3), Distaff H (G3), Berlo H, Hydrangea H, Dark Mirage S, 2nd Beldame S (G1), Ruffian H (G1), Top Flight H (G1), Ballerina S. Producer. Dam of Declassified ($73,873, 2nd Autumn S, Haydock Park July Trophy S, 3rd Great Voltigeur S, G2 in Eng), Silver Ghost ($42,400, 2nd a black-type qualified race, sire). MISTY DANCER. Dam of QUIET DANCE ($224,240, Gala Lil S, 2nd Demoiselle S, G2). Granddam of SAINT LIAM ($4,456,995, Horse of the Year and champion older male, Breeders’ Cup Classic Powered by Dodge, G1, Stephen Foster H, G1, Donn H, G1, Woodward S, G1, Clark H, G2, 2nd Whitney H, G1, Woodward S, G1, New Orleans H, G2, Iowa Derby, 3rd Oaklawn H, G2, sire), QUIET GIANT ($405,389, Hill ’n’ Dale Molly Pitcher S, G2, Lady’s Secret S, Rare Treat S, Cheap Seats S, Lady on the Run S, 2nd Ladies H, Polly’s Jet S), ROLLING FOG (Del Mar Futurity, G1A, to 6, 2016), DANCE QUIETLY ($123,570, Busanda S, 2nd Wanda S, 3rd Pike Creek S), CONGRESSIONALHONOR ($112,413, Bay Meadows Derby, G3T, sire). 5th dam COURBETTE. Winner at 2 and 3 in Ire, Waterford Testimonial S. Dam of 9 foals, including— DANCING MOSS. 4 wins at 3 in Eng and Ire, Athboy S, Jockey Club Cup, 2nd Blandford S, Irish St. Leger, 3rd King Edward VII S. Sire, 1.91 AEI.

GABRIEL CHARLES Street Hero – Star of Atticus, by Atticus

GRADE 1 WINNER OF OVER $600,000 Precocious at two, GABRIEL CHARLES won at first asking in July at Del Mar besting future SWs, won the $100,000 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf Sprint Preview Stakes over MOULIN DE MOUGIN (G2), DEN’S LEGACY (G3), MICO MARGARITA (G3), SCHERER MAGIC (G3), etc., and placed in the Eddie Logan S.-L. GABRIEL CHARLES won the $250,000 Grade 2 Del Mar Derby at three defeating GERVINHO (G2), SI SAGE (G2), CHIEF HAVOC (G2), etc., was 2nd in the $150,000 Grade 2 Twilight Derby and 2nd by a head in the Oceanside S. GABRIEL CHARLES came back after a 17 month layoff better than ever winning the $400,000 Grade 1 Eddie Read S. by 33⁄4 lengths posting a 104 Beyer over FINNEGANS WAKE (G1), MIDNIGHT STORM (G1), MALTES (G1), etc. and was 2nd by a neck in the $100,000 Grade 3 San Francisco Mile S.

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL Property of a Sydicate


Inquiries to David Showalter & Sommer Smith, 37215 De Portola Road, Temecula, California 92592 Phone: (951) 906-5714, Fax: (951)302-3145, E-mail:, Website:



Gallant Son

Entered Stud in 2015

Dosage (6-6-4-0-2); DI: 3.50; CD: 0.78 See gray pages—Polynesian

dkb/br, 2006


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Totals





6 5 8 8 4 7 2 40

4(3) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 0 3(2) 1(1) 11(9)

0 1(1) 1(1) 2(1) 0 1 0 5(3)

0 0 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 3(2) 0 6(5)


$113,038 $68,950 $105,546 $93,128 $19,416 $120,000 $32,450 $552,528

Won At 2 Gottstein Futurity ($100,000, 8.5f in 1:41.60, by 6, dftg. Noosa Beach, Winning Machine, Zagreus, Dress Code, Proud Nicholas, Fast Tacticts, Carrie Cat). Washington Thoroughbred Breeders Association Lads S ($50,000, 8f in 1:37.20, dftg. Rooster City, Noosa Beach, Winning Machine, Dress Code, Zagreus, Snake Attack, Fast Tacticts). Premio Esmeralda S ($50,000, 6f in 1:10.40, dftg. Zagreus, Snake Attack, Dress Code, Inhoc Signo Vinces, Enumerator, Win At Chi). A maiden special weight race at EmD ($18,500, 5f in 58.00, dftg. Dress Code, Rooster City, Proud Nicholas, Soap Lake, Winning Machine, Admire James). Won At 3 Pasadena S ($101,250, 8f, turf in 1:34.97, dftg. Smokey Lonesome, Wall Street Wonder, Leedstheway, Coffee Bar, Cape Truth, Remus, Hula King, Balfour Park, Hype). 2nd Sir Beaufort S (G3T, 8f, to The Usual Q. T., dftg. Massone, Riviera Cocktail, Tamborim, Mr. Rod, Brenthurst, Quoted, Pleasure to Ride). Won At 4 Inglewood H (G3T, $100,000, 8.5f in 1:39.67, dftg. Quindici Man, Glowing Praise, Acclamation, Lease of Life, Great Siege, Dark Islander, Red Alert Day, Rummysecret War). 2nd Joe Hernandez S (6.5f, AW, to Sangaree, dftg. Stoneside, Victor’s Cry, Machismo, Get Funky, Dance With Gable). 3rd Wickerr S (8f, turf, to Blue Chagall, Aggie Engineer, dftg. Riviera Cocktail, Quindici Man, Red Door Drive, Ferneley). Won At 5 Robert K. Kerlan Memorial H ($103,150, 6f, turf in 1:08.81, dftg. Streakin’ Mohican, Don Tito, Raetodandty, Quick Enough, Cherokee Heaven, Dancing in Silks, California Flag). 2nd San Francisco Mile S (G3T, 8f, to Our Nautique, dftg. Sebastian Flyte, Bold Chieftain, Baton Roo, Hudson Landing, Blue Chagall, Dream Nettie, Times Gone By). 3rd Joe Hernandez S (abt 6.5f, turf, to Regally Ready, Leroy’s Dynameaux, dftg. Noble Court, Blue Chagall, Kelly Leak, Dilemma). 3rd At 6 San Francisco Mile S (G3T, 8f, to Hudson Landing, Jeranimo, dftg. Calimonco, Positive Response, Live Sundays, Worth Repeating, Sanger Silver, Mr. Candy Bar, Dunmore East). Won At 7 Oakland S ($65,000, 6f, AW in 1:09.03, by 21, dftg. Administer, Moonshine Bay, Longview Drive, Ain’t No Other, Ourwestcoastghost, Scorpion Warrior, Mel’s Game, Coach Bob). Albany S ($65,000, 6f, AW in 1:09.18, dftg. Moonshine Bay, Shrug, Soldiers Point, Northern Causeway, Hexbreaker, Chapman’s Peak, Bailouttheminister, Road Ready). An allowance race at GG ($44,305, 6f, AW in 1:09.15, d f t g . M o o n s h i n e B a y, A d m i n i s t e r, Ourwestcoastghost, Northern Causeway, Coach Bob). 3rd San Francisco Mile S (G3T, 8f, to Tigah, Summer Hit, dftg. Grand Berry, Tribal Tribute, Hudson

STUD ANALYSIS Gallant Son entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI Malabar Gold, dkb/br, 1997 15s, BTW, $325,622 249 f, 3 BTW, 0.64 AEI 6.43 AWD Stormy Spell, 1989 Unraced 11 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Exploit, 1996 6s, BTW, $396,254 610 f, 11 BTW, 1.03 AEI Explicitly, dkb/br, 2001 8s, wnr, $40,860 5 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 6.63 AWD Slabovia, 1995 3s, wnr, $22,120 2 f, 2 r, 2 w

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Le Fabuleux, by Wild Risk

Tsunami Slew, 1981 29s, BTW, $902,425 590 f, 26 BTW, 1.10 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Incantation, 1965 34s, wnr, $14,019 14 f, 12 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Prince Blessed, by Princequillo

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

My Turbulent Miss, 1976 Unraced 15 f, 14 r, 13 w, 6 BTW

My Dad George, by Dark Star

Cool Victor, 1975 15s, wnr, $18,582 83 f, 9 BTW, 2.71 AEI

Tentam, by Intentionally

Arbela, 1985 Unraced 11 f, 7 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Conquistador Cielo, by Mr. Prospector

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Charedi, by In Reality

Barbs Compact, by Barbizon

Magic Spell, by Flushing II

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Turbulent Miss, by Petare

Polar Victress, by Nearctic

Street Ballet, by Nijinsky II

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Mr. Prospector.

Landing, Control Seeker, Barney Rebel, Coach Bob, Charlemagne Wood). Daytona S (G3T, abt 6.5f, to Unbridled’s Note, El Commodore, dftg. Chips All In, Handsome Mike, Ain’t No Other, Truest Legend). Won At 8 Jess Jackson Owners’ H ($65,560, 5f, turf in 56.85, dftg. Ain’t No Other, Moonshine Bay, Marino’s Wild Cat, A Toast to You, King Kelly, Pure Tactics).


GALLANT SON is by MALABAR GOLD, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $325,622, San Simeon H (G3T), 2nd Jaipur H (G3T), 3rd Hollywood Turf Express H (G3T). To November 6, 2016: Sired 8 crops, 249 foals, 202 rnrs (81%), 124 wnrs (50%), 28 2yo wnrs (11%), 3 BTW (1%), 0.64 AEI, 1.06 CI, 106 sale yrlgs, avg $14,814, 0.33 TNA. MALABAR GOLD has sired GOLDEN DREAMER (Ruthless S, 2nd Cicada S, G3, Appealing Guy S), LONE STAR SPECIAL (Incredible Ease S, Pair of Deuces S), Dynamite Bob (2nd Sophomore Sprint Championship S, 3rd WEBN S), Uncle Wayne (2nd Sun Power S), Catch the Buss (3rd Louisiana Futurity), Fresneda (champion older female in Spain), etc. MALABAR GOLD’S other sons as stallions include LONE STAR SPECIAL (47 foals, 3 BTW, 1.55 AEI).

FAMILY 1st dam EXPLICITLY. Winner at 4, $40,860. Dam of 5 foals, including— GALLANT SON (Subject stallion). ACE GALLOPER (by Chapel Royal). 20 wins, 2 to 7, in Korea, Horse of the Year in Korea. ROYAL GALLOPER (Commendable). 6 wins, 2 to 4, in Korea. ARCANE GALLOPER (Volponi). Winner at 2 in Korea. 2nd dam SLABOVIA. Winner at 3, $22,120. Dam of 2 foals, including— FOREST BALLET. Winner at 4. 3rd dam ARBELA. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, including— APELIA. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $621,708, champion sprinter in Can, Genuine Risk S (G2) twice, Garden State Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Queen Breeders’ Cup S, Gallant Bloom S, Ontario Fashion H, Toronto Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Royal North Breeders’ Cup H, 2nd Garden State Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Thoroughbred Club of America S (G3), Royal North Breeders’ Cup H, 3rd Ballerina S (G1), Star Shoot S, Ontario Fashion H. Dam of SAOIRSE ($502,721, champion older female in Can, Chicago Breeders’ Cup H, G3, George C. Hendrie H, G3, Seaway S, La Voyageuse



H, 2nd Whimsical S, Jammed Lovely S, 3rd Ontario Fashion H), MORE HAPPY ($133,438, Adirondack S, G2). Granddam of HIDE AND CHIC ($442,852, Seaway S, G3A, Royal North S, G3T, Swept Away S, 2nd Test S, G1, Azalea Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Thoroughbred Club of America S, G3A, Whimsical S, G3A, Pennsylvania Oaks), AUTOBAHN GIRL ($237,299, Marie G. Krantz Memorial H, Pago Hop S, Suncoast S). CAMLAN. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $301,751, Lady Canterbury Breeders’ Cup H, 2nd Nassau S, Bryan Station S, 3rd Victoriana S. PARKVIEW HILLS. Unraced. Producer. Dam of El Tara ($72,470, 3rd Eternal Search S). 4th dam STREET BALLET. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $174,708, La Centinela S, 2nd Santa Susana S (G1), Santa Ynez S (G3), Tempted S, Senorita S, La Habra S, Blue Hen S, 3rd Selima S (G1), Honeymoon H (G3T), Nettie S (G3T). Dam of 13 foals, including— STREET REBEL. 12 wins, 3 to 9, in Ire, Swi, and Fr, placed in Italy and Ger, $155,385, champion sprinter in Swi, Dunne Stores Greenlands S (G3 in Ire), 2nd R. & H. Hall Waterford Testimonial S, Knockaire S, 3rd John Roarty Memorial International S (G2 in Ire), Premio Chiusura (G3 in Italy), Gladness S (G3 in Ire), Greenlands S (G3 in Ire), Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire), Waterford Foods Phoenix Sprint S (G3 in Ire). Sire. FLEETSTREET DANCER. 5 wins, 3 to 5, in Japan and NA, $1,704,806, Japan Cup Dirt, 2nd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Mervyn LeRoy H (G2), Native Diver H (G3), San Carlos H, 3rd Pacific Classic S (G1), San Antonio H (G2), etc. PONCHE. 16 wins, 3 to 6, $437,086, Emerald Dunes H, Glitterman H, Dade County S, Plantation H, 2nd Count Fleet Sprint H (G3), Plantation H, 3rd Kenny Noe Jr. H, Deputy Minister H, Hallandale H, Hollywood H, Thanksgiving Day H. Sire. COME DANCING. Winner at 3, $25,291. Producer. Granddam of THETHIEFATMIDNIGHT ($404,509, champion 3yo filly and older female in PR, Clasico Ano Nuevo, Clasico Accion de Gracias, Clasico Dia de la Mujer, Clasico Entrenadores, Clasico Roberto Clemente, Clasico Wiso G., 2nd Clasico Prensa Hipica twice, Clasico Roberto Clemente, 3rd Clasico Dia de los Padres, Clasico Prensa Hipica), BRUSHED BY A STAR ($644,031, Molly Pitcher S, G2, Chilukki S, G2, Iowa Distaff S, 2nd Falls City H, G2, Sixty Sails H, G3, Mari Hulman George S, Houston Ladies Classic S, 3rd Santa Margarita S, G1, Allaire duPont Distaff S, G3). STREET TAPPIN. Unraced. Dam of BOSSANOVA ($234,426, Fall Highweight H, G3, Mike Lee S, 2nd Matt Winn S, 3rd Lafayette S, G3).

GALLANT SON Malabar Gold – Explicitly, by Exploit

California Graded Stakes Winner with G1 Breeder Cup Classic Winners in Male AND Female Family Won or Placed in 16 Stakes – 6 Graded Eight-Time Stakes Winner of $552,528 – Won or placed in Stakes every year 2-8 Career High 116 Equibase Speed Figure – Defeated 20 Graded Stakes Winners while racing. A Grandson of Sire-of-Sires Champion UNBRIDLED, Won Grade 1 Kentucky Derby & Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Classic-at 3 Out of the winning EXPLOIT mare Explicitly, whose four winners from five foals to race include 2011 Korean Horse of the Year ACE GALLOPER and Korean stakes-placed Royal Galloper. Dam is out of a full sister to Champion Sprinter APELIA-G2 and half-sister to GSW Champion Older Mare SAOIRSE (dam of Grade 3 HIDE AND CHIC, AUTOBAHN GIRL, Saoirse Cat, Seasoned Warrior). From the family of Japan Cup Dirt winner FLEETSTREET DANCER, Grade 2 winner MORE HAPPY, Grade 3 winner STREET REBEL, CAMLAN and Ponche, broodmare sire of Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Classic winner MUCHO MACHO MAN.

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL (payable Nov 1 of year bred) Property of a Partnership Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:




Entered Stud in 2015

b, 2010


2 3 Totals


3 6 9




2(1) 2(2) 4(3)

0 2(2) 2(2)

0 1(1) 1(1)


$132,000 $290,140 $422,140

Won At 2 Zuma Beach S ($100,000, 8f, turf in 1:34.59, dftg. Den’s Legacy, Dancin Upside Down, I’m Wide Awake, Visualization, Buckleberry Grey). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($71,400, 5.5f, AW in 1:03.40, dftg. U’narack, Star Rocker, Real Heat, Tiz a Minister, Gallant Charm, Flamboyance, Chico Suerte, Louisthefifteenth). Won At 3 Sir Beaufort S (G2T, $201,000, 8f in 1:33.47, dftg. Procurement, Si Sage, Outside Nashville, Dice F l a v o r, To m ’s Tr i b u t e , N o J e t L a g , Horizontalyspeakin, Tiz a Minister). Oceanside S ($113,150, 8f, turf in 1:33.88, dftg. Greeley Awesome, Freakin Rocket, Undrafted, On the Fence, Unfettered, Examen, One Firm Cat, Manando, Tebows Big Play). 2nd Del Mar Derby (G2T, 9f, to Gabriel Charles, dftg. Redwood Kitten, Procurement, Outside Nashville, Pure Loyalty, Chief Havoc, Say Ow, Rising Legend, Si Sage). Silky Sullivan S (8f, turf, to Surfcup, dftg. Tebows Big Play, Heat Streaker, Unusual Meeting, Alydidit, Havoc). 3rd Twilight Derby (G2T, 9f, to Rookie Sensation, Gabriel Charles, dftg. Dry Summer, Procurement, Charming Kitten, Irish Surf, Dice Flavor, Avare, Kid Dreams, Den’s Legacy, Outside Nashville, Rising Legend).


GERVINHO is by UNUSUAL HEAT, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $142,605, Amethyst S, Platinum S, Glencairn S, 2nd Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Ragusa Stud The Minstrel S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 16 crops, 752 foals, 558 rnrs (74%), 400 wnrs (53%), 54 2yo wnrs (7%), 42 BTW (6%), 1.98 AEI, 1.24 CI, 110 sale yrlgs, avg $38,449, 0.86 TNA. In 2016: 37 2yos, 10 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 11 sale yrlgs, avg $36,455. UNUSUAL HEAT has sired ACCLAMATION (champion older male, TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, Eddie Read S, G1T twice, Charles Whittingham Memorial H, G1T three times, etc.), THE USUAL Q. T. (Eddie Read S, G1T, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, Sir Beaufort S, G3T, etc.), UNUSUAL SUSPECT (Hollywood Turf Cup S, G1T, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Cougar II H, etc.), GOLDEN DOC A (Las Virgenes S, G1A, Anoakia S, Generous Portion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A, etc.), LETHAL HEAT (Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Santa Paula S, G3A, Real Good Deal S, Fleet Treat S, etc.), TUCKED AWAY (Clement L. Hirsch H, G2, Solana Beach H, Fleet Treat S, etc.), PRETTY UNUSUAL (El Encino S, G2A, Melair S, ), CHEEKABOO (Honeymoon S, G2T, Campanile S, 2nd Sandy Blue H, etc., to 3, 2016), BURNS (La Jolla H, G2T, 2nd Oceanside S), LIGHTMYFIREBABY (Las Cienegas H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Irish O’Brien S, etc.), BETTYS BAMBINO (Daytona S, G3T, Sensational Star S), UNUSUAL WAY (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filly Sprint Preview S, Wine Country Debutante S, etc.), BOOZER (Bertrando S, California Flag H, Sensational Star S, 2nd California Cup Turf Classic S, 3rd California Cup Turf Classic S, California Dreamin’ S, etc., to 6, 2016), MENSA HEAT (On Trust H, Pirate’s Bounty S, 2nd Pirate’s Bounty S, 3rd Ancient Title S, G1, Palos Verdes S, G2, Eddie D Stakes, G3T, etc.), BEL AIR SIZZLE (Melair S, Valentine Dancer H, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Santa Ana H, G2T, Honeymoon H, G2T, 3rd Providencia S, G2T, etc.), UNUSUAL HEATWAVE (Snow Chief S, Real Good Deal S, Crystal Water S, 2nd Tsunami Slew S, 3rd El Cajon S), SPENDITALLBABY (B. Thoughtful S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Sharp Cat S, Solana Beach H, Cat’s Cradle H, It’s in

STUD ANALYSIS Gervinho entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Dosage (3-1-16-0-0); DI: 1.50; CD: 0.35 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.21⁄2

Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI Unusual Heat, dkb/br, 1990 16s, BTW, $142,605 752 f, 42 BTW, 1.98 AEI 7.22 AWD Rossard, 1980 24s, BTW, $202,858 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Out of Place, 1987 25s, BTW, $733,450 668 f, 37 BTW, 1.25 AEI Foreverinthegame, b, 2003 4s, unpl, $1,600 3 f, 3 r, 3 w, 2 BTW 6.77 AWD

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Forli, by Aristophanes

Glacial, 1966 3s, BTW 23 f, 2 BTW, 16.63 AEI

Pardal, by Pharis II

Peas-Blossom, 1968 10s, pl, $670 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Midsummer Night, by Djeddah

Cox's Ridge, 1974 28s, BTW, $667,172 774 f, 49 BTW, 2.47 AEI

Best Turn, by Turn-to

Arabian Dancer, 1979 3s, wnr, $51,377 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Skywalker, 1982 20s, BTW, $2,226,750 Fondly Remembered, 1990 533 f, 43 BTW, 1.62 AEI 30s, wnr, $358,060 Fondre, 1975 8 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 34s, BTW, $227,340 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

the Air S, etc.), THERMAL ABLASION (Make Me Conquer S, Cordially S, 2nd Steve Van Buren H, Red Cross S, Justakiss S, HBPA City of Ranson H, etc.), LENNYFROMALIBU (California Cup Mile H, Crystal Water H, 2nd TVG Khaled S, Sensational Star H), UNUSUAL HOTTIE (Fran’s Valentine S, Redondo Beach S, 2nd Solana Beach H, American Beauty S, Osunitas S, Fran’s Valentine S, etc.), MAUI MARK (Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S), SURFCUP (Snow Chief S, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd California Breeders Champion S), CENTRAL HEAT (Luther Burbank H, Golden Poppy S twice, 2nd Miss America S, to 7, 2016), PACIFIC HEAT (Evening Jewel S, Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), SCROFA (Irish O’Brien S, Work the Crowd H, 3rd Fran’s Valentine S), MEDZENDEEKRON (Crystal Water H, 3rd Commonwealth S, G2A, Tiznow S), MR. CHAIRMAN (California Cup Classic H), TWENTY HAWKS (Governor’s Cup H), HE BE FIRE N ICE (California Dreamin’ H, 2nd Del Mar Mile H, G2T, City of Hope Mile S, G2T), CHRISTIANA’S HEAT (Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Monrovia H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Wishing Well II H), PASS THE HEAT (Joseph T. Grace H, Bull Dog S, 3rd Berkeley S, G3A, Forty Niner S, March Madness H), UNUSUAL SMOKE (TVG Khaled S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Classic S), LAKERVILLE (Clocker’s Corner S, 2nd San Simeon S, G3T, Green Flash H, Sensational Star S), AMERICA’S FRIEND (Solana Beach H, 3rd Dance in the Mood S), HEAT DU JOUR (Solana Beach H), MAJESTIC HEAT (Solana Beach S, to 4, 2016), BEST PRESENT EVER (Campanile S, 2nd John Deere California Cup Distaff S, 3rd American Oaks S, G1T), JULIESUGARDADDY (Harry Henson S, 2nd La Jolla H, G2T, 3rd Oceanside S), BELTENE (Sunshine Millions Oaks, 3rd Melair S), U’NARACK (Real Good Deal S), etc. UNUSUAL HEAT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CHEEKABOO (G2T), CENTRAL HEAT, BOOZER, MAJESTIC HEAT, PACIFIC HEAT.

FAMILY 1st dam FOREVERINTHEGAME. Dam of 3 foals, including— GERVINHO (Subject stallion). LAKERVILLE (by Unusual Heat). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $318,910, Clocker’s Corner S, 2nd San Simeon S (G3T), Green Flash H, Sensational Star S. 2nd dam Fondly Remembered. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $358,060, 2nd Yellow Ribbon Invitational S (G1T), 3rd Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), California Oaks, Louis R. Rowan H, Melvin Durslag S, Matching S, Variety Queen S. Dam of 8 foals, including— BROAD HOPES. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $159,424, Denise Rhudy Memorial S, 2nd England’s Legend S. Producer.



Natalma, by Native Dancer

Thong, by Nantallah

Glacis, by Epigram

Fan Light, by Wilwyn

Our Martha, by Ballydonnell

Ten Cents a Dance, by Buckpasser Relaunch, by In Reality Bold Captive, by Boldnesian Key to the Mint, by Graustark Miss Manalapan, by Gallant Man

3rd dam FONDRE. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $227,340, Golden Poppy H, Monrovia H, Hillsborough H, Miss America H, Ready Wit Invitational H, 2nd Silver Spoon H, Spectacular Invitational H, 3rd Milady H (G2). Dam of 7 foals, including— PARADISE FOUND. 3 wins at 3, $128,722, Minuteman S, 3rd Peter Pan S (G2), Jim Dandy S (G2), Colin S (G3). Sire. FOREVER FONDRE. Winner at 5, $29,825. Dam of MEMORETTE ($896,753, Beverly Hills H, G2T, Fran’s Valentine S, California Breeders’ Champion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, Hollywood Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2, San Clemente H, G2T, Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf S, Generous Portion S, 3rd Ashland S, G1, John C. Mabee H, G1T, Oak Leaf S, G2, Santa Ana H, G2T, Sunshine Millions Distaff S, Sunshine Millions Oaks, Fran’s Valentine S). TEN HAIL MARYS. Winner at 2, $21,965. Dam of SANKY PANKY (champion stayer in Pan, Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajo, 2nd Clasico Presidente de la Republica, 3rd Clasico Isaac Tawachi). ATHENA’S PRIZE. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Mondelo ($103,459, 3rd Evangeline Downs Sprint Championship H). FOND PRINCESS. Dam of PARKWAY DRIVE ($140,780, Rushing Man S, 3rd Rutgers H, G3T, Bet Twice S, Meadowlands Endurance S), Forever Fond ($169,249, 2nd Gardenia H, G3). 4th dam MISS MANALAPAN. Winner at 3. Dam of 14 foals, incl.— TRAIL RIDE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $22,840. Dam of SCOTCH HEATHER ($382,572, Gallorette H, G3, Gala Lil H, Lady Baltimore H, Carousel H, Flocarline H, 2nd Gallorette H, G3, Geisha H, Luck Penny S, Flocarline H, 3rd Virginia Belle H, Carousel H, Straight Deal H, etc.). Granddam of GEORGIA’S JOEY ($132,121, Bruce G. Smith Memorial S). ALWAYS AND ALWAYS. Winner at 3. Dam of SAYCASEYSRIBS ($111,040, Ocean Hotel S, 2nd Mister Diz S, Mr. Nickerson H). 5th dam POLYGAMOUS. Dam of 12 foals, including— BREVET. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $44,206, Gold Rush S. Sire. BAST. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $33,348, Cranwood Turf H, Final Mile S, 3rd Stanley Jechura Memorial H, Audley H. Dam of YOUNG BOB ($185,564, Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, 2nd Arlington H, G2T, Cradle S, 3rd Laurance Armour H, National Jockey Club H, Charles W. Bidwill Memorial S, Cloverleaf H, sire), How Time Flies ($93,604, 2nd Miss Mommy H, Mid-Peninsula S Fillies). AU GRATIN. 2 wins at 4. Producer. Dam of Instant Alamode ($128,166, 3rd Lucky Draw S).

check daily updates on


Unusual Heat – Foreverinthegame, by Out of Place

GRADE 2-WINNING MILER BY LEADING SIRE UNUSUAL HEAT 2013 CHAMPION CALIFORNIA-BRED THREE-YEAR-OLD Assigned one of the top ten weights on his Experimental Free Handicap, ahead of Grade 1 SWs OXBOW, ITSMYLUCKYDAY, etc. At two, won Santa Anita’s $100,000 Zuma Beach Stakes At three, won Santa Anita’s $200,000 Grade 2 Sir Beaufort Stakes beating Grade 1 Eddie Read SW TOM’S TRIBUTE, and Del Mar’s $100,000 Oceanside Stakes. GERVINHO earned over $420,000 and was on-the-board in EIGHT of NINE career starts, including the $250,000 Grade 1 Hollywood Derby, the $250,000 Grade 2 Del Mar Derby and Santa Anita’s $150,000 Grade 3 Twilight Derby. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL (Special Consideration to Approved Mares Multiple Mare Discounts) Property of Keith Brackpool

LEGACY RANCH, INC. Clements, California Gayle Van Leer (858) 775-6262 Email: Website:



Where Stallions & Mares

Compete ...For Each Other

National & Regional Stallions Competitive Marketplace Submit Mare Once To Receive Multiple Bids Acquire the Best Match & Best Deal Quickly & Efficiently 80



GiG Harbor

Entered Stud in 2014

Dosage (10-8-8-0-0); DI: 5.50; CD: 1.08 See gray pages—Polynesian

ch, 2008


2 3 4 Totals


0 4 5 9




0 3(1) 2(1) 5(2)

0 0 0 0

0 1(1) 0 1(1)


— $90,300 $53,000 $143,300

Won At 3 Alcatraz S ($75,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:44.17, dftg. Duke of Doom, Cody Peak, Northern Causeway, Life Is a Rock, Anakin, Offlee Wild Boys, Unbridled Endeavor). An allowance race at GG ($40,600, 6f, AW in 1:10.11, by 31, dftg. Quiet Assault, Wealthy Aviator, Kingsford Drive, Sworn to Secrecy, Rule He Must). A maiden special weight race at GG ($39,900, 6f, AW in 1:10.20, by 23, dftg. Unbridled Endeavor, Big Bad Jim, Sunday Comic, Roman Power, Shaggy Niuniu, Dancing Yodeler, Emerald Hill). 3rd Harry Henson S (6f, turf, to Ain’t No Other, Robie the Cat, dftg. Sinai, Diamond Geezah, Boxeur des Rues, Eric the Ram). Won At 4 Oakland S ($65,000, 6f, AW in 1:09.07, by 21, dftg. Shrug, Ain’t No Other, Shudacudawudya, Northern Causeway). An allowance race at GG ($45,500, 6f, AW in 1:09.26, by 31, dftg. Shudacudawudya, Cardiffbythesea, Passing Game, Starboardlights).


GIG HARBOR is by CITY ZIP, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $818,225, Hopeful S (G1), Saratoga Special S (G2), Amsterdam S (G2), Sanford S (G2), Tremont S (G3), Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S (G3), Bergen County S, Hirsch Jacobs S, 2nd Futurity S (G1), Hutcheson S (G2), Kentucky Cup Sprint S (G2), Kentucky Breeders’ Cup S (G3), 3rd Fountain of Youth S (G1), King’s Bishop S (G1), Kelso H (G2T), Flash S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 1,002 foals, 817 rnrs (82%), 644 wnrs (64%), 213 2yo wnrs (21%), 67 BTW (7%), 1.72 AEI, 1.44 CI, 461 sale yrlgs, avg $51,619, 1.15 TNA. In 2016: 90 2yos, 32 2yo rnrs, 13 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 32 sale yrlgs, avg $114,188. CITY ZIP has sired CATCH A GLIMPSE (Horse of the Year, champion 2yo filly, and turf female in Can, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, G1T, Belmont Oaks Invitational S, G1T, Natalma S, G2T, etc., to 3, 2016), DAYATTHESPA (champion turf female, Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Turf, G1T, First Lady S, G1T, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Herecomesthebride S, G3T, Appalachian S, G3T, etc.), WORK ALL WEEK (champion sprinter, Xpressbet Breeders’ Cup Sprint, G1, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S, G3, Iowa Sprint H, Senator Robert C. Byrd Memorial S, Hot Springs S, etc.), DANA MY LOVE (champion 2yo filly in PR, Clasico Accion de Gracias, Clasico Dia de La Raza, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua, 2nd Clasico Ano Nuevo), PALACE (Forego S, G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G1, True North S, G2, Fall Highweight H, G3, Hudson H twice, etc.), FINEST CITY (Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Sprint, G1, Great Lady M Stakes, G2, 2nd John C. Mabee S, G2T, Santa Monica S, G2, 3rd Vanity Mile S, G1, to 4, 2016), BUSTIN STONES (Carter H, G1, General George H, G2, New York Stallion Times Square S, Promonroe S, Screenland S), PERSONAL DIARY (Del Mar Oaks, G1T, 2nd Regret S, G3T, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Kentucky Downs Juvenile Fillies S, Ellis Park Turf S, to 5, 2016), ALERT BAY (City of Hope Mile S, G2T, Mathis Brothers Mile S, G2T,

STUD ANALYSIS Gig Harbor entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.

Carson City, 1987 15s, BTW, $306,240 1,025 f, 94 BTW, 1.82 AEI City Zip, ch, 1998 23s, BTW, $818,225 1,002 f, 67 BTW, 1.72 AEI 6.54 AWD Baby Zip, 1991 16s, BTW, $60,395 14 f, 12 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

St. Jovite, 1989 11s, BTW, $1,604,439 369 f, 8 BTW, 0.95 AEI Miss Blue Grass, ch, 1998 3s, wnr, $17,526 9 f, 8 r, 6 w, 2 BTW 6.35 AWD Daloma, 1984 32s, BTW, $357,443 7 f, 6 r, 5 w

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Blushing Promise, 1982 Unraced 1 f, 1 r, 1 w, 1 BTW

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Thirty Zip, 1983 44s, BTW, $585,970 13 f, 13 r, 13 w, 3 BTW

Tri Jet, by Jester

Pleasant Colony, 1978 14s, BTW, $965,383 620 f, 70 BTW, 3.44 AEI

His Majesty, by Ribot

Northern Sunset, 1977 18s, wnr, $3,800 13 f, 12 r, 11 w, 4 BTW

Northfelds, by Northern Dancer

Bellypha, 1976 11s, BTW, $199,655 554 f, 28 BTW, 1.21 AEI

Lyphard, by Northern Dancer

Ricabie, 1973 7s, wnr, $13,817 10 f, 7 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Baldric, by Round Table

British Columbia Derby, G3, San Francisco Mile S, G3T, BC Premier’s H, G3, etc., to 5, 2016), RENEESGOTZIP (Santa Ynez S, G2, Rancho Bernardo H, G3A, etc.), WORKIN FOR HOPS (American Derby, G2T, Hanshin Cup H, G3A, etc.), CITY TO CITY (John C. Mabee S, G2T, Buena Vista H, G2T, Palomar H, G2T, Providencia S, G2T, etc.), READY FOR RYE (Fasig-Tipton Swale S, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), WITH A CITY (Lane’s End S, G2A, 3rd B L’s Sweep S), RUN AWAY AND HIDE (Saratoga Special S, G2, Kentucky S, G3), CITY STYLE (Sky Bet Strensall S, G3 in Eng, Sunday Silence S, 2nd Jebel Hatta Sponsored by Emirates, G1 in UAE, etc.), GET SERIOUS (Monmouth S, G3T, Oceanport S, G3T twice, etc.), UNZIP ME (Royal North S, G3T, Las Cienegas H, G3T, Monrovia S, G3T, Senator Ken Maddy H, G3T, etc.), GITCHEE GOOMIE (Dr. James Penny Memorial H, G3T, Mount Vernon S twice, Yaddo S, Topicount S, 2nd Beaugay S, G3T twice, etc.), ACTING ZIPPY (John B. Connally Turf H, G3T, etc.), HOT CITY GIRL (Charles Town Oaks S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), MAJESTIC CITY (Lone Star Park H, G3, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A, etc.), GLEAM OF HOPE (Jefferson Cup S, G3T, etc.), COLLECTED (Lexington S, G3, Sham S, G3, etc., to 3, 2016), ZIPESSA (Dr. James Penny Memorial S, G3T, 3rd Beverly D. Stakes, G1T, etc., to 4, 2016), STAYS IN VEGAS (Senorita S, G3T, etc., to 3, 2016), GRAND BILI (Carry Back S, G3, to 4, 2016), etc. CITY ZIP’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CATCH A GLIMPSE (G1T), FINEST CITY (G1), ALERT BAY (G3T), COLLECTED (G3), STAYS IN VEGAS (G3T), ZIPESSA (G3T), AMERICAN SAILOR, CARIBOU CLUB, FRANKLIN TOWERS, INVOLUNTARY, LOOK INTO MY EYES, HOT CITY GIRL, CALLING RHY RHY. CITY ZIP’S other sons as stallions include BUSTIN STONES (146 foals, 4 BTW, 1.33 AEI), RUN AWAY AND HIDE (193 foals, 8 BTW, 1.25 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam MISS BLUE GRASS. Winner at 4. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— ALSONO (by Limehouse). 9 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2016, $309,079, KLAQ Handicap, Governor’s Cup S, Special Hank H, SunRay Park Marathon H twice, Master Salls H, 3rd Riley Allison Futurity. GIG HARBOR (Subject stallion).

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Summertime Promise, by Nijinsky II

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Sailaway, by Hawaii

Sun Colony, by Sunrise Flight

Moss Greine, by Ballymoss

Belga, by Le Fabuleux

Fontarabie, by Fontenay

My Lil Shamrock (City Zip). 3 wins, 2 to 4, $87,907, 3rd Golden Gate Debutante S. STORMETTA (Distant View). Winner at 4 and 5, $44,073. MARCH WEST (Officer). 4 wins at 3, $43,583. COUP DE MAIN (City Zip). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2016, $41,829. MAKE AN OFFER (Officer). Dam of RICHIES SWEETHEART ($568,335, Turf Amazon H, Lightning City S, Honor the Hero S, Brandywine S, 2nd Showtime Deb S, Purple Violet S, to 5, 2016). 2nd dam DALOMA. 5 wins at 4 and 5, placed in Fr, $357,443, A Gleam H (G3), Monrovia H, 2nd Osunitas H, Prix de Meudon, 3rd Golden Poppy H (G3), Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Chicago Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Buena Vista H, Prix Charles Laffitte. Dam of 7 foals, including— DALINDA. Winner at 4 in Fr, $21,374. Producer. Dam of Savonarola ($92,313, 2nd Littlebitlively S, sire), Dunloskin ($30,906, 3rd Peugeot Lowther S, G2 in Eng). 3rd dam Ricabie. Winner at 2 in Fr, 3rd Prix La Camargo. Dam of 10 foals, including— Moucha. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Fr, $32,040, 2nd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux. Dam of MAYOUMBE ($207,441, Laurel Dash S, G3T, 2nd Prix Thomas Bryon, G3 in Fr, etc.), TIPPERARY ALL STAR ($158,396, Airlie Stud Silver S, Rathbarry Stud Barathea Finale S, 3rd Patrick P. O’Leary Memorial Gallinule S, G3 in Ire, etc.). 4th dam FONTARABIE. Winner at 2 and 3 in Fr. Dam of 11 foals, including— FONTABAL. 8 wins, 4 to 11, in Fr, $69,276, Grande Course de Haies de Printemps, 3rd Prix SaintRoman (G3 in Fr). FONTARABAL. 2 wins at 3 in Fr, Prix Reiset, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris, Prix de l’Esperance. Formene. Winner at 2 and 3 in Fr, 2nd Prix de Bagatelle, Prix de Flore, Prix de Royallieu, 3rd Prix de Minerve. Producer. Granddam of NASIB ($259,935, Vernon O. Underwood H, 2nd Spence Bay S, 3rd San Marcos H, G3T, etc.), GOOD TO BEAT ($105,755, Prix Penelope, G3 in Fr, etc.).

2017 FEE: $1,500 LivE FoaL

victory rosE thoroughbrEds Inquiries to Ellen Jackson, 5144 Allendale Road, Vacaville, California 95688 (707) 678-6580/FAX (707) 678-6580. E-mail: or website: www.victoryrose.




2 in Eng 3 4 5 6 Totals


7 2 3 0 3 15




2 1(1) 0 0 0 3(1)

0 1(1) 0 0 0 1(1)

2 0 1(1) 0 0 3(1)


$24,872 $86,280 $23,483 — $13,500 $148,135

Won At 2 in England A novice weight for age race at Bat ($17,774, 8f in 1 : 4 1 , b y 3 , d f t g . A a i m To P r o s p e r, Practicallyperfect, Amazing Request, Duty Free, Rosie’s Glory, Towy Girl, Cherri Fosfate, Majestas, Calzaghe). A maiden weight for age race at Sal ($13,783, 7f in 1:28.00, dftg. Snake’s Head, Spanish Hidalgo, Messiah Garvey, Streets Ahead, Raffaas, Boogie Dancer, Clewer, Last Dog Standing, Brave Amber, Fun In The Sun, Color Man). Won At 3 in North America La Puente S ($108,300, 8f, turf in 1:34.61, dftg. Desert Code, Vauquelin, Vaunt, Shem, Star Inside, Streets Ahead). 2nd Cinema Breeders’ Cup H (G3T, 9f, to Worldly, dftg. Tycoon Doby, Streets Ahead, Mr Eddie Boy). 3rd At 4 in North America Arcadia H (G2T, 8f, to Daytona, Hyperbaric, dftg. Artiste Royal, Crested, No Dream).

SIRE LINE GOLDEN BALLS is by DANEHILL DANCER, blacktype stakes winner of 4 races, $343,120, champion 2yo colt in Ire, Heinz 57 Phoenix S (G1 in Ire), National S (G1 in Ire), Tripleprint Greenham S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Generous Dewhurst S (G1 in Eng), 3rd Prix Maurice de Gheest (G1 in Fr). To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 2,329 foals, 2,031 rnrs (87%), 1,342 wnrs (58%), 305 2yo wnrs (13%), 170 BTW (7%), 1.62 AEI, 1.42 CI, 1140 sale yrlgs, avg $156,499, 3.49 TNA. In 2016: 5 2yos, 7 BTW. DANEHILL DANCER has sired PRIVATE STEER (champion 3yo filly in Aust, Doncaster H, G1 in Aust, AAMI Stradbroke, G1 in Aust, All-Aged S, G1 in Aust, Warwick S, G2 in Aust, Apollo S, G2 in Aust, etc.), MASTERCRAFTSMAN (champion 2yo colt in Eur and Ire, Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), ESOTERIQUE (champion older female in Eur and twice in Fr, Prix du Haras de Fresnay-leBuffard-Jacques Le Marois, G1 in Fr, Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot S, G1 in Eng, Prix Rothschild, G1 in Fr, Qatar Bloodstock Dahlia S, G3 in Eng, Prix Vanteaux, G3 in Fr, 2nd Poule d’Essai des PoulichesFrench One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, etc., to 6, 2016), LILLIE LANGTRY (champion 3yo filly in Eng, Coronation S, G1 in Eng, Coolmore Fusaichi Pegasus Matron S, G1 in Ire, Debutante S, G2 in Ire, etc.), CHOISIR (champion 2yo colt in Aus, champion older male in Eng, Golden Jubilee S, G1 in Eng, TEAC

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 13 10 13 36

Runners 11 (85%) 4 (40%) 4 (31%) 19 (53%)

Winners 4 (31%) 3 (30%) 0 (0%) 7 (19%)

2yo Wnrs 0 1 0 1

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 0 0 2015 6 0 2016 6 0 *Totals 12 0 0.42 AEI; 0.81 CI; 7.62 AWD In 2016: 14 rnrs, 5 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 5 wins, $145,849 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $12,992 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $6,255 $59,480 $181,111 $246,846

Dosage (5-3-10-0-0); DI: 2.60; CD: 0.72 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2004

Danehill, 1986 9s, BTW, $321,064 2,410 f, 348 BTW, 3.14 AEI Danehill Dancer, b, 1993 11s, BTW, $343,120 2,329 f, 170 BTW, 1.62 AEI 7.96 AWD Mira Adonde, 1986 1s, unpl 10 f, 9 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Nashwan, 1986 7s, BTW, $1,447,003 581 f, 38 BTW, 1.87 AEI Colourful Cast, ch, 1997 4s, wnr, $10,416 4 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 8.44 AWD Risky Game, 1984 7s, wnr, $4,774 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Razyana, 1981 3s, pl, $2,412 14 f, 11 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

His Majesty, by Ribot

Sharpen Up, 1969 8s, BTW, $48,168 620 f, 82 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Atan, by Native Dancer

Lettre d'Amour, 1979 Unraced 14 f, 11 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Caro, by Fortino II

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Height of Fashion, 1979 7s, BTW, $151,532 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 6 BTW

Bustino, by Busted

Troy, 1976 11s, BTW, $970,137 120 f, 13 BTW, 1.53 AEI

Petingo, by Petition

Sweet Mint, 1974 29s, BTW, $52,381 10 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Meadow Mint, by Herbager

Lightning S, G1 in Aust, etc.), HILLSTAR (champion 3yo colt in Eng, Pattison Canadian International S, G1T, King Edward VII Stakes, G2 in Eng, etc.), DANCING RAIN (champion 3yo filly twice in Eng, Investec Epsom Oaks, G1 in Eng, Henkel-Preis der Diana-Deutsches Stuten-Derby-German Oaks, G1 in Ger, etc.), CALLWOOD DANCER (champion turf female in Can, Nassau S, G2T, etc.), ANNA PAVLOVA (champion older female twice in Eng, Bet365 Lancashire Oaks, G2 in Eng, etc.), AGAIN (champion 2yo filly in Ire, Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc.), SPECIOSA (champion older female in Ire, Stan James One Thousand Guineas,G1 in Eng, etc.), WAJIR (champion 3yo colt in Fr, Prix Hocquart, G2 in Fr, etc.), ROSE BONHEUR (champion 3yo filly in Ire, Whitehead Memorial Owenstown Stud S, etc.), MONSIEUR BOND (champion older male in Ire), HERE COMES WHEN (champion older male in Ger, to 6, 2016), NORDTANZERIN (champion 2yo filly in Ger), SET TO MUSIC (champion 3yo filly in Eng), LEGATISSIMO (QIPCO One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Qatar Nassau S, G1 in Eng, Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Victor McCalmont Memorial S, 2nd Investec Oaks, G1 in Eng, etc.), PLANTEUR (Prix Ganay-Prix Air Mauritius, G1 in Fr, Prix d’Harcourt, G2 in Fr, etc.), MISS BEATRIX (Moyglare Stud S, G1 in Ire, 2nd Silver Flash S, 3rd Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire), STEPS IN TIME (Coolmore Classic, G1 in Aust, etc.), LIGHT FANTASTIC (Cadbury Australian Guineas, G1 in Aust, etc.), ATOMIC FORCE (James Boag The Galaxy H, G1 in Aust, etc.), QEMAH (Coronation S, G1 in Eng, Prix Rothschild, G1 in Fr, Prix de la Grotte, G3 in Fr, 3rd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, G1 in Fr, etc., to 3, 2016), WHERE OR WHEN (Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, G1 in Eng, etc.), AVE (Flower Bowl Invitational S, G1T, etc.), ALFRED NOBEL (Camas Park & Ashtown House Studs Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), Aleagueoftheirown (champion older female in Ire), Ekta (champion older female in Italy), Negra del Oro (champion 2yo and 3yo filly in Sca), etc. DANEHILL DANCER’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are QEMAH (G1 in Eng), OVIDIO (G2 in SAf), FRANCIS OF ASSISI (G3 in Aust), TUSCAN SLING (G3 in Aust), SMUGGLER’S MOON (in Eng), ACROSTAR (in SAf), DREAMTIME DANCER (in Aust). DANEHILL DANCER’S other sons as stallions include MASTERCRAFTSMAN (649 foals, 34 BTW, 1.54 AEI), CHOISIR (1,688 foals, 77 BTW, 1.40 AEI), LIZARD ISLAND (404 foals, 9 BTW, 1.37 AEI), etc. GOLDEN BALLS Has Sired: Golden Balls has sired the winners Golden Light ($66,785, at 4, 2016), X S Heat ($57,390, at 3, 2016), Miserable Blue (to 4, 2016), So Golden (to 4, 2016), Twopercentisgolden (to 3, 2016), Golden Ocean (at 3, 2016), Golden Love.



Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Spring Adieu, by Buckpasser

Rocchetta, by Rockefella

Lianga, by Dancer's Image

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Highclere, by Queen's Hussar

La Milo, by Hornbeam

Sharp Major, by Majority Blue

FAMILY 1st dam COLOURFUL CAST. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of 4 foals, including— GOLDEN BALLS (Subject stallion). LA COVETA (by Marju). 3 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng, $35,452. Producer. MORNING GLOW (King of Kings). 3 wins at 3 in Ire, $29,219. 2nd dam RISKY GAME. Winner at 2 in Ire. Dam of 6 foals, including— SAFETY TACTIC. 3 wins at 2 in Ire, $75,723, Salora E.B.F. Round Tower S, 2nd John J. Long Memorial Railway S (G3 in Ire), Shernazar E.B.F. Curragh S (G3 in Ire), Oral B. Marble Hill E.B.F. Stakes. Beating the Buzz. Winner at 2 and 3 in Ire, $27,343, 2nd Anglesey S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Belgrave S. Producer. Dam of Sleeping Weapon ($186,225, 2nd Burjuman Mahab Al Shimaal, G3 in UAE). 3rd dam SWEET MINT. 7 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng and Ire, $52,381, champion older female in Ire, Cork and Orrery S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Gladness S (G3 in Ire), Airlie Coolmore Castle Hyde Championship S, Youghal S, 3rd Greenlands S, July Scurry H, Sean Graham Sprint H. Dam of 10 foals, including— SWEETENED OFFER. Winner at 2 and 3 in Italy and Ire, $21,522, Premio Buontalenta (G3 in Italy), 2nd Silken Glider S (G3 in Ire). Producer. Dam of Thunderclap (3rd Clasico Cuerpo de Bomberos, in Pan). INSIDER’S VIEW. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ire. Producer. Granddam of INVINCIBLE ASH ($672,949, champion older female twice in Ire, Woodies DIY Sapphire S, G3 in Ire, Mercury S, Abergwaun S, 2nd Mercury S, 3rd Naas Sprint S, Abergwaun S). PERILS OF JOY. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of HYMN OF LOVE ($150,538, Ben Dunne Memorial Solonaway S, 2nd Carlsberg Ruby S, 3rd Derrinstown Stud One Thousand Guineas Trial S, G3 in Ire, Hollywood Wildcat Breeders’ Cup H, E.B.F. Victor McCalmont Memorial S, King Charlemagne Platinum S). BABY BOOM. Winner at 2 in Ire. Producer. Dam of General Concorde ($58,211, 2nd Juvenile S). SMILING AND SPEEDY. Unraced. Dam of INLET CREEK ($113,970, Vineland H). 4th dam SHARP MAJOR. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of 2 foals. 5th dam SHARP THRUST. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of 6 foals, including— Santellis. 10 wins, 3 to 11, in Ire and Eng, 3rd Railway S.


GOLDEN BALLS (IRE) Danehill Dancer (IRE) – Colourful Cast (IRE), by Nashwan

No. 6 Active Leading Sire on CA 3rd Crop Sire List in 2016 Sire of Del Mar MSW winners GOLDEN LIGHT ($66,785) and X S HEAT ($57,390), multiple winner MISERABLE BLUE ($35,754), Santa Anita 7f debut winner SO GOLDEN ($22,715), etc.

American Grade 2 Miler by Leading Sire DANEHILL DANCER At 2 in England: Multiple winner GOLDEN BALLS beat future Champion SPANISH HIDALGO in his maiden, winning by 3 lengths in a 1-mile allowance. At 3 in the U.S.: GOLDEN BALLS won Santa Anita’s $108,000 Listed La Puenta S. in his first American start defeating Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint and 3-time Grade 3 SW DESERT CODE, and was second in the $150,000 Grade 3 Cinema Breeders’ Cup H. to Grade 2 SW WORLDLY (GB). At 4 in the U.S.: Third to Grade 1 SWs DAYTONA (IRE) and HYPERBARIC in the $150,000 Grade 2 Arcadia H., GOLDEN BALLS defeated Grade 1 SW ARTISTE ROYAL (IRE). By DANEHILL DANCER (IRE), sire of 179 SWs, 99 GSWs and 5 Champions including such Stakes-siring sons as MASTERCRAFTSMAN and CHOISIR and leading earner PLANTEUR (IRE) ($3,508,751).

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL Property of a Partnership Standing at

PARADISE ROAD RANCH Inquiries to Doreen Spinney, 3637 Stewart Rd., Lathrop, California 95330 (916) 803-5851. E-mail:



Govenor Charlie

Entered Stud in 2016


2 3 4 5 Totals


0 4 3 2 9




0 2(1) 0 0 2(1)

0 1 2(1) 0 3(1)

0 0 0 0 0


— $444,800 $58,000 $3,850 $506,650

Won At 3 Sunland Derby (G3, $800,000, 9f in 1:47.54, NTR, by 5, dftg. Show Some Magic, Abraham, Shakin It Up, Stormdriver, Mudflats, Saint Prado, Dry Summer, Just Win Baby). A maiden special weight race at SA ($73,800, 8f in 1:36.28, dftg. Footbridge, Pure Loyalty, Syndicated, Colburn, Major Affair, Mywayorthecauseway, Far Rockaway, Betweenhereandcool). 2nd At 4 Strub S (G2, 8.5f, to Shakin It Up, dftg. Hear the Ghost, Zeewat, Dice Flavor, Heir of Storm, Say Ow, Rookie Sensation).

Real Quiet, 1995 20s, BTW, $3,271,802 629 f, 22 BTW, 1.21 AEI Midnight Lute, dkb/br, 2003 13s, BTW, $2,690,600 394 f, 17 BTW, 1.54 AEI 7.01 AWD Candytuft, 1996 Unraced 12 f, 10 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Silverbulletway, dkb/br, 2003 Unraced 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 6.78 AWD Silverbulletday, 1996 23s, BTW, $3,093,207 10 f, 5 r, 2 w

SIRE LINE GOVENOR CHARLIE is by MIDNIGHT LUTE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $2,690,600, champion sprinter, Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1) twice, Forego S (G1), Perryville S (G3A), 2nd Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H (G1), San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2), 3rd Malibu S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 5 crops, 394 foals, 274 rnrs (70%), 176 wnrs (45%), 45 2yo wnrs (11%), 17 BTW (4%), 1.54 AEI, 1.63 CI, 294 sale yrlgs, avg $66,819, 1.49 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 33 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 4 BTW, 69 sale yrlgs, avg $75,547. MIDNIGHT LUTE has sired MIDNIGHT LUCKY (Acorn S, G1, Humana Distaff S, G1, Sunland Park Oaks), SHAKIN IT UP (Malibu S, G1, Strub S, G2, San Vicente S, G2, 2nd Churchill Downs S, G2, 3rd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A), GIMME DA LUTE (Los Alamitos Derby, G2, Affirmed S, G3, El Cajon S, Echo Eddie S, Real Good Deal S, 3rd Pat Day Mile S, G3, etc.), TIZ MIDNIGHT (Bayakoa S, G2, 2nd Zenyatta S, G1), MIDNIGHT HAWK (Sham S, G3, 2nd San Felipe S, G2, Sunland Derby, G3, Illinois Derby, G3, Razorback H, G3, 3rd Robert B. Lewis S, G2, to 5, 2016), HOLY LUTE (Eddie D Stakes, G3T, El Cajon S, Green Flash H, 2nd San Simeon S, G3T, Kentucky Downs Turf Dash S, Siren Lure S, etc., to 6, 2016), MIDNIGHT CELLO (Hanshin Cup S, G3A, 2nd Miami Mile H, G3, Presque Isle Mile S, Elkwood S, Eight Miles West S, Needles S, etc., to 6, 2016), MIDNIGHT MILEY (Ontario Matron S, G3A, Seaway S, G3A, La Lorgnette S, 3rd Sweet Briar Too S, to 4, 2016), MIDNIGHT ARIA (Queen’s Plate S, 2nd Eclipse S, G2A, 3rd Autumn S, G2A, Wando S, Plate Trial S), SKIPALUTE (Brookmeade S, 2nd Matron S, G2, Delta Downs Princess S, G3, to 4, 2016), MIDNIGHT BALLET (Sharp Cat S, 3rd Sweet Briar Too S), BRINGINGINTHELUTE (Oklahoma Classics Distaff Turf S), PRICELESSCOMMODITY (Dark Star S, to 6, 2016), IRISH PRESENCE (Las Madrinas S, 3rd Adoration S, G3, Cypress S, Santa Lucia S), RUNAWAY LUTE (Rockville Centre S, at 2, 2016), ROUNDUPTHELUTE (C.B. Afflerbaugh S, to 5, 2016), Mylute (2nd Louisiana Derby, G2, Bold Ruler H, G3, Jean Lafitte S, Prairie Gold Juvenile S, Alydar S, 3rd Preakness S, G1, etc., to 6, 2016), Irish Lute (2nd Dogwood S, G3, 3rd Prioress S, G1, Eight Belles S, G3), Midnight Pleasure (3rd Del Mar Futurity, G1, at 2, 2016), Midnight On Oconee (2nd Rachel Alexandra S, G2, Silverbulletday S, to 3, 2016), Souper Knight (2nd City of Laurel S, 3rd General George H, G3, to 6, 2016), V V Goodnight (2nd Pucker Up S, G3T, 3rd Hatoof S, to 5, 2016), Midnight Bliss (3rd Selene S, G3A), Wide Excellent (3rd Keiyo S, to 6, 2016), Know It All Anna (3rd Happy Ticket S, to 4, 2016), Black Bear (2nd West Virginia Legislature Chairman’s Cup S, Don Bernhardt S, 3rd King Cotton S, Prairie Mile S, to 6, 2016), Oasis At Midnight (2nd Lady’s Secret S, to 6, 2016), Wasted At Midnight (2nd Desert Stormer S), Where’s Dominic (2nd Miracle Wood S, 3rd Grover

STUD ANALYSIS Govenor Charlie entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (1-2-4-0-1); DI: 1.67; CD: 0.25 See gray pages—Polynesian

dkb/br, 2010

Quiet American, 1986 12s, BTW, $754,650 974 f, 54 BTW, 1.58 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Really Blue, 1983 21s, wnr, $31,920 8 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Believe It, by In Reality

Dehere, 1991 9s, BTW, $723,712 1,574 f, 80 BTW, 1.59 AEI

Deputy Minister, by Vice Regent

Bolt From the Blue, 1980 11s, BTW, $125,834 11 f, 9 r, 6 w

Blue Times, by Olden Times

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Silver Deputy, 1985 2s, BTW, $41,820 1,028 f, 88 BTW, 1.87 AEI

Deputy Minister, by Vice Regent

Rokeby Rose, 1977 19s, BTW, $250,480 14 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Demure, by Dr. Fager

Meadow Blue, by Raise a Native

Sister Dot, by Secretariat

Berkut, by Sea-Bird

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Silver Valley, by Mr. Prospector

Rokeby Venus, by Quadrangle

Inbreeding: 5SX5d Mr. Prospector; 4SX4D Deputy Minister; 5sX4d Secretariat.

"Buddy" Delp Memorial S, to 6, 2016), Viva Lad (3rd Presque Isle Mile S, to 6, 2016), Midnight Sweetie (2nd Tiffany Lass S, to 6, 2016), Katniss the Victor (2nd Maddie May S, 3rd Busher S, New York Oaks, to 3, 2016), Mlle. Minuit (3rd East View S), Taman Guard (3rd Shared Belief S, at 3, 2016), Hold Our Destiny (3rd Selima S, Christiana S), Aggressive Beauty (2nd ATBA Spring Sales S, to 4, 2016), Pachangera (champion 2yo filly in Mex, to 5, 2016), etc. MIDNIGHT LUTE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are HOLY LUTE (G3T), MIDNIGHT MILEY (G3A), RUNAWAY LUTE, SKIPALUTE.

FAMILY 1st dam SILVERBULLETWAY. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, incl.— GOVENOR CHARLIE (Subject stallion). CRISIS OF SPIRIT (Vindication). 2 wins at 2, $132,611, Anoakia S, 3rd Le Cle S. Producer. PACHANGERA (by Midnight Lute). 11 wins, 2 to 5, 2016, in Mex, $48,136, champion 2yo filly in Mex. CAVEMAN KENO (Roman Ruler). 2 wins at 4, $25,911. TOSSIN BULLETS (Lookin At Lucky). Winner at 4, 2016. 2nd dam SILVERBULLETDAY. 15 wins, 2 to 4, $3,093,207, champion 2yo and 3yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Kentucky Oaks (G1), Ashland S (G1), Alabama S (G1), Gazelle H (G1), Walmac International Alcibiades S (G2), Monmouth Breeders’ Cup Oaks (G2), Black-Eyed Susan S (G2), Sorrento S (G2), Fair Grounds Oaks (G3), Golden Rod S (G3), Davona Dale S (G3), Debutante S (G3), Doubledogdare S, 2nd Beldame S (G1), Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Fleur de Lis H (G3), 3rd Delaware H (G3). Dam of 10 foals, incl.— Tice. 5 wins, 4 to 7, $177,405, 2nd Phil D. Shepherd S. SILVER BULLET MOON. Unraced. Dam of SHAKIN IT UP ($664,982, Malibu S, G1, Strub S, G2, San Vicente S, G2, 2nd Churchill Downs S, G2, 3rd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A). SILVERBULLETFOLLY. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Mile High Magic ($112,460, 2nd Jim Kostoff S). 3rd dam ROKEBY ROSE. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $250,480, Flower Bowl H (G2T), Susan’s Girl H, 2nd Sheepshead Bay H (G2T), Diana H (G2T), Athenia H (G3T), Shrewsbury H. Dam of 14 foals, including— GARDEN SECRETS. Winner at 3, $40,740. Dam of FOREST SECRETS ($604,453, Acorn S, G1, Rampart H, G2, Falls City H, G3, 2nd Churchill Downs Distaff H, G2, Sabin H, G3, 3rd Madison S, Raven Run S), RUMOR HAS IT ($303,316, Kentucky Cup Turf S, G3T, John Henry S, Rossi Gold S, Polar Expedition S, 2nd Rossi Gold S), Bajan Tryst ($343,140, 3rd Get Your Bet On at Blue Square Hever Sprint S, in Eng, to 10, 2016). Granddam of



BIG WILDCAT (Presidente Vargas, G3 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Joao Jose e Jose Carlos de Figueiredo, G3 in Brz, 3rd Presidente da Republica, G1 in Brz, Gervasio Seabra, G2 in Brz, etc.). ROKEBY ROSIE. Producer. Granddam of JOHAN SONG (Blend, in Arg). 4th dam ROKEBY VENUS. 3 wins at 3, $27,720. Dam of 11 foals, including— SPLIT ROCK. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $187,426, Chaucer Cup H, Canterbury Turf Classic H, Hennepin County H, 3rd Edina H, Savage H twice, Bloomington S. I MEAN IT. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $186,332, Dahlia S, 2nd Carousel H, Poquessing H, Sisterhood S. Dam of PROMINENT FEATHER ($270,446, Bayou H, 2nd Woodbine Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Ontario Colleen H, Sixty Sails S, 3rd Mazarine S, G3). Dallas Express. 4 wins, 3 to 5, in NA and Fr, $80,056, 2nd Memorial Day H, 3rd Prix de la Cote Normande (G3 in Fr), Prix Henri Greffulhe. GONE TO VENUS. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $65,591. Dam of SAUDI POETRY ($596,972, Louisville Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Fleur de Lis H, G3, Torrey Pines S, 2nd Princess S, G2, Santa Lucia H, 3rd Hollywood Oaks, G2), Aeneas ($434,485, 2nd Washington Park H, G2, Gulfstream Park H, G2, Philip H. Iselin Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 3rd Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, Clark H, G2, Best of the Rest S, sire). VENUS BOUND. Winner at 3, $20,505. Dam of ALL GLORY (champion older female in Chile, Carlos Allende Navarro, G2 in Chile, Constancio Silva Mandiola, 2nd Haras de Chile Mauricio Serrano Palma, G1 in Chile, Armada de Chile, Propietarios de Caballos F. S de Carrera, etc.). Granddam of FOURTY NINERS SON ($673,825, Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, San Luis Rey H, G2T, 2nd Eddie Read H, G1T, 3rd Arlington Million S, G1T, American Invitational H, G2T twice, sire), CINDY’S HERO ($371,975, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, Harold C. Ramser Sr. H, 2nd Torrey Pines S, 3rd Oak Leaf S, G1). PLUM RUN. 4 wins at 3 in Eng. Dam of ESTRAGON ($57,851, champion 2yo colt in Spain, Premio Antonio Blasco, 2nd Premio Villamejor-Spanish St. Leger, 3rd Premio Gobierno Vasco), Popular Run ($95,925, 2nd Benazet-Rennen, 3rd Norsk Kriterium, Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop three times, in Ger and Nor), PIGALLE (champion 3yo filly in Spain). 5th dam ALL BEAUTIFUL. Winner at 3. Broodmare of the Year, 1969. Dam of 12 foals, including— ARTS AND LETTERS. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $632,404, Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt, and older male, Belmont S, Metropolitan H, Travers S, Jockey Club Gold Cup, Woodward S, etc. Sire, 1.59 AEI.

GOVENOR CHARLIE Midnight Lute – Silverbulletway, by Storm Cat

RECORD-SETTING GRADED STAKES WINNER OF $500,000+ An outstanding three-year-old, GOVENOR CHARLIE took the lead at the three-quarter pole in the $800,000 Grade 3 Sunland Derby and shook off his competition to win by FIVE lengths setting a NEW TRACK RECORD of 1:47 1⁄5, breaking the 1961 record set by WINSHAM LAD. He defeated seven SWs, including Grade 1 SW SHAKIN IT UP (standing at Spendthrift Farm for $10,000). GOVENOR CHARLIE won a one mile Santa Anita Maiden Special Weight second time out. GOVENOR CHARLIE ran second to Grade 1 SW SHAKIN IT UP in the historic $200,000 Grade 2 Strub S. defeating Grade 2 SWs HEAR THE GHOST, DICE FLAVOR and ROOKIE SENSATION. GOVENOR CHARLIE ran first or second in 5 of 9 starts, earning $506,650. His dam is a multiple Grade 1-Producing daughter of legendary STORM CAT and Hall of Famer & Eclipse Champion SILVERBULLETDAY, granddam of Grade 1 SW SHAKIN IT UP, also by Eclipse Champion and Leading Sire MIDLIGHT LUTE. Watch for Outstanding First Foals Arriving in 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Terry Lovingier, 35490 Hwy. 76, Warner Springs, California 92086 (562) 547-9848/FAX: (562) 988-0094. E-mail: Website:




2 3 Totals





6 6 12

1 2 3

2(2) 0 2(2)

0 3 3


$77,170 $85,476 $162,646

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($46,400, 4.5f, AW in 51.34, dftg. Really Uptown, Dandy Dancer, Awesome Swiss, Anita Brewski, El Ranchero). 2nd Graduation S (5.5f, AW, to Wolf Tail, dftg. Daylight Storm, Bertran Hill, Roman Counsel, Dance Marino, Sweet Tigger, Ritzville). Willard L. Proctor Memorial S (5.5f, AW, to Classical Slew, dftg. Zip Quik, Eze Does It, Ritzville, Track N Attack, Turbo Time). Won At 3 A race at Hol ($56,300, 5.5f, turf in 1:02.46, dftg. Fandino, Format V., Locksley Hall, Farmer Giles, Master Chef). A race at Dmr ($46,720, 6f, AW in 1:09.85, dftg. Daylight Storm, Ivory Fudge, Precious Duke, Forthreeforeuclid, Majestic Peak, Fandino).

SIRE LINE Grace Upon Grace is by Rio Verde, winner of 2 races, $86,470, 2nd Prix du Point du Jour, in Fr. To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 271 foals, 183 rnrs (68%), 108 wnrs (40%), 39 2yo wnrs (14%), 0 BTW (0%), 0.56 AEI, 0.78 CI, 33 sale yrlgs, avg $9,406, 0.21 TNA. Rio Verde has sired Making Dreams (2nd Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A), Akiss Forarose (3rd China Doll S), Got Tobe Rio (2nd Harvest Futurity, 3rd Juan Gonzalez Memorial S), Rivermaster (3rd Gateway to Glory S), etc. NUREYEV, grandsire of Grace Upon Grace, has sired PEINTRE CELEBRE (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt twice in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Fr), ZILZAL (Horse of the Year in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur and Eng), THEATRICAL (champion turf male, Breeders’ Cup Turf S, G1T, etc.), MIESQUE (champion turf female twice in USA, champion 2yo and 3yo filly, miler twice ,and older female in Fr, champion 3yo filly and miler in Eng), HEART LAKE (champion older male in UAE), SPINNING WORLD (champion older male in Eur and Fr, champion 3yo colt in Ire, First National Building Society Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, etc.), SOVIET STAR (champion older male twice in Eur, champion 3yo colt and older male in Fr, Swettenham Stud Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp Ecurie Fustok, G1 in Fr, etc.), ALWUHUSH (champion older male in Italy), REAMS OF VERSE (champion 2yo filly in Eng, Vodafone Epsom Oaks, G1 in Eng, etc.), WOLFHOUND (champion older male in Eur and Eng, Hazlewood Foods Sprint Cup, G1 in Eng, Prix de la Foret, G1 in Fr, etc.), FLAGBIRD (champion older female in Eur, Ire, Eng, and Italy), BINARY FILE (champion turf male, miler, and older male in Sca), STATELY DON (champion 3yo colt and miler in Ire, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Secretariat S, G1T, etc.), GREAT COMMOTION (champion older male in Eur), POLAR FALCON (champion older

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 13 13 4 30

Runners 8 (62%) 9 (69%) 1 (25%) 18 (60%)

Winners 4 (31%) 3 (23%) 0 (0%) 7 (23%)

2yo Wnrs 0 3 0 3

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 0 0 2015 10 0 2016 3 0 *Totals 13 0 0.66 AEI; 1.02 CI; 5.73 AWD In 2016: 11 rnrs, 3 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $23,665 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $81,872 $248,665 $95,131 $425,668

Dosage (7-3-23-0-1); DI: 1.72; CD: 0.44 See gray pages—Nearctic

dkb/br, 2007

Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI Rio Verde, dkb/br, 1992 11s, wnr, $86,470 271 f, 0.56 AEI 5.87 AWD River Rose, 1976 9s, BTW, $58,034 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 5 BTW

Mining, 1984 7s, BTW, $264,030 593 f, 29 BTW, 1.40 AEI Chasing Wind, b, 1995 6s, BTW, $63,080 8 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 6.21 AWD Duet, 1985 9s, BTW, $40,819 9 f, 5 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Forli, by Aristophanes

Riverman, 1969 8s, BTW, $247,876 973 f, 125 BTW, 2.53 AEI

Never Bend, by Nasrullah

Barbarossa, 1968 Unraced 6 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Cambremont, by Sicambre

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

I Pass, 1978 3s, wnr, $25,340 8 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

His Majesty, 1968 22s, BTW, $99,430 640 f, 56 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Ribot, by Tenerani

Guanajibena, 1971 28s, wnr, $79,940 8 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Outing Class, by Nasrullah

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Thong, by Nantallah

River Lady, by Prince John

Barbara, by Fair Trial

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Impish, by Majestic Prince

Flower Bowl, by Alibhai

Children's Hour, by Tom Fool

Inbreeding: 5sX5D Native Dancer; 5SX5D Nasrullah.

male in Eur and Fr, Ladbroke Sprint Cup S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ROBIN DES PINS (champion older male twice in Ger), FASLIYEV (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Eng, Fr, and Ire, Heinz 57 Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), MEHTHAAF (champion 3yo filly in Ire, Airlie Coolmore Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc.), STRAVINSKY (champion 3yo colt and sprinter in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Darley July Cup, G1 in Eng, Persimmon Homes Nunthorpe S, G1 in Eng, etc.), SONIC LADY (champion 3yo filly in Fr, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp Ecurie Fustok, G1 in Fr, Goffs Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc.), KING CHARLEMAGNE (champion 3yo colt in Fr), GAYANE (champion 3yo filly in Eng), SKIMMING (Pacific Classic S, G1 twice, etc.), GOOD JOURNEY (Atto Mile S, G1T, etc.), ATTICUS (Oaklawn H, G1, etc.), ANNOCONNOR (Santa Ana H, G1T, Ramona H, G1T, Vanity H, G1, etc.), SPECIAL RING (Eddie Read H, G1T twice, etc.), etc. GRACE UPON GRACE Has Sired: Grace Upon Grace has sired the winners Sweet Bea (2nd Island Fashion Overnight S, to 3, 2016), London Legacy ($191,042, to 4, 2016), Suavemente ($54,278, to 3, 2016), Gracee Hunny (to 3, 2016), Aaron’s Thunder (to 4, 2016), Gracie Jean (to 4, 2016), Gracy Angie.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 6—$5,583 3—$3,433 18—$9,544

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam CHASING WIND. 3 wins at 3, $63,080, Windmill S. Dam of 8 foals, including— RGIRLDOESN’TBLUFF (Pine Bluff). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $241,270, Sugar n Spice S, U Can Do It H, Bold World S, Lady Sonata S, 2nd First Lady H (G3), U Can Do It H, Minaret S, Snurb S, Barb’s Dancer S, OBS Sprint S. Producer. Changing Numbers (by Polish Numbers). 13 wins, 4 to 6, in NA, Dom, and PR, $78,500, champion sprinter in Dom, 2nd M. Tyson Gilpin S. Grace Upon Grace (Subject stallion). CHASING THE PRIZE (Pure Prize). 11 wins, 3 to 5, $150,843. GREETING CARD (Secret Hello). 6 wins, 3 to 6, $42,196. Producer. 2nd dam DUET. 2 wins at 3, $40,819, Vandale S, 2nd Blue Hen S, 3rd Lt. Governor of Kentucky S. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— WANTED. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $50,125. Producer. MIDDLEBURY. 3 wins, 2 to 5, $47,095. KRUIS’N KELSEY. Winner at 2, $38,351. Producer.



3rd dam GUANAJIBENA. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $79,940. Dam of 8 foals, including— RINGARO. 2 wins at 2, $55,908, Flash S, 2nd Youthful S. Sire, 1.24 AEI. A MOMENT IN TIME. 4 wins, 3 to 7, $77,250. Sire. NATIVE SOVEREIGN. 6 wins, 3 to 5. DEWANJIBENA. 16 wins, 3 to 7. STUDENT BODY PRES. Unraced. Dam of STUDENTESSA (Jorge de Atucha, G1 in Arg, General Luis Maria Campos, G2 in Arg, 3rd Polla de Potrancas-Argentine One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Arg, Francisco J. Beazley, G2 in Arg), Desert Leader ($142,028, 2nd Gold Rush Futurity, Santa Fe Futurity), Scolaire (2nd Jorge de Atucha, G1 in Arg, Saturnino J. Unzue, G1 in Arg, Fortunato Damiani, G3 in Arg, Republica de Venezuela, G3 in Arg, Manuel J. Guiraldes, G3 in Arg, Bolivia). Granddam of THE STUDENT (Hoover S, 2nd Eillo S, 3rd Mountain State S), GOOD STUDENT (Manuel J. Guiraldes, G3 in Arg, Tuzla H, 2nd Santa Maria H, G1, 3rd Las Palmas H, G2T). 4th dam CHILDREN’S HOUR. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— FINE MIDORI. 5 wins, 3 to 5, in Japan, $161,937. ROBBER’S HEIST. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Jaque Mate ($45,467, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial). 5th dam SUNSET III. 2 wins at 2 in Eng. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— WEATHERWISE. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $135,542, Futurity S, Sanford S, 3rd Dwyer H. SUNSET GLOW. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,032, Gazelle H, 2nd Pageant H. Producer. Granddam of KRENAKOR (Clasico Asociacion Nacional de Criadores, 3rd Clasico Anahuac, in Mex). First Dark. 4 wins at 3, $28,750, 2nd Comely S. Distant Hill. Placed at 2 and 3, 3rd National Stallion S. MOONMADNESS. Placed at 2. Dam of MADELIA ($282,125, champion 3yo filly in Fr, Prix de Diane de Revlon-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, Poule d’Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, etc.), MOUNT HAGEN ($145,090, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, Prix de Fontainebleau, G3 in Fr, etc., sire), MONSANTO ($126,285, Prix de Fontainebleau, G3 in Fr, Prix du Rond-Point, G3 in Fr, Prix Ridgway, 2nd Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc., sire), MALECITE ($95,800, Prix Messidor, G3 in Fr, 2nd Doonside Cup, 3rd Prix d’Ispahan, G1 in Fr, etc., sire). Granddam of MUNCIE ($184,396, Prix Saint-Alary, G1 in Fr, etc.), MERSEY ($183,434, Prix Royal-Oak-French St. Leger, G1 in Fr, Prix Foy, G3 in Fr, Prix de Royallieu, G3 in Fr, etc.), CLAUDE MONET ($113,441, MeccaDante S, G2 in Eng, etc., sire), MOONLIGHT DANCE ($101,297, Prix Saint-Alary, G1 in Fr).

GRACE UPON GRACE Rio Verde – Chasing Wind, by Mining

CALIFORNIA’S LEADING FRESHMAN SIRE OF 2014 SECOND LEADING SOPHOMORE SIRE IN 2015 Sire of 3-time winner AARON’S THUNDER, 2nd Saskatchewan Lotteries H., 2-time winner/6-time placed earner of $155,670 LONDON LEGACY, 2015 2YO winners SUAVEMENTE ($34,720), SWEET BEA ($22,030), and GRACEE HUNNY. Super consistent Grace Upon Grace was only off the board once in 12 starts. At 2, he won impressively on his debut and finished second to G2-pl SW CLASSICAL SLEW in the $77,000 Willard L. Proctor S., both at Hollywood Park. At Del Mar, he was beaten just a neck by WOLF TAIL in the $100,000 Graduation S., and was on the board in the $100,000 G3 Hollywood Juvenile Championship and the C. B. Afflerbaugh S. At 3, he won a Hollywood Park allowance, 5 1/2 furlongs on the turf & was a gate-to-wire winner at Del Mar running 6 furlongs on the main track in 1:09.85.

Grace Upon Grace offers an A+ TrueNicks Rated Pedigree, as he is a grandson of Champion miler NUREYEV and Grade 1 SW MINING.

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL STANDS & NURSES Standing at


Inquiries to Terry Lovingier, 35490 Hwy. 79, Warner Springs, California 92086 (562) 547-9848/FAX (562) 988-0094. E-mail: or website:




gr/ro, 2006

Dosage (7-5-19-1-0); DI: 2.05; CD: 0.56 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.2


2 3 Totals


1 6 7




0 4(2) 4(2)

0 1(1) 1(1)

0 0 0


$400 $245,000 $245,400

Won At 3 Affirmed H (G3A, $100,000, 8.5f in 1:41.40, by 23, dftg. Misremembered, Quindici Man, Scorewithcater, Fiddlers Afleet, Cape Truth). El Cajon S ($100,000, 8f, AW in 1:36.49, dftg. Chocolate Candy, Fu Peg He Rat, Position A, Singer Island, Quindici Man, Lt. Hopeful). A maiden non-black type stakes race at Hol ($63,200, 6.5f, AW in 1:13.89, by 21, dftg. Raise the River, M One Rifle, Teamwork, Kaptain Kordough, Top Biker, Charlie and Chris, Star Redeemer, Quick Vic, Mountain Guide, Cork Creek, Warrens Wild Thing, Mendota Bay). An allowance race at Hol ($65,000, 8.5f, AW in 1:43.93, dftg. Ukiah, Phantom Wildcat, Smooth and Savvy, Desert Eagle). 2nd Swaps S (G2A, 9f, to Misremembered, dftg. Scorewithcater, Massone, Conservative, Quindici Man, Advice).


STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) 2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 1 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 8 0

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 2 (18%) 0 (0%) 3 (5%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 1 0 2014 15 0 2015 37 1 2016 44 4 *Totals 97 5 1.64 AEI; 1.34 CI; 6.37 AWD In 2016: 31 rnrs, 20 wnrs, 2 sw Lifetime On Turf: 12 wins, $537,752 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $71,562 *to November 6, 2016


Benchmark, b, 1991 16s, BTW, $636,707 726 f, 30 BTW, 1.20 AEI 6.40 AWD Winters' Love, 1982 10s, wnr, $48,911 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Rubiano, 1987 28s, BTW, $1,252,817 504 f, 33 BTW, 1.49 AEI Hazen, gr/ro, 1998 30s, wnr, $200,188 9 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.81 AWD Kris' Dear Deby, 1989 56s, wnr, $232,815 5 f, 3 r, 3 w

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Sweet Tooth, 1965 41s, wnr, $86,004 13 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

On-and-On, by Nasrullah

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Cold Hearted, 1974 20s, BTW, $59,353 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Ruby Slippers, 1982 14s, BTW, $83,760 13 f, 13 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Kris S., 1977 5s, BTW, $53,350 839 f, 88 BTW, 2.48 AEI

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Our Dear Deby, 1972 4s, pl, $2,720 12 f, 11 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

In Reality, by Intentionally

Raise You, by Case Ace

Plum Cake, by Ponder

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Turn to North, by Turn-to

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Moon Glitter, by In Reality

Sharp Queen, by Princequillo

Behaving Deby, by Ambehaving

Inbreeding: 3SX5D Raise a Native; 4SX5D Northern Dancer.

GRAZEN is by BENCHMARK, black-type stakes winner of 7 races, $636,707, Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Bernardino H (G2), 2nd San Diego H (G3), 3rd Triple Bend Invitational Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Californian S (G2), San Diego H (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 726 foals, 556 rnrs (77%), 433 wnrs (60%), 106 2yo wnrs (15%), 30 BTW (4%), 1.20 AEI, 1.10 CI, 223 sale yrlgs, avg $16,268, 0.36 TNA. In 2016: 4 2yos, 1 BTW. BENCHMARK has sired POINTS OFFTHEBENCH (champion sprinter, Bing Crosby S, G1A, Santa Anita Sprint Championship S, G1), BROTHER DEREK (Santa Anita Derby, G1, Hollywood Futurity, G1, Norfolk S, G2, Santa Catalina S, G2, San Rafael S, G2, 2nd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), IDIOT PROOF (Ancient Title S, G1A, Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S, G3, 2nd Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen, G1 in UAE, TVG Breeders’ Cup Sprint, G1, etc.), SILENT SIGHS (Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Ocala Stud Oaks, California Breeders’ Champion S, etc.), A TO THE Z (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H, G2T, Sunland Park H, California Cup Mile H, 2nd Citation H, G1T, etc.), PROPOSED (Milady Breeders’ Cup H, G2, El Encino S, G2, B. Thoughtful S, 2nd Santa Maria H, G1, 3rd California Cup Matron H, etc.), COMPROMETIDO (Clasico America, G2 in Peru, etc.), BENCH POINTS (Lazaro Barrera Memorial S, G3A, Graduation S, I’m Smokin S, 3rd San Felipe S, G2, etc.), STANDARD SETTER (Golden Gate Derby, G3, etc.), DUCKY DRAKE (Iowa Sprint H, Zia Park Express S, Lea County Sprint S twice, etc.), MARKS MINE (California State Fair Sprint H, Harvest S, Camilla Urso S, etc.), DON’TSELLMESHORT (California Breeders’

Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2011 10 6 (60%) 5 (50%) 2012 26 24 (92%) 20 (77%) 2013 11 11 (100%) 8 (73%) 2014 8 1 (13%) 0 (0%) *Totals 55 42 (76%) 33 (60%)

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI

Earned $44,140 $481,262 $1,149,263 $1,330,850 $3,005,515

Champion S, Graduation S, Barretts Juvenile S, 2nd Snow Chief S, I’m Smokin S, 3rd Lazaro Barrera Memorial S, G2, etc.), RED WARRIOR (Padua Stables Sprint S, etc.), MAGIC MARK (Harry F. Brubaker S, Bertrando S, etc., to 6, 2016), POINT OF REFERENCE (California State Fair Sprint H, Harvest S, 2nd California Oaks, Washington Oaks, etc.), STELLA MARK (Tiznow S, 3rd Lone Star Park H, G3), SISTER KATE (California Governor’s Cup H, Santa Lucia S, etc.), ALYWYN (City of Edmonton Distaff H, Duchess of York H, John Patrick H, etc.), LUSCIOUS LONNA (Miss America S, Golden Poppy S twice), SMOOTH PERFORMER (E.B. Johnston S, 2nd Hollywood Oaks, G2A, etc.), BENCH THE JUDGE (Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S, Pomona Derby, etc.), BENCH GLORY (Irish O’Brien S), WINE THIEF (Zia Park Distaff S, etc.), Sierra Nights (champion older female in Pol), etc. BENCHMARK’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is MAGIC MARK. BENCHMARK’S other sons as stallions include IDIOT PROOF (38 foals, 1 BTW, 1.28 AEI), BROTHER DEREK (132 foals, 6 BTW, 1.17 AEI), etc. GRAZEN Has Sired: GRAZEN SKY, 12, c (dam by Sky Mesa, 2nd dam by Broad Brush): $373,638, Silky Sullivan S, 2nd Echo Eddie S, 3rd Harry F. Brubaker S, Real Good Deal S, Snow Chief S, to 4, 2016. ENOLA GRAY, 13, f (More Than Ready, Pleasant Tap): $304,100, Melair S, Fleet Treat S, California Distaff H, 2nd Beverly J. Lewis S, at 3, 2016. TOUGH IT OUT, 13, g (Marquetry, Alla Breva): $288,050, Echo Eddie S, 2nd California Cup Derby, Real Good Deal S, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd Snow Chief S, King Glorious S, to 3, 2016. Grazen also has sired the winners Barbara Beatrice ($219,534, 3rd Melair S, to 4, 2016), Rocko’s Wheel ($210,880, 2nd Real Good Deal S, to 4, 2016), Grazenette ($202,585, 3rd Fleet Treat S, Dream of Summer S, to 5, 2016), Tough Sunday ($180,938, to 4, 2016), Tatum’s Gold ($167,743, to 4, 2016), Precious Time ($100,607, to 4, 2016), Grazen’s Hope ($99,527, to 5, 2016), Shy Carmelita ($93,377, at 3, 2016), Nellie Fox ($70,440, to 4, 2016), Archie Graham ($64,151, to 4, 2016), Stand by Your Man ($60,296, to 5, 2016), Sadie Clare ($53,515), Cornbread Red ($49,340), Great Lady Zen ($46,873, to 4, 2016), My Grandson ($42,137, to 4, 2016), Easter Lillian ($40,351, to 4, 2016), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$10,000 — 1—$10,000


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam Hazen. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $200,188, 2nd Las Madrinas H, 3rd Sun City H. Dam of 9 foals, including— GRAZEN (Subject stallion). Dylan Donnelly (by Tribal Rule). Placed at 3, $80,240, 3rd Snow Chief S. Heat Streaker (Heatseeker). Winner at 3, $72,416, 2nd Robert Dupret Derby. JACKSON SUNDOWN (Benchmark). 3 wins, 3 to 5, 2016, $76,430. RUBY HAZE (Skimming). Winner at 2 and 3, $33,120. JUNIOR GILLIAM (Tribal Rule). Winner at 3, 2016, $25,395. 2nd dam KRIS’ DEAR DEBY. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $232,815. Dam of 5 foals, including— RUBY RED SLIPPERS. 4 wins, 2 to 6, $64,840. Producer. SMART SET. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $34,519. 3rd dam OUR DEAR DEBY. Placed at 3. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— OUR DEAR KRISSY. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $49,970, John Longden S. Producer. Dam of Millie Thane ($74,371, 3rd Jersey Lilly S). Hold On Deby. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $121,300, 2nd Office Queen S, Miramar S, Begonia S. Dam of PILLARING ($374,923, Orange County Derby, 2nd Norfolk S, G1, Del Mar Futurity, G2, 3rd Sausalito S, Dust Commander S, etc.), MAGNETIZED ($167,420, Redwood Empire S, etc.). ALWAYS DEAR. Winner at 2 and 3, $29,820. Dam of GENTLE DEAR ($192,328, Red Holman S, etc.). DEAREST PLACE. Placed at 2. Producer. Dam of Bully’s Del Mar ($109,720), Nook and Granny. 4th dam BEHAVING DEBY. 5 wins at 2, $70,109, Fashion S, Gulfstream Park Dinner S, Polly Drummond S, Rancocas S, 3rd Sorority S. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— DEBY’S WILLING. 14 wins, 3 to 6, $247,204, Grassland H, Chris Evert H, 2nd Rampart H, Vizcaya H, Miss Dade H, etc. Producer. Turbulent Miss. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $59,167, 3rd Jasmine S, Villager S. Dam of UNTAMED SPIRIT ($217,300, Miss America H, etc.), HE’S SPIRITED ($178,138, Governor’s H, etc.), Rough Flight. Granddam of PRIZED ($2,262,555, San Luis Rey S, G1T, Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, Swaps S, G2, Arcadia H, G3T, etc., sire), MACHIKANE ALLEGRO ($1,487,872, Copa Republica Argentina, etc., in Japan, sire), EXPLOIT ($396,254, Brown & Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, San Vicente S, G2, etc., sire), HAUNTING ($351,281, Rare Treat H, G3, etc.), MY TURBULENT BEAU ($139,506, Belle Isle S, 3rd Las Virgenes S, G2, etc.), TURBULENT DANCER ($108,550, sire).


GRAZEN Benchmark – Hazen, by Rubiano

GRADED STAKES WINNER BY LEADING SIRE BENCHMARK In 2016: Top 10 Active CA Leading Sire / Top 20 CA Leading Turf Sire In 2015: 4th Leading CA 3rd-Crop Sire Sire of SW/Multiple SP GRAZEN SKY ($373,638) won $100,000 Silky Sullivan S. at Santa Anita, 2nd $200,000 Echo Eddie S., 3rd $200,000 Snow Chief S., Del Mar’s $200,000 Real Good Deal S and $75,000 Harry F. Brubaker S.Div 1. Also MSWs ENOLA GRAY (4 wins, 2016, $304,100) and TOUGH IT OUT ($288,050, Echo Eddie S.), plus SW CAL MCLISH ($39,017) on the board in 12 of 13 starts in U.S. & CAN. SP winners incl. $200,000 SP Barbara Beatrice ($219,534), $200,000 SP Rocko’s Wheel ($210,880), and MSP Grazenette ($202,585). Siring 68% winners/starters, GRAZEN’s runners average $43,155 in earnings, over 17 times his fee. GRAZEN has 39% winners/runners and average earnings over $20,000 on the turf. GRAZEN set all the fractions to win Hollywood’s $100,000 Grade 3 Affrmed H. by 2¾ lengths posting a 103 Beyer over Grade 1 Santa Anita H. winner MISREMEMBERED. He won Del Mar’s $100,000 Listed El Cajon S. beating Grade 1-pl, Grade 2 SW CHOCOLATE CANDY GRAZEN broke his maiden in the NTRA Stakes setting fractions of :21.98, 1:07.76 and 1:13.89 in 6½f, posting a Triple Digit Beyer over Grade 1 SW M ONE RIFLE. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,500 LIVE FOAL Property of Horse Haven Standing at


Inquiries to Mike Allen, Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Road, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 (805) 686-4337/FAX (805) 686-4280. E-mail: or Website:




Entered Stud in 2016

dkb/br, 2007


2 3 4 5 Totals


5 5 6 3 19




2 3(2) 0 0 5(2)

0 1(1) 0 1 2(1)

1 0 2(2) 0 3(2)


$27,580 $260,400 $50,000 $23,008 $360,988

Won At 2 A starter allowance race at GG ($20,760, 8.5f, turf in 1 : 4 5 . 9 0 , b y 3 , d f t g . N e p o b e d i m i y, Bettingonthetruth, Amore Di Aleyna, Showing Pulpit, Swiss Memo, Norcal Invader). A race at GG ($19,170, 5.5f, AW in 1:05.42, by 21, dftg. Hetch, Ministers Power, Sun Seeker, Royal Regiment, Bob’s Bass, My Charming Chance, Gotta Get Rich). Won At 3 Hollywood Derby (G1T, $250,000, 10f in 2:01.20, dftg. Sebastian Flyte, Juniper Pass, Citrus Kid, Fantastic Pick, Jairzihno, Blue Panis, Lions Story). El Cajon S ($100,000, 8f, AW in 1:36.55, dftg. Lions Story, Distorted Economy, Goggles McCoy, Gallant Gent, In the Paint, Just Magic, Face and an Ace). A race at GG ($38,300, 8.5f, turf in 1:44.93, dftg. Sun Seeker, Very Fair, Swiss Memo, Winner in Overtime, Memorial Way, Dipsea Demon). 2nd El Camino Real Derby (G3A, 9f, to Connemara, dftg. Posse Power, Fog Alert, Ranger Heartley, Thomas Baines, Very Fair, Bert’ N the Group, Our Minesweeper). 3rd At 4 Jim Murray H (G2T, 12f, to Acclamation, Falcon Rock, dftg. Buenos Dias, All Saint). San Luis Obispo S (G2T, abt 12f, to Champ Pegasus, Bourbon Bay, dftg. Imponente Purse, Juniper Pass, Buenos Dias, Riviera Cocktail, Interpatation, Unbridle’s Dream).

SIRE LINE HAIMISH HY is by ECTON PARK, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $1,503,825, Super Derby (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), Risen Star S, William Donald Schaefer H, 2nd Stephen Foster H (G2), Ohio Derby (G2), 3rd Pacific Classic S (G1), Louisiana Derby (G2), Arkansas Derby (G2), New Orleans H (G3), Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Breeders’ Cup H (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 555 foals, 356 rnrs (64%), 277 wnrs (50%), 59 2yo wnrs (11%), 18 BTW (3%), 1.08 AEI, 1.13 CI, 166 sale yrlgs, avg $22,143, 0.49 TNA. In 2016: 5 2yos, 1 BTW. ECTON PARK has sired TRIPLE NINE (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt in Korea, Owner’s Cup, 2nd Busan Mayor’s Cup, to 4, 2016), MUNRA (champion 3yo colt in PR, Clasico 4 de Julio, Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron, Clasico George Washington, 2nd Clasico Jose Coll Vidal, 3rd Clasico Angel T. Cordero Jr.), TRES BORRACHOS (Swaps S, G2A, San Diego H, G2A, 2nd TVG / BETFAIR Hollywood Gold Cup H, G1A, San Pasqual S, G2, Affirmed H, G3A, Native Diver H, G3A, etc.), FRENCH PARK (Golden Rod S, G2, Pocahontas S, G3, 2nd Silverbulletday S, G3), ELISEA (Gran Premio Criadores Salvador Hess Riveros, G2 in Chile, Carlos Allende Navarro, G3 in Chile, Coronel Santiago Bueras, 2nd Independencia, G2 in Chile), RUSTLER HUSTLER (Continental Mile S, Gnome’s Gold S, Banjo Picker Sprint S, 3rd Three Coins Up S, Lyman H), BIG LOVER (Ride the Rails S, 2nd Spend a Buck H, G3, What a Pleasure S, Jack Price Juvenile S, Ambehaving S, 3rd Sumter S, etc.), CLEAN JEAN (Jack Betta Be Rite S, 3rd Jack Betta Be Rite H, Susan B. Anthony H), SAFFRONISTA (OBS Championship S, Runaway Marcie S, 2nd Suncoast S, Emergency Nurse S, Sambacarioca S, 3rd Shocker T. Handicap), KINGSFIELD (Black Gold S, Prairie Meadows Freshman S, 2nd Golden Circle S, Prairie Mile S, Shecky Greene H, 3rd Iowa Sprint H, etc.), THREE’S A CROWD (Robert R. Hilton Memorial S, 3rd West Virginia Breeders’ Classic S, West Virginia Lottery Breeders’ Classic S, Robert R. Hilton Memorial S, Robert G. Leavitt Memorial H), DEVIENT BEHAVIOR (Jim Edgar Illinois

STUD ANALYSIS Haimish Hy entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (6-4-7-0-1); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.78 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.0

Forty Niner, 1985 19s, BTW, $2,726,000 920 f, 56 BTW, 1.97 AEI Ecton Park, ch, 1996 23s, BTW, $1,503,825 555 f, 18 BTW, 1.08 AEI 6.99 AWD Daring Danzig, 1990 Unraced 12 f, 11 r, 11 w, 3 BTW

Equalize, 1982 43s, BTW, $1,455,298 656 f, 45 BTW, 1.41 AEI Tifonica, dkb/br, 1998 19s, wnr, $140,381 8 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.91 AWD Telemetrica, 1986 8s, wnr, $832 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

File, 1976 22s, BTW, $73,774 11 f, 11 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Impetuous Gal, 1975 38s, BTW, $239,427 12 f, 10 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Briartic, by Nearctic

Northern Jove, 1968 53s, BTW, $122,588 581 f, 39 BTW, 1.63 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Zonta, 1973 Unraced 6 f, 4 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Dr. Fager, by Rough'n Tumble

Cipayo, 1974 5s, BTW, $24,799 1,089 f, 58 BTW, 1.12 AEI

Lacydon, by Alycidon

Telescopica, 1977 9s, wnr, $30,957 16 f, 15 r, 12 w, 2 BTW

Table Play, by Round Table

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Continue, by Double Jay

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Impetuous Lady, by Hasty Road

Junonia, by Sun Again

Santa Tina, by Santa Claus

Tsarina, by Tamerlane

Filipina, by Fomento

Inbreeding: 4SX4D Northern Dancer; 5SX5SX5D Nearctic.

Futurity, 3rd Sun Power S), SOONER RED (End of the Trail S), ECTON KING (Carlos Bello Silva, Asociacion de Propietarios F.S de Carrera A. G-V Region, Gran Handicap de Chile, Comparacion, 2nd Fernando Moller Bordeu, G2 in Chile, Carlos Bello Silva, etc., to 7, 2016), ASTOR PARK (Dearly Precious S, 2nd Mongo Queen S), SQUEEZER’S PALACE (Norm Barron Queen City Oaks, 3rd Rose DeBartolo Memorial S), MISS SASSY SUE (Bird of Pay S, 3rd Freedom of the City S), Weekend Magic (3rd American Oaks S, G1T, San Clemente H, G2T), Parkhimonbroadway (2nd Sleepy Hollow S, 3rd Remsen S, G2, Bertram F. Bongard S), Senor Jose Miguel (3rd Gran Handicap de Chile, G3 in Chile, to 7, 2016), High Victory (3rd Carlos Allende Navarro, G3 in Chile), Indie Band (Horse of the Year in Korea), etc. ECTON PARK’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is TRIPLE NINE (in Korea).

FAMILY 1st dam Tifonica. 2 wins at 5, $140,381, 3rd CTT and Thoroughbred Owners of California H. Dam of 8 foals, including— HAIMISH HY (Subject stallion). ARGENTINE TALISMAN (by Dehere). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $179,247. CLOUD HOPPER (Stormello). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $110,285. KENO GEORGE (Stormello). Winner at 3 and 4. AGRIJA (Scat Daddy). Winner at 2 in Russia. 2nd dam TELEMETRICA. Winner at 3 in Arg. Dam of 13 foals, including— TIFOSI. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Arg, $104,112, Provincia de Buenos Aires (G1 in Arg), Jockey Club de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (G2 in Arg), Polla de Potrillos de La Plata (G2 in Arg), Jose Pedro Ramirez (G3 in Arg). TELEKINA. Dam of JODIE (Grande Premio Presidente Luiz Nazareno T. de Assumpcao, G2 in Brz twice, Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, G3 in Brz, Jockey Club Brasileiro, G3 in Brz, VIII Copa Japao de Turfe, 2nd Grande Premio Presidente Hernani Azevedo Silva, G2 in Brz, Thomaz Teixeira de Assumpcao Junior, G3 in Brz, Jockey Club do Parana, Primavera, 3rd Presidente Joao Tobias de Aguiar), LAGOA AZUL (Grande Premio Thomaz Teixeira de Assumpcao Jr., G3 in Brz). 3rd dam TELESCOPICA. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Arg, $30,957. Dam of 16 foals, including— EISHIN VINCENNES. 8 wins, 2 to 6, in Japan, $1,715,345, TV Nishinippon Corp. Sho Kitakyushu Kinen, 3rd Kokura Kinen. MS. AEROSMITH. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $240,566, Songstress S, Fairway Fun S, Wintergreen S, 2nd



Pucker Up S (G3T), 3rd Arlington Oaks (G3), Santa Ysabel S. Dam of ILLIQUIDITY ($429,262, Cardinal H, G3T, Dowager S, Dade Turf Classic S, 2nd River Cities Breeders’ Cup S, 3rd Sands Point S, G3T). Cupula. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Arg, $61,669, 2nd Premio Colombia (G3 in Arg). Producer. Dam of Dona Cueca (2nd Marcos Levalle, G2 in Arg). Granddam of IBOPE (General Pueyrredon, G2 in Arg, Ayacucho, G3 in Arg, Antonio Cane, G3 in Arg, 2nd Miguel Martinez de Hoz, G1 in Arg, Chacabuco, G2 in Arg, Progreso, G3 in Arg, 3rd Competencia), CANGAS DE ONIS (Republica de Panama, G3 in Arg, General Guemes, 2nd Mexico, G3 in Arg, 3rd Venezuela, G2 in Arg, General Alvear, to 5, 2016), DONA DAGA (Produccion Nacional, 2nd Condesa, G3 in Arg). SOLARTICA. Winner at 3 and 4 in Eng, $51,653. Dam of SAINT MEMORY ($1,595,143, Oval Sprint, in Japan, to 9, 2016). MISS PABLITA. 2 wins at 3 in Arg, $28,028. Dam of MIRADITA TOSS (Premio Arturo A. Bullrich, G3 in Arg, 2nd Premio General Arenales, G3 in Arg). Granddam of FORTY MIRAGE (champion 2yo colt in Arg, Estrellas Juvenile-R. F. Lottero, G1 in Arg, Raul y Raul E. Chevalier, G1 in Arg, Buenos Aires, G3 in Arg, 2nd Gran Criterium, G1 in Arg, Horacio Bustillo, G3 in Arg, 3rd Coronel Miguel F. Martinez, G2 in Arg, Benito Villanueva, G2 in Arg), STORMY MIRA (Joaquin V. Maqueda, G3 in Arg), FORTY MILLERA (Arturo R. Bullrich, G2 in Arg, 2nd Ines Victorica Roca, G3 in Arg). SOLARTICA A. Dam of KOSLANIN (Competencia, 2nd Lieutenant Governors’ H, G3, Skywalker H, Phil D. Shepherd S, 3rd Copa de Oro, G1 in Arg, Native Diver H, G3, Forty-Niner H). 4th dam FILIPINA. 2 wins at 3 in Arg. Dam of 6 foals, incl.— TELESCOPICO. 9 wins, 2 to 5, in Arg and Fr, placed in Italy, $73,493, champion 2yo colt in Arg, Gran Premio Nacional-Argentine Derby (G1 in Arg), Gran Premio Carlos Pellegrini (G1 in Arg), Gran Premio Jockey Club (G1 in Arg), Polla de PotrillosArgentine Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Arg), Premio Jose Pedro Ramirez (G2 in Arg), 2nd Premio Roma (G1 in Italy). Sire. TABA. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Arg, placed in NA, $20,609, champion 2yo filly in Arg, Premio Jorge Atucha (G3 in Arg). Dam of TURKOMAN ($2,146,924, champion older male, Marlboro Cup H, G1, Widener H, G1, Oaklawn H, G2, Affirmed H, G3, Tallahassee H, etc., sire), SLOW FUSE ($252,333, Sam Houston S, 2nd Laurance Armour H, G3T, Florida Turf Cup H, G3T, sire), Red Star ($126,300, 3rd Rolling Meadows S). Granddam of SAGA NOVEL ($1,202,936, in Japan), NOW DANCE ($128,710, Sabin H, 2nd Florida Oaks, 3rd Fantasy S, G2).

check daily updates on

HAIMISH HY Ecton Park – Tifonica (Arg), by Equalize

GRADE 1 HOLLYWOOD DERBY WINNER BY THE SIRE OF GRADE 2 MILLIONAIRE TRES BORRACHOS FROM THE FAMILY OF CHAMPION/LEADING SIRE TURKOMAN HAIMISH HY rallied four wide into the stretch to win the $250,000 Grade 1 Hollywood Derby besting the likes of JUNIPER PASS (G2), FANTASTIC PICK (G2), Grade 1-pl SW CITRUS KID, etc. In fve starts at three HAIMISH HY scored three wins and a second including winning the Grade 1 Hollywood Derby, winning the $100,000 El Cajon S-L. and second in the $150,000 Grade 3 El Camino Real Derby. HAIMISH HY was on-the-board in 14 of 19 starts earning $360,988, including Stakes at 2, 3, 4, and 5 – $150,000 Grade 2 San Luis Obispo S., $150,000 Grade 2 Jim Murray H., $150,000 Grade 2 San Luis Rey S., $100,000 Grade 3 Inglewood H., etc. Versatile winner from 5 1/2 furlongs to 1 1/4 miles on both turf and synthetics.

First Foals Arrive in 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL Complimentary for Approved Mares Property of George Krikorian Standing at


Inquiries to Marguerite Eliasson, 18122 Littlepage Road, Ramona, California 92065 Ph: (760) 789-1498, Fax: (760) 789-7906. E-mail: or website:




ch, 2006


2 3 4 5 Totals





3 6 6 4 19

2(1) 4(3) 3(2) 1(1) 10(7)

0 1(1) 1(1) 0 2(2)

1 0 0 0 1


$83,465 $334,216 $749,300 $152,500 $1,319,481

Won At 2 Damon Runyon S ($83,775, 8.32f in 1:42.95, by 51, dftg. Fiddlers Afleet, Legal Consent, Thunder Roar, Tall Poppi, Always On the Move, etc.). A maiden special weight race at Bel ($46,000, 6.5f in 1:16.34, by 41). Won At 3 Whirlaway S ($107,600, 8.5f in 1:44.48, by 61, dftg. Cellar Dweller, Mike From Queens, Hehasnosay, Peace Town, Zooger). Empire Classic S ($250,000, 9f in 1:50.76, dftg. Ruffino, Undocumented, Dr. D. F. C., Naughty New Yorker, Slevin, Weathered, Platinum Couple, etc.). Count Fleet S ($69,760, 8.32f in 1:44.65, by 31, dftg. Jess Not Jesse, Mike From Queens, Pitched Perfectly, Aswaaq). 2nd Sir Keys S (6.5f, to Be Bullish, by a head, dftg. Legal Consent, Smokin Hero, Mr. Windjammer). Won At 4 Jockey Club Gold Cup S (G1, $750,000, 10f in 2:02.48, by 4, dftg. Blame, Fly Down, Hold Me Back, Rail Trip, Tranquil Manner). Suburban H (G2, $300,000, 9f in 1:48.52, by 23, dftg. Convocation, I Want Revenge, Regal Ransom, Eldaafer, Unbridled Danger, Pictural). A race at Bel ($53,000, 8f in 1:34.69, by 21). 2nd Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H (G1, 8f, to Jersey Town, by a head, dftg. Girolamo, Bribon, Friend Or Foe, Soaring Empire, Vineyard Haven, Musket Man, Half Metal Jacket). Won At 5 McMahon Adena Empire Classic S ($200,000, 9f in 1:49.08, dftg. Green Monster, Johannesburg Smile, Icabad Crane, Mine Over Matter, Bigger Is Bettor, Inherit the Gold, Uncle Smokey).

SIRE LINE HAYNESFIELD is by SPEIGHTSTOWN, black-type stakes winner of 10 races, $1,258,256, champion sprinter, Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Churchill Downs H (G2), True North Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Alfred G. Vanderbilt H (G2), Artax H, 2nd Amsterdam S (G2), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 791 foals, 660 rnrs (83%), 515 wnrs (65%), 152 2yo wnrs (19%), 76 BTW (10%), 2.04 AEI, 2.05 CI, 460 sale yrlgs, avg $162,562, 3.62 TNA. In 2016: 85 2yos, 43 2yo rnrs, 18 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 41 sale yrlgs, avg $300,140. SPEIGHTSTOWN has sired ESSENCE HIT MAN (champion sprinter twice in Can, Vigil S, G3A, Bold Venture S, G3A twice, Kennedy Road S, G3A, etc.), FARMAH (champion 3yo filly in Italy, Premio Carlo E Francesco Aloisi, G3 in Italy, Prix de Bonneval, etc.), REYNALDOTHEWIZARD (Dubai Golden Shaheen Sponsored by Gulf News, G1 in UAE, etc., to 10, 2016), TAMARKUZ (Las Vegas Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2013 76 60 (79%) 2014 51 25 (49%) *Totals 127 85 (67%)

Winners 34 (45%) 9 (18%) 43 (34%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 11 1 9 1 20 2

BT Winners 2 (3%) 1 (2%) 3 (2%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2015 13 3 2016 65 3 *Totals 78 6 0.86 AEI; 1.52 CI; 7.01 AWD In 2016: 81 rnrs, 42 wnrs, 3 sw Lifetime On Turf: 13 wins, $354,976 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $24,089 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $429,508 $1,617,775 $2,047,283

Dosage (9-5-8-2-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.88 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.3

Gone West, 1984 17s, BTW, $682,251 1,263 f, 94 BTW, 1.79 AEI Speightstown, ch, 1998 16s, BTW, $1,258,256 791 f, 76 BTW, 2.04 AEI 6.45 AWD Silken Cat, 1993 4s, BTW, $102,120 10 f, 7 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Tejabo, 1985 44s, BTW, $282,117 188 f, 10 BTW, 1.24 AEI Nothing Special, b, 1994 30s, BTW, $266,590 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 7.72 AWD Moody Maiden, 1977 16s, wnr, $17,552 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Secrettame, 1978 10s, BTW, $101,598 15 f, 12 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Silken Doll, 1980 7s, BTW, $68,550 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Chieftain, by Bold Ruler

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Cutty, 1969 25s, BTW, $74,305 16 f, 15 r, 13 w, 3 BTW

Smart, by Thinking Cap

Apalachee, 1971 5s, BTW, $98,505 765 f, 49 BTW, 1.51 AEI

Round Table, by Princequillo

Cool Mood, 1966 41s, BTW, $66,214 13 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Tamerett, by Tim Tam

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Insilca, by Buckpasser

Mint Copy, by Bunty's Flight

Real Sincere, by Brookfeld

Moccasin, by Nantallah

Happy Mood, by Mahmoud

Inbreeding: 5SX5DX4d Northern Dancer.

Godolphin Mile Sponsored By Meydan Sobha, G2 in UAE, Burj Nahaar Sponsored By Emirates Holidays, G3 in UAE, Firebreak S Sponsored By Land Rover, G3 in UAE, 2nd Priority One Jets Forego S, G1, Kelso H, G2, to 6, 2016), GOLDEN TICKET (Travers S, G1, Prairie Meadows H, Left Bank S, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, etc.), FORCE THE PASS (Belmont Derby Invitational S, G1T, Penn Mile S, G3T, etc., to 4, 2016), DANCE TO BRISTOL (Ballerina S, G1, etc.), SEEK AGAIN (Hollywood Derby, G1T, Fourstardave H, G2T, 2nd Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S, G1T, etc.), LORD SHANAKILL (Etihad Airways Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, etc.), JERSEY TOWN (Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H, G1, Kelso H, G2, 2nd Forego S, G1, etc.), ROCK FALL (Vosburgh S, G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G1, etc.), POSEIDON’S WARRIOR (Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G1, etc.), MONA DE MOMMA (Humana Distaff S, G1, etc.), LIGHTHOUSE BAY (Prioress S, G1, etc.), SHE’S HAPPY (Estrellas Sprint, G1 in Arg, etc.), MUNNINGS (Woody Stephens S, G2, Tom Fool H, G2, Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship S, G2, 2nd Champagne S, G1, etc.), PASSION FOR ACTION (Highlander S, G2T, Vigil S, G3A, etc., to 4, 2016), CENTRAL BANKER (Churchill Downs S, G2, Smirnoff Sorbet Quick Call S, 2nd Malibu S, G1, etc.), FAST BULLET (RTN True North H, G2), HEART STEALER (G2), BAPAK CHINTA (G2 in Eng), BRIDGETOWN (G3T), SUM OF THE PARTS (G3A), etc. SPEIGHTSTOWN’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are TAMARKUZ (G1), PASSION FOR ACTION (G2T), HATHAL (G3 in Eng), SOUTHERN RING (G3A), HARGEISA (G3 in Italy), TARTY TO THE PARTY, BARBADOS, BAYERD, FROSTMOURNE, REYNALDOTHEWIZARD (in UAE), RIENO TESORO (in Japan), COASTLINE, WEEKEND HIDEAWAY. SPEIGHTSTOWN’S other sons as stallions include MUNNINGS (205 foals, 16 BTW, 1.95 AEI), LORD SHANAKILL (129 foals, 1 BTW, 1.21 AEI), etc. HAYNESFIELD Has Sired: HE’LL PAY, 13, c (A++, dam by Maria’s Mon, 2nd dam by Key to the Mint): $173,099, Rushaway S, 2nd Kent S (G3T), 3rd Commonwealth Derby presented by the Virginia Equine Alliance at Laurel Park (G2T), to 3, 2016. C U AT EAU CLAIRE, 13, f (Awesome Again, American Standard, 4X3 Deputy Minister): $167,211, Hard Rock Casino Vancouver H, Chariot Chaser H, Sadie Diamond Futurity, British Columbia Cup Debutante S, 2nd Fantasy S, Supernaturel H, 3rd Hong Kong Jockey Club H, etc., to 3, 2016. GIFTED JUSTICE, 14, c (Include, Carson City, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $90,608, Hillsdale S, at 2, 2016. Haynesfield also has sired the winners Hay Dakota ($78,810, 3rd Mystic Lake Derby, at 3, 2016), Realm ($136,455, to 3, 2016), Core Portfolio ($100,162, to 3, 2016), Mason County ($70,200, to 3, 2016), Jensen



($69,800, to 3, 2016), R Rousey ($67,740, to 3, 2016), Bistraya ($63,155, to 3, 2016), Stina ($61,564, to 3, 2016), She’s So Fine ($61,177, at 3, 2016), After the Cut Off ($60,010, to 3, 2016), Storm Cell ($51,750, to 3, 2016), Brerry ($50,647, to 3, 2016), Say Hey Kid ($50,036, to 3, 2016), Hail Mary Play ($47,805, to 3, 2016), etc., and other 2016 2-year-old winners Sixers City, Prince of Kentucky, Hyannisport, Left Coast Dreams, Kaylen’s Revenge, Hey Hey, Town Devil, Lipstickquick.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 7—$11,500 Lifetime 27—$50,766 *to September 7, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 13—$15,846 32—$29,741 98—$42,080

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 4—$11,075 12—$12,500 39—$17,815

FAMILY 1st dam NOTHING SPECIAL. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $266,590, Cumberland S, 2nd Straight Deal Breeders’ Cup H, Algoma S, Singing Beauty S, 3rd Barbara Fritchie H (G2), Stefanita S, Algoma S. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— HAYNESFIELD (Subject stallion). Mama Theresa (by Carson City). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $240,898, 2nd Iroquois H, 3rd Fleet Indian S. Producer. MERCY MATTERS (Cozzene). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $159,951. Producer. SPECIAL FORMAT (Dynaformer). Winner at 4, $46,889. Producer. Dam of Run Zippy Run ($160,395, 2nd Pago Hop S, to 4, 2016). 2nd dam MOODY MAIDEN. Winner at 3. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— TRICKS ON ICE. Winner at 2, $33,712. Producer. Dam of Slippery Ice (to 5, 2016), Moody Jones. CURRENT MOOD. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $23,562. Producer. Dam of Key Mood ($49,066, 2nd ATBA Sales S). Granddam of WEEKEND ROMANCE ($272,453, Passing Mood S, 2nd Ballade S, etc.). ALEXA’S MINT. Producer. Granddam of AMBASSADOR ($191,100, G2 in Ger, sire). 3rd dam COOL MOOD. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $66,214, Canadian Oaks, Kirkland S, 2nd Tattling H, 3rd Duchess S. Dam of 13 foals, including— PASSING MOOD. 3 wins at 2, $45,361, Shady Well S, 2nd My Dear S. Dam of WITH APPROVAL ($2,863,540, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt in Can, Bowling Green H, G2T, Tidal H, G2T, Queen’s Plate S, Breeders’ S, Prince of Wales S, etc., sire), TOUCH GOLD ($1,679,907, Belmont S, G1, Buick Haskell Invitational H, G1, etc., sire), BAR U MOOD ($288,068), DAIJIN ($164,044), SWEEPING CHANGE ($157,986, sire), Launch Key ($108,771, 3rd Summer S, G3T, etc.). Granddam of SERENADING ($538,754, champion older female in Can, Falls City H, G2, Maple Leaf S, Belle Mahone S, etc.), HANDPAINTED ($435,406).

check daily updates on

HAYNESFIELD Speightstown – Nothing Special, by Tejabo

NEW TO CALIFORNIA FOR 2017 First crop includes Grade 3 Commonwealth Turf SW HAY DAKOTA; Grade 2-placed $100K SW HE’LL PAY; $100K SW C U AT EAU CLAIRE; etc. Second crop already includes $100K Hillsdale SW GIFTED JUSTICE; $100K spw Sixers City; $50K spws Prince of Kentucky & Hyannisport; etc.

Grade 1 Jockey Club Gold Cup Winner Won 10 of 19 lifetime starts 6.5f to 11⁄4 miles more than $1.3 million in earnings. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 STANDS AND NURSES (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owner: Climax Stallions, LLC

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site: or Sean Feld (859) 519-9665



Heatseeker (Ire)

ch, 2003

height 16.1


2 in Ire 3 4 5 Totals





2 0 3(1) 2(2) 7(3)

0 0 3(1) 2(2) 5(3)

1(1) $69,403 0 $135 0 $190,238 1(1) $918,000 2(2) $1,177,776

3 1 8 5 17


Won At 2 in Ireland A weight for age race at Tip ($30,840, 7f). A maiden weight for age race at Naa ($22,872, 6f). 3rd Laing O’Rourke National S (G1 in Ire, 7f, to George Washington, Golden Arrow, dftg. Duff, Hazeymm, Amigoni, Crookhaven). Won At 4 in North America Native Diver H (G3A, $111,800, 9f in 1:47.23, NTR, dftg. Racketeer, Isipingo, Ravel, Arson Squad, Bold Chieftain, Hello Sunday, Wanna Runner, Buzzards Bay, Masterpiece). An allowance race at Hol ($92,200, 8f, turf). A race at OSA ($67,100, 7f, AW in 1:20.90, NTR). 2nd Windy Sands H (8f, AW, to Wanna Runner, dftg. Plug Me In, Cimyla, Visa Parade, Al Arz). Won At 5 in North America Santa Anita H (G1A, $1,000,000, 10f in 2:00.42, NTR, dftg. Go Between, Champs Elysees, Tiago, Zappa, Student Council, Awesome Gem, Great Hunter, etc.). Californian S (G2A, $250,000, 9f in 1:47.06, NTR, by 51, dftg. Tiago, Surf Cat, Albertus Maximus). 2nd Oaklawn H (G2, 9f, to Tiago, by a head, dftg. Reporting for Duty, Circular Quay, Buzzards Bay, etc.). San Antonio H (G2A, 9f, to Well Armed, by a head, dftg. Awesome Gem, Big Booster, Student Council, etc.). 3rd San Pasqual H (G2A, 8.5f, to Zappa, Well Armed, dftg. Thousand Words, Racketeer, Arson Squad, etc.).

SIRE LINE HEATSEEKER is by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,078,989, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng, champion 3yo colt twice in Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte International S (G1 in Eng), CoralEclipse S (G1 in Eng), Champagne Lanson Sussex S (G1 in Eng), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Salamandre (G1 in Fr), King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S (G3 in Ire), Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 2,258 foals, 1,801 rnrs (80%), 1,176 wnrs (52%), 211 2yo wnrs (9%), 168 BTW (7%), 1.81 AEI, 2.45 CI, 956 sale yrlgs, avg $213,953, 4.77 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 35 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 31 sale yrlgs, avg $165,618. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired SHAMARDAL (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (5 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2010 57 47 (82%) 2011 38 29 (76%) 2012 12 7 (58%) 2013 34 22 (65%) 2014 43 12 (28%) *Totals 184 117 (64%)

Winners 38 (67%) 18 (47%) 4 (33%) 11 (32%) 3 (7%) 74 (40%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 11 1 6 1 1 0 3 0 3 0 24 2

BT Winners 3 (5%) 4 (11%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 8 (4%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2012 19 1 0 2013 53 2 0 2014 58 7 2 2015 40 3 1 2016 38 1 0 *Totals 208 14 3 1.09 AEI; 1.31 CI; 7.09 AWD In 2016: 52 rnrs, 24 wnrs, 2 sw Lifetime On Turf: 77 wins, $2,422,934 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $49,813 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $446,112 $1,525,131 $1,702,511 $1,337,188 $966,598 $5,977,540

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Giant's Causeway, ch, 1997 13s, BTW, $3,078,989 2,258 f, 168 BTW, 1.81 AEI 8.50 AWD Mariah's Storm, 1991 16s, BTW, $724,895 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Defensive Play, 1987 26s, BTW, $1,688,631 474 f, 11 BTW, 0.80 AEI Rusty Back, b, 1998 Unraced 1 f, 1 r, 1 w, 1 BTW 8.00 AWD Chain Fern, 1986 Unraced 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Dosage (5-3-27-0-1); DI: 1.48; CD: 0.31 See gray pages—Nearctic

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Immense, 1979 28s, BTW, $123,324 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Safe Play, 1978 27s, BTW, $393,085 7 f, 5 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Sham, by Pretense

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Chain Store, 1972 36s, BTW, $83,612 9 f, 5 r, 4 w, 3 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Glorious Song, by Halo

Imsodear, by Chieftain

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Bori, by Quadrangle

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

General Store, by To Market

Inbreeding: 4SX3d Blushing Groom.

Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), TAKE CHARGE BRANDI (champion 2yo filly), IRISH MISSION (champion 3yo filly and turf female in Can), DALKALA (champion older female in Fr), SHOWCAUSE (champion stayer in NZ), GIANT’S STEPS (champion 3yo colt in Chile), MAN OF IRON (champion 3yo colt in Ire), PRIMARY (champion 3yo colt in Italy), KUNG FU MAMBO (champion 3yo colt in Peru), GHANAATI ( One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND (Ultimatepoker. com Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), Bambina Mia (champion 3yo filly in Peru), Step In Time (Horse of the Year, champion miler, and older male in KSA), Giant Love (champion older male twice in Serbia), etc. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRODY’S CAUSE (G1), DESTIN (G2), ITSONLYACTINGDAD (G3T), NOT THIS TIME (G3), POINT PIPER (G3), GALE FORCE (G3A), GIANT RUN, LIRA, MISSISSIPPI DELTA, AQUAPHOBIA, GIGANTE DE OURO (in Brz), BROTHER O’CONNELL, CAMMACK. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S other sons as stallions include GIANT GIZMO (108 foals, 6 BTW, 2.04 AEI), SHAMARDAL (1,173 foals, 104 BTW, 1.96 AEI), FIRST SAMURAI, FROST GIANT, ESKENDEREYA, etc. HEATSEEKER Has Sired: RYANS CHARM, 10, f (A++, dam by Lemon Drop Kid, 2nd dam by Storm Cat, 3X3 Storm Cat, 4X4 Storm Bird): $204,405, champion turf female in Peru, Clasico Pamplona (G1 in Peru) twice, 2nd Clasico Pamplona (G1 in Peru), to 6, 2016. SPEED SEEKER, 11, f (Southern Halo, Two’s a Plenty): $266,638, Ontario Colleen S (G3T), Pleasant Acres Stallions Distaff Turf S, etc., to 5, 2016. SURTSEY, 10, f (A++, Bold Executive, Desert Wine): $370,333, Fanfreluche S, Avowal S, Ontario Damsel S, Zadracarta S, 3rd Wonder Where S. SAVVY HESTER, 10, f (A, Miswaki, Nijinsky II, 4X4 Blushing Groom): $290,219, River Memories S, 2nd Flaming Page S, Powder Break S, Christiana S, etc. HOT TEMPO, 10, f (A++, Pivotal, Owington): $213,589, Matron S, 2nd Matron S, 3rd Opelousas S. HEATSEEKER SHARON, 11, f (A++, Carson City, Oh Say, 4X4 Blushing Groom): $203,840, Louisiana Legends Distaff S, 2nd Magnolia S, etc., to 5, 2016. BROADWAY MISSILE, 11, g (A++, Theatrical, Lear Fan): $104,211, El Joven S, to 5, 2016. THE SPINMEISTER, 11, g (Chester House, Proud Truth): $92,577, Count Lathum H, Western Canada H, to 5, 2016. Heatseeker also has sired the winners Hopeseeker ($73,060, 2nd British Columbia Derby, G3, CTHS Sales S, 3rd Richmond Derby Trial H), Catholic Cowboy ($455,299, 3rd Richard W. Small S, Florida Sunshine Millions Classic S, Sunshine Millions Classic S, to 6, 2016), Magnificent Shirl ($157,060, 2nd China Doll S),



Glory Bound ($149,166, 2nd King Glorious S, to 3, 2016), Infosec ($145,941, 3rd California Derby, to 5, 2016), Sambamzajammin ($132,905, 2nd Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, Barretts Debutante S, 3rd Landaluce S, to 3, 2016), Seeking the Light ($95,751, 2nd Irish Day H, Barbara Shinpoch S, 3rd Angie C. S, to 4, 2016), Heat Streaker ($72,416, 2nd Robert Dupret Derby), Colburn ($69,709, 3rd Harry Henson S), Flamboyance ($60,355, 2nd Truth Or Consequences Overnight S, 3rd El Paso Times S), Certification ($52,528, 2nd Rio Rancho Overnight S), Laguna Blaze ($45,313, 3rd CTHS Sales S, to 5, 2016), Joy Seeker ($168,148, to 6, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners Isa Firecracker, Show’em the Heat, Victory Seeker.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 14—$16,921 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$10,925 7—$18,529 78—$20,848

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 28—$24,507

FAMILY 1st dam RUSTY BACK. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal— HEATSEEKER (Subject stallion). 2nd dam CHAIN FERN. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, including— SPANISH FERN. 6 wins, 3 to 5, in NA and Eng, $748,370, Yellow Ribbon S (G1T), Santa Ana H (G2T), 2nd Yellow Ribbon S (G1T), San Gorgonio H (G2T), 3rd Matriarch S (G1T), Ramona H (G1T). DAYVILLE. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, $24,046. Producer. Dam of Day By Day ($62,347, in Eng and Ire), Day Of Conquest (3rd Worthingtons Whizz Kids Horris Hill S, G3 in Eng, to 5, 2016), Thought Is Free (in Eng). Granddam of HEARTS OF FIRE ($418,910, champion 2yo colt in Ger and Italy, Gran Criterium, G1 in Italy, Zukunfts-Rennen, G3 in Ger, Prix Francois Boutin, 2nd Compton Beauchamp Estates Ltd. Rose Bowl S, 3rd St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Eng). WOODWARDIA. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of GRAN ZAMIR ($133,465, Premio Eupili, in Italy), Kirkwood ($26,272, 2nd Weser Report Sprint-Cup, 3rd Prix de Montretout, in Fr and Ger). GREEN ROOM. Unraced. Dam of LORD SHANAKILL ($908,475, Etihad Airways Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, Betfair Cup Lennox S, G2 in Eng, Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef S, G2 in Eng, Totepool City Plate, 2nd Darley Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, Veuve Clicquot Vintage S, G2 in Eng, 3rd Darley Prix Morny, G1 in Fr, St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Eng, etc., sire), TOGETHER FOREVER ($318,729, Dubai Fillies Mile, G1 in Eng, Silken Glider S, etc., in Eng and Ire).

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Giant’s Causeway – Rusty Back, by Defensive Play

Millionaire Grade 1 Winner and Grade 1 Sire Champion and 2016 Breeders’ Cup competitor RYANS CHARM, a dual G1 winner on turf at 1 1/4 miles, is one of five multiple stakes winners from his first crop.

