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California Veterinarian
The Publication of the California Veterinary Medical Association
Publisher Dan Baxter
Managing Editor Kristen Calderon
Editor Taryn DeOilers
Classified Advertising Laura Phillips
Board of Governors
President Dr. Keith Rode
President-Elect Dr. Michael Karle
Member-at-Large Dr. Jennifer Hawkins
Dr. Peter Bowie
Dr. Patrick Connolly
Dr. Misty Hirschbein
Dr. Adam Lauppe
Dr. Julia Lewis
Dr. Peter Mangold
Dr. Diane McClure
Dr. Teresa Morishita
Kristi Pawlowski, RVT
Dr. Kevin Terra
Dr. Peter Vogel
Dr. Jodi Woods
Treasurer Dr. George Bishop
Chair, House of Delegates Dr. Laura Weatherford
Student Representatives
University of California, Davis Mary “Molly” Hallsten
Western University Inez Rivero
CVMA Staff
Executive Director Dan Baxter
Assistant Executive Director Della Yee
Director of Communications Kristen Calderon
Director of Finance Kathy Van Booven
Director of Regulatory Affairs Dr. Grant Miller
Membership and Student Services Manager Laura Phillips
Publications Manager Taryn DeOilers
Accountant Shanna Allen
Accountant Bernice Evans
Communications and CE Coordinator Nicole Campos
Finance Coordinator Sharmele Browne
Graphic Designer Marissa Collier
Meetings and Events Coordinator Lily Briggs
Meetings and Events Coordinator Erica Ferrier
Membership Coordinator Jennifer Smith
Receptionist Mary Young
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Please contact Taryn DeOilers at 916.649.0599 ext. 16 or email tdeoilers@cvma.net.
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California Veterinarian (ISSN 00081612) is published bi-monthly by the California Veterinary Medical Association, e-mail: staff@cvma.net. California Veterinarian is an official publication of the California Veterinary Medical Association. Annual subscription rates to non-members: $50 U.S., $60 Canada/Mexico, $70 overseas. Price per single copy: $10 current year, $12 back issues. Periodicals postage paid at Sacramento, CA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to California Veterinarian, 1400 River Park Dr., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815-4505. Phone: 800.655.2862
The CVMA and California Veterinarian assume no responsibility for material contained in articles and advertisements published, nor does publication necessarily constitute endorsement by them. ©2022 CVMA

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This year has been an interesting and impactful one on the legislative front. Proposed bills on myriad items—ranging from clinical cannabis recommendations to a “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights”—have come and gone, and in each instance the CVMA’s staff and lobbyists worked hand-in-glove with CVMA leadership to advocate on behalf of the veterinary profession. In this manner, 2022 was not unlike any other year…many bills, much analysis, and considerable time and effort devoted to communicating and advocating the CVMA’s position in the most effective way possible.
However, in one key aspect, 2022 has been a very different year, as it represents the last year on the job for the CVMA’s longtime lobbyist, Mike Dillon. For over four decades, Mike has devoted his outstanding representative efforts to the CVMA and veterinary medicine. Adequately conveying the impact that Mike has made to the veterinary profession in the context of a one-page column is a literally impossible task (and in this case, “literally” means “literally”), but suffice it to say that over the course of his career, Mike has helped the CVMA navigate hundreds of complex and contentious issues, and has been instrumental in shaping our profession into what it is today. While the CVMA “officially” celebrated Mike’s work at our joint Board of Governors and House of Delegates meeting in June, we would be remiss to not additionally acknowledge that work to the readers of California Veterinarian.
As the longest running registered lobbyist in California, Mike has known “everybody who is anybody” in Sacramento’s governmental circles, from the mail runners and appointment schedulers, to the legions of legislators who have walked the halls of the State Capitol, to governors ranging from Jerry Brown (first term!) to Gavin Newsom. With impressive consistency, Mike has cultivated strong, productive working relationships with a diverse community of legislators from both sides of the aisle, and helped to burnish the CVMA’s reputation not only as a rational, even-handed and truthful stakeholder, but a trustworthy and authoritative resource for legislators and legislative staff on issues impacting the profession. In that regard, legislative staff come to us for answers and input, which is a boast that many professional associations are not able to make. In short, the CVMA’s high standing at the Capitol is due in no small measure to the consistency and quality of Mike’s work, and that of his daughter and lobbying partner, Christina DiCaro, the latter of whom will continue to represent the CVMA going forward.
In that vein, one critical feature that has distinguished Mike’s work over the years is his respectful and, indeed, classy approach to lobbying. His “they go low, we go high” ethos has garnered Mike the attention, trust, and admiration of lawmakers, and has worked to get the CVMA’s foot in the door and make our voice heard on issues large and small. Mike has a knack for befriending people and managing discourse in a way that casts the veterinary profession in the best possible light, and Mike’s efforts in that regard have been essential to making the CVMA a “go-to” source of balanced and honest information on which lawmakers rely in shaping public policy. I could go on, but the physical limits of this column are rearing their head. So, let me conclude by simply saying: Thank you, Mike, for all that you have done, and may your retirement be as personally nourishing as your professional efforts have been for the CVMA and the practice of veterinary medicine…and, hit ‘em straight!
Dan Baxter, Executive Director