15% Stakes Performers (22) in North America

including CATHOLIC COWBOY ($461,489), SURTSEY ($370,333), SAVVY HESTER ($290,219), SPEED SEEKER (G3, $266,638), HOT TEMPO ($213,589) and Cal-bred stakes-placed 2YOs Glory Bound ($149,166), Sambamzajammin ($132,905) and SW ISA FIRECRACKER (2016 Golden Gate Debutante S.). Nominated to: 2017 FEE: $3,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owner: Heatseeker Syndicate

HARRIS FARMS Coalinga, California

Inquiries to David E. McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-Mail: Web Site:

He Be Fire N ice

Entered Stud in 2015

gr/ro, 2008

height 16.01⁄2


2 3 4 5 6 Totals


4 2 0 9 1 16




0 1 0 4(1) 0 5(1)

1 0 0 2(2) 0 3(2)

1 0 0 0 0 1


$16,800 $38,150 — $277,380 $250 $332,580

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($64,750, 6f, AW in 1:10.57, dftg. Field Report, Mint Humor, Unusual Beam, Full Effect, Surplus, Brother Ernie, Hotradamus, Del Mar Johnny, Grey Is Best). Won At 5 California Dreamin’ H ($150,750, 8.5f, turf in 1:40.44, dftg. Rock Me Baby, Starspangled Heat, Holladay Road, Lucky Primo, Summer Hit, Risky Reward, Compari, Soul Candy). An allowance race at BHP ($71,450, 8f, turf in 1:34.35, dftg. Kid Dreams, Rock Me Baby, Motown Men, Insideondoutside, Swift Eagle, Very Elusive, Scorpion Warrior, Great Rising Star, Reach a Decision). A race at BHP ($74,600, 8.5f, turf in 1:41.51, dftg. Kid Edward, Ivanho, Kingpin Ryno, Extensive, Circle the Moon, Run It). A race at SA ($58,750, 8f, turf in 1:34.70, dftg. Bench Light, Pocket Prince, Tribe, Sizzlin’ Joe, Unusual Beam, Pulpit’s Express, Kessabtsi). 2nd Del Mar Mile H (G2T, 8f, to Obviously, dftg. Silentio, El Commodore, Tigah). City of Hope Mile S (G2T, 8f, to No Jet Lag, dftg. B a r o c c i , O b v i o u s l y, S t a r s p a n g l e d H e a t , Willyconker, Endorsement, Polytechnicien).

SIRE LINE HE BE FIRE N ICE is by UNUSUAL HEAT, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $142,605, Amethyst S, Platinum S, Glencairn S, 2nd Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Ragusa Stud The Minstrel S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 16 crops, 752 foals, 558 rnrs (74%), 400 wnrs (53%), 54 2yo wnrs (7%), 42 BTW (6%), 1.98 AEI, 1.24 CI, 110 sale yrlgs, avg $38,449, 0.86 TNA. In 2016: 37 2yos, 10 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 11 sale yrlgs, avg $36,455. UNUSUAL HEAT has sired ACCLAMATION (champion older male, TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, Eddie Read S, G1T twice, Charles Whittingham Memorial H, G1T three times, etc.), THE USUAL Q. T. (Eddie Read S, G1T, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, Sir Beaufort S, G3T, John C. Mabee California Cup Mile H, 2nd Woodbine Mile S, G1T, etc.), UNUSUAL SUSPECT (Hollywood Turf Cup S, G1T, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Cougar II H, Bay Meadows Derby, California Cup Mile H, TAB Werribee Cup, etc.), GOLDEN DOC A (Las Virgenes S, G1A, Anoakia S, Generous Portion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A, Stonerside Beaumont S, G2A, Santa Ynez S, G2A, etc.), LETHAL HEAT (Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Santa Paula S, G3A, Real Good Deal S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Lady’s Secret S, G1A, Palomar H, G2T, etc.), TUCKED AWAY (Clement L. Hirsch H, G2, Solana Beach H, Fleet Treat S, 2nd A Gleam Invitational H, G2, Desert Stormer H, G3, Valkyr S, etc.), GERVINHO (Sir Beaufort S, G2T, Zuma Beach S, Oceanside S, 2nd Del Mar Derby, G2T, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd Twilight Derby, G2T), PRETTY UNUSUAL (El Encino S, G2A, Melair S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf S), CHEEKABOO (Honeymoon S, G2T, Campanile S, 2nd Sandy Blue H, 3rd Melair S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), BURNS (La Jolla H, G2T, 2nd Oceanside S), LIGHTMYFIREBABY (Las Cienegas H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Valentine Dancer H, Solana Beach H, Work the Crowd S, etc.), BETTYS BAMBINO (Daytona S, G3T, Sensational Star S), UNUSUAL WAY (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filly Sprint Preview S, Wine Country Debutante S, Zia Park Oaks, Campanile S, 2nd San Clemente H, G2T, Sunland Park Oaks, etc.), BOOZER

STUD ANALYSIS He Be Fire N Ice entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI Unusual Heat, dkb/br, 1990 16s, BTW, $142,605 752 f, 42 BTW, 1.98 AEI 7.22 AWD Rossard, 1980 24s, BTW, $202,858 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Deputy Commander, 1994 13s, BTW, $1,906,640 569 f, 20 BTW, 1.17 AEI Deputy Tombe, gr/ro, 2000 14s, wnr, $132,186 1 f, 1 r, 1 w, 1 BTW 7.80 AWD Epi Tombe, 1993 Unraced 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Dosage (3-3-14-2-0); DI: 1.44; CD: 0.32 See gray pages—Nearctic

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Forli, by Aristophanes

Glacial, 1966 3s, BTW 23 f, 2 BTW, 16.63 AEI

Pardal, by Pharis II

Peas-Blossom, 1968 10s, pl, $670 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Midsummer Night, by Djeddah

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Anka Germania, 1982 47s, BTW, $952,354 9 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Malinowski, by Sir Ivor

Chief's Crown, 1982 21s, BTW, $2,191,168 593 f, 47 BTW, 2.16 AEI

Danzig, by Northern Dancer

Miss Ice Queen, 1981 21s, BTW, $52,892 7 f, 6 r, 6 w

Icecapade, by Nearctic

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Thong, by Nantallah

Glacis, by Epigram

Fan Light, by Wilwyn

Mint Copy, by Bunty's Flight

Affaire d'Amour, by Tudor Music

Six Crowns, by Secretariat

Kum Kim, by Windsor Ruler

Inbreeding: 3SX5DX5D Northern Dancer; 4SX5D Nearctic.

(Bertrando S, California Flag H, Sensational Star S, 2nd Eddie D Stakes, G3T, California Cup Turf Classic S, 3rd California Cup Turf Classic S, etc., to 6, 2016), MENSA HEAT (On Trust H, Pirate’s Bounty S, 2nd Pirate’s Bounty S, 3rd Ancient Title S, G1, Palos Verdes S, G2, Eddie D Stakes, G3T, etc.), BEL AIR SIZZLE (Melair S, Valentine Dancer H, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Santa Ana H, G2T, Honeymoon H, G2T, 3rd Providencia S, G2T, etc.), UNUSUAL HEATWAVE (Snow Chief S, Real Good Deal S, Crystal Water S, 2nd Tsunami Slew S, 3rd El Cajon S), SPENDITALLBABY (B. Thoughtful S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Sharp Cat S, Solana Beach H, Cat’s Cradle H, Its In The Air S, etc.), THERMAL ABLASION (Make Me Conquer S, Cordially S, 2nd Steve Van Buren H, Red Cross S, Justakiss S, HBPA City of Ranson H, etc.), LENNYFROMALIBU (California Cup Mile H, Crystal Water H, 2nd TVG Khaled S, Sensational Star H), UNUSUAL HOTTIE (Fran’s Valentine S, Redondo Beach S, 2nd Solana Beach H, American Beauty S, Osunitas S, Fran’s Valentine S, etc.), MAUI MARK (Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S), CENTRAL HEAT (Luther Burbank H, Golden Poppy S twice, 2nd Miss America S, to 7, 2016), SURFCUP (Snow Chief S, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd California Breeders Champion S), PACIFIC HEAT (Evening Jewel S, Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), SCROFA (Irish O’Brien S, Work the Crowd H, 3rd Fran’s Valentine S), MEDZENDEEKRON (Crystal Water H, 3rd Commonwealth S, G2A, Tiznow S), MR. CHAIRMAN (California Cup Classic H), TWENTY HAWKS (Governor’s Cup H), CHRISTIANA’S HEAT (Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Monrovia H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Wishing Well II Handicap), PASS THE HEAT (Joseph T. Grace H, Bull Dog S, 3rd Berkeley S, G3A, Forty Niner S, March Madness H), UNUSUAL SMOKE (TVG Khaled S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Classic S), LAKERVILLE (Clocker’s Corner S, 2nd San Simeon S, G3T, Green Flash H, Sensational Star S), AMERICA’S FRIEND (Solana Beach H, 3rd Dance In The Mood S), HEAT DU JOUR (Solana Beach H), MAJESTIC HEAT (Solana Beach S, to 4, 2016), BEST PRESENT EVER (Campanile S, 2nd John Deere California Cup Distaff S, 3rd American Oaks S, G1T), JULIESUGARDADDY (Harry Henson S, 2nd La Jolla H, G2T, 3rd Oceanside S), BELTENE (Sunshine Millions Oaks, 3rd Melair S), U’NARACK (Real Good Deal S), etc. UNUSUAL HEAT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CHEEKABOO (G2T), CENTRAL HEAT, BOOZER, MAJESTIC HEAT, PACIFIC HEAT.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg — — —


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$2,500 — 1—$2,500

FAMILY 1st dam Deputy Tombe. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $132,186, 3rd March Madness Starter H. Dam of 1 foal— HE BE FIRE N ICE (Subject stallion). 2nd dam EPI TOMBE. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, including— ZURI MWANA. 13 wins, 3 to 9, $208,586, Journal H, Spangled Jimmy H, 2nd Westerner H, 3rd Don Fleming H. AER AFRIK. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $117,512. ANGA. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $75,618. YO SYD. Winner at 3 and 4. 3rd dam MISS ICE QUEEN. 4 wins at 3, $52,892, Leslie J. Stakes, 2nd Inaugural S. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— FLEOTAN. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $101,380. BANDIT’S BOOTY. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $35,974. RUHLMISS. Winner at 4, $34,264. Producer. ARCTIC GOLD RUSH. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $27,156. Producer. CRAFTY CAPER. 2 wins at 3. ORPHANON. Winner at 3. 4th dam KUM KIM. Unraced. Dam of 13 foals, including— SILKY STEEL. 20 wins, 3 to 6, $178,802, Belle Roberts H, Carmel H, Brighouse Belles H, Cover Girl H, Rhododendron H, Fashion H, 2nd Ballerina H, Belle Roberts H twice, B. C. Oaks H, Alki H, Brighouse Belles H twice, Vanity H, Seafair Queen S, 3rd Mercer Girls H. Producer. Granddam of MAHASKA ($235,253, Chapman H, Bangles and Beads S, B. Thoughtful S, Senorita H, Puget Sound H, 2nd Las Cienegas H, Chapman H, Allez France H, 3rd Linda Vista Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Lafayette Breeders’ Cup H), ZASHRANY ($101,469, Rhododendron H, Fashion H, Ms. S). TALL WOODS. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $72,766. BONDELLA. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $59,121. Dam of PYRITE BONDS ($89,875, Ohio Debutante H, 2nd Miss Ohio S). 5th dam HAVE FAITH. 5 wins at 4. Dam of 8 foals, including— MOONLATELY. 13 wins, 2 to 6, $228,150, Independence Day H, Space Needle H, Renton H, Yakima H, Penney H, Au Revoir H, Washington Championship S twice, Lewis and Clark H, B. Marcus Priteca S, 2nd Memorial Day H, Renton H, Space Needle H, Dan Castle H, Yakima H, 3rd Independence Day H, Tacoma H, Playfair Mile H twice, H M. S Chatham H, Evergreen H, Ellensburg Rodeo H, Lewis and Clark H, Silver Spur H. KINGS FAITH. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $33,089, Washington State Breeders H, 3rd Governor’s Speed H.

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HE BE FIRE N ICE Unusual Heat – Deputy Tombe, by Deputy Commander

UNUSUAL HEAT’S FASTEST SON AT STUD • 2 3⁄4 Ragozin in the City of Hope defeating multiple G1 winner Obviously. • Fastest Turf Miler at stud in CA — 1:31.84 only .09 seconds off Eclipse Champion Wise Dan. • 104 Beyer, 2 3⁄4 Ragozin, 1 1⁄4 Thoro-Graph, 118 E-Speed • Multiple G2 placed Stakes Winning son of Pensioned Unusual Heat — CA’s all-time leading sire. • Over 90% gray/roan foals in first crop – 2016. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 (stands and nurses)


Phone: (951) 654-7728, 3901 W Esplanade Ave, Hemet, CA 92545 Email: or



Hidden Blessing

Entered Stud in 2014

b, 2006


2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals




0 8 9 5 14 8 44

0 1 1 0 3 2 7

0 1 1 1 0 1 4


0 1 1 0 5 3 10


— $44,600 $49,520 $8,710 $48,520 $26,680 $178,030

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($50,200, 8.5f, turf in 1:41.07, dftg. Universal Peace, No Stadium, Worth Repeating, B’s Lucky Strike, Schramsberg, Sir Ben). Won At 4 An allowance race at Hol ($56,300, 6f, turf in 1:08.80, dftg. Unionize, Luckiest Man, Dave’s Pacemaker, Wolgan Valley, Roman Counsel). Won At 6 A race at Dmr ($22,100, 5.5f, AW in 1:03.64, dftg. Hombre Hughes, Imperial Pride, Lone Justice, Orbach, Spartan Jet, Gibson Home Run, Rummysecret War, Brother Ernie, Double Jack, Cadillac Coach). A race at BHP ($20,350, 6f, AW in 1:12.15, dftg. Ranchero, Brereton Park, Silencio Gato, Double Jack, Best Logic). A race at SA ($17,080, 5.5f in 1:04.05, dftg. American Wildcat, Afleet Deal, Silencio Gato, Dance With Gable, Looking for Candy, Captain Shawn D, Arabian Storm). Won At 7 A race at SA ($18,750, 5.5f in 1:03.77, by 51, dftg. Silencio Gato, Arresting Officer, Chinese Praise, Classic Crusader, Cahill Report, Nate Dawg, Afleet Deal, Mark of a Warrior, Ol’dogtown, My Main Man, Play N Win). A race at Cby ($11,520, 5.5f in 1:04.17, by 43, dftg. Hard Nosed, Great Bam, Schillerthekiller, Covert Mission, Aurorin Shot, Musical Deputy, Douglass).

SIRE LINE Hidden Blessing is by ORIENTATE, black-type stakes winner of 10 races, $1,716,950, champion sprinter, NAPA Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Forego H (G1), Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S (G2), A.G. Vanderbilt H (G2), Aristides H (G3), Smile Sprint H, Indiana Derby, Sir Beaufort S, 2nd San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 787 foals, 627 rnrs (80%), 487 wnrs (62%), 123 2yo wnrs (16%), 37 BTW (5%), 1.26 AEI, 1.65 CI, 438 sale yrlgs, avg $44,722, 1.00 TNA. In 2016: 32 2yos, 8 2yo rnrs, 4 2yo wnrs, 1 BTW, 2 sale yrlgs, avg $16,000. ORIENTATE has sired LADY JOANNE (Alabama S, G1, Golden Rod S, G2, Dogwood S, G3, Banshee Breeze S, 2nd Mother Goose S, G1, Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, etc.), INTANGAROO (Humana Distaff S, G1, Ballerina S, G1, Santa Monica H, G1A, 3rd Las Flores H, G3A), DECLASSIFY (Triple Bend S, G1), LADY SPRINTER (Ciudad de Buenos Aires, G1 in Arg, Maipu, G1 in Arg, General Arenales, G3 in Arg, Loteria Nacional, G3 in Arg, Mexico, G3 in Arg), GREAT HOT (Lexus Raven Run S, G2A, Santa Maria S, G2, Torrey Pines S, 2nd La Canada S, G2, L.A. Woman S twice, etc.), KARA’S ORIENTATION (Sky Classic S, G2T, 2nd Canadian Derby, G3, PTHA President’s Cup S, Toronto Cup S), GREENSPRING (General George H, G2, 2nd Fall Highweight H, G3), SUCCESSFUL OUTLOOK (Tempted S, G3, 3rd Demoiselle S, G2), NIGHT MANEUVER (Bertram F. Bongard S, 2nd Affirmed Success S, 3rd Toccet S, Mike Lee S, Chowder’s First S, Spite the Devil S, etc., to 7, 2016), LITTLE POLKA DOT (Louisiana Showcase Ladies Sprint S, Unbridled Sidney S, Louisiana Cup Distaff S, Lookout S, 2nd La. Bred Premier Night Matron S, Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint S, etc.), MARVEEN (Lexus Century S, H Harvey Prestige Gold Coast Bracelet, Merson Cooper

STUD ANALYSIS Hidden Blessing entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Mt. Livermore, 1981 30s, BTW, $610,644 983 f, 70 BTW, 1.76 AEI Orientate, dkb/br, 1998 19s, BTW, $1,716,950 787 f, 37 BTW, 1.26 AEI 6.54 AWD Dream Team, 1985 6s, BTW, $317,410 9 f, 9 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Greeley, 1992 16s, BTW, $474,452 1,407 f, 64 BTW, 1.31 AEI Fast 'n Fleet, b, 1997 8s, wnr, $69,850 5 f, 5 r, 4 w 6.18 AWD Regent's Honey, 1977 Unraced 17 f, 16 r, 14 w, 4 BTW

S, 2nd Betfair Sandown Guineas, G2 in Aust, Mitty’s Queensland Guineas, G2 in Aust, Schweppervescence Matron S, G3 in Aust, etc.), TANIKA (Northlands Oaks, Matron S twice, Ken Pearson Memorial H, Wild Rose H, Madamoiselle S, etc.), CONGRESSIONAL PAGE (Michael G. Schaefer Mile S, Decathlon S, 2nd Commonwealth S, G2A, Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship S, G2, 3rd Hal’s Hope S, G3, to 11, 2016), ORIENTATE EXPRESS (Remington Green S, Veteran S, Omaha S, 2nd John B. Connally Turf H, G3T, Zia Park Distance Championship H), RIVER RUSH (Plate Trial S, 3rd Ontario Derby, G3A, to 7, 2016), BERMAISE (Matchmaker S), BEYONCE’S STAR (Simon George & Sons Just Now H, etc.), NATURAL SPEED (Great Falls S, 2nd Bonapaw S, 3rd Colonel Power S), GRANDMA’S RULES (River Cities S, Gaily Gaily S, 2nd Minnesota H.B.P.A. Distaff S), A ROSE FOR YOU (Star de Lady Ann S, 2nd New Year’s Eve S), SUMMERS PEACE (Washington State Legislators H, 2nd Golden Poppy S, etc.), STEELIN’ (Bangles and Beads S, 2nd Vacaville H), MISS ADDISON (Matron S, 3rd River Cities S, Ta Wee S), BONBONI (Derby Bar and Grill Express S), TATE’S LANDING (Laurel Futurity), WELL ACQUAINTED (Investec Surrey S, 2nd Somerville Tattersall S, G3 in Eng, 3rd Betfred the Bonus King Sirenia S, G3 in Eng, to 6, 2016), COLONEL RUTLEDGE (James C. Ellis Juvenile S, 2nd Marine S, 3rd Tall Ships S), GIPSON DESSERT (Criterium du Fonds Europeen de l’Elevage, 2nd Prix des Reservoirs, G3 in Fr), PRIME RULER (Foothill S, 3rd Sunny Slope S), WELCOME INN (Maryland Juvenile Filly Championship S, 2nd Twixt S), VIA VENETO (Bangles and Beads S), AARONS ORIENT (Kip Deville S), LITTLE WIDOW MAKER (Winnipeg Futurity), ALLEGRE (Wildcat H, 3rd Walter R. Cluer Memorial H), AUTUMN BLITZ (ATBA Fall Sales S, to 3, 2016), ITEM (Maryland Million Lassie S, at 2, 2016), QUEEN PASION (Produccion Nacional), Sashenka (2nd QRSE Racetree Tommy Smith Slipper, QRSE Kaleidoscope Classic C.E. McDougall S, 3rd Inglis Sires’ Produce S, G1 in Aust), Bailando Voy (2nd Paseana, G2 in Arg, Chile, G3 in Arg, etc.), etc. ORIENTATE’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is ITEM. ORIENTATE’S other sons as stallions include GREENSPRING (105 foals, 1 BTW, 1.18 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam FAST ’N FLEET. Winner at 3, $69,850. Dam of 5 foals, including— Remand (by Successful Appeal). 2 wins, 2 to 4, $127,185, 3rd Woody Stephens S (G2), Dwyer S (G2), Bay Shore S (G3). HIDDEN BLESSING (Subject stallion). FUNNY GIRL RACHEL (Distorted Humor). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $104,220. Producer. Dam of Hilarious Brown ($77,505, 3rd Ta Wee S, at 3, 2016).



Dosage (5-2-10-0-1); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.56 See gray pages—Nasrullah

height 16.1

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Flama Ardiente, 1972 49s, BTW, $192,732 6 f, 4 r, 2 w, 2 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Cox's Ridge, 1974 28s, BTW, $667,172 774 f, 49 BTW, 2.47 AEI

Best Turn, by Turn-to

Likely Double, 1973 34s, BTW, $74,504 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

Gone West, 1984 17s, BTW, $682,251 1,263 f, 94 BTW, 1.79 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Long Legend, 1978 6s, wnr, $24,293 16 f, 14 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Reviewer, by Bold Ruler

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

L'Arriviste, 1963 20s, wnr, $7,330 10 f, 9 r, 7 w

Social Climber, by Your Host

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Royal Rafale, by Reneged

Our Martha, by Ballydonnell

Likely Lark, by T. V. Lark

Secrettame, by Secretariat

Lianga, by Dancer's Image

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Selina II, by Sicambre

FLEET HONEY (Chief Seattle). 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Arg and NA, $45,764. Producer. 2nd dam REGENT’S HONEY. Unraced. Dam of 17 foals, incl.— SHAXI FORTUNE. 4 wins, 3 to 5, in HK, $786,586, Sha Tin Trophy, 3rd Sha Tin Futurity Trophy. MUFATTISH. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $366,060, Wickerr H, Royal Owl H, Big Sky II S, 2nd Citation H (G2T), Steinlen H, 3rd Golden Gate H (G3T). REGAL DREAMER. 3 wins at 2, $240,586, Canterbury Juvenile S, 2nd Breeders’ Futurity (G2), Hawthorne Juvenile S, 3rd Fountain of Youth S (G2), Kentucky Jockey Club S (G3). THREE CARD WILLIE. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $199,285, George Royal S, 3rd Aegon Turf Sprint S. Halo’s Honey. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $226,251, 2nd Display S, Yearling Sales S, Achievement H, 3rd Grey S (G3), Plate Trial S, Vandal S. Regent’s Pharlap. 2 wins at 2, $25,758, 3rd Yearling Sales S. REGENT’S HOPE. 11 wins, 4 to 7, $136,568. BUSHWACKER. 2 wins at 2, $36,573. REASONABLE THOUGHT. Winner at 3, $34,940. Producer. KEVIN’S A DEVIL. 3 wins at 4, $33,303. ACTS OF PRAYERS. 4 wins at 4, $29,419. Dam of NAPERON (Grande Premio Doutor Frontin, G2 in Brz, Grande Premio Natal, G3 in Brz, Grande Premio Criadores e Proprietarios de Cavalos de Corrida de Sao Paulo, G3 in Brz, Grande Premio J. Aiscan, G3 in Brz, Presidente Rafael A. Paes de Barros, 2nd Grande Premio Consagracao-Brazilian St. Leger, G2 in Brz, Grande Premio Sao Paulo Rede Globo, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio OSAF, G2 in Brz, 3rd Grande Premio Brasil, G1 in Brz, Grande Premio Oswaldo Aranha, G3 in Brz, Antonio da Silva Prado). ROMANTIC CHARMER. Winner at 4. Producer. DIAL A VICE. Winner at 3. Producer. 3rd dam L’ARRIVISTE. 3 wins at 2 and 3. Dam of 10 foals, including— HERMAN DEE. 23 wins, 3 to 11, $68,220. SWEET ROAD. Winner at 3. Dam of SIRONA ($56,207, Ontario Damsel S), Newmarket Flyer ($80,865, 2nd Vigil H, Friar Rock S, Shepperton S, Jacques Cartier S). Granddam of BLITZER ($772,503, Eclipse H, G3, Heresy Breeders’ Cup S, Kennedy Road Breeders’ Cup H twice, Autumn H, Breeders’ S, Achievement S, 2nd Toronto Cup S, Vigil H twice, Holiday Cheer S, Canadian Maturity S, Jacques Cartier S, 3rd Dominion Day H, G3, Nearctic H, Fair Play Breeders’ Cup S, Durham Cup H), DIAMONDS GALORE ($357,358, Ocean Hotel S, Wolf Hill S, Helioscope S, 3rd Keeneland Nunthorpe S, G1 in Eng), COZY STAR ($31,440, Junior Champion S).

check daily updates on

HIDDEN BLESSING Orientate – Fast ‘n Fleet, by Mr. Greeley

THE LEADING MONEY EARNER SIRED BY CHAMPION SPRINTER ORIENTATE TO STAND IN CALIFORNIA Seven Time Winner of $178,030 Leading Sire, ORIENTATE, is the sire of 89 Stakes horses and the winners of over $43,500,000. ORIENTATE is the broodmare sire of Champion and popular 1st-crop yearling sire SHANGHAI BOBBY, 2016 California Chrome SW UNCLE LINO, etc. Half-brother to multiple NY G2 stakes-placed Remand, out of a winning half sister to SHAXI FORTUNE (G2SW, $786,586), MUFATTISH (SW/G2SP), REGAL DREAMER (SW/MG2SP), THREE CARD WILLIE, Halo’s Honey (G3), Regent’s Pharlap, etc. From the family of G2 stakes winner WATCH ME GO ($628,375). Same ORIENTATE/MR. PROSPECTOR-line cross as INTANGAROO (G1), LADY JOANNE (G1), GREAT HOT (G2), SUCCESSFULL OUTLOOK (G3), etc. First foals are two-year-olds in 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL Standing at

BLUE DIAMOND HORSESHOE LLC Aguanga, California Inquiries to Mike Tippett, Blue Diamond Horseshoe LLC, 46090 Jojoba Hills Road, Aguanga, California 92536. Cell: (909) 518-0018. Fax: (951) 681-8567. E-mail: Website:




Entered Stud in 2014


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 5 6 6 17

0 1 2 0 3

0 3(1) 1 1 5(1)

0 0 2(1) 0 2(1)


— $77,400 $114,834 $20,585 $212,819

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at SA ($71,400, 5.5f in 1:02.33, by 31, dftg. Rothko, Meadow Road, Grip Hands, Cherryzapper, First Blue Angel, Guy On the Go, Eric the Ram). 2nd Delta Mile S (8f, to Decisive Moment, dftg. Matto Mondo, Omniscient, Glenwood Canyon, Avie’s Pegasus, And Music Came). Won At 4 A race at Dmr ($95,250, 8f, AW in 1:36.32, dftg. Great Warrior, El Gato Malo, Honour the Deputy, First Strike, McKenzies Way). A race at SA ($77,850, 7f in 1:21.80, dftg. Industry Leader, Scofield Barracks, Sammy’s a Runnin’, Thinking of Girls, Ain, High Level Jeff, Da Ruler, Mandated Bliss, Clinton, Via Verde, Lumberyard Jack). 3rd Michael G. Schaefer Memorial Mile S (8f, to Hurricane Ike, Good Lord, dftg. Forty Nine Watts, Shadowbdancing, Fast Alex, Stay Put, Thunder Affair, Big Town).

SIRE LINE Hoorayforhollywood is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Frizette S, G1, Personal Ensign H, G1, Matron S, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, etc.), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, 2nd Bell Canadian H, G2T, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr, Anheuser Busch Railway S, G3 in Ire, 2nd Woodward S, G1, etc.), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Juddmonte Lockinge S, G1 in Eng, Prix de la Salamandre, G1 in Fr, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng, Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, Dunnes Stores National S, G1 in Ire, etc.), BLACK MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Eng, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Italy, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in Italy, etc.), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire), SILKEN CAT (champion 2yo filly in Can), TABASCO CAT (Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, G1, Beldame S, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Ruffian H, G1, etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, Matron S, G1, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, NetJets Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, etc.), CAT THIEF (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Swaps S, G1, etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1A, etc.), BLUEGRASS CAT

STUD ANALYSIS Hoorayforhollywood entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Dosage (5-4-7-0-0); DI: 3.57; CD: 0.88 See gray pages—Nearctic

dkb/br, 2008

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Wild Rush, 1994 16s, BTW, $1,386,302 883 f, 37 BTW, 1.41 AEI Hollywood Story, dkb/br, 2001 27s, BTW, $1,171,105 6 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 7.18 AWD Wife for Life, 1994 32s, wnr, $90,954 10 f, 9 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Wild Again, 1980 28s, BTW, $2,204,829 944 f, 84 BTW, 2.23 AEI

Icecapade, by Nearctic

Rose Park, 1986 36s, BTW, $217,839 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Plugged Nickle, by Key to the Mint

Dynaformer, 1985 30s, BTW, $671,207 1,308 f, 131 BTW, 2.25 AEI

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Huggle Duggle, 1974 34s, BTW, $133,253 11 f, 8 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Never Bend, by Nasrullah

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Bushel-n-Peck, by Khaled

Hardship, by Drone

Andover Way, by His Majesty

Crown the Queen, by Swaps

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Nearctic; 5SX5D Nasrullah.

(Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), RAGING FEVER (Frizette S, G1, Ogden Phipps H, G1, Matron S, G1, etc.), HIGH YIELD (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, etc.), COURAGEOUS CAT (G1T), GOOD REWARD (G1T), AFTER MARKET (G1T), SARDULA (G1), CATINCA (G1), DESERT STORMER (G1), CONSOLIDATOR (G1), FORESTRY (G1), HENNESSY (G1), NOVEMBER SNOW (G1), ALDIZA (G1), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (2,259 foals, 168 BTW, 1.80 AEI), Freud (1,060 foals, 50 BTW, 1.59 AEI), HENNESSY (1,347 foals, 72 BTW, 1.55 AEI), BERNSTEIN (1,341 foals, 85 BTW, 1.55 AEI), PURE PRIZE, STORMY ATLANTIC, TRUE CAUSE, FORESTRY, etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — —

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$3,500 1—$3,500

FAMILY 1st dam HOLLYWOOD STORY. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $1,171,105, Hollywood Starlet S (G1), Vanity Invitational H (G1), Bayakoa H (G2), Hawthorne H (G3), 2nd Del Mar Debutante S (G1), Las Virgenes S (G1), Clement L. Hirsch H (G2), Milady Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Hawthorne H (G3), 3rd American Oaks Invitational (G1T), Santa Maria H (G1) twice, Lady’s Secret Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Oak Leaf S (G2), Hollywood Breeders’ Cup Oaks (G2). Dam of 6 foals, incl.— MISS HOLLYWOOD (by Malibu Moon). 3 wins at 4, 2016, $128,860, Monroe S, 2nd Barely Even S, 3rd Added Elegance S. Hoorayforhollywood (Subject stallion). HOLLYWOOD IDOL (Smart Strike). 2 wins at 4, placed at 5, 2016, $92,520. 2nd dam Wife for Life. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $90,954, 2nd Old South H. Dam of 10 foals, including— TOYO COZZENE. Winner at 3 in Japan, $106,305. 3rd dam HUGGLE DUGGLE. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $133,253, Gallorette H (G3T), Eatontown H, Opal S, 2nd Priscilla S, 3rd Signature S (G3), Garden City H, Shrewsbury H. Dam of 11 foals, including— AL MUNDHIR. 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Ger and Eng, placed in Italy, $25,889, Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen (G3 in Ger), 3rd Coppa d’Oro di Milano (G3 in Italy). Sire. Huddle Up. 3 wins, 2 to 6, $87,017, 2nd Debonair S, 3rd Riva Ridge S, Spotlight H, Bachelor S. Sire, 1.01 AEI.



HUG A SLEW. Winner at 2 and 3, $47,455. Dam of SEATTLE FITZ ($594,371, Brooklyn H, G2, Aqueduct H, G3, William Donald Schaefer H, G3, 2nd Donn H, G1, 3rd Fayette S, G3, Queens County H, G3, sire), HONEY FITZ (Orbit, in Arg), FANTASTICA ROMA (Asociacion de Propietarios de Caballos, G3 in Arg, Japon-Copa Facultad, G3 in Arg, 2nd Polla de Potrancas, G2 in Arg, Manuel J. Guiraldes, G3 in Arg, Bolivia). Granddam of FANTASTIC ROYALE (Comparacion, G2 in Arg, 2nd Copa de Oro-Alfredo Lalo, G1 in Arg, Miguel Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, G1 in Arg, Cocles H, 3rd General San Martin, G1 in Arg, etc.), HONEY NOV (Miguel A. Martinez de Hoz, G1 in Arg, Oswaldo Aranha, 2nd Estrellas Classic, G1 in Arg, Copa de Oro, G1 in Arg, etc.), SPLENDID CELEBRE (Omega, G3 in Arg, Asociacion de Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera, G3 in Arg, 2nd Orbit, 3rd Circulo Proprietarios Caballerizas Sangre Pura de Carrera, G3 in Arg). RAISE A DYNASTY. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Echo Echo ($125,798, 2nd Linkage S), Mean Imogene ($61,780, 3rd Santa Ynez S, G2). Granddam of SHARP SALLY ($174,449, Firecracker S, 3rd Mari Hulman George S, Lady’s Secret S). 4th dam CROWN THE QUEEN. 3 wins at 2 and 3, Miss Collinsville S, 2nd Clipsetta S, 3rd Miss Suwannee S. Dam of 10 foals, including— Slew’s Royalty. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $67,675, 3rd San Diego H (G3). Sire, 1.33 AEI. GAIN ACCLAIM. 2 wins at 3, $26,780. LOVE OF IRELAND. Winner at 4, $24,700. Dam of ROBIN DE NEST ($391,867, F.W. Gaudin Memorial H, 2nd Phoenix Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Thanksgiving H, etc.), Mr Freckles ($226,665, 3rd Norfolk S, G2), Da Bounboun ($125,795, 2nd Omnibus S), Joy of Ireland ($120,086, 2nd April Run S). 5th dam Village Beauty. 5 wins at 2 and 3, 3rd Alcibiades S. Dam of 9 foals, including— SILENT BEAUTY. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $118,807, Kentucky Oaks, Colonial H, Yo Tambien H, Miss Suwannee S, 2nd Falls City H, La Troienne S, 3rd Ashland S, Post-Deb S, Princess Doreen H. Dam of CATAHOULA ($48,897, Mercury S, 3rd Curtains Up H, Isi Newborn H, sire), SUGAR CHARLOTTE ($32,775, Hibiscus S, 2nd Misty Isle S), Loved From Afar ($38,209, 3rd Bold Princess S). VILLAGE SASS. 5 wins at 3, $69,349, Golden Gopher H, Charles Lindbergh H. Dam of SASSY CHIMES ($113,580, Chandler H, Danka Canada Ltd. Chantilly S, etc.), Sharp Sass (2nd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, G2 in Fr, etc.). Granddam of CALL ME GEORGE ($444,121, New Orleans H, G2, 3rd Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, etc.).

HOORAYFORHOLLYWOOD Storm Cat – Hollywood Story, by Wild Rush

Son of STORM CAT & Multiple G1 Winner HOLLYWOOD STORY By 2-time leading sire and sire of sires, STORM CAT, sire of 110 GSWs, 8 champions, including GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Grade 1, $3,078,989), STORM FLAG FLYING (Grade 1, $1,951,828), SWEET CATOMINE (Grade 1). Out of millionaire HOLLYWOOD STORY, winner of the 2003 Grade 1 Hollywood Starlet S. & 2006 Grade 1 Vanity Invitational H. Half-brother to black-type winner Miss Hollywood. Half brother to MISS HOLLYWOOD Stakes winner of Monroe Stakes placed in Added Elegance Stakes and Barely Even Stakes all at Gulfstream in 2016 with earnings of $128,860.

Black-type-placed Winner of 3 Races, $212,819, On-the-board in 11 of 15 starts: At 3: Won his debut in a 5 1/2-f. Santa Anita MSW & 2nd in the $125,000 Delta Mile S. at 1 mile. At 4: Won Santa Anita & Del Mar allowances, and 3rd in the Michael G. Schaefer Memorial Mile S. At 5: On-the-board in the Santana Mile S., won by CashCall Futurity Grade 1 winner Liaison. First 4 dams all stakes winners or stakes-placed & stakes producers, as well as from the family of Grade 1 winner Honey Nov (Arg) & Grade 2 winners Fantastic Royale & Seattle Fitz (Arg). Two half-siblings sold in 2012 & 2013 at Keeneland September, averaging $1,000,000. First Foals are 2YOs in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000-LIVE FOAL (Payable when foal stands and nurses.) Standing at

MILKY WAY FARM Inquiries to Linda Madsen, 34174 De Portola Road, Temecula, California 92592 (909) 241-6600. E-mail:



IdIot Proof

Dosage (5-3-12-0-0); DI: 2.33; CD: 0.65 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 2004



2 3 4 in NA, UAE 5 Totals




1 4(2) 0 0 5(2)

0 2(2) 3(3) 0 5(5)

0 $27,000 1(1) $803,136 1(1) $460,598 0 $3,750 2(2) $1,294,484

1 8 7 1 17


Won At 2 in North America A maiden special weight race at Hol ($45,000, 5f in 58.11, by 73, dftg. Warren Road, Spot the Diplomat, Teeman, Mr Topper). Won At 3 in North America Ancient Title S (G1A, $300,000, 6f in 1:07.57, NTR, dftg. Greg’s Gold, Barbecue Eddie, Bordonaro, Bad Boy). Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S (G3, $150,000, 6f in 1:07.47, NTR, by 71, dftg. Spin Master, Principle Secret, Southwestern Heat, Sir Five Star, Cherokee Country, West Coast Flier). An allowance race at Hol ($64,500, 6f, AW in 1:10.24, by 23, dftg. Scat Thief, Something Sonic, Pick Vic, Shem, Jack the Duffer, Saintly Son). A race at SA ($50,400, 6f in 1:09.64, by 21, dftg. Warrensgildedtime, Capt. Sparrow, Teeman, Bold Bengie, Steady Demand). 2nd TVG Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1, 6f, to Midnight Lute, dftg. Talent Search, Benny the Bull, Kelly’s Landing, Bordonaro, Commentator, Greg’s Gold, Smokey Stover, Forefathers). Sunshine Millions Dash S (6f, to Storm in May, dftg. Texas Voyager, Ididn’tdoanything, James Wilfred, Another Kris, Leonardo, Complexity, Forbidden Bear, Felonious Monk, Can This Be True, etc.). 3rd Real Good Deal S (7f, AW, to Big Bad Leroybrown, Zoning In, dftg. Leesider, Pirates Deputy, Running Rich). 2nd At 4 in North America Green Flash H (5f, turf, to Get Funky, dftg. Magic Texan, Peace Chant, Bonfante, Barber, Frank the Barber). Phoenix Gold Cup H (6f, to Tribesman, dftg. Sailors Sunset, Ducky Drake, King Justin, Snowbound Halo, Trail This, Sax Notes, Family Guy). 3rd El Conejo H (G3A, 5.5f, to In Summation, Barbecue Eddie, dftg. Council Member, Barber). 2nd At 4 in United Arab Emirates Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen (G1 in UAE, 6f, to Benny the Bull, dftg. Star Crowned, Barbecue Eddie, New Freedom, Esperamos, Diabolical, Drift Ice, Narc, Mutamarres, Sarissa, Cobalt Blue, Bushwacker, Calrissian, Munaddam).

SIRE LINE IDIOT PROOF is by BENCHMARK, black-type stakes winner of 7 races, $636,707, Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Bernardino H (G2), 2nd San Diego H (G3), 3rd Triple Bend Invitational Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Californian S (G2), San Diego H (G3).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named Year Foals 2011 17 2012 5 2013 6 2014 10 *Totals 38

Runners 14 (82%) 4 (80%) 3 (50%) 2 (20%) 23 (61%)

Winners 9 (53%) 4 (80%) 1 (17%) 2 (20%) 16 (42%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 5 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 10 0

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (20%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (3%)

By Racing Year Year Wins 2013 8 2014 17 2015 15 2016 8 *Totals 48 1.29 AEI; 1.14 CI; 5.35 AWD In 2016: 9 rnrs, 6 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 5 wins, $323,441 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $50,013 *to November 6, 2016


BT Wins 0 0 2 0 2

Earned $64,564 $381,411 $491,482 $206,660 $1,144,117

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI Benchmark, b, 1991 16s, BTW, $636,707 726 f, 30 BTW, 1.20 AEI 6.40 AWD Winters' Love, 1982 10s, wnr, $48,911 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Bertrando, 1989 24s, BTW, $3,185,610 1,072 f, 53 BTW, 1.32 AEI Perfectly Pretty, dkb/br, 1999 6s, wnr, $40,968 10 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 5.97 AWD Lasting Beauty, 1993 7s, wnr, $23,025 9 f, 6 r, 4 w

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Sweet Tooth, 1965 41s, wnr, $86,004 13 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

On-and-On, by Nasrullah

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Cold Hearted, 1974 20s, BTW, $59,353 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Skywalker, 1982 20s, BTW, $2,226,750 533 f, 43 BTW, 1.62 AEI

Relaunch, by In Reality

Gentle Hands, 1979 12s, wnr, $40,275 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Buffalo Lark, by T. V. Lark

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

With Style, 1985 9s, wnr, $21,576 11 f, 9 r, 6 w

Smarten, by Cyane

Raise You, by Case Ace

Plum Cake, by Ponder

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Turn to North, by Turn-to

Bold Captive, by Boldnesian

Three Red Bells, by Third Martini

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Leisure Road, by Jungle Road

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Northern Dancer.

To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 726 foals, 556 rnrs (77%), 433 wnrs (60%), 106 2yo wnrs (15%), 30 BTW (4%), 1.20 AEI, 1.10 CI, 223 sale yrlgs, avg $16,268, 0.36 TNA. In 2016: 4 2yos, 1 BTW. BENCHMARK has sired POINTS OFFTHEBENCH (champion sprinter, Bing Crosby S, G1A, Santa Anita Sprint Championship S, G1), BROTHER DEREK (Santa Anita Derby, G1, Hollywood Futurity, G1, Norfolk S, G2, Santa Catalina S, G2, San Rafael S, G2, 2nd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), SILENT SIGHS (Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Ocala Stud Oaks, California Breeders’ Champion S, 2nd California Cup Juvenile Fillies S), A TO THE Z (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H, G2T, Sunland Park H, California Cup Mile H, 2nd Citation H, G1T, 3rd Dallas Turf Cup H), PROPOSED (Milady Breeders’ Cup H, G2, El Encino S, G2, B. Thoughtful S, 2nd Santa Maria H, G1, etc.), COMPROMETIDO (Clasico America, G2 in Peru, 3rd Clasico Velocidad, G3 in Peru), BENCH POINTS (Lazaro Barrera Memorial S, G3A, Graduation S, I’m Smokin S, 3rd San Felipe S, G2, Real Good Deal S), GRAZEN (Affirmed H, G3A, El Cajon S, 2nd Swaps S, G2A), STANDARD SETTER (Golden Gate Derby, G3, 2nd Malcolm Anderson S, etc.), DUCKY DRAKE (Iowa Sprint H, Zia Park Express S, etc.), MARKS MINE (California State Fair Sprint H, etc.), DON’TSELLMESHORT (California Breeders’ Champion S, Graduation S, etc.), RED WARRIOR (Padua Stables Sprint S, 2nd Sensational Star H, etc.), MAGIC MARK (Harry F. Brubaker S, Bertrando S, etc., to 6, 2016), POINT OF REFERENCE (California State Fair Sprint H, Harvest S, etc.), STELLA MARK (Tiznow S, 3rd Lone Star Park H, G3), SISTER KATE (California Governor’s Cup H, Santa Lucia S, etc.), ALYWYN (City of Edmonton Distaff H, Duchess of York H, etc.), LUSCIOUS LONNA (Miss America S, Golden Poppy S twice), SMOOTH PERFORMER (E.B. Johnston S, 2nd Hollywood Oaks, G2A, etc.), BENCH THE JUDGE (Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S, etc.), BENCH GLORY (Irish O’Brien S), WINE THIEF (Zia Park Distaff S, etc.), R EL JEFE (ATBA Fall Sales S, etc.), CES’T MARK (California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S), BOLD BENGIE (Yavapai Downs Futurity), MARK’S MY NAME (ATBA Spring Sales S, to 11, 2016), MINNETONKA MIST (ATBA Fall Sales S, etc.), Sierra Nights (champion older female in Pol), etc. BENCHMARK’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is MAGIC MARK. BENCHMARK’S other sons as stallions include GRAZEN (55 foals, 3 BTW, 1.64 AEI), BROTHER DEREK (132 foals, 6 BTW, 1.17 AEI), etc. IDIOT PROOF Has Sired: RICHARD’S BOY, 12, g (A++, dam by Cee’s Tizzy, 2nd dam by Half Term): $388,060, Desert Code S, Jess Jackson Owners’ H, 2nd Eddie D Stakes (G3T), Green Flash H, California Flag H, Sensational Star S, Harris Farm S, 3rd Echo Eddie S, to 4, 2016.



Idiot Proof also has sired the winners Frisco Fog ($165,034, 3rd Oak Tree Distaff S), Faith Proof ($89,420), Jenna’s Faith ($87,730, to 4, 2016), Ruff Proof ($63,560), Maddie Moo ($60,057), Alizarin Beauty ($59,210, to 3, 2016), Good Proof ($41,265, to 5, 2016), Where Is My Mind ($32,925, to 4, 2016), Kat Proof, Ride the Sky, Where’s the Proof (to 5, 2016), Indian Proof, On Autopilot (in Mex), and 2016 2-yearold winners Ninety Nine Proof, Eileen.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$5,500 3—$29,023 12—$11,339

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 4—$3,300

FAMILY 1st dam PERFECTLY PRETTY. Winner at 3, $40,968. Dam of 10 foals, including— IDIOT PROOF (Subject stallion). HIGH INTELLECT (by Benchmark). 6 wins, 2 to 7, $114,163. MALIBU MOGUL (Malibu Moon). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2016, $86,481. PERFECTLY NICE (Benchmark). 3 wins to 3, $63,082. DESIGNATED (Smart Strike). 2 wins, 3 to 5, 2016, $30,070. 2nd dam LASTING BEAUTY. Winner at 3, $23,025. Dam of 9 foals, including— EXQUISITE BEAUTY. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $168,798. Producer. Dam of Serbian Syclone ($145,225, 2nd San Pedro S, 3rd Albany S, to 4, 2016). 3rd dam WITH STYLE. Winner at 2, $21,576. Dam of 11 foals, including— Oak Hill. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $92,346, 3rd Black Gold H. All Slew. Winner at 2 and 3, $38,578, 3rd Natalma S. Dam of SKY DREAMS ($192,319, Alameda County Fillies and Mares H, 2nd Yerba Buena Breeders’ Cup H, G3T, Hillsborough H). 4th dam LEISURE ROAD. 10 wins at 3 and 4, $50,225, Ascot Sophomore S, Brighouse Belles H, Hopeful H, Klondike H, Vanity H, 2nd Derby Trial H, 3rd B. C. Oaks H, etc. Dam of 9 foals, including— FIRST SUMMER DAY. 3 wins at 3, $139,539, Canadian Oaks. Dam of MOST VALIANT ($775,079, Fair Play Breeders’ Cup S, Valedictory S, Canadian Maturity S, 2nd Grey S, G3, Horometer S, etc.). TIME LAP. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $134,522, Bunty Lawless S, 3rd Toronto Cup H. Snip of Luck. 6 wins to 5, $97,243, 3rd Sir Barton S.

IDIOT PROOF Benchmark – Perfectly Pretty, by Bertrando

Eclipse Award Finalist, California Champion Sprinter, Champion 3YO Colt And a Leading Fourth-Crop California Sire Sire of Graded Performer & Multiple SW RICHARD’S BOY ($388,060), 1-2-3 in 12 of 16 starts, incl. 2016 Grade 3 Eddie D. Stakes, 2nd by only a head in the 2016 $100,000 California Flag H. and 2016 Sensational Star S.); plus Frisco Fog ($165,034, 3rd Oak Tree Distaff S.); and new track record setter FAITH PROOF, 6 wins in 8 starts by a combined 12 lengths, 5f in :56.42. First Two Crops: 82% Starters/Foals, 72% Winners/Starters, 11% Stakes Horses/ Starters, Average Earnings per starter $56,600+ IDIOT PROOF set new track records on dirt and synthetic winning a G1 & G3 at 3 G.S.M. 99.8 G.S.M. = Genetic Stallion Marker; Go to to learn more about how genetics can be used to help with your breeding decisions Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE (payable when foal stands and nurses) Property of a Partnership, Standing at

VICTORY ROSE THOROUGHBREDS Inquiries to Ellen Jackson, 5144 Allendale Road, Vacaville, California 95688


(707) 678-6580/FAX (707) 678-6580. E-mail: or website:




IndIan Gods

Entered Stud in 2015

dkb/br, 2009


2 3 4 5 Totals


0 1 4 1 6




0 0 0 0 0

0 1 3 0 4

0 0 0 0 0


— $9,000 $19,720 $250 $28,970

In Excess, 1987 25s, BTW, $1,740,861 1,003 f, 57 BTW, 1.52 AEI Indian Charlie, b, 1995 5s, BTW, $616,120 952 f, 81 BTW, 1.84 AEI 6.65 AWD Soviet Sojourn, 1989 10s, BTW, $270,110 11 f, 9 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

SIRE LINE Indian Gods is by INDIAN CHARLIE, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $616,120, Santa Anita Derby (G1), 3rd Kentucky Derby (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 952 foals, 780 rnrs (82%), 583 wnrs (61%), 155 2yo wnrs (16%), 81 BTW (9%), 1.84 AEI, 1.60 CI, 548 sale yrlgs, avg $108,613, 2.42 TNA. In 2016: 5 BTW. INDIAN CHARLIE has sired INDIAN BLESSING (champion 2yo filly and female sprinter, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Frizette S, G1, La Brea S, G1A, Prioress S, G1, etc.), FLEET INDIAN (champion older female, Beldame S, G1, Personal Ensign S, G1, Delaware H, G2, Sixty Sails H, G3, Next Move H, G3, etc.), UNCLE MO (champion 2yo colt, Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Champagne S, G1, Kelso H, G2, Timely Writer S, 2nd Foxwoods King’s Bishop S, G1, etc.), ROXY GAP (champion female sprinter and older female in Can, Hendrie S, G2A, etc.), INDIAN APPLE IS (champion female sprinter in Can, Ontario Fashion S, etc.), INDIANO (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Pan, Carry Back S, G2, Mr. Prospector S, G3, etc.), A. P. INDIAN (Priority One Jets Forego S, G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G1, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S, G2, Belmont Sprint Championship S, G3, etc., to 6, 2016), BY THE MOON (Frizette S, G1, Bed o’ Roses H, G3, Caesar’s Wish S, 2nd Acorn S, G1, Ballerina S, G1, Spinaway S, G1, etc., to 4, 2016), PAMPERED PRINCESS (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, Banshee Breeze S, Wayward Lass S, etc.), LIAISON (CashCall Futurity, G1A, Mervyn LeRoy H, G2A, etc.), SOMETHING EXTRA (Connaught Cup S, G2T twice, Highlander S, G2T, Shakertown S, G3T, Mt. Sassafras S, 2nd Shakertown S, G2T twice, etc., to 8, 2016), MY PAL CHARLIE (Super Derby, G2, 2nd Louisiana Derby, G2, Churchill Downs S, G2, Northern Dancer S, G3, 3rd Prairie Meadows Cornhusker H, G2, etc.), TWO TRAIL SIOUX (Fleur de Lis H, G2, Bayakoa S, 2nd Delaware H, G2, 3rd Personal Ensign S, G1), BWANA CHARLIE (Amsterdam S, G2, Lafayette S, G3, etc.), WISHING GATE (San Clemente H, G2T, Autumn Miss S, G3T, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, John C. Mabee S, G2T, etc.), INDIAN FIREWATER (San Fernando S, G2, Nashville S, 2nd Sir Beaufort S, G3, etc.), ADIOS CHARLIE (Jerome S, G2, 2nd Peter Pan S, G2, Dwyer S, G2), ANTHONY’S CROSS (Robert B. Lewis S, G2, etc.), MR. NIGHTLINGER (Shakertown S, G3T, Aegon Turf Sprint S, G3T, Arlington Sprint H, etc.), CINCO CHARLIE (Bashford Manor S, G3, etc., to 4, 2016), SUBTLE INDIAN (Count Fleet Sprint H, G3, Hot Springs S, Gazebo S, 2nd Triple Bend S, G1, Kona Gold S, G2, to 4, 2016), FEATHERED (Edgewood S, G3T, 2nd American Oaks, G1T, Starlet S, G1, etc.), CONVEYANCE (Southwest S, G3, San Rafael S, G3A, 2nd Sunland Derby, G3, Mahab Al Shimaal Sponsored by Emirates Airline, G3 in UAE, etc.), INDYANNE (Thoroughbred Club of America S, G3A, Azalea S, G3, etc.), RUMOR (Las Flores S, G3, etc.), CHARLIE’S MOMENT (Lazaro Barrera Memorial S, G3A, Gateway to Glory S, King

STUD ANALYSIS Indian Gods entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.

Dosage (6-2-4-0-0); DI: 5.00; CD: 1.17 See gray pages—Nasrullah

height 16.1

Boston Harbor, 1994 8s, BTW, $1,934,605 656 f, 20 BTW, 1.00 AEI Lyin Goddess, dkb/br, 2001 10s, BTW, $80,380 6 f, 4 r, 2 w 6.10 AWD Sweet Little Lies, 1986 Unraced 12 f, 11 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Siberian Express, 1981 11s, BTW, $159,587 308 f, 10 BTW, 1.22 AEI

Caro, by Fortino II

Kantado, 1976 14s, wnr, $5,011 13 f, 12 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Saulingo, by Sing Sing

Leo Castelli, 1984 11s, BTW, $274,497 410 f, 21 BTW, 1.13 AEI

Sovereign Dancer, by Northern Dancer

Political Parfait, 1984 23s, wnr, $12,210 12 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Diplomat Way, by Nashua

Capote, 1984 10s, BTW, $714,470 824 f, 62 BTW, 1.59 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Harbor Springs, 1989 11s, BTW, $123,038 15 f, 12 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Double Deceit, 1976 21s, BTW, $186,200 4 f, 3 r, 3 w

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Indian Call, by Warfare

Vi, by Vilmorin

Suspicious Native, by Raise a Native

Peach Butter, by Creme dela Creme

Too Bald, by Bald Eagle

Tinnitus, by Restless Wind

Raise You, by Case Ace

Double Agent, by Double Jay

Inbreeding: 5SX5DX4d Northern Dancer; 5sX3d Raise a Native.

Glorious H, etc.), SHAISHEE (Mahab Al Shimaal Sponsored By Emirates Skywards, G3 in UAE, etc., to 6, 2016), BRAZEN PERSUASION (Schuylerville S, G3), ROCKET TWENTYONE (Arlington-Washington Lassie S, G3A, 3rd Dixie Belle S), STAR HARBOUR (Pelican S, Sunshine State S, etc.), Indian Express (champion 2yo colt in Pan, 2nd Santa Anita Derby, G1), Gold Farma (champion older female in Pan), etc. INDIAN CHARLIE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are A. P. INDIAN (G1), BY THE MOON (G3), SUBTLE INDIAN (G3), CINCO CHARLIE, COMFORT. INDIAN CHARLIE’S other sons as stallions include UNCLE MO (313 foals, 21 BTW, 3.14 AEI), BWANA CHARLIE (194 foals, 4 BTW, 1.26 AEI), CINDAGO, etc.

FAMILY 1st dam LYIN GODDESS. Winner at 2 and 3, $80,380, Juan Gonzalez Memorial S, 2nd Santa Paula S. Dam of 6 foals, including— JACKSON N LORIMER (by Afleet Alex). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $58,566. INDAVIDUALIST (Kantharos). Winner at 3, 2016, $33,600. INDIAN GODS (Subject stallion). 2nd dam SWEET LITTLE LIES. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— MALIBU LIGHT. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $134,627, Las Ninas S, 3rd Pine Tree Lane H. Producer. Dam of Star Of Flight ($146,184, 3rd Glenlogan Park Fillies & Mares H, in Aust). LITTLE LADY LIAR. Winner at 2. Producer. Dam of Tracy’s Tonka Toy ($218,881, 3rd Victoria Park S). 3rd dam DOUBLE DECEIT. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $186,200, Torrey Pines S, 2nd A Gleam H, 3rd San Clemente S. Dam of 4 foals, including— MED REEL. 11 wins, 2 to 7, in Italy, $85,395. GOVERNOR TOM. 2 wins at 3, $46,200. 4th dam DOUBLE AGENT. Winner at 2. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— DECEIT. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $291,230, Acorn S, Mother Goose S, Matchmaker S, Astarita S, Fashion S, Colleen S, Polly Drummond S, 2nd Delaware H, Ashland S, Demoiselle S, Blue Hen S, 3rd Sorority

S, Spinaway S, Comely S, Falls City H. Dam of DECEIT DANCER ($249,935, champion 2yo filly in Can, My Dear S, Glorious Song S, Fury S, Fanfreluche S, 2nd Star Shoot S, 3rd Selene S, Canadian Oaks, etc.), NAGURSKI ($240,196, Woodlawn S, G3T, Jockey Club Cup H, Canadian Maturity, 2nd Hoist the Flag S, Seagram Cup H, 3rd Riggs H, G3T, sire), DIANA DANCE ($130,669, Neuss Stuten Preis der Gunnewig Hotels, G2 in Ger, Grosser Philipps Preis, Kronimus-Rennen, 2nd ARAG-Preis-German One Thousand Guineas, G2 in Ger, etc.), ACCOMPLICE ($53,276, Ashford Castle S, 2nd Escondido H, Ballycorus S, 3rd Beresford S, G2 in Ire). Granddam of LORD NELSON ($656,530, Lieutenant Governors’ H, G3 twice, British Columbia Cup Classic H twice, George Royal S twice, S.W. Randall Plate H twice, Hong Kong Jockey Club Sprint H twice, John Longden 6000 Handicap, Sir Winston Churchill H, Hong Kong Jockey Club H, 2nd Lieutenant Governors’ H, G3 twice, Premier’s S, G3, George Royal S twice, Victoria Day S, Sir Winston Churchill H, etc.), COOL HALO ($215,710, King Edward Gold Cup, G3T, 2nd Queen’s Plate S, 3rd Canadian Derby, Prince of Wales S, sire). Pondelli. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $73,281, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben King’s H, 3rd Louisiana H. Sire. Gallant Agent. Winner at 2, 2nd Bashford Manor S. Sire. SWEETLY SCHEMING. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $37,020. Dam of DOUBLE QUICK ($550,383, El Camino Real Derby, G3, Phil D. Shepherd S, Desert Wine Sales S, Costa Mesa S, 2nd Hoist the Flag S, G2, etc., sire), HIGH SCHEMES ($388,390, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Gazelle H, G2, Queen Charlotte H, G2T, 2nd Mother Goose S, G1, etc.), Sweet Tryst. Granddam of VERY SUBTLE ($1,608,360, Breeders’ Cup Sprint, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Fantasy S, G1, Test S, G2, Las Flores H, G3, La Brea S, G3, Santa Ynez S, G3, Railbird S, G3, Pasadena S, Sporting Lass S, 2nd Las Virgenes S, G2, Barbara Fritchie H, G3, El Encino S, G3, Potrero Grande H, G3, Majorette H, Chicago Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, 3rd La Canada S, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, etc.), SCHEMATIC ($204,242, Honorable Miss S, etc.), FAVORITE NORM ($77,025, Harvey’s Triple H, etc.).

2017 FEE: $2,000 LivE FoaL (payable when foal stands and nurses)

BrazEau ThoroughBrEd Farms, LP Hemet, CA Inquiries to Nadine Anderson, Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 State St., Hemet, CA 92543. Phone (951) 201-2278. Fax (951) 925-6792. E-mail: Web Site:




b, 2004



2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals

0 6 9 9 3 1 28




0 1 3 2(2) 0 0 6(2)

0 3 1 1(1) 1 0 6(1)

0 1 0 0 0 0 1


— $67,520 $92,640 $346,179 $11,410 $3,600 $521,349

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at OSA ($58,900, 8.5f, AW in 1:41.85, dftg. Any Kind of Storm, Orientate Slew, Fortunate Victory, Classic Attire, Cadeaux du Monde). Won At 4 An allowance race at Dmr ($83,500, 8.5f, AW in 1:42.95, by 5, dftg. Saint Spot, Top Emblem, South Bay Scoty, Smooth and Savvy, Nima’s Pad, Thrust, Soldier, Matuco). A race at Hol ($56,700, 8.5f, AW in 1:41.53, dftg. Gregorian Bay, Limestone Edge, Bad Boy, Time to Get Even, Autism Awareness, Belo Purse). A race at Hol ($22,400, 8.5f, AW in 1:42.69, by 81, dftg. Cut Trail, Angus, Babu, Scotty Jones, Elregalo). Won At 5 San Diego H (G2A, $250,000, 8.5f in 1:41.91, dftg. Mast Track, Song of Navarone, Temple City, Sangaree, Kelly Leak, Magnum, Well Armed). Californian S (G2A, $250,000, 9f in 1:48.37, dftg. Rail Trip, Dakota Phone, Song of Navarone, Awesome Gem, Ball Four, Ukiah, Unusual Smoke, Mr Napper Tandy, Aitcho). 2nd San Pasqual H (G2A, 8.5f, to Cowboy Cal, by a nose, dftg. Magnum, Well Armed, Mostacolli Mort, Racketeer, Past the Point, Marchfield, Ball Four).

SIRE LINE INFORMED is by TIZNOW, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $6,427,830, Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt, and older male, Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1) twice, Santa Anita H (G1), Super Derby (G1), Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2), Affirmed H (G3), 2nd Pacific Classic S (G1), Swaps S (G1), Strub S (G2), 3rd Woodward S (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 1,192 foals, 898 rnrs (75%), 581 wnrs (49%), 121 2yo wnrs (10%), 59 BTW (5%), 1.69 AEI, 1.88 CI, 596 sale yrlgs, avg $158,649, 3.54 TNA. In 2016: 80 2yos, 30 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 4 BTW, 41 sale yrlgs, avg $152,390. TIZNOW has sired WELL ARMED (champion older male in UAE, Dubai World Cup Sponsored by Emirates Airline, G1 in UAE, Goodwood S, G1A, San Diego H, G2A, San Antonio H, G2A, 2nd Pacific Classic S, G1A, etc.), BEAR NOW (champion older female in Can, Fitz Dixon Cotillion H, G2, Selene S, G3A, Kentucky Cup Distaff S, G3A, Ontario Matron S, Duchess S, etc.), FOLKLORE (champion 2yo filly, Alberto VO5 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Matron S, G1, Adirondack S, G2, 2nd Spinaway S, G2, Astoria S, etc.), DA’ TARA (Belmont S, G1, 2nd Barbaro S), TOURIST (Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, Fourstardave H, G1T, More Than Ready Mile S, Sir Cat S, 2nd Secretariat S, G1T, Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc., to 5, 2016), COLONEL JOHN (Travers S, G1, Santa Anita Derby, G1A, Sham S, G3A, Real

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Year 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 23 22 45

Runners 14 (61%) 8 (36%) 22 (49%)

Winners 7 (30%) 3 (14%) 10 (22%)

2yo Wnrs 4 3 7

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2015 5 0 2016 9 0 *Totals 14 0 0.64 AEI; 0.63 CI; 6.27 AWD In 2016: 22 rnrs, 8 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $16,412 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $127,628 $233,433 $361,061

Dosage (2-1-6-0-1); DI: 1.50; CD: 0.30 See gray pages—Matchem

height 16.0

Cee’s Tizzy, 1987 6s, wnr, $173,150 740 f, 28 BTW, 1.58 AEI Tiznow, b, 1997 15s, BTW, $6,427,830 1,192 f, 59 BTW, 1.69 AEI 7.64 AWD Cee’s Song, 1986 18s, wnr, $82,225 14 f, 13 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Tabasco Cat, 1991 18s, BTW, $2,347,671 489 f, 24 BTW, 1.36 AEI Cajun Two Step, b, 1997 17s, wnr, $83,970 8 f, 8 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 8.18 AWD Tapstress, 1990 24s, BTW, $152,210 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Tizly, 1981 6s, wnr, $6,209 11 f, 9 r, 8 w

Lyphard, by Northern Dancer

Seattle Song, 1981 9s, BTW, $295,321 352 f, 20 BTW, 1.75 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Lonely Dancer, 1975 10s, wnr, $3,873 15 f, 13 r, 12 w, 2 BTW

Nice Dancer, by Northern Dancer

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Barbicue Sauce, 1983 38s, wnr, $211,743 6 f, 6 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Sauce Boat, by Key to the Mint

Desert Wine, 1980 25s, BTW, $1,618,043 434 f, 18 BTW, 1.11 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Ameridouble, 1973 Unraced 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Tizna, by Trevieres

Incantation, by Prince Blessed

Sleep Lonely, by Pia Star

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Lady Barbizon, by Barbizon

Anne Campbell, by Never Bend

Amerigo’s Fancy, by Amerigo

Inbreeding: 5SX5SX5D Northern Dancer.

Quiet S, Wickerr S, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc.), TIZWAY (Whitney Invitational H, G1, Metropolitan H, G1, Kelso H, G2, 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup S, G1, Metropolitan H, G1, Gulfstream Park H, G2, etc.), MORNING LINE (Carter H, G1, Pennsylvania Derby, G2, Mervyn LeRoy H, G2A, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, Donn H, G1, 3rd Triple Bend H, G1A, etc.), TIZ MIZ SUE (Ogden Phipps H, G1, Azeri S, G3 twice, Polly’s Jet S, Winter Melody S, 2nd Apple Blossom H, G1, etc.), BULLSBAY (Whitney H, G1, Alysheba S, G3, Harrison E. Johnson Memorial H, 2nd Hal’s Hope S, G3, Sussex S, John B. Campbell H, etc.), TOUGH TIZ’S SIS (Ruffian H, G1, Lady’s Secret S, G1A, Hollywood Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2A, Hawthorne H, G3A, etc.), GEMOLOGIST (Resorts World Casino New York City Wood Memorial S, G1, Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2), STRONG MANDATE (Hopeful S, G1, 2nd Southwest S, G3, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), MY SWEET ADDICTION (Vanity S, G1, 2nd Zenyatta S, G1, 3rd Desert Stormer S), TIZDEJAVU (American Derby, G2T, Jefferson Cup S, G2T, Firecracker H, G2T, Crown Royal American Turf S, G3T, Opening Verse S, 3rd Secretariat S, G1T), TIZAQUEENA (Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S, G2T, Arlington Matron S, G3A, Bayou H, Allen LaCombe Memorial H, Fortin H, 2nd First Lady S, G1T, etc.), SLEW’S TIZZY (Coolmore Lexington S, G2A, Lone Star Derby, G3, Native Diver H, G3A, 3rd Pegasus S, G3, Commonwealth Turf S), NORUMBEGA (Brooklyn Invitational S, G2, 2nd Discovery H, G3, Skip Away S, G3, to 6, 2016), TIZ SHEA D (Indiana Derby, G2, 2nd Gotham S, G3, to 4, 2016), ELLAFITZ (Santa Maria S, G2, Bayakoa H, G2A, Paseana H, 2nd Marjorie L. Everett H, G2A, 3rd Santa Ysabel S, G3A, Torrey Pines S), TIZFIZ (San Gorgonio H, G2T, Edward J. DeBartolo Sr. Memorial H, West Virginia Senate President’s S, Queen of the Green H, 3rd Buena Vista H, G2A), TIZ WINDY (Indiana Oaks, G2, 3rd Fleur de Lis H, G2, Shuvee H, G3), BIG KICK (San Juan Capistrano S, G2T, to 7, 2016), LOVELY LIL (Go for Wand H, G2, Union Avenue S, 2nd Friendly Island Iroquois S, etc.), TIZ WONDERFUL (Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, Iroquois S, G3, etc.), TIZAHIT (Demoiselle S, G2, 2nd Blue Hen S), CARINOSA (Marcos Levalle, G2 in Arg, 2nd Criadores, G1 in Arg), FURY KAPCORI (Precisionist S, G3, Charlie Palmer Futurity, Santana Mile S, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, Californian S, G2, etc.), GOLDEN ITIZ (Affirmed H, G3A, 3rd Longacres Mile H, G3), AMERICAN LION (Illinois Derby, G3, Hollywood Prevue S, G3A, 3rd Robert B. Lewis S, G2A), DYNAMIC IMPACT (Illinois Derby, G3, to 5, 2016), KITTY IN A TIZZY (G3A), DIRECT LINE (G3), KENTUCKIAN (G3, to 4, 2016), etc. TIZNOW’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are TOURIST (G1T), PINK POPPY, MODERN, TIZ A SLAM. TIZNOW’S other sons as stallions include BULLSBAY (46 foals, 3 BTW, 1.58 AEI), TIZ WONDERFUL (482 foals, 21 BTW, 1.40 AEI), COLONEL JOHN (394 foals, 12 BTW, 1.11 AEI), TIZWAY (173 foals, 7 BTW, 1.10 AEI), etc.



INFORMED Has Sired: Informed has sired the winners Dragon Flower ($110,745, to 3, 2016), Devils Informer (to 3, 2016), Scrap Iron (to 3, 2016), Looking for Info (to 3, 2016), Red Hot Info (at 3, 2016), Mrs. O P Cafe (at 3, 2016), Informed Lover (to 3, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winners Informed Spirit, Informant, Kylie Informed.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 7—$2,357 2—$1,100 11—$2,745

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 4—$2,000 5—$1,200 11—$1,673

FAMILY 1st dam CAJUN TWO STEP. Winner at 3, $83,970. Dam of 8 foals, including— INFORMED (Subject stallion). SUPER CUB (by Old Trieste). Winner at 3 and 4, $75,284. DANCE TO SUCCESS (Successful Appeal). Winner at 3. THE OTHER WOMAN (Tiznow). Producer. Dam of Super Hawk ($37,506, 3rd Seattle Slew S, to 3, 2016). 2nd dam TAPSTRESS. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $152,210, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Pio Pico S, 3rd Curious Clover H, Barretts Debutante S. Dam of 11 foals, including— DISCREET HERO. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $681,591, Round Table S (G3), Mountaineer Mile H, Slipton Fell H, Fall S, Alydar S, Prairie Bayou S, Tejano Run S, 2nd Mountaineer Mile H, Governor’s H, Tenacious H, Mardi Gras H, 3rd Hanshin Cup H (G3), Tokyo City H, Diplomat Way H, Cigar S, Prairie Bayou S. Purple Princess. 2 wins at 2, $91,225, 2nd Indian Summer S, Pontalba S. Producer. 3rd dam AMERIDOUBLE. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— PALE PURPLE. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $269,170, Countess Fager H, Matriarch S, Las Damas S. Dam of ZIN ($146,386, San Matean H, Tiburon H), SHINKO’S LASS ($142,615, C.T.B.A. Marian S, etc.). Granddam of TOP CAT BOOGIE ($428,518, Louisiana Legends Mile S, Louisiana Cup Derby, etc., to 7, 2016). TRIPLE TIPPLE. 10 wins, 3 to 5, in NA and Eng, placed in Fr, $267,460, Wilshire H (G2T), Palomar H (G3T), Los Cerritos S, Strensall S, 2nd Gamely H (G1T), Prix de Psyche (G3 in Fr), 3rd Beverly Hills H (G2T), etc. Producer. Dam of Triode (in Italy and Eng). Granddam of TRIPLE THREAT ($495,221, Monmouth S, G2T, Prix Eugene Adam-Grand Prix de Maisons-Laffitte, G2 in Fr, Prix La Force, G3 in Fr, 2nd Prix de Boulogne, etc., to 6, 2016), PINA COLADA ($120,373, Chandler H, 2nd San Clemente H, G2T, etc.).

James street

Entered Stud in 2014

Dosage (16-18-16-4-2); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.75 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2007



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

0 6 9 6 7 28




0 1 3(1) 2(1) 1(1) 7(3)

0 2 2(2) 0 2(1) 6(3)

0 1 0 2(2) 1(1) 4(3)


— $65,347 $241,242 $173,342 $157,792 $637,723

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at WO ($67,053, 8.5f, AW i n 1 : 4 5 . 2 7 , d f t g . A c t i o n P l a n , Quietdetermination, True Strike, Career High, Burano, Riley Ripasso, Tipperary Davor, Slew the Maestro, Maverick Man, Coming Home Soon, El Cubano). Won At 4 Seagram Cup S (G3A, $152,850, 8.5f in 1:44.01, dftg. Stunning Stag, Sand Cove, Hollinger, Lord of Greatness, Court of the Realm, Southdale). An allowance race at WO ($73,660, 8.5f, AW in 1:43.30, by 33, dftg. Little Red Chris, J J for Dave, Dubai Echo, Thunder Ball, Bayland, Prized Humour, Spirit Lodge, Avie’s Pegasus, Rimal Al Sahara). A race at WO ($76,864, 8.5f, AW in 1:44.14, dftg. Mesa Cielo, Captain Carlos, Mobthewarrior, D’s Wando, Cold Harbor). 2nd Dominion Day S (G3A, 10f, to Don Cavallo, dftg. Stately Victor, Center Divider, Southdale, Longboarder, So Elite, Laureate Conductor, Perfect Bullet, Mint Chip, Alcomatch). Durham Cup S (G3A, 9f, to City Wolf, dftg. Stately Victor, Eye of the Leopard, Don Cavallo). Won At 5 Autumn S (G2A, $149,745, 8.5f in 1:44.39, dftg. Patrioticandproud, Hotep, Alpha Bettor, Maritimer, City Wolf, Jomelo). An allowance race at WO ($91,519, 8.5f, AW in 1:43.82, dftg. Alpha Bettor, Eye of the Leopard, Mobilizer, City Wolf, Strangrthanfiction). 3rd Durham Cup S (G3A, 9f, to Delegation, City Wolf, dftg. Alpha Bettor, Vertiformer, Mobilizer). Seagram Cup S (G3A, 8.5f, to Alpha Bettor, City Wolf, dftg. Pool Play, Stunning Stag, Incredicat, Medidocihospisurg). Won At 6 Durham Cup S (G3A, $145,695, 9f in 1:50.14, dftg. Alpha Bettor, Awesome Overture, Peyton, So Long George, Delegation). 2nd Dominion Day S (G3A, 10f, to Delegation, dftg. Alpha Bettor, River Rush, Awesome Overture, Perfect Afleet, Photo Shoot). 3rd Eclipse S (G2A, 8.5f, to Alpha Bettor, Delegation, dftg. Perfect Afleet, Don Cavallo).

SIRE LINE JAMES STREET is by EL PRADO, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $236,987, champion 2yo colt in Ire, National S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte E.B.F. Beresford S (G2 in Ire), John J. Long Memorial Railway S (G3 in Ire), 2nd E.B.F. Anglesey S (G3 in Ire). To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 988 foals, 812 rnrs (82%), 603 wnrs (61%), 141 2yo wnrs (14%), 83 BTW (8%), 1.96 AEI, 1.59 CI, 392 sale yrlgs, avg $78,893, 1.76 TNA. In 2016: 1 BTW. EL PRADO has sired KITTEN’S JOY (champion turf male, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, Secretariat S, G1T, Firecracker Breeders’ Cup H, G2T, etc.), MI PRADERA (champion 3yo filly and older female in PR), MEDAGLIA D’ORO (Travers S, G1, Whitney H, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), SPANISH MOON (Grand Prix de SaintCloud, G1 in Fr, etc. in Fr, UAE, Eng, and HK), ARTIE SCHILLER (NetJets Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, Maker’s Mark Mile S, G2T, etc.), BORREGO (Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Pacific Classic S, G1, etc.), PADDY O’PRADO (Secretariat S, G1T, Virginia Derby, G2T, etc.), WINTER MEMORIES (Diana S, G1T, Garden City S, G2T, etc.), ASI SIEMPRE (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, etc.), LORD ADMIRAL (G2 in UAE, G3 in Ire), SENOR SWINGER (G2T),

STUD ANALYSIS James Street entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Sadler's Wells, 1981 11s, BTW, $713,690 2,194 f, 294 BTW, 2.97 AEI El Prado, gr, 1989 9s, BTW, $236,987 988 f, 83 BTW, 1.96 AEI 7.61 AWD Lady Capulet, 1974 3s, BTW, $64,400 13 f, 10 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI Alleynedale, ch, 1998 22s, wnr, $95,131 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.47 AWD In My Cap, 1982 17s, BTW, $443,404 13 f, 9 r, 9 w

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Fairy Bridge, 1975 2s, wnr, $4,948 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Bold Reason, by Hail to Reason

Sir Ivor, 1965 13s, BTW, $561,323 804 f, 91 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Sir Gaylord, by Turn-to

Cap and Bells, 1958 14s, wnr, $30,975 7 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Tom Fool, by Menow

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Le Fabuleux, by Wild Risk

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Passing Look, 1971 30s, wnr, $35,436 12 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Special, by Forli

Attica, by Mr. Trouble

Ghazni, by Mahmoud

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Charedi, by In Reality

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Gay Meeting, by Sir Gaylord

Inbreeding: 3SX4D Northern Dancer; 4SX5d Sir Gaylord; 4sX5D Tom Fool.

GRASSY (G2T), EL SOPRANO (G2T), WESLEY (G2T), SWEET AND READY (G2), SWINGIN ON ICE (G2), Ruten (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt in Pol), etc. EL PRADO’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is LORI’S STORE. EL PRADO’S other sons as stallions include MEDAGLIA D’ORO (1,257 foals, 93 BTW, 2.16 AEI), KITTEN’S JOY (936 foals, 73 BTW, 1.82 AEI), ARTIE SCHILLER (857 foals, 34 BTW, 1.21 AEI), THATSUSINTHEOLBEAN, BORREGO, etc.

FAMILY 1st dam ALLEYNEDALE. 4 wins at 4, $95,131. Dam of 6 foals, including— JAMES STREET (Subject stallion). ALLEYNES BAY (by Forestry). 10 wins, 4 to 9, $137,961. BAKERS WOODS (Forestry). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $71,286. JORDANS LANE (Montbrook). Winner at 4, $39,375. COLLINS (Pulpit). 2 wins, 4 to 6, 2016, $26,130. 2nd dam IN MY CAP. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $443,404, Princess Elizabeth S, Wonder Where S, Ontario Lassie S, Maple Leaf S, Bison City S, La Prevoyante S, 2nd Canadian Oaks, Lady Angela S, etc. Dam of 13 foals, incl.— Chekhov. Winner at 3, $194,296, 2nd Long Branch Breeders’ Cup S (G3). Marie J. Winner at 2 and 3, $139,800, 3rd La Troienne S (G3), Providencia S. Producer. Dam of Sisti’s Pride ($70,789, 2nd Irish Sonnet S, 3rd Tempted S, G3). Granddam of MILAM ($239,651, Pica Slew S, 2nd Eight Belles S, G3, 3rd Victory Ride S, G3, Dogwood S, G3, to 5, 2016). Bright Feather. 3 wins at 3, $105,870, 2nd Canadian Oaks. Dam of ALBERT THE GREAT ($3,012,490, Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Suburban H, G2, Brooklyn H, G2, Dwyer S, G2, Widener H, G3, 2nd Whitney H, G1, Travers S, G1, Pimlico Special H, G1, Woodward S, G1, Donn H, G1, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Jerome H, G2, sire), WATCH THE BIRD ($234,823, Whirlaway S, sire), SHEER BLISS ($132,383, Aspidistra H, Little Whitey H, 2nd Noble Royalty H, 3rd Liberada H), Crimson Hero ($200,134, 2nd Coolmore Lexington S, G2, sire). In On the Secret. Winner at 3 and 4, $86,371, 3rd Ontario Lassie S. Dam of ASK ME NO SECRETS ($211,828, Oaklawn Breeders’ Cup S, G3, 3rd La Canada S, G2). FAVORITE FEATHER. Unraced. Dam of FEATHERBED ($227,904, Weekend Surprise S, 2nd Matron S, G1, Fit for a Queen S, P. G. Johnson S), Little Cliff ($202,762, 3rd Leonard Richards S, G3, Sir Barton S), Dynamical ($184,274, 3rd John Battaglia Memorial S, to 7, 2016). Granddam of DYNAMIC IMPACT ($403,706, Illinois Derby, G3, to 5, 2016).



3rd dam Passing Look. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $35,436, 3rd Pocahontas S, Tattling H. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— TRUMPET’S BLARE. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $532,810, Arlington-Washington Lassie S (G1), Fairway Fun S, Poinciana H, Little Silver S, Atlantic City Oaks, 2nd Bonnie Miss S (G2), Beaumont S (G3), Forward Gal S (G3), Sabin Breeders’ Cup H, Sabin H, Anne Arundel H, Lady’s Secret S, 3rd Cotillion H (G2), Astarita S (G2), Moon Glitter H. Producer. PASSING VICE. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $339,414, Bay Meadows Oaks (G3), 2nd Hollywood Starlet S (G1), Delaware H (G2), Arlington Matron H (G3), 3rd Princess S (G2), Fairway Fun S. Producer. Granddam of CRIME SCENE ($1,205,933, Weatherbys St. Simon S, G3 in Eng, Steventon Shadwell Beech House Stud S, 2nd Emirates Melbourne Cup, G1 in Aust, in Aust and Eng). Past Master. 5 wins, 2 to 5, in Fr and UAE, placed in Ger, Italy, and Eng, $123,902, 2nd Premio Ambrosiano (G3 in Italy), Prix Rene Bedel, 3rd Spreti-Rennen (G3 in Ger), Grand Prix de Lyon. GRANDMA G. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $75,134. Producer. Dam of Zoffinger ($182,200, 2nd Philip H Iselin Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 3rd Philip H. Iselin Breeders’ Cup H, G3). Granddam of LAKE SECRET ($569,249, Kenora S, 3rd Achievement H, etc.). WONDEROUS MINSTREL. Winner at 4. Producer. Dam of Love Song ($84,270, 3rd William Thompson S). LOOK NORTH. Placed at 3 and 4. Dam of RAJA’S REVENGE ($298,865, Nashua S, G3, Jaipur S, G3T, 2nd Aqueduct H, G3, Hutcheson S, G3, Coaltown S, 3rd Bay Shore S, G2, sire), Northern Cyclone (2nd Graduation S). Granddam of ARCHER CITY SLEW ($193,930, San Vicente S, G2, 2nd San Rafael S, G2, 3rd San Mateo S, sire). PASS THE SECRET. Unraced. Dam of ANSBACH (Bettagere Estate Mysore Two Thousand Guineas, Harvins Bangalore Two Thousand Guineas, Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Cup, in India, etc., sire). Granddam of KING’S OPERA (Nilgiris Colts’ Trial S, 3rd Dashmesh & Hargobind Stud Christmas Cup, in India). GLANCE. Producer. Dam of Flirty ($214,125, 3rd Matinee S), I’s Right ($108,738, 3rd Ontario Lassie S, Ontario Damsel S). Granddam of DEVIL’S BAG COPY ($89,591, champion 3yo colt in PR), ROSIE DOOLEY ($182,920, Summit S, 3rd Honey Bee H, G3). 4th dam GAY MEETING. Winner at 2, Blue Hen S. Dam of 14 foals, including— GAY JITTERBUG. 18 wins, 2 to 7, $220,470, Canadian Turf H (G3T), Appleton H, Sunrise H, 2nd Bahamas S, Hutcheson S, Picnic Basket S, 3rd Pan American H (G2T), Louisiana Derby (G2), Edgemere H (G3T).

check daily updates on

JAMES STREET El Prado (Ire) – Alleynedale, by Unbridled

GRADED STAKES WINNER THREE YEARS RUNNING JAMES STREET won or placed in NINE Graded Stakes Earning in excessive of $630,000

BY LEADING SIRE OF SIRES EL PRADO JAMES STREET is by Champion 2YO EL PRADO – the only sire with two sons in the top TEN Leading Sire of 2015 & 2016 – MEDAGLIA D’ORO (sire of 99 SWs, 48 GSWs, including Grade 1 Classic-winning Horse of the Year RACHEL ALEXANDRA, 7-time Grade 1-winning Champion SONGBIRD, 2016 Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup winner NEW MONEY HONEY, etc.) and KITTEN’S JOY (#1 sire of 2013, sire of 81 SWs, 35 GSWs).

GRANDSON OF CLASSIC WINNERS SADLER’S WELLS & UNBRIDLED JAMES STREET hails from one of the leading families in the American Stud Book, with over 65 Stakes horses under his 3rd dam Passing Look.


2017 FEE: $10,000 LIVE FOAL Standing at

BLUE DIAMOND HORSESHOE LLC Aguanga, California Inquiries to Mike Tippett, Blue Diamond Horseshoe LLC, 46090 Jojoba Hills Road, Aguanga, California 92536. Cell: (909) 518-0018. Fax: (951) 681-8567. E-mail: Website:




Entered Stud in 2015

b, 2006


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Totals





0 8 7 9 7 7 2 40

0 1 4(2) 2(2) 1(1) 2(2) 1(1) 11(8)

0 3 0 1(1) 2(2) 0 0 6(3)

0 — 2(1) $82,000 0 $347,400 2(2) $381,000 1(1) $297,000 0 $293,964 0 $124,000 5(4) $1,525,364


Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at SA ($60,500, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.92, dftg. Pauper’s Prize, Bring It Home, Street Car, Valkyrie Missile, Knight’s Gold, Gold Schleiger, Right One, Stevie Heighway, Keep Thinking). 3rd San Felipe S (G2A, 8.5f, to Pioneerof the Nile, Feisty Suances, dftg. He’s Really Big, Shafted, New Bay). Won At 4 Strub S (G2A, $200,000, 9f in 1:47.83, dftg. Misremembered, Acclamation, Massone, Eagle Poise, Viscount, Rendezvous, Gallant Son, Heavenly Wind). San Gabriel S (G2T, $150,000, 9f in 1:47.20, by 21, dftg. Proudinsky, The Usual Q. T., Expansion, Meteore, Medici Code, Violon Sacre). An allowance race at Hol ($62,400, 8.5f, turf in 1:40.18, dftg. Fluke, No Inflation, Allegre, Lieve). An allowance race at SA ($60,200, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.61, by 21, dftg. Total Bull, Uncle Jeep, E Z’s Gentleman, Partywithlarryz, Equiparado). Won At 5 Citation H (G2T, $250,000, 8.5f in 1:40.87, by 23, dftg. War Element, Calimonco, John Johny Jak, Leroy’s Dynameaux, Bob Black Jack, Make Music for Me, Buenos Dias, Assessment). Oak Tree Mile S (G2T, $150,000, 8f in 1:32.61, dftg. Mr. Commons, John Johny Jak, Crown of Thorns, Blue Chagall, Monterey Jazz, Calimonco). 2nd Eddie Read S (G1T, 9f, to Acclamation, dftg. Caracortado, Smart Bid, Leroy’s Dynameaux, Goldwaki). 3rd Frank E. Kilroe Mile S (G1T, 8f, to Fluke, Caracortado, dftg. Times Gone By, Acclamation, Sebastian Flyte, Gallant Son, Liberian Freighter, Square Eddie, Lieve). Arcadia S (G2T, 8f, to Liberian Freighter, Blue Chagall, dftg. Norvsky, Caracortado, Run It, Leroy’s Dynameaux). Won At 6 Shoemaker Mile S (G1T, $300,000, 8f in 1:33.97, dftg. Suggestive Boy, Little Mike, Mr. Commons, Corporate Jungle, Dubai You X Y Z, Hudson Landing, Liberian Freighter). 2nd San Gabriel S (G2T, 9f, to Norvsky, dftg. The Usual Q. T., Ashtar, Imponente Purse, Sandor). San Francisco Mile S (G3T, 8f, to Hudson Landing, dftg. Gallant Son, Calimonco, Positive Response, Live Sundays, Worth Repeating, Sanger Silver, Mr. Candy Bar, Dunmore East). 3rd Del Mar Mile H (G2T, 8f, to Obviously, Mr. Commons, dftg. Norvsky, Calimonco, Tale of a Champion). Won At 7 Eddie Read S (G1T, $301,000, 9f in 1:45.80, dftg. Vagabond Shoes, Fly Lexis Fly, Fed Biz, Barocci, Cogito, Middie, Slim Shadey, Sofast). San Gabriel S (G2T, $150,500, 9f in 1:46.50, by 23, dftg. Temple’s Door, Chosen Miracle, Juniper Pass, Tale of a Champion, Slim Shadey, Fast Track). Won At 8 San Gabriel S (G2T, $200,500, 9f in 1:46.00, dftg. Slim Shadey, Artic North, Utopian, Fire With Fire, Huntsville, Te Rapa).

SIRE LINE JERANIMO is by CONGAREE, black-type stakes winner of 12 races, $3,267,490, Hollywood Gold Cup (G1), Swaps S (G1), Carter H (G1), Cigar Mile H (G1) twice, Wood Memorial S (G2), Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H (G2),

STUD ANALYSIS Jeranimo entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Dosage (9-1-11-1-0); DI: 2.38; CD: 0.82 See gray pages—Nasrullah

height 16.0

Arazi, 1989 14s, BTW, $1,212,351 560 f, 11 BTW, 0.98 AEI Congaree, ch, 1998 25s, BTW, $3,267,490 366 f, 13 BTW, 1.30 AEI 6.75 AWD Mari's Sheba, 1992 14s, wnr, $131,432 8 f, 5 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Jeblar, 1982 40s, BTW, $320,618 477 f, 29 BTW, 1.20 AEI Jera, dkb/br, 1997 19s, BTW, $89,556 10 f, 8 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.64 AWD Mavera, 1977 15s, wnr, $17,572 14 f, 11 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Danseur Fabuleux, 1982 13s, pl, $25,139 11 f, 9 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Mari's Book, 1978 17s, wnr, $48,326 402 f, 22 BTW, 1.61 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Sheba Little, 1984 6s, wnr, $9,155 8 f, 8 r, 5 w

Known Fact, by In Reality

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

City Girl, 1971 21s, BTW, $105,870 11 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Lucky Debonair, by Vertex

Reviewer, 1966 13s, BTW, $247,223 173 f, 19 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Miz Spock, 1972 4s, wnr, $4,340 3 f, 2 r, 1 w

Graustark, by Ribot

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Fabuleux Jane, by Le Fabuleux

Mari Her, by Maribeau

Come Back, by Bold Lad

Sweet Tooth, by On-and-On

Loving Sister, by Olympia

Broadway, by Hasty Road

Fly by Venus, by Dark Star

Inbreeding: 5SX5D Nasrullah.

San Antonio H (G2), San Pasqual H (G2), Lone Star Park H (G3), 2nd Santa Anita H (G1), Kentucky Cup Classic H (G2), 3rd Kentucky Derby (G1), Preakness S (G1), Jim Dandy S (G1), San Diego H (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 366 foals, 277 rnrs (76%), 186 wnrs (51%), 53 2yo wnrs (14%), 13 BTW (4%), 1.30 AEI, 1.41 CI, 132 sale yrlgs, avg $33,725, 0.75 TNA. In 2016: 22 2yos, 6 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr. CONGAREE has sired MAOINEACH (champion 3yo filly in Ire, Go and Go Round Tower S, G3 in Ire, Leopardstown One Thousand Guineas Trial S, G3 in Ire, 3rd Ballyogan S, G3 in Ire), DON’T TELL SOPHIA (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, Chilukki S, G2, Bayakoa S twice, Pippin S twice, etc.), KILLER GRACES (Hollywood Starlet S, G1A, Landaluce S, Cinderella S, 2nd Santa Ysabel S, G3, Sharp Cat S, Soviet Problem S, etc.), SHRINKING VIOLET (Monrovia S, G2T, Lightning City S, Daisycutter H, 2nd Monrovia S, G2T, Ontario Fashion S, G3A, 3rd License Fee S, etc., to 6, 2016), MYTHICAL POWER (Lone Star Derby, G3, Texas Mile S, G3, 2nd Woodward S, G1, Sunland Derby, 3rd San Carlos H, G2), ROCKIN’ ROCKSTAR (Tom Ridge S, 3rd East Hanover Township S, Hansel S, to 9, 2016), CONCHACER (Prairie Express S, Forward Pass S, 2nd Pelican S, Prairie Mile S, 3rd Perryville S, G3A, Matt Winn S, etc.), CATALINA WAY (Peach of It H, 2nd Peach of It H), SHINE UPON (Dreamy Mimi S, Jena Jena S, 2nd Leecoo S), BECKY’S EXPRESS (Manor Downs Distance Cup S, 3rd Star of Texas S Presented by Emirates Airlines), ZIGAREE (Minstrel S), CONGO KAYE (Juan Gonzalez Memorial S, etc.), Bear’s Conductor (2nd Grey S, G3A, to 10, 2016), Saluda (3rd New York Stallion Series S, Lynbrook S, to 4, 2016), For All Who Conga (2nd Memorial Day H, Frank Gomez Memorial S, 3rd Unbridled S, Hilton Garden Inn Sprint S), Givhans Ferry (2nd Wilma Mankiller Memorial S), Oconee (2nd Silver Deputy S), Con Gee (2nd Irish Sonnet S, to 5, 2016), Lady’s Smart Alec (3rd New York Stallion Series S, Ontario County S, to 5, 2016), Congaroo (3rd Niagara S, to 4, 2016), Shez Tuned Up (2nd Oklahoma Classics Lassie S), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam JERA. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $89,556, Pinellas S, 3rd Christiana S, Egret S. Dam of 10 foals, including— JERANIMO (Subject stallion). Wealthy Aviator (by Henny Hughes). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $80,735, 3rd Barretts Juvenile S. Tizthen (Tiznow). Winner at 2, $55,118, 2nd Anoakia S. Producer. Dam of Tizgale ($108,679, 3rd Jameela S). TIZ A KNIGHT (Tiznow). Winner at 3, $45,500. FOURTH WATCH (Tapit). Winner at 3, 2016, $43,602. 2nd dam MAVERA. Winner at 2. Dam of 14 foals, including— Jill of All Trades. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $60,938, 2nd



Florida Stallion/Desert Vixen S, 3rd Florida Stallion/ Susan’s Girl S, Gardenia S, New Hope S. Producer. Granddam of CLEVER IDEA ($136,190, Michigan Oaks, Sickle’s Image S, 2nd Michigan Sire S, etc.). Logistical. Winner at 2 and 3, $31,910, 3rd Florida Stallion/Affirmed S. VERABALD. 2 wins at 2, $27,465. Dam of A HUEVO ($389,750, Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S, G1, West Virginia Breeders’ Classic S), Vera Belle ($104,445). Granddam of SPEEDAVID (champion sprinter in Ven, Clasico Gaceta Hipica, etc.). FRISSON. Unraced. Dam of SKY BLUE PINK ($300,660, Thoroughbred Club of America S, G3, Pan Zareta S, 2nd Victoria Lass H), FREDDIE FRISSON ($263,037, Queen S, Holiday Inaugural S, 3rd Queen Breeders’ Cup S, Silvery Honey H). Granddam of FIRST SAMURAI ($915,075, Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G2, 2nd Hutcheson S, G2, 3rd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, sire), AUDACIOUS CHLOE ($304,931, Appalachian S, Gaily Gaily S, Junior Champion S, Little Silver S, 2nd JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S, Revidere S, 3rd Monrovia H, G3T, Ontario Colleen S), O’PRADO AGAIN ($187,406, Remsen S, G2). FRENCH LAVENDER. Producer. Granddam of PRETTY AS A SMILE ($123,174, Minnesota Distaff Classic Championship S, etc.). 3rd dam MIZ SPOCK. Winner at 4. Dam of 3 foals. 4th dam FLY BY VENUS. 13 wins, 3 to 5, $50,795, Ak-Sar-Ben King’s Plate H, Ak-Sar-Ben Governors’ H, Sunland Maturity, Dona Ana H, etc. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— NORTH OF VENUS. 13 wins, 3 to 5, $213,503, Seashore H (G3), Pageant H (G3T), 2nd Suwannee River H (G3T), Long Island H (G3T), Correction H, 3rd Suwannee River H (G3T). Producer. Dam of Fager’s Fancy. Granddam of LADY BEAUMONT ($104,285, Maryland Million Lassie S, etc.). Go for Love. 2 wins at 2, $24,518, 3rd Sapling S (G1). NIMBLE NOVA. 3 wins at 3, $37,250. Producer. Dam of Alma Alegre ($163,970, 2nd Premio Archidamia, 3rd Oaks d’Italia, G1 in Italy). Granddam of MONTALEGRE ($855,861, champion older male in Italy, Premio Roma Vecchia, etc., sire). ESTE MINUTO. Producer. Dam of Maui’s Lt. Steven ($48,710, 2nd Vacaville S). Granddam of PINTON (Premio Empery, G2 in Peru). 5th dam FLY BYE BABE. Dam of 5 foals, including— GREEN DOLPHIN. Winner at 4. Producer. Granddam of BIG DREAMS ($153,047, Dixie Miss S, Margate S, Ocean City S twice, 2nd Mister Diz H, 3rd C.H. Russell H, Very Lucky S).

True Nicks

New conformation photo

JERANIMO Congaree- Jera, by Jeblar

Brilliant Multiple Grade 1 Winner

Eight-time Graded Winner of $1.5 Million including G1 Eddie Read (1:45.80) and G1 Shoemaker Mile (1:33.97) G2 Oak Tree Mile on turf in 1:32.61 (108 Beyer) G2 Strub Stakes on main track in 1:47.83 (104 Beyer) G2 San Gabriel in 1:46 as an 8yo for a record third time Classic Sire Line of Blushing Groom, Candy Stripes Rainbow Quest and Animal Kingdom First foals are yearlings in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 Live Foal

foal stands and nurses) 2017(payable FEE:when $2,500 LIVE FOAL A Partnership (payableOwner: when foal stands and nurses) at Owner:Standing A Partnership Standing at



Inquiries to David McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. pick 884-2855. up inquiries and address info from 2016 Harris page Fax (559) E-mail: Website:Farms

Also insert logos for: Breeders’ Cup, Goldmine (New), CA Registered Stallion




dkb/br, 2000

height 16.2½



2 3 Totals

8 3 11




3(2) 1(1) 4(3)

2(2) 0 2(2)

1 1(1) 2(1)


$535,848 $180,000 $715,848

Won Norfolk S (G2, 8.5f), San Vicente S (G2, 7f), Best Pal S (G3, 6.5f), 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1, 9f), Del Mar Futurity (G2, 7f), 3rd Santa Anita Derby (G1, 9f).

Runaway Groom, 1979 18s, BTW, $347,537 1,122 f, 72 BTW, 1.53 AEI Cherokee Run, dkb/br, 1990 28s, BTW, $1,531,818 807 f, 49 BTW, 1.48 AEI 6.82 AWD Cherokee Dame, 1980 Unraced 7 f, 6 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

SIRE LINE KAFWAIN is by CHEROKEE RUN, black-type stakes winner of 13 races, $1,531,818, champion sprinter, Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S (G2), Dwyer S (G2), Derby Trial S (G3), Lafayette S (G3), Gulfstream Park Sprint H, 2nd Preakness S (G1), Metropolitan H (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 14 crops, 807 foals, 713 rnrs (88%), 566 wnrs (70%), 175 2yo wnrs (22%), 49 BTW (6%), 1.48 AEI, 1.54 CI, 455 sale yrlgs, avg $80,019, 1.78 TNA. CHEROKEE RUN has sired WAR PASS (champion 2yo colt, Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Champagne S, G1, etc.), CHILUKKI (champion 2yo filly, Vinery Del Mar Debutante S, G1, Oak Leaf S, G1, etc.), YONAGUSKA (Hopeful S, G1, Hutcheson S, G2, Fall Highweight H, G2, etc.), SEAN AVERY (Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G1, Affiliate S, etc.), ZANJERO (Indiana Derby, G2, Kentucky Cup Classic S, G2A, West Virginia Derby, G3, etc.), DURING (Swaps S, G2, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S, G2, Jerome H, G2, etc.), SIR CHEROKEE (Arkansas Derby, G2, Ack Ack H, G3, etc.), RECAPTURETHEGLORY (Illinois Derby, G2, etc.), DREAM RUN (Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup Sprint Championship H, G2, Perryville S, 2nd Derby Trial S, G3, etc.), INDIAN FLARE (Vagrancy H, G2, etc.), DREAM ABOUT (Mazarine Breeders’ Cup S, G2), SILENTLEA (Astarita S, G2, etc.), CHEROKEE QUEEN (Suwannee River S, G3T, etc.), FEATHERS (Bessarabian H, G3, Ontario Fashion H twice, etc.), CHELOKEE (Northern Dancer S, G3, Barbaro S, 3rd Florida Derby, G1), SONEVA (Al Tayer Motors Cape Verdi, G3 in UAE, Prix d’Aumale, G3 in Fr, etc.), RUN IT (Berkeley S, G3A, etc.), CHEROKEE ARTIST (Presque Isle Mile S, Mr. Prospector S, 2nd Ohio Derby, G2, etc.), DASH FOR DAYLIGHT (Mountain State H, Governor’s H, etc.), INDIAN WAR DANCE (Kelly Kip S, 2nd Formal Gold S, 3rd Bay Shore S, G3), DOVER DERE (Pomona Derby, Gold Rush S, 2nd Swaps Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (10 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2005 88 70 (80%) 53 (60%) 2006 84 62 (74%) 40 (48%) 2007 73 55 (75%) 44 (60%) 2008 75 57 (76%) 44 (59%) 2009 57 44 (77%) 36 (63%) 2010 42 35 (83%) 27 (64%) 2011 40 28 (70%) 21 (53%) 2012 37 24 (65%) 15 (41%) 2013 29 17 (59%) 9 (31%) 2014 38 14 (37%) 2 (5%) *Totals 563 406 (72%) 291 (52%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 14 4 6 (7%) 14 1 2 (2%) 12 1 2 (3%) 16 1 3 (4%) 11 1 2 (4%) 7 1 2 (5%) 7 0 0 (0%) 3 1 1 (3%) 4 0 0 (0%) 2 0 0 (0%) 90 10 18 (3%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2007 22 7 1 2008 71 3 0 2009 115 6 3 2010 127 2 0 2011 132 9 2 2012 140 10 2 2013 124 4 1 2014 95 3 2 2015 75 0 0 2016 51 0 0 *Totals 952 44 11 1.06 AEI; 1.23 CI; 6.47 AWD In 2016: 69 rnrs, 33 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 59 wins, $2,202,650 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $48,448 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $867,331 $1,595,343 $2,556,852 $2,081,308 $2,855,182 $3,166,554 $2,532,511 $1,824,468 $1,306,972 $839,382 $19,625,903

Moment of Hope, 1983 23s, BTW, $406,222 266 f, 6 BTW, 0.91 AEI Swazi's Moment, b, 1990 11s, BTW, $176,255 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.31 AWD Swazi Girl, 1980 28s, BTW, $118,660 6 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

CHEROKEE RUN’S other sons as stallions include WAR PASS (221 foals, 9 BTW, 1.36 AEI), YONAGUSKA (624 foals, 19 BTW, 1.18 AEI), etc. KAFWAIN Has Sired: DAISY DEVINE, 08, f (A++, dam by Devil’s Bag, 2nd dam by Briartic): $1,095,892, Jenny Wiley S (G1T), Fair Grounds Oaks (G2), Pin Oak Valley View S (G3T), etc. LET FAITH ARISE, 10, f (El Corredor, Storm Bird): $488,240, Santa Margarita S (G1), Adoration S (G3), California Wine S, etc. DON’T FORGET GIL, 06, f (A++, Mt. Livermore, Whitesburg, 4X3 Blushing Groom): $370,737, Florida Oaks (G3), East View S, Wayward Lass S, etc. RAGING DAOUST, 09, g (Caveat, Oh Say): $345,843, Salvator Mile S (G3), 3rd Mr. Nasty S, to 7, 2016. MASSIVE DRAMA, 05, c (Slewacide, Collier): $236,232, Hollywood Prevue S (G3A), 3rd CashCall Futurity (G1A), San Vicente S (G2A), etc., sire. THE PAMPLEMOUSSE, 06, c (A+, Rubiano, Lyphard): $209,280, Sham S (G3A), San Rafael S (G3A), sire. THIRD CHANCE, 08, f (A, Summer Squall, Lemhi Gold): $481,464, Governor’s Lady H, Powerless H, Isaac Murphy H, etc. WINGS OF WAR, 07, g (A++, Devil His Due, Lot o’ Gold): $388,212, Ralph Hayes S, John Wayne S, 2nd Iowa Breeders’ Derby, etc. TWELVE TWENTY TWO, 05, f (A++, Southern Halo, Linkage): $305,356, Harry Henson H twice, Bold Ego H, etc. THE RUMOR’S TRUE, 07, f (A, Alwasmi, Spread the Rumor): $275,277, Happy Ticket S, John Franks Memorial Sales S, Louisiana Futurity, etc. TOURMALINE, 08, f (A++, Kris S., Danzig): $266,870, Remington Park Oaks, Assiniboia Oaks. YONEGWA, 05, c (A++, Salt Lake, Alydar): $189,292, Governors S, James C. Ellis Juvenile S, A.C. Kemp H, etc. KADIRA, 05, f (A++, Rahy, Slew o’ Gold, 4X3 Blushing Groom): $176,525, Coca-Cola Bassinet S, Dixie Belle S, Gowell S, etc. RASIERRA, 05, f (A, Moscow Ballet, Air Forbes Won): $148,935, Panthers S, 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie S (G3A), Instant Racing S, etc. UNHITCHTHETRAILOR, 09, g (Ide, Black Tie Affair): $111,499, Barretts Juvenile S. HARTFELT, 05, f (A++, Silver Hawk, Great Sun): $94,703, M2 Technology La Senorita S, 2nd Remington Park Oaks. DO THE DANSE, 12, f (A++, Joyeux Danseur, Shelter Half): $67,176, Juan Gonzalez Memorial S. CONTESSA’S MOMENT, 10, f (A++, Unbridled’s Song, Herat): $62,433, Iowa Sorority S. Kafwain also has sired the winners Kafister ($383,470, to 6, 2016), Wild Target ($336,647, to 7, 2016), Pray Hard ($263,590, to 5, 2016), Splash of



Dosage (2-1-3-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.83 See gray pages—Nasrullah Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Yonnie Girl, 1966 43s, BTW, $30,565 7 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Call the Witness, by Better Self

Silver Saber, 1972 37s, BTW, $168,756 60 f, 1.03 AEI

Drone, by Sir Gaylord

Dame Francesca, 1966 24s, wnr, $9,779 11 f, 8 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Francis S., by Royal Charger

Timeless Moment, 1970 27s, BTW, $188,852 501 f, 33 BTW, 1.82 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Careless Moment, 1974 33s, BTW, $51,322 11 f, 10 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Baffe, by Li'l Fella

Hatchet Man, 1971 32s, BTW, $359,491 503 f, 31 BTW, 1.50 AEI

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Our Duckling, 1976 1s, unpl 11 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Quack, by T. V. Lark

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Po'chile, by Boodle

Happy Flirt, by Johns Joy

Maid to Rule, by Nasrullah

Hour of Parting, by Native Dancer

Ten Ahead, by Dead Ahead

Bebopper, by Tom Fool

Votre Hotesse, by Nantallah

Roses ($158,141), Top Pit Boss ($128,891), Peggy Jane ($102,050), Lady Kafca ($97,019), Five Nations ($92,597), Validain ($85,270), For You My Heart ($70,850), Badge Bunny ($59,795), Hannah’s Holiday ($51,937), Watch the Curves ($41,926, to 4, 2016), D. C. Eight ($21,272), Yusara (in Pan), Radio Relay ($288,012), Bearrock N Roll ($286,338, to 11, 2016), Kafwain Wedgeheart ($281,929), Inger Management ($199,739), Head South ($197,374, to 5, 2016), Camryn Kate ($194,130), Miss Lucky ($193,635, to 6, 2016), Lil Missknowitall ($188,536), Book Value ($187,645), Runningatem ($173,644), Yo Koffy ($162,690), Big Time ($158,367), Big Son of a Gun ($148,801), Alwazabridesmaid ($138,072, to 4, 2016), My Man Sumo ($136,660), Duttons Pride ($134,356, to 7, 2016), Zarch ($133,477, to 7, 2016), Sir Barclay ($125,794, to 5, 2016), Sweet N Sultry ($121,476), Bodie Island ($118,387, to 8, 2016), Kays Birthday ($115,905), Balraj ($114,115), Sheila Tequila ($109,558), Cafe Au Mey ($108,623), Blue Cherokee ($103,258, to 6, 2016), Ganzumacher ($100,863, to 6, 2016), Kid Rambo ($100,047), Report Card Time ($97,242), Huge Party ($96,807), Brown Indian ($96,210), Hehasguts ($92,178), Resisting Arrest ($91,248, to 6, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners It’s Not So Easy, Rat City Ruby.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — 7—$6,057 2015 — 3—$24,833 Lifetime 58—$35,005 267—$30,004 *to November 6, 2016

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 91—$25,751

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE KAFWAIN is the sire of 44 dams of 93 foals, 62 rnrs(67%), 35 wnrs(38%), 5 2yo wnrs(5%), 1.28 AEI, 1.42 CI; 5 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam SWAZI’S MOMENT. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $176,255, Palo Alto H, Gowell S, 2nd Princess S (G2). Dam of 10 foals, including— KAFWAIN (Subject stallion). RED GEM (by Rubiano). 8 wins, 2 to 7, $159,525. DA VINNA (Boundary). Winner at 3 and 4, $38,080. Producer. 2nd dam SWAZI GIRL. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $118,660, Fairway Fun S, 2nd Jeanne d’Arc S, Cleopatra H, Chou Croute S, 3rd Furl Sail H, etc. Dam of 6 foals, including— COUNTRY DIAMOND. Winner at 3, $26,070. Producer. Dam of Shanty Hill Road (3rd Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders and Owners Foundation Sales Graduate S). CITY MOUSE. Producer. Granddam of GOT AN ITCH ($196,400, Joanne Dye S, 2nd ATBA Fall Sales S, etc.).

check daily updates on


Cherokee Run – Swazi’s Moment, by Moment of Hope

RANKED AMONG THE TOP TEN ACTIVE CALIFORNIA SIRES Average Earnings Index (AEI) for two-year-olds = 1.29 & lifetime average earnings per starter of more than $46,900. Lifetime progeny earnings over $19.7 MILLION, including GRADE 1 winner DAISY DEVINE ($1,095,892, sold for $1.3 Million at Keeneland); GRADE 1 winner LET FAITH ARISE ($488,240), 1st Santa Margarita S.-G1; GRADE 1-placed GRADE 3 SW DON’T FORGET GIL ($370,737); GRADE 1-placed GRADE 3 SW MASSIVE DRAMA ($236,232); GRADE 3 SWs RAGING DAOUST and THE PAMPLEMOUSSE; etc. Promising Broodmare sire with 2016 Stakes Winners PAOLA QUEEN (G1, $431,835) and BLIP N’ TH BYE (G2pl, SW, $118,400) Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE Owner: Tommy Town Thoroughbreds

TOMMY TOWN THOROUGHBREDS Santa Ynez, California Inquiries to Mike Allen, Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Rd., Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 686-4337 (office). Fax (805) 686-4280. E-mail: Web Site:



King of Jazz (arg)

Enters Stud in 2017


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 0 1 9 10

0 0 0 2 2

0 0 0 1 1

0 0 0 1 1


— — $3,360 $102,000 $105,360

Giant's Causeway, ch, 1997 13s, BTW, $3,078,989 2,258 f, 168 BTW, 1.81 AEI 8.50 AWD


STUD ANALYSIS King of Jazz enters stud in 2017. His first foals will arrive in 2018.


Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 Storm Cat, 1983 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Mariah's Storm, 1991 16s, BTW, $724,895 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Won At 5 A maiden special weight race at SA ($73,300, 8f, turf in 1:37.78, dftg. Paythebank, Professor Berns, Action Hero, Mr. Cartagena, Top Floor, Selection). A race at SA ($69,400, 10f, turf in 1:59.91, dftg. Unusually Green, Nahem, Itsinthepost, Freddies Dream, Jackson Sundown, Professor Berns). King of Jazz is by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,078,989, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte International S (G1 in Eng), Coral-Eclipse S (G1 in Eng), Champagne Lanson Sussex S (G1 in Eng), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Salamandre (G1 in Fr), King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S (G3 in Ire), Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 2,258 foals, 1,801 rnrs (80%), 1,176 wnrs (52%), 211 2yo wnrs (9%), 168 BTW (7%), 1.81 AEI, 2.44 CI, 956 sale yrlgs, avg $213,953, 4.77 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 35 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 31 sale yrlgs, avg $165,618. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired SHAMARDAL (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, champion 2yo colt in Eur, Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Prix du Jockey ClubFrench Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), TAKE CHARGE BRANDI (champion 2yo filly, 14 Hands Winery Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Starlet S, G1, Delta Downs Princess S, G3, Martha Washington S, 2nd Schuylerville S, G3), IRISH MISSION (champion 3yo filly and turf female in Can, The Very One S, G3T, Glens Falls S, G3T, La Prevoyante H, G3T, Breeders’ S, etc.), DALKALA (champion older female in Fr, Prix de l’Opera Longines, G1 in Fr, Qatar Prix de Royallieu, G2 in Fr, Betfred Middleton S, G2 in Eng, Prix Cleopatre, G3 in Fr, 3rd Darley Prix Jean Romanet, G1 in Fr, etc.), SHOWCAUSE (champion stayer in NZ, Waiwera Water City of Auckland Cup, G2 in NZ, etc.), GIANT’S STEPS (champion 3yo colt in Chile, Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, El Ensayo MegaChilean Derby, G1 in Chile, etc.), MAN OF IRON (champion 3yo colt in Ire), PRIMARY (champion 3yo colt in Italy), KUNG FU MAMBO (champion 3yo colt in Peru), GHANAATI ( One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Coronation S, G1 in Eng, 2nd Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot S, G1 in Eng, 3rd BGC Sussex S, G1 in Eng), FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND ( Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Killavullan S, G3 in Ire), EISHIN APOLLON (Mile Championship, G1 in Japan, Saudi Arabia Royal Cup Fuji S, G3 in Japan, Keio Hai Nisai S, 2nd Mainichi Okan, G2 in Japan, Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, G2 in Japan, Asahi Hai Futurity S, etc.), ARAGORN (Eddie Read H, G1T, Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S, G1T, Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H, G2T, Oak Tree Breeders’ Cup Mile S, G2T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, 2nd NetJets Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, etc.), CARPE DIEM (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, Tampa Bay Derby, G2, 2nd Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), GIANT OAK (Clark H, G1, Donn H, G1, Arlington Classic S, 2nd Indiana Derby, G2, Illinois Derby, G2, Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, etc.), MY TYPHOON (Diana S, G1T, Just a Game S, G2T, Jenny Wiley S, G2A, Ballston Spa H, G2T, Mrs. Revere S, G2T, etc.), SWIFT TEMPER (Ruffian H, G1, Delaware H, G2, Sixty Sails H, G3, Gardenia H, G3, 2nd Personal Ensign S, G1, Fleur de Lis H, G2, etc.),

Dosage (6-2-25-1-0); DI: 1.52; CD: 0.38 See gray pages—Nearctic

dkb/br, 2010

Lode, 1986 9s, wnr, $103,550 1,101 f, 78 BTW, 1.53 AEI Kiss Me Sweet, dkb, 1998 10s, BTW, $60,449 10 f, 7 r, 7 w 7.01 AWD Kiss Me Tender, 1986 Unraced 6 f, 4 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic South Ocean, by New Providence Secretariat, by Bold Ruler Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Immense, 1979 28s, BTW, $123,324 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Grand Luxe, 1974 25s, BTW, $114,349 16 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Sir Ivor, by Sir Gaylord

Halpern Bay, 1977 3s, wnr, $11,950 323 f, 23 BTW, 0.34 AEI

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Kizara, 1978 Unraced 11 f, 1 r, 1 w, 1 BTW

Keats, by Carapalida

Glorious Song, by Halo

Imsodear, by Chieftain

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Fanfreluche, by Northern Dancer

Beja, by Bagdad

Korsara, by Exbury

Inbreeding: 4SX5dX5D Northern Dancer.

HEATSEEKER (Santa Anita H, G1A, Californian S, G2A, Native Diver H, G3A, 2nd Oaklawn H, G2, San Antonio H, G2A, Windy Sands H, etc.), IMAGINING (Man o’ War S, G1T, Red Smith H, G3T, Pan American S, G3T, Bowl Game S, etc.), BRODY’S CAUSE (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, 3rd Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, to 3, 2016), RED GIANT (Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, Virginia Derby, G2T, Fourstardave H, G2T, Restoration S, 2nd Secretariat S, G1T, Jamaica H, G2T), CREATIVE CAUSE (Norfolk S, G1, San Felipe S, G2, Best Pal S, G2A, 2nd Santa Anita Derby, G1, Del Mar Futurity, G1A, 3rd Preakness S, G1, etc.), FIRST SAMURAI (Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G2, 2nd Hutcheson S, G2, 3rd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), BOOK REVIEW (La Brea S, G1, A Gleam H, G2A, Charles Town Oaks, Imperial Gesture S, 2nd Ballerina S, G1, etc.), CARRIAGE TRAIL (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Doubledogdare S, G3A, De La Rose S, etc.), ESKENDEREYA (Wood Memorial S, G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S, G2, Pilgrim S), INTENSE FOCUS (Darley Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, 2nd Coventry S, G2 in Eng, Leopardstown Two Thousand Guineas Trial S, G3 in Ire, 3rd Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, G1 in Fr, etc.), MAIDS CAUSEWAY (Coronation S, G1 in Eng, Owen Brown Rockfel S, G2 in Eng, Swynford Paddocks Hotel Sweet Solera S, G3 in Eng, 2nd One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Meon Valley Stud Mile, G1 in Eng, etc.), RITE OF PASSAGE (Gold Cup, G1 in Eng, QIPCO British Champions Long Distance Cup, G3 in Eng, 3rd Seamus & Rosemary McGrath Memorial Saval Beg S), JUSTE MOMENTE (Robert Sangster S, G1 in Aust, Liberty Financial S, 2nd Hocking Stuart South Yarra How Now S, G3 in Aust, Dunlop Flooring Laelia S, 3rd Back to Caulfield W. W. Cockram S, G3 in Aust), OUR GIANT (H F. Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut S, G1 in SAf, Mercury Sprint, G1 in SAf, etc.), FROST GIANT (Suburban H, G1, Bruce Betting Kilternan S, G3 in Ire, Killavullan S, G3 in Ire), PENELOPA (Henkel-Preis der DianaDeutsches Stuten-Derby-German Oaks, G1 in Ger, etc.), INTERNALLYFLAWLESS (Del Mar Oaks, G1T, 2nd Miesque S, G3T), BLUERIDGE MOUNTAIN (Klawervlei Stud Majorca S, G1 in SAf, etc.), SUZUKA CAUSEWAY (Keio Hai Spring Cup, G2 in Japan), COWBOY CAL (Strub S, G2A, Oak Tree Mile S, G2T, San Pasqual H, G2A, Bryan Station S, G3T, etc.), Bambina Mia (champion 3yo filly in Peru), Step In Time (Horse of the Year, champion miler, and older male in KSA), Giant Love (champion older male twice in Serbia), etc. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRODY’S CAUSE (G1), DESTIN (G2), ITSONLYACTINGDAD (G3T), NOT THIS TIME (G3), POINT PIPER (G3), GALE FORCE (G3A), GIANT RUN, LIRA, MISSISSIPPI DELTA, AQUAPHOBIA, GIGANTE DE OURO (in Brz), BROTHER O’CONNELL, CAMMACK.



GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S other sons as stallions include GIANT GIZMO (108 foals, 6 BTW, 2.04 AEI), SHAMARDAL (1,174 foals, 105 BTW, 1.96 AEI), FIRST SAMURAI, FROST GIANT, ESKENDEREYA, etc.

FAMILY 1st dam KISS ME SWEET. Winner at 2 and 3 in Arg, $60,449, Polla de Potrancas-Argentine One Thousand Guineas (G1 in Arg), 3rd Gran Premio SeleccionArgentine Oaks (G1 in Arg), Polla de Potrancas (G1 in Arg). Dam of 10 foals, including— Kingdom Come (by Bernstein). 3 wins, 2 to 4, in SAf, 3rd Meydan Premier’s Champion S (G1 in SAf). Kiss Me Dear (Bernstein). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Brz, $24,718, 2nd Grande Premio Roger Guedon (G3 in Brz), 3rd Emerald Hill. Dam of ESFINGE (Barao de Piracicaba, G1 in Brz, etc., to 3, 2016). KING OF JAZZ (Subject stallion). KEEP FLYING (Candy Stripes). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in SAf, $35,613. KING AT WAR (Orpen). 2 wins at 3 in Arg, $26,725. KISS ME FORESTRY (Forestry). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2016 in Arg, $26,710. KING IS BACK (Put It Back). 2 wins, 3 to 5, in Arg. 2nd dam KISS ME TENDER. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, incl.— KISS ME HONEY. 7 wins, 3 to 5, in Arg, $75,172, Orbit, 2nd Sibila (G2 in Arg), Ricardo, Ezequiel y Ezequiel M. Fernandez (G2 in Arg), Miguel Angel y Tomas Juarez Celman (G2 in Arg), etc. Dam of KISSING YOU (Jockey Club de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, G2 in Arg, 2nd Provincia de Buenos Aires, G1 in Arg, etc., sire), Kiss Me Alone (3rd Saturnino J. Unzue, G1 in Arg). KISSING TIME. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Kissing Girl (2nd Bangles and Beads S). Granddam of ALY’S TIME (Clasico Asamblea General Legislativa, in Uru). 3rd dam KIZARA. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, including— KILOWATT. 2 wins at 3 in Chile, Premio Carlos Bello Silva (G3 in Chile), 2nd Premio Fernando Moller Bordeu (G2 in Chile). KISS ME HEART. Unraced. Dam of COPAHUE (Clasico Fernando Moller Bordeu, G2 in Chile, Premio Raimundo Valdes C., G3 in Chile, etc.), Top View (in Pan). 4th dam KORSARA. Dam of 10 foals, including— RAYANIY. 9 wins, 3 to 5, in Fr, $157,998, Grand Prix de Bordeaux, Prix du Nabob, etc. INCIERTA. Unraced. Dam of IN BAY (Premio La Mission, G1 in Arg, Gran Premio Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, G1 in Arg, Premio Los Haras, G2 in Arg, etc., Broodmare of the Year in Arg, 1986).


KING OF JAZZ (ARG) Giant’s Causeway – Kiss Me Sweet (ARG), by Lode

2X Winner at Santa Anita | On-The-Board in 8 of 10 Starts | Earnings of $105,380

One of Only Two Sons of GIANT’S CAUSEWAY at Stud in California By GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, European Horse of the Year with lifetime progeny earnings of $153,198,843, leads all active sires in North America. The only horse since DANZIG to top the General Sires List on three occasions, he has also twice topped the 2YO table. Sire of Champion 2YOs, Classic-winning 3YOs, record-breaking older horses and exceptional colts and fillies on dirt, synthetics and turf. Sire of 103 Graded SWs worldwide. 2017 Fee: $75,000. Out of KISS ME SWEET (ARG), the daughter of Graded Stakes-placed Lode from the MR. PROSPECTOR sire-line. Winner at 2 and 3 in Argentina, $60,449 (USA), Grade 1 Polla de Potrancas-Argentine One Thousand Guineas, 3rd Grade 1 Gran Premio Seleccion-Argentine Oaks, Grade 1 Polla de Potrancas. Imported from Argentina to the United States in 2013.

New For 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,000 LIVE FOAL Stands and nurses, live foal guarantee. Special consideration given to proven mares. Multiple mare discount available. Owned by BG Thoroughbreds and Hector Palma Standing at



Inquiries to Hector Palma, Consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92546 (951) 654-9100 FAX: (951) 654-9119 Website:




Entered Stud in 2015

ch, 2008

Dosage (3-1-16-0-0); DI: 1.50; CD: 0.35 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.0



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

0 2 4 0 5 11




0 2 2 0 1(1) 5(1)

0 0 2(1) 0 2(2) 4(3)

0 0 0 0 0 0


— $63,900 $148,640 — $106,370 $318,910

Won At 3 An allowance race at Hol ($49,400, 6f, turf in 1:09.37, dftg. Sun’s Out, Shred the Secrets, Husband’s Folly, Circle the Moon, Cranky Jack, Sammy’s a Runnin’, Mint Humor, Charlie and Chris). A maiden special weight race at SA ($60,600, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:14.20, dftg. Thermal Wave, Randazo, Stock Option, Twin Six, Rock Off, On Holy Ground, Roheryn Strider, Grambling Gold, Noble Exchange, End of Time). Won At 4 A race at Dmr ($95,950, 5f, turf in 56.57, dftg. Batti Man, Red Defense, Close to the Edge, Octane, Royal F J, Iaquinta, Malibu Knight). A race at Dmr ($93,000, 5f, turf in 56.57, dftg. Kingpin Ryno, U S Citizen, Obsess, Boompa, Heza Fox, Got Even). 2nd Green Flash H (5f, turf, to Shrug, by a nose, dftg. Sirocco Strike, Koast, Silver Summation, Bench Points, Royal Production). Won At 6 Clocker’s Corner S ($101,200, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:11.75, dftg. Sweet Swap, Di Giorgio, Ankeny Hill, Ready for More, Drill, Boat Trip, El Commodore, Handsome Mike). 2nd San Simeon S (G3T, abt 6.5f, to Sweet Swap, dftg. Handsome Mike, Pure Tactics, Artest, Chiloquin, Pataky Kid, Forward March, Zimmer). Sensational Star S (abt 6.5f, turf, to Ambitious Brew, dftg. Summer Hit, Coach Bob, Ain’t No Other, Kate’s Event).


LAKERVILLE is by UNUSUAL HEAT, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $142,605, Amethyst S, Platinum S, Glencairn S, 2nd Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Ragusa Stud Minstrel S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 16 crops, 752 foals, 558 rnrs (74%), 400 wnrs (53%), 54 2yo wnrs (7%), 42 BTW (6%), 1.98 AEI, 1.24 CI, 110 sale yrlgs, avg $38,449, 0.86 TNA. In 2016: 37 2yos, 10 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 11 sale yrlgs, avg $36,455. UNUSUAL HEAT has sired ACCLAMATION (champion older male, TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, Eddie Read S, G1T twice, etc.), THE USUAL Q. T. (Eddie Read S, G1T, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, Sir Beaufort S, G3T, etc.), UNUSUAL SUSPECT (Hollywood Turf Cup S, G1T, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Cougar II H, Bay Meadows Derby, etc.), GOLDEN DOC A (Las Virgenes S, G1A, Anoakia S, Generous Portion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A, etc.), LETHAL HEAT (Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Santa Paula S, G3A, Real Good Deal S, Fleet Treat S, etc.), TUCKED AWAY (Clement L. Hirsch H, G2, Solana Beach H, Fleet Treat S, 2nd A Gleam Invitational H, G2, etc.), GERVINHO (Sir Beaufort S, G2T, Zuma Beach S, Oceanside S, 2nd Del Mar Derby, G2T, etc.), PRETTY UNUSUAL (El Encino S, G2A, Melair S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf S), CHEEKABOO (Honeymoon S, G2T, Campanile S, 2nd Sandy Blue H, 3rd Melair S, etc., to 3, 2016), BURNS ( L a J o l l a H , G 2 T, 2 n d O c e a n s i d e S ) , LIGHTMYFIREBABY (Las Cienegas H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Valentine Dancer H, etc.), BETTYS BAMBINO (Daytona S, G3T, Sensational Star S), UNUSUAL WAY (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filly Sprint Preview S, Wine Country Debutante S, Zia Park Oaks, Campanile S, etc.), BOOZER (Bertrando S, California Flag H, Sensational Star S, 2nd Eddie D Stakes, G3T, etc., to 6, 2016), MENSA HEAT (On Trust

STUD ANALYSIS Lakerville entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI Unusual Heat, dkb/br, 1990 16s, BTW, $142,605 752 f, 42 BTW, 1.98 AEI 7.23 AWD Rossard, 1980 24s, BTW, $202,858 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Out of Place, 1987 25s, BTW, $733,450 668 f, 37 BTW, 1.25 AEI Foreverinthegame, b, 2003 4s, unpl, $1,600 3 f, 3 r, 3 w, 2 BTW 6.77 AWD Fondly Remembered, 1990 30s, wnr, $358,060 8 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Forli, by Aristophanes

Glacial, 1966 3s, BTW 23 f, 2 BTW, 16.63 AEI

Pardal, by Pharis II

Peas-Blossom, 1968 10s, pl, $670 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Midsummer Night, by Djeddah

Cox’s Ridge, 1974 28s, BTW, $667,172 774 f, 49 BTW, 2.47 AEI

Best Turn, by Turn-to

Arabian Dancer, 1979 3s, wnr, $51,377 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Skywalker, 1982 20s, BTW, $2,226,750 533 f, 43 BTW, 1.62 AEI

Relaunch, by In Reality

Fondre, 1975 34s, BTW, $227,340 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Key to the Mint, by Graustark

H, Pirate’s Bounty S, 2nd Pirate’s Bounty S, 3rd Ancient Title S, G1, etc.), BEL AIR SIZZLE (Melair S, Valentine Dancer H, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Santa Ana H, G2T, etc.), UNUSUAL HEATWAVE (Snow Chief S, Real Good Deal S, Crystal Water S, 2nd Tsunami Slew S, etc.), SPENDITALLBABY (B. Thoughtful S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Sharp Cat S, Solana Beach H, etc.), THERMAL ABLASION (Make Me Conquer S, Cordially S, 2nd Steve Van Buren H, Red Cross S, etc.), LENNYFROMALIBU (California Cup Mile H, Crystal Water H, 2nd TVG Khaled S, Sensational Star H), UNUSUAL HOTTIE (Fran’s Valentine S, Redondo Beach S, 2nd Solana Beach H, American Beauty S, etc.), MAUI MARK (Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S), CENTRAL HEAT (Luther Burbank H, Golden Poppy S twice, 2nd Miss America S, to 7, 2016), SURFCUP (Snow Chief S, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd California Breeders Champion S), PACIFIC HEAT (Evening Jewel S, Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), SCROFA (Irish O’Brien S, Work the Crowd H, 3rd Fran’s Valentine S), MEDZENDEEKRON (Crystal Water H, 3rd Commonwealth S, G2A, Tiznow S), MR. CHAIRMAN (California Cup Classic H), TWENTY HAWKS (Governor’s Cup H), HE BE FIRE N ICE (California Dreamin’ H, 2nd Del Mar Mile H, G2T, City of Hope Mile S, G2T), CHRISTIANA’S HEAT (Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Monrovia H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Wishing Well II H), PASS THE HEAT (Joseph T. Grace H, Bull Dog S, 3rd Berkeley S, G3A, Forty Niner S, etc.), UNUSUAL SMOKE (TVG Khaled S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Classic S), AMERICA’S FRIEND (Solana Beach H, 3rd Dance In The Mood S), HEAT DU JOUR (Solana Beach H), MAJESTIC HEAT (Solana Beach S, to 4, 2016), BEST PRESENT EVER (Campanile S, 2nd John Deere California Cup Distaff S, 3rd American Oaks S, G1T), etc. UNUSUAL HEAT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CHEEKABOO (G2T), CENTRAL HEAT, BOOZER, MAJESTIC HEAT, PACIFIC HEAT.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — —

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$1,000 1—$2,100 2—$1,550

FAMILY 1st dam FOREVERINTHEGAME. Dam of 3 foals— GERVINHO (by Unusual Heat). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $422,140, Sir Beaufort S (G2T), Zuma Beach S, Oceanside S, 2nd Del Mar Derby (G2T), Silky Sullivan S, 3rd Twilight Derby (G2T). LAKERVILLE (Subject stallion). ETERNAL FLAME (Unusual Heat). 2 wins at 4, $58,151.



Natalma, by Native Dancer

Thong, by Nantallah

Glacis, by Epigram

Fan Light, by Wilwyn

Our Martha, by Ballydonnell

Ten Cents a Dance, by Buckpasser

Bold Captive, by Boldnesian

Miss Manalapan, by Gallant Man

2nd dam Fondly Remembered. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $358,060, 2nd Yellow Ribbon Invitational S (G1T), 3rd Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), California Oaks, Louis R. Rowan H, Melvin Durslag S, Matching S, Variety Queen S. Dam of 8 foals, including— BROAD HOPES. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $159,424, Denise Rhudy Memorial S, 2nd England’s Legend S. Producer. PATENT. 4 wins, 3 to 8, $120,045. 3rd dam FONDRE. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $227,340, Golden Poppy H, Monrovia H, Hillsborough H, Miss America H, Ready Wit Invitational H, 2nd Silver Spoon H, Spectacular Invitational H, 3rd Milady H (G2). Dam of 7 foals, including— PARADISE FOUND. 3 wins at 3, $128,722, Minuteman S, 3rd Peter Pan S (G2), Jim Dandy S (G2), Colin S (G3). Sire. FOREVER FONDRE. Winner at 5, $29,825. Dam of MEMORETTE ($896,753, Beverly Hills H, G2T, Fran’s Valentine S, California Breeders’ Champion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, Hollywood Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2, San Clemente H, G2T, Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf S, Generous Portion S, 3rd Ashland S, G1, John C. Mabee H, G1T, Oak Leaf S, G2, Santa Ana H, G2T, Sunshine Millions Distaff S, Sunshine Millions Oaks, Fran’s Valentine S). TEN HAIL MARYS. Winner at 2, $21,965. Dam of SANKY PANKY (champion stayer in Pan, Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajo, 2nd Clasico Presidente de la Republica, 3rd Clasico Isaac Tawachi). ATHENA’S PRIZE. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Mondelo ($103,459, 3rd Evangeline Downs Sprint Championship H). FOND PRINCESS. Dam of PARKWAY DRIVE ($140,780, Rushing Man S, 3rd Rutgers H, G3T, Bet Twice S, Meadowlands Endurance S), Forever Fond ($169,249, 2nd Gardenia H, G3). 4th dam MISS MANALAPAN. Winner at 3. Dam of 14 foals, including— TRAIL RIDE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $22,840. Dam of SCOTCH HEATHER ($382,572, Gallorette H, G3, Gala Lil H, Lady Baltimore H, Carousel H, Flocarline H, 2nd Gallorette H, G3, Geisha H, Luck Penny S, Flocarline H, 3rd Virginia Belle H, Carousel H, Straight Deal H, Parasol H). Granddam of GEORGIA’S JOEY ($132,121, Bruce G. Smith Memorial S). ALWAYS AND ALWAYS. Winner at 3. Dam of SAYCASEYSRIBS ($111,040, Ocean Hotel S, 2nd Mister Diz S, Mr. Nickerson H).


Unusual Heat – Foreverinthegame, by Out of Place

Blistering Fast Stakes Winning Sprint Star Son of Unusual Heat 5 wins and 4 places in 11 lifetime starts ◆ Winner of the 2014 Clockers Corner Handicap of of a 6 month lay-of ◆ Graded Stakes Placed at Santa Anita Park ◆ Raced to unparalleled closing fractions of 20.80 for ¼ mile, 32 1/5 for 3/8 mile and 42 1/5 for ½ mile. ◆ A beautiful 16 hand chestnut specimen ◆ Widely regarded as the “Fastest Son of Unusual Heat”

Son of All Time Leading California Sire of Cal Breds UNUSUAL HEAT- Sire of 5 Grade 1 Winners, 12 Graded Stakes Winners, 30 Graded Stakes horses and 14 California Champions Full Brother to California Champion, Grade 2-Multiple Stakes Winning Turf Star GERVINHO 2017 FEE: PRIVATE TREATY Nominated to:

Complimentary to Approved Mares Property of The Lakerville Syndicate Standing at


Inquiries to David McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-mail: Website:



Lucky PuLPit

ch, 2001



2 3 4 5 Totals

6 7 8 1 22




2 0 1(1) 0 3(1)

2(1) 1(1) 1 1(1) 5(3)

1(1) 2(1) 2(1) 0 5(3)


$95,260 $47,454 $55,214 $12,000 $209,928

Won Smile S (5f, turf), 2nd Santa Catalina S (G2, 8.5f), Pinjara S (8f, turf), Sneakbox S (abt 5.5f, turf), 3rd Generous S (G3T, 8f), Oceanside S (8f, turf), Taylor’s Special S (5.5f, turf).

A.P. Indy, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI Pulpit, b, 1994 6s, BTW, $728,200 920 f, 72 BTW, 1.84 AEI 7.65 AWD Preach, 1989 15s, BTW, $304,656 14 f, 12 r, 12 w, 1 BTW

SIRE LINE LUCKY PULPIT is by PULPIT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $728,200, Toyota Blue Grass S (G2), Fountain of Youth S (G2), 2nd Florida Derby (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 920 foals, 788 rnrs (86%), 578 wnrs (63%), 164 2yo wnrs (18%), 72 BTW (8%), 1.84 AEI, 2.28 CI, 395 sale yrlgs, avg $208,505, 4.65 TNA. In 2016: 2 BTW. PULPIT has sired GOVINDA (champion 3yo colt in Ger, G3 in Ger, to 9, 2016), PYRO (Forego S, G1, Louisiana Derby, G2, Risen Star S, G3, Northern Dancer S, G3, 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Champagne S, G1, etc.), RUTHERIENNE (Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Nassau S, G2T, Jenny Wiley S, G2T, Boiling Springs S, G3T, Lake George S, G3T, Noble Damsel H, G3T, etc.), CORINTHIAN (Metropolitan H, G1, Gulfstream Park H, G2, Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, 3rd Fountain of Youth S, G2), MR SPEAKER (Belmont Derby Invitational S, G1T, Commonwealth Cup S, G2T, Coolmore Lexington S, G3A, Dania Beach S, G3T, etc.), LORD NELSON (Bing Crosby S, G1, Santa Anita Sprint Championship S, G1, Triple Bend S, G1, San Vicente S, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), ICE BOX (Florida Derby, G1, 2nd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1), PURGE (Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H, G1, Jim Dandy S, G2, Peter Pan S, G2, etc.), POWER BROKER (FrontRunner S, G1, Indiana Derby, G2, Easy Goer S, 2nd William Hill Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), STROLL (Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S, G1T, Jamaica H, G2T, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H, G2T, etc.), SKY MESA (Hopeful S, G1, Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G2, 2nd Haskell Invitational H, G1, etc.), TAPIT (Wood Memorial S, G1, etc.), MI SUENO (Darley Debutante S, G1A, Sorrento S, G3A), ESSENCE OF DUBAI (Super Derby, G2, Norfolk S, G2, U.A.E. Derby, G2 in UAE, etc.), FIFTYSHADESOFHAY (Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, Ruffian S, G2, Iowa Oaks, G3, Santa Ysabel S, G3, 2nd Alabama S, G1, etc.), GANTRY (Smile Sprint H, G2, Duncan F. Kenner S, Thanksgiving H twice, etc.), BSHARPSONATA (Davona Dale S, G2, Forward Gal S, G2, etc.), WEND (New York H, G2T, Jenny Wiley S, G2T, etc.), PARADING (Dixie S,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (7 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2008 28 18 (64%) 17 (61%) 2009 23 19 (83%) 16 (70%) 2010 19 14 (74%) 13 (68%) 2011 26 25 (96%) 21 (81%) 2012 63 54 (86%) 34 (54%) 2013 83 65 (78%) 31 (37%) 2014 52 24 (46%) 8 (15%) *Totals 294 219 (74%) 140 (48%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 8 1 5 1 3 0 6 1 8 0 9 0 8 1 47 4

BT Winners 1 (4%) 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%) 4 (1%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2010 13 2 0 2011 26 2 0 2012 48 0 0 2013 38 4 0 2014 56 6 5 2015 90 0 0 2016 118 6 5 *Totals 389 20 10 1.78 AEI; 1.18 CI; 6.37 AWD In 2016: 155 rnrs, 72 wnrs, 2 sw Lifetime On Turf: 33 wins, $1,349,110 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $105,879 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $275,371 $880,891 $1,105,835 $1,291,116 $5,149,725 $4,016,448 $10,447,359 $23,166,745

Dosage (8-15-21-0-0); DI: 3.19; CD: 0.70 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

height 16.0

Cozzene, 1980 24s, BTW, $978,152 964 f, 84 BTW, 2.19 AEI Lucky Soph, b, 1992 6s, wnr, $9,865 12 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW 7.27 AWD Lucky Spell, 1971 69s, BTW, $253,655 14 f, 12 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Narrate, 1980 27s, BTW, $188,856 11 f, 7 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Honest Pleasure, by What a Pleasure

Caro, 1967 19s, BTW, $373,040 599 f, 77 BTW, 3.37 AEI

Fortino II, by Grey Sovereign

Ride the Trails, 1971 Unraced 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Lucky Mel, 1954 12s, BTW, $106,450 356 f, 23 BTW, 1.44 AEI

Olympia, by Heliopolis

Incantation, 1965 34s, wnr, $14,019 14 f, 12 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Prince Blessed, by Princequillo

G2T, Ben Ali S, G3A, etc.), SIGHTSEEING (Peter Pan S, G2, 2nd Wood Memorial S, G1, Nashua S, G3, 3rd Jim Dandy S, G2, Dwyer S, G2, etc.), UNITARIAN (G2T), EL PADRINO (G2), GUILT TRIP (G2), METEORE (G2T), MINI SERMON (G2), DEVIL’S PREACHER (G2), KEEN PAULINE (G2), ORATORY (G2), SPOT (G2, to 5, 2016), Tabarak (champion 3yo filly in KSA, to 4, 2016), etc. PULPIT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are LORD NELSON (G1), AMERICAN FREEDOM (G3). PULPIT’S other sons as stallions include TAPIT (982 foals, 86 BTW, 2.38 AEI), SKY MESA, ORATORY, etc. LUCKY PULPIT Has Sired: CALIFORNIA CHROME, 11, c (A++, dam by Not For Love, 2nd dam by Polish Numbers, 4X3 Mr. Prospector): $14,452,650, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (G1), Preakness S (G1), Dubai World Cup Sponsored By Emirates Airline (G1 in UAE), $1 Million TVG Pacific Classic S (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), Awesome Again S (G1), Hollywood Derby (G1T), San Felipe S (G2), San Diego H (G2), San Pasqual S (G2), etc., to 5, 2016. ROUSING SERMON, 09, c (A++, Awesome Again, Alydar): $821,572, Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S, On Trust H, 2nd CashCall Futurity (G1A), Real Quiet S, Real Good Deal S, Big Bear S, Tiznow S, Cary Grant S, 3rd Louisiana Derby (G2), Robert B. Lewis S (G2), etc. LUCKARACK, 08, g (A++, Dehere, Slew o’ Gold, 4X4 Seattle Slew): $604,007, Governor’s Cup H, Cavonnier Juvenile S, Jim Kostoff S, Everett Nevin Alameda County S, 2nd Real Good Deal S, Uniformity S, to 8, 2016. YOU’RE LATE, 14, f (A+, Smart Strike, Meadowlake, 4X3 Mr. Prospector): $103,320, California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, at 2, 2016. Lucky Pulpit also has sired the winners Woodmans Luck ($453,755, 2nd Snow Chief S, 3rd Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S, to 8, 2016), Pulmarack ($224,719, 2nd California Cup Derby, King Glorious S, Silky Sullivan S, to 4, 2016), Lucky Views ($182,106, 3rd Eddie Logan S, to 5, 2016), Swiss Minister ($133,953, 3rd Graduation S, to 3, 2016), Bully Pulpit ($132,225, 3rd Zuma Beach S, Contender S, to 3, 2016), Fantasy of Luck ($122,348, 3rd Fleet Treat S, to 3, 2016), Later My Love ($87,685, 2nd California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, 3rd Generous Portion S, to 3, 2016), Patty’s Pulpit ($85,767, 3rd El Diario S), Lawly’s Goal ($82,362, 2nd Riley Allison Futurity, Turf Paradise Derby, ATBA Fall Sales S), Floating Feather ($364,624, to 8, 2016), Pulpit’s Express ($177,195), Gatheratthealter ($169,684), Go to the Pulpit ($136,215, to 7, 2016), Ward ’n Jerry ($126,720, to 3, 2016), etc., and seven other 2016 2-year-old winners.



My Charmer, by Poker

Lassie Dear, by Buckpasser

Gold Digger, by Nashua

State, by Nijinsky II

Chambord, by Chamossaire

Wildwook, by Sir Gaylord

Royal Mink, by Royal Charger

Magic Spell, by Flushing II

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — 26—$18,341 2015 1—$12,000 12—$17,892 Lifetime 1—$12,000 100—$17,565 *to November 6, 2016

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$3,700 9—$11,722 24—$8,383

FAMILY 1st dam LUCKY SOPH. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— LUCKY PULPIT (Subject stallion). Drewman (by Unbridled). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $188,852, 2nd Diplomat Way H, 3rd Iowa Derby. Sire. I’M A SOFT TOUCH (Touch Gold). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $83,540. REACH FOR YIELD (Curlin). 2 wins at 4, placed at 5, 2016, $69,754. UNBRIDLED GLORY (Unbridled). Placed at 3. Dam of THETRAILERGUY ($63,866, Coca-Cola H, to 4, 2016), Boston Glory ($68,934, 2nd Norfolk S, G2, 3rd San Mateo S, sire). 2nd dam LUCKY SPELL. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $253,655, Las Palmas H (G3T), Princess S (G3), Las Flores H, Linita S, Time To Leave S, 2nd Hollywood Oaks (G2), Linda Vista H (G3), Yerba Buena H, 3rd La Canada S, Hawthorne H, California Oaks, La Centinela S, Santa Ysabel S, Autumn Days H, Las Madrinas H. Dam of 14 foals, including— GOLDSPELL. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $186,010, Torrey Pines S, a black-type qualified race at Hollywood Park, 2nd Louisiana Downs Oaks, Woodside H, 3rd Linda Vista H (G3), Santa Lucia H. Dam of BASHFUL CHARMER ($57,225, Palatine Breeders’ Cup S). Granddam of OUR DOUBLE PLAY ($198,329, Prairie Mile S, Super S), COOL SPELL ($96,790, Gasparilla S, 2nd La Troienne S, G3, 3rd Debutante S, G3), SATURDAY’S CHILD ($34,920, Hildene S). MERLINS CHARM. Winner at 2 and 3 in Eng, $61,370, Jersey S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Ladbrokes Nell Gwyn S (G3 in Eng), Kiveton Park Steel S, 3rd Child S (G3 in Eng). Producer. Dam of Black Sabbath (in Bel), Native Guile (3rd Black Bottle Scotch Whisky Prestige S, G3 in Eng). Granddam of LADY MAIL ($73,191, Sun City H). TROLLEY SONG. Winner at 4, placed in Fr, $25,914. Dam of UNBRIDLED’S SONG ($1,311,800, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Florida Derby, G1, Wood Memorial S, G2, Olympic H, 2nd Fountain of Youth S, G2, Peter Pan S, G2, Hutcheson S, G2, sire). Granddam of D’ACCORD ($3,506,014, Niigata Daishoten, G3 in Japan, Andromeda S, 2nd Kokura Daishoten, G3 in Japan twice, etc., to 8, 2016), EH CUMPARI ($148,690, Palm Beach S, G3T, to 4, 2016), ABBY ROAD (in Eng).

check daily updates on

LUCKY PULPIT Pulpit – Lucky Soph, by Cozzene

Making Racing History in California Sire of racing’s all-time leading earner and 7-time G1 winner CALIFORNIA CHROME ($14,452,650), Eclipse Horse of the Year at 3 and 2016 Worldwide Leading Money Winner ($8,130,000) at 5.

Record California Single Season Earnings

2016 progeny earnings of $10,395,828 to November 5, 2016, tops previous records set by UNUSUAL HEAT and CEE’S TIZZY. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $7,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owner: Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Williams

HARRIS FARMS Coalinga, California

Inquiries to David E. McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-Mail: Web Site:


Make Music for Me

Entered Stud in 2014

b, 2007 height 16.1



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

6 6 9 6 3 30




0 2(1) 1 1 0 4(1)

2(2) 0 0 1(1) 0 3(3)

1(1) 0 2(1) 0 1(1) 4(3)


$218,700 $167,560 $85,260 $67,580 $25,550 $564,650

2nd At 2 Del Mar Futurity (G1A, 7f, to Lookin At Lucky, dftg. Smiling Tiger, Sterling Outlook, Hurricane Ike, Zip Quik, Who’s Up, Champagne d’Oro, Marcello). Best Pal S (G2A, 6.5f, to Lookin At Lucky, dftg. Smiling Tiger, Hurricane Ike, Classical Slew, Supraman). 3rd CashCall Futurity (G1A, 8.5f, to Lookin At Lucky, Noble’s Promise, dftg. The Program, Marcello, Brady Blue Eyes, Seattle Ruler). Won At 3 Pasadena S ($86,350, 8f, turf in 1:35.30, dftg. Macias, Alfarabi, Fantastic Pick, Runaway Bandido, Lucky Rave, Get A Grip, Jairzihno, High Success, Straightomidnight). An allowance race at Hol ($53,600, 8.5f, turf in 1:41.16, dftg. Get A Grip, Dubai You X Y Z, Oilisblackgold, Distant Sky, Pico Pico, King Red, Unbridled Story, Saravas Wild Again). Won At 4 A race at Dmr ($91,700, 8.5f, turf in 1:42.00, dftg. Squad, Ferneley, Pleasure to Ride, Medici Code, Dr. Smarty Jack, Summer Movie). 3rd Strub S (G2, 9f, to Twirling Candy, Tweebster, dftg. Indian Firewater, Oilisblackgold, Honour the Deputy, Do It All). Won At 5 An allowance race at BHP ($80,600, 9f, turf in 1:48.26, by 31, dftg. Haimish Hy, Fire With Fire, Juniper Pass, Beer Meister). 2nd Sidd Finch S (8f, turf, to Calimonco, dftg. Dewey’s Special, Haimish Hy, Dancing in Silks, Donato). 3rd At 6 San Antonio S (G2, 9f, to Game On Dude, Clubhouse Ride, dftg. Basmati).

SIRE LINE MAKE MUSIC FOR ME is by BERNSTEIN, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $173,120, Anheuser Busch Railway S (G3 in Ire), Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 1,341 foals, 1,123 rnrs (84%), 902 wnrs (67%), 156 2yo wnrs (12%), 85 BTW (6%), 1.56 AEI, 1.38 CI, 400 sale yrlgs, avg $42,057, 0.94 TNA. In 2016: 2 BTW. BERNSTEIN has sired TEPIN (champion turf female, Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, Queen Anne S, G1 in Eng, Ricoh Woodbine Mile S, G1T, Longines Just a Game S, G1T, First Lady S, G1T, etc., to 5, 2016), STORM MAYOR (Horse of the Year, champion older male, and stayer in Arg, Carlos Pellegrini, G1 in Arg twice, etc.), GOSHAWK KEN (champion 2yo colt in Japan), STORM MILITARY (champion miler in Arg), SAVOIR BIEN (champion 3yo filly in Arg), OMATICAYA (champion 2yo filly in Italy), STORM MARCOPOLO (champion sprinter in Arg), STORM CHISPAZO (NacionalArgentine Derby, G1 in Arg), GALACTOS (Polla de Potrillos-Roberto Alvarez Calderon Rey-Peruvian Two

STUD ANALYSIS Make Music for Me entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.

Nominated to:




Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Bernstein, b, 1997 8s, BTW, $173,120 1,341 f, 85 BTW, 1.56 AEI 6.91 AWD La Affrmed, 1983 8s, wnr, $20,875 15 f, 12 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Carson City, 1987 15s, BTW, $306,240 1,025 f, 94 BTW, 1.82 AEI Miss Cheers, dkb/br, 1996 24s, BTW, $149,010 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 7.66 AWD Rise and Sing, 1987 5s, pl, $3,560 11 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Dosage (12-5-9-2-0); DI: 3.31; CD: 0.96 See gray pages—Nearctic

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Affrmed, 1975 29s, BTW, $2,393,818 840 f, 81 BTW, 2.41 AEI

Exclusive Native, by Raise a Native

La Mesa, 1970 12s, wnr, $11,850 11 f, 8 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Round Table, by Princequillo

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Blushing Promise, 1982 Unraced 1 f, 1 r, 1 w, 1 BTW

Blushing Groom, by Red God

The Minstrel, 1974 9s, BTW, $581,266 511 f, 58 BTW, 2.22 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Dawn of Reason, 1981 8s, wnr, $28,931 5 f, 5 r, 4 w

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Won’t Tell You, by Crafty Admiral

Finance, by Nasrullah

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Summertime Promise, by Nijinsky II

Fleur, by Victoria Park

Shy Dawn, by Grey Dawn II

Inbreeding: 4SX4D Northern Dancer; 5SX4D Raise a Native.

Thousand Guineas, G1 in Peru), KARAKONTIE (Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, Poule d’Essai des PoulainsFrench Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Qatar Prix Jean Luc Lagardere Grand Criterium, G1 in Fr, Prix La Rochette, G3 in Fr, 2nd Prix de Fontainebleau, G3 in Fr, Prix Francois Boutin, etc.), DREAM EMPRESS (Darley Alcibiades S, G1A, 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1A), MISS WORLD (Garden City S, G1T, 2nd Glowing Honor S, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T), STORMY KISS (Saturnino J. Unzue, G1 in Arg, Honorable Miss H, G2, General Luis Maria Campos, G2 in Arg, Carlos Casares, G2 in Arg, Manuel J. Guiraldes, G3 in Arg, 2nd Beaugay H, G3T, etc.), MALIBU QUEEN (Criadores, G1 in Arg, etc.), QUE VIDA BUENA (Estrellas Sprint, G1 in Arg, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, G1 in Arg, etc.), STORMY NINGUNA (Mil Guineas, G1 in Arg, etc.), MODERN GREEK (Mil Guineas, G1 in Arg, Eudoro J. Balsa, G3 in Arg, etc.), STORMY NIMBLE (Mil Guineas-Consagracion de Potrancas, G1 in Arg, etc.), STORMY NINA (Eliseo Ramirez, G1 in Arg, etc.), LA IMPACIENTE (Saturnino J. Unzue, G1 in Arg), STORMY VIL (Saturnino J. Unzue, G1 in Arg, etc.), BERN IDENTITY (Sanford S, G2, etc.), SIGNATURE RED (Highlander S, G2T twice, 2nd Kennedy Road S, G3A, etc.), BIG BAND SOUND (Play the King S, G2T, etc.), etc. BERNSTEIN’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are TEPIN (G1 in Eng), MARVELOUS IRON (in Tur). BERNSTEIN’S other sons as stallions include STORM EMBRUJADO (37 foals, 2 BTW, 2.65 AEI), SIGNATURE RED (20 foals, 1 BTW, 1.80 AEI), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$2,500 — 1—$2,500

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam MISS CHEERS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $149,010, Squan Song S, 2nd Politely S. Dam of 7 foals, including— MAKE MUSIC FOR ME (Subject stallion). I DAZZLE (by Hold That Tiger). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $398,337, American Beauty S, Louisiana Cup

Distaff S, Red Camelia S, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Ladies S, 3rd Marjorie L. Everett H (G2A), CTT and Thoroughbred Owners of California H, Osunitas S, Magnolia S, Red Camelia S. Masculino (Lydgate). 8 wins, 2 to 7, 2016, $308,765, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S, Louisiana Stallion S, 3rd D.S. Shine Young Memorial Futurity, B-Connected S. CHEER THE HEROES (Partner’s Hero). 6 wins, 3 to 6, $99,477. A. T.’S SECRET (Old Trieste). Winner at 4. 2nd dam RISE AND SING. Placed at 3. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— RISE AGAIN. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $94,821. Producer. Dam of Wilentz ($268,674, 2nd Storm Cat S, 3rd OBS Sprint S), Tactical Weapon ($234,667, 3rd Woodchopper H). 3rd dam DAWN OF REASON. 2 wins at 3, $28,931. Dam of 5 foals, including— Achieve. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $258,541, 3rd Fire Plug S, Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation S. 4th dam SHY DAWN. 19 wins, 2 to 6, $516,301, Affectionately H (G3), Vagrancy H (G3), Correction H (G3) twice, Distaff H (G3), Bed o’ Roses H (G3), Ruthless S, Searching S, 2nd Vagrancy H (G3), Comely S (G3), Distaff H (G3), Rare Treat S (G3T), Grey Flight H twice, Rosetown S, etc. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— OPENING VERSE. 10 wins, 2 to 5, in NA and Eng, $1,669,357, Breeders’ Cup Mile (G1T), Oaklawn H (G1), Razorback H (G2), Early Times Turf Classic S (G3T), Fort Harrod S (G3T), Reference Point S, Somerville Tattersalls S, 2nd Coral-Eclipse S (G1 in Eng), Michigan Mile and One-Eighth H (G2), Del Mar Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Keeneland Breeders’ Cup S (G3T), Stars and Stripes H (G3T), Feilden S, 3rd Hollywood Gold Cup H (G1), Early Times Dixie H (G3T). Sire, 1.16 AEI. SO SHE SLEEPS. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $212,426, Columbiana H (G3T), River Downs Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, Dahlia H, etc. Producer. DANGEROUS DAWN. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $193,708, Wadsworth Memorial H, Vulcan S, 3rd Best Turn S (G3), Tampa Bay Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S.

2017 FEE: $2,000 LivE FoaL Owned by: Peter O. Johnson, SR (payable when foal stands and nurses)

Farms, LP BrazEau ThoroughBrEd Hemet, CA

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion

Inquiries to Nadine Anderson, Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 State St., Hemet, CA 92543. Phone (951) 201-2278. Fax (951) 925-6792. E-mail: Web Site:



Many RiveRs

Dosage (7-4-8-1-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.85 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2005


2 3 4 5 Totals





8 8 0 2 18

1 1 0 0 2

2 0 0 0 2

1(1) 1 0 0 2(1)


$45,180 $26,526 — $800 $72,506

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at BM ($40,200, 5.5f in 1:04.47, dftg. Kentucky Twostep, Autism Awareness, Vadheim, Forearlthepearl, Strong Suggestion, Sweetville, Searchforthetruth, Hurricane Deputy). 3rd Gold Rush S (8f, AW, to El Gato Malo, Bert’s Law, dftg. Cafe Tortoni, Valid Port, Vadheim, Nsync Lynx, Deputy Bertrando). Won At 3 An allowance race at GG ($40,600, 6f, AW in 1:10.32, dftg. Cotati, Searchforthetruth, You’re My Boy Blue, Ican’tremember, In Honour).

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Affrmed, 1975 29s, BTW, $2,393,818 840 f, 81 BTW, 2.41 AEI Christmas in Aiken, b, 1992 6s, wnr, $31,628 13 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW 7.97 AWD Dowager, 1980 3s, unpl 10 f, 9 r, 8 w

SIRE LINE Many Rivers is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Frizette S, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, etc.), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr, Anheuser Busch Railway S, G3 in Ire, etc.), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Juddmonte Lockinge S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, Dunnes Stores National S, G1 in Ire, etc.), BLACK MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Eng, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire, T.P. Waters E.B.F. Marble Hill S, etc.), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Italy, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in Italy, etc.), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur, Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc.), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger, 124 Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, G2 in Ger, etc.), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire, Balanchine Saoire S, 2nd Moyglare Stud S, G1 in Ire), SILKEN CAT (champion

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 11 16 8 35

Runners 7 (64%) 10 (63%) 1 (13%) 18 (51%)

Winners 3 (27%) 6 (38%) 0 (0%) 9 (26%)

2yo Wnrs 1 3 0 4

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 1 0 2015 4 0 2016 9 0 *Totals 14 0 0.51 AEI; 0.90 CI; 5.82 AWD In 2016: 16 rnrs, 6 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 1 win, $27,067 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $15,904 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $9,893 $70,658 $205,722 $286,273

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Exclusive Native, 1965 13s, BTW, $169,013 507 f, 69 BTW, 3.72 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Won't Tell You, 1962 23s, wnr, $21,210 13 f, 12 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Crafty Admiral, by Fighting Fox

Honest Pleasure, 1973 25s, BTW, $839,997 419 f, 26 BTW, 1.53 AEI

What a Pleasure, by Bold Ruler

Princessnesian, 1964 36s, BTW, $332,035 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Princequillo, by Prince Rose

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Exclusive, by Shut Out

Scarlet Ribbon, by Volcanic

Tularia, by Tulyar

Alanesian, by Polynesian

Inbreeding: 5sX5D Native Dancer; 4SX5D Bold Ruler; 5sX4d Princequillo.

2yo filly in Can, Mazarine S), TABASCO CAT (Belmont S, G1, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, G1, etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, etc.), BLUEGRASS CAT (Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), RAGING FEVER (Frizette S, G1, etc.), HIGH YIELD (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, etc.), COURAGEOUS CAT (Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc.), GOOD REWARD (Hollywood Derby, G1T, etc.), AFTER MARKET (Eddie Read H, G1T, etc.), SARDULA (Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.), CATINCA (Ruffian H, G1, etc.), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire, 2nd Bold Ruler H, G3, etc.), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include HARLAN (99 foals, 6 BTW, 2.77 AEI), GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (2,259 foals, 168 BTW, 1.80 AEI), Easing Along (800 foals, 42 BTW, 1.63 AEI), Freud (1,060 foals, 50 BTW, 1.59 AEI), HENNESSY (1,347 foals, 72 BTW, 1.55 AEI), BERNSTEIN (1,341 foals, 85 BTW, 1.55 AEI), PURE PRIZE (1,695 foals, 69 BTW, 1.51 AEI), STORMY ATLANTIC (1,455 foals, 99 BTW, 1.48 AEI), FORESTRY (1,173 foals, 59 BTW, 1.41 AEI), TALE OF THE CAT, FOREST WILDCAT, etc. MANY RIVERS Has Sired: Many Rivers has sired the winners Flying Tee ($72,303, to 4, 2016), Many Roses ($50,442, at 3, 2016), Life Is a Trip (to 3, 2016), Many Routes (to 4, 2016), Many Investments (to 3, 2016), Smoked too Many (to 3, 2016), Due Go On (at 4, 2016), Prickly Joe (to 3, 2016), Telluric (to 3, 2016).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — 3—$6,067

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam CHRISTMAS IN AIKEN. 2 wins at 3, $31,628. Dam of 13 foals, including— HARLAN’S HOLIDAY (by Harlan). 9 wins, 2 to 4, placed in UAE, $3,632,664, Florida Derby (G1), Toyota Blue Grass S (G1), Donn H (G1), Pennsylvania Derby (G3), Iroquois S (G3), Miller Genuine Draft Cradle S, Cleveland Kindergarten S, Hoover S, 2nd Dubai World Cup (G1 in UAE), Hollywood Gold Cup (G1), Fountain of Youth S (G1), Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G2), Holy Bull S (G3), 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup (G1). Sire, 1.54 AEI. Many Rivers (Subject stallion). Dr. Holiday (Kayrawan). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $49,759, 2nd Express H.



Boxcar Cat (Railway Cat). Winner at 2, 3rd Best of Ohio Juvenile S. BEDFORD FALLS (Forestry). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $115,620. Sire. 2nd dam DOWAGER. Dam of 10 foals, including— No Need to Party. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $94,421, 2nd Colfax Maid S. Dam of CAROUSE ($152,960, Lil E. Tee S). Bandito Barney. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $89,917, 2nd Chief Illiniwek S, 3rd Don Leon S, Turfway Prevue S. DOWAGER LADY. 3 wins to 4, $98,862. Dam of GOOD LORD ($803,305, Mountaineer Mile S twice, Wild and Wonderful S, Super S, Kelly’s Landing S, Don Bernhardt S three times, etc., to 9, 2016). 3rd dam PRINCESSNESIAN. 11 wins, 3 to 5, $332,035, Hollywood Gold Cup H, Santa Margarita Invitational H, Santa Barbara H, Hollypark Ladies H, Milady H, 2nd Santa Margarita H, Vanity H, Santa Maria H, 3rd Hollywood Oaks, Firenze H, New York H. Dam of 11 foals, including— LORDS. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ire, placed in Eng, $49,776, Blandford S (G2 in Ire), Royal Whip S (G3 in Ire), 2nd King Edward VII S (G2 in Eng), 3rd Nijinsky S (G2 in Ire). Sire. Alpha Boy. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $79,588, 3rd San Luis Obispo H (G2T), Khaled H, El Cajon S. Sire. Majority Ruler. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Boardwalk H (G3T). Bold Enchantress. Winner at 2 in Ire, 2nd Park S. Dam of FORDHAM ($45,296, Joe McGrath Memorial S, G1 in Ire, Cumberland Lodge S, G3 in Eng, in Ire and Eng, sire). PASSING FANCY. Winner at 3 in Ire. Producer. Granddam of BURDEN OF PROOF ($324,072, champion older male twice in Ire, Budweiser World Cup International S, G2 in Ire, Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S, G3 in Ire, etc., sire), CARIB LADY ($167,769, Gallorette H, G3T, Prix Occitanie, 2nd Prix de Flore, G3 in Fr, Flaming Page S, La Coupe des Pouliches), REVENGER ($51,328, Premio Botticelli, in Italy), MY PLACE (Winter Classic, G3 in SAf, 2nd Winter Guineas, G3 in SAf, etc.). SOCIAL. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of BAHIANA (Premio Homenaje a los Ex-Presidentes del Jockey Club del Peru, G3 in Peru). 4th dam ALANESIAN. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $136,997, Astarita S, Margate H, etc. Dam of 14 foals, including— BOLDNESIAN. 4 wins at 3, $107,625, Santa Anita Derby. Sire, 2.38 AEI. JACKAL. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $36,382, National Stallion S. Sire. Flush. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $27,786, 3rd Gotham S (G2). Sire, 1.16 AEI.

MANY RIVERS Storm Cat – Christmas in Aiken, by Affirmed

A TOP FOUR ACTIVE THIRD-CROP SIRE BY CAL-BRED EARNINGS Outstanding 2016 winners include outstanding allowance winners LIFE IS A TRIP (by 2 1/2 lengths), FLYING TEE (by 2 1/4 lengths), MANY ROSES, etc. MANY RIVERS at 2, scored a gate-to-wire win going 51⁄2 furlongs at Bay Meadows Racecourse when defeating multiple graded stakes winner AUTISM AWARENESS & ran third in the one-mile Gold Rush Stakes to multiple graded stakes winner EL GATO MALO. MANY RIVERS at 3, won a six-furlong allowance race at Golden Gate Fields gate-to-wire. By Grade 1 2YO winner & record SEVEN-TIME Leading Juvenile Sire STORM CAT, sire of 181 stakes winners, including 16 champions led by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, leading sire twice. Half-brother to 3-Time Grade 1 Winner HARLAN’S HOLIDAY (113 Beyer, $3,632,664), a grandson of STORM CAT that has sired 87 SWs, 176 SHs, including Leading Sire INTO MISCHIEF. G.S.M. 77.5 G.S.M. = Genetic Stallion Marker; Go to to learn more about how genetics can be used to help with your breeding decisions

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL Property of a Partnership Standing at MEMBER


Inquiries to Ellen Jackson, 5144 Allendale Road, Vacaville, California 95688 (707) 678-6580/FAX (707) 678-6580. E-mail: or website:



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Marino Marini

gr/ro, 2000


2 in Eng, Ire 3 in NA, Ire 4 Totals


6 5 5 16




2(1) 1 0 3(1)

1(1) 1(1) 2(2) 4(4)

1(1) 2(2) 1(1) 4(4)


$117,993 $89,366 $87,025 $294,384

Won At 2 in Ireland Sara Lee Marble Hill S ($55,272, 5f in 1:04.80, by 21, dftg. Luminata, Petite Histoire, Flamingo Bay). A maiden weight for age race at Cor ($17,836, 6f in 1:20.40, dftg. Pakhoes, Benicio, etc.). 2nd Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S (G1 in Ire, 6f, to Spartacus, dftg. Polar Force, Daganya, Ontario, Cassis, Luminata, etc.). 3rd At 2 in England Norfolk S (G3 in Eng, 5f, to Baron’s Pit, The Bonus King, dftg. Mazepa, Tilak, Greek Revival, Polar Force, Arran Pilot, The Lord, Night Speed, etc.). Won At 3 in North America A race at Hol ($53,300, 5.5f, turf in 1:03.54, dftg. Shadow of Illinois, Billy’s Echo, With Iris, etc.). 2nd Malibu S (G1, 7f, to Southern Image, by a head, dftg. Midas Eyes, Eye of the Tiger, Watchem Smokey, Domestic Dispute, Posse, Blazonry, etc.). 3rd At 3 in Ireland Kerry Group Ballyogan S (G3 in Ire, 5f, to Miss Anabaa, Belle Du Jour, dftg. Minashki, etc.). Castlemartin & La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire, 7f, to Millennium Force, One More Round, dftg. One Won One, Wrong Key, Atavus, etc.). 2nd At 4 in North America Palos Verdes H (G2, 6f, to Bluesthestandard, dftg. Our New Recruit, Boston Common, Captain Squire, Tough Game, Giovannetti). Los Angeles Times H (G3, 6f, to Pohave, dftg. Summer Service, Hasty Kris, Cayoke, etc.). 3rd Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S (G2, 7f, to Lion Tamer, Private Horde, dftg. Scrimshaw, etc.).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (9 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2006 36 26 (72%) 23 (64%) 2007 70 56 (80%) 42 (60%) 2008 43 29 (67%) 22 (51%) 2009 59 43 (73%) 28 (47%) 2010 46 35 (76%) 24 (52%) 2011 25 18 (72%) 16 (64%) 2012 21 19 (90%) 11 (52%) 2013 37 28 (76%) 18 (49%) 2014 24 7 (29%) 1 (4%) *Totals 361 261 (72%) 185 (51%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 6 0 6 1 6 0 8 1 4 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 39 2

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 2 (3%) 1 (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (1%)

By Racing Year BT Wins 0 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 8

Year Wins 2008 8 2009 44 2010 84 2011 107 2012 69 2013 73 2014 82 2015 69 2016 81 *Totals 617 0.85 AEI; 0.99 CI; 6.01 AWD In 2016: 86 rnrs, 45 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 45 wins, $1,294,366 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $40,644 *to November 6, 2016

Nominated to:


Earned $161,368 $669,554 $1,285,236 $1,807,950 $1,621,644 $1,254,160 $1,533,444 $1,218,155 $1,024,650 $10,576,161

Dosage (8-5-9-0-0); DI: 3.89; CD: 0.95 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.1

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Waquoit, 1983 30s, BTW, $2,225,360 593 f, 28 BTW, 1.25 AEI Halo America, gr, 1990 40s, BTW, $1,460,992 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 7.35 AWD Ameriangel, 1982 Unraced 8 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Grey Parlo, 1977 15s, wnr, $35,843 9 f, 9 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Grey Dawn II, by Herbager

Halo, 1969 31s, BTW, $259,553 724 f, 62 BTW, 2.91 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Ameriturn, 1969 Unraced 4 f, 2 r, 1 w

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Parlomia, by Graustark

Cosmah, by Cosmic Bomb

Fanrigo, by Amerigo

Inbreeding: 5sX5d Almahmoud.

SIRE LINE MARINO MARINI is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand CriteriumLucien Barriere, G1 in Fr, etc.), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), BLACK MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include HARLAN (99 foals, 6 BTW, 2.77 AEI), GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (2,259 foals, 168 BTW, 1.80 AEI), etc. MARINO MARINI Has Sired: SWEET MARINI, 10, f (dam by In Excess, 2nd dam by Golden Eagle II): $411,668, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Santa Monica S (G2), Melair S, Betty Grable S, 3rd Rancho Bernardo H (G3A). SHUDACUDAWUDYA, 07, g (A, Cutlass Reality, Summing): $337,639, Jess Jackson Owners’ H, Albany S, Golden Nugget S, 2nd Oakland S, 3rd Sam J. Whiting Memorial H, to 9, 2016. STARLIGHT MAGIC, 09, f (General Meeting, Star de Naskra): $334,900, Fleet Treat S, Robert H. Walter California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd Evening Jewel S, 3rd Torrey Pines S, Melair S. MARINO’S WILD CAT, 09, g (A+, Dayjur, His Majesty, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $284,556, Lost in the Fog S, Harris Farm S, 2nd Oakland S, to 7, 2016.

2017 FEE: $1,500 LivE FoaL

(payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owned by: Rancho San Miguel

RanchoSanSan MiguEL Miguel, CA

Marino Marini also has sired the winners Rebecca’s Surprise ($378,778, 3rd Lady’s Secret S), Bleach Blonde ($316,358, 2nd Luther Burbank H twice, Golden Poppy S, 3rd Harvest S, Corte Madera S), La Mano Nera ($171,378, 3rd Dark Star S), King Kelly ($170,289, 2nd Bull Dog H), Marshal Marini ($156,199, 2nd Charlie Palmer Futurity, Gold Rush S, 3rd Cavonnier Juvenile S, Golden Nugget S, to 7, 2016), Miguel’s Mascot ($150,309, 2nd Silky Sullivan S), Breakaway Dixie ($92,093, 3rd Wine Country S, to 3, 2016), Tio Vic ($42,326, 3rd Barretts Juvenile S), Taylor Marini ($36,106, 2nd Barretts Juvenile S), Power of Ten ($265,496), Candy’s Sunrise ($173,400), Miss Becca ($169,060), Jaylo Marino ($168,577), Money Lover ($159,706), Marine Fog ($140,985), Gregor ($132,682, to 8, 2016), Banana Cream Pie ($117,434, to 8, 2016), Queenie Marini ($117,340), Giannonatti ($112,470, to 6, 2016), Lets Get Frisky ($110,530, to 6, 2016), Dizzy Tizzy ($105,546, to 5, 2016), Merry Marino ($103,683), Lucky Moment ($103,544), Private Marina ($102,480, to 5, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winner Little Hawk.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 1—$1,500 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$9,900 1—$1,700 86—$10,600

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$2,200 — 34—$10,291

FAMILY 1st dam HALO AMERICA. 15 wins, 3 to 7, $1,460,992, Apple Blossom H (G1), Louisville Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Falls City H (G3), Oaklawn Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Oaklawn Breeders’ Cup H, Shocker T. Handicap, Pippin S, Majorette H, 2nd Apple Blossom H (G1) twice, Pimlico Distaff H (G3), Fleur de Lis H (G3), Oaklawn Breeders’ Cup H, 3rd Molly Pitcher H (G2). Dam of 8 foals, including— MARINO MARINI (Subject stallion). Quick Temper (by A.P. Indy). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $259,722, 2nd Silverbulletday S (G2), Maple Leaf S (G3), Arlington Matron H (G3), 3rd Autumn Leaves S. Producer.

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion

Inquiries to Clay Murdock, Rancho San Miguel, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919 E-mail: Web Site:



Mast track

Dosage (0-3-10-2-1); DI: 1.00; CD: -0.06 See gray pages—Nasrullah

b, 2004



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

0 5 8 7 4 24




0 2 3(1) 1(1) 0 6(2)

0 1 1 2(1) 0 4(1)

0 0 1(1) 0 0 1(1)


— $72,812 $686,810 $163,200 $6,013 $928,835

Won At 3 An allowance race at CD ($50,000, 8f, turf in 1:36.78, dftg. Rahystrada, Revival Ridge, Glamour Guy, Dan McGrew, Tactical Joe, Rock Gold, Chief Gone West, Mandu Genius, Pro Thunder). A maiden special weight race at FG ($46,500, abt 5.5f, turf in 1:04.62, by 3, dftg. Austin Lights, Coordinator Tom, Cipher, Leveraged, Little Feller, Til I’m Zar, Putitbackontop). Won At 4 Hollywood Gold Cup S (G1A, $750,000, 10f in 2:01.37, NTR, by 21, dftg. Go Between, Student Council, McCann’s Mojave, Big Booster, Tiago, Racketeer, Perfect Drift, Spice Route). An allowance race at SA ($88,400, 8f, AW in 1:34.92, dftg. Brother Derek, Dixie Meister, Magnum, Nice Bet). A race at SA ($70,000, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.84, dftg. Towzee, Kruger Park, Masterly, Hamoody, Asperity, Incriminate, I’m All Out, Rival Islands, Charmvictor, Akebono). 3rd Pacific Classic S (G1A, 10f, to Go Between, Well Armed, dftg. Zappa, Student Council, Surf Cat, Awesome Gem, Mostacolli Mort, Delosvientos, Barcola). Won At 5 Native Diver H (G3A, $100,000, 9f in 1:50.53, dftg. High Court Drama, Neko Bay, Tres Borrachos, Square Eddie). 2nd San Diego H (G2A, 8.5f, to Informed, by a nose, dftg. Song of Navarone, Temple City, Sangaree, Kelly Leak, Magnum, Well Armed).

SIRE LINE MAST TRACK is by MIZZEN MAST, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $554,146, Malibu S (G1), Strub S (G2), Prix de Guiche (G3 in Fr), Bien Bien S, 2nd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris (G1 in Fr), Prix des Chenes Royal Thalasso Barriere (G3 in Fr). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 831 foals, 656 rnrs (79%), 459 wnrs (55%), 115 2yo wnrs (14%), 43 BTW (5%), 1.37 AEI, 1.47 CI, 379 sale yrlgs, avg $37,757, 0.84 TNA. In 2016: 82 2yos, 43 2yo rnrs, 12 2yo wnrs, 8 BTW, 23 sale yrlgs, avg $37,305. MIZZEN MAST has sired FLOTILLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, G1T, Poule d’Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, 2nd Balanchine Sponsored by District One, G2 in UAE, 3rd Godolphin Mile Sponsored by Meydan Sobha, G2 in UAE), SEA DEFENCE (Stewards’ Cup, G1 in HK, 2nd Longines Hong Kong Mile, G1 in HK, Celebration Cup, 3rd Hong Kong Classic Mile, Hong Kong Classic Cup, to 5, 2016), MIZDIRECTION (GEICO Breeders’ Cup

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 16 18 4 38

Runners 12 (75%) 14 (78%) 4 (100%) 30 (79%)

Winners 9 (56%) 5 (28%) 1 (25%) 15 (39%)

2yo Wnrs 1 1 1 3

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 1 0 2015 10 0 2016 18 0 *Totals 29 0 0.75 AEI; 1.14 CI; 7.23 AWD In 2016: 26 rnrs, 10 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 8 wins, $83,616 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $20,704 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $127,005 $237,605 $297,910 $662,520

Cozzene, 1980 24s, BTW, $978,152 964 f, 84 BTW, 2.19 AEI Mizzen Mast, gr/ro, 1998 11s, BTW, $554,146 831 f, 43 BTW, 1.37 AEI 7.63 AWD Kinema, 1983 4s, wnr, $14,450 10 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Homme de Loi, 1989 8s, BTW, $371,826 302 f, 5 BTW, 0.85 AEI Nawal, b, 1994 16s, wnr, $46,310 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW 8.00 AWD Lute String, 1987 9s, pl, $8,181 15 f, 11 r, 7 w

Caro, 1967 19s, BTW, $373,040 599 f, 77 BTW, 3.37 AEI

Fortino II, by Grey Sovereign

Ride the Trails, 1971 Unraced 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Graustark, 1963 8s, BTW, $75,904 614 f, 52 BTW, 2.80 AEI

Ribot, by Tenerani

Mrs. Peterkin, 1965 37s, BTW, $58,519 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Tom Fool, by Menow

Law Society, 1982 8s, BTW, $373,487 856 f, 46 BTW, 1.16 AEI

Alleged, by Hoist the Flag

Our Village, 1976 5s, unpl 10 f, 8 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Ballymore, by Ragusa

No Lute, 1978 7s, BTW, $127,512 565 f, 3 BTW, 0.78 AEI

Luthier, by Klairon

Tarlace, 1977 15s, pl, $25,430 13 f, 11 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Targowice, by Round Table

Turf Sprint, G1T twice, etc.), ULTIMATE EAGLE (Hollywood Derby, G1T, Strub S, G2, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, etc.), MIDSHIPS (Charles Whittingham Memorial H, G1T, San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, G2T, etc.), FULL MAST (Qatar Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, G1 in Fr, etc., to 4, 2016), LIDERIS (Gran Premio Asociacion Latinoamericana de Jockey Clubes e Hipodromos, G1 in Peru, etc., to 6, 2016), STONETASTIC (Prioress S, G2, Inside Information S, G2, Pumpkin Pie S, Regret S, 2nd Humana Distaff S, G1, etc., to 5, 2016), FILIMBI (Goldikova S, G2T, etc.), JIBBOOM (Lexus Raven Run S, G2A, Buena Vista H, G2A, Monrovia H, G3T, 2nd Santa Monica H, G1A), MADEO (Del Mar Derby, G2T, etc.), BAILOUTBOBBY (Marathon S, G2, 2nd Cougar II Handicap, G3, Tokyo City Cup S, G3, to 6, 2016), PAULINA’S LOVE (Buena Vista S, G2T, etc., to 4, 2016), ONE MEAN MAN (American Derby, G3T, etc., to 3, 2016), MIZZ MONEY (Gallorette H, G3T, Pucker Up S, G3T, Allen LaCombe Memorial S, etc., to 4, 2016), STRIKE THE BELL (Noble Damsel S, G3T, etc.), SEASPEAK (Dallas Turf Cup H, G3T, 2nd Bryan Station S, G3T, etc.), TROPICAL LIGHT (Hyogo Junior Grand Prix, etc.), MARKET TOWN (Premier Plate, 3rd January Cup, to 6, 2016), GREEN MASK (Paradise Creek S, 2nd Highlander S, G2T, etc., to 5, 2016), ROSE BRIER (Henry S. Clark S, etc., to 7, 2016), MULTILATERAL (Carlton Mid Wyong Gold Cup, etc., to 7, 2016), EDEN PRAIRIE (Marie G. Krantz Memorial H, etc., to 6, 2016), LORD SINCLAIR (Prix Montenica, to 7, 2016), MIZZCAN’TBEWRONG (Reluctant Guest S, etc.), PUTNEY BRIDGE (Prix Jacques Laffitte, etc.), BARRIER REEF (Whirlaway S, etc.), STERN OPINION, etc. MIZZEN MAST’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are SEA DEFENCE (G1 in HK), PAULINA’S LOVE (G2T), STONETASTIC (G2), MIZZ MONEY (G3T), ONE MEAN MAN (G3T), ROSE BRIER, IMPULSIVE (in Tur), IRON MIZZ. MAST TRACK Has Sired: Mast Track has sired the winners Shez a Masterpiece ($148,852, 2nd Princess Elizabeth S, 3rd Coronation Futurity), Terra Xpress ($64,935, to 3, 2016), Knutsford Park ($63,627, to 4, 2016), Araz (to 4, 2016), Iron Shore (to 4, 2016), Jicote (to 3, 2016), Pretty Master (to 4, 2016), Sleek Idea (to 4, 2016), Fanciful Treaty (to 4, 2016), Mast Confusion (to 4, 2016), Bootsontheground (at 3, 2016), Mytrack Marie, I’mhalfmast (at 3, 2016), Ship Mast (to 3, 2016), Sisterthismytrack (to 4, 2016 in Peru), and 2016 2-year-old winner Sailing Home.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 2—$3,250 *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg — 1—$756 11—$5,749


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 10—$2,232

Chambord, by Chamossaire

Wildwook, by Sir Gaylord

Flower Bowl, by Alibhai

Legendra, by Challenger II

Bold Bikini, by Boldnesian

Epona, by Le Levanstell

Prudent Miss, by Prudent

Alace, by Rapace

FAMILY 1st dam Nawal. 2 wins at 2 in Fr, placed in NA, $46,310, 3rd Prix d’Aumale (G3 in Fr). Dam of 11 foals, incl.— MAST TRACK (Subject stallion). JEMAYEL (by Lope de Vega). Winner at 2 and 3, 2016 in Fr, placed in Eng, $347,808, Pour Moi Coolmore Prix Saint-Alary (G1 in Fr), 2nd Prix de la Nonette (G2 in Fr), Prix des Reservoirs (G3 in Fr), 3rd Qatar Nassau S (G1 in Eng). REDBROOK (Raven’s Pass). 2 wins at 3 in Fr, $101,071, Prix du Pont-Neuf. Sagitta Ra (Run Softly). Winner at 3 and 4, $165,531, 3rd Honeymoon Breeders’ Cup H (G2T). HAWSER (Hussonet). 2 wins at 5, $53,694. ALWAYS AUDITIONING (Mizzen Mast). Winner at 3, $48,189. Dam of READY TO ACT ($249,362, Beaumont S Presented by Keeneland Select, G2A, Sweetest Chant S, 3rd Penn Oaks S). 2nd dam LUTE STRING. Placed at 2. Dam of 15 foals, incl.— KENZACK. 6 wins, 3 to 7, in Fr, $123,109. 3rd dam TARLACE. Placed at 2 and 3, $25,430. Dam of— KENBU. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Fr, placed in Eng and NA, $269,631, Prix de Cabourg (G3 in Fr), Prix du Pin, Prix Imprudence, 2nd Prix Morny Agence Francaise (G1 in Fr), 3rd General Accident One Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), etc. Dam of SWEET ORCHID ($875,275, Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup, in Japan), Symboli Sword ($1,679,391, 2nd Ibis Summer Dash, etc., in Japan, sire). SWEET TAVLA. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Sweet Groom ($146,576, 2nd Premio Toscana, in Italy). 4th dam ALACE. Unraced. Dam of 13 foals, including— SUNSET TEMPLE. 3 wins at 3 in Ire, placed in Eng, Cornelscourt S, etc. Dam of GILDED VANITY ($27,199, Brownstown S, G3 in Ire). Granddam of TAO ($165,071, champion 3yo colt in Sca, Grosser Preis der Steigenberger Hotels, etc.), DORKING (Norwegian St. Leger, in Nor), ROMAN GENERAL (Joseph Dorfman Memorial Futurity H, in SAf). Patcher. 2 wins at 3 in Ire, $34,224, 2nd Royal Whip S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Irish Sweeps Derby (G1 in Ire). Frosted Lace. 2 wins to 4 in Eng, 2nd Galtres S, etc. Amablai. 3 wins at 3 in Ire, 3rd Leopardstown November H. Dam of BALU ($185,922, The Minstrel S, etc.), Big Warning ($133,633), RED FANTASTIC (champion older male in Den). Arctic Lace. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ire, 2nd Bedford Guineas Trial S, etc. Dam of OATS ($92,688, Jockey Club S, G3 in Eng, etc., sire), Regent’s Garden ($57,109). Granddam of MADAM ASK US ($65,625), FINE DINING ($42,117).

MAST TRACK Mizzen Mast – Nawal (FR), by Homme de Loi (IRE)

Multiple Graded SW and Hollywood Park NTR-Setter by MIZZEN MAST • By Multiple Graded Stakes Winner MIZZEN MAST, sire of TWO Breeders’ Cup Winners in one year and sire of 2-time Breeders’ Cup Sprint Champion MIZDIRECTION who sold for $2.7 Million as a Racing/Broodmare prospect. • Out of French Graded Stakes-placed mare NAWAL (FR), winner at Deauville with a 2nd and 3rd place finish at Hollywood Park • MAST TRACK won the Grade 1 Hollywood Gold Cup S. and Grade 3 Native Diver H., 2nd Grade 2 San Diego H., 3rd Grade 1 Pacific Classic S. Set NEW TRACK RECORD at Hollywood Park for 1 1/4 Miles in 2:01:37. • MAST TRACK has progeny earnings of $676,434 with 53% Winners/Starters including Multiple Stakes-Placed SHEZ A MASTERPIECE ($148,852), Terra Xpress ($64,935), etc.

2017 FEE: $1,500-LIVE FOAL Property of Adena Springs Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:



Merit Man

Entered Stud in 2015

Dosage (3-1-8-0-0); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.58 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2010



2 3 4 Totals

3 4 2 9




2(1) 1(1) 1(1) 4(3)

1(1) 0 0 1(1)

0 1(1) 0 1(1)


$192,000 $208,830 $61,200 $462,030

Won At 2 Tim Conway S ($100,000, 6f in 1:10.56, by 51, dftg. South Floyd, No Rachmones, Zeewat, Scherer Magic). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($92,750, 5.5f, AW in 1:03.67, dftg. Sacred Ovation, Quietasacat, Avare, Tancred, Stephen’s Pride, Anytime, Exclude, Hunters Shadow, Grand Giant). 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint (6f, to Hightail, by a nose, dftg. Sweet Shirley Mae, Hazardous, Ceiling Kitty). Won At 3 Spectacular Bid S ($140,000, 6f in 1:11.39, dftg. City of Weston, Little Distorted, Rockyshomerun, Cat Five Hurricane, Brave Dave). 3rd Besilu Stables Florida Derby (G1, 9f, to Orb, Itsmyluckyday, dftg. Narvaez, Shanghai Bobby, Pick of the Litter, Frac Daddy, Are You Kidding Me, Indy’s Illusion, Pontiff). Won At 4 Green Flash H ($121,000, 5f, AW in 57.22, dftg. Remind Mee, Wine Police, Mr. Sexy, Caracortado, Oligarch, No Jet Lag).

SIRE LINE MERIT MAN is by WITH DISTINCTION, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $447,717, El Conejo H (G3), 2nd San Antonio H (G2), Churchill Downs H (G2), Maryland Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Distorted Humor H, Bet On Sunshine H, 3rd Marfa S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 7 crops, 475 foals, 368 rnrs (77%), 287 wnrs (60%), 88 2yo wnrs (19%), 11 BTW (2%), 1.10 AEI, 1.20 CI, 192 sale yrlgs, avg $18,042, 0.40 TNA. In 2016: 35 2yos, 11 2yo rnrs, 3 2yo wnrs, 1 BTW, 9 sale yrlgs, avg $5,189. WITH DISTINCTION has sired DISTINCTIV PASSION (Los Angeles S, G3, Midnight Lute S, G3, San Pedro S, Joe Hernandez S, 2nd Green Flash H, Katella S, etc., to 6, 2016), DECISIVE MOMENT (Jean Lafitte S, Presque Isle Mile S, Delta Mile S, El Kaiser S, 2nd Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, Vinery Racing Spiral S, G3A, etc.), WE’RE ALL SET (Sea of Grass S, 3rd Florida Stallion In Reality S, Bull Gator S, to 5, 2016), ANGELOFDISTINCTION (Inaugural S, 3rd Carry Back S, G3, Birdonthewire S, In Summation S, Unbridled S, to 7, 2016), OFF THE JAK (Sunshine Millions Sprint S, 2nd Mr. Prospector S, G3), JESSETHEMARINE (James F. Lewis III S, Whirling Ash S, 2nd Frank Whiteley, Jr S, Marylander S, to 5, 2016), MY BROWN EYED GUY (Florida Stallion Affirmed S, Florida Stallion Dr. Fager S, to 5, 2016), FOR OBY (Jack Price Juvenile S, 2nd Spectacular Bid S, 3rd Florida Stallion Dr. Fager S), CHARLIE’S BROTHER (OBS Sophomore S, 2nd Inaugural S, OBS Sprint S, 3rd Pasco S), ITALO (Arthur I. Appleton Juvenile Turf S), Too Fast to Pass (2nd Fasig-Tipton Turf Dash S, to 6, 2016), Angie’s Prim Lady (3rd Hard Worker S, to 5, 2016), Padilla (2nd Mr. Steele S, 3rd Flying Pidgeon S, to 6, 2016), Canuletmedowneasy (3rd Tsunami Slew S, Champion Energy Services S, etc.), No Distinction (2nd Smirnoff Sorbet Quick Call S, West Virginia Legislature Chairman’s Cup S), Distinctive Yolie (2nd California Wine S, etc.), Capriccio Blue (3rd Florida Stallion Susan’s Girl S), She’s Spooky (2nd Voodoo Dancer S), Copa Del Rey (3rd Foolish Pleasure S, Florida Stallion Dr. Fager S), Without Love (3rd French Village S), Trustee Tom (3rd KHEY Y-96 Sprint S, SunRay Park and Casino H), Dearly Concerned (2nd Barretts Debutante S), Winningdistinction (3rd Clasico Dia de la Raza), Distinction Bird (3rd Eduardo Cautino Insua S, at 2, 2016), In Luv With Willie (2nd J J’sdream S), Miss Hatter (3rd Hard Rock Casino Vancouver H), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Merit Man entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI With Distinction, dkb/br, 2001 29s, BTW, $447,717 475 f, 11 BTW, 1.10 AEI 6.38 AWD Extravagant Woman, 1982 Unraced 12 f, 9 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Precise End, 1997 9s, BTW, $225,941 784 f, 20 BTW, 1.05 AEI Precise Strike, b, 2002 19s, wnr, $126,558 6 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 6.00 AWD Nora November, 1994 Unraced 9 f, 8 r, 7 w

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Squander, 1974 14s, BTW, $129,855 12 f, 7 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

End Sweep, 1991 18s, BTW, $372,563 819 f, 47 BTW, 1.54 AEI

Forty Niner, by Mr. Prospector

Precisely, 1987 64s, BTW, $151,179 10 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Summing, by Verbatim

Phone Trick, 1982 10s, BTW, $395,112 1,113 f, 51 BTW, 1.49 AEI

Clever Trick, by Icecapade

Judaire, 1981 34s, BTW, $186,798 9 f, 7 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Explodent, by Nearctic

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Sweet Tooth, by On-and-On

Discipline, by Princequillo

Broom Dance, by Dance Spell

Crisp 'n Clear, by Cold Reception

Over the Phone, by Finnegan

Hasty Jude, by Hasty Road

Inbreeding: 5SX5D Nearctic.

WITH DISTINCTION’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is WE’RE ALL SET. STORM CAT, grandsire of MERIT MAN, has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 in Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Frizette S, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, etc.), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can, Dance Smartly S, G2T, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr, Anheuser Busch Railway S, G3 in Ire, etc.), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Juddmonte Lockinge S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, Dunnes Stores National S, G1 in Ire, etc.), BLACK MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, St. James’s Palace S, G1 in Eng, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire, T. P. Waters E.B.F. Marble Hill S, etc.), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Italy, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in Italy, etc.), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur, Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc.), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger, 124 Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, G2 in Ger, etc.), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire, Balanchine Saoire S, 2nd Moyglare Stud S, G1 in Ire), SILKEN CAT (champion 2yo filly in Can, Mazarine S), TABASCO CAT (Belmont S, G1, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, G1, etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, etc.), BLUEGRASS CAT (Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), RAGING FEVER (Frizette S, G1, etc.), HIGH YIELD (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, etc.), COURAGEOUS CAT (Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc.), GOOD REWARD (Hollywood Derby, G1T, etc.), AFTER MARKET (Eddie Read H, G1T, etc.), SARDULA (Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.), CATINCA (Ruffian H, G1, etc.), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire, 2nd Bold Ruler H, G3, etc.), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam PRECISE STRIKE. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $126,558. Dam of 6 foals, including— MERIT MAN (Subject stallion). LADY MAITE (by Stoneyer). Winner at 2 and 3, 2016, $30,539. SUPER RATON (Stoneyer). Winner at 2.



2nd dam NORA NOVEMBER. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— SWEET SWEEP. Winner at 2, $77,690. Producer. JU JU BABY. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $63,001. Producer. Dam of Bad Ju Ju ($151,483, 3rd Wishing Well S, to 4, 2016). SWEET AMERICAN. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $34,104. VILLAGECREEK PARK. 3 wins at 3. STORM WITHIN. Winner at 2. Producer. 3rd dam JUDAIRE. 10 wins at 3 and 4, $186,798, Rumson H, Egret S, Tiger Heart S, Moonbeam S, Miss New Jersey H, 2nd Glassboro H, Herecomesthebride S, 3rd Ambassador of Luck H. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— MADAM PRESIDENT. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $294,643, Grecian Flight S, Castle Forbes S twice, 2nd Konica Long Look H (G2), Spruce Fir H, 3rd Grecian Flight S. Producer. FRESH AIRE. 2 wins at 2, $114,690, Junior Champion S, 2nd Captive Miss S, Spruce Fir H, 3rd Reeve Schley Jr. S (G3T), New Jersey Futurity. Producer. MARIONETTE. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $153,500. Producer. RHETORIC. 6 wins, 3 to 6, in NA and Dom, $69,395. AIRCRAFT ONE. 3 wins at 3, $52,118. POLARIZING. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $32,139. JUDAIRE’S MINT. Winner at 3, $25,015. Producer. HANA J. Unraced. Dam of SILENT APPEAL ($325,541, Dan Horn H, 3rd Charles Hesse III Handicap), EXIT STAGE LEFT ($157,750, California Derby, Gold Rush S, Golden Nugget S, 2nd Lost in the Fog S). 4th dam HASTY JUDE. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $75,304, Blue Hen S, 2nd Jersey Belle H, Seashore S, Bonnie Miss S, Pageant H. Dam of 7 foals, including— Earlham. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $90,986, 2nd Eatontown H, Cape May H. Producer. TROCAIRE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $65,493. Producer. LA VERITE. 3 wins at 3, $34,395. Producer. LIBERTY RULES. 3 wins, 2 to 4. QUICK SPIN. 2 wins at 3. Producer. 5th dam LACE FLOWER. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— Prim Flower. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $29,130, 2nd Suwannee River H, 3rd Cleopatra H. Producer. Granddam of SMIRKEN ($28,625, Bustles and Bows S, 2nd Solano County Juvenile Filly S), D. AMINOIL (Golden Gate Juvenile S). Vi’s Flower. 3 wins at 2 and 3, 3rd Misty Isle H. Dam of FLOWER MOUND ($51,550, Mademoiselle S), Monter ($54,093, 3rd Merry Christmas S). MANITOU GROUND. 14 wins, 4 to 9, $24,608. KWIATUCZEK. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $22,016. Producer. Dam of Tavio ($52,277, 2nd Anthony Imbesi H).


With Distinction – Precise Strike, by Precise End

GRADE 1 PERFORMER & STAKES WINNER OF $460,000+ At Two: Won a Del Mar MSW at first asking over future Pomona Derby winner AVARE, came back with a 5½-length victory in Santa Anita’s $100,000 open listed Tim Conway Stakes over G1 performers ZEEWAT (California Derby winner) and SCHERER MAGIC (G3 Hollywood Juvenile Championship), and was just a nose off HIGHTAIL to win the $500,000 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint. At Three: Won his first start Gulfstream Park’s $100,000 open listed Spectacular Bid Stakes over G3 SWs CITY OF WESTON and BRAVE DAVE, and placed to G1 SWs ORB and ITSMYLUCKYDAY in the $1,000,000 G1 Florida Derby, beating G1 SW and Eclipse Champion SHANGHAI BOBBY as well as G2 SWs PICK OF THE LITTER and FRAC DADDY. At Four: Won Del Mar’s $94,000 Green Flash H. besting California Champion 2 & 3YO and G2 Del Mar Mile SW CARACORTADO, G2 City of Hope Mile SW NO JET LAG, etc. MERIT MAN offers an A++ TrueNicks Rated Pedigree – by STORM CAT’s outstanding son WITH DISTINCTION (108 Beyer) and from the family of 2014 California Derby SW EXIT STAGE LEFT. First foals will be yearlings of 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Terry Lovingier, 35490 Hwy. 76, Warner Springs, California 92086 (562) 547-9848/FAX: (562) 988-0094. E-mail: Website:



Mesa Thunder

b, 2007



2 3 Totals

1 6 7




0 2 2

0 0 0

0 2 2


$400 $42,440 $42,840

Won At 3 An allowance race at Hol ($56,700, 6f, AW in 1:10.00, dead heat with Our Shorty, dftg. Scored, Mensa Heat, Canthavehim, Majestic Afleet, Imco Spirit). A maiden special weight race at GG ($33,100, 5.5f, AW in 1:04.29, dftg. Strate Off Thebloc, Radical Idea, Sky Searcher, Lethargic, Free Lovin’, Giant Steps).

Pulpit, 1994 6s, BTW, $728,200 920 f, 72 BTW, 1.84 AEI Sky Mesa, b, 2000 6s, BTW, $633,076 798 f, 58 BTW, 1.47 AEI 6.83 AWD Caress, 1991 29s, BTW, $666,076 15 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Citidancer, 1987 4s, wnr, $80,022 351 f, 27 BTW, 1.75 AEI


Mesa Thunder is by SKY MESA, black-type stakes winner of 3 races, $633,076, Hopeful S (G1), Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G2), 2nd Haskell Invitational H (G1), 3rd Dwyer S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 798 foals, 630 rnrs (79%), 469 wnrs (59%), 162 2yo wnrs (20%), 58 BTW (7%), 1.47 AEI, 1.62 CI, 487 sale yrlgs, avg $69,322, 1.54 TNA. In 2016: 60 2yos, 26 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 10 BTW, 28 sale yrlgs, avg $38,401. SKY MESA has sired DYNAMIC SKY (champion turf male in Can, Red Smith H, G3T, Simcoe S, Plate Trial S, 2nd Dixiana Breeders’ Futurity, G1A, Northern Dancer Turf S, G1T, etc., to 6, 2016), GIULIA (champion older female in Uru, Gran Premio Ciudad de Montevideo, G1 in Uru, Gran Premio Estimulo, G2 in Uru, Clasico Agraciada, G3 in Uru, 2nd Clasico Fomento, G3 in Uru, Clasico Los Haras, G3 in Uru, etc., to 4, 2016), GENERAL QUARTERS (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1A, Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S, G1T, Sam F. Davis S, G3, 2nd New Orleans H, G2, WinStar Kentucky Cup S, G2A, Mineshaft H, G3, etc.), SKY DIVA (Frizette S, G1, 3rd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1A, Demoiselle S, G2), SKY TREASURE (Nassau S, G2T, Kentucky Downs Ladies Sprint S, 2nd Royal North S, G3T, 3rd Bessarabian S, G2A, Duchess S), SKYLIGHTER (Indiana Oaks, G2, Allaire duPont Distaff S, G2, 2nd Falls City H, G2, 3rd Obeah S, G3), SATANS QUICK CHICK (Lexus Raven Run S, G2A, Pippin S, 2nd Bayakoa S, Sightseek S, Sky Beauty S, Manatee S, etc.), LLANARMON (Natalma S, G2T, Carotene S, 3rd La Lorgnette S, Flaming Page S, Woodbine Oaks Presented by Budweiser), STORM MESA (San Clemente H, G2T, Iowa Oaks, G3, Cinemine S), BEETHOVEN (Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, 3rd Fountain of Youth S, G2), SKYWAY (Best Pal S, G2A, 3rd Bashford Manor S, G3), THISKYHASNOLIMIT (Texas Mile S, G3, Iroquois S, G3, Smarty Jones S, Matt Winn S, Louisiana H, 2nd Indiana Derby, G2, etc.), TERRAIN (Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, Mountaineer Juvenile S, 2nd Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G1A, 3rd Louisiana Derby, G2), SKY CAPTAIN (Dominion Day S, G3A, 2nd Seagram Cup S, G3A, to 6, 2016), OL’ FASHION GAL (Jimmy Durante S, G3T, Selene S, G3A, to 4, 2016), WONDERLANDBYNIGHT (Arlington-Washington Lassie S, G3A, Ontario Debutante S), FINAL MESA (Old Hat S, G3, My Dear S,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 2 6 3 11

Runners 2 (100%) 3 (50%) 1 (33%) 6 (55%)

Winners 1 (50%) 1 (17%) 1 (33%) 3 (27%)

2yo Wnrs 1 0 1 2

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 1 0 2015 4 0 2016 2 0 *Totals 7 0 0.56 AEI; 0.74 CI; 5.57 AWD In 2016: 5 rnrs, 3 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $18,866 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $8,310 $43,252 $52,006 $103,568

Dosage (4-6-10-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.70 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

height 15.3

Citiview, gr/ro, 2000 10s, pl, $23,877 7 f, 5 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 6.33 AWD Prospective Joy, 1991 6s, BTW, $68,620 9 f, 9 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

A.P. Indy, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Preach, 1989 15s, BTW, $304,656 14 f, 12 r, 12 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

La Affrmed, 1983 8s, wnr, $20,875 15 f, 12 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Affrmed, by Exclusive Native

Dixieland Band, 1980 24s, BTW, $441,320 1,306 f, 111 BTW, 1.89 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Willamae, 1980 7s, BTW, $41,585 14 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Tentam, by Intentionally

Allen's Prospect, 1982 7s, BTW, $56,100 1,050 f, 63 BTW, 1.29 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Jovial Joy, 1985 15s, wnr, $19,440 10 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Rollicking, by Rambunctious

Weekend Surprise, by Secretariat

Narrate, by Honest Pleasure

Terlingua, by Secretariat

La Mesa, by Round Table

Mississippi Mud, by Delta Judge

Raclette, by Hoist the Flag

Change Water, by Swaps

Nordic Joy, by Northern Jove

Inbreeding: 4sX4D Mr. Prospector; 5SX4D Northern Dancer.

Polly Drummond S), MY IMPRESSION (Commonwealth Oaks Presented by the Virginia Equine Alliance at Laurel Park, G3T, Christiana S, 3rd Pin Oak Valley View S, G3T, to 3, 2016), BELLE HILL (Autumn Miss S, G3T, Washington Oaks, Irish Day H, Kent H, to 4, 2016), SKY GIRL (Dogwood S, G3, 3rd Arlington Oaks, G3A), FAMILY MEETING (Jimmy Durante S, G3T, 2nd Blue Norther S, Hilltop S, 3rd Florida Oaks, G3T, to 3, 2016), HIGHLAND SKY (Woodhaven S, 2nd Belmont Derby Invitational S, G1T, Pennine Ridge S, G3T, Cutler Bay S, to 3, 2016), SUPER SAKS (Carousel S, Dream Supreme S, 3rd Dixie Belle S, to 4, 2016), SAPPHIRE SKY (Bouwerie S, Biogio’s Rose S, Indistinctly S, 2nd New York Oaks, Wistful S, Love Is Eternal S, etc.), SKY COMMANDER (Charlie Barley S, to 6, 2016), SPECTACULAR SKY (Barb’s Dancer S, Whippleton S, Manatee S, 2nd Inside Information S, G2, Las Flores S, G3, 3rd Reminiscing S), THIRD DAWN (Torrey Pines S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A, Chilukki S, G2, 3rd Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Milady H, G2A), STAR GRAZING (Fleet Indian S, 2nd Saratoga Dew S), SKY HIGH LADY (River Memories S, 2nd Flaming Page S, 3rd Maple Leaf S, G3A, La Lorgnette S), SKY FLIGHT (Artie Schiller S, Tropical Park Derby, 3rd Firecracker S, G2T, Tampa Bay S, G3T, to 5, 2016), MESA CIELO (Elgin S), LEADEM IN KEN (Bosselman ’Pump & Pantry’/Gus Fonner S, 3rd Arapahoe Park Classic S, Jim Rasmussen Memorial S, to 6, 2016), SKY HAVEN (Presque Isle Debutante S, Caught in the Rain S, 2nd Blue Mountain Juvenile S, Colleen S, Channel Three S, etc.), ARCH TRAVELER (Ziggy’s Boy S, 3rd Woody Stephens S, G2, to 8, 2016), SPIRITED MISS (Duchess S, 2nd Mazarine S), SOUTH ANDROS (Justakiss S, 2nd Lighthouse S, Thirty Eight Go Go S), HAMP (Henry S Clark S, 2nd River City H, G3T, etc.), FLORAL SKY (Scarlet & Gray H, 2nd Diana S, 3rd Best of Ohio Distaff S, to 6, 2016), MR DAVID (Taby Varsprint, etc., to 9, 2016), MATCHLESS ORINDA (What a Summer S, 2nd Sabin S, G3, 3rd Distaff H, G2, etc.), etc. SKY MESA’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are GIULIA (G1 in Uru), MY IMPRESSION (G3T), SUPER SAKS, THUNDERING SKY, JUST BE KIND, D R C’S PRETTY SKY, HAPPY MESA, HIGHLAND SKY, OPPORTUNISTIC, XAVERIAN. MESA THUNDER Has Sired: Mesa Thunder has sired the winners Aloha Ke Akua ($57,870, to 4, 2016), Nevadan (at 3, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winner Hekili Storm.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$1,000 — 2—$8,000


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam CITIVIEW. Placed at 3, $23,877. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— MIDNIGHT LUCKY (by Midnight Lute). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $565,022, Acorn S (G1), Humana Distaff S (G1), Sunland Park Oaks. Songofthecity (Songandaprayer). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $50,333, 3rd Prairie Gold Lassie S. CARSON’S COPPER (Carson City). 9 wins, 2 to 8, $125,353. ROCK HARD CITY (Rock Hard Ten). 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2016, $73,235. MESA THUNDER (Subject stallion). 2nd dam PROSPECTIVE JOY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $68,620, Jameela S, 2nd Politely S, 3rd Heavenly Cause S. Dam of 9 foals, including— HOOKEDONTHEFEELIN. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $488,554, La Brea S (G1), Landaluce S (G2), Miss Preakness S, Fantastic Girl S, Cascapedia S, 2nd Desert Stormer H, Corona H, Safely Kept H, 3rd A Gleam H (G2), Rancho Bernardo H (G3). Dam of PUSSYCAT DOLL ($797,183, Humana Distaff H, G1, La Brea S, G1, Santa Monica H, G1, Torrey Pines S, Storm Flag Flying S, Audrey Skirball-Kenis S, 2nd Humana Distaff S, G1, Santa Ysabel S, G3, 3rd Gallant Bloom H, G2), JIMMY CREED ($439,250, Malibu S, G1, Potrero Grande S, G2, 2nd El Cajon S, 3rd Bing Crosby S, G1A, Santa Anita Sprint Championship S, G1), FUNNY FEELING ($143,386, Just Smashing S, 3rd Miss Woodford S, Ruthless S), Blowing Kisses ($141,946, 2nd Correction H, etc.). Granddam of AQUAPHOBIA ($67,800, Stanton S, 2nd James W. Murphy S, at 3, 2016), FOREVER POPULAR ($59,722, Newsells Park Stud Aphrodite S, in Eng, to 4, 2016). FIFTEEN MOONS. Dam of MAYLA ($225,109, Orleans S, 3rd Open Mind S, to 4, 2016). 3rd dam JOVIAL JOY. Winner at 3. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— LEPRECHAUN JOY. Winner at 4, $56,582. FIFTY ONE PHANTOM. Producer. Dam of Malibu Moon Dance ($115,730, 2nd Bennington S). 4th dam Nordic Joy. 5 wins to 3, $51,368, 2nd Summer Guest H, Windfall H, 3rd Twixt H. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— NORDIC JOVE. 3 wins at 3 and 4. GRAVINA. Unraced. Dam of POTOMAC BEND ($149,345, Cicada S, G3, Marshua S, Jameela S), Rachelle’s Numbers ($128,140, 2nd Maryland Million Lassie S). Granddam of ROCKET TIME ($331,323, Tenacious S, 2nd Michael G. Schaefer Memorial S, 3rd Commonwealth S, G3, Lone Star Park H, G3, to 5, 2016), BLUEGRASS ATATUDE ($91,700, Maryland Million Lassie S, etc.).


MESA THUNDER Sky Mesa – Citiview, by Citidancer

Top Ten Active California Third-Crop Sire in 2016 First Test Foal = First Runner = First Winner! 2YO filly ALOHA KE AKUA ($57,870) won 2nd time out by a widening 5½ lengths and won four more times at Santa Anita and Golden Gate! On-the-board in 11 of 17 starts. HEKILI STORM ($24,336), Golden Gate MSW winner, one third. Half-brother to multiple Grade 1 SW MIDNIGHT LUCKY (100 Beyer), O/o a full sister to HOOKEDONTHEFEELIN (Grade 1, 109 Beyer) – dam of PUSSYCAT DOLL (Grade 1, 112 Beyer) & JIMMY CREED (Grade 1, 105 Beyer) Hollywood Park Allowance winner by 2¼ lengths besting Grade 1-placed SW MENSA HEAT and NTR SW IMCO SPIRIT The West Coast’s only son of PULPIT’s 2YO Grade 1-winning son SKY MESA (106 Beyer), sire of Champion Millionaire DYNAMIC SKY Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 livE FoAl owner: Deborah Ann Gourman

PARADiSE RoAD RANCH lathrop, California inquiries to Doreen Spinney, 3637 Stewart Rd., lathrop, CA 95330 Phone (916) 803-5851. E-mail:



Ministers Wild Cat

b, 2000

height 16.2



2 3 4 5 Totals

1 6 9 6 22




0 2(1) 1 3(1) 6(2)

1 2(2) 2 0 5(2)

0 0 1 1(1) 2(1)


$9,600 $134,400 $73,072 $151,657 $368,729

Won At 3 Golden State Mile S ($78,650, 8f in 1:36.89). A maiden special weight race at SA ($62,400, 7f). 2nd El Camino Real Derby (G3, 8.5f, to Ocean Terrace). Affirmed H (G3, 8.5f, to Eye of the Tiger). Won At 4 An allowance race at Kee ($58,000, 7f in 1:22.76). Won At 5 Jacques Cartier S ($100,275, 6f in 1:09.67). An allowance race at WO ($63,952, 6.5f in 1:16.47). A race at WO ($56,270, 6f in 1:09.92, by 41). 3rd Bold Venture H (6.5f, to Judiths Wild Rush, etc.).

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI Deputy Minister, dkb/br, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI 7.77 AWD Mint Copy, 1970 76s, wnr, $53,945 7 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Kris S., 1977 5s, BTW, $53,350 839 f, 88 BTW, 2.48 AEI Hollywood Wildcat, dkb/br, 1990 21s, BTW, $1,432,160 12 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW 7.36 AWD Miss Wildcatter, 1980 Unraced 5 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

SIRE LINE MINISTERS WILD CAT is by DEPUTY MINISTER, black-type stakes winner of 12 races, $696,964, Horse of the Year and champion 2yo colt in Can, champion 2yo colt in USA, Young America S (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,142 foals, 874 rnrs (77%), 611 wnrs (54%), 121 2yo wnrs (11%), 90 BTW (8%), 2.52 AEI, 2.71 CI, 521 sale yrlgs, avg $258,029, 5.75 TNA. DEPUTY MINISTER has sired OPEN MIND (champion 2yo and 3yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), GO FOR WAND (champion 2yo and 3yo filly, Mother Goose S, G1, etc.), DEHERE (champion 2yo colt, Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, etc.), MONGOL WARRIOR (champion 3yo colt in Spain and Swi, Grosser Preis von Deutschland, G2 in Ger, etc.), DIVA’S DEBUT (champion older female in Can, Whimsical S, Etobicoke H, etc.), HELLO SEATTLE (champion 2yo filly in Can, Mazarine Breeders’ Cup S, G1), ELOQUENT MINISTER (champion 3yo filly in Ire, Garden City Budweiser Breeders’s Cup S, Kilfrush Coolmore E.B.F. Tipperary Sprint S, etc.), TOUCH GOLD (Belmont S, G1, Buick Haskell Invitational H, G1, Lexington S, G2, etc.), AWESOME AGAIN (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Whitney H, G1, Stephen Foster H, G2, etc.), DEPUTY COMMANDER (Travers S, G1, Super Derby, G1, Affirmed H, G3, etc.), KEEPER HILL (Kentucky Oaks, G1, Three Chimneys Spinster S, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, etc.), VICTORY SPEECH (Strub S, G1, Swaps S, G2, Dwyer S, G2, etc.), MR PURPLE (Santa Anita H, G1, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G2, etc.),

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (8 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2007 50 41 (82%) 28 (56%) 2008 57 49 (86%) 36 (63%) 2009 69 56 (81%) 40 (58%) 2010 50 44 (88%) 39 (78%) 2011 19 17 (89%) 13 (68%) 2012 29 24 (83%) 17 (59%) 2013 25 19 (76%) 11 (44%) 2014 48 15 (31%) 6 (13%) *Totals 347 265 (76%) 190 (55%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 10 0 1 (2%) 11 1 6 (11%) 5 0 2 (3%) 6 2 3 (6%) 3 0 0 (0%) 6 1 2 (7%) 4 0 0 (0%) 6 0 0 (0%) 51 4 14 (4%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2009 12 0 0 2010 48 2 0 2011 99 5 0 2012 135 10 0 2013 169 8 2 2014 113 2 1 2015 79 3 0 2016 83 0 0 *Totals 738 30 3 1.04 AEI; 0.93 CI; 6.37 AWD In 2016: 82 rnrs, 48 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 53 wins, $1,795,007 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $54,514 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $166,292 $854,210 $1,655,647 $2,372,149 $3,526,137 $2,376,023 $1,696,351 $1,785,802 $14,432,611

Dosage (6-1-10-1-0); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.67 See gray pages—Nearctic

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Victoria Regina, 1958 26s, BTW, $45,480 3 f, 3 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Menetrier, by Fair Copy

Bunty's Flight, 1953 43s, BTW, $42,300 104 f, 3 BTW, 0.79 AEI

Bunty Lawless, by Ladder

Shakney, 1964 8s, unpl 11 f, 11 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Jabneh, by Bimelech

Roberto, 1969 14s, BTW, $339,902 500 f, 85 BTW, 3.12 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Sharp Queen, 1965 14s, wnr, $11,775 8 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Princequillo, by Prince Rose

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Elizabeth K., 1970 25s, wnr, $26,423 9 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Third Martini, by Hasty Road

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Victoriana, by Windfelds

Broomfight, by Deil

Grass Shack, by Polynesian

Bramalea, by Nashua

Bridgework, by Occupy

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Baked Apple, by Hilarious

Inbreeding: 5sX5D Native Dancer.

MISS SHOP (Personal Ensign S, G1, Rampart H, G2, Turnback the Alarm H, G3, etc.), GO DEPUTY (Sword Dancer Invitational S, G1T, Bowling Green H, G2T, 2nd Pattison Canadian International S, G1T, etc.), CLEAR MANDATE (G1), SALT LAKE (G1), etc. DEPUTY MINISTER’S other sons as stallions include AWESOME AGAIN, SILVER DEPUTY, EDGY DIPLOMAT, DEHERE, WAR DEPUTY, FRENCH DEPUTY, etc. MINISTERS WILD CAT Has Sired: DOINGHARDTIMEAGAIN, 10, f (A+, dam by Conquistador Cielo, 2nd dam by Dayjur, 4X3 Mr. Prospector): $734,304, Great Lady M Stakes (G2), Hollywood Oaks (G2A), Soviet Problem S, etc. TIZ A MINISTER, 10, c (A++, Cee’s Tizzy, Noble Monk): $481,530, Affirmed H (G3A), California Breeders Champion S, 2nd Swaps S (G2A), etc. SHE’S ORDAINED, 09, f (A+, Not For Love, Affirmed, 4X3 Mr. Prospector, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $469,650, Willa On the Move S, 2nd Regret S, Lady in Waiting S, etc. SINGING KITTY, 12, f (A+, Unbridled’s Song, Thunder Gulch): $398,478, China Doll S, Unzip Me S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, etc., to 4, 2016. CURVY CAT, 09, f (A++, Distorted Humor, Personal Flag, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $386,055, B. Thoughtful S, 2nd Cat’s Cradle H, 3rd Paseana H, etc. GOING FOR A SPIN, 08, f (A++, Mr. Greeley, Palace Music, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $338,404, Cat’s Cradle H, E. B. Johnston S, 2nd B. Thoughtful S, etc. BAILOUTTHEMINISTER, 08, g (A++, Smokester, Danzig Connection): $242,154, Sam J. Whiting Memorial H. CASTINETTE DANCER, 08, f (A++, Supremo, Staff Writer, 4X4 Northern Dancer, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $219,164, Boulevard Casino S, Emerald Downs S, Hong Kong Jockey Club H, etc. HOLLYWOOD DREAMS, 08, g (A++, Boone’s Mill, Silent Screen, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $198,928, Red Diamond Express H three times, Three and Four Year Old Sales S, etc. SWISS WILD CAT, 08, f (Swiss Yodeler, Apollo): $189,552, California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, Robert H. Walter California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd Cinderella S, etc. HOLLYWOOD DRAMA, 10, g (A, Seattle Slew, Danzig, 4X4 Northern Dancer): $126,849, Birdcatcher S, Alberta Premier’s Futurity, Two Year Old Sales S. CAGED MISTRESS, 07, f (A++, Bertrando, Messenger of Song): $126,765, Strawberry Morn H, 2nd Vancouver Sun H. JOE JA, 08, f (A+, Birdonthewire, Relaunch a Tune): $92,220, Goldfinch S, 3rd Beverly J. Lewis S. STALK THE WILDCAT, 12, c (A++, Petionville, Storm Cat, 4X4 Mr. Prospector): $63,930, Golden Nugget S, to 4, 2016.



Ministers Wild Cat also has sired the winners Melanistic ($369,269, to 7, 2016), Popalicious ($315,984, to 6, 2016), Whatsthequestion ($258,148, to 6, 2016), Could Be Trouble ($208,900), Minster’sadventure ($197,859, to 4, 2016), Whine for Wine ($191,280, to 5, 2016), Run for Retts ($160,103, to 3, 2016), Tebows Big Play ($44,840), Royalty Gone Wild ($27,440), J J Minister ($23,710), Toledo Eddie ($471,891, to 7, 2016), Happy Toes ($231,586, to 8, 2016), She’s Holy ($221,158, to 5, 2016), Noble Kent ($211,728, to 7, 2016), See Zo Go ($184,280, to 9, 2016), Sean S ($184,050), Minister Vivendi ($183,683, to 6, 2016), Classic Crusader ($161,159), Jim’s No Preacher ($147,732), Dugan Bill ($130,122, to 8, 2016), Take It Easyplease ($126,886, to 4, 2016), No Team Spirit ($125,159, to 7, 2016), Lord’s Minister ($119,789), Wild and Gotaway ($118,395), Ministers Power ($117,221), Lookn Wild ($113,405), Small Secret ($111,489), Kalahari Queen ($100,048), Hollanita ($95,838), Whisper Tothesouth ($95,702), Minister’s Fate ($93,176), Angi’s Wild Cat ($92,392), Mr. Sierra ($89,741), Arrow Flynn ($87,096), Mc Hottie ($85,571, to 3, 2016), Maximum Maximum ($84,112, to 5, 2016), Looking Out ($83,400), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners Eichel, Rim Ditch, Bella Luma, Amazing Love, Hart Mountain, Wildcat Blues.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 1—$7,000 2015 — Lifetime 2—$4,000 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 10—$11,090 8—$10,152 44—$9,692

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$6,500 31—$3,958

FAMILY 1st dam HOLLYWOOD WILDCAT. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $1,432,160, champion 3yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Distaff (G1), Hollywood Oaks (G1), Gamely H (G1T), Del Mar Invitational Oaks (G2T), Sorority S (G3), Lady’s Secret H twice, San Clemente H, Debutante S, Melaleuca S, Little Brianne S, 2nd Beverly Hills H (G1T), Ramona H (G1T), Florida Oaks, 3rd La Canada S (G2), Azalea H. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— WAR CHANT (by Danzig). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $1,130,600, Breeders’ Cup Mile (G1T), Oak Tree Breeders’ Cup Mile S (G2T), San Rafael S (G2), 2nd Santa Anita Derby (G1). Sire, 1.41 AEI. IVAN DENISOVICH (Danehill). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng and Ire, placed in Fr and NA, $437,675, TNT July S (G2 in Eng), Laing O’Rourke Solonaway S, 2nd Darley Prix Morny (G1 in Fr), Secretariat S (G1T), 3rd Hollywood Derby (G1T), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng). Sire. MINISTERS WILD CAT (Subject stallion). DOUBLE CAT (Storm Cat). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $153,246, Queen of the Green H, etc. Producer.

check daily updates on

MINISTERS WILD CAT Deputy Minister – Hollywood Wildcat, by Kris S.

First Six Crops have Earned Over $13.6 Million, Producing Great Stats: 81% Rnrs/Foals, 75% Wnrs/Rnrs, 16% SHs/Rnrs and averaging over $58,800/Rnr

#4 ACTIvE CALIFORNIA SIRE by 2016 WINNERS TOP FOUR ACTIvE SIRE by CALIFORNIA-bRED EARNINGS Sire of SEvEN 2016 Stakes Performers/38 Lifetime Stakes Horses, including NTR $200,000 Grade 2 Great Lady M Stakes and $150,000 Grade 2 Hollywood Oaks SW DOINGHARDTIMEAGAIN ($734,304); $100,000 Grade 3 Affirmed H. & $300,000 California Breeders Champion SW TIZ A MINISTER ($481,530); Grade 3-pl, $200,000 XpressBet California Cup Oaks SW SINGING KITTy ($398,478); 2016 NYRA SW TOLEDO EDDIE ($471,891); $100,000 SW SHE’S ORDAINED ($469,650); $125,000 B. Thoughtful SW CURvy CAT ($386,055); 4-time SW GOING FOR A SPIN ($338,404); new 2016 SW POPALICIOUS ($315,984); SW bAILOUTTHEMINISTER ($242,154); etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIvE FOAL Owner: Tommy Town Thoroughbreds

TOMMy TOWN THOROUGHbREDS Santa ynez, California Inquiries to Mike Allen, Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Rd., Santa ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 686-4337 (office). Fax (805) 686-4280. E-mail: Web Site:




ch, 2006

height 16.21⁄2



2 3 4 5 Totals




0 4(2) 1(1) 1(1) 6(4)

0 3(3) 1(1) 1(1) 5(5)

0 0 0 0 0

0 9 2 2 13


— $698,589 $490,000 $118,120 $1,306,709

Won At 3 Indiana Derby (G2, $512,600, 8.5f in 1:40.80, NTR, dftg. Giant Oak, Karama, Weslinn, Win Willy, Fundy, Sumo, Despite the Odds, Flat Bold). Swaps S (G2A, $300,000, 9f in 1:49.02, dftg. Grazen, Scorewithcater, Massone, Conservative, Quindici Man, Advice). An allowance race at Hol ($65,000, 8.5f, AW in 1:44.07, by 31, dftg. Tiger Blitz, Dover Street Art, J P Jammer, Xodo). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($63,600, 8.5f, AW in 1:42.32, by 21, dftg. Party Hard, Magnific, Great Home, Hog’s Hollow, Indy Ride, Rough Idea, Pemba At U. T. K.). 2nd Malibu S (G1A, 7f, to M One Rifle, dftg. Papa Clem, Supreme Summit, Hunch, Square Eddie, Smart Bid, Coronet of a Baron, Jeranimo, Mythical Power, Join in the Dance, Kinsella, New Bay). Clark H (G2, 9f, to Blame, dftg. Einstein, Giant Oak, Anak Nakal, Dubious Miss, Bullsbay, Demarcation, Macho Again, Kiss the Kid, You and I Forever, Anarko, Etched, Timber Reserve). Affirmed H (G3A, 8.5f, to Grazen, dftg. Quindici Man, Scorewithcater, Fiddlers Afleet, Cape Truth). Won At 4 Santa Anita H (G1A, $750,000, 10f in 2:00.20, dftg. Neko Bay, Dakota Phone, Jeranimo, Rendezvous, St Trinians, Marsh Side, Delightful Kiss, Pick Six, Pool Play, Loup Breton, Tiger’s Rock, Eagle Poise, Mast Track). 2nd Strub S (G2A, 9f, to Jeranimo, dftg. Acclamation, Massone, Eagle Poise, Viscount, Rendezvous, Gallant Son, Heavenly Wind). Won At 5 Santana Mile S ($102,700, 8f in 1:33.50, by 3, dftg. Kensei, Honour the Deputy, Indian Firewater, Cigar Man, Matto Mondo, Arcodoro). 2nd Oaklawn H (G2, 9f, to Win Willy, dftg. Winslow Homer, Stachys, It Happened Again, Double Threat).

SIRE LINE MISREMEMBERED is by CANDY RIDE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $749,149, champion miler in Arg, Pacific Classic S (G1), Joaquin S. de Anchorena (G1 in Arg), San Isidro (G1 in Arg), American H (G2T). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 997 foals, 722 rnrs (72%), 531 wnrs (53%), 128 2yo wnrs (13%), 56 BTW (6%), 1.88 AEI, 1.70 CI, 486 sale yrlgs, avg $101,051, 2.25 TNA. In 2016: 97 2yos, 32 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 14 BTW, 48 sale yrlgs, avg $153,823. CANDY RIDE has sired SHARED BELIEF (champion 2yo colt, Santa Anita H, G1, TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc.), LOLO FOREVER (champion miler twice in Peru, to 6, 2016), SIDNEY’S CANDY (Santa Anita Derby, G1A, Fourstardave H, G2T, La Jolla H, G2T, San Felipe S, G2A, etc.), TWIRLING

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2013 38 33 (87%) 2014 19 5 (26%) *Totals 57 38 (67%)

Winners 20 (53%) 1 (5%) 21 (37%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 5 0 1 0 6 0

BT Winners 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)

By Racing Year Year Wins 2015 8 2016 33 *Totals 41 0.94 AEI; 1.72 CI; 6.50 AWD In 2016: 36 rnrs, 20 wnrs, 1 sw Lifetime On Turf: 2 wins, $61,512 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $25,647 *to November 6, 2016


BT Wins 0 1 1

Earned $128,377 $846,196 $974,573

Ride the Rails, 1991 14s, BTW, $255,096 756 f, 22 BTW, 1.27 AEI Candy Ride, b, 1999 6s, BTW, $749,149 997 f, 56 BTW, 1.88 AEI 6.98 AWD Candy Girl, 1990 Unraced 12 f, 11 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Quack, 1969 23s, BTW, $514,400 510 f, 26 BTW, 1.50 AEI Beyond Perfection, ch, 1988 9s, BTW, $403,989 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.17 AWD Miss Imorullah, 1970 61s, BTW, $48,227 9 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Cryptoclearance, 1984 44s, BTW, $3,376,327 1,196 f, 40 BTW, 1.13 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Herbalesian, 1969 Unraced 12 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Herbager, by Vandale

Candy Stripes, 1982 6s, wnr, $47,357 1,001 f, 58 BTW, 1.81 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

City Girl, 1982 Unraced 12 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Farnesio, by Good Manners

T. V. Lark, 1957 72s, BTW, $902,194 368 f, 53 BTW, 2.89 AEI

Indian Hemp, by Nasrullah

Quillon, 1964 10s, wnr, $5,480 10 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Princequillo, by Prince Rose

Black Beard, 1959 22s, BTW, $79,910 107 f, 4 BTW, 0.89 AEI

Swaps, by Khaled

Imorullah, 1963 13s, pl, $717 9 f, 8 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Amarullah, by Nasrullah

CANDY (Malibu S, G1, Del Mar Derby, G2T, Strub S, G2, Californian S, G2A, Oceanside S, 2nd TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, etc.), CAPT. CANDYMAN CAN (NetJets King’s Bishop S, G1, Hutcheson S, G2, Bay Shore S, G3, etc.), EL BRUJO (Pat O’Brien S, G1A, Perryville S, G3A, Kentucky Cup Sprint S, G3A, etc.), EVITA ARGENTINA (La Brea S, G1A, A Gleam H, G2A, San Vicente S, G2A, etc.), HOME SWEET ASPEN (Santa Monica S, G1, Louis R. Rowan S, 2nd Eight Belles S, G3), GUN RUNNER ( Louisiana Derby, G2, Veterans Ford Risen Star S, G2, Matt Winn S, G3, 2nd Las Vegas Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, Pennsylvania Derby, G2, 3rd Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, etc., to 3, 2016), CLUBHOUSE RIDE (Californian S, G2 twice, Barretts Juvenile S, 2nd Santa Anita H, G1, etc.), CANDY BOY (Robert B. Lewis S, G2, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, West Virginia Derby, G2, Los Alamitos Derby, G2, 3rd Santa Anita Derby, G1, etc., to 5, 2016), KETTLE CORN (San Diego H, G2A, Native Diver H, G3A, 2nd TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, etc.), GRAND TITO (Mac Diarmida S, G2T, Miami Mile H, G3, Miesque’s Approval S, Showing Up S, 2nd Bernard Baruch H, G2T, etc., to 6, 2016), CHOCOLATE RIDE (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. H, G2T, Colonel E.R. Bradley H, G3T, Fair Grounds H, G3T twice, to 6, 2016), PAID UP SUBSCRIBER (Fleur de Lis H, G2, 2nd Delaware H, G1, etc., to 4, 2016), AHH CHOCOLATE (Falls City H, G2, Allaire duPont Distaff S, G3, 2nd Chilukki S, G2, 3rd Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), UNIFIED (Peter Pan S, G2, Bay Shore S, G3, at 3, 2016), CELESTIAL CANDY (Carlos Tomkinson, G2 in Arg, etc., to 5, 2016), CHOCOLATE CANDY (El Camino Real Derby, G3A, Real Quiet S, California Derby, 2nd Santa Anita Derby, G1A, El Cajon S, 3rd CashCall Futurity, G1A), EAGLE (Ben Ali S, G3, Tenacious S, 2nd Stephen Foster H, G1, Alysheba S, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), CANDYMAN E (Toboggan S, G3, Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S, Bensalem S, 2nd Kid Russell S, 3rd Commonwealth S, G3A, etc.), TIGER RIDE (Pin Oak Valley View S, G3, Indiana Grand S, Ta Wee S, 2nd Beldame S, G1, Inside Information S, G2, etc., to 4, 2016), SUGAR SHOCK (Fantasy S, G3, American Beauty S, Panthers S, 2nd Honeybee S, G3), DUBAI SKY (Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati Spiral S, G3A, etc., to 4, 2016), LOOKING COOL (Iowa Derby, G3, etc., to 6, 2016), SWEET SWAP (San Simeon S, G3T, Joe Hernandez S, 2nd Clocker’s Corner S, etc., to 7, 2016), New York Blue (champion 3yo filly in Korea), etc. CANDY RIDE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are GRAND TITO (G2T), GUN RUNNER (G2), PAID UP SUBSCRIBER (G2), UNIFIED (G2), AHH CHOCOLATE (G3), CHOCOLATE RIDE (G3T), EAGLE (G3), CELESTIAL CANDY (G3 in Arg), CANDIP, CHOCOPOLOGIE, DIG DEEP, DINGDINGDINGDING, LOLO FOREVER (in Peru), OKIE RIDE. CANDY RIDE’S other sons as stallions include TWIRLING CANDY (133 foals, 6 BTW, 1.65 AEI), etc.



Dosage (1-6-3-2-0); DI: 2.43; CD: 0.50 See gray pages—Polynesian Naval Orange, by Hoist the Flag

Alanesian, by Polynesian

Bubble Company, by Lyphard

Cithara, by Utopico

Miss Larksfy, by Heelfy

Nato II, by Court Martial

Darby Dunedin, by Blenheim II

Jimo, by Apache

MISREMEMBERED Has Sired: NIGHTLY NEWS, 13, g (A++, dam by Flying Chevron, 2nd dam by Matchlite): $67,134, Turf Paradise Derby, to 3, 2016. Misremembered also has sired the winners Dazzling Gem ($243,440, 3rd Louisiana Derby, G2, LARC Sir Barton S, at 3, 2016), Whiskey Tree ($54,860, 3rd Private Terms S, to 3, 2016), She’s a Bootsy Too ($98,100, at 3, 2016), Misses Knight ($45,400, at 3, 2016), Mrs. Pedecaris ($42,212, to 3, 2016), Color Me Sexy ($40,023, at 3, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winner Memories Galore.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 1—$1,000 2015 — Lifetime 4—$20,500 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$7,800 7—$22,957 27—$20,681

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 4—$9,875

FAMILY 1st dam BEYOND PERFECTION. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $403,989, Del Mar Debutante S (G2), Bay Meadows Oaks (G3), Barretts Debutante S, 2nd Sorrento S (G3), 3rd Oak Leaf S (G2). Dam of 7 foals, including— MISREMEMBERED (Subject stallion). THE GRIFF (by Housebuster). 5 wins, 2 to 7, $201,960. BEYOND OUR WILDEST (Honour and Glory). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $48,400. PERFECT RUN (Cherokee Run). Winner at 4 and 5, $40,556. 2nd dam MISS IMORULLAH. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $48,227, Miss Ohio S, 2nd Myrtlewood S, Starlet S, Susan S, Cleveland Cotillion S, Cleveland Oaks, 3rd Ohio Matron S, Hunting Valley H, Ohio Debutante S, Little Miami S, Aspirant S, Mahmoudess S. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— TRUE WEST. 17 wins, 2 to 9, $375,875, Best of Ohio Endurance Championship H, Mel Blount H, George Lewis Memorial H, Ohio Harvest H, 3rd Buckeye H, Midwest Championship H, etc. Sire. CENTRAL TRUST. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Powerful Player (3rd Cardinal H). 3rd dam IMORULLAH. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals, including— LITTLE MO. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $126,655, Mardi Gras H, 2nd Beth H, 3rd Matchmaker H. Producer. Dam of Little Password ($36,750, 2nd La Centinela S). Granddam of ONCEINABLUEMAMOON ($429,023, Las Palmas H, G2T, Hillsborough H, G3T, Honeymoon S, 2nd River Cities Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, G3T, Bayou H, Old South H). MISS RESTLESS. 5 wins at 3, $40,155, Office Queen S. Producer.


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MISREMEMBERED Candy Ride (Arg) – Beyond Perfection, by Quack

Grade 1-Winning Millionaire & Track Record Setter Leading Earner at Stud by World Record Miler CANDY RIDE 4th Crop Sire of 55% Winners/Starters, including: A Graded Stakes Winner: Cherry Man ($13,425, Campeonato Juvenile-Grade 1) 2 Stakes Winners: Nightly News ($67,134, Turf Paradise Derby) and Dazzling Gem ($243,440 Louisiana Derby Grade 2) And 3 Stakes-Placers Amassed earnings of $1,306,709, running first or second in 11 of 13 career starts. Won the $750,000 Grade 1 Santa Anita Handicap and posted victories in the Grade 2 Swaps Stakes and Grade 2 Indiana Derby where he ran the 8 1/2 furlongs in a track record time of 1:40 4/5. Won the Santana Mile at Santa Anita by an easy 3 lengths stopping the clock for the mile in 1:33 2/5. Earned a -3 rating from the Thoro-Graph Sheets. According to the DRF, ranked as the #1 Handicap Horse in North America at the time of his retirement. Out of MGSW Beyond Perfection, one of the Leading Juveniles in California in 1990 after wins in the Grade 2 Del Mar Debutante and Barretts Debutante S. and runner-up efforts in the Grade 2 Oak Leaf and Grade 3 Sorrento S. “The way he won the Santana Mile in near track record time, in a gallop, showcased his brilliance in a manner similar to his sire, Candy Ride, who set a new track record at a mile and a quarter while defeating Medaglia d’Oro. He blossomed into a true Classic horse.” – Hall of Fame Trainer Bob Baffert MEMBER

Nominated to:



Inquiries to Hector Palma, Consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92546 (951) 654-9100 FAX: (951) 654-9119 Website:




Dosage (7-9-25-0-1); DI: 2.11; CD: 0.50 See gray pages—Royal Charger

b, 2003



2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals




0 0 1 0 1 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 1

0 0 3 0 4 2 9


— — $34,960 — $31,800 $4,160 $70,920

Won At 4 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($62,800, 8.5f, AW in 1:44.33, dftg. Fortunate Victory, Battle Too, Ace High Hand, Live Free, Lightning Storm). Won At 6 An allowance race at Hol ($65,400, 8.5f, AW in 1:43.18, by 83, dftg. Enriched, Axel Foley, Itshim, Troubletimesthree, Dover Street Art).

SIRE LINE Mr. Big is by DYNAFORMER, black-type stakes winner of 7 races, $671,207, Jersey Derby (G2), Discovery H (G2), Lucky Draw S, 2nd Gallant Fox H (G2), General George S, 3rd Dixie H (G2T). To November 6, 2016: Sired 22 crops, 1,308 foals, 1,159 rnrs (89%), 864 wnrs (66%), 171 2yo wnrs (13%), 131 BTW (10%), 2.25 AEI, 1.65 CI, 564 sale yrlgs, avg $146,219, 3.26 TNA. In 2016: 3 BTW. DYNAFORMER has sired AMERICAIN (champion stayer in Aust, Eur, champion older male twice in Fr, Emirates Melbourne Cup, G1 in Aust, Zipping Sandown Classic, G2 in Aust, etc.), LUCARNO (champion 3yo colt in Eng, Ladbrokes St. Leger, G1 in Eng, Ladbrokes Great Voltigeur S, G2 in Eng, Princess of Wales’s S, G2 in Eng, Fairway S, 2nd King Edward VII S, G2 in Eng), RAINBOW VIEW (champion 2yo filly in Eng and Eur, champion 3yo filly in Ire, Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile, G1 in Eng, Coolmore Fusaichi Pegasus Matron S, G1 in Ire, Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield May Hill S, G2 in Eng, etc.), BLUE BUNTING (champion 3yo filly in Eng, QIPCO One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Darley Irish Oaks, G1 in Ire, Darley Yorkshire Oaks, G1 in Eng, etc.), WIENER WALZER (champion 3yo colt in Ger, IDEE Deutsches Derby, G1 in Ger, Rheinland-Pokal, G1 in Ger, Oppenheim-UnionRennen, G2 in Ger, etc.), FLYING OFFICER (champion older male in Eng, QIPCO British Champions Long Distance Cup, G2 in Eng, etc., to 6, 2016), OCEAN SILK (champion 3yo filly in Eng, Caffreys Lupe S, 2nd Aston Upthorpe Yorkshire Oaks, G1 in Eng, Ribblesdale S, G2 in Eng, The Very One H, G3T, etc.), MEEZNAH (champion older female in Eng, DFS Park Hill S, G2 in Eng, etc.), BARBARO (Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, Florida Derby, G1, etc.), PERFECT DRIFT (Stephen Foster H, G1, Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, Lane’s End Spiral S, G2, etc.), POINT OF ENTRY (Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, Man o’ War S, G1T, etc.), FILM MAKER (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, La Prevoyante H, G2T, etc.), RISKAVERSE (Flower Bowl Invitational S, G1T twice, Queen Elizabeth

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named Year Foals 2011 2 2012 7 2013 2 2014 3 *Totals 14

Runners 1 (50%) 5 (71%) 0 (0%) 2 (67%) 8 (57%)

Winners 1 (50%) 4 (57%) 0 (0%) 1 (33%) 6 (43%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

BT Winners 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (33%) 1 (7%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 1 0 2015 5 0 2016 11 1 *Totals 17 1 2.56 AEI; 0.76 CI; 7.51 AWD In 2016: 8 rnrs, 6 wnrs, 1 sw Lifetime On Turf: 4 wins, $327,103 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $99,313 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $37,774 $304,210 $452,523 $794,507

Roberto, 1969 14s, BTW, $339,902 500 f, 85 BTW, 3.12 AEI Dynaformer, dkb/br, 1985 30s, BTW, $671,207 1,308 f, 131 BTW, 2.25 AEI 9.32 AWD Andover Way, 1978 18s, BTW, $372,471 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI Fashion Delight, b, 1987 15s, BTW, $122,950 11 f, 9 r, 8 w, 1 BTW 6.91 AWD Charleston Rag, 1982 6s, BTW, $172,053 4 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Hail to Reason, 1958 18s, BTW, $328,434 308 f, 43 BTW, 4.39 AEI

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Bramalea, 1959 38s, BTW, $192,396 9 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

His Majesty, 1968 22s, BTW, $99,430 640 f, 56 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Ribot, by Tenerani

On the Trail, 1964 Unraced 9 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Olympia, by Heliopolis

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Killaloe, 1970 32s, wnr, $67,065 10 f, 9 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

Dr. Fager, by Rough'n Tumble

General Assembly, 1976 17s, BTW, $463,245 581 f, 26 BTW, 1.21 AEI

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Music Ville, 1972 11s, wnr, $11,646 4 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Charlottesville, by Prince Chevalier

Nothirdchance, by Blue Swords

Rarelea, by Bull Lea

Flower Bowl, by Alibhai

Golden Trail, by Hasty Road

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Grand Splendor, by Correlation

Exclusive Dancer, by Native Dancer

Meadow Music, by Tom Fool

Inbreeding: 4sX5d Nashua.

II Challenge Cup S, G1T, etc.), SAND SPRINGS (Diana S, G1T, Just a Game Breeders’ Cup H, G2T, Lake Placid H, G2T, etc.), BRILLIANT SPEED (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1A, Saranac S, G3T, 2nd Jamaica H, G1T, etc.), DYNAFORCE (Beverly D. Stakes, G1T, Flower Bowl Invitational S, G1T, etc.), CRITICAL EYE (Hempstead H, G1, Gazelle H, G1, etc.), STARRER (Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1, Santa Maria H, G1, etc.), PURIM (Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T, etc.), GOZZIP GIRL (American Oaks Invitational S, G1T, etc.), VERGENNES (Early Times Hollywood Derby, G1T, etc.), HARMONIOUS (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, American Oaks S, G1T, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, etc.), KARLOVY VARY (Central Bank Ashland S, G1A, etc.), COLLECT THE CASH (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, etc.), STAR BILLING (Matriarch S, G1T, Senorita S, G3T, 2nd Clement L. Hirsch S, G1A, etc.), WHITE MOONSTONE (Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile, G1 in Eng, etc.), MYSTERY GIVER (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H, G2T, etc.), SOMEWHAT (Ajax S, G2 in Aust, etc., to 5, 2016), CASINO HOST (Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H, G2T, Del Mar H, G2T, etc.), STARFORMER (New York S, G2T, etc.), BAPTIZE (Arlington Classic S, G2T, etc.), McDynamo (champion steeplechaser three times), etc. DYNAFORMER’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are SOMEWHAT (G2 in Aust), DANISH DYNAFORMER (G3T), FOREVER POPULAR (in Eng). DYNAFORMER’S other sons as stallions include PURIM (212 foals, 6 BTW, 1.39 AEI), MILT’S OVERTURE (83 foals, 8 BTW, 1.34 AEI), TEMPLE CITY (221 foals, 7 BTW, 1.29 AEI), WIENER WALZER, etc. MR. BIG Has Sired: BIG SCORE, 14, c (dam by Unusual Heat, 2nd dam by General Meeting): $147,800, Zuma Beach S, 2nd Del Mar Juvenile Turf S, at 2, 2016. Mr. Big also has sired the winners Big Book ($141,640, 2nd Torrey Pines S, G3, to 4, 2016), Big Break ($200,469, to 5, 2016), Big Move ($148,868, to 4, 2016), Big Discovery ($95,350, to 4, 2016), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam FASHION DELIGHT. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $122,950, Schaumburg H, 3rd Alcibiades S (G2). Dam of 11 foals, including— MAGNIFICIENCE (by Stormy Atlantic). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $163,738, Santa Paula S (G3), 2nd A Gleam H (G2A), 3rd Pine Tree Lane S. Producer. Dam of Robillard ($223,860, 2nd Lady Baltimore S, 3rd Sheepshead Bay S, G2T, to 4, 2016). AGEHANO MAI (Danzig). 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Japan, $361,668. VINCENT VEGA (Dixieland Band). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $146,540.



MR. BIG (Subject stallion). MAHIRO (Unaccounted For). Winner at 3 in Japan, $59,045. FASHION EDITOR (Deputy Minister). Unraced. Producer. Dam of Simply Divine ($120,893, 2nd Open Mind S), Luxembourg ($99,733, 2nd Ziggy’s Boy S, 3rd Withers S, G3). 2nd dam CHARLESTON RAG. 3 wins at 2, $172,053, Frizette S (G1). Dam of 4 foals, including— Style Setter. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $92,179, 3rd Pago Hop Breeders’ Cup S. Dam of CASUAL LOOK ($602,657, Vodafone Epsom Oaks, G1 in Eng, 2nd Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile, G1 in Eng, Owen Brown Rockfel S, G2 in Eng, 3rd Darley Irish Oaks, G1 in Ire, etc.), SHABBY CHIC ($113,150, Prix de Liancourt, 3rd Yellow Ribbon S, G1T, etc.), American Style ($282,233, 2nd Ben Ali S, G3, 3rd Dwyer S, G2), Saville Row ($44,777, in Fr). Granddam of FASHION STATEMENT ($264,640, champion 3yo filly in Italy, Oaks d’Italia, G2 in Italy, etc.), CASUAL SMILE ($151,845, WinStar Matchmaker S, G3T). 3rd dam Music Ville. Winner at 3 in Ire, placed in Eng, 2nd Ashford Castle S, 3rd Gallinule S (G2 in Ire), Galtres S. Dam of 4 foals, including— JAZZ QUARTET. Winner at 3 and 4, $51,265. 4th dam MEADOW MUSIC. Winner at 2 in Ire. Dam of 9 foals, including— MEADOW COURT. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng and Ire, $284,988, champion 3yo colt in Ire, Irish Sweeps Derby, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth S, etc. Sire. RARE MUSIC. 5 wins, 3 to 8, in Ire and Eng, Fitzwilliam S, 2nd Autumn Free H, etc. Meadow Moss. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Eng and Ire, 2nd Queen Alexandra S. Whistling Fool. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, 2nd Free H, Ladbroke Gold Cup H, 3rd Crocker Bulteel H. MEADOW SAFFRON. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of KESAR QUEEN ($86,628, Coronation S, G2 in Eng, 2nd Prix de la Grotte, G3 in Fr, Prix de Sandringham, G3 in Fr, 3rd One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Prix de l’Opera, G2 in Fr), SPARROW’S AIR ($40,182, Radley S, 3rd Yorkshire Oaks, G1 in Eng), Chisos ($29,000, 2nd De Anza S, sire), Bold Saffron ($24,180, 3rd Leona C. Stakes). Granddam of WINNING FLUSH (champion 3yo colt in Nor), SPELLBOUND ($334,348, Hollywood Derby, G1T, 2nd Hawthorne Derby, G3T, Red Bank H, G3T, Temperence Hill H, etc., sire), MATERCO ($279,624, Honeymoon H, G3T, California Breeders’ Champion S, Providencia S, etc.), BRIGHT CROCUS ($192,101, Fair Grounds Oaks, G3, May Hill S, G3 in Eng, Kingsclere S, 2nd Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.).

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Dynaformer – Fashion Delight, by Fappiano

ONLY SON OF THE GREAT DYNAFORMER IN CALIFORNIA BREED FOR SPEED, SIZE, STAMINA & VERSATILITY – VERY CORRECT & GOOD BONE BEST VALUE SIRE FOR CALIFORNIA BREEDERS: OUTSTANDING CURRENT 2YO AVERAGE EARNINGS INDEX OF 4.83 – CI 0.76 Ranked among the top twelve active California sires by 2016 juvenile earnings, including SW BIG SCORE ($147,800), from four starts – 2 3/4-length Maiden Special winner frst time out at Del Mar, 2nd in the $100,000 Del Mar Juvenile Turf S.-L, 3 1/4-length winner of Santa Anita’s $100,000 Zuma Beach S.-L, and 5th of 14 in the $1,000,000 Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf. Sire of 2015 Grade 3-pl Big Book ($141,640), a Santa Anita Maiden Special Weight debut winner and multiple Santa Anita Allowance winner. Ran 2nd to Eclipse Champion, Grade 1-winner and Breeders’ Cup Distaff-placed STELLAR WIND in the Torrey Pines S.-G3 at Del Mar. Also sire of frst starter = frst winner: BIG BREAK ($200,469) won by 7 3/4 lengths at frst asking at Santa Anita (5 1/2 f, dirt), and came back in the Santa Paula Stakes to outrun Grade 1placed Taste Like Candy and Grade 3-placed Morning Fix; and of 2016 Santa Anita Allowance winner BIG MOVE ($148,868), 1-2-3 9 of 10 starts!

Special considerations if name of foal contains BIG, or BIGGER, or BIGGEST Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $6,000 LIVE FOAL Property of George Krikorian Standing at


Inquiries to Marguerite Eliasson, 18122 Littlepage Road, Ramona, California 92065 Ph: (760) 789-1498, Fax: (760) 789-7906. E-mail: or website:



Mr. Broad Blade

b, 1996

height 16.3



2 3 4 Totals

4 7 1 12




1 2(1) 0 3(1)

1 1(1) 0 2(1)

0 1 1(1) 2(1)


$31,620 $122,064 $38,040 $191,724

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($39,600, 8.5f in 1:45.06, by 3, dftg. No Cal Bread, Importation, Roncesvalles, Delray Devil, Prince of the Wild, Hurricane’s Eye, The Wicked King). Won At 3 Ascot H ($100,000, 8.5f in 1:41.45, by 4, dftg. Seayabyebye, Incitatus, Aztec Silver, Sunday Stroll, Irisheyesareflying, Macward, Final Connection). An allowance race at SA ($67,500, 8.5f in 1:44.08, dftg. Brilliantly, Outstanding Hero, Prairieton, Charismatic, Prince of the Wild, American Spirit, Dandy Dancer, Cartel, Devil’s Judge). 2nd El Cajon S (8f, to National Saint, dftg. Select Few, Kaibo, Radical Rate). 3rd At 4 San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2, 8.5f, to Saint’s Honor, Cat Thief, dftg. General Challenge, Cliquot, Straight Man, Casey Griffin).

SIRE LINE MR. BROAD BLADE is by BROAD BRUSH, black-type stakes winner of 14 races, $2,656,793, Santa Anita H (G1), Meadowlands Cup (G1), Suburban H (G1), Wood Memorial Invitational (G1), Pennsylvania Derby (G2), Ohio Derby (G2), Jim Beam S (G3), John B. Campbell H (G3), Trenton H (G3), Federico Tesio S, General George S, Inner Harbor S, 2nd San Fernando S (G1), Pegasus H (G2), Massachusetts H (G2), Saint Paul Derby, Star de Naskra S, 3rd Charles H Strub S (G1), Metropolitan H (G1), Kentucky Derby (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 668 foals, 576 rnrs (86%), 479 wnrs (72%), 115 2yo wnrs (17%), 91 BTW (14%), 2.55 AEI, 2.01 CI, 213 sale yrlgs, avg $126,033, 2.81 TNA. BROAD BRUSH has sired FARDA AMIGA (champion 3yo filly, Alabama S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, 2nd

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (11 crops) Named RunWin2yo 2yo Year Foals ners ners Wnrs BTW 2002 6 3 (50%) 0 (0%) 0 0 2003 9 9 (100%) 2 (22%) 1 0 2004 9 8 (89%) 6 (67%) 0 0 2005 9 4 (44%) 3 (33%) 1 0 2006 3 2 (67%) 2 (67%) 0 0 2007 6 3 (50%) 2 (33%) 0 0 2008 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 0 0 2009 3 3 (100%) 3 (100%) 0 0 2010 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 0 0 2011 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 0 2012 1 1 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 0 2013 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 0 0 2014 0 0 (0%) 1 (0%) 0 0 *Totals 49 36 (73%) 21 (43%) 2 0

BT Winners 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (11%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2005 2 0 2006 2 0 2007 4 0 2008 11 1 2009 9 0 2010 4 0 2011 6 0 2012 7 0 2013 7 0 2014 1 0 2015 1 0 2016 3 0 *Totals 57 1 0.78 AEI; 0.87 CI; 7.38 AWD In 2016: 3 rnrs, 2 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 11 wins, $392,706 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $32,304 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $80,400 $53,782 $176,883 $190,692 $184,449 $53,191 $108,967 $143,231 $117,034 $42,330 $17,516 $22,314 $1,190,789

Ack Ack, 1966 27s, BTW, $636,641 581 f, 52 BTW, 2.36 AEI Broad Brush, b, 1983 27s, BTW, $2,656,793 668 f, 91 BTW, 2.55 AEI 7.62 AWD Hay Patcher, 1973 14s, BTW, $47,224 12 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Highland Blade, 1978 29s, BTW, $998,888 339 f, 10 BTW, 1.16 AEI Miss High Blade, dkb/br, 1988 37s, BTW, $508,396 6 f, 6 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 8.16 AWD Darling Miss Q., 1981 8s, BTW, $50,725 9 f, 8 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Dosage (6-18-19-0-1); DI: 3.19; CD: 0.64 See gray pages—Himyar Battle Joined, 1959 10s, BTW, $106,371 187 f, 13 BTW, 1.34 AEI

Armageddon, by Alsab

Fast Turn, 1959 Unraced 12 f, 10 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Hoist the Flag, 1968 6s, BTW, $78,145 246 f, 51 BTW, 3.90 AEI

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Turn to Talent, 1963 31s, BTW, $75,808 12 f, 11 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Damascus, 1964 32s, BTW, $1,176,781 738 f, 72 BTW, 2.76 AEI

Sword Dancer, by Sunglow

Misty Bryn, 1969 32s, BTW, $55,016 13 f, 10 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Misty Flight, by Princequillo

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Mistress Q., 1971 4s, wnr, $5,070 10 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Quadrangle, by Cohoes

Ethel Walker, by Revoked

Cherokee Rose, by Princequillo

Wavy Navy, by War Admiral

Hidden Talent, by Dark Star

Kerala, by My Babu

Penny Bryn, by Tulyar

Sweet Tooth, by On-and-On

Helpful, by Bold Ruler

Inbreeding: 5sX5D Princequillo.

Breeders’ Cup Distaff, G1), CONCERN (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Californian S, G1, Arkansas Derby, G2, New Orleans H, G3, 2nd Travers S, G1, Super Derby, G1, etc.), INCLUDE (Pimlico Special H, G1, Massachusetts H, G2, New Orleans H, G2, Whirlaway H, Vincent A. Moscarelli Memorial S, Jennings H twice, etc.), POMPEII (Personal Ensign H, G1, Rare Treat H, G3, Doylestown H, 2nd Go for Wand H, G1, Next Move H, G3, 3rd Affectionately H, G3), MONGOOSE (Donn H, G1, Miller Genuine Draft Cradle S, 2nd Gulfstream Park H, G1, Summing S, 3rd Turfway Spiral S, G2), SCHOSSBERG (Philip H. Iselin H, G1, Jerome H, G1, Salvator Mile H, G3, 3rd Pegasus H, G1, King’s Bishop S, G2, Finger Lakes Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, G3), LITTLE BABY BEAR (Grande Premio Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, G1 in Brz, etc.), QUEST STAR (Pan American H, G2T twice, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H, G2T, 2nd Fourstardave H, G2T, Bowling Green H, G2T, Pan American H, G2T, etc.), STELLAR BRUSH (Ohio Derby, G2, West Virginia Derby, Leonard Richards S, 2nd Federico Tesio S, Iowa Derby, 3rd Remington Park Derby, G3, etc.), BEST OF LUCK (Peter Pan S, G2, Stuyvesant H, G3, 2nd Wood Memorial S, G2, Withers S, G2, Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Discovery H, G3), STAR OF BROADWAY (Beaumont S, G2, Thelma S, 2nd Las Virgenes S, G1), BROAD DYNAMITE (Astarita S, G2, Rancho Del Charro S, 3rd Del Mar Debutante S, G2, Arlington-Washington Lassie S, G2), FRENCH BERET (G3T), BRUSH WITH PRIDE (G3), HESANOLDSALT (G3), BRUSHED HALORY (G3), NOISETTE (G3), BRUSHING GLOOM (G3), BROAD GAINS (G3), TOOKIN DOWN (G3), BROAD SMILE (G3), BRUSHING UP (G3), HOT BRUSH (G3), J. F. WILLIAMS (G3), TIMELY BROAD (G3), MERENGUE (G3), MAYBRY’S BOY (G3), WITH FLAIR (G3), TENNIS LADY (G3), SPECIAL BROAD (G3), GAIL’S BRUSH (G3), SILVER CHARADES (G3), MAGIC BROAD (G3), ROAD RUSH (G3), GLORY IN MOTION (G3), etc. BROAD BRUSH’S other sons as stallions include SCHOSSBERG (113 foals, 2 BTW, 1.54 AEI), INCLUDE (1,015 foals, 44 BTW, 1.53 AEI), DUBAI DUST, etc. MR. BROAD BLADE Has Sired: BELLSBLADE, 04, f (dam by Red Ransom, 2nd dam by In Reality, 4X4 Damascus): $96,760, Work the Crowd S. Mr. Broad Blade also has sired the winners Justdontcallmejeri ($129,412, 3rd Tampa Bay Derby, G3), Dirty Dish Mitch ($69,395, 2nd California Breeders’ Champion S), Affrettando ($187,269, to 7, 2016), Twodollarstowin ($111,664), Charm N Broad ($84,332), Shezabigbroad ($69,710), Mikey Bones ($62,960), Sally’s Blade ($62,086), Youcallinmealiar ($56,220), Blade Scuffler ($51,661), Scrimmage, Fallen Leaf, Spada Scura, Deal Master, Sharp Dressed Gal (to 3, 2016), Gunnergunagetya, etc.



Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — 1—$1,200

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 2—$2,750

FAMILY 1st dam MISS HIGH BLADE. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $508,396, Countess Fager H (G3T), Honey Fox H, Palo Alto H, Bay Meadows Lassie S, Estrapade S, Queen to Conquer S, Lakes and Flowers Breeders’ Cup H, 2nd California Oaks, Carmel H, Alameda County Fillies and Mares H, Burlingame S, Songstress S, Pacific Heights H, etc. Dam of 6 foals, including— MISS HOT SALSA (by Houston). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $227,756, Pike Place Dancer H, 2nd San Clemente H (G2T), 3rd Glendale H. Dam of MONGOLIAN SATURDAY ($1,130,026, TwinSpires Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint, G1T, Woodford S Presented by Keeneland Select, G3T, 2nd Turf Monster H, G3T, Parx Dash H, G3T, Woodford S Presented by Keeneland Select, G3, Researcher S, West Virginia Legislature Chairman’s Cup S, Straight Line S, 3rd Ohio Derby, G3, Mr. Prospector S, G3, Caixa Electronica S, Kenny Noe Jr. S, Silks Run S, to 6, 2016), DADDYS LIL DARLING ($324,165, Pocahontas S, G2, 2nd Darley Alcibiades S, G1, at 2, 2016), VICTORYASECRET ($242,485, Luther Burbank H, Alameda County Fillies and Mares S, 2nd Alameda County Fillies and Mares H, Swingtime S, 3rd Adoration S), Four Song Limit ($81,302, 3rd Pasadena S). MR. BROAD BLADE (Subject stallion). TOSEN SLEW (Seattle Slew). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Japan, $73,286. 2nd dam DARLING MISS Q. 3 wins at 2, $50,725, It’s in the Air S. Dam of 9 foals, including— WILD BLUSTER. 8 wins, 3 to 6, in Japan, $2,228,833, March S twice, Antares S, etc. Sire. 3rd dam MISTRESS Q. Winner at 2. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— Raise a Q. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $79,122, 2nd Sorority S (G2), 3rd Galaxy S. Madam Q. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $45,241, 2nd Pollyanna S. Producer. Twilight’s Last. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Lebanon S. NEXT WITNESS. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Silent Witness ($161,831). Granddam of SILENT PIPE ($427,477, Free Spirit’s Joy S, 2nd Louisiana Futurity, etc.), WITNESS TO A FIGHT ($111,062, Louisiana Futurity). QUITE A Q. Producer. Dam of Jimedwards (in Ven).

MR. BROAD BLADE Broad Brush – Miss High Blade, by Highland Blade

GRADED-CLASS RUNNER & GRADED-CLASS SIRE BY LEADING SIRE BROAD BRUSH Average Earnings Per Runner Over 32-Times His Fee! Sire of nearly 9% Stakes horses including SW BELLSBLADE, 4 wins by a combined margin of nearly 22 lengths including a 21⁄2-length victory in the listed Work the Crowd Stakes over Grade 3 SW LIGHTMYFIREBABY; Grade 3-placed Justdontcallmejeri, 4 wins by nearly 12 combined lengths and placed to multiple Classic performer & Grade 3 SW MUSKET MAN in the $300,000 Grade 3 Tampa Bay Derby beating Grade 1 SWs GENERAL QUARTERS and WARRIOR’S REWARD; and Stakes-placed 2YO Dirty Dish Mitch, 2nd to California Horse of the Year & Grade 1 SW BOB BLACK JACK in the $125,000 California BreedersÕ Champion Stakes beating 2-time Grade 2 SW LIBERIAN FREIGHTER; etc. By Leading Sire BROAD BRUSH, whose son INCLUDE has sired SIX Grade 1 SWs, including California Grade 1 SWs PANTY RAID, INCLUDE ME OUT and CASH INCLUDED.

2017 FEE: $1,000 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at


Inquiries to Tom Hudson, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, California 93460 (805) 693-1777 FAX (805) 693-1644. E-mail: or website:




Entered Stud in 2016

dkb/br, 2009


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 1 7 3 11

0 0 2 0 2

0 0 1 0 1

0 0 1(1) 0 1(1)


— $350 $97,042 $12,500 $109,892

Won At 4 A race at BHP ($70,700, 12f, turf in 2:27.64, by 41, dftg. Vibrato Jazz, Shadow Runner, Warrant, Father of Science, Copper Bay, Trucial State). A maiden special weight race at BHP ($69,100, 9.5f, turf in 1:56.68, dftg. Apostle Paul, Prince Telemachus, Moreno, Grand Giant, Incentivize, Prestige Worldwide, My Dividend, Carams, Great Ride, Secret Wishes). 3rd Round Table S (12f, turf, to Dhaamer, Lime Rickey, dftg. Little Emily, Diamondsdiplomat, Madera Castana).

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Giant's Causeway, ch, 1997 13s, BTW, $3,078,989 2,258 f, 168 BTW, 1.81 AEI 8.50 AWD Mariah's Storm, 1991 16s, BTW, $724,895 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Kingmambo, 1990 13s, BTW, $734,804 894 f, 85 BTW, 2.43 AEI Istikbal, b, 1996 1s, unpl 7 f, 5 r, 4 w 10.12 AWD Tafrah, 1989 4s, wnr, $6,099 11 f, 9 r, 5 w


Niagara Falls is by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,078,989, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte International S (G1 in Eng), Coral-Eclipse S (G1 in Eng), Champagne Lanson Sussex S (G1 in Eng), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Salamandre (G1 in Fr), King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S (G3 in Ire), Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Queen Elizabeth II S (G1 in Eng). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 2,258 foals, 1,801 rnrs (80%), 1,177 wnrs (52%), 211 2yo wnrs (9%), 168 BTW (7%), 1.81 AEI, 2.44 CI, 956 sale yrlgs, avg $213,953, 4.77 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 35 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 31 sale yrlgs, avg $165,618. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired SHAMARDAL (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), TAKE CHARGE BRANDI (champion 2yo filly, 14 Hands Winery Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Starlet S, G1, etc.), IRISH MISSION (champion 3yo filly and turf female in Can, The Very One S, G3T, Glens Falls S, G3T, etc.), DALKALA (champion older female in Fr, Prix de l’Opera Longines, G1 in Fr, Qatar Prix de Royallieu, G2 in Fr, etc.), SHOWCAUSE (champion stayer in NZ), GIANT’S STEPS (champion 3yo colt in Chile), MAN OF IRON (champion 3yo colt in Ire), PRIMARY (champion 3yo colt in Italy), KUNG FU MAMBO (champion 3yo colt in Peru), GHANAATI ( One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND ( Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), EISHIN APOLLON (Mile Championship, G1 in Japan, etc.), ARAGORN (Eddie Read H, G1T, Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S, G1T, etc.), GIANT OAK (Clark H, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), MY TYPHOON (Diana S, G1T, etc.), SWIFT TEMPER (Ruffian H, G1, etc.), HEATSEEKER (Santa Anita H, G1A, etc.), IMAGINING (Man o’ War S, G1T, etc.), BRODY’S CAUSE (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, etc., to 3, 2016), RED GIANT (Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, etc.), CREATIVE CAUSE (Norfolk S, G1, etc.), FIRST SAMURAI (Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, etc.), BOOK REVIEW (La Brea S, G1, etc.), CARRIAGE TRAIL (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, etc.), ESKENDEREYA (Wood Memorial S, G1, etc.), INTENSE FOCUS (Darley Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, etc.), MAIDS CAUSEWAY (Coronation S, G1 in Eng, etc.), RITE OF PASSAGE (Gold Cup, G1 in Eng, etc.), JUSTE MOMENTE (Robert Sangster S, G1 in Aust, etc.), Bambina Mia (champion 3yo filly in Peru), Step In Time (Horse of the Year, champion miler, and older male in KSA), Giant Love (champion older male twice in Serbia), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Niagara Falls entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (7-2-33-6-0); DI: 1.13; CD: 0.21 See gray pages—Nearctic Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Immense, 1979 28s, BTW, $123,324 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Miesque, 1984 16s, BTW, $2,096,517 14 f, 10 r, 6 w, 5 BTW

Nureyev, by Northern Dancer

Sadler's Wells, 1981 11s, BTW, $713,690 2,194 f, 294 BTW, 2.97 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Minnie Hauk, 1975 4s, wnr, $8,552 13 f, 9 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Sir Ivor, by Sir Gaylord

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Glorious Song, by Halo

Imsodear, by Chieftain

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Pasadoble, by Prove Out

Fairy Bridge, by Bold Reason

Best in Show, by Traffc Judge

Inbreeding: 4SX5DX4D Northern Dancer.


FAMILY 1st dam ISTIKBAL. Dam of 7 foals, including— Niagara Falls (Subject stallion). PERSIAN EXPRESS (by Bahri). 6 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng, placed in NA, $119,638. EL LIBERTADOR (Giant’s Causeway). 4 wins at 5 and 6 in Eng, $28,110. MUNAAWESH (Bahri). Winner at 5 in Eng, $24,070. 2nd dam TAFRAH. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— Falak. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, placed in Aust, $47,762, 3rd Somerville Tattersalls S. Sire. ESHAARAT. Winner at 3 in Ire. Producer. Dam of Untitled Blues (2nd Prix de l’Office de Tourisme de l’Ile Maurice MTPA-Prix de la Vallee d’Auge, in Fr). AMARANTHUS. Unraced. Dam of BRAVO MAESTRO ($247,431, Phil D. Shepherd S, 3rd Cougar II Handicap). 3rd dam Minnie Hauk. 2 wins at 3 in Ire, 2nd Cornelscourt S, Fasig-Tipton CTBA Stakes. Dam of 13 foals, incl.— CHIEF CONTENDER. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Fr and Eng, $178,172, Prix du Cadran (G1 in Fr), etc. AVIANCE. 2 wins at 2 in Ire, $43,766, Heinz 57 Phoenix S (G1 in Ire). Dam of CHIMES OF FREEDOM ($514,311, champion 3yo filly in Eur, Coronation S, G1 in Eng, Moyglare Stud S, G1 in Ire, etc.), DENON ($1,744,025, Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, etc. in NA and Fr, sire), IMPERFECT CIRCLE (in Eng), Privately Held (sire), Piquetnol (in Fr). Granddam of ALDEBARAN ($1,739,186, champion sprinter, Metropolitan H, G1, Forego H, G1, etc., sire), SPINNING WORLD ($1,734,477, champion older male in Eur and Fr, champion 3yo colt in Ire, First National Building Society Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, etc., sire), SADDEX ($866,506, champion older male in Italy, sire), GOOD JOURNEY ($1,733,058, Atto Mile S, G1T, etc., sire), SEA OF SHOWERS (G3T), DIETRICH (G3 in Eng and Ire), TOMISUE’S INDY ($199,703), MAMBO LIGHT (in Ger), VISIONS OF CLARITY (in Fr). PERFECT ALIBI. Unraced. Dam of LIKELY STORY (in Eng). Granddam of SQUAW DANCE (in Ger and Eng). LAKELET. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of BIGGLES ($396,532, Carlton Draught Goldmarket, etc., in Aust).



4th dam BEST IN SHOW. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $53,880, Comely S. Broodmare of the Year, 1982. Dam of 17 foals, incl.— MALINOWSKI. Winner at 2 and 3 in Eng and Ire, $27,190, champion 2yo colt in Ire, Ladbroke Craven S (G3 in Eng), etc. Sire, 1.34 AEI. BLUSH WITH PRIDE. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $536,807, Kentucky Oaks (G1), Santa Susana S (G1), Ashland S (G2), Golden Harvest H (G3T), 2nd Spinster S (G1), etc. Dam of BETTER THAN HONOUR ($250,920, Demoiselle S, G2, 2nd Acorn S, G1, Comely S, G3, 3rd Mother Goose S, G1. Broodmare of the Year, 2007), SMOLENSK ($227,806, Prix d’Astarte, G2 in Fr, Prix de Sandringham, G3 in Fr, etc., in Eng and Fr), TURNBERRY ISLE ($133,269, Juddmonte Beresford S, G3 in Ire, etc., in Eng and Ire), Fire Thunder ($119,365, 2nd National Day Cup, etc., in UAE), Maryinsky ($84,770, 2nd Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile, G1 in Eng). Granddam of RAGS TO RICHES ($1,342,528, champion 3yo filly, Belmont S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, 2nd Gazelle S, G1), PEEPING FAWN ($1,387,274, champion 3yo filly in Eur and twice in Ire, Darley Irish Oaks, G1 in Ire, Darley Yorkshire Oaks, G1 in Eng, Blue Square Nassau S, G1 in Eng, Audi Pretty Polly S, G1 in Ire, 2nd Vodafone Epsom Oaks, G1 in Eng, etc.), MAN OF IRON ($336,158, champion 3yo colt in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Marathon, etc., sire), JAZIL ($890,532, Belmont S, G1, 2nd Wood Memorial S, G1, sire), THEWAYYOUARE ($340,968, Criterium International, G1 in Fr, etc., sire), CASINO DRIVE ($904,575, Peter Pan S, G2, etc., in NA and Japan, sire), CAN THE MAN ($226,000, Affirmed S, G3, etc.), MARTHA’S MOON ($100,790). GIELGUD. Winner at 2 in Eng, $56,635, Laurent Perrier Champagne S (G2 in Eng), etc. Sire. MONROE. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ire, placed in Eng, $34,422, Ballyogan S (G3 in Ire), etc. Dam of XAAR ($591,359, champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eur, Fr, and Eng, champion 3yo colt in Ire, Thoroughbred Corp. Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, Prix de la Salamandre, G1 in Fr, etc., sire), MASTERCLASS ($248,926, Prix Quincey, G3 in Fr, 2nd CIGA Grand Criterium, G1 in Fr, etc. in Fr and NA, sire), DIESE ($109,867, Prix Corrida, G3 in Fr, etc.), ILE DE JINSKY ($134,841, River City H, etc., sire), Didicoy (in Eng and Ire), Esquire (in Ger, Ire, and Eng), Silver Star (in Fr). Granddam of SENURE ($764,213, United Nations H, G1T, Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, etc., sire), SPEAK IN PASSING ($284,778, San Simeon H, G3T, etc., sire), TRICK OF LIGHT (G2 in Aust), DIDINA (G2T), ZANTE (in NA and Eng), DEXTERITY (in Fr, sire), VICTORIAN ORDER (in Fr), STAR CLUSTER (in Eng), ESPIONAGE (in Fr).

NIAGARA FALLS Giant’s Causeway – Istikbal, by Kingmambo

Strong Sire Potential, Genetic Stallion Marker (GSM) 90, His Sire GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has a GSM of 94!!

• By GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (GSM 94) and earnings of $3,078,989. Horse of the Year in Europe, Champion 3 Year-Old colt in England and Ireland, second in the Two Thousand Guineas, Breeders’ Cup Classic. Sire of GI SW BRODY’S CAUSE and Multiple GSW CARPE DIEM. • Out of a KINGMAMBO mare, his second dam by is by Champion SADLER’S WELLS. • Although the majority of NIAGARA FALLS’ wins came in races longer than eight furlongs, he carries a significant number of gene variants associated with one-turn horses, so he has the chance to pass sprinting abilities to his progeny. – ThoroughGen, LLC • Stakes-placed winner of two races (twice 4th in GII Stakes, Charles Whittingham Memorial H. and San Luis Rey Stakes) • Defeated GSW Millionaire MORENO when breaking his maiden in a MSW at Hollywood Park. • His racing career did not reflect his true ability. • A well balanced horse was a $120,000 weanling purchase at Fasig-Tipton Kentucky Fall Sale 2009. First foals arrive in 2017.

2017 FEE: $1,500-LIVE FOAL Property of M. Sherr and M. Bellocq Standing at


Inquiries to Pierre Bellocq, 10045 Grant Line Rd., Elk Grove, California 95624 (859) 509-2826. E-mail: Website:

NiagaraFalls.indd 1

1/12/17 9:56 AM

NortherN Causeway

Entered Stud in 2015



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

1 11 10 6 2 30




0 4(2) 1 0 0 5(2)

0 3 0 1 0 4

0 0 3(1) 0 1 4(1)


$560 $211,311 $39,201 $9,990 $4,305 $265,367

Won At 3 British Columbia Derby (G3, $200,660, 9f in 1:50.22, dftg. Jebrica, Arraignment, Commander, Couldabenthewhisky, Northern Indy, Herbie D, Line Change, Hurricane Lake, Inhisglory, Winter Warlock, Fransor’s Finest). Richmond Derby Trial H ($50,625, 8.5f in 1:44.01, dftg. Commander, Arraignment, Goldfire, Jump Up and Kissme, Tlaquepaque, Patzcuaro, Stormy Canuck). A maiden special weight race at GG ($39,300, 6f, AW in 1:11.26, dftg. Sunday Comic, Unbridled Endeavor, Dancing Yodeler, Bryan Daniel, Secret Element). A race at Pln ($37,360, 8.5f in 1:42.89, dftg. Bluegrass Reward, Duke of Doom, Mr. Candy Bar, Cody Peak, Diamond Touch, Anakin). Won At 4 A race at Hst ($28,518, 6.5f in 1:16.30, dftg. Pop Artist, Jump Up and Kissme, Three Wood, Briartic County, Golden Triumph, Stolenotis). 3rd BC Premier’s H (G3, 11f, to Commander, Jebrica, dftg. Wilo Kat, Brass Plate, Crew Leader, Three Wood).

SIRE LINE NORTHERN CAUSEWAY is by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,078,989, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte International S (G1 in Eng), Coral-Eclipse S (G1 in Eng), Champagne Lanson Sussex S (G1 in Eng), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Salamandre (G1 in Fr), King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S (G3 in Ire), Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Queen Elizabeth II S (G1 in Eng). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 2,258 foals, 1,801 rnrs (80%), 1,176 wnrs (52%), 211 2yo wnrs (9%), 168 BTW (7%), 1.81 AEI, 2.44 CI, 956 sale yrlgs, avg $213,953, 4.77 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 35 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 31 sale yrlgs, avg $165,618. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired SHAMARDAL (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, champion 2yo colt in Eur, Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), TAKE CHARGE BRANDI (champion 2yo filly, 14 Hands Winery Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Starlet S, G1, etc.), IRISH MISSION (champion 3yo filly and turf female in Can, The Very One S, G3T, Glens Falls S, G3T, etc.), DALKALA (champion older female in Fr, Prix de l’Opera Longines, G1 in Fr, Qatar Prix de Royallieu, G2 in Fr, etc.), SHOWCAUSE (champion stayer in NZ, Waiwera Water City of Auckland Cup, G2 in NZ, etc.), GIANT’S STEPS (champion 3yo colt in Chile, Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, etc.), MAN OF IRON (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Marathon, 3rd Betfair Fred Archer S), PRIMARY (champion 3yo colt in Italy, Betfred Classic Trial S, G3 in Eng, Gran Premio d’Italia, 3rd Secretariat S, G1T), KUNG FU MAMBO (champion 3yo colt in Peru, G1 in Peru), GHANAATI ( One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND ( Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), EISHIN APOLLON (Mile Championship, G1 in Japan, etc.), ARAGORN (Eddie Read H, G1T, Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S, G1T, etc.), CARPE DIEM (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Causeway entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Dosage (4-1-23-0-0); DI: 1.43; CD: 0.32 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2008

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Giant's Causeway, ch, 1997 13s, BTW, $3,078,989 2,258 f, 168 BTW, 1.81 AEI 8.50 AWD Mariah's Storm, 1991 16s, BTW, $724,895 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Silver Deputy, 1985 2s, BTW, $41,820 1,028 f, 88 BTW, 1.87 AEI Getaway Girl, ch, 1997 5s, wnr, $21,966 9 f, 8 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 6.75 AWD Baby Zip, 1991 16s, BTW, $60,395 14 f, 12 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Immense, 1979 28s, BTW, $123,324 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Silver Valley, 1979 20s, BTW, $105,731 11 f, 8 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Thirty Zip, 1983 44s, BTW, $585,970 13 f, 13 r, 13 w, 2 BTW

Tri Jet, by Jester

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Glorious Song, by Halo

Imsodear, by Chieftain

Mint Copy, by Bunty's Flight

Seven Valleys, by Road At Sea

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Sailaway, by Hawaii

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Northern Dancer.

etc.), GIANT OAK (Clark H, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), MY TYPHOON (Diana S, G1T, Just a Game S, G2T, etc.), SWIFT TEMPER (Ruffian H, G1, Delaware H, G2, etc.), HEATSEEKER (Santa Anita H, G1A, etc.), IMAGINING (Man o’ War S, G1T, etc.), BRODY’S CAUSE (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, etc., to 3, 2016), RED GIANT (Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, Virginia Derby, G2T, etc.), CREATIVE CAUSE (Norfolk S, G1, San Felipe S, G2, Best Pal S, G2A, etc.), FIRST SAMURAI (Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G2, 2nd Hutcheson S, G2, etc.), BOOK REVIEW (La Brea S, G1, A Gleam H, G2A, Charles Town Oaks, Imperial Gesture S, etc.), CARRIAGE TRAIL (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Doubledogdare S, G3A, De La Rose S, etc.), ESKENDEREYA (Wood Memorial S, G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S, G2, Pilgrim S), INTENSE FOCUS (Darley Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, 2nd Coventry S, G2 in Eng, etc.), MAIDS CAUSEWAY (Coronation S, G1 in Eng, etc.), RITE OF PASSAGE (Gold Cup, G1 in Eng, etc.), Bambina Mia (champion 3yo filly in Peru), Step In Time (Horse of the Year, champion miler, and older male in KSA), Giant Love (champion older male twice in Serbia), etc. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRODY’S CAUSE (G1), DESTIN (G2), ITSONLYACTINGDAD (G3T), NOT THIS TIME (G3), POINT PIPER (G3), GALE FORCE (G3A), GIANT RUN, LIRA, MISSISSIPPI DELTA, AQUAPHOBIA, GIGANTE DE OURO (in Brz), BROTHER O’CONNELL, CAMMACK. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S other sons as stallions include SHAMARDAL (1,173 foals, 104 BTW, 1.96 AEI), FIRST SAMURAI (389 foals, 20 BTW, 1.59 AEI), FROST GIANT (265 foals, 7 BTW, 1.37 AEI), ESKENDEREYA, etc.

FAMILY 1st dam GETAWAY GIRL. 3 wins at 3, $21,966. Dam of 9 foals, including— NORTHERN CAUSEWAY (Subject stallion). GOLDEN MOON (by Malibu Moon). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $144,987. ANDELE (Bernardini). Winner at 3, $46,640. AL MUDEER (Malibu Moon). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $30,737. TALE OF A LADY (Tale of the Cat). Winner at 3, $23,932. Producer. 2nd dam BABY ZIP. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $60,395, Kattegat’s Pride S, 3rd Marshua S. Broodmare of the Year, 2005. Dam of 14 foals, including— GHOSTZAPPER. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $3,446,120, Horse of the Year and champion older male, Breeders’ Cup Classic Powered by Dodge (G1), Metropolitan H (G1), Vosburgh S (G1), Woodward S (G1), Tom Fool H (G2), Philip H. Iselin Breeders’ Cup H (G3), 3rd King’s Bishop S (G1). Sire, 2.19 AEI.



CITY ZIP. 9 wins at 2 and 3, $818,225, Hopeful S (G1), Saratoga Special S (G2), Amsterdam S (G2), Sanford S (G2), Tremont S (G3), Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S (G3), Bergen County S, Hirsch Jacobs S, 2nd Futurity S (G1), Hutcheson S (G2), Kentucky Cup Sprint S (G2), Kentucky Breeders’ Cup S (G3), 3rd Fountain of Youth S (G1), King’s Bishop S (G1), Kelso H (G2T), Flash S. Sire, 1.72 AEI. CITY WOLF. 4 wins at 4, $293,686, Durham Cup S (G3A), 2nd Durham Cup S (G3A), Seagram Cup S (G3A). CATCH THE GHOST. Winner at 3. Dam of PHANTOM INCOME ($169,345, NATC Futurity). ZIP TO THE WIRE. Placed at 3. Producer. Granddam of EYE LOVE JEANIE ($184,008, Oklahoma Classics Distaff Sprint S, 2nd Te Ata S, etc.). 3rd dam THIRTY ZIP. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $585,970, Virginia H, Melaleuca S, Meadowbrook Farm H twice, Jacaranda H, Begonia S, Coconut Grove S, Gardenia S, 2nd Ballerina S (G1), The Very One H, Aspidistra H, etc. Dam of 13 foals, including— LUCETTE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $97,043, Majestic Flag S, 3rd Hurricane Bertie S, Nany’s Appeal S. Dam of EVERYDAY HEROES ($240,800, Hirsch Jacobs S, G3, James B. Moseley Sprint S, etc., sire). Win River Win. 27 wins, 2 to 8, in Tur and UAE, $1,526,143, champion older male in Tur, Sire. MATTIE KATE. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $50,710. Producer. Dam of Promise One ($62,640, 2nd Ladnesian S, 3rd Delta Colleen H). Granddam of TOUCHING PROMISE ($336,233, Ballerina S, G3 twice, Delta Colleen H twice, British Columbia Cup Distaff H, 2nd Monashee H, 3rd Ballerina S, G3 twice, etc., to 6, 2016), REALLY MR GREELY ($90,240, Hollywood Prevue S, G3A). LITTLE ZIP. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $45,351. Producer. Granddam of MAZUCAMBERA ($63,562, Dixie Belle S). IMPLICITLY. 3 wins at 3, $32,520. Granddam of MIDNIGHT ROSE (Copa Ramon Alfredo Dominguez, 2nd Clasico Senegal, in Ven). 4th dam SAILAWAY. Dam of 8 foals, including— CUTTER SAM. 17 wins, 2 to 11, $302,769, Paul Revere S, 2nd Mayflower S, Tyro S, etc. EILEEN’S MOMENT. Dam of LIL E. TEE ($1,437,506, Kentucky Derby, G1, Jim Beam S, G2, Razorback H, G2, 2nd Oaklawn H, G1, Arkansas Derby, G2, 3rd Southwest S, sire), Agnes Arashi ($1,108,588, 3rd March H, in Japan), Agnes Partner ($1,011,810, 3rd Oguri Cap Kinen, in Japan), Rising Moment ($96,611, 3rd Boca Raton S), Great Impulse ($20,184, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Christiana S). Granddam of LIL PERSONALITEE ($694,412, Eclipse H, G3, 2nd Cool Reception S).

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NORTHERN CAUSEWAY Giant’s Causeway – Getaway Girl, by Silver Deputy


GSW Son of Three-Time Leading Sire GIANT’S CAUSEWAY GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired 185 Stakes Winners, 103 Graded Winners, and earners of over $153,000,000. 1st dam has produced over $1,000,000 in sales horses, GETAWAY GIRL is a half-sister to Horse of the Year GHOSTZAPPER (MG1SW with 128 Beyer), leading sire CITY ZIP (104 Beyer), Graded SW ZAMPANO (105 Beyer), etc. – the earners of over $4,787,000. NORTHERN CAUSEWAY is a Graded Derby winner who covered 35 mares in 2015, posted a 5-4-4 career line from 30 starts, and earned $265,367 in five seasons, from a foundation family that produces Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Classic and Grade 1 Kentucky Derby winners.

First Outstanding Foals Hit the Track in 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owner: Rozamund Barclay

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site:



NortherN INdy

Dosage (6-13-21-0-0); DI: 2.81; CD: 0.63 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

dkb/br, 2008


2 3 4 Totals





3 9 6 18

1 1 1 3

0 1(1) 0 1(1)

0 1(1) 0 1(1)


$19,080 $89,042 $25,285 $133,407

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at GG ($36,700, 8f, AW in 1:39.14, by 5, dftg. Twice the Appeal, Picasso Blue, Zayda, Cut Fastball, Fire Seeker). Won At 3 An allowance race at GG ($40,600, 8f, AW in 1:40.96, dftg. Over the Budget, Tiger Master, Ghost Reign, Mentidoso, Wild and Gotaway). 2nd Canadian Derby (G3, 11f, to Freedoms Traveller, dftg. Line Change, Inhisglory, Fleet Attack, Lemon Loaf, Embellished, Hammers Bullet, The Acid Test, Call Me Later, Tommy D’ Horsey). 3rd Seattle Slew H (8.5f, to Zayda, Couldabenthewhisky, dftg. Jebrica, Winter Warlock, Come Away Home, Rainier Ice, Codys a Bobcat, Dugan Bill, Showme Yourfriends, Big Bad Brown, El Gran Bebe). Won At 4 A non black-type stakes race at TuP ($35,000, 15f, turf in 3:13.06, dftg. Keen Bidder, Double Shuffle, Matamor, Brass Plate, Dynamalt, Favorite Meeting, Perfectionism, Lake Sawyer).


Northern Indy is by A.P. INDY, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $2,979,815, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Belmont S (G1), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), Peter Pan S (G2), San Rafael S (G2), 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 18 crops, 1,184 foals, 947 rnrs (80%), 691 wnrs (58%), 173 2yo wnrs (15%), 156 BTW (13%), 2.89 AEI, 2.94 CI, 374 sale yrlgs, avg $533,391, 11.89 TNA. In 2016: 1 BTW. A.P. INDY has sired MINESHAFT (Horse of the Year and champion older male, Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Pimlico Special H, G1, Suburban H, G1, Woodward S, G1, etc.), FESTIVAL OF LIGHT (Horse of the Year in UAE, Jebel Ali Hotel & Resort Godolphin Mile, G3 in UAE), BERNARDINI (champion 3yo colt, Preakness S, G1, Travers S, G1, etc.), RAGS TO RICHES (champion 3yo filly, Belmont S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.), MARCHFIELD (champion older male twice in Can, Sky Classic S, G2T, etc.), EYE OF THE LEOPARD (champion 3yo colt in Can, Queen’s Plate S, Plate Trial S, etc.), TEMPERA (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Sorrento S, G2, etc.), SERENADING (champion older female in Can, Falls City H, G2, Maple Leaf S, etc.), CATCH THE THRILL (champion 2yo filly in Can, Princess Elizabeth S, 2nd Ontario Lassie S), MUSIC NOTE (Mother Goose S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Beldame S, G1, etc.), SECRET STATUS (Mother Goose S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Florida Oaks, G3, etc.), SWEET SYMPHONY (Alabama S, G1, 2nd Rampart H, G2, A Wild Ride S), JILBAB (Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, 3rd Cotillion H, G2), GOLDEN MISSILE (Pimlico Special H, G1, Stephen Foster H, G2, Widener H, G3, etc.), APTITUDE (Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Hollywood Gold Cup, G1, Saratoga Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), TOMISUE’S DELIGHT (Personal


Runners 3 (50%)

Winners 1 (17%)

2yo Wnrs 1

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins *2016 1 0 0.11 AEI; 0.72 CI; 8.00 AWD In 2016: 3 rnrs, 1 wnr Avg Earnings Per Starter: $2,269 *to November 6, 2016


A.P. Indy, dkb/br, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI 8.24 AWD Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Polish Numbers, 1987 11s, wnr, $80,493 513 f, 49 BTW, 1.53 AEI Polish Nana, b, 2000 17s, wnr, $65,290 7 f, 6 r, 4 w 8.42 AWD Mescalina, 1993 15s, wnr, $67,385 8 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Bold Reasoning, 1968 12s, BTW, $189,564 61 f, 10 BTW, 3.81 AEI

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Lassie Dear, 1974 26s, BTW, $80,549 13 f, 12 r, 12 w, 4 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Numbered Account, 1969 22s, BTW, $607,048 10 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Smarten, 1976 27s, BTW, $716,426 602 f, 47 BTW, 1.71 AEI

Cyane, by Turn-to

Tequila Sheila, 1978 28s, wnr, $77,312 13 f, 12 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Hagley, by Olden Times

Earned $6,807

Reason to Earn, by Hail to Reason

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Gay Missile, by Sir Gaylord

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Intriguing, by Swaps

Smartaire, by Quibu

Well Bold, by Boldnesian

Inbreeding: 4SX5d Boldnesian; 5SX5d Glamour; 4sX4d Buckpasser.

Ensign H, G1, Ruffian H, G1, Falls City H, G3, etc.), TAKE CHARGE INDY (Florida Derby, G1, Alysheba S, G2, 2nd Clark H, G1, etc.), STEPHEN GOT EVEN (Donn H, G1, S, G2, 3rd Woodward S, G1), LOVE AND PRIDE (Personal Ensign H, G1, Zenyatta S, G1, Obeah S, G3, etc.), GOT LUCKY (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, Molly Pitcher S, G3, Lady’s Secret S, etc.), DREAMING OF JULIA (Frizette S, G1, Gulfstream Oaks, G2, Meadow Star S, etc.), A P VALENTINE (Champagne S, G1, 2nd Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1), TELLING (Sword Dancer Invitational S, G1T twice, 2nd Stars and Stripes Turf H, G3T, etc.), FRIENDS LAKE (Florida Derby, G1, Sleepy Hollow S, 3rd Holy Bull S, G3), LITTLE BELLE (Ashland S, G1A, Busher S, 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, etc.), PASSING SHOT (Personal Ensign H, G1, Bed o’ Roses Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 2nd Shuvee H, G2, etc.), FLASHING (Gazelle S, G1, Test S, G1, Nassau County S, G3, 3rd Mother Goose S, G1, etc.), RUNUP THE COLORS (Alabama S, G1, Delaware Oaks, etc.), Gabriel’s Hill (champion older male in Ecu, 2nd Brooklyn H, G2, etc.), Sun Sprinkles (champion older female in KSA), etc. A.P. INDY’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is SECRET SOMEONE. A.P. INDY’S other sons as stallions include MINESHAFT (713 foals, 39 BTW, 1.89 AEI), PULPIT (920 foals, 72 BTW, 1.83 AEI), Malibu Moon (1,417 foals, 96 BTW, 1.64 AEI), OLD TRIESTE (194 foals, 14 BTW, 1.63 AEI), Flatter (698 foals, 40 BTW, 1.60 AEI), BERNARDINI (1,170 foals, 51 BTW, 1.59 AEI), etc. NORTHERN INDY Has Sired: From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Northern Indy has sired the winner West Coast Indy.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — 1—$2,500 1—$2,500

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —


Northern Hemisphere First Crop Year *2014

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

1st dam POLISH NANA. Winner at 5, $65,290. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— Northern Indy (Subject stallion). LOOKINGOODINATUX (by Fusaichi Pegasus). Winner at 2 and 3, $53,819. FIVE STAR GENERAL (Mineshaft). Winner at 3, $23,690. LUCY LOVES NANA (Include). Winner at 3, 2016, $21,419. 2nd dam MESCALINA. 3 wins at 3, $67,385. Dam of 8 foals, including—



LOVE OF MONEY. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $602,705, Pennsylvania Derby (G2), 2nd Westchester H (G3), 3rd Strub S (G2). Sire. ASTRID. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $242,539, My Juliet S, Serena’s Song S. Producer. Dam of Morakami ($145,532, 3rd Flanders S), American Sun ($57,664, 2nd Blue Norther S). SARAH CATALDO. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $141,350. Producer. ALLEN’S MS. Winner at 3. Dam of HOBO RIDGE ($370,061, Turning for Home S). 3rd dam Tequila Sheila. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $77,312, 2nd Miss Delaware S, All Brandy H, 3rd Endine H. Dam of 13 foals, including— SHEILA’S PROSPECT. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $482,500, Bessarabian H (G3), 2nd Ontario Fashion H, 3rd Ontario Fashion H. Producer. LITE TWILIGHT. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $132,875, Mae de Vol Sprint H, Menlo Park H, 2nd Moment to Buy H, Powder Room H, 3rd Love Avie H. Producer. Dam of Middle Earth ($185,601, 3rd Riva Ridge Breeders’ Cup S, G2). Granddam of LIVINGSTONE (Estrellas Mile, G1 in Arg, 25 de Mayo de 1810, G2 in Arg, Hipodromo de La Plata, G3 in Arg, to 6, 2016). Prideland. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $159,037, 3rd Maryland Juvenile Championship S. Halo Sheila. 15 wins, 3 to 9, $125,527, 2nd Royal Vale S. WON TON TOBIN. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $23,672. Producer. Dam of Toni Z ($34,716, 2nd Ruffian S, 3rd ATBA Sales S), Tobins Character (2nd Cactus Cup H). Granddam of HIDDEN CHARACTER ($62,118, Sandra Hall Grand Canyon H). TRELLIS. Winner at 2. Producer. Dam of Touch of Class ($197,712, 2nd Golden Gull Chris Brown Memorial S, Fancy Buckles S, Its Binn Too Long S), Tequila and Run ($57,798, 3rd West Virginia Division of Tourism Breeders’ Classic S). 4th dam WELL BOLD. Placed at 3. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— WISHERWELL. Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Miss Rudy T. ($78,566, 2nd Omni International Maryland Oaks). Granddam of TENSKI ($524,710, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Lake Placid H, G3T, Lake George S, G3T, 2nd Garden City Breeders’ Cup H, G2T), MADAME X SKI ($165,410, Caesar’s Wish S, 2nd Busanda S, Maryland Million Lassie S, 3rd Bourbonette Breeders’ Cup S). 5th dam Wish Well. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $62,286, 3rd National Stallion S, Demoiselle S. Dam of 3 foals, incl.— WISHING STONE. 11 wins, 2 to 5, in NA and Eng, $172,885, Sun Beau H, 3rd Longfellow H (G3T), Brookdale H. Sire.

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NORTHERN INDY A.P. Indy – Polish Nana, by Polish Numbers

STILL CALIFORNIA’S ONLY STAKES-WINNING SON OF A.P. INDY A Precocious 2-year-old: NORTHERN INDY Won a 1 mile maiden special at second asking by 5 lengths defeating $800,000 Grade 3 Sunland Derby SW TWICE THE APPEAL. A Graded-Performer at Three: NORTHERN INDY Closed with brilliant speed to place in the 13⁄8 miles $300,000 Grade 3 Canadian Derby. A Stakes Winner at Four: NORTHERN INDY Proved his stamina winning the 17⁄8 miles Hasta La Vista S. over a field of five other SWs. A product of A.P. INDY on DANZIG sire lines, NORTHERN INDY offers inbreeding to the American classic sire lines of BOLD RULER and BUCKPASSER. His dam is a half-sister to Grade 2 Pennsylvania Derby SW LOVE OF MONEY (114 Beyer), sire of Belmont’s Grade 2 Futurity SW JACK’S IN THE DECK, POLISH NANA has also produced SW LOOKINGOODINATUX and 2015 2YO SP Lucy Loves Nana. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL Owner: Highland Yard, LLC

PARADISE ROAD RANCH Lathrop, California Inquiries to Doreen Spinney, Paradise Road Ranch, 3637 Stewart Road, Lathrop, CA 95330. Phone (916) 803-5851 Email: Web Site:



Old TOpper

ch, 1995

Dosage (7-6-6-1-0); DI: 4.00; CD: 0.95 See gray pages—Teddy

height 16.1




2 3 4 5 Totals

7 9 2 7 25




2(1) 3(3) 1 1 7(4)

3(2) 1(1) 0 2(1) 6(4)

0 1(1) 1(1) 2(2) 4(4)


$170,105 $269,350 $80,160 $136,246 $655,861

Won Pat O’Brien H (G3, 7f), Best Pal S (G3, 6.5f), San Pedro S (6.5f), Harry Henson S (7f), 2nd Del Mar Futurity (G2, 7f), Potrero Grande Breeders’ Cup H (G2, 6.5f), Hollywood Juvenile Championship S (G3, 6f), Affirmed H (G3, 8.5f), 3rd Swaps S (G2, 9f), San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2, 8.5f), San Carlos H (G2, 7f), El Conejo H (5.5f).

Timeless Moment, 1970 27s, BTW, $188,852 501 f, 33 BTW, 1.82 AEI Gilded Time, ch, 1990 6s, BTW, $975,980 1,254 f, 66 BTW, 1.31 AEI 6.47 AWD Gilded Lilly, 1979 25s, wnr, $50,235 17 f, 17 r, 14 w, 1 BTW

Phone Trick, 1982 10s, BTW, $395,112 1,113 f, 51 BTW, 1.49 AEI

SIRE LINE OLD TOPPER is by GILDED TIME, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $975,980, champion 2yo colt, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Arlington-Washington Futurity (G2), Sapling S (G2), 3rd Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 18 crops, 1,254 foals, 1,034 rnrs (82%), 795 wnrs (63%), 193 2yo wnrs (15%), 66 BTW (5%), 1.31 AEI, 1.53 CI, 534 sale yrlgs, avg $55,243, 1.23 TNA. GILDED TIME has sired DESEJADA DUDA (champion 2yo filly in Brz), GAYEGO (Ancient Title S, G1A, Arkansas Derby, G2, Dayjur Mahab Al Shimaal, G3 in UAE, etc.), ELLOLUV (Ashland S, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Santa Ynez S, G2, etc.), MANDY’S GOLD (Ruffian H, G1, Chicago Breeders’ Cup H, G3, etc.), BARELY A MOMENT (VRC Sires’ Produce S, G1 in Aust, Dubai Racing Club Cup, G1 in Aust, etc.), PHONE TIME (G1 in Arg), BAND GIPSY (G1 in Brz), CLOCK STOPPER (Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), ELABORATE (Triple Bend

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (13 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2002 36 32 (89%) 30 (83%) 2003 52 43 (83%) 32 (62%) 2004 55 45 (82%) 37 (67%) 2005 46 38 (83%) 25 (54%) 2006 84 65 (77%) 52 (62%) 2007 81 68 (84%) 51 (63%) 2008 54 42 (78%) 34 (63%) 2009 50 43 (86%) 33 (66%) 2010 28 20 (71%) 16 (57%) 2011 14 9 (64%) 7 (50%) 2012 11 7 (64%) 5 (45%) 2013 10 8 (80%) 4 (40%) 2014 13 3 (23%) 1 (8%) *Totals 534 423 (79%) 327 (61%)

2yo 2yo BT Wnrs BTW Winners 10 2 3 (8%) 14 1 2 (4%) 15 1 2 (4%) 10 2 3 (7%) 17 1 1 (1%) 23 1 2 (2%) 6 1 2 (4%) 6 0 2 (4%) 5 1 1 (4%) 2 0 1 (7%) 1 0 0 (0%) 2 0 0 (0%) 1 0 0 (0%) 112 10 19 (4%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2004 15 2 0 2005 59 3 0 2006 77 4 0 2007 103 6 0 2008 111 3 0 2009 131 5 0 2010 152 4 0 2011 133 2 0 2012 141 2 0 2013 112 2 0 2014 75 3 1 2015 62 1 0 2016 42 0 0 *Totals 1,213 37 1 0.95 AEI; 0.84 CI; 6.22 AWD In 2016: 39 rnrs, 21 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 76 wins, $3,002,112 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $49,794 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $498,815 $1,472,859 $1,714,904 $1,947,674 $1,897,867 $1,860,691 $1,952,600 $2,184,316 $2,354,967 $2,047,923 $1,435,066 $1,051,909 $541,004 $20,960,595


Demure Miss, 1973 5s, pl, $1,200 11 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Sword Dancer, by Sunglow

Hour of Parting, 1963 13s, wnr, $9,720 3 f, 3 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

What a Pleasure, 1965 18s, BTW, $164,935 484 f, 50 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Luquillo, 1961 7s, wnr, $1,270 10 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Princequillo, by Prince Rose

Clever Trick, 1976 29s, BTW, $419,787 1,070 f, 62 BTW, 1.52 AEI

Icecapade, by Nearctic

Over the Phone, 1965 2s, unpl 10 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Finnegan, by Royal Charger

Cyane, 1959 14s, BTW, $176,367 401 f, 47 BTW, 2.38 AEI

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Modest Princess, 1959 43s, wnr, $7,403 9 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Kerala, by My Babu

Sweet Sorrow, by Count Fleet

Grey Flight, by Mahmoud

Lulalu, by Fair Trial

Kankakee Miss, by Better Bee

Prattle, by Mr. Busher

Your Game, by Beau Pere

Modest One, by The Porter

Inbreeding: 4sX5D Princequillo.

Breeders’ Cup Invitational H, G2, etc.), CRYSTAL CASTLE (Brunswick Diadem S, G2 in Eng, Prix de Meautry, G3 in Fr, Prix de Cabourg, G3 in Fr, etc.), TIME LIMIT (Hutcheson S, G2, Spectacular Bid S, G3, etc.), EARLY FLYER (San Vicente S, G2, etc.), VERDE-MAR (champion sprinter in Sca), Thisonesforron (champion turf male in Tri, to 5, 2016), etc. OLD TOPPER Has Sired: TOP KISSER, 09, f (dam by Cherokee Run, 2nd dam by Storm Bird, 4X4 Clever Trick): $407,100, L.A. Woman S (G3), California Governor’s Cup H, Spring Fever S, etc. AIN’T NO OTHER, 08, g (A++, Shadeed, Persian Bold, 4X4 Damascus): $693,950, Harry Henson S, Jess Jackson Owners’ H, Livermore Valley Wines S, etc., to 8, 2016. TOPPER SHOPPER, 05, g (A++, Shadeed, Persian Bold, 4X4 Damascus): $345,476, I’m Smokin S, Foothill S, 2nd Sophomore Sprint S, etc. TIE ROD, 04, g (A++, Water Bank, Inverness Drive): $330,020, Turf Paradise Derby, Hank Mills Sr. H, etc. SIERRA SWEETIE, 03, f (A++, Kendor, Caro): $316,400, California Breeders’ Cup Oaks, California Breeders’ Champion S, Generous Portion S, etc. CHATI’S ON TOP, 11, f (Globalize, Silver Ghost): $306,668, Solana Beach H, 2nd Fran’s Valentine S, Campanile S, to 5, 2016. BOND JAMES BOND, 08, g (Jolie’s Halo, Prove Out): $210,195, Canadian Juvenile S, Alberta Premier’s Futurity, Two Year Old Sales S, etc. TOP EMBLEM, 04, g (A++, Corwyn Bay, Entropy, 4X4 What a Pleasure): $165,004, Bull Dog S, 3rd Palo Verde S. SILLY LITTLE MAMA, 03, f (Dehere, Diesis): $149,823, Manhattan Beach S, Cactus Cup H, 3rd Daisycutter H, etc. WESTSIDECLYDE, 02, g (Captain Courageous, Smugglin George): $144,239, Budweiser Emerald H, Fox Sports Network H, 2nd Budweiser Emerald H, etc. SHOUT TO THE NORTH, 02, f (A++, Bold Ruckus, Assert): $136,208, Glorious Song S. SHIFTY TIME, 07, f (Avies Copy, Sinister Purpose): $128,856, Freedom of the City S, Two Year Old Filly Sales S, Sturgeon River S, etc. TOPASANNAH, 07, f (Inspired Prospect, Vice Regent): $119,414, Three and Four Year Old Fillies Sales S, 3rd Fall Classic Distaff H, etc.

NO MEANS MAYBE, 05, f (A, Explosive Red, Meadowlake): $113,584, Bustles and Bows S. TOP MONEY, 02, g (Alwasmi, Bold Forbes): $112,198, I’m Smokin S. TAKE ME AWAY TODAY, 09, f (A++, Lite the Fuse, Norquestor): $103,340, El Paso Times S. SHESATOPATTRACTION, 10, f (A++, Royal Academy, Fappiano): $95,596, Truth Or Consequences Overnight S, 2nd Island Fashion S, to 6, 2016. UBETTORUBET, 05, f (A++, Bold Ruckus, Aetolian): $92,930, Four Year Olds and Up Fillies and Mares Sales H. CLARE’S TOP CHOICE, 06, g (Geri, Blushing John): $89,363, Cavonnier Juvenile S. Old Topper also has sired the winners Top This and That ($422,262), Hail Mary ($254,188), J P Jammer ($245,773), Tommy’s Topper ($200,179), Screaming Regal ($188,349), Hidethegoodstuff ($181,605, to 6, 2016), Tail Spin Topper ($170,692), Top Authority ($167,691), O K Topless ($125,014), Topper’s Movin’ ($124,157), Call Me Later ($108,859), Viviendo El Sueno ($87,367, to 3, 2016), Hot On Top ($70,137), I Dig Her ($68,600), Topper Power ($55,789), Spectaculartop ($43,447), Take a Peak ($38,522), Toppers Choice ($37,922), Top Solitaire ($34,995), Accolades N Praise ($34,640), Skirt and a Tie ($31,520), Old Top Hat ($29,502), Now and Zen ($446,712, to 10, 2016), K C Nite Mayr ($270,821), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winner Maz Kanata.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — — 2015 — 2—$11,500 Lifetime 14—$5,307 115—$10,174 *to November 6, 2016

Owned by: Tommy Town Thoroughbreds

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 75—$5,403

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE OLD TOPPER is the sire of 33 dams of 76 foals, 54 rnrs(71%), 31 wnrs(41%), 11 2yo wnrs(14%), 0.66 AEI, 1.31 CI; 1 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam Shy Trick. Winner at 2 and 3, $79,688, 2nd Senorita Breeders’ Cup S (G3T), etc. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— OLD TOPPER (Subject stallion).

2017 FEE: $2,500 LivE FoaL GuarantEE

Nominated to:


Shy Trick, dkb/br, 1988 13s, wnr, $79,688 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 5.97 AWD

Damascus, 1964 32s, BTW, $1,176,781 738 f, 72 BTW, 2.76 AEI

tommy townSantathorouGhbrEds Ynez, CA

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion


Inquiries to Mike Allen, Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Rd, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 686-4337 Fax (805) 686-4280 E-mail: Web Site:



PaPa Clem

b, 2006

Dosage (9-12-20-0-1); DI: 2.82; CD: 0.67 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.0



2 3 4 Totals




1 1(1) 1(1) 3(2)

0 2(2) 0 2(2)

0 $30,940 2(2) $1,000,250 0 $90,000 2(2) $1,121,190

3 9 1 13


Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at SA ($61,400, 8f, AW in 1:36.11, dftg. Mayor Marv, Millennium Lakes, Resplendently, Action in May, Yep, Candy’s Pride, Brian Boru, Andiron). Won At 3 Arkansas Derby (G2, $1,000,000, 9f in 1:49.01, dftg. Old Fashioned, Summer Bird, Win Willy, Flying Private, Flat Out, Poltergeist, Captain Cherokee, Danger to Society, Ziegfeld). 2nd Louisiana Derby (G2, 8.5f, to Friesan Fire, dftg. Terrain, Giant Oak, Soul Warrior, Flying Pegasus, Uno Mas, Patena, Free Country). Robert B. Lewis S (G2A, 8.5f, to Pioneerof the Nile, dftg. I Want Revenge, Bittel Road, Mark S the Cooler, Oil Man, Brother Keith, Shafted, Charlie’s Moment). 3 r d M a l i b u S (G1A, 7f, to M One Rifle, Misremembered, dftg. Supreme Summit, Hunch, Square Eddie, Smart Bid, Coronet of a Baron, Jeranimo, Mythical Power, Join in the Dance, Kinsella, New Bay). Long Branch S (8.5f, to Atomic Rain, Despite the Odds, dftg. Omniscient, Nowhere to Hide, Lord Justice, Santana Six, Rapid Redux). Won At 4 San Fernando S (G2A, $150,000, 8.5f in 1:42.64, dftg. Smart Bid, Rendezvous, Viscount, Mythical Power, Mr. Hot Stuff, Gallant Son, Quindici Man).

SIRE LINE PAPA CLEM is by SMART STRIKE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $337,376, Philip H. Iselin H (G1), Salvator Mile H (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 1,475 foals, 1,177 rnrs (80%), 860 wnrs (58%), 190 2yo wnrs (13%), 117 BTW (8%), 2.18 AEI, 2.07 CI, 584 sale yrlgs, avg $150,128, 3.35 TNA. In 2016: 89 2yos, 28 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 12 BTW, 26 sale yrlgs, avg $177,571. SMART STRIKE has sired CURLIN (Horse of the Year twice, champion 3yo colt, and older male in USA, champion older male in UAE, Preakness S, G1, etc.), SOARING FREE (Horse of the Year, champion sprinter, and turf male in Can, Atto Mile S, G1T, etc.), NEVER RETREAT (Horse of the Year and champion turf female in Can, First Lady S, G1T, etc.), ENGLISH CHANNEL (champion turf male, John Deere Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, United Nations S, G1T twice, etc.), LOOKIN AT LUCKY (champion 2yo and 3yo colt, Preakness S, G1, Izod Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), MY MISS AURELIA (champion 2yo filly, Grey Goose Breeders’

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2011 47 36 (77%) 2012 70 56 (80%) 2013 40 32 (80%) 2014 49 9 (18%) *Totals 206 133 (65%)

Winners 28 (60%) 36 (51%) 16 (40%) 2 (4%) 82 (40%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 10 1 10 0 3 1 2 0 25 2

BT Winners 2 (4%) 1 (1%) 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 4 (2%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 11 1 2014 41 1 2015 55 2 2016 73 0 *Totals 180 4 0.84 AEI; 1.15 CI; 6.62 AWD In 2016: 86 rnrs, 43 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 30 wins, $1,072,060 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $31,001 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $245,291 $1,160,924 $1,421,170 $1,285,021 $4,112,406

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Smart Strike, b, 1992 8s, BTW, $337,376 1,475 f, 117 BTW, 2.18 AEI 7.71 AWD Classy 'n Smart, 1981 9s, BTW, $303,222 9 f, 5 r, 5 w, 4 BTW

Belong to Me, 1989 16s, BTW, $261,166 1,425 f, 70 BTW, 1.56 AEI Miss Houdini, dkb/br, 2000 4s, BTW, $187,600 8 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 8.14 AWD Magical Maiden, 1989 26s, BTW, $903,245 12 f, 8 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Smarten, 1976 27s, BTW, $716,426 602 f, 47 BTW, 1.71 AEI

Cyane, by Turn-to

No Class, 1974 29s, wnr, $37,543 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 6 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Belonging, 1979 37s, BTW, $148,490 14 f, 13 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Exclusive Native, by Raise a Native

Lord Avie, 1978 16s, BTW, $705,977 828 f, 78 BTW, 1.90 AEI

Lord Gaylord, by Sir Gaylord

Gils Magic, 1983 1s, unpl 14 f, 11 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Magesterial, by Northern Dancer

Raise You, by Case Ace

Sequence, by Count Fleet

Smartaire, by Quibu

Classy Quillo, by Outing Class

Pas de Nom, by Admiral's Voyage

Straight Deal, by Hail to Reason

Avie, by Gallant Man

Display Copy, by Iron Ruler

Inbreeding: 3SX5D Raise a Native.

Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Cotillion S, G1, etc.), EYE OF THE SPHYNX (champion 3yo filly in Can, Selene S, G2, etc.), PORTCULLIS (champion turf male in Can, Toronto Cup H, G3T, etc.), GOLD STRIKE (champion 3yo filly in Can, Selene S, G3, etc.), ADDED EDGE (champion 2yo colt in Can, Razorback Breeders’ Cup H, G3, etc.), DR ARBATACH (champion sprinter and older male in PR), SILVER STREAKER (champion older female in PR), FABULOUS STRIKE (Vosburgh S, G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G2, etc.), etc. SMART STRIKE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are FAMILY TREE (G2), STRIKE CHARMER (G2T), EVIDENTLY (G3T), FAIR POINT (G3T), REAL SMART (G3T), TREASURING, COUNTERFORCE, SHELBYSMILE, AMOUR BRILLER (in Japan), RED RAVEN (in Japan), DYNAMIC STRIKE, VALUED STRIKE. SMART STRIKE’S other sons as stallions include CURLIN (428 foals, 29 BTW, 2.41 AEI), SQUARE EDDIE (110 foals, 9 BTW, 1.67 AEI), DOMINUS (45 foals, 2 BTW, 1.63 AEI), ENGLISH CHANNEL, etc. PAPA CLEM Has Sired: MISCHIEF CLEM, 12, g (A++, dam by Bold Badgett, 2nd dam by Icecapade): $269,452, California Cup Derby, 3rd Golden State Juvenile S, to 4, 2016. MAGIC SPOT, 11, f (A++, Generous, Woodman, 3X4 Mr. Prospector): $183,660, Campanile S. HIRSCHY, 11, g (A++, Wild Again, Temperence Hill): $77,706, Cavonnier Juvenile S, 2nd Charlie Palmer Futurity. MANA STRIKE, 13, g (Giant’s Causeway, Apalachee): $65,275, Gold Rush S, to 3, 2016. Papa Clem also has sired the winners Cardiac ($197,288, 3rd I’m Smokin S, Silky Sullivan S, to 4, 2016), Niassa ($152,716, 3rd Soviet Problem S, Campanile S, to 4, 2016), Peradventure ($64,396, 3rd W. L. Proctor Memorial S), Papa’s Flashy Girl ($56,556, 3rd Kent H), Mon Petite ($227,067, to 5, 2016), Tale of Papa Nick ($138,765, to 5, 2016), Individual Design ($89,410, to 5, 2016), Smart Copy ($88,517, to 5, 2016), Cordiality ($84,005, to 3, 2016), Just Got Lucky ($76,150, to 5, 2016), Cowboy ($74,300, to 4, 2016), Plain Wrap ($62,795, at 4, 2016), Casey’s Clem ($61,420), Bixley ($58,642), Prince of Paris ($55,236, to 5, 2016), Papa’s Dancing ($54,030), Papa’s Tango L R ($52,987), Papa Kade ($52,534, to 4, 2016), Papaclem’smidnight ($50,377, to 4, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners Tribal Storm, Wishing Heart.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 1—$1,000 2015 — Lifetime 2—$3,750 *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 6—$5,783 18—$5,717 52—$11,177


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 8—$2,725 4—$10,750 20—$6,625

FAMILY 1st dam MISS HOUDINI. 2 wins at 2, $187,600, Del Mar Debutante S (G1). Dam of 8 foals, including— PAPA CLEM (Subject stallion). Magical Victory (by Victory Gallop). Winner at 3, $66,928, 3rd E.B. Johnston S. Producer. ESCAPE ACT (Medaglia d’Oro). Winner at 2, $47,621. ALL THE MARBLES (Lonhro). Winner at 3, 2016, $46,945. MAMA MAXINE (More Than Ready). Unraced. Dam of READY INTAGLIO ($163,273, Canadian Derby, G3, Ky Alta H, Count Lathum H, etc., to 3, 2016). 2nd dam MAGICAL MAIDEN. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $903,245, Hollywood Starlet S (G1), Las Virgenes S (G1), Chula Vista H (G2), Linda Vista Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Louis R. Rowan H, Fantastic Girl H, etc. Dam of 12 foals, including— MISS BRICKYARD. Winner at 4, $26,300. Dam of MOVIESTA ($352,867, Betfred King George S, G2 in Eng, Gerrardstown House Stud Supporting Breast Cancer Research Renaissance S, G3 in Ire, 2nd Mercury S, 3rd QNB Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, etc., to 6, 2016), Liatris ($61,700, 2nd Astoria S, to 4, 2016). MIRACLE ROSE. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Jomelo ($415,362, 3rd Cup and Saucer S, Clarendon S). 3rd dam GILS MAGIC. Dam of 14 foals, including— MAGICAL MILE. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $131,000, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S (G2). Sire. MAGIC SISTER. 5 wins at 3, $116,000, Fantastic Girl H. Dam of LADY GRACE ($390,513, West Virginia Senate President’s Breeders’ Cup S, etc.), Don’t Holler ($87,558). Granddam of MY MONET ($335,838, Betty Grable S, 2nd Tranquility Lake S, Osunitas S, 3rd Adoration S, G3, etc.). MAGICAL FLASH. Winner at 3, $69,300. Dam of TAKE THE RIBBON ($372,102, Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S, G3T, Heavenly Cause H, etc.), FLASH FORWARD ($259,790, My Flag S, 2nd Ladies H, Zaftig S, etc.), FLASH MASH ($231,856, Giant’s Causeway S, 2nd Tiffany Lass S, 3rd Qatar Prix du Petit Couvert, G3 in Fr, etc.), GLINDA THE GOOD ($226,758, Instant Racing S, Island Fashion S, etc.), BRIGHT MAGIC ($212,393, Fleet Treat S, CTBA Marian S, etc.), HOT WAR ($165,130, Real Good Deal S, etc., sire), Oysters ($224,050, 2nd Real Good Deal S), Inside Passage ($129,303), House of Magic ($99,526). Granddam of MARKET MAGIC ($164,070, West Virginia Senate President’s Cup S), EXFACTOR ($158,999, Bashford Manor S, G3, Sugar Bowl S).

PAPA CLEm Smart Strike – miss Houdini, by Belong to me

2016: TOP TEN Leading Active Sire in California 2015: #2 Leading 3rd-Crop Sire in California 2014: #1 Leading 2nd-Crop Sire in California Sire of 2015 $250,000 California Cup Derby winner Mischief cleM ($269,452), MAGic sPOT ($183,660) winner $100,000 Campanile S., hiRschY ($77,706) winner $50,000 Cavonnier Juvenile S., MANA sTRiKe ($65,275) winner $75,000 Gold Rush S., Turf Paradise SW PAPA’s flAshY GiRl and stakes-placed Rolando, Peradventure, Niassa, and cardiac.

Graded SW millionaire by Leading Sire SmART STRIKE, sire of Horse of the Year CURLIN, Champion Turf Horse ENGLISH CHANNEL, and mGSW and Grade 1 Preakness S. winner LOOKIN AT LUCKY.

Triple Digit Beyer Winner of the $1 million G2 Arkansas Derby On-the-Board in 10 of 13 Career Starts, Earning $1,121,190

1st Grade 2 Arkansas Derby (101 Beyer), defeating eventual Champion sUMMeR BiRD 1st Grade 2 San Fernando S. in his only start at four. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Property of a Syndicate


Inquiries to Gayle Van Leer, (858) 775-6262 or email: Ranch physical address: 21455 N. Clements Rd., Clements, CA 95227. Ranch mailing address: P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA 95227 (209) 759-3315. website:



PePPered Cat

Dosage (5-3-5-1-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.86 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2000


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 3 6 1 10

0 1 1 0 2

0 0 2 1 3

0 0 1 0 1


— $7,500 $19,660 $6,000 $33,160

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Tabasco Cat, ch, 1991 18s, BTW, $2,347,671 489 f, 24 BTW, 1.36 AEI 7.23 AWD Barbicue Sauce, 1983 38s, wnr, $211,743 6 f, 6 r, 2 w, 1 BTW

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at TP ($25,120, 6f in 1:12.84, by 6, dftg. Cats Beauty, Twisted Mister, Cat Patrol, Dueling Banjo, Kenya, Holiday Peak, etc.). Won At 4 A race at GG ($8,700, 5.5f in 1:02.17, ETR, by 15, dftg. Money Is Boss, Botzworth, Flying Soldier, Phone Scrambler, Cool Lava, Just a Nugget).

SIRE LINE Peppered Cat is by TABASCO CAT, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $2,347,671, Preakness S (G1), Belmont S (G1), San Rafael S (G2), El Camino Real Derby (G3), Kentucky Cup Classic S, Fort Springs S, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Travers S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 489 foals, 432 rnrs (88%), 321 wnrs (66%), 66 2yo wnrs (13%), 24 BTW (5%), 1.36 AEI, 1.61 CI, 166 sale yrlgs, avg $128,537, 2.86 TNA. TABASCO CAT has sired ISLAND SAND (Acorn S, G1, Delaware H, G2, Busanda S, 2nd Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.), SNOW RIDGE (San Carlos H, G1, Kentucky Cup Sprint S, G2, Palos Verdes H, G2, etc.), HABIBTI (Hollywood Starlet S, G1, Del Mar Debutante S, G1, etc.), FREEFOURINTERNET (Hawthorne Gold Cup H, G2, Kelso Breeders’ Cup H, G2T, etc.), CAT’S AT HOME (Philip H. Iselin H, G2, Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H, G3, etc.), SPICE ISLAND (Long Island H, G2T, Rood and Riddle Dowager S, etc.), RAYLENE (British Columbia Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G3, Canadian Derby, G3, etc.), KAZOO (Toboggan H, G3, F.W. Gaudin Memorial H, etc.), PERFECT CAT (William Donald Schaefer H, G3, 2nd Saratoga Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), HABANEROS (Carleton F. Burke H, G3T, etc.), HOST (Mac Diarmida H, G3T, John Henry S, etc.), SPICY STUFF (El Cajon S, etc.), RED N’GOLD (Pippin S twice, etc.), SOLO CAT (Memorial Day H, etc.), DIVERSA (Busanda S, Busher S, etc.), RUN THE LIGHT (Daniel Van Clief S, etc.), TAVASCO (Remington Futurity, Caballos Del Sol H, etc.), TEE CAT (Curribot H, etc.), ONE BY THE KNOWS (Hansel S, Prairie Gold Juvenile S, etc.), CAT’S CAT (Hatoof S, 2nd Irving Distaff S, etc.), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (9 crops) Named RunWin2yo 2yo Year Foals ners ners Wnrs BTW 2006 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 0 2007 2 1 (50%) 1 (50%) 0 0 2008 4 4 (100%) 4 (100%) 0 0 2009 5 4 (80%) 4 (80%) 0 0 2010 14 13 (93%) 9 (64%) 2 0 2011 4 2 (50%) 1 (25%) 0 0 2012 9 8 (89%) 6 (67%) 0 0 2013 16 11 (69%) 5 (31%) 1 0 2014 13 1 (8%) 0 (0%) 0 0 *Totals 68 45 (66%) 31 (46%) 4 0

BT Winners 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2008 1 0 0 2009 1 0 0 2010 1 0 0 2011 8 0 0 2012 8 0 0 2013 23 0 0 2014 24 3 2 2015 22 0 0 2016 15 0 0 *Totals 103 3 2 1.09 AEI; 0.65 CI; 6.63 AWD In 2016: 31 rnrs, 13 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 25 wins, $969,391 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $56,723 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $8,400 $24,464 $15,330 $193,644 $305,158 $416,361 $727,429 $477,420 $378,723 $2,546,929

Meadowlake, 1983 3s, BTW, $308,580 907 f, 55 BTW, 1.66 AEI Morning Meadow, ch, 1990 29s, BTW, $394,760 7 f, 7 r, 6 w 6.76 AWD Morning Mirage, 1978 6s, unpl 16 f, 12 r, 11 w, 2 BTW

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Sauce Boat, 1975 5s, BTW, $144,465 568 f, 30 BTW, 1.39 AEI

Key to the Mint, by Graustark

Lady Barbizon, 1970 47s, BTW, $119,516 8 f, 7 r, 6 w

Barbizon, by Polynesian

Hold Your Peace, 1969 39s, BTW, $276,155 515 f, 44 BTW, 1.82 AEI

Speak John, by Prince John

Suspicious Native, 1972 Unraced 15 f, 12 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Avatar, 1972 33s, BTW, $464,609 469 f, 19 BTW, 1.45 AEI

Graustark, by Ribot

Sunny Dame, 1970 5s, wnr, $6,520 12 f, 10 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Missy Baba, by My Babu

Cancelada, by Nigromante

Blue Moon, by Eight Thirty

Be Suspicious, by Porterhouse

Brown Berry, by Mount Marcy

Sunny Morn, by Princequillo

Inbreeding: 5SX4D Graustark.

PEPPERED CAT Has Sired: PEPPER CROWN, 10, c (dam by Crowning Storm, 2nd dam by Lord Carson, 3X3 Storm Cat, 4X4 Storm Bird): $410,097, Berkeley H (G3A), San Francisco Mile S (G3T), Rolling Green S, 2nd Berkeley H (G3A), 3rd All American S (G3A), to 6, 2016. Peppered Cat also has sired the winners Pepnic ($344,280, 2nd County of Alameda H, 3rd Silky Sullivan S, to 7, 2016), China Prince ($259,637, 3rd Tiznow S, to 6, 2016), Sweetly Peppered ($221,400, 2nd Miss America S, 3rd Pacific Heights S), Condiment ($154,219, 2nd Cavonnier Juvenile S, Charlie Palmer Futurity, Gold Rush S, to 6, 2016), Pazmeifucan ($111,608, 2nd Alcatraz S, to 5, 2016), He’s a Pepper ($97,012, 3rd Oak Tree H, to 4, 2016), Califo Cat ($114,553, to 6, 2016), Peppered Pro ($92,288, to 8, 2016), Where’s Pepper ($62,620, to 6, 2016), Clever Cayenne ($59,565), Peppery ($55,796, to 6, 2016), Paprika Red ($53,673), Flash of Lightning ($45,792, to 4, 2016), Peppered Catnip ($42,766), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$1,750 1—$23,000 9—$7,778

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam MORNING MEADOW. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $394,760, Oaklawn Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Lorelei S, 2nd Chicago Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Monmouth Park Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Humana Distaff H (G3), Pippin S twice, Paseana S, 3rd AKsarben Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S. Dam of 7 foals— LA MONTAGNA (by Peaks and Valleys). 5 wins, 3 to 5, in Japan, $635,730. ZETTERBERG (El Corredor). 2 wins at 3, $94,320. J B THREE (Kissin Kris). 6 wins, 3 to 6, $89,198. MEADOW SOLDIER (Lost Soldier). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $67,910. MARKET MELTDOWN (Holy Bull). 4 wins at 5 and 6, $52,512. PEPPERED CAT (Subject stallion). SILAR RULES (Ten Most Wanted). Placed at 2, $23,153. Dam of RALIS ($424,773, Hopeful S, G1, 2nd Del Mar Derby, G2T, Rainbow S, Snow Chief S, Graduation S, to 3, 2016). 2nd dam MORNING MIRAGE. Dam of 16 foals, including— WAKE UP ALARM. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $93,840, Restoration S, City of Miami S, 2nd Tropical Park Derby (G3T). Sire.



Hold Your Money. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $70,281, 3rd Affirmed S. SINFUL MORNING. 2 wins at 3, $41,075. Dam of MORNING MEMORY ($119,221, Louisiana Futurity). Granddam of ANJIZ LAKE (Ciudad de La Plata, G2 in Arg, General Manuel Belgrano, G2 in Arg, Paraguay, G3 in Arg, Asociacion Bonaerense de Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera, G3 in Arg, etc.). 3rd dam SUNNY DAME. Winner at 3. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— SULTRY SUN. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $222,277, Molly Pitcher H (G2), Coconut Grove S, 3rd Ballerina S (G2), Miss Prosperity H. Dam of SULTRY SONG ($1,616,276, Hollywood Gold Cup, G1, Woodward S, G1, Whitney H, G1, Jamaica H, G2, Long Branch S, Golden Beach S, 2nd NYRA Mile H, G1, Gallant Man S, G3T, 3rd Pegasus H, G1, Secretariat S, G1T, Nassau County H, G2, Colin S, G3, sire), SOLAR SPLENDOR ($1,386,468, Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, Man o’ War S, G1T twice, Saratoga Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, G3T, Hill Prince S, G3T, Lexington S, G3T, 2nd Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, Early Times Manhattan S, G1T, 3rd Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, Early Times Manhattan S, G2T, Bernard Baruch H, G2T, etc.), STRATEGIC MISSION ($414,320, Fort Marcy H, G3T, 2nd Shadwell Keeneland Turf Mile S, G2T, John Henry S, 3rd Maker’s Mark Mile S, G2T, River City H, G3T, sire), EL SULTRY SUN ($169,075, Dayton Andrews Dodge Sophomore Turf S, Lamplighter S, 3rd Calder Derby, G3T). Granddam of MASS MEDIA ($569,740, Forego S, G1, Sport Page H, G3, Fly So Free S, 2nd Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H, G1, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S, G2, 3rd Metropolitan H, G1, True North Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Alfred G. Vanderbilt Breeders’ Cup H, G2, sire). LIEN. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $158,453, Prioress S, Bonnie Miss S, 2nd Correction H (G3), Astoria S, 3rd Berlo H, Regret H. Dam of NEPHRITE ($149,368, Wheat City S, 3rd Manitoba Sprint Championship H, sire), JADED DANCER ($120,530, Lawrence Realization S, G3T, 3rd Spend a Buck S, sire). Granddam of ROCKERFELLER ($325,036, Teddy Drone S, Ponche H, 3rd Smile Sprint H, G2), MR. PEE VEE ($91,395, Rex’s Profile S), SUBTLE WAVE ($60,740, Candy Eclair S), DR. GIGOLO ($43,715, Davie S, sire), ISA EXPRESS (Copa Jose Luis Fernandez, in Ven). Mamluk. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $55,661, 3rd Mark Antony H, Brass Monkey H. Illiteration. Winner at 2 and 3, $38,665, 3rd Floridian H. ANNULUS. 3 wins at 3, $69,080. Producer. Granddam of KUD’ZU MAGIC ($269,873, champion 2yo filly in PR, Clasico Dia de la Raza, Clasico Ano Nuevo, Clasico Dia de la Mujer, etc.), ED MAIS (Grande Premio Derby Riograndense, in Brz).

PEPPERED CAT Tabasco Cat – Morning Meadow, by Meadowlake

TOP 20 Leading Lifetime Sire in California in 2016* Colts Average Earnings per Starter Lifetime $76,911 Sire of Multiple Graded Stakes Winner PEPPER CROWN ($410,097), 1st $100,000 San Francisco Mile S.-G3, $100,000 Berkeley H.-G3, Rolling Green S., plus stakes horses Pepnic ($344,280), China Prince ($259,637), Sweetly Peppered ($221,400), Condiment ($154,219), and Pazmeifucan ($111,608). Record-Equaling Racehorse with Triple Digit Beyer Speed By Grade 1 Belmont & Preakness SW TABASCO CAT – Out of Grade 3 SW MORNING MEADOW (106 Beyer, $394,760) from the family of sires SULTRY SONG and MASS MEDIA – Grandson of Grade 1-winning 2YOs & Leading Sires STORM CAT and MEADOWLAKE. *with 50 or more named foals

2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Property of Alex Paszkeicz Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:



Phantom Wildcat RACE RECORD Age

2 3 4 5 6 Totals





0 2 6 0 2 10

0 0 1 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 2 0 0 2


— $5,760 $43,400 — $800 $49,960

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Forest Wildcat, dkb/br, 1991 20s, BTW, $478,862 882 f, 67 BTW, 1.39 AEI 6.30 AWD Victoria Beauty, 1972 Unraced 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Won At 4 A maiden special weight race at SA ($58,500, 6f, AW in 1:09.21, dftg. Adebayor, Wharf Cat, Eisenheim, Lunar Humor).


Phantom Wildcat is by FOREST WILDCAT, blacktype stakes winner of 9 races, $478,862, Maryland Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Finger Lakes Breeders’ Cup S (G3), Phoenix Breeders’ Cup S, Ben Cohen S, 3rd True North H (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 882 foals, 771 rnrs (87%), 606 wnrs (69%), 187 2yo wnrs (21%), 67 BTW (8%), 1.39 AEI, 1.66 CI, 460 sale yrlgs, avg $95,945, 2.14 TNA. FOREST WILDCAT has sired VAR (champion older male in Eng, Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp Majestic Barriere, G1 in Fr, Starlit S, 2nd Dubai International Airport World Trophy, G3 in Eng), D’ WILDCAT SPEED (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo filly in PR, Rampart H, G2, Pocahontas S, Clasico Ano Nuevo, etc.), FOREST SECRETS (Acorn S, G1, Rampart H, G2, Falls City H, G3, 2nd Churchill Downs Distaff H, G2, Sabin H, G3, etc.), A SHIN FORWARD (Mile Championship, G1 in Japan, etc.), D’WILDCAT (Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S, G1, Churchill Downs H, G2, Swale S, G3, Live the Dream H, 2nd Triple Bend Breeders’ Cup Invitational H, G2, 3rd San Vicente S, G2), WILDCAT HEIR (Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S, G1, Teddy Drone S, Icecapade S, 2nd Sanford S, G2, Teddy Drone S), SNOW DANCE (New York H, G2T, Mrs. Revere S, G2T, Lake Placid H, G2T, Pucker Up S, G3T, Suwannee River H, G3T, 2nd WinStar Galaxy S, G2T, etc.), SALUTE THE SARGE (Best Pal S, G2A, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A, San Miguel S, 2nd Del Mar Futurity, G1A, Norfolk S, G1A), BEHINDATTHEBAR (Coolmore Lexington S, G2A), WILD GAMS (Thoroughbred Club of America S, G3A, Safely Kept Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Cicada S, G3, etc.), BROWNIE POINTS (Ouija Board Distaff H, G3T, Marie P. DeBartolo Oaks, etc.), EUPHONY (Arlington Matron H, G3A, Iowa Distaff S, Bayakoa S, Instant Racing S, Prairie Meadows Oaks, etc.), ATTILA’S STORM (Toboggan H, G3, Fall Highweight H, 2nd Malibu S, G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G2, Paumonok H, 3rd Vosburgh S, G1, etc.), FOREST HEIRESS (Sorority S, G3, Valley Stream S, G3, The Very One S, Colleen S, Sober Jig H, 2nd Astarita S, G2, etc.), CHATAIN (Hal’s Hope H, G3 twice, William Livingston S), CORAGIL CAT (Hanshin Cup H, G3A, Timeless Native S twice), WILD SNITCH (Sorority S, G3, 2nd Matron S, G1, 3rd Regret S), WAUPACA (Woodchopper H, Barksdale H, Donnie Wilhite Memorial H, etc.), OUR WILDCAT (Rumson S,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Named Year Foals 2012 2 2013 2 2014 4 *Totals 8

Runners 1 (50%) 1 (50%) 2 (50%) 4 (50%)

Winners 1 (50%) 1 (50%) 2 (50%) 4 (50%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 1

BT Winners 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (25%) 1 (13%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 0 0 2015 3 0 2016 3 1 *Totals 6 1 1.34 AEI; 0.75 CI; 5.91 AWD In 2016: 4 rnrs, 2 wnrs, 1 sw Avg Earnings Per Starter: $48,204 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $2,760 $46,093 $143,964 $192,817

Navarone, 1988 19s, BTW, $710,325 156 f, 2 BTW, 0.80 AEI Valarone, dkb/br, 1996 35s, BTW, $277,548 10 f, 8 r, 7 w 5.55 AWD Winthrop Arms, 1987 21s, BTW, $45,630 11 f, 10 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Accordant H, 2nd Colts Neck H, Bernie Dowd H, etc.), FOREST PARK (Monmouth University S, Icecapade S, Mo Bay S, etc.), WILDCAT’S SMILE (Sarcastic S, New York Breeders’ Futurity, 2nd Demoiselle S, G2, etc.), WILDCAT SHOES (Lost Code Breeders’ Cup S, Sugar Bowl S, 2nd Thanksgiving H, etc.), WILD JAM (Brutally Frank S, 2nd Toboggan H, G3, Longfellow S, Mr. Prospector S, Wolf Hill S, 3rd Toboggan H, G3, etc.), WILDCAT BRIEF (Icecapade S, 2nd Mr. Prospector S, Decathlon S, Fred "Cappy" Capossela S, 3rd Vosburgh S, G1), SELVA (Glorious Song S, Sorority S, Mardi Gras S, 2nd Beaumont S, G2A, etc.), MADAME RED (La Lorgnette S, 3rd Maple Leaf S, G3), JEHAN (Red Cross S, 2nd Sweet and Sassy S, Flawlessly S, Manhattan Beach S, 3rd Torrey Pines S), FOREST UPROAR (Marie G. Krantz Memorial H, 2nd Belle Geste S, etc.), WESTOVER WILDCAT (Bold Lad S, etc.), COOLWIND (Treasure Chest S, Sweetest Chant S, 2nd Arlington Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G3, Merry Colleen S, Ribbon H, 3rd Arlington-Washington Breeders’ Cup Lassie S, G3, etc.), QUIET ACTION (Ontario Damsel S, 2nd Natalma S, G3T, Alywow S, Princess Elizabeth S, Fury S), YANKEE WILDCAT (Mister Diz S twice, etc.), LOOK OF THE LYNX (Half Moon S, 2nd Correction H, etc.), JERSEY PEACH (Jersey Breeders’ H, 2nd Lincroft H, Garden State H), DIAMOND WILDCAT (Horatius S, 2nd John McSorley S), STRIKE OIL (Coronation Futurity, 3rd Plate Trial S, etc.), STYLISH WILDCAT (Buffalo Trace Franklin County S, Monterey H, etc.), SPECTACULAR CAT (Spectacular Bid S, etc.), etc. FOREST WILDCAT’S other sons as stallions include VAR (590 foals, 35 BTW, 1.77 AEI), WILDCAT HEIR (635 foals, 26 BTW, 1.40 AEI), D’WILDCAT (411 foals, 15 BTW, 1.36 AEI), ATTILA’S STORM (167 foals, 16 BTW, 1.26 AEI), SALUTE THE SARGE (224 foals, 7 BTW, 1.08 AEI), etc. PHANTOM WILDCAT Has Sired: MO SOUL, 14, g (A++, dam by Olympio, 2nd dam by Agitate): $104,100, I’m Smokin S, at 2, 2016. Phantom Wildcat also has sired the winners California Wildcat ($37,069, to 3, 2016), Empress Wildcat (to 4, 2016), and other 2016 2-year-old winner Gemini Journey.

FAMILY 1st dam VALARONE. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $277,548, Urbane S, Thoroughbred Charities of America S, 2nd Walking in Da Sun S, American Holly S, Hilltop S, OBS Championship S, 3rd Garland of Roses H, Blessing Angelica S. Dam of 10 foals, including— STONES OF NAVARONE (by Bustin Stones). Winner at 2 and 3, 2016, $54,300. FOREVER NEDA (Dehere). Winner at 4, $53,260. PHANTOM WILDCAT (Subject stallion).


Dosage (3-2-3-2-0); DI: 1.86; CD: 0.60 See gray pages—Nearctic

dkb/br, 2005


Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Bold Native, 1965 6s, wnr, $9,295 173 f, 4 BTW, 1.20 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Abifaith, 1964 8s, BTW, $34,070 1f

Seaneen, by Royal Charger

Irish River, 1976 12s, BTW, $623,257 943 f, 82 BTW, 1.99 AEI

Riverman, by Never Bend

Wind Spirit, 1970 10s, wnr, $15,941 14 f, 11 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Round Table, by Princequillo

Val de l'Orne, 1972 5s, BTW, $497,901 492 f, 41 BTW, 1.77 AEI

Val de Loir, by Vieux Manoir

Pleasure Palace, 1974 15s, wnr, $9,690 9 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Royal Palace, by Ballymoss

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Spring Beauty, by Sir Gallahad III

Sherry Jen, by Sun Again

Irish Star, by Klairon

Moon Dancer II, by Never Give In

Aglae, by Armistice

Antigua Anthem, by Nashua

MY COLLEAGUE (Sharp Humor). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $40,320. MIURA BULL (El Corredor). Winner at 3, $33,660. SHARP VALOR (Sharp Humor). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2016. RICO POBRE (Birdstone). 5 wins, 3 to 5, in Pan. KEEP ON BURNIN (Gilded Time). Unraced. Producer. Dam of Burnum ($268,161, 3rd Vigil S, G3A, to 7, 2016). 2nd dam WINTHROP ARMS. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $45,630, Lilac S. Dam of 11 foals, including— Armed and Ready. 15 wins, 3 to 7, $172,043, 2nd Tiara S. WINTER TIDE. 3 wins at 3, $94,800. Producer. Dam of Pleasant Miss ($92,500, 2nd Cinderella S, etc.). LAPLUMAS. Unraced. Dam of SMASH AND GRAB ($405,840, Nick Shuk Memorial S, etc.). 3rd dam PLEASURE PALACE. Winner at 2 and 3. Dam of 9 foals, including— GAYLORD’S SHELTER. 18 wins, 3 to 11, $120,660. SIZZLING SKIRT. 2 wins at 3. Dam of MUNCH N’ NOSH ($305,615, New Jersey Futurity, etc., sire). Granddam of MR. DENIM (Stanley Panco Memorial Maiden S). 4th dam ANTIGUA ANTHEM. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of 17 foals, including— TANTHEM. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $356,813, Forego H, Autumn H, Quaker H, 2nd Carter H (G2), Sport Page H, Palisades H, Chief Pennekeck S, Capital City H, Flintlock H, Atlantic City H, 3rd Paterson H (G2), Allegheny S (G3), Gravesend H, Lou Smith Memorial H, Hessian H, etc. Sire, 1.16 AEI. Irish Harbour. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $78,269, 2nd World Appeal S. SCALDING. Winner at 2, $22,575. Dam of MAKIBA SNIPER ($3,742,652, Teio Sho, Urawa Kinen twice, Nippon TV Hai, 2nd JBC Classic, Oguri Cap Kinen, etc., sire), Makiba Silent ($215,714, in Japan). ANTIQUA TOGA. Winner at 2. Dam of TOGA TOO ($187,902, Carter McGregor Jr. Memorial S, 3rd Lone Star Park Turf Sprint H), RARE TOGA ($51,278, Topaz S, 2nd Sam Houston Oaks, Lakeway S, Selma S, 3rd Mission Trail H). MARMORA BAY. 3 wins, 3 to 5, in Eng and Tri. Dam of SUNSET BAY (champion 3yo filly in Tri). FLORA NELL. Unraced. Dam of BOLDLY DARED ($146,668, Magnolia S, 2nd Golden Rod S, etc.), ADAM BLUE ($115,073, Hialeah Juvenile S, sire), Worldly Nell ($41,266). Granddam of DELRAY DEW ($313,312, Wild Rose H, etc.), BARRISTER ($157,670, Jewel S), BROOKHAVEN’S MONEY ($93,808, New York Stallion Spectacular Bid S). ANTIGONE. Producer. Dam of Brian B. ($124,451, 3rd Cavalier Cup S, sire).


PHANTOM WILDCAT Forest Wildcat – Valarone, by Navarone

LIMITED OPPORTUNITY — 100% SUCCESS First Four Foals To Race Are ALL WINNERS, including MO SOUL, undefeated 2YO winner of $104,100, went wire-to-wire first time out at Santa Anita in June and returned to Del Mar in September to pull away in the $150,000 I’m Smokin Stakes over 4-time SW CALIFORNIA DIAMOND ($377,780), record-setting Stakes-placed Milton Freewater, etc. Other winners include GEMINI JOURNEY, 2016 first start Del Mar maiden winner who set all the pace; EMPRESS WILDCAT, back-to-back winner at Canterbury breaking her maiden by 8 lengths; and CALIFORNIA WILDCAT, 2YO maiden winner at Laurel Park. PHANTOM WILDCAT went wire-to-wire winning a Santa Anita maiden special. By FOREST WILDCAT (117 Beyer), sire of 71 SWs, 120 SHs, the earners of $57 Million, including Leading Florida Sire WILDCAT HEIR (sire of 30 SWs, 72 SHs, earners of $39 Million) and Leading Louisiana Sire D’WILDCAT (17 SWs, 42 SHs, earners of $23 Million).

2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL (payable September 1st of year bred) Standing at:

LEGACY RANCH Clements, California Inquiries to Shaun Hadley, Legacy Ranch Manager, (209) 712-8943. Ranch physical address: 21455 N. Clements Rd., Clements, CA 95227 Ranch mailing address: P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA 95227 Phone: (209) 759-3315 Fax: (209) 759-3428 Email: Website:




2 3 4 in NA, UAE 5 Totals

Starts 1st

2nd 3rd


4 1 2 1(1) $59,800 12 4(2) 1 0 $289,214 3 2(2) 0 0 $1,283,250 3 0 2(2) 1(1) $103,308 22 7(4) 5(2) 2(2) $1,735,572

Won At 2 in North America A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($51,400, 6f in 1:11.03, dftg. Territorial, Tizmanian Devil, Ricky Rick, Some Bold Thrill, Orbits World, Harbour Town, Dances With Czars, Secret Stranger, etc.). 3rd I’m Smokin S (6f, to Top Money, Fallfree, dftg. Generalist). Won At 3 in North America Malibu S (G1, $250,000, 7f in 1:21.62, dftg. Attila’s Storm, Thor’s Echo, Shamoan, Unbridled Energy, Osidy, Greeley’s Galaxy, Diligent Prospect, Ninety Fine, Jack’s Wild, Wilko, Alexandersrun, Fusaichi Rock Star, Yes He’s a Pistol). On Trust H ($101,000, 7.5f in 1:27.37, dftg. Jack’s Wild, Areyoutalkintome, Texcess, Quiten Boy, Stalking Tiger, Uncle Denny). An allowance race at OSA ($50,400, 7f in 1:21.44, by 8, dftg. Super Strut, Uncle Denny, Ata Olympio, Kool Suggestion). An allowance race at Hol ($49,800, 6.5f in 1:15.09, by 71/2, dftg. Ninety Fine, Quiten Boy, Go Wild, Bradford, Tudor Needed, Stray Cat Blues). Won At 4 in North America Sensational Star H ($138,750, 6.5f in 1:15.55, dftg. Thor’s Echo, Red Warrior, Jack’s Wild, Swiss Lad, Summer Service, High Standards). At 4 in United Arab Emirates Champion older male Won Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen (G1 in UAE, $2,000,000, 6f in 1:09.86, dftg. Thor’s Echo, Jet West, Captain Squire, Gaff, Agnes Jedi, Tropical Star, Perfectly Ready, Azul Da Guanabara, Thajja, Heart Alone, The Lord, Howick Falls, Conroy, Raging Creek). 2nd At 5 in North America San Carlos H (G2, 7f, to Latent Heat, dftg. Ramsgate, Northern Soldier, Raise the Bluff, Tontine Too, Siren Lure, Harvard Avenue, Swing Your Partner, Majestic Stream).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (6 crops) Named Year Foals 2009 13 2010 23 2011 11 2012 12 2013 7 2014 6 *Totals 72

Run- Win- 2yo ners ners Wnrs 10 (77%) 5 (38%) 0 18 (78%) 6 (26%) 2 5 (45%) 2 (18%) 0 9 (75%) 4 (33%) 1 7 (100%) 5 (71%) 2 5 (83%) 2 (33%) 2 54 (75%) 24 (33%) 7

By Racing Year

Dosage (5-5-4-0-0); DI: 6.00; CD: 1.07 See gray pages—Nasrullah

b, 2002

Irish River, 1976 12s, BTW, $623,257 943 f, 82 BTW, 1.99 AEI Proud Irish, dkb/br, 1986 21s, wnr, $111,570 288 f, 8 BTW, 0.87 AEI 6.27 AWD Proud Delta, 1972 31s, BTW, $387,761 8 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Irish Tower, 1977 26s, BTW, $442,076 559 f, 29 BTW, 1.60 AEI Dora’s Tower, b, 1991 7s, wnr, $23,875 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 3 BTW 6.64 AWD Dora Maar, 1980 10s, pl, $1,974 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Riverman, 1969 8s, BTW, $247,876 973 f, 125 BTW, 2.53 AEI Irish Star, 1960 4s, wnr, $0 10 f, 7 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Klairon, by Clarion

Delta Judge, 1960 16s, BTW, $159,762 313 f, 31 BTW, 2.37 AEI

Traffic Judge, by Alibhai

Loving Sister, 1960 4s, unpl, $280 6 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Olympia, by Heliopolis

Irish Castle, 1967 18s, BTW, $106,702 530 f, 33 BTW, 1.25 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Royal Loom, 1971 5s, unpl, $0 6 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Loom, by Swoon’s Son

Native Charger, 1962 20s, BTW, $278,893 561 f, 38 BTW, 1.84 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Pan Shot, 1973 16s, wnr, $32,732 8 f, 5 r, 4 w

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Botany Bay, by East Side II

Beautillion, by Noor

Nimble Doll, by Eight Thirty

Castle Forbes, by Tulyar

Abrogate, by Reneged

Greek Blond, by Heliopolis

Process Shot, by Restless Wind

Inbreeding: 5SX5D Nasrullah; 5SX5d Heliopolis.

Sunshine Millions Padua Stables Sprint S (6f, to Smokey Stover, dftg. Bordonaro, Debonair Joe, Nightmare Affair, Red Warrior, Areyoutalkintome, Souvenir Evening). 3rd El Conejo H (G3, 5.5f, to Harvard Avenue, Areyoutalkintome, dftg. Brooker, Red Warrior, Roi Charmant, Count Orange, Bushwacker, Premium Saltine).


PROUD TOWER TOO is by Proud Irish, winner of 4 races, $111,570. To December 31, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 288 foals, 227 rnrs (79%), 163 wnrs (57%), 34 2yo wnrs (12%), 8 BTW (3%), 0.87 AEI, 0.80 CI, 9 sale yrlgs, avg $4,011, 0.09 TNA. Proud Irish has sired PROUD TOWER (Hollywood Prevue S, G3, California Breeders’ Champion S, Budweiser California Cup Juvenile S, 2nd I’m Smokin S), PROUD LOUIE (California Sires S), ROYAL IRISH (Graduation S, 3rd California Sires S), PROUD CARDENAL (Phoenix Gold Cup H, Bill Thomas Memorial H), PROUD DIXIE (Mid-Peninsula S, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S, G2, Juan Gonzalez Memorial S), DONNY BOY (Gold Rush Futurity), IRISH IDES (Solano County Juvenile Filly S), Proud Tammie (2nd CTBA Marian S), Pantsy (2nd King Glorious S, 3rd Better Bee S), Proud Janie (2nd California Breeders’ Champion S, Bam’s Penny S, 3rd Mountaineer Park HBPA H), Air Force Woman (3rd Generous Portion S), Proud Garrison (3rd Generous Portion S), Clover Situation (3rd Golden State Mile S), Devil Red (2nd Zia Park Derby S, 3rd Albuquerque Derby), etc. PROUD TOWER TOO Has Sired:

BT Year Wins Wins Earned 2011 0 0 $13,790 2012 5 0 $65,864 2013 15 0 $126,884 2014 12 0 $235,640 2015 8 0 $118,292 2016 14 0 $225,454 *Totals 54 0 $785,924 0.37 AEI; 0.68 CI; 5.92 AWD In 2016: 21 rnrs, 11 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $14,636 *to December 31, 2016

Proud Tower Too has sired the winners Slew’s Royal Tower ($105,136, to 6, 2016), Proud Step ($84,996), Proud Zoning ($61,677, to 3, 2016), Smart Suzzet ($59,300, to 7, 2016), Proud Elias ($53,073, to 5, 2016), Manes Tower (to 5, 2016), Danny’s Memory, Mini Tower (to 4, 2016), Suzett’s Memory (to 6, 2016), Juan’s Twin, El Capi Too, Cindrela Pride (at 3, 2016), Proud Lucky (to 4, 2016), Toomuchluck, Proud of Maria (to 3, 2016), Ale’s Emerald, Proud Manes (to 3, 2016), Suzzet Tower (to 4, 2016), King’s Tower (to 3, 2016), Arctic Tower, Chueco’s King, Ramsom Too, and 2016 2-year-old winners Proud Cecilia, Proud Cat.

Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,000 LIVE FOAL


Never Bend, by Nasrullah River Lady, by Prince John

FAMILY 1st dam DORA’S TOWER. 2 wins at 3, $23,875. Dam of 9 foals, including— PROUD TOWER TOO (Subject stallion). PROUD TOWER (by Proud Irish). 4 wins at 2, $280,660, Hollywood Prevue S (G3), California Breeders’ Champion S, Budweiser California Cup Juvenile S, 2nd I’m Smokin S. PROUD CARDENAL (Proud Irish). 6 wins, 4 to 11, $202,785, Phoenix Gold Cup H, Bill Thomas Memorial H. Sire. ALE’S PRIDE (Proud Irish). 2 wins at 4, $121,046. Producer. IAMATOWERTOO (Emerald Jig). 5 wins, 4 to 6, $64,302. 2nd dam DORA MAAR. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— BLUE EYED DANNY. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $235,585, Albany H, 2nd Bay Meadows Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, Montclair H, Coyotero H, 3rd Saratoga H. CARMELA MAAR. Winner at 3. Dam of PROUD LOUIE ($264,458, California Sires S), Semi Maar ($191,156, 2nd Oceanside S, 3rd Wells Fargo Bank California Cup Classic H). 3rd dam Pan Shot. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $32,732, 3rd Miss Woodford S. Dam of 8 foals, including— Reel Shot. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Golden Boy H. DECORATED DANCER. Unraced. Dam of CHANGING OTHEGUARD ($266,330, Linkage S, 2nd Matt Scudder S, 3rd Fire Plug S, Great Falls S). 4th dam PROCESS SHOT. 20 wins, 2 to 5, $465,791, champion 2yo filly, Arlington-Washington Lassie S, Barbara Fritchie H, Black-Eyed Susan S, Interborough H, Mermaid S, Betsy Ross H, Flirtation S, Vagrancy H, Distaff H, Whitemarsh H, Bryn Mawr S, Adirondack S, Polly Drummond S, Colleen S, 2nd Selima S, Hempstead H twice, Vagrancy H, Correction H, Bed o’ Roses H, etc. Dam of 3 foals, including— THALIE STYLE. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Northern Ensign ($175,888, 2nd Futurity S, G1, Bay Shore S, G3), Northern Duster ($92,745, 3rd Searching S).


Inquiries to Hector Palma, Consultant, or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplenade Avenue, Hemet, CA 92545. Phone (951) 654-9100. Fax (951) 654-9119.E-mail: Web Site:

RichaRd’s Kid

Entered Stud in 2014

dkb/br, 2005


2 3 4 5 6 7 in NA, UAE 8 Totals




3 7 11 6 2 10 8 47

0 3 3(2) 3(3) 0 2(2) 1(1) 12(8)

0 1 1(1) 0 0 1(1) 0 3(2)



0 $3,530 3 $65,000 2(1) $732,840 2(2) $915,000 0 $0 2(2) $584,990 3(3) $180,899 12(8) $2,482,259

Won At 3 An allowance race at Lrl ($30,000, abt 8.5f in 1:45.02, dftg. Luckifee, Senior, Skip to the North, Mc Taggart, Philomatt, Mieszko). A race at Lrl ($32,000, abt 8.5f in 1:46.89, by 23, d f t g . K n i g h t i n A r m o u r, C i n d e r C o n e , Promisei’llbehome, Dippi Trippi, Midnighter, etc.). A maiden special weight race at Lrl ($24,000, 8f in 1:40.22, by 21, dftg. Sound the Charge, Perfect New, Power in Truth, Formal Notice, Skidoodle, etc.). Won At 4 Pacific Classic S (G1A, $1,000,000, 10f in 2:02.39, dftg. Einstein, Rail Trip, Parading, Colonel John, Song of Navarone, Awesome Gem, Global Hunter, Informed, Misremembered, Tres Borrachos, Mast Track). John B. Campbell H ($50,000, 9f in 1:50.01, dftg. Bullsbay, P V Lightening, Quip, Sharps Island, Admiral’s Cruise, Independent Banker, Ryan’s for Real, Southern Rainbow). A race at Lrl ($34,000, abt 8.5f in 1:45.09, dftg. Preachin Heat, Arcata, Pemaquid Light, etc.). 2nd Cougar II Handicap (12f, AW, to Unusual Suspect, by a nose, dftg. Church Service, Gangbuster, Ghetto, Quarter Moon, Sir Dave, Big Booster, Zappa). 3rd Goodwood S (G1A, 9f, to Gitano Hernando, Colonel John, dftg. Parading, Chocolate Candy, Mine That Bird, Monzante, Informed, Tres Borrachos, Tiago). Won At 5 Pacific Classic S presented by TVG (G1A, $1,000,000, 10f in 2:03.27, dftg. Crowded House, Dakota Phone, Battle of Hastings, The Usual Q. T., Temple City, Isle of Giant’s, Hold Me Back, Unusual Suspect, Awesome Gem). Goodwood S (G1A, $250,000, 9f in 1:49.18, dftg. Crown of Thorns, Dakota Phone, Twirling Candy, Awesome Gem, Informed, Crowded House). San Antonio H (G2A, $150,000, 9f in 1:49.05, dftg. Dakota Phone, Philatelist, Pick Six, Furthest Land, Mast Track, Marsh Side, Nownownow, Quasicobra, Giganticus, Slew’s Tiznow). 3rd Hollywood Gold Cup H (G1A, 10f, to Awesome Gem, Rail Trip, dftg. Tres Borrachos, Compari, Cigar Man). Cougar II Handicap (G3A, 12f, to Temple City, Unusual Suspect, dftg. Delightful Kiss, Lifeline). Won At 7 Cougar II Handicap (G3A, $100,000, 12f in 2:29.22, NTR, dftg. Worth Repeating, Balladry, Dynamic Host, Fly Lexis Fly, Romp). Prove It S ($92,650, 11f, AW in 2:16.43, TRE, by 71, dftg. Dynamic Host, Balladry, Honour the Deputy, Northern Indy). 2nd Hollywood Gold Cup H (G1A, 10f, to Game On Dude, dftg. Kettle Corn, Spud Spivens, Love Theway Youare, Anthony’s Cross, Thirtyfirststreet). 3rd TVG Pacific Classic S (G1A, 10f, to Dullahan, Game On Dude, dftg. Rail Trip, Suggestive Boy, Amani, Jaycito, Where’s Sterling, Akkadian, Riveting Reason). Awesome Again S (G1, 9f, to Game On Dude, Nonios, dftg. Rail Trip, Suggestive Boy, Winning Machine, Empire Way, Groovin’ Solo, Balladry). Won At 8 Cougar II Handicap (G3A, $100,500, 12f in 2:30.93, dftg. Sky Kingdom, Blueskiesnrainbows, Oilisblackgold, Mr T Bird, Majestic Moment, Grandstand).

STUD ANALYSIS Richard’s Kid entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Dosage (7-8-19-4-0); DI: 1.81; CD: 0.47 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 15.3

Kingmambo, 1990 13s, BTW, $734,804 894 f, 85 BTW, 2.43 AEI Lemon Drop Kid, b, 1996 24s, BTW, $3,245,370 1,147 f, 86 BTW, 1.74 AEI 8.07 AWD Charming Lassie, 1987 1s, wnr, $16,500 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Broad Brush, 1983 27s, BTW, $2,656,793 668 f, 91 BTW, 2.55 AEI Tough Broad, b, 1992 49s, BTW, $395,132 5 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW 10.00 AWD Richard's Choice, 1987 6s, pl, $2,535 5 f, 3 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Miesque, 1984 16s, BTW, $2,096,517 14 f, 10 r, 6 w, 5 BTW

Nureyev, by Northern Dancer

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Lassie Dear, 1974 26s, BTW, $80,549 13 f, 12 r, 12 w, 4 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Ack Ack, 1966 27s, BTW, $636,641 581 f, 52 BTW, 2.36 AEI

Battle Joined, by Armageddon

Hay Patcher, 1973 14s, BTW, $47,224 12 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Hoist the Flag, by Tom Rolfe

Private Account, 1976 13s, BTW, $339,396 589 f, 58 BTW, 3.23 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

Twenty Six Girl, 1972 66s, BTW, $113,077 9 f, 9 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Blade, by Bold Ruler

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Pasadoble, by Prove Out

My Charmer, by Poker

Gay Missile, by Sir Gaylord

Fast Turn, by Turn-to

Turn to Talent, by Turn-to

Numbered Account, by Buckpasser

Vegas Vixen, by T. V. Lark

Inbreeding: 4sX5d Buckpasser.

3rd Pimlico Special S (G3, 9.5f, to Last Gunfighter, Eighttofasttocatch, dftg. Indian Dance, Concealed Identity, Brimstone Island). Ben Ali S (G3A, 9f, to Successful Dan, Boisterous, dftg. Son of a General, Hattaash, Stephanoatsee). Tokyo City Cup S (G3, 12f, to Sky Kingdom, Oilisblackgold, dftg. Batti Man, Calidoscopio, Dhaamer, Dreamcatcher, Jaycito).

SIRE LINE RICHARD’S KID is by LEMON DROP KID, black-type stakes winner of 10 races, $3,245,370, champion older male, Belmont S (G1), Whitney H (G1), Travers S (G1), Woodward S (G1), Futurity S (G1), Suburban H (G2), Brooklyn H (G2), 2nd Champagne S (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), 3rd Pimlico Special H (G1), Peter Pan S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 1,147 foals, 881 rnrs (77%), 624 wnrs (54%), 141 2yo wnrs (12%), 86 BTW (7%), 1.74 AEI, 1.84 CI, 644 sale yrlgs, avg $104,668, 2.33 TNA. In 2016: 90 2yos, 29 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 9 BTW, 45 sale yrlgs, avg $101,817. LEMON DROP KID has sired SOMALI LEMONADE (TVG Diana S, G1T, Dr. James Penny Memorial H, G3T, Gallorette H, G3T, JPMorgan Chase Jessamine S, G3T, 2nd Garden City S, G1T, Appalachian S, G3T, etc.), CITRONNADE (Gamely S, G1T, Beverly Hills H, G2T, Dahlia H, G2T, San Gorgonio H, G2T, Santa Ana H, G2T, etc.), CANNOCK CHASE (Pattison Canadian International S, G1T, Tercentenary S, G3 in Eng, Betway Huxley S, G3 in Eng, etc., to 5, 2016), LEMONS FOREVER (Kentucky Oaks, G1, 3rd Alabama S, G1, Bourbonette Breeders’ Cup S, G3A), BEACH PATROL (Secretariat S, G1T, 2nd American Turf S, G2T, Hill Prince S, G3T, 3rd Belmont Derby Invitational S, G1T, to 3, 2016), CHRISTMAS KID (Ashland S, G1A, Davona Dale S, G2, etc.), SANTA TERESITA (Santa Maria H, G1A, Santa Lucia H, 2nd Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1A, etc.), DA BIG HOSS (Dixiana Elkhorn S, G2T, Calumet Farm Kentucky Turf Cup S, G3T, Kentucky Turf Cup S, G3T, American St. Leger S, G3T, John B. Connally Turf Cup S, G3T, etc., to 5, 2016), HANGOVER KID (Bowling Green H, G2T, etc.), BRONZE CANNON (Hardwicke S, G2 in Eng, Jockey Club S, G2 in Eng, etc.), CHARITABLE MAN (Futurity S, G2, Peter Pan S, G2, etc.), WILKINSON (American H, G2T, LeComte S, G3, etc.), PISCO SOUR (Prix Eugene AdamGrand Prix de Maisons-Laffitte, G2 in Fr, Tercentenary S, G3 in Eng, etc.), BALANCE THE BOOKS (With Anticipation S, G2T, Bourbon S, G3T, etc.), ITSAKNOCKOUT (Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth S, G2, to 4, 2016), JUNIPER PASS (San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, G2T, San Luis Rey S, G2, etc.), SPARKLING REVIEW (Mrs. Revere S, G2T, Pin Oak Valley View S, G3T), BEAR’S KID (Summer S, G2T, etc.), DREAMY KID (Swaps S, G2A, to 8, 2016), etc. LEMON DROP KID’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BEACH PATROL (G1T), DA BIG HOSS (G2T),



INSPECTOR LYNLEY (G3T), KID CRUZ (G3), MIDDLEBURG (G3T), CANNOCK CHASE (G3 in Eng), CODE WEST, CANDIDA H., TOUGH IT UP. LEMON DROP KID’S other sons as stallions include BEAR’S KID (11 foals, 1 BTW, 1.89 AEI), COSMONAUT (80 foals, 2 BTW, 1.12 AEI), CHARITABLE MAN (116 foals, 2 BTW, 1.10 AEI), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 6—$20,867 — 6—$20,867

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$1,000 — 1—$1,000

FAMILY 1st dam TOUGH BROAD. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $395,132, Bayou Breeders’ Cup H, Omnibus S, Shrewsbury S, Twin Lights S, Vineland H, John McSorley S, 2nd All Brandy S twice, Little Silver S, Jersey Blues S, 3rd Noble Damsel H (G3T), Bayou Breeders’ Cup H, April Run S. Dam of 5 foals, including— RICHARD’S KID (Subject stallion). EAGLE BEAGLE (by Lemon Drop Kid). 12 wins, 3 to 8, $139,446. TOUGH KID (Carson City). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $127,410. 2nd dam RICHARD’S CHOICE. Placed at 2. Dam of 5 foals, incl.— Broad Choice. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $163,331, 3rd Kent Breeders’ Cup S. BIG BRUSH. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $143,450. 3rd dam TWENTY SIX GIRL. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $113,077, Patricia A. Handicap, 2nd Bonnie Miss H, Rose Leaves H, Bewitch S, Pattee Canyon S, 3rd Louis S Meen Memorial H, Durazna S. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— KID COLIN. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $140,965, Criterium S, Carry Back S, Pembroke Pines H, etc. Sire. Yes My Looney. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $60,279, 2nd Alma North S, Meadowlark S, Our Mims S, 3rd Misty Bryn S. Dam of LONGEST DRIVE ($134,232, Shamrock S), Inanyevent ($36,760, 2nd Tondi Budweiser H). MISS BERKSHIRE. Winner at 2 and 3. Producer. Dam of Rebecca La C P A. 4th dam VEGAS VIXEN. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— Suzy Creamcheese. 2 wins at 3, $28,150, 3rd Melaleuca H. Producer. Dam of Bosto ($246,424, 2nd Prix Major Fridolin, 3rd Handicap de l’Essonne, in Fr, and NA). BLADES LADY. Winner at 3, $22,695. Producer. Granddam of TAKE CHARGE MEGAN ($321,354, Americana H, 3rd P.R. Smith S), CAT KILLER ($23,299, Oklahoma Bred Thoroughbred Futurity).


check daily updates on

RICHARD’S KID Lemon Drop Kid – Tough Broad, by Broad Brush

MULTIPLE GRADE 1 WINNER OF $2,482,295 Versatile Winner from 1 Mile to 11⁄2 Miles • Posting ELEVEN Triple Digit Beyers

Won $1,000,000 Grade 1 Pacific Classic – TWICE, once with 107 Beyer Won $250,000 Grade 1 Goodwood S. with 106 Beyer Won $150,000 Grade 2 San Antonio H. with 101 Beyer Won $100,000 Grade 3 Cougar II H. – once with 100 Beyer & once with NTR of 11⁄2 Miles in 2:291⁄5 Won Prove It S. with 105 Beyer setting 13⁄8 Miles ETR of 2:162⁄5 The leading son of G1 Belmont Classic Winner & Eclipse Champion LEMON DROP KID (118 Beyer), and 6-time SW TOUGH BROAD (100 Beyer), by Leading Sire BROAD BRUSH. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (stand and nurse)

MAGALI FARMS Santa Ynez, California Inquiries to Tom Hudson, Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 693-1777 Fax: (805) 693-1644 E-mail: Web Site:



Roi ChaRmant

b, 2001

Dosage (5-2-9-2-0); DI: 1.77; CD: 0.56 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

height 16.2



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Totals





5 5 6 1 5 1 4 27

1 1 2 0 0 0 4 8

0 2(1) 1(1) 0 2(1) 0 0 5(3)

2 2 1(1) 0 0 0 0 5(1)


$34,980 $68,620 $104,660 $3,120 $38,198 $500 $87,600 $337,678

Won An allowance race at SA ($62,800, 6.5f in 1:16.06, by 3, dftg. Cee Mister B, Wild Shaman, Pure, etc.), A maiden special weight race at Hol ($46,800, 6.5f in 1:15.17, dftg. Gamblin, Lethal Litigator, Popoki, etc.), A race at Hol ($71,900, 7f in 1:21.44, d f t g . I n d i a n C o u n t r y, S i p h o n i z e r, Danthebluegrassman, etc.), A race at SA ($67,600, 6.5f in 1:14.19, by 31), A race at Dmr ($54,240, 6.5f, AW in 1:16.21, dftg. Noblety, Yankee Visionary, Headache, etc.), A race at Hol ($33,400, 6f, turf in 1:08.41, dftg. Shadow of Illinois, Western Comment, Cayambe, etc.), A race at Hol ($33,000, 6.5f, AW in 1:16.00, dftg. Yankee Visionary, Principle Secret, Northern Soldier), A race at Hol ($33,800, 6.5f, AW in 1:14.52, dftg. Soda Pop Kid, Honouramongfriends, etc.), 2nd San Miguel S (G3, 6f, to Hosco, dftg. Gethsemani, Last Minute Detail, Hot Weekend, etc.), Daytona H (abt 6.5f, turf, to Night Chapter, dftg. Terrific Storm, Yes He’s a Pistol, Union Avenue, etc.), Green Flash H (5f, turf, to Courageous King, dftg. Siren Lure, Stormin’ Lyon, Jungle Prince, etc.), 3rd Potrero Grande Breeders’ Cup H (G2, 6.5f, to Harvard Avenue, Rushin’ to Altar, dftg. Perfect Moon, Saint Afleet, Hasty Kris, Ice Wynnd Fire, etc.).

SIRE LINE Roi Charmant is by EVANSVILLE SLEW, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $338,040, Arlington-Washington Futurity (G2), Mathis Brothers Remington Futurity, Juvenile Breeders’ Cup S, Honest Pleasure S, etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 16 crops, 521 foals, 402 rnrs (77%), 308 wnrs (59%), 63 2yo wnrs (12%), 25 BTW (5%), 1.05 AEI, 0.91 CI, 105 sale yrlgs, avg $8,997, 0.20 TNA. EVANSVILLE SLEW has sired MISS ANGIE (champion 3yo filly in Mex), MARCH MAGIC (Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Comely S, G3, Poinciana Breeders’ Cup H, 2nd Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, etc.), RANCOUR (Speed to Spare S, G3, etc.), COWBOY STUFF (Round Table S, Cyclones H, etc.), SMALLTOWN SLEW (Isi Newborn Memorial S, etc.), CHERYLVILLE SLEW (Irving Distaff S, etc.), L D’S SHES SPECIAL (Donna Reed S, etc.), DES MOINES (Chantilly S, etc.), EVANSVILLE STORM (Jim Thorpe S, etc.), CHUCK (Oklahoma Classics Sprint S, Oklahoma Stallion S, etc., to 6, 2016), etc. ROI CHARMANT Has Sired: Gangnam Guy, 11, g (dam by Unusual Heat, 2nd dam by Native Prospector: $265,718, 2nd Baffle S, I’m Smokin S, 3rd Graduation S, Harris Farm S, to 5, 2016.

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 8 7 3 7 25

Runners 7 (88%) 5 (71%) 2 (67%) 4 (57%) 18 (72%)

Winners 5 (63%) 4 (57%) 2 (67%) 0 (0%) 11 (44%)

2yo Wnrs 2 1 1 0 4

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 2 0 2014 4 0 2015 11 0 2016 15 0 *Totals 32 0 1.32 AEI; 0.85 CI; 6.43 AWD In 2016: 16 rnrs, 8 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 8 wins, $302,247 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $60,292 *to November 28, 2016


Earned $132,714 $250,321 $393,047 $309,168 $1,085,250

Slew City Slew, 1984 42s, BTW, $1,166,296 908 f, 47 BTW, 1.27 AEI Evansville Slew, dkb/br, 1992 7s, BTW, $338,040 521 f, 25 BTW, 1.05 AEI 6.69 AWD Shape Shifter, 1988 Unraced 4 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Seattle Dancer, 1984 5s, BTW, $152,413 857 f, 35 BTW, 1.16 AEI Cantina, b, 1993 3s, wnr, $36,950 10 f, 8 r, 8 w 6.50 AWD Chick Or Two, 1983 25s, BTW, $202,200 9 f, 8 r, 7 w

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Weber City Miss, 1977 40s, BTW, $687,109 8 f, 7 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Berkley Prince, by Rash Prince

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Phoebe's Donkey, 1976 17s, BTW, $142,325 5 f, 3 r, 3 w

Son Excellence, by Sea-Bird

Nijinsky II, 1967 13s, BTW, $677,117 851 f, 156 BTW, 4.49 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Topsider, 1974 18s, BTW, $125,060 475 f, 60 BTW, 2.47 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Nowanna, 1974 6s, unpl, $415 12 f, 11 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Envoy, by Bold Ruler

My Charmer, by Poker

Esirnus, by Sunrise Flight

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Phyllis Weiss, by Big Brave

Flaming Page, by Bull Page

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Drumtop, by Round Table

Distaff Decider, by Khaled

Inbreeding: 4SX3D My Charmer.

Slew’s Charm, 12, f (Unusual Heat, Native Prospector): $87,787, 3rd Cinderella S, to 4, 2016. Roi Charmant has also sired the winners Charming Starlet ($227,134, to 5, 2016), Prince Charmant ($111,962, to 5, 2016), Mahorney ($76,385, to 4, 2016), Ourprincessmelanie ($61,116, to 3, 2016), Pheisty Kid ($56,422, to 5, 2016), Roianna ($54,627) (6 wins to 4, 2016), Entitled Star (at 3, 2016), Princess Roi ($55,800 at 2, 2016), Champagne Roi (at 4, 2016).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 5—$6,240 3—$18,333 16—$15,638

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 3—$3,400 3—$3,400

FAMILY 1st dam CANTINA. Winner at 3, $36,950. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including— Roi Charmant (Subject stallion). KEIAI DAIKOKU (by Decarchy). 4 wins, 3 to 6, in Japan, $135,763. CRIMSON COWBOY (Swiss Yodeler). 4 wins at 4, $81,760. CANDEELITE (Afternoon Deelites). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $80,388. Granddam of Viviendo El Sueno ($87,367, 3rd I’m Smokin S). CANTINA’S ROSE (Decarchy). 2 wins at 2, $60,694. Producer. Dam of Kathleen Rose ($342,238, 2nd Royal Heroine S, G2T, Swingtime S, etc.). KANTINA KOWGIRL (Kodiak Kowboy). Winner at 4, $62,260. 2nd dam CHICK OR TWO. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $202,200, Charles H Russell H, 2nd Las Cienegas H, etc. Dam of 9 foals, including— MIRIAH. Dam of RED’S HONOR ($332,830, A.J. Foyt S, Brickyard S, Fort Wayne S, Benjamin Harrison S, 3rd Mr. Prospector H, G3, Brickyard S, sire). Granddam of WINDOW BOY ($116,624, Grover Buddy Delp Memorial S, 3rd Long Branch S), PRINCESS ERINDELLE ($92,912, Allen Black Cat LaCombe Memorial Overnight S, 2nd Northbound Pride Oaks, to 3, 2016), GREY LEGEND (Clasico Taconeo, in Ven, at 4, 2016). 3rd dam NOWANNA. Dam of 12 foals, including— NOW LISTEN. 9 wins, 3 to 6, in NA and Eng, $582,786, Daryl’s Joy S (G3), Triple Bend H (G3), etc. Sire. Subsidize. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $65,800, 3rd Rancho Santa Fe S. Sire. LADY TRESPASS. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $112,075. Dam of TIMELY RESERVE ($59,367, Vallejo S, 3rd La Habra S). Granddam of SANDTRAP ($471,116, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, San Simeon H, G3T, Baldwin S, G3T, etc., sire), BASHART ($292,693, With



Anticipation S, G2T, 2nd Bourbon S, G3A, Kent S, G3T, 3rd Commonwealth Turf S, G3T, to 5, 2016), SQUALLCREEK ($151,913). CHINA BREEZE. Producer. Granddam of SHANGHAI PASS ($72,531, champion older male in Jam, sire), AT WILL ($1,326,463, Clover Sho, 3rd Marguerite S, in Japan, to 6, 2016), FINE CHOICE ($1,046,569, Hakodate Nisai S, G3 in Japan, etc.), CANDY BAROWS ($410,313, KBS Kyoto Sho Fantasy S, G3 in Japan, etc., to 3, 2016). 4th dam DISTAFF DECIDER. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— LIBANON. 13 wins, 3 to 9, $175,670, San Francisco H, 3rd Happy New Year Invitational H. Sire. FLAMING LEAVES. 6 wins, 2 to 5, in NA and Eng, $113,196, Manta H, 2nd Santa Maria H (G2), Santa Lucia H, 3rd Santa Monica H (G2). Dam of LIGHT OF MORN ($306,966, Pat O’Brien Breeders’ Cup H, etc., sire), DANCING MIRAGE ($247,645, Sandy Blue H, 3rd A Gleam H, G2, Bayakoa H, G2, etc.), Swiss Mirage ($123,475). Granddam of KINSALE KING ($1,517,129, champion older male in UAE, Dubai Golden Shaheen Sponsored by Gulf News, G1 in UAE, Palos Verdes H, G2A, Vernon O. Underwood S, G3A, 3rd Golden Jubilee S, G1 in Eng), VICTORIA’S WILDCAT ($172,571, Eight Belles S, G3, etc.). Great-granddam of CRISTINA’S JOURNEY ($171,768, Pocahontas S, G2). Tregillick. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $138,654, 2nd La Brea S. Break a Leg. 22 wins, 2 to 11, $63,614, 3rd Merry Christmas Claiming S. FETCH N CARRY. Placed at 2 and 3. Producer. Dam of Mojave Gold ($168,838, 3rd Rising Market H). MERRY MOMENTS. Unraced. Dam of QUINTANA ($254,309, Rebel S, G3, 3rd San Diego H, G3). FREE DELIGHT. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Trumpets Delight ($230,972). 5th dam LADY O’ WAR. Dam of 8 foals, including— WILLING MAID. 3 wins at 3 in Fr, placed in NA, $22,867. Dam of MIGNON ($158,660, Waya H, 2nd CHBPA Inc. and TOC Inc. H, Ack’s Secret S, Street Dancer S), MORE THAN WILLING ($135,075, Miesque S, 3rd Providencia S). Granddam of LAVENDER ($236,052, La Habra S, Santa Paula S, 2nd Desert Stormer H, Great Lady M. Handicap, 3rd Peach Blossom S). WAR KHAL. Winner at 3. Dam of DURBAN DEEP ($134,050, San Jacinto H, 3rd Caballero H, sire), CORBY ($45,312, Prix du Lys, G3 in Fr, Horris Hill S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Dante S, G3 in Eng, Yellow Pages Classic Trial, sire), Fire Spirit. Granddam of ROMAN FORCE ($87,642, King’s S, 2nd Lamplighter S, etc.). BLACK EYED LUCY. Unraced. Dam of ROVING BOY ($843,675, champion 2yo colt, Norfolk S, G1, Del Mar Futurity, G2, Alibhai H, G3, etc.), Fort Valley. Granddam of A WILD RIDE ($775,214, G1).

ROI CHARMANT Evansville Slew – Cantina, by Seattle Dancer

AvERAgE EARNINgS PER STARTER – $60,292 (AEI 1.32 - CI .85) Top 25 California 2 year old sire of 2016 with a lifetime 1.76 AEI. (20% of foals have won at 2) 5th Ranked 2015 North America 3rd crop sire by average earnings per runner of $ 39.3K Leading California sire of 2015 with Median Earnings per runner of $ 28,139. Sire of Multiple Stakes-placed Gangnam Guy ($265,718), 2nd $150,000 I’m Smokin S., $101,500 Baffle S., 3rd $100,000 Harris Farm S.; Stakes-Placed Slew’s Charm ($88,012), 3rd $100,000 Cinderella S., Charming Starlet ($227,134) & 2 year old Del Mar (11/17/2016) Mdn Allow front running mile winner Princess Roi ($55,800).

Multiple Graded Stakes-Placed frontrunner and eight-time open company winner of $337,678. Won on all surfaces equaling two track records :55 1/5(T) at Del Mar and 107.1 at Santa Anita earning a Ragozin #1 3/4. From the SEATTLE SLEW sire line of LAVA MAN ($5,268,706), his first three sires have produced near 200 stakes winners. Out of a SEATTLE DANCER mare who has produced 8 winners from her first 8 foals with current earnings of $864,000 and is the Granddam of KATHLEEN ROSE ($342,238, 2nd in the Royal Heroine S.-G2, etc.). Bred on the same line cross (inbred 4x3 to Broodmare of the Year MY CHARMER) as BOLD CHIEFTAIN ($1,683,181). From the female family of champions ROVING BOY & SWORD DANCER, GROUP 1 winner KINSALE KING ($1,517,129), etc.

2017 FEE: $1,000-LIvE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Property of B & B Zietz Stables, Inc. Standing at


Inquiries to Tom Hudson, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, California 93460 (805) 693-1777/FAX (805) 693-1644 e-mail: • website:



Rousing seRmon

Entered Stud in 2016



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

6 8 10 6 6 36




2(1) 0 3(1) 0 1 6(2)

2(2) 1(1) 2(1) 2(2) 0 7(6)

2(2) 2(2) 3(1) 0 0 7(5)


$274,000 $213,500 $218,342 $50,500 $65,230 $821,572

Won At 2 Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S ($100,000, 8.5f in 1:43.52, by 21, dftg. Motown Men, Stoney Fleece, Broadway Nika, Champions Gate, Unveiled Heat, Inquisitive Son, Far to Reach, Our Boy Benjamin). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($52,000, 5f, AW in 59.19, dftg. Huntsville, Gifted Monarch, Dutch Lake, Wise Guise, Change Order, Nolaruninfor Jayci, Swiss Guard, Troy Story, Trial Spin). 2nd CashCall Futurity (G1A, 8.5f, to Liaison, dftg. Brother Francis, Sky Kingdom, Empire Way, Blingo, Handsome Mike, Cozzetti, Drill, Majestic City, Basmati, Desormais, Groovin’ Solo). Real Quiet S (8.5f, AW, to Liaison, dftg. Senor Rain, Captain Obvious, Tiz Point, Runstevierun). 3rd I’m Smokin S (6f, AW, to Ruler of Dubai, Champions Gate, dftg. Inquisitive Son, Stoney Fleece, Unhitchthetrailor). Graduation S (5.5f, AW, to Ruler of Dubai, Three Vases, dftg. Unhitchthetrailor, Inquisitive Son, Sherman Bartlebort, Pend Oreille, Joyzey Billy, Rino S). 2nd At 3 Real Good Deal S (7f, AW, to Unusual Heatwave, dftg. Got Even, Champions Gate, Derby Gold, Stoney Fleece, A Toast to You). 3rd Louisiana Derby (G2, 9f, to Hero of Order, Mark Valeski, dftg. Cigar Street, Shared Property, Windsurfer, Afford, Z Dager, Fire Alarm, Finnegans Wake, Flashy Sunrise, Mr. Bowling, Comisky’s Humor). Robert B. Lewis S (G2, 8.5f, to I’ll Have Another, Empire Way, dftg. Isn’t He Clever, Sky Kingdom, Chips All In, Groovin’ Solo, Liaison). Won At 4 On Trust H ($100,750, 7.5f, AW in 1:29.73, dftg. Cyclometer, Mobilized, Spirit Rules, Luckarack, Maybe Tuesday, Starspangled Heat, Compari). A race at SA ($76,150, 8.5f in 1:44.52, dftg. Half Strike, Call Me Kelly, Zackn’mat, Soul Candy, Unstopper Topper, Deacon Speakin’, Graeme Crackerjack). A race at SA ($70,450, 8.5f in 1:43.03, by 21, dftg. Blue Tone, American Act, Royal F J, Circle the Moon, Myhorseofcourse). 2nd Big Bear S (8f, to Majestic City, dftg. Drill, Soi Phet, Rail Trip). 3rd Native Diver S (G3A, 9f, to Blueskiesnrainbows, Hear the Ghost, dftg. Drill, Soi Phet, Mobilized, Setsuko). 2nd At 5 Tiznow S (8f, to Storm Fighter, dftg. China Prince, Kate’s Event, Soi Phet). Cary Grant S (7f, AW, to Big Macher, dftg. Patriots Rule, Red Outlaw, Magic Mark, Celebrity Status). Won At 6 A race at SA ($84,500, 8f in 1:37.79, dftg. Crimson Giant, Magic Mark, Appealing Tale, Fly Lexis Fly).

SIRE LINE ROUSING SERMON is by LUCKY PULPIT, black-type stakes winner of 3 races, $209,928, Smile S, 2nd Santa Catalina S (G2), Pinjara S, Sneakbox S, 3rd Generous S (G3T), Oceanside S, Taylor’s Special S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 7 crops, 294 foals, 219 rnrs (74%), 140 wnrs (48%), 48 2yo wnrs (16%), 4 BTW (1%), 1.77 AEI, 1.18 CI, 100 sale yrlgs, avg $17,565, 0.39 TNA. In 2016: 52 2yos, 24 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 2 BTW, 26 sale yrlgs, avg $18,341.

STUD ANALYSIS Rousing Sermon entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (5-11-18-0-0); DI: 2.78; CD: 0.62 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

ch, 2009

Pulpit, 1994 6s, BTW, $728,200 920 f, 72 BTW, 1.83 AEI Lucky Pulpit, ch, 2001 22s, BTW, $209,928 294 f, 4 BTW, 1.77 AEI 6.37 AWD Lucky Soph, 1992 6s, wnr, $9,865 12 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Awesome Again, 1994 12s, BTW, $4,374,590 1,071 f, 63 BTW, 2.05 AEI Rousing Again, ch, 2000 19s, wnr, $136,780 3 f, 3 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 7.62 AWD Rousing, 1985 9s, wnr, $10,780 13 f, 12 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

A.P. Indy, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Preach, 1989 15s, BTW, $304,656 14 f, 12 r, 12 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Cozzene, 1980 24s, BTW, $978,152 964 f, 84 BTW, 2.19 AEI

Caro, by Fortino II

Lucky Spell, 1971 69s, BTW, $253,655 14 f, 12 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Lucky Mel, by Olympia

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Primal Force, 1987 8s, wnr, $74,251 12 f, 6 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Alydar, 1975 26s, BTW, $957,195 689 f, 77 BTW, 5.11 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Excitable Lady, 1978 28s, BTW, $399,542 2 f, 2 r, 1 w

Wajima, by Bold Ruler

Weekend Surprise, by Secretariat

Narrate, by Honest Pleasure

Ride the Trails, by Prince John

Incantation, by Prince Blessed

Mint Copy, by Bunty's Flight

Prime Prospect, by Mr. Prospector

Sweet Tooth, by On-and-On

Champagne Woman, by Barbizon

Inbreeding: 4sX5d Mr. Prospector; 5SX4D Raise a Native.

LUCKY PULPIT has sired CALIFORNIA CHROME (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands, G1, Preakness S, G1, Dubai World Cup Sponsored by Emirates Airline, G1 in UAE, $1 Million TVG Pacific Classic S, G1, etc., to 5, 2016), LUCKARACK (Governor’s Cup H, Cavonnier Juvenile S, Jim Kostoff S, Everett Nevin Alameda County S, 2nd Real Good Deal S, Uniformity S, to 8, 2016), YOU’RE LATE (California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, at 2, 2016), Woodmans Luck (2nd Snow Chief S, 3rd Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile S, to 8, 2016), Pulmarack (2nd California Cup Derby, King Glorious S, Silky Sullivan S, to 4, 2016), Lucky Views (3rd Eddie Logan S, to 5, 2016), Swiss Minister (3rd Graduation S, to 3, 2016), Bully Pulpit (3rd Zuma Beach S, Contender S, to 3, 2016), Fantasy of Luck (3rd Fleet Treat S, to 3, 2016), Later My Love (2nd California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, 3rd Generous Portion S, to 3, 2016), Patty’s Pulpit (3rd El Diario S), Lawly’s Goal (2nd Riley Allison Futurity, Turf Paradise Derby, ATBA Fall Sales S), etc. LUCKY PULPIT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CALIFORNIA CHROME (G1), YOU’RE LATE.

FAMILY 1st dam ROUSING AGAIN. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $136,780. Dam of 3 foals— ROUSING SERMON (Subject stallion). ROUST ’EM BERTIE (by Bertrando). Winner at 3, $34,135. TIZ AGAIN ROUSED (Tiznow). Winner at 4. 2nd dam ROUSING. Winner at 3. Dam of 13 foals, including— CHINDI. 18 wins, 3 to 11, $1,000,838, Count Fleet Sprint H (G3), Ack Ack H (G3), Iowa Sprint H, Heartland Sprint H, Taylor’s Special H, 2nd Count Fleet Sprint H (G3), Iowa Sprint H, Arlington Sprint H, Silver Bullet Centennial H, etc. SHE WHO KISSNFLY. Winner at 3. Dam of PROSPECTIVE KISS ($432,956, Brooks Fields S, John Bullit S, 2nd Bosselman/Gus Fonner S, John Bullit S, Shot of Gold S, John Henry S, Brooks Fields S, 3rd Shakopee S), Like an Eagle ($294,494, 2nd Paradise Creek S, 3rd Fifth Season S). 3rd dam EXCITABLE LADY. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $399,542, Las Cienegas H, Thoroughbred Club of America S, Thoroughbred Club Dinner S, Locust Grove S, Blue Delight S twice, Four Winds H twice, Debutante S, 2nd Autumn Days H, Rancho Bernardo H, Silver Spoon H, Monrovia H, Mint Julep S, 3rd Phoenix H, Las Flores H, Rancho Bernardo H. Dam of— TIGHTLY. Placed at 2. Producer. Granddam of SEMI LOST ($272,000, Pomona Derby, 2nd La Jolla H, G2T, Oceanside S).



4th dam CHAMPAGNE WOMAN. 10 wins at 2 and 3, $53,479, Susan S, Princess S, Imp S, Coquette H, Clipsetta S, 2nd Blue Hen S, Bewitch S, Juvenile S, 3rd Ashland S, Thelma S. Dam of 16 foals, including— RAISE YOUR GLASS. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $81,222, Tremont S, 2nd Sanford S, Saratoga Special S, 3rd Sapling S, Great American S. Sire. Excitable Miss. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $25,777, 2nd Debutante S, Colleen S. Dam of SYNCOPATING LADY ($125,611, Egret H, Hydrangea H, 3rd Test S, G2, Half Moon H, Grey Flight H), GALLANT LT. ($80,358, Cradle S, Kentucky Special, Cardinal S, sire). Granddam of LIGHT BEAT ($50,382, Dianthus S, 2nd Miss Preakness S, 3rd Cicada S). PEACEFUL MANNER. 2 wins at 3, $50,280. Producer. Granddam of DISTINCTIVE CODE ($262,460, Victoria Lass H, Suthern Accent S, Majorette H, 2nd Irving Distaff S, Chapel Belle S, 3rd Valid Expectations S, Pan Zareta H), BEDSIDE MANNER ($262,223, Schenectady H, etc.). PROMISED WOMAN. Placed at 3. Dam of WINNERWALD ($117,425, La Puente S, 2nd Gateway To Glory S, 3rd B.J. Ridder S, Saddleback S, sire), MISS AFFAIR ($34,078, North Vancouver S, 3rd Hillsborough H). Granddam of VOLADORA ($548,622, WinStar Distaff H, Ada H, Sam Houston Distaff H, etc.), OTRO MAMBO ($232,380, Brother Brown H, 2nd Jim Bowie S, Waller County S, 3rd Grand Prairie Gold Cup H, Will Rogers Downs Sprint Championship H), FLYING MAMBO ($152,342, Sam Houston Turf Sprint Cup H, Blue Ribbon Classic Thoroughbred Futurity, Davy Crockett Turf S, 2nd Norman S, etc.), GIGI’S SKYFLYER ($118,195, Senorita S). BEST OF BUBBLES. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Nunzionic ($39,594, 3rd Aspirant S). Granddam of TEMPERENCE TIME ($436,860, Remington Park Derby, G3, Remington Futurity, etc. MISS BUBBLY. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of DRINKING FUND ($307,983, Honeymoon S, to 10, 2016). DECK STEWARDESS. Dam of CHIEF STEWARD ($345,339, Mutual Savings Life Sprint Championship H, etc., sire), DERBY ($202,175, Speed Form H, 3rd Shamrock H), GUN STEWARD ($97,478, Hallandale H, 2nd Jim Foti Memorial S, 3rd Florida Turf Cup H), Ever Wonder (2nd Genuine Risk Visitation S, 3rd Sugar and Spice Visitation S). Granddam of SPINNING ROUND ($639,225, Ballerina S, G1, Alcibiades S, G2, Forward Gal Breeders’ Cup S, G2, Vagrancy H, G3, Valley View S, 2nd Ashland S, G1, Bonnie Miss S, G2, etc.), WONDER WAJ ($87,149, First Lady H, 2nd Ms. Southern Ohio S, Royal Harmony H, 3rd Evergreen S, Glacial Princess S), EVER IRISH ($56,142, Buckeye Belle S, 2nd Ohio Discovery S).

ROUSING SERMON Lucky Pulpit – Rousing Again, by Awesome Again

California Champion Two-Year-Old by LUCKY PULPIT Ranked among the Top NINE Colts of his crop on the Experimental Free Handicap, 2nd by only a neck in the $750,000 Grade 1 CashCall Futurity beating DRILL (G1), HANDSOME MIKE (G2), BLINGO (G2), SKY KINGDOM (G3), etc. Ran 1-2-3 in 20 of 36 career starts earning $821,572, winning and placing in 13 Stakes, including the $1,000,000 Grade 2 Louisiana Derby, $200,000 Grade 2 Robert B. Lewis S. and $150,000 Grade 3 Native Diver S. Offers breeders an A++ TrueNicks rated pedigree as a grandson of Sire of Sires PULPIT and AWESOME AGAIN, out of a half to millionaire CHINDI (G3, 111 Beyer). Ran in 2012 Grade 1 Kentucky Derby besting HANSEN, ALPHA, GEMOLOGIST, TAKE CHARGE INDY, etc. “He is an attractive and balanced horse with a beautiful stride... had the quality to sprint and route.” – clay murdock, rancho san miguel First Crop Foals Arrive in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owned & Bred By: Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Williams

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site:



Run BRotheR Ron

Dosage (7-8-11-0-0); DI: 3.73; CD: 0.85 See gray pages—Polynesian

ch, 2005



2 3 4 5 Totals

7 2 9 1 19




3(2) 0 3 0 6(2)

1(1) 0 1 0 2(1)

0 0 2(1) 0 2(1)


$102,007 $300 $88,100 $374 $190,781

Won At 2 Beau Brummel S ($65,000, 6.5f in 1:17.58, dftg. Rivergrade Boy, Reel Prime, Premier Issue, Carson’s Copper, Tide Water Bobby, Kris the Red, Quarter Moon, Rileys Rainbow). Everett Nevin Alameda County Futurity ($53,160, 5f in 57.34, by 3, dftg. Younique Cat, Deputy Bertrando, Nevada Worrier, Valid Port, Absolute Courage, Doublesweetact). A maiden special weight race at BM ($29,940, 2f in 22.49, dftg. Shadow King, Deputy Bertrando, Younique Cat, Really a Bubble, Really a Miss). 2nd Willard L. Proctor Memorial S (5.5f, AW, to Thoroughly, dftg. Bold Trust, Remember Boffi, Kris the Red, Swiss Ace, Young Joe, Sunshine Lover). Won At 4 An allowance race at Mnr ($37,400, 5f in 58.49, by 201, dftg. Head Master D, Tabletoptornado). An allowance race at Mnr ($37,400, 5.5f in 1:03.53, dftg. Royale Michele, Royal Nemesis, Mutadda, Pyrite Personal, Hold the Salt, Surfing Ian, Dynamite Bob). An allowance race at Mnr ($28,600, 6f in 1:10.94, by 61, dftg. I’ve Heard It All, Gateway Moon, Stolen Chevy, Sundance Richie, Lir Jet, Russian Wild Life). 3rd Dale Baird Memorial S (5.5f, to Bernie Blue, Wise Answer, dftg. Grand Traverse, Trust Or Bust, Rich Hero).

SIRE LINE RUN BROTHER RON is by Perfect Mandate, placed, $22,280, 2nd Sunny Slope S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 302 foals, 182 rnrs (60%), 122 wnrs (40%), 18 2yo wnrs (6%), 8 BTW (3%), 0.87 AEI, 1.20 CI, 28 sale yrlgs, avg $7,554, 0.17 TNA. Perfect Mandate has sired TEMPTING DATE (California Cup Distaff H, Adena Springs Matchmaker Turf Sprint S, Bold Ego H, Czaria H, Chamisa H), ALLSWELLTHATNSWELL (Stanford S, E.B. Johnston S, 2nd Las Madrinas H, Rockridge S, Mount Tam S, 3rd A Gleam Invitational H, G2, etc.), RAZEN HAZEN (Cavonnier Juvenile S, 2nd San Mateo S, 3rd Earlene McCabe Derby), TWO TO GET READY (Pio Pico S, 2nd Fairfield S), PERFECT CURLS (Wine Country Debutante S, Juan Gonzalez Memorial S), FLYING FIRST CLASS (Derby Trial S), WISE MANDATE (Jack Goodman S), Military Mandate (3rd Best Pal S, G2, Graduation S), My City by the Bay (2nd Governor’s Cup H, 3rd Sensational Star H), Bachelorette One (2nd Irish O’Brien S, 3rd Solana Beach H), Perfect Mode (2nd Quicken Tree S), Badgett’s Mandate (2nd California Breeders’ Champion S, Golden Bear S, Everett Nevin Alameda County Futurity), etc. GONE WEST, grandsire of RUN BROTHER RON, has sired SPEIGHTSTOWN (champion sprinter, Breeders’

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Year 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 8 7 15

Runners 6 (75%) 2 (29%) 8 (53%)

Winners 4 (50%) 1 (14%) 5 (33%)

2yo Wnrs 1 1 2

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2015 2 0 2016 9 0 *Totals 11 0 0.69 AEI; 0.55 CI; 5.54 AWD In 2016: 8 rnrs, 5 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $19,086 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $54,355 $98,330 $152,685

Gone West, 1984 17s, BTW, $682,251 1,263 f, 94 BTW, 1.79 AEI Perfect Mandate, ch, 1996 2s, pl, $22,280 302 f, 8 BTW, 0.87 AEI 5.84 AWD Performing Arts, 1987 13s, wnr, $78,649 13 f, 13 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Bold Badgett, 1985 Unraced 258 f, 18 BTW, 1.57 AEI Aloha Mangos, b, 1996 16s, wnr, $194,245 7 f, 7 r, 7 w, 1 BTW 5.83 AWD Icy Escapade, 1985 4s, pl, $1,764 12 f, 10 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Secrettame, 1978 10s, BTW, $101,598 15 f, 12 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

The Minstrel, 1974 9s, BTW, $581,266 511 f, 58 BTW, 2.22 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Noble Mark II, 1971 17s, BTW, $37,628 13 f, 13 r, 11 w, 1 BTW

On Your Mark II, by Restless Wind

Damascus, 1964 32s, BTW, $1,176,781 738 f, 72 BTW, 2.76 AEI

Sword Dancer, by Sunglow

Anne Campbell, 1973 14s, BTW, $37,386 13 f, 10 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Never Bend, by Nasrullah

He's Our Native, 1977 15s, wnr, $24,820 58 f, 4 BTW, 0.91 AEI

Our Native, by Exclusive Native

Glitter Ice, 1980 25s, BTW, $25,107 14 f, 12 r, 9 w

Icecapade, by Nearctic

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Tamerett, by Tim Tam

Fleur, by Victoria Park

Noble Joan, by Pall Mall

Kerala, by My Babu

Repercussion, by Tatan

Settimana, by Incaico

Splendid Lite, by Ambehaving

Inbreeding: 5SX5D Nearctic.

Cup Sprint, G1, etc.), ZAFONIC (champion 2yo colt in Eng, champion 2 and 3yo colt in Eur and Fr), ROYAL ABJAR (champion 3yo colt and older male in Ger), GONE PROSPECTING (champion sprinter in Tri), COMMENDABLE (Belmont S, G1, 2nd Super Derby, G1, 3rd Travers S, G1), MARSH SIDE (Pattison Canadian International S, G1T, Northern Dancer Turf S, G1T, etc.), DA HOSS (Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, twice, etc.), CAME HOME (Pacific Classic S, G1, etc.), JOHAR (John Deere Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, etc.), LASSIGNY (Rothmans Ltd. International S, G1T, etc.), WEST BY WEST (Nassau County H, G1, etc.), GRAND SLAM (Moet Champagne S, G1, etc.), CHANGEINTHEWEATHER (G1), ZAFTIG (G1), LINK RIVER (G1), PERFORMING MAGIC (G1), PROUD CITIZEN (G2), etc. RUN BROTHER RON Has Sired: Run Brother Ron has sired the winners Gunslinger Rules ($50,795, to 3, 2016), Renegade Run (to 3, 2016), Ree O Kerr (at 3, 2016), Lexi’s Run (at 3, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winner Ronnie’s Girl.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$2,300 2—$8,750 8—$6,463

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam Aloha Mangos. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $194,245, 2nd Elie Destruel H, Boo La Boo S, Golden State Lassie S, Mae De Vol Sprint H, 3rd Sunnyvale H, Alameda County Fillies and Mares H. Dam of 7 foals— RUN BROTHER RON (Subject stallion). Aloha Mangos Kitty (by Royal Cat). Winner at 2, $56,446, 3rd Piedmont S, Bustles and Bows S. SENATOR BOB (Skimming). 10 wins, 3 to 9, 2016, $294,362. MARSHALL RHODIE (Skimming). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $28,690. CHUTNEY (Lucky Pulpit). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2016, $24,588. BROTHERRON’SSISTER (Royal Cat). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $23,511. ALOHA WEST (Perfect Mandate). Winner at 4. 2nd dam ICY ESCAPADE. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 12 foals, including— FOREVER MANGO. 2 wins at 2, $68,730, Bam’s Penny S, 3rd Raise Your Skirts H. Producer. Last Mango Inparis. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $241,118, 2nd Pleasanton S, George Lewis H, San Bruno S, 3rd Ernest Finley H, San Matean H.



Barrett’s Bullet. Winner at 2, $35,938, 2nd Fairplex Breeders’ Cup S. Sire. MANGO ESCAPADE. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $266,285. Producer. SHINEY SKATES. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $182,981. Producer. COCONUT MANGO. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $131,868. 3rd dam GLITTER ICE. 4 wins at 4, $25,107, Desert Blossom H, Rosarito H. Dam of 14 foals, including— Storm Kisu. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $268,366, 3rd California Cup Distaff H, Pio Pico S. Producer. GLITTERINGMISCHIEF. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $184,465. Dam of MISCHIEF CLEM ($269,452, California Cup Derby, 3rd Golden State Juvenile S, to 4, 2016). INKOSI. 6 wins, 2 to 8, in Eng and HK, $90,155. GLITTERING JESSI. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $83,598. SLAB GRANITE. Winner at 2 and 3, $50,485. DIAMOND REPORT. Winner at 2 and 3, $43,911. FUTURO PROSPECT. 4 wins, 2 to 4, in NA and Pan, $32,011. MR WONDER BOY. Winner at 2. Sire. KING TALOS. 5 wins, 2 to 5. 4th dam SPLENDID LITE. 3 wins at 3, $24,776. Dam of 9 foals, including— CARELESS FLING. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $57,493. SPEEDY LITE. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $40,802. FAREWELL PROMISE. 2 wins at 4, $39,775. 5th dam BRIGHT STARLITE. Dam of 8 foals, including— Bright Discovery. 21 wins, 2 to 10, $153,196, 2nd Paumonok H (G3), Autumn Leaves H. BRIGHTEST RULER. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $82,330. BRIGHT MAGIC. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $38,173. Producer. SADAIRS STARLET. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $37,862. Dam of DUO DISCO ($455,258, Post-Deb S, G3, Searching S, Virginia Belle S, Bristol H twice, First Lady H, Winter Wonderland S, Carteret S, Pistol Packer H twice, 2nd Cotillion S, G3, Honey Bee H, Vodka Time S, Mill Race H, Lady Baltimore H, Queenstown S, Whitemarsh H, Constitution S, Smart Angle S, 3rd Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, Haddonfield H, Level Best S, Straight Deal H, Pennsylvania Sprint Championship H). Granddam of CAN IHAVETHISDANCE ($272,462, River Memories S), MISSPITCH ($176,898, Jenny Wiley S, Little Silver S, Revidere S, Twin Lights S, 2nd Sensational S, 3rd Sweetest Chant S, Bal Harbour S), BIG BABY BEAR (Grande Premio Mariano Procopio, G3 in Brz, Grande Premio Euvaldo Lodi, G3 in Brz, Grande Premio Antonio Carlos Amorim, G3 in Brz, 2nd Grande Premio Onze de Julho, G2 in Brz, Grande Premio Euvaldo Lodi, G3 in Brz). WHAT A LUCKY STAR. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $37,091. TOM DALY. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $30,063.


RUN BROTHER RON Perfect Mandate – Aloha Mangos, by Bold Badgett

CALIFORNIA’S #5 LEADING 2ND-CROP SIRE IN 2016 CALIFORNIA’S #4 LEADING 1ST-CROP SIRE IN 2015 Sire of Multiple Winners GUNSLINGER RULES ($50,795, on-the-board in 8 of 11 starts, 2nd in maiden debut by a neck, broke his maiden by 5 lengths and won allowance by head); RENEGADE RUN ($29,640, on-the-board in 10 of 11); and LEXI’S RUN (2 wins, on-the-board in 4 of 4). Also REE O KERR (on-the-board in 7 of 11); RONNIE’S GIRL (1 win, 2 starts at 2); RUNBRORUN (on-the-board in 5 of 6, 2nd in debut by 1/2 length in Santa Anita MSW with final race time of :52.18), etc.

Multiple Stakes Winner of Six Races by More Than 30 Lengths At two, winner of both the Beau Brummel Stakes at 6 1/2 furlongs & the 5-furlong Everett Nevin Alameda County Futurity by 3 lengths. By GONE WEST’s 2YO Stakes son Perfect Mandate, sire of over 10% Stakes Horses and over 13% 2YO Stakes Horses, including Grade 2-placed multiple SW ALLSWELLTHATNSWELL ($308,392), $150,000 California Cup Distaff SW TEMPTING DATE ($363,818), Churchill Downs’ Derby Trial SW FLYING FIRST CLASS, SW RAZEN HAZEN ($223,851), etc., from the same cross as 1992 European champion juvenile male ZAFONIC. Out of a 100% producer and 6-time Stakes performer Aloha Mangos ($194,245), a full sister to COCONUT MANGO and FOREVER MANGO. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,000 LIVE FOAL Special consideration for A and better Nicked mares and multiple mares Property of George and Mary Clare Schmitt Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:



Run It

Enters Stud in 2017

Dosage (4-3-9-0-0); DI: 2.56; CD: 0.69 See gray pages—Nasrullah

b, 2006



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Totals

6 7 8 3 0 3 7 34




2 2(1) 4(2) 0 0 0 1 9(3)

2 2 1 0 0 0 0 5

0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3


$30,700 $80,000 $139,620 $1,200 — $1,650 $15,083 $268,253

Won At 2 A starter allowance race at GG ($21,580, 8f, AW in 1:39.14, by 31, dftg. Youra Ton of Fun, Four Ninety Nine B, Then Play On, Aggression, One Royal Star). A starter allowance race at GG ($21,580, 8f, AW in 1:39.03, dftg. Scorpio Dog, Skim Scam, Celestial Topper, Sir Wiggley, Simple Justice). Won At 3 Alcatraz S ($75,000, 8.5f, turf in 1:46.20, dftg. Arden Park, Massone, Winning Vow, Lesson in Deceit, Robs Hero, Miguel’s Mascot). A race at GG ($39,300, 8.5f, turf in 1:46.03, dftg. Sport King, Archie T, Poker Dave, Kalookan Storm, Cantankerous Clyde). Won At 4 Berkeley S (G3A, $100,000, 8.5f in 1:44.50, dftg. Bold Chieftain, Dakota Phone, Quindici Man, Delightful Kiss, Dance Chief). Alamedan H ($66,000, 8.5f in 1:42.19, dftg. Live Sundays, Slew the Man, Autism Awareness, Gold Category, Miami House, Warren’s Pepe). A race at GG ($41,600, 8.5f, AW in 1:44.76, dftg. Control Seeker, Warren’s Pepe, Saratoga’s Magic, Form a Posse). A race at GG ($36,700, 8f, AW in 1:37.76, dftg. Warren’s Pepe, Form a Posse, Saratoga’s Magic, Merus Miami, Control Seeker). Won At 8 A race at TuP ($15,500, 8f, turf in 1:35.35, dftg. Megastar, But You Promised, Camp Victory, Miceli, Omar, Distant Rainbow).

SIRE LINE RUN IT is by CHEROKEE RUN, black-type stakes winner of 13 races, $1,531,818, champion sprinter, Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1), Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S (G2), Dwyer S (G2), Derby Trial S (G3), Lafayette S (G3), Gulfstream Park Sprint H, 2nd Preakness S (G1), Metropolitan H (G1), Tom Fool S (G2), A Phenomenon H (G3), What a Pleasure S (G3), 3rd Vosburgh S (G1), Carter H (G1), Jamaica H (G2), Westchester H (G3), Swale S (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 14 crops, 807 foals, 713 rnrs (88%), 566 wnrs (70%), 175 2yo wnrs (22%), 49 BTW (6%), 1.48 AEI, 1.54 CI, 455 sale yrlgs, avg $80,019, 1.78 TNA. CHEROKEE RUN has sired WAR PASS (champion 2yo colt, Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Champagne S, G1, etc.), CHILUKKI (champion 2yo filly, Vinery Del Mar Debutante S, G1, Oak Leaf S, G1, etc.), YONAGUSKA (Hopeful S, G1, Hutcheson S, G2, Fall Highweight H, G2, etc.), SEAN AVERY (Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G1, Affiliate S, Longfellow S, etc.), ZANJERO (Indiana Derby, G2, Kentucky Cup Classic S, G2A, West Virginia Derby, G3, etc.), DURING (Swaps S, G2, San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S, G2, Jerome H, G2, etc.), KAFWAIN (Norfolk S, G2, San Vicente S, G2, Best Pal S, G3, etc.), SIR CHEROKEE (Arkansas Derby, G2, Ack Ack H, G3, Maxxam Gold Cup H, etc.), RECAPTURETHEGLORY (Illinois Derby, G2, Louisiana H), DREAM RUN (Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup Sprint Championship H, G2, Perryville S, 2nd Derby Trial S, G3, etc.), INDIAN FLARE (Vagrancy H, G2, Kalookan Queen H, Flower Girl H, etc.), DREAM ABOUT (Mazarine Breeders’ Cup S, G2), SILENTLEA (Astarita S, G2, 3rd Valley Stream S), CHEROKEE QUEEN (Suwannee River S, G3T, Dr. James Penny Memorial H, Blushing K. D. Handicap, etc.), FEATHERS (Bessarabian

STUD ANALYSIS Run It enters stud in 2017. His first foals will arrive in 2018.


Runaway Groom, 1979 18s, BTW, $347,537 1,122 f, 72 BTW, 1.53 AEI Cherokee Run, dkb/br, 1990 28s, BTW, $1,531,818 807 f, 49 BTW, 1.48 AEI 6.82 AWD Cherokee Dame, 1980 Unraced 7 f, 6 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Theatrical, 1982 22s, BTW, $2,940,036 1,021 f, 81 BTW, 2.18 AEI Tracy, b, 1996 5s, wnr, $39,760 9 f, 5 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 7.94 AWD Daring Bidder, 1982 Unraced 14 f, 11 r, 10 w, 3 BTW

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Yonnie Girl, 1966 43s, BTW, $30,565 7 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Call the Witness, by Better Self

Silver Saber, 1972 37s, BTW, $168,756 60 f, 1.03 AEI

Drone, by Sir Gaylord

Dame Francesca, 1966 24s, wnr, $9,779 11 f, 8 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Francis S., by Royal Charger

Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Tree of Knowledge, 1977 7s, wnr, $5,318 9 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Sassafras, by Sheshoon

Bold Bidder, 1962 33s, BTW, $478,021 492 f, 53 BTW, 2.78 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Daring Step, 1967 39s, BTW, $100,943 13 f, 9 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Prince Dare, by Princequillo

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Po’chile, by Boodle

Happy Flirt, by Johns Joy

Maid to Rule, by Nasrullah

Special, by Forli

Sensibility, by Hail to Reason

High Bid, by To Market

Step Daughter, by Air Hero

Inbreeding: 5SX5sX5D Nasrullah.

H, G3, Ontario Fashion H twice, etc.), CHELOKEE (Northern Dancer S, G3, Barbaro S, 3rd Florida Derby, G1), SONEVA (Al Tayer Motors Cape Verdi, G3 in UAE, Prix d’Aumale, G3 in Fr, Shadwell Prix de Lieurey, G3 in Fr, etc.), CHEROKEE ARTIST (Presque Isle Mile S, Mr. Prospector S, 2nd Ohio Derby, G2, etc.), DASH FOR DAYLIGHT (Mountain State H, Governor’s H, Don Bernhardt S twice, etc.), INDIAN WAR DANCE (Kelly Kip S, 2nd Formal Gold S, 3rd Bay Shore S, G3), DOVER DERE (Pomona Derby, Gold Rush S, 2nd Swaps Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), QUE PASO (Unbridled H, 2nd Ruidoso Derby S, 3rd Essex H, etc.), CHEROKEE P R I N C E (Coca-Cola Independence Day S, Independence Day S, Labor Day S, etc.), CHEROKEE TRIANGLE (Sunday Silence S, Cliff Guilliams Memorial S, Come Summer S, etc.), etc. CHEROKEE RUN’S other sons as stallions include WAR PASS (221 foals, 9 BTW, 1.36 AEI), YONAGUSKA (624 foals, 19 BTW, 1.18 AEI), KAFWAIN (563 foals, 18 BTW, 1.06 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam TRACY. Winner at 4, $39,760. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— RUN IT (Subject stallion). SPACY TRACY (by Awesome Again). 6 wins at 4 and 5, $249,690, Top Flight H (G2), Justakiss S. Producer. Dam of Benner Island ($34,189, 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie S, at 2, 2016). IRISH DREAM (Orientate). 3 wins at 4 in Arg, $20,649. MILKSHAKE MANIA (Maria’s Mon). Winner at 3. 2nd dam DARING BIDDER. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, incl.— ELIZA. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $1,095,316, champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Santa Anita Oaks (G1), Arlington-Washington Lassie S (G2), Alcibiades S (G2), 2nd Kentucky Oaks (G1), Sorrento S (G3), 3rd Santa Anita Derby (G1), June Darling H. Dam of SAMUEL MORSE ($507,431, T.P. Waters E.B.F. Marble Hill S, 2nd Railway S, G2 in Ire, Jebel Ali Stables & Racecourse Anglesey S, G3 in Ire, 3rd Galileo E.B.F. Futurity S, G2 in Ire), Kilt Rock ($239,400, 2nd Jebel Ali Sprint Sponsored by Shadwell, 3rd Jebel Ali Sprint Sponsored by Shadwell, in UAE, to 9, 2016), Country Song ($91,257, 2nd Chesham S, in Eng), Miss Doolittle ($74,378, 3rd Schuylerville S, G2). Granddam of DIALED IN ($941,936, Florida Derby, G1, Holy Bull S, G3, sire), BROADWAY GOLD ($166,645, Astoria S, 3rd Legal Light S), BUTTERS ($95,520, Sweepida S). DINARD. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $590,250, Santa Anita Derby (G1), San Rafael S (G2), Los Feliz S, 2nd Charles H. Strub S (G1), San Vicente Breeders’ Cup S, 3rd San Fernando S (G2).



POWER BIDDER. 5 wins at 3, $88,910, Spectacular H, Jam n Jellie H. Producer. Ojai. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $160,885, 2nd Aristides Breeders’ Cup H, Crazy Kid S, 3rd Churchill Downs H (G3). Sire. World Trade. 4 wins at 3, $122,430, 3rd Hansel S. Michael’s Flyer. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $117,087, 2nd Berkeley H. Sire. 3rd dam DARING STEP. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $100,943, Tuscarora H, Conniver H, 2nd Gallorette H, 3rd Vincentive H, Politely S. Dam of 13 foals, including— WITH CAUTION. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $168,423, Timonium H, Jolly Johu H, Al Hattab S, 2nd Quaker H, 3rd Southern Maryland H, Gallant Bob H. Sire. Movinglikeawinner. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $202,225, 3rd San Miguel S, Aprisa H twice, Foothill S. Ionadi. Winner at 3 and 4 in NA and Fr, $78,812, 3rd Prix Ridgway. Daring Groom. 3 wins at 3, $74,340, 3rd. Sire. HONEST STEP. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of SAINTY ($125,431, Horatius S, 2nd Ambernash S, 3rd Harriman S). 4th dam STEP DAUGHTER. Unraced. Dam of 16 foals, incl.— NEVER WINK. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $170,913, Vincentive H, 2nd John B. Campbell H, City of Baltimore H twice, Old Line H, Vertex H, Southern Maryland H, Capitol H, Constellation H, 3rd Monumental H. NORTH CALL. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $156,716, Premier H, Independence H, Squires H, 2nd Sporting Plate H, Hannibal H, Patuxent H, Garrison H, Native Dancer H, Princeton H, 3rd Chief Pennekeck H, J. Edgar Hoover H. Sire, 1.24 AEI. EVIL INTENTION. 23 wins, 2 to 9, $86,167, E. Palmer Heagerty S, 2nd Francis Scott Key S, 3rd Sentinel S (G3). Evil Weevil. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $38,177, 2nd Annapolis S, 3rd Maryland Derby. Sire, 1.07 AEI. Its Possible. 2 wins at 3, $20,470, 2nd Flirtation S, 3rd Politely S. Producer. DIAMOND CLIPS. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $50,780. Dam of CLIP THE COUPONS ($92,146, Philmont H, Paul Revere S, 2nd Select H, Penn Treaty S), Coupon Rate ($187,256, 2nd Sugar Bowl H). RESTLESS STEP. Dam of HE’S ILLUSTRIOUS ($437,620, CHBPA Invitational Dinner H, Simply Majestic H, Dormello S, West Twelve Ranch H, Viking Spirit H, 2nd Berkeley H, San Matean H, etc.). 5th dam Flaming Mamie. 14 wins, 2 to 5, 3rd Dixie H. Dam of 9 foals, including— MERRY RISK. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $46,935. Producer. Granddam of COZY’S COUSIN ($42,711, Cup and Saucer S, 3rd Carleton S, sire).

RUN IT Cherokee Run – Tracy, by Theatrical (Ire)

STakeS wINNeR oN DIRT, TURf aND SyNTheTIC GRaDeD STakeS wINNeR By CheRokee RUN RUN IT won the Grade 3 Berkeley Stakes on synthetic defeating California Champion BOLD CHIEFTAIN (G2, $1.6 Million), Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile SW DAKOTA PHONE ($1.2 Million), Grade 2 Ohio Derby SW DELIGHTFUL KISS ($1.0 Million), etc. Posting a career high 115 E-Speed Rating, RUN IT won Alamedan H. on dirt over Grade 3 El Camino Real Derby and Grade 3 Berkeley SW AUTISM AWARENESS, etc. On-the-board in 20 of 39 starts, RUN IT won the $75,000 Alcatraz Stakes on turf. RUN IT is by Champion CHEROKEE RUN, sire of the sires of JAVA’S WAR (G1), DAISY DEVINE (G1), LET FAITH ARISE (G1), REVOLUTIONARY (G2), LUCY N ETHEL (G2), etc. RUN IT is out of a THEATRICAL half-sister to Champion ELIZA ($1.0 Million). Nominated to:

2017 fee: PRIVaTe TReaTy (payable october 1 of year bred)

RUNNING Parlier, LUCk RaNCh LLC California Inquiries to Josette or kathy, Running Luck Ranch LL, 14962 e. fantz avenue, Parlier, Ca 93648. Phone (559) 875-8579. fax: (559) 875-8575 e-mail:



Sierra SunSet

b, 2005



2 3 4 Totals

8 3 3 14




3(2) 1(1) 1(1) 5(4)

2(1) 1(1) 0 3(2)

1 0 0 1


$189,696 $239,000 $31,000 $459,696

Won At 2 California Cup Juvenile S ($125,000, 8.5f, AW in 1:41.65, dftg. My Redeemer, Harlene, Nevada Worrier, If It Stays Fair, Bert’s Law, California Blaze, Guts, Youarefun, Byjohn, Warrens Attack Cat, Flight Leader, Wise Mandate). Bay Meadows Juvenile S ($78,000, 6f in 1:10.99, by 8, dftg. Fort Funston, Thundering Justice, Orientate Me). A maiden special weight race at GG ($39,300, 4.5f in 51.43, by 5, dftg. Autism Awareness, Down by the Lake, Trainintheinflunce, Beefheart, Stormy Jay). 2nd Cavonnier Juvenile S (5.5f, to Whatever Whenever, dftg. Sea Captain, Younique Cat, High Intellect, Orientate Me, Gold No Silver, Bit Lucky). Won At 3 Rebel S (G2, $300,000, 8.5f in 1:43.88, by 3, dftg. King’s Silver Son, Isabull, Golden Yank, Z Fortune, He’s Eze, Anak Nakal, Stone Bird, Sacred Journey). 2nd Southwest S (G3, 8f, to Denis of Cork, dftg. Liberty Bull, Sacred Journey, He’s Eze, Riley Tucker, Isabull, Gangbuster, Turf War, Royal Hudson, Silver Edition). Won At 4 Alamedan H ($57,000, 8.5f in 1:41.24, by 5, dftg. Bold Chieftain, Meetingwithdestiny, Eager Pharisien, Shore Do, Niner Genius, Our Partner).

SIRE LINE SIERRA SUNSET is by BERTRANDO, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,185,610, champion older male, Pacific Classic S (G1), Woodward S (G1), Norfolk S (G1), Del Mar Futurity (G2), San Fernando S (G2), Goodwood H (G2), San Felipe S (G2), Wickerr S, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Hollywood Gold Cup (G1), Metropolitan H (G1), Charles H. Strub S (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), 3rd Philip H. Iselin H (G1), Malibu S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 18 crops, 1,072 foals, 821 rnrs (77%), 580 wnrs (54%), 123 2yo wnrs (11%), 53 BTW (5%), 1.32 AEI, 1.48 CI, 316 sale yrlgs, avg $31,820, 0.71 TNA. In 2016: 2 BTW. BERTRANDO has sired OFFICER (Champagne S, G1, Del Mar Futurity, G2, Best Pal S, G3, Graduation S, Zany Tactics S, 2nd California Cup Juvenile S, etc.), KARELIAN (Maker’s Mark Mile S, G1T, River City H, G3T, Tampa Bay S, Sea O Erin H, 2nd Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T, Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc.), TAMARANDO (Del Mar Futurity, G1A, El Camino Real Derby, G3A, Real Quiet S, etc., to 5, 2016), UNFURL THE FLAG (Triple Bend Invitational H, G1, Tiznow S, etc.), BILO (Triple Bend Invitational H, G1A, etc.), SMOOTH PLAYER (Lady’s Secret Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Las Palmas H, G2T, etc.), LIBERIAN FREIGHTER (Arcadia S, G2T, Oak Tree Mile S, G2T, Inglewood H,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Year 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 29 24 53

Runners 16 (55%) 5 (21%) 21 (40%)

Winners 7 (24%) 1 (4%) 8 (15%)

2yo Wnrs 4 1 5

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2015 5 0 2016 12 0 *Totals 17 0 0.84 AEI; 0.82 CI; 6.46 AWD In 2016: 19 rnrs, 6 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 1 win, $29,275 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $23,132 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $176,147 $309,620 $485,767

Dosage (3-4-2-0-1); DI: 4.00; CD: 0.80 See gray pages—Matchem

height 16.0

Skywalker, 1982 20s, BTW, $2,226,750 533 f, 43 BTW, 1.62 AEI Bertrando, dkb/br, 1989 24s, BTW, $3,185,610 1,072 f, 53 BTW, 1.32 AEI 6.71 AWD Gentle Hands, 1979 12s, wnr, $40,275 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Pirate's Bounty, 1975 15s, BTW, $95,984 864 f, 57 BTW, 1.40 AEI Toot Sweet, dkb/br, 1993 13s, wnr, $95,200 8 f, 2 r, 2 w, 1 BTW 7.33 AWD Kay Ho, 1973 13s, pl, $5,068 13 f, 12 r, 11 w, 1 BTW

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Bold Captive, 1971 29s, BTW, $82,640 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

Buffalo Lark, 1970 44s, BTW, $499,715 204 f, 4 BTW, 1.24 AEI

T. V. Lark, by Indian Hemp

Three Red Bells, 1969 16s, wnr, $9,727 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Third Martini, by Hasty Road

Hoist the Flag, 1968 6s, BTW, $78,145 246 f, 51 BTW, 3.90 AEI

Tom Rolfe, by Ribot

Bad Seed, 1969 44s, BTW, $89,874 10 f, 7 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Stevward, by Nashua

Quid Pro Quo, 1966 24s, wnr, $18,965 124 f, 4 BTW, 1.19 AEI

Swaps, by Khaled

Cloud Ho, 1968 33s, wnr, $15,840 15 f, 14 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Cohoes, by Mahmoud

G3T, etc.), QUEENIE BELLE (Lady’s Secret Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), SCHOLARS STUDIO (La Canada S, G2), CLIQUOT (El Camino Real Derby, G3, etc.), SUMMER HIT (All American S, G3A twice, Berkeley H, G3A, etc.), STRYKER PHD (Longacres Mile H, G3 twice, etc., to 7, 2016), HERE’S TO YOU (Miesque S, G3T, etc.), FINAL FLING (Santa Ysabel S, G3A, 2nd Melair S, 3rd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A), STORMY JACK (Real Good Deal S, , etc.), JOHN SCOTT (Harry F. Brubaker S, etc.), SHAGGY MANE (William P. Kyne Breeders’ Cup Express H, etc.), PIRATES DEPUTY (Gottstein Futurity, etc.), STOCKHOLDER (Omaha S, etc.), GENTLE CHARMER (California Cup Distaff H, etc.), FAIR APACHE (Valkyr H, etc.), DERBY GOLD (Echo Eddie S), NAHEM (Snow Chief S, to 8, 2016), BLACK ROCK ROAD (Carotene S), SEMPAI (Ernest Finley H, 3rd Sutter S), HUGH HEFNER (Crystal Water H, etc.), ZONING IN (Captain Squire H, etc.), LEESIDER (Cal National Snow Chief S), LACQUARIA (California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd Hollywood Starlet S, G1, etc.), OMAR (KLAQ Handicap, 3rd Phoenix Gold Cup H, to 7, 2016), CHALULA ONE (Bangles and Beads S, 2nd Melair S, etc.), BERT’S MELODY (Fran’s Valentine S, to 5, 2016), NENE (Barretts Juvenile S), ODE TO ELAINE (Czaria H, etc.), STRATEGICALLY (Black Mountain H, etc.), TOP BRACKET (Belle Roberts H, etc.), MATRICULATE (Harris Farms S), LIGHTEN UP TINY (Maiden S, etc.), KRESGEVILLE (Manhattan Beach S, etc.), etc. BERTRANDO’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BERT’S MELODY, STRYKER PHD. BERTRANDO’S other sons as stallions include OFFICER (649 foals, 34 BTW, 1.34 AEI), etc. SIERRA SUNSET Has Sired: Sierra Sunset has sired the winners Touched by Autism ($122,994, 3rd California Chrome S, to 3, 2016), Carlos Dangerous ($102,705, to 3, 2016), Senator Robert (to 3, 2016), Dancing Sunset (to 3, 2016), Grand Sunset (to 3, 2016), Spanish Sunset (to 3, 2016), Amanecer Serrano (to 3, 2016 in Mex), black-type stakes-placed Rocketann (at 2, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winner Tchula Sunset.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 7—$6,829 7—$7,086 27—$6,496

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$9,700 4—$3,375

FAMILY 1st dam Toot Sweet. 2 wins at 3, $95,200, 2nd Boo La Boo S, 3rd Melair S. Dam of 8 foals, including— SIERRA SUNSET (Subject stallion).



Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Captive Audience, by Native Dancer

Chance Gauge, by Degage

Red Belle, by Beau Gar

Wavy Navy, by War Admiral

Rich and Rare II, by Rockefella

Cherokee Rose, by Princequillo

Cloud High, by Castle Hill II

2nd dam KAY HO. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 13 foals, incl.— KAYLEM HO. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $140,384, Office Queen S, Miramar S, etc. Dam of PRIVATE PERSUASION ($502,046, Vanity Invitational H, G1, Santa Clara H, Xtra Sports 690/670 AM etc.), WISHFUL SPLENDOR ($271,125, Suwannee River H, 2nd Affectionately H, G3, 3rd Rare Treat H), SOUND WISDOM ($145,675, Fleet Treat S, etc.), It’s So Simple ($388,367, 3rd Sir Barton S), Tough Job ($141,895, 2nd Longacres Park Lads S), Torchera ($122,150, 3rd Fleet Treat S, Bay Meadows Matron H). Granddam of DA’ TARA ($743,090, Belmont S, G1, 2nd Barbaro S, sire), JUANITA ($509,005, La Troienne S, G2, etc.), SIROCCO STRIKE ($244,126, Green Flash H, etc., to 9, 2016), SEAM SEEKER ($122,035, Burlingame H, 2nd Piedmont S, etc.). Tight Halo. 11 wins, 2 to 7, $111,191, 3rd Sam F. Davis S. Sea View Cruise. Winner at 2, $35,580, 2nd Miss California S, 3rd Carrillo S. HALO HO. Winner at 3. Dam of TEMPERED HALO ($277,714, Jean Lafitte Futurity, Kentucky Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, WHAS-TV Stakes, 2nd Bashford Manor S, G3, Breeders’ Cup Marfa H). Granddam of PROMISE ME A CAT ($320,820, Sweet Patootie S, 3rd Langhorne S, Magnolia Jackson S, Blue Sparkler S, Ruby Rubles S), MY POKER PLAYER ($238,760, Maryland Million Sprint H), REDDY FOR RUBYS ($106,214, Lady Finger S). KAY SA LEM. Placed at 4. Producer. Dam of Fore Sa Lem ($71,670, 3rd Aspirant S). 3rd dam CLOUD HO. 3 wins to 3. Dam of 15 foals, incl.— M. A.’S DATE. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $102,801, Lansdale G. Sasscer S, 3rd Maryland Futurity, Senatorial S. SALEM HO. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $80,626, Blue Mountain Futurity, 2nd Mermaid S. Producer. Dam of Billy the Bid ($74,818, 3rd Bertram F. Bongard S). Clouhalo. 3 wins at 3, $40,332, 3rd Dogwood S. Producer. Dam of Garrucha ($231,694, in Italy). PRINCESS MET. Winner at 4. Dam of FRIGIDETTE ($36,650, Belle Isle S, 3rd Alabama Oaks). Granddam of WINDSOR CASTLE ($591,715, Remsen S, G2, etc., sire), NORTH COAST LTD. ($177,238, Burlingame S, etc.), MINT SLEWLEP ($174,556), WARM BREEZE ($124,682). MISTICAL MIST. Winner at 4. Producer. Dam of Mysterious Cat ($292,498, 2nd San Bernardino H, G2). Granddam of MISTICAL PLAN ($816,790, Princess Rooney H, G1, etc.), ELEGANT BEL ($167,470, Luther Burbank H, to 6, 2016). LEALLAH M. Placed at 3. Dam of BEAU’S PRINCESS ($31,171, Heartland Oaks). Granddam of BEAU’S GHOST ($65,202, Gray’s Lake S).

SIERRA SUNSET Bertrando – Toot Sweet, by Pirate’s Bounty

#2 CA 2nd-Crop Sire in 2016! #2 CA 1st-Crop Sire in 2015! Sire of Stakes-Placed Winners Touched by Autism ($125,048) 3rd $150,000 California Chrome S.; Tchula Sunset ($47,746) 2nd $100,000 Everett Nevin S.; Senator Robert ($47,527) 2nd Lost in the Fog Juvenile S., 2nd Tempe H.; Rocketann ($36,245) 3rd $150,000 Generous Portion S.; Amanecer Serrano (MEX) 3rd Clasico Sprinters. Plus CARLOS DANGEROUS ($102,705) won $70,000 Maiden Special at Del Mar, 3 wins, 3 seconds, 3 thirds in 18 starts.

G2 Stakes Winner with Tactical Speed from a Classic Family Won 5 races, including 4 stakes from 2 to 4, at 4 1/2 furlongs to 1 1/16 miles. At 1 1/16 miles, won Oaklawn’s Grade 2 Rebel S. (99 Beyer), Santa Anita’s $125,000 California Cup Juvenile S. & Pleasanton’s Alamedan H. (101 Beyer), and at 6 furlongs, won the Bay Meadows Juvenile S. by 8 lengths. A precocious juvenile, broke his maiden at 4 1/2 furlongs by 5 lengths in second start. By BERTRANDO, 4-Time Leading Sire in California. From the family of Grade 1 Belmont S. winner DA’ TARA ($743,090) & dual Classic-placed, Grade 3-winning sire DENIS OF CORK ($613,252). Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL Special consideration for A and better Nicked mares and multiple mares Property of a Partnership Standing at


Inquiries to Joe Daehling, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, California 95624 (916) 685-4965/FAX (916) 686-1181. E-mail: or website:



Slew’S Tiznow

Dosage (4-0-8-0-0); DI: 2.00; CD: 0.67 See gray pages—Matchem

dkb/br, 2005



2 3 4 5 Totals

3 3 3 5 14




1 2(2) 0 1 4(2)

1(1) 0 0 1(1) 2(2)

0 0 0 1(1) 1(1)


$140,300 $107,570 $9,000 $64,230 $321,100

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Sar ($62,000, 7f in 1:23.44, by 41, dftg. Hedgefund Investor, Wall Street Humor, Cool Coal Man, Storm Catch, Commandeered, Why Tonto, Noble Hero, I Am Awesome, Valadour, Access Code). 2nd Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G1A, 8.5f, to Wicked Style, dftg. Old Man Buck, Adriano, Tend, The Roundhouse, Fidelio, Briarwood Circle, Ready Set, Referee, Mikimoto’s Mojo, Gold Train). Won At 3 El Cajon S ($108,700, 8f, AW in 1:35.62, by 3, dftg. Young Joe, Cherokee Artist, Lukimbi, Wind’s Legacy, Waafi, Leonides). War Chant S ($88,650, 8.5f, AW in 1:40.34, NTR, by 33, dftg. Pistol Pete Afleet, Fifteen Love, Icemancometh, Ghetto, Blue Chagall, Rivergrade Boy). Won At 5 An allowance race at SA ($72,800, 8f, AW in 1:36.00, dftg. Aggie Engineer, Cigar Man, Spurrier, Sir Al). 2nd Santana Mile H (8f, AW, to Warren’s Pepe, dftg. Norvsky, Cigar Man, Art Currency). 3rd Californian S (G2A, 9f, to Rail Trip, Sangaree, dftg. Spurrier, Cigar Man, One Track Mind, Tres Borrachos, Aitcho).

SIRE LINE SLEW’S TIZNOW is by TIZNOW, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $6,427,830, Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt, and older male, Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1) twice, Santa Anita H (G1), Super Derby (G1), Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2), Affirmed H (G3), 2nd Pacific Classic S (G1), Swaps S (G1), Strub S (G2), 3rd Woodward S (G1), Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 1,192 foals, 898 rnrs (75%), 581 wnrs (49%), 121 2yo wnrs (10%), 59 BTW (5%), 1.69 AEI, 1.88 CI, 596 sale yrlgs, avg $158,649, 3.54 TNA. In 2016: 80 2yos, 30 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 4 BTW, 41 sale yrlgs, avg $152,390. TIZNOW has sired WELL ARMED (champion older male in UAE, Dubai World Cup Sponsored by Emirates Airline, G1 in UAE, Goodwood S, G1A, San Diego H, G2A, San Antonio H, G2A, 2nd Pacific Classic S, G1A, etc.), FOLKLORE (champion 2yo filly, Alberto VO5 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Matron S, G1, Adirondack S, G2, 2nd Spinaway S, G2, Astoria S, etc.), BEAR NOW (champion older female in Can, Fitz Dixon Cotillion H, G2, Selene S, G3A, Kentucky Cup Distaff S, G3A, Ontario Matron S, Duchess S, etc.), DA’ TARA (Belmont S, G1, 2nd Barbaro S), TOURIST (Breeders’ Cup Mile, G1T, Fourstardave H, G1T, More Than Ready Mile S, Sir Cat S, 2nd Secretariat S, G1T, Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc., to 5, 2016), COLONEL JOHN (Travers S, G1, Santa Anita Derby, G1A, Sham S,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (2 crops) Year 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 19 37 56

Runners 14 (74%) 9 (24%) 23 (41%)

Winners 9 (47%) 4 (11%) 13 (23%)

2yo Wnrs 4 4 8

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2015 6 0 2016 16 0 *Totals 22 0 0.82 AEI; 1.05 CI; 6.43 AWD In 2016: 19 rnrs, 11 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $23,401 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $185,537 $352,696 $538,233

Cee's Tizzy, 1987 6s, wnr, $173,150 740 f, 28 BTW, 1.58 AEI Tiznow, b, 1997 15s, BTW, $6,427,830 1,192 f, 59 BTW, 1.69 AEI 7.64 AWD Cee's Song, 1986 18s, wnr, $82,225 14 f, 13 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Slewpy, 1980 21s, BTW, $710,248 540 f, 26 BTW, 1.55 AEI Hepatica, dkb/br, 1996 3s, wnr, $25,630 7 f, 6 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 8.15 AWD Summer Dress, 1984 4s, wnr, $29,050 16 f, 15 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Tizly, 1981 6s, wnr, $6,209 11 f, 9 r, 8 w

Lyphard, by Northern Dancer

Seattle Song, 1981 9s, BTW, $295,321 352 f, 20 BTW, 1.75 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Lonely Dancer, 1975 10s, wnr, $3,873 15 f, 13 r, 12 w, 2 BTW

Nice Dancer, by Northern Dancer

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Rare Bouquet, 1963 Unraced 14 f, 13 r, 13 w, 3 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Summer Time Guy, 1976 22s, BTW, $279,900 167 f, 3 BTW, 0.91 AEI

Gummo, by Fleet Nasrullah

General Store, 1965 5s, wnr, $5,070 9 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

To Market, by Market Wise

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Tizna, by Trevieres

Incantation, by Prince Blessed

Sleep Lonely, by Pia Star

My Charmer, by Poker

Forest Song, by Mr. Music

Linda Summers, by Crozier

Generals Sister, by Count Fleet

Inbreeding: 4SX3D Seattle Slew.

G3A, Real Quiet S, Wickerr S, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc.), TIZWAY (Whitney Invitational H, G1, Metropolitan H, G1, Kelso H, G2, 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup S, G1, Metropolitan H, G1, Gulfstream Park H, G2, etc.), MORNING LINE (Carter H, G1, Pennsylvania Derby, G2, Mervyn LeRoy H, G2A, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), TIZ MIZ SUE (Ogden Phipps H, G1, Azeri S, G3 twice, etc.), BULLSBAY (Whitney H, G1, Alysheba S, G3, Harrison E. Johnson Memorial H, 2nd Hal’s Hope S, G3, etc.), TOUGH TIZ’S SIS (Ruffian H, G1, Lady’s Secret S, G1A, Hollywood Breeders’ Cup Oaks, G2A, Hawthorne H, G3A, etc.), GEMOLOGIST (Resorts World Casino New York City Wood Memorial S, G1, Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2), STRONG MANDATE (Hopeful S, G1, 2nd Southwest S, G3, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), MY SWEET ADDICTION (Vanity S, G1, 2nd Zenyatta S, G1, etc.), TIZDEJAVU (American Derby, G2T, Jefferson Cup S, G2T, Firecracker H, G2T, Crown Royal American Turf S, G3T, etc.), TIZAQUEENA (Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S, G2T, Arlington Matron S, G3A, Bayou H, Allen LaCombe Memorial H, Fortin H, 2nd First Lady S, G1T, etc.), SLEW’S TIZZY (Coolmore Lexington S, G2A, Lone Star Derby, G3, etc.), NORUMBEGA (Brooklyn Invitational S, G2, 2nd Discovery H, G3, Skip Away S, G3, to 6, 2016), INFORMED (Californian S, G2A, San Diego H, G2A, 2nd San Pasqual H, G2A), TIZ SHEA D (Indiana Derby, G2, 2nd Gotham S, G3, to 4, 2016), ELLAFITZ (Santa Maria S, G2, Bayakoa H, G2A, etc.), TIZFIZ (San Gorgonio H, G2T, etc.), TIZ WINDY (Indiana Oaks, G2, 3rd Fleur de Lis H, G2, Shuvee H, G3), BIG KICK (San Juan Capistrano S, G2T, to 7, 2016), LOVELY LIL (Go for Wand H, G2, etc.), TIZ WONDERFUL (Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, Iroquois S, G3, etc.), TIZAHIT (Demoiselle S, G2, etc.), etc. TIZNOW’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are TOURIST (G1T), PINK POPPY, MODERN, TIZ A SLAM. TIZNOW’S other sons as stallions include BULLSBAY (46 foals, 3 BTW, 1.58 AEI), TIZ WONDERFUL (482 foals, 21 BTW, 1.40 AEI), GEMOLOGIST, etc. SLEW’S TIZNOW Has Sired: Slew’s Tiznow has sired the winners Dr. Go ($74,420, to 3, 2016), Tiz Love ($69,535, to 3, 2016), One Bye Two ($63,530, to 3, 2016), Tribal Headdress, Invertigo (to 3, 2016), Defiant One (to 3, 2016), Atlantic Slew (to 3, 2016), Slew’s Arch (to 3, 2016), Roaln With Bolen (at 3, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winners Closing Time, Sausalito Sunset, Red Apple, Summersimage.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 1—$2,000 Lifetime 1—$2,000 *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 7—$11,200 14—$21,650 25—$17,648


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 3—$3,500 — 3—$3,500

FAMILY 1st dam HEPATICA. Winner at 2, $25,630. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— SLEW’S TIZZY (by Tiznow). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $619,619, Coolmore Lexington S (G2A), Lone Star Derby (G3), Native Diver H (G3A), 3rd Pegasus S (G3), Commonwealth Turf S. Sire. SLEW’S TIZNOW (Subject stallion). Typhoon Slew (Stormy Atlantic). Winner at 2, $48,273, 3rd With Anticipation S (G3T). HELLEBORUS BLUE (Cee’s Tizzy). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in SAf. Dam of THE HANGMAN (G1 in SAf), TRIP TO HEAVEN (G2 in SAf), Midnite Zone (in SAf, to 4, 2016). ME MOE YOU CURLY (Memo). Producer. Dam of Sergeant O’Rourke ($42,270, 3rd Golden Gate Debutante S). 2nd dam SUMMER DRESS. 2 wins at 3, $29,050. Dam of 16 foals, including— BEST DRESS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $224,875, Junior Miss S (G3), etc. Granddam of CURIOUSLY SWEET ($207,600, Cat’s Cradle H, etc.). FRANCIE. 4 wins at 4, $162,280, Cool Air S, 2nd B. Thoughtful S. Producer. Granddam of PRADO’S SWEET RIDE ($211,242, Regret S, G3T, Minnesota H.B.P.A. Distaff S, 3rd Pucker Up S, G3T, to 4, 2016). GINSENG. 4 wins, 2 to 5, placed in PR, $152,652, Santa Clara H, 3rd Hidden Light S, etc. Producer. Dresser. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $217,121, 2nd Intent S, etc. Mini Skirt. 4 wins at 4, $188,424, 2nd Las Madrinas H. Producer. JUSTINE. Producer. Dam of El Lobo ($71,150). 3rd dam GENERAL STORE. Winner at 2. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— DOUBLE DISCOUNT. 9 wins, 3 to 9, $520,939, Lakeside H (G2T), Carleton F. Burke H (G2T), San Carlos H (G2), Westwood S, 2nd Santa Anita Derby (G1), etc. SUMMER SALE. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $203,275, Hollywood Turf Express H, Rich Cream H, etc. CHAIN STORE. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $83,612, Rare Treat H, 2nd Palo Alto S. Dam of GERALDINE’S STORE ($347,275, Diana H, G2T, Violet H, G3T, etc.), AL BAHATHRI ($238,139, Goffs Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Lowther S, G2 in Eng, Coronation S, G2 in Eng, Child S, G3 in Eng, Princess Margaret S, 2nd General Accident One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), PEPLUM (in Eng). Granddam of HAAFHD ($872,926, champion 3yo colt twice in Eng, Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Emirates Airline Champion S, G1 in Eng, etc., sire), HASBAH (champion 3yo filly in Ire), SPANISH FERN ($748,370, Yellow Ribbon S, G1T, etc.), RADEVORE ($326,752, Prix Eugene Adam, G2 in Fr, Prix La Force, G3 in Fr, etc., sire), MUNIR ($156,327, Victor Chandler Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc., sire).

check daily updates on

SLEW’S TIZNOW Tiznow – Hepatica, by Slewpy

California’s Leading 2nd-Crop Sire of 2016 California’s #7 Active Leading 2YO Sire of 2016 California’s Leading Freshman Sire of 2015 Sire of the exciting 2YO CLOSING TIME, Santa Anita MSW winner at a mile and placing at 51⁄2 furlongs. Other notable winners include 33⁄4-length Del Mar MSW winner TIZ LOVE, 5-length Santa Rosa MSW winner SUMMERSIMAGE, Los Alamitos MSW winner DR. GO, etc. Winners on dirt, turf and synthetic, from distances of 4.5 furlongs to 8.5 furlongs.

Record-Setting, Grade 1 Performing Multiple Stakes Winner Won on dirt and synthetic including Del Mar’s El Cajon S. at one mile by 3 lengths and Hollywood Park’s War Chant S. at 11⁄16 miles in a TRACK RECORD 1:40.34 by 33⁄4 lengths.

Broke his maiden at Saratoga by 41⁄2 and 2nd in Keeneland’s G1 Breeders’ Futurity at two. In his final start, posted a 102 Beyer, in Hollywood Park’s G2 Californian S.

Yearlings sold for nearly 25-Times His Fee & 2YOs sold for up to $92,000 – 36.8-Times His Fee! Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owner: Joseph Lacombe Stable, Inc.

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site:



Smart Bid

Dosage (10-14-21-0-1); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.70 See gray pages—Polynesian

dkb/br, 2006



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

3 5 3 8 7 26





1 2(1) 0 1(1) 2(2) 6(4)

0 1(1) 2(2) 4(4) 1 8(7)

2 $47,718 0 $121,200 1 $64,220 1(1) $583,675 0 $191,496 4(1) $1,008,309

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Pha ($55,398, 8.32f). Won At 3 Damascus S ($100,000, 7f, AW in 1:21.53, dftg. Supreme Summit, M One Rifle, Coronet of a Baron, Viscount, Major Rock Star, All Saint, etc.). A race at SA ($68,400, 8f, turf). 2nd Central Bank Transylvania S (G3T, 8.5f, to Stormalory, dftg. Florentino, Skipadate, Southern Anthem, Mikoshi, Oil Man, Orthodox). 2nd At 4 San Fernando S (G2A, 8.5f, to Papa Clem, dftg. Rendezvous, Viscount, Mythical Power, Mr. Hot Stuff, Gallant Son, Quindici Man). Autumn S (G2A, 8.5f, to Stunning Stag, dftg. Perfect Bullet, Guipago, Barreling Home, Southdale, Lord Justice, Big Red Mike). Won At 5 Mervin H. Muniz Jr. Memorial H (G2T, $400,000, abt 9f in 1:49.97, dftg. Expansion, Moryba, Workin for Hops, Joinem, Sleepless Knight, Giant’s Tomb, Southern Anthem). 2nd Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S (G1T, 9f, to Get Stormy, dftg. Doubles Partner, Rahystrada, Prince Will I Am, Moryba, Teaks North, Al Khali, Court Vision, Memorial Maniac, Stately Victor, etc.). Gulfstream Park Turf H (G1T, 9f, to Teaks North, by a nose, dftg. Get Stormy, Battle of Hastings, Twilight Meteor, Little Mike, Sal the Barber, etc.). Sky Classic S (G2T, 10f, to Kara’s Orientation, dftg. Hailstone, Grassy, Musketier). Colonial Turf Cup S (9.5f, turf, to Rahystrada, dftg. Dark Cove, Court Vision, Moryba, Silver Mountain, Guys Reward, Sierra Alpha). 3rd Ft. Lauderdale S (G3T, 8.5f, to Little Mike, Blues Street, dftg. Souper Spectacular, Baletti, Battle of Hastings, Dark Cove, Get Stormy, Uncle T Seven, Boots Ahead, Bim Bam). Won At 6 Fair Grounds H (G3T, $125,000, abt 9f in 1:51.91, dftg. Mr. Vegas, Dubious Miss, Ioya Bigtime, Strike Impact, Derby Kitten, Achaemenes). East Hanover S ($100,000, 12f, turf in 2:29.47, dftg. See Tobe, Mythical Hero, Freud’s Honour, Eversoul, Special Energy, Saco River, Distorted Appeal, David K).

SIRE LINE SMART BID is by SMART STRIKE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $337,376, Philip H. Iselin H (G1), etc. To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 1,475 foals, 1,177 rnrs (80%), 860 wnrs (58%), 190 2yo wnrs (13%), 117 BTW (8%), 2.18 AEI, 2.07 CI, 584 sale yrlgs, avg $150,128, 3.35 TNA. In 2016: 89 2yos, 28 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 12 BTW, 26 sale yrlgs, avg $177,571. SMART STRIKE has sired CURLIN (Horse of the Year twice, champion 3yo colt, and older male in USA, champion older male in UAE, Preakness S, G1, etc.),

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere First Crop Year *2014

Named Foals 14

Runners 3 (21%)

Winners 1 (7%)

2yo Wnrs 1

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins *2016 1 0 0.24 AEI; 0.96 CI; 5.00 AWD In 2016: 3 rnrs, 1 wnr Avg Earnings Per Starter: $4,182 *to November 6, 2016


Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Smart Strike, b, 1992 8s, BTW, $337,376 1,475 f, 117 BTW, 2.18 AEI 7.71 AWD Classy 'n Smart, 1981 9s, BTW, $303,222 9 f, 5 r, 5 w, 4 BTW

Danzig, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI Recording, b, 1995 9s, BTW, $134,224 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW 9.77 AWD Ratings, 1988 28s, BTW, $448,641 10 f, 8 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Smarten, 1976 27s, BTW, $716,426 602 f, 47 BTW, 1.71 AEI

Cyane, by Turn-to

No Class, 1974 29s, wnr, $37,543 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 6 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Pas de Nom, 1968 42s, BTW, $121,741 11 f, 8 r, 4 w

Admiral's Voyage, by Crafty Admiral

Caveat, 1980 21s, BTW, $542,190 420 f, 35 BTW, 1.92 AEI

Cannonade, by Bold Bidder

T. V. Ad, 1976 8s, wnr, $18,829 11 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

T. V. Commercial, by T. V. Lark

Raise You, by Case Ace

Sequence, by Count Fleet

Smartaire, by Quibu

Classy Quillo, by Outing Class

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Petitioner, by Petition

Cold Hearted, by The Axe II

Port Royal II, by Ribotlight

Inbreeding: 4SX5d Native Dancer.

SOARING FREE (Horse of the Year, champion sprinter and turf male in Can, Atto Mile S, G1T, Nearctic H, G2T, etc.), NEVER RETREAT (Horse of the Year and champion turf female in Can, First Lady S, G1T, Dance Smartly S, G2T, Canadian S, G2T, Jenny Wiley S, G2T, etc.), ENGLISH CHANNEL (champion turf male, John Deere Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, United Nations S, G1T twice, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T twice, etc.), LOOKIN AT LUCKY (champion 2yo and 3yo colt, Preakness S, G1, Izod Haskell Invitational S, G1, CashCall Futurity, G1A, Del Mar Futurity, G1A, etc.), MY MISS AURELIA (champion 2yo filly, Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Cotillion S, G1, Frizette S, G1, Adirondack S, G2, etc.), EYE OF THE SPHYNX (champion 3yo filly in Can, Selene S, G2, Labatt Woodbine Oaks, etc.), PORTCULLIS (champion turf male in Can, Toronto Cup H, G3T, Breeders’ S, etc.), GOLD STRIKE (champion 3yo filly in Can, Selene S, G3, Labatt Woodbine Oaks, etc.), ADDED EDGE (champion 2yo colt in Can, Razorback Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Nashua S, G3, Swynford S, etc.), DR ARBATACH (champion sprinter and older male in PR), SILVER STREAKER (champion older female in PR), FABULOUS STRIKE (Vosburgh S, G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G2, True North H, G2, Aristides S, G3, Gravesend H, G3, etc.), CENTRE COURT (Jenny Wiley S, G1T, Honey Fox S, G2T twice, Lake George S, G2T, Mrs. Revere S, G2T, Regret S, G3T, etc.), SHADOW CAST (Personal Ensign S, G1, Louisville Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Silverbulletday S, G2, Bayou Breeders’ Cup H, G3T, etc.), FURTHEST LAND (Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1A, Kentucky Cup Classic S, G2A, etc.), SQUARE EDDIE (Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G1A, 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1A, etc.), MINORETTE (Belmont Oaks Invitational S, G1T, etc.), CROWN QUEEN (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, etc.), etc. SMART STRIKE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are FAMILY TREE (G2), STRIKE CHARMER (G2T), EVIDENTLY (G3T), FAIR POINT (G3T), REAL SMART (G3T), TREASURING, COUNTERFORCE, SHELBYSMILE, AMOUR BRILLER (in Japan), RED RAVEN (in Japan), DYNAMIC STRIKE, VALUED STRIKE. SMART STRIKE’S other sons as stallions include CURLIN (428 foals, 29 BTW, 2.41 AEI), SQUARE EDDIE (110 foals, 9 BTW, 1.67 AEI), ENGLISH CHANNEL, etc. SMART BID Has Sired: From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Smart Bid has sired the winner Trump Won.

Sales Analysis* Earned $12,545

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 1—$3,000 2015 1—$1,000 Lifetime 2—$2,000 *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$7,075 3—$16,667 7—$11,186


Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$12,000 — 1—$12,000

FAMILY 1st dam RECORDING. 3 wins at 3, $134,224, Sands Point S (G3T), 2nd Bal Harbour S, 3rd Lake George S (G3T). Dam of 8 foals— SMART BID (Subject stallion). REPRESENTING (by Rahy). 16 wins, 3 to 8, in Fr and Swi, placed in Ger, $320,263, Grand Prix de Marseille, 2nd Engelbert Strauss-Trophy (G3 in Ger), Grand Prix de Compiegne. DEAL MAKING (Empire Maker). 4 wins, 3 to 6, $237,874, Robellino S, Stanton S, 3rd National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S (G2T), Bryan Station S (G3T). I’ll Call (Smart Strike). 3 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 6, 2016, $204,330, 2nd Alphabet Soup H. Vanishing (Lemon Drop Kid). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $104,025, 3rd Malvern Rose S. LATROBE (Kingmambo). 2 wins at 4 in Fr, $56,406. QAASI (Rahy). 3 wins, 4 to 6, in Eng, $20,243. SCREENING (Unbridled). Unraced. Dam of FUGITIVE ANGEL ($382,661, Pin Oak Valley View S, G3T, etc.), ANTHONY’S CROSS ($230,790, Robert B. Lewis S, G2, 3rd Berkeley H, G3A, Sham S, G3). 2nd dam RATINGS. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $448,641, Diana H (G2T), Sheepshead Bay H (G3T), Lady Baltimore H, White Rose S, Blue Bonnet S, 2nd Flower Bowl H (G1T), Diana H (G2T), etc. Dam of 10 foals, including— SMART GROWTH. 6 wins at 4 and 5, $315,895, Brandywine S, Stymie S, etc. DEPUTY VALUATION. Unraced. Dam of VALUED STRIKE ($207,568, Mrs. Penny S, 2nd H.B.P.A. Stakes, 3rd Northern Fling S, etc., to 4, 2016). JUST A BIRD. Unraced. Dam of HELLO ($119,216, Matron S), Just Hoping ($88,334, 2nd Caught in the Rain H, 3rd First Approach S). 3rd dam T. V. AD. 3 wins at 3. Dam of 11 foals, including— SHE CAN ADD. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $77,839, Blue Bonnet S, 2nd White Rose S. Producer. Granddam of MERRYLAND MISSY ($138,670, Maryland Million Distaff Sprint H). TADA. Winner at 3, $34,062, White Rose S. Producer. Dam of No Jepordy ($176,767). Granddam of HARRODS CREEK ($319,971, John’s Call S, 2nd Valedictory S, G3A, 3rd San Juan Capistrano H, G2T, Red Smith H, G2T, etc.). Forty Share. 8 wins, 4 to 9, $166,618, 2nd John J. Shumaker S. Double One. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $70,150, 3rd Tiger Heart S. Producer. Adellino. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $44,610, 3rd Rosenna S, Foxy J.G. Stakes, White Rose S. Dam of LOGAN’S PRESS CARD ($96,713, Enjoy the Silence S, etc.).

SmArT bID Smart Strike – recording, by Danzig

millionaire GSw Son of Leading Sire SmArT STrIkE

First-Crop 2YOs in 2016 include TRUMP WON, winner at Finger Lakes; and October Blaze, 2 starts, twice third at Finger Lakes. SmArT bID Multiple Grade 1 placed, Grade 2 winner, from 7 furlongs to 1 1/2 miles on dirt, synthetic and grass earning top speed rating of 116. with earnings of $1,008,309.00 Racing for owner George Strawbridge and trainer H Graham Motion he was on the board in 20 of 26 starts Highlighted by his wins in Mervin H. Muniz Memorial Handicap (Gr11T) and Fair Grounds Handicap (Gr11T) and 2nd in Woodford Reserve Turf Classic (Grade 1 T) and Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap (Grade 1 T) by a nose, Smart Bid defeated 44 Graded Stakes Winners in his race career Out of GSW rECOrDING, by Danzig, dam of REPRESENTING-G1, DEAL MAKING, I’LL CALL Stakes Placed 2016 Alphabet Soup Stakes, Vanishing, granddam of FUGITIVE ANGEL-G3, ANTHONY’S CROSS-G2, etc. FIRST CALIFORNIA BRED FOALS ARRIVE IN 2017 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,500 LIVE FOAL (Payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at:

mILky wAy FArm

Inquiries to Linda madsen, 34174 De Portola road, Temecula, California 92592 (909) 241-6600. E-mail:




ch, 2007



2 3 4 5 Totals

4 7 7 5 23




2(1) 3(3) 3(3) 1(1) 9(8)

0 1(1) 1(1) 0 2(2)

2(2) $116,400 3(3) $651,464 1(1) $446,489 2(2) $266,351 8(8) $1,480,704


Won At 2 Lost in the Fog S ($75,000, 5f, AW in 57.78, by 8, dftg. Sweet Tigger, Roos On the Loose, Erin’s Cajun, Hetch, Ball Bearing, Little Bud Bud, Empire of the Sun, Cahill Country). A maiden special weight race at GG ($38,000, 4f, AW in 46.39, by 6, dftg. Empire of the Sun, Club Benfica, Really Grand, Barrel Knot, Days of Lightning). 3rd Del Mar Futurity (G1A, 7f, to Lookin At Lucky, Make Music for Me, dftg. Sterling Outlook, Hurricane Ike, Zip Quik, Who’s Up, Champagne d’Oro, Marcello). Best Pal S (G2A, 6.5f, to Lookin At Lucky, Make Music for Me, dftg. Hurricane Ike, Classical Slew, Supraman). Won At 3 Bing Crosby S (G1A, $250,000, 6f in 1:09.21, dftg. Scenic Blast, E Z’s Gentleman, El Brujo, Cost of Freedom, Sky Cape). Ancient Title S (G1A, $250,000, 6f in 1:09.37, dftg. Supreme Summit, E Z’s Gentleman, Cost of Freedom, Gato Go Win, Dancing in Silks, New Bay). Lazaro Barrera Memorial S (G3A, $100,000, 7f in 1:21.34, dftg. Concord Point, Domonation, Macias, Skipshot, Big Man Has a Sign, Dixie Trouper, Mr Tokyo, Hawaiian Springs). 2nd Malibu S (G1, 7f, to Twirling Candy, by a nose, dftg. Caracortado, Alcindor, Noble’s Promise, Thiskyhasnolimit, Setsuko, Don Tito, Thomas Baines, Paris Vegas, Our Minesweeper). 3rd Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1, 6f, to Big Drama, Hamazing Destiny, dftg. Supreme Summit, Warrior’s Reward, Wise Dan, Kinsale King, Cash Refund, Riley Tucker, Atta Boy Roy, Girolamo, Pashito the Che). Pat O’Brien S (G1A, 7f, to El Brujo, Crown of Thorns, dftg. Leaving New York, Hard Bill, New Bay, Kanan Dume). Harry Henson S (6f, turf, to Excessive Passion, Locksley Hall, dftg. Big Man Has a Sign, Face and an Ace, Dixie Trouper, Majestic Afleet, Willyconker, Hollywood Harbor, Our Minesweeper). Won At 4 Triple Bend H (G1A, $250,000, 7f in 1:21.22, by 31, dftg. Camp Victory, Amazombie, Uh Oh Bango, Color of Courage, Bench Points, M One Rifle, El Martillo). San Carlos H (G2, $150,000, 7f in 1:20.30, dftg. Captain Cherokee, Mythical Power, Ventana, Stacy’s Hope, Supreme Summit). Count Fleet H (G3, $200,000, 6f in 1:08.63, by 21, dftg. Silver Magnus, Chief of Affairs, Native Ruler, Riley Tucker, Holyfield). 2nd Bing Crosby S (G1A, 6f, to Euroears, dftg. Amazombie, Carbonite, Color of Courage, Kinsale King). 3rd Palos Verdes S (G2, 6f, to Euroears, Captain Cherokee, dftg. Ventana, Hunch, Gato Go Win). Won At 5 Vernon O. Underwood S (G3A, $100,000, 6f in 1:11.24, dftg. Private Zone, Capital Account, Comma to the Top, Smash, Bank the Eight). 3rd Xpressbet Breeders’ Cup Sprint (G1, 6f, to Trinniberg, The Lumber Guy, dftg. Sum of the Parts, Justin Phillip, Fast Bullet, Coil, Amazombie, Jimmy Creed, Hamazing Destiny, Gantry, Capital Account, Boxeur des Rues, Poseidon’s Warrior). True North H (G2, 6f, to Caixa Eletronica, Justin Phillip, dftg. Hamazing Destiny, Crossbow, Pacific Ocean, Royal Currier, Giant Ryan).

SIRE LINE SMILING TIGER is by HOLD THAT TIGER, black-type stakes winner of 3 races, $644,235, champion 2yo colt

STUD ANALYSIS Smiling Tiger entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Dosage (2-3-5-0-2); DI: 1.67; CD: 0.25 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.1

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Hold That Tiger, ch, 2000 10s, BTW, $644,235 828 f, 18 BTW, 0.93 AEI 7.43 AWD Beware of the Cat, 1986 22s, BTW, $164,094 12 f, 10 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Cahill Road, 1988 6s, BTW, $370,280 664 f, 26 BTW, 0.91 AEI Shandra Smiles, b, 1998 8s, BTW, $29,855 9 f, 8 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 5.90 AWD Beyond the Storm, 1990 47s, wnr, $104,452 8 f, 8 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Caveat, 1980 21s, BTW, $542,190 420 f, 35 BTW, 1.92 AEI

Cannonade, by Bold Bidder

T. C. Kitten, 1969 11s, wnr, $14,060 11 f, 8 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Tom Cat, by Tom Fool

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Gana Facil, 1981 19s, wnr, $85,100 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Le Fabuleux, by Wild Risk

Great Above, 1972 63s, BTW, $331,377 605 f, 36 BTW, 1.61 AEI

Minnesota Mac, by Rough'n Tumble

Brenda's Storm, 1983 6s, wnr, $7,955 13 f, 10 r, 9 w

Medieval Man, by Noholme II

in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere (G1 in Fr), Anheuser Busch Railway S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Woodward S (G1), 3rd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 828 foals, 670 rnrs (81%), 440 wnrs (53%), 79 2yo wnrs (10%), 18 BTW (2%), 0.93 AEI, 1.18 CI, 282 sale yrlgs, avg $33,213, 0.74 TNA. In 2016: 1 BTW. HOLD THAT TIGER has sired JUNGLE WAVE (Play the King S, G2T, 2nd Play the King S, G2T, Bold Venture S, 3rd Nearctic S, G2T, Highlander S, G2T, Connaught Cup S, G3T, etc.), WITHGREATPLEASURE (Ruffian H, G2, Stonewall Farm Ocala Unbridled Belle S, 2nd Indiana Oaks, G2, Thirty Eight Go Go S, Willa On the Move S, Serena’s Song S, etc.), RED TYPHOON (Sportingbet South Australia Fillies Classic, G3 in Aust), APPREHEND (Living Legends Werribee Cup, 2nd Finance Brokers of Tasmania Gold Sovereign S, Bagot H, 3rd Talindert S, Hocking Stuart Heatherlie d’Urban S), I DAZZLE (American Beauty S, Louisiana Cup Distaff S, Red Camelia S, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Ladies S, 3rd Marjorie L. Everett H, G2A, CTT and Thoroughbred Owners of California H, etc.), OLD MAN BUCK (Miller Lite Cradle S, Grand Canyon H, 3rd Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity, G1A, Jefferson Cup S, G2T), HOLD THAT PROSPECT (Correction S, Mommy Dear S), TABLE GAMES (Jim Edgar Illinois Futurity, to 8, 2016), HUNGRY TIGRESS (Summer Finale H, Wishing Well S, 2nd Indian Maid H, West Virginia Senate President’s S, Autumn Leaves S, etc.), THATS A HECKOFACAT (Best of Ohio Endurance S, Cleveland Gold Cup S, Juvenile S, Cleveland Kindergarten S, Howard B. Noonan S, 3rd Best of Ohio Endurance S, etc.), COY CAT (Bienville S, Holiday Inaugural S, 2nd Dr. A. B. Leggio Memorial S, etc.), TIGER GIRL (M2 Technology La Senorita S, Donnie Wilhite Memorial H, 2nd Happy Ticket S), HOLDTHASIGREEN (Grand Prix La Ville de Nantes, Prix Hubert Baguenault de Puchesse, etc., to 4, 2016), MIKIMOTO’S MOJO (Lafayette S), TIGER SHARK (John Franks Memorial Sales S, etc.), TEMPER TANTRUM (Strutt S), WHIPSAW (Bunbury Cup), Let Me Run (champion 3yo filly, turf female, and older female in Aut), etc. HOLD THAT TIGER’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is HOLDTHASIGREEN (in Fr).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 27—$29,567 — 27—$29,567

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 5—$9,540 5—$2,760 10—$6,150

FAMILY 1st dam SHANDRA SMILES. Winner at 3, $29,855, Federal Way H, 2nd U.S. Bank S. Dam of 9 foals, including—



South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Cold Hearted, by The Axe II

Needlebug, by Needles

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Charedi, by In Reality

Ta Wee, by Intentionally

Ruler's Storm, by Irish Ruler

SHE’S A TIGER (by Tale of the Cat). 3 wins at 2, $727,657, champion 2yo filly, Del Mar Debutante S (G1A), Landaluce S, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Chandelier S (G1), Sorrento S (G2A). SMILING TIGER (Subject stallion). NEXT RIGHT (Orientate). 3 wins at 5 and 6, 2016, $76,710. GRINNING GANG (Posse). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $63,431. DATURA (Salt Lake). 6 wins, 3 to 7, $45,769. 2nd dam BEYOND THE STORM. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $104,452. Dam of 8 foals, including— Traci Girl. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $305,076, 2nd Bed o’ Roses Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Stefanita S, Blue Sparkler S. Producer. Draw Fire. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $247,050, 2nd Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S. Calidad. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $40,976, 3rd Clasico Jinetes. 3rd dam BRENDA’S STORM. Winner at 3. Dam of 13 foals, including— SALLY’S HERO. 3 wins, 3 to 6, $55,272. 4th dam RULER’S STORM. Placed at 3. Dam of 16 foals, incl.— LOVE THAT MAC. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $864,085, Carter H (G2), Gravesend H, Finger Lakes Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, a black-type qualified race, 2nd Metropolitan H (G1), Vosburgh S (G1), Bold Ruler S (G2) twice, True North H (G2), Roseben H (G3), Sport Page H (G3), Bull Lea S, 3rd Fall Highweight H (G2), etc. Sire. Rogue Agent. 8 wins, 3 to 9, $468,540, 2nd Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H (G3), Alex M. Robb H twice, 3rd Aqueduct H (G3), etc. ALSMAC. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Als Delight ($113,818, 2nd Foxy J.G. Stakes). Granddam of EXTINCT CHARM ($318,734, Damon Runyon S, 2nd Pegasus S, G3, Albany S, New York Derby, etc., to 3, 2016). 5th dam STORMY LOVE. Placed at 3. Dam of 11 foals, incl.— Ben’s Flambeau. 28 wins, 3 to 11, $147,400, 2nd Ohio Marathon Championship H. Sire. HAYSEED HONEY. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $100,190. Producer. Granddam of PENSATIVA (champion 3yo filly in Mex). AMBER LEVIN. 3 wins at 3 and 4. Producer. Granddam of ALLURING AMBER ($182,362). ESDEE. Placed at 3. Dam of ESCALINE ($216,354, Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, etc.), ESDALE ($57,414, in Italy, sire). Granddam of ROYAL ABJAR ($297,334, champion 3yo colt and older male in Ger, Mehl-Mulhens-Rennen-German Two Thousand Guineas, G2 in Ger, etc., sire), ENCOREMOI ($108,030, in NA and Fr), ARABIAN KING ($74,576, in Fr, sire).

check daily updates on

SMILING TIGER Hold That Tiger – Shandra Smiles, by Cahill Road

TRIPLE GRADE 1 WINNER OF $1.5 MILLION Eclipse Award Finalist as a 3-year-old Won or placed in 18 Stakes – 17 Graded in 23 starts, including two Breeders’ Cup Championships 9 Triple Digit Beyers up to 112 and 16 at 95 or higher 19 first-crop yearlings sold in California averaged $36,126, including sales toppers at $190,000 and $130,000. First 2-year-olds will race in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $4,000 Live Foal (payable when foal stands andnurses) Standing at

HARRIS FARMS Inquiries to David McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-mail: Website:




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Southern Image

dkb/br, 2000

height 16.11⁄2



2 3 4 Totals

1 3 4 8





1 2(1) 3(3) 6(4)

0 0 1(1) 1(1)

0 $28,800 1(1) $202,800 0 $1,612,150 1(1) $1,843,750

Won Santa Anita H (G1, $1,000,000, 10f), Pimlico Special H (G1, $500,000, 9.5f), Malibu S (G1, $250,000, 7f), Barretts/CTBA Classic S ($1,000,000, 9f), 2nd Stephen Foster H (G1, 9f), 3rd San Vicente S (G2, 7f).

Halo, 1969 31s, BTW, $259,553 724 f, 62 BTW, 2.91 AEI Halo's Image, dkb/br, 1991 26s, BTW, $549,891 555 f, 21 BTW, 1.28 AEI 6.69 AWD Sugar's Image, 1981 56s, BTW, $381,093 11 f, 8 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

SIRE LINE SOUTHERN IMAGE is by HALO’S IMAGE, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $549,891, Tropical Park H (G3), Broward H (G3), etc., and sire of 21 black-type stakes winners, including ATLANTIC HURRICANE (champion sprinter in Can, Seaway S, G3A, Ontario Fashion S, G3A twice, etc.), PRETTY IMAGE (champion 2yo filly in PR), TURBO COMPRESSOR (United Nations

Dixieland Band, 1980 24s, BTW, $441,320 1,306 f, 111 BTW, 1.89 AEI Pleasant Dixie, dkb/br, 1995 Unraced 9 f, 5 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 6.84 AWD Pleasant Jolie, 1988 27s, BTW, $251,952 14 f, 12 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (8 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2007 93 79 (85%) 57 (61%) 2008 57 43 (75%) 33 (58%) 2009 34 25 (74%) 19 (56%) 2010 23 19 (83%) 18 (78%) 2011 25 22 (88%) 18 (72%) 2012 16 10 (63%) 4 (25%) 2013 24 20 (83%) 11 (46%) 2014 20 8 (40%) 4 (20%) *Totals 292 226 (77%) 164 (56%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 15 0 6 0 8 0 4 0 2 1 3 0 4 1 4 0 46 2

BT Winners 3 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 6 (2%)

By Racing Year Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 *Totals

BT Wins 0 2 4 5 5 3 5 1 25

Wins 21 80 117 89 105 83 74 73 642

GS Wins 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 5

Earned $378,927 $1,553,714 $2,597,664 $1,994,494 $1,939,568 $1,862,459 $1,513,724 $1,232,221 $13,072,771

Southern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (5 crops) Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 *Totals

Named RunFoals ners 1 1 (100%) 62 40 (65%) 50 36 (72%) 41 34 (83%) 43 35 (81%) 197 146 (74%)

Win2yo 2yo BT ners Wnrs BTW Winners 0 (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) 23 (37%) 2 0 1 (2%) 21 (42%) 1 0 0 (0%) 18 (44%) 3 0 1 (0%) 16 (37%) 0 0 0 (0%) 78 (40%) 6 0 2 (1%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2009-10 2 0 0 2010-11 29 1 1 2011-12 31 2 1 2012-13 47 2 1 2013-14 38 0 0 2014-15 56 0 0 2015-16 14 0 0 2016-17 3 0 0 *Totals 220 5 3 1.08 AEI; 1.17 CI; 6.84 AWD In 2016: 106 rnrs, 50 wnrs, 1 sw Lifetime On Turf: 261 wins, $8,082,424 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $51,712 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $21,508 $654,619 $2,742,049 $1,244,992 $612,228 $734,677 $269,878 $78,000 $6,357,951


Hail to Reason, 1958 18s, BTW, $328,434 308 f, 43 BTW, 4.39 AEI

Turn-to, by Royal Charger

Cosmah, 1953 30s, BTW, $85,525 16 f, 10 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Cosmic Bomb, by Pharamond II

Valid Appeal, 1972 36s, BTW, $201,733 791 f, 85 BTW, 2.20 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Sugar Del, 1971 33s, wnr, $36,630 14 f, 13 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Crozier, by My Babu

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Mississippi Mud, 1973 34s, BTW, $277,285 12 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Delta Judge, by Traffc Judge

Pleasant Colony, 1978 14s, BTW, $965,383 620 f, 70 BTW, 3.44 AEI

His Majesty, by Ribot

Jolie Jolie, 1980 Unraced 12 f, 10 r, 8 w, 4 BTW

Sir Ivor, by Sir Gaylord

S, G1T, etc.), HOW’S YOUR HALO (Richter Scale Sprint S, G2, etc.), HALO STEVEN (British Columbia Derby, G3, etc.), WINK AT THE GIRLS (Wild and Wonderful S, 2nd British Columbia Derby, G3, Jim Kostoff S, 3rd Bensalem S), SIR OSCAR (Criterium S, Florida Stallion In Reality S, etc.), HALO NAJIB (Darley Ocala Breeders’ Sale Championship S, 2nd Lane’s End S, G2A, San Carlos H, G2A, Potrero Grande H, G2A, Iroquois S, G3, etc.), Nyabinghi (champion older female in Jam), Lucky Image (champion sprinter in Dom), etc. SOUTHERN IMAGE Has Sired: SOUTHERN SPEED, 07, f (A++, dam by Zabeel, 2nd dam by Danehill): $2,906,155, BMW Caulfield Cup (G1 in Aust), Makybe Diva S (G2 in Aust), The Mittys Vanity S (G3 in Aust), John Dillon Barton S, Sportingbet Penny Edition S, 2nd Dubai Australian Cup (G1 in Aust), Sportingbet C.F. Orr S (G1 in Aust), Hyland Race Colours Underwood S (G1 in Aust), Schweppervescence Auraria S (G3 in Aust), 3rd Schweppes Australasian Oaks (G1 in Aust), etc. CALIBRACHOA, 07, c (Montbrook, Cozzene): $666,040, Tom Fool H (G3) twice, Toboggan S (G3) twice, Bold Ruler H (G3), Gravesend S, 3rd Alfred G. Vanderbilt H (G1), Cigar Mile H (G1), True North H (G2), sire. WINNING IMAGE, 07, f (Apollo, Copelan): $750,237, My Juliet S twice, Sweet and Sassy S, Willa On the Move S, Cornucopia S twice, Langhorne S, Primonetta S, What a Summer S, Dashing Beauty S, etc. SMOKEY IMAGE, 13, c (Free House, Smart Strike): $460,461, Everett Nevin S, Cavonnier Juvenile S, California Cup Derby, Golden State Juvenile S, I’m Smokin S, 3rd Lazaro Barrera S (G3), to 3, 2016. BETTER BET, 11, g (Swiss Yodeler, Cee’s Tizzy): $317,652, Golden State Juvenile S, to 5, 2016. HIP FOUR SIXTYNINE, 10, c (A++, Mt. Livermore, Copelan): $257,177, Sam’s Town S, 2nd Texas Mile S (G3), 3rd King Cotton S, F.W. Gaudin Memorial S, to 6, 2016. SOUTHERN FIREBALL, 07, f (Carson City, Dixieland Brass, 3X4 Dixieland Band): $171,789, Manhattan Beach S. BRIGHTEN UP, 10, g (A++, Zabeel, Star Way): $103,250, Yang Di Pertua Negeri Gold Cup, in Mal, to 6, 2016.

(payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owned by: Rancho San Miguel


Nothirdchance, by Blue Swords

Almahmoud, by Mahmoud

Desert Trial, by Moslem Chief

Best Answer, by My Request

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Sand Buggy, by Warfare

Sun Colony, by Sunrise Flight

Who's to Know, by Fleet Nasrullah

Inbreeding: 4sX5d Almahmoud.

2017 FEE: $1,500 LivE FoaL

Nominated to:

Dosage (8-6-14-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.79 See gray pages—Royal Charger

RanchoSanSan MiguEL Miguel, CA

Southern Image also has sired the winners Privilaged ($174,890, 3rd Swale S, G2, Matt Winn S, Jack Goodman S), Southern Ridge ($187,640, 2nd Philip H. Iselin S, G3, 3rd Long Branch S, Big Brown S), Mallory Square ($80,303, 3rd Florida Oaks, G3), Keepmeinstitches ($315,814, 2nd Roanoke S, to 6, 2016), Image of Joplin ($233,302, 2nd Wildcat H, to 5, 2016), Hoosier Honey ($212,538, 2nd Frances Slocum S, 3rd Merrillville S), Pink Candy ($149,633, 3rd Brandywine S, Blue Mountain S, Power by Far S), Gar ($120,445, 2nd Louisiana Futurity), Standbyyourmangirl ($73,027, 3rd Sam Houston Distaff S), Southern Sail ($61,450, 2nd West Virginia Lottery Breeders’ Classic S), Best Be Quick ($36,233, 2nd Bird of Pay S, 3rd Freedom of the City S), E Z Passer ($483,792), Hurry Up Alan ($381,168, to 7, 2016), Southern Shimmer ($342,235 in Aust), Hatupatu ($311,242 in NZ), Appleton ($253,552 in Aust), Lure of the South ($247,685, to 7, 2016), Valorem ($228,165, to 7, 2016), Abets Abet ($177,238, to 4, 2016), Shazza’s Bubbles ($176,331, to 7, 2016 in Aust), etc., and four 2016 2-year-old winners.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — — 2015 — 7—$6,214 Lifetime 21—$20,429 109—$20,314 *to November 6, 2016

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 53—$47,518

LIFETIME AS BROODMARE SIRE SOUTHERN IMAGE is the sire of 27 dams of 42 foals, 27 rnrs(64%), 12 wnrs(29%), 2 2yo wnrs(5%), 0.65 AEI, 1.28 CI; 0 BTW here and abroad.

FAMILY 1st dam PLEASANT DIXIE. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— SOUTHERN IMAGE (Subject stallion). BLACK BAR SPIN (by Put It Back). 5 wins, 2 to 4, in Japan, $1,391,999, CBC Sho H (G3 in Japan), etc. South Atlantic (Stormy Atlantic). 2 wins at 4, $104,830, 2nd Ohio Valley H, 3rd Hallowed Dreams S. Producer. DIXIELAND EVENT (Wild Event). Unraced. Dam of TURBO COMPRESSOR ($953,960, United Nations S, G1T, etc.), STORMY DIXIE ($198,540, Politely S), Gelfenstein ($106,540, 3rd Juvenile Turf S, to 5, 2016).

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion

Inquiries to Clay Murdock, Rancho San Miguel, P.O. Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site:



Square eddie

Dosage (10-10-19-0-1); DI: 2.81; CD: 0.70 See gray pages—Polynesian

ch, 2006



2 in NA, Eng 3 4 5 Totals




2(1) 0 0 1 3(1)

2(2) 1(1) 0 0 3(3)

1 1(1) 0 0 2(1)

6 6 0 6 18


$767,366 $52,000 — $36,653 $856,019

Won At 2 in North America Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G1A, $500,000, 8.5f in 1:43.04, by 43, dftg. Terrain, Pioneerof the Nile, Deposer, Majestic Blue, His Greatness, Zion, Flashmans Papers, Advice, Reynaldothewizard, Notonthesamepage). 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1A, 8.5f, to Midshipman, dftg. Street Hero, Terrain, Pioneerof the Nile, West Side Bernie, Gallant Son, Silent Valor, Azul Leon, Munnings, Bushranger, Mine That Bird). Won At 2 in England A maiden weight for age race at Sal ($13,995, 6f in 1:15.60, by 31). 2nd Toteswinger Sirenia S (G3 in Eng, 6f, to Elnawin, by a head, dftg. Weatherstaff, Khor Dubai, Flashmans Papers, Deposer, Zezao, Klynch, Missile Dodger, Keeptheboatafloat, White Shift). 2nd At 3 in North America San Rafael S (G3A, 8f, to The Pamplemousse, dftg. Ryehill Dreamer, Brother Keith, Fiddlers Afleet). 3rd Coolmore Lexington S (G2A, 8.5f, to Advice, Conservative, dftg. Masala, Pitched Perfectly, Jeranimo, Brave Victor y, Parade Clown, Omniscient, El Crespo, His Greatness). Won At 5 in North America An allowance race at SA ($77,500, 6.5f in 1:13.11, NTR, by 31).

SIRE LINE SQUARE EDDIE is by SMART STRIKE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $337,376, Philip H. Iselin H (G1), Salvator Mile H (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 17 crops, 1,475 foals, 1,177 rnrs (80%), 860 wnrs (58%), 190 2yo wnrs (13%), 117 BTW (8%), 2.18 AEI, 2.07 CI, 584 sale yrlgs, avg $150,128, 3.35 TNA. In 2016: 89 2yos, 28 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 12 BTW, 26 sale yrlgs, avg $177,571. SMART STRIKE has sired CURLIN (Horse of the Year twice, champion 3yo colt, and older male in USA, champion older male in UAE, Preakness S, G1, etc.), SOARING FREE (Horse of the Year, champion sprinter, and turf male in Can, Atto Mile S, G1T, Nearctic H, G2T, Scotts Highlander H, G3T twice, etc.), NEVER RETREAT (Horse of the Year and champion turf female in Can, First Lady S, G1T, Dance Smartly S, G2T, Canadian S, G2T, Jenny Wiley S, G2T, etc.), ENGLISH CHANNEL (champion turf male, John Deere Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, United Nations S, G1T twice, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T twice, etc.), LOOKIN AT LUCKY (champion 2yo and 3yo colt, Preakness S, G1,

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2011 27 26 (96%) 2012 27 25 (93%) 2013 32 25 (78%) 2014 24 12 (50%) *Totals 110 88 (80%)

Winners 23 (85%) 18 (67%) 18 (56%) 7 (29%) 66 (60%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 5 1 3 0 8 3 7 2 23 6

BT Winners 4 (15%) 0 (0%) 3 (9%) 2 (8%) 9 (8%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2013 7 2 0 2014 30 1 0 2015 69 4 1 2016 62 5 0 *Totals 168 12 1 1.67 AEI; 0.95 CI; 6.11 AWD In 2016: 68 rnrs, 43 wnrs, 5 sw Lifetime On Turf: 32 wins, $1,872,492 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $71,369 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $473,045 $1,082,836 $2,458,355 $2,255,388 $6,269,624

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Smart Strike, b, 1992 8s, BTW, $337,376 1,475 f, 117 BTW, 2.18 AEI 7.71 AWD Classy 'n Smart, 1981 9s, BTW, $303,222 9 f, 5 r, 5 w, 4 BTW

El Gran Senor, 1981 8s, BTW, $520,969 399 f, 53 BTW, 2.69 AEI Forty Gran, ch, 1997 16s, wnr, $94,938 12 f, 11 r, 9 w, 1 BTW 7.28 AWD Forty Weight, 1986 49s, BTW, $162,891 5 f, 5 r, 3 w

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Smarten, 1976 27s, BTW, $716,426 602 f, 47 BTW, 1.71 AEI

Cyane, by Turn-to

No Class, 1974 29s, wnr, $37,543 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 6 BTW

Nodouble, by Noholme II

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Sex Appeal, 1970 Unraced 16 f, 10 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Quadratic, 1975 19s, BTW, $233,941 444 f, 21 BTW, 1.35 AEI

Quadrangle, by Cohoes

Opec, 1971 33s, wnr, $59,442 12 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Bagdad, by Double Jay

Raise You, by Case Ace

Sequence, by Count Fleet

Smartaire, by Quibu

Classy Quillo, by Outing Class

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Best in Show, by Traffc Judge

Smartaire, by Quibu

Laurel Mae, by Crafty Admiral

Inbreeding: 4SX5d Native Dancer; 4SX4D Smartaire.

Izod Haskell Invitational S, G1, CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc.), MY MISS AURELIA (champion 2yo filly, Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Cotillion S, G1, etc.), EYE OF THE SPHYNX (champion 3yo filly in Can, Selene S, G2, Labatt Woodbine Oaks, Fury S, etc.), PORTCULLIS (champion turf male in Can, Toronto Cup H, G3T, etc.), GOLD STRIKE (champion 3yo filly in Can, Selene S, G3, Labatt Woodbine Oaks, Debutante S, etc.), ADDED EDGE (champion 2yo colt in Can), DR ARBATACH (champion sprinter and older male in PR), SILVER STREAKER (champion older female in PR, Clasico Bold Forbes), etc. SMART STRIKE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are FAMILY TREE (G2), STRIKE CHARMER (G2T), EVIDENTLY (G3T), FAIR POINT (G3T), REAL SMART (G3T), TREASURING, COUNTERFORCE, SHELBYSMILE, AMOUR BRILLER (in Japan), RED RAVEN (in Japan), DYNAMIC STRIKE, VALUED STRIKE. SMART STRIKE’S other sons as stallions include CURLIN (428 foals, 29 BTW, 2.41 AEI), ENGLISH CHANNEL (427 foals, 25 BTW, 1.63 AEI), LOOKIN AT LUCKY (401 foals, 15 BTW, 1.49 AEI), etc. SQUARE EDDIE Has Sired: RALIS, 13, c (A, dam by Ten Most Wanted, 2nd dam by Meadowlake): $424,773, Hopeful S (G1), 2nd Del Mar Derby (G2T), Rainbow S, Snow Chief S, Graduation S, to 3, 2016. SMOOVE IT, 11, f (Distorted Humor, Seattle Slew, 3X4 Mr. Prospector): $341,265, Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Wilshire S (G3T), 3rd Sweet Life S, Anoakia S, to 5, 2016. FOUND MONEY, 13, c (A++, General Meeting, Political Ambition): $292,100, Santa Anita Juvenile S, King Glorious S, 2nd Golden State Juvenile S, I’m Smokin S, to 3, 2016. JIMMY BOUNCER, 11, g (A++, General Meeting, Woodman, 3X4 Mr. Prospector): $278,090, Harris Farms S, to 5, 2016. MRAZEK, 13, c (A++, Wild Rush, Gilded Time): $259,914, Thor’s Echo H, Graduation S, 2nd Lazaro Barrera S (G3), Santa Anita Juvenile S, Summer Juvenile Championship S, 3rd Real Good Deal S, Pirate’s Bounty S, to 3, 2016. MORE COMPLEXITY, 11, f (A++, Yonaguska, Belong to Me): $233,470, Betty Grable S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf Sprint S. SPROUTS, 11, f (A++, Yankee Victor, Slew City Slew): $207,440, Cinderella S, California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, 2nd Oaks, 3rd Soviet Problem S. HOW ABOUT ZERO, 14, f (A, In Excess, Meadowlake): $148,900, Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd Generous Portion S, at 2, 2016. GREEN WITH EDDIE, 14, c (A++, Yonaguska, Belong to Me): $115,600, Graduation S, 2nd Santa Anita Juvenile S, at 2, 2016.



Square Eddie also has sired the winners Eddie’s First ($168,316, 2nd E.B. Johnston S, to 5, 2016), Allsquare ($153,160, 2nd Melair S, Fleet Treat S, to 3, 2016), Quorum of Joy ($72,635, 2nd Everett Nevin S, to 3, 2016), Eddies Curl ($72,550, 2nd California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S), Frensham ($217,571, to 5, 2016), Pay the Fine ($201,120, to 4, 2016), Discatsonthesquare ($185,611, to 5, 2016), Tangelo ($183,798), Moonie ($158,510, to 4, 2016), Dressed to a T ($148,323, to 4, 2016), The Custodian ($144,611, to 5, 2016), Dis Smart Cat ($103,332, at 3, 2016), Over Par ($102,118, to 4, 2016), Mahalo Arturo ($90,981, to 5, 2016), Hacktivism ($82,010, at 3, 2016), Eddie Haskell ($68,195, to 3, 2016), Mr. Zippers ($67,520, to 4, 2016), Octofy ($67,145, to 3, 2016), Kuuipo ($64,285, to 5, 2016), etc., and other 2016 2-year-old winners Rinse and Repeat, Sizzlin Square, Lemonaideen, Ann Arbor Eddie, Chocolate Goddess.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$11,000 3—$9,500 19—$12,679

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$25,000 7—$12,643

FAMILY 1st dam Forty Gran. 2 wins at 2, $94,938, 2nd Audubon Oaks, 3rd Edgewood S. Dam of 12 foals, including— SQUARE EDDIE (Subject stallion). Reverently (by Pulpit). 2 wins at 3, $150,402, 3rd Princess Elizabeth S. Producer. Hoi An (Successful Appeal). Winner at 3, $105,881, 3rd Wonder Where S. Dubai Media (Songandaprayer). 2 wins at 3 in Eng, $29,329, 2nd Betfred the Bonus King Cecil Frail S. 2nd dam FORTY WEIGHT. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $162,891, Furl Sail H, Truly Bound S, 2nd River Cities Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S (G3T), Louisiana Downs Filly Futurity S, Truly Bound S. Dam of 5 foals, incl.— UNTAMED BEAUTY. Dam of GIANNA’S DREAM ($206,498, Bob Barry Memorial S, to 3, 2016). 3rd dam Opec. 5 wins at 3, $59,442, 3rd Searching S. Dam of 12 foals, including— TURN DOWN THE HEAT. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $43,200. Dam of FLYING HEAT ($372,842, Rumson H, St. Patricks Day H, 2nd Gardenia S, G2, etc.). Granddam of POMPEII ($717,288, Personal Ensign H, G1, Rare Treat H, G3, Doylestown H, 2nd Go for Wand H, G1, etc.), GROUND STORM ($628,600, Stymie H, G3 twice, etc., sire), INFERNOS REALITY ($406,491, AKsarben Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, etc.), OMI ($319,718, Arlington Matron H, G3, etc.).

SQUArE EDDIE Smart Strike – Forty Gran, by El Gran Senor

ThE #1 LEADInG cALIFOrnIA JUVEnILE SIrE In 2016 AnD 2015! In 2016: #4 Active Leading cA General Sire and #4 Leading cA Sire by north American Earnings 2016 Juvenile Sire of 7% Stakes Winners/FOALS, 25% Stakes Performers/Rnrs and Average Earnings per Runner over $71,000, including:

Grade 1 SW RALIS ($424,773), 4½-length Multiple SW FOUND MONEY ($292,100), 1st or 2nd in 5 of 9 starts, incl. a recordSanta Anita MSW winner 2nd time setting Santa Anita MSW debut win, a out, 5¾-length winner of Saratoga’s 1¾-length win of the $125,000 Santa historic $350,000 Grade 1 Hopeful S., Anita Juvenile S. over MRAZEK, 2nd in 2nd to MRAZEK in Del Mar’s $100,000 Graduation S., 2nd Santa Anita’s Rainbow $200,000 Golden State Juvenile S. and $150,000 I’m Smokin S. S.-T and Snow Chief S.-T., etc. SW JIMMY BOUNCER ($320,990), 1-2 in 7 GSP SMOOVE IT ($341,265), In the money of 10 starts, including a $100,000 Harris 4 years running at Santa Anita: 3¼-length Farms S. win. winner in $100,000 Irish O’Brien S. at 5, 2nd in the $100,000 Wilshire S.G3T at 4, GSP MRAZEK ($259,914), In the money 3rd Sweet Life S.-T at 3 & Anoakia S.-T at 2. for 9 of 11 starts, including a 5¼-length nominated to:

Santa Anita MSW win first time out, 3¼-length win in Del Mar’s $100,000 Graduation S. over Grade 1 Winner RALIS, 1½-length win in Thor’s Echo H. at Santa Anita, 2nd in Grade 3 Laz Barrera S., to FOUND MONEY in the $125,000 Santa Anita Juvenile S., and by a head to Grade 1-pl SWIPE in $75,000 Summer Juvenile Championship S., 3rd in Del Mar’s Pirates Bounty S. & Real Good Deal S., etc. GSP Ann Arbor Eddie, 3rd in 2016 $100,000 Grade 3 Bob Hope S.

2017 FEE: $25,000 LIVE FOAL (due when foal stands and nurses) Standing at

OcEAn BrEEzE rAnch

Inquiries to Kevin Dickson (760) 414-3300 or Edward Freeman (760) 525-1412. Ocean Breeze ranch, 5820 West Lilac rd., Bonsall, cA 92003. Fax (760) 414-3304. E-Mail: Web Site:



StimuluS Plan

Entered Stud in 2016

dkb/br, 2006



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals

4 3 5 7 11 15 17 6 68


1 1 0 1 1 4 3 0 11



1 0 0 2(1) 0 3 2 0 8(1)

2(2) 0 0 3(2) 4 2 3 1 15(4)


$155,964 $43,260 $2,102 $49,057 $13,749 $12,237 $22,149 $1,114 $299,632

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at WO ($67,453, 8.32f, AW in 1:42.17, by 8, dftg. Red Leader, Stylish Citizen, Sky Taps, Bear Encounter, Sky Warrior, Stay Cool). 3rd Boyd Gaming’s Delta Jackpot S (G3, 8.5f, to Big Drama, West Side Bernie, dftg. Retap, Terrain, Kick On, Skipadate, Valid Message, Trinity Magic, Three Part Harmony). Grey S (G3A, 8.5f, to Mine That Bird, Bear’s Conductor, dftg. Red Leader, Dance Into Heaven, Southern Exchange). Won At 3 An allowance race at WO ($72,989, 8.5f, AW in 1:45.24, dftg. Bag of Hammers, Come On Love, Pure Attitude, See U At the Top, Celerity’s Summit). Won At 5 A race at Crc ($11,800, 8f in 1:42.28, dftg. Sole Runner, Frex, Elissa’sroyalimage, Malibu Mike, Kitten’s Caregiver, Morgans Boy, Hold My Calls, Clouds of Falcon, Wonder Way). 2nd Darn That Alarm H (8.5f, to Flatter This, dftg. Hear Ye Hear Ye, Star of Sarava, Motovato). 3rd Fred W. Hooper H (G3, 9f, to Jimanator, Mambo Meister, dftg. Sky Venture, Generalissimo, Tellum Berto, Shellback, Flatter This). Spend a Buck H (G3, 8.5f, to Mad Flatter, Mambo Meister, dftg. Sky Venture, Dinner in Odem, Flatter This, Rock Alex). Won At 6 A race at Mnr ($10,300, 8f in 1:38.87, dftg. Marble Cliff, Scottkeith’skitten, Duke of Aspen, Platinum Ace). Won At 7 A race at Beu ($4,000, 8f in 1:42.55, dftg. Luckie Chuckie, Vinqtieme, Silver Spur, Yankee Career, Marvin D). A race at Beu ($3,800, 8f in 1:41.48, by 21, dftg. Silver Spur, Bravo Whiskey, Wewewealldawayhome, Soul Provider). A race at Beu ($3,300, 8.5f in 1:50.21, by 41, dftg. King Red, Goldfinder, Dance World, Silver Spur, Deal of a Lifetime, Caracas, El Pollo Volando, Kirghiz, Go Bray Boo, Ice Breaker). A race at Beu ($3,000, 8f in 1:41.19, dftg. Smart Attire, Bravo Whiskey, Devils Lust, Suddenly Perfect, Silver Spur, Metro Man, Stand, Magic Rock). Won At 8 A race at Mnr ($12,500, 8f in 1:40.58, by 61, dftg. Howell Park, D’ario, Pastor Puckett, One Wish, Carson Kid). A race at TP ($6,500, 8f, AW in 1:42.33, dftg. Big Wednesday, Ghost Time, Juicy Point, Overthehump, Miracle Creek, Minguns Prospect, Forty Tears). A race at TP ($6,500, 8.5f, AW in 1:48.55, by 4, dftg. Mr. Latonia, Bridge Loan, D’ Dominator, No Influence, I Smell Smoke, Wicked Pickett).

SIRE LINE Stimulus Plan is by JUMP START, black-type stakes winner of 2 races, $221,265, Saratoga Special S (G2), 2nd Champagne S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 1,272 foals, 808 rnrs (64%), 548 wnrs (43%), 124 2yo wnrs (10%), 48 BTW (4%), 1.47 AEI, 1.33 CI, 328 sale yrlgs, avg $29,844, 0.67 TNA. In 2016: 58 2yos, 20 2yo rnrs, 5 2yo wnrs, 6 BTW, 5 sale yrlgs, avg $28,600.

STUD ANALYSIS Stimulus Plan entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Jump Start, dkb/br, 1999 5s, BTW, $221,265 1,272 f, 48 BTW, 1.47 AEI 6.82 AWD

Dosage (7-7-14-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.75 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 A.P. Indy, 1989 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Steady Cat, 1993 19s, wnr, $224,427 8 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Judge Smells, 1983 3s, BTW, $75,750 555 f, 11 BTW, 1.04 AEI Dutchess Alexandra, dkb/br, 1993 11s, wnr, $12,407 13 f, 11 r, 10 w 7.95 AWD Courting Days, 1970 7s, wnr, $2,686 13 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian My Charmer, by Poker Secretariat, by Bold Ruler Lassie Dear, by Buckpasser

Storm Cat, 1983 Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Terlingua, by Secretariat Hopespringsforever, 1984 5s, pl, $1,182 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

In Reality, 1964 27s, BTW, $795,824 555 f, 83 BTW, 3.16 AEI

Intentionally, by Intent

Timeforaturn, 1975 42s, BTW, $60,737 12 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Best Turn, by Turn-to

Bold Lad, 1962 19s, BTW, $516,465 405 f, 27 BTW, 1.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Admiring, 1962 43s, BTW, $184,581 16 f, 12 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Hopespringseternal, by Buckpasser

My Dear Girl, by Rough'n Tumble

Pidi, by Determine

Misty Morn, by Princequillo

Searching, by War Admiral

Inbreeding: 5SX4D Bold Ruler.

JUMP START has sired IDOLO PORTENO (Horse of the Year, champion older male, and stayer in Arg, Carlos Pellegrini, G1 in Arg, Dardo Rocha, G1 in Arg, 2nd Pimlico Special H, G3, etc., to 6, 2016), RAIL TRIP (TVG/BETFAIR Hollywood Gold Cup H, G1A, San Diego H, G2A, Californian S, G2A, Mervyn LeRoy H, G2A, Santana Mile H, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile, G1, etc.), LIVINGSTONE (Estrellas Mile, G1 in Arg, etc., to 6, 2016), DONA JOYA (Seleccion, G1 in Arg, etc., to 4, 2016), SERESTA (Estrellas Juvenile Fillies, G1 in Arg, etc.), PRAYER FOR RELIEF (West Virginia Derby, G2, Super Derby, G2, etc., to 8, 2016), PANTS ON FIRE (Louisiana Derby, G2, Monmouth Cup S, G2, etc.), MISS BEHAVIOUR (Matron S, G2, Charles Town Oaks, G3, Miss Preakness S, Sorority S, 2nd Test S, G1, etc.), SIR WHIMSEY (Gulfstream Park H, G2, etc.), JUMP ON IN (Santa Ynez S, G2, etc.), BOLD START (Aristides S, G3, etc.), SAN PABLO (Philip H. Iselin S, G3, etc.), ASSESSMENT (Longacres Mile H, G3, etc.), OUTTA TUNE (Count Fleet H, G3), ICEBOX (Asociacion Bonaerense de Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera, G3 in Arg, etc., to 4, 2016), LONG JUMP (Jose Saavedra Baeza, G3 in Chile, to 3, 2016), WILLET (Interborough S, etc., to 8, 2016), DISCO CHICK (My Juliet S, etc., to 5, 2016), GOLDDIGGER’S BOY (Donald LeVine Memorial H, etc.), ICABAD CRANE (Federico Tesio S, etc.), COPPER STATE (Pat Whitworth Illinois Debutante S, Central Iowa S, 2nd Ruffian H, G1, Go for Wand H, G1, etc.), BOUND (Northern Fling S, etc., to 5, 2016), JUST CALL KENNY (Spectacular Bid S, 2nd Long Branch S, 3rd Indiana Derby, G2, Discovery H, G3, to 5, 2016), etc. JUMP START’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are ICEBOX (G3 in Arg), LONG JUMP (G3 in Chile), DISCO CHICK, CUT START (in Arg), DANCERA (in Pan), BOUND. JUMP START’S other sons as stallions include CABLE BOY (18 foals, 1 BTW, 1.24 AEI), SIR WHIMSEY (10 foals, 1 BTW, 1.16 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam DUTCHESS ALEXANDRA. Winner at 3. Dam of 13 foals, including— Stimulus Plan (Subject stallion). Sebastian’s Heart (by Broken Vow). Winner at 2, $47,500, 2nd Speakeasy S. CAPE SEQUENCE (Cape Canaveral). 13 wins, 3 to 5, $89,803. TROUBLE FOR TIGER (Hold That Tiger). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $52,322. 2nd dam COURTING DAYS. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of 13 foals, including— MAGESTERIAL. 4 wins, 2 to 4, in Ire and Eng, $74,319, Blandford S (G2 in Ire), etc. Sire, 1.56 AEI.



3rd dam ADMIRING. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $184,581, ArlingtonWashington Lassie S, 2nd Prioress S, Marguerite S, Matron S, etc. Dam of 16 foals, including— GLOWING TRIBUTE. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $230,819, Sheepshead Bay H (G2T) twice, Diana H (G2T). Broodmare of the Year, 1993. Dam of SEA HERO ($2,929,869, Kentucky Derby, G1, Travers S, G1, Champagne S, G1, 2nd Bowling Green H, G2T, 3rd Molson Export Million S, G2, Brooklyn H, G2, sire), HERO’S HONOR ($499,025, Bowling Green H, G1T, United Nations H, G1T, Red Smith H, G2, Fort Marcy H, G3T, 3rd Rutgers H, G2T, sire), GLOWING HONOR ($296,450, Diana H, G2T twice, Leixable S, G3T, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup, G2T), WILD APPLAUSE ($240,136, Diana H, G2T, Comely S, G3, 2nd Test S, G2, 3rd Mother Goose S, G1), CORONATION CUP ($172,181, Nijana S, G3T, 2nd Just a Game S, 3rd Diana H, G2T), MACKIE ($164,579, Busher S, G3, 2nd Fair Grounds Oaks, G3, 3rd Ashland S, G1), SEATTLE GLOW, Crowning Tribute (sire). Granddam of MOZART ($819,900, champion sprinter in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Darley July Cup, G1 in Eng, Victor Chandler Nunthorpe S, G1 in Eng, Jersey S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, 3rd Desert King E.B.F. The Tetrarch S, G3 in Ire, etc., sire), SEEKING THE BEST ($1,803,353, Tokyo Chunichi Sports Hai Musashino S, G3 in Japan, Galaxy S, 2nd Negishi S, G3 in Japan, Procyon S, etc., sire), YELL ($598,903, Davona Dale S, G2, Raven Run S, G3, 2nd Mother Goose S, G1, Louisville Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H, G2, 3rd Kentucky Oaks, G1, Vinery Madison S), ROAR ($487,507, Jim Beam S, G2, Swale S, G3, 3rd Lexington S, G2, Withers S, G2, sire), BLARE OF TRUMPETS ($286,213, Toboggan H, G3, 2nd Coaltown Breeders’ Cup H, G3, sire), MR. MELLON ($278,580, Arlington Classic S, G2T, Rushaway S, 2nd Jefferson Cup S, G3T, sire), ENGLAND EXPECTS ($263,058, Tremont Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Legal Light S, 3rd Hopeful S, G1), EASTERN ECHO ($93,960, Futurity S, G1, sire). Senator Brady. 12 wins, 2 to 9, $252,445, 2nd a black-type qualifying race. Rambling Rector. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $143,620, 2nd a black-type qualifying race. Sire. James Boswell. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $131,220, 2nd Laurel Turf Cup H, 3rd Seneca H (G3T). FOND RECOLLECTIONS. Placed at 3 and 4. Producer. Dam of Coreless Field ($535,981, in Japan). Granddam of NORTH CARROLL ($151,966). WEALTH OF NATIONS. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Ready Cash ($140,582). Granddam of LITE LIGHT ($1,231,596, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, etc.).

STIMULUS PLAN Jump Start – Dutchess Alexandra, by Judge Smells

Multiple Graded Stakes Placed Winner of nearly $300,000 Stimulating horsepower on both sides of his pedigree! His sire, JUMP START, has avg. earnings/starter of $78,128 and progeny earnings in excess of $4 million for six of the past seven years. JUMP START is from the excellent A.P. INDY - STORM CAT cross. STIMULUS PLAN’s dam, DUCHESS ALEXANDRA, is from the bloodlines of the great LA TROIENNE through the Racing Hall of Fame inductee SEARCHING and ADMIRING, dam of the 1993 Broodmare of the Year GLOWING TRIBUTE, the matriarch of the family that produced such horses as STREET HERO, CONGRATS and FLATTER. At 2: Won Woodbine MSW (1 m. 70 yds.; AWT), 3rd Grey S. (G3) at Woodbine (1 1/16 m.; AWT), Delta Jackpot S. (G3) at Delta Downs (1 1/16 m.). At 3: Won a Woodbine allowance (1 1/16 m.; AWT). At 5: All at Calder: Won a race at (1 m.), 2nd Darn That Alarm H. (G2) (1 1/16 m.), 3rd Fred W. Hooper H. (G3) (1 1/8 m.), Spend a Buck Handicap (G3) (1 1/16 m.). At 6: Won a race at Mountaineer Casino Racetrack & Resort (1 m.). At 7: All at Beulah Park: Won three races (1 m.), and another (1 1/16 m.). At 8: Won a race at Mountaineer Casino Racetrack & Resort (1 m.), a race at Turfway Park (1 1/16 m.; AWT), a race at Turfway Park (1 m.; AWT). First Foals Arrive in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: PRIVATE TREATY-LFG Property of Richard & Hilary Trower



Inquiries to Richard & Hilary Trower, 10715 Riggins Road, Phelan, California 92371, P.O. Box 293115, Phelan, CA 92329-3115 Phone: (760) 868-9911 E-mail: Website:




Entered Stud in 2015

Dosage (7-3-8-0-0); DI: 3.50; CD: 0.94 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2008


2 3 4 5 6 Totals





1 5 3 1 4 14

0 0 2 0 0 2

0 1 1 0 0 2

0 0 0 0 2 2


$2,250 $11,209 $80,000 $506 $14,900 $108,865

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Won At 4 A race at SA ($75,750, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.12, dftg. Kumiva, Maui Mark, Aliza’s Dream, Warren’s Dr. Yang, Clinton). A maiden special weight race at SA ($73,500, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:13.05, dftg. Blu Jon, Rock Off, Cook Inlet, Prime Number, Unex Dali, Ocean Appeal).


Stormberg is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 3, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 In Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), B L A C K MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Italy, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in Italy), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur, Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc.), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger, Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, G2 in Ger, etc.), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can), SILKEN CAT (champion 2yo filly in Can), TABASCO CAT (Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, G1, Beldame S, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, NetJets Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, etc.), CAT THIEF (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Swaps S, G1, etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, etc.), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (2,259 foals, 168 BTW, 1.80 AEI), Easing Along (800 foals, 42 BTW, 1.63 AEI), Freud (1,060 foals, 50 BTW, 1.59 AEI), HENNESSY (1,347 foals, 72 BTW, 1.55 AEI), BERNSTEIN (1,341 foals, 85 BTW, 1.55 AEI), PURE PRIZE (1,695 foals, 69 BTW, 1.51 AEI), STORMY ATLANTIC (1,455 foals, 99 BTW, 1.48 AEI), TRUE CAUSE (210 foals, 4 BTW, 1.45 AEI), FORESTRY (1,173 foals, 59 BTW, 1.41 AEI), City Place (256 foals, 11 BTW, 1.41 AEI), TALE OF THE CAT (2,280 foals, 103 BTW, 1.40 AEI), FOREST WILDCAT (883 foals, 67 BTW, 1.39 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam SERENA’S SONG. 18 wins, 2 to 4, $3,283,388, champion 3yo filly, Mother Goose S (G1), Haskell Invitational H (G1), Beldame S (G1), Hollywood

STUD ANALYSIS Stormberg entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI Serena's Song, b, 1992 38s, BTW, $3,283,388 13 f, 13 r, 10 w, 6 BTW 7.64 AWD Imagining, 1983 26s, wnr, $55,250 9 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Glorious Song, 1976 34s, BTW, $1,004,534 13 f, 11 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Halo, by Hail to Reason

Northfelds, 1968 30s, BTW, $195,071 677 f, 55 BTW, 2.08 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Image Intensifer, 1971 13s, wnr, $921 10 f, 9 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Dancer's Image, by Native Dancer

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Ballade, by Herbager

Little Hut, by Occupy

Pat's Irish, by Tudor Minstrel

Inbreeding: 3SX4D Northern Dancer; 5sX5D Native Dancer; 5SX5D Nasrullah.

Starlet S (G1), Santa Anita Oaks (G1), Hempstead H (G1), Oak Leaf S (G1), Santa Monica H (G1), Santa Maria H (G1), Las Virgenes S (G1), Gazelle H (G1), Jim Beam S (G2), Black-Eyed Susan S (G2), Landaluce S (G2), Pimlico Distaff H (G3), Fleur de Lis H (G3), Santa Ynez Breeders’ Cup S (G3), 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks (G1), Breeders’ Cup Distaff (G1), Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies (G1), Beldame S (G1), Whitney H (G1), Ruffian H (G1), Vanity Invitational H (G1), Churchill Downs Distaff H (G2), Louisville Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Turfway Park Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S (G2), Hollywood Juvenile Championship S (G2), 3rd Apple Blossom H (G1), Philip H. Iselin H (G1), Sorrento S (G2). Dam of 13 foals, including— GRAND REWARD (by Storm Cat). 4 wins, 2 to 4, in NA, Eng, and Ire, $545,844, Oaklawn H (G2), 2nd Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef S (G2 in Eng), Rock of Gibraltar E.B.F. The Tetrarch S (G3 in Ire), Leinster Leader Waterford Testimonial S, 3rd Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S (G2 in Eng), Ballygallon Stud Renaissance S (G3 in Ire), Emerald Bloodstock Belgrave S. Sire, 1.34 AEI. SOPHISTICAT (Storm Cat). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, Fr, and Ire, $443,393, Coronation S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Grotte (G3 in Fr), 2nd Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S (G1 in Eng), Peugeot Lowther S (G2 in Eng), Queen Mary S (G3 in Eng), Eircell Silver Flash S, 3rd Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas (G1 in Fr), Moyglare Stud S (G1 in Ire). Dam of SEFROUA ($141,957, Prix de Lieurey-Shadwell, 2nd Prix Amandine, Prix des Lilas, 3rd Noble Damsel H, G3T), Pursuit of Glory ($59,764, 3rd Cheveley Park S, G1 in Eng). Granddam of SIVOLIERE ($137,429, Criterium du Bequet-Ventes Osarus, 3rd Longines Prix du Calvados, G3 in Fr). SCHRAMSBERG (Storm Cat). 6 wins at 4 and 5, $394,626, John B. Connally Turf Cup H (G3T), Remington Green S, Omaha S, 2nd Zia Park Distance Championship H, Sunland Park H, 3rd Edward J. DeBartolo Memorial H. Sire. HARLINGTON (Unbridled). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $370,000, Gulfstream Park H (G2). Sire, 1.66 AEI. SERENA’S TUNE (Mr. Prospector). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $337,260, Victoria Lass H, La Habra S, Phoenix S. Dam of VOCALISED ($188,432, Dylan Thomas E.B.F. The Tetrarch S, G3 in Ire, Bathwick Tyres Greenham S, G3 in Eng, Newbridge Credit Union Loughbrown S, in Eng and Ire, sire), SERENA’S CAT ($131,391, Klassy Briefcase S, 2nd Hush Dear S). Granddam of HONOR CODE ($2,518,260, champion older male, Metropolitan H, G1, Whitney S, G1, Remsen S, G2, Gulfstream Park H, G2, 2nd Foxwoods Champagne S, G1, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Kelso H, G2), NOBLE



TUNE ($492,222, American Turf S, G2T, Pilgrim S, G3T, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf, G1T). SERENE MELODY (Street Cry). 4 wins, 4 to 6, 2016, $159,480, Wintergreen S, 3rd H.B.P.A. Stakes. Arbitrate (Deputy Minister). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $195,390, 2nd Dr. Fager S. Sire, 1.21 AEI. SPARK CANDLE (A.P. Indy). 9 wins, 2 to 7, in Japan, $262,303. COLOURFUL SCORE (Storm Cat). Winner at 6 in UAE. NIGHT AND DAY (Unbridled’s Song). Dam of MADE YOU LOOK ($180,000, With Anticipation S, G2T, at 2, 2016). STORMBERG (Subject stallion). 2nd dam IMAGINING. 2 wins at 4, $55,250. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— VIVID IMAGINATION. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $194,237, Golden Rod S (G3), Martha Washington S, 3rd Cottonwood S, Pocahontas S, Magnolia S. Producer. Granddam of FUMINO IMAGINE ($3,562,685, Sapporo Kinen, G2 in Japan, Aichi Hai, G3 in Japan, Mermaid S, G3 in Japan, Fukushima Himba S, G3 in Japan, 2nd Laurel Racecourse Sho Nakayama Himba S, G3 in Japan, 3rd Fuchu Himba S, G2 in Japan, Sankei Sports Hai Hanshin Himba S, G2 in Japan), WANDER MOM ($399,656, My Charmer H, G3T, Endeavour S, Coconut Grove S, 2nd Lake Placid H, G2T, Calder Breeders’ Cup H, Office Queen S, Powder Break S, 3rd Garden City Breeders’ Cup H, G1T, De La Rose H, G3T, My Charmer H, G3T, Patricia S, Majestic Flag S). RIVER SAINT. Placed at 3. Dam of PRODUCER ($696,764, International Topkapi Trophy, G2 in Tur, Bet365 Criterion S, G3 in Eng, Greene King Supreme S, G3 in Eng, E.B.F. King Richard III S, Investec Surrey S, 2nd Totepool Sovereign S, G3 in Eng, Nigel & Carolyn Elwes Fortune S, Dubai Duty Free Cup, 3rd Blue Square Feilden S, to 7, 2016). SERENA’S SISTER. Dam of DOUBLES PARTNER ($684,950, American Turf S, G2T, Canadian Turf S, G3T, Tampa Bay S, G3T, 2nd Tampa Bay S, G3T, Sunshine Millions Turf S, 3rd Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S, G1T, Maker’s 46 Mile S, G1T, Citation H, G2T), STORMY VENUS ($56,207, Northbound Pride S). Granddam of PUISSANCE DE LUNE ($877,536, Back to Caulfield P. B. Lawrence J. J. Liston S, G2 in Aust, Blamey S, G2 in Aust, VRC Queen Elizabeth S, G3 in Aust, Jayco Bendigo Cup, 2nd Turnbull S, G1 in Aust, Makybe Diva S, G1 in Aust, 3rd Turnbull S, G1 in Aust, New Zealand Bloodstock Memsie S, G1 in Aust, Makybe Diva S, G1 in Aust), DON AMERICO (Clasico Independencia, G2 in Peru, 2nd Clasico Comercio, G3 in Peru).

STORMBERG Storm Cat – Serena’s Song, by Rahy

By Graded Stakes Winning Sire of Sires STORM CAT Out of Eclipse Champion Filly SERENA’S SONG By 2-time leading sire and sire of sires, STORM CAT, sire of 110 GSWs, 8 champions, including GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Grade 1, $3,078,989), STORM FLAG FLYING (Grade 1, $1,951,828), SWEET CATOMINE (Grade 1), etc. Out of Champion 3-Year-Old Filly SERENA’S SONG (10 winners from 12 to race, 13 total foals), dam of Grade 1 winner SOPHISTICAT, Grade 2 winners HARLINGTON and GRAND REWARD, Grade 3 winner SCHRAMSBERG, etc. STORMBERG brought $450,000 as a yearling at KeeSep 2009. Career earnings of $108,865 and 14 starts with 2 wins, 2 seconds and 2 thirds. Entered stud in 2015. First Foals Are Yearlings in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LF Property of McKenzie Bloodstock


Inquiries to David Showalter & Sommer Smith, 37215 De Portola Road, Temecula, California 92592 Phone: (951) 906-5714, Fax: (951)302-3145, E-mail:, Website:



STALLIONS ARE WAITING FORÂ YOUR MARE! It's As Easy As 1, 2, Free... Visit Establish Your Budget, Location Preferences & General Stallion Criteria Submit Your Mare to 150+ Stallions and Multiple Farms Communicate with Seasons Managers & Receive Multiple Breeding Offers Source the Best Stallion, at The Best Terms, for Your Mare's Upcoming Season Utilize for Free

Stormy Jack

dkb/br, 1997



2 3 4 5 Totals




2(1) 2(2) 3(1) 1 8(4)

2(2) 1(1) 2(2) 0 5(5)

1(1) 1 1 0 3(1)

5 4 8 4 21


$157,400 $143,210 $221,494 $74,569 $596,673

Won At 2 I’m Smokin S ($106,000, 5.5f in 1:03.93, by 31, dftg. Ditka, Suspicious Minds, Fool ’Em David, etc.). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($48,000, 6f). 2nd California Breeders’ Champion S (7f, to Gibson County, dftg. Echo Eddie, Ceeband, Nurdlinger, Grey Memo, Naughty Nacho, Badgets Ruler, etc.). California Sires S (7f, to Hugh Hefner, dftg. Royal Irish, Fool ’Em David, Gleeful Jig). 3rd California Cup Juvenile S (8.5f, to Spacelink, Nurdlinger, dftg. Kleofus, It’s All Instinct, Cee the Field, Desert Surge, Naughty Nacho, etc.). Won At 3 Real Good Deal S ($106,200, 7f in 1:21.67, dftg. Gibson County, Echo Eddie, Royal Irish, Know Sumthin). Oceanside S ($86,400, 8f, turf in 1:36.67, dftg. Buster B Bimbo, Jekyll and Hyde, Whyome, Tender Offer, Loyal Tartare, Heritage Hall, With Iris, etc.). 2nd California Sire S (8.5f, turf, to On Time Airline, dftg. Cozy Man, My Name Is Francis, Kid Rock’s, etc.). Won At 4 On Trust H ($102,550, 7.5f in 1:28.65, dftg. Waingarth, Ceeband, Grey Memo, Flying Rudolph, Golden General, Takin It Deep). An allowance race at Dmr ($84,500, 7f in 1:22.50). An allowance race at Hol ($68,900, 7.5f in 1:29.03). 2nd Los Angeles H (G3, 6f, to Caller One, dftg. Rapidough, Gibson County, Freespool, Mateka). California Cup Sprint H (6f, to Ceeband, dftg. Gibson County, Men’s Exclusive, Trailthefox, Always Game).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (10 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2005 35 21 (60%) 2006 11 9 (82%) 2007 15 11 (73%) 2008 20 11 (55%) 2009 57 39 (68%) 2010 19 15 (79%) 2011 20 13 (65%) 2012 13 8 (62%) 2013 3 0 (0%) 2014 16 0 (0%) *Totals 209 127 (61%)

Winners 13 (37%) 7 (64%) 6 (40%) 4 (20%) 29 (51%) 8 (42%) 8 (40%) 3 (23%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 78 (37%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 1

BT Winners 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2007 7 1 0 2008 14 2 1 2009 19 0 0 2010 18 1 1 2011 15 0 0 2012 30 0 0 2013 39 0 0 2014 31 0 0 2015 22 0 0 2016 12 0 0 *Totals 207 4 2 0.56 AEI; 0.73 CI; 5.95 AWD In 2016: 23 rnrs, 10 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 8 wins, $164,604 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $25,530 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $193,270 $615,656 $203,403 $338,170 $241,866 $363,227 $413,720 $373,362 $279,815 $215,935 $3,238,424

Nominated to:

B www.


Dosage (4-3-1-0-0); DI: 15.00; CD: 1.38 See gray pages—Matchem

height 16.3

Skywalker, 1982 20s, BTW, $2,226,750 533 f, 43 BTW, 1.62 AEI Bertrando, dkb/br, 1989 24s, BTW, $3,185,610 1,072 f, 53 BTW, 1.32 AEI 6.71 AWD Gentle Hands, 1979 12s, wnr, $40,275 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Steelinctive, 1978 40s, wnr, $240,247 45 f, 1 BTW, 0.74 AEI Tiny Kristin, b, 1988 16s, wnr, $89,110 12 f, 11 r, 11 w, 1 BTW 6.40 AWD Pirate's Serenade, 1982 21s, wnr, $50,630 11 f, 9 r, 6 w

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Bold Captive, 1971 29s, BTW, $82,640 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 5 BTW

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

Buffalo Lark, 1970 44s, BTW, $499,715 204 f, 4 BTW, 1.24 AEI

T. V. Lark, by Indian Hemp

Three Red Bells, 1969 16s, wnr, $9,727 9 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Third Martini, by Hasty Road

Steel Heart, 1972 12s, BTW, $153,276 520 f, 14 BTW, 1.14 AEI

Habitat, by Sir Gaylord

Distinctiveness, 1972 5s, pl, $900 13 f, 12 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Distinctive, by Never Bend

Pirate's Bounty, 1975 15s, BTW, $95,984 864 f, 57 BTW, 1.40 AEI

Hoist the Flag, by Tom Rolfe

Lyrical Approach, 1977 6s, unpl, $250 2 f, 2 r, 2 w

Gummo, by Fleet Nasrullah

Won At 5 A race at Dmr ($91,000, 6f in 1:09.48, dftg. Radiata, Capo Di Capo, Impressive Grades, Waingarth, etc.).

SIRE LINE STORMY JACK is by BERTRANDO, black-type stakes winner of 9 races, $3,185,610, champion older male, Pacific Classic S (G1), Woodward S (G1), etc. and sire of OFFICER (Champagne S, G1, Del Mar Futurity, G2, Best Pal S, G3, Graduation S, etc.), KARELIAN (Maker’s Mark Mile S, G1T, River City H, G3T, Tampa Bay S, Sea O Erin H, 2nd Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T, Shoemaker Mile S, G1T, etc.), TAMARANDO (Del Mar Futurity, G1A, El Camino Real Derby, G3A, Real Quiet S, 2nd California Cup Derby, California Flag H, 3rd CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc., to 5, 2016), UNFURL THE FLAG (Triple Bend Invitational H, G1, Tiznow S, 2nd Potrero Grande Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), BILO (Triple Bend Invitational H, G1A, California Cup Sprint H, 3rd Tiznow S), SMOOTH PLAYER (Lady’s Secret Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Las Palmas H, G2T, Hollywood Oaks, G2, Osunitas H, California Sires S, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, etc.), LIBERIAN FREIGHTER (Arcadia S, G2T, Oak Tree Mile S, G2T, Inglewood H, G3T, Tiznow S, etc.), QUEENIE BELLE (Lady’s Secret Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Princess S, G2, CTT/TOC California Cup Matron H, 2nd Bayakoa H, G2, Hollywood Oaks, G2, etc.), SIERRA SUNSET (Rebel S, G2, California Cup Juvenile S, etc.), SCHOLARS STUDIO (La Canada S, G2), CLIQUOT (El Camino Real Derby, G3, Snow Chief S, On Trust H, 2nd Triple Bend Breeders’ Cup Invitational H, G2, Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Pat O’Brien H, G2, etc.), SUMMER HIT (All American S, G3A twice, Berkeley H, G3A, Silky Sullivan S, Harry F. Brubaker S, 2nd San Francisco Mile S, G3T three times, etc.), STRYKER PHD (Longacres Mile H, G3 twice, Budweiser H twice, Mt. Rainier H twice, etc., to 7, 2016), HERE’S TO YOU (Miesque S, G3T, Fran’s Valentine S, Pro Or Con H, 2nd Buena Vista H, G2T, etc.), FINAL FLING (Santa Ysabel S, G3A, 2nd Melair S, 3rd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A), JOHN SCOTT (Harry F. Brubaker S, I’m Smokin S, Crystal Water S, 2nd San Diego H, G2A, 3rd San Pasqual S, G2, etc.), SHAGGY MANE (William P. Kyne Breeders’ Cup Express H, Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Sprint S, 2nd Princess Rooney H, G1, 3rd Shirley Jones H, G2), PIRATES DEPUTY (Gottstein Futurity, California Breeders’ Champion S, 2nd Boyd Gaming’s Delta

Captive Audience, by Native Dancer

Chance Gauge, by Degage

Red Belle, by Beau Gar

A. 1, by Abernant

New Love, by Pardal

Bad Seed, by Stevward

Kayshield, by Nearctic

Jackpot S, G3, etc.), STOCKHOLDER (Omaha S, Marshland S, 2nd Texas Mile S, G3, 3rd Hal’s Hope H, G3, etc.), GENTLE CHARMER (California Cup Distaff H, 2nd Work the Crowd H, etc.), etc. BERTRANDO’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BERT’S MELODY, STRYKER PHD. BERTRANDO’S other sons as stallions include OFFICER (649 foals, 34 BTW, 1.34 AEI), etc. STORMY JACK Has Sired: BOB BLACK JACK, 05, c (A++, dam by Native Prospector, 2nd dam by Dance Spell): $704,925, Malibu S (G1A), San Carlos H (G2A), Sunshine Millions Dash S, California Breeders’ Champion S, 2nd Santa Anita Derby (G1A), Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S, 3rd San Felipe S (G2A). Stormy Jack also has sired the winners Daylight Storm ($213,130, 2nd I’m Smokin S, 3rd Graduation S), Quinnette ($202,908, to 7, 2016), Storm Comin Thru ($191,106, to 5, 2016), Centenario de Oro ($78,569, to 9, 2016), Jack O Lyn ($69,190), Gray Madam ($68,203, to 6, 2016), Stormy Racer ($65,664), Gathan’s Girl ($65,517, to 5, 2016), Attack the Jack ($59,957), Xcuse Me Monto ($56,161, to 7, 2016), Starry Storm ($54,125), Storm in Blairsden ($49,772), Ellensong ($47,781), Hyper Speed Howard ($47,652), Senjen ($47,215), Stormy Taters ($43,370), Dr. Pooh ($41,205), Shoeless Jackson ($39,658, to 6, 2016), Jack Jack Jack ($38,474, to 6, 2016), Teancum ($37,914), Samantha Mi Reyna ($32,967, to 5, 2016), Robindip ($32,084), La Colombina ($30,906), Sword Beach ($30,015), Truco, Smokin Padre (to 7, 2016), Hello Stormy, Brynel (to 6, 2016), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 5—$2,020 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$2,500 1—$11,000 33—$5,991

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 23—$2,387

FAMILY 1st dam TINY KRISTIN. 3 wins at 3, $89,110. Dam of 12 foals, including— STORMY JACK (Subject stallion).

2017 FEE: $1,500 LivE FoaL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owned by: Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion

BrazEau ThoroughBrEd Farms, LP Hemet, CA

Inquiries to Nadine Anderson, Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 State St., Hemet, CA 92543. Phone (951) 201-2278. Fax (951) 925-6792. E-mail: Web Site:



Street Life

dkb/br, 2009



2 3 Totals

0 8 8




0 3(2) 3(2)

0 0 0

0 1(1) 1(1)


— $237,735 $237,735

Won At 3 Broad Brush S ($75,000, 8.5f in 1:46.87, dftg. Copy My Swagger, Hard Facts, Romp City, Swag Daddy, Festive Spirit). Curlin S ($100,000, 9f in 1:50.68, dftg. Five Sixteen, Ever So Lucky, Easter Gift, Reload, Love to Run). A maiden special weight race at Aqu ($65,000, 8.32f in 1:45.20, by 21, dftg. Quorum, Five Sixteen, Espiritu Libre, Big Creek, Sporting Gent, Unyielding, Tripendicular). 3rd Peter Pan S (G2, 9f, to Mark Valeski, Right to Vote, dftg. Good Morning Diva, Big Screen, The Lumber Guy, Hakama, Summer Front, Master Rick, Le Bernardin).

Street Cry, 1998 12s, BTW, $5,150,837 1,739 f, 108 BTW, 2.17 AEI Street Sense, dkb/br, 2004 13s, BTW, $4,383,200 765 f, 46 BTW, 1.59 AEI 7.10 AWD Bedazzle, 1997 22s, wnr, $197,455 10 f, 6 r, 2 w, 2 BTW

Grindstone, 1993 6s, BTW, $1,224,510 621 f, 18 BTW, 1.02 AEI Stone Hope, dkb/br, 2002 11s, wnr, $29,220 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 6.93 AWD Fairest, 1997 Unraced 7 f, 5 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

SIRE LINE STREET LIFE is by STREET SENSE, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $4,383,200, champion 2yo colt, Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (G1), Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Travers S (G1), Jim Dandy S (G2), Tampa Bay Derby (G3), 2nd Preakness S (G1), Toyota Blue Grass S (G1A), Kentucky Cup Classic S (G2A), 3rd Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G1A), Arlington-Washington Breeders’ Cup Futurity (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 6 crops, 765 foals, 631 rnrs (82%), 419 wnrs (55%), 69 2yo wnrs (9%), 46 BTW (6%), 1.59 AEI, 1.91 CI, 403 sale yrlgs, avg $102,355, 2.28 TNA. In 2016: 37 2yos, 31 2yo rnrs, 8 2yo wnrs, 6 BTW, 47 sale yrlgs, avg $81,074. STREET SENSE has sired SWEET REASON (TVG Acorn S, G1, Test S, G1, Spinaway S, G1, 2nd Cotillion S, G1, Frizette S, G1, 3rd Gazelle S, G2), WEDDING TOAST (Ogden Phipps S, G1, Beldame S, G1, Ruffian S, G2, Comely S, G3, Belle Cherie S, 2nd Cat Cay S, etc.), HALLOWED CROWN (De Bortoli Wines Golden Rose, G1 in Aust, Girvan Waugh Randwick Guineas, G1 in Aust, Blackwoods CRC Hobartville S, G2 in Aust, Widden Kindergarten, G3 in Aust, MTA NSW Run To The Rose, G3 in Aust, 3rd Sky Racing Rosehill Guineas, G1 in Aust), POLITENESS (Myer Classic, G1 in Aust, The Other Woman P.J. Bell S, G3 in Aust, Le Pine Funerals Summoned S, G3 in Aust, Cape Grim Beef Steaks, G3 in Aust, William Hill Sprint Series Heat 2 S, G3 in Aust, TROA Bel Esprit S, etc., to 6, 2016), AUBBY K (Humana Distaff S, G1, Inside Information S, G2, 3rd TVG Acorn S, G1, Chicago H, G3A), CALLBACK (Las Virgenes S, G1, 2nd Santa Ynez S, G2, Eight Belles S, G3), STREET FANCY (Starlet S, G1, 3rd Desi Arnaz S, to 3, 2016), UNLIMITED BUDGET (Fair Grounds Oaks, G2, Demoiselle S, G2, Rachel Alexandra S, G3, 2nd Rampart S, G3, 3rd Longines Kentucky Oaks, G1), TOWER OF TEXAS (King Edward S, G2T, 2nd Ricoh Woodbine Mile S, G1T, Play the King S, G2T twice, 3rd King Edward S, G2T, Plate Trial S, to 5, 2016), LA PASSE (Schweppes Tristarc S, G2 in Aust, Blazer S, G2 in Aust, to 6, 2016), FLEET STREET (Elm S, G3 in Japan), OCHO OCHO OCHO (Delta Downs Jackpot S, G3, Juvenile Turf Sprint S, 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, to 4, 2016), CASTAWAY (Southwest S, G3, to 7, 2016), CIGAR STREET (Skip Away S, G3, Homecoming Classic S), DIXIE BLOSSOMS (TAB Angst S, G3 in Aust, 2nd Ronald McDonald House Westmead Golden Pendant, G2 in Aust, Arrowfield Kembla Grange Classic, G3 in Aust, Forum Group Toy Show Quality, G3 in Aust, to 4, 2016), ICE CREAM SILENCE (Hilliard Lyons Doubledogdare S, G3A, Optimistic Gal S, 2nd Iowa Oaks, G3), STREET BABE (Mineshaft H, G3), MOTOR CITY (Iroquois S, G3, 3rd ArlingtonWashington Futurity, G3A, to 7, 2016), HARD STRIDE (Winslow Group Regal Roller S, 2nd A.R. Creswick Series Final, 3rd W.W. Cockram S, G3 in Aust, Kensington S, to 6, 2016), SELF SENSE

STUD ANALYSIS Street Life entered stud in 2013. He is represented by two named foals neither of which has started.


Dosage (5-3-8-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.81 See gray pages—Polynesian

height 16.0

Machiavellian, 1987 7s, BTW, $357,023 736 f, 71 BTW, 1.93 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Helen Street, 1982 10s, BTW, $177,894 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Troy, by Petingo

Dixieland Band, 1980 24s, BTW, $441,320 1,306 f, 111 BTW, 1.89 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Majestic Legend, 1985 42s, BTW, $200,853 14 f, 13 r, 11 w, 1 BTW

His Majesty, by Ribot

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Buzz My Bell, 1981 13s, BTW, $223,295 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Drone, by Sir Gaylord

Known Fact, 1977 11s, BTW, $307,464 747 f, 53 BTW, 1.69 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Whirl Series, 1983 7s, wnr, $30,060 9 f, 8 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Coup de Folie, by Halo

Waterway, by Riverman

Mississippi Mud, by Delta Judge

Long Legend, by Reviewer

Gana Facil, by Le Fabuleux

Chateaupavia, by Chateaugay

Tamerett, by Tim Tam

Dancealot, by Round Table

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Mr. Prospector.

(Wandong Bus & Coach Kilmore Cup, 2nd Girvan Waugh Partners Randwick City S, 3rd Commercial Club Albury Gold Cup, to 6, 2016), SAYAAD (Forbidden Apple S, Dance of Life S, 3rd Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T), SENSIBLE LADY (Coronation Cup S, Jenny Wade S, The Very One S, Very One S, Buckland S twice, etc.), ELNAAWI (Native Dancer S, 3rd Donn H, G1, Brooklyn Invitational S, G2, Gotham S, G3, Yankee Affair S, to 6, 2016), SILVERETTE (Turf Amazon H, Sportech Caress S, Red Cross S, 2nd Blue Sparkler S, Gold Princess S), THATCHER STREET (Opening Verse S, 2nd River City H, G3T, Warrior Veterans S, Old Friends S, 3rd Wise Dan S, G2T, More Than Ready Mile S, etc., to 5, 2016), SENSE OF OCCASION (Sydney Markets Ltd. McKell Cup, Premiers Cup, 2nd Evergreen Turf Brisbane Cup, G2 in Aust, Fujitsu Air Lord Mayors Cup, to 6, 2016), STREET STRATEGY (Fifth Season S, to 5, 2016), STREET OF GOLD (Marie G. Krantz Memorial S, 2nd Spook Express S, Blushing K. D. Stakes, 3rd Modesty H, G3T, West Virginia Senate President’s Cup S, Hatoof S, etc., to 6, 2016), ATHENA (Thirty Eight Go Go S, Roxelana S, 2nd West Virginia Secretary of State S, 3rd Sugar Maple S presented by CANTER Mid-Atlantic, to 4, 2016), CHAMPAGNE CATH (Bacardi Reginald Allen Quality, 3rd Red Lea Chickens Light Fingers S, G2 in Aust, Jockeys Trust Ming Dynasty Quality, G3 in Aust), Estinaad (champion older female in Svk), etc. STREET SENSE’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are DIXIE BLOSSOMS (G3 in Aust), STREET STRATEGY, ATHENA, STREET OF GOLD, THATCHER STREET, SENSE OF OCCASION (in Aust).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 1—$2,500 Lifetime 1—$2,500 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 3—$9,833 — 3—$9,833

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 4—$2,300

FAMILY 1st dam STONE HOPE. Winner at 4, $29,220. Dam of 6 foals, including— STREET LIFE (Subject stallion). Spirit of Valor (by War Front). Winner at 2, 2016 in Ire, $24,511, 2nd Killavullan S (G3 in Ire). THE MAGIC STONE (Malibu Moon). Winner at 3 and 4, $98,900. PRAYER CLOTH (Sky Mesa). Winner at 3, $40,560. HOPE CHANT (War Chant). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $35,356. 2nd dam FAIREST. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, including— BRILLIANT. 5 wins at 3, $726,797, Jefferson Cup S (G2T), Kent Breeders Cup S (G3T), 2nd Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S (G1T), Firecracker H (G2T). Sire.



3rd dam Whirl Series. 2 wins at 2, $30,060, 3rd Pocahontas S. Dam of 9 foals, including— FURIOUSLY. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $457,228, Jerome H (G1), Bernard Baruch H (G2T), Oceanport H (G3T), 2nd Shoemaker H (G2T), Churchill Downs H (G3), 3rd Potrero Grande H (G3). Sire. Scoot Yer Boots. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $118,640, 3rd Poinciana Breeders’ Cup H. Producer. Granddam of SCHERZINGER ($321,663, Santa Monica S, G2, 3rd Vanity S, G1, Humana Distaff S, G1). Fiercely. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $108,952, 2nd Roseben H (G3), 3rd Bold Ruler S (G3). Sire. Ferociously. 4 wins, 2 to 6, $89,494, 3rd Gravesend H (G3). LAMINGTON. Winner at 3, $24,730. Producer. Dam of Ironman Jon ($63,400, 3rd Westchester S, G3). 4th dam DANCEALOT. 4 wins at 2, $160,521, Selima S (G1), December H, 2nd Matron S (G1). Dam of 10 foals, including— TIGHTS. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $488,344, Silver Screen H (G2), Volante H (G3T), La Jolla Mile H (G3T), Santa Catalina S, Spotlight H, Cougar II Stakes, 2nd San Gabriel H (G3T), 3rd San Vicente S (G3), Will Rogers H (G3T), Hoist the Flag S. Sire, 2.49 AEI. DAUBERVAL. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Fr, placed in Eng, $98,742, Prix Servanne, 2nd Palace House S (G3 in Eng), 3rd Prix du Petit Couvert (G3 in Fr). Sire, 1.21 AEI. Starsalot. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $150,850. Sire. Bolger. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $104,250, 2nd Bing Crosby H, 3rd Carlsbad H. Sire, 1.05 AEI. Dancing Again. 2 wins at 3, $41,800, 2nd Ancient Title S. Sire. GIRLFRIEND. Winner at 3. Dam of SERIOUSLY ($227,069, Haddonfield H, 2nd Haddonfield H, Tanya S, 3rd Affectionately H, G3, Pucker Up S), Grand Girlfriend ($211,838, 2nd Gazelle H, G1, Hollywood Oaks, G1, Rare Perfume S, G2, El Encino S, G2, Turkish Trousers S). Granddam of FIVE GRAND GIRL ($255,750, Am Capable S, Patty’s Positive S), PRUSSIAN BLUE ($225,341, Carleton F. Burke H, G2T, Prix Max Sicard, Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest-Paris-Tur f, 2nd Prix d’Hedouville, G3 in Fr, Prix Lord Seymour), ROSENGOLD ($204,620, Baffle S, Tsunami Slew S, Pasadena S, 2nd Siren Lure S, Uniformity S), HANDSOME HUNK ($162,577, Fort Springs S, 3rd Hoosier Juvenile S, Kimberlite Pipe S). RECITAL. Placed at 3. Producer. Granddam of TASHIRO SPRING ($551,179, KBS Kyoto Sho Fantasy S, in Japan), MONONO ($211,095, Orleans S, 2nd Pan Zareta S, 3rd Happy Ticket S).

STREET LIFE Street Sense – Stone Hope, by Grindstone

Multiple Stakes Winning Son of Classic Winner STREET SENSE, the first BC Juvenile/Kentucky Derby Double Winner • • • •

The only son of STREET SENSE standing on the West Coast, offers California mare owners a rare fnd! A Classic Dirt performer defeating many of the best 3-year-olds of his generation. His Equibase fgures include Curlin S. (L)-107, G2 Peter Pan S.-101 and G1 Wood Memorial-97 Won 3 of his 8 lifetime starts as a 3-year-old and competed in 6 stake races, three Grade 1’s, one Grade 2 and Won 2 Listed Stakes. • Won the Curlin S. at Saratoga, Won the Broad Brush S. at Aqueduct, 3rd in G2 Peter Pan, 4th in G1 Belmont, 6th in G1 Wood Memorial, an injury in the G1 Travers forced his retirement. • Superb conformation and a World Class Pedigree with an outstanding race record on the DIRT! Stone Hope’s Half brother to STREET LIFE, Spirit of Valor is now Graded Stakes Placed in England

First-Crop Colt Sold for $50,000 at Barretts May 2YO Sale 2016 Watch for his frst foals as they hit the track! Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL Limited number of lifetime breeding’s available Discount available for multiple mare owners Property of a Syndicate


Inquiries to Linda Madsen, 34174 De Portola Road, Temecula, California 92592 (909) 241-6600. E-mail: or Luanne Bean, Syndicate Manager (951) 377-1566. E-mail:



SuanceS (GB)

b, 1997



2 in Spain 3 in Fr, Spain 4 5 6 Totals




2 4(2) 0 2(2) 0 8(4)

0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 2

3 4 0 4 1 12


$9,665 $93,717 — $290,000 $9,177 $402,559

Won At 2 in Spain An allowance race at Sab (7.5f in 1:28.90, by 21, dftg. Jacuzzi, Valmorel). An allowance race at Sab (7.5f in 1:36.00, by 31, dftg. Palindrome, Balali). At 3 in France Champion 3yo colt Won Emirates Airline Prix Jean Prat (G1 in Fr, $97,852, 9f in 1:53.40, by 6, dftg. Bach, Pacino, Three Points, Loyal Tartare, Berine’s Son, Alyzig). Prix de Guiche (G3 in Fr, $49,613, 9f in 2:02.50, by 21, dftg. Boutron, Beriskaio, Loyal Tartare, Crystal d’Ass, Darjeeling). Won At 3 in Spain An allowance race at Sab (10f in 2:09.00, dftg. Rafy Gold, Yantai). An allowance race at Sab (8f in 1:43.00, by 21, dftg. Al Panter, Al Namix). Won At 5 in North America San Francisco Breeders’ Cup Mile H (G2T, $250,000, 8f in 1:35.19, dftg. Decarchy, The Tin Man, Sarafan). Dallas Turf Cup H ($250,000, 9f, turf in 1:49.09, dftg. Our Main Man, Candid Glen, Chauffe Au Rouge, Nat’s Big Party, Dontbotherknocking, Maysville Slew, Mercenary).

SIRE LINE SUANCES is by MOST WELCOME, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $621,355, Juddmonte Lockinge S (G2 in Eng), Scottish Equitable Select S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Ever Ready Epsom Derby (G1 in Eng), Dubai Champion S (G1 in Eng), Gordon Richards E.B.F. Stakes (G3 in Eng), 3rd Breeders’ Cup Mile (G1T), Turf Classic (G1T), Swettenham Stud Sussex S (G1 in Eng), Prince of Wales’s S (G2 in Eng), Trusthouse Forte Mile (G2 in Eng), Charles Heidsieck Champagne Craven S (G3 in Eng). To November 6, 2016: Sired 20 crops, 553 foals, 413 rnrs (75%), 244 wnrs (44%), 61 2yo wnrs (11%), 19 BTW (3%), 1.30 AEI, 0.94 CI, 113 sale yrlgs, avg $726,197, 16.18 TNA.

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (9 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2006 14 10 (71%) 2007 20 10 (50%) 2008 16 12 (75%) 2009 21 13 (62%) 2010 19 12 (63%) 2011 22 10 (45%) 2012 6 3 (50%) 2013 4 2 (50%) 2014 7 1 (14%) *Totals 129 73 (57%)

Winners 7 (50%) 6 (30%) 9 (56%) 9 (43%) 7 (37%) 5 (23%) 1 (17%) 1 (25%) 0 (0%) 45 (35%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0

BT Winners 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2008 3 0 2009 5 1 2010 9 0 2011 16 0 2012 18 0 2013 36 0 2014 17 0 2015 26 0 2016 5 0 *Totals 135 1 0.85 AEI; 1.03 CI; 6.49 AWD In 2016: 10 rnrs, 3 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 32 wins, $1,071,274 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $39,514 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $91,180 $221,258 $165,229 $414,047 $562,179 $718,891 $282,195 $284,968 $134,430 $2,874,377

Dosage (9-1-4-2-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 1.06 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.2

Be My Guest, 1974 7s, BTW, $56,576 1,133 f, 67 BTW, 1.50 AEI Most Welcome, ch, 1984 21s, BTW, $621,355 553 f, 19 BTW, 1.30 AEI 8.87 AWD Topsy, 1976 13s, BTW, $141,930 9 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

High Line, 1966 17s, BTW, $59,520 381 f, 39 BTW, 1.41 AEI Prayer Wheel, b, 1987 10s, pl, $1,537 3 f, 2 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 8.61 AWD Heaven Knows, 1973 22s, BTW, $40,962 8 f, 8 r, 3 w

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

What a Treat, 1962 30s, BTW, $321,608 8 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Tudor Minstrel, by Owen Tudor

Habitat, 1966 8s, BTW, $105,181 695 f, 90 BTW, 2.75 AEI

Sir Gaylord, by Turn-to

Furioso, 1971 10s, BTW, $34,327 7 f, 5 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Ballymoss, by Mossborough

High Hat, 1957 11s, BTW 321 f, 22 BTW, 1.18 AEI

Hyperion, by Gainsborough

Time Call, 1955 14s, wnr 14 f, 13 r, 8 w

Chanteur II, by Chateau Bouscaut

Yellow God, 1967 12s, BTW, $98,947 527 f, 12 BTW, 0.57 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Dialora, 1969 Unraced 6 f, 6 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Diatome, by Sicambre

MOST WELCOME has sired FLYING DREAM (champion older female twice in Ger, BMW EuropaChampionat, Ger-III, etc.), SERGESTO (champion 3yo colt in Italy), CROESO CARIAD (champion 2yo filly in Italy), COCKTAIL (champion older female in Italy), ARCTIC OWL (Jefferson Smurfit Memorial Irish St. Leger, G1 in Ire, Prix Kergorlay, G2 in Fr, Bonusprint Henry II Stakes, G3 in Eng, etc.), SASURU (Prix d’Ispahan, G1 in Fr, Prix Guillaume d’Ornano, G2 in Fr, etc.), ECCENTRIC (King Edward Breeders’ Cup S, G2T, Fayette S, G3A, etc.), PRIZE GIVING (San Marcos H, G2T, etc.), CALL ME (Brown Bess H, G3T, etc.), BENEVENTA (G3 in Eng), GAZDURAM (Horse of the Year, champion 2 and 3yo colt, turf male, and stayer in Aut), ANGEL LIGHT (champion older female in Sca), Hypen (champion miler in Cze), Gazduram (Horse of the Year, champion 2yo and 3yo colt, turf male, and stayer in Aut), Nicomedia (champion 3yo filly, sprinter, and older female in Tur), etc. SUANCES Has Sired: FEISTY SUANCES, 06, c (dam by Good and Tough, 2nd dam by Believe It): $222,234, Silky Sullivan S, 2nd San Felipe S (G2A), California Breeders’ Champion S, Jack Coady, Sr. S, 3rd Contested Bid S. Suances also has sired the winners Dos Eqkeys ($63,767, 3rd Bull Dog S), Promiscuoussuances ($172,680), Silver Dragon ($163,954), Adam Suances ($155,680), Sassy Suances ($138,658), Suances Flower ($122,688), Princess Suances ($110,321), Deep Play ($109,275, to 7, 2016), Link Suances ($106,060), Camino Del Paraiso ($101,153, to 3, 2016), Chisenau ($95,719), Mia Bee A ($87,830), Bodaway ($86,935), A Little Hot Sauce ($70,090), Suances Candy ($69,850), Suancesong ($68,294, to 7, 2016), Four Gaels ($62,163, to 5, 2016), Mudge ($61,075, to 5, 2016), Suances de Espana ($57,558), Suances Pride ($54,860), Suances Dream ($54,334), Besame Suances ($51,679), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 1—$3,743 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$1,000 2—$1,750 31—$9,326

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 2—$950 17—$5,765

FAMILY 1st dam PRAYER WHEEL. Placed at 3. Dam of 3 foals— SUANCES (Subject stallion). TWINKLE STAR (by Emarati). Winner at 3 in Ger. RIGHTEOUS (Most Welcome). 11 wins, 4 to 9, in Spain. 2nd dam HEAVEN KNOWS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng, $40,962, Earl of Sefton S (G3 in Eng), Oaks Trial S (G3 in Eng),



Natalma, by Native Dancer

Rare Treat, by Stymie

Little Hut, by Occupy

Violetta III, by Pinza

Madonna, by Donatello II

Aleria, by Djebel

Sally Deans, by Fun Fair

Alor Star, by Alycidon

2nd Child S (G3 in Eng), 3rd Ascot One Thousand Guineas Trial S (G3 in Eng), Child S (G3 in Eng). Dam of 8 foals, including— Sundaysport Scoop. Placed at 3 and 5. BELL TOLL. 2 wins at 2 in Eng. Dam of PRINCE BABAR ($415,146, Prix Challenge d’Or Piaget, 2nd Lanson Champagne Vintage S, G3 in Eng, Grosvenor Casinos Hambleton H, 3rd SBJ Group July S, G3 in Eng, in Eng and Fr), Warning Order ($190,071, 3rd Racing Post Godolphin S, in Eng). DEVILS ALTERNATIVE. Producer. Granddam of SUPERIOR PREMIUM ($402,638, Cork and Orrery S, G2 in Eng, IBM Taby Varsprint, Daihatsu Field S, 2nd Timeform Harry Rosebery Trophy S, 3rd NGK Spark Plugs Abernant S, in Eng and Swe, sire). 3rd dam DIALORA. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, including— KIZZY. 4 wins, 2 to 4, in Ire, Kilruddery S, 2nd Youghal S. Producer. Dam of War Brave ($28,333, 3rd Premio Parioli-Italian Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Italy, Stewards’ Cup, in Italy and HK), Dancer’s Shadow (2nd Criterium Vitesse des 4 Bras, G3 in Bel). KARINE. Producer. Dam of Uptothehilt ($122,504, 3rd San Jacinto H). 4th dam Alor Star. 2 wins at 3 in Eng, 2nd Galtres S, Newmarket Oaks. Dam of 8 foals, including— ARANDORA STAR. Winner at 4 in Spain, Gran Premio San Sebastien. New South Wales. Winner at 3 and 4 in Eng, 2nd Dante S, Invicta S, 3rd St. James’s Palace S. Sire. ASTREA. 2 wins at 3 in Eng. Dam of ALNA’IR (Premio Daumier, etc., in Italy), ASTURA (Premio Campidoglio, Premio Minerva, etc., in Italy). Granddam of ASTROLABIO (Premio Mediterraneo twice, 2nd Premio Emilio Turati, G2 in Italy, etc., sire). WAKE ISLAND. Winner at 2 and 3 in Eng. Dam of WIDE AWAKE (Ebbisham S, 3rd Nell Gwyn S, in Eng). Granddam of SURRENDER NOW (City Tattersalls Club Cup, 2nd Australia Day Cup, etc. in Aust). ROMAN STAR II. Unraced. Dam of Above The Stars (2nd D.C. McKay S, G3 in Aust). 5th dam BELLE OF ALL. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, champion 2yo and 3yo filly in Eng, Cheveley Park S, Coronation S, etc., Dam of 13 foals including— PRINCIPAL BOY. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Eng, $24,817, News of the World H, Peter Hastings S, etc. Sire. ROSAURA. Winner at 2 in Eng, Acorn S. Producer. Granddam of SOWETO ($204,851). LOVE-IN-THE-MIST. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of PERDU (in Eng, sire), Lodovico (in Fr, sire). Granddam of SEDRA ($108,247, Ebbisham H, 2nd Sun Chariot S, G2 in Eng, Fr, and Italy).

check daily updates on

SUANCES (GB) Most Welcome (GB) – Prayer Wheel, by High Line

Highweighted 3YO on French Handicap, 7 - 91⁄2 Furlongs Versatile North American Graded Stakes-Winning Miler 18% of Starters Earn $100,000+ Sire of Grade 2 Stakes-placed SW FEISTY SUANCES ($222,234), winner of the $75,000 Silky Sullivan S. at 11⁄16 miles by 4 lengths and was 2nd to PIONEEROF THE NILE (sire of AMERICAN PHAROAH, $200,000 fee) in the $200,000 San Felipe S.-G2; SPW Dos Eqkeys, Golden Gate maiden winner on turf at 11⁄16 miles prior to a 10-length score at Pleasanton on dirt at 11⁄8 miles and third in $50,000 Bull Dog S.; 2015 SPW Suancesong, 3rd Con Jackson H.; 2YO SPW Mine an Luci’s; etc. Winners of $100,000+ include PROMISCUOUSSUANCES (6-time winner of $172,680); multiple Santa Anita allowance winner SILVER DRAGON ($163,954); record-setting miler ADAM SUANCES ($155,680); Santa Anita/Hollywood allowance winner SASSY SUANCES ($138,658); PRINCESS SUANCES ($110,321); LINK SUANCES ($106,060); SUANCES FLOWER ($122,688); DEEP PLAY ($109,620); CAMINO DEL PARAISO ($113,141); etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL (or no fee with shared breeders awards to approved mares) Owners: Red Baron’s Barn

RANCHO TEMESCAL Piru, California Inquiries to Tim Cohen, Phone (805) 521-0511. Fax (805) 521-0559. E-mail: Web Site:




b, 2006


2 3 4 5 Totals





0 1 9 6 16

0 0 4 0 4

0 0 3 0 3

0 0 0 2 2


— $170 $98,635 $4,535 $103,340

Won At 4 An allowance race at Hoo ($39,000, 8f in 1:37.60, by 21, dftg. Oak Bar, Spy Hunter, Taurus the Bull, No Flattery Needed, Wind Angel). An allowance race at Mnr ($25,800, 8f in 1:39.66, by 5, dftg. Shanes Gold, Tisnow Julie, Sneakin Thru, Briteluck, Dont Blame the Cat). A race at Hoo ($43,000, 8f in 1:36.60, dftg. Too Many Sins, Archie Trucker, Free Country, House of Usher, Code of Honour, Sahmmy Davis Jr, T. C. Champ, Kaddish). A maiden special weight race at InD ($32,001, 8.5f in 1:44.58, by 83, dftg. Mount Dollberg, Bucheron, Winning Verdict, Poor John, Hard Taffy).

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI A.P. Indy, dkb/br, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI 8.24 AWD Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Desert Tigress, b, 2002 6s, wnr, $21,922 6 f, 5 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 6.85 AWD Sky Beauty, 1990 21s, BTW, $1,336,000 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW


Sundarban is by A.P. INDY, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $2,979,815, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Belmont S (G1), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), Peter Pan S (G2), San Rafael S (G2), 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup (G1). To October 14, 2016: Sired 18 crops, 1,184 foals, 947 rnrs (80%), 691 wnrs (58%), 173 2yo wnrs (15%), 156 BTW (13%), 2.89 AEI, 2.94 CI, 374 sale yrlgs, avg $533,391, 11.87 TNA. In 2016: 1 BTW. A.P. INDY has sired MINESHAFT (Horse of the Year and champion older male, Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Pimlico Special H, G1, Suburban H, G1, Woodward S, G1, etc.), BERNARDINI (champion 3yo colt, Preakness S, G1, Travers S, G1, Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Jim Dandy S, G2, Withers S, G3, etc.), RAGS TO RICHES (champion 3yo filly, Belmont S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, 2nd Gazelle S, G1), FESTIVAL OF LIGHT (Horse of the Year in UAE, Jebel Ali Hotel & Resort Godolphin Mile, G3 in UAE), HONOR CODE (champion older male, Metropolitan H, G1, Whitney S, G1, Remsen S, G2, Gulfstream Park H, G2, 2nd Foxwoods Champagne S, G1, etc.), MARCHFIELD (champion older male twice in Can, Sky Classic S, G2T, Autumn S, G2A, Dominion Day H, G3A, Breeders’ S, etc.), EYE OF THE LEOPARD (champion 3yo colt in Can, Queen’s Plate S, Plate Trial S, 2nd Valedictory S, 3rd Valedictory S, G3A, Prince of Wales S), TEMPERA (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Sorrento S, G2, 3rd Del Mar Debutante S, G1), SERENADING (champion older female in Can, Falls City H, G2, Maple Leaf S, Belle Mahone S, 2nd Doubledogdare S, G3A, Ontario Matron S, etc.), CATCH THE THRILL (champion 2yo filly in Can, Princess Elizabeth S, 2nd Ontario Lassie S), MUSIC NOTE (Mother Goose S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, etc.), SECRET STATUS (Mother Goose S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, etc.), SWEET SYMPHONY (Alabama

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 18 29 29 76

Runners 9 (50%) 14 (48%) 2 (7%) 25 (33%)

Winners 5 (28%) 6 (21%) 1 (3%) 12 (16%)

2yo Wnrs 0 0 1 1

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 0 0 2015 3 0 2016 13 0 *Totals 16 0 0.51 AEI; 0.95 CI; 6.41 AWD In 2016: 24 rnrs, 11 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $15,743 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $20,925 $126,246 $245,894 $393,065

Dosage (8-12-21-1-0); DI: 2.65; CD: 0.64 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

height 16.2

Bold Reasoning, 1968 12s, BTW, $189,564 61 f, 10 BTW, 3.81 AEI

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Lassie Dear, 1974 26s, BTW, $80,549 13 f, 12 r, 12 w, 4 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Blushing Groom, 1974 10s, BTW, $407,153 512 f, 93 BTW, 3.95 AEI

Red God, by Nasrullah

Maplejinsky, 1985 9s, BTW, $293,196 11 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Reason to Earn, by Hail to Reason

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Gay Missile, by Sir Gaylord

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Runaway Bride, by Wild Risk

Gold Beauty, by Mr. Prospector

Inbreeding: 5SX4SX5D Bold Ruler; 3sX4d Secretariat; 5SX5D Nasrullah.

S, G1, etc.), JILBAB (Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, 3rd Cotillion H, G2), GOLDEN MISSILE (Pimlico Special H, G1, etc.), APTITUDE (Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Hollywood Gold Cup, G1, Saratoga Breeders’ Cup H, G2, 2nd Kentucky Derby, G1, Belmont S, G1, Gotham S, G3, etc.), TOMISUE’S DELIGHT (Personal Ensign H, G1, Ruffian H, G1, Falls City H, G3, 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Beldame S, G1, etc.), TAKE CHARGE INDY (Florida Derby, G1, etc.), STEPHEN GOT EVEN (Donn H, G1, etc.), LOVE AND PRIDE (Personal Ensign H, G1, etc.), GOT LUCKY (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, etc.), DREAMING OF JULIA (Frizette S, G1, etc.), A P VALENTINE (Champagne S, G1, etc.), TELLING (Sword Dancer Invitational S, G1T twice, etc.), FRIENDS LAKE (Florida Derby, G1, etc.), LITTLE BELLE (Ashland S, G1A, etc.), PASSING SHOT (Personal Ensign H, G1, etc.), FLASHING (Gazelle S, G1, Test S, G1, etc.), RUNUP THE COLORS (Alabama S, G1, etc.), GIROLAMO (G1), A. P. ADVENTURE (G1), ROYAL INDY (G1), INDY FIVE HUNDRED (G1T), MAJESTIC WARRIOR (G1), Gabriel’s Hill (champion older male in Ecu, 2nd Brooklyn H, G2, Breeders’ Cup Marathon, G3, 3rd Sumter S), Sun Sprinkles (champion older female in KSA), etc. A.P. INDY’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is SECRET SOMEONE. A.P. INDY’S other sons as stallions include MINESHAFT (714 foals, 39 BTW, 1.89 AEI), PULPIT (920 foals, 72 BTW, 1.83 AEI), Malibu Moon (1,417 foals, 96 BTW, 1.64 AEI), Flatter (700 foals, 40 BTW, 1.60 AEI), BERNARDINI (1,171 foals, 51 BTW, 1.58 AEI), JUMP START, etc. SUNDARBAN Has Sired: Sundarban has sired the winners Howdy ($181,030, to 4, 2016), Sundar Drums (to 4, 2016), Sheswildnfree (to 4, 2016), Sunshine Laurie (at 3, 2016), Asian Sun (to 3, 2016), Sundar Creek (at 3, 2016), Bahia (at 3, 2016), Scud (to 4, 2016), Jacque (at 4, 2016), Sunny Truce (to 3, 2016), Full Sun (at 3, 2016), and 2016 2-year-old winner Yo La Tengo.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$2,000 1—$2,000 2—$2,000

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 1—$2,500

FAMILY 1st dam DESERT TIGRESS. Winner at 2 in Ire, $21,922. Dam of 6 foals, including— GROWL (by Oasis Dream). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2016, in Eng, $354,510, Betfred Mobile Wentworth S, etc. SUNDARBAN (Subject stallion). FANG (Lawman). 2 wins at 3, 2016, in Eng.



2nd dam SKY BEAUTY. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $1,336,000, champion older female, Coaching Club American Oaks (G1), Mother Goose S (G1), Acorn S (G1), Alabama S (G1), Ruffian H (G1), Go for Wand S (G1), Hempstead H (G1), Shuvee H (G1), Matron S (G1), Adirondack S (G2), Rare Perfume S (G2), Vagrancy H (G3) twice, 2nd Shuvee H (G1), Bonnie Miss S (G2), 3rd Spinaway S (G1), Hempstead H (G1). Dam of 7 foals, including— HURRICANE CAT. 2 wins at 2 in Eng and Ire, $73,640, Stan James Horris Hill S (G3 in Eng), 3rd Rock of Gibraltar E.B.F. The Tetrarch S (G3 in Ire), Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire). Sire, 1.15 AEI. STORMING BEAUTY. Winner at 3, $32,063. Producer. Granddam of VIOLENCE ($623,000, CashCall Futurity, G1A, Nashua S, G2, 2nd Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth S, G2). SKY LEGEND. Unraced. Granddam of QUASAR (Horse of the Year in India, Bangalore St. Leger, Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Eclipse Stakes of India, Calcutta Two Thousand Guineas, etc., to 5, 2016). 3rd dam MAPLEJINSKY. 5 wins at 3, $293,196, Alabama S (G1), Monmouth Oaks (G1). Dam of 11 foals, incl.— AJAYIB. Winner at 2 in Eng. Producer. Dam of Harb ($29,649, 2nd Ripon Champion TwoYear-Old Trophy, in Eng). SILENCE BEAUTY. Placed. Dam of TALE OF EKATI ($1,182,992, Wood Memorial S, G1, etc., sire). OUR COUNTRY PLACE. Unraced. Dam of PLEASANT HOME ($1,378,070, Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Distaff, G1, Bed o’ Roses Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 2nd Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, etc.), COUNTRY HIDEAWAY ($762,568, First Flight H, G2 twice, etc.). Granddam of BIRDIE BIRDIE ($2,891,471, Unicorn S, G3 in Japan, etc.), POINT OF ENTRY ($2,494,490, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational S, G1T, Man o’ War S, G1T, etc.), PINE ISLAND ($666,800, Alabama S, G1, etc.), BOCA GRANDE ($515,570, Demoiselle S, G2, etc.), VACATION ($340,019, Hanshin Cup H, G3A, etc., sire). MILLION GIFT. Dam of MILLION SELLER ($164,012). 4th dam GOLD BEAUTY. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $251,901, champion sprinter, Fall Highweight H (G2), etc. Dam of 5 foals, including— DAYJUR. 7 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng and Fr, placed in NA, $750,770, Horse of the Year in Eng, champion 3yo colt in Eur, Eng, and Fr, champion sprinter in Eng, Ladbroke Sprint Cup (G1 in Eng), CIGA Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp (G1 in Fr), etc. Sire, 1.13 AEI. ELHASNA. Winner at 3 in Eng. Dam of NATIONHOOD ($181,820, Budweiser Emerald H, etc., sire), KARIS MAKAW ($159,182, Boeing H, etc.), Irtahal.

SUNDARBAN A.P. Indy – Desert Tigress, by Storm Cat

Top Five Active Third Crop California Sire in 2016 earning over $250,000 Top Five Active Second Crop California Sire in 2015 earning over $100,000 $1.7 MILLION KEENELAND SEPTEMBER YEARLING HALF BROTHER TO GROWL (GB) EARNINGS OF 270,925 POUNDS ($354,510), WINNER OF THE BETFRED MOBILE WENTWORTH STAKES AND 2ND IN BRITISH CHAMPIONS SPRINT (GR 1) AND MILL REEF STAKES (GR 2 SUNDARBAN sire of 11 winners from 24 runners in 2016 including Full Sun, Stakes placed Sweetwater Downs Thoroughbred Derby SUNDARBAN earned $103,340, recording four wins, including an 8 ¾-length maiden score going gate-to-wire at 1 1/16 miles as the 123-pound highweight. Out of the $2.3 Million STORM CAT mare DESERT TIGRESS, dam of 2016 GROUP 1-placed SW GROWL and is a full sister to GROUP 3-winning sire HURRICANE CAT, sire of two champions and 12 Group Stakes Winners. Second dam, champion older mare SKY BEAUTY, recorded 9 GRADE 1 wins, including FILLY TRIPLE CROWN. Third dam is multiple GRADE 1 winner MAPLEJINSKY, this the family of champions GOLD BEAUTY & DAYJUR, BREEDERS’ CUP DISTAFF (G1) winner PLEASANT HOME ($1,378,070), and GRADE 1 winners POINT OF ENTRY, PINE ISLAND, TALE OF EKATI, VIOLENCE, QUASAR, etc. By Horse of the Year and Classic winner A.P. INDY, two-time leading sire in North America, sire of 12 Champions, 93 GSW and the earners of over $136,000,000. Other sons at stud include BERNARDINI, MINESHAFT, PULPIT (sire of record-setting sire TAPIT, leading sire 2014-2016), etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL Standing at


Inquiries to Linda Madsen, 34174 De Portola Road, Temecula, California 92592 (909) 241-6600. E-mail:



Where Stallions & Mares

Compete ...For Each Other

National & Regional Stallions Competitive Marketplace Submit Mare Once To Receive Multiple Bids Acquire the Best Match & Best Deal Quickly & Efficiently

Surf Cat

dkb/br, 2002

Dosage (5-2-7-0-2); DI: 1.91; CD: 0.50 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.1



2 3 4 5 6 Totals





0 4(1) 3(3) 0 2(2) 9(6)

0 3(1) 0 2(2) 2(2) 7(5)

0 — 0 $322,420 0 $240,000 0 $125,000 2(2) $358,000 2(2) $1,045,420

0 8 3 3 9 23


Won At 3 Swaps Breeders’ Cup S (G2, $421,000, 9f in 1:48.07, by 5, dftg. Dover Dere, Indian Ocean, Robador, Don’t Get Mad, Old Man River). An allowance race at OSA ($70,200, 8.5f in 1:41.65). An allowance race at Hol ($64,500, 6.5f in 1:14.44). A maiden special weight race at SA ($58,800, 6.5f). 2nd Affirmed H (G3, 8.5f, to Indian Ocean, dftg. Dover Dere, Buzzards Bay). Won At 4 San Carlos H (G2, $150,000, 7f in 1:22.09, by 21, dftg. Major Success, Oceanus, Jet West, Ulistnintome, Imperialism, Congrats, Brand Name). Mervyn LeRoy H (G2, $150,000, 8.5f in 1:40.65, by 31, dftg. Spellbinder, Dixie Meister, Keep On Punching, Gallardo). Potrero Grande Breeders’ Cup H (G2, $200,000, 6.5f in 1:15.00, by 21, dftg. Grinding It Out, Oceanus, Areyoutalkintome, Keep On Punching). 2nd At 5 Triple Bend Invitational H (G1A, 7f, to Bilo, by a head, dftg. Battle Won, Siren Lure, Sailors Sunset, Gotaghostofachance, Silent Name). Pat O’Brien H (G2A, 7f, to Greg’s Gold, dftg. Soul City Slew, Publication, Absolute Glory, Bordonaro). Won At 6 San Carlos H (G2A, $150,000, 7f in 1:21.62, dftg. Greg’s Gold, Soul City Slew, Johnny Eves, Circular Quay, Men Only, Cooperation). Mervyn LeRoy H (G2A, $150,000, 8.5f in 1:41.13, dftg. Desert Code, Global Hunter, Neko Bay, Buzzards Bay, Monzante, Zappa, Fly Dorcego). 2nd San Diego H (G2A, 8.5f, to Well Armed, dftg. Mostacolli Mort, Mr Napper Tandy, Rebellion, Global Hunter, Tall Texan, You Got Me Rocking, etc.). Potrero Grande H (G2A, 6.5f, to Greg’s Gold, dftg. El Roblar, Peace Chant, Johnny Eves, Sailors Sunset). 3rd Californian S (G2A, 9f, to Heatseeker, Tiago, dftg. Albertus Maximus).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (5 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2010 23 16 (70%) 2011 33 22 (67%) 2012 19 13 (68%) 2013 3 1 (33%) 2014 20 0 (0%) *Totals 98 52 (53%)

Winners 11 (48%) 19 (58%) 9 (47%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 39 (40%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0

BT Winners 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2012 0 0 0 2013 8 0 0 2014 30 0 0 2015 35 0 0 2016 23 2 2 *Totals 96 2 2 0.77 AEI; 1.20 CI; 6.08 AWD In 2016: 25 rnrs, 16 wnrs, 1 sw Lifetime On Turf: 3 wins, $127,637 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $36,738 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $15,180 $173,086 $517,697 $708,433 $464,360 $1,878,756

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Sir Cat, dkb/br, 1993 14s, BTW, $401,185 690 f, 36 BTW, 1.27 AEI 6.49 AWD Desert Run, 1989 Unraced 7 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Centrust, 1980 16s, wnr, $51,280 49 f, 1 BTW, 1.15 AEI Trust Greta, dkb/br, 1988 12s, wnr, $34,096 9 f, 8 r, 8 w, 2 BTW 6.55 AWD Silver Greta, 1984 Unraced 9 f, 6 r, 3 w

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Private Account, 1976 13s, BTW, $339,396 589 f, 58 BTW, 3.23 AEI

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

April Run, 1978 18s, BTW, $1,182,819 5 f, 4 r, 3 w

Run the Gantlet, by Tom Rolfe

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Rock Fever, 1974 28s, BTW, $29,545 9 f, 9 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Hawaii, by Utrillo II

Silver Buck, 1978 16s, BTW, $421,906 624 f, 39 BTW, 1.77 AEI

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

What a Queen, 1974 13s, wnr, $10,315 6 f, 3 r, 2 w

Majestic Prince, by Raise a Native

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Numbered Account, by Buckpasser

April Fancy, by No Argument

Gold Digger, by Nashua

The Smoocher, by Polynesian

Silver True, by Hail to Reason

Turn to Talent, by Turn-to

Inbreeding: 5sX4D Buckpasser.

Palos Verdes H (G2A, 6f, to In Summation, Barbecue Eddie, dftg. Soul City Slew, Ididn’tdoanything, Copa de Plata, Fly Dorcego).

SIRE LINE SURF CAT is by SIR CAT, black-type stakes winner of 7 races, $401,185, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S (G2T), Appleton H (G2), Knickerbocker H (G3), Tropical Turf H (G3), Kent Breeders’ Cup S, 2nd Saranac S (G3T). To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 690 foals, 558 rnrs (81%), 433 wnrs (63%), 59 2yo wnrs (9%), 36 BTW (5%), 1.27 AEI, 1.15 CI, 166 sale yrlgs, avg $16,663, 0.37 TNA. SIR CAT has sired ASCOT PRINCE (Horse of the Year, champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Chile), MATTO MONDO (champion 2yo colt in Chile, Polla de PotrillosHELP-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, Alberto Vial Infante, G1 in Chile, Thunder Road H, G3A, etc.), HAKASSAN (champion 3yo colt in Chile, St. Leger, G1 in Chile, Gran Criterium Mauricio Serrano Palma, G1 in Chile, etc.), EL TIGRITO (champion sprinter twice in Chile, Osvaldo Sepulveda G., 2nd Velocidad, G2 in Chile, etc.), GATO DE LA LUNA (champion 3yo colt in Chile, Gran Criterium Mauricio Serrano Palma, G1 in Chile, etc.), LAGUNA PLATEADA (champion 3yo filly in Chile, Alberto Solari Magnasco, G1 in Chile, etc.), ARABESQUE (champion older female in Chile, Haras de Chile, G2 in Chile, etc.), MEDICI (St. Leger Cristal, G1 in Chile, etc.), INCA KING (Jefferson Cup S, G2T, Commonwealth Turf S, Bryan Station S, Opening Verse H, etc.), CATIVA (Barbara Fritchie H, G2, 3rd Bed o’ Roses Breeders’ Cup H, G3), JAZID (VelocidadElaboradora Montes Alpha, G2 in Chile, etc.), LALINNE (Gran Premio Criadores Salvador Hess Riveros, G2 in Chile, Carlos Allende Navarro, G3 in Chile), PRETTY CAT (Criadores Dorama, G2 in Chile, etc.), SONNY CORLEONE (Domingo Segundo Herrera Martinez, G2 in Chile), DOMINIC (Independencia, G2 in Chile), JUNGLE PRINCE (Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Zia Park Express S, etc.), etc. SURF CAT Has Sired: SAN ONOFRE, 10, g (A++, dam by Native Regent, 2nd dam by Premiership): $402,730, Los Angeles S (G3), Midnight Lute S (G3), 2nd Kona Gold S (G2), Los Angeles S (G3), Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S, to 6, 2016.

Surf Cat also has sired the winners K Thirty Eight ($172,519, 3rd California Flag H, to 5, 2016), Compulsive ($138,265, to 5, 2016), Parasail ($101,720, to 4, 2016), Frieda Zamba ($85,409, to 4, 2016), Take a Risk ($80,406, to 6, 2016), Dockweiler ($66,230, to 6, 2016), Betty Bing Bing ($64,960), Wahine ($62,866, to 4, 2016), Surf Queen ($54,446, to 6, 2016), Sayitright Kat ($50,935, to 4, 2016), The Gold Monkey ($41,383, to 5, 2016), Surfing the Menu ($40,550, to 5, 2016), Fishinkonablue ($34,124, to 5, 2016), La Brisa (to 5, 2016), Surfing Angel, Wave Catching, Aikau (at 5, 2016), My Rainbow Bridge, Eddie Would Go (to 5, 2016), Midday Moon, Cat From Iraq (to 5, 2016), Bella Caterina, Big Wave Betty (to 4, 2016), The Good Luck Cat, Charbroiled, La Tiela, Hot to Surf (to 5, 2016), Sugarshaking (to 4, 2016), Rushomatic, Lovely in Laguna, O Cookie Cat (in Mex), Gaviota, Surf Chick, Doheny, First Cat, etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 2—$1,250 *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 1—$3,000 2—$5,800 10—$7,550

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 3—$2,267

FAMILY 1st dam TRUST GRETA. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $34,096. Dam of 9 foals, including— SURF CAT (Subject stallion). ROSIE O’GRETA (by Fight Over). 3 wins at 2, $132,544, Tremont Breeders’ Cup S (G3), My Dear S, 2nd WHAS TV Stakes, Scarlet Carnation H. Producer. Dam of Dancin Joey ($372,722, 3rd Play the King H, G3T), On With It ($110,435, 2nd Kashatreya S). GRETA’S JOY (Joyeux Danseur). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $24,103. Dam of CLEAN UP JOY ($863,020, President’s Cup, in Korea, to 5, 2016), LIVI MAKENZIE ($354,069, Saylorville S, 2nd Treasure Chest S, Saylorville S, Optimistic Gal S, 3rd Beaumont S, G2A, Gardenia S, G3). 2nd dam SILVER GRETA. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, including— Bucks Big Gray. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $64,705, 2nd Minstrel S, 3rd Friendship S.

2017 FEE: PrivatE LivE FoaL Owned by: Aase Headley

oLd EngLish rancho Sanger, CA Inquiries to Old English Rancho, 461 N. Piedra Rd., Sanger, CA 93657. Ranch: (559) 787-3020. Fax (559) 787-3030. E-mail: Web Site:




Dosage (10-5-5-0-0); DI: 7.00; CD: 1.25 See gray pages—Polynesian

b, 1998



2 3 4 Totals




2 2(1) 0 4(1)

2(1) 0 0 2(1)

0 0 0 0

5 3 1 9


$53,300 $46,200 $0 $99,500

Won At 2 An allowance race at BM ($40,000, 6f in 1:10.01, dftg. Mr Freckles, Nonconnah Creek, Stocks Are Rising, Justnowayofknowin’). A maiden special weight race at SR ($35,900, 5.5f in 1:02.40, by 5, dftg. Edge On, Mob Ties, Lucky Patton, Justnowayofknowin’, Stepwith Approval, Saintly Tide, Cee a Star, Red Reg Boy). 2nd Ron Cloud Memorial S (6f, to Maxian, by a nose, dftg. Somewhat Chilly, Santa Ana Park, Hard Hitter, Mining for Fun, Gypsy Road, La Fontaine). Won At 3 James F. Lyttle Memorial H ($54,050, 8.5f in 1:42.33, by 51, dftg. Takin It Deep, I’madrifter, Ironman Dehere, Legal Wynner, Robaleur). A race at Pln ($44,700, 6f in 1:08.80, by 31, dftg. Hyder, Soon to Be Seated, Fight for Silver, Fancy High).

SIRE LINE TANNERSMYMAN is by LORD CARSON, black-type stakes winner of 12 races, $654,742, Boojum H (G2), Kentucky Cup Sprint S, Aristides H, Perpetuate S, Icecapade S, Fort Springs S, 2nd Screen King S, Hallandale H. To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 466 foals, 380 rnrs (82%), 313 wnrs (67%), 112 2yo wnrs (24%), 23 BTW (5%), 1.13 AEI, 1.19 CI, 224 sale yrlgs, avg $32,429, 0.72 TNA. LORD CARSON has sired ANDIROBA (champion 3yo filly in PR, Copa Velocidad, Clasico Campeon Nativo Galleguito, Clasico Imbuia Pajoqui, 2nd Copa Camarero, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico, etc.), WINDSOR CASTLE (Remsen S, G2, Hal’s Hope H, G3, William Donald Schaefer H, G3, 2nd Dwyer S, G2, Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Fort Marcy H, G3, etc.), YOU LIFT ME UP (Solana Beach H, Audrey SkirballKenis S, Last Dance S, Work the Crowd S, 2nd Yerba Buena S, Paseana H, etc.), JOEY CARSON (Gallant Bob H, Devil’s Honor H, 2nd Lyman Sprint H, Nepal S, Vincent A. Moscarelli Memorial S, Hockessin S, etc.),

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (11 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2004 5 4 (80%) 2005 8 4 (50%) 2006 14 8 (57%) 2007 13 10 (77%) 2008 19 16 (84%) 2009 26 17 (65%) 2010 30 22 (73%) 2011 22 17 (77%) 2012 15 12 (80%) 2013 5 3 (60%) 2014 9 5 (56%) *Totals 166 118 (71%)

Winners 3 (60%) 3 (38%) 6 (43%) 4 (31%) 10 (53%) 14 (54%) 17 (57%) 12 (55%) 10 (67%) 1 (20%) 3 (33%) 83 (50%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 1 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 19 1

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (13%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3 (2%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2006 2 0 0 2007 5 0 0 2008 11 1 1 2009 5 1 1 2010 11 0 0 2011 29 1 0 2012 27 0 0 2013 42 0 0 2014 52 0 0 2015 33 0 0 2016 32 1 0 *Totals 249 4 2 0.69 AEI; 0.74 CI; 6.13 AWD In 2016: 37 rnrs, 23 wnrs, 1 sw Lifetime On Turf: 11 wins, $366,489 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $34,231 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $44,895 $153,090 $227,472 $200,081 $213,803 $383,213 $332,366 $419,871 $653,474 $587,579 $768,097 $3,983,941

Carson City, 1987 15s, BTW, $306,240 1,025 f, 94 BTW, 1.82 AEI Lord Carson, b, 1992 27s, BTW, $654,742 466 f, 23 BTW, 1.13 AEI 6.08 AWD Bedgay's Lady, 1983 2s, wnr, $12,900 10 f, 7 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI Stanley's Girl, b, 1985 34s, wnr, $107,759 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW 6.51 AWD Fairmont Express, 1978 19s, wnr, $15,355 7 f, 6 r, 6 w

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Blushing Promise, 1982 Unraced 1 f, 1 r, 1 w, 1 BTW

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Lord Gaylord, 1970 6s, wnr, $7,530 357 f, 32 BTW, 1.99 AEI

Sir Gaylord, by Turn-to

Lady Beddard, 1974 7s, wnr, $20,220 12 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Beddard, by Quorum

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Mint Copy, 1970 76s, wnr, $53,945 7 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Bunty's Flight, by Bunty Lawless

Our Michael, 1963 55s, BTW, $339,929 502 f, 35 BTW, 1.26 AEI

Bolero, by Eight Thirty

My Niche, 1973 Unraced 5 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Fiddle Isle, by Bagdad

RIPE TOMATO (Powerless H, 2nd Governor’s Lady H, Powerless H, Your Ladyship S, 3rd Isaac Murphy H), CAMELA CARSON (Donna Reed S, Hawkeyes H, 2nd Northbound Pride S, Iowa Breeders’ Oaks, Hawkeyes H, Mamie Eisenhower S twice, etc.), ELITE LADY (Donna Reed S twice, 2nd Wild Rose S, 3rd Donna Reed S, Hawkeyes H), MY LORD (Baltimore Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint S), MR. ALVIN PETER (Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueno, Puerto Rico Futurity, Clasico Navidad, Clasico the Kid, 3rd Copa Velocidad), MR. MAESTRE (Whippleton S), MT. CARSON (Dover S, Hirsch Jacobs S, Da Hoss S, 2nd Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Da Hoss S, 3rd Horatius S), BAMAHA BREEZE (El Segundo S, 2nd California State Fair Sprint H, Sam J. Whiting Memorial H, 3rd Silveyville S), NEVADA WORRIER (Cavonnier S, Golden Bear S), ROCK’ N FIRE (Minnesota Classic Championship S, Victor S. Myers Jr. S, 2nd Minnesota Classic Championship S, 3rd Turfway Prevue S, Minnesota Derby), El Palapas (champion 3yo colt in Mex), etc. LORD CARSON’S other sons as stallions include WINDSOR CASTLE (297 foals, 10 BTW, 1.04 AEI), etc. TANNERSMYMAN Has Sired: AUTISM AWARENESS, 05, c (dam by Sharp Victor, 2nd dam by Our Blue Chip): $356,732, Berkeley S (G3A), El Camino Real Derby (G3), 2nd Governor’s H, 3rd Bull Dog S. MY FRIEND EMMA, 12, g (A++, Artax, Saint Ballado): $158,569, Jess Jackson Owners’ H, to 4, 2016. SHERMAN BARTLEBORT, 09, g (Swiss Yodeler, Cahill Road): $102,836, Everett Nevin Alameda County S.

Tannersmyman also has sired the winners El Huerfano ($176,937, 3rd Robert Dupret Derby, McCann’s Mojave H, to 4, 2016), Gary John ($103,655, 3rd Cavonnier Juvenile S), Prime Issue ($297,337, to 6, 2016), Tannersmymuscle ($151,146, to 6, 2016), Curly Girly ($109,966, to 6, 2016), Sudden Quest ($96,854, to 8, 2016), Life’s a Thrill ($96,531), Elle Woods Too ($91,469, to 4, 2016), Showmeister ($88,395, to 5, 2016), Caroline Elena ($77,414), Checkoutmyman ($73,910, to 7, 2016), Awesome Lookn ($69,088), A Toast to Tanner ($67,786), Devilish Denae ($61,760), Lucky Fitz ($60,237), Rebel My Man ($58,014), Tanningatthebeach ($50,817), Adair ($50,810, to 4, 2016), Chalk of the Town ($50,515, to 4, 2016), Potentiality ($49,767), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners Candy Pink, Finish Wealthy, Muggs Mulligan.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 3—$4,000 5—$15,240 70—$6,459


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — 8—$1,538

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Summertime Promise, by Nijinsky II

Miss Glamour Gal, by Ambiorix

Lady King, by Kauai King

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Shakney, by Jabneh

Our Tribe, by Tribe

Coz O'Nijinsky, by Involvement

FAMILY 1st dam Stanley’s Girl. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $107,759, 2nd Apple Blossom S, 3rd Dahlia S. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— VANNA GO (by Private Terms). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $308,474, Yellow Brick Road H, Almost Heaven S, HBPA Lady Di S, 2nd Conniver S, Squan Song S, 3rd Shenandoah Valley H, etc. Producer. TANNERSMYMAN (Subject stallion). Actslikealady (Lord Carson). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $98,860, 3rd First Lady H (G3), Marina de Chavon S. Producer. SNOOZIN N’CRUISIN (Aloha Prospector). 3 wins, 3 to 5, $67,385. 2nd dam FAIRMONT EXPRESS. 2 wins at 3. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— SOVEREIGN DONNA. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $51,261. 3rd dam MY NICHE. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, including— UTMOST CELERITY. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $186,708, Susquehanna H, Fallsington H, Bristol H, Doylestown H, Mill Race H, 2nd Mountain Laurel H, Poquessing H, 3rd Milady H. Producer. Dam of Non Perjorative ($43,577, 2nd Buddleia S). Granddam of MELTED CHEESE ($32,955, Channel Three S). THUNDER RUNNER. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $107,318, Warminster S, 2nd Southampton H, Mo Bay S, 3rd Devon S, Minuteman H, Germantown H. Sire. Bala Gala. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $64,546, 2nd Allegheny S, Philmont S, North Call S, 3rd Freetex S. 4th dam COZ O’NIJINSKY. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— ROYAL SKI. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $324,895, Laurel Futurity (G1), Remsen S (G2), Heritage S (G3), Timonium Futurity, Mayflower S, 2nd ArlingtonWashington Futurity (G1), etc., Sire, 1.22 AEI. BLUSHET. Placed at 2. Producer. Granddam of HOKUTO ROBIN ($220,830, Sparkling Lady Cup, in Japan). CUZ’S STAR. Dam of STELLA CIELO ($96,646, Cleveland Oaks, 2nd Dogwood S). 5th dam GLEAM. 2 wins at 3. Dam of 7 foals, including— EVENING BAG. 11 wins, 2 to 7, $111,592, Orchid H, 2nd Pageant H, 3rd Suwannee River H. Producer. Granddam of BRO STACHE ($76,276, Sentinel S, 3rd North Call S). Flaming Triumph. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $26,370, 2nd Seagram Cup H, Assiniboia Downs Gold Cup, etc. TOMORROWLAND. Producer. Granddam of ALLEZ MILORD ($673,273, champion 3yo colt in Ger, Oak Tree Invitational H, G1T, Puma Europa Preis, G1 in Ger, Gordon Richards E.B.F. S, G3 in Eng, Gordon S, G3 in Eng, Schroders Predominate S, etc., sire).

TANNERSMYMAN Lord Carson – Stanley’s Girl, by Deputy Minister

RANKS AMONG CALIFORNIA’S LEADING SIRES AGAIN IN 2016! By Avg. Earnings/Rnr, by Money Won, by Avg. Earnings/Str, 2YOs by Money Won, by No. of Wnrs, by Median Earnings/Rnr, and 2YOs by No. of Races Won Sire of Multiple Graded Stakes Winner, AUTISM AWARENESS ($356,732, Berkley S.-G3, defeating Grade 1 winners AWESOME GEM, UNUSUAL SUSPECT, etc., and El Camino Real Derby-G3, defeating Grade 2 winners TRES BORRACHOS, BEHINDATTHEBAR, etc.); Stakes Winner EL HUERFANO ($176,937, Golden Bear S., 3rd Robert Dupret Derby, 3rd 2016 McCann’s Mojave H.); MY FRIEND EMMA ($158,569, Jess Jackson Owers’ H.-T, NCR at Santa Rosa for 5 furlongs in 0:55.75); SHERMAN BARTLEBORT ($102,836, SW at 2) plus SW POTENTIALITY ($49,767, Champagne and Kisses S., 2nd Defazio Distaff S.), etc. Stakes-placed at 2 and Stakes Winner at 3, TANNERSMYMAN won $99,500 at 2 and 3, winning from 5 1/2 to 8 1/2 furlongs. By LORD CARSON, a Grade 2 Stakes-Winning grandson of MR. PROSPECTOR out of the DEPUTY MINISTER stakes-placed winner of over $100,000 Stanley’s Girl. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: PRIVATE LIVE FOAL (Payable when foal stands and nurses) Owned by Jim Eaton, standing at


(209) 576-0629

Inquiries to Sue Greene, 4537 Albers Rd, Oakdale, California 95361 FAX: (209) 576-0652 Email: Website:



Tenga CaT

dkb/br, 2003

Dosage (13-6-13-0-0); DI: 3.92; CD: 1.00 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.0


2 3 4 5 6 Totals





1 2 2 4 3 12

0 0 2 0 1 3

0 1 0 1(1) 0 2(1)

0 0 0 1(1) 1(1) 2(2)


$400 $11,640 $64,800 $35,338 $44,096 $156,274

Won At 4 An allowance race at Hol ($80,600, 6f, turf in 1:09.33, by 23, dftg. Ten Downing Street, Temecula Creek, Breakfastatbully’s, Taint That a Cat). A maiden special weight race at Hol ($61,000, 6f, turf in 1:08.99, by 21, dftg. Five Star Wildcat, California Flag, Tenacious Star, Lemon, Genuinely Noble, Silver Wind, J. Willie). 2nd At 5 Joe Hernandez S (abt 6.5f, turf, to Desert Code, dftg. Night Chapter, Towzee, Marvel Wood, Charmo). 3rd San Simeon H (G3T, abt 6.5f, to Stoneside, Night Chapter, dftg. El Manuel, Unusual Suspect, Soul City Slew, Cheroot, Council Member, Carrilero, Don’t Ya Lovett, Giovanni). Won At 6 A race at Hol ($67,600, 6f, turf in 1:08.54, dftg. New Bay, Go for Cover, Winsome Charm, Cape Truth). 3rd Green Flash H (5f, turf, to California Flag, Delta Storm, dftg. Stoneside, Get Funky, Bamaha Breeze, Candy Pull, Euroglide).


Tenga Cat is by STORM CAT, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $570,610, Young America S (G1), 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), World Appeal S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 21 crops, 1,414 foals, 1,108 rnrs (78%), 805 wnrs (57%), 290 2yo wnrs (21%), 177 BTW (13%), 2.95 AEI, 3.15 CI, 462 sale yrlgs, avg $692,192, 15.43 TNA. STORM CAT has sired GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S, G1 In Ire, Juddmonte International S, G1 in Eng, etc.), B L A C K MINNALOUSHE (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc.), STORM FLAG FLYING (champion 2yo filly, Long John Silver’s Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), SWEET CATOMINE (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), HOLD THAT TIGER (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Grand Criterium-Lucien Barriere, G1 in Fr), ALJABR (champion 2yo colt in Eur, Champagne Lanson Sussex S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ONE COOL CAT (champion 2yo colt in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Independent Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S, G1 in Ire, etc.), HEART SHAPED (champion 2yo filly in Ire), DENEBOLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches Royal Barriere Deauville, G1 in Fr, etc.), MISTLE CAT (champion older male in Italy, Premio Vittorio di Capua, G1 in Italy), CATRAIL (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, champion

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 1 7 8 5 21

Storm Cat, dkb/br, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI 7.08 AWD Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI Tenga, dkb/br, 1990 15s, BTW, $69,523 10 f, 8 r, 6 w, 1 BTW 7.42 AWD Royal Strait Flush, 1981 Unraced 13 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

South Ocean, 1967 22s, BTW, $70,147 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

New Providence, by Bull Page

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Crimson Saint, 1969 11s, BTW, $91,770 11 f, 8 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Crimson Satan, by Spy Song

Raise a Native, 1961 4s, BTW, $45,955 838 f, 77 BTW, 2.35 AEI

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Gold Digger, 1962 35s, BTW, $127,255 12 f, 7 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Nashua, by Nasrullah

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Strip Poker, 1967 2s, pl, $1,100 8 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Bold Bidder, by Bold Ruler

3yo colt in Eur, Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc.), MUNAAJI (champion 3yo colt in Ger, Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, G2 in Ger, etc.), SHIMAH (champion 2yo filly in Ire), AMBITIOUS CAT (champion turf female in Can), SILKEN CAT (champion 2yo filly in Can), TABASCO CAT (Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1, etc.), SHARP CAT (Acorn S, G1, Beldame S, G1, Hollywood Starlet S, G1, etc.), FINDER’S FEE (Acorn S, G1, etc.), NEBRASKA TORNADO (Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks, G1 in Fr, NetJets Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, etc.), CAT THIEF (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Swaps S, G1, etc.), LIFE IS SWEET (Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, G1A, etc.), Dark Cheetah (champion 3yo colt in Ire), etc. STORM CAT’S other sons as stallions include GIANT’S CAUSEWAY (2,259 foals, 168 BTW, 1.80 AEI), Freud (1,060 foals, 50 BTW, 1.58 AEI), HENNESSY (1,347 foals, 72 BTW, 1.55 AEI), BERNSTEIN (1,341 foals, 85 BTW, 1.55 AEI), PURE PRIZE (1,695 foals, 69 BTW, 1.51 AEI), STORMY ATLANTIC (1,456 foals, 99 BTW, 1.48 AEI), TRUE CAUSE (210 foals, 4 BTW, 1.44 AEI), FORESTRY (1,173 foals, 59 BTW, 1.40 AEI), TALE OF THE CAT (2,280 foals, 103 BTW, 1.40 AEI), etc. TENGA CAT Has Sired: Tenga Cat has sired the winners Tengas Ransom ($130,485, to 3, 2016), Jazzie Cat (to 4, 2016), Cat King (to 4, 2016), Tengas Way (at 4, 2016).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg — — 1—$15,000

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —


Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops)

1st dam TENGA. Winner at 2 in Fr, $69,523, Prix de la Vallee d’Auge, 2nd Prix du Cercle. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— STARTAC (by Theatrical). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $703,718, Secretariat S (G1T), Belmont Breeders’ Cup H (G2T), Generous S (G3T), Turf Paradise Derby, 2nd El Camino Real Derby (G3), Hill Rise H, Jim Murray Memorial H, 3rd Pinjara S. Sire. Tenga Cat (Subject stallion). FOREST TANGO (Forestry). 3 wins, 3 to 5, $72,418. THUNDER STORM CAT (Storm Cat). 4 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng, Fr, and Ger, $45,695.

Runners 1 (100%) 4 (57%) 2 (25%) 0 (0%) 7 (33%)

Winners 0 (0%) 3 (43%) 1 (13%) 0 (0%) 4 (19%)

2yo Wnrs 0 0 0 0 0

BT Year Wins Wins 2014 0 0 2015 1 0 2016 5 0 *Totals 6 0 0.81 AEI; 0.83 CI; 5.75 AWD In 2016: 6 rnrs, 4 wnrs Avg Earnings Per Starter: $27,170 *to November 6, 2016

Earned $250 $33,345 $156,592 $190,187

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Shining Sun, by Chop Chop

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Bolero Rose, by Bolero

Raise You, by Case Ace

Sequence, by Count Fleet

My Charmer, by Poker

Pange, by King's Bench

Inbreeding: 5sX4D Native Dancer; 4SX5D Bold Ruler; 5SX5D Nasrullah.


By Racing Year


Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

2nd dam ROYAL STRAIT FLUSH. Unraced. Dam of 13 foals, including— JADE FLUSH. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $481,518, Rare Perfume H (G2T), 2nd Spinster S (G1), Louisville Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Molly Pitcher H (G2), Sabin H (G3), 3rd Bonnie Miss S (G2),



Rampart H (G2). Dam of MEGANTIC ($295,700, Battlefield S, 3rd Pan American H, G2T, John Henry S), Jade Queen ($293,232, 2nd Fairway Flyer S, Fairy Garden S, 3rd Flower Bowl Invitational S, G1T, Garden City Breeders’ Cup S, G1T, Glens Falls H, G3T, Rood and Riddle Dowager S, Steal a Kiss S). Granddam of HARMONIOUS ($625,420, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, American Oaks S, G1T, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Robert J. Frankel S, G2T, Royal Heroine Mile S, G2T, 3rd Yellow Ribbon S, G1T, La Canada S, G2). ROYAL DANZIG. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in NA and Fr, $49,046, Livonia S. Sire, 1.23 AEI. Stydahar. 4 wins, 2 to 4, in NA and Fr, $101,875, 3rd Prix Noailles (G2 in Fr). Sire. OZENA. Winner at 3, $73,840. Granddam of OZETA ($117,793, Prix de la Seine, in Fr). DANZIG LASS. Winner at 2 in Ire. Dam of TARRY FLYNN ($247,259, Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S, G3 in Ire, 2nd Aon MacDonagh Boland S, G3 in Ire, Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S, G3 in Ire, Knockaire S, Amethyst S, 3rd Amethyst S, Glencairn S). ROYAL HERAT. Unraced. Dam of CHITKA ($203,612, Lady Mannequin S, 2nd Ellis Park Breeders’ Cup H), HOUSEOFROYALHEARTS ($77,460, Restoration S, sire), Royal Affirmed ($291,684, 2nd Elkwood S, 3rd Red Bank H, G3T), Fu Peg He Rat ($258,545, 3rd El Cajon S), Heartbuster ($46,715, 2nd Masao Moriya S). NUEVA. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Royal Cheer ($70,245, 2nd Chandler S, Montclair S, etc.). Granddam of GO VIVIAN GO ($53,884, champion 2yo and 3yo filly and older female in Mex). 3rd dam STRIP POKER. Placed at 2. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— LANDALUCE. 5 wins at 2, $372,365, champion 2yo filly, Oak Leaf S (G1), Del Mar Debutante S (G2), Hollywood Lassie S (G2), Anoakia S (G3). CLOUT. 14 wins, 2 to 7, $318,100, Edgemere H (G3T), Henry P. Russell H, 2nd Edgemere H (G3T), Brighton Beach H (G3T), Longfellow H (G3T), Choice H, 3rd Lexington H (G2T), Bernard Baruch H (G3T), Brighton Beach H (G3T), San Diego H, Assault H. Sire. In Tissar. Winner at 2 and 3 in Fr, $34,091, 3rd Prix de Conde (G3 in Fr). Sire. 4th dam PANGE. 2 wins at 2 in Eng. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— PRINCE ROYAL II. 7 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy and Fr, $266,172, champion 3yo colt in Italy, Gran Premio di Milano, Premio Besana, Premio Naviglio, Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, 3rd Gran Criterium. Sire, 1.13 AEI. Pedrocchi. 11 wins, 2 to 6, in Italy, 2nd Criterium di Roma, Premio Divino Amore.

TENGA CAT Storm Cat – Tenga, by Mr. Prospector

SANTA ANITA GRADED SPRINTER BY STORM CAT! Brilliantly fast Santa Anita and Del Mar stakes performer who was on-the-board in nine of 12 career starts, winning three races on the turf going 6 furlongs at Hollywood Park in 1:08 2/5, 1:08 4/5 (breaking his maiden!), and 1:09 1/5. Placed in the $75,000 Joe Hernandez S. and San Simeon H.-G3 in back-to-back starts at Santa Anita and in Del Mar’s $106,100 Green Flash H., all on the turf. By sire of sires STORM CAT, whose leading sire sons from MR. PROSPECTOR-line mares include TALE OF THE CAT, CATIENUS, and PURE PRIZE. Half-brother to G1SW STARTAC (105 Beyer, $703,718). Out of SW TENGA, a half-sister to G2SW JADE FLUSH (116 Beyer, $481,518, dam of G2-pl. SW MEGANTIC [104 Beyer] and granddam of G1SW HARMONIOUS [100 Beyer, $625,420]) Second dam is a SEATTLE SLEW full sister to Champion 2YO filly LANDALUCE and is from the family of Champion PRINCE ROYAL II. From four small crops of racing age, sire of: TENGAS RANSOM ($130,485, on-the-board in 8 of 10 at Santa Anita and Del Mar); JAZZIE CAT ($29,920, 3 Santa Anita MSWs, 1 first, 1 second, 1 third); CAT KING ($11,337); TENGAS WAY ($9,675, on-the-board in 6 of 7 starts); One Smart Cat ($6,165, on-the-board in 3 of 4 starts); etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIVE FOAL Special Consideration to Approved Mares Property of Grant Truman Standing at


Inquiries to Tim Cohen, 3700 Piru Canyon Rd., Piru, California 93040 (805) 521-0511/FAX (805) 521-0559. E-mail: Website:



The PamPlemousse

gr/ro, 2006 height 16.2



2 3 Totals

3 2 5




1 2(2) 3(2)

0 0 0

1 0 1


$29,280 $180,000 $209,280

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($49,700, 8.5f, AW in 1:41.43, by 23, dftg. Mayor Marv, Fiery Rebel, Mr. Holmes, Life Goes On, Lifeline, Mr. Hot Stuff, Personality Kid, Mickey Rocks). Won At 3 Sham S (G3A, $200,000, 9f in 1:47.86, by 6, dftg. Take the Points, Mr. Hot Stuff, Bourbon Bay, Unbridled Roman, Smart Bid, Mark S the Cooler, Hi Flyin Indy, Tiz True, Balfour Park). San Rafael S (G3A, $100,000, 8f in 1:35.31, dftg. Square Eddie, Ryehill Dreamer, Brother Keith, Fiddlers Afleet).


THE PAMPLEMOUSSE is by KAFWAIN, black-type stakes winner of 4 races, $715,848, Norfolk S (G2), San Vicente S (G2), Best Pal S (G3), 2nd Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile (G1), Del Mar Futurity (G2), 3rd Santa Anita Derby (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 10 crops, 563 foals, 407 rnrs (72%), 291 wnrs (52%), 90 2yo wnrs (16%), 19 BTW (3%), 1.06 AEI, 1.22 CI, 267 sale yrlgs, avg $30,004, 0.67 TNA. In 2016: 38 2yos, 14 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 7 sale yrlgs, avg $6,057. KAFWAIN has sired DAISY DEVINE (Jenny Wiley S, G1T, Fair Grounds Oaks, G2, Pin Oak Valley View S, G3T, Cardinal H, G3T, Blushing K. D. Handicap, Mardi Gras H, etc.), LET FAITH ARISE (Santa Margarita S, G1, Adoration S, G3, California Wine S, 2nd La Canada S, G2, Santa Maria S, G2), DON’T FORGET GIL (Florida Oaks, G3, East View S, Wayward Lass S, 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Comely S, G2, 3rd Busanda S, etc.), RAGING DAOUST (Salvator Mile S, G3, 3rd Mr. Nasty S, to 7, 2016), MASSIVE DRAMA (Hollywood Prevue S, G3A, 3rd CashCall Futurity, G1A, San Vicente S, G2A, San Rafael S, G3A), THIRD CHANCE (Governor’s Lady H, Powerless H, Isaac Murphy H, Showtime Deb S, Addison Cammack S, 2nd Pretty Jenny S, etc.), WINGS OF WAR (Ralph Hayes S, John Wayne S, 2nd Iowa Breeders’ Derby, Cyclones H, Gray’s Lake S, 3rd Cyclones H), TWELVE TWENTY TWO (Harry Henson H twice, Bold Ego H, 3rd California Oaks), THE RUMOR’S TRUE (Happy Ticket S, John Franks Memorial Sales S, Louisiana Futurity, 2nd Louisiana Jewel S, Sarah Lane’s Oates S, 3rd Premier Night Starlet S), TOURMALINE (Remington Park Oaks, Assiniboia Oaks), YONEGWA (Governors S, James C. Ellis Juvenile S, A.C. Kemp H, 2nd Riley Allison Futurity, Dixieland S, 3rd Harvest S, etc.), KADIRA (Coca-Cola Bassinet S, Dixie Belle S, Gowell S, 3rd Honeybee S, G3, Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S), RASIERRA (Panthers S, 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie S, G3A, Instant Racing S, Wild Rose S, Debutante S, 3rd Prairie Gold Lassie S), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2012 2013 2014 *Totals

Named Foals 19 15 27 61

Runners 14 (74%) 10 (67%) 6 (22%) 30 (49%)

Winners 8 (42%) 7 (47%) 3 (11%) 18 (30%)

2yo Wnrs 1 4 3 8

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2014 1 0 2015 10 0 2016 16 0 *Totals 27 0 0.73 AEI; 1.21 CI; 6.05 AWD In 2016: 22 rnrs, 12 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 5 wins, $241,357 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $22,495 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $68,906 $303,523 $302,415 $674,844

Cherokee Run, 1990 28s, BTW, $1,531,818 807 f, 49 BTW, 1.48 AEI Kafwain, dkb/br, 2000 11s, BTW, $715,848 563 f, 19 BTW, 1.06 AEI 6.47 AWD Swazi's Moment, 1990 11s, BTW, $176,255 10 f, 7 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Rubiano, 1987 28s, BTW, $1,252,817 504 f, 33 BTW, 1.49 AEI Comfort Zone, gr/ro, 1995 5s, wnr, $57,428 10 f, 10 r, 8 w, 2 BTW 9.65 AWD So Cozy, 1980 4s, BTW, $32,262 14 f, 11 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Runaway Groom, 1979 18s, BTW, $347,537 1,122 f, 72 BTW, 1.53 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Cherokee Dame, 1980 Unraced 7 f, 6 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Silver Saber, by Drone

Moment of Hope, 1983 23s, BTW, $406,222 266 f, 6 BTW, 0.91 AEI

Timeless Moment, by Damascus

Swazi Girl, 1980 28s, BTW, $118,660 6 f, 6 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Hatchet Man, by The Axe II

Fappiano, 1977 17s, BTW, $370,213 410 f, 47 BTW, 4.43 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Ruby Slippers, 1982 14s, BTW, $83,760 13 f, 13 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Nijinsky II, by Northern Dancer

Lyphard, 1969 12s, BTW, $202,332 830 f, 112 BTW, 3.07 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Special Warmth, 1974 35s, BTW, $213,759 16 f, 13 r, 7 w, 2 BTW

Lucky Mike, by Lucky Mel

THE PAMPLEMOUSSE Has Sired: The Pamplemousse has sired the winners Thermodynamics ($145,730, 2nd Melair S, to 4, 2016), Madame Mousse ($86,007, at 4, 2016), Big Swag, Moussed Up, Eagle Rock (to 4, 2016), Counterplay (to 3, 2016), Moussehistopheles (to 4, 2016), If You Dream (to 3, 2016), Grape Fizz (to 3, 2016), Red Car Mac (at 3, 2016), And in the End (to 3, 2016), Moody Highway (to 3, 2016), Beba (at 3, 2016), Grey Moon Runner, Air Baca, and 2016 2-year-old winners So Heres the Thing, Shayda’s Prince, Sheeza Sassy Girl.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 12—$3,033 8—$12,688 35—$19,911

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 1—$2,200 1—$2,000 3—$1,767

FAMILY 1st dam COMFORT ZONE. 2 wins at 2, $57,428. Dam of 10 foals, including— THE PAMPLEMOUSSE (Subject stallion). AMERICAN LADY (by Stormy Atlantic). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $151,866, Reminiscing S, 3rd Bangles and Beads S. Emmzy (Eskendereya). 2 wins at 3, 2016, $134,161, 2nd Indiana Oaks (G2). Thermostat (Summer Squall). 5 wins, 3 to 10, $90,050, 3rd Prairie Meadows Derby. PISA NO VEGAS (Dixie Union). 3 wins, 2 to 4, in Japan, $318,717. CURLINO (Curlin). Winner at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2016, $78,531. 2nd dam SO COZY. 2 wins at 2, $32,262, Priscilla S. Dam of 14 foals, including— CONSENT. 24 wins, 2 to 10, $202,896, Comet S, Talc S, 2nd Atlantic City Sprint S. SPECIAL ALERT. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $177,155, Azalea S, Jasmine S, 2nd Clipsetta S, Indian Summer S, 3rd Gowell S, Wilma C. Kennedy S, Thelma S. Dam of RESERVE YOUR HEART ($604,722, Hakodate Sansai S, 3rd Niigata Sansai S, Cluster Cup, in Japan). SPECIAL MOVES. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $171,830, Royal North H, Drumtop H, 2nd Park Heights S, etc. Dam of SAFE PLAY ($249,608, My Frenchman S), TIGHT SPIN ($137,280, Incredible Revenge S, 2nd Buckland S, Kattegat’s Pride S, etc.). BRAARI. 3 wins at 2 in Eng, $42,814, Shadwell Stud Firth of Clyde S. Dam of SHAARD ($86,555, Constant Security Doncaster S, 3rd Champagne Lanson Vintage S, G3 in Eng). Saudi Desert. 4 wins, 3 to 5, in NA and Eng, placed in Italy, $157,499, 3rd Derby Italiano (G1 in Italy).



Dosage (3-2-10-1-0); DI: 1.67; CD: 0.44 See gray pages—Nasrullah Yonnie Girl, by Call the Witness

Dame Francesca, by Francis S.

Careless Moment, by Baffe

Our Duckling, by Quack

Killaloe, by Dr. Fager

Moon Glitter, by In Reality

Goofed, by Court Martial

Piece of Pie, by The Pie King

MAX’S SISTER. Winner at 2 and 3, $29,360. Dam of ALL BAR ONE ($410,855, Greenslopes Private Hospital Sir Byrne Hart S, G2 in Aust, JRA Stakes, 2nd Liverpool City Cup, G3 in Aust, 3rd Jacobs Creek BTC Cup, G1 in Aust, etc., in Aust, sire). WILSHEWED. Placed at 3. Dam of STORMELLO ($700,100, Hollywood Futurity, G1A, Norfolk Breeders’ Cup S, G2, 2nd Fountain of Youth S, G2, 3rd Del Mar Futurity, G2, Woody Stephens S, G2, Best Pal S, G2, sire), MY BEST BROTHER ($363,392, Del Mar Derby, G2T, Oceanside S, 2nd La Jolla H, G2T, Lure S), GALA AWARD ($258,044, Palm Beach S, G3T, Pennine Ridge S), Cherry Lodge ($124,800, 2nd Matron S, G3, 3rd Spinaway S, G1, at 2, 2016), Greatest Game ($72,972, 2nd Display S, 3rd Marine S, G3A, to 3, 2016). COZY LADY. Unraced. Dam of D J LIGHTNING ($71,624, Prom S, 3rd Xtra Heat S). PLUCKY MAID. Dam of SUMMER RAINBOW ($246,417, Quill S, 3rd John W. Rooney Memorial H, Justakiss S, etc.). Granddam of HARD MYSTERY ($179,833, Inside Information S). 3rd dam SPECIAL WARMTH. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $213,759, Arlington-Washington Lassie S (G2), Ak-Sar-Ben Juvenile S, Joliet S, Lady Sponsors S, 2nd Ak-SarBen Princess S, Mademoiselle S, 3rd Cleopatra S. Dam of 16 foals, including— SPECIAL POWER. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $173,844, Holiday Inaugural S, 2nd Holiday Inaugural H, 3rd Imp H. Dam of SPECIAL REQUEST ($209,692, Zippy Do H, Wabash S, etc.), Shoot Out ($104,258). Granddam of SPECIAL CHEERS ($66,760, Sandpiper S). Wezzo. Winner at 2 in Fr, 3rd Prix de la Vallee d’Auge. Producer. Granddam of HOTLANTIC ($174,511, Irving Distaff S, Top Corsage S, etc.). SEVENTEEN SINS. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $25,710. Dam of DOMINATRIX (Paritai Stud Pegasus S, in NZ). JARAMAR MISS. Winner at 2, $22,510. Dam of JARAMAR RAIN ($292,660, New Castle H, 2nd Sixty Sails H, G3, 3rd Summer King S, etc.), HARBOR MIST ($262,529, Anne M. Clare S, etc.), Easy Living ($153,300, 3rd Critical Eye S). WARM THE SAUCE. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Warm Knight (2nd San Mateo Juvenile S). SYRIAN SUMMER. Dam of MARLIN ($2,448,880, Arlington Million S, G1T, Crown Royal Hollywood Derby, G1T, Secretariat S, G1T, San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, G1T, Sunset H, G2T, San Luis Rey S, G2T, 2nd Hollywood Turf Cup S, G1T, Young America Breeders’ Cup S, G3T, Garden City S, etc., sire), LINDSEY LANE ($52,262, Gasparilla S, etc.). Granddam of JUST RUSHING ($1,011,701, Play the King S, G2T, etc.), DREAM ON DREAM ON ($248,925). THUNDER WARMTH. Dam of JAZZY JESSY ($126,294, Happy Ticket S, etc.).

check daily updates on

THE PAMPLEMOUSSE Kafwain – Comfort Zone, by Rubiano

CALIFORNIA’S LEADING ACTIVE THIRD-CROP SIRE OF 2016 Sire of Stakes-placed winner Thermodynamics ($98,370), 2nd $200,000 Melair S. at Santa Anita, Arizona Oaks runner-up Bullwinkle Babe ($31,190) plus first crop 2YO debut winner BIG SWAG ($34,350) and 3YO wire-to-wire maiden special winner at Santa Anita MOUSSED UP ($34,100). #1 Freshman Sire outside of Kentucky in 2013 ranked by a 7-yearling average over $53,000, including the Barretts Sale Topping Yearling at $160,000 Santa Anita Graded-Winning Miler by Top California Sire KAFWAIN Won 3 of 5 starts, including G3 Sham S. by 6 lengths (107 Beyer) and G3 San Rafael S. at one mile Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owner: The Pamplemousse Syndicate

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site:



Tigah (gB)

Entered Stud in 2016

Dosage (1-0-4-1-2); DI: 0.60; CD: -0.38 See gray pages—Nasrullah

b, 2008



2 3 in Fr 4 5 6 7 Totals

0 6 4 5 13 3 31




0 2 1 1(1) 2 2 8(1)

0 2(1) 0 1 3 1 7(1)

0 1 0 2(2) 3 0 6(2)


— $56,210 $40,070 $97,640 $122,230 $53,200 $369,350

Won At 3 in France An allowance race at Bor ($38,672, 8f in 1:41.43, dftg. Sulle Orme, Altiste, Totxo, Picture Book, Bloodson, Thaa Valley). A maiden race at Bor ($20,558, 9f in 1:55.43, by 21, dftg. Blitz, Sanoan, All Agreed, Captain Rocket, Alpha Charlie, Sunset Strip, Sunny Cat, Monsieur Ed, Vent d’Honneur). 2nd Prix Millkom (8f, to Sulle Orme, by a nose, dftg. Simba, Garde Slickly, Bungur, Gemix, Prince d’Alienor, Okebibi, Private Jet, Action Chope, Kadou, Yarubo). Won At 4 in North America An allowance race at SA ($79,400, 8f, turf in 1:33.48, dftg. Irish Art, Joes Blazing Aaron, Tamarack Smarty, Royal F J, Clubhouse Ride, Hurricane Lake, Spud Spivens, Bluegrass Reward). Won At 5 in North America San Francisco Mile S (G3T, $100,000, 8f in 1:36.64, dftg. Summer Hit, Gallant Son, Grand Berry, Tribal Tribute, Hudson Landing, Control Seeker, Barney Rebel, Coach Bob, Charlemagne Wood). 3rd Thunder Road S (8f, turf, to Battle Force, Fed Biz, dftg. Barocci, Wilkinson, Causeithertz, Facoltoso, Willyconker, Chiloquin). Wickerr S (8f, turf, to Indy Point, Endorsement, dftg. Chips All In, Wilkinson, Hudson Landing, My Best Brother, Corporate Jungle). Won At 6 in North America A race at Dmr ($60,610, 8f, turf in 1:33.79, dftg. Zimmer, Trelawny, Mr T Bird, Pulpit’s Express, Tones, What Goes Around, Would You, Midnite View, Proud Boss). A race at Dmr ($36,750, 8f, turf in 1:34.72, dftg. Los Bambinos, Ezio, Contributor, Craving Carats, Trelawny, Moonlit Meteor, Quality Plan, Miceli, Sizzlin’ Joe, Compari, Atascaderan). Won At 7 in North America A race at SA ($50,900, 8f, turf in 1:34.97, dftg. Horizontalyspeakin, Somethings Unusual, Los Bambinos, Lime Rickey, Polytechnicien, Avare). A race at SA ($32,750, 9f, turf in 1:48.56, dftg. Jomelo, Sizzlin’ Joe, Fast Mast, Mr Lexis, Greeley Awesome, Dr Action, Kingpin Ryno).

SIRE LINE TIGAH is by DALAKHANI, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $2,496,059, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eur and Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby (G1 in Fr), Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe Lucien Barriere (G1 in Fr), Criterium International (G1 in Fr), Prix Lupin (G1 in Fr), Prix Niel Casino Barriere d’Enghien Les Bains (G2 in Fr), Prix Greffulhe (G2 in Fr), Prix des Chenes (G3 in Fr), 2nd Budweiser Irish Derby (G1 in Ire). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 690 foals, 551 rnrs (80%), 317 wnrs (46%), 55 2yo wnrs (8%), 49 BTW (7%), 1.67 AEI, 2.04 CI, 232 sale yrlgs, avg $176,410, 3.93 TNA. In 2016: 32 2yos, 14 2yo rnrs, 3 2yo wnrs, 8 BTW, 20 sale yrlgs, avg $97,902. DALAKHANI has sired CONDUIT (champion turf male in USA, champion 3yo colt and older male in Eng, Ladbrokes St. Leger, G1 in Eng, Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T twice, etc.), INTEGRAL (champion older female in Eng, QIPCO Falmouth S, G1 in Eng, Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot S, G1 in Eng, Duke of Cambridge S, G2 in Eng, Thoroughbred Breeders Association Atalanta S, G3 in Eng, Coral Distaff S, etc.), CHINESE WHITE (champion older female three times in Ire, Audi Pretty Polly S, G1 in Ire,

STUD ANALYSIS Tigah entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Darshaan, 1981 8s, BTW, $226,979 835 f, 88 BTW, 2.06 AEI Dalakhani, gr, 2000 9s, BTW, $2,496,059 690 f, 49 BTW, 1.67 AEI 11.30 AWD Daltawa, 1989 4s, BTW, $53,155 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 5 BTW

Platini, 1989 17s, BTW, $1,318,406 578 f, 24 BTW, 0.92 AEI Macina, b, 1997 14s, wnr, $37,804 8 f, 8 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.67 AWD Mamma’s Too, 1989 37s, BTW, $119,697 8 f, 7 r, 5 w

Shirley Heights, 1975 11s, BTW, $402,418 694 f, 60 BTW, 1.94 AEI

Mill Reef, by Never Bend

Delsy, 1972 6s, wnr, $18,330 15 f, 13 r, 12 w, 5 BTW

Abdos, by Arbar

Miswaki, 1978 13s, BTW, $232,320 1,154 f, 94 BTW, 1.94 AEI

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Damana, 1981 10s, wnr, $31,615 11 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Crystal Palace, by Caro

Surumu, 1974 9s, BTW, $162,083 517 f, 52 BTW, 1.25 AEI

Literat, by Birkhahn

Prairie Darling, 1984 1s, pl 10 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Stanford, by Red God

Skyliner, 1975 26s, BTW, $97,127 243 f, 3 BTW, 0.75 AEI

African Sky, by Sing Sing

Maple Syrup, 1973 8s, pl, $1,835 10 f, 9 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Charlottown, by Charlottesville

Irish National Stud Blandford S, G2 in Ire, Dance Design S, G3 in Ire, etc.), SHEMIMA (champion older female in Eng, Prix de Lutece, G3 in Fr, Prix Allez France, G3 in Fr, 2nd Prix de Pomone-Haras d’Etreham, G2 in Fr, Qatar Prix Chaudenay, G2 in Fr, Shadwell Prix Minerve, G3 in Fr, etc.), ALEX MY BOY (champion older male in Ger, Darley Prix Kergorlay, G2 in Fr, etc., to 5, 2016), GOTHIC DANCE (champion older female in Italy), MOONSTONE (Darley Irish Oaks, G1 in Ire, 2nd Juddmonte Epsom Oaks, G1 in Eng), RELIABLE MAN (Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, Santos Coffee Queen Elizabeth S, G1 in Aust, Qatar Prix Niel, G2 in Fr, 2nd La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, G3 in Fr, 3rd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, G1 in Fr, Air Mauritius Prix Ganay, G1 in Fr), SEISMOS (Grosser Preis von Bayern, G1 in Ger, Betfred TV Geoffrey Freer S, G3 in Eng, Hubertus-Liebrecht-Gedachtnispreis, G3 in Ger, Hessen-Pokal, G3 in Ger, Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, 2nd Longines Grosser Preis von Baden, G1 in Ger, etc., to 8, 2016), DUNCAN (Irish Field St. Leger, G1 in Ire, Emirates Airline Yorkshire Cup, G2 in Eng, Qatar Prix Foy, G2 in Fr, John Doyle Buckhounds S, etc.), SECOND STEP (Grosser Preis von Berlin, G1 in Ger, Dunaden at Overbury Jockey Club S, G2 in Eng, etc., to 5, 2016), CANDARLIYA (Qatar Prix de Royallieu, G2 in Fr, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, G2 in Fr, Prix Minerve, G3 in Fr, Prix de Thiberville, 2nd Qatar Prix Vermeille, G1 in Fr, Darley Prix Kergorlay, G2 in Fr, etc., to 4, 2016), SILK SARI (DFS Park Hill S, G2 in Eng, British Stallion Studs E.B.F. Chalice S, 2nd QIPCO British Champions Fillies & Mares S, G1 in Eng, 3rd Pinnacle S, G3 in Eng), VADAMAR (Prix du Conseil de Paris, G2 in Fr, Prix Francois Mathet, 2nd Prix d’Harcourt, G2 in Fr, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, G2 in Fr, 3rd Gran Premio di Milano, G1 in Italy, Prix Greffulhe, G2 in Fr, etc.), CENTENNIAL (Ladbrokes Great Voltigeur S, G2 in Eng, Casino at Classic Trial S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Prix Thomas Bryon, G3 in Fr, Dubai Tennis Championships John Porter S, G3 in Eng, 3rd Qatar Prix Niel, G2 in Fr, etc.), GUARDINI (Gerling-Preis, G2 in Ger, Sharp Japan Racing Association Plate, G3 in Aust, Prix du Lys Longines, G3 in Fr, 2nd Le Pine Funerals Easter Cup, G3 in Aust, to 5, 2016), TERRUBI (Prix Maurice de Nieuil, G2 in Fr, Prix de la Porte de Madrid, 2nd Prix de Barbeville, G3 in Fr, Prix Pelleas, etc., to 6, 2016), ARMURE (Prix de Pomone-Haras d’Etreham, G2 in Fr, Prix du Carrousel), DEMOCRATE (Prix Hocquart, G2 in Fr), DEEM (Cape Verdi Derrinstown Stud, G3 in UAE, Meydan Balanchine, G3 in UAE), BARAAN (Prix La Force, G3 in Fr, 3rd Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, to 8, 2016), Wilddrossel (champion 3yo filly in Ger), etc. DALAKHANI’s 2016 black-type stakes winners are CANDARLIYA (G2 in Fr), GOLDEN VALENTINE (G3 in Fr), GUARDINI (G3 in Aust), ALAKHANA (in Fr), AYRAD (in Eng), MOONRISE LANDING (in Eng), PACIFIC ANGEL (in Fr), ARAB DAWN (in Aust).



Hardiemma, by Hardicanute

Kelty, by Venture

Hopespringseternal, by Buckpasser

Denia, by Crepello

Surama, by Reliance II

Prairie Belle, by Northfelds

Keep Going, by Hard Sauce

Sweet Solera, by Solonaway

FAMILY 1st dam Macina. 2 wins at 3 in Ger, $37,804, 2nd Restaurant La Table Sterne-Rennen-Dortmunder Fliegerpreis, Silberne Peitsche, 3rd 30 Benazet-Rennen (G3 in Ger). Dam of 8 foals, including— TIGAH (Subject stallion). Practitioner (by Dr Fong). 4 wins, 2 to 4, in Eng and HK, $663,561, 2nd Usk Valley Stud Washington Singer S, 3rd Chinese Club Challenge Cup. MON CHOIX (Choisir). 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Fr, $158,066. ROYAL PUNCH (Royal Applause). Dam of ROYAL RASCAL ($101,143, Rockingham S, 3rd Jaguar Cars Lowther S, G2 in Eng). 2nd dam MAMMA’S TOO. 8 wins, 2 to 4, in Ger and Eng, $119,697, Shadwell Estate Firth of Clyde S, St. Hugh’s S, Charles Heidsieck Flieger Preis, 2nd Silberne Peitsche. Dam of 8 foals, including— The Loan Express. Winner at 2 in Ire, placed in Eng and Aust, $89,385, 2nd Coolmore S, 3rd Queen Mary S (G2 in Eng), Cork S. Producer. Dam of Fast Cash ($245,887, 2nd Essendon Nissan Mckenzie S, in Aust, to 5, 2016). MACARENA. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Ger, $28,599. Producer. Dam of Masquenada (2nd Stuten-Meile der Frankfurter Volksbank Preis der Union Investment, etc., in Fr and Ger), Macau ($39,095, 3rd Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, in Fr). 3rd dam MAPLE SYRUP. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— MAPLETON. 4 wins, 7 to 9, in Eng, $41,840. FISH MERCHANT. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Ire, $34,222. 4th dam SWEET SOLERA. 6 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, champion 3yo filly in Eng, Cherry Hinton S, Epsom Oaks, One Thousand Guineas, One Thousand Guineas Trial S, Princess S, Thirsk Classic Trial S, 3rd Queen Mary S. Dam of 10 foals, including— BON APPETIT. Winner at 2 and 3 in Fr, Prix Vanteaux. Dam of BEAUX ARTS ($210,140, Prix Georges de Talhouet-Roy Hurdle, etc., in Fr), Batave ($42,759, 2nd Prix de Meautry, G3 in Fr, Prix de Saint Georges, G3 in Fr), Blithe Spirit (in Fr). Granddam of BIGSTONE ($919,508, champion older male in Fr, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, G1 in Eng, Sussex S, G1 in Eng, Prix de la Foret, G1 in Fr, Prix d’Ispahan, G1 in Fr, Prix Omnium II, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris, G1 in Fr, Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, Prix Greffulhe, G2 in Fr, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, G1 in Eng, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, sire), BON VENT ($153,531, Prix du Palais Royal, G3 in Fr, etc.), BLUE CLOUD ($73,840, Prix Imprudence, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac-Criterium des Pouliches, G1 in Fr), BAGUE BLEUE (in Fr), BALLERINE (in Fr).

TIGAH (GB) Dalakhani (IRE) – Macina (IRE), by Platini (GER) Complimentary to Unusual Heat mares, Stakes placed & Stakes producing mares

GRADED STAKES WINNING MILER IN USA & STAKES-PLACED IN FRANCE! EARNINGS OF $369,350, DEFEATED MGSW SUMMER HIT & GSW GALLANT SON (SIRE) Won at all major California race tracks; A tenacious, durable race horse; from 31 starts had 8 wins, 7 seconds and 6 thirds; Half-brother to Group-Placed Practitioner (GB).

BY EUROPEAN CARTIER HORSE OF THE YEAR AND PRIX DE I’ARC DE TRIOMPHE WINNER DALAKHANI (IRE) 2014 #1 European shuttle stallion: More European Stakes Winners than any other shuttle stallion! From 13 crops: 1 champion, 29 GSWs, 52 SWs, 39 SPs, lifetime progeny earnings over $31,000,000 TIGAH’s dam Macina (G3pl) hails from the legendary six-time Champion German Sire SURUMU, by way of his Champion and Leading Money-Winning son PLATINI. SURUMU is a cornerstone of German race horse breeding. CONTACT FARM FOR AVAILABLE WEANLINGS AND YEARLINGS FOR SALE Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $5,000 LIVE FOAL Complimentary to Unusual Heat mares, stakes placed and stakes producing makes. (Payable when foal stands and nurses.)


Standing at


Inquiries to Vincent Harris, 44705 Hwy 371, Aguanga, California 92536 (951) 219-1916 Email:



Time To GeT even

Dosage (7-5-14-0-0); DI: 2.71; CD: 0.73 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

dkb/br, 2004



2 3 4 5 Totals




0 2(1) 0 1 3(1)

0 1 0 1 2

0 0 0 1 1

0 4 4 8 16


— $106,884 $6,760 $36,440 $150,084

Won At 3 Lazaro Barrera Memorial S (G3A, $109,700, 7f in 1:21.91, dftg. Principle Secret, Desert Code, Try to Fly, Abalanche, Euroglide, Taxi Fleet, Another Kris). A maiden special weight race at SA ($61,400, 6.5f in 1:15.59, by 21, dftg. Hewitts, Mobo, Fiery Trippi, Smooth and Savvy, Cherokee Tear, Beau Smoke, Minnie’s Boy, J. Willie). Won At 5 A race at Hol ($33,000, 6f, AW in 1:08.58, by 23, dftg. Luhuk’s Dancer, Northern Soldier, Haraldo, Tontine Too).

A.P. Indy, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI Stephen Got Even, b, 1996 11s, BTW, $1,019,200 815 f, 36 BTW, 1.28 AEI 7.23 AWD Immerse, 1988 17s, wnr, $108,398 11 f, 10 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Seeking the Gold, 1985 15s, BTW, $2,307,000 935 f, 91 BTW, 2.21 AEI Tomisue's Pleasure, b, 1996 3s, pl, $18,600 11 f, 8 r, 8 w, 1 BTW 7.18 AWD Summer Matinee, 1987 17s, BTW, $277,870 10 f, 7 r, 1 w


TIME TO GET EVEN is by STEPHEN GOT EVEN, blacktype stakes winner of 5 races, $1,019,200, Donn H (G1), S (G2), 3rd Woodward S (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 815 foals, 671 rnrs (82%), 525 wnrs (64%), 107 2yo wnrs (13%), 36 BTW (4%), 1.28 AEI, 1.34 CI, 350 sale yrlgs, avg $30,741, 0.69 TNA. In 2016: 30 2yos, 7 2yo rnrs, 5 2yo wnrs, 2 BTW, 7 sale yrlgs, avg $9,429. STEPHEN GOT EVEN has sired STEVIE WONDERBOY (champion 2yo colt, Bessemer Trust Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Del Mar Futurity, G2, 2nd San Rafael S, G2, 3rd Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3), FIRST DUDE (Hollywood Gold Cup H, G1A, Alysheba S, G3, 2nd Preakness S, G1, Pennsylvania Derby, G2, 3rd Belmont S, G1, Izod Haskell Invitational S, G1, etc.), I WANT REVENGE (Wood Memorial S, G1, Gotham S, G3, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, Evening Attire S, Three Coins Up S, 3rd Suburban H, G2, etc.), MR. TOMMY (champion sprinter and older male in Pan, Clasico Presidente de la Republica, Clasico Francisco Arias Paredes y Alberto Arias Espinosa twice, etc.), QUEEN PEARL (champion 3yo filly in Pan, Clasico Presidente de La Republica, etc., to 5, 2016), EXCELLENT SHINE (champion 3yo colt and stayer in Pan, Clasico Presidente de la Republica, etc.), MARIA GOT EVEN (champion older female in Pan, Clasico Appucapa, etc., to 5, 2016), STEPHEN PROSPECT (champion 2yo colt in PR, Clasico George Washington, etc., to 4, 2016), DON’T GET MAD (Indiana Derby, G2, Northern Dancer Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Derby Trial S, etc.), FOR ALL WE KNOW (Lexus Raven Run S, G2), SWEET VENDETTA (Black-Eyed Susan S, G2, Andover Way S, etc.), COSMO PHANTOM (Chunichi Shimbun Hai, G3 in Japan, etc.), STEVE’S DOUBLE (Perryville S, G3A, Unbridled H, etc.), MORE THAN EVEN (Oklahoma Classics Distaff S, RPDC Classic Distaff S twice, etc., to 6, 2016), GOT EVEN (California Breeders Champion S, 2nd San Pedro S, etc., to 7, 2016), JOHNNY WHIP

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2011 23 22 (96%) 2012 4 2 (50%) 2013 9 5 (56%) 2014 15 6 (40%) *Totals 51 35 (69%)

Winners 17 (74%) 1 (25%) 3 (33%) 2 (13%) 23 (45%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 7 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 10 0

BT Winners 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)

By Racing Year BT Year Wins Wins 2013 8 0 2014 33 1 2015 25 0 2016 18 0 *Totals 84 1 0.82 AEI; 0.61 CI; 5.81 AWD In 2016: 22 rnrs, 13 wnrs Lifetime On Turf: 2 wins, $29,574 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $40,913 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $273,087 $424,736 $377,779 $339,501 $1,415,103

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Cox's Ridge, 1974 28s, BTW, $667,172 774 f, 49 BTW, 2.47 AEI

Best Turn, by Turn-to

Baroness Direct, 1981 21s, BTW, $202,734 9 f, 7 r, 5 w

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Con Game, 1974 12s, wnr, $24,080 10 f, 10 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Summing, 1978 23s, BTW, $615,096 451 f, 15 BTW, 1.06 AEI

Verbatim, by Speak John

Part Time Lover, 1977 18s, wnr, $27,236 11 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

Proud Clarion, by Hail to Reason

My Charmer, by Poker

Lassie Dear, by Buckpasser

Our Martha, by Ballydonnell

Avum, by Umbrella Fella

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Broadway, by Hasty Road

Sumatra, by Groton

Snow Fantasy, by Arctic Prince

Inbreeding: 5sX4d Buckpasser.

(TRAO Classic Sprint S, Silver Goblin S twice, etc., to 7, 2016), PEPPI KNOWS (Whirlaway S, Changing Times S, etc.), FOR CASH (Zia Park Derby, Fred Jones H twice, etc., to 6, 2016), CAVE’S VALLEY (Dover S, Whirling Ash S, etc.), TODD GOT EVEN (Eillo S), DIAVOLETTO (Best of Ohio Sprint S, Green Carpet S, etc.), STIFFED (Monmouth Beach S, Jersey Girl H, 2nd Molly Pitcher S, G3, etc., to 5, 2016), CHARMING DELILAH (Sweet Briar Too S, etc., to 5, 2016), BUCKLE BUNNY BABE (West Virginia Breeders Classic Distaff S, 3rd West Virginia Division of Tourism Breeders’ Classic S, etc.), TREVOR’S CLEVER (Alydar S, Jim Kostoff S), JOE GOT EVEN (WEBN Stakes, 2nd John Battaglia Memorial S, Turfway Prevue S, 3rd Lane’s End S, G2A), VIRAMUNDO (Clasico Appucapa, 2nd Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajador, 3rd Donn H, G1, etc.), etc. STEPHEN GOT EVEN’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CHARMING DELILAH, QUEEN PEARL (in Pan). STEPHEN GOT EVEN’S other sons as stallions include FIRST DUDE (181 foals, 3 BTW, 1.26 AEI), DON’T GET MAD (169 foals, 7 BTW, 1.14 AEI), etc. TIME TO GET EVEN Has Sired: TIME FOR A MEMORY, 11, f (dam by Rio Verde, 2nd dam by Dancebel): $111,687, Sonoma H, to 5, 2016. Time to Get Even also has sired the winners Time for Angie ($334,830, 3rd Cinderella S, Cavonnier Juvenile S, to 5, 2016), Xingontothebone ($175,936, 3rd Santa Anita Juvenile S, California Cup Derby, Echo Eddie S, to 3, 2016), Time to Go Robo ($84,034, to 5, 2016), Anythingtogeteven ($81,455, to 5, 2016), Exponentially ($75,921, to 5, 2016), Sciatica ($65,404, to 5, 2016), Song of the Times ($50,304), Demon Dancer ($39,802, to 5, 2016), Time for a Hug ($31,450), Reasonable Effects, Lucky Got Even (to 5, 2016), Full Moon Princess, Time for Ebby (to 3, 2016), Time Toget Ahead, Get Even Girl (to 5, 2016), Time to Be a Hero (to 5, 2016), Little Donkey, Time for a J, Nevada Time (to 5, 2016), etc., and 2016 2-year-old winners Cioppino Pasadino, Six Gun Smokin.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$1,725 8—$9,975 21—$10,962

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam TOMISUE’S PLEASURE. Placed at 3. Dam of 11 foals, including— TIME TO GET EVEN (Subject stallion). Aunt Sherri (by Stephen Got Even). 2 wins at 2, $98,095, 2nd Kentucky Downs Juvenile Fillies S. THOMAS GOT EVEN (Stephen Got Even). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $169,487.



REVENGEFULPLEASURE (Stephen Got Even). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $85,069. WISCONSIN LADY (Stephen Got Even). Winner at 2, $67,732. Dam of ORE PASS ($184,281 Frank Whiteley Jr. Stakes, to 6, 2016). DEBBIE’S PLEASURE (Belong to Me). Winner at 3. Producer. Dam of Lucy With Diamonds ($25,046, 2nd Distaff S). DAKOTA RAE (Stephen Got Even). Unraced. Dam of LOVABLE LYSS ($116,220, Austintown Filly Sprint S, 2nd Goldfinch S, to 3, 2016), BACOPA BREEZE ($111,155, Smart Halo S). 2nd dam SUMMER MATINEE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $277,870, Gardenia H (G3), 2nd Ladies H (G2), Fantastic Girl H, 3rd Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3). Dam of 10 foals, including— Youandiatdelmar. Winner at 2, $31,525, 2nd Malcolm Anderson S. ARDEN VILLAGE. Unraced. Producer. Dam of Five Towns ($145,382, 2nd Fasig-Tipton Turf Dash S, 3rd Criterium S, Appealing Guy S). 3rd dam PART TIME LOVER. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $27,236. Dam of 11 foals, including— PINECUTTER. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $335,821, North Randall S, 2nd Toboggan H (G3), Chief Pennekeck H, Woodstock S, Friar Rock S, Daniel Haines S, Inkster H, 3rd Quickstep H. FULL TIME FRIEND. 3 wins at 2, $80,422, Bustles and Bows S, Black Swan S. Dam of WEEKEND SQUALL ($126,570, Fairfield S, 2nd Cinderella S, Nursery S, Golden State Lassie S, 3rd Las Virgenes S, G1, Woodside S). Granddam of CINNFUL BRIDE ($224,380, Bam’s Penny S, 2nd Carousel S, etc.). LISA’S SONG. 3 wins at 3, $23,285. Producer. Dam of Dancethetides ($152,624, 2nd Green Alligator H). CAPTAIN’S LAUNCH. Unraced. Dam of SPACELINK ($198,450, California Cup Juvenile S, 3rd Swaps S, G1, sire), TAKE ME HOME TOO ($73,903, Laurel Lane S, 3rd Louisiana Futurity, Sarah Lane’s Oates S). Granddam of BIRD OF TREY ($176,749, Pennsylvania Nursery S, etc., to 3, 2016). LA BELLE OTERO. Producer. Granddam of ROSINA BELLA ($99,539, Premio Royal Mares, in Italy). 4th dam SNOW FANTASY. 6 wins, 3 to 5. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— Illusion. 4 wins at 5, $61,645, 2nd Chrysanthemum H (G3). Producer. Dam of Coastal Illusion ($155,049, 3rd Running Hills S), Kossuth Cake (in Fr), I Believe in Magic ($33,275, 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Handicap, sire). SNOW DEAL. 3 wins at 3. Producer. Dam of Arctic Answer ($59,158, 2nd Bull Page S, 3rd Victoria S). PEGGY’S COVE. Winner at 2. Dam of ENSIGN PEGGY ($64,681, Forget Me Not S).

TIME TO GET EVEN Stephen Got Even – Tomisue’s Pleasure, by Seeking the Gold

RANKS AMONG CALIFORNIA’S LEADING THIRD-CROP SIRES Sire of 14% Stakes Horses, including: TIME FOR A MEMORY ($100,050) multiple stakes winner of the Sonoma H. and Saskatchewan Derby; Fillies Oaks winner TIME TO BE A HERO, 2nd Breeders’ Cup 3YO Fillies S.; $100,000 Cinderella S. and Cavonnier Juvenile Stakes-placed Time for Angie ($228,630); and $125,000 Santa Anita Juvenile Stakes-placed Xingontothebone. 68% winners from starters, including leading winners TIME TO GO ROBO ($74,647), ANYTHINGTOGETEVEN ($68,080), EXPONENTIALLY ($62,090). Winner of the Lazaro Barrera S.-G3, defeating GRADE 2 winner PRINCIPLE SECRET and Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint winner DESERT CODE. By millionaire STEPHEN GOT EVEN, G1-winning son of A.P. INDY & sire of 5 champions and leading G1 winners including FIRST DUDE ($1,442,140), STEVIE WONDERBOY ($1,058,940), I WANT REVENGE ($928,000). Out of a SEEKING THE GOLD daughter of Graded SW SUMMER MATINEE from the family of the GRADE 1-placed SWs WEEKEND SQUALL and SPACELINK.

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL STANDS & NURSES Standing at


Inquiries to Terry C. Lovingier, 35490 Hwy. 76, Warner Springs, California 92086 (562) 547-9848/FAX: (562) 988-0094. E-mail: Website:



Tiz a MinisTer

Entered Stud in 2016



2 3 4 Totals

7 11 2 20




1 2(2) 0 3(2)

3 2(1) 0 5(1)

1 4(4) 0 5(4)


$75,780 $405,250 $500 $481,530

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at BHP ($46,050, 6.5f, AW in 1:17.95, dftg. Back to Bako, Star Rocker, Gentlemen Pete, Alydidit, Judge Carr, Headlights On, Gallant Charm). Won At 3 Affirmed H (G3A, $100,750, 8.5f in 1:45.79, dftg. Den’s Legacy, Manando, Dice Flavor, Just Win Baby, Broadway Empire, Dirty Swagg, Counting Days). California Breeders Champion S ($300,500, 8f in 1:36.56, dftg. Omega Star, Surfcup, Alydidit, Fighting Hussar, China Prince, Major Truth, Weewinnin, O Wild West Wind, Lovmeister). 2nd Swaps S (G2A, 9f, to Chief Havoc, dftg. Dice Flavor, Java’s War). 3rd San Felipe S (G2, 8.5f, to Hear the Ghost, Flashback, dftg. Goldencents, Salutos Amigos, Carving, Omega Star, Kochees). El Cajon S (8f, AW, to Holy Lute, Fury Kapcori, dftg. Tree of Life, Pataky Kid, Manando, R S Watson). Snow Chief S (9f, AW, to Surfcup, Fighting Hussar, dftg. Bobo, Omega Star, Nina’s Dragon, Alydidit, Heat Streaker). California Flag H (abt 6.5f, turf, to A Toast to You, Ain’t No Other, dftg. Circa’sgoldengear, Luckarack, Starspangled Heat, Mobilized, Strong Wind, Atta Boy Pete, Dixieland Blues).

SIRE LINE TIZ A MINISTER is by MINISTERS WILD CAT, blacktype stakes winner of 6 races, $368,729, Jacques Cartier S, Golden State Mile S, 2nd El Camino Real Derby (G3), Affirmed H (G3), 3rd Bold Venture H. To November 6, 2016: Sired 8 crops, 347 foals, 265 rnrs (76%), 190 wnrs (55%), 51 2yo wnrs (15%), 14 BTW (4%), 1.04 AEI, 0.93 CI, 44 sale yrlgs, avg $9,692, 0.22 TNA. In 2016: 48 2yos, 15 2yo rnrs, 6 2yo wnrs, 10 sale yrlgs, avg $11,090. MINISTERS WILD CAT has sired DOINGHARDTIMEAGAIN (Great Lady M Stakes, G2, Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Soviet Problem S, Melair S, Evening Jewel S, 2nd Keith E. Card California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, etc.), SHE’S ORDAINED (Willa On the Move S, 2nd Regret S, Lady in Waiting S, Primonetta S, What a Summer S twice, etc.), SINGING KITTY (China Doll S, Unzip Me S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, 2nd Sandy Blue H, Fran’s Valentine S, 3rd Autumn Miss S, G3T, etc., to 4, 2016), CURVY CAT (B. Thoughtful S, 2nd Cat’s Cradle H, 3rd Paseana H, Skillful Joy S), GOING FOR A SPIN (Cat’s Cradle H, E.B. Johnston S, 2nd B. Thoughtful S, 3rd Miss America S, Las Madrinas H), BAILOUTTHEMINISTER (Sam J. Whiting Memorial H), CASTINETTE DANCER (Boulevard Casino S, Emerald Downs S, Hong Kong Jockey Club H, 2nd British Columbia Oaks, Supernaturel H, Pegasus Training Center S, etc.), HOLLYWOOD DREAMS (Red Diamond Express H three times, Three and Four Year Old Sales S, 2nd Harvest Gold Plate H), SWISS WILD CAT (California Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association S, Robert H. Walter California Cup Juvenile Fillies S, 2nd Cinderella S, Phil D. Shepherd S), HOLLYWOOD DRAMA (Birdcatcher S, Alberta Premier’s Futurity, Two Year Old Sales S), CAGED MISTRESS (Strawberry Morn H, 2nd Vancouver Sun H), JOE JA (Goldfinch S, 3rd Beverly J. Lewis S), STALK THE WILDCAT (Golden Nugget S, to 4, 2016), Melanistic (2nd Dream of Summer S, to 7, 2016), Popalicious (2nd El Diario H, to 6, 2016), Whatsthequestion (2nd Valley Forge S, to 6, 2016), Could Be Trouble (3rd Dream of Summer S), Minster’sadventure (2nd Chaves County S, to 4, 2016),

STUD ANALYSIS Tiz a Minister entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Dosage (3-0-7-0-0); DI: 1.86; CD: 0.60 See gray pages—Nearctic

dkb/br, 2010

Deputy Minister, 1979 22s, BTW, $696,964 1,142 f, 90 BTW, 2.52 AEI Ministers Wild Cat, b, 2000 22s, BTW, $368,729 347 f, 14 BTW, 1.04 AEI 6.36 AWD Hollywood Wildcat, 1990 21s, BTW, $1,432,160 12 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Cee's Tizzy, 1987 6s, wnr, $173,150 740 f, 28 BTW, 1.58 AEI Tiz a Mistress, gr/ro, 2002 Unraced 4 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 5.91 AWD Gambling Mistress, 1991 35s, wnr, $176,582 6 f, 4 r, 3 w

Vice Regent, 1967 5s, wnr, $6,215 673 f, 103 BTW, 2.90 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Mint Copy, 1970 76s, wnr, $53,945 7 f, 7 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Bunty's Flight, by Bunty Lawless

Kris S., 1977 5s, BTW, $53,350 839 f, 88 BTW, 2.48 AEI

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Miss Wildcatter, 1980 Unraced 5 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Tizly, 1981 6s, wnr, $6,209 11 f, 9 r, 8 w

Lyphard, by Northern Dancer

Noble Monk, 1978 19s, wnr, $14,575 86 f, 2 BTW, 0.98 AEI

African Sky, by Sing Sing

Gambler's Sister, 1982 5s, wnr, $20,835 10 f, 8 r, 7 w

Delaware Chief, by Chieftain

Victoria Regina, by Menetrier

Shakney, by Jabneh

Sharp Queen, by Princequillo

Elizabeth K., by Third Martini

Foggy Note, by The Axe II

Tizna, by Trevieres

Manflia, by Mandamus

Mandalay, by Bounding Main

Inbreeding: 4SX5D Northern Dancer.

Whine for Wine (3rd Zia Park Championship H, to 5, 2016), Run for Retts (2nd Evening Jewel S, to 3, 2016), Tebows Big Play (3rd Silky Sullivan S), Royalty Gone Wild (3rd Generous Portion S), J J Minister (3rd C.B. Afflerbaugh S), etc. DEPUTY MINISTER, grandsire of TIZ A MINISTER, has sired OPEN MIND (champion 2yo and 3yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, etc.), GO FOR WAND (champion 2yo and 3yo filly, Mother Goose S, G1, etc.), DEHERE (champion 2yo colt, Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, etc.), MONGOL WARRIOR (champion 3yo colt in Spain, champion 3yo colt in Swi, Grosser Preis von Deutschland, G2 in Ger, etc.), DIVA’S DEBUT (champion older female in Can, Whimsical S, Etobicoke H, etc.), HELLO SEATTLE (champion 2yo filly in Can, Mazarine Breeders’ Cup S, G1), ELOQUENT MINISTER (champion 3yo filly in Ire, Garden City Budweiser Breeders’s Cup S, Kilfrush Coolmore E.B.F. Tipperary Sprint S, etc.), TOUCH GOLD (Belmont S, G1, Buick Haskell Invitational H, G1, Lexington S, G2, etc.), AWESOME AGAIN (Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1, Whitney H, G1, Stephen Foster H, G2, etc.), DEPUTY COMMANDER (Travers S, G1, Super Derby, G1, Affirmed H, G3, etc.), KEEPER HILL (Kentucky Oaks, G1, Three Chimneys Spinster S, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, etc.), VICTORY SPEECH (Strub S, G1, Swaps S, G2, Dwyer S, G2, etc.), MR PURPLE (Santa Anita H, G1, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G2, Affirmed H, G3, etc.), MISS SHOP (Personal Ensign S, G1, Rampart H, G2, Turnback the Alarm H, G3, etc.), GO DEPUTY (Sword Dancer Invitational S, G1T, Bowling Green H, G2T, 2nd Pattison Canadian International S, G1T, etc.), CLEAR MANDATE (Three Chimneys Spinster S, G1, John A. Morris H, G1, Shuvee H, G1, etc.), SALT LAKE (Hopeful S, G1, King’s Bishop S, G2, Cowdin S, G2, etc.), WELL CHOSEN (Ashland S, G1, 2nd Fair Grounds Oaks, G3, Santa Ynez S, G3), ALWAYS A CLASSIC (Early Times Turf Classic S, G1T, Explosive Bid H, G3T, Mardi Gras H, etc.), FABULOUSLY FAST (Test S, G1, 3rd Spinaway S, G1, Matron S, G1), FLAG DOWN (Pan American H, G2T, Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup H, G2T, Bowling Green H, G2T, etc.), ATELIER (Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Turnback the Alarm H, G3, Next Move H, G3, etc.), YARROW BRAE (Illinois Derby, G2, 2nd Jim Beam S, G2, Derby Trial S, G3, etc.), FAST COOKIE (Cotillion H, G2, 2nd Astarita S, G2, Endeavour S, etc.), STAR MINISTER (Cotillion H, G2, Maryland Juvenile Filly Championship S, Twixt S, etc.), FOREST CAMP (Del Mar Futurity, G2, Pirate’s Bounty H, 2nd Norfolk S, G2, etc.), MINISTER WIFE (Demoiselle S, G2, Pocahontas S, 2nd Bonnie Miss S, G2, etc.), STOLEN BEAUTY (Demoiselle S, G2, My Charmer S, 2nd Astarita S, G2, etc.), THE PRIME MINISTER (Goodwood H, G2), BETTER THAN HONOUR (Demoiselle S, G2, 2nd Acorn S, G1, etc.), etc. DEPUTY MINISTER’S other sons as stallions include AWESOME AGAIN, SILVER DEPUTY, TOUCH GOLD, etc.



FAMILY 1st dam TIZ A MISTRESS. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, incl.— TIZ A MINISTER (Subject stallion). TIZ A BRITE MISS (by High Brite). 3 wins at 4, $55,635. CHURCHBOB (Benchmark). 6 wins, 4 to 6, $32,322. 2nd dam Gambling Mistress. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $176,582, 2nd Las Ninas S, Barretts Debutante S. Dam of 6 foals, including— GAMBLER’S MARK. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $168,171. GAMBLING MISTER. 6 wins, 6 to 8, $60,915. COVERYOURBETS. Winner at 3 and 4, $32,573. 3rd dam GAMBLER’S SISTER. 3 wins at 3, $20,835. Dam of 10 foals, including— Fabulous Gamble. Winner at 2 and 3, $56,305, 2nd Time to Leave S. Producer. GAMBLING RENT. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $163,026. GAMBLER’S DO. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $152,690. OLE’ SIS. Winner at 3 and 4, $80,455. Dam of STAGE PLAYER ($488,157, California Turf Championship H, 3rd California Cup Mile H), Elaine’s Angel ($350,216, 3rd California Cup Matron H, T.O.C & C.T.T. California Cup Matron H, Solana Beach H, Cat’s Cradle H). J COOL. Winner at 2 and 3, $50,572. HEY SISTER. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $26,470. GAMBLING SLEW. Unraced. Dam of GAMBLING CHAMP ($79,696, Bam’s Penny S). Granddam of COUGAR MTN LODGE ($116,508, Graduation S). 4th dam MANDALAY. Winner at 4. Dam of 4 foals, including— TIN HORN GAMBLER. Winner at 2, Juvenile S, 3rd Mid-Peninsula S. BULIG Z. 12 wins at 3 and 4, $150,625. Dam of NO EXPLANATION ($393,573, Bull Dog S). PROMPT ANNIE. Winner at 2 and 3. 5th dam ROYAL GAIL. Unraced. Dam of 15 foals, including— GOLDEN MERMAID. 3 wins, 2 to 4. ROYAL CHARM. 2 wins at 3. Producer. GAIL AGAIN. 2 wins, 2 to 5. BILLY GAIL. Winner at 2. BOUNDING GAIL. Winner at 3. VICTORIAN AGE. 2 wins at 4 in Jam. Producer. Dam of Nadia (2nd Jamaican One Thousand Guineas, in Jam). COMIC VALENTINE. Unraced. Dam of CUPID’S CROSS ($63,821, Juvenile Championship H, Beaver State H, Dan Castle H, Lone Oak Futurity, Dalles H, 2nd Klondike H, B.J. Gilbert H, Mt. Hood H, 3rd Ascot Graduation S, Tukwila S, Richmond S, Columbia H, Oregon Derby, Bill Wineberg S).

TIZ A MINISTER Ministers Wild Cat – Tiz a Mistress, by Cee’s Tizzy

GRADED STAKES WINNER OF NEARLY A HALF MILLION On-The-Board in 15 of 18 Starts at Two and Three

At two, TIZ A MINSTER won a Hollywood Park Maiden Special over future Stakes horses incl. SW JUDGE CARR, and was on-the-board in Hollywood’s $200,000 King Glorious S. ahead of the Del Mar Graduation SW STRONG WIND and multiple SW SURFCUP. At three, TIZ A MINSTER averaged nearly $37,000 per start, won the $100,000 Grade 3 Affirmed H. beating DICE FLAVOR (G2), DEN’S LEGACY (G3), BROADWAY EMPIRE (G3), etc. and won the $300,000 California Breeders Champion S. besting Cal Cup SW WEEWINNIN, SW OMEGA STAR, SW SURFCUP, etc. TIZ A MINISTER was 2nd in the $150,000 Grade 2 Swaps S. over G1SW JAVA’S WAR, 3rd in $300,000 Grade 2 San Felipe S. over multiple Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup SW GOLDENCENTS and G1SW SALUTOS AMIGOS, and was 4th in the $750,000 Grade 1 Santa Anita Derby ahead of G1SW POWER BROKER, etc.

TIZ A MINSTER offers an A++ TrueNicks Rated Pedigree

The same DEPUTY MINISTER on CEE’S TIZZY cross as Grade 1 Classic Performers and Kentucky-based stallions OXBOW and PAYNTER.

2017 FEE: $1,500 LIVE FOAL STANDS AND NURSES Owner: SayJay Racing LLC Standing at


BG THOROUGHBRED FARM Hemet, California Inquiries to Hector Palma, consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Avenue, Hemet, CA 92545 Phone (951) 654-9100 Fax (951) 654-9119 E-mail: Web Site:




dkb/br, 1999



2 3 4 5 Totals




0 1 1(1) 0 2(1)

0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1(1) 0 2(1)

0 3 3 2 8


— $39,974 $179,292 $11,000 $230,266

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at Hol ($55,900, 8.5f in 1:42.40, by 6, dftg. High and Low Vixen, Seeking the Cat, Musaa Ed, Rock the Stone, Robert’s Tribute, Skidoo, Shadow Hawk). Won At 4 California Cup Classic H ($250,000, 9f in 1:48.08, by 3, dftg. Kedington, Commander’s Flag, Grey Memo, Mr. Joe C, Hot Market, Calkins Road, Tizawinner, Red Warrior). 3rd San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2, 8.5f, to Pass Rush, Tracemark, dftg. Rushin’ to Altar, Century City, Groom On the Run, Mananan McLir, Traditional).

Relaunch, 1976 18s, BTW, $278,100 725 f, 87 BTW, 2.66 AEI Cee's Tizzy, gr/ro, 1987 6s, wnr, $173,150 740 f, 28 BTW, 1.58 AEI 6.64 AWD Tizly, 1981 6s, wnr, $6,209 11 f, 9 r, 8 w

Seattle Song, 1981 9s, BTW, $295,321 352 f, 20 BTW, 1.75 AEI Cee's Song, dkb/br, 1986 18s, wnr, $82,225 14 f, 13 r, 9 w, 4 BTW 7.61 AWD Lonely Dancer, 1975 10s, wnr, $3,873 15 f, 13 r, 12 w, 2 BTW

SIRE LINE TIZBUD is by Cee’s Tizzy, winner of 3 races, $173,150, 3rd Super Derby (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 20 crops, 740 foals, 524 rnrs (71%), 382 wnrs (52%), 59 2yo wnrs (8%), 28 BTW (4%), 1.58 AEI, 1.12 CI, 121 sale yrlgs, avg $26,629, 0.59 TNA. Cee’s Tizzy has sired TIZNOW (Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt, and older male, Breeders’ Cup Classic, G1 twice, Santa Anita H, G1, etc.), GOURMET GIRL (champion older female, Apple Blossom H, G1, Vanity H, G1, Milady Breeders’ Cup H, G1, etc.), COST OF FREEDOM (Ancient Title S, G1A, Los Angeles H, G3A, etc.), BUDROYALE (Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H, G2, etc.), CEE’S ELEGANCE (A Gleam Invitational H, G2, etc.), TIZDUBAI (Sorrento S, G2), THERESA’S TIZZY (Rancho Bernardo H, G3, etc.), LUCKY J. H. (Ack Ack H, G3, etc.), TIZ ELEMENTAL (Las Flores H, G3A, etc.), EL DON (California Dreamin’ H, etc.), CEE DREAMS (California Cup Matron H, etc.), CEE’S IRISH (WinStar/ Sunland Park Oaks, etc.), HOT MARKET (On Trust H, etc.), LESTERS BOY (Seabiscuit S, etc.), OUR HERE TIZ (Lagniappe S, etc.), VADERATOR (Fairfax S, etc.), NOSIR (New Mexico State Fair H, etc.), REBUILD TRUST (Lakeview Thoroughbred Farms S), MIMI’S TIZZY (Furl Sail H, etc.), TIZ A BLEND (Valentine Dancer H), TIALINGA (Bangles and Beads S), CEE’S THE POINT (Llano Estacado S), MISS TIZZY (Dream Supreme S, etc.), CEETOIT (Black Mountain H), EL MIRAGE (Lost in the Fog Juvenile S, etc.), etc.

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (9 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2006 7 3 (43%) 2007 26 13 (50%) 2008 39 29 (74%) 2009 31 21 (68%) 2010 43 31 (72%) 2011 8 7 (88%) 2012 5 1 (20%) 2013 5 3 (60%) 2014 10 1 (10%) *Totals 174 109 (63%)

Winners 1 (14%) 10 (38%) 14 (36%) 13 (42%) 25 (58%) 6 (75%) 1 (20%) 1 (20%) 0 (0%) 71 (41%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0

BT Winners 0 (0%) 1 (4%) 2 (5%) 1 (3%) 1 (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 (3%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2009 2 0 0 2010 16 2 0 2011 26 1 0 2012 39 2 0 2013 42 4 3 2014 36 3 0 2015 37 1 0 2016 30 5 1 *Totals 228 18 4 1.11 AEI; 0.89 CI; 7.11 AWD In 2016: 33 rnrs, 17 wnrs, 2 sw Lifetime On Turf: 41 wins, $1,948,539 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $55,635 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $27,171 $376,259 $682,232 $896,381 $1,595,921 $885,188 $701,879 $895,958 $6,060,989

Dosage (7-1-10-2-0); DI: 1.86; CD: 0.65 See gray pages—Matchem

height 16.2

In Reality, 1964 27s, BTW, $795,824 555 f, 83 BTW, 3.16 AEI

Intentionally, by Intent

Foggy Note, 1965 34s, BTW, $111,820 7 f, 7 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

The Axe II, by Mahmoud

Lyphard, 1969 12s, BTW, $202,332 830 f, 112 BTW, 3.07 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Tizna, 1969 57s, BTW, $650,263 7 f, 4 r, 3 w

Trevieres, by Worden

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Incantation, 1965 34s, wnr, $14,019 14 f, 12 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Prince Blessed, by Princequillo

Nice Dancer, 1969 20s, BTW, $154,825 471 f, 18 BTW, 1.45 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Sleep Lonely, 1970 19s, wnr, $8,140 14 f, 11 r, 10 w, 2 BTW

Pia Star, by Olympia

My Dear Girl, by Rough'n Tumble

Silver Song, by Royal Note

Goofed, by Court Martial

Noris, by Licencioso

My Charmer, by Poker

Magic Spell, by Flushing II

Nice Princess, by Le Beau Prince

Sulenan, by Tompion

Inbreeding: 4SX4D Northern Dancer.

Cee’s Tizzy’s other sons as stallions include TIZNOW (1,192 foals, 59 BTW, 1.68 AEI), etc. TIZBUD Has Sired: TIZ FLIRTATIOUS, 08, f (A++, dam by Victory Gallop, 2nd dam by General Meeting, 4X4 Seattle Slew): $779,800, Rodeo Drive S (G1T), John C. Mabee S (G2T), Santa Ana S (G2T), John Deere California Cup Distaff S, Cat’s Cradle H, Valentine Dancer S, 2nd Gamely S (G1T), Matriarch S (G1T), Robert J. Frankel S (G3T), 3rd La Canada S (G2). AMBITIOUS BREW, 10, g (A++, Forest Wildcat, Cold Reception): $499,570, Eddie D Stakes (G3T), Lennyfromalibu S, Sensational Star S, E.B. Johnston S, 2nd Eddie D Stakes (G3T), Real Good Deal S, California Dreamin’ S, Bertrando S, Sensational Star S, to 6, 2016. SOI PHET, 08, g (A++, Siberian Summer, Track Barron): $756,816, Los Alamitos Mile S, Harry F. Brubaker S, Bertrando S, McCann’s Mojave H, E.B. Johnston S, 2nd Tiznow S, Bertrando S, E.B. Johnston S, 3rd Awesome Again S (G1), to 8, 2016. TIZSOSEXY, 07, g ( A, Western Fame, Flying Continental): $109,040, San Juan County Commissioners H, SunRay Park and Casino H. ITALIAN BOY, 09, c (A++, Hennessy, Soviet Star): $74,230, Seattle Slew H, 2nd Emerald Downs Derby. Tizbud also has sired the winners Spud Spivens ($386,012, 3rd Affirmed H, G3A, Crystal Water S, On Trust H, to 8, 2016), Nina’s Dragon ($158,895, 2nd El Camino Real Derby, G3A), Love My Bud ($86,340, 2nd Thor’s Echo H, to 5, 2016), Catch Lorraine ($180,539), Maybe Tuesday ($169,302), Tiz Argent ($160,624), Tiz Partners ($156,725, to 6, 2016), Tizpat ($127,779, to 7, 2016), Tiz a Classy Lass ($125,004, to 6, 2016), Tiz Blushing ($119,222, to 8, 2016), Itz a Saint ($117,920, to 6, 2016), Big Variety ($111,420, to 6, 2016), King Budrick ($111,346, to 6, 2016), Irene’s Cherub ($104,306, to 6, 2016), Tiz Futurity ($96,535, to 6, 2016), Bev N Bud ($92,711), Chao Chom ($89,600, at 3, 2016), Tiz a Bud Girl ($68,920), Tizfit ($63,643, to 6, 2016), Tiz Titus ($62,359, to 6, 2016), Pecos Bud ($56,851, to 6, 2016), Bud Matic ($54,231, to 6, 2016), Bloom Time ($53,268), Handpicked Bud ($49,310, to 6, 2016), Tiz Zoe Cee ($47,480), Unlimited Spending ($47,465), Tiz Sexy ($45,788), Redwater ($40,132, to 6, 2016), Tiz a Budman ($38,880), Tiz Crowded ($38,698), Allterrain Jane ($35,224, to 6, 2016), etc.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime 2—$2,200 *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$16,500 1—$6,000 38—$6,561


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 3—$4,067 11—$3,118

FAMILY 1st dam CEE’S SONG. Winner at 4, $82,225. Dam of 14 foals, including— TIZNOW (by Cee’s Tizzy). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $6,427,830, Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt, and older male, Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1) twice, Santa Anita H (G1), Super Derby (G1), Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Fernando Breeders’ Cup S (G2), Affirmed H (G3), 2nd Pacific Classic S (G1), Swaps S (G1), Strub S (G2), 3rd Woodward S (G1), Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2). Sire, 1.69 AEI. BUDROYALE (Cee’s Tizzy). 17 wins, 2 to 7, $2,840,810, Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H (G2), San Antonio H (G2), San Bernardino H (G2), Mervyn LeRoy H (G2), Longacres Mile H (G3), etc. TIZDUBAI (Cee’s Tizzy). 2 wins at 2, $117,780, Sorrento S (G2). Producer. TIZBUD (Subject stallion). C’Mon Tiger (Storm Cat). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $137,050, 2nd Santana Mile H. Sire. BALBOA BETTY (Cee’s Tizzy). Winner at 4, $38,120. Producer. Granddam of BETTYS BAMBINO ($318,036, Daytona S, G3T, Sensational Star S). YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL (Storm Cat). Winner at 2 in Ire. Producer. Dam of Srikinglybeautiful ($121,705, 3rd Blue Sparkler S). TIZSWEET (Cee’s Tizzy). Placed at 2. Producer. Dam of Tizsweetdreams ($88,182, 3rd CERF Handicap). Granddam of S O S W E E T I T I Z ($180,135, Daisycutter H, Mizdirection S, to 4, 2016). TIZAMAZING (Cee’s Tizzy). Unraced. Dam of OXBOW ($1,243,500, Preakness S, G1, LeComte S, G3, 2nd Belmont S, G1, Rebel S, G2), AWESOME PATRIOT ($114,600, Alydar S, 3rd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A). TIZSO (Cee’s Tizzy). Dam of PAYNTER ($1,101,924, Haskell Invitational S, G1, 2nd Belmont S, G1, Awesome Again S, G1, San Diego H, G2A, The Cliff’s Edge Derby Trial S, G3), TIZ WEST ($263,761, Cinema H, G3T, La Puente S, 3rd Harry F. Brubaker S, sire), TIZAKITTY ($158,644, Kalookan Queen H), Tizalovelylady ($55,740, 3rd XTRA 690 AM California Cup Juvenile Fillies S). Granddam of TIZ GIANNI ($253,691, Cotton Fitzsimmons Mile H, 3rd Sunland Park H). 2nd dam LONELY DANCER. Winner at 3. Dam of 15 foals, incl.— CEETOIT. 17 wins to 8, $139,508, Black Mountain H. LEERY BABA. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $84,539, Marshua S, Toddler Breeders’ Cup S, 2nd Cameo S. Producer. Dam of Strategic Defense ($50,769, 3rd Princeton S). Granddam of BRIDGE GAME ($234,555, Modesty H, G3T, 2nd Marie G. Krantz Memorial H, 3rd All Along Breeders’ Cup S, G3T).

check daily updates on


Cee’s Tizzy – Cee’s Song, by Seattle Song

Grade I Sire and Brother to TIZNOW

and the dams of G1 winners PAYNTER and OXBOW Sire of 18 Six-figure Earners (16%) including

Grade I winner TIZ FLIRTATIOUS (14-8-3-1, $779,800) NTR miler (1:33.95) SOI PHET ($756,816 - $242,020 at 8) 2016 Santa Anita G3 winner AMBITIOUS BREW ($499,570) and new 2016 Del Mar SW CHAO CHOM ($146,600 at 3) Average Earnings per Starter of $55,605 Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Owner: Pamela C. Ziebarth

HARRIS FARMS Coalinga, California

Inquiries to David E. McGlothlin, Harris Farms Horse Division, 27366 W. Oakland Ave., Coalinga, CA 93210. Phones (559) 884-2859, (800) 311-6211. Fax (559) 884-2855. E-Mail: Web Site:

Tom’s TribuTe

Entered Stud in 2016

Dosage (7-6-9-2-0); DI: 2.69; CD: 0.75 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2010



2 3 4 5 Totals

0 7 8 1 16




0 3(1) 3(3) 0 6(4)

0 2 1(1) 0 3(1)

0 0 2(2) 0 2(2)


— $139,230 $483,650 $12,000 $634,880

Won At 3 Uniformity S ($93,350, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.14, by 21, dftg. Rosengold, Appealing Tale, Procurement, Miceli, Salutos Amigos). A maiden special weight race at BHP ($68,100, 7f, AW in 1:22.19, dftg. Imperial Fortune, Okaad, Midnite View, Deputy Striker, Mi Hijo, Spectrus). A race at SA ($67,550, 8f, turf in 1:32.75, dftg. Spring Up, Horizontalyspeakin, Quiet Force, Little Jerry, Rangi, Heir of Storm, Uncle Dick, Dirty Swagg, Cacau). Won At 4 Eddie Read S (G1T, $300,250, 9f in 1:46.01, dftg. Summer Front, Spring Up, Horizontalyspeakin, Unbridled Command, Cogito). Del Mar Mile H (G2T, $250,500, 8f in 1:33.75, dftg. Rock Me Baby, Handsome Mike, Obviously, Tigah, He Be Fire N Ice, Alpha Bullet). Thunder Road S ($102,250, 8f, turf in 1:31.78, CER, by 21, dftg. Joelito, Bright Thought, County Lineman, Peace and Justice, Dubai You X Y Z, Dr Action, Teaks North). 2nd Arcadia S (G2T, 8f, to Winning Prize, dftg. Regally Ready, Unbridled’s Note, Suggestive Boy, No Jet Lag, Procurement). 3rd Shoemaker Mile S (G1T, 8f, to Obviously, Summer Front, dead heat with Silentio, dftg. Jack Milton, Winning Prize, Pulpit’s Express). Seabiscuit H (G2T, 8.5f, to Kaigun, Za Approval, dftg. Mr. Commons, Big Bane Theory, Pure Tactics, Skyring, Lil Bit O’Fun).

SIRE LINE TOM’S TRIBUTE is by LION HEART, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $1,390,800, Haskell Invitational H (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), Jack Daniel’s Hollywood Prevue S (G3), Long Branch Breeders’ Cup S (G3), 2nd Kentucky Derby (G1), Toyota Blue Grass S (G1), San Rafael S (G2). To November 6, 2016: Sired 9 crops, 1,111 foals, 854 rnrs (77%), 592 wnrs (53%), 120 2yo wnrs (11%), 38 BTW (3%), 1.22 AEI, 1.24 CI, 497 sale yrlgs, avg $55,998, 1.25 TNA. In 2016: 3 2yos, 2 2yo rnrs, 1 2yo wnr, 4 BTW. LION HEART has sired UNCAPTURED (Horse of the Year and champion 2yo colt in Can, Kentucky Jockey Club S, G2, Iroquois S, G3, Swynford S, Vandal S, etc.), DANGEROUS MIDGE (Emirates Airline Breeders’ Cup Turf, G1T, Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial, G3 in Eng), BRADESTER (Stephen Foster H, G1, Monmouth Cup S, G2 twice, Mineshaft H, G3, Salvator Mile S, G3, Ack Ack H, G3, etc., to 6, 2016), LINE OF DAVID (Arkansas Derby, G1), BOURBON COURAGE (Super Derby, G2, 2nd Donn H, G1, West Virginia Derby, G2, Indiana Derby, G2, Hockessin S, 3rd Cigar Mile H, G1, etc.), SOUL WARRIOR (West Virginia Derby, G2, 2nd Iowa Derby), KNOW MORE (Best Pal S, G2A, 2nd Del Mar Futurity, G1A, FrontRunner S, G1), AZUL LEON (Best Pal S, G2A, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A, 2nd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A), KANTHAROS (Saratoga Special S, G2, Bashford Manor S, G3), FALLING SKY (Sam F. Davis S, G3, Gulfstream Park Sprint S, G3, Donald LeVine Memorial H, Lafayette S, Trinniberg S, 2nd Groomstick S, etc.), HEART ASHLEY (Cicada S, G3, Adena Stallions’ Miss Preakness S, G3, My Juliet S), AGAVE KISS (Cicada S, G3, Miss Preakness S, Ruthless S, Trevose S, 2nd Valor Lady S, 3rd Prioress S, G1), PRETTY PROLIFIC (Sugar Swirl S, G3, 2nd Humana Distaff S, G1, Test S, G1, Dearly Precious S, 3rd Adirondack S, G2), SILENT VALOR (Sapling S, G3), BIANCA JEWEL (Winning Edge Promotional Gear

STUD ANALYSIS Tom’s Tribute entered stud in 2016. His first foals will arrive in 2017.


Tale of the Cat, 1994 9s, BTW, $360,900 2,279 f, 104 BTW, 1.41 AEI Lion Heart, ch, 2001 10s, BTW, $1,390,800 1,111 f, 38 BTW, 1.22 AEI 6.69 AWD Satin Sunrise, 1990 78s, BTW, $263,493 9 f, 8 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

El Prado, 1989 9s, BTW, $275,231 988 f, 83 BTW, 1.96 AEI Halloween Fun, ch, 2000 27s, wnr, $98,945 6 f, 4 r, 3 w, 1 BTW 7.36 AWD On Hand, 1995 1s, unpl 6 f, 4 r, 2 w

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Yarn, 1987 6s, wnr, $19,108 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Mr. Leader, 1966 25s, BTW, $219,803 955 f, 80 BTW, 1.90 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Logic, 1979 23s, BTW, $173,341 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Naskra, by Nasram

Sadler's Wells, 1981 11s, BTW, $713,690 2,194 f, 294 BTW, 2.97 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Lady Capulet, 1974 3s, BTW, $64,400 13 f, 10 r, 4 w, 2 BTW

Sir Ivor, by Sir Gaylord

Irish River, 1976 12s, BTW, $623,257 943 f, 82 BTW, 1.99 AEI

Riverman, by Never Bend

Veriga, 1988 3s, wnr, $11,424 9 f, 9 r, 8 w

Mr. Prospector, by Raise a Native

Terlingua, by Secretariat

Narrate, by Honest Pleasure

Jolie Deja, by Djeddah

Bactu Reason, by Bold Reason

Fairy Bridge, by Bold Reason

Cap and Bells, by Tom Fool

Irish Star, by Klairon

Chain Bracelet, by Lyphard

Inbreeding: 5SX4D Northern Dancer; 4sX4d Mr. Prospector; 5sX5d Bold Reason.

Princess S, 2nd Hotel Urban St. Kilda Gold Edition Plate), LION D N A (Skipat S, Correction S, Interborough S), GOOD MORNING DIVA (Calder Derby, Bet On Sunshine S, 2nd Don Bernhardt S, 3rd Ack Ack H, G3, Pegasus S, G3, Fabulous Strike H), GRAN LIONESS (My Trusty Cat S, Prima Donna S, 3rd Rachel Alexandra S, G3, Dogwood S, G3, Donnie Wilhite Memorial H), HEART OF A KING (Tall Ships S, 3rd Woodstock S), TOUCH MAGIC (Silverbulletday S, 2nd Delta Downs Princess S, G3, Cassidy S, 3rd Panthers S), PURPLE EGG (Barbaro S, 3rd Trippi S, to 6, 2016), LION WIND (Tay Deneme S, Siay Ve Sah Der, Sakarya S), LION DOWN BY ME (Oakley S, 2nd Oakley S, 3rd Smart and Fancy S), MAYHAW (Lookout S, 2nd Treasure Chest S, 3rd Sam Houston Distaff S), TREE OF LIFE (Barretts Juvenile S, 2nd Pomona Derby, 3rd California Derby), PUMPKIN SHELL (Busanda S, 2nd Affectionately S, 3rd Busher S, Rare Treat S), DAYIM BENIM (Orhan Doga Ozsoy, 3rd International Topkapi Trophy, G2 in Tur, Kocatepe S, at 3, 2016), LYIN’ HEART (TTA Sales Futurity, 2nd Bashford Manor S, G3, 3rd Mountain Valley S), CARPHONIC (Joe O’Farrell Juvenile Fillies S), KING AND CRUSADER (Jimmy Winkfield S), BELLACOURT (Joseph A. Gimma S, 3rd Adirondack S, G2), T H AT S WHATSHESAID (Showtime Deb S, 3rd Purple Violet S), DENIZCANIM (Siay Ve Sah Der, 2nd Inonu I, at 2, 2016), FOREVER SNOW (Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopning, 2nd Lanwades Stud S, 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopning), DOUBLE HEART (Norths Devils Leagues Club J.F. Meynink S), YES OF AFRIKA (Orhan Doga Ozsoy, 3rd Kocatepe S), FOREVER HERE (Toroslar Kosusu, at 3, 2016), Brother Francis (2nd Hollywood Prevue S, G3A, Macau Kam Pek Paradise Cup, Macau Star of the Sand S, 3rd CashCall Futurity, G1A, Del Mar Derby, G2T, Damascus S, etc.), Self Preservation (2nd Del Mar Debutante S, G1A), Ronron (champion 3yo filly, sprinter, and turf female twice in Jam), etc. LION HEART’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRADESTER (G1), DAYIM BENIM (in Tur), DENIZCANIM (in Tur), FOREVER HERE (in Tur). LION HEART’S other sons as stallions include KANTHAROS (140 foals, 9 BTW, 1.83 AEI), LINE OF DAVID (117 foals, 3 BTW, 1.21 AEI), etc. TALE OF THE CAT, grandsire of LION HEART, has sired GIO PONTI (champion turf male twice and champion older male, Arlington Million S, G1T, Man o’ War S, G1T twice, Shadwell Turf Mile S, G1T twice, Frank E. Kilroe Mile H, G1T, etc.), SHE’S A TIGER (champion 2yo filly, Del Mar Debutante S, G1A, Landaluce S, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Chandelier S, G1, Sorrento S, G2A), PLATINUM COUPLE (champion older male in Ecu, Damon Runyon S, etc.), MALEVOLA (champion 2yo filly in Pan, Clasico Jose A. y Bernabe Perez F., Clasico Dia de la Madre, 2nd Clasico Antonio “Tony” Stanziola Emiliani), etc.



FAMILY 1st dam Halloween Fun. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $98,945, 3rd Buckland S. Dam of 6 foals, including— TOM’S TRIBUTE (Subject stallion). SVINDAHL (by Pollard’s Vision). Winner at 4 and 5, 2016, $66,620. GHOST OF DUBAI (E Dubai). Winner at 2. 2nd dam ON HAND. Dam of 6 foals, including— TALK TO DADDY. Winner at 3. 3rd dam VERIGA. 2 wins at 3 in Eng. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— Known Accomplice. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $252,920, 2nd Woodchopper S. DAIWA FLORIDA. 2 wins at 3 in Japan, $349,590. KING PETRUS. Winner at 3 in Japan, $173,516. SUNLIGHT FOLLIA. Winner at 3 in Japan, $105,337. Producer. 4th dam CHAIN BRACELET. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $289,580, Top Flight H (G1), Shuvee H (G2), Bed o’ Roses H (G3), 2nd Hempstead H (G2), Twilight Tear S, 3rd First Flight H, High Voltage S. Dam of 13 foals, incl.— Brace Blu. Winner at 2 in Italy, $23,908, 3rd Premio Guido Berardelli (G2 in Italy). Sire. SCARAB BRACELET. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $37,975. Producer. Dam of Cappal Mor ($152,055, 3rd Vice Regent S). ELVIA. Winner at 4, $29,885. Producer. Granddam of D’ FUNNYBONE ($686,700, Futurity S, G2, Woody Stephens S, G2, Hutcheson S, G2, Saratoga Special S, G2, Swale S, G2, 2nd Carry Back S, G2, Frank Gomez Memorial S, Waldoboro S, sire), DR. KATHY ($84,635, Salem County S, 3rd Demoiselle S, G2, Open Mind S). 5th dam CHAIN. Winner at 2. Dam of 10 foals, including— DANCING SLIPPERS. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $115,490, Bayou H, 2nd Chrysanthemum H (G3T). Producer. Dam of Royal Fandango ($63,151, 2nd Prix Charles Laffitte, in Fr), West Memphis (2nd Prix Yacowlef, in Fr). Granddam of ZOFTIG ($401,024, Selene S, G1, 2nd Ashland S, G1, Pucker Up S, G3T, 3rd Fair Grounds Oaks, G3), LEMON CHIFFON ($282,109, Las Madrinas H, 2nd CTT and Thoroughbred Owners of California H, 3rd Las Palmas H, G2T, Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S, G2T, Cardinal H, G3T), MASKED MAIDEN ($178,542, Maple Leaf S), GOLD TULIP (Orhan Doga Ozsoy, in Tur). MOUSAIHA. Unraced. Dam of ELANAAKA ($49,063, Prix La Sorellina, 3rd Prix de la Nonette, G3 in Fr, Prix de Saint-Cyr).

check daily updates on

TOM’S TRIBUTE Lion Heart – Halloween Fun, by El Prado (Ire)

GRADE 1 WINNER OF $634,880 WITH 103 BEYER SPEED Won the $300,000 Grade 1 Eddie Read Stakes with 103 Beyer, Won $250,000 Grade 2 Del Mar Mile Handicap, Won Santa Anita’s Thunder Road Stakes equalling the one mile course record of 1:31.78 with a 103 Beyer On-the-board in 13 of 16 starts – EIGHT Stakes, including $400,000 Grade 1 Shoemaker Mile (103 Beyer), $200,000 Grade 2 Arcadia S. (102 Beyer), $250,000 Grade 2 Seabiscuit H., $200,000 Grade 2 San Gabriel S., etc. By hot sire of sires LION HEART (G1), TOM’S TRIBUTE descends from CHAIN BRACELET (G1), the family of SWALE (G1), etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000 LIVE FOAL (stand & nurse) Owner: DP Racing

MAGALI FARMS Santa Ynez, California

Inquiries to Tom Hudson, Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Phone (805) 693-1777 Fax: (805) 693-1644 E-mail: Web Site:



TruesT Legend

Entered Stud in 2014

b, 2006

height 16.0


2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals





1 3 4 0 3 2 13

0 2 0 0 0 0 2

0 0 0 0 1 0 1

0 0 1(1) 0 0 0 1(1)


$400 $57,800 $10,259 — $11,300 $500 $80,259

Won At 3 An allowance race at Hol ($64,000, 6f, AW in 1:08.42, by 31, dftg. A Lil Dumaani, Spirit of Cochise, River Echo, Furioso Star, Canyon Drive, Lukimbi, Deluxe Cat, Goodlookindude). A maiden special weight race at SA ($60,100, 6.5f, AW in 1:15.86, dftg. Margarita Shot, Speight the Halo, Unionize, Kumiva, Brian the Brave, Absolutlypositivly, Collalto, Right One). 3rd At 4 Pirate’s Bounty S (6f, AW, to Gato Go Win, Spaniard, dftg. Dancing in Silks, El Scorpio, All Saint).

Unbridled's Song, 1993 12s, BTW, $1,311,800 1,644 f, 114 BTW, 2.05 AEI Songandaprayer, b, 1998 8s, BTW, $380,480 923 f, 37 BTW, 1.15 AEI 5.98 AWD Alizea, 1988 23s, wnr, $17,569 11 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Boston Harbor, 1994 8s, BTW, $1,934,605 656 f, 20 BTW, 1.00 AEI Sydney's Kiss, dkb/br, 1999 9s, wnr, $44,060 7 f, 5 r, 3 w, 2 BTW 5.50 AWD Sixkissesforsara, 1992 45s, BTW, $288,440 9 f, 8 r, 7 w, 2 BTW


Truest Legend is by SONGANDAPRAYER, black-type stakes winner of 3 races, $380,480, Fountain of Youth S (G1), Huntington S, 2nd Toyota Blue Grass S (G1), 3rd Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S (G3). To November 6, 2016: Sired 12 crops, 923 foals, 765 rnrs (83%), 596 wnrs (65%), 190 2yo wnrs (21%), 37 BTW (4%), 1.15 AEI, 1.46 CI, 506 sale yrlgs, avg $54,522, 1.22 TNA. In 2016: 65 2yos, 22 2yo rnrs, 5 2yo wnrs, 19 sale yrlgs, avg $6,558. SONGANDAPRAYER has sired GENIAL BOY (champion sprinter in Chile, Velocidad, G2 in Chile, Fuerza Aerea de Chile, 2nd Velocidad, G2 in Chile, Luis Subercaseaux E., 3rd Cotejo de Potrillos, G3 in Chile, etc., to 7, 2016), SONGSTER (Woody Stephens Breeders’ Cup S, G2, Bold Ruler H, G3, Hirsch Jacobs S, G3, 2nd Amsterdam S, G2, Bay Shore S, G3), WHAT A SONG (Best Pal S, G2, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3), PRAYING FOR CASH (Long Branch Breeders’ Cup S, G3, 2nd Haskell Invitational S, G1, Coronado’s Quest S), SINGANOTHERSONG (Mr. Prospector S, G3, Bonita S, 2nd Swale S, G3, 3rd Birdonthewire S, Big Drama S, to 6, 2016), HE’S GOT GRIT (Sapling S, G3, Cowdin S, Rumson S, Tyro S, 2nd West Virginia Legislature Chairman’s Cup S, 3rd Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S, G3, etc.), PRUDHOE BAY (Jersey Shore S, G3, Ocala Breeders’ Sales Sophomore S, OBS Sprint S, 3rd Chick Lang S, Hilton Garden Inn/ Hampton Inn and Suites Sprint S, to 5, 2016), RAPPORT (Victory Ride S, G3, 2nd Dream Supreme S), KENTUCKY WILDCAT (Diego White, G3 in Arg), SURPLUS SINGER (Yodo Tankyori S, Fukushima Minyu Cup, 2nd Hakodate Sprint S, Fukushima Minyu Cup), RAISED A SECRET (Harris Farm S, 2nd Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S, Cary Grant S, 3rd Los Angeles S, G3, Gottstein Futurity, Real Good Deal S, to 6, 2016), STOLEN PRAYER (Three Ring S, Ema Bovary S, Kimscountrydiamond S, Snurb S, 2nd Tropical Park Oaks, Florida Stallion My Dear Girl S, etc.), GO GO SHOOT (Jimmy Winkfield S, Fred "Cappy" Capossela S, Mr. Prospector S, Francis Jock LaBelle Memorial S, Longfellow S, 2nd Alfred G. Vanderbilt H, G2, etc.), DAN THE TIN MAN (Woodstock S, Jacques Cartier S, Tom Ridge S, 3rd Highlander S Presented by Pizzaville, G3A, Swynford S, to 6, 2016), REVERON (Gulfstream Park Derby, 2nd Florida Derby, G1, 3rd Sam F. Davis S, G3), SAY A NOVENA (Brandywine S, Colleen S, Miss Woodford S, 2nd Forward Gal S, G2, Matron S, G2, Old Hat S, G3, etc.), AIREOFDISTINCTION (Open Mind S, Spring Fever S, 2nd Interborough S, Regret S, 3rd Correction S, West Virginia Secretary of State S), COUNTRY DIVA (West Virginia Secretary of State S, New Year’s Eve S, American Beauty S, 2nd Hancock County H, 3rd Very Subtle S, Saylorville S), EVELYN’S DANCER (British Columbia Oaks, Hong Kong Jockey

STUD ANALYSIS Truest Legend entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Dosage (3-4-7-0-0); DI: 3.00; CD: 0.71 See gray pages—Polynesian Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Trolley Song, 1983 7s, wnr, $25,914 12 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Caro, by Fortino II

Premiership, 1980 23s, BTW, $234,425 657 f, 31 BTW, 1.27 AEI

Exclusive Native, by Raise a Native

Fancy Medallion, 1984 5s, unpl, $626 3 f, 3 r, 2 w

Well Decorated, by Raja Baba

Capote, 1984 10s, BTW, $714,470 824 f, 62 BTW, 1.59 AEI

Seattle Slew, by Bold Reasoning

Harbor Springs, 1989 11s, BTW, $123,038 15 f, 12 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Vice Regent, by Northern Dancer

Saratoga Six, 1982 4s, BTW, $304,940 663 f, 37 BTW, 1.41 AEI

Alydar, by Raise a Native

Erie Dearie, 1987 14s, wnr, $43,744 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Kris S., by Roberto

Gana Facil, by Le Fabuleux

Lucky Spell, by Lucky Mel

Reminiscing, by Never Bend

Attache Case, by Diplomat Way

Too Bald, by Bald Eagle

Tinnitus, by Restless Wind

Priceless Fame, by Irish Castle

Adroit Move, by Flush

Inbreeding: 5SX5D Raise a Native.

Club H, Brighouse Belles S, Supernaturel H, Emerald Downs S, Strawberry Morn H, etc.), PREACHIN MAN (NATC Futurity, Minstrel S, 2nd Sapling S, G3, Mountaineer Juvenile S), MUSICAL FLAIR (Needles S, Fasig-Tipton Turf Dash S, 2nd Naked Greed S, Mambo Meister S, 3rd Calder Derby, Tropical Park Derby, etc., to 7, 2016), CELTIC CHANT (Cagey Exuberance S), JUST GOT IN (My Dear S, 2nd Ontario Debutante S), SING THE DREAM (Tin Cup Chalice S, to 5, 2016), BEE CEE CEE (Ocala Breeders’ Sales Sophomore S, 2nd Florida Stallion Dr. Fager S, Select S, 3rd Hutcheson S, G2, Spectacular Bid S), THE ABSOLUTE ONE (Par Four Overnight S), LET EM SHINE (Came Home S), PRAY FOR ACTION (Darley Ocala Breeders’ Sale Sprint S, 3rd Monmouth Park NATC Futurity), SONG WARRIOR (HBPA Jefferson County Commission H), HIGH APPEAL (Chenery S, 3rd Grand Slam S, Rudy Baez S), UNBRIDLED PRAISE (Sorority S, 2nd Prairie Gold Lassie S, 3rd Tiffany Lass S), POLYHYMNIA (Mademoiselle S), STONESTREET SONG (Daylight Sprint Thoroughbred S), ARCADIAN (Golden Circle S), SINANDAPRAYER (Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron S, 2nd Clasico George Washington, to 4, 2016), ADDITIONAL PRAYER (J J’sdream S), Jack Junior (2nd S. & M. Al Naboodah Group U.A.E. Derby, G2 in UAE), Samba Rooster (2nd Coolmore Lexington S, G2A, 3rd Lone Star Derby, G3), Naafiae (champion 3yo colt in KSA), Britanica (champion 3yo filly in Pan), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam SYDNEY’S KISS. Winner at 3, $44,060. Dam of 7 foals, including— KATIE’S KISS (by Kantharos). 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2016, $266,834, Summer Winds S, 2nd Lightning City S, Captiva Island H, Ladies’ Turf Sprint S, Florida Sire Jewel Princess S, Millions Turf Sprint Preview S, 3rd Florida Sire Desert Vixen S. STONESTREET SONG (Songandaprayer). 3 wins at 3, $90,909, Daylight Sprint Thoroughbred S. Truest Legend (Subject stallion). 2nd dam SIXKISSESFORSARA. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $288,440, Amazing S, 2nd Best of Ohio Distaff Championship S, Rose DeBartolo Memorial H twice, Imp H, 3rd Scarlet and Gray H. Dam of 9 foals, including— HIGH HERITAGE. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $289,949, Hancock County H, 2nd Mademoiselle S, 3rd Pepsi Bassinet S, Smart Deb S, Sweetest Chant S. EXPLOITED STORM. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $241,955, Paradise Creek S. Parting Kiss. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $101,420, 3rd Twin Lights S. SPIRIT OF SUCCESS. 3 wins, 2 to 4, $38,848. 3rd dam



Erie Dearie. Winner at 2 and 3, $43,744, 2nd John W. Galbreath Memorial S, Emerald Necklace S. Dam of 11 foals, including— FAGAN’S LEGACY. 2 wins at 2, $87,567, Pilgrim S. Erie Fleet. Winner at 3 and 4, $63,285, 2nd Cleveland Gold Cup H, Tall Stacks S. CONFIRMED. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $270,079. Sire. GEAUGA LILY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $43,746. Dam of UNO NUMERO ($158,999, champion 3yo colt in PR, Clasico George Washington, Copa 4 de Julio, Clasico Campeon Importado Balquiria). PASSIONATE DANCER. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of REFLECTOR ($160,095, Need For Speed S, 3rd Spirit of Texas S, to 5, 2016), Ojos de Hielo (2nd Clasico Independencia Cerveza Atlas, Assault S, 3rd Clasico Francisco Arias Paredes y Alberto Arias Espinos, in Pan, and NA). 4th dam ADROIT MOVE. Dam of 11 foals, including— SHARP MOVIN KRIS. 2 wins at 2, $48,855, Saddleback S, 2nd Black Swan S, 3rd Bustles and Bows S, Baja Senoritas S. Producer. Move Over Kris. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $103,756. ON LINE. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $44,934. SUNSHINE LASS. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $44,202. Producer. IRISH RICK. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $38,011. MIKE’S SHOW. Winner at 3, $21,599. Producer. Dam of Show Me Class ($116,521, 3rd Richmond S). 5th dam THRUWAY. 3 wins at 2 and 3. Dam of 15 foals, including— I’LL STAND PAT. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $191,420, Oceanside S, William P. Kyne H, 3rd Irvine H. Sire. MUCH DIVORCED. 2 wins at 2, $60,775, Saddleback S, Journey Ahead S, 2nd El Cerrito H, Don B. Stakes, 3rd Gateway to Glory S. THE LAST THRUWAY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $102,800. PLEASURE BENT KRIS. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $82,050. Producer. THRU BEING A SPORT. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $57,073. BREAKING THRU. Winner at 2. Dam of GATOR BACK ($97,365, What a Pleasure S, G3, City of Miami S, 3rd Tropical Park Derby, G3T). FLYING THRU. Placed at 3 and 4, $25,955. Producer. Dam of Delicate Ack ($120,038, 3rd Seton Hall University S, Rosenna S). THRU COLONIZING. Unraced. Dam of RENTERIA ($296,225, Carry Back S, 2nd Inverness Drive S, Haggin S, California Sprint Championship H, California Sires S, Zany Tactics S, 3rd San Miguel S, Graduation S, I’m Smokin S, sire). FREE GOING. Producer. Dam of Miss Kris K. ($50,220, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica). Granddam of ABUELA SISA ($92,952, Clasico Antonio R. Matos).

TRUEST LEGEND Songandaprayer – Sydney’s Kiss, by Boston Harbor

BRILLIANTLY FAST STAKES PERFORMER Won a Santa Anita Maiden Special at second asking going gate to wire posting fractions of :21.25, :43.49 and 1:09.01 while beating a $450,000 GIANT’S CAUSEWAY 2YO and a $400,000 SPEIGHTSTOWN 2YO. Returned with another gate to wire allowance win at Hollywood posting fractions of :21.79, :44.31, :56.03, and 1:08.42 besting SW RIVER ECHO and California Cup Sprinter performer A Lil Dumaani. Truest Legend placed in the Pirate’s Bounty Stakes to multiple Grade 2-pl SW GATO GO WIN, while beating California Horse of the Year and Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Sprint SW DANCING IN SILKS, 7-time SW and California Breeders’ Champion SW ALL SAINT, etc. Posted Lifetime Best Fractions of • :20.50 • :41.89 • 1:04.83 Son of Grade 1 Fountain of Youth SW SONGANDAPRAYER, Grandson of Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile SWs UNBRIDLED’S SONG and BOSTON HARBOR, Half-brother to 2015 SW KATIE’S KISS and SW STONESTREET SONG. Small frst crop hits the track in 2017.

2017 FEE: COMPLIMENTARY (Live foal guarantee) Property of Grant Truman Standing at


Inquiries to Tim Cohen, 3700 Piru Canyon Rd., Piru, California 93040 (805) 521-0511/FAX (805) 521-0559. E-mail: Website:



Twice The AppeAl

Entered Stud in 2013



2 3 4 Totals

7 4 5 16




1 2(1) 0 3(1)

2 0 1(1) 3(1)

1 0 1(1) 2(1)


$30,120 $419,800 $26,140 $476,060

Won At 2 A race at SA ($24,600, 7f in 1:22.76, by 41, dftg. Visual Intensity, Minutesandtouches, Welcome Home Ryan, Big Kiss, Mayfever, Alert Rocket, Captain Shawn D, Southern Sir). Won At 3 Sunland Derby (G3, $800,000, 9f in 1:50.91, dftg. Astrology, Ruler On Ice, It’s My Party, Beer Meister, Nacho Saint, Fusa Code, R Skydiver, Supreme Ruler, Behold de Buy, Sinai). A starter allowance race at SA ($31,360, 8f in 1:35.31, by 43, dftg. All Slews Star, Toy, Vote of Approval, Regroup). 2nd At 4 Fifth Season S (8.5f, to Color Me Blue, dftg. It Happened Again, Racing Bran, Enclosure, Ballyjamesduff, Bonaroo, Richmond). 3rd Essex H (8.5f, to Alternation, Color Me Blue, dftg. Ballyjamesduff, It Happened Again, A Student, Racing Bran).


TWICE THE APPEAL is by SUCCESSFUL APPEAL, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $654,681, A. G. Vanderbilt H (G2), Withers S (G2), Kentucky Cup Sprint S (G2), Cowdin S (G2), Amsterdam S (G3), 2nd Nashua S (G3), 3rd King’s Bishop S (G1), Forego H (G2), Dwyer S (G2), Leonard Richards S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 690 foals, 535 rnrs (78%), 435 wnrs (63%), 147 2yo wnrs (21%), 52 BTW (8%), 1.71 AEI, 1.51 CI, 358 sale yrlgs, avg $48,786, 1.09 TNA. In 2016: 40 2yos, 14 2yo rnrs, 4 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 10 sale yrlgs, avg $16,420. SUCCESSFUL APPEAL has sired SOLID APPEAL (champion turf female in Can, Nassau S, G2T twice, Dance Smartly S, G2T, 3rd Dance Smartly S, G2T, Cardinal H, G3T, etc.), J P’S GUSTO (Del Mar Futurity, G1A, Best Pal S, G2A, Hollywood Juvenile Championship S, G3A, Red Legend S, Willard L. Proctor Memorial S, 2nd CashCall Futurity, G1A, etc.), HER EMMYNENCY (Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Surfer Girl S, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S, G1A, Del Mar Oaks, G1T, to 4, 2016), APPEALING ZOPHIE (Spinaway S, G1, Silverbulletday S, G3, 2nd Boyd Gaming’s Delta Princess S, Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies S, 3rd Victory Ride S, G3), SUCCESFUL AFFAIR (General San Martin, G1 in Arg, Coronel Miguel F. Martinez, G2 in Arg, 3rd Estrellas Mile, G1 in Arg), SUCCESSFUL DAN (Alysheba S, G2, Greenbrier Fayette S, G2A, Ben Ali S, G3A, Northern Dancer S, G3, 2nd Whitney Invitational H, G1, Prairie Meadows Cornhusker H, G3, etc.), DAWN AFTER DAWN (La Canada S, G2A, Wishing Well II H, Moscow Burning S, 2nd Santa Margarita Invitational H, G1A, Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S, G2T, etc.), GALAN DE CINE (Otono, G2 in Arg, Irineo Leguisamo, 2nd Gran Premio de Honor, G1 in Arg, 3rd Republica ArgentinaInternacional, G1 in Arg), CLOSING ARGUMENT (Holy Bull S, G3, NATC Futurity, 2nd Kentucky Derby, G1, Boyd Gaming’s Delta Jackpot S, Jack Price Juvenile S, 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, etc.), AGELESS (Royal North S, G3T twice, Buffalo Trace Franklin County S, Giant’s Causeway S, The Very One S twice, etc., to 7, 2016), ACCOUNTFORTHEGOLD (Stuyvesant H, G3, New York Derby, Kings Point H, Gander S, 2nd Grey Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), SCOTUS (Matt Winn S, G3, 3rd Hanshin Cup S, G3A, Opening Verse S, to 8, 2016), SUCCESSFUL MISSION (Miami Mile H, G3T, I Take All S, Elkwood S, 2nd Elkwood S), LUNARPAL (Bashford Manor S, G3, Kentucky Breeders’ Cup S, G3, Three

STUD ANALYSIS From his first crop of racing age, 2-year-olds of 2016, Twice the Appeal is the sire of 2 named foals, none of which has started.


Valid Appeal, 1972 36s, BTW, $201,733 791 f, 85 BTW, 2.20 AEI Successful Appeal, dkb/br, 1996 22s, BTW, $654,681 690 f, 52 BTW, 1.71 AEI 6.70 AWD

Dosage (5-1-7-0-1); DI: 2.11; CD: 0.64 See gray pages—Matchem

dkb/br, 2008

In Reality, 1964 27s, BTW, $795,824 555 f, 83 BTW, 3.16 AEI

Intentionally, by Intent

Desert Trial, 1963 31s, BTW, $106,385 13 f, 11 r, 8 w, 4 BTW

Moslem Chief, by Alibhai

My Dear Girl, by Rough'n Tumble

Scotch Verdict, by Alsab

Fortunate Prospect, 1981 Northern Prospect, by Mr. Prospector 39s, BTW, $439,875 Successful Dancer, 1989 739 f, 27 BTW, 1.44 AEI Fortunate Bid, by Lucky Debonair 42s, wnr, $96,817 Debonair Dancer, 1978 Staff Writer, by Northern Dancer 7 f, 5 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 31s, BTW, $173,856 In the Bag, by Lucky Debonair 8 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Cormorant, 1974 12s, BTW, $243,174 524 f, 46 BTW, 2.45 AEI Double Boarded, b, 1994 20s, pl, $4,008 9 f, 8 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 8.27 AWD C. J.'s Sister, 1977 31s, wnr, $10,797 12 f, 12 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

His Majesty, 1968 22s, BTW, $99,430 640 f, 56 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Ribot, by Tenerani

Song Sparrow, 1967 12s, wnr, $18,800 6 f, 5 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

Tudor Minstrel, by Owen Tudor

Slady Castle, 1969 19s, BTW, $20,835 254 f, 17 BTW, 1.37 AEI

Tudor Melody, by Tudor Minstrel

Time Barrier, 1963 15s, wnr, $3,820 13 f, 12 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Deep Sun, by Depth Charge

Flower Bowl, by Alibhai

Swoon's Tune, by Swoon's Son

Queen of Speed, by Blue Train

Double Diamond, by Hy Diamond

Inbreeding: 5SX5d Alibhai.

Chimneys Juvenile S), GOLDSVILLE (Excelsior S, G3), RICHWOMAN (Debutante S, G3, Cinderella S, 2nd Richland Hills Farm S, 3rd Adena Stallions’ Miss Preakness S, G3, Jostle S), GOLDEN SUCCESS (Vicente L. Casares, G3 in Arg), SUCCESSFUL SONG (Lighthouse S, Ocala S, Judy’s Red Shoes S, Bea Oxenberg Memorial S, Sunshine Millions Distaff S, 2nd Molly Pitcher S, G2, etc.), SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR (Gallant Fox H, Coyote Lakes S, 2nd Gallant Fox H, Coyote Lakes S, Proud Appeal S, etc.), SUCCESSFUL NATIVE (Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint S, Bob Umphrey Turf Sprint S, Bonita S, 2nd Lucky Coin S, 3rd Bob Umphrey Turf Sprint S, Bonita S, to 5, 2016), CAPTAIN SERIOUS (Mike Lee S, Hollie Hughes S, 2nd Dwyer S, G3, Hudson H, 3rd Amsterdam S, G2, Fall Highweight H, G3, to 5, 2016), PUNCH APPEAL (Boyd Gaming’s Delta Princess S, Pocahontas S, Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S, J J’sdream S, Chipiski S, 3rd Tiffany Lass S), SWEET ON SMOKEY (What a Summer S, Dashing Beauty S, 2nd Sugar Maple S Presented by CANTER Mid-Atlantic, Pink Ribbon S, 3rd Busher S, Primonetta S, to 4, 2016), ISABELLE (Bouwerie S, Broadway S, 2nd Saratoga Dew S, to 5, 2016), SAX APPEAL (Louisiana Showcase Ladies Sprint S, Premier Night Matron S, Happy Ticket S, 2nd Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint S, Pierre LeBlanc Memorial Sprint S, Louisiana Cup Filly and Mare Sprint S, etc.), SUCCESS SUCCESS (Forego S, 3rd Bet On Sunshine H), QUIET SUCCESS (Mari Hulman George S, 2nd Debutante S, G3, Sugar Maple S Presented by CANTER Mid-Atlantic S, Iowa Distaff S, Prairie Gold Lassie S, etc.), POLAR PLUNGE (Lady Slipper S twice, Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S, 2nd Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S twice, Lady Slipper S, Minnesota Oaks, etc.), REAL APPEAL (Alysheba S, Texas Heritage S, 3rd West Virginia Derby, G3), WIND CHILL FACTOR (Louisiana Jewel S, Louisiana Champions Day Lassie S, Louisiana Futurity, 3rd LA Bred Premier Night Starlet S, Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint S, to 4, 2016), APPEALING CAT (Mrs. Penny S, 2nd Endeavour S, G3T, Malvern Rose S, 3rd Gallorette H, G3T, Rood and Riddle Dowager S), MS VANENZZA (Blue Hen S, 2nd Hurricane Bertie S, G3, 3rd Endine S, G3, Sugar Swirl S, G3, Justakiss S, Polly’s Jet S), COAX LIBERTY (Dearly Precious S, Sometime Thing S, 2nd Cicada S, G3, Brandywine S, 3rd Adirondack S, G2, Beaumont S, G2A), SHE’S A JEWEL (Aladdin Resort and Casino H, Impressive Style S, 2nd Sunshine Millions Oaks, etc.), AUNT ELLIPSIS (Dr. Teresa Garofalo Memorial S), SALAMERA (J J’sdream S, 2nd Adirondack S, G2, Regret S, 3rd Hollywood Beach S, Paseana S, U Can Do It H, etc.), TRUSTY TEMPER (Jostle S, 3rd Monmouth Park NATC Futurity), BEANWAH’SMACHINE (Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S, Louisiana Futurity), HOSTILE WITNESS (Inaugural S, 2nd Ocala Breeders’ Sales Sprint S, 3rd Florida Stallion Dr. Fager S, Naked Greed S), RAPID



RHYTHM (Oakley S, 2nd Kentucky Downs Ladies Sprint S, to 4, 2016), etc. SUCCESSFUL APPEAL’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are SUCCESSFUL NATIVE, APPEALING MAGGIE, SWEET ON SMOKEY, HONEY’S SOX APPEAL, RAPID RHYTHM. SUCCESSFUL APPEAL’S other sons as stallions include CLOSING ARGUMENT (431 foals, 17 BTW, 1.22 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam DOUBLE BOARDED. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 foals, including— TWICE THE APPEAL (Subject stallion). BOARD ELLIGIBLE (by Goldminers Gold). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $448,527, Montauk H, White Carnation S, 2nd Ladies H (G3), New York Stallion Perfect Arc S, Numbered Account S. ELITE ACCESS (Southern Image). 3 wins at 3, $21,241. DELTA HOLIDAY (Harlan’s Holiday). Winner at 4. Producer. 2nd dam C. J.’S SISTER. Winner at 5. Dam of 12 foals, incl.— COLOGNY. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $393,848, Montclair State University S, Scotzanna S, Susan B. Anthony H, 2nd Floral Park H (G3), First Lady H (G3), Schenectady H, 3rd Union Avenue S, Arctic Queen H. Dam of ROMANSH ($602,785, Discovery H, G3, Excelsior S, G3, Curlin S, 3rd Metropolitan H, G1, Bold Ruler H, G3, to 6, 2016). SELECTIVE. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $309,060, Bernie Dowd H, Escaped H, 2nd Sea Cadet S, Bernie Dowd H, 3rd Oceanport H (G3). KEEP IT S. S. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $113,744, Spend a Buck S, 2nd John McSorley S, Ben Franklin S, Anthony Imbesi H. OLYMPIAN SISTER. 4 wins at 4, $146,700. Producer. SISTER ROCK. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $90,849. Producer. Dam of Now Listen Sister ($156,130, 3rd Open Mind H). C. J.’S MAGEE. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $23,916. SISTER GEORGE. Winner at 3, $22,849. Producer. 3rd dam TIME BARRIER. Winner at 2. Dam of 13 foals, incl.— C. J.’S BOY. 11 wins, 4 to 7, $113,477, Brookdale H. FARM TIME. 16 wins, 2 to 5, $64,556, Criterium S. DAYLIGHT PRINCE. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $80,636. PUNCHOUT TIME. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $49,292. RECORD TIME. Winner at 3. 4th dam DOUBLE DIAMOND. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, incl.— DONTSTOPNOW. 5 wins at 2, $24,300, Duncan F. Kenner S, Lafayette S, 2nd Bashford Manor S.

TWICE THE APPEAL Successful Appeal – Double Boarded, by Cormorant

GRADE 1 KENTUCKY DERBY CONTENDER WINNER OF THE $800,000 GRADE 3 SUNLAND DERBY As a 2YO, TWICE THE APPEAL broke his maiden at Santa Anita by 41⁄4 lengths and defeated the likes of G2 SW PRAYER FOR RELIEF ($1.9 Million). As a 3YO, TWICE THE APPEAL won the $800,000 Grade 3 Sunland Derby beating Grade 1 Belmont Stakes winner RULER ON ICE ($1.7 Million) and Grade 1 Preakness Stakes-placed GSW ASTROLOGY, plus two other Derby winners. And in the $2,000,000 Grade 1 Kentucky Derby, TWICE THE APPEAL outran Grade 1 Santa Anita Derby SW MIDNIGHT INTERLUDE, Grade 1 Travers SW STAY THIRSTY, Grade 1 Arkansas Derby SW ARCHARCHARCH, Grade 1 CashCallFuturity SW COMMA TO THE TOP, and more. As a 4YO, TWICE THE APPEAL placed in the $100,000 listed Essex H. and the $75,000 listed Fifth Season S. In the $750,000 Grade 1 Santa Anita H. he defeated Grade 1 Hollywood Derby SW ULTIMATE EAGLE, plus two more Derby winners.

First foals race in 2016! Nominated to:



Inquiries to Terry Lovingier, 35490 Hwy. 76, Warner Springs, California 92086 (562) 547-9848/FAX: (562) 988-0094. E-mail: Website:




Typhoon Slew

Entered Stud in 2015

Dosage (5-1-8-0-0); DI: 2.50; CD: 0.79 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2008













At 2 Won A maiden special weight race at ElP ($30,000, 8f, turf in 1:37.49, by 103, dftg. Iwannaiwannaiwanna, Classic Fred, Hurricane Elvis, Nacho Man, Coach Awesome, Truly Smart, Lucky Okie, La Dominican). 3rd With Anticipation S (G3T, 8.5f, to Soldat, Powhatan County, dftg. Air Support, Silver Medallion, Kid Curry, Grigio, Manchurian High, Sensational Slam, Lou Brissie).

Stormy Atlantic, dkb/br, 1994 15s, BTW, $148,126 1,455 f, 99 BTW, 1.49 AEI 6.60 AWD

Hail Atlantis, 1987 11s, BTW, $176,325 9 f, 7 r, 5 w, 2 BTW

SIRE LINE Typhoon Slew is by STORMY ATLANTIC, black-type stakes winner of 6 races, $148,126, Damitrius S, Havre de Grace S, 3rd Consent S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 15 crops, 1,455 foals, 1,180 rnrs (81%), 853 wnrs (59%), 235 2yo wnrs (16%), 99 BTW (7%), 1.49 AEI, 1.48 CI, 669 sale yrlgs, avg $53,587, 1.19 TNA. In 2016: 44 2yos, 14 2yo rnrs, 3 2yo wnrs, 4 BTW, 26 sale yrlgs, avg $40,595. STORMY ATLANTIC has sired UP WITH THE BIRDS (Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt in Can, Jamaica H, G1T, Nijinsky S, G2T twice, Marine S, etc., to 6, 2016), LEONNATUS ANTEAS (champion 2yo colt in Can, Durham Cup S, G3A, Coronation Futurity, Cup and Saucer S, Vandal S, etc.), CONQUEST TYPHOON (champion 2yo colt in Can, Summer S, G2T, Cecil B. DeMille S, G3T, etc., to 4, 2016), MARITIMER (champion 2yo colt in Can, Display S, Coronation Futurity, etc.), STORM ALLIED (champion 3yo colt in PR), GET STORMY (Woodford Reserve Turf Classic S, G1T, Gulfstream Park Turf H, G1T, Maker’s Mark Mile S, G1T, etc.), STORMY LUCY (Matriarch S, G1T, Santa Ana S, G2T, Santa Barbara H, G3T, etc., to 7, 2016), STORMELLO (Hollywood Futurity, G1A, Norfolk Breeders’ Cup S, G2, 2nd Fountain of Youth S, G2, 3rd Del Mar Futurity, G2, etc.), NEXT QUESTION (Nearctic S, G1T, etc.), STORMY LORD (Connaught Cup S, G2T, etc.), ICY ATLANTIC (Arcadia H, G2T, Red Bank S, G3T, Jersey Derby, G3T, etc.), BARBECUE EDDIE (Longines Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 1, G2 in UAE, 2nd Palos Verdes H, G2A, El Conejo H, G3A, 3rd Ancient Title S, G1A, Pat O’Brien H, G2A, etc.), MY PRINCESS JESS (Lake George S, G2T, Boiling Springs S, G3T, Beaugay S, G3T, Gaviola S, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, G1T, Just a Game S, G1T twice, etc.), WIRED BRYAN (Sanford S, G2, etc.), PART THE SEAS (Bessarabian S, G2A, etc.), SHE SAYS IT BEST (Darley Alcibiades S, G2, etc.), MY BEST BROTHER (Del Mar Derby, G2T, etc.), CALIFORNIA NECTAR (Santa Ynez S, G2, etc.), TWICE AS BAD (Lazaro Barrera Memorial S, G2, 2nd Affirmed H, G3, etc.), REB (American Derby, G2T), MISTY OCEAN (Honeymoon H, G2T, etc.), MISTER STORM (Otono Pedro Garcia de la Huerta M., G2 in Chile, etc., to 10, 2016), QUITE A BRIDE (Early Times Mint Julep H, G3T, Boiling Springs S, G3T, etc.), GATORS N BEARS (Maryland Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Jersey Shore Breeders’ Cup S, G3, etc.), ATLANTIC OCEAN (Miesque S, G3T, Santa Ysabel S, G3, etc.), HIS RACE TO WIN (Ontario Derby, G3A, Seagram Cup S, G3A, etc.), ASSATEAGUE (Dr. James Penny Memorial H, G3T, etc.), SHADOWLESS (Kennedy Road S, G3A, etc.), REROUTED (Somerville Tattersall S, G3 in Eng, etc.), STORMY’S MAJESTY (Discovery H, G3, etc.), BITTEL ROAD (Woodford Reserve Bourbon S, G3T, etc.), STORMY ANTARCTIC (Novae Bloodstock Insurance

STUD ANALYSIS Typhoon Slew entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.

Nominated to:


Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 Storm Cat, 1983 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Slewpy, 1980 21s, BTW, $710,248 540 f, 26 BTW, 1.55 AEI Hepatica, dkb/br, 1996 3s, wnr, $25,630 7 f, 6 r, 4 w, 2 BTW 8.15 AWD Summer Dress, 1984 4s, wnr, $29,050 16 f, 15 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic South Ocean, by New Providence Secretariat, by Bold Ruler Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Flippers, 1981 16s, BTW, $247,739 15 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Coastal, by Majestic Prince

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI

Bold Reasoning, by Boldnesian

Rare Bouquet, 1963 Unraced 14 f, 13 r, 13 w, 3 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Summer Time Guy, 1976 22s, BTW, $279,900 167 f, 3 BTW, 0.91 AEI

Gummo, by Fleet Nasrullah

General Store, 1965 5s, wnr, $5,070 9 f, 9 r, 8 w, 3 BTW

To Market, by Market Wise

My Charmer, by Poker

Moccasin, by Nantallah

My Charmer, by Poker

Forest Song, by Mr. Music

Linda Summers, by Crozier

Generals Sister, by Count Fleet

Inbreeding: 3sX3D Seattle Slew.

Craven S, G3 in Eng, 2nd Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, Criterium International, G1 in Fr, to 3, 2016), SEA SIREN (G3), INDIAN OCEAN (G3A), MAGNIFICIENCE (G3), MIGHTY CAROLINE (G3), TAHANEE (G3 in Arg, to 4, 2016), OLLIE OLGA (G3 in Eng), Dahy (Horse of the Year in Mex, to 8, 2016), etc. STORMY ATLANTIC’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are UP WITH THE BIRDS (G2T), STORMY ANTARCTIC (G3 in Eng), TAHANEE (G3 in Arg), BIBBY. STORMY ATLANTIC’S other sons as stallions include LEONNATUS ANTEAS (77 foals, 2 BTW, 1.03 AEI), GATORS N BEARS (156 foals, 5 BTW, 1.02 AEI), etc.

FAMILY 1st dam HEPATICA. Winner at 2, $25,630. Dam of 7 foals, incl.— SLEW’S TIZZY (by Tiznow). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $619,619, Coolmore Lexington S (G2A), Lone Star Derby (G3), Native Diver H (G3A), 3rd Pegasus S (G3), Commonwealth Turf S. Sire. SLEW’S TIZNOW (Tiznow). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $321,100, El Cajon S, War Chant S, 2nd Lane’s End Breeders’ Futurity (G1A), Santana Mile H, 3rd Californian S (G2A). Sire. Typhoon Slew (Subject stallion). HELLEBORUS BLUE (Cee’s Tizzy). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in SAf. Dam of THE HANGMAN ($118,961, Ladbrokes Premier’s Champion S, G1 in SAf, etc.), TRIP TO HEAVEN ($80,532, Stronach Group Racing Merchants, G2 in SAf, etc., to 5, 2016), Midnite Zone (3rd Matchem S, G3 in SAf, to 4, 2016). ME MOE YOU CURLY (Memo). Producer. Dam of Sergeant O’Rourke ($42,270, 3rd Golden Gate Debutante S). 2nd dam SUMMER DRESS. 2 wins at 3, $29,050. Dam of 16 foals, including— BEST DRESS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $224,875, Junior Miss S (G3), 2nd Autumn Days H, Valkyr H, 3rd Shywing H, etc. Producer. Granddam of CURIOUSLY SWEET ($207,600, Cat’s Cradle H, etc.). FRANCIE. 4 wins at 4, $162,280, Cool Air S, 2nd B. Thoughtful S. Producer. Granddam of PRADO’S SWEET RIDE ($211,242, Regret S, G3T, etc., to 4, 2016). GINSENG. 4 wins, 2 to 5, placed in PR, $152,652, Santa Clara H, 3rd Hidden Light S, etc. Producer.

2017 FEE: $1,000 LivE FoaL

(payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee)

RanchoSanSan MiguEL Miguel, CA

Dresser. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $217,121, 2nd Intent S, 3rd Crystal Water H. Mini Skirt. 4 wins at 4, $188,424, 2nd Las Madrinas H. Producer. JUSTINE. Producer. Dam of El Lobo ($71,150, 2nd Ride the Rails S, 3rd Pete Axthelm S). 3rd dam GENERAL STORE. Winner at 2. Dam of 9 foals, incl.— DOUBLE DISCOUNT. 9 wins, 3 to 9, $520,939, Lakeside H (G2T), Carleton F. Burke H (G2T), San Carlos H (G2), Westwood S, 2nd Santa Anita Derby (G1), San Antonio S (G1), San Fernando S (G2), Malibu S (G2), Coronado H, 3rd Hollywood Derby (G1), Swaps S (G1), San Antonio S (G1) etc. SUMMER SALE. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $203,275, Hollywood Turf Express H, Rich Cream H, etc. CHAIN STORE. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $83,612, Rare Treat H, etc. Dam of GERALDINE’S STORE ($347,275, Diana H, G2T, etc.), AL BAHATHRI ($238,139, Goffs Irish One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, Lowther S, G2 in Eng, Coronation S, G2 in Eng, Child S, G3 in Eng, Princess Margaret S, 2nd General Accident One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), PEPLUM (in Eng). Granddam of HAAFHD ($872,926, champion 3yo colt twice in Eng, Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Emirates Airline Champion S, G1 in Eng, etc., sire), HASBAH (champion 3yo filly in Ire, E.B.F. Garnet S, 2nd Coronation S, G1 in Eng, etc.), SPANISH FERN ($748,370, Yellow Ribbon S, G1T, Santa Ana H, G2T, etc.), RADEVORE ($326,752, Prix Eugene Adam, G2 in Fr, etc., sire), MUNIR ($156,327, Victor Chandler Challenge S, G2 in Eng, etc., sire). Fashion Book. 2 wins, 2 to 4, $94,500, 2nd La Centinela S, Santa Ysabel S, Convenience S. Dam of ARP ($342,573, Bolsa Chica S, 2nd San Felipe S, G2, etc.), BOOKLORE ($159,733, CERF Stakes, CTBA Marian S, etc.), Zee Maestro. Granddam of MISS CONFUSION ($205,230, Sweetheart S, etc.). MAZDA’S MIRACLE. Winner at 3. Dam of M. DOUBLE M. (sire), M Single M ($50,475). Granddam of MADAME PANDIT (G3), FISCALLY SPEAKING (G3T), SUNLIT SILENCE ($213,771). FOREIGN STORE. Producer. Dam of New Identity ($83,867, 3rd Battlefield S). Granddam of KING OF THE ROXY ($600,707, Futurity S, G2, etc., sire).

Nominated to: Registered California Stallion

Inquiries to Clay Murdock, Rancho San Miguel, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919 E-mail: Web Site:



Ultimate eagle

Entered Stud in 2014

dkb/br, 2008

height 17.1



2 3 4 5 Totals

0 8 3 2 13




0 4(2) 1(1) 0 5(3)

0 0 1(1) 1(1) 2(2)

0 3(1) 0 0 3(1)


— $347,800 $170,000 $30,000 $547,800

Won At 3 Hollywood Derby (G1T, $250,000, 10f in 2:01.43, dftg. Imagining, Western Aristocrat, Slumber, Venomous, Casino Host, Cozy Kitten, Willcox Inn, Irish Art, Surrey Star, Cloud Man). Oak Tree Derby (G2T, $150,000, 9f in 1:47.03, dftg. Venomous, Cozy Kitten, Midnight Interlude, Cloud Man, Theresmyeverything, Surrey Star, Lil Bit O’Fun, Akkadian, Thirtyfirststreet, Dreamy Kid, Great Warrior, Arraignment, Northern Causeway). A race at Dmr ($85,550, 8.5f, turf in 1:42.64, dftg. Robbie’s War, Quantity, Photo Shopped, Red Sharp Humor, Spud Spivens, T J’s Passion, Wild Revenge). A maiden special weight race at Dmr ($83,300, 8.5f, turf in 1:41.43, dftg. Irish Art, Channel Surf, Hy Lime Time, Plea Agreement, Great Rising Star, Street Rocket, Cranky Jack, Ted). 3rd Sir Beaufort S (G2T, 8f, to Mr. Commons, Irish Art, dftg. Cozy Kitten, Venomous, Comma to the Top, Riveting Reason, Moment of Weakness). Won At 4 Strub S (G2, $200,000, 9f in 1:47.08, by 71, dftg. Jaycito, Prayer for Relief, Tapizar, Balladry, Clubhouse Ride, Beer Meister, Indian Winter). 2nd Citation H (G2T, 8.5f, to Data Link, dftg. Doubles Partner, Jeranimo, Temple’s Door, Tale of a Champion, Interaction). 2nd At 5 San Pasqual S (G2, 8.5f, to Coil, by a head, dftg. John Scott, Tres Borrachos, Bank the Eight, Jaycito).

SIRE LINE ULTIMATE EAGLE is by MIZZEN MAST, black-type stakes winner of 5 races, $554,146, Malibu S (G1), Strub S (G2), Prix de Guiche (G3 in Fr), Bien Bien S, 2nd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris (G1 in Fr), Prix des Chenes Royal Thalasso Barriere (G3 in Fr). To November 6, 2016: Sired 11 crops, 831 foals, 657 rnrs (79%), 459 wnrs (55%), 115 2yo wnrs (14%), 43 BTW (5%), 1.37 AEI, 1.47 CI, 379 sale yrlgs, avg $37,757, 0.84 TNA. In 2016: 82 2yos, 44 2yo rnrs, 12 2yo wnrs, 8 BTW, 23 sale yrlgs, avg $37,305. MIZZEN MAST has sired FLOTILLA (champion 2yo filly in Fr, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, G1T, Poule d’Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, 2nd Balanchine Sponsored by District One, G2 in UAE, 3rd Godolphin Mile Sponsored by Meydan Sobha, G2 in UAE), SEA DEFENCE (Stewards’ Cup, G1 in HK, 2nd Longines Hong Kong Mile, G1 in HK, etc., to 5, 2016), MIZDIRECTION (GEICO Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint, G1T, Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint, G1T, Buena Vista S, G2T, Monrovia S, G2T twice, Las Cienegas S, G3T), MAST TRACK (Hollywood Gold Cup S, G1A, Native Diver H, G3A, 2nd San Diego H, G2A, 3rd Pacific Classic S, G1A), MIDSHIPS (Charles Whittingham Memorial H, G1T, San Juan Capistrano Invitational H, G2T, San Luis Rey H, G2T, 3rd Hollywood Derby, G1T), FULL MAST (Qatar Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, G1 in Fr, Prix La Rochette, G3 in Fr, 2nd Prix Paul de Moussac, G3 in Fr, 3rd Fasig-Tipton Lure S, to 4, 2016), LIDERIS (Gran Premio Asociacion Latinoamericana de Jockey Clubes e Hipodromos, G1 in Peru, Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico, G2 in Peru, 2nd La Copa, G2 in Peru, Clasico Comercio, G3 in Peru, Clasico Alfredo Benavides y Alfredo Benavides Diez Canseco, 3rd Clasico Asociacion de Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera del Peru, G3 in Peru, to 6, 2016), STONETASTIC (Prioress S, G2, Inside Information S, G2, Pumpkin Pie S, Regret S, 2nd Humana Distaff S, G1, Thoroughbred Club of America

STUD ANALYSIS Ultimate Eagle entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.


Cozzene, 1980 24s, BTW, $978,152 964 f, 84 BTW, 2.19 AEI Mizzen Mast, gr/ro, 1998 11s, BTW, $554,146 831 f, 43 BTW, 1.37 AEI 7.63 AWD Kinema, 1983 4s, wnr, $14,450 10 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Captain Bodgit, 1994 12s, BTW, $1,014,849 421 f, 11 BTW, 0.76 AEI Letithappencaptain, dkb/br, 2000 13s, BTW, $223,125 8 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 6.95 AWD Dual Crown, 1992 Unraced 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Dosage (3-4-10-2-1); DI: 1.50; CD: 0.30 See gray pages—Nasrullah Caro, 1967 19s, BTW, $373,040 599 f, 77 BTW, 3.37 AEI

Fortino II, by Grey Sovereign

Ride the Trails, 1971 Unraced 8 f, 7 r, 7 w, 4 BTW

Prince John, by Princequillo

Graustark, 1963 8s, BTW, $75,904 614 f, 52 BTW, 2.80 AEI

Ribot, by Tenerani

Mrs. Peterkin, 1965 37s, BTW, $58,519 12 f, 9 r, 9 w, 3 BTW

Tom Fool, by Menow

Saint Ballado, 1989 9s, BTW, $302,820 702 f, 68 BTW, 2.06 AEI

Halo, by Hail to Reason

Answering Echo, 1980 11s, wnr, $12,426 9 f, 9 r, 7 w, 1 BTW

Greek Answer, by Northern Answer

Dayjur, 1987 11s, BTW, $750,770 549 f, 27 BTW, 1.13 AEI

Danzig, by Northern Dancer

Leyali, 1984 7s, wnr, $30,698 8 f, 6 r, 3 w

Habitat, by Sir Gaylord

Chambord, by Chamossaire

Wildwook, by Sir Gaylord

Flower Bowl, by Alibhai

Legendra, by Challenger II

Ballade, by Herbager

Rattling Music, by Rattle Dancer

Gold Beauty, by Mr. Prospector

Light Link, by Tudor Music

Inbreeding: 5sX5D Sir Gaylord.

S, G2, etc., to 5, 2016), FILIMBI (Goldikova S, G2T, Prix Isola Bella, Fasig-Tipton De La Rose S, 2nd Longines Just a Game S, G1T, Jenny Wiley S, G1T, 3rd First Lady S, G1T, etc.), JIBBOOM (Lexus Raven Run S, G2A, Buena Vista H, G2A, Monrovia H, G3T, 2nd Santa Monica H, G1A), MADEO (Del Mar Derby, G2T, Inglewood H, G3T, 2nd Oak Tree Derby, G2T, Alydar S, 3rd Arcadia H, G2T), BAILOUTBOBBY (Marathon S, G2, 2nd Cougar II Handicap, G3, Tokyo City Cup S, G3, to 6, 2016), PAULINA’S LOVE (Buena Vista S, G2T, 2nd Autumn Miss S, G3T, 3rd San Clemente H, G2T, to 4, 2016), ONE MEAN MAN (American Derby, G3T, Mystic Lake Derby, Jefferson Cup S, 2nd Arlington Classic S, G3T, etc., to 3, 2016), MIZZ MONEY (Gallorette H, G3T, Pucker Up S, G3T, Allen LaCombe Memorial S, etc., to 4, 2016), STRIKE THE BELL (Noble Damsel S, G3T, Glowing Honor S, etc.), SEASPEAK (Dallas Turf Cup H, G3T, 2nd Bryan Station S, G3T, Commonwealth Turf S, G3T, 3rd Firecracker H, G2T, etc.), MARKET TOWN (Premier Plate, 3rd January Cup, to 6, 2016), TROPICAL LIGHT (Hyogo Junior Grand Prix, etc.), GREEN MASK (Paradise Creek S, 2nd Highlander S, G2T, Troy S, Turf Dash S, etc., to 5, 2016), ROSE BRIER (Henry S. Clark S, etc., to 7, 2016), MULTILATERAL (Carlton Mid Wyong Gold Cup, Tattersalls Club Cup, etc., to 7, 2016), IRON MIZZ (Seeking the Ante S, 2nd Colleen S, etc., at 2, 2016), etc. MIZZEN MAST’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are SEA DEFENCE (G1 in HK), PAULINA’S LOVE (G2T), STONETASTIC (G2), MIZZ MONEY (G3T), ONE MEAN MAN (G3T), ROSE BRIER, IMPULSIVE (in Tur), IRON MIZZ.

2nd dam DUAL CROWN. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, including— CROWN GOLD. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $105,520. SARAMY. Unraced. Dam of BA BA GA NUS H ($197,786, Ocala Breeders’ Sales Sprint S, 2nd Florida Stallion My Dear Girl S, etc.), WILDCAT HEIRESS ($124,572, Esplanade S), Springs Road ($184,650, 2nd Oh Say S, 3rd Fire Plug S), Days Like This ($76,960, 2nd Blue Hen S). 3rd dam Leyali. 3 wins at 3 in Eng, $30,698, 2nd Sceptre S, Grand Metropolitan S. Dam of 8 foals, including— WHITELASH. Winner at 3 and 4. JEWELLED SPLENDOUR. 2 wins at 3 in Aust. Producer.


4th dam LIGHT LINK. 2 wins at 2 in Eng. Dam of 8 foals, incl.— HANU. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, placed in Italy, $46,175, Cornwallis S (G3 in Eng), 2nd Premio Omenoni (G3 in Italy). Sanu. 7 wins, 2 to 6, in Eng and Tri, $62,853, 3rd Leisure S. No Reservations. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Eng, $58,525, 3rd Radley S. Dam of HOT TIN ROOF ($141,578, Stanley Racing Summer S, Victor Chandler Kilvington Fillies S, MerCar Polish Chartwell Fillies’ S, 2nd Bet Direct from Littlewoods Leisure S, Halliwell Landau John of Gaunt S, Cecil Frail S, etc,, in Fr and Eng). Granddam of CRITIC (champion older male in KSA). BUSHTI MUSIC. Placed at 2. Producer. Granddam of RAGAZZO ($406,754, Polar Cup, G3 in Nor twice, etc., in Nor and Swe, to 7, 2016). BONNIE BANKS. Producer. Granddam of JESSICA’S DREAM ($209,251, champion 3yo filly in Italy, Kerry Group Ballyogan S, G3 in Ire, etc., in Ire, Eng, and Italy), MAJORS CAST ($585,598, Betfred Million Spring Trophy S, 2nd Juddmonte Lockinge S, G1 in Eng, Totesport Celebration Mile, G2 in Eng, Hungerford S, G3 in Eng, etc., in Fr and Eng).

1st dam LETITHAPPENCAPTAIN. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $223,125, Sarah Lane’s Oates H, Wafare Farm S, Fantasia S, Elge Rasberry S, 2nd Battler Star H, 3rd Louisiana Breeders’ Oaks, Creme de la Creme S. Dam of 8 foals, including— ULTIMATE EAGLE (Subject stallion). SYNDICATED (by Midnight Lute). 3 wins, 3 to 6, 2016, $157,365. WAYMAN (Songandaprayer). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $89,389. HERE COMES CHLOE (Bellamy Road). 3 wins at 4, 2016, $56,684. LETITHAPPENTIGER (Hold That Tiger). Winner at 3, $31,299. Producer.

5th dam CARONBROOK. 3 wins at 3 in Eng. Dam of 6 foals, including— RIGHT AHEAD. 2 wins at 2 in Eng, Wills Goblet S, 3rd Richmond S. Dam of JUST IN FRONT ($34,814, Prix de Liancourt, etc.), SHANA TOVA (in Bel). Granddam of JUST IN FUN ($112,138, Tierce Magazine-Prix Fille de l’Air, G3 in Fr, etc., in Fr and Ger). HARBROOK. Winner at 2 in Eng. Dam of PARLIAMENT ($67,053, Land of Burns S, 2nd Earl of Sefton S, G3 in Eng, Westbury S, G3 in Eng, 3rd Airlie Coolmore Irish Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Ire, etc., sire), END OF THE LINE ($60,162, Anglia Television July S, G3 in Eng, etc., sire), REO RACINE (Mount Coote Stud Athasi S, G3 in Ire, etc.).

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016


Yearlings # sold—Avg 4—$30,500 — 4—$30,500


Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 2—$4,500 2—$4,500

uLTImATE EAgLE mizzen mast – Letithappencaptain, by captain Bodgit

grAdE 1 WINNEr at a 1 1/4 m. on the Turf and g2 Winner at 1 1/8 m. on dirt

#1 California First Crop Sire of All Yearlings Sold in 2016 Only WIrE TO WIrE multiple g1 and g2 Winner at a classic distance Triple digit Beyer Beat TAPIZAr by more than 10 lengths! Six graded Stakes Wins & Places

The ULTIMATE Choice! Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $3,500 LIVE FOAL Property of Blackbird Thoroughbreds Standing at

SPEcIAL T ThOrOughBrEdS INc. Inquiries to rick Taylor, 35325 de Portola rd., Temecula, california 92592 (951) 303-0313/FAX (951) 303-0613. E-mail: Website:



UnUsUal Heatwave

Entered Stud in 2015

b, 2009



2 3 4 5 Totals

5 8 3 4 20




1 2(2) 0 1(1) 4(3)

1 2(1) 0 0 3(1)

2 1(1) 0 1 4(1)


$75,018 $337,374 $750 $75,610 $488,752

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at SA ($75,250, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:13.05, dftg. Chickie Charms, The Roan Ranger, Spit Ball, Cat’s Enough, Late Night Sky, High Duty, Gurnick, Time to Doubledown, Mank, Toruk Makto, Jakob’s Magic). Won At 3 Snow Chief S ($300,000, 9f, AW in 1:51.63, dftg. Stoney Fleece, Dylan Donnelly, Corner Office, Real Conundrum, D’ Obsession, Teraad, Bench Light, Suances Candy, Oh Righty). Real Good Deal S ($200,000, 7f, AW in 1:22.35, dftg. Rousing Sermon, Got Even, Champions Gate, Derby Gold, Stoney Fleece, A Toast to You). 2nd Tsunami Slew S (8f, turf, to Boat Trip, dftg. Canuletmedowneasy, Chips All In, Tiz Point, Tones). 3rd El Cajon S (8f, AW, to Fed Biz, Jimmy Creed, dftg. Shaun Washington, Private Zone). Won At 5 Crystal Water S ($100,250, 8f, turf in 1:34.17, dftg. Mega Heat, Ethnic Dance, China Prince, Rousing Sermon, Stoney Fleece).


UNUSUAL HEATWAVE is by UNUSUAL HEAT, blacktype stakes winner of 6 races, $142,605, Amethyst S, Platinum S, Glencairn S, 2nd Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S (G3 in Ire), 3rd Ragusa Stud The Minstrel S. To November 6, 2016: Sired 16 crops, 752 foals, 558 rnrs (74%), 400 wnrs (53%), 54 2yo wnrs (7%), 42 BTW (6%), 1.98 AEI, 1.24 CI, 110 sale yrlgs, avg $38,449, 0.86 TNA. In 2016: 37 2yos, 10 2yo rnrs, 2 2yo wnrs, 5 BTW, 11 sale yrlgs, avg $36,455. UNUSUAL HEAT has sired ACCLAMATION (champion older male, TVG Pacific Classic S, G1A, Eddie Read S, G1T twice, Charles Whittingham Memorial H, G1T three times, etc.), THE USUAL Q. T. (Eddie Read S, G1T, Hollywood Derby, G1T, Oak Tree Derby, G2T, Sir Beaufort S, G3T, John C. Mabee California Cup Mile H, 2nd Woodbine Mile S, G1T, etc.), UNUSUAL SUSPECT (Hollywood Turf Cup S, G1T, Hollywood Turf Express H, G3T, Cougar II Handicap, Bay Meadows Derby, California Cup Mile H, TAB Werribee Cup, etc.), GOLDEN DOC A (Las Virgenes S, G1A, Anoakia S, Generous Portion S, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks, G1A, Stonerside Beaumont S, G2A, Santa Ynez S, G2A, etc.), LETHAL HEAT (Hollywood Oaks, G2A, Santa Paula S, G3A, Real Good Deal S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Lady’s Secret S, G1A, Palomar H, G2T, etc.), TUCKED AWAY (Clement L. Hirsch H, G2, Solana Beach H, Fleet Treat S, 2nd A Gleam Invitational H, G2, Desert Stormer H, G3, Valkyr S, etc.), GERVINHO (Sir Beaufort S, G2T, Zuma Beach S, Oceanside S, 2nd Del Mar Derby, G2T, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd Twilight Derby, G2T), PRETTY UNUSUAL (El Encino S, G2A, Melair S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Turf S), CHEEKABOO (Honeymoon S, G2T, Campanile S, 2nd Sandy Blue H, 3rd Melair S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), BURNS (La Jolla H, G2T, 2nd Oceanside S), LIGHTMYFIREBABY (Las Cienegas H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Valentine Dancer H, Solana Beach H, Work the Crowd S, etc.), BETTYS BAMBINO (Daytona S, G3T, Sensational Star S), UNUSUAL WAY (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filly Sprint Preview S, Wine Country Debutante S, Zia Park Oaks, Campanile S, 2nd San Clemente H, G2T, Sunland Park Oaks, etc.), BOOZER (Bertrando S, California Flag H, Sensational Star S, 2nd Eddie D Stakes, G3T, California Cup Turf Classic S, 3rd California Cup Turf Classic S,

STUD ANALYSIS Unusual Heatwave entered stud in 2015. His first foals will be yearlings of 2017.


Nureyev, 1977 3s, BTW, $42,522 786 f, 135 BTW, 3.49 AEI Unusual Heat, dkb/br, 1990 16s, BTW, $142,605 752 f, 42 BTW, 1.98 AEI 7.23 AWD Rossard, 1980 24s, BTW, $202,858 13 f, 10 r, 6 w, 1 BTW

Candi's Gold, 1984 26s, BTW, $876,640 497 f, 16 BTW, 0.90 AEI Miss Alphie, dkb/br, 2001 7s, pl, $26,032 6 f, 6 r, 4 w, 3 BTW 8.19 AWD Pine Away, 1996 Unraced 7 f, 7 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Dosage (3-1-14-0-0); DI: 1.57; CD: 0.39 See gray pages—Nearctic Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI

Nearctic, by Nearco

Special, 1969 1s, unpl 9 f, 6 r, 6 w, 3 BTW

Forli, by Aristophanes

Glacial, 1966 3s, BTW 23 f, 2 BTW, 16.63 AEI

Pardal, by Pharis II

Peas-Blossom, 1968 10s, pl, $670 7 f, 6 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Midsummer Night, by Djeddah

Yukon, 1979 Unraced 372 f, 13 BTW, 1.19 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Holmgirl, 1973 25s, wnr, $38,283 9 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Captain Nash, by Nashua

Pine Bluff, 1989 13s, BTW, $2,255,884 581 f, 32 BTW, 1.50 AEI

Danzig, by Northern Dancer

Her Mink Coat, 1988 21s, wnr, $84,975 5 f, 4 r, 4 w, 1 BTW

Affrmed, by Exclusive Native

Natalma, by Native Dancer

Thong, by Nantallah

Glacis, by Epigram

Fan Light, by Wilwyn

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Imaholme, by Noholme II

Rowdy Angel, by Halo

Tempest Moon, by Caro

Inbreeding: 3SX4DX5D Northern Dancer.

etc., to 6, 2016), MENSA HEAT (On Trust H, Pirate’s Bounty S, 2nd Pirate’s Bounty S, 3rd Ancient Title S, G1, Palos Verdes S, G2, Eddie D Stakes, G3T, etc.), BEL AIR SIZZLE (Melair S, Valentine Dancer H, 2nd Del Mar Oaks, G1T, Santa Ana H, G2T, Honeymoon H, G2T, 3rd Providencia S, G2T, etc.), SPENDITALLBABY (B. Thoughtful S, Fleet Treat S, 2nd Sharp Cat S, Solana Beach H, Cat’s Cradle H, It’s in the Air S, etc.), THERMAL ABLASION (Make Me Conquer S, Cordially S, 2nd Steve Van Buren H, Red Cross S, Justakiss S, HBPA City of Ranson H, etc.), LENNYFROMALIBU (California Cup Mile H, Crystal Water H, 2nd TVG Khaled S, Sensational Star H), UNUSUAL HOTTIE (Fran’s Valentine S, Redondo Beach S, 2nd Solana Beach H, American Beauty S, Osunitas S, Fran’s Valentine S, etc.), MAUI MARK (Donald Valpredo California Cup Sprint S), SURFCUP (Snow Chief S, Silky Sullivan S, 3rd California Breeders Champion S), CENTRAL HEAT (Luther Burbank H, Golden Poppy S twice, 2nd Miss America S, to 7, 2016), PACIFIC HEAT (Evening Jewel S, Golden State Juvenile Fillies S, Xpressbet California Cup Oaks, to 3, 2016), SCROFA (Irish O’Brien S, Work the Crowd H, 3rd Fran’s Valentine S), MEDZENDEEKRON (Crystal Water H, 3rd Commonwealth S, G2A, Tiznow S), MR. CHAIRMAN (California Cup Classic H), TWENTY HAWKS (Governor’s Cup H), HE BE FIRE N ICE (California Dreamin’ H, 2nd Del Mar Mile H, G2T, City of Hope Mile S, G2T), CHRISTIANA’S HEAT (Irish O’Brien S, 2nd Monrovia H, G3T, California Cup Distaff H, Wishing Well II Handicap), PASS THE HEAT (Joseph T. Grace H, Bull Dog S, 3rd Berkeley S, G3A, Forty Niner S, March Madness H), UNUSUAL SMOKE (TVG Khaled S, 3rd Sunshine Millions Classic S), LAKERVILLE (Clocker’s Corner S, 2nd San Simeon S, G3T, Green Flash H, Sensational Star S), AMERICA’S FRIEND (Solana Beach H, 3rd Dance In The Mood S), HEAT DU JOUR (Solana Beach H), MAJESTIC HEAT (Solana Beach S, to 4, 2016), BEST PRESENT EVER (Campanile S, 2nd John Deere California Cup Distaff S, 3rd American Oaks S, G1T), JULIESUGARDADDY (Harry Henson S, 2nd La Jolla H, G2T, etc.), BELTENE (Sunshine Millions Oaks, 3rd Melair S), U’NARACK (Real Good Deal S), etc. UNUSUAL HEAT’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are CHEEKABOO (G2T), CENTRAL HEAT, BOOZER, MAJESTIC HEAT, PACIFIC HEAT.

FAMILY 1st dam MISS ALPHIE. Placed at 4, $26,032. Dam of 6 foals, including— UNUSUAL HEATWAVE (Subject stallion). TWENTYTWENTYVISION (by Pollard’s Vision). 5 wins at 4 and 5, 2016, $400,518, Rolling Green S, 2nd Eddie Read S (G1T), Thunder Road S (G3T), 3rd Shoemaker Mile S (G1T), John Henry Turf Championship S (G2T), American S (G3), Lure S.



ALPHIE’S BET (Tribal Rule). 3 wins at 3, $303,670, Sham S (G3A), TVG Snow Chief S, 2nd California Breeders’ Champion S, 3rd La Jolla H (G2T), Affirmed H (G3A). BLAME IT ON ALPHIE (Blame). Winner at 2, 2016, $43,800. 2nd dam PINE AWAY. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, including— ABSOLUT GLAM. 4 wins at 3 in Aust, $829,488, QLD Breeders’ & Tattersalls Winter S (G1 in Aust), Hollylodge Thoroughbreds Moonee Valley Classic Oaks (G2 in Aust), Kevin Hayes Boronia S, 2nd Cleanevent Manikato S (G1 in Aust), Chubb A.V. Kewney S (G2 in Aust), Blazer Rose of Kingston S (G2 in Aust), Darley BTC Sprint (G3 in Aust), etc. Dam of JAZZ SONG ($202,073, Simpson Construction Typhoon Tracy S, G3 in Aust, Sky Racing Gai Waterhouse Classic, etc.), Shaama ($22,491, 2nd South Africa Nursery, G1 in SAf). NOBBY SNIP. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Aust, placed in HK, $423,799, Tony & Manera Lahood Fireball Quality H, McGrath Eskimo Prince S, 2nd James Boag Galaxy (G1 in Aust). PITCREW. 3 wins at 2 in Aust, $161,169. PINE GENERAL. Winner at 4 in Sin, $53,122. FOREVER RAFTER. Winner at 3. Dam of MISS GUNPOWDER ($174,027, Schweppes Thousand Guineas Prelude, G2 in Aust, 2nd Projection Graphics Redelva S, etc., to 4, 2016). 3rd dam HER MINK COAT. 2 wins at 4, $84,975. Dam of 5 foals, including— MOONFLUTE. Winner at 3 in Aust, $118,775, Furious S (G3 in Aust), 2nd Flight S (G1 in Aust), Sweet Embrace S (G3 in Aust), 3rd Hobartville S (G2 in Aust), Adrian Knox S (G3 in Aust). Producer. STRAIGHT LAKE. Winner at 3, $22,595. Producer. Dam of Honest Truth ($389,040, 2nd Inglis Insurance Brokers Roman Consul S, G2 in Aust, to 10, 2016). 4th dam TEMPEST MOON. 3 wins at 2, $42,740, Singing Susan S, 3rd Post-Deb S (G3). Dam of 10 foals, including— Seattle Moon. Winner at 2 and 3, $56,016, 3rd Shady Well S. Dam of MOHEGAN SKY ($280,294, Music Prince S, 2nd Dynamic Lisa S, Memories of Silver S, Stage View S, 3rd Jaipur S, G3T, Candy Eclair S, Lightning City S), VOUS ($227,905, Hollywood Wildcat S, 2nd Calder Oaks, Via Borghese S, 3rd Sands Point S, G3T, The Very One H, G3T, etc.), Seattle Mission ($125,200, 2nd New York Stallion Cab Calloway S), Deities Day ($66,037, 3rd Glory in Motion S). Destination Moon. Winner at 4, $37,820, 3rd Summer S (G3T).

check daily updates on stallionregister.c

UNUSUAL HEATWAVE Unusual Heat – Miss Alphie, by Candi’s Gold


Winner of Hollywood’s $300,000 Snow Chief Stakes over Grade 3 SW STONEY FLEECE and Del Mar’s $200,000 Real Good Deal Stakes beating Grade 1 performer and California Champion ROUSING SERMON, and SWs GOT EVEN, DERBY GOLD, A TOAST TO YOU, etc. Plus, on-the-board at three in the $100,000 Grade 3 Affirmed H. over Grade 2 SW BLINGO, the $100,000 El Cajon Stakes beating 2-time Grade 1 SW PRIVATE ZONE, ($2,924,620), the Tsunami Slew Stakes and Pasadena Stakes. At five, winner of the $100,000 Crystal Water Stakes over Grade 2 Del Mar Derby SW ETHNIC DANCE, as well as ROUSING SERMON and STONEY FLEECE. First foals will be yearlings in 2017. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,500 LIVE FOAL Property of Montecito Stables Teresa McWilliams Standing at



Inquiries to Hector Palma, consultant or Marcos Menjivar, Manager. 3001 West Esplanade Avenue, Hemet, CA 92545 Phone (951) 654-9100 Fax (951) 654-9119 E-mail: Web Site:

U S RangeR

Dosage (7-12-26-0-1); DI: 2.29; CD: 0.52 See gray pages—Nearctic

b, 2004



3 2 in Fr 3 in Eng, Fr, Ire 5 4 in NA, Eng, Fr, Ire 8 5 3 Totals 19




3 2(2) 0 0 5(2)

0 1(1) 1(1) 0 2(2)

0 0 2(2) 1(1) 3(3)


$33,132 $129,338 $306,905 $12,400 $481,775

Won At 2 in France An allowance race at Tou ($31,690, 8f in 1:46.01, by 5). An allowance race at Tou ($17,951, 8f in 1:40.39). A maiden race at LBS ($16,624, 8f in 1:44.87, by 8). At 3 in Ireland Champion 3yo colt Won Waterford Testimonial S ($71,295, 6f in 1:16.15, by 31, dftg. Senor Benny, Benwilt Breeze, Snaefell, Confuchias, Evening Time, Bravely, Liscanna, Strike Up The Band, Empirical Power, etc.). Won At 3 in France Prix Djebel ($69,852, 7f in 1:23.70, by 4, dftg. Prior Warning, Stoneside, Carimo, Flyng Teapot, Another True Story, Alaska River). 2nd At 3 in England Jersey S (G3 in Eng, 7f, to Tariq, dftg. Arabian Gleam, Traffic Guard, Vital Statistics, Sonny Red, Theann, Thousand Words, Ferneley, Fares, Solid Rock, Chariots of Fire, Strategic Prince, etc.). At 4 in Ireland Champion older male 3rd Castlemartin & La Louviere Gladness S (G3 in Ire, 7f, to Jumbajukiba, Major Cadeaux, dftg. Crooked Throw, Captain Marvelous, Lady Grace, Excelerate, Grecian Dancer, Honoured Guest). 3rd At 4 in France Total Prix de la Foret (G1 in Fr, 7f, to Paco Boy, Natagora, dftg. Captain’s Lover, Welsh Emperor, Utmost Respect, African Rose, Duff). 2nd At 4 in England Darley July Cup (G1 in Eng, 6f, to Marchand d’Or, by a head, dftg. War Artist, Astronomer Royal, Kingsgate Native, Diabolical, Prime Defender, Assertive, Fat Boy, Benbaun, Zidane, etc.).

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (4 crops) Named RunWinYear Foals ners ners 2011 45 40 (89%) 18 (40%) 2012 71 58 (82%) 39 (55%) 2013 96 76 (79%) 46 (48%) 2014 65 29 (45%) 10 (15%) *Totals 277 203 (73%) 113 (41%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 2 1 7 1 17 0 10 1 36 3

BT Winners 1 (2%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%) 3 (1%)

By Racing Year Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 *Totals

Wins 2 37 63 109 211

BT Wins 1 2 0 1 4

GS Wins 1 1 0 0 2

Earned $269,586 $886,300 $1,423,460 $2,096,039 $4,675,385

Southern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (3 crops) Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 *Totals

Named Foals 1 30 2 33


Win2yo 2yo BT ners Wnrs BTW Winners 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 0 0 0 (0%) 26 (87%) 12 (40%) 1 0 2 (7%) 1 (50%) 1 (50%) 0 0 0 (0%) 28 (85%) 14 (42%) 1 0 2 (6%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2013-14 1 0 0 2014-15 11 1 1 2015-16 13 1 0 2016-17 1 0 0 *Totals 26 2 1 0.65 AEI; 1.40 CI; 6.47 AWD In 2016: 172 rnrs, 80 wnrs, 2 sw Lifetime On Turf: 63 wins, $1,687,133 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $22,379 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $24,440 $235,295 $242,471 $14,432 $516,638

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI Danzig, b, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI 7.58 AWD Pas de Nom, 1968 42s, BTW, $121,741 11 f, 8 r, 4 w

Red Ransom, 1987 3s, wnr, $34,400 1,953 f, 109 BTW, 1.56 AEI My Annette, b, 1996 4s, pl, $679 10 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW 7.38 AWD Andover Way, 1978 18s, BTW, $372,471 13 f, 11 r, 9 w, 2 BTW

Nearctic, 1954 47s, BTW, $152,384 335 f, 49 BTW, 2.55 AEI

Nearco, by Pharos

Natalma, 1957 7s, wnr, $16,015 14 f, 12 r, 10 w, 4 BTW

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Admiral's Voyage, 1959 52s, BTW, $455,879 249 f, 8 BTW, 1.37 AEI

Crafty Admiral, by Fighting Fox

Petitioner, 1952 10s, wnr, $4,200 11 f, 11 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Petition, by Fair Trial

Roberto, 1969 14s, BTW, $339,902 500 f, 85 BTW, 3.12 AEI

Hail to Reason, by Turn-to

Arabia, 1977 13s, wnr, $54,880 14 f, 13 r, 5 w

Damascus, by Sword Dancer

His Majesty, 1968 22s, BTW, $99,430 640 f, 56 BTW, 2.39 AEI

Ribot, by Tenerani

On the Trail, 1964 Unraced 9 f, 9 r, 7 w, 3 BTW

Olympia, by Heliopolis

Lady Angela, by Hyperion

Almahmoud, by Mahmoud

Olympia Lou, by Olympia

Steady Aim, by Felstead

Bramalea, by Nashua

Christmas Wind, by Nearctic

Flower Bowl, by Alibhai

Golden Trail, by Hasty Road

Inbreeding: 3SX5d Nearctic; 5sX4d Olympia.

3rd At 5 in North America Inglewood H (G3T, 8.5f, to Madeo, Storm Military, dftg. Awesome Gem, Becrux, Worldly, Medjool).

SIRE LINE U S RANGER is by Danzig, winner of 3 races, $32,400, and sire of champions DAYJUR (Horse of the Year in Eng, champion 3yo colt Eur, Eng, and Fr, and champion sprinter in Eng), DANCE SMARTLY (Horse of the Year and champion 2yo and 3yo filly in Can, champion 3yo filly in USA), DANEHILL (champion 3yo colt in Eur), CHIEF’S CROWN (champion 2yo colt), YAMANIN PARADISE (champion 2yo filly in Japan), AD VALOREM (champion 2yo colt and older male in Ire), LIBRETTIST (in Fr), LANGFUHR (in Can), POLISH PRECEDENT (in Fr), GOLDEN SNAKE (in Fr), ANABAA (in Eur and Fr), MAROOF (in Eur and Eng), EMPEROR JONES (in UAE), PAS DE REPONSE (in Eur and Fr), ELNADIM (in Eur and Eng), MUJAHID (in Eur and Eng), POLISH PATRIOT (in Eur and Eng), BLUE DUSTER (in Eur and Eng), ULFAH (in Ire), CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT (in Ire), POLONIA (in Fr and Ire), BIANCONI (in Ire), ARBUSHA (in Ire), etc. Danzig’s other sons as stallions include DANEHILL, MAROOF, WAR FRONT, CHIEF’S CROWN, etc. U S RANGER Has Sired: SOLITARY RANGER, 11, g (A++, dam by Lil E. Tee, 2nd dam by Run For Nurse): $230,040, ArlingtonWashington Futurity (G3A), John Battaglia Memorial S, to 5, 2016. LAWN RANGER, 12, g (Dynaformer, Bold Ruckus, 4X3 Roberto, 4X4 His Majesty): $211,304, Dixiana Bourbon S (G3T). GET THE NOD, 11, g (Secret Savings, Rory’s Jester): $107,827, KS Environmental Vain S (G3 in Aust). SCRATCHY LASS, 11, f (Keltrice, Honor Grades, 2X4 Danzig): $155,333, Ubet Oakbank S, in Aust, to 5, 2016. U S OFFICER, 14, c (Officer, Crowning Decision): $99,565, Clever Trevor S, at 2, 2016. U S Ranger also has sired the winners Shaboom ($125,700, 3rd Bella Notte Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S, to 4, 2016), Miss Gabrielita R. ($56,529, 2nd Clasico Accion de Gracias S, 3rd Dia de la Mujer S, to 3, 2016), He’s a Ranger ($53,039, 2nd Space City S, to 3, 2016), Elijah ($148,507, to 5, 2016), Trigger Finger ($128,712, to 4, 2016), Gloves Off ($91,447, at 3, 2016), Cait the Great ($83,095, to 3, 2016), Ranger in Paradise ($81,990, to 3, 2016), Empyrea ($75,065, to 3, 2016), Major Darby ($74,089, to 5, 2016), Peppi the Hunter ($71,875, to 3, 2016), Oscar Mike ($70,232, to 3, 2016), Grey Fox ($69,051, at 3, 2016), Belleoftheprairie ($68,540, to 4, 2016), Didyoujustsaythat ($67,509), Roana Daytona ($62,960), Forever Plus ($62,663, to 3, 2016), Lady Dash ($62,435, to 4, 2016), etc., and nine other 2016 2-year-old winners, including Dona Repa (2nd Eduardo Cautino Insua S, G3 in PR).



Sales Analysis* Weanlings Yearlings # sold—Avg # sold—Avg 2016 — 2—$6,335 2015 1—$500 32—$5,999 Lifetime 30—$31,313 154—$18,451 *to November 6, 2016

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — 1—$2,000 46—$20,098

FAMILY 1st dam MY ANNETTE. Placed at 3. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— U S RANGER (Subject stallion). ALL FOR GEORGIA (by Giant’s Causeway). Winner at 3, $58,252. OUR GEORGIA (Pulpit). 2 wins at 3 in Fr, $46,946. 2nd dam ANDOVER WAY. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $372,471, Top Flight H (G1), Next Move H (G3), Busher H, Beaugay H, Twilight Tear S, 2nd Apple Blossom H (G1), Boiling Springs H (G3T), Lamb Chop H, 3rd Athenia H (G3T), etc. Dam of 13 foals, including— DYNAFORMER. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $671,207, Jersey Derby (G2), Discovery H (G2), Lucky Draw S, 2nd Gallant Fox H (G2), General George S, etc. Sire, 2.25 AEI. WHITE BRIDLE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $132,868, Continental Mile S, 3rd Vanlandingham S, etc. Sire. Triple Elvis. 4 wins at 3, $98,323, 2nd South Bound S. ALVEAR. 2 wins at 3, $21,240. Dam of OFFLEE WILD ($976,325, Suburban H, G1, Massachusetts H, G2, Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H, G3, Holy Bull S, G3, 2nd John B. Campbell Breeders’ Cup H, etc., sire), SANGRITA ($171,508, Chilukki S, G2). Granddam of EDEN PRAIRIE ($425,520, Marie G. Krantz Memorial H, Pago Hop S, Bayou S, Blushing K. D. Stakes, 2nd Lexus Raven Run S, G2A, etc., to 6, 2016), ROCK OF ROCHELLE ($188,273, St. Jovite Renaissance S, G3 in Ire, Rosaleen Kelly Blenheim S, etc., sire), SILENT TIMES ($107,829, Champagne S, G2 in Eng, etc., sire). BLACK SPECK. Winner at 3 in Fr. Dam of LINES OF BATTLE ($2,624,021, champion 3yo colt in UAE, champion stayer in HK, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup, G1 in HK, U.A.E. Derby Sponsored by the Saeed & Mohammed Al Naboodah Group, G2 in UAE, etc., to 6, 2016), HOMEBOUND ($190,258, Prix de Sandringham, G2 in Fr, Prix du Haras de la Huderie), BLUE EXIT ($178,178, Prix Matchem, 2nd Strub S, G2A, etc.), WAR FLAG ($89,460, Prix Chloe, G3 in Fr, at 3, 2016), Battle Paint ($187,188, 2nd Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, G1 in Fr, etc., sire). Granddam of WAR DISPATCH ($497,084, Prix de Guiche, G3 in Fr, etc., to 4, 2016). PERSONAL GLORY. Unraced. Dam of SUPREMO ($228,250, Norfolk S, G2, 2nd Del Mar Futurity, G2, etc., sire), PERSONAL LOVE (in Ger).

check daily updates on

U S RANGER Danzig – My Annette, by Red Ransom

CALIFORNIA’S LEADING SIRE OF 2016 TWO-YEAR-OLD WINNERS Sire of TEN 2-year-old winners, including U S OFFICER ($99,565), 21⁄2-length winner of the $100,000 Clever Trevor S. & 3rd Evangeline Downs Prince S.; Dona Repa, 2nd Grade 3 Eduardo Cautino Insua S.; etc. Graded Stakes Sire in each of his first two crops, sire of $250,000 Grade 3 Dixiana Bourbon SW LAWN RANGER; $150,000 Grade 3 Arlington-Washington Futurity SW SOLITARY RANGER; Australian Group 3 SW GET THE NOD.

CHAMPION MILER AT 3 AND 4 BY DANZIG Out of a three-quarter sister to Leading Sire DYNAFORMER and half to the dam of Eclipse Champion Sire OFFLEE WILD Nominated to: 2017 FEE: $3,000 LIVE FOAL (payable October 1 of year bred; no booking fee) Owner: Liberty Road Stables, LLC

RANCHO SAN MIGUEL San Miguel, California Inquiries to Clay Murdock, PO Box 741, 1741 West 10th St., San Miguel, CA 93451. Phone (805) 467-3847. Fax (805) 467-3919. E-mail: Web Site:




b, 1999


2 3 4 5 Totals


0 6 2 3 11


0 1 0 2 3



0 3 0 0 3


0 1 0 1 2

— $61,887 $4,240 $69,120 $135,247

Won At 3 A maiden special weight race at SA ($58,500, 8f, turf in 1:34.37, dftg. Prime Time Event, Pacific Colony, Dog Days, Spainbird, Solar Way, Sequoian, Excellentcharacter, Project Hope, Silent Bluff). Won At 5 An allowance race at SA ($67,600, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.79, dftg. Lydgate, Great White Father, Leroidesanimaux, High Alert, Evoke, Piazzola, Jakester, Tizawinner). A race at SA ($67,600, abt 6.5f, turf in 1:12.35, dftg. Pohave, Kewen, Shadow of Illinois, Our Bobby V., Billy’s Echo, Gallant, Bay Town Boy, Gentlemen’s Club).

Northern Dancer, 1961 18s, BTW, $580,647 636 f, 147 BTW, 4.11 AEI Danzig, b, 1977 3s, wnr, $32,400 1,075 f, 198 BTW, 3.93 AEI 7.58 AWD Pas de Nom, 1968 42s, BTW, $121,741 11 f, 8 r, 4 w

Lord At War, 1980 17s, BTW, $789,439 382 f, 44 BTW, 2.58 AEI Words of War, b, 1989 44s, BTW, $683,832 13 f, 10 r, 7 w, 2 BTW 7.51 AWD Right Word, 1982 6s, pl, $3,335 13 f, 11 r, 10 w, 3 BTW


Vronsky is by Danzig, winner of 3 races, and sire of DANCE SMARTLY (Horse of the Year, champion 3yo filly in USA and Can, champion 2yo in Can, Breeders’ Cup Distaff, G1, Molson Export Million S, G2, etc.), DAYJUR (Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt in Eur, Eng, and Fr, champion sprinter in Eng, Ladbroke Sprint Cup, G1 in Eng, etc.), CHIEF’S CROWN (champion 2yo colt, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1, Norfolk S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, etc.), AD VALOREM (champion 2yo colt and older male in Ire, Queen Anne S, G1 in Eng, etc.), LIBRETTIST (champion older male in Fr, Prix du Haras de Fresnay le Buffard-Jacques Le Marois, G1 in Fr, etc.), LANGFUHR (champion sprinter in Can, Metropolitan H, G1, Vosburgh S, G1, Carter H, G1, etc.), POLISH PRECEDENT (champion 3yo colt in Fr, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, etc.), GOLDEN SNAKE (champion older male in Fr, Emirates Airline Prix Jean Prat, G1 in Fr, Deutsche Post Euro Express Preis von Europa, G1 in Ger, etc.), ANABAA (champion sprinter and older male in Eur, champion older male in Fr, Darley July Cup S, G1 in Eng, Prix Maurice de Gheest, G1 in Fr, etc.), MAROOF (champion older male in Eur and Eng, Lanson Champagne Vintage S, G3 in Eng, etc.), PAS DE REPONSE (champion 2yo filly and older female in Eur, champion 2yo filly in Fr, Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ELNADIM (champion 3yo colt and older male in Eur and Eng, Darley July Cup, G1 in Eng, etc.), DANEHILL (champion

STUD ANALYSIS Northern Hemisphere By Foal Crop (9 crops) Named RunYear Foals ners 2006 10 7 (70%) 2007 19 12 (63%) 2008 22 17 (77%) 2009 13 11 (85%) 2010 15 9 (60%) 2011 37 33 (89%) 2012 22 14 (64%) 2013 18 11 (61%) 2014 17 6 (35%) *Totals 173 120 (69%)

Winners 4 (40%) 11 (58%) 10 (45%) 6 (46%) 6 (40%) 22 (59%) 12 (55%) 3 (17%) 4 (24%) 78 (45%)

2yo 2yo Wnrs BTW 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 4 0 13 3

BT Winners 1 (10%) 1 (5%) 2 (9%) 0 (0%) 1 (7%) 2 (5%) 1 (5%) 1 (6%) 0 (0%) 9 (5%)

By Racing Year BT GS Year Wins Wins Wins 2008 0 0 0 2009 11 1 0 2010 14 1 0 2011 18 3 0 2012 35 3 1 2013 43 0 0 2014 40 4 0 2015 58 2 1 2016 61 6 2 *Totals 280 20 4 1.52 AEI; 1.10 CI; 6.58 AWD In 2016: 61 rnrs, 37 wnrs, 4 sw Lifetime On Turf: 62 wins, $3,579,148 Avg Earnings Per Starter: $71,163 *to November 6, 2016


Earned $1,740 $184,685 $361,889 $827,040 $927,095 $1,187,797 $1,479,523 $1,656,305 $1,886,492 $8,512,566

Dosage (6-12-14-0-0); DI: 3.57; CD: 0.75 See gray pages—Nearctic

height 16.0

Nearctic, 1954 47s, BTW, $152,384 335 f, 49 BTW, 2.55 AEI

Nearco, by Pharos

Natalma, 1957 7s, wnr, $16,015 14 f, 12 r, 10 w, 4 BTW

Native Dancer, by Polynesian

Admiral's Voyage, 1959 52s, BTW, $455,879 249 f, 8 BTW, 1.37 AEI

Crafty Admiral, by Fighting Fox

Petitioner, 1952 10s, wnr, $4,200 11 f, 11 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Petition, by Fair Trial

General, 1974 18s, BTW, $57,005 267 f, 6 BTW, 1.79 AEI

Brigadier Gerard, by Queen's Hussar

Luna de Miel, 1974 Unraced 14 f, 10 r, 10 w, 1 BTW

Con Brio II, by Ribot

Verbatim, 1965 51s, BTW, $415,802 595 f, 55 BTW, 1.94 AEI

Speak John, by Prince John

Oratorio, 1974 17s, wnr, $12,500 6 f, 5 r, 3 w, 2 BTW

Fleet Nasrullah, by Nasrullah

3yo colt in Eur, Ladbroke Sprint S, G1 in Eng, etc.), MUJAHID (champion 2yo colt in Eur and Eng, Saudi Arabian Airlines Dewhurst S, G1 in Eng, etc.), POLISH PATRIOT (champion 3yo colt in Eur and Eng, Carroll Foundation July Cup, G1 in Eng, etc.), BLUE DUSTER (champion 2yo filly in Eng and in Eur, Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S, G1 in Eng, etc.), ULFAH (champion 3yo filly in Ire), CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT (champion 3yo colt in Ire), POLONIA (champion 3yo filly in Fr and Ire, champion sprinter in Fr, Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, G1 in Fr, etc.), BIANCONI (champion 3yo colt in Ire), ARBUSHA (champion older female in Ire), U S RANGER (champion 3yo colt and older male in Ire), EMPEROR JONES (champion older male in UAE), PETIT LOUP (Horse of the Year, champion 3yo colt, turf male, and stayer in Spain), YAMANIN PARADISE (champion 2yo filly in Japan), PINE BLUFF (Preakness S, G1, etc.), ASTRONOMER ROYAL (Poule d’Essai des PoulainsFrench Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, etc.), AGNES WORLD (G1 in Eng and Fr), HARD SPUN (G1), LURE (G1T), VERSAILLES TREATY (G1), etc. Danzig’s other sons as stallions include DANEHILL, MAROOF, WAR FRONT, CHIEF’S CROWN, etc. VRONSKY Has Sired: WHAT A VIEW, 11, g (A++, dam by Manila, 2nd dam by Lear Fan, 3X4 Northern Dancer): $595,481, Frank E. Kilroe Mile S (G1T), Thunder Road S (G3T), California Cup Turf Classic S, to 5, 2016. NORVSKY, 06, g (Flying Paster, Crystal Water): $616,444, San Gabriel S (G2T), California Cup Classic S, California Dreamin’ H twice, 2nd Ralph M. Hinds H, Harry F. Brubaker S, Golden State Cup S, 3rd San Marcos S (G2T), Santana Mile H. POSHSKY, 10, g (Bold Badgett, Ruhlmann): $422,751, Berkeley H (G3A), Crystal Water S, 3rd California Dreamin’ S, to 6, 2016. ROVENNA, 11, f (Northern Afleet, Pleasant Colony): $419,030, Melair S, Evening Jewel S, 2nd Soviet Problem S, 3rd California Cup Oaks, Golden State Juvenile Fillies S. SOMETHINGS UNUSUAL, 08, g (Unusual Heat, Tank’s Prospect, 3X4 Northern Dancer): $367,744, Cotton Fitzsimmons Mile H, 2nd California Flag H, 3rd Albany S, California Flag H, to 8, 2016. ACCEPTANCE, 12, c (Perfect Mandate, Something Lucky): $366,803, King Glorious S, Golden State Juvenile S, California Flag H, etc., to 4, 2016. LINDZ WINZ, 08, f (A++, Smokester, Incinderator, 3X4 Northern Dancer): $351,670, Irish O’Brien S. ROO’S VALENTINE, 13, f (A++, Cindago, Giant’s Causeway): $206,025, Soviet Problem S, 3rd Evening Jewel S, to 3, 2016. EXCESSIVE PASSION, 07, c (A++, In Excess, Lydian): $166,943, Harry Henson S, Sam J. Whiting Memorial H, Everett Nevin Alameda County S, 2nd Morvich S (G3T), sire.



Lady Angela, by Hyperion

Almahmoud, by Mahmoud

Olympia Lou, by Olympia

Steady Aim, by Felstead

Mercuriale, by Pan II

Good Will, by Atlas

Well Kept, by Never Say Die

Classicist, by Princequillo

Vronsky also has sired the winners Master Chef ($412,198), Celebrity Status ($238,421, to 7, 2016), Island Sunset ($232,077, to 9, 2016), Awesome Silver ($212,316, to 6, 2016), Volkonsky ($202,915, to 7, 2016), Caribaya Queen ($194,059), Lord Vronsky ($185,337), Sky Forever ($177,792, to 5, 2016), Shesourkindagal ($174,407, to 10, 2016), Presidentsky ($130,735, to 5, 2016), Out Ofthe Ordinary ($123,770, to 4, 2016), Sir Vronski ($117,840, to 5, 2016), A Moment in Time ($102,895, to 9, 2016), Veronica Bay ($102,048, to 5, 2016), Intuitive Nature ($100,681, to 9, 2016), Sidepocket Champ ($89,335, to 6, 2016), Brown Boss ($82,820), Bugsky ($80,804), Lambo Luxx ($76,930, to 4, 2016), East Sky ($76,050), No Comparison ($73,080), Premiere Flyer ($67,890), Magnificent Sky ($65,482), Bow Tie Belle ($64,236, to 5, 2016), Khun Dots Varon ($61,338, to 6, 2016), Trust Ur Intuition ($58,115, to 5, 2016), Royal Alexei ($57,395, to 5, 2016), etc., and four 2016 2-year-old winners.

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 3—$10,667 5—$17,400 16—$10,813

Cover Sire # sold—Avg 2—$17,500 2—$3,750 8—$7,000

FAMILY 1st dam WORDS OF WAR. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $683,832, River Downs Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S, Rachel Jackson S, Mint Julep H, Durazna S, Double Delta S, 2nd Keeneland Breeders’ Cup S (G3T), Hawthorne Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G3T), Hawthorne Derby (G3T), Arlington Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H, etc. Dam of 13 foals, including— E DUBAI (by Mr. Prospector). 5 wins, 2 to 4, in NA and UAE, $920,800, Suburban H (G2), Dwyer S (G2), 2nd Travers S (G1), etc. Sire, 1.30 AEI. NO MATTER WHAT (Nureyev). 3 wins at 3 in NA and Fr, $185,726, Del Mar Oaks (G1T), Prix des Lilas. Dam of RAINBOW VIEW ($1,129,814, champion 2yo filly in Eur and Eng, champion 3yo filly in Ire, Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile, G1 in Eng, Coolmore Fusaichi Pegasus Matron S, G1 in Ire, etc.), JUST AS WELL ($859,582, Arlington H, G3T, 2nd Arlington Million S, G1T, Northern Dancer Turf S, G1T, Gulfstream Park Turf H, G1T, Dixie S, G2T twice, Arlington H, G3T, 3rd Maker’s Mark Mile S, G1T, sire), UTLEY ($466,598, Longines Dixie S, G2T, 3rd King Edward S, G2T, etc.), WINTER VIEW ($328,909, Grey Goose Bewitch S, G3T, etc.). VEGAS NIGHT (Coronado’s Quest). 3 wins, 3 to 5, in Japan, $475,698. Producer. Dam of Omega in Vegas ($340,822, 2nd Kanto Oaks, in Japan). VRONSKY (Subject stallion).

VRONSKY Danzig – Words of War, by Lord At War (ARG)

IN 2016: CALIFORNIA’S THIRD-LEADING ACTIVE SIRE BY AEI CALIFORNIA’S SIXTH-LEADING ACTIVE GENERAL SIRE Back-to-back: Top 10 Active California Sire of 2015 & 2016 with Grade 3 SW POSHSKY ($422,751), 7 wins by a combined 15 lengths incl. Santa Anita’s 2016 $100,000 Crystal Water S. and in 2015 $100,000 Grade 3 Berkeley H., plus 3rd by a neck in the $150,000 California Dreamin S.; and Somethings Unusual ($368,089), winner of the $75,000 Cotton Fitzsimmons Mile H.-T in 2016, etc. Lifetime Sire of 11% Juvenile Stakes Horses, including 2014 undefeated 2YO California Champion ACCEPTANCE ($366,803), $100,000 California Flag H.-RT winner at Santa Anita, MSW winner by 13¼ lengths, 1¼-length winner of the $200,000 Golden State Juvenile S., and 3-length winner of the $200,000 King Glorious S. Average Earnings Per Runner OVER $71,000 and sire of 19% $100K Earners, including Grade 2 SW NORVSKY ($616,444), winner of Grade 2 San Gabriel S., California Cup Classic S., etc.; What a View only GI winner apart from Califorinia Chrome. Grade 3-placed multiple SW EXCESSIVE PASSION ($166,943); ROVENNA ($419,030), back-to-back SW of $250,000 Melair S. and $200,000 Evening Jewel S., etc. By DANZIG, a Leading Sire, Leading Broodmare Sire and proven Sire of Sires, including super hot WAR FRONT, HARD SPUN, LANGFUHR, EXCHANGE RATE, etc. Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $6,500 LIVE FOAL Property of Elwood Johnston Trust Standing at


Inquiries to Jonny Hilvers, 461 N. Piedra Rd., Sanger, California 93657 (559) 787-3020/FAX (559) 787-3030. E-mail: Website:



Winning Cause

Enters Stud in 2017

Dosage (6-1-29-4-0); DI: 1.16; CD: 0.23 See gray pages—Nearctic

ch, 2010



2 3 4 5 6 Totals

3 12 9 2 1 27




1 3(2) 1(1) 1(1) 0 6(4)

0 5(5) 2(1) 0 0 7(6)

0 1(1) 2(2) 0 0 3(3)


$32,890 $374,584 $174,800 $60,460 $3,000 $645,734

Won At 2 A maiden special weight race at Kee ($50,000, 7f, AW in 1:23.00, dftg. Marchman, Asunder, Oxbow, Sidekick, Greenhavens Reward, Yo Blue, Senioritis, Blue Blade). Won At 3 Coolmore Lexington S (G3A, $200,000, 8.5f in 1:43.93, dftg. General Election, Pick of the Litter, Cerro, Sunbean, Wings of Fortune, Pure Fun, River Rocks, Examen, Hip Four Sixtynine). Sir Cat S ($100,000, 8f, turf in 1:35.18, dftg. Joha, One More Cat, Bellarmine, Hamp, Elusive Son, Play It Loud, Flying Bird). An allowance race at Kee ($60,000, abt 7f, AW in 1:27.72, dftg. Ghost Hunter, Bernie the Jet, Carson’s Crown, Conquestor, Fiddler Blue, Rafale, Our Double Play, Bet a Bundle, County Lineman, Skylander, Kamchatka). 2nd Hagyard Fayette S (G2A, 9f, to Nikki’s Sandcastle, dftg. You Know I Know, Finnegans Wake, Lea, Villandry, Ol Army, Set the Sail, Willcox Inn). Ontario Derby (G3A, 9f, to His Race to Win, dftg. Pyrite Mountain, Sky Commander, B E Boston Strong, Coastal Breeze). Victoria Park S (9f, AW, to Five Iron, dftg. Sweet Little Man, Bear Fabulous Son). Marine S (8.5f, AW, to Up With the Birds, dftg. Five Iron, Ghost Hunter, Drenched). Jimmy Winkfield S (6f, to Clawback, dftg. Rubysandpearls, In the Fairway, Meeker Avenue). 3rd Dance of Life S (8f, turf, to Sayaad, Miceli, dftg. One More Cat, Hamp, Elusive Son). Won At 4 Cliff Hanger S (G3T, $103,000, 9f in 1:46.16, dftg. Big Blue Kitten, Plainview, Guys Reward, Michael With Us, Calvados, Vitium). 2nd Red Bank S (G3T, 8f, to Hard Enough, dftg. Slim Shadey, Rose Brier, Two Notch Road, Midnight Cello, School House). 3rd Monmouth S (G2T, 9f, to Speaking of Which, Hangover Kid, dftg. Guys Reward, Screenplay, Finnegans Wake, Bad Debt, Dannhauser, Admiral Kitten, Hard Enough, Slim Shadey, Tetradrachm, Lochte, Tricky Hat). PTHA President’s Cup S (9f, turf, to Margano, Holiday Star, dftg. Sailor’s Revenge, Our Emerald Forest). Won At 5 Red Bank S (G3T, $103,000, 8f in 1:32.27, dftg. Heart to Heart, Aztec Brave, Rose Brier, Guys Reward, Slim Shadey, Mellow Fellow).

SIRE LINE WINNING CAUSE is by GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, blacktype stakes winner of 9 races, $3,078,989, Horse of the Year in Eur, champion 3yo colt in Eng and Ire, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S (G1 in Ire), Juddmonte International S (G1 in Eng), Coral-Eclipse S (G1 in Eng), Champagne Lanson Sussex S (G1 in Eng), St. James’s Palace S (G1 in Eng), Prix de la Salamandre (G1 in Fr), King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S (G3 in Ire), Castlemartin and La Louviere Studs Gladness S (G3 in Ire), 2nd Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Eng), Entenmanns Irish Two Thousand Guineas (G1 in Ire), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Queen Elizabeth II S (G1 in Eng). To November 6, 2016: Sired 13 crops, 2,258 foals, 1,801 rnrs (80%), 1,177 wnrs (52%), 211 2yo wnrs (9%), 168 BTW (7%), 1.81 AEI, 2.44 CI, 956 sale yrlgs, avg $213,953, 4.77 TNA. In 2016: 86 2yos, 35 2yo rnrs, 11 2yo wnrs, 13 BTW, 31 sale yrlgs, avg $165,618.

STUD ANALYSIS Winning Cause enters stud in 2017. His first foals will arrive in 2018.


Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI Giant’s Causeway, ch, 1997 13s, BTW, $3,078,989 2,258 f, 168 BTW, 1.81 AEI 8.50 AWD Mariah’s Storm, 1991 16s, BTW, $724,895 14 f, 11 r, 8 w, 2 BTW

Kingmambo, 1990 13s, BTW, $734,804 894 f, 85 BTW, 2.43 AEI Raffshing Look, ch, 2004 7s, wnr, $17,605 5 f, 4 r, 2 w, 1 BTW 7.93 AWD Touch of Truth, 1996 5s, wnr, $40,200 13 f, 10 r, 8 w, 1 BTW

Storm Bird, 1978 6s, BTW, $169,181 682 f, 63 BTW, 2.26 AEI

Northern Dancer, by Nearctic

Terlingua, 1976 17s, BTW, $423,896 11 f, 9 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

Secretariat, by Bold Ruler

Rahy, 1985 13s, BTW, $347,767 1,132 f, 92 BTW, 2.20 AEI

Blushing Groom, by Red God

Immense, 1979 28s, BTW, $123,324 6 f, 6 r, 5 w, 3 BTW

Roberto, by Hail to Reason

Mr. Prospector, 1970 14s, BTW, $112,171 1,178 f, 182 BTW, 3.91 AEI

Raise a Native, by Native Dancer

Miesque, 1984 16s, BTW, $2,096,517 14 f, 10 r, 6 w, 5 BTW

Nureyev, by Northern Dancer

Storm Cat, 1983 8s, BTW, $570,610 1,414 f, 177 BTW, 2.95 AEI

Storm Bird, by Northern Dancer

Grenzen, 1975 24s, BTW, $346,490 13 f, 10 r, 9 w, 1 BTW

Grenfall, by Graustark

South Ocean, by New Providence

Crimson Saint, by Crimson Satan

Glorious Song, by Halo

Imsodear, by Chieftain

Gold Digger, by Nashua

Pasadoble, by Prove Out

Terlingua, by Secretariat

My Poly, by Cyclotron

Inbreeding: 2SX3d Storm Cat; 4SX5DX5D Northern Dancer.

GIANT’S CAUSEWAY has sired SHAMARDAL (champion 2yo and 3yo colt in Eng, champion 2yo colt in Eur, Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Fr, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby, G1 in Fr, etc.), TAKE CHARGE BRANDI (champion 2yo filly, 14 Hands Winery Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Starlet S, G1, etc.), IRISH MISSION (champion 3yo filly and turf female in Can, The Very One S, G3T, Glens Falls S, G3T, etc.), DALKALA (champion older female in Fr, Prix de l’Opera Longines, G1 in Fr, Qatar Prix de Royallieu, G2 in Fr, etc.), SHOWCAUSE (champion stayer in NZ, Waiwera Water City of Auckland Cup, G2 in NZ, etc.), GIANT’S STEPS (champion 3yo colt in Chile, Polla de Potrillos-Chilean Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Chile, etc.), MAN OF IRON (champion 3yo colt in Ire, Breeders’ Cup Marathon, 3rd Betfair Fred Archer S), PRIMARY (champion 3yo colt in Italy, Betfred Classic Trial S, G3 in Eng, Gran Premio d’Italia, 3rd Secretariat S, G1T), KUNG FU MAMBO (champion 3yo colt in Peru, G1 in Peru), GHANAATI ( One Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND ( Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, etc.), EISHIN APOLLON (Mile Championship, G1 in Japan, etc.), ARAGORN (Eddie Read H, G1T, Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S, G1T, etc.), CARPE DIEM (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, Tampa Bay Derby, G2, 2nd Sentient Jet Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, G1), GIANT OAK (Clark H, G1, Donn H, G1, etc.), MY TYPHOON (Diana S, G1T, Just a Game S, G2T, etc.), SWIFT TEMPER (Ruffian H, G1, Delaware H, G2, etc.), HEATSEEKER (Santa Anita H, G1A, etc.), IMAGINING (Man o’ War S, G1T, etc.), BRODY’S CAUSE (Toyota Blue Grass S, G1, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, G1, etc., to 3, 2016), RED GIANT (Clement L. Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S, G1T, Virginia Derby, G2T, etc.), CREATIVE CAUSE (Norfolk S, G1, San Felipe S, G2, Best Pal S, G2A, etc.), FIRST SAMURAI (Champagne S, G1, Hopeful S, G1, Fountain of Youth S, G2, 2nd Hutcheson S, G2, etc.), BOOK REVIEW (La Brea S, G1, A Gleam H, G2A, Charles Town Oaks, Imperial Gesture S, etc.), CARRIAGE TRAIL (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1A, Doubledogdare S, G3A, De La Rose S, etc.), ESKENDEREYA (Wood Memorial S, G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S, G2, Pilgrim S), Bambina Mia (champion 3yo filly in Peru), Step In Time (Horse of the Year, champion miler, and older male in KSA), Giant Love (champion older male twice in Serbia), etc. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S 2016 black-type stakes winners are BRODY’S CAUSE (G1), DESTIN (G2), ITSONLYACTINGDAD (G3T), NOT THIS TIME (G3), POINT PIPER (G3), GALE FORCE (G3A), GIANT RUN, LIRA, MISSISSIPPI DELTA, AQUAPHOBIA, GIGANTE DE OURO (in Brz), BROTHER O’CONNELL, CAMMACK. GIANT’S CAUSEWAY’S other sons as stallions include SHAMARDAL (1,174 foals, 107 BTW, 1.96 AEI), FIRST SAMURAI, FROST GIANT, ESKENDEREYA, etc.



FAMILY 1st dam RAFFISHING LOOK. Winner at 3, placed in Ire. Dam of 5 foals, including— WINNING CAUSE (Subject stallion). Ventry Bay (by Scat Daddy). Placed at 2, $31,500, 3rd Zuma Beach S. STOCKYARD (Scat Daddy). 2 wins at 3, 2016, $59,590. 2nd dam TOUCH OF TRUTH. 2 wins at 4, $40,200. Dam of 13 foals, including— SOCIETY HOSTESS. 8 wins, 3 to 5, in NA, Ger, and Ire, $425,340, Monrovia H (G3T), Buffalo Trace Franklin County S, License Fee S, Elizabeth Bay S, Preis des Porsche Zentrum Koln, 2nd Santa Monica H (G1A), 3rd Royal North S (G3T), Irish Stallion Farms E.B.F. Fairy Bridge S. Producer. Dam of Sailors Swan ($22,337, 2nd Lacken S, in Ire). TRUTH SEEKING. Winner at 3 in Ire. Dam of EMERGING TALENT (Jockey Club de Venezuela, in Arg, to 4, 2016). SUMMER SCENT. Placed at 2. Dam of SUSKA (Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, G2 in Arg, Espirita H, 2nd Diego White, G3 in Arg), BOOM BOOM SIENA (Clasico Republica Argentina, in Peru, to 4, 2016). 3rd dam GRENZEN. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $346,490, Santa Susana S (G2), Santa Monica H (G2), Santa Maria H (G2), Las Palmas H (G3T), Santa Ynez S (G3), Pasadena S, 2nd Kentucky Oaks (G1), Oak Leaf S (G2), Ashland S (G3), etc. Dam of 13 foals, incl.— TWILIGHT AGENDA. 13 wins, 2 to 6, in NA and Ire, $2,174,529, Meadowlands Cup H (G1), Del Mar Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Bel Air H (G2), San Pasqual H (G2), Col. F.W. Koester H (G2T), San Diego H (G3), Native Diver H (G3), etc., Sire. Market Slide. 5 wins, 2 to 4, in NA and Ire, $126,339, 3rd First Lady H (G3), Heather H. Broodmare of the Year in Ire, 2002. Dam of REFUSE TO BEND ($1,350,034, champion 3yo colt in Ire, Sagitta Two Thousand Guineas, G1 in Eng, Coral Eclipse S, G1 in Eng, Queen Anne S, G1 in Eng, Aga Khan Studs National S, G1 in Ire, Desmond S, G3 in Ire, etc., sire), MEDIA PUZZLE ($1,636,382, Toohey’s New Melbourne Cup H, G1 in Aust, Holden Geelong Cup, G3 in Aust, etc.), Domestic Fund ($230,513, 2nd Juddmonte Beresford S, G2 in Ire, sire), Notable Graduate ($73,989, 2nd Nijinsky S, in Ire, to 8, 2016). Granddam of RICH TAPESTRY ($1,803,163, Santa Anita Sprint Championship S, G1, Al Shindagha Sprint Sponsored by, G3 in UAE, Mahab Al Shimaal Sponsored by Emirates Skywards, G3 in UAE, Sprint Cup, etc., to 8, 2016).

wINNING CAUSE Giant’s Causeway – raffishing Look, by kingmambo

mULTIPLE GrADED Sw By LEADING SIrE GIANT’S CAUSEwAy GRADED STAKES PERFORMER: 4 GRADED WINS • 3 GRADED 2NDS • 3 GRADED 3RDS Winner of $645,734 trained by Todd Pletcher for Alto Racing Winning on dirt and Turf from 7 furlongs to 1 1/8 earning a high speed rating of 117 Highlighted by wins in the Cliff Hanger Stakes (Gr 3) over BIG BLUE kITTEN (2015 Eclipse Champion Turf Horse) Coolmore Lexington (Gr 3) Red Banks Stakes (Gr 3) 2nd in Hagyard Fayette (Gr2) Ontario Derby (Gr3) SUPErB PEDIGrEE By GIANT’S CAUSEwAy – Leading sire of 185 Stakes Winners, 103 Graded Winners of over $153,000,000.00 Out of winning Raffishing Look by Kingmambo half sister to SOCIETy HOSTESS (Gr1 placed) $428,528 Second dam winning Touch of Truth, a half sister to TwILIGHT AGENDA (Gr 1) $2,135,799 and half sister to dams of GO AND GO (Gr 1) Champion Three Year Old England, winner of Belmont Stakes (Gr1) and the dams of mEDIA PUZZLE (Gr1) $1,169,814 and rEFUSED TO BEND (Gr1) $1,339,139 wINNING CAUSE FAmILy ON THE mOVE Raffishing Looks half brothers and sisters to wINNING CAUSE VENTry BAy (Scat Daddy) 2 year old colt owned by Tabor, Magnier, Smith trained by Wesley Ward placed in his second lifetime start in the 2016 Zuma Beach Stakes at Santa Anita STOCkyArD (Scat Daddy) 3 year old owned by Alto Racing , trained by Todd Pletcher beginning his career with 2 win in Allowance at Gulfstream Park AND Fillies born in 2015 and 2016 by TAPIT retires to Stud for 2017 Season Nominated to:

2017 FEE: $2,000-LIVE FOAL (payable when foal stands and nurses) Standing at

mILky wAy FArm

Inquiries to Linda madsen, 34174 De Portola road, Temecula, California 92592 (909) 241-6600 Email:




World renoWned

Entered Stud in 2014

dkb/br, 2008

height 16.2


2 3 4 5 Totals





1 1 4 12 18

0 0 0 2 2

0 0 1 1 2

0 1 0 1 2


$760 $6,480 $15,160 $38,350 $60,750

Seattle Slew, 1974 17s, BTW, $1,208,726 1,050 f, 111 BTW, 3.69 AEI A.P. Indy, dkb/br, 1989 11s, BTW, $2,979,815 1,184 f, 156 BTW, 2.89 AEI 8.24 AWD

Won At 5 A race at SA ($25,250, 6f in 1:11.03, dftg. Greylaine, Valentine Boy, Cold Bay, Uncle Enroy, Robie the Cat). A race at SA ($20,000, 5.5f in 1:04.25, by 31, dftg. Just Because, Dashing Ash, Dark Timbers, Cross Town Rival, Mayan Eyes, Speedy’s My Name, Lonestar J, Oly’s Wind).

Weekend Surprise, 1980 31s, BTW, $402,892 14 f, 12 r, 9 w, 4 BTW

Unbridled's Song, 1993 12s, BTW, $1,311,800 1,644 f, 114 BTW, 2.05 AEI

SIRE LINE World Renowned is by A.P. INDY, black-type stakes winner of 8 races, $2,979,815, Horse of the Year and champion 3yo colt, Belmont S (G1), Breeders’ Cup Classic (G1), Hollywood Futurity (G1), Santa Anita Derby (G1), Peter Pan S (G2), San Rafael S (G2), 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup (G1). To November 6, 2016: Sired 18 crops, 1,184 foals, 947 rnrs (80%), 691 wnrs (58%), 173 2yo wnrs (15%), 156 BTW (13%), 2.89 AEI, 2.94 CI, 374 sale yrlgs, avg $533,391, 11.89 TNA. In 2016: 1 BTW. A.P. INDY has sired MINESHAFT (Horse of the Year and champion older male, Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Pimlico Special H, G1, Suburban H, G1, Woodward S, G1, etc.), BERNARDINI (champion 3yo colt, Preakness S, G1, Travers S, G1, Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Jim Dandy S, G2, Withers S, G3, etc.), RAGS TO RICHES (champion 3yo filly, Belmont S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Santa Anita Oaks, G1, Las Virgenes S, G1, 2nd Gazelle S, G1), FESTIVAL OF LIGHT (Horse of the Year in UAE, Jebel Ali Hotel & Resort Godolphin Mile, G3 in UAE), HONOR CODE (champion older male, Metropolitan H, G1, Whitney S, G1, etc.), MARCHFIELD (champion older male twice in Can, Sky Classic S, G2T, Autumn S, G2A, Dominion Day H, G3A, Breeders’ S, etc.), EYE OF THE LEOPARD (champion 3yo colt in Can, Queen’s Plate S, Plate Trial S, 2nd Valedictory S, 3rd Valedictory S, G3A, Prince of Wales S), TEMPERA (champion 2yo filly, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, G1, Sorrento S, G2, 3rd Del Mar Debutante S, G1), SERENADING (champion older female in Can, Falls City H, G2, Maple Leaf S, Belle Mahone S, 2nd Doubledogdare S, G3A, Ontario Matron S, etc.), CATCH THE THRILL (champion 2yo filly in Can, Princess Elizabeth S, 2nd Ontario Lassie S), MUSIC NOTE (Mother Goose S, G1, Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Beldame S, G1, Ballerina S, G1, Gazelle S, G1, 2nd Alabama S, G1, etc.), SECRET STATUS (Mother Goose S, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Florida Oaks, G3, 2nd Alabama S, G1, Fleur de Lis H, G3, 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, etc.), SWEET SYMPHONY (Alabama S, G1, 2nd Rampart H, G2, A Wild Ride S), JILBAB (Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, 3rd Cotillion H, G2), GOLDEN MISSILE (Pimlico Special H, G1, Stephen Foster H, G2, Widener H, G3, Skip Away S, Cumberland S, 2nd Donn H, G1, etc.), APTITUDE (Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, Hollywood Gold Cup, G1, Saratoga Breeders’ Cup H, G2, 2nd Kentucky Derby, G1, Belmont S, G1, Gotham S, G3, etc.), TOMISUE’S DELIGHT (Personal Ensign H, G1, Ruffian H, G1, Falls City H, G3, 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, Beldame S, G1, etc.), TAKE

STUD ANALYSIS World Renowned entered stud in 2014. His first foals will be 2-year-olds of 2017.

Splendid Blended, ch, 2002 13s, BTW, $742,060 1 f, 1 r, 1 w 5.75 AWD Valid Blend, 1992 Unraced 12 f, 10 r, 6 w, 2 BTW

CHARGE INDY (Florida Derby, G1, Alysheba S, G2, 2nd Clark H, G1, Skip Away S, G3, Arlington-Washington Futurity, G3A, 3rd Donn H, G1, etc.), STEPHEN GOT EVEN (Donn H, G1, S, G2, 3rd Woodward S, G1), LOVE AND PRIDE (Personal Ensign H, G1, Zenyatta S, G1, Obeah S, G3, Proud Spell S, Affectionately S, 2nd Top Flight H, G2, etc.), GOT LUCKY (Juddmonte Spinster S, G1, Molly Pitcher S, G3, Lady’s Secret S, 2nd Personal Ensign S, G1, Demoiselle S, G2, Gazelle S, G2, etc.), DREAMING OF JULIA (Frizette S, G1, Gulfstream Oaks, G2, Meadow Star S, 2nd Mother Goose S, G1, etc.), A P VALENTINE (Champagne S, G1, 2nd Preakness S, G1, Belmont S, G1), TELLING (Sword Dancer Invitational S, G1T twice, 2nd Stars and Stripes Turf H, G3T, etc.), FRIENDS LAKE (Florida Derby, G1, Sleepy Hollow S, 3rd Holy Bull S, G3), LITTLE BELLE (Ashland S, G1A, Busher S, 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks, G1, Kentucky Oaks, G1, 3rd Alabama S, G1), PASSING SHOT (Personal Ensign H, G1, Bed o’ Roses Breeders’ Cup H, G3, 2nd Shuvee H, G2, etc.), FLASHING (Gazelle S, G1, Test S, G1, Nassau County S, G3, 3rd Mother Goose S, G1, etc.), RUNUP THE COLORS (Alabama S, G1, Delaware Oaks, 2nd Three Chimneys Spinster S, G1, Ballerina H, G1), GIROLAMO (Vosburgh S, G1, Jerome H, G2, 3rd Hill ’n’ Dale Cigar Mile H, G1), A. P. ADVENTURE (Las Virgenes S, G1, Santa Ysabel S, G3, 2nd El Encino S, G2, 3rd Santa Anita Oaks, G1, etc.), ROYAL INDY (Gazelle H, G1), INDY FIVE HUNDRED (Garden City Breeders’ Cup H, G1T, 2nd Lake Placid H, G2T), MAJESTIC WARRIOR (Hopeful S, G1), LU RAVI (Molly Pitcher Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Cotillion H, G2, etc.), A. P. ARROW (Clark H, G2, Skip Away H, G3, 2nd Donn H, G1, Super Derby, G2, etc.), SUAVE (Washington Park H, G2, Saratoga Breeders’ Cup H, G2, Northern Dancer S, G3, 2nd Jockey Club Gold Cup, G1, etc.), MASTER COMMAND (Meadowlands Breeders’ Cup S, G2, etc.), Gabriel’s Hill (champion older male in Ecu), Sun Sprinkles (champion older female in KSA), etc. A.P. INDY’S 2016 black-type stakes winner is SECRET SOMEONE. A.P. INDY’S other sons as stallions include MINESHAFT (714 foals, 39 BTW, 1.89 AEI), PULPIT (920 foals, 72 BTW, 1.83 AEI), OLD TRIESTE (194 foals, 14 BTW, 1.63 AEI), BERNARDINI (1,170 foals, 51 BTW, 1.59 AEI), etc.

Dosage (8-15-19-0-0); DI: 3.42; CD: 0.74 See gray pages—Bold Ruler

Bold Reasoning, 1968 12s, BTW, $189,564 61 f, 10 BTW, 3.81 AEI

Boldnesian, by Bold Ruler

My Charmer, 1969 32s, BTW, $34,133 12 f, 8 r, 6 w, 4 BTW

Poker, by Round Table

Secretariat, 1970 21s, BTW, $1,316,808 653 f, 54 BTW, 2.98 AEI

Bold Ruler, by Nasrullah

Lassie Dear, 1974 26s, BTW, $80,549 13 f, 12 r, 12 w, 4 BTW

Buckpasser, by Tom Fool

Unbridled, 1987 24s, BTW, $4,489,475 566 f, 48 BTW, 2.65 AEI

Fappiano, by Mr. Prospector

Trolley Song, 1983 7s, wnr, $25,914 12 f, 9 r, 5 w, 1 BTW

Caro, by Fortino II

Valid Appeal, 1972 36s, BTW, $201,733 791 f, 85 BTW, 2.20 AEI

In Reality, by Intentionally

Blend of Poetry, 1982 19s, wnr, $50,470 17 f, 13 r, 11 w, 1 BTW

Iron Constitution, by Iron Ruler

Fair Charmer, by Jet Action

Somethingroyal, by Princequillo

Gay Missile, by Sir Gaylord

Gana Facil, by Le Fabuleux

Lucky Spell, by Lucky Mel

Desert Trial, by Moslem Chief

Light Face, by Barbizon

Sales Analysis* Weanlings # sold—Avg 2016 — 2015 — Lifetime — *to November 6, 2016

Yearlings # sold—Avg 2—$2,500 — 2—$2,500

Cover Sire # sold—Avg — — —

FAMILY 1st dam SPLENDID BLENDED. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $742,060, Hollywood Starlet S (G1), Vanity Invitational H (G1), Shirley Jones Breeders’ Cup H (G2), Steve Van Buren H, Marina de Chavon S, 2nd Oak Leaf S (G2). Dam of 1 foal— WORLD RENOWNED (Subject stallion). 2nd dam VALID BLEND. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, including— RICHLY BLENDED. 4 wins at 3, $323,280, Gotham S (G3), Withers S (G3), 3rd Wood Memorial S (G2). Sire. 3rd dam BLEND OF POETRY. Winner at 2 and 3, $50,470. Dam of 17 foals, including— CRUSADER’S POETRY. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $118,612, Southland S, Dixie Miss S, 2nd AKsarben Oaks (G3), Victoria S, etc. Dam of Lucky Locomotion ($146,926, 2nd First State S), Sandia Sonata ($92,302, 2nd Rio Grande Senorita Futurity, etc.). DIABLO’S BLEND. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $84,371. Dam of HOSTILE WITNESS ($170,568, Inaugural S, 2nd Ocala Breeders’ Sales Sprint S, 3rd Florida Stallion Dr. Fager S, Naked Greed S). 4th dam Light Face. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $24,390, 2nd Seashore S, 3rd Cleveland Gold Cup H. Dam of 10 foals, incl.— SON OF A BABE. 13 wins, 2 to 4, $97,570, Vernon Smith H, 2nd Lefty Jim S, Fast Count H, etc. Bright Rex. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $96,330, 3rd Empire S. GREAT LIGHT. 2 wins at 2. Dam of KAMIKAZE RICK ($341,300, Gazelle H, G1, Rare Perfume S, G3, Golden Rod S, Busher H, 2nd Rosedale S, etc.), Colony Light ($136,966, 2nd Jerome H, G1, etc., sire). Granddam of TRICKY SUSPECT. FOR BONNIE. Unraced. Dam of MAXIMUS (Gran Premio Internacional Copa de Plata Andina, G1 in Col, Premio Fiesta de la Raza, G3 in Col, etc.).

2017 FEE: $2,000 LivE FoaL (payable when foal stands and nurses)

Reason to Earn, by Hail to Reason

BrazEau ThoroughBrEd Farms, LP



Hemet, CA Inquiries to Nadine Anderson, Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 State St., Hemet, CA 92543. Phone (951) 201-2278. Fax (951) 925-6792. E-mail: Web Site:



2017 California Stallion Roster Horses included in the following list are those in active service in California for 2017. This roster was compiled from the 2016 Report of Mares Bred (RMB) forms submitted to the CTBA Registrar and from additional information gathered, through last-November of 2016. Owners of stallions not appearing on this list should contact the CTBA to ensure their inclusion in subsequent editions. Horses in bold-face type appear in the 2017 California Stallion Directory. ACCLAMATION, bay., 2006, Unusual Heat—Winning in Style by Silveyville. Old English Rancho, 461 North Piedra Road, Sanger, CA, 93657 AFFIRMATIVE, ch., 1999, Unbridled—Tom’s a La Mode by Alleged. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

CHAMP PEGASUS, bay., 2006, Fusaichi Pegasus—Salt Champ (ARG) by Salt Lake. Legacy Ranch, Inc., P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA, 95227 CHEROKEE HEAVEN, bay., 2004, Cherokee Run—Heaven’s Nook by Great Above. DeLeon Ranch, 11376 Milpas Dr., Apple Valley, CA, 92308 CIRCUMFERENCE (IRE), ch., 2012, Galileo (Ire)—Circle of Life by Belong to Me. Milky Way Farm, 34174 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA, 92592

ALLABOUTDREAMS, gr/ro., 2009, Rockport Harbor—Cassidy by Jolie’s Halo. Paradise Road Ranch, 3637 Stewart Rd, Lathrop, CA, 95330

CLUBHOUSE RIDE, ch., 2008, Candy Ride (Arg)—Seeking Results by Seeking the Gold. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210

ALPHA BETTOR, ch., 2008, Alphabet Soup—Scatter Buy by Relaunch. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

COACH BOB, bay., 2009, Bertrando—Gentlemen’s Hope by Yankee Gentleman. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

ALPHIE’S BET, bay., 2007, Tribal Rule—Miss Alphie by Candi’s Gold. Rancho Ravello, 4648 Via Clarice, Santa Barbara, CA, 93111 ANCIENT ART, dkb/br., 2001, Storm Cat—Windsharp by Lear Fan. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545 ATTICUS, ch., 1992, Nureyev—Athyka by Secretariat. Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 AWESOME GAMBLER, ch., 2004, Coronado’s Quest—Wedding March by Deputy Minister. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086 BALANCE THE BOOKS, ch., 2010, Lemon Drop Kid—Kreisleriana by Seeking The Gold. Rancho Hills Farms, 7612 Artesian Road, San Diego, CA, 92127

COGITO, bay., 2009, Giant’s Causeway—Ladies Cruise by Fappiano. Ocean Breeze Ranch, 5820 W. Lilac Rd., Bonsall, CA, 92003 COIL, ch., 2008, Point Given—Eversmile by Theatrical (Ire). Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 COMIC STRIP, dkb/br., 1995, Red Ransom—Now That’s Funny by Saratoga Six. Gray’s Farm, 21639 Black Ln., Cottonwood, CA, 96022 CURLIN TO MISCHIEF, bay., 2011, Curlin—Leslie’s Lady by Tricky Creek. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451 CYCLOTRON, ch., 2000, Grand Slam—Eliot Chacer by Clever Trick. Old English Rancho, 461 North Piedra Road, Sanger, CA, 93657 DADDY NOSE BEST, bay., 2009, Scat Daddy—Follow Your Bliss by Thunder Gulch. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

BALL BEARING, gr/ro., 2007, Skimming—Pure Summer by Siberian Summer. A & T Stock Farm, 7468 E. Belmont Ave., Fresno, CA, 93727

DANGEROUS TOO, ba., 2006, Storm Creek—Emerald Magic by Seattle Slew. A & T Stock Farm, 7468 E. Belmont Ave., Fresno, CA, 93727

BEDFORD FALLS, bay., 2003, Forestry—Christmas in Aiken by Affrmed. Poplar Meadows, 3367 N. McCall Ave, Sanger, CA, 93657

DECARCHY, bay., 1997, Distant View—Toussaud by El Gran Senor. Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

BIG BAD LEROYBROWN, gr/ro., 2004, Wild Again—Saboteur by Corwyn Bay (Ire). Old English Rancho, 461 North Piedra Road, Sanger, CA, 93657

DESERT CODE, ch., 2004, E Dubai—Chatta Code by Lost Code. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210

BIG REGGIE MAN, dkb/br., 2009, Jump Start—Saintly Music by Saint Ballado. Rocky Rose Ranch, 30330 Byfeld Rd., Castiac, CA, 91384

DIXIE CHATTER, bay., 2005, Dixie Union—Mini Chat by Deputy Minister. Ballena Vista Farm, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA, 92065

BIG SURF, ch., 2006, Storm Cat—Surfside by Seattle Slew. Rancho Hills Farms, 7612 Artesian Road, San Diego, CA, 92127

DON’TSELLMESHORT, gr/ro., 2001, Benchmark—Miss Soft Sell by Siyah Kalem. Running Luck Ranch, Inc., 14962 East Fantz Avenue, Parlier, CA, 93648

BLACK SEVENTEEN, ch., 2004, Is It True—Fuzzy Navel by Strike the Anvil. Ransom Ranch, 11681 Boessow Rd., Galt, CA, 95632 BLAZONRY, bay., 2000, Hennessy—Altair by Alydar. Running Horse Equine Trn. Ctr., 22750 Fourth Avenue, Stevinson, CA, 95374 BLUEGRASS CAT, bay., 2003, Storm Cat—She’s a Winner by A.P. Indy. Ballena Vista Farm, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA, 92065 BOAT TRIP, bay., 2009, Harlan’s Holiday—Turning Wheel by Seeking the Gold. Running Horse Equine Trn. Ctr., 22750 Fourth Avenue, Stevinson, CA, 95374

EDDINGTON, ch., 2001, Unbridled—Fashion Star by Chief’s Crown. Ballena Vista Farm, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA, 92065 EINSTEIN (BRZ), dkb/br., 2002, Spend a Buck—=Gay Charm (Brz) by =Ghadeer (Fr). Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 ELUSIVE JOURNEY, ba., 2008, Good Journey—Sanibel Shell by Elusive Quality. Whitehouse Farms, 16736 Wild Road, Helendale, CA, 92342 ELUSIVE WARNING, ch., 2004, Elusive Quality—Valid Warning by Valid Appeal. Madera Thoroughbreds, 28799 Highway 145, Madera, CA, 93638

BOB BLACK JACK, bay., 2005, Stormy Jack—Molly’s Prospect by Native Prospector. Paradise Road Ranch, 3637 Stewart Rd, Lathrop, CA, 95330

EMERITUS, dkb/br., 2000, Holy Bull—Avie’s Fancy by Lord Avie. Rancho San Roberto, 14801 Costajo Rd., Bakersfeld, CA, 93313

BOISTEROUS, dkb/br., 2007, Distorted Humor—Emanating by Cox’s Ridge. Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Road, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

EMPIRE OF D’NILE, dkb/br., 2013, Pioneerof the Nile—Beauty School by Private School. Richill Farms, 10715 Riggins Rd., Phelan, CA, 92329

BOLD CHIEFTAIN, dkb/br., 2003, Chief Seattle—Hooked On Music by Seattle Dancer. Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, 5144 Allendale Rd., Vacaville, CA, 95688 BONNRITA, dkb/br., 2002, Gulch—Icanseeyounow by Deputy Minister. Ridgeley Farm, 3901 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545 BRAVE CAT, ch., 2006, Lion Heart—Clever Squaw by Rahy. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 BRAVE VICTORY, bay., 2006, Lion Heart—I’m in Celebration by Copelan. Atmajian Farm, 8855 Frontier St., Hanford, CA, 93230 CALIMONCO, dkb/br., 2006, Storm Cat—Sweet Life by Kris S.. Ballena Vista


Farm, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA, 92065 CAPITAL ACCOUNT, bay., 2007, Closing Argument—Accountess by Private Account. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545



EMPIRE WAY, dkb/br., 2009, Empire Maker—Delta Princess by A.P. Indy. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086 EXCESS POWER, dkbbr., 2007, In Excess (Ire)—Mon Ange by Wolf Power (SAF). La Quinta Farm, 50555 Vista Montana Rd, La Quinta, CA, 92253 FIDELITO, dkb/br., 2011, Pioneerof the Nile—Danseuse Volante (Ire) by Danehill Dancer (Ire). Oak Hill Farm, 1880 Wellsona Road, Paso Robles, CA, 93446 FIGHTING HUSSAR, gr/ro., 2010, Rockport Harbor—Lightning Pace by Regal Classic. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545 FLAME THROWER, ch., 1998, Saint Ballado—Metromane by Metrogrand. Oak Hill Farm, 1880 Wellsona Road, Paso Robles, CA, 93446

2017 Stallion Roster FOREST COMMAND, bay., 2005, Monarchos—Forest Secrets by Forest Wildcat. Oak Hill Farm, 1880 Wellsona Road, Paso Robles, CA, 93446

JERANIMO, bay., 2006, Conagree—Jera by Jeblar. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210

FULLBRIDLED, gr/ro., 2001, Unbridled’s Song—Constantia by Relaunch. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

JULY CHILD, ba., 2000, Distorted Humor—Polish Symphony by Polish Navy. Galt Ranch, 11681 Boesson Rd., Galt, CA, 95632

GABRIEL CHARLES, bay., 2010, Street Hero—Star of Atticus by Atticus. NexStar Ranch, 37215 De Portola Road, Temecula, CA, 92592

KAFWAIN, dkb/br., 2000, Cherokee Run—Swazi’s Moment by Moment of Hope. Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Road, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

GALLANT SON, dkb/br., 2006, Malabar Gold—Explicitly by Exploit. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 GAME A.P., dkb/br., 2004, A.P. Indy—Tricky Game by Majestic Light. Woodward, John, 2246 Tortuga St., Acton, CA, 93510 GERVINHO, bay., 2010, Unusual Heat—Foreverinthegame by Out of Place. Legacy Ranch, Inc., P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA, 95227 GHOSTTRAPPER, gr/ro., 2003, Notebook—Catch the Ghost by Silver Ghost. R.L. Blair Quarter Horses, 7343 Hermosa, Cucamonga, CA, 91730

KAHUNA JACK, ch., 1996, Forty Niner—Double Wedge by Northern Baby. Racing to Retirement Tb’s, 18700 Evergreen Rd., Cottonwood, CA, 96022 KATE’S EVENT, ba., 2007, Event of the Year—Nordidid by Mane Minister. Special T Thoroughbreds Inc., 35325 De Portola Rd., Temecula, CA, 92592 KING OF CALIFORNIA, dkb/br., 2005, Gone West—Countess Diana by Deerhound. Ballena Vista Farm, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA, 92065

GIG HARBOR, ch., 2008, City Zip—Miss Blue Grass by St. Jovite. Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, 5144 Allendale Rd., Vacaville, CA, 95688

KING OF JAZZ (ARG), dkb/br., 2010, Giant’s Causeway—Kiss Me Sweet (Arg) by Lode. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

GOLDEN BALLS (IRE), ch., 2004, =Danehill Dancer (Ire)—Colourful Cast (Ire) by Nashwan. Paradise Road Ranch, 3637 Stewart Rd, Lathrop, CA, 95330

LAKE GEORGE, ch., 1992, Vice Regent—Esdiev by Secretariat. Clark Ranch, 8870 Riche Canyon Rd., Colton, CA, 92324

GOLDEN CHILD, ba., 2009, In Excess (Ire)—Fourteen Karyot by Strike Gold. Pacifc Coast Thoroughbreds, 1855 Canyon Hill Dr., Riverside, CA, 92544 GOTHAM CITY, dkb/br., 1998, Saint Ballado—What a Reality by In Reality. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 GOVENOR CHARLIE, dkb/br., 2010, Midnight Lute—Silverbulletway by Storm Cat. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086 GRACE UPON GRACE, dkb/br., 2007, Rio Verde—Chasing Wind by Mining. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086 GRAZEN, gr/ro., 2006, Benchmark—Hazen by Rubiano. Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Road, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 GREY MEMO, gr/ro., 1997, Memo (Chi)—B. Mozelle by Snow Chief. Ridgeley Farm, 3901 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545 HAIMISH HY, dkb/br., 2007, Ecton Park—Tifonica (Arg) by Equalize. EA Ranches, 18122 Littlepage Road, Ramona, CA, 92065 HAYNESFIELD, ch., 2006, Speightstown—Nothing Special by Tejabo. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451 HE BE FIRE N ICE, gr/ro., 2008, Unusual Heat—Deputy Tombe by Deputy Commander. Ridgeley Farm, 3901 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

LAKERVILLE, ch., 2008, Unusual Heat—Foreverinthegame by Out of Place. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210 LUCKY PULPIT, ch., 2001, Pulpit—Lucky Soph by Cozzene. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210 MAKE MUSIC FOR ME, bay., 2007, Bernstein—Miss Cheers by Carson City. Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 S. State St., Hemet, CA, 92543 MANY RIVERS, ch., 2005, Storm Creek—Christmas in Aiken by Affrmed. Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, 5144 Allendale Rd., Vacaville, CA, 95688 MARINO MARINI, gr/ro., 2000, Storm Cat—Halo America by Waquoit. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451 MAST TRACK, bay., 2004, Mizzen Mast—Nawal (FR) by =Homme de Loi (Ire). Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 MERIT MAN, bay., 2010, With Distinction—Precise Strike by Precise End. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086 MESA THUNDER, bay., 2007, Sky Mesa—Citiview by Citidancer. Paradise Road Ranch, 3637 Stewart Rd, Lathrop, CA, 95330 MINISTERS WILD CAT, bay., 2000, Deputy Minister—Hollywood Wildcat by Kris S.. Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Road, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

HEAT SHIELD, ch., 2008, Distorted Humor—True Flare by Capote. Twilight Farms, 20775 E. Rancho Los Cerritos Rd., Covina, CA, 91724

MISREMEMBERED, ch., 2006, Candy Ride (Arg)—Beyond Perfection by Quack. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

HEATSEEKER (IRE), ch., 2003, Giant’s Causeway—Rusty Back by Defensive Play. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210

MISTY’SGOLDENTOUCH, dkb/br., 2001, Touch Gold—Sweet Misty by Lucky So n’ So. Firth Ranch, 25475 Hyatt Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

HIDDEN BLESSING, bay., 2006, Orientate—Fast ‘n Fleet by Mr Greeley. Blue Diamond Hoeseshoe,LLC, 46090 Jojoba Hills Rd, Aguanga, CA, 92536 HOORAYFORHOLLYWOOD, bay., 2008, Storm Cat—Hollywood Story by Wild Rush. Milky Way Farm, 34174 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA, 92592

MR. BIG, bay., 2003, Dynaformer—Fashion Delight by Fappiano. EA Ranches, 18122 Littlepage Road, Ramona, CA, 92065 MR. BROAD BLADE, bay., 1996, Broad Brush—Miss High Blade by Highland Blade. Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

IDIOT PROOF, bay., 2004, Benchmark—Perfectly Pretty by Bertrando. Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, 5144 Allendale Rd., Vacaville, CA, 95688

NIAGARA FALLS, dkb/br., 2009, Giant’s Causeway—Istikbal by Kingmambo. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

INDIAN GODS, dkb/br., 2009, Indian Charlie—Lyin Goddess by Boston Harbor. Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 S. State St., Hemet, CA, 92543

NORTHERN DEVIL, ch., 1995, Forty Niner—Devil’s Orchid by Devil’s Bag. Wheatland Farm, 2628 Spenceville Rd, Wheatland, CA, 95692

INDY PACIFIC, ch., 2002, A.P. Indy—Withallprobability by Mr. Prospector. Chris-Mar Farms, 11754 Moreno Ave., Lakeside, CA, 92040 INFORMED, bay., 2004, Tiznow—Cajun Two Step by Tabasco Cat. Ridgeley Farm, 3901 West Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545 J P JAMMER, ch., 2006, Old Topper—Word Puzzle by Ghazi. Raskey Ranches, 37550 Avenida La Cresta, Murrieta, CA, 92562 JAMES STREET, bay., 2007, El Prado (Ire)—Alleynedale by Unbridled. Blue Diamond Hoeseshoe,LLC, 46090 Jojoba Hills Rd, Aguanga, CA, 92536

NORTHERN CAUSEWAY, ch., 2008, Giant’s Causeway—Getaway Girl by Silver Deputy. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451

NORTHERN INDY, dkb/br., 2008, A.P. Indy—Polish Nana by Polish Numbers. Paradise Road Ranch, 3637 Stewart Rd, Lathrop, CA, 95330 OH TANNER, dkb/br., 2004, Until Sundown—Jillbean by Smarten. Hedrick Ranch, 2097 South Riverbend, Sanger, CA, 93657 OLD TOPPER, ch., 1995, Gilded Time—Shy Trick by Phone Trick. Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, 5699 Happy Canyon Road, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 ONEBADSHARK, ba., 2000, Diligence—Color Unlimited by Houston. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451 PAPA CLEM, bay., 2006, Smart Strike—Miss Houdini by Belong to Me. Lega-



2017 California Stallion Roster cho, 461 North Piedra Road, Sanger, CA, 93657

cy Ranch, Inc., P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA, 95227 PEPPERED CAT, ch., 2000, Tabasco Cat—Morning Meadow by Meadow Lake. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

SWAY AWAY, ba., 2008, Afeet Alex—Seattle Shimmer by Seattle Slew. Premier Thoroughbreds, 10940 26 Mile Rd, Oakdale, CA, 95361

PHANTOM WILDCAT, dkb/br., 2005, Forest Wildcat—Valarone by Navarone. Legacy Ranch, Inc., P.O. Box 538, Clements, CA, 95227

TANNERSMYMAN, bay., 1998, Lord Carson—Stanley’s Girl by Deputy Minister. Woodbridge Farm, 4537 Albers Rd., Oakdale, CA, 95361

PIOUS, ch., 2005, Forestry—Purer Than Pure by Turkoman. Halsey’s, 30110 Chihuahua Valley Rd., Warner Springs, CA, 92086

TENGA CAT, dkb/br., 2003, Storm Cat—Tenga by Mr. Prospector. Rancho Temescal, 3700 Piru Canyon Rd., Piru, CA, 93040

POINT ENCOUNTER, ch., 2006, Point Given—Rita Rucker by Dmitri. Running Horse Equine Trn. Ctr., 22750 Fourth Avenue, Stevinson, CA, 95374

THE PAMPLEMOUSSE, gr/ro., 2006, Kafwain—Comfort Zone by Rubiano. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451

QUINDICI MAN, gr/ro., 2006, Came Home—Humble by Valiant Nature. Firth Ranch, 25475 Hyatt Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

THOREAU, dkb/br., 2008, Gone West—Madame Thor by Deputy Minister. Ballena Vista Farm, 26353 Old Julian Hwy., Ramona, CA, 92065

RICHARD’S KID, dkb/br., 2005, Lemon Drop Kid—Tough Broad by Broad Brush. Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

TIGAH (GB), bay., 2008, =Dalakhani (Ire)—=Macina (Ire) by =Platini (Ger). Fruitful Acres, 44705 Highway 371, Aguanga, CA, 92536

ROI CHARMANT, bay., 2001, Evansville Slew—Cantina by Seattle Dancer. Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460

TIME TO GET EVEN, dkb/br., 2004, Stephen Got Even—Tomisue’s Pleasure by Seeking the Gold. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086

ROUSING SERMON, ch., 2009, Lucky Pulpit—Rousing Again by Awesome Again. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451 ROYAL MEMORY, dkb/br., 2004, Royal Academy—Memorable Moment by Secretariat. Oak Creek Farm, 14728 Cool Valley Rd., Valley Center, CA, 92082 RUN BROTHER RON, ch., 2005, Perfect Mandate—Aloha Mangos by Bold Badgett. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 RUN IT, bay., 2006, Cherokee Run—Tracy by Theatrical (Ire). Running Luck Ranch, Inc., 14962 East Fantz Avenue, Parlier, CA, 93648 SANGER SILVER, gr/ro., 2007, Siberian Summer—She Does by Skywalker. Hedrick Ranch, 2097 South Riverbend, Sanger, CA, 93657 SAPPHIRE CAT, ba., 2008, Bluegrass Cat—Piedras Negras by Unbridled. J.M. Thoroughbreds, 4175 Baseline Ave., Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 SCOREWITHCATER, ch., 2006, Even the Score—Runaway Cater by Runaway Groom. R.M. Master Racing Stable, 47275 Lakeview Drive, Big Bear City, CA, 92314

TIZBUD, dkb/br., 1999, Cee’s Tizzy—Cee’s Song by Seattle Song. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210 TOM’S TRIBUTE, ch., 2010, Lion Heart—Halloween Fun by El Prado (Ire). Magali Farms, 4050 Casey Avenue, Santa Ynez, CA, 93460 TRAPPER, dkb/br., 2000, Iron Cat—Ananda by Hold Your Peace. Cole Ranch, P.O. Box 10399, Terra Bella, CA, 93270 TREASURE RIDE, dkb/br., 2009, Candy Ride (ARG)—House of Danzig by Chester House. Aguilar Farm, 10128 West Lilac Rd., Escondido, CA, 92026 TRUEST LEGEND, bay., 2006, Songandaprayer—Sydney’s Kiss by Boston Harbor. Rancho Temescal, 3700 Piru Canyon Rd., Piru, CA, 93040 TURKOMETER, dkb/br., 2002, Turkoman—Royal Lynn by Windsor Ruler. Constantino Clarizio’s, 3024 Country Ln., Simi Valley, CA, 93063

SIERRA SUNSET, bay., 2005, Bertrando—Toot Sweet by Pirate’s Bounty. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

TWICE THE APPEAL, dkb/br., 2008, Successful Appeal—Double Boarded by Cormorant. Lovacres Ranch, 35490 Hwy 79, Warner Springs, CA, 92086

SLEWCIOUS, ba., 2001, Seattle Slew—Greyciousness by Miswaki. Stars End Farm, 27575 Vanishing Pines Road, Fall River Mills, CA, 96028

TYPHOON SLEW, bay., 2008, Stormy Atlantic—Hepatica by Slewpy. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451

SLEW’S TIZNOW, dkb/br., 2005, Tiznow—Hepatica by Slewpy. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451

U S RANGER, bay., 2004, Danzig—My Annette by Red Ransom. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451

SMART BID, dkb/br., 2006, Smart Strike—Recording by Danzig. Milky Way Farm, 34174 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA, 92592

ULTIMATE EAGLE, dkb/br., 2008, Mizzen Mast—Letithappencaptain by Captain Bodgit. Special T Thoroughbreds Inc., 35325 De Portola Rd., Temecula, CA, 92592

SMILING TIGER, ch., 2007, Hold That Tiger—Shandra Smiles by Cahill Road. Harris Farms, 27366 West Oakland Avenue, Coalinga, CA, 93210 SOFOCLES (BRZ), ch., 2002, Royal Academy—=My Logic (ARG) by Logical. Martinez’s, 10821 1/2 Riverview Ave., Hesperia, CA, 92345

UNBRIDLED STORY, gr/ro., 2006, Unbridled’s Love—Kikala (GB) by Kalaglow (IRE). Brewer Racing Stable, 11915 Vernon Ave., Chino, CA, 91710 UNDER CAUTION, ch., 2001, A.P. Indy—Coldheartedcat by Storm Cat. Daehling Ranch, 10045 Grant Line Road, Elk Grove, CA, 95624

SOUTHERN IMAGE, dkb/br., 2000, Halo’s Image—Pleasant Dixie by Dixieland Band. Rancho San Miguel, 1741 West 10th Street, San Miguel, CA, 93451

UNIONIZE, dkb/br., 2006, Dixie Union—Silent Sighs by Benchmark. Summer Wind Farm, 3736 Roblar Rd., Petaluma, CA, 94952

SQUARE EDDIE, ch., 2006, Smart Strike—Forty Gran by El Gran Senor. Ocean Breeze Ranch, 5820 W. Lilac Rd., Bonsall, CA, 92003

UNTATAR, ch., 2001, Artax—Chou Chou by Premiership. Peck Farm Thoroughbreds, 8295 Happy Camp Rd., Moorpark, CA, 93021

STIMULUS PLAN, dkb/br., 2006, Jump Start—Dutchess Alexandra by Judge Smells. Richill Farms, 10715 Riggins Rd., Phelan, CA, 92329

UNUSUAL HEATWAVE, bay., 2009, Unusual Heat—Miss Alphie by Candi’s Gold. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545

STORMBERG, ch., 2008, Storm Cat—Serena’s Song by Rahy. NexStar Ranch, 37215 De Portola Road, Temecula, CA, 92592

VICTORY CUP, dkb/br., 2008, Victory Gallop—Marg and Gower by Theatrical (Ire). Wheatland Farm, 2628 Spenceville Rd, Wheatland, CA, 95692

STORMY JACK, dkb/br., 1997, Bertrando—Tiny Kristin by Steelinctive (GB). Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 S. State St., Hemet, CA, 92543

VIENTO FUERTE, gr/ro., 2001, Maria’s Mon—Vento Bailador by Naskra. 21 Flat Horse Farm, 1888 McCullagh Rd., Stevinson, CA, 95374

STREET LIFE, Black., 2009, Street Sense—Stone Hope by Grindstone. Milky Way Farm, 34174 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA, 92592

VRONSKY, bay., 1999, Danzig—Words of War by Lord at War (Arg). Old English Rancho, 461 North Piedra Road, Sanger, CA, 93657

SUANCES (GB), bay., 1997, Most Welcome (GB)—=Prayer Wheel (GB) by High Line (GB). Rancho Temescal, 3700 Piru Canyon Rd., Piru, CA, 93040

WINNING CAUSE, dkb/br., 2010, Giant’s Causeway—Raffshing Look by kingmambo. Milky Way Farm, 34174 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA, 92592

SUNDARBAN, bay., 2006, A.P. Indy—Desert Tigress by Storm Cat. Milky Way Farm, 34174 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA, 92592

WORLD RENOWNED, dkb/br., 2008, A.P. Indy—Splendid Blended by Unbridled’s Song. Brazeau Thoroughbred Farms, LP, 30500 S. State St., Hemet, CA, 92543

SURF CAT, dkb/br., 2002, Sir Cat—Trust Greta by Centrust. Old English Ran-


TIZ A MINISTER, dkb/br., 2010, Ministers WIld Cat—Tiz a Mistress by Cee’s Tizzy. BG Thoroughbred Farm, 3001 Esplanade Ave., Hemet, CA, 92545



Index to Directory Stallions by Sire A A.P. Indy Northern Indy Sundarban World Renowned B Benchmark Don'tsellmeshort Grazen Idiot Proof Bernstein Make Music for Me Bertrando Sierra Sunset Stormy Jack

E E Dubai Desert Code

C Candy Ride (ARG) Clubhouse Ride Misremembered

Ecton Park Haimish Hy

Cherokee Run Kafwain Run It Chief Seattle Bold Chieftain City Zip Gig Harbor Closing Argument Capital Account Congaree Jeranimo

El Prado (IRE) James Street

Curlin Curlin to Mischief

Elusive Quality Elusive Warning Empire Maker Empire Way

Malabar Gold Gallant Son Midnight Lute Govenor Charlie

Evansville Slew Roi Charmant

Ministers Wild Cat Tiz A Minister

Forest Wildcat Phantom Wildcat

Mizzen Mast Mast Track Ultimate Eagle

Fusaichi Pegasus Champ Pegasus

Monarchos Forest Command


Giant's Causeway Cogito Heatseeker (IRE) King of Jazz Niagara Falls Northern Causeway Winning Cause

Most Welcome (GB) Suances (GB)

Danehill Dancer (IRE) Golden Balls (IRE) Dalakhani (IRE) Tigah (GB) Danzig U S Ranger Vronsky Deputy Minister Ministers Wild Cat Distant View Decarchy Distorted Humor Boisterous



Halo's Image Southern Image

Point Given Coil



Rockport Harbor Allaboutdreams Fighting Hussar S

Jump Start Stimulus Plan K Kafwain The Pamplemousse L Lemon Drop Kid Balance the Books Richard's Kid

Storm Cat Big Surf Bluegrass Cat Calimonco Hoorayforhollywood Marino Marini Stormberg Tenga Cat Storm Creek Many Rivers Stormy Atlantic Typhoon Slew Stormy Jack Bob Black Jack Street Hero Gabriel Charles

Successful Appeal Twice the Appeal T Tabasco Cat Peppered Cat Tiznow Informed Slew's Tiznow

Unbridled Affrmative Eddington Unbridled's Song Fullbridled

Red Ransom Comic Strip Rio Verde Grace Upon Grace

Indian Charlie Indian Gods

Stephen Got Even Time to Get Even


Pulpit Lucky Pulpit R

Hold That Tiger Smiling Tiger

Spend a Buck Einstein (BRZ)

Orientate Hidden Blessing

Perfect Mandate Run Brother Ron

Grand Slam Cyclotron

Speightstown Haynesfeld

Street Sense Street Life

Nureyev Atticus


Gilded Time Old Topper


Dynaformer Mr. Big



Coronado's Quest Awesome Gambler

Dixie Union Dixie Chatter

Lucky Pulpit Rousing Sermon

Galileo (IRE) Circumference (IRE)

Cee's Tizzy Tizbud

Songandaprayer Truest Legend

Lord Carson Tannersmyman


Broad Brush Mr. Broad Blade

Lion Heart Brave Cat Tom’s Tribute

Scat Daddy Daddy Nose Best

Unusual Heat Acclamation Gervinho He Be Fire N Ice Lakerville Unusual Heatwave W With Distinction Merit Man

Sir Cat Surf Cat Sky Mesa Mesa Thunder Smart Strike Papa Clem Smart Bid Square Eddie



Index to Directory Stallions by Stud Fee Complimentary

Indian Gods Make Music For Me Many Rivers Northern Indy Rousing Sermon Time To Get Even Tom’s Tribute Winning Cause World Renowned

Forest Command

Private Cyclotron Lakerville Run It Stimulus Plan Surf Cat Tannersmyman Truest Legend

$2500 Clubhouse Ride Dixie Chatter Don’tsellmeshort Elusive Warning He Be Fire N Ice Informed Jeranimo King of Jazz (ARG) Misremembered Northern Causeway Old Topper Papa Clem Richard’s Kid Slew’s Tiznow Stormberg Street Life Sundarban Tizbud Unusual Heatwave

$1000 Affrmative Allaboutdreams Brave Cat Cogito Fighting Hussar Mr. Broad Blade Roi Charmant Run Brother Ron Typhoon Slew

$1500 Calimonco Fullbridled Gig Harbor Haimish Hy Hidden Blessing Marino Marini Mast Track Mesa Thunder Niagara Falls Sierra Sunset Southern Image Stormy Jack Suances (GB) The Pamplemousse Tiz a Minister Twice the Appeal

$3000 Bold Chieftain Circumference (IRE) Daddy Nose Best Decarchy Einstein (BRZ) Govenor Charlie Idiot Proof Kafwain Peppered Cat Phantom Wildcat U S Ranger

$2000 Bob Black Jack Desert Code Gallant Son Gervinho Golden Balls (IRE) Grace Upon Grace Hoorayforhollywood




Atticus Coil Curlin to Mischief Eddington


Grazen Heatseeker (IRE) Smart Bid Ultimate Eagle

$4000 Smiling Tiger

$5000 Awesome Gambler Balance The Books Big Surf Boisterous Champ Pegasus Comic Strip Empire Way Haynesfeld Merit Man Ministers Wild Cat Tenga Cat Tigah (GB)

$6000 Mr. Big

$6500 Vronsky

$7500 Bluegrass Cat Lucky Pulpit

$10000 James Street

$15000 Acclamation

$20000 Square Eddie

LOCATOR MAP / North Central California





101 Merced 152

Madera 2

Fresno 3






Coalinga 198




1. Harris Farms

3. Old English Rancho

27366 West Oakland Avenue Coalinga, CA 93210 800-311-6211 Fax: 559-884-2855 Farm Mgr: David McGlothlin E-mail:

461 North Piedra Road Sanger, CA 93657 559-787-3020 Fax: 559-787-3030 E-mail:

2. Madera Thoroughbreds

14962 East Fantz Avenue Parlier, CA 93648 559-875-8579 Fax: 559-875-8575 Farm Mgrs: Vern or Josette Olson E-mail:

5. Running Luck Ranch LLC

28799 Highway 145 Madera, CA 93638 559-674-5090 Fax: 559-674-7329 Farm Mgr: Cal Fischer E-mail:






LOCATOR MAP / South Central California 198

101 2



San Miguel


Paso Robles


Atascadero 395





Santa Ynez 1








Simi Valley


Oro Grande






18 15








1.Magali Farms

2. Rancho San Miguel

3. Rancho Temescal

4050 Casey Avenue Santa Ynez, CA 93460 805-693-1777 Fax: 805-693-1644 Farm Mgr: Tom Hudson E-mail:

1741 West 10th Street San Miguel, CA 93451 805-467-3847 Fax: 805-467-3919 Farm Mgr: Clay Murdock E-mail:

3700 Piru Canyon Road Piru, CA 93040 805-521-0511 Fax: 805-521-0559 Farm Mgr: Tim Cohen E-mail:


Big Bear City 138

4. Tommy Town Thoroughbreds LLC 5699 Happy Canyon Road Santa Ynez, CA 93460 805-686-4337 Fax: 805-686-4280 Farm Mgr: Mike Allen E-mail:

Sylvia Bachmann



Index to Directory Stallions by Location NORTHERN CALIFORNIA


DAEHLINg RANCH Brave Cat, Einstein (BRZ), Fullbridled, Gallant Son, Mast Track, Niagara Falls, Peppered Cat, Run Brother Ron, Sierra Sunset

mAgALI FARms Atticus, Coil, Decarchy, Mr. Broad Blade, Richard’s Kid, Roi Charmant, Tom’s Tribute

gRAy’s FARm Comic Strip LEgACy RANCH Champ Pegasus, Gervinho, Papa Clem, Phantom Wildcat VICTORy ROsE THOROugHbREDs Bold Chieftain, Gig Harbor, Idiot Proof, Many Rivers WOODbRIDgE FARm Tannersmyman

NORTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIA HARRIs FARms Clubhouse Ride, Desert Code, Heatseeker (IRE), Jeranimo, Lakerville, Lucky Pulpit, Smiling Tiger, Tizbud mADERA THOROugHbREDs Elusive Warning OLD ENgLIsH RANCHO Acclamation, Cyclotron, Surf Cat, Vronsky PARADIsE ROAD RANCH Allaboutdreams, Bob Black Jack, Golden Balls (IRE), Mesa Thunder, Northern Indy

bRAzEAu THOROugHbRED FARms, LP Indian Gods, Make Music for Me, Stormy Jack, World Renowned E. A. RANCHEs Haimish Hy, Mr. Big FRuITFuL ACREs FARm Tigah (GB)

OAk HILL Forest Command RANCHO sAN mIguEL Curlin To Mischief, Haynesfeld, Marino Marini, Northern Causeway, Rousing Sermon, Slew’s Tiznow, Southern Image, The Pamplemousse, Typhoon Slew, U S Ranger RANCHO TEmEsCAL Suances (GB), Tenga Cat, Truest Legend TOmmy TOWN THOROugHbREDs Boisterous, Grazen, Kafwain, Ministers Wild Cat, Old Topper

LOVACREs RANCH Awesome Gambler, Empire Way, Merit Man, Govenor Charlie, Grace Upon Grace, Time to Get Even, Twice the Appeal mILky WAy FARm Circumference, Hoorayforhollywood, Smart Bid, Street Life, Sundarban, Winning Cause NExsTAR RANCH Gabriel Charles, Stormberg OCEAN bREEzE Cogito, Square Eddie RANCHO HILLs Balance The Books, Big Surf


RICHILL FARms Stimulus Plan

bALLENA VIsTA FARm Bluegrass Cat, Calimonco, Dixie Chatter, Eddington bg THOROugHbRED FARm Affrmative, Capital Account, Daddy Nose Best, Fighting Hussar, King of Jazz, Misremembered, Tiz a Minister, Unusual Heatwave

RIDgELEy FARm He Be Fire N Ice, Informed sPECIAL T THOROugHbREDs Ultimate Eagle

bLuE DIAmOND HORsEsHOE, LLC Hidden Blessing, James Street

RuNNINg LuCk RANCH Don’tsellmeshort , Run It



Index to Directory Stallions by Region SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Affrmative Awesome Gambler Balance The Books Big Surf Bluegrass Cat Calimonco Capital Account Circumference (IRE) Cogito Daddy Nose Best Dixie Chatter Eddington Empire Way Fighting Hussar Gabriel Charles

Govenor Charlie Grace Upon Grace Haimish Hy He Be Fire N Ice Hidden Blessing Hoorayforhollywood Indian Gods Informed James Street King of Jazz (ARG) Make Music For Me Merit Man Misremembered Mr. Big Smart Bid

Square Eddie Stimulus Plan Stormberg Stormy Jack Street Life Sundarban Tigah (GB) Time To Get Even Tiz a Minister Twice the Appeal Ultimate Eagle Unusual Heatwave Winning Cause World Renowned

SOUTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Atticus Boisterous Coil Curlin To Mischief Decarchy Forest Command Grazen Haynesfeld Kafwain

Marino Marini Ministers Wild Cat Mr. Broad Blade Northern Causeway Old Topper Richard’s Kid Roi Charmant Rousing Sermon Slew’s Tiznow

Southern Image Suances (GB) Tenga Cat The Pamplemousse Tom’s Tribute Truest Legend Typhoon Slew U S Ranger

NORTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Acclamation Allaboutdreams Bob Black Jack Brave Cat Clubhouse Ride Comic Strip Cyclotron Desert Code Don’tsellmeshort Einstein (BRZ)

Elusive Warning Fullbridled Gallant Son Golden Balls (IRE) Heatseeker (IRE) Jeranimo Lakerville Lucky Pulpit Mast Track Mesa Thunder

Niagara Falls Northern Indy Peppered Cat Run Brother Ron Run It Sierra Sunset Smiling Tiger Surf Cat Tizbud Vronsky

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Bold Chieftain Champ Pegasus Gervinho Gig Harbor


Idiot Proof Many Rivers Papa Clem



Phantom Wildcat Tannersmyman

Pedigree Cross-Index NAME


Abifaith - Phantom Wildcat. ACCLAMATION. Accountess - Capital Account(3). Ack Ack - Mr. Broad Blade(2), Richard's Kid. Admiral's Voyage - U S Ranger, Vronsky. Admiring - Stimulus Plan. AFFIRMATIVE. Affirmed - Make Music for Me, Many Rivers(2). Alizea - Truest Legend(2). ALLABOUTDREAMS. Alleged - Affirmative(2). Allegretta (GB) - Circumference (IRE). Allen's Prospect - Mesa Thunder. Alleynedale - James Street(3). Aloha Mangos - Run Brother Ron(3). Alydar - Comic Strip, Don'tsellmeshort(2), Grazen(2), Idiot Proof(2), Jeranimo, Merit Man, Mr. Broad Blade, Rousing Sermon. Ameriangel - Marino Marini(2). Ameridouble - Informed. Ameriturn - Marino Marini. Andover Way - Mr. Big(2), U S Ranger(2). Angel Fever - Champ Pegasus(2). Anjuli (IRE) - Balance the Books. Anka Germania (IRE) - He Be Fire N Ice. Anne Campbell - Run Brother Ron. Answering Echo - Ultimate Eagle. Apalachee - Haynesfeld. A.P. Indy - Bluegrass Cat(2), Empire Way(2), Lucky Pulpit(2), Mesa Thunder, Northern Indy(3), Rousing Sermon, Stimulus Plan(2), Sundarban(3), Time to Get Even(2), World Renowned(3). April Run (IRE) - Surf Cat. Arabia - Comic Strip(2), U S Ranger. Arabian Dancer - Boisterous, Gervinho, Lakerville. Arazi - Jeranimo(2). Arbela - Gallant Son. Athyka - Atticus(3), Gabriel Charles. ATTICUS - Gabriel Charles(2). Avasand - Coil(2). Avatar - Coil, Peppered Cat. Awesome Again - Rousing Sermon(2). AWESOME GAMBLER.


Baby Zip - Gig Harbor(2), Northern Causeway(2). Bad Seed - Sierra Sunset. BALANCE THE BOOKS. Barbarika - Curlin to Mischief. Barbarossa (FR) - Grace Upon Grace. Barbicue Sauce - Informed, Peppered Cat(2). Baroness Direct - Time to Get Even. Barrera - Cyclotron. Battle Creek Girl - Curlin to Mischief. Battle Dress - Einstein (BRZ). Battle Joined - Mr. Broad Blade. Bedazzle - Street Life(2). Bedgay's Lady - Tannersmyman(2). Belle de Jour - Einstein (BRZ)(2). Bellypha (IRE) - Gig Harbor. Belonging - Circumference (IRE), Papa Clem. Belong to Me - Circumference (IRE)(2), Papa Clem(2). Be My Guest - Suances (GB)(2). Benchmark - Don'tsellmeshort(3), Grazen(3), Idiot Proof(3). Bernstein - Make Music for Me(3). Bertrando - Bob Black Jack(2), Idiot Proof(2), Sierra Sunset(3), Stormy Jack(3). Best Turn - Boisterous. Beware of the Cat - Smiling Tiger(2). Beyond Perfection - Misremembered(3). Beyond the Storm - Smiling Tiger(2). BIG SURF. Black Apache - Brave Cat. Black Beard - Misremembered. Blend of Poetry - World Renowned. Bless You - Awesome Gambler(2). BLUEGRASS CAT. Blushing Groom (FR) - Brave Cat, Golden Balls (IRE), Heatseeker (IRE), Hidden Blessing, Jeranimo, Kafwain, Run It, Stormberg, Sundarban. Blushing Promise - Gig Harbor, Make Music for Me, Tannersmyman. BOB BLACK JACK. Bobisque - Fighting Hussar. BOISTEROUS. Bold Badgett - Run Brother Ron(2). Bold Bidder - Run It. Bold Captive - Sierra Sunset, Stormy Jack. BOLD CHIEFTAIN. Bold Lad - Stimulus Plan. Bold Native - Phantom Wildcat. Bold Reasoning - Big Surf, Bold Chieftain, Northern Indy, Sundarban, World Renowned. Bold Ruler - Atticus. Bolt From the Blue - Govenor Charlie. Boston Harbor - Indian Gods(2), Truest Legend(2).



Bramalea - Comic Strip, Mr. Big. BRAVE CAT. Brenda's Storm - Smiling Tiger. Bright Candles - Cyclotron(2). Bright Tribute - Cyclotron(2). Broad Brush - Mr. Broad Blade(3), Richard's Kid(2). Buckaroo - Einstein (BRZ)(2). Buckpasser - Einstein (BRZ). Budget Cut - Capital Account. Buffalo Lark - Sierra Sunset, Stormy Jack. Bunty's Flight - Ministers Wild Cat. Buzz My Bell - Street Life.




Ultimate Eagle(2). Creme dela Creme - Comic Strip. Crimson Saint - Big Surf, Bluegrass Cat, Calimonco, Hoorayforhollywood, Many Rivers, Marino Marini, Stormberg, Tenga Cat. Cryptoclearance - Clubhouse Ride, Misremembered. Crystal Lady - Curlin to Mischief(2). Curlin - Curlin to Mischief(3). CURLIN TO MISCHIEF. Cutty - Haynesfeld. Cyane - Old Topper. CYCLOTRON.


Caerleon - Clubhouse Ride. Cahill Road - Smiling Tiger(2). Cajun Two Step - Informed(3). CALIMONCO. Candi's Gold - Unusual Heatwave(2). Candy Girl (ARG) - Clubhouse Ride(2), Misremembered(2). Candy Ride (ARG) - Clubhouse Ride(3), Misremembered(3). Candy Stripes - Clubhouse Ride, Misremembered. Candytuft - Govenor Charlie(2). Cantina - Roi Charmant(3). Cap and Bells - James Street. CAPITAL ACCOUNT. Capote - Dixie Chatter, Indian Gods, Truest Legend. Captain Bodgit - Ultimate Eagle(2). Careless Moment - Kafwain. Caress - Mesa Thunder(2). Carlotta Maria - Forest Command. Caro (IRE) - Fullbridled, Lucky Pulpit, Mast Track, Ultimate Eagle. Carson City - Gig Harbor(2), Make Music for Me(2), Tannersmyman(2). Cassidy - Allaboutdreams(3). Caveat - Smart Bid, Smiling Tiger. Cee's Song - Informed(2), Slew's Tiznow(2), Tizbud(3). Cee's Tizzy - Informed(2), Slew's Tiznow(2), Tiz a Minister(2), Tizbud(3). Centrust - Surf Cat(2). Chain Fern - Heatseeker (IRE)(2). Chain Store - Heatseeker (IRE). CHAMP PEGASUS. Charedi - Affirmative, Eddington. Charleston Rag (IRE) - Mr. Big(2). Charming Lassie - Balance the Books(2), Richard's Kid(2). Chasing Wind - Grace Upon Grace(3). Chatta Code - Desert Code(3). Chattahoochee - Desert Code(2). Cherokee Dame - Kafwain(2), Run It(2), The Pamplemousse. Cherokee Run - Kafwain(3), Run It(3), The Pamplemousse(2). Chick Or Two - Roi Charmant(2). Chief's Crown - Eddington(2), He Be Fire N Ice. Chief Seattle - Bold Chieftain(3). Chilly - Fullbridled. Christmas Bonus - Cyclotron. Christmas in Aiken - Many Rivers(3). Christmas Wind - Comic Strip. Cipayo (ARG) - Haimish Hy. Circle of Life - Circumference (IRE)(3). CIRCUMFERENCE (IRE). Citidancer - Mesa Thunder(2). Citiview - Mesa Thunder(3). City Girl - Clubhouse Ride, Jeranimo, Misremembered. City Zip - Gig Harbor(3). C. J.'s Sister - Twice the Appeal(2). Classy 'n Smart - Curlin to Mischief, Papa Clem(2), Smart Bid(2), Square Eddie(2). Clever Squaw - Brave Cat(3). Clever Trick - Brave Cat, Curlin to Mischief, Cyclotron(2), Old Topper. Closing Argument - Capital Account(3). Cloud Ho - Sierra Sunset. CLUBHOUSE RIDE. Codex - Desert Code. COGITO. COIL. Cold Hearted - Don'tsellmeshort, Grazen, Idiot Proof. Colourful Cast (IRE) - Golden Balls (IRE)(3). Comfort Zone - The Pamplemousse(3). COMIC STRIP. Concentric - Circumference (IRE)(2). Con Game - Balance the Books, Clubhouse Ride, Time to Get Even. Congaree - Jeranimo(3). Constantia - Fullbridled(3). Cool Mood - Haynesfeld. Cool Victor - Gallant Son. Copelan - Allaboutdreams, Fighting Hussar. Cormorant - Twice the Appeal(2). Coronado's Quest - Awesome Gambler(3). Cosmah - Southern Image. Count Pennies - Capital Account(2). Courting Days - Stimulus Plan(2). Cox's Ridge - Boisterous(2), Gervinho, Hidden Blessing, Lakerville, Time to Get Even. Cozzene - Lucky Pulpit(2), Mast Track(2), Rousing Sermon,

DADDY NOSE BEST. Dalakhani (IRE) - Tigah (GB)(3). Daloma (FR) - Gig Harbor(2). Daltawa (IRE) - Tigah (GB)(2). Damana (FR) - Tigah (GB). Damascus - Awesome Gambler, Capital Account, Comic Strip, Mr. Broad Blade, Old Topper, Run Brother Ron. Dame Francesca - Kafwain, Run It. Dance Hall Girl - Cyclotron. Dance Number - Bluegrass Cat. Dance Spell - Bob Black Jack. Danehill - Golden Balls (IRE)(2). Danehill Dancer (IRE) - Golden Balls (IRE)(3). Danseur Fabuleux - Jeranimo. Danzig - Boisterous, Champ Pegasus, Circumference (IRE), Don'tsellmeshort, Eddington, Golden Balls (IRE), Grazen, Haimish Hy, Idiot Proof, Northern Indy, Papa Clem, Smart Bid(2), U S Ranger(3), Vronsky(3). Danzig's Beauty - Boisterous(2). Daring Bidder - Run It(2). Daring Danzig - Haimish Hy(2). Daring Step - Run It. Darling Miss Q. - Mr. Broad Blade(2). Darshaan (GB) - Tigah (GB)(2). Dawn of Reason - Make Music for Me. Dayjur - Ultimate Eagle. Debonair Dancer - Twice the Appeal. DECARCHY. Defensive Play - Heatseeker (IRE)(2). Dehere - Govenor Charlie. Delsy (FR) - Tigah (GB). Delta Princess - Empire Way(3). Demure Miss - Old Topper(2). Deputy Commander - He Be Fire N Ice(2). Deputy Minister - Awesome Gambler(2), Champ Pegasus, Curlin to Mischief, Dixie Chatter(2), Haynesfeld, He Be Fire N Ice, Ministers Wild Cat(3), Northern Causeway, Rousing Sermon, Tannersmyman(2), Tiz a Minister(2). Deputy Tombe - He Be Fire N Ice(3). DESERT CODE. Desert Run - Surf Cat(2). Desert Tigress - Sundarban(3). Desert Trial - Elusive Warning, Twice the Appeal. Desert Wine - Informed. Dialora (FR) - Suances (GB). Distant View - Decarchy(3). Distinctive Elaine - Indian Evening. Distinctiveness - Stormy Jack. Distorted Humor - Boisterous(3). DIXIE CHATTER. Dixieland Band - Dixie Chatter(2), Forest Command, Mesa Thunder, Southern Image(2), Street Life. Dixie Union - Dixie Chatter(3). DON'TSELLMESHORT. Double Boarded - Twice the Appeal(3). Double Deceit - Indian Gods. Dowager - Many Rivers(2). Dream Team - Hidden Blessing(2). Dual Crown - Ultimate Eagle(2). Duet - Grace Upon Grace(2). Dutchess Alexandra - Stimulus Plan(3). Dynaformer - Hoorayforhollywood, Mr. Big(3).

E Ecton Park - Haimish Hy(3). EDDINGTON. Edee's Image - Decarchy. E Dubai - Desert Code(3). EINSTEIN (BRZ). El Gran Senor - Cyclotron, Decarchy(2), Empire Way, Square Eddie(2). Eliot Chacer - Cyclotron(3). Elizabeth K. - Ministers Wild Cat. El Prado (IRE) - James Street(3), Tom's Tribute(2). Elusive Quality - Elusive Warning(3). ELUSIVE WARNING. Emanating - Boisterous(3). Empire Maker - Empire Way(3). EMPIRE WAY. End Sweep - Merit Man. Epi Tombe - He Be Fire N Ice(2). Equalize - Haimish Hy(2). Erie Dearie - Truest Legend. â?™ CALIFORNIA THOROUGHBRED 2017 STALLION DIRECTORY 237

Pedigree Cross-Index NAME


Evansville Slew - Roi Charmant(3). Eversmile - Coil(3). Evil Elaine - Indian Evening(2). Excitable Lady - Rousing Sermon. Exclusive Native - Many Rivers. Explicitly - Gallant Son(3). Exploit - Gallant Son(2). Extravagant Woman - Merit Man(2).

F Fairest - Street Life(2). Fairmont Express - Tannersmyman(2). Fairy Bridge - Circumference (IRE), James Street. Fancy Medallion - Truest Legend. Fappiano - Affirmative(2), Cogito(2), Eddington(2), Empire Way, Fullbridled, Gallant Son, Grazen, Heatseeker (IRE), James Street, Mr. Big(2), Roi Charmant, Smiling Tiger, The Pamplemousse. Fashion Delight - Mr. Big(3). Fashion Star - Eddington(3). Fast 'n Fleet - Hidden Blessing(3). Fast Turn - Mr. Broad Blade. FIGHTING HUSSAR. File - Awesome Gambler, Boisterous, Haimish Hy. Fitzcarraldo (ARG) - Champ Pegasus. Flama Ardiente - Hidden Blessing. Flanders - Big Surf(2). Fleet Discovery - Acclamation. Flippers - Typhoon Slew. Flying Paster - Calimonco. Foggy Note - Fullbridled, Tizbud. Follow the Money - Daddy Nose Best(2). Follow Your Bliss - Daddy Nose Best(3). Fondly Remembered - Gervinho(2), Lakerville(2). Fondre - Gervinho, Lakerville. FOREST COMMAND. Forest Secrets - Forest Command(3). Forest Wildcat - Forest Command(2), Phantom Wildcat(3). Foreverinthegame - Gervinho(3), Lakerville(3). Forli - Atticus. Fortunate Prospect - Twice the Appeal. Forty Gran - Square Eddie(3). Forty Niner - Awesome Gambler(2), Boisterous(2), Haimish Hy(2). Forty Weight - Square Eddie(2). French Blossom - Bob Black Jack. FULLBRIDLED. Fulmar - Affirmative. Furioso (GB) - Suances (GB). Fusaichi Pegasus - Champ Pegasus(3).


GABRIEL CHARLES. Galileo (IRE) - Circumference (IRE)(3). GALLANT SON. Gambler's Sister - Tiz a Minister. Gambling Mistress - Tiz a Minister(2). Gana Facil - Affirmative(2), Eddington(2), Empire Way, Fullbridled, Gallant Son, James Street, Smiling Tiger. Garden Secrets - Forest Command(2). Gavel Gertie - Don'tsellmeshort. Gay Charm (BRZ) - Einstein (BRZ)(3). General (FR) - Vronsky. General Assembly - Mr. Big. General Store - Slew's Tiznow, Typhoon Slew. Gentle Hands - Bob Black Jack, Idiot Proof, Sierra Sunset(2), Stormy Jack(2). Georgia More - Desert Code. GERVINHO. Getaway Girl - Northern Causeway(3). Get Lucky - Bluegrass Cat(2). Ghadeer (FR) - Einstein (BRZ)(2). Giant's Causeway - Cogito(3), Heatseeker (IRE)(3), King of Jazz (ARG)(3), Niagara Falls(3), Northern Causeway(3), Winning Cause(3). GIG HARBOR. Gilded Lilly - Elusive Warning, Old Topper(2). Gilded Moment - Elusive Warning(2). Gilded Time - Old Topper(3). Gils Magic - Papa Clem. Glacial (DEN) - Acclamation, Gervinho, He Be Fire N Ice, Lakerville, Unusual Heatwave. Glimmer Glass - Gabriel Charles Glitter Ice - Run Brother Ron. Glorious Song - Brave Cat, Stormberg. Gold Digger - Champ Pegasus, Decarchy, Desert Code, Papa Clem, Smart Bid, Square Eddie, Tenga Cat. GOLDEN BALLS (IRE). Gone West - Cyclotron(2), Elusive Warning(2), Haynesfeld(2), Hidden Blessing, Run Brother Ron(2). GOVENOR CHARLIE. GRACE UPON GRACE. Grand Luxe - King of Jazz (ARG). Grand Slam - Cyclotron(3). Graustark - Mast Track, Ultimate Eagle. GRAZEN. Great Above - Smiling Tiger.



Grenzen - Winning Cause. Grey Parlo - Marino Marini. Grindstone - Street Life(2). Guanajibena - Grace Upon Grace. Gulch - Coil, Daddy Nose Best.

H Habitat - Suances (GB). Hail Atlantis - Typhoon Slew(2). Hail to Reason - Comic Strip, Mr. Big, Southern Image. Hail to the Queen - Calimonco. HAIMISH HY. Halloween Fun - Tom's Tribute(3). Halo - Allaboutdreams, Awesome Gambler, Gabriel Charles, Marino Marini, Southern Image(2). Halo America - Marino Marini(3). Halo's Image - Southern Image(3). Halpern Bay - King of Jazz (ARG). Harbor Springs - Indian Gods, Truest Legend. Hatchet Man - Kafwain. HAYNESFIELD. Hay Patcher - Mr. Broad Blade(2), Richard's Kid. Hazen - Grazen(3). HEATSEEKER (IRE). Heaven Knows - Suances (GB)(2). HE BE FIRE N ICE. Height of Fashion (FR) - Golden Balls (IRE). Helen Street (GB) - Gabriel Charles, Street Life. Hennessy - Daddy Nose Best. Hepatica - Slew's Tiznow(3), Typhoon Slew(3). Herbalesian - Clubhouse Ride, Misremembered. Her Mink Coat - Unusual Heatwave. Hero's Honor - Elusive Warning. He's Our Native - Run Brother Ron. HIDDEN BLESSING. High Hat (GB) - Suances (GB). Highland Blade - Mr. Broad Blade(2). High Line (GB) - Suances (GB)(2). His Majesty - Grace Upon Grace, Mr. Big, Twice the Appeal, U S Ranger. Hoist the Flag - Affirmative, Fullbridled, Mr. Broad Blade, Sierra Sunset. Hold That Tiger - Smiling Tiger(3). Hold Your Peace - Peppered Cat. Hollywood Story - Hoorayforhollywood(3). Hollywood Wildcat - Ministers Wild Cat(3), Tiz a Minister(2). Holmgirl - Unusual Heatwave. Homme de Loi (IRE) - Mast Track(2). Honest Pleasure - Many Rivers. Hooked On Music - Bold Chieftain(3). HOORAYFORHOLLYWOOD. Hop a Jet - Allaboutdreams(2). Hopespringsforever - Stimulus Plan. Hour of Parting - Old Topper. Huggle Duggle - Hoorayforhollywood.

I Icecapade - Bold Chieftain, Cyclotron. Icy Escapade - Run Brother Ron(2). IDIOT PROOF. Image Intensifer - Stormberg. Image of Reality - Decarchy(2), Empire Way. Imagining - Stormberg(2). Immediate Impact (IRE) - Clubhouse Ride(2). Immense - Cogito, Heatseeker (IRE), King of Jazz (ARG), Niagara Falls, Northern Causeway, Winning Cause. Immerse - Time to Get Even(2). Imorullah - Misremembered. Impetuous Gal - Haimish Hy. Incantation - Gallant Son, Lucky Pulpit, Tizbud. Indian Charlie - Indian Evening(3), Indian Gods(3). INDIAN GODS. In Excess (IRE) - Indian Evening(2), Indian Gods(2). INFORMED. In My Cap - James Street(2). In Reality - Decarchy, Elusive Warning, Fullbridled, Stimulus Plan, Tizbud, Twice the Appeal. I Pass - Grace Upon Grace. Irish River (FR) - Decarchy, Phantom Wildcat, Tom's Tribute. Istikbal - Niagara Falls(3). Ivory Wand - Elusive Warning.


JAMES STREET. Jeblar - Jeranimo(2). Jera - Jeranimo(3). JERANIMO. Johannesburg - Daddy Nose Best(2). Jolie Jolie - Allaboutdreams, Southern Image. Jolie's Halo - Allaboutdreams(2). Jovial Joy - Mesa Thunder. Judaire - Merit Man. Judge Smells - Stimulus Plan(2). Jump Start - Stimulus Plan(3).





KAFWAIN, The Pamplemousse(3). Kankakee Miss - Cyclotron. Kantado - Indian Evening, Indian Gods. Kay Ho - Sierra Sunset(2). Key to Flight - Gabriel Charles. Key to the Mint - Capital Account. Killaloe - Affirmative, Cogito, Eddington, Mr. Big. Kinema - Mast Track(2), Ultimate Eagle(2). Kingmambo - Balance the Books(2), Niagara Falls(2), Richard's Kid(2), Winning Cause(2). KING OF JAZZ (ARG). Kiss Me Sweet (ARG) - King of Jazz (ARG)(3). Kiss Me Tender (ARG) - King of Jazz (ARG)(2). Kizara - King of Jazz (ARG). Known Fact - Street Life. Kooyonga (IRE) - Balance the Books(2). Kreisleriana - Balance the Books(3). Kris' Dear Deby - Grazen(2). Kris S. - Calimonco(2), Grazen, Ministers Wild Cat(2), Tiz a Minister.

L La Affirmed - Make Music for Me(2), Mesa Thunder. La Brujula - Champ Pegasus. Ladies Cruise - Cogito(3). Lady Barbizon - Peppered Cat. Lady Beddard - Tannersmyman. Lady Capulet - James Street(2), Tom's Tribute. Lady Graustark - Don'tsellmeshort. Lady With Style - Acclamation(2). LAKERVILLE. La Mesa - Make Music for Me. Lancaster Sound - Bold Chieftain. L'Arriviste - Hidden Blessing. Lassie Dear - Balance the Books, Northern Indy, Richard's Kid, Sundarban, World Renowned. Lasting Beauty - Idiot Proof(2). La Trinite (FR) - Decarchy. Laughing Look - Awesome Gambler(2). Laughter - Awesome Gambler. Law Society - Mast Track. Lead Kindly Light - Boisterous(2). Le Fabuleux - Affirmative, Eddington. Lemon Drop Kid - Balance the Books(3), Richard's Kid(3). Leo Castelli - Indian Evening, Indian Gods. Leslie's Lady - Curlin to Mischief(3). Letithappencaptain - Ultimate Eagle(3). Lettre d'Amour - Golden Balls (IRE). Leyali (GB) - Ultimate Eagle. Lightning Pace - Fighting Hussar(3). Likeable Style - Daddy Nose Best. Likely Double - Hidden Blessing. Line of Thunder - Coil, Daddy Nose Best. Lion Heart - Brave Cat(3), Tom's Tribute(3). Lode - King of Jazz (ARG)(2). Logic - Brave Cat, Tom's Tribute. Lonely Dancer - Informed, Slew's Tiznow, Tizbud(2). Long Legend - Hidden Blessing. Lord At War (ARG) - Desert Code, Vronsky(2). Lord Avie - Papa Clem. Lord Carson - Tannersmyman(3). Lord Gaylord - Tannersmyman. Loss Or Gain - Desert Code. Lost Code - Desert Code(2). Love Style - Daddy Nose Best(2). Lucky Mel - Lucky Pulpit. LUCKY PULPIT, Rousing Sermon(3). Lucky Soph - Lucky Pulpit(3), Rousing Sermon(2). Lucky Spell - Fullbridled, Lucky Pulpit(2), Rousing Sermon. Luna de Miel - Vronsky. Luquillo - Old Topper. Lute String - Mast Track(2). Luthier (FR) - Atticus. Lyin Goddess - Indian Gods(3). Lyphard - Einstein (BRZ), Empire Way, The Pamplemousse, Tizbud. Lyphard's Delta - Empire Way(2). Lyrical Approach - Stormy Jack.

M Machiavellian - Gabriel Charles, Street Life. Macina (IRE) - Tigah (GB)(3). Magical Maiden - Papa Clem(2). Magic Circle - Circumference (IRE). Majestic Legend - Street Life. Majestic Light - Boisterous. MAKE MUSIC FOR ME. Malabar Gold - Gallant Son(3). Mamma's Too (GB) - Tigah (GB)(2). MANY RIVERS. Maplejinsky - Sundarban. Maple Syrup (GB) - Tigah (GB). Mariah's Storm - Cogito(2), Heatseeker (IRE)(2), King of Jazz (ARG)(2), Niagara Falls(2), Northern Causeway(2), Winning Cause(2). Maria's Mon - Forest Command(2). MARINO MARINI.

Pedigree Cross-Index NAME


Mari's Book - Jeranimo. Mari's Sheba - Jeranimo(2). Marshua's Dancer - Fighting Hussar. MAST TRACK. Match Bend - Clubhouse Ride. Mavera - Jeranimo(2). Meadowlake - Peppered Cat(2). Medieval Man - Indian Evening. MERIT MAN. Merry Sunshine - Einstein (BRZ). MESA THUNDER. Mescalina - Northern Indy(2). Midnight Lute - Govenor Charlie(3). Miesque - Balance the Books, Niagara Falls, Richard's Kid, Winning Cause. Mini Chat - Dixie Chatter(3). Mining - Grace Upon Grace(2). MINISTERS WILD CAT, Tiz a Minister(3). Minnie Hauk - Niagara Falls. Mint Copy - Awesome Gambler, Dixie Chatter, Ministers Wild Cat(2), Tannersmyman, Tiz a Minister. Mira Adonde - Golden Balls (IRE)(2). MISREMEMBERED. Miss Alphie - Unusual Heatwave(3). Miss Blue Grass - Gig Harbor(3). Miss Cheers - Make Music for Me(3). Miss High Blade - Mr. Broad Blade(3). Miss Houdini - Papa Clem(3). Miss Ice Queen - He Be Fire N Ice. Miss Imorullah - Misremembered(2). Mississippi Mud - Dixie Chatter, Southern Image. Miss Ivor - Eddington(2). Miss Nanith - Bob Black Jack. Miss Soft Sell - Don'tsellmeshort(3). Miss Wildcatter - Ministers Wild Cat(2), Tiz a Minister. Mistress Q. - Mr. Broad Blade. Misty Bryn - Mr. Broad Blade. Miswaki - Circumference (IRE), Tigah (GB). Miz Spock - Jeranimo. Mizzen Mast - Mast Track(3), Ultimate Eagle(3). Modest Princess - Old Topper. Molly's Prospector - Bob Black Jack(3). Moment of Hope - Kafwain(2), The Pamplemousse. Monarchos - Forest Command(3). Money Player - Daddy Nose Best. Moody Maiden - Haynesfeld(2). Morning Meadow - Peppered Cat(3). Morning Mirage - Peppered Cat(2). Most Welcome (GB) - Suances (GB)(3). Mount Hagen (FR) - Desert Code. MR. BIG. MR. BROAD BLADE. Mr. Greeley - Capital Account, Hidden Blessing(2). Mr. Leader - Brave Cat, Tom's Tribute. Mr. Prospector - Affirmative, Awesome Gambler, Balance the Books, Balance the Books, Bluegrass Cat, Bob Black Jack, Boisterous, Champ Pegasus(2), Clubhouse Ride, Cogito, Curlin to Mischief, Cyclotron, Daddy Nose Best, Decarchy(2), Desert Code(2), Don'tsellmeshort, Eddington, Elusive Warning, Gig Harbor, Grace Upon Grace, Haimish Hy, Haynesfeld, King of Jazz (ARG), Lucky Pulpit, Make Music for Me, Ministers Wild Cat, Mr. Big, Niagara Falls, Papa Clem(2), Richard's Kid, Run Brother Ron, Smart Bid(2), Square Eddie(2), Surf Cat, Tannersmyman, Tenga Cat(2), Time to Get Even, Winning Cause. Mrs. Greeley - Capital Account(2). Mrs. Peterkin - Mast Track, Ultimate Eagle. Mt. Livermore - Hidden Blessing(2). Music Ville (IRE) - Mr. Big. My Annette - U S Ranger(3). My Charmer - Big Surf, Bold Chieftain, Bold Chieftain, Northern Indy, Roi Charmant, Sundarban, World Renowned. My Niche - Tannersmyman. Myth - Daddy Nose Best. My Turbulent Miss - Gallant Son.

N Narrate - Lucky Pulpit. Nashwan - Golden Balls (IRE)(2). Natalma - Atticus, U S Ranger, Vronsky. Native Prospector - Bob Black Jack(2). Navarone - Phantom Wildcat(2). Nawal (FR) - Mast Track(3). Nearctic - Atticus, U S Ranger, Vronsky. NIAGARA FALLS. Nice Dancer - Tizbud. Nijinsky II - Bold Chieftain, Roi Charmant. Noble Mark II - Run Brother Ron. Noble Monk (IRE) - Tiz a Minister. No Class - Fighting Hussar, Papa Clem, Smart Bid, Square Eddie. No Lute (FR) - Mast Track. Nora November - Merit Man(2). Norcliffe - Bold Chieftain. NORTHERN CAUSEWAY. Northern Dancer - Acclamation, Atticus(2), Big Surf, Bluegrass Cat, Calimonco, Circumference (IRE), Decarchy, Dixie Chatter, Gervinho, Grace Upon Grace, He Be Fire N Ice, Hoorayforhol-



lywood, James Street, Lakerville, Many Rivers, Marino Marini, Ministers Wild Cat, Smart Bid, Southern Image, Square Eddie, Stormberg, Suances (GB), Tenga Cat, Unusual Heatwave, U S Ranger(2), Vronsky(2). NORTHERN INDY. Northern Jove - Haimish Hy. Northern Sunset (IRE) - Gig Harbor. Northfelds - Stormberg. Nothing Special - Haynesfeld(3). Nowanna - Roi Charmant. Now That's Funny - Comic Strip(3). Numbered Account - Capital Account, Northern Indy. Nureyev - Acclamation(2), Atticus(3), Coil, Gabriel Charles, Gervinho(2), Grace Upon Grace(2), He Be Fire N Ice(2), Lakerville(2), Run It, Unusual Heatwave(2).


OLD TOPPER. One Last Bird - Curlin to Mischief. On Hand - Tom's Tribute(2). On the Trail - Mr. Big, U S Ranger. Opec - Square Eddie. Oratorio - Vronsky. Orientate - Hidden Blessing(3). Our Dear Deby - Grazen. Our Duckling - Kafwain. Our Martha - Boisterous. Our Michael - Tannersmyman. Our Village - Mast Track. Out of Place - Gervinho(2), Lakerville(2). Over the Phone - Old Topper.


PAPA CLEM. Part Time Lover - Time to Get Even. Pas de Nom - Smart Bid, U S Ranger(2), Vronsky(2). Passing Look - James Street. Passing My Way - Dixie Chatter. Peas-Blossom - Acclamation, Gervinho, He Be Fire N Ice, Lakerville, Unusual Heatwave. PEPPERED CAT. Perfectly Pretty - Idiot Proof(3). Perfect Mandate - Run Brother Ron(3). Performing Arts (IRE) - Run Brother Ron(2). Persian Bold (IRE) - Balance the Books. Petitioner - U S Ranger, Vronsky. Petrone - Acclamation. PHANTOM WILDCAT. Phoebe's Donkey - Roi Charmant. Phone Chatter - Dixie Chatter(2). Phone Trick - Dixie Chatter, Merit Man, Old Topper(2). Pine Away - Unusual Heatwave(2). Pine Bluff - Daddy Nose Best, Unusual Heatwave. Pirate's Bounty - Sierra Sunset(2), Stormy Jack. Pirate's Serenade - Bob Black Jack, Stormy Jack(2). Platini (GER) - Tigah (GB)(2). Pleasant Colony - Gig Harbor, Southern Image. Pleasant Dixie - Southern Image(3). Pleasant Flight - Allaboutdreams. Pleasant Jolie - Southern Image(2). Pleasure Palace - Phantom Wildcat. Point Given - Coil(3). Polish Nana - Northern Indy(3). Polish Numbers - Northern Indy(2). Political Parfait - Indian Evening, Indian Gods. Prairie Darling (IRE) - Tigah (GB). Prayer Wheel (GB) - Suances (GB)(3). Preach - Lucky Pulpit(2), Mesa Thunder, Rousing Sermon. Precise End - Merit Man(2). Precisely - Merit Man. Precise Strike - Merit Man(3). Premiership - Truest Legend. Priceless Fame - Comic Strip. Primal Force - Rousing Sermon. Princesse Kali - Atticus. Princesse Kathy (FR) - Atticus(2). Princessnesian - Many Rivers. Princess Pout - Affirmative. Private Account - Capital Account(2), Richard's Kid, Surf Cat. Prospective Joy - Mesa Thunder(2). Proud Delta - Empire Way. Pulpit - Lucky Pulpit(3), Mesa Thunder(2), Rousing Sermon(2).

Q Quack - Misremembered(2). Quadratic - Square Eddie. Quid Pro Quo - Sierra Sunset. Quiet American - Govenor Charlie. Quilesse - Affirmative(2). Quillon - Misremembered.

R Raffishing Look - Winning Cause(3). Rahy - Brave Cat(2), Cogito, Heatseeker (IRE), King of Jazz (ARG), Niagara Falls, Northern Causeway, Stormberg(2), Winning Cause. Rain Shower - Bold Chieftain. Raise a Native - Champ Pegasus, Decarchy, Desert Code,



Don'tsellmeshort, Grazen, Idiot Proof, Indian Gods, Papa Clem, Smart Bid, Square Eddie, Tenga Cat. Rare Bouquet - Slew's Tiznow, Typhoon Slew. Rare Review - Capital Account. Ratings - Smart Bid(2). Razyana - Golden Balls (IRE). Really Blue - Govenor Charlie. Real Quiet - Govenor Charlie(2). Recording - Smart Bid(3). Red Ransom - Comic Strip(3), U S Ranger(2). Regal Band - Forest Command(2). Regal Classic - Fighting Hussar(2). Regal Miss Copelan - Allaboutdreams(2), Fighting Hussar(2). Regal Pennant - Allaboutdreams, Fighting Hussar. Regal Roberta - Forest Command. Regent's Honey - Hidden Blessing(2). Relaunch - Don'tsellmeshort, Fullbridled(2), Gig Harbor, Informed, Marino Marini, Northern Causeway, Sierra Sunset, Slew's Tiznow, Stormy Jack, Tiz a Minister, Tizbud(2). Reviewer - Jeranimo. Ricabie - Gig Harbor. Richard's Choice - Richard's Kid(2). RICHARD'S KID. Ride the Rails - Clubhouse Ride(2), Misremembered(2). Ride the Trails - Lucky Pulpit, Mast Track, Ultimate Eagle. Right Word - Desert Code, Vronsky(2). Rio Verde - Grace Upon Grace(3). Rise and Sing - Make Music for Me(2). Risky Game (IRE) - Golden Balls (IRE)(2). Riva Ridge - Allaboutdreams. Riverman - Grace Upon Grace. River Rose (FR) - Grace Upon Grace(2). Roberto - Calimonco, Comic Strip(2), Ministers Wild Cat, Mr. Big(2), U S Ranger. Rock Fever - Surf Cat. Rockport Harbor - Allaboutdreams(3), Fighting Hussar(3). ROI CHARMANT. Rokeby Rose - Forest Command, Govenor Charlie. Rose Park - Hoorayforhollywood. Rossard (DEN) - Acclamation(2), Gervinho(2), He Be Fire N Ice(2), Lakerville(2), Unusual Heatwave(2). Rousing - Rousing Sermon(2). Rousing Again - Rousing Sermon(3). ROUSING SERMON. Rowdy Angel - Champ Pegasus. Royal Strait Flush - Tenga Cat(2). Rubiano - Grazen(2), The Pamplemousse(2). Ruby Slippers - Grazen, The Pamplemousse. Runaway Groom - Kafwain(2), Run It(2), The Pamplemousse. RUN BROTHER RON. RUN IT. Rusty Back - Heatseeker (IRE)(3).

S Sadler's Wells - Circumference (IRE)(2), James Street(2), Niagara Falls, Tom's Tribute. Safe Play - Heatseeker (IRE). Saint Ballado - Ultimate Eagle. Salt Champ (ARG) - Champ Pegasus(3). Salt Lake - Champ Pegasus(2). Sandy Blue - Coil, Eddington. Saratoga Six - Comic Strip(2), Truest Legend. Satin Sunrise - Brave Cat(2), Tom's Tribute(2). Sauce Boat - Peppered Cat. Sawmill Lady - Fighting Hussar(2). Scat Daddy - Daddy Nose Best(3). Seattle Dancer - Bold Chieftain(2), Roi Charmant(2). Seattle Slew - Balance the Books, Big Surf(2), Bluegrass Cat, Bold Chieftain(2), Empire Way, Lucky Pulpit, Northern Indy(2), Richard's Kid, Roi Charmant, Slew's Tiznow, Stimulus Plan, Sundarban(2), Tenga Cat, Time to Get Even, Tizbud, Typhoon Slew, Typhoon Slew, World Renowned(2). Seattle Song - Informed, Slew's Tiznow, Tizbud(2). Secretariat - Atticus(2), Big Surf, Bluegrass Cat, Calimonco, Hoorayforhollywood, Many Rivers, Marino Marini, Northern Indy, Stormberg, Sundarban, Tenga Cat, World Renowned. Secrettame - Cyclotron, Elusive Warning, Haynesfeld, Run Brother Ron. Seeking Results - Clubhouse Ride(3). Seeking the Gold - Balance the Books(2), Big Surf, Clubhouse Ride(2), Time to Get Even(2). Serena's Song - Stormberg(3). Seven Springs - Decarchy(2). Sex Appeal - Decarchy, Square Eddie. Shadeed - Circumference (IRE). Shakney - Ministers Wild Cat. Shandra Smiles - Smiling Tiger(3). Shape Shifter - Roi Charmant(2). Sharpen Up (GB) - Golden Balls (IRE). Sharp Queen - Calimonco, Ministers Wild Cat. Sheba Little (GB) - Jeranimo. Sherriff's Deputy - Curlin to Mischief(2). She's a Talent - Dixie Chatter. She's a Winner - Bluegrass Cat(3). She's Tops - Dixie Chatter(2). Shirley Heights (GB) - Tigah (GB). Shy Trick - Old Topper(3). â?™ CALIFORNIA THOROUGHBRED 2017 STALLION DIRECTORY 239

Pedigree Cross-Index NAME


Siberian Express - Indian Evening, Indian Gods. SIERRA SUNSET. Silken Cat - Haynesfeld(2). Silken Doll - Haynesfeld. Silver Buck - Surf Cat. Silverbulletday - Govenor Charlie(2). Silverbulletway - Govenor Charlie(3). Silver Deputy - Govenor Charlie, Northern Causeway(2). Silver Greta - Surf Cat(2). Silver Saber - Kafwain, Run It. Silver Valley - Northern Causeway. Silveyville - Acclamation(2). Sir Cat - Surf Cat(3). Sir Ivor - Eddington, James Street. Six Crowns - Eddington. Sixkissesforsara - Truest Legend(2). Siyah Kalem - Don'tsellmeshort(2). Skatingonthinice - Bold Chieftain(2). Sky Beauty - Sundarban(2). Skyliner (IRE) - Tigah (GB). Sky Mesa - Mesa Thunder(3). Skywalker - Bob Black Jack, Gervinho, Idiot Proof, Lakerville, Sierra Sunset(2), Stormy Jack(2). Slabovia - Gallant Son(2). Slady Castle - Twice the Appeal. Sleep Lonely - Tizbud. Slew - Cogito. Slew City Slew - Roi Charmant(2). Slewpy - Slew's Tiznow(2), Typhoon Slew(2). SLEW'S TIZNOW. SMART BID. Smarten - Northern Indy, Papa Clem, Smart Bid, Square Eddie. Smart Strike - Curlin to Mischief(2), Papa Clem(3), Smart Bid(3), Square Eddie(3). SMILING TIGER. So Cozy - The Pamplemousse(2). Soigneuse - Affirmative. Solamente Un Vez - Don'tsellmeshort(2). Solidity - Acclamation. Somethingroyal - Atticus. Songandaprayer - Truest Legend(3). Song Sparrow - Twice the Appeal. SOUTHERN IMAGE. South Ocean - Big Surf, Bluegrass Cat, Calimonco, Hoorayforhollywood, Many Rivers, Marino Marini, Stormberg, Tenga Cat. Soviet Sojourn - Indian Evening(2), Indian Gods(2). Speak John - Einstein (BRZ). Special - Acclamation, Atticus(2), Gervinho, Grace Upon Grace, He Be Fire N Ice, Lakerville, Unusual Heatwave. Special Warmth - The Pamplemousse. Speightstown - Haynesfeld(3). Spell Victory - Bob Black Jack(2). Spend a Buck - Einstein (BRZ)(3). Splendid Blended - World Renowned(3). Squall Linda - Gabriel Charles(2). Squander - Merit Man. SQUARE EDDIE. Stanley's Girl - Tannersmyman(3). Starlet Storm - Big Surf. Star of Atticus - Gabriel Charles(3). Steady Cat - Stimulus Plan(2). Steel Heart (IRE) - Stormy Jack. Steelinctive (GB) - Bob Black Jack, Stormy Jack(2). Stephen Got Even - Time to Get Even(3). Stepping High - Einstein (BRZ). STIMULUS PLAN. St. Jovite - Gig Harbor(2). Stone Hope - Street Life(3). Stopped Cold - Fullbridled(2). Stop the Music - Curlin to Mischief. STORMBERG. Storm Bird - Big Surf(2), Bluegrass Cat(2), Calimonco(2), Cogito, Govenor Charlie, Heatseeker (IRE), Hoorayforhollywood(2), King of Jazz (ARG), Make Music for Me, Many Rivers(2), Marino Marini(2), Merit Man, Niagara Falls, Northern Causeway, Peppered Cat, Phantom Wildcat, Smiling Tiger, Stormberg(2), Sundarban, Surf Cat, Tenga Cat(2), Typhoon Slew, Winning Cause. Storm Cat - Big Surf(3), Bluegrass Cat(3), Brave Cat, Calimonco(3), Cogito(2), Forest Command, Gallant Son, Govenor Charlie(2), Haynesfeld, Heatseeker (IRE)(2), Hoorayforhollywood(3), Idiot Proof, Informed, King of Jazz (ARG)(2), Make Music for Me(2), Many Rivers(3), Marino Marini(3), Merit Man(2), Mesa Thunder, Niagara Falls(2), Northern Causeway(2), Peppered Cat(2), Phantom Wildcat(2), Smiling Tiger(2), Stimulus Plan, Stormberg(3), Sundarban(2), Surf Cat(2), Tenga Cat(3), Tom's Tribute, Typhoon Slew(2), Winning Cause(2), Winning Cause. Stormy Atlantic - Typhoon Slew(3). STORMY JACK - Bob Black Jack(3), Stormy Jack. Stormy Spell - Gallant Son(2). Street Cry (IRE) - Gabriel Charles(2), Street Life(2). Street Hero - Gabriel Charles(3). STREET LIFE. Street Sense - Street Life(3).



Strip Poker - Tenga Cat. SUANCES (GB). Successful Appeal - Capital Account(2), Twice the Appeal(3). Successful Dancer - Capital Account, Twice the Appeal(2). Sugar Del - Southern Image. Sugar's Image - Southern Image(2). Summer Dress - Slew's Tiznow(2), Typhoon Slew(2). Summer Matinee - Time to Get Even(2). Summer Squall - Gabriel Charles. Summer Time Guy - Slew's Tiznow, Typhoon Slew. Summing - Time to Get Even. SUNDARBAN. Sunny Dame - Peppered Cat. SURF CAT. Surfside - Big Surf(3). Surumu (GER) - Tigah (GB). Suspicious Native - Peppered Cat. Swanilda (FR) - Einstein (BRZ). Swazi Girl - Kafwain(2), The Pamplemousse. Swazi's Moment - Kafwain(3), The Pamplemousse(2). Sweetest Chant - Boisterous. Sweet Life - Calimonco(3). Sweet Little Lies - Indian Gods(2). Sweet Mint (IRE) - Golden Balls (IRE). Sweet Tooth - Don'tsellmeshort, Grazen, Idiot Proof. Sydney's Kiss - Truest Legend(3). Symbolically - Calimonco(2).


U ULTIMATE EAGLE. Unbridled - Affirmative(3), Allaboutdreams, Eddington(3), Empire Way(2), Fighting Hussar, Fullbridled(2), Gallant Son(2), Indian Evening, James Street(2), Street Life, Truest Legend, World Renowned. Unbridled's Song - Allaboutdreams(2), Fighting Hussar(2), Fullbridled(3), Indian Evening(2), Truest Legend(2), World Renowned(2). Unenchantedevening - Indian Evening(3). Unusual Heat - Acclamation(3), Gervinho(3), He Be Fire N Ice(3), Lakerville(3), Unusual Heatwave(3). UNUSUAL HEATWAVE. Urban Sea - Circumference (IRE)(2). U S RANGER.

T Tabasco Cat - Informed(2), Peppered Cat(3). Tafrah (IRE) - Niagara Falls(2). Take Lady Anne - Champ Pegasus. Tale of the Cat - Brave Cat(2), Tom's Tribute(2). TANNERSMYMAN. Tapstress - Informed(2). Tarlace (IRE) - Mast Track. T. C. Kitten - Smiling Tiger. Tejabo - Haynesfeld(2). Telemetrica (ARG) - Haimish Hy(2). Telescopica (ARG) - Haimish Hy. Tenga - Tenga Cat(3). TENGA CAT. Tequila Sheila - Northern Indy. Terlingua - Big Surf(2), Bluegrass Cat(2), Calimonco(2), Cogito, Govenor Charlie, Heatseeker (IRE), Hoorayforhollywood(2), King of Jazz (ARG), Make Music for Me, Many Rivers(2), Marino Marini(2), Merit Man, Niagara Falls, Northern Causeway, Peppered Cat, Phantom Wildcat, Smiling Tiger, Stormberg(2), Sundarban, Surf Cat, Tenga Cat(2), Typhoon Slew, Winning Cause. Theatrical (IRE) - Coil(2), Run It(2). The Minstrel - Make Music for Me, Run Brother Ron. THE PAMPLEMOUSSE. Thirty Zip - Gig Harbor, Northern Causeway. Thong - Atticus. Three Red Bells - Sierra Sunset, Stormy Jack. Thunder Gulch - Coil(2), Daddy Nose Best(2). Tifonica (ARG) - Haimish Hy(3). TIGAH (GB). Time Barrier - Twice the Appeal. Time Call (GB) - Suances (GB). Time for a Change - Forest Command. Timeforaturn - Stimulus Plan. Timeless Moment - Elusive Warning, Kafwain, Old Topper(2). TIME TO GET EVEN. Tiny Kristin - Bob Black Jack(2), Stormy Jack(3). TIZ A MINISTER. Tiz a Mistress - Tiz a Minister(3). TIZBUD. Tizly - Informed, Slew's Tiznow, Tiz a Minister, Tizbud(2). Tizna - Tizbud. Tiznow - Informed(3), Slew's Tiznow(3). Tomisue's Pleasure - Time to Get Even(3). Tom's a La Mode - Affirmative(3). TOM'S TRIBUTE. Toot Sweet - Sierra Sunset(3). Topsider - Roi Charmant. Topsy (GB) - Suances (GB)(2). Touch of Greatness - Elusive Warning(2). Touch of Truth - Winning Cause(2). Tough Broad - Richard's Kid(3). Toussaud - Decarchy(3), Empire Way(2). Tracy - Run It(3). Tree of Knowledge (IRE) - Coil, Run It. Tricky Creek - Curlin to Mischief(2). Tricky Squaw - Brave Cat(2). Trip Around Heaven - Gabriel Charles(2). Trolley Song - Allaboutdreams, Fighting Hussar, Fullbridled(2), Indian Evening, Truest Legend, World Renowned. Tropical Cream - Comic Strip(2). Tropic Star II - Comic Strip. Troy (GB) - Golden Balls (IRE). TRUEST LEGEND. Trust Greta - Surf Cat(3). Tsunami Slew - Gallant Son. Turbo Launch - Coil. Turkoman - Coil.



Turko's Turn - Coil(2). Turn to Talent - Mr. Broad Blade. T. V. Ad - Smart Bid. T. V. Lark - Misremembered. Twenty Six Girl - Richard's Kid. TWICE THE APPEAL. TYPHOON SLEW.

V Valarone - Phantom Wildcat(3). Val de l'Orne (FR) - Phantom Wildcat. Valid Appeal - Capital Account, Elusive Warning(2), Southern Image, Twice the Appeal(2), World Renowned. Valid Blend - World Renowned(2). Valid Warning - Elusive Warning(3). Venetian Dancer - Bold Chieftain(2). Verbatim - Vronsky. Veriga - Tom's Tribute. Vice Regent - Awesome Gambler, Dixie Chatter, Fighting Hussar, Hidden Blessing, James Street, Ministers Wild Cat(2), Tannersmyman, Tiz a Minister. Victoria Beauty - Forest Command, Phantom Wildcat(2). Victoria Regina - Ministers Wild Cat. Virga - Einstein (BRZ)(2). VRONSKY.

W Waldmeister (GB) - Einstein (BRZ). Wandel (ARG) - Champ Pegasus(2). Waquoit - Marino Marini(2). Wavering Monarch - Forest Command. Weber City Miss - Roi Charmant. Wedding March - Awesome Gambler(3). Wedding Party - Awesome Gambler. Weekend Surprise - Bluegrass Cat, Empire Way, Lucky Pulpit, Northern Indy(2), Stimulus Plan, Sundarban(2), Time to Get Even, World Renowned(2). What a Pleasure - Old Topper. What a Queen - Surf Cat. What a Treat - Suances (GB). Whirl Series - Street Life. Wife for Life - Hoorayforhollywood(2). Wild Again - Hoorayforhollywood. Wild Rush - Hoorayforhollywood(2). Willamae - Mesa Thunder. Wind Spirit - Phantom Wildcat. WINNING CAUSE. Winning in Style - Acclamation(3). Winters' Love - Don'tsellmeshort(2), Grazen(2), Idiot Proof(2). Winthrop Arms - Phantom Wildcat(2). With Distinction - Merit Man(3). With Style - Idiot Proof. Won't Tell You - Many Rivers. Words of War - Desert Code(2), Vronsky(3). WORLD RENOWNED.

Y Yarn - Brave Cat, Tom's Tribute. Yellow God (GB) - Suances (GB). Yonnie Girl - Kafwain, Run It. Youth - Cogito. Youthful Lady - Cogito(2). Yukon - Unusual Heatwave.

Z Zonta - Haimish Hy. Zurina - Acclamation

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Changes to 2016 California Stallion Roster NEW IN STATE


Haynesfeld Misremembered

Indy Film Singletary

NEW STALLIONS (frst standing in 2017) Gabriel Charles King of Jazz Winning Cause

RETIRED Chatahoochie War Luganis Stormin Fever Unusual Heat MOVED IN STATE Brave Cat Einstein Jeranimo Gervinho Run Brother Ron Sierra Sunset




I. A $17,500 bonus will be made available for owners of registered California-Bred or California-Sired maidens in Maiden Special Weight races in Southern California; and a $10,000 bonus for owners of registered California-Bred or California-Sired maidens in Maiden Special Weight races in Northern California and at all Fair meetings throughout the state. Only races at 4 1/2 furlongs or longer will qualify. II. Significant eligibility changes for California-breds.


California Thoroughbred Breeders Association 222201CALIFORNIA THOROUGHBRED 2016 STALLION DIRECTORYArcadia, ❙ Colorado Place, P.O. Box 60018, CA

91066-6018 • (626) 445-7800 •

CompletePages_2016.indd 222


12/7/15 10:09 AM




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